Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the Island Night Lizard From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, 18190-18210 [2014-06576]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2013–0099;
RIN 1018–AY44
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Removing the Island Night
Lizard From the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Final rule.
Under the authority of the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (Act), we, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), remove the
island night lizard (Xantusia riversiana)
from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife. This determination
is based on a thorough review of the
best available scientific and commercial
information, which indicates that the
threats to this species have been
eliminated or reduced to the point that
the species has recovered and no longer
meets the definition of an endangered
species or threatened species under the
DATES: This rule becomes effective on
May 1, 2014.
ADDRESSES: This final rule and postdelisting monitoring plan are available
on the Internet at https://
www.regulations.gov at Docket Number
[FWS–R8–ES–2013–0099]. Comments
and materials received, as well as
supporting documentation used in the
preparation of this rule, will be
available for public inspection, by
appointment, during normal business
hours at: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, 2177
Salk Avenue Suite 250, Carlsbad, CA
Scott Sobiech, Deputy Field Supervisor,
Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, (see
ADDRESSES); by telephone 760–431–
9440; or by facsimile (fax) 760–431–
5901. If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), please call the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 800–877–8339.
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Executive Summary
This document contains: (1) A final
rule to remove the island night lizard
from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife; and (2) a notice of
availability of a final post-delisting
monitoring plan.
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Species addressed. The island night
lizard (Xantusia riversiana) is endemic
to three federally owned Channel
Islands (San Clemente, San Nicolas, and
Santa Barbara) located off the southern
California coast and a small islet (Sutil
Island) located just southwest of Santa
Barbara Island. San Clemente and San
Nicolas islands are both owned and
managed by the U.S. Navy (Navy) and
Santa Barbara Island is owned and
managed by the National Park Service
(NPS). Habitat restoration and reduced
adverse human-related impacts since
listing have resulted in significant
improvements to habitat quality and
quantity. As a result, threats to the
island night lizard have been largely
ameliorated. Though population
densities were not known at the time of
listing, the island night lizard
populations are currently estimated at
21.3 million lizards on San Clemente
Island, 15,300 lizards on San Nicolas
Island, and 17,600 lizards on Santa
Barbara Island (including Sutil Island).
Purpose of the Regulatory Action.
Under the Endangered Species Act of
1973, we may be petitioned to list,
delist, or reclassify a species. In 2004,
we received a petition from the Navy
asserting that each of the three
occurrences of island night lizard
qualify for recognition as a distinct
population segment (DPS) under the
DPS Policy (61 FR 4722; February 7,
1996) and requesting that we delist the
San Clemente and San Nicolas Island
DPSs (Navy 2004, p. 12). In 2006, we
published a 90-day finding (71 FR
48900, August 22, 2006) concluding that
the Navy’s petition provided substantial
information supporting that delisting
may be warranted and we thus
announced the initiation of a status
review for this species. On February 4,
2013, we published a 12-month finding
in response to the Navy’s petition and
proposed removing the island night
lizard from the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
(78 FR 7908). Threats to this species
have been largely ameliorated and all
remaining potential threats are currently
managed by the Navy and NPS, with the
exception of climate change, which is
difficult to predict. Therefore, we have
determined in this final rule that the
island night lizard no longer meets the
definitions of threatened or endangered
under the Act. This final rule removes
the island night lizard from the Federal
List of Endangered and Threatened
Basis for the Regulatory Action.
Under the Act, a species may be
determined to be an endangered species
or threatened species because of any of
five factors: (A) The present or
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threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
existence. We must consider the same
factors in delisting a species. We may
delist a species if the best scientific and
commercial data indicate the species is
neither threatened nor endangered for
one or more of the following reasons: (1)
The species is extinct; (2) the species
has recovered and is no longer
threatened or endangered; or (3) the
original scientific data used at the time
the species was classified were in error.
Threats to the island night lizard at
the time of listing included destruction
of habitat by feral goats and pigs,
predation, and the introduction of
nonnatives throughout the species’
range. We reviewed all available
scientific and commercial information
pertaining to the five threat factors in
our status review of the island night
lizard. The results of our status review
are summarized below.
• We consider the island night lizard
to be ‘‘recovered’’ because all
substantial threats to the lizard have
been ameliorated.
• All remaining potential threats to
the species and its habitat, with the
exception of climate change, are
currently managed through
implementation of management plans.
• While we recognize that results
from climate change such as rising air
temperatures, lower rainfall amounts,
and rising sea level are important issues
with potential effects to the island night
lizard and its habitat, the best available
information does not indicate that
potential changes in temperature,
precipitation patterns, and rising sea
levels would significantly impact the
island night lizard or its habitat nor rise
to the magnitude or severity such that
the species would be likely to become
an endangered species within the
foreseeable future. We expect that the
lizard’s susceptibility to climate change
is somewhat reduced by its ability to
use varying habitat types and by its
broad generalist diet; therefore, we do
not consider climate change to be a
substantial threat to the species at this
• We find that delisting the island
night lizard is warranted and are
removing this taxon from the Federal
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
List of Endangered and Threatened
• We have also prepared a final postdelisting monitoring plan to monitor the
island night lizard after delisting to
verify that the species remains secure.
Acronyms Used
We use several acronyms throughout
the preamble to this rule. To assist the
reader, we set them forth here:
BMP = best management practices
DPS = Distinct Population Segment
FMP = Fire Management Plan
INLMA = Island Night Lizard Management
INRMP = Integrated Natural Resources
Management Plan
MSRP = Montrose Settlements Restoration
Navy = United States Department of the Navy
NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act
NPS = National Park Service
OMB = Office of Management and Budget
PDM = post-delisting monitoring
PRBO = Point Reyes Bird Observatory
Service = United States Fish and Wildlife
This is a final rule to remove the
island night lizard from the Federal List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
It is our intent to discuss in this final
rule only those topics directly relevant
to the removal of the island night lizard
from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife.
Previous Federal Actions
Please refer to the proposed rule to
delist the island night lizard (78 FR
7908; February 4, 2013) for a detailed
description of previous Federal actions
concerning this species. This document
is our final rule to remove the island
night lizard from the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
Changes From Proposed Rule
(1) We inadvertently labeled a header
in Table 1 as ‘‘Estimated Population
(million).’’ We corrected Table 1 (see
below) to reflect the populations on San
Nicolas and Santa Barbara islands
numbering in the thousands and not
Amount of high-quality habitat*
San Clemente ..........................................
37,200 ac ...............................................
(15,054 ha)
14,230 ac ...............................................
(5,698 ha)
640 ac ....................................................
(259 ha)
19,640 ac ...............................................
(7,948 ha)
11.8 ac ...................................................
(4.8 ha)
25.9 ac ...................................................
(10.5 ha)
San Nicolas** ..........................................
Santa Barbara .........................................
21.3 million.
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* High-quality habitat (Lycium californicum and Opuntia spp.).
** Amount of habitat includes cobble and driftwood habitat unique to San Nicolas Island.
(2) In the proposed rule (78 FR 7908,
7914), we stated that it was unknown
whether the mixed-shrub habitat on San
Nicolas Island supported a selfsustaining population of lizards.
Through comments received by peer
reviewers, we correct that statement to
reflect that the mixed-shrub habitat on
San Nicolas Island does support a selfsustaining population of island night
(3) In the proposed rule (78 FR 7908,
7911), we stated that in October 2006
following a very rainy winter on San
Clemente Island (9.65 in (245 mm) of
rainfall), surveys revealed 45 of the 127
lizards captured (35 percent) were
yearlings (in the first year of life). This
information is incorrect. First, the
survey took place in February 2006 after
a very rainy July and August, and 15 of
the 84 lizards captured (17.9 percent)
were neonates (in the first year of life).
Second, lizards identified as yearlings
are in the second year of life. These
corrections are represented below (see
Biology and Life History section below).
(4) We inadvertently left the following
three references off the List of
References Cited in the proposed rule:
Dunkle 1950, Schwartz 1994, and USGS
2001. These are incorporated into this
final rule’s List of References Cited.
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Species Information
The following ‘‘Biology and Life
History’’ and ‘‘Distribution and Habitat’’
sections contain information updated
from that presented in the proposed rule
to remove the island night lizard from
the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife, which published
in the Federal Register on February 4,
2013 (78 FR 7908). A thorough
discussion on the species description,
population density, and abundance is
also found in the proposed rule (78 FR
Biology and Life History
The island night lizard is a slowgrowing, late-maturing, and long-lived
lizard (Goldberg and Bezy 1974, pp.
355–358; Fellers and Drost 1991, pp.
36–42). Island night lizards can live 10
years or more, with some individuals
estimated to be 30 years of age (Fellers
and Drost 1991, p. 38; Mautz 1993, p.
420; Fellers et al. 1998, p. 25).
Members of the genus Xantusia are
primarily active during the day (Bezy
1988, p. 8); however, they are highly
sedentary and tend to remain under
shelter such as dense vegetation or rocks
(Fellers and Drost 1991, pp. 50, 55;
Mautz 1993, p. 419). Sheltered areas
provide suitable cover to protect the
species from predation and allow
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sufficient amounts of sunlight to
penetrate to the ground, providing a
range of temperatures for thermal
regulation (regulation of body
temperature) (Mautz 2001a, pp. 9–12).
Island night lizards are viviparous
(bear live young) and reach sexual
maturity at approximately 3 to 4 years
of age (Goldberg and Bezy 1974, p. 355;
Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 40). Breeding
begins around March or April, and
single broods of young are born around
September (Goldberg and Bezy 1974, p.
353). Females demonstrate irregular
intervals between reproductive cycles,
but appear to approach a biennial cycle
(approximately half of sexually mature
females reproduce in any given year)
(Goldberg and Bezy 1974, p. 358). The
island night lizard is unique within the
genus Xantusia for having a brood size
greater than two (Fellers and Drost 1991,
p. 59); however, brood size differs
among each of the islands where the
species occurs, with females on San
Nicolas Island averaging 5.3 young per
brood, and females on both San
Clemente and Santa Barbara Islands
averaging 3.9 young per brood (Fellers
and Drost 1991, p. 60).
Based on multiple years of surveys on
San Clemente Island, neonate (young of
the year) island night lizards on average
comprise about 25 percent of the
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
population (Mautz 1993, p. 422);
however, this percentage may be an
overestimate as adult lizards are largely
inactive in the fall and winter months
and neonates are more active during
these months (Fellers and Drost 1991, p.
48). Additionally, this percentage may
be lower during periods of drought.
Between August 2003 and July 2004,
only 1.65 in (42 mm) of rain fell on San
Clemente Island (Mautz 2005, p. 5).
Surveys conducted in 2004 during the
first part of the birthing season (early
September) revealed neonate lizards
comprised only 14 of the 199 lizards
captured (approximately 7 percent)
(Mautz 2005, p. 5). In contrast, surveys
conducted in February 2006 following a
very rainy August and July on San
Clemente Island (9.65 in (245 mm) of
rainfall) revealed 15 of the 84 lizards
(17.9 percent of those captured) were
neonates (Mautz 2007, pp. 29–30). The
increase in the percentage of neonates
between dry and wet years may be
representative of the species’
reproductive response to annual
variations in rainfall and food
Island night lizards are omnivorous,
with a diet primarily consisting of
insects and plant matter (Knowlton
1949, p. 45; Brattstrom 1952, pp. 168–
171; Mautz 1993, p. 417). Analyses of
stomach and digestive tract contents of
24 lizards collected from San Clemente
Island in 1948 revealed an omnivorous
diet consisting of insects (including
species of Hemiptera, Coleoptera,
Lepidoptera, Diptera, and
Hymenoptera); grass, sedge, seeds, and
fruits; lizard skin; and the remains of
what appeared to be juvenile mice
(Knowlton 1949, p. 45). In 15 of the 24
specimens, plant material constituted at
least 50 percent of the total food
identified in the stomach contents
(Knowlton 1949, p. 46). A more detailed
analysis of numerous species of
Xantusia, including specimens of the
island night lizard from San Clemente,
San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands,
was conducted by Brattstrom (1952, p.
3). Based on samples of the stomach and
intestinal contents, Brattstrom (1952, p.
172) determined that the island night
lizard eats the widest variety of foods of
any of the species of the Genus Xantusia
included in the research. Although all
age groups will eat both plant and
animal material, younger lizards
consume a greater amount of animal
prey in their diet than older lizards
(Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 56). Plant
material found in the stomach or fecal
samples of island night lizards included
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
(crystalline iceplant); the fruits, flowers,
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and leaves of Lycium californicum
(California boxthorn); and the fruits of
Atriplex semibaccata (Australian
saltbush) (Fellers and Drost 1991, pp.
Distribution and Habitat
The island night lizard is endemic to
three Channel Islands (San Clemente,
San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara) located
off the southern California coast
(Goldberg and Bezy 1974, pp. 355–358;
Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 28) and a
small islet (Sutil Island) located just
southwest of Santa Barbara Island (Bezy
et al. 1980, p. 579). San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands vary
in size, and the amount of suitable
habitat available for the island night
lizard (see Table 1 above under Changes
from Proposed Rule section above,
which highlights the lizard’s estimated
population size for each island in
relation to each island’s size and the
available habitat present).
Different surveys and descriptions of
the vegetation types on San Clemente,
San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands
have referred to the habitat supporting
island night lizards under various
names and descriptions. Although
referred to by numerous names and
descriptions, two vegetation types
identified by Sawyer et al. (2009)
support most of the known dominant
plant taxa associated with the lizard.
The two vegetation types are Coast
prickly pear scrub and Lycium
californicum Provisional Shrubland
Alliance. In Coast prickly pear scrub,
cacti such as Opuntia littoralis (coastal
prickly pear), Opuntia oricola (chaparral
prickly pear), and Cylindropuntia
prolifera (coast cholla) are dominant or
codominant among the shrub canopy
(Sawyer et al. 2009, pp. 599–601).
Cylindropuntia prolifera is referred to
by its older Latin name, Opuntia
prolifera, in numerous references cited
in this document (for example, Fellers
and Drost 1991, pp. 34, 68; Mautz
2001a, p. 17; Navy 2002, p. 3.54). While
we recognize that C. prolifera is the
currently accepted name of this species
and is used in discussions that reference
current literature in this document (for
example, Sawyer et al. 2009 and NPS in
litt. 2011b), we will use the older name
of O. prolifera only when referencing
previous literature. Lycium californicum
Provisional Shrubland Alliance is
characterized by the prevalence of L.
californicum (Sawyer et al. 2009, p.
588). To eliminate any confusion, we
will refer to the vegetation types that
comprise high-quality habitat and
support high island night lizard
densities as L. californicum and
Opuntia spp. habitats.
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Surveys conducted on the islands
occupied by the island night lizard
indicate strong habitat preferences for
Lycium californicum and Opuntia spp.
habitats (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 34;
Schwemm 1996, pp. 3–4; Mautz 2001a,
p. 23; Mautz 2004, p. 18). These habitats
are considered high-quality because
they offer suitable cover to protect the
species from predation and allow
sufficient amounts of sunlight to
penetrate to the ground, which provides
a thermal mosaic for thermal regulation
(Mautz 2001a, pp. 9–11, 17–18). Island
night lizards are also known to occupy
grasslands, Coreopsis gigantea stands,
mixed-shrub communities, and rocky
outcrops across all islands, as well as a
unique cobble and driftwood habitat
found only on San Nicolas Island
(Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 34;
Schwemm 1996, pp. 3–4; Fellers et al.
1998, p. 9; Mautz 2001a, p. 23; Mautz
2004, p. 18). Loose rocks or crevices in
clay soils are also important habitat
components within island night lizard
habitat (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 53;
Mautz 2001a, p. 17).
Mautz (2001a, pp. 17–18) suggested
that vegetation community
characteristics, such as habitat structure,
may be as important to island night
lizard habitat as plant species
composition. This assertion is
corroborated by Fellers et al. (1998, p.
16), who concluded that plywood
debris, which serves as cover in
grasslands with scattered Haplopappus
(haplopappus) (now known as Isocoma
menziesii (Menzies goldenbush)), and
few to no other shrub species, was a
factor that contributed to high densities
of lizards at sampling sites on San
Nicolas Island.
In addition to natural cover, artificial
cover created by human presence on
San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands is also utilized by island
night lizards, thereby enabling them to
persist in areas of otherwise unsuitable
habitat. During surveys for the species
on San Clemente and San Nicolas
Islands, lizards were routinely found
under pieces of plywood discarded by
Navy personnel (Fellers et al. 1998, p.
18). The presence of these boards, some
of which may have been in place for a
decade or more, provided an
opportunity for researchers to assess
longevity of the species because some
specific lizards were recorded (captured
and recaptured) over long intervals of
time (Fellers et al. 1998, p. 7).
Underlying soils may also indicate
whether an area supports lizards.
Extensive trapping conducted on San
Nicolas Island determined that loose
sand substrates are unsuitable for the
species (Fellers et al. 1998, pp. 11–17).
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Very little information exists concerning
the vegetative communities on Sutil
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San Clemente Island
San Clemente Island supports
approximately 19,640 acres (ac) (7,948
hectares (ha)) of high-quality island
night lizard habitat distributed
primarily along the western marine
terraces (Navy 2002, p. 3.54). There are
approximately 13,791 ac (5,581 ha) of
Opuntia spp. habitat and 5,849 ac (2,367
ha) of Lycium californicum habitat
(Service 1997, p. 6; Navy 2002, p. 3.54).
From 1992 to 2008, a long-term trend
analysis was conducted, which
indicated no clear trend in habitats
dominated by Opuntia spp. or L.
californicum on San Clemente Island
(Tierra Data Inc. 2010, pp. 48–67).
However, there was an approximate 6
percent reduction in percent cover of L.
californicum and 10 percent reduction
in percent cover of Opuntia spp. on the
island over this timeframe (Tierra Data
Inc. 2010, pp. 48–67). This observed
decrease in percent cover was likely due
to high rainfall amounts experienced in
the baseline years from 1991 to 1993, in
comparison to lower rainfall amounts in
subsequent years (Tierra Data Inc. 2010,
p. 125).
Low- to moderate-quality island night
lizard habitat consisting of Artemisia
spp. (sagebrush), Eriogonum spp.
(buckwheat), Deinandra clementina (as
Hemizonia clementina) (Catalina
tarweed), as well as Lycium
californicum and Opuntia spp.,
occupies approximately 386 ac (156 ha)
of the northeastern escarpment of San
Clemente Island (Navy 2002, p. 3.65).
Low-quality grassland habitat occupies
approximately 11,831 ac (4,788 ha) on
the central plateau and eastern scarp of
the island (Navy 2002, p. 3.54). Lizards
on San Clemente Island have not been
found in closed-canopy canyon or
woodland habitats, which do not allow
sufficient amounts of sunlight to
penetrate the canopy cover for thermal
regulation, or active sand dunes that do
not offer sufficient cover for the species
(Mautz 2001a, pp. 4, 9, 18).
San Nicolas Island
Due to differing surveying techniques,
methodologies, and precision of
mapping efforts, the amount of highquality habitat reported on San Nicolas
Island has varied over time. Based on
these various surveys, little high-quality
habitat is known to exist on San Nicolas
Island. Site-specific vegetation transects
completed in 1996 failed to locate
Lycium californicum and only once
located Opuntia spp. (Chess et al. 1996,
pp. 19–46). Fellers et al. (1998, p. 46)
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conducted an island-wide analysis of
the vegetation on San Nicolas Island,
utilizing aerial photos and limited onthe-ground surveys, and estimated 1.9
ac (0.8 ha) of high-quality island night
lizard habitat and approximately 161 ac
(65 ha) of lower quality mixed-shrub
habitat occur on San Nicolas Island. In
2003, Junak (2003, p. 7) also conducted
an island-wide survey of the vegetation
utilizing helicopter flyovers, extensive
on-the-ground surveys, and Global
Positioning System receivers and
estimated that approximately 11.2 ac
(4.6 ha) of high-quality habitats were
available on the island.
Differences in the amount of highquality habitat reported may be
attributed to varying surveying
methodologies and techniques (e.g.,
comparing acreages of only L.
californicum and Opuntia spp. to
acreages of vegetation communities
where L. californicum and Opuntia spp.
are dominant among a vegetative
community). However, this habitat is
stable, and active restoration efforts (see
discussion of Nonnative Animals under
Factor A: The Present or Threatened
Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of its Habitat or Range
below) continue to improve habitat
conditions for the island night lizard on
San Nicolas Island.
High-quality habitat occurs primarily
on the eastern half of the island and is
patchily distributed among lower
quality habitat (Fellers et al. 1998, pp.
13–14). The lower-quality habitat is a
mixed-shrub community comprised of
Isocoma menziesii, Calystegia
macrostegia (island morning-glory),
Coreopsis gigantea, Atriplex
semibaccata, Deinandra clementina,
Lupinus albifrons (silver lupine),
Baccharis pilularis (coyote brush), and
Artemisia spp. (Fellers et al. 1998, pp.
16–17). Island night lizards generally do
not inhabit the western half of San
Nicolas Island due to a lack of suitable
vegetative or rock cover. One exception
is a 0.6-ac (0.2-ha) area of cobble and
driftwood habitat at Redeye Beach that
is just above the intertidal zone on the
northwestern side of the island (Fellers
et al. 1998, p. 11). Occupancy within
this small area of cobble and driftwood
habitat, which supports the highest
density of lizards on the island, is
unique to San Nicolas Island (Fellers et
al. 1998, p. 11).
Santa Barbara Island
Habitat on Santa Barbara Island is
limited due to the small size of the
island and the extensive habitat damage
that occurred historically when goats
(Capra spp.), sheep (Ovis spp.), and
European rabbits (Oryctolagus
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cuniculus) were present (Service 1984,
pp. 45–46; Fellers and Drost 1991, p.
70). Similar to San Nicolas Island, the
amount of high-quality habitat reported
on Santa Barbara Island has varied over
time due to differing survey
methodologies and precision of
mapping efforts. However, this habitat is
stable, and active restoration efforts
continue to improve habitat conditions
for the island night lizard on Santa
Barbara Island.
Using aerial photographs of the island
from 1983 and ground surveys, Fellers
and Drost (1991, p. 68) identified
approximately 14.8 ac (6 ha) of highquality habitat on Santa Barbara Island
consisting only of Lycium californicum,
Opuntia spp., or rock outcrops. Low- to
moderate-quality habitat on Santa
Barbara Island also contains some
Lycium californicum and Opuntia spp.,
but is dominated by Coreopsis gigantea,
Eriogonum giganteum var. compactum
(Santa Barbara Island buckwheat), and
Constancea nevinii (formerly
Eriophyllum nevinii) (silver-lace)
(Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 70); these
native shrub communities are patchily
distributed in grasslands across a
majority of the island (Halvorson et al.
1988, p. 111).
The NPS is preparing a new
preliminary vegetative analysis of Santa
Barbara Island, but it has not been
finalized (Rodriguez 2013a, pers.
comm.). Preliminary results from
surveys conducted in 2010 by the NPS
indicate an increase in high-quality
habitat from the estimate determined by
Fellers and Drost (1991, p. 68), where
Lycium californicum and Opuntia spp.
are dominant or codominant among the
vegetation (NPS 2011b, in litt.). Though
the report has not been finalized, results
indicate that there are approximately
16.6 ac (6.7 ha) of L. californicum and
9.3 ac (3.8 ha) of Opuntia oricola habitat
where these taxa account for greater
than 39 percent of the vegetative cover
(Rodriguez 2012, pers. obs.). A
preliminary analysis concerning
Cylindropuntia prolifera, another
documented vegetation component of
high-quality island night lizard habitat,
is not yet available.
Sutil Island
Little is known about the habitat on
Sutil Island. Sutil Island consists of
approximately 13.7 ac (5.5 ha) (Rudolph
2011, pers. obs.), much of it unbroken
bedrock, with some vegetation
identified as island night lizard habitat,
such as low shrubs, Lycium
californicum, and rocks and fissures,
but these are sparsely distributed (Drost
2011, pers. obs.). Sutil Island was not
known to be occupied at the time the
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island night lizard was listed. In 1978,
a survey of Sutil Island was conducted,
and 12 lizards were identified (Wilson
1979, as cited in Power 1979, p. 8.5). In
1991, Drost (2011, pers. obs.) visited the
island and though there was little
habitat that could be turned or searched,
he observed one lizard in a rock crevice.
He noted that though vegetative cover
on the island was sparse, there were
surface cracks, fissures, and boulder
cover that could provide cover. We have
no surveys for the island night lizard on
Sutil Island since 1978. Because Sutil
Island is within close proximity to Santa
Barbara Island (0.4 miles (0.65
kilometers)), has very few to no visitors
annually, and like Santa Barbara Island
is managed by the NPS, we will
incorporate Sutil Island in the
discussion of Santa Barbara Island for
the remainder of this document.
Recovery and Recovery Plan
Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to
develop and implement recovery plans
for the conservation and survival of
endangered and threatened species
unless we determine that such a plan
will not promote the conservation of the
species. Under section 4(f)(1)(B)(ii),
recovery plans must, to the maximum
extent practicable, include: ‘‘Objective,
measurable criteria which, when met,
would result in a determination, in
accordance with the provisions of
[section 4 of the Act], that the species
be removed from the list.’’ However,
revisions to the list (adding, removing,
or reclassifying a species) must reflect
determinations made in accordance
with sections 4(a)(1) and 4(b) of the Act.
Section 4(a)(1) requires that the
Secretary determine whether a species
is endangered or threatened (or not)
because of one or more of five threat
factors. Section 4(b) of the Act requires
that the determination be made ‘‘solely
on the basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available.’’ Therefore,
recovery criteria should help indicate
when we would anticipate an analysis
of the five threat factors under section
4(a)(1) would result in a determination
that the species is no longer an
endangered species or threatened
species because of any of the five
statutory factors.
Thus, while recovery plans provide
important guidance to the Service,
States, and other partners on methods of
minimizing threats to listed species and
measurable objectives against which to
measure progress towards recovery, they
are not regulatory documents and
cannot substitute for the determinations
and promulgation of regulations
required under section 4(a)(1) of the
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Act. A decision to revise the status of or
remove a species from the Federal List
of Endangered and Threatened Plants
(50 CFR 17.12) is ultimately based on an
analysis of the best scientific and
commercial data then available to
determine whether a species is no
longer an endangered species or a
threatened species, regardless of
whether that information differs from
the recovery plan.
In 1984, we finalized a recovery plan
for the island night lizard and nine
other island species (Endangered and
Threatened Species of the California
Channel Islands (Recovery Plan);
Service 1984). Given the threats in
common to the 10 species addressed,
the Recovery Plan is broad in scope and
focuses on restoration of habitats and
ecosystem function. The Recovery Plan
included 6 general objectives for all 10
(1) Identify present adverse impacts to
biological resources and strive to
eliminate them.
(2) Protect known resources from
further degradation by: (a) Removing
feral herbivores, carnivores, and
selected exotic plant species; (b)
controlling unnatural erosion in
sensitive locations; and (c) directing
military operations and adverse
recreational uses away from biologically
sensitive areas.
(3) Restore habitats by revegetating
disturbed areas using native species.
(4) Identify areas of San Clemente
Island where habitat restoration and
population increase of certain addressed
taxa may be achieved through a careful
survey of the island and research on
habitat requirements of each taxon.
(5) Delist or upgrade the listing status
of those taxa that achieve vigorous, selfsustaining population levels as the
result of habitat stabilization,
restoration, and preventing or
minimizing adverse human-related
(6) Monitor effectiveness of recovery
effort by undertaking baseline
quantitative studies and subsequent
followup work (Service 1984, pp. 106–
Specific criteria for determining when
threats have been removed or
sufficiently minimized for the island
night lizard are not identified in the
Recovery Plan (although various actions
are identified in the Recovery Plan that
promote the recovery of island night
lizard and described further in the
Recovery section of the proposed rule).
Following are a summary of actions and
activities that have been implemented
according to the Recovery Plan (Service
1984, pp. 106–107) and that contribute
to achieving the six recovery objectives.
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Objective 1: Identify Present Adverse
Impacts to Biological Resources and
Strive To Eliminate Them
Actions taken by the Navy and NPS
supporting the achievement of this
objective include: Education and
outreach; development and
implementation of management plans to
identify, minimize, and address threats;
management, control, and elimination
of nonnative predators, herbivores, and
invasive plants; consultation and
coordination with the Service; and
control of erosion. These actions are
discussed briefly below and in greater
detail in the five-factor analysis.
The Navy has taken steps to eliminate
incidental impacts to the island night
lizard by educating all Navy personnel
stationed on San Clemente and San
Nicolas Islands. All Navy personnel
receive handouts, pamphlets, or posters
presenting information on the
distribution, threats, and management
responsibilities of sensitive resources,
such as federally threatened and
endangered species, including the
island night lizard. The NPS has also
taken steps to eliminate incidental
impacts to the lizard by educating all
visitors to Santa Barbara Island
(including Sutil Island). Brochures
discussing the island’s unique wildlife,
including the island night lizard, as well
as maps of designated trails that all
visitors must use to decrease
disturbance to wildlife and lessen
damage to resources, are available to all
visitors of the island at the visitors’
center or online at the Channel Islands
National Park’s Web site (https://
The Recovery Plan also recommends
that existing laws and regulations be
used to protect candidate, threatened,
and endangered species, including the
island night lizard. Based on the
occurrences of this species on federally
owned land, the primary laws with
potential to protect the island night
lizard include the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the
Sikes Act Improvement Act, the NPS
Organic Act, the Federal Noxious Weed
Act, and the Soil Conservation and
Domestic Allotment Act, in addition to
the Act. Since listing of the island night
lizard under the Act in 1977, the Navy
and NPS have had a history of
consultation and coordination with the
Service regarding the effects of various
activities on the island night lizard on
San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands.
