Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a Petition To Downlist the Arroyo Toad (Anaxyrus californicus), and a Proposed Rule To Reclassify the Arroyo Toad as Threatened, 17106-17125 [2014-06665]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
88. If the Commission were to take
action to ensure the effective
implementation of the technical
standards for the display of closed
captioning, it may impose additional
compliance obligations on television
manufacturers and VPDs, including
small entities. In determining whether
to require any other practices governing
technical standards for the display of
closed captioning, the Commission will
consider the costs and burdens of such
practices compared with the benefits of
greater accessibility to television
89. If the Commission were to adopt
rules governing on-screen visual
changes or textual depictions that
obstruct closed captioning, it may
impose additional compliance
obligations on VPDs and video
programmers, including small entities.
In determining whether to require any
other practices governing on-screen
visual changes or textual depictions that
obstruct closed captioning, the
Commission will consider the costs and
burdens of such practices compared
with the benefits of greater accessibility
to television programming.
90. If the Commission were to adopt
rules governing display of closed
captioning, closed captioning of 3D
television or Ultra HDTV programming,
it may impose additional compliance
obligations on television manufacturers
and VPDs, including small entities.
However, VPDs are already subject to
rules governing the display of closed
captioning and are required to reliably
encode, transport, and render closed
captions on 3D and Ultra HDTV video
programming in accordance with
Commission rules. Also, in accordance
with the Commission’s captioning rules,
such VPDs and providers must permit
the pass through or rendering of closed
captions in a manner that will allow
viewers to exercise control over various
display features and to activate and
deactivate captions when video
programming is played back on
television receivers with 3D or Ultra
HDTV capability. Finally,
interconnection mechanisms and
standards for 3D and Ultra HDTV video
source devices must be capable of
conveying from the source device to the
consumer equipment the information
necessary to permit or render the
display of closed captions. In
determining whether to require any
other practices for the display of closed
captioning or captioning 3D television
or Ultra HDTV, the Commission will
consider the costs and burdens of such
practices compared with the benefits of
greater accessibility to television
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91. Federal Rules Which Duplicate,
Overlap, or Conflict With, the
Commission’s Proposals. None.
Ordering Clauses
Pursuant to sections 4(i), 303(r) and
713 of the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 303(r) and
613, document FCC 14–12 is adopted.
The Commission’s Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference
Information Center, shall send a copy of
document FCC 14–12 including the
Initial Regulatory Flexibility
Certification, to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the Small Business
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2014–06755 Filed 3–26–14; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2014–0007;
RIN 1018–AY82
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a
Petition To Downlist the Arroyo Toad
(Anaxyrus californicus), and a
Proposed Rule To Reclassify the
Arroyo Toad as Threatened
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Proposed rule and 12-month
petition finding.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, announce a 12-month
finding on a petition to reclassify the
arroyo toad (Anaxyrus californicus) as
threatened under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act).
After review of all available scientific
and commercial information, we find
that reclassifying the arroyo toad as
threatened is warranted, and, therefore,
we propose to reclassify the arroyo toad
as threatened under the Act. We are
seeking information and comments from
the public regarding this proposed rule.
DATES: We will accept comments
received or postmarked on or before
May 27, 2014. We must receive requests
for public hearings, in writing, at the
address shown in the FOR FURTHER
12, 2014.
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Comment submission: You
may submit comments by one of the
following methods:
(1) Electronically: Go to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. In the Search box,
enter FWS–R8–ES–2014–0007, which is
the docket number for this rulemaking.
Then, in the Search panel on the left
side of the screen, under the Document
Type heading, click on the Proposed
Rules link to locate this document. You
may submit a comment by clicking on
‘‘Comment Now!’’
(2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail
or hand-delivery to: Public Comments
Processing, Attn: FWS–R8–ES–2014–
0007; Division of Policy and Directives
Management; U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service; 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, MS
2042–PDM; Arlington, VA 22203.
We request that you send comments
only by the methods described above.
We will post all comments on https://
www.regulations.gov. This generally
means that we will post any personal
information you provide us (see the
Information Requested section below for
more information).
Document availability: A copy of the
Species Report referenced throughout
this document can be viewed at https://
speciesProfile.action?spcode=D020, at
https://www.regulations.gov under
Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2014–0007, or
at the Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office’s
Web site at https://www.fws.gov/
Stephen P. Henry, Deputy Field
Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife
Office, 2493 Portola Road, Suite B,
Ventura, CA 93003; telephone 805–644–
1766; facsimile 805–644–3958. If you
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD), call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 800–877–8339.
Executive Summary
Purpose of Regulatory Action. In
December 2011, we received a petition
to reclassify the arroyo toad from
endangered to threatened, based on
analysis and recommendations
contained in our August 2009 5-year
status review of the species. On June 4,
2012, we published a 90-day finding
that the petition presented substantial
information indicating that reclassifying
the arroyo toad may be warranted (77
FR 32922) and initiated a status review.
After review of all available scientific
and commercial information, we find
that the petitioned action is warranted
and propose to reclassify the arroyo toad
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
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from an endangered species to a
threatened species on the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
This document constitutes our 12month finding in response to the
petition to reclassify the arroyo toad
from endangered to threatened.
The basis for our action. Under the
Act, we can determine that a species is
an endangered species or threatened
species because of any of five factors:
(A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
existence. We must consider whether or
not the species is an endangered species
or threatened species because of the
same factors when we consider
reclassifying or delisting a species.
We have determined that there are
still significant threats impacting the
arroyo toad currently and into the
future, particularly operation of dams
and water diversions (Factors A and E);
urban development (Factors A and E);
introduced predator species (Factors A
and C); and drought (Factors A and E).
However, despite the existence of these
ongoing threats, we conclude that the
overall magnitude of threats impacting
the arroyo toad has decreased since the
time of listing, due in part to
implementation of conservation and
management actions. Furthermore, we
find that the intent of the recovery
criteria for downlisting of the arroyo
toad has been met, and that the arroyo
toad now fits the definition of a
threatened rather than an endangered
Information Requested
We intend that any final action
resulting from this proposal will be
based on the best scientific and
commercial data available, and be as
accurate and as effective as possible.
Therefore, we request comments or
information from other governmental
agencies, tribes, the scientific
community, industry, or other
interested parties concerning this
proposed rule. We particularly seek
comments concerning:
(1) Reasons why we should or should
not reclassify the arroyo toad under the
Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
(2) New biological or other relevant
data concerning any threat (or lack
thereof) to this species.
(3) New information concerning the
distribution and population size or
trends of this species.
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(4) New information on the current or
planned activities within the range of
the arroyo toad that may adversely affect
or benefit the species.
(5) New information and data on the
projected and reasonably likely impacts
to the arroyo toad or its habitat
associated with climate change.
(6) New information on threats or
impacts to the arroyo toad in the Mexico
portion of its range.
Please include sufficient information
with your submission (such as scientific
journal articles or other publications) to
allow us to verify any scientific or
commercial information you include.
Please note that submissions merely
stating support for or opposition to the
action under consideration without
providing supporting information,
although noted, will not be considered
in making a determination, as section
4(b)(1)(A) of the Act directs that
determinations as to whether any
species is an endangered or threatened
species must be made ‘‘solely on the
basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available.’’
You may submit your comments and
materials concerning this proposed rule
by one of the methods listed in the
ADDRESSES section. We request that you
send comments only by the methods
described in the ADDRESSES section. If
you submit information via https://
www.regulations.gov, your entire
submission—including any personal
identifying information—will be posted
on the Web site. If your submission is
made via a hardcopy that includes
personal identifying information, you
may request at the top of your document
that we withhold this information from
public review. However, we cannot
guarantee that we will be able to do so.
We will post all hardcopy submissions
on https://www.regulations.gov.
Comments and materials we receive,
as well as supporting documentation we
used in preparing this proposed rule,
will be available for public inspection
on https://www.regulations.gov, or by
appointment, during normal business
hours, at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife
Public Hearings
Section 4(b)(5) of the Act provides for
one or more public hearings on this
proposal, if requested. We must receive
your request within 45 days after the
date of this Federal Register
publication. Send your request to the
address shown in FOR FURTHER
public hearings on this proposal, if any
are requested, and announce the dates,
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times, and places of those hearings, as
well as how to obtain reasonable
accommodations, in the Federal
Register and local newspapers at least
15 days before the hearing.
Peer Review
In accordance with our joint policy on
peer review published in the Federal
Register on July 1, 1994 (50 FR 34270),
we will seek the expert opinions of at
least three appropriate and independent
specialists regarding this proposed rule.
A thorough review of information that
we relied on in preparing this proposed
rule—including information on
taxonomy, life history, ecology,
population distribution and abundance,
and potential threats—is presented in
the arroyo toad Species Report (Service
2013) available at https://
www.regulations.gov (Docket Number
FWS–R8–ES–2014–0007). The purpose
of peer review is to ensure that
decisions are based on scientifically
sound data, assumptions, and analyses.
The peer reviewers will conduct
assessments of the proposed rule, and
the specific assumptions and
conclusions regarding the proposed
downlisting. These assessments will be
completed during the public comment
We will consider all comments and
information we receive during the
comment period on this proposed rule
as we prepare the final determination.
Accordingly, the final decision may
differ from this proposal.
Previous Federal Action
We proposed to list the arroyo toad as
an endangered species under the Act on
August 3, 1993 (58 FR 41231), based
primarily on threats from urban
development, agricultural conversion,
construction of new dams, roads and
road maintenance, recreational
activities, introduced predator species,
and drought. We published a final rule
listing the arroyo toad as an endangered
species on December 16, 1994 (59 FR
64859). We published a recovery plan
for the arroyo toad in 1999 (Service
1999). Critical habitat was designated in
2001 (66 FR 9414, February 7, 2001) and
revised in 2005 (70 FR 19562, April 13,
2005) and 2011 (76 FR 7246, February
9, 2011).
Under the Act, we maintain the Lists
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants at 50 CFR 17.11 (for animals)
and 17.12 (for plants) (Lists). We amend
the Lists by publishing final rules in the
Federal Register. Section 4(c)(2)(A) of
the Act requires that we conduct a
review of listed species at least once
every 5 years. Section 4(c)(2)(B) requires
that we determine: (1) Whether a
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
species no longer meets the definition of
endangered or threatened and should be
removed from the Lists (delisted), (2)
whether a species listed as endangered
more properly meets the definition of
threatened and should be reclassified to
threatened (downlisted), or (3) whether
a species listed as threatened more
properly meets the definition of
endangered and should be reclassified
to endangered (uplisted). In accordance
with 50 CFR 424.11(d), using the best
scientific and commercial data
available, we will consider a species for
delisting only if the data substantiate
that the species is neither endangered
nor threatened for one or more of the
following reasons: (1) The species is
considered extinct; (2) the species is
considered recovered; or (3) the original
data available when the species was
listed, or the interpretation of such data,
were in error.
We published a notice announcing
active review and requested public
comments concerning the status of the
arroyo toad under section 4(c)(2) of the
Act on March 5, 2008 (73 FR 11945). We
notified the public of completion of the
5-year review on May 21, 2010 (75 FR
28636). The 5-year review, completed
on August 17, 2009 (Service 2009),
resulted in a recommendation to change
the status of the species from
endangered to threatened. A copy of the
2009 5-year review for the arroyo toad
is available on the Service’s
Environmental Conservation Online
System (https://ecos.fws.gov/docs/five_
On December 21, 2011, we received a
petition dated December 19, 2011, from
the Pacific Legal Foundation, requesting
the Service to delist the Inyo California
towhee (Pipilo crissalis eremophilus),
and to reclassify from endangered to
threatened the arroyo toad (Anaxyrus
californicus), Modoc sucker
(Catostomus microps), Eriodictyon
altissimum (Indian Knob
mountainbalm), Astragalus jaegerianus
(Lane Mountain milk-vetch), and
Hesperocyparis abramsiana (Santa Cruz
cypress). The petition was based on the
analysis and recommendations
contained in the most recent 5-year
reviews for these taxa. On June 4, 2012
(77 FR 32922), we published in the
Federal Register a 90-day finding for the
2011 petition to reclassify these six taxa.
In our 90-day finding, we determined
the 2011 petition provided substantial
information indicating the petitioned
actions may be warranted, and we
initiated status reviews for each species.
In April 2013, we received a
complaint on our failure to complete 12month findings on the above-mentioned
species, including the arroyo toad (Case
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No. 2:13–cv–00800–GEB–AC; April 24,
2013). In August 2013, we settled that
case by committing to a schedule for
completing all of the 12-month findings;
the settlement date for completion of the
arroyo toad finding is March 21, 2014.
This proposed downlisting rule
constitutes the 12-month finding on the
2011 petition to reclassify the arroyo
toad and our latest 5-year status review
for the species. We are addressing the
12-month findings for the other
petitioned species separately.
A scientific analysis of the status of
the species is presented in detail within
the arroyo toad Species Report (Service
2013, entire), which is available at
https://www.regulations.gov at Docket
Number FWS–R8–ES–2014–0007. The
Species Report was prepared by Service
biologists to provide thorough
discussion of the species ecology,
biological needs, and analysis of the
threats that may be impacting the
species. The Species Report includes
discussion of the following: life history;
taxonomy; habitat requirements; species
range, distribution, and abundance;
threats analysis; and progress towards
recovery. This detailed information is
summarized in the following paragraphs
of this BACKGROUND section and the
Summary of Factors Affecting the
Species section.
The arroyo toad is a small, stocky,
warty toad that is about 2 to 3 inches
(in) (5.1 to 7.6 centimeters (cm)) in
length (Stebbins 2003, p. 212). The skin
of this toad is light olive green, gray, or
light brown in color with a light-colored
stripe shaped like a ‘‘V’’ across the head
and eyelids. The belly is white or buff
colored, usually without spots. Arroyo
toads are found in low-gradient,
medium-to-large streams and rivers with
intermittent and perennial flow in
coastal and desert drainages in central
and southern California and Baja
California, Mexico. Arroyo toads occupy
aquatic, riparian, and upland habitats in
the remaining suitable drainages within
its range. Arroyo toads are breeding
habitat specialists and need slowmoving streams that are composed of
sandy soils with sandy streamside
terraces (Sweet 1992, pp. 23–28).
Reproduction is dependent upon the
availability of very shallow, still, or lowflow pools in which breeding, egglaying, and tadpole development occur.
Suitable habitat for the arroyo toad is
created and maintained by periodic
flooding and scouring that modify
stream channels, redistribute channel
sediments, and alter pool location and
form. These habitat requirements are
largely dependent upon natural
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hydrological cycles and scouring events
(Madden-Smith et al. 2003, p. 3).
At the time the species was listed, it
was classified as a subspecies (Bufo
microscaphus californicus) of the
southwestern toad (B. microscaphus).
However, the taxonomy of the arroyo
toad was reexamined (Gergus 1998,
entire), and as a result, in 2001, we
formally changed the name on the List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
to B. californicus (66 FR 9414, February
7, 2001). Based on a phylogenetic
analysis of comparative anatomical and
molecular genetic data for amphibians
(Frost et al. 2006, p. 363) that was
accepted by the scientific community,
we again formally changed the name on
the List to Anaxyrus californicus in
2011 (76 FR 7246, February 9, 2011).
The arroyo toad was once relatively
abundant in the coastal portions of
central and southern California. At the
time of listing, arroyo toads were known
to occur in 22 river basins from the
upper Salinas River system in Monterey
and San Luis Obispo Counties; south
through the Santa Maria and Santa Ynez
River basins in Santa Barbara County;
the Santa Clara River basin in Ventura
County; the Los Angeles River basin in
Los Angeles County; river basins of
Orange, Riverside, and San Diego
Counties; and south to the Arroyo San
Simeon system in Baja California,
Mexico (Sweet 1992, p. 18; Service
1999, p. 12; Service 2013, Map 1). Prior
to the time of listing, Jennings and
Hayes (1994, p. 57) documented a
decline of 76 percent of arroyo toad
populations throughout the species’
range due to loss of habitat and
hydrological alterations to stream
systems as a result of dam construction
and flood control. This figure was based
on studies done in the early 1990s by
Sam Sweet (Jennings and Hayes 1994, p.
57) that addressed the natural history
and status of arroyo toad populations on
a portion of the species’ range on the
Los Padres National Forest.
Though arroyo toads have been
extirpated from some rivers and streams
within river basins that they occupied at
the time of listing, the number of areas
known to be occupied by arroyo toads
has increased since the time of listing,
mostly due to increased survey efforts.
Although Jennings and Hayes (1994, p.
57) estimated that arroyo toads had been
eliminated from 76 percent of their
historical range prior to the time of
listing, subsequent discoveries of new
localities and remnant populations
reduce this estimate to 65 percent
(Lanoo 2005, p. 4). We now consider
there to be a total of 35 river basins that
support arroyo toads with 25 in the
United States and 10 in Mexico; arroyo
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
toads are still extant in all 22 river
basins occupied at the time of listing.
Currently, arroyo toads are limited to
isolated populations primarily in the
headwaters of coastal streams along the
central and southern coast of California
and southward to Rio Santa Maria near
San Quintin in northwestern Baja
California, Mexico (Lovich 2009, p. 62).
The 1999 recovery plan divided the
range of the arroyo toad into three
recovery units: the Northern Recovery
Unit, the Southern Recovery Unit, and
the Desert Recovery Unit. The recovery
plan did not address river basins in Baja
California, Mexico. In the Species
Report, we analyzed threats by river
basin, grouping those basins by recovery
unit. We also considered all known
occurrences in Baja California, Mexico.
Based on new distribution information
and correction of some locality records
now known to be in error (Ervin et al.
2013, pp. 197–204), we updated the
river basins in each recovery unit for the
purposes of our analysis (Service 2013,
p. 15, Map 1, Table 1).
The Northern Recovery Unit consists
of the following five river basins:
Salinas, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez, Santa
Clara, and Los Angeles (Service 1999,
Table 1; Service 2013, Table 1). The
Southern Recovery Unit consists of the
following river 18 basins: Lower Santa
Ana, Upper Santa Ana, San Jacinto, San
Juan Creek, San Mateo Creek, San
Onofre Creek, Lower Santa Margarita,
Upper Santa Margarita, Murrieta Creek,
Lower and Middle San Luis Rey, Upper
San Luis Rey, Lower Santa Ysabel
Creek, Upper Santa Ysabel Creek, Upper
San Diego, Lower Sweetwater, Upper
Sweetwater, Lower Cottonwood Creek,
and Upper Cottonwood Creek (Service
1999, Table 1; Service 2013, Table 1).
The Desert Recovery Unit consists of the
following two river basins: AntelopeFremont and Mojave (Service 1999,
Table 1; Service 2013, Table 1). Baja
California includes the following 10
river basins: Rio Las Palmas, Rio
Guadalupe, Arroyo San Carlos, Rio El
Zorillo, Rio Santo Tomas, Rio San
Vincente, Rio San Rafael, Rio San
Telmo, Rio Santo Domingo, and Rio
Santa Maria. Of those 25 river basins in
the United States and an additional 10
river basins in Baja California, Mexico,
28 contain arroyo toad occurrences that
are extant or presumed to be extant, and
many of these contain multiple
populations of arroyo toads in different
creeks and rivers (Service 2013, Table
1). Identification of the river basins
containing occurrences that are known
to be or presumed to be extant is based
solely on the existence of reliable
surveys or sightings of arroyo toads in
recent years (Service 2013, p. 18, Table
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1). The statuses of the remaining seven
occurrences are unknown, because no
surveys have been conducted in the past
6 years.
Summary of Factors Affecting the
Section 4 of the Act and its
implementing regulations (50 CFR part
424) set forth the procedures for listing
species, reclassifying species, or
removing species from listed status.
‘‘Species’’ is defined by the Act as
including any species or subspecies of
fish or wildlife or plants, and any
distinct population segment of any
species of vertebrate fish or wildlife
which interbreeds when mature (16
U.S.C. 1532(16)). A species may be
determined to be an endangered or
threatened species because of any one or
a combination of the five factors
described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act:
(A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
human-made factors affecting its
continued existence. A species may be
reclassified on the same basis.
Determining whether the status of a
species has improved to the point that
it can be downlisted requires
consideration of whether the species is
endangered or threatened because of the
same five categories of threats specified
in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. For species
that are already listed as endangered or
threatened, this analysis of threats is an
evaluation of both the threats currently
facing the species and the threats that
are reasonably likely to affect the
species in the foreseeable future
following the delisting or downlisting
and the removal or reduction of the
Act’s protections.
A species is an ‘‘endangered species’’
for purposes of the Act if it is in danger
of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range and is a
‘‘threatened species’’ if it is likely to
become an endangered species within
the foreseeable future throughout all or
a significant portion of its range. The
word ‘‘range’’ in the significant portion
of its range phrase refers to the range in
which the species currently exists, and
the word ‘‘significant’’ refers to the
value of that portion of the range being
considered to the conservation of the
species. The ‘‘foreseeable future’’ is the
period of time over which events or
effects reasonably can or should be
anticipated, or trends extrapolated. For
the purposes of this analysis, we first
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evaluate the status of the species
throughout all its range, then consider
whether the species is in danger of
extinction or likely to become so in any
significant portion of its range.
At the time of listing, the primary
threats to the arroyo toad were urban
development, agricultural conversion,
construction of new dams, roads and
road maintenance, recreational
activities, introduced predator species,
and drought (59 FR 64859; December
16, 1994). Other threats identified in
1994 included livestock grazing, mining
and prospecting, and alteration of the
natural fire regime (59 FR 64859).
Most of the threats identified at the
time of listing are still impacting the
arroyo toad and its habitat; however, in
many cases, the way in which they
impact the species has changed. Some
new threats have also been identified.
Current or potential future threats to the
arroyo toad include urban development
(Factors A and E), agriculture (Factors A
and E), operation of dams and water
diversions (Factors A and E), mining
and prospecting (Factors A and E),
livestock grazing (Factors A and E),
roads and road maintenance (Factors A
and E), recreation (Factors A and E),
invasive, nonnative plants (Factors A
and E), introduced predator species
(Factors A and C), drought (Factors A
and E), fire and fire suppression (Factors
A and E), and effects of climate change
(Factors A and E) (Service 2013, pp. 32–
87). Threats identified at the time of
listing that have been found either to be
of no concern, insignificant concern, or
negligible at this time include
construction of new dams (Factor A),
collection for recreational or scientific
purposes (Factor B), and disease (Factor
C); the best available scientific and
commercial information indicates that
these are not threats at this time (Service
2013, p. 28). Inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms (Factor D) was
not considered to be a threat at the time
of listing, and is not considered to be a
threat now (Service 2013, pp. 28–29).
In the Species Report, we examined
the scope and severity of threats. The
severity of threats measures the degree
of impact to arroyo toad populations or
habitat. The scope of the threat
considers the proportion of arroyo toad
occurrences that are reasonably
expected to be affected by a threat. The
interaction between scope and severity
provided the overall impact of the
threat, which we classified as very high,
high, medium, or low. A very high
threat impact was one with extreme
severity and pervasive scope; a high
threat impact had large scope and
extreme or serious severity; a medium
threat impact had a more restricted
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scope and high severity, or more
widespread scope and moderate
severity; and a low threat impact had
either small or restricted scope and a
slight or moderate severity (Service
2013, pp. 29–31).
The following sections provide a
summary of the current threats
impacting the arroyo toad.
Urban Development
At the time of listing, urban
development caused both permanent
loss of riparian wetlands and ongoing
degradation of riparian habitat that
supported arroyo toads. At that time,
habitat loss and degradation were
extensive in rivers of southern
California as a result of agricultural and
urban development (Griffin et al. 1999,
p. 5). Since then, conservation measures
have reduced the amount and scale of
direct habitat loss due to urban
development, and many river basins
have land protected from development
by State, Federal and local agencies,
including four river basins in Mexico
that occur in part within the boundaries
of national parks. However, not all land
is protected, and urban development
impacts are expected to continue.
Today, 23 of the 35 river basins
occupied by arroyo toads are affected by
both direct and indirect effects of urban
development, including 18 river basins
in the United States (Service 2013, pp.
Permanent loss and alteration of
arroyo toad habitat is caused by
activities that include: construction and
maintenance of infrastructure; alteration
of stream dynamics; declines in water
quality; stabilization of stream banks;
and maintenance of flood, drainage, and
water quality protection features. In
addition to the loss and alteration of
habitat, construction activities can
directly kill, injure, or limit foraging and
breeding by arroyo toads by excluding
arroyo toads from portions of their
habitat that are present within a
development project area (Campbell et
al. 1996, p. 15; Service 1999, p. 40;
Service 2013, pp. 34, 80–81).
Though losses of small amounts of
habitat due to urban development still
occur, urban development more
commonly impacts arroyo toads and
their habitat through alteration of stream
dynamics and water quality. Stream
dynamics can be altered by both
groundwater extraction and increased
surface flows. Groundwater extraction
related to urban development reduces
the amount of surface flow available for
creeks and rivers. This reduction in
water can be detrimental to arroyo toads
because they require breeding pools that
persist for at least 2 months in the
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summer for larval development and
tadpole metamorphosis (Campbell et al.
1996, p. 6). Extraction can also lower
groundwater levels below the depth that
streamside or wetland vegetation needs
to survive, resulting in a loss of riparian
vegetation and habitat (USGS 2012).
Production from groundwater supplies
in San Diego County is anticipated to
increase 75 percent by 2015 (CEC 2009,
p. 19). Currently, the City of San Diego
is considering groundwater extraction in
San Pasqual Valley (lower Santa Ysabel
Creek) (Brown, USGS, pers. comm.
Arroyo toads and their habitat can
also be impacted by increased surface
flows due to urban runoff. Generally,
increases in surface runoff, particularly
during large storm events, can affect
arroyo toads by disrupting breeding and
by sedimentation which buries eggs or
displaces adults and juveniles (Service
2013b, p. 17). Increased flows in streams
due to urban runoff can also lead to
changes in the invertebrate communities
that may lead to decreased survival of
arroyo toad tadpoles due to competition
or predation, and may reduce the food
supply for post-metamorphic toads
(Service 1999, p. 41). Alterations to
surface flows resulting from
groundwater extraction or increased
surface runoff can impact all stages of
arroyo toad life history and alter
breeding habitat.
Urban runoff from storm events or
from regularly occurring irrigation of
urban areas may also decrease the water
quality in streams and rivers that
support arroyo toads. Runoff from roads,
residential housing, and golf courses
often contains chemicals that are toxic
to wildlife (for example, car fluids,
pesticides, and herbicides) (Service
1999, p. 41). Arroyo toads are exposed
to hazardous materials by absorbing
them through their skin from the water
or contaminated vegetation, or by
ingesting them from contaminated
vegetation, prey species, or water.
However, the life-history characteristics
of arroyo toads may decrease the
impacts of contaminated runoff. Sweet
(1992, pp. 54–57) observed that arroyo
toads almost never breed in pools that
are isolated from the flowing channel
and where contaminants would be
found in highest concentrations. Arroyo
toads may use side channels and
washouts as long as there is some flow
through them, but they are abandoned
as soon as this flow ceases (Lanoo 2005,
p. 2). Therefore, the arroyo toad’s
sensitivity to aquatic contaminants may
be decreased.
Despite these impacts, the amount of
urban development resulting in the
destruction and removal of arroyo toad
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habitat has largely decreased since the
time of listing, as much of the
undeveloped arroyo toad habitat is now
conserved in protected areas. Of the 25
river basins that support arroyo toads
and their habitat in the United States, 20
contain land owned and managed in
part by State or Federal agencies
(Service 2013, Table 1). The impacts
that do remain from urban development
on private or locally owned land have
been reduced through conservation
measures. These additional measures
have been put in place on privately and
locally owned land at 10 of 18 river
basins in the United States impacted by
urban development: 1 river basin in the
Northern Recovery Unit, and 9 river
basins in the Southern Recovery Unit.
In the Northern Recovery Unit, a
proposed East Area 1 project in Santa
Paula (EDC 2012) and current and future
development plans for Newhall Ranch
have the potential to reduce or eliminate
much of the suitable arroyo toad habitat
in this area; however, to reduce the
impacts associated with urban
development, Newhall Ranch developed
a Natural Resource Management Plan
(NRMP) for the Santa Clara River. The
plan provides measures designed to
protect, restore, monitor, manage, and
enhance habitat for multiple species,
including the arroyo toad (EDC 2012,
entire). Of particular importance to the
conservation of the arroyo toad and its
habitat are the substantial conservation
easements that are included in the
NRMP, which, when completed, will
protect almost all arroyo toad breeding
habitat and riparian habitat within the
Newhall Ranch development. At the
present time, approximately 1,011 ac
(409 ha) of Newhall Ranch lands have
been conveyed to the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife
(CDFW), and additional easements are
awaiting approval.
