Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests, 14746-14748 [2014-05726]
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tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 51 / Monday, March 17, 2014 / Notices
This meeting will discuss
applications on the subject of History
for the Media Projects: Production
Grants program, submitted to the
division of Public Programs.
11. DATE: April 09, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ROOM: 415
This meeting will discuss
applications on the subject of
Philosophy and Religion for the
Scholarly Editions and Translations
grant program, submitted to the division
of Research Programs.
12. DATE: April 10, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ROOM: 415
This meeting will discuss
applications on the subject of History
and Literature for the Scholarly Editions
and Translations grant program,
submitted to the division of Research
13. DATE: April 10, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ROOM: 426
This meeting will discuss
applications on the subject of World
History and Culture for the Museums,
Libraries, and Cultural Organizations:
Implementation Grants program,
submitted to the division of Public
14. DATE: April 14, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ROOM: 421
This meeting will discuss
applications for the Landmarks of
American History and Culture:
Workshops for School Teachers grant
program, submitted to the division of
Education Programs.
15. DATE: April 15, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ROOM: 421
This meeting will discuss
applications for the Landmarks of
American History and Culture:
Workshops for School Teachers grant
program, submitted to the division of
Education Programs.
16. DATE: April 16, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ROOM: 421
This meeting will discuss
applications for the Landmarks of
American History and Culture:
Workshops for School Teachers grant
program, submitted to the division of
Education Programs.
17. DATE: April 17, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ROOM: 421
This meeting will discuss
applications for the Landmarks of
American History and Culture:
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:45 Mar 14, 2014
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Workshops for School Teachers grant
program, submitted to the division of
Education Programs.
18. DATE: April 24, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ROOM: Conference Call
This meeting will discuss
applications for the National Digital
Newspaper Program grant program,
submitted to the division of
Preservation and Access.
19. DATE: April 29, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
ROOM: Conference Call
This meeting will discuss
applications on the subject of History
and Culture for the Museums, Libraries,
and Cultural Organizations:
Implementation Grants program,
submitted to the division of Public
Because these meetings will include
review of personal and/or proprietary
financial and commercial information
given in confidence to the agency by
grant applicants, the meetings will be
closed to the public pursuant to sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6) of Title 5,
U.S.C., as amended. I have made this
determination pursuant to the authority
granted me by the Chairman’s
Delegation of Authority to Close
Advisory Committee Meetings dated
July 19, 1993.
Dated: March 12, 2014.
Lisette Voyatzis,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014–05829 Filed 3–14–14; 8:45 am]
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection Requests
National Mediation Board.
The National Mediation
Board (NMB) invites comments on its
proposal to revise a previouslyapproved information collection request
as required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. In December of 2012, in
response to amendments to the Railway
Labor Act, the NMB published a Final
Rule changing the showing of interest
requirements for organizations seeking a
representation election. As a result, the
NMB is revising the Application for
Investigation of Representation Dispute
to reflect that all applicants must submit
the same showing of interest. In
addition, the NMB is revising the
application by requiring applicants to
attest that all of the information
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submitted is true to the best of the
signer’s knowledge. The revised
application will also only provide space
for one craft or class per application,
thereby requiring a separate application
for each craft or class.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before May 16,
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires that
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) provide interested Federal
agencies and the public an early
opportunity to comment on information
collection requests. OMB may amend or
waive the requirement for public
consultation to the extent that public
participation in the approval process
would defeat the purpose of the
information collection, violate State or
Federal law, or substantially interfere
with any agency’s ability to perform its
statutory obligations. The Director,
Office of Administration, publishes that
notice containing proposed information
collection requests prior to submission
of these requests to OMB. Each
proposed information collection
contains the following: (1) Type of
review requested, e.g. new, revision
extension, existing or reinstatement; (2)
Title; (3) Summary of the collection; (4)
Description of the need for, and
proposed use of, the information; (5)
Respondents and frequency of
collection; and (6) Reporting and/or
Record keeping burden. OMB invites
public comment.