NEPA requires Federal action
agencies to integrate environmental
values into their decisionmaking
processes by considering the
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environmental impacts of their
proposed actions and reasonable
alternatives to those actions. Since its
enactment in 1970, the Navy has
implemented NEPA for actions on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, and
the NPS has implemented NEPA for
actions on Santa Barbara Island
(including Sutil Island).
The Sikes Act (16 U.S.C. 670)
authorizes the Secretary of Defense to
develop cooperative plans with the
Secretaries of Agriculture and the
Interior for natural resources on public
lands (see Sikes Act Improvement Act
section under Factor D. Inadequacy of
Existing Regulatory Mechanisms below
for further discussion). Pursuant to the
Sikes Act Improvement Act of 1997, the
Navy developed integrated natural
resources management plans (INRMPs)
for San Clemente Island in 2002 and
San Nicolas Island in 2010 that help
guide the management and protection of
each island’s natural resources (Navy
2002; Navy 2010).
INRMPs incorporate, to the maximum
extent practicable, ecosystem
management principles and provide the
landscape necessary to sustain military
land uses. Each INRMP includes
specific management actions and
objectives to address the Recovery Plan
task of incorporating recovery actions
into existing management plans (see
Factor D below). Through these
mechanisms, the Navy is required to
identify and address all threats to
federally listed species during the
INRMP planning process. If possible,
threats are ameliorated, eliminated, or
mitigated through this procedure. The
Navy strives to fulfill this objective
through both internal planning (INRMP)
and compliance with Federal law
(consultations with the Service under
the Act and preparing environmental
review documents under NEPA). The
actions taken by the Navy under the
INRMPs have not completely eliminated
all adverse impacts, but many threats to
island night lizards have been greatly
reduced. These contributions to the
elimination of adverse impacts fulfill a
majority of this Recovery Plan objective
with respect to the island night lizard.
Objective 2: Protect Known Resources
From Further Degradation by: (a)
Removing Feral Herbivores, Carnivores,
and Selected Exotic Plant Species; (b)
Controlling Unnatural Erosion in
Sensitive Locations; and (c) Directing
Military Operations and Adverse
Recreational Uses Away From
Biologically Sensitive Areas
In 1992, the Navy fulfilled a major
part of this objective by removing the
last of the feral goats and pigs from San
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Clemente Island. Currently, the Navy
has an ongoing predator control
program to trap and remove feral cats
and rats from San Clemente Island.
From 2009 to 2010, projects funded by
the Montrose Settlements Restoration
Program (MSRP) and conducted by the
Navy removed all feral cats from San
Nicolas Island. In 1981, the last of the
European rabbits (a nonnative
herbivore) were removed from Santa
Barbara Island. These actions to remove
predators and nonnative herbivores, or
develop removal programs for potential
predators, have fulfilled this component
of objective 2 in the Recovery Plan to
remove feral and nonnative animals.
Additionally, the Navy on both San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, in
accordance with the Federal Noxious
Weed Act and through implementation
of the Navy’s INRMPs, conducts actions
to reduce or eliminate all transport of
nonnative plants to each island, and has
facilitated programs to remove
nonnative taxa that currently occur on
the islands. On Santa Barbara Island, the
NPS implements policies and
management activities (in accordance
with the Organic Act) that restrict all
nonnative plant species from the island.
Additionally, in partnership with the
MSRP, nonnative plant removal is
currently occurring on Santa Barbara
Island. The NPS has also developed a
Draft General Management Plan
emphasizing the eradication of all
nonnative plants from Santa Barbara
Island (NPS 2013, pp. 50, 83). These
actions to control nonnative plants on
all islands occupied by the island night
lizard have fulfilled most of this
component of objective 2 in the
Recovery Plan to remove exotic plant
The Navy is also taking steps to
minimize the effects of erosion on San
Clemente Island. Erosion control
measures are being incorporated into
project designs to minimize the
potential to exacerbate existing erosion
(O’Connor 2009, pers. comm.). Along
with the Navy’s planned expansion of
its military operational areas, the Navy
developed an erosion control plan that
minimizes impacts of soil erosion and
sedimentation on threatened and
endangered species and their habitat
(Navy 2013b pp. 5–6). The Erosion
Control Plan includes development and
application of best management
practices (BMPs) to minimize impacts to
sensitive resources, including the island
night lizard and its habitat; addresses
military operations and site-specific
erosion control recommendations for
areas potentially affected by military
operations; provides guidelines for
PO 00000
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restriction of vehicle maneuvering when
soils are wet, operator education,
vegetation management, fire
management, and methods for gully
prevention and restoration; and
includes an adaptive management and
monitoring plan to assess the BMPs to
minimize and prevent soil erosion
(Navy 2013b, pp. 35–54, 113–122). On
San Nicolas Island the Navy
incorporates BMPs for erosion and
sedimentation controls during
construction and maintenance activities
as well as to protect natural resources
(Navy 2010, pp. 4.6–4.12). These actions
taken by the Navy to reduce the threat
of erosion on the island contribute to
the achievement of this objective.
Through implementation of INRMPs
on San Clemente and San Nicolas
Islands, the Navy conducts measures to
avoid areas with highly erodible soils.
Additionally, San Clemente has a
nursery to grow native island plants,
which are then used to assist in erosion
control of disturbed sites. San Nicolas
Island has developed a nursery for
similar erosion control measures. On
Santa Barbara Island, NPS requires the
active preservation of soil resources and
the avoidance or minimization of
impacts to soil. These actions to prevent
erosion fulfill this component of
objective 2 of the Recovery Plan.
As recommended through
consultation with the Service (Service
1997), the Navy established the Island
Night Lizard Management Area
(INLMA), which is avoided to the
maximum extent practicable, to assist
with the recovery of the island night
lizard and its habitat. Additionally,
through implementation of INRMPs on
both San Clemente and San Nicolas
Islands, the Navy defines and marks
work areas to prevent lizard mortality.
The NPS has designated trails on Santa
Barbara Island to allow visitors to view
the island’s ecosystems without being
obtrusive or destructive to the natural
resources, including island night lizard
habitat. These actions to avoid
biologically sensitive areas fulfill
Recovery Plan Objective 2 with respect
to the island night lizard.
Objective 3: Restore Habitats by
Revegetating Disturbed Areas Using
Native Species
To restore the structure and function
of native island ecosystems, the Navy,
through implementation of its INRMP
on San Clemente Island, has developed
the Native Habitat Restoration Program
and constructed a native plant nursery
where plants, including species that
provide a benefit to island night lizard
habitat, are grown from seed and stem
and root cuttings, and outplanted
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
annually. In 2012, the Navy on San
Nicolas Island completed development
of a nursery and to date has outplanted
approximately 1,300 plants to the
island, some of which provide a benefit
to the island night lizard. Additionally,
projects funded by the MSRP currently
grow native plant species in a nursery
on Santa Barbara Island to support
island night lizard restoration projects.
To date, approximately 19,500 native
plants, some providing a benefit to the
island night lizard, have been restored
to Santa Barbara Island. The NPS has
also developed a Draft General
Management Plan to clearly define and
direct resource preservation, including
restoration of natural ecosystems, their
native habitat, and processes on Santa
Barbara Island. These actions to restore
habitat by revegetation fulfill the
objective as stated in the Recovery Plan.
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Objective 4: Identify Areas of San
Clemente Island Where Habitat
Restoration and Population Increase of
Certain Addressed Taxa May Be
Achieved Through a Careful Survey of
the Island and Research on Habitat
Requirements of Each Taxon
Since listing, research on the life
history and biology of the island night
lizard has been ongoing on San
Clemente Island. Research has
determined the island night lizard’s
distribution and density in various
habitats on San Clemente Island (Mautz
1993; Mautz 2001a). Additionally, the
Navy through consultation with the
Service developed the INLMA to
conserve the largest area of high-quality
habitat with the highest densities of
island night lizards. The Navy currently
avoids and minimizes impacts to the
lizard for any projects or training
activities proposed in this area through
consultation with the Service. Thus,
these actions completely fulfill the
objective as stated in the Recovery Plan.
Objective 5: Delist or Upgrade the
Listing Status of Those Taxa That
Achieve Vigorous, Self-Sustaining
Population Levels as the Result of
Habitat Stabilization, Restoration, and
Preventing or Minimizing Adverse
Human-Related Impacts
Since listing, threats to the island
night lizard have been largely
ameliorated, including removal of all
nonnative herbivores from San
Clemente and Santa Barbara Islands and
removal of feral cats from San Nicolas
Island. Given that habitat types that are
strongly associated with island night
lizards appear to be increasing slowly
through natural recovery and restoration
projects, as well as the amelioration of
all substantial threats to the island night
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lizard, the populations on the three
islands appear to be stable. Remaining
threats, such as nonnative plants, land
use and development, fire, and erosion,
are potentially of concern, but are
actively managed through
implementation of management plans
and measures described in the Navy’s
INRMPs and NPS’s management
policies and active management plans.
We consider the populations of the
island night lizard to be stable and
improving. Thus, the objective to
improve the status of the island night
lizard to the point it can be delisted has
been fully met.
Objective 6: Monitor Effectiveness of
Recovery Effort by Undertaking Baseline
Quantitative Studies and Subsequent
Followup Work.
Since listing and publication of the
Recovery Plan, island night lizard
monitoring has been conducted on San
Clemente Island, with one assessment of
the population estimated at
approximately 21.3 million island night
lizards in 2001. High densities of island
night lizards were determined to be
strongly corresponded to certain
habitats. Although no subsequent
population assessments have occurred
since 2001, ongoing monitoring to
assess individual body condition and
neonate-to-juvenile ratios indicates the
density of island night lizards still
strongly corresponds to certain habitats.
Assessments of the extent and quality of
those habitats have been conducted
more recently, as discussed below in
more detail.
San Clemente Island supports the
largest amount of high-quality island
night lizard habitat. Monitoring from
1992 to 2008 has shown fluctuating
short-term trends, but no clear long-term
trend, in Opuntia spp. or Lycium
californicum habitats on San Clemente
Island (Tierra Data Inc. 2010, pp. 48–
67). There was an approximate 6
percent reduction in percent cover of L.
californicum and 10 percent reduction
in percent cover of Opuntia spp.
habitats on the island (Tierra Data Inc.
2010, pp. 48–67). However, this
decreasing trend in percent cover may
be explained by changing rainfall
patterns measured during this time
interval. Higher rainfall amounts
occurred from 1991 to 1993, when
baseline data for percent cover was first
collected. However, in subsequent
years, lower rainfall amounts were
reported and may therefore be
responsible for the decrease in percent
cover that was reported during this
period (Tierra Data Inc. 2010, p. 125).
While research has not indicated how
this reduction in cover affects the island
PO 00000
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night lizard population, monitoring of
the island night lizard population
indicates the species remains abundant
in suitable habitat. We expect continued
monitoring on San Clemente Island,
including that associated with ongoing
and proposed habitat restoration
projects, to show island night lizard
populations remaining stable or
increasing on the island. These
monitoring efforts fulfill the objective as
stated in the Recovery Plan.
On San Nicolas Island, researchers
conducted one assessment of the island
night lizard’s population in 1998,
resulting in an estimated 15,300 lizards,
and two assessments of the vegetation
associated with high densities of island
night lizards. The first vegetation
assessment was conducted in 1998 by
Fellers et al. (1998). A second vegetation
assessment was conducted in 2003 by
Junak (2003, p. 7), which indicated an
increase in high-quality Opuntia spp.
and L. californicum habitats from 1.9 ac
(0.8 ha) in 1998 to 11.2 ac (4.6 ha). This
increase was probably due to more
current data and better mapping
technology. Monitoring of lizards on
San Nicolas Island will be conducted
every 5 years by the U.S. Geological
Survey in connection with proposed
habitat restoration projects (Navy 2010,
p. 4.55). We expect island night lizard
populations to remain stable or increase
in number on the island because this
species’ population is strongly
correlated with abundance of habitat,
and current information indicates that
the habitat is stable and possibly
increasing. Additionally, the Navy is
restoring native habitat that can support
island night lizards. These monitoring
efforts fulfill the objective as stated in
the Recovery Plan.
On Santa Barbara Island, there has
been one assessment of the island night
lizard population in 1991, resulting in
an estimated 17,599 lizards, and two
assessments of the amount of highquality habitat consisting of Opuntia
spp. and Lycium californicum. The first
habitat assessment was conducted from
an examination of aerial photographs
from 1983 and indicated a total of 14.8
ac (6.0 ha) of L. californicum and
Opuntia spp. habitats in which these
species comprised 100 percent of the
vegetation (Fellers and Drost 1991, p.
31). A more recent preliminary draft
assessment indicates that approximately
16.6 ac (6.7 ha) of L. californicum and
9.3 ac (3.8 ha) of O. oricola habitats exist
in which these species are dominant
and comprise greater than 39 percent of
the vegetative cover (Rodriguez 2012,
pers. obs.). However, this more recent
draft assessment has yet to be finalized
(Rodriguez 2013a, pers. obs.).
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Additionally, pursuant to the MSRP, the
NPS continues to restore native habitat
on Santa Barbara Island, including
species that provide moderate-quality
habitat for the island night lizard.
Therefore, we expect the island night
lizard population to remain stable or
increase on Santa Barbara Island. These
monitoring actions fulfill this objective
as stated in the Recovery Plan.
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Summary of Recovery Plan
In summary, while the Recovery Plan
does not include taxon-specific
downlisting or delisting criteria for the
island night lizard, many of the actions
identified in the Recovery Plan have
been implemented to benefit the lizard.
With the exception of a few
recommended recovery actions that are
still ongoing, nearly all recovery
objectives have been fulfilled through
research and monitoring efforts on all
occupied islands and implementation of
the Navy’s INRMPs on San Clemente
and San Nicolas Islands and NPS’s
management policies on Santa Barbara
Island. Most significantly, the Navy
removed feral goats and pigs from San
Clemente Island in 1992. There are
currently a number of programs in place
to improve habitat suitability, prevent
introduction of nonnative species, guide
and track management efforts, and
protect occurrences of the island night
lizard. We investigated other potential
threats (see Summary of Factors
Affecting the Species below for further
information on other potential threats)
to the lizard and concluded that they do
not pose significant impacts. As a result
of the management actions conducted
by the Navy and NPS, substantial
threats have been ameliorated
throughout the species’ range, and the
majority of objectives discussed in the
Recovery Plan are fulfilled.
Based on our review of the Recovery
Plan, we conclude that the status of the
island night lizard has improved due to
past and current activities being
implemented by the Navy and NPS, and
the objectives of the Recovery Plan have
been met. The effects of these activities
on the status of island night lizard are
discussed in further detail below.
Summary of Comments and
In the proposed rule published on
February 4, 2013 (78 FR 7908), we
requested that all interested parties
submit written comments on the
proposal by April 5, 2013. We also
contacted appropriate Federal and State
agencies, scientific experts and
organizations, and other interested
parties and invited them to comment on
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the proposal. Newspaper notices
inviting general public comment were
published in the Ventura County Star on
February 11, 2013. We did not receive
any requests for a public hearing.
During the comment period for the
proposed rule, we received six comment
letters (two from the public and four
from peer reviewers) directly addressing
the proposed removal of the island night
lizard from the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
All substantive information provided
during the comment period has either
been incorporated directly into this final
determination or addressed below.
Peer Review
In accordance with our peer review
policy published on July 1, 1994 (59 FR
34270), we solicited expert opinion
from five knowledgeable individuals
with scientific expertise that included
familiarity with the island night lizard
and its habitat, biological needs,
recovery efforts, and threats. We
received responses from four of the peer
We reviewed all peer reviewer
comments received for substantive
issues and new information regarding
the island night lizard. Comments
included general technical and
grammatical corrections, and specific
concerns relating to the island night
lizard, its habitat, or current
management efforts. The peer reviewer
and public comments are addressed in
the following summary and
incorporated into this final rule as
Peer Reviewer Comments
Comment (1): One peer reviewer
stated that the island night lizard
populations from each island should be
identified as DPSs based on the
following: (a) Even though the island
night lizard was listed at the ‘‘species
level,’’ each of the three populations are
geographically separated by miles of
open sea and do not interbreed when
mature, which is part of the requirement
that defines a species under the Act; (b)
recent (Common and Current Scientific
Names of North American Amphibians,
Turtles, Reptiles, & Crocodilians, Sixth
Edition, 2009) and previous literature
(Smith 1946, Cope 1883) identify the
San Clemente and San Nicolas Island
lizards as separate subspecies; and (c)
evidence presented from an allozyme/
karyotyping study (Bezy 1980) suggests
that the three populations are each
distinctive and have been separated
without gene flow for at least 500,000
years, with the greatest standing
variation in both allelic diversity and
color pattern (a phenotypic marker) of
PO 00000
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the three populations being found in the
San Nicolas population. Additionally,
the peer reviewer noted that San Nicolas
Island specifically should not be
delisted due to the lack of suitable
habitat and small population size in
comparison to the size of the island, and
if there is no option for the Service to
designate San Nicolas Island as a DPS,
then the island night lizard should
remain a listed species throughout its
Our Response: Section 4 of the Act
and its implementing regulations (50
CFR part 424) set forth the procedures
for listing species, reclassifying species,
or removing species from listed status.
‘‘Species’’ is defined by the Act as
including any species or subspecies of
fish or wildlife or plants, and any DPS
of fish or wildlife that interbreeds when
mature (16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). The island
night lizard was federally listed at the
‘‘species’’ level (42 FR 40682, August
11, 1977) throughout its range. As
discussed in our 90-day finding (71 FR
48900, August 22, 2006), the Navy’s
2004 petition requested that we delist
the island night lizard on San Clemente
Island and San Nicolas Island as distinct
population segments. We indicated in
that finding that we would consider
information as to whether island night
lizard populations qualify as distinct
population segments in our 12-month
finding. Both our 2012 5-year review
and our 12-month finding indicate that
further consideration of the DPS status
is not addressed due to our
recommendation that the species be
delisted throughout its entire range due
to the amelioration of substantial threats
and current management of potential
threats to the species and its habitat
(Service 2012a, pp. 5, 44; Service 2013;
78 FR at 7910). Accordingly, we assert
that the island night lizard be removed
from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and not reclassified
as three separate DPSs. With regard to
the peer reviewer’s request that the
island night lizard on San Nicolas
Island not be delisted, we have
reviewed the status of the island night
lizard on San Nicolas Island. Although
the island supports the lowest numbers
of lizards and percentage of suitable
habitat in comparison to the island’s
size, threats have been ameliorated or
are currently managed such that the
species no longer meets the definition of
threatened or endangered.
Comment (2): One peer reviewer
noted that the use of habitat as a
surrogate for a determination of lizard
population health is inadequate until at
least one additional direct population
assessment is completed for each island
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
to test the validity of habitat as a
Our Response: We use the best
scientific and commercial information
available in the decision-making
process. In many cases, the biology of
the listed species makes it difficult to
detect or monitor individuals, and, in
those situations, evaluating a surrogate
such as habitat is the most reasonable
and meaningful measure of assessing
listed species. For the island night
lizard, the best available scientific
information indicates that it is strongly
correlated with vegetation dominated by
the presence of Lycium californicum
and Opuntia subsp. habitats (highquality habitats) (see Distribution and
Habitat above). Additionally, this
species is sedentary and reclusive, and
it is difficult to survey in those highquality habitats without destroying the
habitat. Currently, the best scientific
information available indicates that
island night lizards within these highquality habitats number in the millions
on San Clemente Island and tens of
thousands on San Nicolas and Santa
Barbara Islands (see Population Density
and Abundance in the proposed rule
(78 FR 7908)). Considering all these
factors, we contend that the use of highquality habitat as a surrogate for island
night lizard population health is
Comment (3): Three peer reviewers
pointed out that the header ‘‘Estimated
Population (millions)’’ in Table 1 of the
proposed rule is incorrect as the
populations on San Nicolas and Santa
Barbara islands exist only in the
Our Response: We appreciate the peer
reviewers’ recommendation and agree
that the table mistakenly represents the
populations as ‘‘millions.’’ This table
now reflects the correct population
numbers for each island in Table 1 (see
Summary of Changes from Proposed
Rule above).
Comment (4): One peer reviewer
suggested that to better compare the
status among the three island
populations, a table should be added to
the final rule that displays density of
lizards per island size (number of
lizards per total island acre), density of
lizards in high-quality habitat (number
of lizards per high-quality habitat
acreage), and percentage of high-quality
habitat in comparison to island size.
Our Response: We appreciate the peer
reviewer’s suggestion; however, a table
is not needed to discuss this
information as there is detailed
discussion of these data in the
Population Density and Abundance
section of the proposed rule (78 FR
7908), as well as detailed information
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identifying the number of acres per
island, amount of high-quality island
night lizard habitat per each island, and
estimated island night lizard population
on each island in Table 1 (see Summary
of Changes from Proposed Rule above).
Comment (5): One peer reviewer
stated that the major threat to island
night lizards on San Nicolas Island is
the lack of current suitable habitat on
the island and that this threat has not
been ameliorated. Additionally,
although the Navy plans to create a
nursery to assist in the restoration of
native habitat, the nursery will not be a
large operation, and, although it will
assist in the creation of additional
habitat for the island night lizard, it will
not be able to restore habitat on the
island to its historical state.
Our Response: The lack of current
suitable habitat is not considered a
substantial threat to the island night
lizard on San Nicolas Island. Since
listing, mapping precision and differing
survey methodologies have resulted in
different estimates of high-quality island
night lizard habitat (Fellers et al. 1998,
p. 46; Junak 2003, p. 7). However, the
Service has determined that highquality island night lizard habitat is
stable and, with habitat restoration,
removal of all nonnative feral grazers,
and management efforts and policies to
prevent the reintroduction of nonnative
feral grazers, is likely increasing on San
Nicolas Island (Navy 2005, p. 3; Service
2006, p. 12; 78 FR 7908, p. 7919). The
Navy completed development of a
nursery and is propagating native plants
to restore native habitat and counter the
negative impacts to the habitat by
nonnative feral grazers. These efforts
include growing and outplanting of
native vegetation to assist in erosion
management and to improve the quality
of habitat on the island, including that
utilized by the island night lizard
(Ruane 2013a, pers. comm.; Vartanian
2013, pers. comm.; Hoyer 2013, pers.
comm.). Although San Nicolas Island
has the least amount of island night
lizard habitat of the three inhabited
islands, the best available scientific and
commercial information indicates that
island night lizard high-quality habitat
is slowly recovering (Service 2012a).
The Navy asserts the nursery operation
is in its initial stages and, although there
are no immediate plans to expand the
nursery, the Navy does intend to expand
the nursery to increase production and
outplanting of native plants, including
those plants that comprise low- to
moderate- and high-quality island night
lizard habitat in the future (Vartanian
2013, pers. comm.)
Comment (6): One peer reviewer
commented that, throughout the
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proposed rule, we state that there has
been no change in the amount of island
night lizard habitat on San Clemente
Island; however, we also note a
declining trend of approximately 6
percent for L. californicum and
approximately 10 percent for Opuntia
ssp. has occurred. The reviewer stated
that this decline is cause for concern
because if this decline in habitat is
extrapolated to the island night lizard
population, it results in a decline of 3.4
million lizards on the island. The
reviewer also noted that relating this
decline in habitat to higher rainfall
amounts in the baseline year (1992)
compared to the last year (2008) is
Our Response: We note that the
decline in L. californicum and Opuntia
ssp. habitat on San Clemente Island is
in percent cover and not total acreage,
and that these surveys were conducted
at only 4 sites for L. californicum and
10 sites for Opuntia ssp.; thus, this
observed trend in percent cover is based
on a small sample size that is not islandwide. We are aware that the island night
lizard population of 21.3 million lizards
was determined through correlating
lizard densities in these habitats and
extrapolating the densities across the
island, but we do not agree with the
peer reviewer that a decline in percent
cover of these habitats at a few specific
locations would lead to an overall
island-wide loss of 3.4 million lizards
because the correlation of lizard
densities was based on quantity of
habitat and not percent cover of habitat.
Additionally, annual forb cover is
closely correlated with rainfall, and
annual forbs are members of both L.
californicum and Opuntia ssp. habitats
on San Clemente Island. Therefore, we
find it reasonable that the higher rainfall
reported in the baseline years (1991–
1993) may account for higher percent
cover, compared to lower percent cover
observed after conditions of lower
rainfall in 2008. Finally, although not
mentioned in the proposed rule, the
long-term assessment also found that
there was little to no change in overall
percent frequency of L. californicum
and Opuntia ssp. (Tierra Data 2010, pp.
Comment (7): One peer reviewer
stated that the Navy should consider
establishing an INLMA on San Nicolas
Island to show long-term commitment
to the island night lizard’s protection as
suggested in the Recovery Plan.
Our Response: We agree with the peer
reviewer’s comment and are suggesting
in the post-delisting monitoring plan
that the Navy establish an INLMA on
San Nicolas Island in areas containing
the highest densities of island night
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
lizards (as recommended in the
Recovery Plan (Service 1984, pp. 111,
Comment (8): Two peer reviewers
commented that island night lizards on
San Nicolas Island are being collected at
one sample site, and that the entire
sampling population at that site has
disappeared due to this collection and
should be identified as a threat to the
Our Response: We appreciate these
peer reviewers’ comments and have
incorporated a discussion of this
information in this final rule (see Factor
B: Overutilization for Commercial,
Recreational, Scientific, or Educational
Comment (9): One peer reviewer
noted that there appears to be an
inconsistency in the proposed rule
when identifying habitat areas that
harbor the highest densities of island
night lizards. Specifically, the proposed
rule states that the highest densities of
island night lizards are found in L.
californicum and Opuntia spp. habitats,
while the same statement is made of the
cobble and driftwood habitat found on
San Nicolas Island.
Our Response: We modified language
in this final rule (see Distribution and
Habitat above) to clarify that, although
the majority of highest densities of
island night lizards are found in L.
californicum and Opuntia spp. habitats
throughout the species’ range, a small
amount of unique habitat on San
Nicolas Island made of cobble and
driftwood supports the highest density
of island night lizards on that island.
Comment (10): One peer reviewer
noted that mixed-shrub habitat supports
a self-sustaining population of island
night lizards on San Nicolas Island
although densities are much lower than
in high-quality habitat.
Our Response: We appreciate the peer
reviewer’s correction of this information
and have added a statement in this final
rule (see Changes from the Proposed
Rule above) to reflect this change.
Comment (11): One peer reviewer
questioned whether erosion control
efforts were being implemented on San
Nicolas Island.
Our Response: In response to this
comment, we reviewed the Navy’s soils
conservation management strategy. The
Navy’s INRMP states that the Navy’s
soils conservation management strategy
is to ‘‘. . . effectively implement best
management practices to prevent and
control soil erosion.’’ (Navy 2010, p.
4.10). Additionally, as documented
through our communications with Navy
personnel (Ruane 2013d, pers. comm.),
they continue to implement best
management practices to promote soil
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conservation and prevent and control
soil erosion. Based on our review, there
is no indication that the Navy is not
implementing actions and best
management practices to prevent and
control erosion. Accordingly, we
conclude that erosion control efforts are
being implemented on San Nicolas
Island and such efforts will continue in
the future.
Comment (12): One peer reviewer
noted that, although the southern
alligator lizard is not likely a threat to
the island night lizard, there is no
specific research to support the
Service’s claim that the southern
alligator lizard is not a threat at this
Our Response: Section 4(b)(1)(A) of
the Act directs that determinations as to
whether any species is an endangered or
threatened species must be made solely
on the basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available. We agree
with the peer reviewer that no specific
research has been conducted to study
the potential effects that the southern
alligator lizard might have on island
night lizards. However, there is also no
information to indicate that southern
alligator lizards are a threat to the island
night lizard or its habitat. Therefore, we
do not currently consider the southern
alligator lizard a threat to the island
night lizard or its habitat.
Public Comments
Comment (13): One commenter stated
that the island night lizard should
remain on the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
because of overwhelming threats to the
species, such as climate change
(including sea level rise and ocean
acidification) and land use and
Our Response: The Service reviews
the best scientific and commercial
information available when conducting
a threats analysis. In considering what
factors might constitute a threat, we
must look beyond the mere exposure of
the species to the factor to determine
whether the exposure causes actual
impacts to the species. The mere
identification of factors that could
impact a species negatively is not
sufficient to compel a finding that
listing (or maintaining a currently listed
species on the Federal Lists of
Endangered or Threatened Wildlife or
Plants) is appropriate; we require
evidence that these factors are operative
threats that act on the species to the
point that the species meets the
definition of endangered or threatened
under the Act.
In the proposed rule to delist the
island night lizard (78 FR 7908), we
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reviewed numerous journal articles that
examined models of projected sea level
rise by the end of the twenty-first
century (Cayan et al. 2008, p. S62;
PRBO 2011, p. 41). Based on this
review, available data do not indicate
that a substantial rise in sea level would
affect the island night lizard or its
habitat (Service 2013, p. 7926). The
commenter did not provide, nor is there
available, information that suggests that
ocean acidification would be a threat to
the terrestrial island night lizard. We
also reviewed the current land use and
development practices by the Navy and
NPS on all three islands inhabited by
island night lizards. While land use and
development is a concern on Santa
Clemente and San Nicolas islands due
to Navy activity, the amount, quality,
and distribution of habitat together with
avoidance measures implemented by
the Navy reduce the potential impact to
the species (Service 2013, pp. 7921–
7922), and we expect this trend to
continue in the future, even with
delisting. Land use and development on
Santa Barbara Island is not of concern.