Since the time of listing, multiple
habitat conservation plans (HCPs) have
been implemented in the Southern
Recovery Unit to provide protection to
the arroyo toad and decrease habitat loss
and alteration due to urbanization.
These HCPs are responsible for placing
land within seven river basins into
reserves; for example, all arroyo toad
habitat within the Orange County
Central-Coastal Natural Community
Conservation Plan (NCCP) (Lower Santa
Ana River Basin) is within reserves.
Within the Orange County CentralCoastal NCCP reserves, monitoring and
management related to the arroyo toad
have included reserve-wide
herpetofauna surveys conducted from
1997 through 2001 and ongoing control
of invasive, nonnative vegetation in the
upland environment. Development of
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adaptive management plans for the
arroyo toad within these and other
dedicated reserves within HCPs is being
planned for the future, but is not yet in
place. Additional land within five river
basins has been acquired by Federal,
State and local government. These
conservation measures have resulted in
land acquisition in 9 of the 14 river
basins in the Southern Recovery Unit
impacted by urban development.
Very limited information is available
on the effects of urban development in
Mexico. We are aware that urban
development is occurring at five river
basins within Mexico (Lovich 2009, pp.
77, 85); however, the magnitude of
impacts at these locations from urban
development is unclear.
Urban development continues to
impact the arroyo toad throughout its
range. Though altered flow regimes and
other indirect effects from development
continue to impact habitat that supports
the arroyo toad, the amount of direct
destruction and removal of habitat has
decreased. This decrease in the severity
of direct habitat loss from urban
development since the time of listing is
due to the amount of land within river
basins in the United States that has been
added to reserves though local HCPs
and that overall is managed by state or
Federal agencies (for more details on
land ownership, see Table 1 in Service
2013). The reduction in the threat of
urban development is also due to
conservation measures that have been
put in place on private and locally
owned land to reduce, eliminate, or
mitigate for the existing and future
effects of urban development. Although
urban development continues to pose a
threat to the continued existence of the
arroyo toad, the magnitude of this threat
has decreased since the time of listing
on local and private lands at 10 of the
25 river basins in the United States
described above where conservation
plans are being implemented. In these
river basins, arroyo toad occurrences are
no longer at risk of being extirpated
through permanent loss and destruction
of riparian habitat. However, indirect
effects of development, such as altered
flow regimes, continue to cause longer
term alterations to arroyo toad
populations and the habitat that
supports them. These alterations, while
not likely to result in immediate
extirpation of populations, can reduce
the rates of survival and reproduction
within populations, and result in a longterm decline in populations.
Even with the conservation actions
described above, we still consider urban
development is a threat with high
impact to the arroyo toad and its habitat.
Urban development currently has a
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large scope (affects portions of 23 out of
the 35 occurrences of arroyo toad) and
a serious severity, as it poses immediate
and ongoing impacts to the species
(Service 2013, p. 37). We also conclude
that the current effects from urban
development, while no longer likely to
directly destroy habitat or result in
immediate extirpation of occurrences,
continue to degrade habitat and affect
the health of the populations of arroyo
toads. We consider overall that urban
development is a threat with a high
level of impact to the arroyo toad and
its habitat (Service 2013, pp. 32–37).
At the time of listing, habitat loss and
degradation from agricultural
development was a major threat to the
continued existence of the arroyo toad.
Today, direct loss of habitat from
agricultural development is no longer
considered a threat. However, ongoing
agricultural practices are known to
impact arroyo toads and their habitat.
These practices currently convert stream
terraces and upland habitats adjacent to
occupied arroyo toad habitat to
farmland and road corridors, eliminate
foraging and burrowing habitat for
arroyo toads, and create barriers to
dispersal. Streams may also be diverted
for agricultural use, resulting in
permanent loss of arroyo toad breeding
habitat. Currently, 15 of the 35 river
basins that support arroyo toads are
impacted by agricultural practices.
Agricultural use adjacent to riparian
areas can result in direct mortality of
adult arroyo toads, as agricultural fields
can act as ecological traps for arroyo
toads. Toads are often attracted to
agricultural fields for cover, food, and
moisture, and can be killed by
trampling, chemicals, and machinery
(Griffin and Case 2001, pp. 641–642). In
the Griffin and Case study (2001, p.
641), more than half of the male arroyo
toads observed after July 29 were active
in burrows or made new burrows in
agricultural lands adjacent to breeding
habitat. Mechanized tilling, pesticide
application, and trampling were
frequently observed in these agricultural
fields within the study site (Griffin and
Case 2001, p. 641).
Another concern related to
agricultural development is agricultural
runoff. As discussed in the Urban
Development section above, runoff
contains contaminants such as
herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers
that may kill toads, affect development
of larvae, or affect their food supplies or
habitat (Service 1999, p. 41). For
example, granular fertilizers,
particularly ammonium nitrate, are
highly caustic and have caused mass
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injuries and mortality to frogs and newts
in Europe (Schneeweiss and
Schneeweiss 1997 in Service 1999, p.
41). Though arroyo toads primarily
inhabit areas with moving water (Lanoo
2005, p. 2), they may also be more
susceptible to areas with chemical
contamination in both terrestrial and
aquatic environments, because their life
history involves both aquatic larvae and
terrestrial adult stages.
Since the time of listing, actions have
been taken to reduce the impact of
agriculture on arroyo toads and their
habitat at two occurrences in the United
States. An agricultural lease was
discontinued on Marine Corps Base
(MCB) Camp Pendleton adjacent to
lower San Mateo Creek, where impacts
to arroyo toads were documented in the
Griffin and Case (2001) study. Also,
within City of San Diego lands
encompassing lower Santa Ysabel
Creek, some agricultural leases have
been moved away from riparian areas
(McGinnis, City of San Diego, pers.
comm. 2012).
Very limited information is available
on the effects of agriculture to arroyo
toads and their habitat in Mexico. We
are aware that agriculture is affecting
five river basins in Mexico, three of
which are specifically impacted by
groundwater pumping for irrigation
(Lovich 2009, p. 85); however, the
magnitude of these impacts is unclear.
Because arroyo toads use both aquatic
and terrestrial environments, they are
doubly impacted by agricultural
activities that subject their habitats to
increased fragmentation and decreased
water quality. Efforts since the time of
listing have removed the threat of direct
habitat loss due to agricultural
development, and reduced the impact of
agricultural use near some occurrences.
However, despite these efforts, this
threat has a large scope, as impacts from
agriculture continue throughout most of
the species’ range at 15 of 35 river
basins. Though arroyo toad occurrences
are no longer at risk of being extirpated
through permanent conversion of
riparian habitat to agriculture, arroyo
toad populations may experience
impacts such as alteration of water
quality and barriers to dispersal; as
such, we conclude that this threat has
a moderate severity. While not likely to
result in immediate extirpation of
populations, these effects can cause
mortality of individuals and reduce the
rates of survival and reproduction
within populations, and result in a longterm decline in populations. Therefore,
we conclude that agriculture has a
moderate level of impact to the arroyo
toad and its habitat (Service 2013, pp.
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Operation of Dams and Water
Prior to listing, short- and long-term
changes in river hydrology, including
construction of dams and water
diversions, were responsible for the loss
of approximately 40 percent of the
original range of the arroyo toad;
furthermore, nearly half of all
population extirpations prior to listing
are attributed to impacts from original
dam construction and operation (Sweet
1992, pp. 4–5; Ramirez 2003, p. 7).
Today, the potential for construction of
new dams has been greatly reduced, and
no dams are presently anticipated to be
built in river basins that support arroyo
toads. However, water diversions and
altered flow regimes due to operation of
existing dams continue to affect arroyo
toads in 19 of the 35 river basins that
support them.
Because river flow forms physical
habitats, such as riffles, pools, and bars
in rivers and floodplains, the primary
impacts to habitat from dams and water
diversions are caused by flow alteration.
Impacts of flow alteration on arroyo
toad habitat include changes in the
timing, amount, and duration of channel
flows; loss of coarse sediments below
the dam; and an increase in vegetation
density due to the decrease or
elimination of scouring flows (MaddenSmith et al. 2003, p. 3).
Arroyo toads and their breeding
habitat can also be negatively impacted
by sudden releases of excess water from
dams. When these releases occur during
the breeding season, they can
reconfigure suitable breeding pools,
thus disrupting clutch and larval
development (Ramirez 2003, p. 7).
Excessive water releases also wash away
arroyo toad eggs and tadpoles, promote
the growth of nonnative species, and
reduce the availability of open sand bar
habitat. For example, at Barrett Dam on
Cottonwood Creek, water releases of
several million gallons per day during
the period when larval arroyo toads
were metamorphosing negatively
affected the population in San Diego
County by washing away potential
recruits from that year’s population
(Campbell et al. 1996, p. 15).
Flow alteration also causes habitat
modification by promoting the growth
of nonnative plants (Jennings and Hayes
1994, p. 56; Campbell et al. 1996, pp.
15–16; Madden-Smith et al. 2003, p. 3;
Service 1999, pp. 42–44). Persistent
releases from dams throughout the
normal dry season cause changes in
vegetation by discouraging the growth of
native riparian species such as willow,
sycamore, and cattails (Typha spp.)
while encouraging the growth of some
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introduced species such as Tamarix
ramosissima (tamarisk) and Arundo
donax (giant reed) (Service 1999, p. 43).
Increased vegetation density reduces the
amount of open streambed and shallow
pool habitat preferred by arroyo toads.
For example, in Piru Creek, habitat has
been degraded by the lack of scouring
flows after the construction of Pyramid
Dam, leading to an influx of vegetation
that has made habitat unsuitable for
arroyo toads (Sweet 2012, pers. comm.).
Dams also alter arroyo toad habitat
through the creation of reservoirs.
Reservoirs turn running water habitats
into lake-like systems, resulting in the
proliferation of nonnative species that
are adapted to still waters and are able
to move downstream or upstream of the
reservoir (BIP 2012). Additionally,
persistent water releases from dams
throughout the year changes the water
supply from ephemeral to permanent,
which maintains nonnative predator
populations (Campbell et al. 1996, p. 16;
Madden-Smith et al. 2003, p. 3). Finally,
reservoirs block in-stream movement of
arroyo toads, which effectively isolates
populations upstream and downstream
of dams and may preclude
recolonization of areas formerly
occupied by the arroyo toad (Campbell
et al. 1996, p. 18).
The ongoing impacts of dam
operations to arroyo toads and their
habitat have been reduced at four river
basins since the time of listing through
conservation measures. Recent
coordination among the California
Department of Water Resources, Forest
Service, and Fish and Wildlife Service
have resulted in releases from Pyramid
Dam into Piru Creek that more closely
mimic natural flows, benefitting the
arroyo toad (Service 2009). In 2006, the
Sweetwater Authority (Authority)
implemented a Standard Operating
Procedure of Loveland Reservoir to
Sweetwater Reservoir water transfers in
the lower Sweetwater River so that, if
possible, no water is released during the
arroyo toad breeding season except in
the event of an emergency. Although
these procedures are voluntary and may
need further review, they improve on
the prior conditions (water transfers
occurring during the spring), which
lessens the impacts to arroyo toads in
the lower Sweetwater River.
The City of San Diego (City) has a
voluntary internal policy guiding water
transfers at two of the City’s reservoir
systems: (1) Morena Reservoir to Barrett
Reservoir to Otay Reservoir; and (2)
Sutherland Reservoir to San Vicente
Reservoir. This policy minimizes
impacts of water transfers to the Lower
Cottonwood Creek Basin occurrence
below Barrett Dam and the Upper San
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Diego River Basin occurrence that is
above San Vicente Reservoir (it does not
affect water transfers within the Upper
San Diego River Basin occurrence below
Cuyamaca Dam). Water transfers
generally occur during winter months
between October and March in order to
take advantage of existing flows and
minimize water lost to the river system,
and avoid the breeding season of arroyo
toad. City staff coordinates with the
Service and contracts with an arroyo
toad specialist to monitor before,
during, and after a water transfer event
(McGinnis, City of San Diego, pers.
comm. 2012).
Very limited information is available
on the effects of the operation of dams
and water diversions in Mexico. Out of
the 10 drainages in Mexico where
arroyo toads occur, only the Rio
Tijuana-Rio Las Palmas drainage has a
municipal dam (Lovich 2009, p. 86).
Consequently, the magnitude of effects
on arroyo toad occurrences from the
operation of dams and water diversions
in Mexico is unclear.
Overall, the magnitude of the threat
posed by the operation of dams and
related water diversions has decreased
since the time of listing. In four river
basins, water releases that more closely
mimic natural flow regimes have
strongly decreased the impact of dams
on local arroyo toad populations.
However, within the other 15 river
basins with dams and reservoirs, the
altered stream dynamics resulting from
dam operation result in encouragement
of nonnative predators and nonnative,
invasive plants, direct removal of
habitat that supports arroyo toad
populations, reduction of arroyo toad
dispersal, and direct mortality of arroyo
toads at all life stages. While
construction of new dams and reservoirs
that would result in destruction of
habitat and extirpation of occurrences is
not expected, operation of existing dams
and reservoirs in 19 river basins will
continue to alter the stream dynamics of
arroyo toad habitat and affect the longterm survival and reproductive success
of arroyo toad populations. Though the
magnitude of the impacts from dam
operations has decreased since the time
of listing, because of the large scope and
serious severity posed by the operation
of dams and water diversions, we expect
that this threat will continue to cause a
high level of impact to the arroyo toad
and its habitat now and into the future
(Service 2013, pp. 39–45).
Mining and Prospecting
At the time of listing, in-stream
recreational suction dredging for gold
caused localized impacts and
population effects to the arroyo toad.
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For example, in 1991, during the
Memorial Day weekend, four small
dredges operating on Piru Creek in the
Los Padres National Forest produced
sedimentation visible more than 0.8 mi
(1 km) downstream and adversely
affected 40,000 to 60,000 arroyo toad
larvae. Subsequent surveys revealed
nearly total loss of the species in this
stream section; fewer than 100 larvae
survived, and only 4 juvenile toads were
located (Sweet 1992, pp. 180–187).
Since listing, we have become aware of
impacts to arroyo toad habitat from sand
and gravel mining, which causes runoff
that can degrade arroyo toad habitat.
Currently, sand, gravel, and suction
dredge mining are taking place in 8 of
the 35 river basins occupied by arroyo
toads rangewide (Service 2013, p. 46);
however, the impact of mining activities
has been greatly reduced since the time
of listing.
Where sand, gravel, and suction
dredge mining activities occur, they can
cause substantial alteration of arroyo
toad habitat by degrading water quality,
altering stream morphology, increasing
siltation downstream, and creating deep
pools that hold water year-round for
introduced predators of arroyo toad eggs
and larvae (Campbell et al. 1996, p. 16).
Mining can also increase water
temperature and turbidity and result in
degrading or even destroying arroyo
toad breeding habitat (CDFG 2005). The
increase in suspended sediments in the
stream can suffocate arroyo toad eggs
and small larvae (Sweet 1992, pp. 179–
185; Campbell et al. 1996, p. 16). In the
case of suction dredge mining, arroyo
toad eggs and larvae can also be
entrained in the suction pump and
killed (Reine and Clarke 1998, pp. 1,
Though some mining activities are
currently taking place, their impacts are
localized. At two of the six river basins
in the United States impacted by mines,
for example, sand and gravel extraction
continues to degrade habitat and
increase sedimentation (Service 2008).
Additionally, due to a 2012 change in
CDFW regulations, suction dredge
mining is now prohibited in Class A
streams (Title 14, Natural Resources,
§§ 228 and 228.5). Most of the streams
and rivers occupied by arroyo toads in
the United States are now classified as
Class A (24 out of 25 occurrences in the
United States), and, therefore, suction
dredge mining no longer occurs in those
streams. However, suction dredge
mining could potentially impact arroyo
toads in Lower Cottonwood Creek
Basin. These new regulations do not
affect current sand and gravel mining
practices, which currently occur or have
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recently occurred at 4 of 25 occurrences
in the United States.
In Baja California, Mexico, the sand
mining industry is impacting the Rio
Guadalupe, Rio Las Palmas, Rio
Ensenada, and other smaller coastal
arroyos (Lovich 2009, p. 90). Sand and
rock are extracted in such large volumes
that the hydrology in coastal canyons is
affected, and associated riparian
habitats are eliminated. The public has
demonstrated opposition to this scale of
sand mining, but the Mexican
Government supports the industry
(Lovich 2009, p. 90). Therefore, we find
that mining activities pose a threat to
the arroyo toad in Mexico (Service 2013,
pp. 45–47).
Though some mining activities
continue to occur in habitat that
supports arroyo toad, these impacts
have decreased in magnitude since the
time of listing. Furthermore, given the
reclassification of streams to disallow
suction dredge mining, its impacts are
unlikely to increase in the foreseeable
future. Overall, as the scope of this
threat is low (affecting 8 of 35 river
basins rangewide), and the severity of
the threat is moderate (likely to
moderately degrade habitat or reduce 11
to 30 percent of occurrences), we find
that mining activities are having a low
level of impact on the arroyo toad in the
United States (Service 2013, pp. 47–48).
Livestock Grazing
At the time of listing, we found
overgrazing in riparian areas to be a
potential source of mortality to arroyo
toads, although it was not considered to
be one of the factors that most adversely
impacted the arroyo toad. Poorly
managed grazing is known to have
multiple impacts on arroyo toads and
their habitat. Pastured cattle (and other
livestock) can contribute to stream bank
degradation and erosion (Moore 2000, p.
1). Cattle grazing can result in soil
compaction, loss or reduction in
vegetative bank cover, stream bank
collapse, and increased in-stream water
temperatures from loss of shade. Cattle
can also trample or compact sandbars,
preventing burrowing by adult toads
(Campbell et al. 1996, p. 27). The extent
of grazing at the time of listing is
unknown; cattle grazing currently
occurs at 10 of the 35 arroyo toad
occurrences rangewide (Service 2013,
pp. 48–49).
Since the time of listing, significant
progress has been made toward
reducing or eliminating the impact of
cattle grazing. The Forest Service has
developed grazing allotment
management guidelines to reduce the
effects of livestock grazing on
threatened and endangered species and
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habitat. Consultation between the Forest
Service and the Service through section
7 of the Act on grazing allotment permit
renewals has resulted in minimization
and mitigation of impacts on arroyo
toads (Service 2000a; 2001a; 2001b;
2004a; 2009). Los Padres National Forest
has kept the Sisquoc Grazing Allotment
in the Santa Maria River Basin vacant
for approximately 10 years due to
concerns about impacts to arroyo toads
and other sensitive riparian species
(Cooper 2009, pers. comm.). On the
Cleveland National Forest, grazing has a
minimal impact because the Forest
Service excluded most of the habitat
occupied by arroyo toads from grazing
allotments during the 1990s. The
Cleveland National Forest has also
formally excluded grazing from some
arroyo toad habitat, including 12,112 ac
(4,901 ha) centered around riparian
areas (Service 2005, entire), as well as
areas with arroyo toad habitat in Lower
Santa Ysabel Creek Basin and Upper
Cottonwood Creek Basin (Service 2001a,
entire). The Pine Valley Allotment,
which was the only streamside grazing
allotment in the Cleveland National
Forest still active at the time of the 5year review in 2009, is now vacant
(Winter 2012, pers. comm.).
Though grazing can result in
alteration of the streamside habitat that
supports arroyo toads, multiple
conservation actions have been put into
place since the time of listing. We
anticipate that reductions of impacts
from grazing will continue to be
implemented through the continued
implementation of the forest plans,
which include minimization measures
implemented on grazing allotments
issued by Los Padres and Cleveland
National Forest. We also expect
continued consultation between the
Forest Service and the Service through
the section 7 consultation process.
These two forests manage portions of
nine river basins that support arroyo
toads. Furthermore, we expect that the
conservation measures currently in
place will continue to be implemented
regardless of the listing status of the
arroyo toad.
Some impacts from livestock grazing
are occurring in Mexico (Lovich 2009, p.
85); however, the magnitude of these
impacts is unclear, and we have no
information on how many river basins
in Mexico are impacted by grazing
Overall, grazing is a threat with a
restricted scope, as only 10 of the 25
river basins in the United States that
support arroyo toads are currently
affected by livestock grazing. Based on
the best available scientific and
commercial information, the remaining
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
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15 river basins are not of appropriate
land use or habitat type to support
grazing; therefore, we do not expect that
grazing will occur at these river basins
in the future. At the river basins where
grazing does occur, reductions in the
level of grazing and improved
management practices have significantly
reduced the impacts to arroyo toads and
riparian habitat. We conclude that
grazing has a moderate impact on arroyo
toads. Although it may result in
localized impacts to streams, which
reduce the quality of habitat and may
cause some decrease in rates of survival
and reproduction within populations, it
is unlikely to result in a long-term
decline in populations. Therefore, we
find that grazing is a low-level threat to
the arroyo toad and its habitat (Service
2013, pp. 47–50).
Roads and Road Maintenance
When roads occur within or in close
proximity to stream habitat that
supports arroyo toads, road use,
construction and maintenance can have
a detrimental impact on arroyo toads
and their habitat. Toads are crushed by
equipment on the roads or when
vehicles use low water crossings during
normal daytime project activities. Toads
can also be harmed or disturbed when
rocks and debris are removed from the
road surface or ditches near habitat. On
unpaved, sandy roads, toad mortality
can occur because increased food
sources (ants, other insects) lure toads
onto roads at night, and because arroyo
toads like to burrow into sandy
roadbeds during the day (Sandburg, U.S.
Forest Service, pers. comm., 1997). At
the time of listing, the use of heavy
equipment in yearly reconstruction of
roads and stream crossings in the
national forests caused ongoing impacts
to arroyo toads and their habitat. On the
Cleveland National Forest, roads are
still identified as one of the top three
threats to arroyo toad, along with
drought and aquatic predators (Winter,
pers. comm. 2012). Currently, impacts
from road construction, use, and
maintenance on Federal, public, and
private lands affect 20 out of the 35 river
basins where the arroyo toad is known
to occur.
Low water stream crossings pose a
particular risk to arroyo toads.
Unimproved stream crossings can
develop characteristics of suitable toad
habitat that attracts arroyo toads—
shallow, sand or gravel-based pools
with low current velocity and minimal
shoreline woody vegetation (USFS 2012,
p. 45). Adults burrow during the day but
come out at night to forage, so are more
likely be killed by nighttime traffic or
during wet weather. Vehicles using low
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water crossings over streams cause
increased siltation, which can cover and
suffocate egg masses and larvae (Service
2000b, p. 14). Eggs or larvae could also
be crushed or disturbed when vehicles
use low water crossings (Service 2000b,
p. 13). Hardened crossings lack the
substrate that toads prefer, but adults
will forage on any stream crossing at
night (USFS 2012, p. 45).
Apart from direct injury to toads, road
maintenance can also alter habitat so
that it is unsuitable for arroyo toads.
Low water crossing maintenance above
or below crossings, such as removal or
shaping of sediments, debris, or
vegetation, can alter habitat suitability
for arroyo toads by increasing the flow
over the crossing (USFS 2012, p. 45).
Soil disturbance, such as can occur from
vehicle use, has been directly
implicated in both lethal and sublethal
effects on amphibians (Maxell and Hokit
1999, p. 2.11). If not contained, road
construction may cause increased
sedimentation in adjoining aquatic
habitats (Maxell and Hokit 1999, p.
2.11). Traffic on native surface and dirt
roads causes soil erosion that can run
off into streams, particularly during wet
weather. Furthermore, pollutants from
exhaust and tire wear can build up
along roadsides and enter riparian areas.
Since the time of listing, the impacts
of roads and road maintenance have
been reduced through conservation
measures and protection under the Act.
To reduce this threat on Federal lands,
Los Padres National Forest reinitiated
section 7 consultation (8–8–12–F–43)
(Service 2012, entire) with the Service
for ongoing activities related to their
transportation system and road use in
the Santa Clara River Basin and Santa
Ynez River Basin. Los Padres National
Forest must repair and maintain
approximately 1,025 mi (1,649 km) of
roads and 137 low water stream
crossings on forest lands, and
implements best management practices
and conservation measures to protect
the arroyo toad before conducting any
road or water crossing maintenance.
Such measures may include preconstruction surveys, relocating
individuals to suitable habitat nearby,
removing nonnative species, avoiding
maintenance during the breeding
season, and developing water control
plans. In addition, Los Padres National
Forest has rerouted trails and closed
roads in arroyo toad habitat. In the
Southern Recovery Unit, the Angeles,
Cleveland, and San Bernardino National
Forests have completed similar section
7 consultations to reduce or avoid
effects from ongoing road use and
maintenance to arroyo toads and habitat
within the portions of 11 arroyo toad
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occurrences that occur on their land.
The minimization and mitigation
measures within these consultations
have been incorporated into recent
management plans completed by the
Forest Service; the measures in these
plans are not dependent on the listing
status of the arroyo toad.
Very limited information is available
on the effects of roads and road
maintenance in Mexico. We are aware
that one paved road, Highway 1, is
impacting one river basin that supports
arroyo toads in Mexico (Lovich 2009,
pp. 79, 86); however, the magnitude of
impacts from the use and maintenance
of this coastal highway is unclear.
Overall, conservation measures have
recently reduced the threat of road use
and construction and maintenance at
three occurrences. Furthermore, we
expect to continue to coordinate with
our partners through existing section 7
processes to minimize and mitigate the
impacts of roads and road maintenance.
Overall, this threat has a large scope,
affecting 20 of 35 river basins, and a
moderate severity, as it can potentially
cause effects such as permanent loss of
breeding habitat, and creation of barriers
to dispersal. Therefore, we find that
roads and road maintenance have a
moderate level of impact on the arroyo
toad and its habitat (Service 2013, pp.
At the time of listing, recreational
activities in riparian wetlands had
substantial negative effects on arroyo
toad habitat and individuals. Streamside
campgrounds in southern California
national forests were frequently located
adjacent to arroyo toad habitat (Sweet
1992). With nearly 20 million people
living within driving distance of the
national forests and other public lands
in southern California, recreational
access and its subsequent effects are an
ongoing concern (CDFG 2005).
Currently, 22 out of 35 river basins are
impacted by recreational facilities and
activities, including 13 river basins with
land managed by the Forest Service.
Recreational activities that currently
affect the arroyo toad are trail use,
swimming, trail maintenance, and offhighway vehicle (OHV) activity.
Activities such as construction of roads,
trails, recreational facilities, and water
impoundments may permanently
replace natural toad habitat (Maxell and
Hokit 1999, p. 2.15). Recreational use
may also degrade habitat; for example,
grazing by pack horses at stream
crossings may impact streamside
vegetation or trample various life stages
of the arroyo toad (USFS 2013a, p. 17).
Additionally, campgrounds focus large
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
numbers of people and intensive use on
limited habitats. Streamside
campgrounds in the three southern
California National Forests (Los Padres,
Angeles, and Cleveland) have frequently
been located in or near (165 to 300 feet
(ft) (50 to 92 meters (m)) arroyo toad
habitat (Sweet 1992, pp. 158–160). In
the Los Padres National Forest, almost
all occurrences that support arroyo
toads are located where hiking trails
follow the floodplain and cross the
stream channels in multiple locations
within a short distance. Streamside
campgrounds and recreational activities
also reduce riparian vegetation and
increase soil erosion and sedimentation
that can cover and kill algae, bacteria,
and fungi on the surface of rocks that act
as food sources for arroyo toad tadpoles
(Sweet 1992, p. 190; USFS 2013a, p. 17).
Disturbances created by recreation
favor the germination, establishment,
and growth of nonnative plant species,
substantially altering food availability
within a habitat (Service 2013a, pp. 17–
18). Furthermore, people swimming and
wading in the creek increases the
turbidity of water and can create excess
sedimentation, which is known to bury
eggs or suffocate larvae (Sweet 1992, p.
150). Decreased populations of
amphibians including arroyo toads have
been found downstream from popular
swimming destinations in Cleveland
National Forest and Cuyamaca Rancho
State Park (Brown, USGS, pers. comm.
2012). Currently, recreational use
(mostly campgrounds and swimming) is
still impacting six river basins in
Cleveland National Forest (Winter, pers.
comm. 2012).