The revisions to the Application for
Investigation of Representation Dispute
include the following:
1. The application will reflect the fact
that applicants no longer have the
option of submitting an application
supported by a 35 percent showing of
interest. All applicants will be required
to indicate that the application is
supported by a 50 percent showing of
interest. In response to 2012
amendments to the Railway Labor Act,
the NMB published a Final Rule on
December 21, 2012 reflecting the
changed showing of interest
requirements. 29 CFR 1206.2. This
revision will not change the burden to
the applicant in completing the form.
2. The application will include the
following attestation: ‘‘Federal Law
prohibits knowingly and willfully
making materially false, fictitious, or
fraudulent statements or representations
in any matter within the jurisdiction of
the U.S. Government. 18 U.S.C. 1001.
This includes the information provided
on this application as well as the
accompanying showing of interest.’’
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 51 / Monday, March 17, 2014 / Notices
This revision will not change the
burden to the applicant in completing
the form.
3. The revised application will require
applicants to complete a separate
application for each craft or class.
Applicants rarely list more than one
established craft or class on each
application. This revision should not
have an impact on the burden to
applicants or increase the number of
applications received by the NMB.
Currently, the NMB is soliciting
comments concerning the proposed
revisions of the Application for
Investigation of Representation Dispute
and is interested in public comment
addressing the following issues: (1) Is
this collection necessary to the proper
functions of the agency; (2) will this
information be processed and used in a
timely manner; (3) is the estimate of
burden accurate; (4) how might the
agency enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (5) how might the agency
minimize the burden of this collection
on the respondents, including through
the use of information technology.
In addition, the NMB requests
comments on any substantive and legal
issues raised by the changes to the
Application for Investigation of
Representation Dispute discussed
above, especially those raised by the
inclusion of the attestation of the
truthfulness of the information
Dated: March 11, 2014.
Samantha Williams,
Acting Director, Office of Administration,
National Mediation Board.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Application for Investigation of
Representation Dispute
Type of Review: Revision.
Title: Application for Investigation of
Representation Dispute,
OMB Number: 3140–0001.
Frequency: On occasion.
Affected Public: Carrier and Union
Officials, and employees of railroads
and airlines.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Responses: 68 annually.
Burden Hours: 17.00.
1. Abstract: When a dispute arises
among a carrier’s employees as to who
will be their bargaining representative,
the National Mediation Board (NMB) is
required by Section 2, Ninth, to
investigate the dispute, to determine
who is the authorized representative, if
any, and to certify such representative.
The NMB’s duties do not arise until its
services have been invoked by a party
to the dispute. The Railway Labor Act
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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is silent as to how the invocation of a
representation dispute is to be
accomplished and the NMB has not
promulgated regulations requiring any
specific vehicle. Nonetheless, 29 CFR
1203.2, provides that applications for
the services of the NMB under Section
2, Ninth, to investigate representation
disputes may be made on printed forms
secured from the NMB’s Office of Legal
Affairs or on the Internet at https://
rapply.html. The application requires
the following information: the name of
the carrier involved; the name or
description of the craft or class
involved; the name of the petitioning
organization or individual; the name of
the organization currently representing
the employees, if any; the names of any
other organizations or representatives
involved in the dispute; and the
estimated number of employees in the
craft or class involved. This basic
information is essential in providing the
NMB with the details of the dispute so
that it can determine what resources
will be required to conduct an
2. The application form provides
necessary information to the NMB so
that it can determine the amount of staff
and resources required to conduct an
investigation and fulfill its statutory
responsibilities. Without this
information, the NMB would have to
delay the commencement of the
investigation, which is contrary to the
intent of the Railway Labor Act.
3. There is no improved technological
method for obtaining this information.
The burden on the parties is minimal in
completing the ‘‘Application for
Investigation of Representation
4. There is no duplication in
obtaining this information.
5. Rarely are representation elections
conducted for small businesses.
Carriers/employers are not permitted to
request our services regarding
representation investigations. The labor
organizations, which are the typical
requesters, are national in scope and
would not qualify as small businesses.
Even in situations where the invocation
comes from a small labor organization,
we believe the burden in completing the
application form is minimal and that no
reduction in burden could be made.
6. The NMB is required by Section 2,
Ninth, to investigate the dispute, to
determine who is the authorized
representative, if any, and to certify
such representative. The NMB has no
ability to control the frequency,
technical, or legal obstacles, which
would reduce the burden.
