Proposal To Enable Operation of a Terrestrial Broadband Network in Certain Mobile Satellite Service Spectrum, 9445-9455 [2014-03618]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
47 CFR Part 25
[IB Docket No. 13–213; FCC 13–147]
Proposal To Enable Operation of a
Terrestrial Broadband Network in
Certain Mobile Satellite Service
Federal Communications
ACTION: Proposed rule.
In this document, the Federal
Communications Commission
(Commission) proposed to modify its
rules for operation of the Ancillary
Terrestrial Component (ATC) of the
single Mobile-Satellite Service (MSS)
system operating in the 2483.5–2495
MHz band. The proposed rule changes
would allow the MSS operator to deploy
a low-power terrestrial broadband
network that would operate in both
Globalstar’s licensed spectrum at
2483.5–2495 GHz, and, with the same
equipment, spectrum in the adjacent
2473–2483.5 MHz band used by
unlicensed devices. This action could
potentially increase the amount of
spectrum available for broadband access
in the United States. The Commission
seeks comment on the potential impacts
this proposal could have on unlicensed
devices, which operate in the 2400–
2483.5 MHz band, licensed Broadcast
Auxiliary Service (BAS) stations, which
operate in the 2483.5–2500 MHz band,
and licensed Broadband Radio Service/
Educational Broadband Service (BRS/
EBS) stations, which operate in the
2496–2690 MHz band, along with the
costs and benefits of the proposed
Comments are due on or before
May 5, 2014 and reply comments are
due on or before June 4, 2014. Written
comments on the proposed information
collection requirements, subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, Public Law 104–13, should be
submitted on or before April 21, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by IB Docket No. 13–213, by
any of the following methods:
D Federal Communications
Commission’s Web site: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
D People With Disabilities: Contact the
FCC to request reasonable
accommodations (accessible format
documents, sign language interpreters,
CART, etc.) by email:
or phone: 202–418–0530 or TTY: 202–
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For detailed instructions for
submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process,
section of this document.
Lynne Montgomery at 202–418–2229,
Satellite Division, International Bureau,
Federal Communications Commission,
Washington, DC 20554. For additional
information concerning the PRA
information collection requirements
contained in this document, contact
Cathy Williams, Federal
Communications Commission, at (202)
418–2918, or via email Cathy.Williams@
summary of the Commission’s Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in IB
Docket No. 13–213, adopted November
1, 2013 and released on November 1,
2013. The full text of this document is
available for public inspection and
copying during regular business hours
at the FCC Reference Information
Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street SW.,
Room CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554.
This document may also be purchased
from the Commission’s duplicating
contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc.,
Portals II, 445 12th Street SW., Room
CY–B402, Washington, DC 20554,
telephone 202–488–5300, facsimile
202–488–5563, or via email at FCC@ It is also available via
the Internet in the Commission’s
Electronic Document System (EDOCS)
at under
IB Docket No. 13–213.
To view a copy of this information
collection request (ICR) submitted to
OMB: (1) Go to the Web page https://,
(2) look for the section of the Web page
called ‘‘Currently Under Review,’’ (3)
click on the downward-pointing arrow
in the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box below the
‘‘Currently Under Review’’ heading, (4)
select ‘‘Federal Communications
Commission’’ from the list of agencies
presented in the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box,
(5) click the ‘‘Submit’’ button to the
right of the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box, (6)
when the list of FCC ICRs currently
under review appears, look for the Title
of this ICR and then click on the ICR
Reference Number. A copy of the FCC
submission to OMB will be displayed.
Pursuant to 47 CFR 1.1200 et seq., this
matter shall be treated as a ‘‘permit-butdisclose’’ proceeding in accordance
with the Commission’s ex parte rules.
Persons making oral ex parte
presentations are reminded that
memoranda summarizing the
presentations must contain summaries
of the substances of the presentations
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and not merely a listing of the subjects
discussed. More than a one or two
sentence description of the views and
arguments presented is generally
required. Other rules pertaining to oral
and written ex parte presentations in
permit-but-disclose proceedings are set
forth in 47 CFR 1.1206(b).
Initial Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 Analysis
This document contains proposed
information collection requirements.
The Commission, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
burdens, invites the general public and
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) to comment on the information
collection requirements contained in
this document, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13. Public and agency
comments are due April 21, 2014.