We therefore continue to conclude that
land use and development are not
substantial threats to the species.
Comment (14): One commenter noted
that although climate change, and
specifically long-lasting droughts, could
cause a decline in birth rates of the
island night lizard, the commenter was
still in favor of delisting because of
future post-delisting monitoring efforts.
Our Response: The Service
appreciates the commenter’s concern
and understands the cyclical nature of
birth rates depending on annual rainfall
(as described in in the Life History and
Biology section of the proposed rule) (78
FR 7908, 7911). Through post-delisting
monitoring efforts to monitor
recruitment, we will be monitoring this
concern and have identified triggers in
the post-delisting monitoring plan to
indicate when a decline in birth rates
may warrant additional management
efforts to address the concern.
Comment (15): One commenter noted
that, although the Navy petitioned the
Service to delist the island night lizard
and conducted most of the studies that
have helped support delisting, the
studies were likely unbiased and
provided legitimate information for
removing the species from the List.
Our Response: We appreciate the
commenter’s acknowledgement of the
Navy’s work and commitments to island
night lizard conservation. The Navy has
worked cooperatively with us to reduce
threats (see Summary of Factors
Affecting the Species in the proposed
rule (78 FR 7908)) to the island night
lizard on San Clemente and San Nicolas
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
islands, and we expect to continue
coordinating with them throughout the
post-delisting monitoring process to
conduct monitoring efforts as identified
in the Final Post-delisting Monitoring
Plan and through implementation of
their INRMPs.
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Summary of Factors Affecting the
Section 4 of the Act and its
implementing regulations (50 CFR part
424) set forth procedures for listing
species, reclassifying species, or
removing species from listed status.
‘‘Species’’ is defined by the Act as
including any species or subspecies of
fish or wildlife or plants, and any
distinct vertebrate population segment
of any species of vertebrate fish or
wildlife which interbreeds when mature
(16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). A species may be
determined to be an endangered or
threatened species because of any one or
a combination of the five factors
described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act:
(A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
human-made factors affecting its
continued existence. A species may be
reclassified on the same basis.
Determining whether the status of a
species has improved to the point that
it can be delisted or downlisted requires
consideration of whether the species is
endangered or threatened because of the
same five categories of threats specified
in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. For species
that are already listed as endangered or
threatened, this analysis of threats is an
evaluation of both the threats currently
facing the species and the threats that
are reasonably likely to affect the
species in the foreseeable future
following the delisting or downlisting
and the removal or reduction of the
Act’s protections.
A species is an ‘‘endangered species’’
for the purposes of the Act if it is in
danger of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range, and is a
‘‘threatened species’’ if it is likely to
become endangered in the foreseeable
future throughout all or a significant
portion of its range. The word ‘‘range’’
in the significant portion of its range
phrase refers to the range in which the
species currently exists at the time of
this status review. For the purposes of
this analysis, we first evaluate the status
of the species throughout all its range,
then consider whether the species is in
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danger of extinction or likely to become
so in any significant portion of its range.
Factor A: The Present or Threatened
Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of its Habitat or Range
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682,
August 11, 1977), the present or
threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of habitat or range was
identified as a factor affecting island
night lizards on San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands.
Threats attributed to this factor included
the introduction of nonnative herbivores
and the continuing negative effects of
overgrazing on the native vegetation,
including those plants identified as
island night lizard habitat (42 FR at
40683–40684). The introduction of
nonnative plant species was also
discussed in the listing rule (42 FR at
40684), although under Factor E. Since
listing, and as identified in the 2006 5year review of the island night lizard
(Service 2006, pp. 10–24), threats from
nonnative plants, land use or
development, and fire also were
considered potential threats to island
night lizard habitat and are discussed
under Factor A. The 2012 5-year review
and the proposed delisting rule
addressed the potential threat of erosion
to island night lizard habitat or range
under Factor A (Service 2012a, pp. 26–
27; 78 FR 7908, 7918–7927), and thus it
is also included in this discussion.
Additionally, we include discussion on
potential impacts of climate change to
habitat under Factor A (as well as Factor
E as it relates to impacts to individuals
of the species itself).
Nonnative Animals
At listing, we determined that
overgrazing by introduced, nonnative
herbivores was a threat to island night
lizard habitat on all occupied islands
throughout the species’ range (42 FR
40682, 40683–40684). Nonnative
herbivores were introduced to San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands during the mid-1800s to
the mid-1900s, resulting in the
degradation of island night lizard
habitat (42 FR at 40682–40683; Navy
2002, pp. 3.34–3.35; Navy 2005, p. 7). In
both the 2006 and 2012 5-year reviews,
as well as the proposed delisting rule,
we reported that all nonnative
herbivores had been removed from these
islands (Service 2006, pp. 11–12;
Service 2012a, p. 19; 78 FR 7908, 7919).
We also concluded in those documents
that habitat destruction or modification
from the introduction of nonnative
herbivores was no longer a threat to the
species now or likely to become a threat
in the future, due to ongoing
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management efforts conducted by the
Navy on San Clemente and San Nicolas
Islands, and by the NPS on Santa
Barbara Island (Service 2006, pp. 11–12;
Service 2012a, p. 19; 78 FR at 7919).
No new information indicates that
there has been a reintroduction of
nonnative animals to San Clemente, San
Nicolas, or Santa Barbara Islands, or that
nonnative animals have become a threat
to island night lizard habitat on the
islands since publication of the
proposed delisting rule. See the
proposed rule to delist the island night
lizard for a detailed discussion of the
historical land use by nonnative animals
on all three islands, ongoing actions to
prevent the reintroduction of nonnative
animals to the three islands, and
ongoing revegetation efforts to restore
native habitat on all three islands (78 FR
7908, 7918–7919).
San Clemente Island
The Navy continues to implement
management policies to eliminate the
possible reintroduction of nonnative
animals to San Clemente Island.
Additionally, the Navy continues to
restore native vegetation, including
plant species identified as island night
lizard habitat to San Clemente Island. In
2012, the Navy placed 1,124 native
plants at three different locations on San
Clemente Island (Navy 2013a, p. 17). Of
the 1,124 native plants outplanted, 104
consisted of Artemisia spp., 37
consisted of Constancea nevinii, and 15
consisted of Eriogonum giganteum,
which provide low- to moderate-quality
habitat for the island night lizard (Navy
2013a, pp. 12–13). Therefore, due to
ongoing management and restoration
efforts conducted by the Navy, we
continue to conclude that habitat
destruction or modification from the
introduction of nonnative herbivores is
no longer a threat to island night lizard
habitat on San Clemente Island, nor is
it likely to become a threat in the future.
San Nicolas Island
The Navy continues to implement
management policies to eliminate the
possible reintroduction of nonnative
animals to San Nicolas Island.
Additionally, in 2012, the Navy
completed development of a nursery on
the island to grow and outplant native
plants to restore native habitat and
assist in erosion control (Ruane 2013a,
pers. comm.). To date, the Navy has
placed approximately 1,300 plants on
the western side of San Nicolas Island
(Vartanian 2013, pers. comm.) where
island night lizard habitat is limited. Of
the 1,300 native plants species
outplanted, there were 780 Atriplex
californica, 32 Calystegia macrostegia,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
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and 332 Isocoma menziesii that provide
low- to moderate-quality for the island
night lizard (Vartanian 2013, pers.
comm.; Navy 2013a, p. 13).
Additionally, the Navy has begun to
outplant Opuntia spp. on San Nicolas
Island, which provides high-quality
habitat for the island night lizard (Ruane
2013a, pers. comm.). Therefore, due to
ongoing management and restoration
efforts conducted by the Navy, we
continue to conclude that habitat
destruction or modification from the
introduction of nonnative herbivores is
no longer a threat to island night lizard
habitat on San Nicolas Island, nor is it
likely to become a threat in the future.
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
Since 2007, the MSRP has conducted
native plant restoration projects on
Santa Barbara Island (Harvey and
Barnes 2009, pp. 15–22) to benefit
Xantus’s Murrelet (Synthiliboramphus
hypoleucus) and Cassin’s Auklet
(Ptychoramphus aleuticus) (Harvey and
Barnes 2009, p. 4). Many of the native
plants used in these restoration projects
also provide island night lizard habitat,
including low- to moderate-quality
habitat (Coreopsis gigantea, Eriogonum
giganteum var. compactum, Deinandra
clementina, Constancea nevinii,
Artemisia nesiotica (sage), and
Baccharis pilularis) and high-quality
habitat (Lycium californicum) (Fellers
and Drost 1991, p. 34; Fellers et al.
1998, pp. 11–12; Harvey and Barnes
2009, p. 7; Mautz 2001a, p. 23; Navy
2005, p. 30). Since 2007, the MSRP has
restored approximately 5 ac (2 ha) of
native habitat on Santa Barbara Island,
consisting of 19,560 native plants
(Harvey 2013, pers. comm.).
We expect the amount and
distribution of habitat to remain
relatively stable in the future, because
the major threat to habitat (nonnative
herbivores) has been eliminated and the
NPS has an active habitat management
and restoration program. The NPS also
continues to implement management
policies to eliminate the possible
reintroduction of nonnative animals to
Santa Barbara Island. Therefore, we
continue to conclude that habitat
destruction or modification from the
introduction of nonnative herbivores is
no longer a threat to island night lizard
habitat on Santa Barbara Island, nor is
it likely to become a threat in the future.
Nonnative Plants
At listing, the introduction of
nonnative plants was noted as having
adversely impacted all California
Channel Islands (42 FR 40682, 40684,
August 11, 1977). While the
introduction of nonnative herbivores
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impacted much of the native vegetation,
nonnative plants introduced to the
islands have also modified habitat for
the island night lizard. In the 2006 5year review, we noted that nonnative
plant species may alter ecosystem
dynamics by changing soil nitrogen
cycling, and may compete with native
plants for space or other resources such
as light, water, and nutrients (Service
2006, p. 12). Nonnative plant species
can also alter ecological processes such
as fire frequency that could otherwise
affect the persistence of the island night
lizard (Navy 2002, p. 3.114). Low
densities of island night lizards
observed in some of the nonnative plant
communities suggest that modification
of the native plant communities can
reduce the available resources for this
taxon. The 2006 and 2012 5-year
reviews and the proposed delisting rule
for the island night lizard found that
habitat destruction or modification from
the introduction of nonnative plants is
of potential concern, but due to current
management and preventative actions
implemented on all occupied islands, is
not a substantial threat to the species
throughout its range now and in the
future (Service 2006, p. 13; Service
2012a, pp. 20–22; 78 FR 7908, 7919–
No new information indicates that
nonnative plants have become a threat
to island night lizard habitat on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, or Santa Barbara
Islands. Although nonnative plants will
continue to pose a risk to island night
lizard habitat, the Navy and NPS have
taken steps to curtail the introduction
and spread of nonnative plants, and
such steps are expected to continue into
the future. See the proposed delisting
rule for a detailed discussion on
nonnative plants and ongoing
management actions implemented by
the Navy on San Clemente and San
Nicolas Islands, and NPS on Santa
Barbara Island to prevent the further
introduction of nonnative plants (78 FR
7908, 7919–7921).
San Clemente Island
The Navy continues to implement
management policies to eliminate the
possible reintroduction of nonnative
plants and actively manages existing
nonnative plant species on San
Clemente Island. For example, in 2012,
the Navy treated 14,597 nonnative
plants (consisting of 13 different
nonnative species) throughout the range
of the island night lizard on San
Clemente Island (Navy 2013a, pp. 22–
25). Therefore, we continue to conclude
that, given the current and anticipated
levels of management, habitat
destruction or modification from the
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introduction of nonnative plants is no
longer a threat to island night lizard
habitat on San Clemente Island, nor is
it likely to become a threat in the future.
San Nicolas Island
The Navy continues to implement
management policies to eliminate the
possible reintroduction of nonnative
plants and actively manages existing
nonnative plant species on San Nicolas
Island. Since 2012, the Navy has
continued the annual treatment and
monitoring of select nonnative species
on San Nicolas Island, such as Brassica
tournefortii (Saharan mustard) (Ruane
2013b, pers. comm.). From 2012 to
2013, the Navy conducted
reconnaissance efforts to identify B.
tournefortii on approximately 86 ac
(34.8 ha) of San Nicolas Island (Navy
2013a, p. 5), and applied herbicide
treatments accordingly. Per our
coordination efforts with the Navy, we
anticipate they will continue nonnative
plant removal treatments into the future.
Therefore, we continue to conclude that
habitat destruction or modification from
the introduction of nonnative plants is
not a threat to island night lizard habitat
on San Nicolas Island, nor is it likely to
become a threat in the future.
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
The NPS continues to propagate
native species at their greenhouse,
including those found within low- to
moderate-quality island night lizard
habitat (such as Coreopsis gigantea,
Eriogonum giganteum var. compactum,
Deinandra clementina, Constancea
nevinii, Artemisia nesiotica, Baccharis
pilularis), and high-quality habitat (such
as Lycium californicum) (Fellers and
Drost 1991, p. 34; Fellers et al. 1998, pp.
11–12; Mautz 2001a, p. 23, Navy 2005,
p. 30). From 2007 to 2012, NPS planted
19,560 native plants on Santa Barbara
Island, some of which as discussed
above provide habitat for island night
lizards (Harvey 2013, pers. comm.; Little
2011, pers. obs.). To date, approximately
5 ac (2 ha) of native habitat have been
restored to benefit seabirds, including
some which also benefit the island night
lizard, on Santa Barbara Island (Little
2011, pers. obs.; Harvey 2013, pers.
comm.). Additionally, from 2007 to
2011, the NPS in coordination with the
MSRP conducted nonnative plant
species removal from Santa Barbara
Island on 4.5 ac (1.8 ha) (Harvey 2012,
pers. comm.).
The NPS also drafted a General
Management Plan for the Channel
Islands, which addresses the continuing
effort to monitor and restore native
vegetation on Santa Barbara Island (NPS
2013, entire). This draft General
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Management Plan continues to
emphasize the eradication of all
nonnative floras from the island (NPS
2013, pp. 50, 83). Although this plan
has yet to be finalized, due to current
and future management efforts
described above, we continue to
conclude that habitat destruction or
modification from the introduction of
nonnative herbivores is no longer a
threat to island night lizard habitat on
Santa Barbara and Sutil Islands, nor is
it likely to become a threat in the future.
Land Use and Development
At listing (42 FR 40682, August 11,
1977), the destruction or modification of
habitat from land use and development
was not identified as a threat to the
island night lizard. While development
activities can reduce available habitat
for island night lizards, potentially
resulting in the direct loss of
individuals, the 2006 and 2012 island
night lizard 5-year reviews and the
proposed delisting rule concluded that
land use and development is not a
substantial threat to the species or its
habitat throughout the species’ range
(Service 2006, p. 18; Service 2012a, pp.
22–24; 78 FR 7908, 7921–7922).
No new information indicates that
land use and development has become
a threat to the island night lizard or its
habitat on San Clemente, San Nicolas,
or Santa Barbara Islands. See the
proposed delisting rule for a detailed
discussion on the historical and current
land use and development practices by
the Navy on San Clemente and San
Nicolas Islands, and NPS on Santa
Barbara Island (78 FR 7908, 7921–7922).
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
San Clemente Island
While island night lizard habitat loss
and disturbance occur on San Clemente
Island as a result of military land use
and development projects (such as
training and testing activities), the Navy
continues to conduct adequate
management efforts, such as nonnative
species removal, native plant growth
and outplantings, and erosion control
(Navy 2002, pp. 3.115–3.1156; Navy
2013b, pp. 35–54, 113–122; Munson
2013, pers. comm.) to minimize or avoid
the effects on the island night lizard and
its habitat, and we expect these efforts
to continue even with delisting.
Therefore, we continue to conclude that
habitat destruction or modification from
land use and development is not a
substantial threat to the island night
lizard or its habitat on San Clemente
Island, nor is it likely to become a threat
in the future.
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San Nicolas Island
Like San Clemente Island, island
night lizard habitat loss and disturbance
occur on San Nicolas Island as a result
of military land use and development
projects (such as training and testing
activities). However, the Navy continues
to conduct adequate management efforts
to minimize the effects on the island
night lizard and its habitat. For
example, the Navy has developed a
plant nursery on San Nicolas Island and
is currently cultivating Opuntia
littoralis and is in the process of
cultivating Lycium californicum to
outplant surrounding areas affected by
the creation of a wind energy project
(Ruane 2013a, pers. comm.; Vartanian
2013, pers. comm.). We expect these
efforts to continue even with delisting.
In addition, high-quality habitat on San
Nicolas Island is distributed in areas
that are currently not developed or
proposed for use or development (Navy
2010, p. D–27; Ruane 2013e, pers.
comm.). Therefore, we continue to
conclude that land use and
development is not a substantial threat
to the island night lizard or its habitat
on San Nicolas Island, nor is it likely to
become a threat in the future.
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
The current status of Santa Barbara
Island as a unit of the National Park
System protects the island night lizard
and its habitat from impacts related to
future land use or development.
Currently, other than recreational
camping, land is little used on Santa
Barbara Island, and this land use pattern
is not expected to change. As such, we
continue to conclude that land use and
development are not a substantial threat
to the island night lizard or its habitat
on Santa Barbara and Sutil Islands, nor
are likely to become so in the future.
At listing (42 FR 40682, August 11,
1977), fire was not identified as a threat
to the island night lizard or its habitat.
Fire would normally be a rare
occurrence on San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands, but
human use and occupancy of the
islands have increased the incidence of
wildfires on all three islands to varying
degrees. Where fires do occur, they may
destroy island night lizard habitat,
which reduces cover that assists with
thermoregulation, increases exposure to
predators, creates a short-term reduction
in prey availability, and potentially
harms individuals (Mautz 2001, p. 27;
Service 2006, p. 13; 78 FR 7908, 7922).
San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands
have an increased potential for fire due
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to military activities and the presence of
nonnative, annual grasses, which
increase the amount of flammable fuels
(Service 2006, pp. 13–15; Service 2012a,
pp. 23–26; 78 FR 7908, 7927). Based on
historical records and current land use,
high fire frequency on Santa Barbara
Island is an unlikely occurrence that
would be limited to ignitions caused by
human negligence. Although fire is a
potential threat on all three islands,
ongoing fire management policies,
plans, and actions being implemented
through the Navy’s INRMPs, fire
management plans, and NPS’s general
management policies have helped to
avoid or minimize the potential risk of
fire. See the proposed delisting rule for
a detailed discussion on the historical
effects of fire and current fire
management practices by the Navy on
San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands,
and NPS on Santa Barbara Island (78 FR
at 7922–7923). No new information
indicates that fire has become a threat
to the island night lizard or its habitat
on San Clemente, San Nicolas, and
Santa Barbara Islands since publication
of the proposed delisting rule.
San Clemente Island
As mentioned above, fires do occur on
San Clemente Island due to military
related activities. In 2012, 15 fires
burned approximately 3,500 ac (1,416
ha) of land on San Clemente Island
(Navy 2012, pp. 27–35). Of these 15
fires, 9 of them burned a total of 1.8 ac
(0.7 ha) of moderate- to high-quality
island night lizard habitat on the
northern end of the island outside of the
INLMA (Navy 2012, pp. 27–29). All of
the nine fires burned with light to
moderate intensity, which indicates that
the effects of the fires on the shrubs
composing moderate- to high-quality
island night lizard habitat were
classified as burned to singed, with
some to many of these shrubs
resprouting and recovering (Navy 2012,
pp. 26, 28–29). Five fires burned 1,253
ac (507 ha) of low- to moderate-quality
island night lizard habitat outside of the
INLMA in the southern portion of the
island classified as the Shore
Bombardment Area where live-fire
training (e.g., artillery and mortars)
occurs (Navy 2002, p. 2.4; Navy 2012,
pp. 27, 31–35). Four of these five fires
burned 1,222 ac (495 ha) lightly to
moderately, including both low- and
moderate-quality island night lizard
grassland habitat, while one fire only
singed approximately 31 ac (13 ha) of
high-quality island night lizard habitat
(Navy 2012, pp. 26–27, 31–35). Effects
on shrubs within these five fires varied
(from not affected, to singed, to burned)
with some to many of these shrubs
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
resprouting and recovering (Navy 2012,
pp. 26–27, 31–35). Effects on herbs and
grasses were also noted; within these
five fires herbs and grasses were burned
to ash with some resprouting (Navy
2012, pp. 26–27, 31–35). The largest fire
lightly burned 2,146 ac (869 ha) of lowquality island night lizard grassland
habitat outside of the INLMA (Navy
2012, pp. 27, 29).
Although these fires did burn some
moderate- to high-quality island night
lizard habitat, all of the fires occurred
outside of the INLMA where the
majority of high-density island night
lizard habitat occurs on San Clemente
Island. Additionally, none of the
moderate- to high-quality habitat burned
to ash, and nearly all had signs of
resprouting (Navy 2012, pp. 26–35).
Therefore, we continue to conclude that
fire is not a substantial threat to the
island night lizard or its habitat, nor is
it likely to become a threat in the future
due to current fire management
practices implemented through the
Navy’s INRMP, the amount of moderateto high-quality island night lizard
habitat, and large population of island
night lizards on San Clemente Island.
San Nicolas Island
No fires occurred on San Nicolas
Island in 2012 (Ruane 2013c, pers.
comm.). Due to continued fire
management efforts implemented
through the Navy’s INRMP on San
Nicolas Island, we continue to conclude
that fire is not a substantial threat to the
island night lizard or its habitat on San
Nicolas Island, nor is it likely to become
a threat in the future.
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
No fires occurred on Santa Barbara
Island in 2012 other than permitted
campfires (Rodriguez 2013b, pers.
comm.), and no fires occurred on Sutil
Island. Due to limited human use on the
island and fire management efforts
implemented through the Channel
Islands National Park Fire Management
Plan (NPS 2006b) (as described in the
proposed delisting rule, 78 FR 7908,
7924), we continue to conclude that fire
is not a substantial threat to the island
night lizard or its habitat on Santa
Barbara and Sutil Islands, nor is it likely
to become a threat in the future.
Although erosion was not identified
as a threat to the island night lizard or
its habitat at listing (42 FR 40682,
August 11, 1977), the impact from
erosion has since been identified as a
general threat to the habitats on the
Channel Islands, including San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
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Barbara Islands (Navy 2002, pp. 3.58–
3.68; NPS 2006, p. 62; Navy 2010, pp.
3.52–3.54). However, the 2006 and 2012
5-year reviews and the proposed
delisting rule concluded that erosion is
not a substantial threat to island night
lizard habitat on any of the occupied
islands (Service 2006, pp. 12, 16;
Service 2012a, pp. 28–29; 78 FR 7908,
No new information indicates that
erosion has become a threat to island
night lizard habitat on San Clemente,
San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands
since publication of the proposed
delisting rule. Erosion caused by
ongoing military activities on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands
currently affects island night lizard
habitat; however, impacts are primarily
a consequence of the historical
introduction of nonnative herbivores
(which no longer inhabit any of the
islands) and land use operations.
Ongoing management efforts are
currently implemented by the Navy to
minimize, reduce, and restore areas
where erosion has occurred through
implementation of best management
practices and erosion control plans. On
Santa Barbara Island, erosion from
wind, wave action, and the effects of
overgrazing are evident and continue to
contribute to alteration of habitat;
however, new sources of human-caused
erosion on the island, which could
exacerbate current conditions, are
minimal given the limited amount of
human use on the island. See the
proposed delisting rule for a more
detailed discussion on the historical
effects of erosion and current erosion
management practices by the Navy on
San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands,
and NPS on Santa Barbara Island (78 FR
7908, 7924–7925).
San Clemente Island
Since publication of the proposed rule
to remove the island night lizard from
the List, the Navy finalized an Erosion
Control Plan for San Clemente Island
(Navy 2013b). Goals of the Erosion
Control Plan are to minimize impacts of
soil erosion within maneuver areas and
to minimize offsite impacts; prevent
erosion from adversely affecting
sensitive resources such as federally
listed or proposed species or their
habitats, including the island night
lizard; and prevent erosion from
significantly impacting other sensitive
resources including sensitive plant and
wildlife species and their habitat (Navy
2013b, pp. 3, 5). The Erosion Control
Plan addresses military operations
associated with the Infantry Operation
Area, Assault Vehicle Maneuver Areas,
Artillery Maneuver Points, and Artillery
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Firing Points, and provides site-specific
erosion control recommendations for
these areas encompassing 1,123 (ac)
(454 ha), all of which are occupied by
the island night lizard (Navy 2013b, pp.
55–112). Erosion management within
these areas addresses and includes
guidelines for restriction of vehicle
maneuvering when soils are wet,
operator education, vegetation
management, fire management, and
methods for gully prevention and
restoration (Navy 2013b, pp. 35–54).
Additionally, the Erosion Control
Plan includes an adaptive management
and monitoring plan, which provides
specific measureable objectives for soil
movement and plant cover within the
maneuver areas; specific methods to
monitor these objectives; specific targets
to assess success or failure of best
management practices to minimize and
prevent soil erosion; and a list of
potential actions to be taken if these
targets are not met (Navy 2013b, pp.
113–122). Methods utilized to monitor
these objectives include visual
inspections, sediment monitoring,
vegetation transects, soil moisture and
trafficability, erosion feature mapping,
and photopoints (Navy 2013b, pp. 113–
120). Therefore, we continue to
conclude that erosion is not a
substantial threat to island night lizard
habitat on San Clemente Island, nor is
it likely to become a threat in the future.
San Nicolas Island
The Navy has continued to implement
measures to restore areas that have been
affected by erosion. In 2012, the Navy
completed development of a nursery on
the island to grow and outplant native
plants to restore native habitat and
assist in erosion control on San Nicolas
Island (Ruane 2013a, pers. comm.). To
date, approximately 1,300 plants have
been planted on the western side of San
Nicolas Island (Vartanian 2013, pers.
comm.). These plants include Abronia
ssp., Acmispon argophyllus var.
argenteus, Distichlis spicata, and other
plants that provide low- to moderatequality habitat conditions for the island
night lizard, such as Atriplex
californica, Calystegia macrostegia, and
Isocoma menziesii (Vartanian 2013,
pers. comm.). Additionally, the Navy
continues to implement BMPs to
prevent and minimize erosion on San
Nicolas Island. Therefore, based on the
best available information, we continue
to conclude that erosion is not a
substantial threat to island night lizard
habitat on San Nicolas Island, nor is it
likely to become a substantial threat in
the future.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
Currently, NPS management policies
dictate that the NPS will actively
preserve soil resources, prevent
unnatural erosion, and prevent or
minimize potentially irreversible
impacts on soil (NPS 2006a, p. 56).
Therefore, based on the best available
information about current erosion levels
and NPS efforts to preserve soil
resources, we continue to conclude that
erosion is not a substantial threat to
island night lizard habitat on Santa
Barbara and Sutil Islands, nor is it likely
to become a threat in the future.
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
Climate Change
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682,
August 11, 1977), we did not find
climate change to be a threat to the
island night lizard or its habitat. The
2006 and 2012 5-year reviews and the
proposed delisting rule concluded that
generally, climate change is predicted to
result in warmer air temperatures, lower
rainfall amounts, and rising sea levels;
however, it is currently unknown how
climate change will specifically affect
island night lizard habitat on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands (Service 2006, p. 24;
Service 2012a, pp. 38–39; 78 FR 7908,
7925–7926). The island night lizard may
be more susceptible to natural
catastrophes on San Nicolas and Santa
Barbara Islands because of its restricted
distribution on those islands, while its
greater numbers and distribution on San
Clemente Island may indicate the island
night lizard is less susceptible to
stochastic events on that island.
Regardless, we expect that the island
night lizard’s susceptibility to climate
change is somewhat reduced by its
ability to use varying habitat types and
by its broad generalist diet. See the
proposed delisting rule for a more
detailed discussion on climate change
(78 FR at 7925–7926).
Since publication of the proposed
delisting rule (78 FR 7908), no new
information indicates that climate
change has become a substantial threat
to island night lizard habitat on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, or Santa Barbara
Islands, or that it will become a
substantial threat to habitat in the
future. Therefore, we continue to
conclude that climate change is not a
substantial threat to island night lizard
habitat throughout the species’ range,
nor is it likely to become a threat in the
Factor A Summary
Since publication of the proposed
delisting rule (78 FR 7908), no new
information indicates that loss and
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modification of island night lizard
habitat by nonnative herbivores,
nonnative plants, land use and
development, fire, erosion, and climate
change have become a substantial threat
to the island night lizard or its habitat
on San Clemente, San Nicolas, and
Santa Barbara Islands. The Navy on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands
continues to monitor for these concerns
and conduct management efforts
through implementation of INRMPs and
management plans on the two islands to
ensure that these concerns do not
threaten the island night lizard or its
habitat now or in the future, and we
expect these efforts to continue in the
future. Additionally, the NPS on Santa
Barbara Island (and adjacent Sutil
Island) continues to monitor for these
concerns and conducts management
efforts through implementation of the
Organic Act and management plans that
avoid or minimize these threats to the
island night lizard or its habitat now or
in the future.
Therefore, we continue to conclude
that habitat destruction or modification
from introduction of nonnative taxa,
land use and development, fire, erosion,
and climate change do not pose a
substantial threat to the island night
lizard or its habitat on San Clemente,
San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands
(including Sutil Island) now, nor are
they likely to become threats in the
Factor B. Overutilization for
Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Educational Purposes
Overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes was not identified as a threat
to the island night lizard at listing (42
FR 40682, August 11, 1977). The 2006
and 2012 5-year reviews and the
proposed delisting rule did not identify
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes as a threat to the island night
lizard (Service 2006, p. 18; Service
2012a, p. 28; 78 FR 7908, 7927).