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7. The information requested by the
NMB is consistent with the general
information collection guidelines of
CFR 1320.6. The NMB has no ability to
control the data provided or timing of
the invocation. The burden on the
parties is minimal in completing the
‘‘Application for Investigation of
Representation Dispute.’’
8. No payments or gifts have been
provided by the NMB to any
respondents of the form.
9. There are no questions of a
sensitive nature on the form.
10. The total time burden on
respondents is 17.00 hours annually—
this is the time required to collect
information. After consulting with a
sample of people involved with the
collection of this information, the time
to complete this information collection
is estimated to average 15 minutes per
response, including gathering the data
needed and completion and review of
the information.
Number of respondents per year: 68
Estimated time per respondent: 15
Total Burden hours per year: 17 (68 ×
11. The total collection and mail cost
burden on respondents is estimated at
$584.80 annually ($552.16 time cost
burden + $32.64 mail cost burden.)
a. The respondents will not incur any
capital costs or start up costs for this
b. Cost burden on respondents—
The total time burden annual cost is
Time Burden Basis: The total hourly
burden per year, upon respondents, is
Staff cost = $552.16
$32.48 per hour—based on mid level
clerical salary
$32.48 × 17 hours per year = $552.16
We are estimating that a mid-level
clerical person, with an average salary
of $32.48 per hour, will be completing
the ‘‘Application for Investigation of
Representation Dispute’’ form. The total
burden is estimated at 17 hours,
therefore, the total time burden cost is
estimated at $552.16 per year.
The total annual mailing cost to
respondents is $32.64
Number of applications mailed by
respondents per year: 68
Total estimated cost: $32.64 (68 × .48
The collection of this information is
not mandatory; it is a voluntary request
from airline and railroad carrier
employees seeking to invoke an
investigation of a representation
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 51 / Monday, March 17, 2014 / Notices
dispute. After consulting with a sample
of people involved with the collection
of this information, the time to complete
this information collection is estimated
to average 15 minutes per response,
including gathering the data needed and
completion and review of the
information. However, the estimated
hour burden costs of the respondents
may vary due to the complexity of the
specific question in dispute. The
revision of the form requiring a new
application for every craft or class will
have little effect on the number of
application submitted. In 2012 and
2013, no applications were filed that
included a request for representation
services for more than one craft or class.
The application form is available from
the NMB’s Office of Legal Affairs and is
also available on the Internet at https://
12. The total annualized Federal cost
is $846.98. This includes the costs of
printing and mailing the forms upon
request of the parties. The completed
applications are maintained by the
Office of Legal Affairs.
a. Printing cost: $ 80.00.
b. Mailing costs: $ 9.54.
Basis (mail cost): Forms are requested
approximately 3 times per year and it
takes 5 minutes to prepare the form for
Postage cost = $1.44
3 (times per year) × .48 (cost of postage)
Staff cost = $8.10
$.54 per minute (GS 9/10 $64,787 =
$32.48 per hr. ÷ 60)
$.54 × 5 minutes per mailing = $2.70
$2.70 × 3 times per year = $8.10
Total Mailing Costs = $9.54
c. Processing Cost=$756.00.
Basis (processing cost):
Representation is requested
approximately 70 times oer year and it
takes 20 minutes to process each
Staff Cost= $756.00
$.54 per minute (GS 9/10 $64,787 =
$32.48 per hr. ÷ 60)
$.54 × 20 minutes per mailing = $10.80
$10.80 × 70 times per year = $756.00
13. Item 13—no change in annual
reporting and recordkeeping hour
14. The information collected by the
application will not be published.
15. The NMB will display the OMB
expiration date on the form.
16(a)—the form does not reduce the
burden on small entities; however, the
burden is minimized and voluntary.
16(b)—the form does not indicate the
retention period for record keeping
16(c)—the form is not part of a
statistical survey.
