El Paso Natural Gas Company, LLC; Notice of Application, 13289-13290 [2014-05116]
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emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 46 / Monday, March 10, 2014 / Notices
Swift Street, South Burlington, VT
05403, by phone at (802) 951–0355 or by
email at esimollardes@vermontgas.com
or to Elizabeth W. Whittle, Nixon
Peabody, LLP, 401 Ninth Street NW.,
Suite 900, Washington, DC 20004, by
phone at (202) 585–8338 or by email at
Pursuant to section 157.9 of the
Commission’s rules, 18 CFR 157.9,
within 90 days of this Notice the
Commission staff will either: Complete
its environmental assessment (EA) and
place it into the Commission’s public
record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or
issue a Notice of Schedule for
Environmental Review. If a Notice of
Schedule for Environmental Review is
issued, it will indicate, among other
milestones, the anticipated date for the
Commission staff’s issuance of the final
environmental impact statement (FEIS)
or EA for this proposal. The filing of the
EA in the Commission’s public record
for this proceeding or the issuance of a
Notice of Schedule for Environmental
Review will serve to notify federal and
state agencies of the timing for the
completion of all necessary reviews, and
the subsequent need to complete all
federal authorizations within 90 days of
the date of issuance of the Commission
staff’s FEIS or EA.
There are two ways to become
involved in the Commission’s review of
this project. First, any person wishing to
obtain legal status by becoming a party
to the proceedings for this project
should, on or before the comment date
stated below file with the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426,
a motion to intervene in accordance
with the requirements of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 385.211)
and the Regulations under the NGA (18
CFR 157.10). A person obtaining party
status will be placed on the service list
maintained by the Secretary of the
Commission and will receive copies of
all documents filed by the applicant and
by all other parties. A party must submit
seven copies of filings made in the
proceeding with the Commission and
must mail a copy to the applicant and
to every other party. Only parties to the
proceeding can ask for court review of
Commission orders in the proceeding.
However, a person does not have to
intervene in order to have comments
considered. The second way to
participate is by filing with the
Secretary of the Commission, as soon as
possible, an original and two copies of
comments in support of or in opposition
to this project. The Commission will
consider these comments in
determining the appropriate action to be
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taken, but the filing of a comment alone
will not serve to make the filer a party
to the proceeding. The Commission’s
rules require that persons filing
comments in opposition to the project
provide copies of their protests only to
the party or parties directly involved in
the protest.
Persons who wish to comment only
on the environmental review of this
project should submit an original and
two copies of their comments to the
Secretary of the Commission.
Environmental commentors will be
placed on the Commission’s
environmental mailing list, will receive
copies of the environmental documents,
and will be notified of meetings
associated with the Commission’s
environmental review process.
Environmental commentors will not be
required to serve copies of filed
documents on all other parties.
However, the non-party commentors
will not receive copies of all documents
filed by other parties or issued by the
Commission (except for the mailing of
environmental documents issued by the
Commission) and will not have the right
to seek court review of the
Commission’s final order.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filings of comments, protests
and interventions in lieu of paper using
the ‘‘eFiling’’ link at https://
www.ferc.gov. Persons unable to file
electronically should submit an original
and seven copies of the protest or
intervention to the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street
NE., Washington, DC 20426.
Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Time on March 12, 2014.
Dated: February 28, 2014.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2014–05120 Filed 3–7–14; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. CP14–83–000]
El Paso Natural Gas Company, LLC;
Notice of Application
Take notice that on February 13, 2014,
El Paso Natural Gas Company, LLC
(EPNG), Post Office Box 1087, Colorado
Springs, Colorado 80944, filed an
application pursuant to section 7(b) of
the Natural Gas Act and section 157.18
of the Commission’s regulations to
abandon by sale two 16-inch diameter of
42 mile pipeline segments; EPNG’s Line
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Nos. 1000 and 1001 located in El Paso
County and Hudspeth County, Texas.
EPNG constructed the 16-inch diameter
Line No. 1001 as a loop of Line No.
1000. EPNG intends to sell the two lines
to DKM Enterprises, L.L.C. (DKM), a
pipe and steel salvage company not
affiliated with EPNG. DKM will
purchase these segments of Line Nos.