Currently, island night lizards on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands are
only captured for scientific purposes or
for relocation efforts due to Navy
projects in accordance with permitted
activities covered by a section
10(a)(1)(A) permit under the Act.
However, at the Eucalyptus sampling
site on San Nicolas Island, all island
night lizards have disappeared, and
researchers believe their disappearance
is due to unpermitted collection of the
species (Fellers 2013, pers. comm.;
Drost 2013, pers. comm. 2013). While
we lack specific evidence indicating
these lizards were collected by other
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persons, the loss of these individuals is
of concern and should be further
monitored; however, this situation is
not a substantial threat to the
population as a whole on San Nicolas
Currently, we have issued four active
section 10(a)(1)(A) permits for the island
night lizard. Research activities may
result in impacts to some individuals
(use of pitfall traps and toe-clipping);
however, they do not constitute a
significant threat to the species (Service
2012a, p. 31). The Navy has been
notified that collection of the island
night lizard might be occurring at one
site on San Nicolas Island (Fellers 2013,
pers. comm.). Aside from this, capture
of island night lizards for commercial or
other nonpermitted activities is unlikely
to occur on San Clemente or San
Nicolas Islands because access to these
islands is strictly limited by the
Department of Defense. No available
information indicates that visitors to
Santa Barbara Island are actively
collecting island night lizards. Although
it is possible that someone visiting or
working on any of the islands could
collect island night lizards, based on the
best available information, we have no
indication that such activities are
Therefore, based on the limited
number of active section 10(a)(1)(A)
permits and lack of evidence that
collection is occurring on either San
Clemente or Santa Barbara Island, we
find that overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes is not currently a substantial
threat, nor is it likely to become a
substantial threat to the species on San
Clemente and Santa Barbara Islands in
the future. Additionally, although some
lizards appear to have been collected
from one site on San Nicolas Island, this
is not a substantial threat to the islandwide population, which numbers at
approximately 15,300 lizards (Service
2012,a p. 31), and the Navy has been
notified of potential unauthorized
Factor C. Disease or Predation
Disease was not identified as a threat
to the island night lizard at listing (42
FR 40682, August 11, 1977), in the 2006
or 2012 5-year reviews, or in the
proposed delisting rule (Service 2006, p.
19; Service 2012a, p. 29; 78 FR 7908,
7927). Additionally, no new information
indicates that disease has become a
threat on San Clemente, San Nicolas, or
Santa Barbara Islands. Therefore, we
continue to conclude that disease is not
a threat to the island night lizard on any
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
of the islands, nor is it likely to become
a threat in the future.
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682,
August 11, 1977), we identified
predation of island night lizards as a
threat to the species due to the
introduction of nonnative feral cats and
pigs to San Clemente Island (42 FR at
40683). The listing rule (42 FR at 40684)
also indicated that the introduction of
the nonnative southern alligator lizard
to San Nicolas Island might pose a
threat to the island night lizard through
depredation or increased competition
(42 FR at 40684). Currently, each island
has native predators, such as foxes and
raptors, but the best commercial and
scientific available information does not
indicate these predators are a
substantial threat to the island night
lizard now or in the future.
No new information indicates current
native and nonnative predators on San
Clemente Island, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands have become a
substantial threat to the island night
lizard. See the proposed delisting rule
for a detailed discussion of predation
and management efforts and policies
implemented by the Navy on San
Clemente Island and San Nicolas Island,
and NPS on Santa Barbara Island, to
monitor and eliminate the future
introduction of nonnative predators (78
FR 7908, 7927–7928).
San Clemente Island
Since listing, nonnative predators
have been identified on San Clemente
Island, including feral cats, black rats,
and a single gopher snake (Pituophis
catenifer). The 2006 and 2012 5-year
reviews and the proposed delisting rule
concluded that predation by feral cats
was not a substantial threat due to
predator management actions
implemented through the Navy’s
INRMP and the large lizard population
on the island (Service 2006, p. 19;
Service 2012, p. 32; 78 FR 7908, 7928).
Additionally, since the removal of the
single gopher snake, no other snakes
have been identified on San Clemente
Island (Service 2012, p. 32). Despite our
review of the best scientific and
commercial information available, the
information does not indicate whether
or how often black rats prey upon island
night lizards. Therefore, due to current
predator management efforts
implemented by the Navy on San
Clemente Island that we expect to
continue in the future, we continue to
conclude that predation is not a
substantial threat to the island night
lizard, nor is it likely to become a threat
in the future.
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San Nicolas Island
The 2006 5-year review indicated that
the introduction of two nonnative
lizards (southern alligator lizard and
side-blotched lizard) may impact island
night lizards on San Nicolas Island
(Service 2006, p. 20). Although the
distribution of the southern alligator
lizard and island night lizard on San
Nicolas Island does overlap, Fellers et
al. (2009, p. 18) noted that southern
alligator lizards primarily occur in
different habitats and there is no
indication of negative impacts to the
island night lizard. The 2012 5-year
review and proposed delisting rule
concluded that the two nonnative
lizards were not a predation threat to
the island night lizard (Service 2012a, p.
32; 78 FR 7908, 7928).
In the 2006 5-year review, we
concluded that feral cat predation
threatened the island night lizard due to
the small lizard population and the
large feral cat population on San Nicolas
Island (Service 2006, p. 20). However, in
2009, the Navy began implementing a
feral cat removal program and
announced the successful completion of
this project in February 2012 (Little
2012, pers. comm.). Based on the
successful feral cat eradication efforts,
we subsequently concluded in the 2012
5-year review and proposed delisting
rule that feral cats were no longer a
threat to the island night lizard on San
Nicolas Island (Service 2012a, p. 30; 78
FR 7908, 7928). Therefore, due to
current management efforts
implemented by the Navy on San
Nicolas Island that we expect to
continue in the future, we continue to
conclude that predation is not a
substantial threat to the island night
lizard on that island, nor is it likely to
become a threat in the future.
Santa Barbara and Sutil Island
The 2006 and 2012 5-year reviews
and the proposed delisting rule for the
island night lizard concluded that Santa
Barbara Island does not support any
nonnative predators, but does support
populations of native predators of the
island night lizard, including burrowing
owl (Athene cunicularia), American
kestrel (Falco sparverius), and barn owl
(Tyto alba) (Service 2006, p. 19; Service
2012a, p. 33; 78 FR 7908, 7928). While
natural predators may pose a threat to
individual island night lizards (Service
2012a, p. 33; 78 FR at 7928), they do not
pose a substantial threat to the
continued existence of the species on
Santa Barbara Island due to the current
number of lizards on the island, highly
sedentary nature of the lizard, and
tendency to remain under shelter such
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as dense vegetation or rock, which
limits their exposure to aerial predators
(Service 2006, p. 19; Service 2012a, p.
33; 78 FR at 7928). To prevent future
introductions of nonnative predators to
Santa Barbara Island, the NPS restricts
bringing any animal onto the island
(NPS 2012). Therefore, due to current
management efforts implemented by the
NPS on Santa Barbara Island that we
expect to continue in the future, we
continue to conclude that predation is
not a substantial threat to the island
night lizard, nor is it likely to become
a threat in the future.
Factor C Summary
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682,
August 11, 1977), disease was not
considered a threat to the island night
lizard and, as discussed in further detail
in the 2006 and 2012 5-year reviews as
well as the proposed delisting rule
(Service 2006, p. 19; Service 2012a, p.
29; 78 FR 7908, 7927), no new
information indicates that disease is a
threat to the island night lizard.
Therefore, we continue to conclude that
disease is not a threat to the island night
lizard on any of the islands, nor is it
likely to become a threat in the future.
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682,
August 11, 1977), predation by feral cats
and southern alligator lizards was
considered a threat, but their impacts
were not fully understood. Since listing,
we have identified predation by
nonnative lizards, feral cats, and black
rats as a threat to the species. Recent
research indicates that neither the
southern alligator lizard nor the more
recently introduced nonnative sideblotched lizard negatively impact the
island night lizard on San Nicolas
Island. Additionally, in 2010, the Navy
successfully completed a feral cat
removal program on San Nicolas Island.
The Navy has also implemented efforts
to control black rats and feral cats on
San Clemente Island as part of the
recovery efforts for the San Clemente
loggerhead shrike and San Clemente
Island sage sparrow. Though black rats
and feral cats may affect individual
island night lizards, they do not
currently pose a substantial threat to the
species on San Clemente Island. Since
the identification and removal of a
single gopher snake from San Clemente,
no other snakes have been identified on
any of the occupied islands. No
nonnative predators of the island night
lizard exist on Santa Barbara Island, and
native predators on Santa Barbara Island
do not currently pose a threat to the
species existence. Also, both the Navy
and NPS have policies in place to
control the introduction of potential
predators, and such efforts are expected
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
to continue in the future. Therefore, as
no new information indicates the
predation has become a threat to the
island night lizard on any of the islands,
we continue to conclude that predation
is not a substantial threat to the island
night lizard, nor is it likely to become
a threat in the future.
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
Factor D. Inadequacy of Existing
Regulatory Mechanisms
The inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms was not identified as a
threat to the island night lizard at the
time of listing, in the 2006 and 2012 5year reviews, or in the proposed
delisting rule. Because all islands are
under Federal ownership, there are
various laws, regulations, and policies
administered by the Federal agencies
that provide protective mechanisms for
the island night lizard and its habitat
that will continue after the species’
delisting. Primary Federal laws that
provide some benefit for the species and
its habitat absent the Act include NEPA,
the Sikes Act, the Federal Noxious
Weed Act, the Soil Conservation and
Domestic Allotment Act, and the NPS
Organic Act. Additionally, INRMPs,
management plans, and policies
implemented by the Navy on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Island are
important guiding documents that help
to integrate the military’s mission with
natural resource protection. See the
proposed delisting rule for a more
detailed discussion of the existing
regulatory mechanisms absent the Act
conducted and implemented by the
Navy and NPS that benefit the island
night lizard and its habitat (78 FR 7908,
No new information indicates that
inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms is a threat to the island
night lizard or its habitat on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands. Therefore, we continue
to conclude that existing regulatory
mechanisms provide adequate
protection to the island night lizard and
its habitat on all of the islands now and
will continue to provide adequate
protection in the future, even with the
removal of the protections of the Act.
Factor E. Other Natural or Manmade
Factors Affecting the Continued
Existence of the Species
The listing rule (42 FR 40682, August
11, 1977) states that island-adapted taxa
are often detrimentally affected by
accidental or intentional introduction of
nonnative species. This threat was the
only one attributed to Factor E for any
of the seven taxa included in that rule.
Because the primary effect of most
nonnative taxa was related to habitat or
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predation, the discussion of introduced,
nonnative taxa is now included under
Factor A as it relates to habitat and
Factor C as it relates to predation.
The restricted distribution of the
island night lizard on San Nicolas and
Santa Barbara Islands makes these
populations susceptible to natural
catastrophes such as fires, landslides, or
prolonged droughts (Service 2006, p.
24). Potential impacts and management
efforts to reduce or control effects of fire
and erosion to habitat are discussed
under Factor A. The 2012 5-year review
and proposed delisting rule discuss the
potential threat of climate change and
its effects on precipitation, drought, and
sea level rise as it relates to the island
night lizard (Service 2012a, pp. 39–41;
78 FR 7908, 7925–7926). See the
proposed delisting rule for a more
detailed discussion of climate change
and its effects on the continued
existence of island night lizards (78 FR
at 7932).
Climate Change
As discussed under Factor A—
Climate Change above, climate change
poses a potential impact to island night
lizards and their habitat based on
modeling and climate change
projections for southern California from
various sources (Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change 2007, PRBO
2011). Because the best available
information for the region that
encompasses San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands
refers only to the marine environment
and not the terrestrial environment
occupied by island night lizards (PRBO
2011, p. 4), we are utilizing projections
made for the Southwestern California
ecoregion in this threat analysis (see
Factor A—Climate Change section above
for additional discussion on available
data, climate model predictions for
temperature and precipitation, and
potential impacts related to island night
lizard habitat).
Currently, climate modeling
projections for fog (Field et al. 1999, pp.
21–22) and precipitation are the subject
of uncertainty, with relatively little
consensus concerning projections for
the Southwestern California ecoregion
(PRBO 2011, p. 40). Additionally and as
noted above, no specific information is
available related to precipitation and
temperature projections specific to the
terrestrial environment of the California
Channel Islands. The best available data
indicate that, when daily temperatures
increase, lizard species spend more time
in burrows or refuges and less time
foraging (Sinervo et al. 2010, p. 894).
This reduced foraging time could
possibly impact growth and survival of
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this already highly sedentary lizard.
Drought conditions also reduce the
arthropod populations in the spring,
reducing a food source and
compounding the effects of climate
change (Knowlton 1949, p. 45;
Schwenkmeyer 1949, pp. 37–40; Bolger
et al. 2000, p. 1242). Therefore, in the
event of a prolonged period of warmer
air temperature and lower rainfall, the
island night lizard’s habitat and food
supply could also potentially be
reduced. However, island night lizards
use a variety of habitat types and have
a broad generalist diet, which likely
reduces the species’ susceptibility to
changing climate. Additionally, Sinervo
et al. (2010, p. 898) investigated climate
change impacts on Xantusidae and,
though his work focused on the effects
of temperature change rather than
changes in rainfall, he predicted that the
species’ extinction risk for this family is
zero through 2080. Therefore, we do not
consider climate change to be a
substantial threat to the island night
lizard now or in the future.
Factor E Summary
Although climate change may affect
the island night lizard and its habitat on
all three islands, we expect that the
lizard’s susceptibility to climate change
is somewhat reduced by its ability to
use varying habitat types and by its
broad generalist diet. However, the best
available information does not allow us
to make accurate predictions regarding
the effects of climate change on the
island night lizard at this time.
Therefore, based on the best available
information, we continue to conclude
that climate change is not a substantial
threat to the island night lizard on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands, nor is it likely to
become a threat in the future.
Cumulative Effects
A species may be affected by a
combination of threats. Within the
preceding review of the five listing
factors, we identified multiple threats
that may have interrelated impacts on
the island night lizard or its habitat. Fire
(Factor A) may increase in intensity and
frequency on all occupied islands if
there is an abundance of nonnative
plants (grasses) (Factor A). Similarly,
across all islands occupied by the island
night lizard, fire (Factor A) may become
more frequent if climate change results
in hotter and drier environmental
conditions (Factors A and E). An
increase in the frequency of fires (Factor
A) may potentially lead to an increased
risk of predation (Factor C) due to loss
of vegetative cover for the island night
lizard in burned areas. On San Clemente
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
and San Nicolas Islands, land use and
development activities (Factor A)
conducted by the Navy can prompt an
increase in erosion (Factor A) and the
potential for fire (Factor A) in island
night lizard habitat. Additionally,
effects from climate change, such as
rising sea level in conjunction with
increased storm frequency and high-tide
wave action (Factor A), could
potentially impact island night lizard
habitat by accelerating erosion (Factor
A) on all islands. Although island night
lizard productivity may be reduced
because of these threats, either alone or
in combination, it is not easy to
determine whether a specific threat is
the primary threat having the greatest
impact on the viability of the species, or
whether it is exacerbated by, or
functioning in combination with, other
threats to result in cumulative or
synergistic effects on the species. The
Navy and NPS are actively managing for
the potential threats described above to
minimize impacts to the island night
lizard and its habitat. It is anticipated
that their continued management of
these potential threats will maintain any
potential impacts at a level where
synergistic effects are not likely to result
in a substantial impact to the island
night lizard or its habitat. Therefore, we
do not consider the cumulative impact
of these potential threats to be
substantial at this time or in the future.
We have carefully assessed the best
scientific and commercial information
available regarding the past, present,
and future threats to the island night
lizard and its habitat, including
information presented in the May 1,
1997, and March 22, 2004, petitions;
comments and information received
after publication of our 90-day finding
(71 FR 48900, August 22, 2006); two 5year status reviews, information
available in our files; comments and
information received on the proposed
delisting rule, and other available
published and unpublished
information. We also consulted with
recognized experts on the island night
lizard and its habitat, and with other
Federal agencies. Impacts to the island
night lizard and habitat from past
threats have been reduced or are being
actively managed for by the Navy or
A species is an ‘‘endangered species’’
for purposes of the Act if it is in danger
of extinction throughout all or a
signification portion of its range (section
3(6) of the Act) and is a ‘‘threatened
species’’ if it is likely to become an
endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a
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significant portion of its range (section
3(20) of the Act). The Act does not
define the term ‘‘foreseeable future.’’ For
purposes of this determination, we
define the ‘‘foreseeable future’’ to be the
extent to which, given the amount and
substance of available data, we can
anticipate events or effects or reliably
extrapolate threat trends, such that
reliable predictions can be made
concerning the future as it relates to the
status of the island night lizard.
Specifically for the island night
lizard, we consider the foreseeable
future to extend to 2080, which is
generally the latest time period that
most climate change emission scenario
models use because they lose
confidence beyond this point, for the
purposes of the discussion below.
Additionally, all three occupied islands
have been under Federal ownership
since the mid-1930s. The Navy will
continue to manage and monitor natural
resources, including the island night
lizard and its habitat after the species is
delisted, through implementation of
INRMPs which are revised every 5 years
pursuant to the Sikes Act Improvement
Act of 1997, and numerous management
plans and policies that manage for
nonnative species, fire, and erosion. We
expect future revisions to take into
account management of island night
lizards and their habitat. The NPS will
also continue to manage and monitor all
natural resources, including the island
night lizard and its habitat after the
species is delisted, through
implementation of management plans
and policies pursuant to the NPS
Organic Act. No available information
indicates that ownership of any of the
three islands will change in the future.
Therefore, we will use the 2080
timeframe established for modelling of
climate change effects as the foreseeable
future for all remaining potential
The reasons for listing the island
night lizard as threatened (42 FR 40682,
August 11, 1977) were: Habitat loss or
modification through the introduction
of nonnative herbivores such as feral
goats and pigs on San Clemente Island;
habitat modification through the
introduction of nonnative plants
throughout the species’ range (San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands); predation by feral cats
on San Clemente Island; and
competition with the southern alligator
lizard on San Nicolas Island.
At the time of listing, several threats
related to destruction of habitat were
identified for the island night lizard on
one or more of the Channel Islands.
Since listing, these threats have been
addressed by multiple actions through
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implementation of the Navy’s INRMPs
and the NPS’s management policies.
While a variety of threats existed under
Factor A, not all threats were present on
all three islands.
All nonnative herbivores have been
removed from San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands, and
the slow process of natural recovery of
native habitat is ongoing. Additionally,
restoration efforts by the Navy on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, and
NPS on Santa Barbara Island to outplant
native plant species are aiding in the
recovery of native habitat and
ameliorating impacts from erosion.
Management actions to control, remove,
or prevent introduction of nonnative
plant species are also implemented on
all three islands by the Navy and NPS.
Current management efforts on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands to
avoid or minimize impacts from land
use and development, fire, and erosion
due to military activities have resulted
in reduction of threats to the island
night lizard or its habitat on those
islands. Land use and development is
not considered a threat to the lizard or
its habitat on Santa Barbara Island. Fire
is also not a substantial threat to the
lizard or its habitat on Santa Barbara
Island due to limited human presence,
current fire management policy on the
island, and a fire management plan
(FMP) for Channel Islands National Park
(including Santa Barbara Island).
Erosion resulting from historical grazing
by nonnative herbivores and historical
land use practices is exacerbated by
current military activities. Efforts to
control these sources of erosion on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands are
currently ongoing, as outlined in the
Navy’s INRMPs for both islands and
Erosion Control Plan on San Clemente
Island. As a result of management
efforts by the Navy and NPS, we do not
consider any of these threats to the
island night lizard habitat to be
substantial on any of the occupied
islands, nor do we expect them to
become so in the foreseeable future.
Disease is not a current threat for the
island night lizard on any of the islands
where it occurs nor do we anticipate it
to be in the foreseeable future; however,
predation has impacted the species in
the past and continues to be a potential
impact to individuals on San Clemente
Island. We do not consider predation to
be a substantial threat currently or in
the foreseeable future due to ongoing
feral cat removal efforts implemented
through the Navy’s INRMP. All feral
cats have been removed from San
Nicolas Island, and predation is not a
threat to the lizard on Santa Barbara
Island. Finally, research indicates that
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
the southern alligator lizard is not a
threat to the island night lizard on San
Nicolas Island.
The overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes and inadequacy of regulatory
mechanisms are not threats to the island
night lizard on any of the occupied
islands, nor do we anticipate them to
become threats in the foreseeable future.
Climate change has been identified as
a potential threat with regard to the
present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailments of its
habitat, as well as with regard to other
human and manmade factors. However,
we cannot precisely determine how
climate change will potentially impact
the island night lizard and its habitat on
San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands. The species’ biology
indicates that the lizard may be able to
withstand some changes in habitat
conditions. Therefore, we do not
consider climate change to be a
substantial threat to the species
throughout its range now or in the
foreseeable future.
At the time of listing, the number of
island night lizards on San Clemente,
San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands
was unknown. Research conducted
since then indicates that approximately
21 million island night lizards occur on
San Clemente Island, 15,300 lizards
occur on San Nicolas Island, and 17,600
lizards occur on Santa Barbara Island.
While no new population numbers are
available, new habitat assessments
indicate that the amount of quality
habitat supporting the island night
lizard has increased on each of the
islands. It is likely that the number of
lizards has increased in association with
the increase of quality habitat on all
three islands. Currently, the Navy
conducts monitoring for management
actions that impact threatened or
endangered species, including the
island night lizard, as required by its
INRMP. The NPS also conducts
monitoring on Santa Barbara Island to
assess impacts of management actions
on listed species, including the island
night lizard. Once the island night
lizard is removed from the Federal List
of Endangered or Threatened Wildlife,
the Navy and NPS will continue to
monitor the lizard and its habitat
through post-delisting monitoring
efforts to ensure the species is
recovering and does not warrant
relisting. Additionally, the Navy and
NPS implement management plans and
policies to reduce impacts to native
biological resources, such as the island
night lizard and its habitat, that will
help ensure the species does not
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warrant relisting in the foreseeable
We conclude that, since the time of
listing in 1977, all substantial threats to
the island night lizard have been
ameliorated. Any remaining potential
threats or nonsubstantial threats to the
species or its habitat (i.e., the
introduction of nonnative plants, fire,
and erosion; land use and development
on San Clemente and San Nicolas
Islands; and predation on Santa Barbara
Island) are currently managed to
minimize impacts such that they are not
of sufficient imminence, intensity, or
magnitude to rise to the level of a
threatened species (i.e., likely to become
an endangered species within the
foreseeable future). The one exception is
climate change, for which sufficient
information does not currently exist for
us to make accurate predictions about
the timing and degree of potential
impacts. However, data suggest that the
extinction risk for the family Xantusidae
(which includes the island night lizard)
is zero through the year 2080 (based on
Sinervo et al. (2010) evaluation of
Xantusidae (see Climate Change
section)). Therefore, using 2080 as our
frame of reference for determining the
foreseeable future for this threat, we
concluded that climate change is not
likely to become a substantial threat
now or in the foreseeable future. We
also note that all six primary objectives
of the Recovery Plan were, or are in the
process of, being fulfilled (see Recovery
Plan Implementation section).
Additionally, since listing, it was
determined that more than 21 million
lizards exist in high-quality habitat
among the three islands. Based on the
current level of threats, we would not
anticipate future declines in population
Therefore, we conclude that the
island night lizard is not likely to
become endangered in the foreseeable
future throughout all of its range
because all substantial threats have been
ameliorated, potential threats that may
cause stress on one or more populations
(or portions of a population) are
currently managed, and Recovery Plan
objectives have been initiated or
Significant Portion of Its Range
Having examined the status of the
island night lizard throughout all of its
range, we next examine whether it
could be in danger of extinction or
likely to become so in a significant
portion of its range. The range of a
species can theoretically be divided into
portions in an infinite number of ways.
However, there is no purpose in
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analyzing portions of the range that
have no reasonable potential to be
significant or in analyzing portions of
the range in which there is no
reasonable potential for the species to be
endangered or threatened. To identify
only those portions that warrant further
consideration, we determine whether
substantial information indicates that:
(1) The portions may be ‘‘significant’’
and (2) the species may be in danger of
extinction there or likely to become so
within the foreseeable future.
Depending on the biology of the species,
its range, and the threats it faces, it
might be more efficient for us to address
the significance question first or the
status question first. Thus, if we
determine that a portion of the range is
not ‘‘significant,’’ we do not need to
determine whether the species is
endangered or threatened there; if we
determine that the species is not
endangered or threatened in a portion of
its range, we do not need to determine
if that portion is ‘‘significant.’’ In
practice, a key part of the determination
that a species is in danger of extinction
in a significant portion of its range is
whether the threats are geographically
concentrated in some way. If the threats
to the species are essentially uniform
throughout its range, no portion is likely
to warrant further consideration.
Moreover, if any concentration of
threats to the species occurs only in
portions of the species’ range that
clearly would not meet the biologically
based definition of ‘‘significant,’’ such
portions will not warrant further
We consider the ‘‘range’’ of the island
night lizard to be San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands
(including Sutil Island) of the California
Channel Islands.
We considered whether the threats
facing the island night lizard and its
habitat might be different on San
Clemente Island with approximately
99.85 percent of the population
compared to San Nicolas and Santa
Barbara Islands with, combined,
approximately 0.15 percent of the
population (Service 2012b, unpublished
data). A detailed spatial evaluation of
threats showed that the level of threat,
and extent of protective measures, is
different on San Clemente Island and
San Nicolas Island, compared to Santa
Barbara Island due to ownership and
activities conducted by the Navy
(Service 2012b, unpublished data).
However, all substantial threats have
been ameliorated throughout the
species’ range, and the remaining
potential threats to the island night
lizard are actively managed for by the
Navy through implementation of
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
INRMPs, the Federal Noxious Weed Act,
and the Soil Conservation and Domestic
Allotment Act. On Santa Barbara Island,
there are no substantial threats, and the
remaining potential threats receive
protections provided through the
implementation of NPS’s management
policies and the Channel Islands
National Park Wildland FMP in
accordance with the Organic Act. It is
our conclusion, based on our evaluation
of the current potential threats to the
island night lizard on San Clemente,
San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands
(see Summary of Factors Affecting the
Species section), that potential threats
are neither sufficiently concentrated nor
of sufficient magnitude to indicate the
species is in danger of extinction or
likely to become so on any island and
thus it is likely to persist throughout its
Future Conservation Measures
Section 4(g)(1) of the Act requires us,
in cooperation with the States, to
implement a monitoring program for not
less than 5 years for all species that have
been recovered and delisted. The
purpose of this requirement is to
develop a program that detects the
failure of any delisted species to sustain
itself without the protective measures
provided by the Act. If at any time
during the monitoring period, data
indicate that protective status under the
Act should be reinstated, we can initiate
listing procedures, including, if
appropriate, emergency listing. The
management practices of, and
commitments by, the Department of
Defense and NPS under existing laws,
regulations, and policies should afford
adequate protection to the island night
lizard into the foreseeable future upon
delisting, as the entire known range of
this species occurs within Department
of Defense lands on San Clemente and
San Nicolas Islands, and NPS lands at
Channel Islands National Park.
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Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan Overview
The Service has developed a final
post-delisting monitoring (PDM) plan
for the island night lizard in cooperation
with the Navy and NPS. The final PDM
plan is designed to verify that the island
night lizard remains secure from risk of
extinction after removal from the
Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife by detecting
changes in its status and habitat
throughout its known range.
The final PDM plan outlines five
different sampling surveys that will
occur over a 9-year period (i.e., years 1,
3, 4, 7, and 9). The draft PDM Plan
includes the following measures:
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(1) Monitoring the overall health of
the island night lizard populations on
each island through trap capture rates
and recruitment at previously
established sampling sites. This
monitoring will occur in all habitats for
9 years following delisting. Biologists
will conduct density assessments using
several methodologies including: pitfall
traps, rock-turn surveys, and
coverboards arranged in grid arrays or
transects. Efforts will be made to sample
all sites within each sampling period.
(2) Monitoring high-quality habitat
will occur twice throughout postdelisting monitoring to assess
abundance and distribution of highdensity island night lizard habitats on
all islands. Recently completed islandwide habitat maps will be utilized as the
baseline assessment to compare with
post-delisting monitoring mapping
(3) Identifying thresholds that would
trigger an extension of monitoring,
alteration of management approach, or a
status review will be established related
to island night lizard density,
recruitment, and habitat.
Additionally, we are recommending
that land managers on each island
conduct monitoring in previously
unsampled areas on each island
consisting of different habitats at least
once during PDM with a focus on highquality habitat. Within these new areas,
we recommend using alreadyestablished protocols to allow for
comparison of newly sampled island
night lizard densities and distribution
with previously established sites for
each island. We also recommend
establishing identical protocols for each
island to allow for comparison among
islands. Additionally, we are
recommending that the Navy on San
Clemente Island continue to recognize
the INLMA and that the Navy on San
Nicolas Island establish an INLMA to
identify biologically sensitive areas for
the island night lizard. Lastly, we
recommend that each island continue
restoration efforts of high-quality island
night lizard habitat to increase
distribution and connectivity.