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Requests for copies of the proposed
information collection request may be
accessed from or should
be addressed to Denise Murdock, NMB,
1301 K Street NW., Suite 250 E,
Washington, DC 20005 or addressed to
the email address or
faxed to 202–692–5081. Please specify
the complete title of the information
collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements, as
well as comments on any legal and
substantive issues raised, should be
directed to Samantha Williams at 202–
692–5010 or via Internet address Individuals who use
a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD/TDY) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
[FR Doc. 2014–05726 Filed 3–14–14; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Meeting Notice
Weeks of March 17, 24, 31, April
7, 14, 21, 2014.
PLACE: Commissioners’ Conference
Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
STATUS: Public and Closed.
Week of March 17, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
1 p.m. Briefing on Waste Confidence
Rulemaking (Public Meeting);
(Contact: Andrew Imboden, 301–
This meeting will be webcast live at
the Web address—
Week of April 14, 2014—Tentative
There are no meetings scheduled for
the week of April 14, 2014.
Week of April 21, 2014—Tentative
There are no meetings scheduled for
the week of April 21, 2014.
The schedule for Commission
meetings is subject to change on short
notice. To verify the status of meetings,
call (recording)—301–415–1292.
Contact person for more information:
Rochelle Bavol, 301–415–1651.
The NRC Commission Meeting
Schedule can be found on the Internet
The NRC provides reasonable
accommodation to individuals with
disabilities where appropriate. If you
need a reasonable accommodation to
participate in these public meetings, or
need this meeting notice or the
transcript or other information from the
public meetings in another format (e.g.
braille, large print), please notify
Kimberly Meyer, NRC Disability
Program Manager, at 301–287–0727, or
by email at Determinations on
requests for reasonable accommodation
will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Members of the public may request to
receive this information electronically.
If you would like to be added to the
distribution, please contact the Office of
the Secretary, Washington, DC 20555
(301–415–1969), or send an email to
Dated: March 13, 2014.
Rochelle Bavol,
Policy Coordinator, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2014–05915 Filed 3–13–14; 4:15 pm]
Week of March 24, 2014—Tentative
There are no meetings scheduled for
the week of March 24, 2014.
Week of March 31, 2014—Tentative
[NRC–2014–0051; IA–12–045]
There are no meetings scheduled for
the week of March 31, 2014.
Week of April 7, 2014—Tentative
In the Matter of Michael P. Cooley;
Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRCLicensed Activities
Thursday April 10, 2014
9 a.m. Meeting with Organization of
Agreement States (OAS) and
Conference of Radiation Control
Program Directors (CRCPD) (Public
Meeting); (Contact: Cindy Flannery,
This meeting will be webcast live at
the Web address—
Michael P. Cooley is a former
Environmental Health and Safety
Specialist, for Shaw, Stone & Webster
(Shaw) at South Carolina Electric & Gas
Company’s Virgil C. Summer Nuclear
Station (Licensee). The licensee is the
holder of License No. NPF–12 issued by
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
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[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 51 (Monday, March 17, 2014)]
[Pages 14746-14748]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-05726]
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
AGENCY: National Mediation Board.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The National Mediation Board (NMB) invites comments on its
proposal to revise a previously-approved information collection request
as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. In December of
2012, in response to amendments to the Railway Labor Act, the NMB
published a Final Rule changing the showing of interest requirements
for organizations seeking a representation election. As a result, the
NMB is revising the Application for Investigation of Representation
Dispute to reflect that all applicants must submit the same showing of
interest. In addition, the NMB is revising the application by requiring
applicants to attest that all of the information submitted is true to
the best of the signer's knowledge. The revised application will also
only provide space for one craft or class per application, thereby
requiring a separate application for each craft or class.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before
May 16, 2014.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 (U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) provide interested Federal agencies and the public an
early opportunity to comment on information collection requests. OMB
may amend or waive the requirement for public consultation to the
extent that public participation in the approval process would defeat
the purpose of the information collection, violate State or Federal
law, or substantially interfere with any agency's ability to perform
its statutory obligations. The Director, Office of Administration,
publishes that notice containing proposed information collection
requests prior to submission of these requests to OMB. Each proposed
information collection contains the following: (1) Type of review
requested, e.g. new, revision extension, existing or reinstatement; (2)
Title; (3) Summary of the collection; (4) Description of the need for,
and proposed use of, the information; (5) Respondents and frequency of
collection; and (6) Reporting and/or Record keeping burden. OMB invites
public comment.