1000 and 1001 and thereafter remove
the 42 mile pipeline segments, all as
more fully set forth in the application
which is on file with the Commission
and open to public inspection. The
filing may also be viewed on the web at
https://www.ferc.gov using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in
the docket number field to access the
document. For assistance, contact FERC
at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call
toll-free, (866) 208–3676 or TTY, (202)
Any questions regarding this
application should be directed to
Francisco Tarin, Director, Regulatory
Affairs, El Paso Natural Gas Company,
LLC, PO Box 1087 Colorado Springs,
Colorado 80944, or call (719) 667–7517,
or fax (719) 667–7534 or to David R.
Cain, Assistant General Counsel, El Paso
Natural Gas Company, LLC, PO Box
1087 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80944,
or call (719) 520–4534, or by fax (719)
Pursuant to section 157.9 of the
Commission’s rules, 18 CFR 157.9,
within 90 days of this Notice the
Commission staff will either: Complete
its environmental assessment (EA) and
place it into the Commission’s public
record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or
issue a Notice of Schedule for
Environmental Review. If a Notice of
Schedule for Environmental Review is
issued, it will indicate, among other
milestones, the anticipated date for the
Commission staff’s issuance of the final
environmental impact statement (FEIS)
or EA for this proposal. The filing of the
EA in the Commission’s public record
for this proceeding or the issuance of a
Notice of Schedule for Environmental
Review will serve to notify federal and
state agencies of the timing for the
completion of all necessary reviews, and
the subsequent need to complete all
federal authorizations within 90 days of
the date of issuance of the Commission
staff’s FEIS or EA.
There are two ways to become
involved in the Commission’s review of
this project. First, any person wishing to
obtain legal status by becoming a party
to the proceedings for this project
should, on or before the comment date
stated below file with the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426,
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 46 / Monday, March 10, 2014 / Notices
a motion to intervene in accordance
with the requirements of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 385.211)
and the Regulations under the NGA (18
CFR 157.10). A person obtaining party
status will be placed on the service list
maintained by the Secretary of the
Commission and will receive copies of
all documents filed by the applicant and
by all other parties. A party must submit
7 copies of filings made in the
proceeding with the Commission and
must mail a copy to the applicant and
to every other party. Only parties to the
proceeding can ask for court review of
Commission orders in the proceeding.
However, a person does not have to
intervene in order to have comments
considered. The second way to
participate is by filing with the
Secretary of the Commission, as soon as
possible, an original and two copies of
comments in support of or in opposition
to this project. The Commission will
consider these comments in
determining the appropriate action to be
taken, but the filing of a comment alone
will not serve to make the filer a party
to the proceeding. The Commission’s
rules require that persons filing
comments in opposition to the project
provide copies of their protests only to
the party or parties directly involved in
the protest.
Persons who wish to comment only
on the environmental review of this
project should submit an original and
two copies of their comments to the
Secretary of the Commission.
Environmental commentors will be
placed on the Commission’s
environmental mailing list, will receive
copies of the environmental documents,
and will be notified of meetings
associated with the Commission’s
environmental review process.
Environmental commentors will not be
required to serve copies of filed
documents on all other parties.
However, the non-party commentors
will not receive copies of all documents
filed by other parties or issued by the
Commission (except for the mailing of
environmental documents issued by the
Commission) and will not have the right
to seek court review of the
Commission’s final order.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filings of comments, protests
and interventions in lieu of paper using
the ‘‘eFiling’’ link at https://
www.ferc.gov. Persons unable to file
electronically should submit an original
and 5 copies of the protest or
intervention to the Federal Energy
regulatory Commission, 888 First Street
NE., Washington, DC 20426.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:00 Mar 07, 2014
Jkt 232001
Locks, LLC, Algonquin Tinker Gen Co.,
Algonquin Northern Maine Gen Co.,
Sandy Ridge Wind, LLC, Granite State
Dated: February 27, 2014.
Electric Company, Minonk Wind,
Kimberly D. Bose,
Description: Supplement to December
[FR Doc. 2014–05116 Filed 3–7–14; 8:45 am]
31, 2013 Triennial Market Power
Update for the Northeast Region of the
APUC Entities.
Filed Date: 2/21/14.
Accession Number: 20140221–5041.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/14/14.