OHVs may also pose a threat to arroyo
toads. Sweet (1992, pp. 162–163)
observed OHV use in arroyo toad
breeding sites on the Los Padres
National Forest that resulted in the
deaths of arroyo toad egg clutches,
larvae, and juveniles. OHVs used on
sandy, unpaved roads may cause
mortality of adult toads because
increased food sources (ants, other
insects) lure toads onto roads at night
and because arroyo toads like to burrow
into sandy roadbeds during the day
(Sandburg, USFS, pers. comm., 1997). In
addition to direct mortality resulting
from collisions, OHVs may disrupt
habitat to the point that it becomes
unusable by herpetofauna (Maxell and
Hokit 1999, p. 2.10). OHVs spread seeds
of nonnative plants and disturb soils,
contributing to excess erosion and
sedimentation of aquatic habitats. Noise
from on- and off-road vehicles is also
likely to have negative indirect impacts
on amphibians. Although we did not
find studies that targeted arroyo toads
specifically, a study by Nash et al.
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(1970), found that leopard frogs exposed
to loud noises (120 decibels) remained
immobilized for much longer periods of
time than a similarly handled control
group. Thus, an immobility reaction
resulting from noise-induced fear could
increase mortality of amphibians that
inhabit areas used by OHVs or
individuals that are crossing roads by
inhibiting their ability to find shelter or
move across a roadway (Maxell and
Hokit 1999, pp. 2.2–2.10).
Conservation measures have been
enacted in habitat surrounding several
river basins to reduce or eliminate the
impact of recreational activities on
arroyo toads and their habitat. The Los
Padres, Angeles, Cleveland and San
Bernardino National Forests are taking
measures to decrease the effects of
recreational activities on arroyo toads
and their habitat, including seasonal or
permanent closure of campgrounds,
posting of interpretive signs, closure of
trails, installation of stream crossings,
and public education programs (Service
1999, pp. 55–56; Service 2003a, entire;
Service 2005, entire; Cooper 2009, pers.
comm.; USFS 2013b, pp. 1–85).
Where recreational activities occur,
they may result in the loss and
fragmentation of arroyo toad habitat;
however, conservation measures have
reduced the effects of recreational use
on the arroyo toad and its habitat at 6
of the 22 occurrences where recreational
activities occur. We do not have any
information on whether recreational
activities are impacting river basins that
support arroyo toads in Mexico, but we
would expect the level and types of
recreational activities to be similar and
to have similar impacts as in the United
States. Overall, because this threat has
a large scope, and because it has a
moderate level of severity, we conclude
that effects from recreational use have a
medium level of impact on the arroyo
toad and its habitat (Service 2013, pp.
Invasive, Nonnative Plants
At the time of listing, invasive,
nonnative plants were not identified as
a threat to arroyo toads. Since then,
nonnative plants have been recorded in
16 of the 35 river basins that support
arroyo toads. Nonnative plant species
impact arroyo toads and their habitat by
altering the natural hydrology of stream
drainages and eliminating sandbars,
breeding pools, and upland habitats
(Service 2009, p. 11). Nonnative plants
can be spread by OHVs, recreation,
livestock, and camping activities
(Maxell and Hokit 1999, p. 2.8).
Currently, 16 of 35 river basins are
impacted by invasive, nonnative plants.
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The most problematic nonnative plant
species in aquatic systems in southern
California is Arundo donax (giant reed),
which is widespread along the Ventura,
Santa Clara, Santa Ana, Santa Margarita,
San Luis Rey, and San Diego Rivers
(CDFG 2005). Giant reed invades stream
banks and lakeshores, where it can
completely displace native vegetation,
reduce wildlife habitat, increase fire
risk, and alter flow regimes, resulting in
flooding (Ventura County 2006, pp. 21–
23). Additionally, as of 2010, dense
stands of giant reed were still common
along sections of the lower Santa
Margarita River on MCB Camp
Pendleton despite control efforts
(Brehme et al. 2011, p. 32).
Another problematic nonnative
species, Tamarix ramosissima
(tamarisk), is less widespread than giant
reed but also invades riparian habitats
in the above-listed rivers and is
distributed in coastal and desert
drainages (Coffman et al. 2005, p. 2724).
Tamarisk can replace or displace native
woody species such as cottonwood and
willow that occupy similar habitats,
especially when timing and amount of
peak water discharge, salinity,
temperature, and substrate texture have
been altered by human activities
(Carpenter 2004, pp. 1–30). It is an
aggressive, woody invasive plant that
can tolerate a variety of environmental
conditions and has become established
over as much as a million acres of
floodplains, riparian areas, wetlands,
and lake margins in the western United
States (Carpenter 2004, pp. 1–30).
Tamarisk also consumes large quantities
of water, possibly more than woody
native plant species occupying the same
habitat (Carpenter 2004, p. 3). Highly
resistant to removal by flooding,
tamarisk has the potential to form dense
corridors along most large streams.
Where this has been allowed to occur,
tamarisk has replaced native vegetation,
invaded sand bars, and led to
channelization by constricting flood
flows. In recent years, tamarisk has been
recorded in all watersheds on MCB
Camp Pendleton, although large stands
persisted only along the lower Santa
Margarita River (Brehme et al. 2011, p.
Centaurea solstitialis (yellow star
thistle) and Nasturtium officinale
(watercress) are also altering the habitat
that supports the arroyo toad. Yellow
star thistle is one of the most
ecologically and economically damaging
nonnative plants in California (UC Davis
2007, p. 1). It is a fast-growing invasive
plant whose taproot can reach over 3 ft
(1 m) deep into the soil, allowing it to
thrive during dry, hot summers. When
yellow star thistle becomes well-
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established on stream terraces, arroyo
toads are unable to dig burrows for
shelter or estivation (Sweet 2007a, p. 1).
Watercress can also invade arroyo toad
habitat. After a fire in the upper
Sweetwater River resulted in increased
sedimentation that created more
breeding habitat for the arroyo toad,
watercress subsequently invaded and
covered the water surface, and arroyo
toad recruitment declined (Brown,
USGS, pers. comm. 2012). It is possible
that, while reducing available breeding
area, the watercress reduced
detectability of arroyo toads. However,
in sandy open areas, larvae of other toad
species were detected while arroyo
toads were not (Brown, USGS, pers.
comm. 2012). Watercress has become
well established in the Lower Santa
Margarita River Basin, and scattered
patches of watercress have been
observed in the upper portions of San
Mateo and San Onofre Creeks (Brehme
et al. 2011, p. 32).
Conservation measures and
management are currently being enacted
to reduce the impact of nonnative plants
on arroyo toads. The Los Padres
National Forest has made a concerted
effort to remove giant reed and tamarisk
from arroyo toad habitat. Forest Service
staff and volunteers conduct annual
tamarisk removal along portions of Piru
Creek, Sisquoc River, Santa Ynez River,
and Sespe Creek to protect and restore
arroyo toad habitat. At MCB Camp
Pendleton, measures mandating control
of nonnative plants have been
implemented through section 7
consultation (Service 1995, pp. 1, 26,
32, 35). These measures are further
described and incorporated into the
most recent Integrated National
Resources Management Plan (INRMP)
for MCB Camp Pendleton (MCB Camp
Pendleton 2007, pp. C–1–C–19).
Removal efforts on the Base have
reduced prevalence of giant reed, with
the help of naturally occurring scouring
from flooding events. Researchers
recommend continued eradication
efforts of nonnative plants on MCB
Camp Pendleton, particularly those that
alter the natural hydrology of
watersheds occupied by arroyo toad
(Brehme et al. 2011, p. 38). Though
these efforts have aided in decreasing
the threats posed by nonnative plants,
management methods of these plants are
limited, as control by herbicides and
pesticides can have impacts to arroyo
Where invasive, nonnative plants
occur, they can degrade arroyo toad
habitat and alter stream dynamics.
Though conservation measures have
been successful in reducing the spread
of these nonnative plants at 6 of the 16
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nonnative species (ECORP 2004, pp. 18,
Bullfrogs and African clawed frogs are
two of the primary introduced species
that prey upon arroyo toads. Both
species feed on arroyo toads at all life
stages (Sweet 1992, p. 128; Ramirez
2007, p. 102). Sweet (1992, p. 132)
found that bullfrogs, which target
calling male arroyo toads, were
associated with resulting sex ratio biases
in arroyo toads of 1:14 (1 male to 14
females) in Sespe Creek. Of 40 bullfrogs
captured along the Santa Margarita
River in 2008, arroyo toad remains were
found in the stomach contents of over
half of them (Brehme et al. 2011, p. 44).
USGS further estimated 125 arroyo
toads were being consumed by bullfrogs
per kilometer per month along the lower
Santa Margarita River (Backin and
Introduced Predator Species
Brehme, USGS, pers. comm. 2012).
At the time of listing, nonnative
Additionally, over the past 20 years, at
predators had caused substantial
least 60 species of fishes have been
reductions in the sizes of extant
introduced to the western United States,
populations of arroyo toads, and had
59 percent of which are predatory.
caused arroyo toads to disappear from
Arroyo toad tadpoles are subject to
large portions of historically occupied
predation by many of these introduced
habitat (Jennings and Hayes 1994, p.
fish species, especially green sunfish
57). The introduction of nonnative
and prickly sculpin. Mosquitofish
aquatic species has been facilitated by
(Gambusia affinis) and crayfish have
the construction of the California
also been observed to prey on both
Aqueduct and other sources of intertadpoles and eggs.
basin water transport (Service 1999, p.
In recent years, wild pigs (Sus scrofa)
48). Today, 28 of 35 river basins are
have been recognized as a likely new
impacted by introduced predator
stressor to arroyo toads, and are now
found at 5 of 35 river basins. Arroyo
Predatory species known to prey on
toads are expected to be adversely
arroyo toad adults, tadpoles, or eggs
affected in the San Diego River
include green sunfish (Lepomis
watershed as a result of wild pig
cyanellus), largemouth bass
introductions (SDNHM 2010, pp. 3, 23,
(Micropterous salmoides), black
29, 32, 34–35). The mild climate of San
bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus), prickly
Diego County can support rapid
sculpin (Cottus asper), stocked rainbow population growth and expansion of
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), oriental
wild pig populations, making
gobies (Tridentiger spp.), red shiners
eradication of wild pigs unlikely and
(Notropis lutrensis), American bullfrogs control difficult (CBI 2009, pp. 14, 20–
(Lithobates catesbeiana), African clawed 21; SDNHM 2010, p. 42; Winchell,
frogs (Xenopus laevis), crayfish
USFWS, pers. comm. 2012). Wild pigs
(Procambarus clarkia), and mammalian negatively affect almost all aspects of
species including raccoons (Procyon
ecosystem structure and function; for
lotor) and opossums (Didelphis
example, areas where pigs have rooted
virginiana) (Sweet 1992, pp. 118–122;
appear as if rototilled, leaving large
Service 1999, pp. 17, 48). All of these
areas of bare earth that can be easily
species prey on arroyo toad tadpoles,
colonized by invasive, nonnative weeds
and all but the crayfish, red shiners, and (Jolley et al. 2010, p. 519). Wild pigs
African clawed frogs were known to
may also directly consume arroyo toads,
impact arroyo toads at the time of listing as they are opportunistic omnivores
(59 FR 64859; December 16, 1994).
whose diet has been observed to include
Where nonnative predators occur, they
reptiles and amphibians (Barrett and
can be widespread and occur in high
Birmingham 1994, p. D–66; Wilcox and
abundances. For example, surveys along Van Vuren 2009, p. 114; Jolley et al.
San Mateo Creek on the Cleveland
2010, pp. 520–522).
Detrimental effects of arroyo toad
National Forest confirmed a very high
abundance and widespread distribution predation have been demonstrated
throughout the range of the species.
of nonnative aquatic species, with
approximately 77 percent of the ‘‘major’’ Along the Santa Margarita River in MCB
Camp Pendleton, occupancy models for
pools and 45 percent of the ‘‘minor’’
wet arroyo toad habitat indicate that
pools occupied by at least one
occurrences affected by nonnative
plants, impacts continue. We do not
have any information regarding whether
invasive, nonnative plants are impacting
river basins that support arroyo toads in
Mexico, but would expect that some
effects are occurring. While the impact
of invasive, nonnative plants will not
result in the immediate loss of habitat
and extirpation of populations, they will
continue to degrade arroyo toad habitat
and reduce its carrying capacity over the
long term and result in decreased
survival and reproduction of affected
populations. Overall, due to the large
scope and moderate severity of the
effects of invasive, nonnative plants on
arroyo toads and their habitat, we find
that this threat has a medium level of
impact (Service 2013, pp. 54–63).
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nonnative aquatic predators had the
largest negative impact on arroyo toad
occupancy and detectability (Brehme et
al. 2006, p. 43). This negative
association weakened to a level of
insignificance in 2009—which
corresponded with elevated aquatic
predator removal efforts—but returned
again in 2010 along with a greater
number of sites where nonnative
predator fish and crayfish were detected
(Brehme et al. 2011, pp. 29, 31, 35–36).
Brehme et al. (2011, pp. 2–3) strongly
recommend continued control of
nonnative aquatic species, especially
bullfrogs and crayfish, for continued
persistence of arroyo toad in the lower
Santa Margarita River. Once established,
nonnative predators appear resilient and
persist in the system except when
drying creates a period of habitat
unsuitability (Miller et al. 2012, pp. 2,
7). Thus, Brehme et al. (2011, p. 2)
recommend modifying water releases
along the lower Santa Margarita River to
simulate a more natural hydrology
pattern (i.e., no releases in summer
months), along with continued, elevated
control of nonnative aquatic species.
Some progress has been made since
listing toward reducing the threat of
introduced predators to arroyo toads
and their habitat. Efforts are being made
to remove or reduce nonnative animal
populations in several areas, including
the Santa Ynez River Basin on the Los
Padres National Forest and in the Santa
Clara River Basin on the Angeles
National Forest. Forest Service
personnel have also worked with animal
control agencies to reduce the releases
of raccoons and opossums in arroyo
toad habitats. At MCB Camp Pendleton,
pursuant to a biological opinion issued
in 1995, the Base must take measures to
assess threats to the survival and
recovery of arroyo toad, including those
from nonnative predators (Service 1995,
pp. 1, 26, 32, 35). Measures to control
nonnative predators are further
described and incorporated in the most
recent INRMP for MCB Camp Pendleton
(MCB Camp Pendleton 2007, pp. C–1–
C–19). Nonnative aquatic predator
removal on Base has been ongoing for
several years and has shown a benefit to
arroyo toads in the Lower Santa
Margarita River Basin.
In the San Juan Creek Basin in Orange
County, a 6-year aquatic predator
control program was conducted as
mitigation for two California
Department of Transportation
(CalTrans) projects on adjacent State
Route 74. The program was effective in
reducing bullfrog adults and larvae from
the headwaters of the creek and has
slowed local proliferation of this
species. Continuation of removal efforts
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is recommended within the creek and at
downstream breeding populations that
provide sources of dispersal into the
study area (LSA and BonTerra 2012, pp.
12–13). However, the program ended in
2012. As another CalTrans project is
anticipated along State Route 74, the
work could be continued through this
new project, but may not be initiated for
another year or more. Actions such as
these provide benefits only in the short
term unless replaced with a long-term
mechanism for continued predator
control and/or eradication.
In order to address the impacts of
feral pigs, the Cleveland National Forest
prepared an environmental assessment
of a proposed feral pig damage control
project on the Forest, Bureau of Land
Management lands, and on the Capitan
Grande Indian Reservation (USDA 2012,
p. 49). However, implementation of this
project is uncertain. Securing funding
and access to private lands where wild
pigs might be found outside Federal
lands are necessary in order to control
this species, but are currently
challenging (Winchell, USFWS, pers.
comm. 2012).
Very limited information is available
on the effects of introduced predators in
Mexico. We are aware that introduced
predators are present at all 10 river
basins in Mexico that support arroyo
toads (Lovich 2009, pp. 90–91);
however, the magnitude of impacts on
local populations is unknown.
Introduced predators are currently
impacting arroyo toads at 28 out of the
35 river basins where the arroyo toad is
known to occur. Where introduced
predators occur, they have an extreme
effect on arroyo toads and their habitats.
Currently, 5 of the 28 river basins
impacted by nonnative predators have
conservation measures to mitigate the
impacts of introduced predators. We
find that introduced predators are the
most important factor threatening the
arroyo toad across its range. Introduced
predators have a pervasive scope and an
extreme threat severity, as introduced
predators may cause reductions in
population size or even extirpation of
entire arroyo toad populations.
Therefore, introduced predators are a
threat with a very high impact on the
toad and its habitat (Service 2013, pp.
64–69). However, despite this high level
of impact, and the fact that bullfrogs and
other predators have become wellestablished in arroyo toad habitat
(Service 2013, p. 69), no populations
have yet been extirpated.
At the time of listing, drought and the
resultant deterioration of riparian
habitats in Southern California was
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considered to be the most significant
natural factor adversely affecting the
arroyo toad. Though arroyo toads likely
naturally evolved with periodic drought
conditions, the 1994 listing rule
concluded that drought conditions,
when combined with alteration of
natural flow regimes, had degraded
riparian ecosystems and created
extremely stressful conditions for most
aquatic species; drought years are also
known to result in low food supplies
that can be detrimental to breeding
arroyo toads (59 FR 64859, December
16, 1994). Today, 21 of the 25
occurrences in the United States are
impacted by drought as exacerbated by
altered flow regimes.
Drought conditions continue to
impact both arroyo toad populations
and the riparian habitat that supports
them. As drought conditions increase,
reduction in plant growth results in less
available canopy cover and shade,
which could increase predation rates on
arroyo toads (Campbell et al. 1996, p.
As stated in the 1994 listing rule,
drought can also directly impact
breeding arroyo toads. During drought
conditions, plants produce fewer
flowers for insects; fewer insects result
in less available food for arroyo toads.
A major concern regarding the effect of
drought on arroyo toads is that female
toads may not be able to find sufficient
insect prey to build up enough fat
storage for egg production in time to
find a mate, resulting in no
reproduction for that year (Sweet 1992,
pp. 56, 172, and 190; Campbell et al.
1996, p. 11). In addition, if streams dry
up too early in the breeding season,
arroyo toad tadpoles may not have
enough time to reach metamorphosis.
The habitat requirements and life
history of the arroyo toad increases the
impact of drought on the species. Most
waterways occupied by arroyo toads are
small and are ephemeral streams at high
elevations. At lower elevations, impacts
from drought on arroyo toad
occurrences are exacerbated by
alteration of hydrology from dams,
water diversions, and groundwater
extraction due to urbanization and
agriculture (see discussion under the
Urban Development, Agriculture, and
Operation of Dams and Water
Diversions sections above). The arroyo
toad’s lifespan averages 5 to 6 years; if
drought persists longer than 6 years,
entire populations could be extirpated
for lack of water (Sweet 1992, p. 147;
Backlin and Brehme, USGS, pers.
comm. 2012). For example, arroyo toad
occurrences in ephemeral streams on
MCB Camp Pendleton (San Mateo
Creek, San Onofre Creek basins) and
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Remote Training Site Warner Springs
(Upper San Luis Rey River Basin) are at
increased risk of extirpation from a
prolonged drought and may be more
dependent upon dispersal from more
stable sites for recolonization (Brehme
et al. 2006, pp. 43–44; Clark et al. 2011,
p. 18).
At this time (March, 2014), the U.S.
Drought Monitor shows that the worst
drought category, ‘‘exceptional
drought,’’ covers 9 percent of California
and ‘‘extreme drought’’ (the second
worst category) has increased to cover
67 percent of California (U.S. Drought
Monitor 2014). According to the drought
map (U.S. Drought Monitor 2014), most
of the known arroyo toad occurrences in
California are within drainages affected
by the current drought. Therefore, we
estimate that arroyo toad occurrences in
21 out of the 25 river basins in the
United States are being affected by
drought as exacerbated by altered
hydrology. We do not have any
information on how or if drought
impacts river basins that support arroyo
toads in Mexico but we expect that at
least some of the river basins would be
affected by regional droughts in similar
fashion as the river basins in the United
States, particularly at the one
occurrence in Mexico that has a dam
that alters natural flow regimes. Drought
is certainly not unique in southern
California and arroyo toad populations
have withstood such episodes in the
past, such that we are not aware of any
occurrences that have become
extirpated since listing due to drought
conditions. However, the continued
operation of dams and other water
diversions adds stress to arroyo toad
populations in ephemeral streams.
Because the scope of the impacts from
droughts are large (affecting 21 of the 25
river basins in the United States, and
likely additional river basins in
Mexico), and because drought has a
serious level of severity on arroyo toad
population and habitat, we find that
drought conditions are a threat that
results in a high level of impact to
arroyo toad populations throughout
their range (Service 2013, pp. 32–37).
Periodic Fire and Fire Suppression
In recent decades, large fires in the
West have become more frequent, more
widespread, and potentially more
deadly to wildlife (Joint Fire Science
Program 2007). At the time of listing,
periodic fires were considered a threat
to the arroyo toad and its habitat. In
1991, the Lions Fire on upper Sespe
Creek in the Los Padres National Forest
directly destroyed riparian habitat along
Sespe Creek in the Santa Clara River
Basin, which contained the largest
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known extant population of arroyo
toads. The fire also destroyed 15 known
breeding pools and over 50 percent of
the known adult population on the
Sespe drainage; however, by 1993, the
population and its habitat had largely
recovered due to recruitment from
healthy populations of arroyo toads
downstream (Sweet 1993, p. 19). Today,
a robust population continues to persist
in upper Sespe Creek. Currently, 22 of
the 25 river basins in the United States
are affected by fire suppression and
periodic fire (Service 2013, p. 74),
particularly as the natural fire regimes
in Southern California have altered in
frequency and intensity in recent
decades. The remaining three river
basins in the United States are not in
habitats characterized as at high risk
from altered fire regimes.
Periodic fires are considered a threat
to the arroyo toads because fires can
cause direct mortality of arroyo toads,
destroy streamside vegetation, or
eliminate vegetation that sustains the
watershed. Pilliod et al. (2003, p. 176)
state that the effects of fire may be
greatest for amphibians that are habitat
specialists, such as arroyo toads,
compared to species that occupy
different types of habitat and tolerate a
wide range of environmental conditions.
Other effects from fires include
increased water temperature (as a result
of canopy loss), toxic effects of smoke
and fire retardant to water chemistry,
increased sedimentation in streams and
ponds that negatively impact
reproduction and recruitment, and the
effects of fire and post-fire conditions on
arroyo toad terrestrial movements
(Pilliod et al. 2003, pp. 163–181). In
addition, wildfires often generate a
substantial increase in erosion following
the loss of protective ground cover and
root anchors (Service 2003, p. 8).
Although arroyo toads may recolonize
areas impacted by fire (as occurred in
upper Sespe Creek), recruitment from
downstream occurrences is likely not
possible in all locations due to habitat
alteration from urbanization, existing
dams, and other impacts.
Since the time the arroyo toad was
listed in 1994, we now recognize that
arroyo toads may also be impacted by
fire suppression and firefighting
activities, including fire line
construction, hand line construction,
bulldozing, water withdrawal using
helicopters and pumps, backfiring, and
fire camp and safety zone construction.
After the 2007 Zaca Fire in Los Padres
National Forest, a number of broad
fuelbreaks and safety zones were
bulldozed in several areas, including the
lower portions of Mono and Indian
Creeks (Sweet 2007a, pp. 1–9; 2007b, p.
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1). At that time of year, a large
proportion of the population would
have been within burrows on the
terraces, and any toads that were in
burrows were very likely killed by
bulldozing (Sweet 2007a, p. 1). Sweet
(2007a, p. 1) also reported that the
bulldozing operations also severely
degraded upland habitat; for example,
bulldozing created large piles of woody
debris between the creek bed and the
terraces that created substantial barriers
to arroyo toad movement.
Periodic fire and fire suppression
activities could potentially impact the
arroyo toad through permanent loss of
breeding habitat; permanent loss of
upland habitat; and mortality, injury, or
displacement of individuals. Currently,
fire could impact 22 out of the 25 river
basins in the United States where the
arroyo toad is known to occur. Although
we expect that fire could also impact
river basins that support arroyo toads in
Mexico, we currently lack information
on habitat types and fire regimes in
those areas.
Despite the potentially high level of
impacts that fire and fire suppression
can have on the species, very few fires
have occurred in arroyo toad habitat
since the time of listing, and we expect
the incidence of fires will remain
relatively constant. Fire and fire
suppression activities have a large scope
(affecting 22 of the 25 river basins in the
United States) and a moderate severity,
as fire could permanently or temporarily
alter breeding habitat and cause
mortality of arroyo toads. Therefore, we
find that fire and fire suppression
activities are a threat with a medium
level of impact on the arroyo toad
(Service 2013, pp. 72–37).
Climate Change
At the time of listing, the potential
impacts of climate change to the arroyo
toad and its habitat were not assessed.
In the 2009 5-year review, we
recognized that climate change could
impact arroyo toad habitat; however, we
lacked downscaled projections to make
predictions on how a changing climate
could impact arroyo toad habitat.
Today, more information on
downscaled climate projections has
become available, and we conclude that
effects of climate change could impact
all 35 river basins that support arroyo
toads and their habitat.
The term ‘‘climate change’’ refers to a
change in the mean or variability of one
or more measures of climate (e.g.,
temperature or precipitation) that
persists for an extended period, usually
decades or longer, whether the change
is due to natural variability, human
activity, or both (IPCC 2007a, p. 78).
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Various types of changes in climate can
have direct or indirect effects on
species, including the arroyo toad.
Specific effects of climate change on the
arroyo toad and its habitat depend on
the magnitude of future changes.
Predictions for changes in
temperature vary across the range of the
arroyo toad. Downscaled projections of
temperature were available for the 25
river basins in the United States that
support arroyo toads. In the Central
Western California Ecoregion, which
contains four river basins in the
northern portion of the arroyo toad’s
range, mean annual temperatures are
predicted to increase from 1.6 to 1.9 °C
(2.9 to 3.4 °F) by 2070 (PRBO 2011, pp.
35, 40). In the Southwestern California
Ecoregion, which contains 21 river
basins, temperatures are predicted to
rise 1.7 to 2.2 °C (3.1 to 4.0 °F) (PRBO
2011, pp. 35, 40). High temperature
events are expected to become more
common in both ecoregions, and taxa
with very narrow temperature tolerance
levels may experience thermal stress to
the point of direct mortality or
diminished reproduction in the
Southwestern California Ecoregion
(PRBO 2011, pp. 38, 42).
There is a general lack of consensus
of the effects of future climate change on
precipitation patterns in both
ecoregions. Some models suggest almost
no change, whereas others project
decreases of up to 32 percent in the
Central Western California Ecoregion
and 37 percent in the Southwestern
California Ecoregion by 2070 (PRBO
2011, pp. 35, 40). Qualitative indicators
of changes in concentrated near-surface
water vapor (atmospheric rivers) above
the Pacific Ocean in current projections
suggest flood risks in California from
warm-wet storms may increase beyond
those known historically, mostly in the
form of occasional more-extreme-thanhistorical storm seasons (Dettinger 2011,
p. 522).
Changes in climate may impact the
historical flow regimes that support
arroyo toads. Snyder et al. (2004, pp.
594, 600) has projected that annual
snow accumulation will decrease
significantly for all hydrologic regions
in California. Reduced snowpack will
lead to reduced stream-flows, especially
in the spring (EPA 2012). Additionally,
rising temperatures cause snow to begin
melting earlier in the year, which alters
the timing of stream-flow in rivers that
have their sources in mountainous areas
(EPA 2013). Thus, taxa that rely on
runoff from snowmelt will find streams
and rivers drying up much earlier than
before, and temperatures of the water
are likely to increase due to a reduction
in snowmelt contribution, likely altering
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riparian communities downstream
(Snyder et al. 2004, p. 600; PRBO 2011,
p. 42).
Additional impacts from climate
change on arroyo toad habitat include
reductions in groundwater systems and
overall water supply. Surficial aquifers,
which supply much of the flow to
streams, lakes, wetlands, and springs,
are likely to be the part of the
groundwater system most sensitive to
climate change (Alley et al. 1999, p. 21).
Increased competition for water
resources in the southwestern United
States and Mexico are expected due to
projected temperature increases, riverflow reductions, dwindling reservoirs,
decreased groundwater recharge, and
rapid population growth (EPA 2012).
For example, the California Energy
Commission (CEC) (2009, p. 22) predicts
the combined effects of climate change,
water use practices, and regional growth
will expose San Diego County to greater
risk of water shortfalls before 2050.
Aspects of arroyo toad life history and
biology make them sensitive to potential
climate-change-related impacts. Arroyo
toads have a relative inability to
disperse longer distances in order to
occupy more favorable habitat
conditions (i.e., move up and down
stream corridors, or across river basins).
This reduced adaptive capacity for
arroyo toad is a function of its highly
specialized habitat requirements, the
dynamic nature of its habitat, natural
barriers such as steep topography at
higher elevations, and extensive
fragmentation (unnatural barriers)
within and between river basins from
reservoirs, urbanization, agriculture,
roads, and the introduction of nonnative
plants and predators. Climate change
also could affect the distribution of
pathogens and their vectors, exposing
arroyo toads (potentially with weakened
immune systems as a result of other
environmental stressors) to new
pathogens (Blaustein et al. 2001, p.