We also expect to monitor the
commitments and actions of
management plans implemented by the
Navy and NPS, which manage potential
threats to the island night lizard and its
habitat, including the introduction and
current persistence of nonnative plants,
land use and development, erosion, and
Effects of This Rule
This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.11(h)
and removes the island night lizard
from the Federal List of Endangered and
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Threatened Wildlife. Because no critical
habitat was designated for this species,
this rule would not affect 50 CFR 17.95.
Because this final rule removes this
species from the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife,
the prohibitions and conservation
measures provided by the Act,
particularly through sections 7 and 9 of
the Act, no longer apply. Removal of the
island night lizard from the Federal List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
relieves Federal agencies from the need
to consult with us to ensure that any
action they authorize, fund, or carry out
is not likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of this species.
Required Determinations
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
This rule does not contain any new
collections of information that require
approval by Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork
Reduction Act. This rule will not
impose recordkeeping or reporting
requirements on State or local
governments, individuals, businesses, or
organizations. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
National Environmental Policy Act
We have determined that
environmental assessments and
environmental impact statements, as
defined under the authority of the
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not
be prepared in connection with
removing a species from the Federal List
of Endangered or Threatened Wildlife.
We published a notice outlining our
reasons for this determination in the
Federal Register on October 25, 1983
(48 FR 49244).
Relationship With Tribes
In concurrence with the President’s
memorandum of April 29, 1994,
‘‘Government-to-Government Relations
with Native American Tribal
Governments’’ (59 FR 22951), Executive
Order 13175, and the Department of the
Interior’s manual at 512 DM 2, we
readily acknowledge our responsibility
to communicate meaningfully with
recognized Federal tribes on a
government-to-government basis. We
have determined that there are no tribal
lands affected by this rule.
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited
in this rule is available on the Internet
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 62 / Tuesday, April 1, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
at https://www.regulations.gov or upon
request from the Field Supervisor,
Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (see
recordkeeping requirements, and
Accordingly, we amend part 17,
subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the
Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
The primary author of this rule is the
Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office in
Carlsbad, California (see ADDRESSES).
Regulation Promulgation
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with RULES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
14:19 Mar 31, 2014
Jkt 232001
2. Amend § 17.11(h) by removing the
entry for ‘‘Lizard, Island night’’ under
‘‘Reptiles’’ in the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
1. The authority citation for part 17
continues to read as follows:
Dated: March 10, 2014.
Betsy Hildebrandt,
Acting Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2014–06576 Filed 3–31–14; 8:45 am]
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Reporting and
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 16 U.S.C.
1531–1544; 16 U.S.C. 4201–4245; unless
otherwise noted.
PO 00000
Frm 00058
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 9990
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 62 (Tuesday, April 1, 2014)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 18190-18210]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2014-06576]
[[Page 18190]]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2013-0099; FXES11130900000-145-FF09E42000]
RIN 1018-AY44
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the
Island Night Lizard From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: Under the authority of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (Act), we, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), remove
the island night lizard (Xantusia riversiana) from the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. This determination is based on a
thorough review of the best available scientific and commercial
information, which indicates that the threats to this species have been
eliminated or reduced to the point that the species has recovered and
no longer meets the definition of an endangered species or threatened
species under the Act.
DATES: This rule becomes effective on May 1, 2014.
ADDRESSES: This final rule and post-delisting monitoring plan are
available on the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket
Number [FWS-R8-ES-2013-0099]. Comments and materials received, as well
as supporting documentation used in the preparation of this rule, will
be available for public inspection, by appointment, during normal
business hours at: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Fish and
Wildlife Office, 2177 Salk Avenue Suite 250, Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Supervisor, Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, (see ADDRESSES); by
telephone 760-431-9440; or by facsimile (fax) 760-431-5901. If you use
a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), please call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339.
Executive Summary
This document contains: (1) A final rule to remove the island night
lizard from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife; and
(2) a notice of availability of a final post-delisting monitoring plan.
Species addressed. The island night lizard (Xantusia riversiana) is
endemic to three federally owned Channel Islands (San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara) located off the southern California coast
and a small islet (Sutil Island) located just southwest of Santa
Barbara Island. San Clemente and San Nicolas islands are both owned and
managed by the U.S. Navy (Navy) and Santa Barbara Island is owned and
managed by the National Park Service (NPS). Habitat restoration and
reduced adverse human-related impacts since listing have resulted in
significant improvements to habitat quality and quantity. As a result,
threats to the island night lizard have been largely ameliorated.
Though population densities were not known at the time of listing, the
island night lizard populations are currently estimated at 21.3 million
lizards on San Clemente Island, 15,300 lizards on San Nicolas Island,
and 17,600 lizards on Santa Barbara Island (including Sutil Island).
Purpose of the Regulatory Action. Under the Endangered Species Act
of 1973, we may be petitioned to list, delist, or reclassify a species.
In 2004, we received a petition from the Navy asserting that each of
the three occurrences of island night lizard qualify for recognition as
a distinct population segment (DPS) under the DPS Policy (61 FR 4722;
February 7, 1996) and requesting that we delist the San Clemente and
San Nicolas Island DPSs (Navy 2004, p. 12). In 2006, we published a 90-
day finding (71 FR 48900, August 22, 2006) concluding that the Navy's
petition provided substantial information supporting that delisting may
be warranted and we thus announced the initiation of a status review
for this species. On February 4, 2013, we published a 12-month finding
in response to the Navy's petition and proposed removing the island
night lizard from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife (78 FR 7908). Threats to this species have been largely
ameliorated and all remaining potential threats are currently managed
by the Navy and NPS, with the exception of climate change, which is
difficult to predict. Therefore, we have determined in this final rule
that the island night lizard no longer meets the definitions of
threatened or endangered under the Act. This final rule removes the
island night lizard from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened
Basis for the Regulatory Action. Under the Act, a species may be
determined to be an endangered species or threatened species because of
any of five factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence. We must consider the same factors in
delisting a species. We may delist a species if the best scientific and
commercial data indicate the species is neither threatened nor
endangered for one or more of the following reasons: (1) The species is
extinct; (2) the species has recovered and is no longer threatened or
endangered; or (3) the original scientific data used at the time the
species was classified were in error.
Threats to the island night lizard at the time of listing included
destruction of habitat by feral goats and pigs, predation, and the
introduction of nonnatives throughout the species' range. We reviewed
all available scientific and commercial information pertaining to the
five threat factors in our status review of the island night lizard.
The results of our status review are summarized below.
We consider the island night lizard to be ``recovered''
because all substantial threats to the lizard have been ameliorated.
All remaining potential threats to the species and its
habitat, with the exception of climate change, are currently managed
through implementation of management plans.
While we recognize that results from climate change such
as rising air temperatures, lower rainfall amounts, and rising sea
level are important issues with potential effects to the island night
lizard and its habitat, the best available information does not
indicate that potential changes in temperature, precipitation patterns,
and rising sea levels would significantly impact the island night
lizard or its habitat nor rise to the magnitude or severity such that
the species would be likely to become an endangered species within the
foreseeable future. We expect that the lizard's susceptibility to
climate change is somewhat reduced by its ability to use varying
habitat types and by its broad generalist diet; therefore, we do not
consider climate change to be a substantial threat to the species at
this time.
We find that delisting the island night lizard is
warranted and are removing this taxon from the Federal
[[Page 18191]]
List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
We have also prepared a final post-delisting monitoring
plan to monitor the island night lizard after delisting to verify that
the species remains secure.
Acronyms Used
We use several acronyms throughout the preamble to this rule. To
assist the reader, we set them forth here:
BMP = best management practices
DPS = Distinct Population Segment
FMP = Fire Management Plan
INLMA = Island Night Lizard Management Area
INRMP = Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan
MSRP = Montrose Settlements Restoration Program
Navy = United States Department of the Navy
NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act (Federal)
NPS = National Park Service
OMB = Office of Management and Budget
PDM = post-delisting monitoring
PRBO = Point Reyes Bird Observatory
Service = United States Fish and Wildlife Service
This is a final rule to remove the island night lizard from the
Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. It is our intent to
discuss in this final rule only those topics directly relevant to the
removal of the island night lizard from the Federal List of Endangered
and Threatened Wildlife.
Previous Federal Actions
Please refer to the proposed rule to delist the island night lizard
(78 FR 7908; February 4, 2013) for a detailed description of previous
Federal actions concerning this species. This document is our final
rule to remove the island night lizard from the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
Changes From Proposed Rule
(1) We inadvertently labeled a header in Table 1 as ``Estimated
Population (million).'' We corrected Table 1 (see below) to reflect the
populations on San Nicolas and Santa Barbara islands numbering in the
thousands and not millions.
Table 1--Island Size, Amount of Habitat, and Population Size of the Island Night Lizard
Amount of high-quality
Island Size habitat* Estimated population
San Clemente....................... 37,200 ac............. 19,640 ac............. 21.3 million.
(15,054 ha)........... (7,948 ha)............
San Nicolas**...................... 14,230 ac............. 11.8 ac............... 15,300.
(5,698 ha)............ (4.8 ha)..............
Santa Barbara...................... 640 ac................ 25.9 ac............... 17,599.
(259 ha).............. (10.5 ha).............
* High-quality habitat (Lycium californicum and Opuntia spp.).
** Amount of habitat includes cobble and driftwood habitat unique to San Nicolas Island.
(2) In the proposed rule (78 FR 7908, 7914), we stated that it was
unknown whether the mixed-shrub habitat on San Nicolas Island supported
a self-sustaining population of lizards. Through comments received by
peer reviewers, we correct that statement to reflect that the mixed-
shrub habitat on San Nicolas Island does support a self-sustaining
population of island night lizards.
(3) In the proposed rule (78 FR 7908, 7911), we stated that in
October 2006 following a very rainy winter on San Clemente Island (9.65
in (245 mm) of rainfall), surveys revealed 45 of the 127 lizards
captured (35 percent) were yearlings (in the first year of life). This
information is incorrect. First, the survey took place in February 2006
after a very rainy July and August, and 15 of the 84 lizards captured
(17.9 percent) were neonates (in the first year of life). Second,
lizards identified as yearlings are in the second year of life. These
corrections are represented below (see Biology and Life History section
(4) We inadvertently left the following three references off the
List of References Cited in the proposed rule: Dunkle 1950, Schwartz
1994, and USGS 2001. These are incorporated into this final rule's List
of References Cited.
Species Information
The following ``Biology and Life History'' and ``Distribution and
Habitat'' sections contain information updated from that presented in
the proposed rule to remove the island night lizard from the Federal
List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, which published in the
Federal Register on February 4, 2013 (78 FR 7908). A thorough
discussion on the species description, population density, and
abundance is also found in the proposed rule (78 FR 7908).
Biology and Life History
The island night lizard is a slow-growing, late-maturing, and long-
lived lizard (Goldberg and Bezy 1974, pp. 355-358; Fellers and Drost
1991, pp. 36-42). Island night lizards can live 10 years or more, with
some individuals estimated to be 30 years of age (Fellers and Drost
1991, p. 38; Mautz 1993, p. 420; Fellers et al. 1998, p. 25).
Members of the genus Xantusia are primarily active during the day
(Bezy 1988, p. 8); however, they are highly sedentary and tend to
remain under shelter such as dense vegetation or rocks (Fellers and
Drost 1991, pp. 50, 55; Mautz 1993, p. 419). Sheltered areas provide
suitable cover to protect the species from predation and allow
sufficient amounts of sunlight to penetrate to the ground, providing a
range of temperatures for thermal regulation (regulation of body
temperature) (Mautz 2001a, pp. 9-12).
Island night lizards are viviparous (bear live young) and reach
sexual maturity at approximately 3 to 4 years of age (Goldberg and Bezy
1974, p. 355; Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 40). Breeding begins around
March or April, and single broods of young are born around September
(Goldberg and Bezy 1974, p. 353). Females demonstrate irregular
intervals between reproductive cycles, but appear to approach a
biennial cycle (approximately half of sexually mature females reproduce
in any given year) (Goldberg and Bezy 1974, p. 358). The island night
lizard is unique within the genus Xantusia for having a brood size
greater than two (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 59); however, brood size
differs among each of the islands where the species occurs, with
females on San Nicolas Island averaging 5.3 young per brood, and
females on both San Clemente and Santa Barbara Islands averaging 3.9
young per brood (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 60).
Based on multiple years of surveys on San Clemente Island, neonate
(young of the year) island night lizards on average comprise about 25
percent of the
[[Page 18192]]
population (Mautz 1993, p. 422); however, this percentage may be an
overestimate as adult lizards are largely inactive in the fall and
winter months and neonates are more active during these months (Fellers
and Drost 1991, p. 48). Additionally, this percentage may be lower
during periods of drought. Between August 2003 and July 2004, only 1.65
in (42 mm) of rain fell on San Clemente Island (Mautz 2005, p. 5).
Surveys conducted in 2004 during the first part of the birthing season
(early September) revealed neonate lizards comprised only 14 of the 199
lizards captured (approximately 7 percent) (Mautz 2005, p. 5). In
contrast, surveys conducted in February 2006 following a very rainy
August and July on San Clemente Island (9.65 in (245 mm) of rainfall)
revealed 15 of the 84 lizards (17.9 percent of those captured) were
neonates (Mautz 2007, pp. 29-30). The increase in the percentage of
neonates between dry and wet years may be representative of the
species' reproductive response to annual variations in rainfall and
food abundance.
Island night lizards are omnivorous, with a diet primarily
consisting of insects and plant matter (Knowlton 1949, p. 45;
Brattstrom 1952, pp. 168-171; Mautz 1993, p. 417). Analyses of stomach
and digestive tract contents of 24 lizards collected from San Clemente
Island in 1948 revealed an omnivorous diet consisting of insects
(including species of Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and
Hymenoptera); grass, sedge, seeds, and fruits; lizard skin; and the
remains of what appeared to be juvenile mice (Knowlton 1949, p. 45). In
15 of the 24 specimens, plant material constituted at least 50 percent
of the total food identified in the stomach contents (Knowlton 1949, p.
46). A more detailed analysis of numerous species of Xantusia,
including specimens of the island night lizard from San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands, was conducted by Brattstrom (1952,
p. 3). Based on samples of the stomach and intestinal contents,
Brattstrom (1952, p. 172) determined that the island night lizard eats
the widest variety of foods of any of the species of the Genus Xantusia
included in the research. Although all age groups will eat both plant
and animal material, younger lizards consume a greater amount of animal
prey in their diet than older lizards (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 56).
Plant material found in the stomach or fecal samples of island night
lizards included Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (crystalline iceplant);
the fruits, flowers, and leaves of Lycium californicum (California
boxthorn); and the fruits of Atriplex semibaccata (Australian saltbush)
(Fellers and Drost 1991, pp. 55-56).
Distribution and Habitat
The island night lizard is endemic to three Channel Islands (San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara) located off the southern
California coast (Goldberg and Bezy 1974, pp. 355-358; Fellers and
Drost 1991, p. 28) and a small islet (Sutil Island) located just
southwest of Santa Barbara Island (Bezy et al. 1980, p. 579). San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands vary in size, and the
amount of suitable habitat available for the island night lizard (see
Table 1 above under Changes from Proposed Rule section above, which
highlights the lizard's estimated population size for each island in
relation to each island's size and the available habitat present).
Different surveys and descriptions of the vegetation types on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands have referred to the
habitat supporting island night lizards under various names and
descriptions. Although referred to by numerous names and descriptions,
two vegetation types identified by Sawyer et al. (2009) support most of
the known dominant plant taxa associated with the lizard. The two
vegetation types are Coast prickly pear scrub and Lycium californicum
Provisional Shrubland Alliance. In Coast prickly pear scrub, cacti such
as Opuntia littoralis (coastal prickly pear), Opuntia oricola
(chaparral prickly pear), and Cylindropuntia prolifera (coast cholla)
are dominant or codominant among the shrub canopy (Sawyer et al. 2009,
pp. 599-601).
Cylindropuntia prolifera is referred to by its older Latin name,
Opuntia prolifera, in numerous references cited in this document (for
example, Fellers and Drost 1991, pp. 34, 68; Mautz 2001a, p. 17; Navy
2002, p. 3.54). While we recognize that C. prolifera is the currently
accepted name of this species and is used in discussions that reference
current literature in this document (for example, Sawyer et al. 2009
and NPS in litt. 2011b), we will use the older name of O. prolifera
only when referencing previous literature. Lycium californicum
Provisional Shrubland Alliance is characterized by the prevalence of L.
californicum (Sawyer et al. 2009, p. 588). To eliminate any confusion,
we will refer to the vegetation types that comprise high-quality
habitat and support high island night lizard densities as L.
californicum and Opuntia spp. habitats.
Surveys conducted on the islands occupied by the island night
lizard indicate strong habitat preferences for Lycium californicum and
Opuntia spp. habitats (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 34; Schwemm 1996, pp.
3-4; Mautz 2001a, p. 23; Mautz 2004, p. 18). These habitats are
considered high-quality because they offer suitable cover to protect
the species from predation and allow sufficient amounts of sunlight to
penetrate to the ground, which provides a thermal mosaic for thermal
regulation (Mautz 2001a, pp. 9-11, 17-18). Island night lizards are
also known to occupy grasslands, Coreopsis gigantea stands, mixed-shrub
communities, and rocky outcrops across all islands, as well as a unique
cobble and driftwood habitat found only on San Nicolas Island (Fellers
and Drost 1991, p. 34; Schwemm 1996, pp. 3-4; Fellers et al. 1998, p.
9; Mautz 2001a, p. 23; Mautz 2004, p. 18). Loose rocks or crevices in
clay soils are also important habitat components within island night
lizard habitat (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 53; Mautz 2001a, p. 17).
Mautz (2001a, pp. 17-18) suggested that vegetation community
characteristics, such as habitat structure, may be as important to
island night lizard habitat as plant species composition. This
assertion is corroborated by Fellers et al. (1998, p. 16), who
concluded that plywood debris, which serves as cover in grasslands with
scattered Haplopappus (haplopappus) (now known as Isocoma menziesii
(Menzies goldenbush)), and few to no other shrub species, was a factor
that contributed to high densities of lizards at sampling sites on San
Nicolas Island.
In addition to natural cover, artificial cover created by human
presence on San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands is
also utilized by island night lizards, thereby enabling them to persist
in areas of otherwise unsuitable habitat. During surveys for the
species on San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, lizards were routinely
found under pieces of plywood discarded by Navy personnel (Fellers et
al. 1998, p. 18). The presence of these boards, some of which may have
been in place for a decade or more, provided an opportunity for
researchers to assess longevity of the species because some specific
lizards were recorded (captured and recaptured) over long intervals of
time (Fellers et al. 1998, p. 7). Underlying soils may also indicate
whether an area supports lizards. Extensive trapping conducted on San
Nicolas Island determined that loose sand substrates are unsuitable for
the species (Fellers et al. 1998, pp. 11-17).
[[Page 18193]]
Very little information exists concerning the vegetative communities on
Sutil Island.
San Clemente Island
San Clemente Island supports approximately 19,640 acres (ac) (7,948
hectares (ha)) of high-quality island night lizard habitat distributed
primarily along the western marine terraces (Navy 2002, p. 3.54). There
are approximately 13,791 ac (5,581 ha) of Opuntia spp. habitat and
5,849 ac (2,367 ha) of Lycium californicum habitat (Service 1997, p. 6;
Navy 2002, p. 3.54). From 1992 to 2008, a long-term trend analysis was
conducted, which indicated no clear trend in habitats dominated by
Opuntia spp. or L. californicum on San Clemente Island (Tierra Data
Inc. 2010, pp. 48-67). However, there was an approximate 6 percent
reduction in percent cover of L. californicum and 10 percent reduction
in percent cover of Opuntia spp. on the island over this timeframe
(Tierra Data Inc. 2010, pp. 48-67). This observed decrease in percent
cover was likely due to high rainfall amounts experienced in the
baseline years from 1991 to 1993, in comparison to lower rainfall
amounts in subsequent years (Tierra Data Inc. 2010, p. 125).
Low- to moderate-quality island night lizard habitat consisting of
Artemisia spp. (sagebrush), Eriogonum spp. (buckwheat), Deinandra
clementina (as Hemizonia clementina) (Catalina tarweed), as well as
Lycium californicum and Opuntia spp., occupies approximately 386 ac
(156 ha) of the northeastern escarpment of San Clemente Island (Navy
2002, p. 3.65). Low-quality grassland habitat occupies approximately
11,831 ac (4,788 ha) on the central plateau and eastern scarp of the
island (Navy 2002, p. 3.54). Lizards on San Clemente Island have not
been found in closed-canopy canyon or woodland habitats, which do not
allow sufficient amounts of sunlight to penetrate the canopy cover for
thermal regulation, or active sand dunes that do not offer sufficient
cover for the species (Mautz 2001a, pp. 4, 9, 18).
San Nicolas Island
Due to differing surveying techniques, methodologies, and precision
of mapping efforts, the amount of high-quality habitat reported on San
Nicolas Island has varied over time. Based on these various surveys,
little high-quality habitat is known to exist on San Nicolas Island.
Site-specific vegetation transects completed in 1996 failed to locate
Lycium californicum and only once located Opuntia spp. (Chess et al.
1996, pp. 19-46). Fellers et al. (1998, p. 46) conducted an island-wide
analysis of the vegetation on San Nicolas Island, utilizing aerial
photos and limited on-the-ground surveys, and estimated 1.9 ac (0.8 ha)
of high-quality island night lizard habitat and approximately 161 ac
(65 ha) of lower quality mixed-shrub habitat occur on San Nicolas
Island. In 2003, Junak (2003, p. 7) also conducted an island-wide
survey of the vegetation utilizing helicopter flyovers, extensive on-
the-ground surveys, and Global Positioning System receivers and
estimated that approximately 11.2 ac (4.6 ha) of high-quality habitats
were available on the island.
Differences in the amount of high-quality habitat reported may be
attributed to varying surveying methodologies and techniques (e.g.,
comparing acreages of only L. californicum and Opuntia spp. to acreages
of vegetation communities where L. californicum and Opuntia spp. are
dominant among a vegetative community). However, this habitat is
stable, and active restoration efforts (see discussion of Nonnative
Animals under Factor A: The Present or Threatened Destruction,
Modification, or Curtailment of its Habitat or Range below) continue to
improve habitat conditions for the island night lizard on San Nicolas
High-quality habitat occurs primarily on the eastern half of the
island and is patchily distributed among lower quality habitat (Fellers
et al. 1998, pp. 13-14). The lower-quality habitat is a mixed-shrub
community comprised of Isocoma menziesii, Calystegia macrostegia
(island morning-glory), Coreopsis gigantea, Atriplex semibaccata,
Deinandra clementina, Lupinus albifrons (silver lupine), Baccharis
pilularis (coyote brush), and Artemisia spp. (Fellers et al. 1998, pp.
16-17). Island night lizards generally do not inhabit the western half
of San Nicolas Island due to a lack of suitable vegetative or rock
cover. One exception is a 0.6-ac (0.2-ha) area of cobble and driftwood
habitat at Redeye Beach that is just above the intertidal zone on the
northwestern side of the island (Fellers et al. 1998, p. 11). Occupancy
within this small area of cobble and driftwood habitat, which supports
the highest density of lizards on the island, is unique to San Nicolas
Island (Fellers et al. 1998, p. 11).
Santa Barbara Island
Habitat on Santa Barbara Island is limited due to the small size of
the island and the extensive habitat damage that occurred historically
when goats (Capra spp.), sheep (Ovis spp.), and European rabbits
(Oryctolagus cuniculus) were present (Service 1984, pp. 45-46; Fellers
and Drost 1991, p. 70). Similar to San Nicolas Island, the amount of
high-quality habitat reported on Santa Barbara Island has varied over
time due to differing survey methodologies and precision of mapping
efforts. However, this habitat is stable, and active restoration
efforts continue to improve habitat conditions for the island night
lizard on Santa Barbara Island.
Using aerial photographs of the island from 1983 and ground
surveys, Fellers and Drost (1991, p. 68) identified approximately 14.8
ac (6 ha) of high-quality habitat on Santa Barbara Island consisting
only of Lycium californicum, Opuntia spp., or rock outcrops. Low- to
moderate-quality habitat on Santa Barbara Island also contains some
Lycium californicum and Opuntia spp., but is dominated by Coreopsis
gigantea, Eriogonum giganteum var. compactum (Santa Barbara Island
buckwheat), and Constancea nevinii (formerly Eriophyllum nevinii)
(silver-lace) (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 70); these native shrub
communities are patchily distributed in grasslands across a majority of
the island (Halvorson et al. 1988, p. 111).
The NPS is preparing a new preliminary vegetative analysis of Santa
Barbara Island, but it has not been finalized (Rodriguez 2013a, pers.
comm.). Preliminary results from surveys conducted in 2010 by the NPS
indicate an increase in high-quality habitat from the estimate
determined by Fellers and Drost (1991, p. 68), where Lycium
californicum and Opuntia spp. are dominant or codominant among the
vegetation (NPS 2011b, in litt.). Though the report has not been
finalized, results indicate that there are approximately 16.6 ac (6.7
ha) of L. californicum and 9.3 ac (3.8 ha) of Opuntia oricola habitat
where these taxa account for greater than 39 percent of the vegetative
cover (Rodriguez 2012, pers. obs.). A preliminary analysis concerning
Cylindropuntia prolifera, another documented vegetation component of
high-quality island night lizard habitat, is not yet available.
Sutil Island
Little is known about the habitat on Sutil Island. Sutil Island
consists of approximately 13.7 ac (5.5 ha) (Rudolph 2011, pers. obs.),
much of it unbroken bedrock, with some vegetation identified as island
night lizard habitat, such as low shrubs, Lycium californicum, and
rocks and fissures, but these are sparsely distributed (Drost 2011,
pers. obs.). Sutil Island was not known to be occupied at the time the
[[Page 18194]]
island night lizard was listed. In 1978, a survey of Sutil Island was
conducted, and 12 lizards were identified (Wilson 1979, as cited in
Power 1979, p. 8.5). In 1991, Drost (2011, pers. obs.) visited the
island and though there was little habitat that could be turned or
searched, he observed one lizard in a rock crevice. He noted that
though vegetative cover on the island was sparse, there were surface
cracks, fissures, and boulder cover that could provide cover. We have
no surveys for the island night lizard on Sutil Island since 1978.
Because Sutil Island is within close proximity to Santa Barbara Island
(0.4 miles (0.65 kilometers)), has very few to no visitors annually,
and like Santa Barbara Island is managed by the NPS, we will
incorporate Sutil Island in the discussion of Santa Barbara Island for
the remainder of this document.
Recovery and Recovery Plan Implementation
Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to develop and implement
recovery plans for the conservation and survival of endangered and
threatened species unless we determine that such a plan will not
promote the conservation of the species. Under section 4(f)(1)(B)(ii),
recovery plans must, to the maximum extent practicable, include:
``Objective, measurable criteria which, when met, would result in a
determination, in accordance with the provisions of [section 4 of the
Act], that the species be removed from the list.'' However, revisions
to the list (adding, removing, or reclassifying a species) must reflect
determinations made in accordance with sections 4(a)(1) and 4(b) of the
Act. Section 4(a)(1) requires that the Secretary determine whether a
species is endangered or threatened (or not) because of one or more of
five threat factors. Section 4(b) of the Act requires that the
determination be made ``solely on the basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available.'' Therefore, recovery criteria should help
indicate when we would anticipate an analysis of the five threat
factors under section 4(a)(1) would result in a determination that the
species is no longer an endangered species or threatened species
because of any of the five statutory factors.
Thus, while recovery plans provide important guidance to the
Service, States, and other partners on methods of minimizing threats to
listed species and measurable objectives against which to measure
progress towards recovery, they are not regulatory documents and cannot
substitute for the determinations and promulgation of regulations
required under section 4(a)(1) of the Act. A decision to revise the
status of or remove a species from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Plants (50 CFR 17.12) is ultimately based on an analysis of
the best scientific and commercial data then available to determine
whether a species is no longer an endangered species or a threatened
species, regardless of whether that information differs from the
recovery plan.
In 1984, we finalized a recovery plan for the island night lizard
and nine other island species (Endangered and Threatened Species of the
California Channel Islands (Recovery Plan); Service 1984). Given the
threats in common to the 10 species addressed, the Recovery Plan is
broad in scope and focuses on restoration of habitats and ecosystem
function. The Recovery Plan included 6 general objectives for all 10
(1) Identify present adverse impacts to biological resources and
strive to eliminate them.
(2) Protect known resources from further degradation by: (a)
Removing feral herbivores, carnivores, and selected exotic plant
species; (b) controlling unnatural erosion in sensitive locations; and
(c) directing military operations and adverse recreational uses away
from biologically sensitive areas.
(3) Restore habitats by revegetating disturbed areas using native
(4) Identify areas of San Clemente Island where habitat restoration
and population increase of certain addressed taxa may be achieved
through a careful survey of the island and research on habitat
requirements of each taxon.
(5) Delist or upgrade the listing status of those taxa that achieve
vigorous, self-sustaining population levels as the result of habitat
stabilization, restoration, and preventing or minimizing adverse human-
related impacts.
(6) Monitor effectiveness of recovery effort by undertaking
baseline quantitative studies and subsequent followup work (Service
1984, pp. 106-107).
Specific criteria for determining when threats have been removed or
sufficiently minimized for the island night lizard are not identified
in the Recovery Plan (although various actions are identified in the
Recovery Plan that promote the recovery of island night lizard and
described further in the Recovery section of the proposed rule).
Following are a summary of actions and activities that have been
implemented according to the Recovery Plan (Service 1984, pp. 106-107)
and that contribute to achieving the six recovery objectives.