Comments should address: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Commission,
including whether the information shall
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of
the Commission’s burden estimates; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information collected; (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on the
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology;
and (e) way to further reduce the
information collection burden on small
business concerns with fewer than 25
employees. In addition, pursuant to the
Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of
2002, Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(4), we seek specific comment on
how we might further reduce the
information collection burden for small
business concerns with fewer than 25
OMB Control Number: 3060–0994.
Title: Flexibility for Delivery of
Communications By Mobile Satellite
Service Providers in the 2 GHz Band,
the L Band, and the 1.6/2.4 GHz Band.
Form No.: Not applicable.
Type of Review: Revision of an
Existing Collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 124 respondents; 124
Estimated Time per Response: 0.50–
50 hours per response.
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement; one time and
annual reporting requirements; third
party disclosure and recordkeeping
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Obligation To Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. The statutory
authority for these proposed
information collections is found at
sections is contained in the 47 U.S.C.
154(i), 157, 302, 303(c), 303(e), 303(f),
and 303(r).
Total Annual Burden: 517 hours.
Total Annual Costs: $511,440.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
There is no need for confidentiality with
this collection of information.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No
Needs and Uses: The purposes of the
existing information collection is to
obtain information necessary for
licensing operators of Mobile-Satellite
Service (MSS) networks to provide
ancillary services in the U.S. via
terrestrial base stations (Ancillary
Terrestrial Components, or ATCs);
obtain the legal and technical
information required to facilitate the
integration of ATCs into MSS networks
in the L-Band and the 1.6/2.4 GHz
Bands; and to ensure that ATC licensees
meet the Commission’s legal and
technical requirements to develop and
maintain their MSS networks and
operate their ATC systems without
causing harmful interference to other
radio systems.
The purpose of the proposed revision
would be to remove a portion of the
information collection with respect to a
low power broadband network, as
proposed in document FCC 13–147.
These proposed revisions would enable
provision of low-power ATC using
licensed spectrum at 2483.5–2495 MHz
and spectrum in the adjacent 2473–
2483.5 MHz band.
The proposed revision would provide
an exception for low-power ATC from
the requirements contained in
§ 25.149(b) of the Commission’s rules.
These rules require detailed showings
concerning satellite system coverage
and replacement satellites. The
proposed rules would also provide an
exception from a rule requiring
integrated service, for example service
to handsets capable of operation with
both satellites and terrestrial base
stations. In this sense, the provider of
low-power ATC would be relieved from
certain burdens that are currently in
place in the existing information
collection. We also propose revising this
information collection to reflect the
elimination of the elements of this
information collection for 2 GHz MSS.
See 78 FR 48621, August 9, 2013.
Globalstar, the Commission proposes
modified rules for operation in the
2483.5–2495 MHz band. Globalstar is
the operator of the single MSS system
operating in that band. The current rules
specify the licensing and operating
conditions for terrestrial base stations
and mobile terminals licensed to the
operator of an MSS system for provision
of radio communication services offered
together with MSS. The Commission
proposes rules that would permit
Globalstar to provide low-power ATC
using its licensed spectrum at 2483.5–
2495 MHz under certain limited
technical criteria and, with the same
equipment, to utilize spectrum in the
adjacent 2473–2483.5 MHz band
pursuant to the applicable technical
rules for unlicensed operations in that
band. The Commission seeks comment
on this possible deployment of
broadband access equipment, on
whether it is thereby possible to enable
more efficient use of spectrum in the
2483.5–2495 MHz band and the
adjacent 2473–2483.5 MHz band and to
increase the amount of spectrum
available for broadband access in the
United States. However, significant
concerns have been raised about
potential detrimental impacts on
licensed services that operate in the
2483.5–2500 MHz and 2496–2690 MHz
bands and unlicensed devices that
operate in the 2400–2483.5 MHz band.
The Commission seeks comment on the
costs and benefits of the proposed
approach, and on changes to its rules
which may facilitate such deployment
and minimize any negative impacts on
licensed services that operate in the
2483.5–2500 MHz and 2496–2690 MHz
bands and unlicensed devices that
operate in the 2400–2483.5 MHz band.