1808). Climate change may result in a
range shift of the fungus
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd),
(Pounds et al. 2006, p. 161; Bosch et al.
2007, p. 253), a virulent amphibian
disease. Though Bd has the potential to
infect and kill arroyo toads (Nichols
2003, entire), it is not currently found
within the range of the arroyo toad and,
therefore, is not expected to affect
arroyo toads in the near future, though
it remains a potential future threat.
More information on the potential
impact of Bd on arroyo toads is
available in the ‘‘Disease’’ section of the
Species Report (Service 2013, pp. 62–
We conclude that because climate
change is likely to impact all river
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basins where the arroyo toad is known
to occur in the future, it has a pervasive
scope. We also conclude that climate
change has a serious severity, as it has
the potential to degrade habitat and
reduce populations over a large
proportion of the range of the arroyo
toad. Therefore, we expect that climate
change will have a high level of impact
on the arroyo toad and its habitat
throughout its range. See additional
discussion in the ‘‘Climate Change’’
section of the Species Report (Service
2013, pp. 75–80).
Combination of Threats
Combinations of threats working in
concert with one another have the
ability to negatively impact species to a
greater degree than individual threats
operating alone. Multiple stressors can
alter the effects of other stressors or act
synergistically to affect individuals and
populations (IPCC 2002, p. 22; Boone et
al. 2003, pp. 138–143; Westerman et al.
2003, pp. 90–91; Opdam and Wascher
2004, pp. 285–297; Boone et al. 2007,
pp. 293–297; Vredenburg and Wake
2007, p. 7; Lawler et al. 2010, p. 47;
Miller et al. 2011, pp. 2360–2361).
Alterations in habitat caused by dam
operation, urban development, and
invasive plants interact with nonnative
predators by increasing the suitability of
habitat for nonnative predators.
Artificially sustained flow regimes from
urban runoff, agricultural runoff, or dam
operation create ponds that make
habitat more suitable for bullfrogs and
African clawed frogs than for arroyo
toads (Sweet 1992, p. 156; Riley et al.
2005, p. 1905). Bullfrogs are welladapted to deep-water conditions in
ponded areas above dams, and dam
releases can introduce them to
downstream habitats (CDFG 2005, p.
178). In these modified systems with
deep pools that persist year-round, both
bullfrogs and arroyo toads must rely on
the same habitat for breeding, even
though their biological needs differ.
This situation allows bullfrogs more
opportunity to prey on all of the life
stages of arroyo toads. Furthermore, the
introduction of nonnative plant species
may enhance the probability of
successful introduction of other
nonnative species. For example, there is
some evidence that the survival of
bullfrogs is enhanced by the presence of
nonnative aquatic vegetation, which
provides habitat more suitable to
bullfrogs (Maxell and Hokit 1999, p.
Invasive, nonnative plants can
interact with fire to exacerbate its effects
on riparian habitats and natural stream
flow. Large riparian corridors have
historically acted as natural firebreaks
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in southern California because of their
low-lying topography and relative
absence of flammable fuels. However,
recent studies suggest that invasive
plants are making riparian systems more
fire-prone (Lambert et al. 2010). Giant
reed and tamarisk are highly flammable,
yet both species recover rapidly from
fire by vigorous regrowth from belowground plant parts. By contrast,
cottonwoods, willows, and other native
woody plants are much less tolerant of
direct exposure to fire. Coffman et al.
(2010, pp. 2723–2734) examined the
regrowth rates of giant reed and nearby
native woody vegetation following a
741-acre (300-ha) fire in the Santa Clara
River watershed in 2005. Giant reed
grew three to four times faster following
the fire, and within 11 years, its density
was 20 times greater than native species.
This suggests that rapid regrowth of the
highly flammable biomass creates an
invasive plant-fire cycle that ultimately
leads to a decline in native species in
the ecosystem (Coffman et al. 2010, pp.
Overall reductions in available habitat
and population size through all the
threats described in this document
could cause further fragmentation of
remaining arroyo toad populations. In
particular, fragmentation can cause a
‘‘habitat split,’’ which is a separation
between the two habitats critical for
amphibian reproduction (Dixo et al.
2009, p. 1567). Habitat split may have
an even larger effect on amphibian
species with aquatic larval development
and a terrestrial adult stage, such as the
arroyo toad. Because of its dual habitat
needs, the arroyo toad would be
particularly susceptible to fragmentation
that isolates breeding wetlands from
upland areas that are the preferred
habitats of adults. A number of studies
have reported changes in genetic
diversity associated with habitat
fragmentation in amphibians (Young et
al. 1996; Cushman 2006; Dixo et al.
2009). Genetic consequences of
fragmentation center on a significant
decrease in genetic diversity from (1)
relatively low dispersal capabilities; (2)
mortality when moving across roads and
unsuitable habitats, which depresses
growth rates; (3) narrow habitat
tolerances; and (4) high vulnerability to
pathogens, invasive species, climate
change, and environmental pollutants
(Cushman 2006, p. 232), ultimately
leading to decreased survival or
reproductive success.
Both dispersal ability and habitat
availability determine how vulnerable
arroyo toads are to reduced genetic
diversity due to fragmentation. A study
by Dixo et al. (2009, p. 1561) found that
while a generalist species of amphibian
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(Rhinella ornata) was relatively tolerant
of larger habitat fragments and
maintained genetic diversity within
them, gene flow in populations was
negatively impacted in small patches of
remaining habitat. This result implies
that more specialized species like the
arroyo toad would suffer even more
severe genetic consequences from a
fragmented and isolated landscape. In
fact, arroyo toads have narrow
environmental tolerances (highly
specialized breeding, foraging, and
shelter requirements), generally low
dispersal abilities (Service 2013, pp. 6–
7), and are vulnerable to being killed
when burrowing into or crossing roads
at night, all characteristics that
exacerbate the negative effects of
fragmentation, habitat loss, and habitat
degradation. Combined with the small
population sizes of arroyo toad
occurrences, the species could find it
difficult to persist while sustaining the
impacts of urban, suburban, and rural
development that have already resulted
in severe arroyo toad habitat loss and
Effects of climate change may
exacerbate other threats to the arroyo
toad by increasing the frequency or
severity of droughts which could result
in increases in groundwater pumping
and water diversion for urban and
agriculture use, increasing runoff and
erosion during extreme flood events,
increasing the frequency or intensity of
wildfire, and increasing the spread and
virulence of pathogens.
Based on the best available scientific
and commercial information, we find
that the cumulative and combined
effects of multiple factors acting on the
arroyo toad are pervasive in scope, as
they affect all arroyo toad occurrences,
and are of serious severity, as these
impacts could cause the loss or
degradation of habitat and potential
reductions in arroyo toad populations.
Therefore, we conclude that combined
effects of multiple factors pose a high
level of threat to the arroyo toad and its
habitat (Service 2013, pp. 84–85).
Recovery and Recovery Plan
Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to
develop and implement recovery plans
for the conservation and survival of
endangered and threatened species
unless we determine that such a plan
will not promote the conservation of the
species. Under section 4(f)(1)(B)(ii),
recovery plans must, to the maximum
extent practicable, include: ‘‘Objective,
measurable criteria which, when met,
would result in a determination, in
accordance with the provisions of
[section 4 of the Act], that the species
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be removed from the list.’’ However,
revisions to the list (adding, removing,
or reclassifying a species) must reflect
determinations made in accordance
with sections 4(a)(1) and 4(b) of the Act.
Section 4(a)(1) requires that the
Secretary determine whether a species
is endangered or threatened (or not)
because of one or more of five threat
factors. Section 4(b) of the Act requires
that the determination be made ‘‘solely
on the basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available.’’ Therefore,
recovery criteria should help indicate
when we would anticipate an analysis
of the five threat factors under section
4(a)(1) would result in a determination
that a species is no longer an
endangered species or threatened
species because of any of the five
statutory factors.
Thus, while recovery plans provide
important guidance to the Service,
States, and other partners on methods of
minimizing threats to listed species and
measurable objectives against which to
measure progress towards recovery, they
are not regulatory documents and
cannot substitute for the determinations
and promulgation of regulations
required under section 4(a)(1) of the
Act. A decision to revise the status of or
remove a species from the Federal List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
(50 CFR 17.11) is ultimately based on an
analysis of the best scientific and
commercial data then available to
determine whether a species is no
longer an endangered species or a
threatened species, regardless of
whether that information differs from
the recovery plan.
The Service finalized a recovery plan
for the arroyo toad in 1999 (Service
1999, pp. 1–119). The intent of the
arroyo toad recovery plan was to
prescribe recovery criteria that would
demonstrate population stability and
good habitat management over a period
of years, which would indicate a
substantially improved situation for
arroyo toads. We anticipated later
developing better information on the
status and needs of arroyo toads, based
on the surveys, research, and
monitoring prescribed in the plan.
Because the recovery plan incorporated
an adaptive management approach to
recovery, new information would be
used to modify the recovery tasks and
criteria, as appropriate (Service 1999, p.
The overall objectives of the recovery
plan are to prevent further loss of
individuals, populations, and habitat
critical for the survival of the species;
and to recover existing populations to
normal reproductive capacity to ensure
viability in the long term, prevent
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extinction, maintain genetic viability,
and improve conservation status
(Service 1999, p. 108). The general goal
to achieve recovery of the species is to
establish sufficient self-sustaining
populations. The recovery plan
describes 22 river basins in the coastal
and desert areas of 9 counties along the
central and southern coast of California,
and the recovery plan divides the range
of the arroyo toad into three large
recovery units—Northern, Southern,
and Desert. These recovery units were
established to reflect the ecological and
geographic distribution of the species
and its current and historic range
(Service 1999, pp. 71–72); we have since
received updated information on the
number and extent of river basins that
support arroyo toads. The Recovery Plan
did not address any occurrences in Baja
California, Mexico, as very limited
information on the species was available
when the plan was drafted.
The Recovery Plan provides two
criteria for determining when the arroyo
toad should be considered for
reclassification from endangered to
threatened status: (1) That management
plans have been approved and
implemented on federally managed
lands to provide for securing the genetic
and phenotypic variation of the arroyo
toad in each recovery unit by
conserving, maintaining, and restoring
the riparian and upland habitats used by
arroyo toads for breeding, foraging, and
wintering habitat; and (2) that at least 20
self-sustaining metapopulations or
populations must be maintained at
specific locations (Service 1999, pp. 75–
76). The Recovery Plan states that selfsustaining metapopulations or
populations are those documented as
having successful recruitment (i.e.,
inclusion of newly matured individuals
into the breeding population) equal to
20 percent or more of the average
number of breeding adults in 7 of 10
years of average to above average
rainfall amounts with normal rainfall
patterns. Such recruitment would be
documented by statistically valid trend
data indicating stable or increasing
populations. In addition, self-sustaining
populations require no direct human
assistance (such as captive breeding or
rearing, or translocation of toads
between sites). This does not include
activities such as patrolling or closing of
roads, campgrounds, or recreational
areas, or maintaining stream crossings
or fencing (Service 2013, p. 76).
The Recovery Plan also states that
arroyo toad should be considered for
delisting when the genetic and
phenotypic variation of the arroyo toad
throughout its range in California is
secured by maintaining 15 additional
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self-sustaining populations of arroyo
toads in coastal plain, coastal slope,
desert slope, and desert river basins,
including known populations outside of
Federal jurisdiction (Service 1999, p.
In our analysis of the status of the
arroyo toad in the Species Report, we
reviewed the 22 river basin occurrences
that were identified at the time of listing
(59 FR 64859; Service 1999, pp. 12–31).
Of these 22 occurrences, 4 occurrences
(Whitewater River, San Felipe Creek,
Vallecitos Creek, and Pinto Wash
basins) were determined to be reported
erroneously, as examination of locality
records, museum specimens,
photographs and other records, as well
as new visits to these river basins found
no evidence that they had ever
supported arroyo toads (Ervin et al.
2013, pp. 197—204). Additionally, the
status of arroyo toads was unknown in
2 river basins (Santa Ana River and Otay
River) identified for recovery actions in
the recovery plan (Service 1999, pp. 23–
24, 30).
The arroyo toad is currently extant or
presumed to be extant at 16 occurrences
on federal lands, including those known
at listing, while the status of the Otay
River Basin and Lower Santa Ana River
Basin occurrences is still unknown
(Service 2013, Table 1). However, arroyo
toads were redetected in the San Jacinto
River Basin, which was previously
identified as part of the greater Santa
Ana River Basin in the recovery plan
(Service 1999, pp. 23–24); the split of
the Greater Santa Ana River Basin into
two occurrences adds an additional
occurrence to those recognized in the
recovery plan. Thus, at least one
population within each of these 17 river
basins supporting the arroyo toad
identified at listing is currently extant or
presumed to be extant on Federal land.
Furthermore, the arroyo toad is extant at
5 additional river basins with no
populations on Federal land. Updated
information indicates some locations
where erroneously reported, while the
arroyo toad has been identified in three
additional river basins. The arroyo toad
continues to occur at 22 occurrences.
While some of these locations differ
from those identified in the downlisting
criteria, the number of populations
exceeds that identified to meet
downlisting criteria in the recovery
plan. Finally, management plans have
been approved and are being
implemented to help conserve,
maintain, and restore habitat on Federal
lands (Service 2013, pp. 87–94).
As stated above, the recovery plan
also identifies the need for populations
or metapopulations to be self-sustaining.
We do not have statistically valid trend
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data of arroyo toad occurrences that
would allow us to project whether
populations are declining, stable, or
increasing as described in the Recovery
Plan. We will instead consider, based on
the best available scientific and
commercial data, whether available
information indicates arroyo toads are
self-sustaining. Available survey data
does report that arroyo toads remain
extant or presumed extant at 28 of the
35 occurrences rangewide, and have
continued to reproduce and survive
throughout their range without direct
human assistance as described in the
Recovery Plan. After reviewing recent
survey data, we have found that, while
threats identified at listing are ongoing,
arroyo toads remain extant or presumed
extant at all of the occurrences occupied
at listing. The best available information
indicates that these populations have
become self-sustaining in part due to the
management plans that are being
implemented to address some of the
impacts of 9 of the 12 current threats
(excluding fire, drought, and climate
change); these plans are managed
through coordinated efforts with our
partners. The majority of waterways that
support arroyo toads occur on Federal
land where efforts are in progress to
minimize impacts to listed species. Each
of the National Forests have land
management plans that include
measures to minimize impacts to listed
species. MCB Camp Pendleton and Fort
Hunter Ligget Military Reservation have
developed INRMPs that include
conservation measures that benefit the
arroyo toad. Five HCPs have also been
completed and provide protection to
covered species, including arroyo toad.
These plans help to minimize some of
the impacts from currently identified
threats for continued conservation of
this taxon.
Furthermore, we are not aware of any
river basins that have been confirmed as
completely extirpated (no arroyo toads
at any rivers or streams within the river
basin) since listing. Therefore, absent
the survey data required to fulfill the
definition of self-sustaining in the 1999
Recovery Plan, we conclude that these
factors are indicative of self-sustaining
As stated above, the intent of the
recovery plan was to prescribe recovery
criteria that would at least demonstrate
population stability and good habitat
management over a period of years,
which would indicate a substantially
improved situation for arroyo toads.
Despite the important progress made
toward meeting the reclassification
criteria outlined in the 1999 recovery
plan, we recognize that we have not met
the exact number of occupied river
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
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basins identified in the plan. New
information indicates that four of the
river basins identified in the recovery
plan were never occupied by arroyo
toad, and there are eight river basins in
the United States where no management
plans have been approved or
implemented on federally managed
lands, in part because several of those
basins do not contain a large amount of
federally owned land. There are 17 river
basins where management plans have
been approved and implemented on
federally managed land. At all those 17
occurrences, at least one population
within the river basin has remained
extant since the time of listing despite
the threats still impacting arroyo toads
and their habitat. Additionally, 5
occurrences on non-Federal lands have
been acquired or conserved through
other mechanisms, such as HCPs. We
therefore conclude that we have met the
overall intent of the downlisting criteria
for the arroyo toad for the number of
self-sustaining populations required for
downlisting, in that these river basins
demonstrate population stability and
good habitat management over multiple
We also conclude that the arroyo toad
has not met the delisting criteria, either
by intent or by the letter of the plan, as
we are only aware of management plans
on non-Federal land at eight river
basins, many of which overlap with the
river basins that have management
plans on Federal lands. Therefore, we
have not achieved the delisting criteria
of 15 additional self-sustaining arroyo
toad populations outside of Federal
jurisdiction. Further detail on our
analysis of river basins and the recovery
criteria is described in the Species
Report (Service 2013, pp. 88–95).
An assessment of the need for a
species’ protection under the Act is
based on whether a species is in danger
of extinction or likely to become so
because of any of five factors: (A) The
present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its
habitat or range; (B) overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or
predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)
other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence. As
required by section 4(a)(1) of the Act,
we conducted a review of the status of
the arroyo toad and assessed the five
factors to evaluate whether the arroyo
toad is endangered or threatened
throughout all of its range. We
examined the best scientific and
commercial information available
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regarding the past, present, and future
threats faced by the species. We
reviewed information presented in the
2011 petition, information available in
our files and gathered through our 90day finding in response to this petition,
and other available published and
unpublished information. We also
consulted with species experts and land
management staff with the Forest
Service, CDFW, the California
Department of Parks and Recreation
(CDPR), and HCP permittees who are
actively managing for the conservation
of the arroyo toad.
In considering what factors might
constitute threats, we must look beyond
the mere exposure of the species to the
factor to determine whether the
exposure causes actual impacts to the
species. If there is exposure to a factor,
but no response, or only a positive
response, that factor is not a threat. If
there is exposure and the species
responds negatively, the factor may be
a threat and we then attempt to
determine how significant the threat is.
If the threat is significant, it may drive,
or contribute to, the risk of extinction of
the species such that the species
warrants listing as endangered or
threatened as those terms are defined by
the Act. This does not necessarily
require empirical proof of a threat. The
combination of exposure and some
corroborating evidence of how the
species is likely impacted could suffice.
The mere identification of factors that
could impact a species negatively is not
sufficient to compel a finding that
listing is appropriate; we require
evidence that these factors are operative
threats that act on the species to the
point that the species meets the
definition of endangered or threatened
under the Act.
Since the arroyo toad was listed in
1994, new threats have been identified:
invasive, nonnative plants (Factors A
and E) and climate change (Factors A
and E). However, some factors known to
pose a threat to the arroyo toad and its
habitat at the time of listing are no
longer of concern (for example, new
dam construction or collection for
scientific or commercial purposes).
Conservation activities and preservation
of habitat have further reduced threats
from mining and prospecting (Factors A
and E), livestock grazing (Factors A and
E), roads and road maintenance (Factors
A and E), and recreation (Factors A and
Overall, a large number of stressors
continue to impact the arroyo toad. We
find that urban development, operations
of dams and water diversions, climate
change, and drought continue to pose a
high level of threat to the continued
PO 00000
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existence of the arroyo toad (affecting
many or most occurrences, likely to
seriously degrade habitat or reduce
species occurrences), and introduced
predators pose a very high level of
threat to the arroyo toad (affecting most
occurrences and likely to destroy habitat
or eliminate species occurrences).
We also find that fire and fire
suppression, invasive plants, recreation,
roads and road maintenance and
agriculture pose a moderate level of
threat to the arroyo toad. These threats
are of lower severity and are less
widespread than the high and very highlevel threats. Livestock and mining and
prospecting continue to pose a threat to
the arroyo toad; however, these threats
pose a low level of impact to the arroyo
toad and its habitat, meaning they affect
a limited number of occurrences and
moderately or slightly degrade habitat or
reduce occurrences.
Though some conservation measures
have been put in place to decrease the
current impacts of urban development,
operation of dams, and introduced
predators, some threats present ongoing
challenges. For example, management of
introduced predators has been difficult
to implement once predators are
established and requires ongoing
eradication and management efforts.
Drought and climate change are not
easily amenable to management through
existing regulatory or conservation
actions, although their impacts can be
reduced through improved management
and reduction of other stressors. The
combination of factors, such as the
interaction between altered flow
regimes caused by urban development
and operation of dams and water
diversions with the invasive potential of
nonnative plants and introduced
predators, can also increase the
magnitude of the individual threats.
As stated above, many of the threats
currently impacting the arroyo toad
were also known at the time of listing.
However, we also recognize that both
the magnitude and the type of some
threats impacting the arroyo toad have
changed since the time of listing. In the
case of urban development, agriculture,
and operations of dams and water
diversions, conservation actions and
consultation through section 7 of the
Act have decreased the severity of these
threats since the time of listing, such
that these threats cause alteration or
degradation of habitat rather than the
direct and permanent removal of habitat
that was a concern at the time of listing.
Conservation measures have overall
decreased the impact of multiple other
threats facing the arroyo toad, including
invasive plants, introduced predator
species, road and road maintenance,
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
recreation, and livestock grazing.
Conservation efforts are being
implemented on Federal lands in
portions of 17 river basins supporting
arroyo toad through the land
management plans for each of the four
southern California National Forests
(Los Padres, Angeles, San Bernardino,
and Cleveland), and through the
INRMPs on MCB Camp Pendleton and
Fort Hunter Liggett. In Mexico, 4 of 10
river basins are within or partially
within a national park. Arroyo toads
have remained extant or are presumed
extant within the range they occupied at
the time of listing. Furthermore, the
known range of the species had been
expanded with discovery of the Fort
Hunter Liggett population in Monterey
We examined the downlisting criteria
provided in the recovery plan for the
arroyo toad (Service 1999). The
downlisting recovery criteria state that
for the arroyo toad to be reclassified to
threatened, management plans must
have been approved and implemented
on federally managed lands, and at least
20 self-sustaining metapopulations or
populations at specified locations on
Federal lands must be maintained.
Since the time of listing, we have found
some of those populations were
identified in error, as the river basins
were never occupied by arroyo toads.
Furthermore, current available
information indicates that arroyo toads
are persisting or are presumed to be
persisting on Federal lands in 17 river
basin occurrences and 5 additional
occurrences on non-Federal lands, for a
total of 22 extant or presumed extant
occurrences in California. Portions of
these occurrences are afforded
protections from habitat destruction and
from some effects of habitat alteration
through current land management
plans, INRMPs, and HCPs, and arroyo
toads have persisted throughout their
geographic range since listing,
supporting that the occurrences are selfsustaining. Therefore, we find that the
arroyo toad has met the intent of the
criteria identified in the recovery plan
for downlisting.
In conclusion, we have carefully
assessed the best scientific and
commercial information available
regarding the past, present, and future
threats faced by this species. After
review of the information pertaining to
the five statutory factors, we find that
the ongoing threats are not of sufficient
imminence, intensity, or magnitude to
indicate that arroyo toad is presently in
danger of extinction throughout all its
range. Although threats to the arroyo
toad still exist and will continue into
the foreseeable future, the Service,
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Forest Service, CDFW, CDPR, and HCP
permittees are implementing
conservation measures or regulatory
actions to reduce the level of impact on
the arroyo toad, and overall the
magnitude of threats has decreased
since the time of listing. We also find
that the intent of the reclassification
criteria in the recovery plan has been
met. We therefore find the arroyo toad
to be threatened throughout all its range.
Significant Portion of the Range
Having examined the status of the
arroyo toad throughout all its range, we
next examine whether the species is in
danger of extinction in a significant
portion of its range. The range of a
species can theoretically be divided into
portions in an infinite number of ways.
However, there is no purpose in
analyzing portions of the range that
have no reasonable potential to be
significant or in analyzing portions of
the range in which there is no
reasonable potential for the species to be
endangered or threatened. To identify
only those portions that warrant further
consideration, we determine whether
there is substantial information
indicating that: (1) The portions may be
‘‘significant’’ and (2) the species may be
in danger of extinction there or likely to
become so within the foreseeable future.
Depending on the biology of the species,
its range, and the threats it faces, it
might be more efficient for us to address
the significance question first or the
status question first. Thus, if we
determine that a portion of the range is
not ‘‘significant,’’ we do not need to
determine whether the species is
endangered or threatened there; if we
determine that the species is not
endangered or threatened in a portion of
its range, we do not need to determine
if that portion is ‘‘significant.’’ In
practice, a key part of the determination
that a species is in danger of extinction
in a significant portion of its range is
whether the threats are geographically
concentrated in some way. If the threats
to the species are essentially uniform
throughout its range, no portion is likely
to warrant further consideration.
Moreover, if any concentration of
threats to the species occurs only in
portions of the species’ range that
clearly would not meet the biologically
based definition of ‘‘significant,’’ such
portions will not warrant further
We consider the ‘‘range’’ of the arroyo
toad to be from Fort Hunter Liggett in
Monterey County, California, United
States, to northwestern Baja California,
Mexico. We are, therefore, proposing to
revise the entry for the arroyo toad in
the List of Endangered and Threatened
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Wildlife at 50 CFR 17.11(h) to reflect
that the historical range in Mexico
specifically pertains to Baja California
and not the rest of the country. The
historical range data in the List is nonregulatory in nature and is provided as
information for the reader; this change
therefore does not alter or limit
application of the prohibitions of the
Act or its implementation (50 CFR
17.11(d) and (e)). We consider a total of
28 river basins within this range to
contain extant populations of arroyo
toads. Since the toad was listed, several
new populations have been found as a
result of increased search efforts in
Riverside County and Baja California;
however, these areas were all within the
historical range occupied by the species
(WRCRCA 2006, p. 5; Lovich 2009, pp.
74–97). Since its listing, an arroyo toad
population was discovered in the San
Antonio River Basin at Fort Hunter
Ligget, resulting in a northward
expansion of the known range (by 93 mi
(150 km)). However, this area was likely
always part of the historical range of the
Habitat loss and other anthropogenic
(human-caused) factors have resulted in
the arroyo toad now being absent from
several localities where it historically
occurred. Jennings and Hayes (1994, p.
57) estimated that arroyo toads had been
eliminated from 76 percent of their
historical range prior to the time of
listing. However, subsequent
discoveries of new localities and
remnant populations reduce this
estimate to 65 percent (Lanoo 2005, p.
4). These disappearances from specific
localities have created artificial gaps in
the species’ geographic range and
resulted in a fragmented and patchy
distribution. However, despite these
gaps, arroyo toads remain extant in
scattered populations throughout their
historical range (Service 2013, Map 1).
Overall, arroyo toads have not been
extirpated from any of the 16 river
basins known to be occupied at the time
of listing (Service 2013, p. 94, Table 1).
Given the patchy distribution of
arroyo toads throughout their range, no
individual area is likely to be of greater
biological or conservation importance
than any other area. Additionally, river
basins containing arroyo toad
occurrences that are extant or presumed
to be extant span the entire extent of the
species’ historical range. As such, we
conclude that no major portion of the
species’ range has been lost, and that the
lost historical range is not a significant
portion of the arroyo toad’s range.
We evaluated the current range of the
arroyo toad to determine if potential
threats to the species have any apparent
geographic concentration. We examined
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
threats from urban development
(Factors A and E), agriculture (Factors A
and E), operation of dams and water
diversions (Factors A and E), mining
and prospecting (Factors A and E),
livestock grazing (Factors A and E),
roads and road maintenance (Factors A
and E), recreation (Factors A and E),
invasive, nonnative plants (Factors A
and E), introduced predator species
(Factor C), drought (Factors A and E),
fire and fire suppression (Factors A and
E), and climate change (Factors A and
E). While the range of the arroyo toad
could be divided by recovery units or by
occurrences in the United States and
occurrences in Mexico, we conclude
that all occurrences are experiencing
similar levels of threats. As discussed
above, although the specific threats
affecting the species may be different at
individual sites or in different parts of
the arroyo toad’s range, on the whole
threats are occurring throughout the
species’ range. While the types of
threats affecting arroyo toads differ
among occurrences, all are experiencing
a similar level or intensity of threat and
no portion is experiencing a greater
level of risk than other portions; see the
Geographic Breakdown of Threats
section of the Species Report for more
detail on threats in each Recovery Unit
(Service 2013, pp. 86–88). In no
portions of its range are threats
significantly concentrated or
substantially greater than in other
portions of its range. Therefore, no
portion of the arroyo toad’s range
warrants further consideration.
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with RULES
Based on the analyses above, we
conclude that the arroyo toad is no
longer in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of
its range, but instead is likely to become
endangered in the foreseeable future
throughout all or a significant portion of
its range. While no populations of the
arroyo toad are at imminent risk of
extirpation, ongoing threats continue to
affect the likelihood of long-term
persistence of the populations and the
species such that the arroyo toad more
appropriately meets the definition of a
threatened species under the Act.