Objective 1: Identify Present Adverse Impacts to Biological Resources
and Strive To Eliminate Them
Actions taken by the Navy and NPS supporting the achievement of
this objective include: Education and outreach; development and
implementation of management plans to identify, minimize, and address
threats; management, control, and elimination of nonnative predators,
herbivores, and invasive plants; consultation and coordination with the
Service; and control of erosion. These actions are discussed briefly
below and in greater detail in the five-factor analysis.
The Navy has taken steps to eliminate incidental impacts to the
island night lizard by educating all Navy personnel stationed on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands. All Navy personnel receive handouts,
pamphlets, or posters presenting information on the distribution,
threats, and management responsibilities of sensitive resources, such
as federally threatened and endangered species, including the island
night lizard. The NPS has also taken steps to eliminate incidental
impacts to the lizard by educating all visitors to Santa Barbara Island
(including Sutil Island). Brochures discussing the island's unique
wildlife, including the island night lizard, as well as maps of
designated trails that all visitors must use to decrease disturbance to
wildlife and lessen damage to resources, are available to all visitors
of the island at the visitors' center or online at the Channel Islands
National Park's Web site (https://www.nps.gov/chis/index.htm).
The Recovery Plan also recommends that existing laws and
regulations be used to protect candidate, threatened, and endangered
species, including the island night lizard. Based on the occurrences of
this species on federally owned land, the primary laws with potential
to protect the island night lizard include the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), the Sikes Act Improvement Act, the NPS Organic Act,
the Federal Noxious Weed Act, and the Soil Conservation and Domestic
Allotment Act, in addition to the Act. Since listing of the island
night lizard under the Act in 1977, the Navy and NPS have had a history
of consultation and coordination with the Service regarding the effects
of various activities on the island night lizard on San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands.
NEPA requires Federal action agencies to integrate environmental
values into their decisionmaking processes by considering the
[[Page 18195]]
environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable
alternatives to those actions. Since its enactment in 1970, the Navy
has implemented NEPA for actions on San Clemente and San Nicolas
Islands, and the NPS has implemented NEPA for actions on Santa Barbara
Island (including Sutil Island).
The Sikes Act (16 U.S.C. 670) authorizes the Secretary of Defense
to develop cooperative plans with the Secretaries of Agriculture and
the Interior for natural resources on public lands (see Sikes Act
Improvement Act section under Factor D. Inadequacy of Existing
Regulatory Mechanisms below for further discussion). Pursuant to the
Sikes Act Improvement Act of 1997, the Navy developed integrated
natural resources management plans (INRMPs) for San Clemente Island in
2002 and San Nicolas Island in 2010 that help guide the management and
protection of each island's natural resources (Navy 2002; Navy 2010).
INRMPs incorporate, to the maximum extent practicable, ecosystem
management principles and provide the landscape necessary to sustain
military land uses. Each INRMP includes specific management actions and
objectives to address the Recovery Plan task of incorporating recovery
actions into existing management plans (see Factor D below). Through
these mechanisms, the Navy is required to identify and address all
threats to federally listed species during the INRMP planning process.
If possible, threats are ameliorated, eliminated, or mitigated through
this procedure. The Navy strives to fulfill this objective through both
internal planning (INRMP) and compliance with Federal law
(consultations with the Service under the Act and preparing
environmental review documents under NEPA). The actions taken by the
Navy under the INRMPs have not completely eliminated all adverse
impacts, but many threats to island night lizards have been greatly
reduced. These contributions to the elimination of adverse impacts
fulfill a majority of this Recovery Plan objective with respect to the
island night lizard.
Objective 2: Protect Known Resources From Further Degradation by: (a)
Removing Feral Herbivores, Carnivores, and Selected Exotic Plant
Species; (b) Controlling Unnatural Erosion in Sensitive Locations; and
(c) Directing Military Operations and Adverse Recreational Uses Away
From Biologically Sensitive Areas
In 1992, the Navy fulfilled a major part of this objective by
removing the last of the feral goats and pigs from San Clemente Island.
Currently, the Navy has an ongoing predator control program to trap and
remove feral cats and rats from San Clemente Island. From 2009 to 2010,
projects funded by the Montrose Settlements Restoration Program (MSRP)
and conducted by the Navy removed all feral cats from San Nicolas
Island. In 1981, the last of the European rabbits (a nonnative
herbivore) were removed from Santa Barbara Island. These actions to
remove predators and nonnative herbivores, or develop removal programs
for potential predators, have fulfilled this component of objective 2
in the Recovery Plan to remove feral and nonnative animals.
Additionally, the Navy on both San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, in
accordance with the Federal Noxious Weed Act and through implementation
of the Navy's INRMPs, conducts actions to reduce or eliminate all
transport of nonnative plants to each island, and has facilitated
programs to remove nonnative taxa that currently occur on the islands.
On Santa Barbara Island, the NPS implements policies and management
activities (in accordance with the Organic Act) that restrict all
nonnative plant species from the island. Additionally, in partnership
with the MSRP, nonnative plant removal is currently occurring on Santa
Barbara Island. The NPS has also developed a Draft General Management
Plan emphasizing the eradication of all nonnative plants from Santa
Barbara Island (NPS 2013, pp. 50, 83). These actions to control
nonnative plants on all islands occupied by the island night lizard
have fulfilled most of this component of objective 2 in the Recovery
Plan to remove exotic plant species.
The Navy is also taking steps to minimize the effects of erosion on
San Clemente Island. Erosion control measures are being incorporated
into project designs to minimize the potential to exacerbate existing
erosion (O'Connor 2009, pers. comm.). Along with the Navy's planned
expansion of its military operational areas, the Navy developed an
erosion control plan that minimizes impacts of soil erosion and
sedimentation on threatened and endangered species and their habitat
(Navy 2013b pp. 5-6). The Erosion Control Plan includes development and
application of best management practices (BMPs) to minimize impacts to
sensitive resources, including the island night lizard and its habitat;
addresses military operations and site-specific erosion control
recommendations for areas potentially affected by military operations;
provides guidelines for restriction of vehicle maneuvering when soils
are wet, operator education, vegetation management, fire management,
and methods for gully prevention and restoration; and includes an
adaptive management and monitoring plan to assess the BMPs to minimize
and prevent soil erosion (Navy 2013b, pp. 35-54, 113-122). On San
Nicolas Island the Navy incorporates BMPs for erosion and sedimentation
controls during construction and maintenance activities as well as to
protect natural resources (Navy 2010, pp. 4.6-4.12). These actions
taken by the Navy to reduce the threat of erosion on the island
contribute to the achievement of this objective.
Through implementation of INRMPs on San Clemente and San Nicolas
Islands, the Navy conducts measures to avoid areas with highly erodible
soils. Additionally, San Clemente has a nursery to grow native island
plants, which are then used to assist in erosion control of disturbed
sites. San Nicolas Island has developed a nursery for similar erosion
control measures. On Santa Barbara Island, NPS requires the active
preservation of soil resources and the avoidance or minimization of
impacts to soil. These actions to prevent erosion fulfill this
component of objective 2 of the Recovery Plan.
As recommended through consultation with the Service (Service
1997), the Navy established the Island Night Lizard Management Area
(INLMA), which is avoided to the maximum extent practicable, to assist
with the recovery of the island night lizard and its habitat.
Additionally, through implementation of INRMPs on both San Clemente and
San Nicolas Islands, the Navy defines and marks work areas to prevent
lizard mortality. The NPS has designated trails on Santa Barbara Island
to allow visitors to view the island's ecosystems without being
obtrusive or destructive to the natural resources, including island
night lizard habitat. These actions to avoid biologically sensitive
areas fulfill Recovery Plan Objective 2 with respect to the island
night lizard.
Objective 3: Restore Habitats by Revegetating Disturbed Areas Using
Native Species
To restore the structure and function of native island ecosystems,
the Navy, through implementation of its INRMP on San Clemente Island,
has developed the Native Habitat Restoration Program and constructed a
native plant nursery where plants, including species that provide a
benefit to island night lizard habitat, are grown from seed and stem
and root cuttings, and outplanted
[[Page 18196]]
annually. In 2012, the Navy on San Nicolas Island completed development
of a nursery and to date has outplanted approximately 1,300 plants to
the island, some of which provide a benefit to the island night lizard.
Additionally, projects funded by the MSRP currently grow native plant
species in a nursery on Santa Barbara Island to support island night
lizard restoration projects. To date, approximately 19,500 native
plants, some providing a benefit to the island night lizard, have been
restored to Santa Barbara Island. The NPS has also developed a Draft
General Management Plan to clearly define and direct resource
preservation, including restoration of natural ecosystems, their native
habitat, and processes on Santa Barbara Island. These actions to
restore habitat by revegetation fulfill the objective as stated in the
Recovery Plan.
Objective 4: Identify Areas of San Clemente Island Where Habitat
Restoration and Population Increase of Certain Addressed Taxa May Be
Achieved Through a Careful Survey of the Island and Research on Habitat
Requirements of Each Taxon
Since listing, research on the life history and biology of the
island night lizard has been ongoing on San Clemente Island. Research
has determined the island night lizard's distribution and density in
various habitats on San Clemente Island (Mautz 1993; Mautz 2001a).
Additionally, the Navy through consultation with the Service developed
the INLMA to conserve the largest area of high-quality habitat with the
highest densities of island night lizards. The Navy currently avoids
and minimizes impacts to the lizard for any projects or training
activities proposed in this area through consultation with the Service.
Thus, these actions completely fulfill the objective as stated in the
Recovery Plan.
Objective 5: Delist or Upgrade the Listing Status of Those Taxa That
Achieve Vigorous, Self-Sustaining Population Levels as the Result of
Habitat Stabilization, Restoration, and Preventing or Minimizing
Adverse Human-Related Impacts
Since listing, threats to the island night lizard have been largely
ameliorated, including removal of all nonnative herbivores from San
Clemente and Santa Barbara Islands and removal of feral cats from San
Nicolas Island. Given that habitat types that are strongly associated
with island night lizards appear to be increasing slowly through
natural recovery and restoration projects, as well as the amelioration
of all substantial threats to the island night lizard, the populations
on the three islands appear to be stable. Remaining threats, such as
nonnative plants, land use and development, fire, and erosion, are
potentially of concern, but are actively managed through implementation
of management plans and measures described in the Navy's INRMPs and
NPS's management policies and active management plans. We consider the
populations of the island night lizard to be stable and improving.
Thus, the objective to improve the status of the island night lizard to
the point it can be delisted has been fully met.
Objective 6: Monitor Effectiveness of Recovery Effort by Undertaking
Baseline Quantitative Studies and Subsequent Followup Work.
Since listing and publication of the Recovery Plan, island night
lizard monitoring has been conducted on San Clemente Island, with one
assessment of the population estimated at approximately 21.3 million
island night lizards in 2001. High densities of island night lizards
were determined to be strongly corresponded to certain habitats.
Although no subsequent population assessments have occurred since 2001,
ongoing monitoring to assess individual body condition and neonate-to-
juvenile ratios indicates the density of island night lizards still
strongly corresponds to certain habitats. Assessments of the extent and
quality of those habitats have been conducted more recently, as
discussed below in more detail.
San Clemente Island supports the largest amount of high-quality
island night lizard habitat. Monitoring from 1992 to 2008 has shown
fluctuating short-term trends, but no clear long-term trend, in Opuntia
spp. or Lycium californicum habitats on San Clemente Island (Tierra
Data Inc. 2010, pp. 48-67). There was an approximate 6 percent
reduction in percent cover of L. californicum and 10 percent reduction
in percent cover of Opuntia spp. habitats on the island (Tierra Data
Inc. 2010, pp. 48-67). However, this decreasing trend in percent cover
may be explained by changing rainfall patterns measured during this
time interval. Higher rainfall amounts occurred from 1991 to 1993, when
baseline data for percent cover was first collected. However, in
subsequent years, lower rainfall amounts were reported and may
therefore be responsible for the decrease in percent cover that was
reported during this period (Tierra Data Inc. 2010, p. 125).
While research has not indicated how this reduction in cover
affects the island night lizard population, monitoring of the island
night lizard population indicates the species remains abundant in
suitable habitat. We expect continued monitoring on San Clemente
Island, including that associated with ongoing and proposed habitat
restoration projects, to show island night lizard populations remaining
stable or increasing on the island. These monitoring efforts fulfill
the objective as stated in the Recovery Plan.
On San Nicolas Island, researchers conducted one assessment of the
island night lizard's population in 1998, resulting in an estimated
15,300 lizards, and two assessments of the vegetation associated with
high densities of island night lizards. The first vegetation assessment
was conducted in 1998 by Fellers et al. (1998). A second vegetation
assessment was conducted in 2003 by Junak (2003, p. 7), which indicated
an increase in high-quality Opuntia spp. and L. californicum habitats
from 1.9 ac (0.8 ha) in 1998 to 11.2 ac (4.6 ha). This increase was
probably due to more current data and better mapping technology.
Monitoring of lizards on San Nicolas Island will be conducted every 5
years by the U.S. Geological Survey in connection with proposed habitat
restoration projects (Navy 2010, p. 4.55). We expect island night
lizard populations to remain stable or increase in number on the island
because this species' population is strongly correlated with abundance
of habitat, and current information indicates that the habitat is
stable and possibly increasing. Additionally, the Navy is restoring
native habitat that can support island night lizards. These monitoring
efforts fulfill the objective as stated in the Recovery Plan.
On Santa Barbara Island, there has been one assessment of the
island night lizard population in 1991, resulting in an estimated
17,599 lizards, and two assessments of the amount of high-quality
habitat consisting of Opuntia spp. and Lycium californicum. The first
habitat assessment was conducted from an examination of aerial
photographs from 1983 and indicated a total of 14.8 ac (6.0 ha) of L.
californicum and Opuntia spp. habitats in which these species comprised
100 percent of the vegetation (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 31). A more
recent preliminary draft assessment indicates that approximately 16.6
ac (6.7 ha) of L. californicum and 9.3 ac (3.8 ha) of O. oricola
habitats exist in which these species are dominant and comprise greater
than 39 percent of the vegetative cover (Rodriguez 2012, pers. obs.).
However, this more recent draft assessment has yet to be finalized
(Rodriguez 2013a, pers. obs.).
[[Page 18197]]
Additionally, pursuant to the MSRP, the NPS continues to restore native
habitat on Santa Barbara Island, including species that provide
moderate-quality habitat for the island night lizard. Therefore, we
expect the island night lizard population to remain stable or increase
on Santa Barbara Island. These monitoring actions fulfill this
objective as stated in the Recovery Plan.
Summary of Recovery Plan Implementation
In summary, while the Recovery Plan does not include taxon-specific
downlisting or delisting criteria for the island night lizard, many of
the actions identified in the Recovery Plan have been implemented to
benefit the lizard. With the exception of a few recommended recovery
actions that are still ongoing, nearly all recovery objectives have
been fulfilled through research and monitoring efforts on all occupied
islands and implementation of the Navy's INRMPs on San Clemente and San
Nicolas Islands and NPS's management policies on Santa Barbara Island.
Most significantly, the Navy removed feral goats and pigs from San
Clemente Island in 1992. There are currently a number of programs in
place to improve habitat suitability, prevent introduction of nonnative
species, guide and track management efforts, and protect occurrences of
the island night lizard. We investigated other potential threats (see
Summary of Factors Affecting the Species below for further information
on other potential threats) to the lizard and concluded that they do
not pose significant impacts. As a result of the management actions
conducted by the Navy and NPS, substantial threats have been
ameliorated throughout the species' range, and the majority of
objectives discussed in the Recovery Plan are fulfilled.
Based on our review of the Recovery Plan, we conclude that the
status of the island night lizard has improved due to past and current
activities being implemented by the Navy and NPS, and the objectives of
the Recovery Plan have been met. The effects of these activities on the
status of island night lizard are discussed in further detail below.
Summary of Comments and Recommendations
In the proposed rule published on February 4, 2013 (78 FR 7908), we
requested that all interested parties submit written comments on the
proposal by April 5, 2013. We also contacted appropriate Federal and
State agencies, scientific experts and organizations, and other
interested parties and invited them to comment on the proposal.
Newspaper notices inviting general public comment were published in the
Ventura County Star on February 11, 2013. We did not receive any
requests for a public hearing.
During the comment period for the proposed rule, we received six
comment letters (two from the public and four from peer reviewers)
directly addressing the proposed removal of the island night lizard
from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. All
substantive information provided during the comment period has either
been incorporated directly into this final determination or addressed
Peer Review
In accordance with our peer review policy published on July 1, 1994
(59 FR 34270), we solicited expert opinion from five knowledgeable
individuals with scientific expertise that included familiarity with
the island night lizard and its habitat, biological needs, recovery
efforts, and threats. We received responses from four of the peer
We reviewed all peer reviewer comments received for substantive
issues and new information regarding the island night lizard. Comments
included general technical and grammatical corrections, and specific
concerns relating to the island night lizard, its habitat, or current
management efforts. The peer reviewer and public comments are addressed
in the following summary and incorporated into this final rule as
Peer Reviewer Comments
Comment (1): One peer reviewer stated that the island night lizard
populations from each island should be identified as DPSs based on the
following: (a) Even though the island night lizard was listed at the
``species level,'' each of the three populations are geographically
separated by miles of open sea and do not interbreed when mature, which
is part of the requirement that defines a species under the Act; (b)
recent (Common and Current Scientific Names of North American
Amphibians, Turtles, Reptiles, & Crocodilians, Sixth Edition, 2009) and
previous literature (Smith 1946, Cope 1883) identify the San Clemente
and San Nicolas Island lizards as separate subspecies; and (c) evidence
presented from an allozyme/karyotyping study (Bezy 1980) suggests that
the three populations are each distinctive and have been separated
without gene flow for at least 500,000 years, with the greatest
standing variation in both allelic diversity and color pattern (a
phenotypic marker) of the three populations being found in the San
Nicolas population. Additionally, the peer reviewer noted that San
Nicolas Island specifically should not be delisted due to the lack of
suitable habitat and small population size in comparison to the size of
the island, and if there is no option for the Service to designate San
Nicolas Island as a DPS, then the island night lizard should remain a
listed species throughout its range.
Our Response: Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations
(50 CFR part 424) set forth the procedures for listing species,
reclassifying species, or removing species from listed status.
``Species'' is defined by the Act as including any species or
subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants, and any DPS of fish or
wildlife that interbreeds when mature (16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). The island
night lizard was federally listed at the ``species'' level (42 FR
40682, August 11, 1977) throughout its range. As discussed in our 90-
day finding (71 FR 48900, August 22, 2006), the Navy's 2004 petition
requested that we delist the island night lizard on San Clemente Island
and San Nicolas Island as distinct population segments. We indicated in
that finding that we would consider information as to whether island
night lizard populations qualify as distinct population segments in our
12-month finding. Both our 2012 5-year review and our 12-month finding
indicate that further consideration of the DPS status is not addressed
due to our recommendation that the species be delisted throughout its
entire range due to the amelioration of substantial threats and current
management of potential threats to the species and its habitat (Service
2012a, pp. 5, 44; Service 2013; 78 FR at 7910). Accordingly, we assert
that the island night lizard be removed from the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and not reclassified as three
separate DPSs. With regard to the peer reviewer's request that the
island night lizard on San Nicolas Island not be delisted, we have
reviewed the status of the island night lizard on San Nicolas Island.
Although the island supports the lowest numbers of lizards and
percentage of suitable habitat in comparison to the island's size,
threats have been ameliorated or are currently managed such that the
species no longer meets the definition of threatened or endangered.
Comment (2): One peer reviewer noted that the use of habitat as a
surrogate for a determination of lizard population health is inadequate
until at least one additional direct population assessment is completed
for each island
[[Page 18198]]
to test the validity of habitat as a surrogate.
Our Response: We use the best scientific and commercial information
available in the decision-making process. In many cases, the biology of
the listed species makes it difficult to detect or monitor individuals,
and, in those situations, evaluating a surrogate such as habitat is the
most reasonable and meaningful measure of assessing listed species. For
the island night lizard, the best available scientific information
indicates that it is strongly correlated with vegetation dominated by
the presence of Lycium californicum and Opuntia subsp. habitats (high-
quality habitats) (see Distribution and Habitat above). Additionally,
this species is sedentary and reclusive, and it is difficult to survey
in those high-quality habitats without destroying the habitat.
Currently, the best scientific information available indicates that
island night lizards within these high-quality habitats number in the
millions on San Clemente Island and tens of thousands on San Nicolas
and Santa Barbara Islands (see Population Density and Abundance in the
proposed rule (78 FR 7908)). Considering all these factors, we contend
that the use of high-quality habitat as a surrogate for island night
lizard population health is appropriate.
Comment (3): Three peer reviewers pointed out that the header
``Estimated Population (millions)'' in Table 1 of the proposed rule is
incorrect as the populations on San Nicolas and Santa Barbara islands
exist only in the thousands.
Our Response: We appreciate the peer reviewers' recommendation and
agree that the table mistakenly represents the populations as
``millions.'' This table now reflects the correct population numbers
for each island in Table 1 (see Summary of Changes from Proposed Rule
Comment (4): One peer reviewer suggested that to better compare the
status among the three island populations, a table should be added to
the final rule that displays density of lizards per island size (number
of lizards per total island acre), density of lizards in high-quality
habitat (number of lizards per high-quality habitat acreage), and
percentage of high-quality habitat in comparison to island size.
Our Response: We appreciate the peer reviewer's suggestion;
however, a table is not needed to discuss this information as there is
detailed discussion of these data in the Population Density and
Abundance section of the proposed rule (78 FR 7908), as well as
detailed information identifying the number of acres per island, amount
of high-quality island night lizard habitat per each island, and
estimated island night lizard population on each island in Table 1 (see
Summary of Changes from Proposed Rule above).
Comment (5): One peer reviewer stated that the major threat to
island night lizards on San Nicolas Island is the lack of current
suitable habitat on the island and that this threat has not been
ameliorated. Additionally, although the Navy plans to create a nursery
to assist in the restoration of native habitat, the nursery will not be
a large operation, and, although it will assist in the creation of
additional habitat for the island night lizard, it will not be able to
restore habitat on the island to its historical state.
Our Response: The lack of current suitable habitat is not
considered a substantial threat to the island night lizard on San
Nicolas Island. Since listing, mapping precision and differing survey
methodologies have resulted in different estimates of high-quality
island night lizard habitat (Fellers et al. 1998, p. 46; Junak 2003, p.
7). However, the Service has determined that high-quality island night
lizard habitat is stable and, with habitat restoration, removal of all
nonnative feral grazers, and management efforts and policies to prevent
the reintroduction of nonnative feral grazers, is likely increasing on
San Nicolas Island (Navy 2005, p. 3; Service 2006, p. 12; 78 FR 7908,
p. 7919). The Navy completed development of a nursery and is
propagating native plants to restore native habitat and counter the
negative impacts to the habitat by nonnative feral grazers. These
efforts include growing and outplanting of native vegetation to assist
in erosion management and to improve the quality of habitat on the
island, including that utilized by the island night lizard (Ruane
2013a, pers. comm.; Vartanian 2013, pers. comm.; Hoyer 2013, pers.
comm.). Although San Nicolas Island has the least amount of island
night lizard habitat of the three inhabited islands, the best available
scientific and commercial information indicates that island night
lizard high-quality habitat is slowly recovering (Service 2012a). The
Navy asserts the nursery operation is in its initial stages and,
although there are no immediate plans to expand the nursery, the Navy
does intend to expand the nursery to increase production and
outplanting of native plants, including those plants that comprise low-
to moderate- and high-quality island night lizard habitat in the future
(Vartanian 2013, pers. comm.)
Comment (6): One peer reviewer commented that, throughout the
proposed rule, we state that there has been no change in the amount of
island night lizard habitat on San Clemente Island; however, we also
note a declining trend of approximately 6 percent for L. californicum
and approximately 10 percent for Opuntia ssp. has occurred. The
reviewer stated that this decline is cause for concern because if this
decline in habitat is extrapolated to the island night lizard
population, it results in a decline of 3.4 million lizards on the
island. The reviewer also noted that relating this decline in habitat
to higher rainfall amounts in the baseline year (1992) compared to the
last year (2008) is speculative.
Our Response: We note that the decline in L. californicum and
Opuntia ssp. habitat on San Clemente Island is in percent cover and not
total acreage, and that these surveys were conducted at only 4 sites
for L. californicum and 10 sites for Opuntia ssp.; thus, this observed
trend in percent cover is based on a small sample size that is not
island-wide. We are aware that the island night lizard population of
21.3 million lizards was determined through correlating lizard
densities in these habitats and extrapolating the densities across the
island, but we do not agree with the peer reviewer that a decline in
percent cover of these habitats at a few specific locations would lead
to an overall island-wide loss of 3.4 million lizards because the
correlation of lizard densities was based on quantity of habitat and
not percent cover of habitat. Additionally, annual forb cover is
closely correlated with rainfall, and annual forbs are members of both
L. californicum and Opuntia ssp. habitats on San Clemente Island.
Therefore, we find it reasonable that the higher rainfall reported in
the baseline years (1991-1993) may account for higher percent cover,
compared to lower percent cover observed after conditions of lower
rainfall in 2008. Finally, although not mentioned in the proposed rule,
the long-term assessment also found that there was little to no change
in overall percent frequency of L. californicum and Opuntia ssp.
(Tierra Data 2010, pp. 94-97).
Comment (7): One peer reviewer stated that the Navy should consider
establishing an INLMA on San Nicolas Island to show long-term
commitment to the island night lizard's protection as suggested in the
Recovery Plan.
Our Response: We agree with the peer reviewer's comment and are
suggesting in the post-delisting monitoring plan that the Navy
establish an INLMA on San Nicolas Island in areas containing the
highest densities of island night
[[Page 18199]]
lizards (as recommended in the Recovery Plan (Service 1984, pp. 111,
Comment (8): Two peer reviewers commented that island night lizards
on San Nicolas Island are being collected at one sample site, and that
the entire sampling population at that site has disappeared due to this
collection and should be identified as a threat to the species.
Our Response: We appreciate these peer reviewers' comments and have
incorporated a discussion of this information in this final rule (see
Factor B: Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Educational Purposes).
Comment (9): One peer reviewer noted that there appears to be an
inconsistency in the proposed rule when identifying habitat areas that
harbor the highest densities of island night lizards. Specifically, the
proposed rule states that the highest densities of island night lizards
are found in L. californicum and Opuntia spp. habitats, while the same
statement is made of the cobble and driftwood habitat found on San
Nicolas Island.
Our Response: We modified language in this final rule (see
Distribution and Habitat above) to clarify that, although the majority
of highest densities of island night lizards are found in L.
californicum and Opuntia spp. habitats throughout the species' range, a
small amount of unique habitat on San Nicolas Island made of cobble and
driftwood supports the highest density of island night lizards on that
Comment (10): One peer reviewer noted that mixed-shrub habitat
supports a self-sustaining population of island night lizards on San
Nicolas Island although densities are much lower than in high-quality
Our Response: We appreciate the peer reviewer's correction of this
information and have added a statement in this final rule (see Changes
from the Proposed Rule above) to reflect this change.
Comment (11): One peer reviewer questioned whether erosion control
efforts were being implemented on San Nicolas Island.
Our Response: In response to this comment, we reviewed the Navy's
soils conservation management strategy. The Navy's INRMP states that
the Navy's soils conservation management strategy is to ``. . .
effectively implement best management practices to prevent and control
soil erosion.'' (Navy 2010, p. 4.10). Additionally, as documented
through our communications with Navy personnel (Ruane 2013d, pers.
comm.), they continue to implement best management practices to promote
soil conservation and prevent and control soil erosion. Based on our
review, there is no indication that the Navy is not implementing
actions and best management practices to prevent and control erosion.
Accordingly, we conclude that erosion control efforts are being
implemented on San Nicolas Island and such efforts will continue in the
Comment (12): One peer reviewer noted that, although the southern
alligator lizard is not likely a threat to the island night lizard,
there is no specific research to support the Service's claim that the
southern alligator lizard is not a threat at this time.
Our Response: Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the Act directs that
determinations as to whether any species is an endangered or threatened
species must be made solely on the basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available. We agree with the peer reviewer that no
specific research has been conducted to study the potential effects
that the southern alligator lizard might have on island night lizards.
However, there is also no information to indicate that southern
alligator lizards are a threat to the island night lizard or its
habitat. Therefore, we do not currently consider the southern alligator
lizard a threat to the island night lizard or its habitat.
Public Comments
Comment (13): One commenter stated that the island night lizard
should remain on the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
because of overwhelming threats to the species, such as climate change
(including sea level rise and ocean acidification) and land use and
Our Response: The Service reviews the best scientific and
commercial information available when conducting a threats analysis. In
considering what factors might constitute a threat, we must look beyond
the mere exposure of the species to the factor to determine whether the
exposure causes actual impacts to the species. The mere identification
of factors that could impact a species negatively is not sufficient to
compel a finding that listing (or maintaining a currently listed
species on the Federal Lists of Endangered or Threatened Wildlife or
Plants) is appropriate; we require evidence that these factors are
operative threats that act on the species to the point that the species
meets the definition of endangered or threatened under the Act.