2. Globalstar also requested that the
Commission initiate a rulemaking to
permit it to deploy a higher power
terrestrial service using LTE technology
in both the S band (2483.5–2495 MHz)
and L band (1610–1617.775 MHz) over
the longer term. The Commission will
address Globalstar’s L-band proposal
separately from this proceeding,
although it reserves the right, should it
find it appropriate, to consolidate this
proceeding with any proceeding
addressing Globalstar’s L-band proposal
and a petition for rulemaking filed by
Iridium Constellation LLC regarding Lband MSS frequencies (1610–1626.5
A. Part 25 Rule Proposals
3. The Commission concludes that
Globalstar’s proposal to deploy a lowpower terrestrial system in the 2473–
1. In response to a petition for
rulemaking filed by MSS operator
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Proposed Rules
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2495 MHz band should be examined to
determine whether it is possible to
increase the use of this spectrum
terrestrially in the near term for its
subscribers, without causing harmful
interference to other users of this band
and adjacent bands, and without
compromising Globalstar’s ability to
provide substantial MSS to the public
under its existing MSS authorization. If
supported by the record, adoption of
Globalstar’s proposals could potentially
increase the usefulness for terrestrial
mobile broadband purposes of 11.5
megahertz of licensed spectrum. As a
result, these changes may induce
increased investment and innovation
throughout the industry and ultimately
improve competition and consumer
choice. Therefore, the Commission
proposes to make the changes to part 25
of the rules necessary to provide for the
operation of low-power ATC in the
licensed MSS spectrum in the 2483.5–
2495 MHz band. Specifically, the
Commission seeks comment on its
proposal to add technical and
operational provisions to part 25 to
align with uses that are compatible with
part 15 uses. Part 15 of the
Commission’s rules governs the
operation of low-power radiofrequency
devices in the 2400–2483.5 MHz band
without an individual license from the
Commission. Significant concerns have
been raised in response to Globalstar’s
petition about the potential for harmful
interference to licensed BAS stations
that operate in the 2483.5–2500 MHz
band and BRS/EBS stations that operate
in the 2496–2690 MHz band. In
addition, concerns have been raised
about the potential detrimental impact
on unlicensed devices that operate in
the 2400–2483.5 MHz band, such as
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices, that are
currently used extensively for various
wireless broadband services and
applications. The Commission
specifically seeks further information
and supporting detailed technical
analyses regarding concerns with any
potential detrimental impact on existing
unlicensed devices that operate in the
2400–2483.5 MHz band. The
Commission also seeks comment on the
results of Globalstar’s testing of its
proposed low-power terrestrial
broadband network.
4. The Commission also tentatively
concludes that, due to the proposed
managed deployment of this equipment
in a unique radiofrequency environment
involving both unlicensed and licensed
operations, the proposed operations are
ancillary to Globalstar’s licensed MSS
operations and are thus appropriately
considered for licensing as ATC.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Globalstar has stated that, ‘‘unlike
public 802.11 applications, [its] access
points will be carefully controlled by a
Network Operating System (‘‘NOS’’),
[which] will be analogous to that
currently deployed by CMRS operators
to manage pico- and femto-cellular
infrastructure.’’ According to Globalstar,
the NOS will also create a rapid means
of specifically identifying and
controlling potential interference. In
adopting ATC rules in the 2003 ATC
Report and Order (ATC R&O), which
included provisions for licensing ATC
operators in the 2483.5–2495 MHz band,
the Commission found that there were
spectrum efficiency benefits to
‘‘dynamic allocation’’ of frequency use
and that those benefits can only be
realized by having one licensee control
both the MSS and terrestrial rights in
bands allocated for MSS. 18 FCC Rcd
1962, 2071–72 (2003), 68 FR 49372,
August 18, 2003. Globalstar’s proposed
NOS-based approach appears to offer
benefits consistent with those identified
in the ATC R&O, particularly given the
potential benefits to spectrum efficiency
in both the licensed MSS band and the
adjacent unlicensed band. Although
Globalstar’s proposed operations differ
in some respects from the types of
operations contemplated in the
Commission’s original ATC R&O, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
analogous technical, policy, and legal
bases for restricting ATC licensing to the
incumbent MSS licensee adopted in the
ATC R&O also apply to Globalstar’s
proposed operations.
B. Overview of Proposed Low-Power
5. The Commission proposes to
modify its part 25 rules in order to allow
Globalstar to implement its plan of
deploying a low-power terrestrial
broadband network in its licensed
spectrum from 2483.5–2495 MHz and in
the adjacent band at 2473–2483.5 MHz
used for unlicensed devices.