Therefore, we find that the petitioned
action is warranted, and we propose to
reclassify the arroyo toad from an
endangered species to a threatened
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Effects of This Rule
If this proposed rule is made final, it
would revise 50 CFR 17.11(h) to
reclassify the arroyo toad from
endangered to threatened on the List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
However, this reclassification does not
significantly change the protections
afforded this species under the Act. The
statutory and regulatory protections
provided pursuant to sections 9 and 7
of the Act remain in place. Anyone
taking, attempting to take, or otherwise
possessing an arroyo toad, or parts
thereof, in violation of section 9 of the
Act is subject to a penalty under section
11 of the Act, unless their action is
covered under a special rule under
section 4(d) of the Act. However, no 4(d)
rules are proposed for the arroyo toad.
Pursuant to section 7 of the Act, all
Federal agencies must ensure that any
actions they authorize, fund, or carry
out are not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of the arroyo toad.
This rule would not affect the critical
habitat designation for the arroyo toad at
50 CFR 17.95(d).
Recovery actions directed at the
arroyo toad will continue to be
implemented as outlined in the
Recovery Plan for this species (Service
1999, entire).
Required Determinations
Clarity of the Rule
We are required by Executive Orders
12866 and 12988 and by the
Presidential Memorandum of June 1,
1998, to write all rules in plain
language. This means that each rule we
publish must:
(a) Be logically organized;
(b) Use the active voice to address
readers directly;
(c) Use clear language rather than
(d) Be divided into short sections and
sentences; and
(e) Use lists and tables wherever
If you feel that we have not met these
requirements, send us comments by one
of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES
section. To better help us revise the
rule, your comments should be as
specific as possible. For example, you
should tell us the names of the sections
or paragraphs that are unclearly written,
which sections or sentences are too
long, the sections where you feel lists or
tables would be useful, etc.
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National Environmental Policy Act
We determined we do not need to
prepare an Environmental Assessment
or an Environmental Impact Statement,
as defined under the authority of the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), in
connection with regulations adopted
pursuant to section 4(a) of the Act. We
published a notice outlining our reasons
for this determination in the Federal
Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited
in this proposed rule is available on the
Internet at https://www.regulations.gov
under Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2014–
0007 or upon request from the Field
Supervisor, Ventura Fish and Wildlife
CONTACT section).
The primary author of this proposed
rule is the Pacific Southwest Regional
Office in Sacramento, California, in
coordination with the Ventura Fish and
Wildlife Office in Ventura, California
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements,
Proposed Regulation Promulgation
Accordingly, we propose to amend
part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title
50 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 17
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
1544; 4201–4245, unless otherwise noted.
2. Amend § 17.11(h) by revising the
entry for ‘‘Toad, arroyo’’ under
‘‘Amphibians’’ in the List of Endangered
and Threatened Wildlife to read as
§ 17.11 Endangered and threatened
(h) * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 59 / Thursday, March 27, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Vertebrate population
where endangered or
Historic range
Common name
Scientific name
Toad, arroyo (=arroyo
Anaxyrus californicus
U.S.A. (CA), Mexico
(Baja California).
Entire ..........................
[FR Doc. 2014–06665 Filed 3–26–14; 8:45 am]
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16:58 Mar 26, 2014
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PO 00000
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Sfmt 9990
Dated: March 16, 2014.
Rowan W. Gould,
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
VerDate Mar<15>2010
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 59 (Thursday, March 27, 2014)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 17106-17125]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2014-06665]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2014-0007; FXES11130900000-145-FF09E42000]
RIN 1018-AY82
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding
on a Petition To Downlist the Arroyo Toad (Anaxyrus californicus), and
a Proposed Rule To Reclassify the Arroyo Toad as Threatened
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Proposed rule and 12-month petition finding.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce a 12-month
finding on a petition to reclassify the arroyo toad (Anaxyrus
californicus) as threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973,
as amended (Act). After review of all available scientific and
commercial information, we find that reclassifying the arroyo toad as
threatened is warranted, and, therefore, we propose to reclassify the
arroyo toad as threatened under the Act. We are seeking information and
comments from the public regarding this proposed rule.
DATES: We will accept comments received or postmarked on or before May
27, 2014. We must receive requests for public hearings, in writing, at
the address shown in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section by May
12, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Comment submission: You may submit comments by one of the
following methods:
(1) Electronically: Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov. In the Search box, enter FWS-R8-ES-2014-0007,
which is the docket number for this rulemaking. Then, in the Search
panel on the left side of the screen, under the Document Type heading,
click on the Proposed Rules link to locate this document. You may
submit a comment by clicking on ``Comment Now!''
(2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail or hand-delivery to: Public
Comments Processing, Attn: FWS-R8-ES-2014-0007; Division of Policy and
Directives Management; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 4401 N. Fairfax
Drive, MS 2042-PDM; Arlington, VA 22203.
We request that you send comments only by the methods described
above. We will post all comments on https://www.regulations.gov. This
generally means that we will post any personal information you provide
us (see the Information Requested section below for more information).
Document availability: A copy of the Species Report referenced
throughout this document can be viewed at https://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=D020, at https://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2014-0007, or at the
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office's Web site at https://www.fws.gov/ventura/ ventura/.
Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife
Office, 2493 Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA 93003; telephone 805-
644-1766; facsimile 805-644-3958. If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), call the Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 800-877-8339.
Executive Summary
Purpose of Regulatory Action. In December 2011, we received a
petition to reclassify the arroyo toad from endangered to threatened,
based on analysis and recommendations contained in our August 2009 5-
year status review of the species. On June 4, 2012, we published a 90-
day finding that the petition presented substantial information
indicating that reclassifying the arroyo toad may be warranted (77 FR
32922) and initiated a status review. After review of all available
scientific and commercial information, we find that the petitioned
action is warranted and propose to reclassify the arroyo toad
[[Page 17107]]
from an endangered species to a threatened species on the Federal List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. This document constitutes our
12-month finding in response to the petition to reclassify the arroyo
toad from endangered to threatened.
The basis for our action. Under the Act, we can determine that a
species is an endangered species or threatened species because of any
of five factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence. We must consider whether or not the
species is an endangered species or threatened species because of the
same factors when we consider reclassifying or delisting a species.
We have determined that there are still significant threats
impacting the arroyo toad currently and into the future, particularly
operation of dams and water diversions (Factors A and E); urban
development (Factors A and E); introduced predator species (Factors A
and C); and drought (Factors A and E). However, despite the existence
of these ongoing threats, we conclude that the overall magnitude of
threats impacting the arroyo toad has decreased since the time of
listing, due in part to implementation of conservation and management
actions. Furthermore, we find that the intent of the recovery criteria
for downlisting of the arroyo toad has been met, and that the arroyo
toad now fits the definition of a threatened rather than an endangered
Information Requested
We intend that any final action resulting from this proposal will
be based on the best scientific and commercial data available, and be
as accurate and as effective as possible. Therefore, we request
comments or information from other governmental agencies, tribes, the
scientific community, industry, or other interested parties concerning
this proposed rule. We particularly seek comments concerning:
(1) Reasons why we should or should not reclassify the arroyo toad
under the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
(2) New biological or other relevant data concerning any threat (or
lack thereof) to this species.
(3) New information concerning the distribution and population size
or trends of this species.
(4) New information on the current or planned activities within the
range of the arroyo toad that may adversely affect or benefit the
(5) New information and data on the projected and reasonably likely
impacts to the arroyo toad or its habitat associated with climate
(6) New information on threats or impacts to the arroyo toad in the
Mexico portion of its range.
Please include sufficient information with your submission (such as
scientific journal articles or other publications) to allow us to
verify any scientific or commercial information you include. Please
note that submissions merely stating support for or opposition to the
action under consideration without providing supporting information,
although noted, will not be considered in making a determination, as
section 4(b)(1)(A) of the Act directs that determinations as to whether
any species is an endangered or threatened species must be made
``solely on the basis of the best scientific and commercial data
You may submit your comments and materials concerning this proposed
rule by one of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES section. We request
that you send comments only by the methods described in the ADDRESSES
section. If you submit information via https://www.regulations.gov, your
entire submission--including any personal identifying information--will
be posted on the Web site. If your submission is made via a hardcopy
that includes personal identifying information, you may request at the
top of your document that we withhold this information from public
review. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. We
will post all hardcopy submissions on https://www.regulations.gov.
Comments and materials we receive, as well as supporting
documentation we used in preparing this proposed rule, will be
available for public inspection on https://www.regulations.gov, or by
appointment, during normal business hours, at the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER
Public Hearings
Section 4(b)(5) of the Act provides for one or more public hearings
on this proposal, if requested. We must receive your request within 45
days after the date of this Federal Register publication. Send your
request to the address shown in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. We
will schedule public hearings on this proposal, if any are requested,
and announce the dates, times, and places of those hearings, as well as
how to obtain reasonable accommodations, in the Federal Register and
local newspapers at least 15 days before the hearing.
Peer Review
In accordance with our joint policy on peer review published in the
Federal Register on July 1, 1994 (50 FR 34270), we will seek the expert
opinions of at least three appropriate and independent specialists
regarding this proposed rule. A thorough review of information that we
relied on in preparing this proposed rule--including information on
taxonomy, life history, ecology, population distribution and abundance,
and potential threats--is presented in the arroyo toad Species Report
(Service 2013) available at https://www.regulations.gov (Docket Number
FWS-R8-ES-2014-0007). The purpose of peer review is to ensure that
decisions are based on scientifically sound data, assumptions, and
analyses. The peer reviewers will conduct assessments of the proposed
rule, and the specific assumptions and conclusions regarding the
proposed downlisting. These assessments will be completed during the
public comment period.
We will consider all comments and information we receive during the
comment period on this proposed rule as we prepare the final
determination. Accordingly, the final decision may differ from this
Previous Federal Action
We proposed to list the arroyo toad as an endangered species under
the Act on August 3, 1993 (58 FR 41231), based primarily on threats
from urban development, agricultural conversion, construction of new
dams, roads and road maintenance, recreational activities, introduced
predator species, and drought. We published a final rule listing the
arroyo toad as an endangered species on December 16, 1994 (59 FR
64859). We published a recovery plan for the arroyo toad in 1999
(Service 1999). Critical habitat was designated in 2001 (66 FR 9414,
February 7, 2001) and revised in 2005 (70 FR 19562, April 13, 2005) and
2011 (76 FR 7246, February 9, 2011).
Under the Act, we maintain the Lists of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife and Plants at 50 CFR 17.11 (for animals) and 17.12 (for
plants) (Lists). We amend the Lists by publishing final rules in the
Federal Register. Section 4(c)(2)(A) of the Act requires that we
conduct a review of listed species at least once every 5 years. Section
4(c)(2)(B) requires that we determine: (1) Whether a
[[Page 17108]]
species no longer meets the definition of endangered or threatened and
should be removed from the Lists (delisted), (2) whether a species
listed as endangered more properly meets the definition of threatened
and should be reclassified to threatened (downlisted), or (3) whether a
species listed as threatened more properly meets the definition of
endangered and should be reclassified to endangered (uplisted). In
accordance with 50 CFR 424.11(d), using the best scientific and
commercial data available, we will consider a species for delisting
only if the data substantiate that the species is neither endangered
nor threatened for one or more of the following reasons: (1) The
species is considered extinct; (2) the species is considered recovered;
or (3) the original data available when the species was listed, or the
interpretation of such data, were in error.
We published a notice announcing active review and requested public
comments concerning the status of the arroyo toad under section 4(c)(2)
of the Act on March 5, 2008 (73 FR 11945). We notified the public of
completion of the 5-year review on May 21, 2010 (75 FR 28636). The 5-
year review, completed on August 17, 2009 (Service 2009), resulted in a
recommendation to change the status of the species from endangered to
threatened. A copy of the 2009 5-year review for the arroyo toad is
available on the Service's Environmental Conservation Online System
On December 21, 2011, we received a petition dated December 19,
2011, from the Pacific Legal Foundation, requesting the Service to
delist the Inyo California towhee (Pipilo crissalis eremophilus), and
to reclassify from endangered to threatened the arroyo toad (Anaxyrus
californicus), Modoc sucker (Catostomus microps), Eriodictyon
altissimum (Indian Knob mountainbalm), Astragalus jaegerianus (Lane
Mountain milk-vetch), and Hesperocyparis abramsiana (Santa Cruz
cypress). The petition was based on the analysis and recommendations
contained in the most recent 5-year reviews for these taxa. On June 4,
2012 (77 FR 32922), we published in the Federal Register a 90-day
finding for the 2011 petition to reclassify these six taxa. In our 90-
day finding, we determined the 2011 petition provided substantial
information indicating the petitioned actions may be warranted, and we
initiated status reviews for each species.
In April 2013, we received a complaint on our failure to complete
12-month findings on the above-mentioned species, including the arroyo
toad (Case No. 2:13-cv-00800-GEB-AC; April 24, 2013). In August 2013,
we settled that case by committing to a schedule for completing all of
the 12-month findings; the settlement date for completion of the arroyo
toad finding is March 21, 2014. This proposed downlisting rule
constitutes the 12-month finding on the 2011 petition to reclassify the
arroyo toad and our latest 5-year status review for the species. We are
addressing the 12-month findings for the other petitioned species
A scientific analysis of the status of the species is presented in
detail within the arroyo toad Species Report (Service 2013, entire),
which is available at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket Number FWS-
R8-ES-2014-0007. The Species Report was prepared by Service biologists
to provide thorough discussion of the species ecology, biological
needs, and analysis of the threats that may be impacting the species.
The Species Report includes discussion of the following: life history;
taxonomy; habitat requirements; species range, distribution, and
abundance; threats analysis; and progress towards recovery. This
detailed information is summarized in the following paragraphs of this
BACKGROUND section and the Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
The arroyo toad is a small, stocky, warty toad that is about 2 to 3
inches (in) (5.1 to 7.6 centimeters (cm)) in length (Stebbins 2003, p.
212). The skin of this toad is light olive green, gray, or light brown
in color with a light-colored stripe shaped like a ``V'' across the
head and eyelids. The belly is white or buff colored, usually without
spots. Arroyo toads are found in low-gradient, medium-to-large streams
and rivers with intermittent and perennial flow in coastal and desert
drainages in central and southern California and Baja California,
Mexico. Arroyo toads occupy aquatic, riparian, and upland habitats in
the remaining suitable drainages within its range. Arroyo toads are
breeding habitat specialists and need slow-moving streams that are
composed of sandy soils with sandy streamside terraces (Sweet 1992, pp.
23-28). Reproduction is dependent upon the availability of very
shallow, still, or low-flow pools in which breeding, egg-laying, and
tadpole development occur. Suitable habitat for the arroyo toad is
created and maintained by periodic flooding and scouring that modify
stream channels, redistribute channel sediments, and alter pool
location and form. These habitat requirements are largely dependent
upon natural hydrological cycles and scouring events (Madden-Smith et
al. 2003, p. 3).
At the time the species was listed, it was classified as a
subspecies (Bufo microscaphus californicus) of the southwestern toad
(B. microscaphus). However, the taxonomy of the arroyo toad was
reexamined (Gergus 1998, entire), and as a result, in 2001, we formally
changed the name on the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife to
B. californicus (66 FR 9414, February 7, 2001). Based on a phylogenetic
analysis of comparative anatomical and molecular genetic data for
amphibians (Frost et al. 2006, p. 363) that was accepted by the
scientific community, we again formally changed the name on the List to
Anaxyrus californicus in 2011 (76 FR 7246, February 9, 2011).
The arroyo toad was once relatively abundant in the coastal
portions of central and southern California. At the time of listing,
arroyo toads were known to occur in 22 river basins from the upper
Salinas River system in Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties; south
through the Santa Maria and Santa Ynez River basins in Santa Barbara
County; the Santa Clara River basin in Ventura County; the Los Angeles
River basin in Los Angeles County; river basins of Orange, Riverside,
and San Diego Counties; and south to the Arroyo San Simeon system in
Baja California, Mexico (Sweet 1992, p. 18; Service 1999, p. 12;
Service 2013, Map 1). Prior to the time of listing, Jennings and Hayes
(1994, p. 57) documented a decline of 76 percent of arroyo toad
populations throughout the species' range due to loss of habitat and
hydrological alterations to stream systems as a result of dam
construction and flood control. This figure was based on studies done
in the early 1990s by Sam Sweet (Jennings and Hayes 1994, p. 57) that
addressed the natural history and status of arroyo toad populations on
a portion of the species' range on the Los Padres National Forest.
Though arroyo toads have been extirpated from some rivers and
streams within river basins that they occupied at the time of listing,
the number of areas known to be occupied by arroyo toads has increased
since the time of listing, mostly due to increased survey efforts.
Although Jennings and Hayes (1994, p. 57) estimated that arroyo toads
had been eliminated from 76 percent of their historical range prior to
the time of listing, subsequent discoveries of new localities and
remnant populations reduce this estimate to 65 percent (Lanoo 2005, p.
4). We now consider there to be a total of 35 river basins that support
arroyo toads with 25 in the United States and 10 in Mexico; arroyo
[[Page 17109]]
toads are still extant in all 22 river basins occupied at the time of
listing. Currently, arroyo toads are limited to isolated populations
primarily in the headwaters of coastal streams along the central and
southern coast of California and southward to Rio Santa Maria near San
Quintin in northwestern Baja California, Mexico (Lovich 2009, p. 62).
The 1999 recovery plan divided the range of the arroyo toad into
three recovery units: the Northern Recovery Unit, the Southern Recovery
Unit, and the Desert Recovery Unit. The recovery plan did not address
river basins in Baja California, Mexico. In the Species Report, we
analyzed threats by river basin, grouping those basins by recovery
unit. We also considered all known occurrences in Baja California,
Mexico. Based on new distribution information and correction of some
locality records now known to be in error (Ervin et al. 2013, pp. 197-
204), we updated the river basins in each recovery unit for the
purposes of our analysis (Service 2013, p. 15, Map 1, Table 1).
The Northern Recovery Unit consists of the following five river
basins: Salinas, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez, Santa Clara, and Los Angeles
(Service 1999, Table 1; Service 2013, Table 1). The Southern Recovery
Unit consists of the following river 18 basins: Lower Santa Ana, Upper
Santa Ana, San Jacinto, San Juan Creek, San Mateo Creek, San Onofre
Creek, Lower Santa Margarita, Upper Santa Margarita, Murrieta Creek,
Lower and Middle San Luis Rey, Upper San Luis Rey, Lower Santa Ysabel
Creek, Upper Santa Ysabel Creek, Upper San Diego, Lower Sweetwater,
Upper Sweetwater, Lower Cottonwood Creek, and Upper Cottonwood Creek
(Service 1999, Table 1; Service 2013, Table 1). The Desert Recovery
Unit consists of the following two river basins: Antelope-Fremont and
Mojave (Service 1999, Table 1; Service 2013, Table 1). Baja California
includes the following 10 river basins: Rio Las Palmas, Rio Guadalupe,
Arroyo San Carlos, Rio El Zorillo, Rio Santo Tomas, Rio San Vincente,
Rio San Rafael, Rio San Telmo, Rio Santo Domingo, and Rio Santa Maria.
Of those 25 river basins in the United States and an additional 10
river basins in Baja California, Mexico, 28 contain arroyo toad
occurrences that are extant or presumed to be extant, and many of these
contain multiple populations of arroyo toads in different creeks and
rivers (Service 2013, Table 1). Identification of the river basins
containing occurrences that are known to be or presumed to be extant is
based solely on the existence of reliable surveys or sightings of
arroyo toads in recent years (Service 2013, p. 18, Table 1). The
statuses of the remaining seven occurrences are unknown, because no
surveys have been conducted in the past 6 years.
Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR part
424) set forth the procedures for listing species, reclassifying
species, or removing species from listed status. ``Species'' is defined
by the Act as including any species or subspecies of fish or wildlife
or plants, and any distinct population segment of any species of
vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature (16 U.S.C.
1532(16)). A species may be determined to be an endangered or
threatened species because of any one or a combination of the five
factors described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or
threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or
range; (B) overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or human-made
factors affecting its continued existence. A species may be
reclassified on the same basis.
Determining whether the status of a species has improved to the
point that it can be downlisted requires consideration of whether the
species is endangered or threatened because of the same five categories
of threats specified in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. For species that
are already listed as endangered or threatened, this analysis of
threats is an evaluation of both the threats currently facing the
species and the threats that are reasonably likely to affect the
species in the foreseeable future following the delisting or
downlisting and the removal or reduction of the Act's protections.
A species is an ``endangered species'' for purposes of the Act if
it is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion
of its range and is a ``threatened species'' if it is likely to become
an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range. The word ``range'' in the significant
portion of its range phrase refers to the range in which the species
currently exists, and the word ``significant'' refers to the value of
that portion of the range being considered to the conservation of the
species. The ``foreseeable future'' is the period of time over which
events or effects reasonably can or should be anticipated, or trends
extrapolated. For the purposes of this analysis, we first evaluate the
status of the species throughout all its range, then consider whether
the species is in danger of extinction or likely to become so in any
significant portion of its range.
At the time of listing, the primary threats to the arroyo toad were
urban development, agricultural conversion, construction of new dams,
roads and road maintenance, recreational activities, introduced
predator species, and drought (59 FR 64859; December 16, 1994). Other
threats identified in 1994 included livestock grazing, mining and
prospecting, and alteration of the natural fire regime (59 FR 64859).
Most of the threats identified at the time of listing are still
impacting the arroyo toad and its habitat; however, in many cases, the
way in which they impact the species has changed. Some new threats have
also been identified. Current or potential future threats to the arroyo
toad include urban development (Factors A and E), agriculture (Factors
A and E), operation of dams and water diversions (Factors A and E),
mining and prospecting (Factors A and E), livestock grazing (Factors A
and E), roads and road maintenance (Factors A and E), recreation
(Factors A and E), invasive, nonnative plants (Factors A and E),
introduced predator species (Factors A and C), drought (Factors A and
E), fire and fire suppression (Factors A and E), and effects of climate
change (Factors A and E) (Service 2013, pp. 32-87). Threats identified
at the time of listing that have been found either to be of no concern,
insignificant concern, or negligible at this time include construction
of new dams (Factor A), collection for recreational or scientific
purposes (Factor B), and disease (Factor C); the best available
scientific and commercial information indicates that these are not
threats at this time (Service 2013, p. 28). Inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms (Factor D) was not considered to be a threat at
the time of listing, and is not considered to be a threat now (Service
2013, pp. 28-29).
In the Species Report, we examined the scope and severity of
threats. The severity of threats measures the degree of impact to
arroyo toad populations or habitat. The scope of the threat considers
the proportion of arroyo toad occurrences that are reasonably expected
to be affected by a threat. The interaction between scope and severity
provided the overall impact of the threat, which we classified as very
high, high, medium, or low. A very high threat impact was one with
extreme severity and pervasive scope; a high threat impact had large
scope and extreme or serious severity; a medium threat impact had a
more restricted
[[Page 17110]]
scope and high severity, or more widespread scope and moderate
severity; and a low threat impact had either small or restricted scope
and a slight or moderate severity (Service 2013, pp. 29-31).
The following sections provide a summary of the current threats
impacting the arroyo toad.
Urban Development
At the time of listing, urban development caused both permanent
loss of riparian wetlands and ongoing degradation of riparian habitat
that supported arroyo toads. At that time, habitat loss and degradation
were extensive in rivers of southern California as a result of
agricultural and urban development (Griffin et al. 1999, p. 5). Since
then, conservation measures have reduced the amount and scale of direct
habitat loss due to urban development, and many river basins have land
protected from development by State, Federal and local agencies,
including four river basins in Mexico that occur in part within the
boundaries of national parks. However, not all land is protected, and
urban development impacts are expected to continue. Today, 23 of the 35
river basins occupied by arroyo toads are affected by both direct and
indirect effects of urban development, including 18 river basins in the
United States (Service 2013, pp. 34-35).
Permanent loss and alteration of arroyo toad habitat is caused by
activities that include: construction and maintenance of
infrastructure; alteration of stream dynamics; declines in water
quality; stabilization of stream banks; and maintenance of flood,
drainage, and water quality protection features. In addition to the
loss and alteration of habitat, construction activities can directly
kill, injure, or limit foraging and breeding by arroyo toads by
excluding arroyo toads from portions of their habitat that are present
within a development project area (Campbell et al. 1996, p. 15; Service
1999, p. 40; Service 2013, pp. 34, 80-81).
Though losses of small amounts of habitat due to urban development
still occur, urban development more commonly impacts arroyo toads and
their habitat through alteration of stream dynamics and water quality.
Stream dynamics can be altered by both groundwater extraction and
increased surface flows. Groundwater extraction related to urban
development reduces the amount of surface flow available for creeks and
rivers. This reduction in water can be detrimental to arroyo toads
because they require breeding pools that persist for at least 2 months
in the summer for larval development and tadpole metamorphosis
(Campbell et al. 1996, p. 6). Extraction can also lower groundwater
levels below the depth that streamside or wetland vegetation needs to
survive, resulting in a loss of riparian vegetation and habitat (USGS
2012). Production from groundwater supplies in San Diego County is
anticipated to increase 75 percent by 2015 (CEC 2009, p. 19).
Currently, the City of San Diego is considering groundwater extraction
in San Pasqual Valley (lower Santa Ysabel Creek) (Brown, USGS, pers.
comm. 2012).
Arroyo toads and their habitat can also be impacted by increased
surface flows due to urban runoff. Generally, increases in surface
runoff, particularly during large storm events, can affect arroyo toads
by disrupting breeding and by sedimentation which buries eggs or
displaces adults and juveniles (Service 2013b, p. 17). Increased flows
in streams due to urban runoff can also lead to changes in the
invertebrate communities that may lead to decreased survival of arroyo
toad tadpoles due to competition or predation, and may reduce the food
supply for post-metamorphic toads (Service 1999, p. 41). Alterations to
surface flows resulting from groundwater extraction or increased
surface runoff can impact all stages of arroyo toad life history and
alter breeding habitat.
Urban runoff from storm events or from regularly occurring
irrigation of urban areas may also decrease the water quality in
streams and rivers that support arroyo toads. Runoff from roads,
residential housing, and golf courses often contains chemicals that are
toxic to wildlife (for example, car fluids, pesticides, and herbicides)
(Service 1999, p. 41). Arroyo toads are exposed to hazardous materials
by absorbing them through their skin from the water or contaminated
vegetation, or by ingesting them from contaminated vegetation, prey
species, or water. However, the life-history characteristics of arroyo
toads may decrease the impacts of contaminated runoff. Sweet (1992, pp.
54-57) observed that arroyo toads almost never breed in pools that are
isolated from the flowing channel and where contaminants would be found
in highest concentrations. Arroyo toads may use side channels and
washouts as long as there is some flow through them, but they are
abandoned as soon as this flow ceases (Lanoo 2005, p. 2). Therefore,
the arroyo toad's sensitivity to aquatic contaminants may be decreased.
Despite these impacts, the amount of urban development resulting in
the destruction and removal of arroyo toad habitat has largely
decreased since the time of listing, as much of the undeveloped arroyo
toad habitat is now conserved in protected areas. Of the 25 river
basins that support arroyo toads and their habitat in the United
States, 20 contain land owned and managed in part by State or Federal
agencies (Service 2013, Table 1). The impacts that do remain from urban
development on private or locally owned land have been reduced through
conservation measures. These additional measures have been put in place
on privately and locally owned land at 10 of 18 river basins in the
United States impacted by urban development: 1 river basin in the
Northern Recovery Unit, and 9 river basins in the Southern Recovery
In the Northern Recovery Unit, a proposed East Area 1 project in
Santa Paula (EDC 2012) and current and future development plans for
Newhall Ranch have the potential to reduce or eliminate much of the
suitable arroyo toad habitat in this area; however, to reduce the
impacts associated with urban development, Newhall Ranch developed a
Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP) for the Santa Clara River. The
plan provides measures designed to protect, restore, monitor, manage,
and enhance habitat for multiple species, including the arroyo toad
(EDC 2012, entire). Of particular importance to the conservation of the
arroyo toad and its habitat are the substantial conservation easements
that are included in the NRMP, which, when completed, will protect
almost all arroyo toad breeding habitat and riparian habitat within the
Newhall Ranch development. At the present time, approximately 1,011 ac
(409 ha) of Newhall Ranch lands have been conveyed to the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and additional easements are
awaiting approval.