The revisions to the Application for Investigation of
Representation Dispute include the following:
1. The application will reflect the fact that applicants no longer
have the option of submitting an application supported by a 35 percent
showing of interest. All applicants will be required to indicate that
the application is supported by a 50 percent showing of interest. In
response to 2012 amendments to the Railway Labor Act, the NMB published
a Final Rule on December 21, 2012 reflecting the changed showing of
interest requirements. 29 CFR 1206.2. This revision will not change the
burden to the applicant in completing the form.
2. The application will include the following attestation:
``Federal Law prohibits knowingly and willfully making materially
false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations in any
matter within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Government. 18 U.S.C. 1001.
This includes the information provided on this application as well as
the accompanying showing of interest.''
[[Page 14747]]
This revision will not change the burden to the applicant in completing
the form.
3. The revised application will require applicants to complete a
separate application for each craft or class. Applicants rarely list
more than one established craft or class on each application. This
revision should not have an impact on the burden to applicants or
increase the number of applications received by the NMB.
Currently, the NMB is soliciting comments concerning the proposed
revisions of the Application for Investigation of Representation
Dispute and is interested in public comment addressing the following
issues: (1) Is this collection necessary to the proper functions of the
agency; (2) will this information be processed and used in a timely
manner; (3) is the estimate of burden accurate; (4) how might the
agency enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (5) how might the agency minimize the burden of this
collection on the respondents, including through the use of information
In addition, the NMB requests comments on any substantive and legal
issues raised by the changes to the Application for Investigation of
Representation Dispute discussed above, especially those raised by the
inclusion of the attestation of the truthfulness of the information
Dated: March 11, 2014.
Samantha Williams,
Acting Director, Office of Administration, National Mediation Board.
Application for Investigation of Representation Dispute
Type of Review: Revision.
Title: Application for Investigation of Representation Dispute,
OMB Number: 3140-0001.
Frequency: On occasion.
Affected Public: Carrier and Union Officials, and employees of
railroads and airlines.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour Burden:
Responses: 68 annually.
Burden Hours: 17.00.
1. Abstract: When a dispute arises among a carrier's employees as
to who will be their bargaining representative, the National Mediation
Board (NMB) is required by Section 2, Ninth, to investigate the
dispute, to determine who is the authorized representative, if any, and
to certify such representative. The NMB's duties do not arise until its
services have been invoked by a party to the dispute. The Railway Labor
Act is silent as to how the invocation of a representation dispute is
to be accomplished and the NMB has not promulgated regulations
requiring any specific vehicle. Nonetheless, 29 CFR 1203.2, provides
that applications for the services of the NMB under Section 2, Ninth,
to investigate representation disputes may be made on printed forms
secured from the NMB's Office of Legal Affairs or on the Internet at The application requires
the following information: the name of the carrier involved; the name
or description of the craft or class involved; the name of the
petitioning organization or individual; the name of the organization
currently representing the employees, if any; the names of any other
organizations or representatives involved in the dispute; and the
estimated number of employees in the craft or class involved. This
basic information is essential in providing the NMB with the details of
the dispute so that it can determine what resources will be required to
conduct an investigation.
2. The application form provides necessary information to the NMB
so that it can determine the amount of staff and resources required to
conduct an investigation and fulfill its statutory responsibilities.
Without this information, the NMB would have to delay the commencement
of the investigation, which is contrary to the intent of the Railway
Labor Act.
3. There is no improved technological method for obtaining this
information. The burden on the parties is minimal in completing the
``Application for Investigation of Representation Dispute.''
4. There is no duplication in obtaining this information.
5. Rarely are representation elections conducted for small
businesses. Carriers/employers are not permitted to request our
services regarding representation investigations. The labor
organizations, which are the typical requesters, are national in scope
and would not qualify as small businesses. Even in situations where the
invocation comes from a small labor organization, we believe the burden
in completing the application form is minimal and that no reduction in
burden could be made.