Specifically, it proposes that the part 25
rules will apply to the 2483.5–2495
MHz portion licensed to Globalstar and
that a blanket license will cover
operations using these frequencies. The
Commission does not intend to grant
Globalstar any additional or different
interference protection rights than those
that currently apply to existing
unlicensed operations in the 2473–
2483.5 MHz band under part 15 or to
ATC operations under the part 25 rules,
with the exception of the revisions to
the ATC rules discussed below. Under
this approach, Globalstar would be
required to file an application to modify
its part 25 license or licenses pursuant
to the existing ATC application
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procedures, and any deployed
equipment in the 2473–2495 MHz band
would need an equipment certification.
The Commission seeks comment on this
general approach.
6. Under this approach, Globalstar’s
managed operations in the 2473–2483.5
MHz band would not be entitled to
interference protection from licensed
services, other part 15 devices, or part
18 industrial, scientific, and medical
(ISM) devices. Part 15 unlicensed
devices are not entitled to interference
protection from licensed services or
other unlicensed devices. Part 18 of the
Commission’s rules authorizes
unlicensed ISM devices to operate in
the 2400–2500 MHz band. ISM
equipment generally must avoid causing
interference to any authorized radio
service, unless the interference occurs
in an ISM band. Similarly, Globalstar’s
low-power ATC operations in the
2483.5–2495 MHz band would not be
entitled to interference protection from
a number of other authorized
operations. Globalstar’s operations
would also need to protect other
licensed services from harmful
interference to the extent required under
current Commission rules. This
approach addresses one of the concerns
raised by parties that commented on
Globalstar’s petition for rulemaking.
These parties generally were concerned
that Globalstar could obtain superior
interference protection status over other
authorized users.
7. Unlicensed uses of the 2400–2483.5
MHz band include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
hands-free communication devices, as
well as Bluetooth Low Energy
technology applications such as medical
temperature measurement devices and
blood glucose, blood pressure, and heart
rate monitors. In commenting on
Globalstar’s petition for rulemaking, the
Wi-Fi Alliance noted that in the United
States, Wi-Fi devices effectively use
three non-overlapping IEEE 802.11
standard channels in the 2400–2473
MHz band, Channels 1 (2401–2423
MHz), 6 (2426–2448 MHz), and 11
(2451–2473 MHz). The Bluetooth
Special Interest Group (SIG) noted that
the 2473–2483.5 MHz portion of the
part 15 unlicensed band is unused by
the majority of Wi-Fi devices in the U.S.
because of limitations on unwanted
emissions in the 2483.5–2500 MHz
band, and is thus somewhat of a ‘‘safe
haven’’ for Bluetooth frequency hopping
devices. It also noted that since U.S. WiFi devices generally do not operate in
the 2473–2483.5 MHz band, this band is
relatively ‘‘quiet’’ from a radiofrequency
perspective, and thus is particularly
useful for its relatively low-power
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systems and is ‘‘extremely important’’ to
Bluetooth technology and its operations.
8. Several parties have raised
concerns about the effect of Globalstar’s
proposed low-power terrestrial network
on unlicensed operations in and below
the 2473–2483.5 MHz band. Bluetooth
SIG noted that recent innovations in
Bluetooth technology used in
connection with health and wellness
products may be impacted, and that
Globalstar’s operations may affect a
channel used to facilitate ‘‘discovery’’
and interconnection of Bluetooth
devices with each other. The Wi-Fi
Alliance also expressed concerns that
Bluetooth devices would face
constraints in spectrum above 2473
MHz, which would generally contribute
to congestion in the 2400–2483.5 MHz
band with other unlicensed devices. In
response, Globalstar argued that since
Bluetooth devices are frequencyhopping systems that operate on
constantly varying 1 megahertz
channels throughout the 2400–2483.5
MHz band, and the 2473–2483.5 MHz
band segment represents just one small
portion of the unlicensed spectrum that
is utilized by Bluetooth technology, its
proposed low-power network is no more
likely to cause harmful interference to a
Bluetooth device than already-existing
IEEE 802.11-based Wi-Fi operations
elsewhere in the 2400–2483.5 MHz
band. Globalstar contended that
Bluetooth devices and other unlicensed
equipment will be able to coexist with
its low-power network and continue to
operate in the 2473–2483.5 MHz band,
without any loss of spectrum for
Bluetooth and other existing and future
unlicensed technologies.