Since the time of listing, multiple habitat conservation plans
(HCPs) have been implemented in the Southern Recovery Unit to provide
protection to the arroyo toad and decrease habitat loss and alteration
due to urbanization. These HCPs are responsible for placing land within
seven river basins into reserves; for example, all arroyo toad habitat
within the Orange County Central-Coastal Natural Community Conservation
Plan (NCCP) (Lower Santa Ana River Basin) is within reserves. Within
the Orange County Central-Coastal NCCP reserves, monitoring and
management related to the arroyo toad have included reserve-wide
herpetofauna surveys conducted from 1997 through 2001 and ongoing
control of invasive, nonnative vegetation in the upland environment.
Development of
[[Page 17111]]
adaptive management plans for the arroyo toad within these and other
dedicated reserves within HCPs is being planned for the future, but is
not yet in place. Additional land within five river basins has been
acquired by Federal, State and local government. These conservation
measures have resulted in land acquisition in 9 of the 14 river basins
in the Southern Recovery Unit impacted by urban development.
Very limited information is available on the effects of urban
development in Mexico. We are aware that urban development is occurring
at five river basins within Mexico (Lovich 2009, pp. 77, 85); however,
the magnitude of impacts at these locations from urban development is
Urban development continues to impact the arroyo toad throughout
its range. Though altered flow regimes and other indirect effects from
development continue to impact habitat that supports the arroyo toad,
the amount of direct destruction and removal of habitat has decreased.
This decrease in the severity of direct habitat loss from urban
development since the time of listing is due to the amount of land
within river basins in the United States that has been added to
reserves though local HCPs and that overall is managed by state or
Federal agencies (for more details on land ownership, see Table 1 in
Service 2013). The reduction in the threat of urban development is also
due to conservation measures that have been put in place on private and
locally owned land to reduce, eliminate, or mitigate for the existing
and future effects of urban development. Although urban development
continues to pose a threat to the continued existence of the arroyo
toad, the magnitude of this threat has decreased since the time of
listing on local and private lands at 10 of the 25 river basins in the
United States described above where conservation plans are being
implemented. In these river basins, arroyo toad occurrences are no
longer at risk of being extirpated through permanent loss and
destruction of riparian habitat. However, indirect effects of
development, such as altered flow regimes, continue to cause longer
term alterations to arroyo toad populations and the habitat that
supports them. These alterations, while not likely to result in
immediate extirpation of populations, can reduce the rates of survival
and reproduction within populations, and result in a long-term decline
in populations.
Even with the conservation actions described above, we still
consider urban development is a threat with high impact to the arroyo
toad and its habitat. Urban development currently has a large scope
(affects portions of 23 out of the 35 occurrences of arroyo toad) and a
serious severity, as it poses immediate and ongoing impacts to the
species (Service 2013, p. 37). We also conclude that the current
effects from urban development, while no longer likely to directly
destroy habitat or result in immediate extirpation of occurrences,
continue to degrade habitat and affect the health of the populations of
arroyo toads. We consider overall that urban development is a threat
with a high level of impact to the arroyo toad and its habitat (Service
2013, pp. 32-37).
At the time of listing, habitat loss and degradation from
agricultural development was a major threat to the continued existence
of the arroyo toad. Today, direct loss of habitat from agricultural
development is no longer considered a threat. However, ongoing
agricultural practices are known to impact arroyo toads and their
habitat. These practices currently convert stream terraces and upland
habitats adjacent to occupied arroyo toad habitat to farmland and road
corridors, eliminate foraging and burrowing habitat for arroyo toads,
and create barriers to dispersal. Streams may also be diverted for
agricultural use, resulting in permanent loss of arroyo toad breeding
habitat. Currently, 15 of the 35 river basins that support arroyo toads
are impacted by agricultural practices.
Agricultural use adjacent to riparian areas can result in direct
mortality of adult arroyo toads, as agricultural fields can act as
ecological traps for arroyo toads. Toads are often attracted to
agricultural fields for cover, food, and moisture, and can be killed by
trampling, chemicals, and machinery (Griffin and Case 2001, pp. 641-
642). In the Griffin and Case study (2001, p. 641), more than half of
the male arroyo toads observed after July 29 were active in burrows or
made new burrows in agricultural lands adjacent to breeding habitat.
Mechanized tilling, pesticide application, and trampling were
frequently observed in these agricultural fields within the study site
(Griffin and Case 2001, p. 641).
Another concern related to agricultural development is agricultural
runoff. As discussed in the Urban Development section above, runoff
contains contaminants such as herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers
that may kill toads, affect development of larvae, or affect their food
supplies or habitat (Service 1999, p. 41). For example, granular
fertilizers, particularly ammonium nitrate, are highly caustic and have
caused mass injuries and mortality to frogs and newts in Europe
(Schneeweiss and Schneeweiss 1997 in Service 1999, p. 41). Though
arroyo toads primarily inhabit areas with moving water (Lanoo 2005, p.
2), they may also be more susceptible to areas with chemical
contamination in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, because
their life history involves both aquatic larvae and terrestrial adult
Since the time of listing, actions have been taken to reduce the
impact of agriculture on arroyo toads and their habitat at two
occurrences in the United States. An agricultural lease was
discontinued on Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton adjacent to
lower San Mateo Creek, where impacts to arroyo toads were documented in
the Griffin and Case (2001) study. Also, within City of San Diego lands
encompassing lower Santa Ysabel Creek, some agricultural leases have
been moved away from riparian areas (McGinnis, City of San Diego, pers.
comm. 2012).
Very limited information is available on the effects of agriculture
to arroyo toads and their habitat in Mexico. We are aware that
agriculture is affecting five river basins in Mexico, three of which
are specifically impacted by groundwater pumping for irrigation (Lovich
2009, p. 85); however, the magnitude of these impacts is unclear.
Because arroyo toads use both aquatic and terrestrial environments,
they are doubly impacted by agricultural activities that subject their
habitats to increased fragmentation and decreased water quality.
Efforts since the time of listing have removed the threat of direct
habitat loss due to agricultural development, and reduced the impact of
agricultural use near some occurrences. However, despite these efforts,
this threat has a large scope, as impacts from agriculture continue
throughout most of the species' range at 15 of 35 river basins. Though
arroyo toad occurrences are no longer at risk of being extirpated
through permanent conversion of riparian habitat to agriculture, arroyo
toad populations may experience impacts such as alteration of water
quality and barriers to dispersal; as such, we conclude that this
threat has a moderate severity. While not likely to result in immediate
extirpation of populations, these effects can cause mortality of
individuals and reduce the rates of survival and reproduction within
populations, and result in a long-term decline in populations.
Therefore, we conclude that agriculture has a moderate level of impact
to the arroyo toad and its habitat (Service 2013, pp. 37-39).
[[Page 17112]]
Operation of Dams and Water Diversions
Prior to listing, short- and long-term changes in river hydrology,
including construction of dams and water diversions, were responsible
for the loss of approximately 40 percent of the original range of the
arroyo toad; furthermore, nearly half of all population extirpations
prior to listing are attributed to impacts from original dam
construction and operation (Sweet 1992, pp. 4-5; Ramirez 2003, p. 7).
Today, the potential for construction of new dams has been greatly
reduced, and no dams are presently anticipated to be built in river
basins that support arroyo toads. However, water diversions and altered
flow regimes due to operation of existing dams continue to affect
arroyo toads in 19 of the 35 river basins that support them.
Because river flow forms physical habitats, such as riffles, pools,
and bars in rivers and floodplains, the primary impacts to habitat from
dams and water diversions are caused by flow alteration. Impacts of
flow alteration on arroyo toad habitat include changes in the timing,
amount, and duration of channel flows; loss of coarse sediments below
the dam; and an increase in vegetation density due to the decrease or
elimination of scouring flows (Madden-Smith et al. 2003, p. 3).
Arroyo toads and their breeding habitat can also be negatively
impacted by sudden releases of excess water from dams. When these
releases occur during the breeding season, they can reconfigure
suitable breeding pools, thus disrupting clutch and larval development
(Ramirez 2003, p. 7). Excessive water releases also wash away arroyo
toad eggs and tadpoles, promote the growth of nonnative species, and
reduce the availability of open sand bar habitat. For example, at
Barrett Dam on Cottonwood Creek, water releases of several million
gallons per day during the period when larval arroyo toads were
metamorphosing negatively affected the population in San Diego County
by washing away potential recruits from that year's population
(Campbell et al. 1996, p. 15).
Flow alteration also causes habitat modification by promoting the
growth of nonnative plants (Jennings and Hayes 1994, p. 56; Campbell et
al. 1996, pp. 15-16; Madden-Smith et al. 2003, p. 3; Service 1999, pp.
42-44). Persistent releases from dams throughout the normal dry season
cause changes in vegetation by discouraging the growth of native
riparian species such as willow, sycamore, and cattails (Typha spp.)
while encouraging the growth of some introduced species such as Tamarix
ramosissima (tamarisk) and Arundo donax (giant reed) (Service 1999, p.
43). Increased vegetation density reduces the amount of open streambed
and shallow pool habitat preferred by arroyo toads. For example, in
Piru Creek, habitat has been degraded by the lack of scouring flows
after the construction of Pyramid Dam, leading to an influx of
vegetation that has made habitat unsuitable for arroyo toads (Sweet
2012, pers. comm.).
Dams also alter arroyo toad habitat through the creation of
reservoirs. Reservoirs turn running water habitats into lake-like
systems, resulting in the proliferation of nonnative species that are
adapted to still waters and are able to move downstream or upstream of
the reservoir (BIP 2012). Additionally, persistent water releases from
dams throughout the year changes the water supply from ephemeral to
permanent, which maintains nonnative predator populations (Campbell et
al. 1996, p. 16; Madden-Smith et al. 2003, p. 3). Finally, reservoirs
block in-stream movement of arroyo toads, which effectively isolates
populations upstream and downstream of dams and may preclude
recolonization of areas formerly occupied by the arroyo toad (Campbell
et al. 1996, p. 18).
The ongoing impacts of dam operations to arroyo toads and their
habitat have been reduced at four river basins since the time of
listing through conservation measures. Recent coordination among the
California Department of Water Resources, Forest Service, and Fish and
Wildlife Service have resulted in releases from Pyramid Dam into Piru
Creek that more closely mimic natural flows, benefitting the arroyo
toad (Service 2009). In 2006, the Sweetwater Authority (Authority)
implemented a Standard Operating Procedure of Loveland Reservoir to
Sweetwater Reservoir water transfers in the lower Sweetwater River so
that, if possible, no water is released during the arroyo toad breeding
season except in the event of an emergency. Although these procedures
are voluntary and may need further review, they improve on the prior
conditions (water transfers occurring during the spring), which lessens
the impacts to arroyo toads in the lower Sweetwater River.
The City of San Diego (City) has a voluntary internal policy
guiding water transfers at two of the City's reservoir systems: (1)
Morena Reservoir to Barrett Reservoir to Otay Reservoir; and (2)
Sutherland Reservoir to San Vicente Reservoir. This policy minimizes
impacts of water transfers to the Lower Cottonwood Creek Basin
occurrence below Barrett Dam and the Upper San Diego River Basin
occurrence that is above San Vicente Reservoir (it does not affect
water transfers within the Upper San Diego River Basin occurrence below
Cuyamaca Dam). Water transfers generally occur during winter months
between October and March in order to take advantage of existing flows
and minimize water lost to the river system, and avoid the breeding
season of arroyo toad. City staff coordinates with the Service and
contracts with an arroyo toad specialist to monitor before, during, and
after a water transfer event (McGinnis, City of San Diego, pers. comm.
Very limited information is available on the effects of the
operation of dams and water diversions in Mexico. Out of the 10
drainages in Mexico where arroyo toads occur, only the Rio Tijuana-Rio
Las Palmas drainage has a municipal dam (Lovich 2009, p. 86).
Consequently, the magnitude of effects on arroyo toad occurrences from
the operation of dams and water diversions in Mexico is unclear.
Overall, the magnitude of the threat posed by the operation of dams
and related water diversions has decreased since the time of listing.
In four river basins, water releases that more closely mimic natural
flow regimes have strongly decreased the impact of dams on local arroyo
toad populations. However, within the other 15 river basins with dams
and reservoirs, the altered stream dynamics resulting from dam
operation result in encouragement of nonnative predators and nonnative,
invasive plants, direct removal of habitat that supports arroyo toad
populations, reduction of arroyo toad dispersal, and direct mortality
of arroyo toads at all life stages. While construction of new dams and
reservoirs that would result in destruction of habitat and extirpation
of occurrences is not expected, operation of existing dams and
reservoirs in 19 river basins will continue to alter the stream
dynamics of arroyo toad habitat and affect the long-term survival and
reproductive success of arroyo toad populations. Though the magnitude
of the impacts from dam operations has decreased since the time of
listing, because of the large scope and serious severity posed by the
operation of dams and water diversions, we expect that this threat will
continue to cause a high level of impact to the arroyo toad and its
habitat now and into the future (Service 2013, pp. 39-45).
Mining and Prospecting
At the time of listing, in-stream recreational suction dredging for
gold caused localized impacts and population effects to the arroyo
[[Page 17113]]
For example, in 1991, during the Memorial Day weekend, four small
dredges operating on Piru Creek in the Los Padres National Forest
produced sedimentation visible more than 0.8 mi (1 km) downstream and
adversely affected 40,000 to 60,000 arroyo toad larvae. Subsequent
surveys revealed nearly total loss of the species in this stream
section; fewer than 100 larvae survived, and only 4 juvenile toads were
located (Sweet 1992, pp. 180-187). Since listing, we have become aware
of impacts to arroyo toad habitat from sand and gravel mining, which
causes runoff that can degrade arroyo toad habitat. Currently, sand,
gravel, and suction dredge mining are taking place in 8 of the 35 river
basins occupied by arroyo toads rangewide (Service 2013, p. 46);
however, the impact of mining activities has been greatly reduced since
the time of listing.
Where sand, gravel, and suction dredge mining activities occur,
they can cause substantial alteration of arroyo toad habitat by
degrading water quality, altering stream morphology, increasing
siltation downstream, and creating deep pools that hold water year-
round for introduced predators of arroyo toad eggs and larvae (Campbell
et al. 1996, p. 16). Mining can also increase water temperature and
turbidity and result in degrading or even destroying arroyo toad
breeding habitat (CDFG 2005). The increase in suspended sediments in
the stream can suffocate arroyo toad eggs and small larvae (Sweet 1992,
pp. 179-185; Campbell et al. 1996, p. 16). In the case of suction
dredge mining, arroyo toad eggs and larvae can also be entrained in the
suction pump and killed (Reine and Clarke 1998, pp. 1, 12).
Though some mining activities are currently taking place, their
impacts are localized. At two of the six river basins in the United
States impacted by mines, for example, sand and gravel extraction
continues to degrade habitat and increase sedimentation (Service 2008).
Additionally, due to a 2012 change in CDFW regulations, suction dredge
mining is now prohibited in Class A streams (Title 14, Natural
Resources, Sec. Sec. 228 and 228.5). Most of the streams and rivers
occupied by arroyo toads in the United States are now classified as
Class A (24 out of 25 occurrences in the United States), and,
therefore, suction dredge mining no longer occurs in those streams.
However, suction dredge mining could potentially impact arroyo toads in
Lower Cottonwood Creek Basin. These new regulations do not affect
current sand and gravel mining practices, which currently occur or have
recently occurred at 4 of 25 occurrences in the United States.
In Baja California, Mexico, the sand mining industry is impacting
the Rio Guadalupe, Rio Las Palmas, Rio Ensenada, and other smaller
coastal arroyos (Lovich 2009, p. 90). Sand and rock are extracted in
such large volumes that the hydrology in coastal canyons is affected,
and associated riparian habitats are eliminated. The public has
demonstrated opposition to this scale of sand mining, but the Mexican
Government supports the industry (Lovich 2009, p. 90). Therefore, we
find that mining activities pose a threat to the arroyo toad in Mexico
(Service 2013, pp. 45-47).
Though some mining activities continue to occur in habitat that
supports arroyo toad, these impacts have decreased in magnitude since
the time of listing. Furthermore, given the reclassification of streams
to disallow suction dredge mining, its impacts are unlikely to increase
in the foreseeable future. Overall, as the scope of this threat is low
(affecting 8 of 35 river basins rangewide), and the severity of the
threat is moderate (likely to moderately degrade habitat or reduce 11
to 30 percent of occurrences), we find that mining activities are
having a low level of impact on the arroyo toad in the United States
(Service 2013, pp. 47-48).
Livestock Grazing
At the time of listing, we found overgrazing in riparian areas to
be a potential source of mortality to arroyo toads, although it was not
considered to be one of the factors that most adversely impacted the
arroyo toad. Poorly managed grazing is known to have multiple impacts
on arroyo toads and their habitat. Pastured cattle (and other
livestock) can contribute to stream bank degradation and erosion (Moore
2000, p. 1). Cattle grazing can result in soil compaction, loss or
reduction in vegetative bank cover, stream bank collapse, and increased
in-stream water temperatures from loss of shade. Cattle can also
trample or compact sandbars, preventing burrowing by adult toads
(Campbell et al. 1996, p. 27). The extent of grazing at the time of
listing is unknown; cattle grazing currently occurs at 10 of the 35
arroyo toad occurrences rangewide (Service 2013, pp. 48-49).
Since the time of listing, significant progress has been made
toward reducing or eliminating the impact of cattle grazing. The Forest
Service has developed grazing allotment management guidelines to reduce
the effects of livestock grazing on threatened and endangered species
and habitat. Consultation between the Forest Service and the Service
through section 7 of the Act on grazing allotment permit renewals has
resulted in minimization and mitigation of impacts on arroyo toads
(Service 2000a; 2001a; 2001b; 2004a; 2009). Los Padres National Forest
has kept the Sisquoc Grazing Allotment in the Santa Maria River Basin
vacant for approximately 10 years due to concerns about impacts to
arroyo toads and other sensitive riparian species (Cooper 2009, pers.
comm.). On the Cleveland National Forest, grazing has a minimal impact
because the Forest Service excluded most of the habitat occupied by
arroyo toads from grazing allotments during the 1990s. The Cleveland
National Forest has also formally excluded grazing from some arroyo
toad habitat, including 12,112 ac (4,901 ha) centered around riparian
areas (Service 2005, entire), as well as areas with arroyo toad habitat
in Lower Santa Ysabel Creek Basin and Upper Cottonwood Creek Basin
(Service 2001a, entire). The Pine Valley Allotment, which was the only
streamside grazing allotment in the Cleveland National Forest still
active at the time of the 5-year review in 2009, is now vacant (Winter
2012, pers. comm.).
Though grazing can result in alteration of the streamside habitat
that supports arroyo toads, multiple conservation actions have been put
into place since the time of listing. We anticipate that reductions of
impacts from grazing will continue to be implemented through the
continued implementation of the forest plans, which include
minimization measures implemented on grazing allotments issued by Los
Padres and Cleveland National Forest. We also expect continued
consultation between the Forest Service and the Service through the
section 7 consultation process. These two forests manage portions of
nine river basins that support arroyo toads. Furthermore, we expect
that the conservation measures currently in place will continue to be
implemented regardless of the listing status of the arroyo toad.
Some impacts from livestock grazing are occurring in Mexico (Lovich
2009, p. 85); however, the magnitude of these impacts is unclear, and
we have no information on how many river basins in Mexico are impacted
by grazing activity.
Overall, grazing is a threat with a restricted scope, as only 10 of
the 25 river basins in the United States that support arroyo toads are
currently affected by livestock grazing. Based on the best available
scientific and commercial information, the remaining
[[Page 17114]]
15 river basins are not of appropriate land use or habitat type to
support grazing; therefore, we do not expect that grazing will occur at
these river basins in the future. At the river basins where grazing
does occur, reductions in the level of grazing and improved management
practices have significantly reduced the impacts to arroyo toads and
riparian habitat. We conclude that grazing has a moderate impact on
arroyo toads. Although it may result in localized impacts to streams,
which reduce the quality of habitat and may cause some decrease in
rates of survival and reproduction within populations, it is unlikely
to result in a long-term decline in populations. Therefore, we find
that grazing is a low-level threat to the arroyo toad and its habitat
(Service 2013, pp. 47-50).
Roads and Road Maintenance
When roads occur within or in close proximity to stream habitat
that supports arroyo toads, road use, construction and maintenance can
have a detrimental impact on arroyo toads and their habitat. Toads are
crushed by equipment on the roads or when vehicles use low water
crossings during normal daytime project activities. Toads can also be
harmed or disturbed when rocks and debris are removed from the road
surface or ditches near habitat. On unpaved, sandy roads, toad
mortality can occur because increased food sources (ants, other
insects) lure toads onto roads at night, and because arroyo toads like
to burrow into sandy roadbeds during the day (Sandburg, U.S. Forest
Service, pers. comm., 1997). At the time of listing, the use of heavy
equipment in yearly reconstruction of roads and stream crossings in the
national forests caused ongoing impacts to arroyo toads and their
habitat. On the Cleveland National Forest, roads are still identified
as one of the top three threats to arroyo toad, along with drought and
aquatic predators (Winter, pers. comm. 2012). Currently, impacts from
road construction, use, and maintenance on Federal, public, and private
lands affect 20 out of the 35 river basins where the arroyo toad is
known to occur.
Low water stream crossings pose a particular risk to arroyo toads.
Unimproved stream crossings can develop characteristics of suitable
toad habitat that attracts arroyo toads--shallow, sand or gravel-based
pools with low current velocity and minimal shoreline woody vegetation
(USFS 2012, p. 45). Adults burrow during the day but come out at night
to forage, so are more likely be killed by nighttime traffic or during
wet weather. Vehicles using low water crossings over streams cause
increased siltation, which can cover and suffocate egg masses and
larvae (Service 2000b, p. 14). Eggs or larvae could also be crushed or
disturbed when vehicles use low water crossings (Service 2000b, p. 13).
Hardened crossings lack the substrate that toads prefer, but adults
will forage on any stream crossing at night (USFS 2012, p. 45).
Apart from direct injury to toads, road maintenance can also alter
habitat so that it is unsuitable for arroyo toads. Low water crossing
maintenance above or below crossings, such as removal or shaping of
sediments, debris, or vegetation, can alter habitat suitability for
arroyo toads by increasing the flow over the crossing (USFS 2012, p.
45). Soil disturbance, such as can occur from vehicle use, has been
directly implicated in both lethal and sublethal effects on amphibians
(Maxell and Hokit 1999, p. 2.11). If not contained, road construction
may cause increased sedimentation in adjoining aquatic habitats (Maxell
and Hokit 1999, p. 2.11). Traffic on native surface and dirt roads
causes soil erosion that can run off into streams, particularly during
wet weather. Furthermore, pollutants from exhaust and tire wear can
build up along roadsides and enter riparian areas.
Since the time of listing, the impacts of roads and road
maintenance have been reduced through conservation measures and
protection under the Act. To reduce this threat on Federal lands, Los
Padres National Forest reinitiated section 7 consultation (8-8-12-F-43)
(Service 2012, entire) with the Service for ongoing activities related
to their transportation system and road use in the Santa Clara River
Basin and Santa Ynez River Basin. Los Padres National Forest must
repair and maintain approximately 1,025 mi (1,649 km) of roads and 137
low water stream crossings on forest lands, and implements best
management practices and conservation measures to protect the arroyo
toad before conducting any road or water crossing maintenance. Such
measures may include pre-construction surveys, relocating individuals
to suitable habitat nearby, removing nonnative species, avoiding
maintenance during the breeding season, and developing water control
plans. In addition, Los Padres National Forest has rerouted trails and
closed roads in arroyo toad habitat. In the Southern Recovery Unit, the
Angeles, Cleveland, and San Bernardino National Forests have completed
similar section 7 consultations to reduce or avoid effects from ongoing
road use and maintenance to arroyo toads and habitat within the
portions of 11 arroyo toad occurrences that occur on their land. The
minimization and mitigation measures within these consultations have
been incorporated into recent management plans completed by the Forest
Service; the measures in these plans are not dependent on the listing
status of the arroyo toad.
Very limited information is available on the effects of roads and
road maintenance in Mexico. We are aware that one paved road, Highway
1, is impacting one river basin that supports arroyo toads in Mexico
(Lovich 2009, pp. 79, 86); however, the magnitude of impacts from the
use and maintenance of this coastal highway is unclear.
Overall, conservation measures have recently reduced the threat of
road use and construction and maintenance at three occurrences.
Furthermore, we expect to continue to coordinate with our partners
through existing section 7 processes to minimize and mitigate the
impacts of roads and road maintenance. Overall, this threat has a large
scope, affecting 20 of 35 river basins, and a moderate severity, as it
can potentially cause effects such as permanent loss of breeding
habitat, and creation of barriers to dispersal. Therefore, we find that
roads and road maintenance have a moderate level of impact on the
arroyo toad and its habitat (Service 2013, pp. 51-54).
At the time of listing, recreational activities in riparian
wetlands had substantial negative effects on arroyo toad habitat and
individuals. Streamside campgrounds in southern California national
forests were frequently located adjacent to arroyo toad habitat (Sweet
1992). With nearly 20 million people living within driving distance of
the national forests and other public lands in southern California,
recreational access and its subsequent effects are an ongoing concern
(CDFG 2005). Currently, 22 out of 35 river basins are impacted by
recreational facilities and activities, including 13 river basins with
land managed by the Forest Service.
Recreational activities that currently affect the arroyo toad are
trail use, swimming, trail maintenance, and off-highway vehicle (OHV)
activity. Activities such as construction of roads, trails,
recreational facilities, and water impoundments may permanently replace
natural toad habitat (Maxell and Hokit 1999, p. 2.15). Recreational use
may also degrade habitat; for example, grazing by pack horses at stream
crossings may impact streamside vegetation or trample various life
stages of the arroyo toad (USFS 2013a, p. 17). Additionally,
campgrounds focus large
[[Page 17115]]
numbers of people and intensive use on limited habitats. Streamside
campgrounds in the three southern California National Forests (Los
Padres, Angeles, and Cleveland) have frequently been located in or near
(165 to 300 feet (ft) (50 to 92 meters (m)) arroyo toad habitat (Sweet
1992, pp. 158-160). In the Los Padres National Forest, almost all
occurrences that support arroyo toads are located where hiking trails
follow the floodplain and cross the stream channels in multiple
locations within a short distance. Streamside campgrounds and
recreational activities also reduce riparian vegetation and increase
soil erosion and sedimentation that can cover and kill algae, bacteria,
and fungi on the surface of rocks that act as food sources for arroyo
toad tadpoles (Sweet 1992, p. 190; USFS 2013a, p. 17).
Disturbances created by recreation favor the germination,
establishment, and growth of nonnative plant species, substantially
altering food availability within a habitat (Service 2013a, pp. 17-18).
Furthermore, people swimming and wading in the creek increases the
turbidity of water and can create excess sedimentation, which is known
to bury eggs or suffocate larvae (Sweet 1992, p. 150). Decreased
populations of amphibians including arroyo toads have been found
downstream from popular swimming destinations in Cleveland National
Forest and Cuyamaca Rancho State Park (Brown, USGS, pers. comm. 2012).
Currently, recreational use (mostly campgrounds and swimming) is still
impacting six river basins in Cleveland National Forest (Winter, pers.
comm. 2012).
OHVs may also pose a threat to arroyo toads. Sweet (1992, pp. 162-
163) observed OHV use in arroyo toad breeding sites on the Los Padres
National Forest that resulted in the deaths of arroyo toad egg
clutches, larvae, and juveniles. OHVs used on sandy, unpaved roads may
cause mortality of adult toads because increased food sources (ants,
other insects) lure toads onto roads at night and because arroyo toads
like to burrow into sandy roadbeds during the day (Sandburg, USFS,
pers. comm., 1997). In addition to direct mortality resulting from
collisions, OHVs may disrupt habitat to the point that it becomes
unusable by herpetofauna (Maxell and Hokit 1999, p. 2.10). OHVs spread
seeds of nonnative plants and disturb soils, contributing to excess
erosion and sedimentation of aquatic habitats. Noise from on- and off-
road vehicles is also likely to have negative indirect impacts on
amphibians. Although we did not find studies that targeted arroyo toads
specifically, a study by Nash et al. (1970), found that leopard frogs
exposed to loud noises (120 decibels) remained immobilized for much
longer periods of time than a similarly handled control group. Thus, an
immobility reaction resulting from noise-induced fear could increase
mortality of amphibians that inhabit areas used by OHVs or individuals
that are crossing roads by inhibiting their ability to find shelter or
move across a roadway (Maxell and Hokit 1999, pp. 2.2-2.10).