Federal Energy Regulatory
Docket Numbers: ER12–1436–006;
ER14–152–001; ER14–153–001; ER14–
154–001; ER13–1793–003; ER10–3300–
Combined Notice of Filings #1
006; ER13–2386–001; ER10–3099–007;
Take notice that the Commission
ER12–1260–005; ER10–2329–003.
received the following electric rate
Applicants: Eagle Point Power
Generation LLC, Elgin Energy Center,
Docket Numbers: ER10–1847–003;
LLC, Gibson City Energy Center, LLC,
ER10–1856–003; ER10–1890–003;
Grand Tower Energy Center, LLC, Hazle
ER11–2160–003; ER10–1906–003;
Spindle, LLC, La Paloma Generating
ER11–3635–004; ER10–1962–003;
Company, LLC, Lakeswind Power
ER11–4677–004; ER12–2444–003;
Partners, LLC,RC Cape May Holdings,
ER12–676–004; ER11–2192–005; ER10– LLC, Stephentown Spindle, LLC,
1989–003; ER11–4678–004; ER10–1992– Vineland Energy LLC.
003; ER12–631–004; ER10–1971–011.
Description: Notice of Change in
Applicants: Diablo Winds, LLC.
Status of the Rockland Sellers.
Description: Supplement to July 1,
Filed Date: 2/27/14.
2013 Triennial Market Power Update for
Accession Number: 20140227–5234.
the Southwest Region of NextEra
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/14.
Docket Numbers: ER14–1099–001.
Filed Date: 1/10/14.
Applicants: Westar Energy, Inc.
Accession Number: 20140110–5177.
Description: Amendment BPU
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/10/14.
McPherson Electric Interconnection
Docket Numbers: ER10–2609–006;
Agreement to be effective 3/1/2014.
ER10–2604–004; ER10–2603–004;
Filed Date: 2/28/14.
ER10–2602–007; ER10–2606–006.
Accession Number: 20140228–5000.
Applicants: Escanaba Paper Company.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/10/14.
Description: Supplement to January 2,
Docket Numbers: ER14–1161–000;
2014 Notice of Change in Status of the
NewPage MBR Companies.
Applicants: Milford Power, LLC.
Filed Date: 2/28/14.
Description: Supplement to January
Accession Number: 20140228–5138.
27, 2014 Milford Power Limited
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/14.
Partnership and January 30, 2014
Docket Numbers: ER10–3077–003;
Armstrong Power, LLC tariff filing(s).
ER10–3075–003; ER10–3076–003;
Filed Date: 2/28/14.
ER10–3074–003; ER10–3071–003;
Accession Number: 20140228–5084.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/14.
Applicants: CalPeak Power LLC,
Docket Numbers: ER14–1381–000.
CalPeak Power—Border LLC, CalPeak
Applicants: WSPP Inc.
Power—Enterprise LLC, CalPeak
Description: Integration into FERC
Power—Vaca Dixon LLC, CalPeak
Power—Panoche LLC, Starwood Power- Accepted Cost-Based Rate Schedules
(PacifiCorp) to be effective 12/25/2013.
Midway, LLC.
Filed Date: 2/27/14.
Description: Amendment to July 1,
Accession Number: 20140227–5223.
2013 Updated Market Power Analysis
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/14.
for the Southwest Region of the CalPeak
Docket Numbers: ER14–1382–000.
Entities, et. al.
Applicants: Southern California
Filed Date: 2/27/14.
Edison Company.
Accession Number: 20140227–5233.
Description: SGIA & Distribution
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/14.
Service Agreement with Windpower
Docket Numbers: ER11–4267–007;
Partners 1993, L.P. to be effective 6/1/
ER11–4270–007; ER11–4269–008;
ER11–4268–007; ER11–113–008; ER10– 2013.
Filed Date: 2/28/14.
2682–007; ER12–1680–005; ER11–4694–
Accession Number: 20140228–5004.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/14.
Applicants: Algonquin Energy
Services Inc., Algonquin Power Windsor
Docket Numbers: ER14–1383–000.
Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Time on March 6, 2014.