In the proposed rule to delist the island night lizard (78 FR
7908), we reviewed numerous journal articles that examined models of
projected sea level rise by the end of the twenty-first century (Cayan
et al. 2008, p. S62; PRBO 2011, p. 41). Based on this review, available
data do not indicate that a substantial rise in sea level would affect
the island night lizard or its habitat (Service 2013, p. 7926). The
commenter did not provide, nor is there available, information that
suggests that ocean acidification would be a threat to the terrestrial
island night lizard. We also reviewed the current land use and
development practices by the Navy and NPS on all three islands
inhabited by island night lizards. While land use and development is a
concern on Santa Clemente and San Nicolas islands due to Navy activity,
the amount, quality, and distribution of habitat together with
avoidance measures implemented by the Navy reduce the potential impact
to the species (Service 2013, pp. 7921-7922), and we expect this trend
to continue in the future, even with delisting. Land use and
development on Santa Barbara Island is not of concern. We therefore
continue to conclude that land use and development are not substantial
threats to the species.
Comment (14): One commenter noted that although climate change, and
specifically long-lasting droughts, could cause a decline in birth
rates of the island night lizard, the commenter was still in favor of
delisting because of future post-delisting monitoring efforts.
Our Response: The Service appreciates the commenter's concern and
understands the cyclical nature of birth rates depending on annual
rainfall (as described in in the Life History and Biology section of
the proposed rule) (78 FR 7908, 7911). Through post-delisting
monitoring efforts to monitor recruitment, we will be monitoring this
concern and have identified triggers in the post-delisting monitoring
plan to indicate when a decline in birth rates may warrant additional
management efforts to address the concern.
Comment (15): One commenter noted that, although the Navy
petitioned the Service to delist the island night lizard and conducted
most of the studies that have helped support delisting, the studies
were likely unbiased and provided legitimate information for removing
the species from the List.
Our Response: We appreciate the commenter's acknowledgement of the
Navy's work and commitments to island night lizard conservation. The
Navy has worked cooperatively with us to reduce threats (see Summary of
Factors Affecting the Species in the proposed rule (78 FR 7908)) to the
island night lizard on San Clemente and San Nicolas
[[Page 18200]]
islands, and we expect to continue coordinating with them throughout
the post-delisting monitoring process to conduct monitoring efforts as
identified in the Final Post-delisting Monitoring Plan and through
implementation of their INRMPs.
Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR part
424) set forth procedures for listing species, reclassifying species,
or removing species from listed status. ``Species'' is defined by the
Act as including any species or subspecies of fish or wildlife or
plants, and any distinct vertebrate population segment of any species
of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature (16 U.S.C.
1532(16)). A species may be determined to be an endangered or
threatened species because of any one or a combination of the five
factors described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or
threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or
range; (B) overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or human-made
factors affecting its continued existence. A species may be
reclassified on the same basis.
Determining whether the status of a species has improved to the
point that it can be delisted or downlisted requires consideration of
whether the species is endangered or threatened because of the same
five categories of threats specified in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. For
species that are already listed as endangered or threatened, this
analysis of threats is an evaluation of both the threats currently
facing the species and the threats that are reasonably likely to affect
the species in the foreseeable future following the delisting or
downlisting and the removal or reduction of the Act's protections.
A species is an ``endangered species'' for the purposes of the Act
if it is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range, and is a ``threatened species'' if it is likely
to become endangered in the foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range. The word ``range'' in the significant
portion of its range phrase refers to the range in which the species
currently exists at the time of this status review. For the purposes of
this analysis, we first evaluate the status of the species throughout
all its range, then consider whether the species is in danger of
extinction or likely to become so in any significant portion of its
Factor A: The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of its Habitat or Range
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977), the present
or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of habitat or
range was identified as a factor affecting island night lizards on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands. Threats attributed to
this factor included the introduction of nonnative herbivores and the
continuing negative effects of overgrazing on the native vegetation,
including those plants identified as island night lizard habitat (42 FR
at 40683-40684). The introduction of nonnative plant species was also
discussed in the listing rule (42 FR at 40684), although under Factor
E. Since listing, and as identified in the 2006 5-year review of the
island night lizard (Service 2006, pp. 10-24), threats from nonnative
plants, land use or development, and fire also were considered
potential threats to island night lizard habitat and are discussed
under Factor A. The 2012 5-year review and the proposed delisting rule
addressed the potential threat of erosion to island night lizard
habitat or range under Factor A (Service 2012a, pp. 26-27; 78 FR 7908,
7918-7927), and thus it is also included in this discussion.
Additionally, we include discussion on potential impacts of climate
change to habitat under Factor A (as well as Factor E as it relates to
impacts to individuals of the species itself).
Nonnative Animals
At listing, we determined that overgrazing by introduced, nonnative
herbivores was a threat to island night lizard habitat on all occupied
islands throughout the species' range (42 FR 40682, 40683-40684).
Nonnative herbivores were introduced to San Clemente, San Nicolas, and
Santa Barbara Islands during the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s, resulting
in the degradation of island night lizard habitat (42 FR at 40682-
40683; Navy 2002, pp. 3.34-3.35; Navy 2005, p. 7). In both the 2006 and
2012 5-year reviews, as well as the proposed delisting rule, we
reported that all nonnative herbivores had been removed from these
islands (Service 2006, pp. 11-12; Service 2012a, p. 19; 78 FR 7908,
7919). We also concluded in those documents that habitat destruction or
modification from the introduction of nonnative herbivores was no
longer a threat to the species now or likely to become a threat in the
future, due to ongoing management efforts conducted by the Navy on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, and by the NPS on Santa Barbara
Island (Service 2006, pp. 11-12; Service 2012a, p. 19; 78 FR at 7919).
No new information indicates that there has been a reintroduction
of nonnative animals to San Clemente, San Nicolas, or Santa Barbara
Islands, or that nonnative animals have become a threat to island night
lizard habitat on the islands since publication of the proposed
delisting rule. See the proposed rule to delist the island night lizard
for a detailed discussion of the historical land use by nonnative
animals on all three islands, ongoing actions to prevent the
reintroduction of nonnative animals to the three islands, and ongoing
revegetation efforts to restore native habitat on all three islands (78
FR 7908, 7918-7919).
San Clemente Island
The Navy continues to implement management policies to eliminate
the possible reintroduction of nonnative animals to San Clemente
Island. Additionally, the Navy continues to restore native vegetation,
including plant species identified as island night lizard habitat to
San Clemente Island. In 2012, the Navy placed 1,124 native plants at
three different locations on San Clemente Island (Navy 2013a, p. 17).
Of the 1,124 native plants outplanted, 104 consisted of Artemisia spp.,
37 consisted of Constancea nevinii, and 15 consisted of Eriogonum
giganteum, which provide low- to moderate-quality habitat for the
island night lizard (Navy 2013a, pp. 12-13). Therefore, due to ongoing
management and restoration efforts conducted by the Navy, we continue
to conclude that habitat destruction or modification from the
introduction of nonnative herbivores is no longer a threat to island
night lizard habitat on San Clemente Island, nor is it likely to become
a threat in the future.
San Nicolas Island
The Navy continues to implement management policies to eliminate
the possible reintroduction of nonnative animals to San Nicolas Island.
Additionally, in 2012, the Navy completed development of a nursery on
the island to grow and outplant native plants to restore native habitat
and assist in erosion control (Ruane 2013a, pers. comm.). To date, the
Navy has placed approximately 1,300 plants on the western side of San
Nicolas Island (Vartanian 2013, pers. comm.) where island night lizard
habitat is limited. Of the 1,300 native plants species outplanted,
there were 780 Atriplex californica, 32 Calystegia macrostegia,
[[Page 18201]]
and 332 Isocoma menziesii that provide low- to moderate-quality for the
island night lizard (Vartanian 2013, pers. comm.; Navy 2013a, p. 13).
Additionally, the Navy has begun to outplant Opuntia spp. on San
Nicolas Island, which provides high-quality habitat for the island
night lizard (Ruane 2013a, pers. comm.). Therefore, due to ongoing
management and restoration efforts conducted by the Navy, we continue
to conclude that habitat destruction or modification from the
introduction of nonnative herbivores is no longer a threat to island
night lizard habitat on San Nicolas Island, nor is it likely to become
a threat in the future.
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
Since 2007, the MSRP has conducted native plant restoration
projects on Santa Barbara Island (Harvey and Barnes 2009, pp. 15-22) to
benefit Xantus's Murrelet (Synthiliboramphus hypoleucus) and Cassin's
Auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) (Harvey and Barnes 2009, p. 4). Many
of the native plants used in these restoration projects also provide
island night lizard habitat, including low- to moderate-quality habitat
(Coreopsis gigantea, Eriogonum giganteum var. compactum, Deinandra
clementina, Constancea nevinii, Artemisia nesiotica (sage), and
Baccharis pilularis) and high-quality habitat (Lycium californicum)
(Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 34; Fellers et al. 1998, pp. 11-12; Harvey
and Barnes 2009, p. 7; Mautz 2001a, p. 23; Navy 2005, p. 30). Since
2007, the MSRP has restored approximately 5 ac (2 ha) of native habitat
on Santa Barbara Island, consisting of 19,560 native plants (Harvey
2013, pers. comm.).
We expect the amount and distribution of habitat to remain
relatively stable in the future, because the major threat to habitat
(nonnative herbivores) has been eliminated and the NPS has an active
habitat management and restoration program. The NPS also continues to
implement management policies to eliminate the possible reintroduction
of nonnative animals to Santa Barbara Island. Therefore, we continue to
conclude that habitat destruction or modification from the introduction
of nonnative herbivores is no longer a threat to island night lizard
habitat on Santa Barbara Island, nor is it likely to become a threat in
the future.
Nonnative Plants
At listing, the introduction of nonnative plants was noted as
having adversely impacted all California Channel Islands (42 FR 40682,
40684, August 11, 1977). While the introduction of nonnative herbivores
impacted much of the native vegetation, nonnative plants introduced to
the islands have also modified habitat for the island night lizard. In
the 2006 5-year review, we noted that nonnative plant species may alter
ecosystem dynamics by changing soil nitrogen cycling, and may compete
with native plants for space or other resources such as light, water,
and nutrients (Service 2006, p. 12). Nonnative plant species can also
alter ecological processes such as fire frequency that could otherwise
affect the persistence of the island night lizard (Navy 2002, p.
3.114). Low densities of island night lizards observed in some of the
nonnative plant communities suggest that modification of the native
plant communities can reduce the available resources for this taxon.
The 2006 and 2012 5-year reviews and the proposed delisting rule for
the island night lizard found that habitat destruction or modification
from the introduction of nonnative plants is of potential concern, but
due to current management and preventative actions implemented on all
occupied islands, is not a substantial threat to the species throughout
its range now and in the future (Service 2006, p. 13; Service 2012a,
pp. 20-22; 78 FR 7908, 7919-7921).
No new information indicates that nonnative plants have become a
threat to island night lizard habitat on San Clemente, San Nicolas, or
Santa Barbara Islands. Although nonnative plants will continue to pose
a risk to island night lizard habitat, the Navy and NPS have taken
steps to curtail the introduction and spread of nonnative plants, and
such steps are expected to continue into the future. See the proposed
delisting rule for a detailed discussion on nonnative plants and
ongoing management actions implemented by the Navy on San Clemente and
San Nicolas Islands, and NPS on Santa Barbara Island to prevent the
further introduction of nonnative plants (78 FR 7908, 7919-7921).
San Clemente Island
The Navy continues to implement management policies to eliminate
the possible reintroduction of nonnative plants and actively manages
existing nonnative plant species on San Clemente Island. For example,
in 2012, the Navy treated 14,597 nonnative plants (consisting of 13
different nonnative species) throughout the range of the island night
lizard on San Clemente Island (Navy 2013a, pp. 22-25). Therefore, we
continue to conclude that, given the current and anticipated levels of
management, habitat destruction or modification from the introduction
of nonnative plants is no longer a threat to island night lizard
habitat on San Clemente Island, nor is it likely to become a threat in
the future.
San Nicolas Island
The Navy continues to implement management policies to eliminate
the possible reintroduction of nonnative plants and actively manages
existing nonnative plant species on San Nicolas Island. Since 2012, the
Navy has continued the annual treatment and monitoring of select
nonnative species on San Nicolas Island, such as Brassica tournefortii
(Saharan mustard) (Ruane 2013b, pers. comm.). From 2012 to 2013, the
Navy conducted reconnaissance efforts to identify B. tournefortii on
approximately 86 ac (34.8 ha) of San Nicolas Island (Navy 2013a, p. 5),
and applied herbicide treatments accordingly. Per our coordination
efforts with the Navy, we anticipate they will continue nonnative plant
removal treatments into the future. Therefore, we continue to conclude
that habitat destruction or modification from the introduction of
nonnative plants is not a threat to island night lizard habitat on San
Nicolas Island, nor is it likely to become a threat in the future.
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
The NPS continues to propagate native species at their greenhouse,
including those found within low- to moderate-quality island night
lizard habitat (such as Coreopsis gigantea, Eriogonum giganteum var.
compactum, Deinandra clementina, Constancea nevinii, Artemisia
nesiotica, Baccharis pilularis), and high-quality habitat (such as
Lycium californicum) (Fellers and Drost 1991, p. 34; Fellers et al.
1998, pp. 11-12; Mautz 2001a, p. 23, Navy 2005, p. 30). From 2007 to
2012, NPS planted 19,560 native plants on Santa Barbara Island, some of
which as discussed above provide habitat for island night lizards
(Harvey 2013, pers. comm.; Little 2011, pers. obs.). To date,
approximately 5 ac (2 ha) of native habitat have been restored to
benefit seabirds, including some which also benefit the island night
lizard, on Santa Barbara Island (Little 2011, pers. obs.; Harvey 2013,
pers. comm.). Additionally, from 2007 to 2011, the NPS in coordination
with the MSRP conducted nonnative plant species removal from Santa
Barbara Island on 4.5 ac (1.8 ha) (Harvey 2012, pers. comm.).
The NPS also drafted a General Management Plan for the Channel
Islands, which addresses the continuing effort to monitor and restore
native vegetation on Santa Barbara Island (NPS 2013, entire). This
draft General
[[Page 18202]]
Management Plan continues to emphasize the eradication of all nonnative
floras from the island (NPS 2013, pp. 50, 83). Although this plan has
yet to be finalized, due to current and future management efforts
described above, we continue to conclude that habitat destruction or
modification from the introduction of nonnative herbivores is no longer
a threat to island night lizard habitat on Santa Barbara and Sutil
Islands, nor is it likely to become a threat in the future.
Land Use and Development
At listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977), the destruction or
modification of habitat from land use and development was not
identified as a threat to the island night lizard. While development
activities can reduce available habitat for island night lizards,
potentially resulting in the direct loss of individuals, the 2006 and
2012 island night lizard 5-year reviews and the proposed delisting rule
concluded that land use and development is not a substantial threat to
the species or its habitat throughout the species' range (Service 2006,
p. 18; Service 2012a, pp. 22-24; 78 FR 7908, 7921-7922).
No new information indicates that land use and development has
become a threat to the island night lizard or its habitat on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, or Santa Barbara Islands. See the proposed
delisting rule for a detailed discussion on the historical and current
land use and development practices by the Navy on San Clemente and San
Nicolas Islands, and NPS on Santa Barbara Island (78 FR 7908, 7921-
San Clemente Island
While island night lizard habitat loss and disturbance occur on San
Clemente Island as a result of military land use and development
projects (such as training and testing activities), the Navy continues
to conduct adequate management efforts, such as nonnative species
removal, native plant growth and outplantings, and erosion control
(Navy 2002, pp. 3.115-3.1156; Navy 2013b, pp. 35-54, 113-122; Munson
2013, pers. comm.) to minimize or avoid the effects on the island night
lizard and its habitat, and we expect these efforts to continue even
with delisting. Therefore, we continue to conclude that habitat
destruction or modification from land use and development is not a
substantial threat to the island night lizard or its habitat on San
Clemente Island, nor is it likely to become a threat in the future.
San Nicolas Island
Like San Clemente Island, island night lizard habitat loss and
disturbance occur on San Nicolas Island as a result of military land
use and development projects (such as training and testing activities).
However, the Navy continues to conduct adequate management efforts to
minimize the effects on the island night lizard and its habitat. For
example, the Navy has developed a plant nursery on San Nicolas Island
and is currently cultivating Opuntia littoralis and is in the process
of cultivating Lycium californicum to outplant surrounding areas
affected by the creation of a wind energy project (Ruane 2013a, pers.
comm.; Vartanian 2013, pers. comm.). We expect these efforts to
continue even with delisting. In addition, high-quality habitat on San
Nicolas Island is distributed in areas that are currently not developed
or proposed for use or development (Navy 2010, p. D-27; Ruane 2013e,
pers. comm.). Therefore, we continue to conclude that land use and
development is not a substantial threat to the island night lizard or
its habitat on San Nicolas Island, nor is it likely to become a threat
in the future.
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
The current status of Santa Barbara Island as a unit of the
National Park System protects the island night lizard and its habitat
from impacts related to future land use or development. Currently,
other than recreational camping, land is little used on Santa Barbara
Island, and this land use pattern is not expected to change. As such,
we continue to conclude that land use and development are not a
substantial threat to the island night lizard or its habitat on Santa
Barbara and Sutil Islands, nor are likely to become so in the future.
At listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977), fire was not identified
as a threat to the island night lizard or its habitat. Fire would
normally be a rare occurrence on San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands, but human use and occupancy of the islands have
increased the incidence of wildfires on all three islands to varying
degrees. Where fires do occur, they may destroy island night lizard
habitat, which reduces cover that assists with thermoregulation,
increases exposure to predators, creates a short-term reduction in prey
availability, and potentially harms individuals (Mautz 2001, p. 27;
Service 2006, p. 13; 78 FR 7908, 7922).
San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands have an increased potential
for fire due to military activities and the presence of nonnative,
annual grasses, which increase the amount of flammable fuels (Service
2006, pp. 13-15; Service 2012a, pp. 23-26; 78 FR 7908, 7927). Based on
historical records and current land use, high fire frequency on Santa
Barbara Island is an unlikely occurrence that would be limited to
ignitions caused by human negligence. Although fire is a potential
threat on all three islands, ongoing fire management policies, plans,
and actions being implemented through the Navy's INRMPs, fire
management plans, and NPS's general management policies have helped to
avoid or minimize the potential risk of fire. See the proposed
delisting rule for a detailed discussion on the historical effects of
fire and current fire management practices by the Navy on San Clemente
and San Nicolas Islands, and NPS on Santa Barbara Island (78 FR at
7922-7923). No new information indicates that fire has become a threat
to the island night lizard or its habitat on San Clemente, San Nicolas,
and Santa Barbara Islands since publication of the proposed delisting
San Clemente Island
As mentioned above, fires do occur on San Clemente Island due to
military related activities. In 2012, 15 fires burned approximately
3,500 ac (1,416 ha) of land on San Clemente Island (Navy 2012, pp. 27-
35). Of these 15 fires, 9 of them burned a total of 1.8 ac (0.7 ha) of
moderate- to high-quality island night lizard habitat on the northern
end of the island outside of the INLMA (Navy 2012, pp. 27-29). All of
the nine fires burned with light to moderate intensity, which indicates
that the effects of the fires on the shrubs composing moderate- to
high-quality island night lizard habitat were classified as burned to
singed, with some to many of these shrubs resprouting and recovering
(Navy 2012, pp. 26, 28-29). Five fires burned 1,253 ac (507 ha) of low-
to moderate-quality island night lizard habitat outside of the INLMA in
the southern portion of the island classified as the Shore Bombardment
Area where live-fire training (e.g., artillery and mortars) occurs
(Navy 2002, p. 2.4; Navy 2012, pp. 27, 31-35). Four of these five fires
burned 1,222 ac (495 ha) lightly to moderately, including both low- and
moderate-quality island night lizard grassland habitat, while one fire
only singed approximately 31 ac (13 ha) of high-quality island night
lizard habitat (Navy 2012, pp. 26-27, 31-35). Effects on shrubs within
these five fires varied (from not affected, to singed, to burned) with
some to many of these shrubs
[[Page 18203]]
resprouting and recovering (Navy 2012, pp. 26-27, 31-35). Effects on
herbs and grasses were also noted; within these five fires herbs and
grasses were burned to ash with some resprouting (Navy 2012, pp. 26-27,
31-35). The largest fire lightly burned 2,146 ac (869 ha) of low-
quality island night lizard grassland habitat outside of the INLMA
(Navy 2012, pp. 27, 29).
Although these fires did burn some moderate- to high-quality island
night lizard habitat, all of the fires occurred outside of the INLMA
where the majority of high-density island night lizard habitat occurs
on San Clemente Island. Additionally, none of the moderate- to high-
quality habitat burned to ash, and nearly all had signs of resprouting
(Navy 2012, pp. 26-35). Therefore, we continue to conclude that fire is
not a substantial threat to the island night lizard or its habitat, nor
is it likely to become a threat in the future due to current fire
management practices implemented through the Navy's INRMP, the amount
of moderate- to high-quality island night lizard habitat, and large
population of island night lizards on San Clemente Island.
San Nicolas Island
No fires occurred on San Nicolas Island in 2012 (Ruane 2013c, pers.
comm.). Due to continued fire management efforts implemented through
the Navy's INRMP on San Nicolas Island, we continue to conclude that
fire is not a substantial threat to the island night lizard or its
habitat on San Nicolas Island, nor is it likely to become a threat in
the future.
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
No fires occurred on Santa Barbara Island in 2012 other than
permitted campfires (Rodriguez 2013b, pers. comm.), and no fires
occurred on Sutil Island. Due to limited human use on the island and
fire management efforts implemented through the Channel Islands
National Park Fire Management Plan (NPS 2006b) (as described in the
proposed delisting rule, 78 FR 7908, 7924), we continue to conclude
that fire is not a substantial threat to the island night lizard or its
habitat on Santa Barbara and Sutil Islands, nor is it likely to become
a threat in the future.
Although erosion was not identified as a threat to the island night
lizard or its habitat at listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977), the
impact from erosion has since been identified as a general threat to
the habitats on the Channel Islands, including San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands (Navy 2002, pp. 3.58-3.68; NPS 2006,
p. 62; Navy 2010, pp. 3.52-3.54). However, the 2006 and 2012 5-year
reviews and the proposed delisting rule concluded that erosion is not a
substantial threat to island night lizard habitat on any of the
occupied islands (Service 2006, pp. 12, 16; Service 2012a, pp. 28-29;
78 FR 7908, 7924-7925).
No new information indicates that erosion has become a threat to
island night lizard habitat on San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa
Barbara Islands since publication of the proposed delisting rule.
Erosion caused by ongoing military activities on San Clemente and San
Nicolas Islands currently affects island night lizard habitat; however,
impacts are primarily a consequence of the historical introduction of
nonnative herbivores (which no longer inhabit any of the islands) and
land use operations. Ongoing management efforts are currently
implemented by the Navy to minimize, reduce, and restore areas where
erosion has occurred through implementation of best management
practices and erosion control plans. On Santa Barbara Island, erosion
from wind, wave action, and the effects of overgrazing are evident and
continue to contribute to alteration of habitat; however, new sources
of human-caused erosion on the island, which could exacerbate current
conditions, are minimal given the limited amount of human use on the
island. See the proposed delisting rule for a more detailed discussion
on the historical effects of erosion and current erosion management
practices by the Navy on San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, and NPS
on Santa Barbara Island (78 FR 7908, 7924-7925).
San Clemente Island
Since publication of the proposed rule to remove the island night
lizard from the List, the Navy finalized an Erosion Control Plan for
San Clemente Island (Navy 2013b). Goals of the Erosion Control Plan are
to minimize impacts of soil erosion within maneuver areas and to
minimize offsite impacts; prevent erosion from adversely affecting
sensitive resources such as federally listed or proposed species or
their habitats, including the island night lizard; and prevent erosion
from significantly impacting other sensitive resources including
sensitive plant and wildlife species and their habitat (Navy 2013b, pp.
3, 5). The Erosion Control Plan addresses military operations
associated with the Infantry Operation Area, Assault Vehicle Maneuver
Areas, Artillery Maneuver Points, and Artillery Firing Points, and
provides site-specific erosion control recommendations for these areas
encompassing 1,123 (ac) (454 ha), all of which are occupied by the
island night lizard (Navy 2013b, pp. 55-112). Erosion management within
these areas addresses and includes guidelines for restriction of
vehicle maneuvering when soils are wet, operator education, vegetation
management, fire management, and methods for gully prevention and
restoration (Navy 2013b, pp. 35-54).
Additionally, the Erosion Control Plan includes an adaptive
management and monitoring plan, which provides specific measureable
objectives for soil movement and plant cover within the maneuver areas;
specific methods to monitor these objectives; specific targets to
assess success or failure of best management practices to minimize and
prevent soil erosion; and a list of potential actions to be taken if
these targets are not met (Navy 2013b, pp. 113-122). Methods utilized
to monitor these objectives include visual inspections, sediment
monitoring, vegetation transects, soil moisture and trafficability,
erosion feature mapping, and photopoints (Navy 2013b, pp. 113-120).
Therefore, we continue to conclude that erosion is not a substantial
threat to island night lizard habitat on San Clemente Island, nor is it
likely to become a threat in the future.
San Nicolas Island
The Navy has continued to implement measures to restore areas that
have been affected by erosion. In 2012, the Navy completed development
of a nursery on the island to grow and outplant native plants to
restore native habitat and assist in erosion control on San Nicolas
Island (Ruane 2013a, pers. comm.). To date, approximately 1,300 plants
have been planted on the western side of San Nicolas Island (Vartanian
2013, pers. comm.). These plants include Abronia ssp., Acmispon
argophyllus var. argenteus, Distichlis spicata, and other plants that
provide low- to moderate-quality habitat conditions for the island
night lizard, such as Atriplex californica, Calystegia macrostegia, and
Isocoma menziesii (Vartanian 2013, pers. comm.). Additionally, the Navy
continues to implement BMPs to prevent and minimize erosion on San
Nicolas Island. Therefore, based on the best available information, we
continue to conclude that erosion is not a substantial threat to island
night lizard habitat on San Nicolas Island, nor is it likely to become
a substantial threat in the future.
[[Page 18204]]
Santa Barbara Island and Sutil Island
Currently, NPS management policies dictate that the NPS will
actively preserve soil resources, prevent unnatural erosion, and
prevent or minimize potentially irreversible impacts on soil (NPS
2006a, p. 56). Therefore, based on the best available information about
current erosion levels and NPS efforts to preserve soil resources, we
continue to conclude that erosion is not a substantial threat to island
night lizard habitat on Santa Barbara and Sutil Islands, nor is it
likely to become a threat in the future.
Climate Change
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977), we did not
find climate change to be a threat to the island night lizard or its
habitat. The 2006 and 2012 5-year reviews and the proposed delisting
rule concluded that generally, climate change is predicted to result in
warmer air temperatures, lower rainfall amounts, and rising sea levels;
however, it is currently unknown how climate change will specifically
affect island night lizard habitat on San Clemente, San Nicolas, and
Santa Barbara Islands (Service 2006, p. 24; Service 2012a, pp. 38-39;
78 FR 7908, 7925-7926). The island night lizard may be more susceptible
to natural catastrophes on San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands
because of its restricted distribution on those islands, while its
greater numbers and distribution on San Clemente Island may indicate
the island night lizard is less susceptible to stochastic events on
that island. Regardless, we expect that the island night lizard's
susceptibility to climate change is somewhat reduced by its ability to
use varying habitat types and by its broad generalist diet. See the
proposed delisting rule for a more detailed discussion on climate
change (78 FR at 7925-7926).
Since publication of the proposed delisting rule (78 FR 7908), no
new information indicates that climate change has become a substantial
threat to island night lizard habitat on San Clemente, San Nicolas, or
Santa Barbara Islands, or that it will become a substantial threat to
habitat in the future. Therefore, we continue to conclude that climate
change is not a substantial threat to island night lizard habitat
throughout the species' range, nor is it likely to become a threat in
the future.
Factor A Summary
Since publication of the proposed delisting rule (78 FR 7908), no
new information indicates that loss and modification of island night
lizard habitat by nonnative herbivores, nonnative plants, land use and
development, fire, erosion, and climate change have become a
substantial threat to the island night lizard or its habitat on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands. The Navy on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands continues to monitor for these
concerns and conduct management efforts through implementation of
INRMPs and management plans on the two islands to ensure that these
concerns do not threaten the island night lizard or its habitat now or
in the future, and we expect these efforts to continue in the future.
Additionally, the NPS on Santa Barbara Island (and adjacent Sutil
Island) continues to monitor for these concerns and conducts management
efforts through implementation of the Organic Act and management plans
that avoid or minimize these threats to the island night lizard or its
habitat now or in the future.
Therefore, we continue to conclude that habitat destruction or
modification from introduction of nonnative taxa, land use and
development, fire, erosion, and climate change do not pose a
substantial threat to the island night lizard or its habitat on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands (including Sutil
Island) now, nor are they likely to become threats in the future.
Factor B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Educational Purposes
Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes was not identified as a threat to the island night
lizard at listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977). The 2006 and 2012 5-
year reviews and the proposed delisting rule did not identify
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes as a threat to the island night lizard (Service
2006, p. 18; Service 2012a, p. 28; 78 FR 7908, 7927). Currently, island
night lizards on San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands are only captured
for scientific purposes or for relocation efforts due to Navy projects
in accordance with permitted activities covered by a section
10(a)(1)(A) permit under the Act. However, at the Eucalyptus sampling
site on San Nicolas Island, all island night lizards have disappeared,
and researchers believe their disappearance is due to unpermitted
collection of the species (Fellers 2013, pers. comm.; Drost 2013, pers.
comm. 2013). While we lack specific evidence indicating these lizards
were collected by other persons, the loss of these individuals is of
concern and should be further monitored; however, this situation is not
a substantial threat to the population as a whole on San Nicolas
Currently, we have issued four active section 10(a)(1)(A) permits
for the island night lizard. Research activities may result in impacts
to some individuals (use of pitfall traps and toe-clipping); however,
they do not constitute a significant threat to the species (Service
2012a, p. 31). The Navy has been notified that collection of the island
night lizard might be occurring at one site on San Nicolas Island
(Fellers 2013, pers. comm.). Aside from this, capture of island night
lizards for commercial or other nonpermitted activities is unlikely to
occur on San Clemente or San Nicolas Islands because access to these
islands is strictly limited by the Department of Defense. No available
information indicates that visitors to Santa Barbara Island are
actively collecting island night lizards. Although it is possible that
someone visiting or working on any of the islands could collect island
night lizards, based on the best available information, we have no
indication that such activities are occurring.