Conservation measures have been enacted in habitat surrounding
several river basins to reduce or eliminate the impact of recreational
activities on arroyo toads and their habitat. The Los Padres, Angeles,
Cleveland and San Bernardino National Forests are taking measures to
decrease the effects of recreational activities on arroyo toads and
their habitat, including seasonal or permanent closure of campgrounds,
posting of interpretive signs, closure of trails, installation of
stream crossings, and public education programs (Service 1999, pp. 55-
56; Service 2003a, entire; Service 2005, entire; Cooper 2009, pers.
comm.; USFS 2013b, pp. 1-85).
Where recreational activities occur, they may result in the loss
and fragmentation of arroyo toad habitat; however, conservation
measures have reduced the effects of recreational use on the arroyo
toad and its habitat at 6 of the 22 occurrences where recreational
activities occur. We do not have any information on whether
recreational activities are impacting river basins that support arroyo
toads in Mexico, but we would expect the level and types of
recreational activities to be similar and to have similar impacts as in
the United States. Overall, because this threat has a large scope, and
because it has a moderate level of severity, we conclude that effects
from recreational use have a medium level of impact on the arroyo toad
and its habitat (Service 2013, pp. 54-59).
Invasive, Nonnative Plants
At the time of listing, invasive, nonnative plants were not
identified as a threat to arroyo toads. Since then, nonnative plants
have been recorded in 16 of the 35 river basins that support arroyo
toads. Nonnative plant species impact arroyo toads and their habitat by
altering the natural hydrology of stream drainages and eliminating
sandbars, breeding pools, and upland habitats (Service 2009, p. 11).
Nonnative plants can be spread by OHVs, recreation, livestock, and
camping activities (Maxell and Hokit 1999, p. 2.8). Currently, 16 of 35
river basins are impacted by invasive, nonnative plants.
The most problematic nonnative plant species in aquatic systems in
southern California is Arundo donax (giant reed), which is widespread
along the Ventura, Santa Clara, Santa Ana, Santa Margarita, San Luis
Rey, and San Diego Rivers (CDFG 2005). Giant reed invades stream banks
and lakeshores, where it can completely displace native vegetation,
reduce wildlife habitat, increase fire risk, and alter flow regimes,
resulting in flooding (Ventura County 2006, pp. 21-23). Additionally,
as of 2010, dense stands of giant reed were still common along sections
of the lower Santa Margarita River on MCB Camp Pendleton despite
control efforts (Brehme et al. 2011, p. 32).
Another problematic nonnative species, Tamarix ramosissima
(tamarisk), is less widespread than giant reed but also invades
riparian habitats in the above-listed rivers and is distributed in
coastal and desert drainages (Coffman et al. 2005, p. 2724). Tamarisk
can replace or displace native woody species such as cottonwood and
willow that occupy similar habitats, especially when timing and amount
of peak water discharge, salinity, temperature, and substrate texture
have been altered by human activities (Carpenter 2004, pp. 1-30). It is
an aggressive, woody invasive plant that can tolerate a variety of
environmental conditions and has become established over as much as a
million acres of floodplains, riparian areas, wetlands, and lake
margins in the western United States (Carpenter 2004, pp. 1-30).
Tamarisk also consumes large quantities of water, possibly more than
woody native plant species occupying the same habitat (Carpenter 2004,
p. 3). Highly resistant to removal by flooding, tamarisk has the
potential to form dense corridors along most large streams. Where this
has been allowed to occur, tamarisk has replaced native vegetation,
invaded sand bars, and led to channelization by constricting flood
flows. In recent years, tamarisk has been recorded in all watersheds on
MCB Camp Pendleton, although large stands persisted only along the
lower Santa Margarita River (Brehme et al. 2011, p. 32).
Centaurea solstitialis (yellow star thistle) and Nasturtium
officinale (watercress) are also altering the habitat that supports the
arroyo toad. Yellow star thistle is one of the most ecologically and
economically damaging nonnative plants in California (UC Davis 2007, p.
1). It is a fast-growing invasive plant whose taproot can reach over 3
ft (1 m) deep into the soil, allowing it to thrive during dry, hot
summers. When yellow star thistle becomes well-
[[Page 17116]]
established on stream terraces, arroyo toads are unable to dig burrows
for shelter or estivation (Sweet 2007a, p. 1). Watercress can also
invade arroyo toad habitat. After a fire in the upper Sweetwater River
resulted in increased sedimentation that created more breeding habitat
for the arroyo toad, watercress subsequently invaded and covered the
water surface, and arroyo toad recruitment declined (Brown, USGS, pers.
comm. 2012). It is possible that, while reducing available breeding
area, the watercress reduced detectability of arroyo toads. However, in
sandy open areas, larvae of other toad species were detected while
arroyo toads were not (Brown, USGS, pers. comm. 2012). Watercress has
become well established in the Lower Santa Margarita River Basin, and
scattered patches of watercress have been observed in the upper
portions of San Mateo and San Onofre Creeks (Brehme et al. 2011, p.
Conservation measures and management are currently being enacted to
reduce the impact of nonnative plants on arroyo toads. The Los Padres
National Forest has made a concerted effort to remove giant reed and
tamarisk from arroyo toad habitat. Forest Service staff and volunteers
conduct annual tamarisk removal along portions of Piru Creek, Sisquoc
River, Santa Ynez River, and Sespe Creek to protect and restore arroyo
toad habitat. At MCB Camp Pendleton, measures mandating control of
nonnative plants have been implemented through section 7 consultation
(Service 1995, pp. 1, 26, 32, 35). These measures are further described
and incorporated into the most recent Integrated National Resources
Management Plan (INRMP) for MCB Camp Pendleton (MCB Camp Pendleton
2007, pp. C-1-C-19). Removal efforts on the Base have reduced
prevalence of giant reed, with the help of naturally occurring scouring
from flooding events. Researchers recommend continued eradication
efforts of nonnative plants on MCB Camp Pendleton, particularly those
that alter the natural hydrology of watersheds occupied by arroyo toad
(Brehme et al. 2011, p. 38). Though these efforts have aided in
decreasing the threats posed by nonnative plants, management methods of
these plants are limited, as control by herbicides and pesticides can
have impacts to arroyo toads.
Where invasive, nonnative plants occur, they can degrade arroyo
toad habitat and alter stream dynamics. Though conservation measures
have been successful in reducing the spread of these nonnative plants
at 6 of the 16 occurrences affected by nonnative plants, impacts
continue. We do not have any information regarding whether invasive,
nonnative plants are impacting river basins that support arroyo toads
in Mexico, but would expect that some effects are occurring. While the
impact of invasive, nonnative plants will not result in the immediate
loss of habitat and extirpation of populations, they will continue to
degrade arroyo toad habitat and reduce its carrying capacity over the
long term and result in decreased survival and reproduction of affected
populations. Overall, due to the large scope and moderate severity of
the effects of invasive, nonnative plants on arroyo toads and their
habitat, we find that this threat has a medium level of impact (Service
2013, pp. 54-63).
Introduced Predator Species
At the time of listing, nonnative predators had caused substantial
reductions in the sizes of extant populations of arroyo toads, and had
caused arroyo toads to disappear from large portions of historically
occupied habitat (Jennings and Hayes 1994, p. 57). The introduction of
nonnative aquatic species has been facilitated by the construction of
the California Aqueduct and other sources of inter-basin water
transport (Service 1999, p. 48). Today, 28 of 35 river basins are
impacted by introduced predator species.
Predatory species known to prey on arroyo toad adults, tadpoles, or
eggs include green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus), largemouth bass
(Micropterous salmoides), black bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus), prickly
sculpin (Cottus asper), stocked rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss),
oriental gobies (Tridentiger spp.), red shiners (Notropis lutrensis),
American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeiana), African clawed frogs
(Xenopus laevis), crayfish (Procambarus clarkia), and mammalian species
including raccoons (Procyon lotor) and opossums (Didelphis virginiana)
(Sweet 1992, pp. 118-122; Service 1999, pp. 17, 48). All of these
species prey on arroyo toad tadpoles, and all but the crayfish, red
shiners, and African clawed frogs were known to impact arroyo toads at
the time of listing (59 FR 64859; December 16, 1994). Where nonnative
predators occur, they can be widespread and occur in high abundances.
For example, surveys along San Mateo Creek on the Cleveland National
Forest confirmed a very high abundance and widespread distribution of
nonnative aquatic species, with approximately 77 percent of the
``major'' pools and 45 percent of the ``minor'' pools occupied by at
least one nonnative species (ECORP 2004, pp. 18, 25).
Bullfrogs and African clawed frogs are two of the primary
introduced species that prey upon arroyo toads. Both species feed on
arroyo toads at all life stages (Sweet 1992, p. 128; Ramirez 2007, p.
102). Sweet (1992, p. 132) found that bullfrogs, which target calling
male arroyo toads, were associated with resulting sex ratio biases in
arroyo toads of 1:14 (1 male to 14 females) in Sespe Creek. Of 40
bullfrogs captured along the Santa Margarita River in 2008, arroyo toad
remains were found in the stomach contents of over half of them (Brehme
et al. 2011, p. 44). USGS further estimated 125 arroyo toads were being
consumed by bullfrogs per kilometer per month along the lower Santa
Margarita River (Backin and Brehme, USGS, pers. comm. 2012).
Additionally, over the past 20 years, at least 60 species of fishes
have been introduced to the western United States, 59 percent of which
are predatory. Arroyo toad tadpoles are subject to predation by many of
these introduced fish species, especially green sunfish and prickly
sculpin. Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) and crayfish have also been
observed to prey on both tadpoles and eggs.
In recent years, wild pigs (Sus scrofa) have been recognized as a
likely new stressor to arroyo toads, and are now found at 5 of 35 river
basins. Arroyo toads are expected to be adversely affected in the San
Diego River watershed as a result of wild pig introductions (SDNHM
2010, pp. 3, 23, 29, 32, 34-35). The mild climate of San Diego County
can support rapid population growth and expansion of wild pig
populations, making eradication of wild pigs unlikely and control
difficult (CBI 2009, pp. 14, 20-21; SDNHM 2010, p. 42; Winchell, USFWS,
pers. comm. 2012). Wild pigs negatively affect almost all aspects of
ecosystem structure and function; for example, areas where pigs have
rooted appear as if rototilled, leaving large areas of bare earth that
can be easily colonized by invasive, nonnative weeds (Jolley et al.
2010, p. 519). Wild pigs may also directly consume arroyo toads, as
they are opportunistic omnivores whose diet has been observed to
include reptiles and amphibians (Barrett and Birmingham 1994, p. D-66;
Wilcox and Van Vuren 2009, p. 114; Jolley et al. 2010, pp. 520-522).
Detrimental effects of arroyo toad predation have been demonstrated
throughout the range of the species. Along the Santa Margarita River in
MCB Camp Pendleton, occupancy models for wet arroyo toad habitat
indicate that
[[Page 17117]]
nonnative aquatic predators had the largest negative impact on arroyo
toad occupancy and detectability (Brehme et al. 2006, p. 43). This
negative association weakened to a level of insignificance in 2009--
which corresponded with elevated aquatic predator removal efforts--but
returned again in 2010 along with a greater number of sites where
nonnative predator fish and crayfish were detected (Brehme et al. 2011,
pp. 29, 31, 35-36). Brehme et al. (2011, pp. 2-3) strongly recommend
continued control of nonnative aquatic species, especially bullfrogs
and crayfish, for continued persistence of arroyo toad in the lower
Santa Margarita River. Once established, nonnative predators appear
resilient and persist in the system except when drying creates a period
of habitat unsuitability (Miller et al. 2012, pp. 2, 7). Thus, Brehme
et al. (2011, p. 2) recommend modifying water releases along the lower
Santa Margarita River to simulate a more natural hydrology pattern
(i.e., no releases in summer months), along with continued, elevated
control of nonnative aquatic species.
Some progress has been made since listing toward reducing the
threat of introduced predators to arroyo toads and their habitat.
Efforts are being made to remove or reduce nonnative animal populations
in several areas, including the Santa Ynez River Basin on the Los
Padres National Forest and in the Santa Clara River Basin on the
Angeles National Forest. Forest Service personnel have also worked with
animal control agencies to reduce the releases of raccoons and opossums
in arroyo toad habitats. At MCB Camp Pendleton, pursuant to a
biological opinion issued in 1995, the Base must take measures to
assess threats to the survival and recovery of arroyo toad, including
those from nonnative predators (Service 1995, pp. 1, 26, 32, 35).
Measures to control nonnative predators are further described and
incorporated in the most recent INRMP for MCB Camp Pendleton (MCB Camp
Pendleton 2007, pp. C-1-C-19). Nonnative aquatic predator removal on
Base has been ongoing for several years and has shown a benefit to
arroyo toads in the Lower Santa Margarita River Basin.
In the San Juan Creek Basin in Orange County, a 6-year aquatic
predator control program was conducted as mitigation for two California
Department of Transportation (CalTrans) projects on adjacent State
Route 74. The program was effective in reducing bullfrog adults and
larvae from the headwaters of the creek and has slowed local
proliferation of this species. Continuation of removal efforts is
recommended within the creek and at downstream breeding populations
that provide sources of dispersal into the study area (LSA and BonTerra
2012, pp. 12-13). However, the program ended in 2012. As another
CalTrans project is anticipated along State Route 74, the work could be
continued through this new project, but may not be initiated for
another year or more. Actions such as these provide benefits only in
the short term unless replaced with a long-term mechanism for continued
predator control and/or eradication.
In order to address the impacts of feral pigs, the Cleveland
National Forest prepared an environmental assessment of a proposed
feral pig damage control project on the Forest, Bureau of Land
Management lands, and on the Capitan Grande Indian Reservation (USDA
2012, p. 49). However, implementation of this project is uncertain.
Securing funding and access to private lands where wild pigs might be
found outside Federal lands are necessary in order to control this
species, but are currently challenging (Winchell, USFWS, pers. comm.
Very limited information is available on the effects of introduced
predators in Mexico. We are aware that introduced predators are present
at all 10 river basins in Mexico that support arroyo toads (Lovich
2009, pp. 90-91); however, the magnitude of impacts on local
populations is unknown.
Introduced predators are currently impacting arroyo toads at 28 out
of the 35 river basins where the arroyo toad is known to occur. Where
introduced predators occur, they have an extreme effect on arroyo toads
and their habitats. Currently, 5 of the 28 river basins impacted by
nonnative predators have conservation measures to mitigate the impacts
of introduced predators. We find that introduced predators are the most
important factor threatening the arroyo toad across its range.
Introduced predators have a pervasive scope and an extreme threat
severity, as introduced predators may cause reductions in population
size or even extirpation of entire arroyo toad populations. Therefore,
introduced predators are a threat with a very high impact on the toad
and its habitat (Service 2013, pp. 64-69). However, despite this high
level of impact, and the fact that bullfrogs and other predators have
become well-established in arroyo toad habitat (Service 2013, p. 69),
no populations have yet been extirpated.
At the time of listing, drought and the resultant deterioration of
riparian habitats in Southern California was considered to be the most
significant natural factor adversely affecting the arroyo toad. Though
arroyo toads likely naturally evolved with periodic drought conditions,
the 1994 listing rule concluded that drought conditions, when combined
with alteration of natural flow regimes, had degraded riparian
ecosystems and created extremely stressful conditions for most aquatic
species; drought years are also known to result in low food supplies
that can be detrimental to breeding arroyo toads (59 FR 64859, December
16, 1994). Today, 21 of the 25 occurrences in the United States are
impacted by drought as exacerbated by altered flow regimes.
Drought conditions continue to impact both arroyo toad populations
and the riparian habitat that supports them. As drought conditions
increase, reduction in plant growth results in less available canopy
cover and shade, which could increase predation rates on arroyo toads
(Campbell et al. 1996, p. 12).
As stated in the 1994 listing rule, drought can also directly
impact breeding arroyo toads. During drought conditions, plants produce
fewer flowers for insects; fewer insects result in less available food
for arroyo toads. A major concern regarding the effect of drought on
arroyo toads is that female toads may not be able to find sufficient
insect prey to build up enough fat storage for egg production in time
to find a mate, resulting in no reproduction for that year (Sweet 1992,
pp. 56, 172, and 190; Campbell et al. 1996, p. 11). In addition, if
streams dry up too early in the breeding season, arroyo toad tadpoles
may not have enough time to reach metamorphosis.
The habitat requirements and life history of the arroyo toad
increases the impact of drought on the species. Most waterways occupied
by arroyo toads are small and are ephemeral streams at high elevations.
At lower elevations, impacts from drought on arroyo toad occurrences
are exacerbated by alteration of hydrology from dams, water diversions,
and groundwater extraction due to urbanization and agriculture (see
discussion under the Urban Development, Agriculture, and Operation of
Dams and Water Diversions sections above). The arroyo toad's lifespan
averages 5 to 6 years; if drought persists longer than 6 years, entire
populations could be extirpated for lack of water (Sweet 1992, p. 147;
Backlin and Brehme, USGS, pers. comm. 2012). For example, arroyo toad
occurrences in ephemeral streams on MCB Camp Pendleton (San Mateo
Creek, San Onofre Creek basins) and
[[Page 17118]]
Remote Training Site Warner Springs (Upper San Luis Rey River Basin)
are at increased risk of extirpation from a prolonged drought and may
be more dependent upon dispersal from more stable sites for
recolonization (Brehme et al. 2006, pp. 43-44; Clark et al. 2011, p.
At this time (March, 2014), the U.S. Drought Monitor shows that the
worst drought category, ``exceptional drought,'' covers 9 percent of
California and ``extreme drought'' (the second worst category) has
increased to cover 67 percent of California (U.S. Drought Monitor
2014). According to the drought map (U.S. Drought Monitor 2014), most
of the known arroyo toad occurrences in California are within drainages
affected by the current drought. Therefore, we estimate that arroyo
toad occurrences in 21 out of the 25 river basins in the United States
are being affected by drought as exacerbated by altered hydrology. We
do not have any information on how or if drought impacts river basins
that support arroyo toads in Mexico but we expect that at least some of
the river basins would be affected by regional droughts in similar
fashion as the river basins in the United States, particularly at the
one occurrence in Mexico that has a dam that alters natural flow
regimes. Drought is certainly not unique in southern California and
arroyo toad populations have withstood such episodes in the past, such
that we are not aware of any occurrences that have become extirpated
since listing due to drought conditions. However, the continued
operation of dams and other water diversions adds stress to arroyo toad
populations in ephemeral streams. Because the scope of the impacts from
droughts are large (affecting 21 of the 25 river basins in the United
States, and likely additional river basins in Mexico), and because
drought has a serious level of severity on arroyo toad population and
habitat, we find that drought conditions are a threat that results in a
high level of impact to arroyo toad populations throughout their range
(Service 2013, pp. 32-37).
Periodic Fire and Fire Suppression
In recent decades, large fires in the West have become more
frequent, more widespread, and potentially more deadly to wildlife
(Joint Fire Science Program 2007). At the time of listing, periodic
fires were considered a threat to the arroyo toad and its habitat. In
1991, the Lions Fire on upper Sespe Creek in the Los Padres National
Forest directly destroyed riparian habitat along Sespe Creek in the
Santa Clara River Basin, which contained the largest known extant
population of arroyo toads. The fire also destroyed 15 known breeding
pools and over 50 percent of the known adult population on the Sespe
drainage; however, by 1993, the population and its habitat had largely
recovered due to recruitment from healthy populations of arroyo toads
downstream (Sweet 1993, p. 19). Today, a robust population continues to
persist in upper Sespe Creek. Currently, 22 of the 25 river basins in
the United States are affected by fire suppression and periodic fire
(Service 2013, p. 74), particularly as the natural fire regimes in
Southern California have altered in frequency and intensity in recent
decades. The remaining three river basins in the United States are not
in habitats characterized as at high risk from altered fire regimes.
Periodic fires are considered a threat to the arroyo toads because
fires can cause direct mortality of arroyo toads, destroy streamside
vegetation, or eliminate vegetation that sustains the watershed.
Pilliod et al. (2003, p. 176) state that the effects of fire may be
greatest for amphibians that are habitat specialists, such as arroyo
toads, compared to species that occupy different types of habitat and
tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions. Other effects from
fires include increased water temperature (as a result of canopy loss),
toxic effects of smoke and fire retardant to water chemistry, increased
sedimentation in streams and ponds that negatively impact reproduction
and recruitment, and the effects of fire and post-fire conditions on
arroyo toad terrestrial movements (Pilliod et al. 2003, pp. 163-181).
In addition, wildfires often generate a substantial increase in erosion
following the loss of protective ground cover and root anchors (Service
2003, p. 8). Although arroyo toads may recolonize areas impacted by
fire (as occurred in upper Sespe Creek), recruitment from downstream
occurrences is likely not possible in all locations due to habitat
alteration from urbanization, existing dams, and other impacts.
Since the time the arroyo toad was listed in 1994, we now recognize
that arroyo toads may also be impacted by fire suppression and
firefighting activities, including fire line construction, hand line
construction, bulldozing, water withdrawal using helicopters and pumps,
backfiring, and fire camp and safety zone construction. After the 2007
Zaca Fire in Los Padres National Forest, a number of broad fuelbreaks
and safety zones were bulldozed in several areas, including the lower
portions of Mono and Indian Creeks (Sweet 2007a, pp. 1-9; 2007b, p. 1).
At that time of year, a large proportion of the population would have
been within burrows on the terraces, and any toads that were in burrows
were very likely killed by bulldozing (Sweet 2007a, p. 1). Sweet
(2007a, p. 1) also reported that the bulldozing operations also
severely degraded upland habitat; for example, bulldozing created large
piles of woody debris between the creek bed and the terraces that
created substantial barriers to arroyo toad movement.
Periodic fire and fire suppression activities could potentially
impact the arroyo toad through permanent loss of breeding habitat;
permanent loss of upland habitat; and mortality, injury, or
displacement of individuals. Currently, fire could impact 22 out of the
25 river basins in the United States where the arroyo toad is known to
occur. Although we expect that fire could also impact river basins that
support arroyo toads in Mexico, we currently lack information on
habitat types and fire regimes in those areas.
Despite the potentially high level of impacts that fire and fire
suppression can have on the species, very few fires have occurred in
arroyo toad habitat since the time of listing, and we expect the
incidence of fires will remain relatively constant. Fire and fire
suppression activities have a large scope (affecting 22 of the 25 river
basins in the United States) and a moderate severity, as fire could
permanently or temporarily alter breeding habitat and cause mortality
of arroyo toads. Therefore, we find that fire and fire suppression
activities are a threat with a medium level of impact on the arroyo
toad (Service 2013, pp. 72-37).
Climate Change
At the time of listing, the potential impacts of climate change to
the arroyo toad and its habitat were not assessed. In the 2009 5-year
review, we recognized that climate change could impact arroyo toad
habitat; however, we lacked downscaled projections to make predictions
on how a changing climate could impact arroyo toad habitat. Today, more
information on downscaled climate projections has become available, and
we conclude that effects of climate change could impact all 35 river
basins that support arroyo toads and their habitat.
The term ``climate change'' refers to a change in the mean or
variability of one or more measures of climate (e.g., temperature or
precipitation) that persists for an extended period, usually decades or
longer, whether the change is due to natural variability, human
activity, or both (IPCC 2007a, p. 78).
[[Page 17119]]
Various types of changes in climate can have direct or indirect effects
on species, including the arroyo toad. Specific effects of climate
change on the arroyo toad and its habitat depend on the magnitude of
future changes.
Predictions for changes in temperature vary across the range of the
arroyo toad. Downscaled projections of temperature were available for
the 25 river basins in the United States that support arroyo toads. In
the Central Western California Ecoregion, which contains four river
basins in the northern portion of the arroyo toad's range, mean annual
temperatures are predicted to increase from 1.6 to 1.9 [deg]C (2.9 to
3.4[emsp14][deg]F) by 2070 (PRBO 2011, pp. 35, 40). In the Southwestern
California Ecoregion, which contains 21 river basins, temperatures are
predicted to rise 1.7 to 2.2 [deg]C (3.1 to 4.0[emsp14][deg]F) (PRBO
2011, pp. 35, 40). High temperature events are expected to become more
common in both ecoregions, and taxa with very narrow temperature
tolerance levels may experience thermal stress to the point of direct
mortality or diminished reproduction in the Southwestern California
Ecoregion (PRBO 2011, pp. 38, 42).
There is a general lack of consensus of the effects of future
climate change on precipitation patterns in both ecoregions. Some
models suggest almost no change, whereas others project decreases of up
to 32 percent in the Central Western California Ecoregion and 37
percent in the Southwestern California Ecoregion by 2070 (PRBO 2011,
pp. 35, 40). Qualitative indicators of changes in concentrated near-
surface water vapor (atmospheric rivers) above the Pacific Ocean in
current projections suggest flood risks in California from warm-wet
storms may increase beyond those known historically, mostly in the form
of occasional more-extreme-than-historical storm seasons (Dettinger
2011, p. 522).
Changes in climate may impact the historical flow regimes that
support arroyo toads. Snyder et al. (2004, pp. 594, 600) has projected
that annual snow accumulation will decrease significantly for all
hydrologic regions in California. Reduced snowpack will lead to reduced
stream-flows, especially in the spring (EPA 2012). Additionally, rising
temperatures cause snow to begin melting earlier in the year, which
alters the timing of stream-flow in rivers that have their sources in
mountainous areas (EPA 2013). Thus, taxa that rely on runoff from
snowmelt will find streams and rivers drying up much earlier than
before, and temperatures of the water are likely to increase due to a
reduction in snowmelt contribution, likely altering riparian
communities downstream (Snyder et al. 2004, p. 600; PRBO 2011, p. 42).
Additional impacts from climate change on arroyo toad habitat
include reductions in groundwater systems and overall water supply.
Surficial aquifers, which supply much of the flow to streams, lakes,
wetlands, and springs, are likely to be the part of the groundwater
system most sensitive to climate change (Alley et al. 1999, p. 21).
Increased competition for water resources in the southwestern United
States and Mexico are expected due to projected temperature increases,
river-flow reductions, dwindling reservoirs, decreased groundwater
recharge, and rapid population growth (EPA 2012). For example, the
California Energy Commission (CEC) (2009, p. 22) predicts the combined
effects of climate change, water use practices, and regional growth
will expose San Diego County to greater risk of water shortfalls before
Aspects of arroyo toad life history and biology make them sensitive
to potential climate-change-related impacts. Arroyo toads have a
relative inability to disperse longer distances in order to occupy more
favorable habitat conditions (i.e., move up and down stream corridors,
or across river basins). This reduced adaptive capacity for arroyo toad
is a function of its highly specialized habitat requirements, the
dynamic nature of its habitat, natural barriers such as steep
topography at higher elevations, and extensive fragmentation (unnatural
barriers) within and between river basins from reservoirs,
urbanization, agriculture, roads, and the introduction of nonnative
plants and predators. Climate change also could affect the distribution
of pathogens and their vectors, exposing arroyo toads (potentially with
weakened immune systems as a result of other environmental stressors)
to new pathogens (Blaustein et al. 2001, p. 1808). Climate change may
result in a range shift of the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
(Bd), (Pounds et al. 2006, p. 161; Bosch et al. 2007, p. 253), a
virulent amphibian disease. Though Bd has the potential to infect and
kill arroyo toads (Nichols 2003, entire), it is not currently found
within the range of the arroyo toad and, therefore, is not expected to
affect arroyo toads in the near future, though it remains a potential
future threat. More information on the potential impact of Bd on arroyo
toads is available in the ``Disease'' section of the Species Report
(Service 2013, pp. 62-64).
We conclude that because climate change is likely to impact all
river basins where the arroyo toad is known to occur in the future, it
has a pervasive scope. We also conclude that climate change has a
serious severity, as it has the potential to degrade habitat and reduce
populations over a large proportion of the range of the arroyo toad.
Therefore, we expect that climate change will have a high level of
impact on the arroyo toad and its habitat throughout its range. See
additional discussion in the ``Climate Change'' section of the Species
Report (Service 2013, pp. 75-80).
Combination of Threats
Combinations of threats working in concert with one another have
the ability to negatively impact species to a greater degree than
individual threats operating alone. Multiple stressors can alter the
effects of other stressors or act synergistically to affect individuals
and populations (IPCC 2002, p. 22; Boone et al. 2003, pp. 138-143;
Westerman et al. 2003, pp. 90-91; Opdam and Wascher 2004, pp. 285-297;
Boone et al. 2007, pp. 293-297; Vredenburg and Wake 2007, p. 7; Lawler
et al. 2010, p. 47; Miller et al. 2011, pp. 2360-2361).
Alterations in habitat caused by dam operation, urban development,
and invasive plants interact with nonnative predators by increasing the
suitability of habitat for nonnative predators. Artificially sustained
flow regimes from urban runoff, agricultural runoff, or dam operation
create ponds that make habitat more suitable for bullfrogs and African
clawed frogs than for arroyo toads (Sweet 1992, p. 156; Riley et al.