PO 00000
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[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 46 (Monday, March 10, 2014)]
[Pages 13289-13290]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2014-05116]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. CP14-83-000]
El Paso Natural Gas Company, LLC; Notice of Application
Take notice that on February 13, 2014, El Paso Natural Gas Company,
LLC (EPNG), Post Office Box 1087, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80944,
filed an application pursuant to section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act
and section 157.18 of the Commission's regulations to abandon by sale
two 16-inch diameter of 42 mile pipeline segments; EPNG's Line Nos.
1000 and 1001 located in El Paso County and Hudspeth County, Texas.
EPNG constructed the 16-inch diameter Line No. 1001 as a loop of Line
No. 1000. EPNG intends to sell the two lines to DKM Enterprises, L.L.C.
(DKM), a pipe and steel salvage company not affiliated with EPNG. DKM
will purchase these segments of Line Nos. 1000 and 1001 and thereafter
remove the 42 mile pipeline segments, all as more fully set forth in
the application which is on file with the Commission and open to public
inspection. The filing may also be viewed on the web at https://www.ferc.gov using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket number
excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to access
the document. For assistance, contact FERC at
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or call toll-free, (866) 208-3676 or TTY,
(202) 502-8659.
Any questions regarding this application should be directed to
Francisco Tarin, Director, Regulatory Affairs, El Paso Natural Gas
Company, LLC, PO Box 1087 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80944, or call
(719) 667-7517, or fax (719) 667-7534 or to David R. Cain, Assistant
General Counsel, El Paso Natural Gas Company, LLC, PO Box 1087 Colorado
Springs, Colorado 80944, or call (719) 520-4534, or by fax (719) 520-
Pursuant to section 157.9 of the Commission's rules, 18 CFR 157.9,
within 90 days of this Notice the Commission staff will either:
Complete its environmental assessment (EA) and place it into the
Commission's public record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or issue a
Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review. If a Notice of Schedule
for Environmental Review is issued, it will indicate, among other
milestones, the anticipated date for the Commission staff's issuance of
the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) or EA for this
proposal. The filing of the EA in the Commission's public record for
this proceeding or the issuance of a Notice of Schedule for
Environmental Review will serve to notify federal and state agencies of
the timing for the completion of all necessary reviews, and the
subsequent need to complete all federal authorizations within 90 days
of the date of issuance of the Commission staff's FEIS or EA.
There are two ways to become involved in the Commission's review of
this project. First, any person wishing to obtain legal status by
becoming a party to the proceedings for this project should, on or
before the comment date stated below file with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426,
[[Page 13290]]
a motion to intervene in accordance with the requirements of the
Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or
385.211) and the Regulations under the NGA (18 CFR 157.10). A person
obtaining party status will be placed on the service list maintained by
the Secretary of the Commission and will receive copies of all
documents filed by the applicant and by all other parties. A party must
submit 7 copies of filings made in the proceeding with the Commission
and must mail a copy to the applicant and to every other party. Only
parties to the proceeding can ask for court review of Commission orders
in the proceeding.
However, a person does not have to intervene in order to have
comments considered. The second way to participate is by filing with
the Secretary of the Commission, as soon as possible, an original and
two copies of comments in support of or in opposition to this project.
The Commission will consider these comments in determining the
appropriate action to be taken, but the filing of a comment alone will
not serve to make the filer a party to the proceeding. The Commission's
rules require that persons filing comments in opposition to the project
provide copies of their protests only to the party or parties directly
involved in the protest.
Persons who wish to comment only on the environmental review of
this project should submit an original and two copies of their comments
to the Secretary of the Commission. Environmental commentors will be
placed on the Commission's environmental mailing list, will receive
copies of the environmental documents, and will be notified of meetings
associated with the Commission's environmental review process.
Environmental commentors will not be required to serve copies of filed
documents on all other parties. However, the non-party commentors will
not receive copies of all documents filed by other parties or issued by
the Commission (except for the mailing of environmental documents
issued by the Commission) and will not have the right to seek court
review of the Commission's final order.
The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings of comments,
protests and interventions in lieu of paper using the ``eFiling'' link
at https://www.ferc.gov. Persons unable to file electronically should
submit an original and 5 copies of the protest or intervention to the
Federal Energy regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington,
DC 20426.
Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on March 6, 2014.
Dated: February 27, 2014.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2014-05116 Filed 3-7-14; 8:45 am]