Therefore, based on the limited number of active section
10(a)(1)(A) permits and lack of evidence that collection is occurring
on either San Clemente or Santa Barbara Island, we find that
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes is not currently a substantial threat, nor is it
likely to become a substantial threat to the species on San Clemente
and Santa Barbara Islands in the future. Additionally, although some
lizards appear to have been collected from one site on San Nicolas
Island, this is not a substantial threat to the island-wide population,
which numbers at approximately 15,300 lizards (Service 2012,a p. 31),
and the Navy has been notified of potential unauthorized activity.
Factor C. Disease or Predation
Disease was not identified as a threat to the island night lizard
at listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977), in the 2006 or 2012 5-year
reviews, or in the proposed delisting rule (Service 2006, p. 19;
Service 2012a, p. 29; 78 FR 7908, 7927). Additionally, no new
information indicates that disease has become a threat on San Clemente,
San Nicolas, or Santa Barbara Islands. Therefore, we continue to
conclude that disease is not a threat to the island night lizard on any
[[Page 18205]]
of the islands, nor is it likely to become a threat in the future.
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977), we
identified predation of island night lizards as a threat to the species
due to the introduction of nonnative feral cats and pigs to San
Clemente Island (42 FR at 40683). The listing rule (42 FR at 40684)
also indicated that the introduction of the nonnative southern
alligator lizard to San Nicolas Island might pose a threat to the
island night lizard through depredation or increased competition (42 FR
at 40684). Currently, each island has native predators, such as foxes
and raptors, but the best commercial and scientific available
information does not indicate these predators are a substantial threat
to the island night lizard now or in the future.
No new information indicates current native and nonnative predators
on San Clemente Island, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands have
become a substantial threat to the island night lizard. See the
proposed delisting rule for a detailed discussion of predation and
management efforts and policies implemented by the Navy on San Clemente
Island and San Nicolas Island, and NPS on Santa Barbara Island, to
monitor and eliminate the future introduction of nonnative predators
(78 FR 7908, 7927-7928).
San Clemente Island
Since listing, nonnative predators have been identified on San
Clemente Island, including feral cats, black rats, and a single gopher
snake (Pituophis catenifer). The 2006 and 2012 5-year reviews and the
proposed delisting rule concluded that predation by feral cats was not
a substantial threat due to predator management actions implemented
through the Navy's INRMP and the large lizard population on the island
(Service 2006, p. 19; Service 2012, p. 32; 78 FR 7908, 7928).
Additionally, since the removal of the single gopher snake, no other
snakes have been identified on San Clemente Island (Service 2012, p.
32). Despite our review of the best scientific and commercial
information available, the information does not indicate whether or how
often black rats prey upon island night lizards. Therefore, due to
current predator management efforts implemented by the Navy on San
Clemente Island that we expect to continue in the future, we continue
to conclude that predation is not a substantial threat to the island
night lizard, nor is it likely to become a threat in the future.
San Nicolas Island
The 2006 5-year review indicated that the introduction of two
nonnative lizards (southern alligator lizard and side-blotched lizard)
may impact island night lizards on San Nicolas Island (Service 2006, p.
20). Although the distribution of the southern alligator lizard and
island night lizard on San Nicolas Island does overlap, Fellers et al.
(2009, p. 18) noted that southern alligator lizards primarily occur in
different habitats and there is no indication of negative impacts to
the island night lizard. The 2012 5-year review and proposed delisting
rule concluded that the two nonnative lizards were not a predation
threat to the island night lizard (Service 2012a, p. 32; 78 FR 7908,
In the 2006 5-year review, we concluded that feral cat predation
threatened the island night lizard due to the small lizard population
and the large feral cat population on San Nicolas Island (Service 2006,
p. 20). However, in 2009, the Navy began implementing a feral cat
removal program and announced the successful completion of this project
in February 2012 (Little 2012, pers. comm.). Based on the successful
feral cat eradication efforts, we subsequently concluded in the 2012 5-
year review and proposed delisting rule that feral cats were no longer
a threat to the island night lizard on San Nicolas Island (Service
2012a, p. 30; 78 FR 7908, 7928). Therefore, due to current management
efforts implemented by the Navy on San Nicolas Island that we expect to
continue in the future, we continue to conclude that predation is not a
substantial threat to the island night lizard on that island, nor is it
likely to become a threat in the future.
Santa Barbara and Sutil Island
The 2006 and 2012 5-year reviews and the proposed delisting rule
for the island night lizard concluded that Santa Barbara Island does
not support any nonnative predators, but does support populations of
native predators of the island night lizard, including burrowing owl
(Athene cunicularia), American kestrel (Falco sparverius), and barn owl
(Tyto alba) (Service 2006, p. 19; Service 2012a, p. 33; 78 FR 7908,
7928). While natural predators may pose a threat to individual island
night lizards (Service 2012a, p. 33; 78 FR at 7928), they do not pose a
substantial threat to the continued existence of the species on Santa
Barbara Island due to the current number of lizards on the island,
highly sedentary nature of the lizard, and tendency to remain under
shelter such as dense vegetation or rock, which limits their exposure
to aerial predators (Service 2006, p. 19; Service 2012a, p. 33; 78 FR
at 7928). To prevent future introductions of nonnative predators to
Santa Barbara Island, the NPS restricts bringing any animal onto the
island (NPS 2012). Therefore, due to current management efforts
implemented by the NPS on Santa Barbara Island that we expect to
continue in the future, we continue to conclude that predation is not a
substantial threat to the island night lizard, nor is it likely to
become a threat in the future.
Factor C Summary
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977), disease was
not considered a threat to the island night lizard and, as discussed in
further detail in the 2006 and 2012 5-year reviews as well as the
proposed delisting rule (Service 2006, p. 19; Service 2012a, p. 29; 78
FR 7908, 7927), no new information indicates that disease is a threat
to the island night lizard. Therefore, we continue to conclude that
disease is not a threat to the island night lizard on any of the
islands, nor is it likely to become a threat in the future.
At the time of listing (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977), predation by
feral cats and southern alligator lizards was considered a threat, but
their impacts were not fully understood. Since listing, we have
identified predation by nonnative lizards, feral cats, and black rats
as a threat to the species. Recent research indicates that neither the
southern alligator lizard nor the more recently introduced nonnative
side-blotched lizard negatively impact the island night lizard on San
Nicolas Island. Additionally, in 2010, the Navy successfully completed
a feral cat removal program on San Nicolas Island. The Navy has also
implemented efforts to control black rats and feral cats on San
Clemente Island as part of the recovery efforts for the San Clemente
loggerhead shrike and San Clemente Island sage sparrow. Though black
rats and feral cats may affect individual island night lizards, they do
not currently pose a substantial threat to the species on San Clemente
Island. Since the identification and removal of a single gopher snake
from San Clemente, no other snakes have been identified on any of the
occupied islands. No nonnative predators of the island night lizard
exist on Santa Barbara Island, and native predators on Santa Barbara
Island do not currently pose a threat to the species existence. Also,
both the Navy and NPS have policies in place to control the
introduction of potential predators, and such efforts are expected
[[Page 18206]]
to continue in the future. Therefore, as no new information indicates
the predation has become a threat to the island night lizard on any of
the islands, we continue to conclude that predation is not a
substantial threat to the island night lizard, nor is it likely to
become a threat in the future.
Factor D. Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms was not identified
as a threat to the island night lizard at the time of listing, in the
2006 and 2012 5-year reviews, or in the proposed delisting rule.
Because all islands are under Federal ownership, there are various
laws, regulations, and policies administered by the Federal agencies
that provide protective mechanisms for the island night lizard and its
habitat that will continue after the species' delisting. Primary
Federal laws that provide some benefit for the species and its habitat
absent the Act include NEPA, the Sikes Act, the Federal Noxious Weed
Act, the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, and the NPS
Organic Act. Additionally, INRMPs, management plans, and policies
implemented by the Navy on San Clemente and San Nicolas Island are
important guiding documents that help to integrate the military's
mission with natural resource protection. See the proposed delisting
rule for a more detailed discussion of the existing regulatory
mechanisms absent the Act conducted and implemented by the Navy and NPS
that benefit the island night lizard and its habitat (78 FR 7908, 7929-
No new information indicates that inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms is a threat to the island night lizard or its habitat on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands. Therefore, we
continue to conclude that existing regulatory mechanisms provide
adequate protection to the island night lizard and its habitat on all
of the islands now and will continue to provide adequate protection in
the future, even with the removal of the protections of the Act.
Factor E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting the Continued
Existence of the Species
The listing rule (42 FR 40682, August 11, 1977) states that island-
adapted taxa are often detrimentally affected by accidental or
intentional introduction of nonnative species. This threat was the only
one attributed to Factor E for any of the seven taxa included in that
rule. Because the primary effect of most nonnative taxa was related to
habitat or predation, the discussion of introduced, nonnative taxa is
now included under Factor A as it relates to habitat and Factor C as it
relates to predation.
The restricted distribution of the island night lizard on San
Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands makes these populations susceptible
to natural catastrophes such as fires, landslides, or prolonged
droughts (Service 2006, p. 24). Potential impacts and management
efforts to reduce or control effects of fire and erosion to habitat are
discussed under Factor A. The 2012 5-year review and proposed delisting
rule discuss the potential threat of climate change and its effects on
precipitation, drought, and sea level rise as it relates to the island
night lizard (Service 2012a, pp. 39-41; 78 FR 7908, 7925-7926). See the
proposed delisting rule for a more detailed discussion of climate
change and its effects on the continued existence of island night
lizards (78 FR at 7932).
Climate Change
As discussed under Factor A--Climate Change above, climate change
poses a potential impact to island night lizards and their habitat
based on modeling and climate change projections for southern
California from various sources (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change 2007, PRBO 2011). Because the best available information for the
region that encompasses San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara
Islands refers only to the marine environment and not the terrestrial
environment occupied by island night lizards (PRBO 2011, p. 4), we are
utilizing projections made for the Southwestern California ecoregion in
this threat analysis (see Factor A--Climate Change section above for
additional discussion on available data, climate model predictions for
temperature and precipitation, and potential impacts related to island
night lizard habitat).
Currently, climate modeling projections for fog (Field et al. 1999,
pp. 21-22) and precipitation are the subject of uncertainty, with
relatively little consensus concerning projections for the Southwestern
California ecoregion (PRBO 2011, p. 40). Additionally and as noted
above, no specific information is available related to precipitation
and temperature projections specific to the terrestrial environment of
the California Channel Islands. The best available data indicate that,
when daily temperatures increase, lizard species spend more time in
burrows or refuges and less time foraging (Sinervo et al. 2010, p.
894). This reduced foraging time could possibly impact growth and
survival of this already highly sedentary lizard. Drought conditions
also reduce the arthropod populations in the spring, reducing a food
source and compounding the effects of climate change (Knowlton 1949, p.
45; Schwenkmeyer 1949, pp. 37-40; Bolger et al. 2000, p. 1242).
Therefore, in the event of a prolonged period of warmer air temperature
and lower rainfall, the island night lizard's habitat and food supply
could also potentially be reduced. However, island night lizards use a
variety of habitat types and have a broad generalist diet, which likely
reduces the species' susceptibility to changing climate. Additionally,
Sinervo et al. (2010, p. 898) investigated climate change impacts on
Xantusidae and, though his work focused on the effects of temperature
change rather than changes in rainfall, he predicted that the species'
extinction risk for this family is zero through 2080. Therefore, we do
not consider climate change to be a substantial threat to the island
night lizard now or in the future.
Factor E Summary
Although climate change may affect the island night lizard and its
habitat on all three islands, we expect that the lizard's
susceptibility to climate change is somewhat reduced by its ability to
use varying habitat types and by its broad generalist diet. However,
the best available information does not allow us to make accurate
predictions regarding the effects of climate change on the island night
lizard at this time. Therefore, based on the best available
information, we continue to conclude that climate change is not a
substantial threat to the island night lizard on San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands, nor is it likely to become a threat
in the future.
Cumulative Effects
A species may be affected by a combination of threats. Within the
preceding review of the five listing factors, we identified multiple
threats that may have interrelated impacts on the island night lizard
or its habitat. Fire (Factor A) may increase in intensity and frequency
on all occupied islands if there is an abundance of nonnative plants
(grasses) (Factor A). Similarly, across all islands occupied by the
island night lizard, fire (Factor A) may become more frequent if
climate change results in hotter and drier environmental conditions
(Factors A and E). An increase in the frequency of fires (Factor A) may
potentially lead to an increased risk of predation (Factor C) due to
loss of vegetative cover for the island night lizard in burned areas.
On San Clemente
[[Page 18207]]
and San Nicolas Islands, land use and development activities (Factor A)
conducted by the Navy can prompt an increase in erosion (Factor A) and
the potential for fire (Factor A) in island night lizard habitat.
Additionally, effects from climate change, such as rising sea level in
conjunction with increased storm frequency and high-tide wave action
(Factor A), could potentially impact island night lizard habitat by
accelerating erosion (Factor A) on all islands. Although island night
lizard productivity may be reduced because of these threats, either
alone or in combination, it is not easy to determine whether a specific
threat is the primary threat having the greatest impact on the
viability of the species, or whether it is exacerbated by, or
functioning in combination with, other threats to result in cumulative
or synergistic effects on the species. The Navy and NPS are actively
managing for the potential threats described above to minimize impacts
to the island night lizard and its habitat. It is anticipated that
their continued management of these potential threats will maintain any
potential impacts at a level where synergistic effects are not likely
to result in a substantial impact to the island night lizard or its
habitat. Therefore, we do not consider the cumulative impact of these
potential threats to be substantial at this time or in the future.
We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial
information available regarding the past, present, and future threats
to the island night lizard and its habitat, including information
presented in the May 1, 1997, and March 22, 2004, petitions; comments
and information received after publication of our 90-day finding (71 FR
48900, August 22, 2006); two 5-year status reviews, information
available in our files; comments and information received on the
proposed delisting rule, and other available published and unpublished
information. We also consulted with recognized experts on the island
night lizard and its habitat, and with other Federal agencies. Impacts
to the island night lizard and habitat from past threats have been
reduced or are being actively managed for by the Navy or NPS.
A species is an ``endangered species'' for purposes of the Act if
it is in danger of extinction throughout all or a signification portion
of its range (section 3(6) of the Act) and is a ``threatened species''
if it is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable
future throughout all or a significant portion of its range (section
3(20) of the Act). The Act does not define the term ``foreseeable
future.'' For purposes of this determination, we define the
``foreseeable future'' to be the extent to which, given the amount and
substance of available data, we can anticipate events or effects or
reliably extrapolate threat trends, such that reliable predictions can
be made concerning the future as it relates to the status of the island
night lizard.
Specifically for the island night lizard, we consider the
foreseeable future to extend to 2080, which is generally the latest
time period that most climate change emission scenario models use
because they lose confidence beyond this point, for the purposes of the
discussion below. Additionally, all three occupied islands have been
under Federal ownership since the mid-1930s. The Navy will continue to
manage and monitor natural resources, including the island night lizard
and its habitat after the species is delisted, through implementation
of INRMPs which are revised every 5 years pursuant to the Sikes Act
Improvement Act of 1997, and numerous management plans and policies
that manage for nonnative species, fire, and erosion. We expect future
revisions to take into account management of island night lizards and
their habitat. The NPS will also continue to manage and monitor all
natural resources, including the island night lizard and its habitat
after the species is delisted, through implementation of management
plans and policies pursuant to the NPS Organic Act. No available
information indicates that ownership of any of the three islands will
change in the future. Therefore, we will use the 2080 timeframe
established for modelling of climate change effects as the foreseeable
future for all remaining potential threats.
The reasons for listing the island night lizard as threatened (42
FR 40682, August 11, 1977) were: Habitat loss or modification through
the introduction of nonnative herbivores such as feral goats and pigs
on San Clemente Island; habitat modification through the introduction
of nonnative plants throughout the species' range (San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands); predation by feral cats on San
Clemente Island; and competition with the southern alligator lizard on
San Nicolas Island.
At the time of listing, several threats related to destruction of
habitat were identified for the island night lizard on one or more of
the Channel Islands. Since listing, these threats have been addressed
by multiple actions through implementation of the Navy's INRMPs and the
NPS's management policies. While a variety of threats existed under
Factor A, not all threats were present on all three islands.
All nonnative herbivores have been removed from San Clemente, San
Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands, and the slow process of natural
recovery of native habitat is ongoing. Additionally, restoration
efforts by the Navy on San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, and NPS on
Santa Barbara Island to outplant native plant species are aiding in the
recovery of native habitat and ameliorating impacts from erosion.
Management actions to control, remove, or prevent introduction of
nonnative plant species are also implemented on all three islands by
the Navy and NPS.
Current management efforts on San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands
to avoid or minimize impacts from land use and development, fire, and
erosion due to military activities have resulted in reduction of
threats to the island night lizard or its habitat on those islands.
Land use and development is not considered a threat to the lizard or
its habitat on Santa Barbara Island. Fire is also not a substantial
threat to the lizard or its habitat on Santa Barbara Island due to
limited human presence, current fire management policy on the island,
and a fire management plan (FMP) for Channel Islands National Park
(including Santa Barbara Island). Erosion resulting from historical
grazing by nonnative herbivores and historical land use practices is
exacerbated by current military activities. Efforts to control these
sources of erosion on San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands are
currently ongoing, as outlined in the Navy's INRMPs for both islands
and Erosion Control Plan on San Clemente Island. As a result of
management efforts by the Navy and NPS, we do not consider any of these
threats to the island night lizard habitat to be substantial on any of
the occupied islands, nor do we expect them to become so in the
foreseeable future.
Disease is not a current threat for the island night lizard on any
of the islands where it occurs nor do we anticipate it to be in the
foreseeable future; however, predation has impacted the species in the
past and continues to be a potential impact to individuals on San
Clemente Island. We do not consider predation to be a substantial
threat currently or in the foreseeable future due to ongoing feral cat
removal efforts implemented through the Navy's INRMP. All feral cats
have been removed from San Nicolas Island, and predation is not a
threat to the lizard on Santa Barbara Island. Finally, research
indicates that
[[Page 18208]]
the southern alligator lizard is not a threat to the island night
lizard on San Nicolas Island.
The overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes and inadequacy of regulatory mechanisms are not
threats to the island night lizard on any of the occupied islands, nor
do we anticipate them to become threats in the foreseeable future.
Climate change has been identified as a potential threat with
regard to the present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailments of its habitat, as well as with regard to other human and
manmade factors. However, we cannot precisely determine how climate
change will potentially impact the island night lizard and its habitat
on San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands. The species'
biology indicates that the lizard may be able to withstand some changes
in habitat conditions. Therefore, we do not consider climate change to
be a substantial threat to the species throughout its range now or in
the foreseeable future.
At the time of listing, the number of island night lizards on San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands was unknown. Research
conducted since then indicates that approximately 21 million island
night lizards occur on San Clemente Island, 15,300 lizards occur on San
Nicolas Island, and 17,600 lizards occur on Santa Barbara Island. While
no new population numbers are available, new habitat assessments
indicate that the amount of quality habitat supporting the island night
lizard has increased on each of the islands. It is likely that the
number of lizards has increased in association with the increase of
quality habitat on all three islands. Currently, the Navy conducts
monitoring for management actions that impact threatened or endangered
species, including the island night lizard, as required by its INRMP.
The NPS also conducts monitoring on Santa Barbara Island to assess
impacts of management actions on listed species, including the island
night lizard. Once the island night lizard is removed from the Federal
List of Endangered or Threatened Wildlife, the Navy and NPS will
continue to monitor the lizard and its habitat through post-delisting
monitoring efforts to ensure the species is recovering and does not
warrant relisting. Additionally, the Navy and NPS implement management
plans and policies to reduce impacts to native biological resources,
such as the island night lizard and its habitat, that will help ensure
the species does not warrant relisting in the foreseeable future.
We conclude that, since the time of listing in 1977, all
substantial threats to the island night lizard have been ameliorated.
Any remaining potential threats or nonsubstantial threats to the
species or its habitat (i.e., the introduction of nonnative plants,
fire, and erosion; land use and development on San Clemente and San
Nicolas Islands; and predation on Santa Barbara Island) are currently
managed to minimize impacts such that they are not of sufficient
imminence, intensity, or magnitude to rise to the level of a threatened
species (i.e., likely to become an endangered species within the
foreseeable future). The one exception is climate change, for which
sufficient information does not currently exist for us to make accurate
predictions about the timing and degree of potential impacts. However,
data suggest that the extinction risk for the family Xantusidae (which
includes the island night lizard) is zero through the year 2080 (based
on Sinervo et al. (2010) evaluation of Xantusidae (see Climate Change
section)). Therefore, using 2080 as our frame of reference for
determining the foreseeable future for this threat, we concluded that
climate change is not likely to become a substantial threat now or in
the foreseeable future. We also note that all six primary objectives of
the Recovery Plan were, or are in the process of, being fulfilled (see
Recovery Plan Implementation section). Additionally, since listing, it
was determined that more than 21 million lizards exist in high-quality
habitat among the three islands. Based on the current level of threats,
we would not anticipate future declines in population numbers.
Therefore, we conclude that the island night lizard is not likely
to become endangered in the foreseeable future throughout all of its
range because all substantial threats have been ameliorated, potential
threats that may cause stress on one or more populations (or portions
of a population) are currently managed, and Recovery Plan objectives
have been initiated or fulfilled.
Significant Portion of Its Range Analysis
Having examined the status of the island night lizard throughout
all of its range, we next examine whether it could be in danger of
extinction or likely to become so in a significant portion of its
range. The range of a species can theoretically be divided into
portions in an infinite number of ways. However, there is no purpose in
analyzing portions of the range that have no reasonable potential to be
significant or in analyzing portions of the range in which there is no
reasonable potential for the species to be endangered or threatened. To
identify only those portions that warrant further consideration, we
determine whether substantial information indicates that: (1) The
portions may be ``significant'' and (2) the species may be in danger of
extinction there or likely to become so within the foreseeable future.
Depending on the biology of the species, its range, and the threats it
faces, it might be more efficient for us to address the significance
question first or the status question first. Thus, if we determine that
a portion of the range is not ``significant,'' we do not need to
determine whether the species is endangered or threatened there; if we
determine that the species is not endangered or threatened in a portion
of its range, we do not need to determine if that portion is
``significant.'' In practice, a key part of the determination that a
species is in danger of extinction in a significant portion of its
range is whether the threats are geographically concentrated in some
way. If the threats to the species are essentially uniform throughout
its range, no portion is likely to warrant further consideration.
Moreover, if any concentration of threats to the species occurs only in
portions of the species' range that clearly would not meet the
biologically based definition of ``significant,'' such portions will
not warrant further consideration.
We consider the ``range'' of the island night lizard to be San
Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands (including Sutil
Island) of the California Channel Islands.
We considered whether the threats facing the island night lizard
and its habitat might be different on San Clemente Island with
approximately 99.85 percent of the population compared to San Nicolas
and Santa Barbara Islands with, combined, approximately 0.15 percent of
the population (Service 2012b, unpublished data). A detailed spatial
evaluation of threats showed that the level of threat, and extent of
protective measures, is different on San Clemente Island and San
Nicolas Island, compared to Santa Barbara Island due to ownership and
activities conducted by the Navy (Service 2012b, unpublished data).
However, all substantial threats have been ameliorated throughout the
species' range, and the remaining potential threats to the island night
lizard are actively managed for by the Navy through implementation of
[[Page 18209]]
INRMPs, the Federal Noxious Weed Act, and the Soil Conservation and
Domestic Allotment Act. On Santa Barbara Island, there are no
substantial threats, and the remaining potential threats receive
protections provided through the implementation of NPS's management
policies and the Channel Islands National Park Wildland FMP in
accordance with the Organic Act. It is our conclusion, based on our
evaluation of the current potential threats to the island night lizard
on San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Santa Barbara Islands (see Summary of
Factors Affecting the Species section), that potential threats are
neither sufficiently concentrated nor of sufficient magnitude to
indicate the species is in danger of extinction or likely to become so
on any island and thus it is likely to persist throughout its range.
Future Conservation Measures
Section 4(g)(1) of the Act requires us, in cooperation with the
States, to implement a monitoring program for not less than 5 years for
all species that have been recovered and delisted. The purpose of this
requirement is to develop a program that detects the failure of any
delisted species to sustain itself without the protective measures
provided by the Act. If at any time during the monitoring period, data
indicate that protective status under the Act should be reinstated, we
can initiate listing procedures, including, if appropriate, emergency
listing. The management practices of, and commitments by, the
Department of Defense and NPS under existing laws, regulations, and
policies should afford adequate protection to the island night lizard
into the foreseeable future upon delisting, as the entire known range
of this species occurs within Department of Defense lands on San
Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, and NPS lands at Channel Islands
National Park.
Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan Overview
The Service has developed a final post-delisting monitoring (PDM)
plan for the island night lizard in cooperation with the Navy and NPS.
The final PDM plan is designed to verify that the island night lizard
remains secure from risk of extinction after removal from the Federal
List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife by detecting changes in its
status and habitat throughout its known range.
The final PDM plan outlines five different sampling surveys that
will occur over a 9-year period (i.e., years 1, 3, 4, 7, and 9). The
draft PDM Plan includes the following measures:
(1) Monitoring the overall health of the island night lizard
populations on each island through trap capture rates and recruitment
at previously established sampling sites. This monitoring will occur in
all habitats for 9 years following delisting. Biologists will conduct
density assessments using several methodologies including: pitfall
traps, rock-turn surveys, and coverboards arranged in grid arrays or
transects. Efforts will be made to sample all sites within each
sampling period.
(2) Monitoring high-quality habitat will occur twice throughout
post-delisting monitoring to assess abundance and distribution of high-
density island night lizard habitats on all islands. Recently completed
island-wide habitat maps will be utilized as the baseline assessment to
compare with post-delisting monitoring mapping efforts.
(3) Identifying thresholds that would trigger an extension of
monitoring, alteration of management approach, or a status review will
be established related to island night lizard density, recruitment, and
Additionally, we are recommending that land managers on each island
conduct monitoring in previously unsampled areas on each island
consisting of different habitats at least once during PDM with a focus
on high-quality habitat. Within these new areas, we recommend using
already-established protocols to allow for comparison of newly sampled
island night lizard densities and distribution with previously
established sites for each island. We also recommend establishing
identical protocols for each island to allow for comparison among
islands. Additionally, we are recommending that the Navy on San
Clemente Island continue to recognize the INLMA and that the Navy on
San Nicolas Island establish an INLMA to identify biologically
sensitive areas for the island night lizard. Lastly, we recommend that
each island continue restoration efforts of high-quality island night
lizard habitat to increase distribution and connectivity.
We also expect to monitor the commitments and actions of management
plans implemented by the Navy and NPS, which manage potential threats
to the island night lizard and its habitat, including the introduction
and current persistence of nonnative plants, land use and development,
erosion, and fire.
Effects of This Rule
This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.11(h) and removes the island
night lizard from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife. Because no critical habitat was designated for this species,
this rule would not affect 50 CFR 17.95.
Because this final rule removes this species from the Federal List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, the prohibitions and
conservation measures provided by the Act, particularly through
sections 7 and 9 of the Act, no longer apply. Removal of the island
night lizard from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife relieves Federal agencies from the need to consult with us to
ensure that any action they authorize, fund, or carry out is not likely
to jeopardize the continued existence of this species.
Required Determinations
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
This rule does not contain any new collections of information that
require approval by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the
Paperwork Reduction Act. This rule will not impose recordkeeping or
reporting requirements on State or local governments, individuals,
businesses, or organizations. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
National Environmental Policy Act
We have determined that environmental assessments and environmental
impact statements, as defined under the authority of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not be
prepared in connection with removing a species from the Federal List of
Endangered or Threatened Wildlife. We published a notice outlining our
reasons for this determination in the Federal Register on October 25,
1983 (48 FR 49244).
Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes
In concurrence with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994,
``Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal
Governments'' (59 FR 22951), Executive Order 13175, and the Department
of the Interior's manual at 512 DM 2, we readily acknowledge our
responsibility to communicate meaningfully with recognized Federal
tribes on a government-to-government basis. We have determined that
there are no tribal lands affected by this rule.
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited in this rule is available
on the Internet
[[Page 18210]]
at https://www.regulations.gov or upon request from the Field
Supervisor, Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES).
The primary author of this rule is the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife
Office in Carlsbad, California (see ADDRESSES).
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, and Transportation.
Regulation Promulgation
Accordingly, we amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title 50
of the Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C.
4201-4245; unless otherwise noted.
2. Amend Sec. 17.11(h) by removing the entry for ``Lizard, Island
night'' under ``Reptiles'' in the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife.
Dated: March 10, 2014.
Betsy Hildebrandt,
Acting Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2014-06576 Filed 3-31-14; 8:45 am]