2005, p. 1905). Bullfrogs are well-adapted to deep-water conditions in
ponded areas above dams, and dam releases can introduce them to
downstream habitats (CDFG 2005, p. 178). In these modified systems with
deep pools that persist year-round, both bullfrogs and arroyo toads
must rely on the same habitat for breeding, even though their
biological needs differ. This situation allows bullfrogs more
opportunity to prey on all of the life stages of arroyo toads.
Furthermore, the introduction of nonnative plant species may enhance
the probability of successful introduction of other nonnative species.
For example, there is some evidence that the survival of bullfrogs is
enhanced by the presence of nonnative aquatic vegetation, which
provides habitat more suitable to bullfrogs (Maxell and Hokit 1999, p.
Invasive, nonnative plants can interact with fire to exacerbate its
effects on riparian habitats and natural stream flow. Large riparian
corridors have historically acted as natural firebreaks
[[Page 17120]]
in southern California because of their low-lying topography and
relative absence of flammable fuels. However, recent studies suggest
that invasive plants are making riparian systems more fire-prone
(Lambert et al. 2010). Giant reed and tamarisk are highly flammable,
yet both species recover rapidly from fire by vigorous regrowth from
below-ground plant parts. By contrast, cottonwoods, willows, and other
native woody plants are much less tolerant of direct exposure to fire.
Coffman et al. (2010, pp. 2723-2734) examined the regrowth rates of
giant reed and nearby native woody vegetation following a 741-acre
(300-ha) fire in the Santa Clara River watershed in 2005. Giant reed
grew three to four times faster following the fire, and within 11
years, its density was 20 times greater than native species. This
suggests that rapid regrowth of the highly flammable biomass creates an
invasive plant-fire cycle that ultimately leads to a decline in native
species in the ecosystem (Coffman et al. 2010, pp. 2730-2731).
Overall reductions in available habitat and population size through
all the threats described in this document could cause further
fragmentation of remaining arroyo toad populations. In particular,
fragmentation can cause a ``habitat split,'' which is a separation
between the two habitats critical for amphibian reproduction (Dixo et
al. 2009, p. 1567). Habitat split may have an even larger effect on
amphibian species with aquatic larval development and a terrestrial
adult stage, such as the arroyo toad. Because of its dual habitat
needs, the arroyo toad would be particularly susceptible to
fragmentation that isolates breeding wetlands from upland areas that
are the preferred habitats of adults. A number of studies have reported
changes in genetic diversity associated with habitat fragmentation in
amphibians (Young et al. 1996; Cushman 2006; Dixo et al. 2009). Genetic
consequences of fragmentation center on a significant decrease in
genetic diversity from (1) relatively low dispersal capabilities; (2)
mortality when moving across roads and unsuitable habitats, which
depresses growth rates; (3) narrow habitat tolerances; and (4) high
vulnerability to pathogens, invasive species, climate change, and
environmental pollutants (Cushman 2006, p. 232), ultimately leading to
decreased survival or reproductive success.
Both dispersal ability and habitat availability determine how
vulnerable arroyo toads are to reduced genetic diversity due to
fragmentation. A study by Dixo et al. (2009, p. 1561) found that while
a generalist species of amphibian (Rhinella ornata) was relatively
tolerant of larger habitat fragments and maintained genetic diversity
within them, gene flow in populations was negatively impacted in small
patches of remaining habitat. This result implies that more specialized
species like the arroyo toad would suffer even more severe genetic
consequences from a fragmented and isolated landscape. In fact, arroyo
toads have narrow environmental tolerances (highly specialized
breeding, foraging, and shelter requirements), generally low dispersal
abilities (Service 2013, pp. 6-7), and are vulnerable to being killed
when burrowing into or crossing roads at night, all characteristics
that exacerbate the negative effects of fragmentation, habitat loss,
and habitat degradation. Combined with the small population sizes of
arroyo toad occurrences, the species could find it difficult to persist
while sustaining the impacts of urban, suburban, and rural development
that have already resulted in severe arroyo toad habitat loss and
Effects of climate change may exacerbate other threats to the
arroyo toad by increasing the frequency or severity of droughts which
could result in increases in groundwater pumping and water diversion
for urban and agriculture use, increasing runoff and erosion during
extreme flood events, increasing the frequency or intensity of
wildfire, and increasing the spread and virulence of pathogens.
Based on the best available scientific and commercial information,
we find that the cumulative and combined effects of multiple factors
acting on the arroyo toad are pervasive in scope, as they affect all
arroyo toad occurrences, and are of serious severity, as these impacts
could cause the loss or degradation of habitat and potential reductions
in arroyo toad populations. Therefore, we conclude that combined
effects of multiple factors pose a high level of threat to the arroyo
toad and its habitat (Service 2013, pp. 84-85).
Recovery and Recovery Plan Implementation
Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to develop and implement
recovery plans for the conservation and survival of endangered and
threatened species unless we determine that such a plan will not
promote the conservation of the species. Under section 4(f)(1)(B)(ii),
recovery plans must, to the maximum extent practicable, include:
``Objective, measurable criteria which, when met, would result in a
determination, in accordance with the provisions of [section 4 of the
Act], that the species be removed from the list.'' However, revisions
to the list (adding, removing, or reclassifying a species) must reflect
determinations made in accordance with sections 4(a)(1) and 4(b) of the
Act. Section 4(a)(1) requires that the Secretary determine whether a
species is endangered or threatened (or not) because of one or more of
five threat factors. Section 4(b) of the Act requires that the
determination be made ``solely on the basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available.'' Therefore, recovery criteria should help
indicate when we would anticipate an analysis of the five threat
factors under section 4(a)(1) would result in a determination that a
species is no longer an endangered species or threatened species
because of any of the five statutory factors.
Thus, while recovery plans provide important guidance to the
Service, States, and other partners on methods of minimizing threats to
listed species and measurable objectives against which to measure
progress towards recovery, they are not regulatory documents and cannot
substitute for the determinations and promulgation of regulations
required under section 4(a)(1) of the Act. A decision to revise the
status of or remove a species from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11) is ultimately based on an analysis
of the best scientific and commercial data then available to determine
whether a species is no longer an endangered species or a threatened
species, regardless of whether that information differs from the
recovery plan.
The Service finalized a recovery plan for the arroyo toad in 1999
(Service 1999, pp. 1-119). The intent of the arroyo toad recovery plan
was to prescribe recovery criteria that would demonstrate population
stability and good habitat management over a period of years, which
would indicate a substantially improved situation for arroyo toads. We
anticipated later developing better information on the status and needs
of arroyo toads, based on the surveys, research, and monitoring
prescribed in the plan. Because the recovery plan incorporated an
adaptive management approach to recovery, new information would be used
to modify the recovery tasks and criteria, as appropriate (Service
1999, p. 108).
The overall objectives of the recovery plan are to prevent further
loss of individuals, populations, and habitat critical for the survival
of the species; and to recover existing populations to normal
reproductive capacity to ensure viability in the long term, prevent
[[Page 17121]]
extinction, maintain genetic viability, and improve conservation status
(Service 1999, p. 108). The general goal to achieve recovery of the
species is to establish sufficient self-sustaining populations. The
recovery plan describes 22 river basins in the coastal and desert areas
of 9 counties along the central and southern coast of California, and
the recovery plan divides the range of the arroyo toad into three large
recovery units--Northern, Southern, and Desert. These recovery units
were established to reflect the ecological and geographic distribution
of the species and its current and historic range (Service 1999, pp.
71-72); we have since received updated information on the number and
extent of river basins that support arroyo toads. The Recovery Plan did
not address any occurrences in Baja California, Mexico, as very limited
information on the species was available when the plan was drafted.
The Recovery Plan provides two criteria for determining when the
arroyo toad should be considered for reclassification from endangered
to threatened status: (1) That management plans have been approved and
implemented on federally managed lands to provide for securing the
genetic and phenotypic variation of the arroyo toad in each recovery
unit by conserving, maintaining, and restoring the riparian and upland
habitats used by arroyo toads for breeding, foraging, and wintering
habitat; and (2) that at least 20 self-sustaining metapopulations or
populations must be maintained at specific locations (Service 1999, pp.
75-76). The Recovery Plan states that self-sustaining metapopulations
or populations are those documented as having successful recruitment
(i.e., inclusion of newly matured individuals into the breeding
population) equal to 20 percent or more of the average number of
breeding adults in 7 of 10 years of average to above average rainfall
amounts with normal rainfall patterns. Such recruitment would be
documented by statistically valid trend data indicating stable or
increasing populations. In addition, self-sustaining populations
require no direct human assistance (such as captive breeding or
rearing, or translocation of toads between sites). This does not
include activities such as patrolling or closing of roads, campgrounds,
or recreational areas, or maintaining stream crossings or fencing
(Service 2013, p. 76).
The Recovery Plan also states that arroyo toad should be considered
for delisting when the genetic and phenotypic variation of the arroyo
toad throughout its range in California is secured by maintaining 15
additional self-sustaining populations of arroyo toads in coastal
plain, coastal slope, desert slope, and desert river basins, including
known populations outside of Federal jurisdiction (Service 1999, p.
In our analysis of the status of the arroyo toad in the Species
Report, we reviewed the 22 river basin occurrences that were identified
at the time of listing (59 FR 64859; Service 1999, pp. 12-31). Of these
22 occurrences, 4 occurrences (Whitewater River, San Felipe Creek,
Vallecitos Creek, and Pinto Wash basins) were determined to be reported
erroneously, as examination of locality records, museum specimens,
photographs and other records, as well as new visits to these river
basins found no evidence that they had ever supported arroyo toads
(Ervin et al. 2013, pp. 197--204). Additionally, the status of arroyo
toads was unknown in 2 river basins (Santa Ana River and Otay River)
identified for recovery actions in the recovery plan (Service 1999, pp.
23-24, 30).
The arroyo toad is currently extant or presumed to be extant at 16
occurrences on federal lands, including those known at listing, while
the status of the Otay River Basin and Lower Santa Ana River Basin
occurrences is still unknown (Service 2013, Table 1). However, arroyo
toads were redetected in the San Jacinto River Basin, which was
previously identified as part of the greater Santa Ana River Basin in
the recovery plan (Service 1999, pp. 23-24); the split of the Greater
Santa Ana River Basin into two occurrences adds an additional
occurrence to those recognized in the recovery plan. Thus, at least one
population within each of these 17 river basins supporting the arroyo
toad identified at listing is currently extant or presumed to be extant
on Federal land. Furthermore, the arroyo toad is extant at 5 additional
river basins with no populations on Federal land. Updated information
indicates some locations where erroneously reported, while the arroyo
toad has been identified in three additional river basins. The arroyo
toad continues to occur at 22 occurrences. While some of these
locations differ from those identified in the downlisting criteria, the
number of populations exceeds that identified to meet downlisting
criteria in the recovery plan. Finally, management plans have been
approved and are being implemented to help conserve, maintain, and
restore habitat on Federal lands (Service 2013, pp. 87-94).
As stated above, the recovery plan also identifies the need for
populations or metapopulations to be self-sustaining. We do not have
statistically valid trend data of arroyo toad occurrences that would
allow us to project whether populations are declining, stable, or
increasing as described in the Recovery Plan. We will instead consider,
based on the best available scientific and commercial data, whether
available information indicates arroyo toads are self-sustaining.
Available survey data does report that arroyo toads remain extant or
presumed extant at 28 of the 35 occurrences rangewide, and have
continued to reproduce and survive throughout their range without
direct human assistance as described in the Recovery Plan. After
reviewing recent survey data, we have found that, while threats
identified at listing are ongoing, arroyo toads remain extant or
presumed extant at all of the occurrences occupied at listing. The best
available information indicates that these populations have become
self-sustaining in part due to the management plans that are being
implemented to address some of the impacts of 9 of the 12 current
threats (excluding fire, drought, and climate change); these plans are
managed through coordinated efforts with our partners. The majority of
waterways that support arroyo toads occur on Federal land where efforts
are in progress to minimize impacts to listed species. Each of the
National Forests have land management plans that include measures to
minimize impacts to listed species. MCB Camp Pendleton and Fort Hunter
Ligget Military Reservation have developed INRMPs that include
conservation measures that benefit the arroyo toad. Five HCPs have also
been completed and provide protection to covered species, including
arroyo toad. These plans help to minimize some of the impacts from
currently identified threats for continued conservation of this taxon.
Furthermore, we are not aware of any river basins that have been
confirmed as completely extirpated (no arroyo toads at any rivers or
streams within the river basin) since listing. Therefore, absent the
survey data required to fulfill the definition of self-sustaining in
the 1999 Recovery Plan, we conclude that these factors are indicative
of self-sustaining populations.
As stated above, the intent of the recovery plan was to prescribe
recovery criteria that would at least demonstrate population stability
and good habitat management over a period of years, which would
indicate a substantially improved situation for arroyo toads. Despite
the important progress made toward meeting the reclassification
criteria outlined in the 1999 recovery plan, we recognize that we have
not met the exact number of occupied river
[[Page 17122]]
basins identified in the plan. New information indicates that four of
the river basins identified in the recovery plan were never occupied by
arroyo toad, and there are eight river basins in the United States
where no management plans have been approved or implemented on
federally managed lands, in part because several of those basins do not
contain a large amount of federally owned land. There are 17 river
basins where management plans have been approved and implemented on
federally managed land. At all those 17 occurrences, at least one
population within the river basin has remained extant since the time of
listing despite the threats still impacting arroyo toads and their
habitat. Additionally, 5 occurrences on non-Federal lands have been
acquired or conserved through other mechanisms, such as HCPs. We
therefore conclude that we have met the overall intent of the
downlisting criteria for the arroyo toad for the number of self-
sustaining populations required for downlisting, in that these river
basins demonstrate population stability and good habitat management
over multiple years.
We also conclude that the arroyo toad has not met the delisting
criteria, either by intent or by the letter of the plan, as we are only
aware of management plans on non-Federal land at eight river basins,
many of which overlap with the river basins that have management plans
on Federal lands. Therefore, we have not achieved the delisting
criteria of 15 additional self-sustaining arroyo toad populations
outside of Federal jurisdiction. Further detail on our analysis of
river basins and the recovery criteria is described in the Species
Report (Service 2013, pp. 88-95).
An assessment of the need for a species' protection under the Act
is based on whether a species is in danger of extinction or likely to
become so because of any of five factors: (A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence. As required by section 4(a)(1) of
the Act, we conducted a review of the status of the arroyo toad and
assessed the five factors to evaluate whether the arroyo toad is
endangered or threatened throughout all of its range. We examined the
best scientific and commercial information available regarding the
past, present, and future threats faced by the species. We reviewed
information presented in the 2011 petition, information available in
our files and gathered through our 90-day finding in response to this
petition, and other available published and unpublished information. We
also consulted with species experts and land management staff with the
Forest Service, CDFW, the California Department of Parks and Recreation
(CDPR), and HCP permittees who are actively managing for the
conservation of the arroyo toad.
In considering what factors might constitute threats, we must look
beyond the mere exposure of the species to the factor to determine
whether the exposure causes actual impacts to the species. If there is
exposure to a factor, but no response, or only a positive response,
that factor is not a threat. If there is exposure and the species
responds negatively, the factor may be a threat and we then attempt to
determine how significant the threat is. If the threat is significant,
it may drive, or contribute to, the risk of extinction of the species
such that the species warrants listing as endangered or threatened as
those terms are defined by the Act. This does not necessarily require
empirical proof of a threat. The combination of exposure and some
corroborating evidence of how the species is likely impacted could
suffice. The mere identification of factors that could impact a species
negatively is not sufficient to compel a finding that listing is
appropriate; we require evidence that these factors are operative
threats that act on the species to the point that the species meets the
definition of endangered or threatened under the Act.
Since the arroyo toad was listed in 1994, new threats have been
identified: invasive, nonnative plants (Factors A and E) and climate
change (Factors A and E). However, some factors known to pose a threat
to the arroyo toad and its habitat at the time of listing are no longer
of concern (for example, new dam construction or collection for
scientific or commercial purposes). Conservation activities and
preservation of habitat have further reduced threats from mining and
prospecting (Factors A and E), livestock grazing (Factors A and E),
roads and road maintenance (Factors A and E), and recreation (Factors A
and E).
Overall, a large number of stressors continue to impact the arroyo
toad. We find that urban development, operations of dams and water
diversions, climate change, and drought continue to pose a high level
of threat to the continued existence of the arroyo toad (affecting many
or most occurrences, likely to seriously degrade habitat or reduce
species occurrences), and introduced predators pose a very high level
of threat to the arroyo toad (affecting most occurrences and likely to
destroy habitat or eliminate species occurrences).
We also find that fire and fire suppression, invasive plants,
recreation, roads and road maintenance and agriculture pose a moderate
level of threat to the arroyo toad. These threats are of lower severity
and are less widespread than the high and very high-level threats.
Livestock and mining and prospecting continue to pose a threat to the
arroyo toad; however, these threats pose a low level of impact to the
arroyo toad and its habitat, meaning they affect a limited number of
occurrences and moderately or slightly degrade habitat or reduce
Though some conservation measures have been put in place to
decrease the current impacts of urban development, operation of dams,
and introduced predators, some threats present ongoing challenges. For
example, management of introduced predators has been difficult to
implement once predators are established and requires ongoing
eradication and management efforts. Drought and climate change are not
easily amenable to management through existing regulatory or
conservation actions, although their impacts can be reduced through
improved management and reduction of other stressors. The combination
of factors, such as the interaction between altered flow regimes caused
by urban development and operation of dams and water diversions with
the invasive potential of nonnative plants and introduced predators,
can also increase the magnitude of the individual threats.
As stated above, many of the threats currently impacting the arroyo
toad were also known at the time of listing. However, we also recognize
that both the magnitude and the type of some threats impacting the
arroyo toad have changed since the time of listing. In the case of
urban development, agriculture, and operations of dams and water
diversions, conservation actions and consultation through section 7 of
the Act have decreased the severity of these threats since the time of
listing, such that these threats cause alteration or degradation of
habitat rather than the direct and permanent removal of habitat that
was a concern at the time of listing. Conservation measures have
overall decreased the impact of multiple other threats facing the
arroyo toad, including invasive plants, introduced predator species,
road and road maintenance,
[[Page 17123]]
recreation, and livestock grazing. Conservation efforts are being
implemented on Federal lands in portions of 17 river basins supporting
arroyo toad through the land management plans for each of the four
southern California National Forests (Los Padres, Angeles, San
Bernardino, and Cleveland), and through the INRMPs on MCB Camp
Pendleton and Fort Hunter Liggett. In Mexico, 4 of 10 river basins are
within or partially within a national park. Arroyo toads have remained
extant or are presumed extant within the range they occupied at the
time of listing. Furthermore, the known range of the species had been
expanded with discovery of the Fort Hunter Liggett population in
Monterey County.
We examined the downlisting criteria provided in the recovery plan
for the arroyo toad (Service 1999). The downlisting recovery criteria
state that for the arroyo toad to be reclassified to threatened,
management plans must have been approved and implemented on federally
managed lands, and at least 20 self-sustaining metapopulations or
populations at specified locations on Federal lands must be maintained.
Since the time of listing, we have found some of those populations were
identified in error, as the river basins were never occupied by arroyo
toads. Furthermore, current available information indicates that arroyo
toads are persisting or are presumed to be persisting on Federal lands
in 17 river basin occurrences and 5 additional occurrences on non-
Federal lands, for a total of 22 extant or presumed extant occurrences
in California. Portions of these occurrences are afforded protections
from habitat destruction and from some effects of habitat alteration
through current land management plans, INRMPs, and HCPs, and arroyo
toads have persisted throughout their geographic range since listing,
supporting that the occurrences are self-sustaining. Therefore, we find
that the arroyo toad has met the intent of the criteria identified in
the recovery plan for downlisting.
In conclusion, we have carefully assessed the best scientific and
commercial information available regarding the past, present, and
future threats faced by this species. After review of the information
pertaining to the five statutory factors, we find that the ongoing
threats are not of sufficient imminence, intensity, or magnitude to
indicate that arroyo toad is presently in danger of extinction
throughout all its range. Although threats to the arroyo toad still
exist and will continue into the foreseeable future, the Service,
Forest Service, CDFW, CDPR, and HCP permittees are implementing
conservation measures or regulatory actions to reduce the level of
impact on the arroyo toad, and overall the magnitude of threats has
decreased since the time of listing. We also find that the intent of
the reclassification criteria in the recovery plan has been met. We
therefore find the arroyo toad to be threatened throughout all its
Significant Portion of the Range
Having examined the status of the arroyo toad throughout all its
range, we next examine whether the species is in danger of extinction
in a significant portion of its range. The range of a species can
theoretically be divided into portions in an infinite number of ways.
However, there is no purpose in analyzing portions of the range that
have no reasonable potential to be significant or in analyzing portions
of the range in which there is no reasonable potential for the species
to be endangered or threatened. To identify only those portions that
warrant further consideration, we determine whether there is
substantial information indicating that: (1) The portions may be
``significant'' and (2) the species may be in danger of extinction
there or likely to become so within the foreseeable future. Depending
on the biology of the species, its range, and the threats it faces, it
might be more efficient for us to address the significance question
first or the status question first. Thus, if we determine that a
portion of the range is not ``significant,'' we do not need to
determine whether the species is endangered or threatened there; if we
determine that the species is not endangered or threatened in a portion
of its range, we do not need to determine if that portion is
``significant.'' In practice, a key part of the determination that a
species is in danger of extinction in a significant portion of its
range is whether the threats are geographically concentrated in some
way. If the threats to the species are essentially uniform throughout
its range, no portion is likely to warrant further consideration.
Moreover, if any concentration of threats to the species occurs only in
portions of the species' range that clearly would not meet the
biologically based definition of ``significant,'' such portions will
not warrant further consideration.
We consider the ``range'' of the arroyo toad to be from Fort Hunter
Liggett in Monterey County, California, United States, to northwestern
Baja California, Mexico. We are, therefore, proposing to revise the
entry for the arroyo toad in the List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife at 50 CFR 17.11(h) to reflect that the historical range in
Mexico specifically pertains to Baja California and not the rest of the
country. The historical range data in the List is non-regulatory in
nature and is provided as information for the reader; this change
therefore does not alter or limit application of the prohibitions of
the Act or its implementation (50 CFR 17.11(d) and (e)). We consider a
total of 28 river basins within this range to contain extant
populations of arroyo toads. Since the toad was listed, several new
populations have been found as a result of increased search efforts in
Riverside County and Baja California; however, these areas were all
within the historical range occupied by the species (WRCRCA 2006, p. 5;
Lovich 2009, pp. 74-97). Since its listing, an arroyo toad population
was discovered in the San Antonio River Basin at Fort Hunter Ligget,
resulting in a northward expansion of the known range (by 93 mi (150
km)). However, this area was likely always part of the historical range
of the species.
Habitat loss and other anthropogenic (human-caused) factors have
resulted in the arroyo toad now being absent from several localities
where it historically occurred. Jennings and Hayes (1994, p. 57)
estimated that arroyo toads had been eliminated from 76 percent of
their historical range prior to the time of listing. However,
subsequent discoveries of new localities and remnant populations reduce
this estimate to 65 percent (Lanoo 2005, p. 4). These disappearances
from specific localities have created artificial gaps in the species'
geographic range and resulted in a fragmented and patchy distribution.
However, despite these gaps, arroyo toads remain extant in scattered
populations throughout their historical range (Service 2013, Map 1).
Overall, arroyo toads have not been extirpated from any of the 16 river
basins known to be occupied at the time of listing (Service 2013, p.
94, Table 1).
Given the patchy distribution of arroyo toads throughout their
range, no individual area is likely to be of greater biological or
conservation importance than any other area. Additionally, river basins
containing arroyo toad occurrences that are extant or presumed to be
extant span the entire extent of the species' historical range. As
such, we conclude that no major portion of the species' range has been
lost, and that the lost historical range is not a significant portion
of the arroyo toad's range.
We evaluated the current range of the arroyo toad to determine if
potential threats to the species have any apparent geographic
concentration. We examined
[[Page 17124]]
threats from urban development (Factors A and E), agriculture (Factors
A and E), operation of dams and water diversions (Factors A and E),
mining and prospecting (Factors A and E), livestock grazing (Factors A
and E), roads and road maintenance (Factors A and E), recreation
(Factors A and E), invasive, nonnative plants (Factors A and E),
introduced predator species (Factor C), drought (Factors A and E), fire
and fire suppression (Factors A and E), and climate change (Factors A
and E). While the range of the arroyo toad could be divided by recovery
units or by occurrences in the United States and occurrences in Mexico,
we conclude that all occurrences are experiencing similar levels of
threats. As discussed above, although the specific threats affecting
the species may be different at individual sites or in different parts
of the arroyo toad's range, on the whole threats are occurring
throughout the species' range. While the types of threats affecting
arroyo toads differ among occurrences, all are experiencing a similar
level or intensity of threat and no portion is experiencing a greater
level of risk than other portions; see the Geographic Breakdown of
Threats section of the Species Report for more detail on threats in
each Recovery Unit (Service 2013, pp. 86-88). In no portions of its
range are threats significantly concentrated or substantially greater
than in other portions of its range. Therefore, no portion of the
arroyo toad's range warrants further consideration.
Based on the analyses above, we conclude that the arroyo toad is no
longer in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion
of its range, but instead is likely to become endangered in the
foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its
range. While no populations of the arroyo toad are at imminent risk of
extirpation, ongoing threats continue to affect the likelihood of long-
term persistence of the populations and the species such that the
arroyo toad more appropriately meets the definition of a threatened
species under the Act. Therefore, we find that the petitioned action is
warranted, and we propose to reclassify the arroyo toad from an
endangered species to a threatened species.
Effects of This Rule
If this proposed rule is made final, it would revise 50 CFR
17.11(h) to reclassify the arroyo toad from endangered to threatened on
the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. However, this
reclassification does not significantly change the protections afforded
this species under the Act. The statutory and regulatory protections
provided pursuant to sections 9 and 7 of the Act remain in place.
Anyone taking, attempting to take, or otherwise possessing an arroyo
toad, or parts thereof, in violation of section 9 of the Act is subject
to a penalty under section 11 of the Act, unless their action is
covered under a special rule under section 4(d) of the Act. However, no
4(d) rules are proposed for the arroyo toad. Pursuant to section 7 of
the Act, all Federal agencies must ensure that any actions they
authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of the arroyo toad. This rule would not affect the
critical habitat designation for the arroyo toad at 50 CFR 17.95(d).
Recovery actions directed at the arroyo toad will continue to be
implemented as outlined in the Recovery Plan for this species (Service
1999, entire).
Required Determinations
Clarity of the Rule
We are required by Executive Orders 12866 and 12988 and by the
Presidential Memorandum of June 1, 1998, to write all rules in plain
language. This means that each rule we publish must:
(a) Be logically organized;
(b) Use the active voice to address readers directly;
(c) Use clear language rather than jargon;
(d) Be divided into short sections and sentences; and
(e) Use lists and tables wherever possible.
If you feel that we have not met these requirements, send us
comments by one of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES section. To
better help us revise the rule, your comments should be as specific as
possible. For example, you should tell us the names of the sections or
paragraphs that are unclearly written, which sections or sentences are
too long, the sections where you feel lists or tables would be useful,
National Environmental Policy Act
We determined we do not need to prepare an Environmental Assessment
or an Environmental Impact Statement, as defined under the authority of
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.),
in connection with regulations adopted pursuant to section 4(a) of the
Act. We published a notice outlining our reasons for this determination
in the Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited in this proposed rule is
available on the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov under Docket
No. FWS-R8-ES-2014-0007 or upon request from the Field Supervisor,
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT
The primary author of this proposed rule is the Pacific Southwest
Regional Office in Sacramento, California, in coordination with the
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office in Ventura, California (see FOR
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
Proposed Regulation Promulgation
Accordingly, we propose to amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter
I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 1531-1544; 4201-4245, unless
otherwise noted.
2. Amend Sec. 17.11(h) by revising the entry for ``Toad, arroyo''
under ``Amphibians'' in the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
to read as follows:
Sec. 17.11 Endangered and threatened wildlife.
* * * * *
(h) * * *
[[Page 17125]]
Species Vertebrate population
---------------------------------------------------------- Historic range where endangered or Status When Critical Special
Common name Scientific name threatened listed habitat rules
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Toad, arroyo (=arroyo Anaxyrus californicus U.S.A. (CA), Mexico Entire............... T 568 17.95(d) NA
southwestern). (Baja California).
* * * * * * *
Dated: March 16, 2014.
Rowan W. Gould,
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2014-06665 Filed 3-26-14; 8:45 am]