9. The Commission seeks comment on
any costs, in terms of impacts on
unlicensed operations both in the 2473–
2483.5 MHz band and below 2473 MHz
(i.e., in the 2400–2473 MHz band) that
might flow from Globalstar’s proposed
low-power terrestrial network. To the
extent that any party asserts that
Globalstar’s low-power network may
cause interference or substantially
constrain other operations, the
Commission encourages the party to
submit technical analyses detailing their
concerns, as well as a detailed
assessment of any associated costs.
C. Revisions to § 25.149 of the
Commission’s Rules
1. Mode of Operations
10. Globalstar’s proposed low-power
ATC operations would require a rule
modification to allow operations by
end-user equipment in the 2483.5–2495
MHz band, as such operations are not in
the ‘‘forward-band’’ mode of operations
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
required by § 25.149(a)(1) of the rules.
Because Globalstar’s proposed
deployment involves end-user
equipment, i.e., ‘‘the mobile terminals’’
transmitting in the MSS band allocated
for downlink (i.e., (satellite to end-user
equipment) transmissions, the end-user
equipment would operate in ‘‘nonforward-band’’ mode. Therefore, the
Commission proposes to modify this
rule to permit low-power ATC
operations in the non-forward-band
mode, and seeks comment on this
2. ATC Gating Requirements
11. The Commission’s current ATC
rules include several prerequisites, or
‘‘gating criteria’’ that MSS operators
must meet in order to be allowed to
offer ATC. These gating criteria are set
forth in § 25.149 of the Commission’s
rules. To ensure that the ATC is
ancillary to the provision of MSS, there
is a requirement that MSS operators
must provide substantial satellite
service to be eligible for ATC
authorization. The Commission has
defined substantial satellite service as
the capability of providing continuous
satellite service over the entire
geographic area of satellite coverage
required in its rules, (47 CFR
25.149(b)(1)), maintenance of spare
satellites to expeditiously replace
destroyed or degraded satellites, (47
CFR 25.149(b)(2)), and commercial
availability of MSS throughout the
mandatory coverage area. (47 CFR
25.149(b)(3)). The rules also require that
MSS and ATC services be offered on an
integrated basis. (47 CFR 25.149(b)(4)).
12. Relieving Globalstar from certain
ATC gating criteria for its low-power
network may facilitate spectrum use in
both the 2483.5–2495 MHz band as well
as the adjacent 2473–2483.5 MHz band,
and thus could serve the public interest.
Therefore, the Commission proposes to
create a limited exception from some
provisions of the ATC gating criteria in
order to streamline the authorization
process and to facilitate deployment of
Globalstar’s proposed low-power
broadband network. Specifically, the
Commission proposes to modify the
gating criteria that require a
demonstration that the MSS licensee is
offering commercial MSS. Under this
proposal, the Commission would
provide an exception for low-power
ATC from the rules requiring detailed
showings concerning satellite system
coverage and replacement satellites. In
its rulemaking request, Globalstar
indicated it is continuing to develop
and pursue MSS operations in the
portion of the Big LEO spectrum
designated for its use, and has recently
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announced that it has substantially
replenished its satellite constellation by
completing a launch campaign, at a cost
of more than $1 billion, for 24 new
satellites that are now in full
commercial service. This substantial
capital investment has facilitated reinitiation of voice and other two-way
services via MSS satellites. Globalstar
continues to be invested in the
provision of MSS. Thus, a simplified
evidentiary showing may be sufficient
to address a fundamental goal of the
ATC rules—that the deployment of
terrestrial facilities is in fact ancillary to
satellite operations. The Commission
seeks comment on this approach.