6. The NMB is required by Section 2, Ninth, to investigate the
dispute, to determine who is the authorized representative, if any, and
to certify such representative. The NMB has no ability to control the
frequency, technical, or legal obstacles, which would reduce the
7. The information requested by the NMB is consistent with the
general information collection guidelines of CFR 1320.6. The NMB has no
ability to control the data provided or timing of the invocation. The
burden on the parties is minimal in completing the ``Application for
Investigation of Representation Dispute.''
8. No payments or gifts have been provided by the NMB to any
respondents of the form.
9. There are no questions of a sensitive nature on the form.
10. The total time burden on respondents is 17.00 hours annually--
this is the time required to collect information. After consulting with
a sample of people involved with the collection of this information,
the time to complete this information collection is estimated to
average 15 minutes per response, including gathering the data needed
and completion and review of the information.
Number of respondents per year: 68
Estimated time per respondent: 15 minutes
Total Burden hours per year: 17 (68 x .25)
11. The total collection and mail cost burden on respondents is
estimated at $584.80 annually ($552.16 time cost burden + $32.64 mail
cost burden.)
a. The respondents will not incur any capital costs or start up
costs for this collection.
b. Cost burden on respondents--detail:
The total time burden annual cost is $552.16
Time Burden Basis: The total hourly burden per year, upon respondents,
is 17
Staff cost = $552.16
$32.48 per hour--based on mid level clerical salary
$32.48 x 17 hours per year = $552.16
We are estimating that a mid-level clerical person, with an average
salary of $32.48 per hour, will be completing the ``Application for
Investigation of Representation Dispute'' form. The total burden is
estimated at 17 hours, therefore, the total time burden cost is
estimated at $552.16 per year.
The total annual mailing cost to respondents is $32.64
Number of applications mailed by respondents per year: 68
Total estimated cost: $32.64 (68 x .48 stamp)
The collection of this information is not mandatory; it is a
voluntary request from airline and railroad carrier employees seeking
to invoke an investigation of a representation
[[Page 14748]]
dispute. After consulting with a sample of people involved with the
collection of this information, the time to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including
gathering the data needed and completion and review of the information.
However, the estimated hour burden costs of the respondents may vary
due to the complexity of the specific question in dispute. The revision
of the form requiring a new application for every craft or class will
have little effect on the number of application submitted. In 2012 and
2013, no applications were filed that included a request for
representation services for more than one craft or class.
The application form is available from the NMB's Office of Legal
Affairs and is also available on the Internet at
12. The total annualized Federal cost is $846.98. This includes the
costs of printing and mailing the forms upon request of the parties.
The completed applications are maintained by the Office of Legal
a. Printing cost: $ 80.00.
b. Mailing costs: $ 9.54.
Basis (mail cost): Forms are requested approximately 3 times per
year and it takes 5 minutes to prepare the form for mail.
Postage cost = $1.44
3 (times per year) x .48 (cost of postage)
Staff cost = $8.10
$.54 per minute (GS 9/10 $64,787 = $32.48 per hr. / 60)
$.54 x 5 minutes per mailing = $2.70
$2.70 x 3 times per year = $8.10
Total Mailing Costs = $9.54
c. Processing Cost=$756.00.
Basis (processing cost): Representation is requested approximately
70 times oer year and it takes 20 minutes to process each application.
Staff Cost= $756.00
$.54 per minute (GS 9/10 $64,787 = $32.48 per hr. / 60)
$.54 x 20 minutes per mailing = $10.80
$10.80 x 70 times per year = $756.00
13. Item 13--no change in annual reporting and recordkeeping hour
14. The information collected by the application will not be
15. The NMB will display the OMB expiration date on the form.
16(a)--the form does not reduce the burden on small entities;
however, the burden is minimized and voluntary.
16(b)--the form does not indicate the retention period for record
keeping requirements.
16(c)--the form is not part of a statistical survey.
Requests for copies of the proposed information collection request
may be accessed from or should be addressed to Denise
Murdock, NMB, 1301 K Street NW., Suite 250 E, Washington, DC 20005 or
addressed to the email address or faxed to 202-692-
5081. Please specify the complete title of the information collection
when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or the collection activity
requirements, as well as comments on any legal and substantive issues
raised, should be directed to Samantha Williams at 202-692-5010 or via
Internet address Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD/TDY) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
[FR Doc. 2014-05726 Filed 3-14-14; 8:45 am]