13. The Commission also proposes an
exception from the integrated services
rule for the proposed low-power
deployment. The integrated services
rule requires the offering of integrated
MSS and ATC, for example, through use
of dual-mode handsets that can
communicate with both the MSS
network and the ATC. It does not appear
feasible for Globalstar to meet this
requirement with respect to the entire
2473–2495 MHz band because there is
no MSS allocation in the 2473–2483.5
MHz band. The ATC rules and the
integrated service rule, in particular,
focus on ensuring that ATC remains
ancillary to satellite services and does
not become a stand-alone terrestrial
service. Given the potential enhanced
use of the 2473–2495 MHz band, the
Commission invites comment on
whether relaxation of this requirement
would serve the public interest while
maintaining the terrestrial service as
ancillary to MSS. Under this approach,
Globalstar’s management and oversight
of deployment of low-power terrestrial
facilities, while continuing to offer and
support its MSS offering, would be the
critical factors in determining whether
the ATC continues to be ancillary. The
Commission seeks comment on this
3. Technical Rules
14. Limits for equipment operating in
the 2483.5–2495 MHz band. The
Commission proposes that the total
transmit power for low-power ATC
equipment operating in the 2483.5–2495
MHz band under new proposed
§ 25.149(c)(4) of the Commission’s rules
not exceed 1 Watt with a peak
equivalent isotropically radiated power
(EIRP) of no more than 6 dBW (4 Watts),
a minimum 6 dB bandwidth of 500
kilohertz, and a maximum conducted
power spectral density (PSD) limit of 8
dBm/3 kHz. This limit is identical to the
limit in § 15.247 of the Commission’s
rules, which specifies limits for
unlicensed operation of digitally
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modulated communications equipment
in the 2400–2483.5 MHz band. The
Commission believes it is appropriate to
apply the same limits with respect to
the 2483.5–2495 MHz band, given the
nature of these proposed operations,
including the use of digital modulation,
and the widespread use of these limits
in designing part 15 devices. The
Commission seeks comment on this
15. Unwanted emissions below 2473
MHz. In its comments on Globalstar’s
petition for rulemaking, the Consumer
Electronics Association (CEA) asserted
that Globalstar’s proposed operations on
IEEE 802.11 Channel 14 (2473–2495
MHz), immediately adjacent to IEEE
802.11 Channel 11 (2451–2473 MHz),
could, without any guard band, result in
the loss of use of Channel 11 by Wi-Fi
users and contribute to congestion in
the remaining Wi-Fi channels below
2473 MHz. The Wireless Internet
Service Providers Association (WISPA)
also raised this concern. In response,
Globalstar asserted that although the
two channels are immediately adjacent
to one another, a functional IEEE
802.11-based communications link
occupies only approximately 18
megahertz of the 22 megahertz of
available bandwidth in each of these
channels. Globalstar argued that the
resulting de facto guard band will
minimize harmful interference between
Wi-Fi systems and its low-power
network. Globalstar further argued that
its access points and higher powered
terminal devices will be equipped with
high selectivity passband filters, which
will further segregate Channel 14
operations from those on Channel 11.
The Commission seeks comment on
these concerns and claims.
16. The Commission also seeks
comment on the appropriate limit for
unwanted emissions below 2473 MHz
resulting from Globalstar’s proposed
low-power operations at 2473–2495
MHz. One possible limit is specified in
§ 15.247(d) of the Commission’s rules.
That rule, applicable to spread spectrum
or digital modulation systems operating
in the 2400–2483.5 MHz band, specifies
that in any 100 kilohertz bandwidth
outside the frequency band in which a
device is operating, the unwanted
emissions shall be at least 20 dB below
the fundamental power in the 100
kilohertz bandwidth within the band
that contains the highest level of desired
power. Unlicensed use of IEEE 802.11
Channel 11 (2451–2473 MHz) is directly
adjacent to Channel 14 (2473–2495
MHz) with no guard band between these
two channels, and as pointed out by
Globalstar, the overwhelming majority
of IEEE 802.11 access points operate on
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
non-overlapping Channels 1, 6, and 11.
In light of this, the Commission seeks
comment on whether the current
unwanted emissions limit provided in
§ 15.247(d) is compatible with systems
operating below 2473 MHz. The
Commission also seeks comment on an
appropriate limit if this limit is not
appropriate. Parties proposing such an
emission limit should provide technical
analyses and/or studies adequate to
demonstrate that their proposed limit is
17. Applicability of the unwanted
emission limit of § 25.254 at the lower
edge of the 2483.5–2495 MHz band.
Section 25.254 of the Commission’s
rules specifies an out-of-channel
emission limit for ATC base stations
operating in the 2483.5–2495 MHz
band. This limit was created assuming
high-powered operations in the 2483.5–
2495 MHz band. The Commission
proposes to authorize low-power
operations across the lower band edge at
2483.5 MHz. Therefore, the Commission
seeks comment on whether it should
interpret § 25.254 of the rules as not
applying, at the lower edge of the
2483.5–2495 MHz band to the lowpower network under consideration in
this proceeding. Alternatively, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
it should provide an explicit exception
to § 25.254 of the rules with respect to
the lower edge of the 2483.5–2495 GHz
band for operations involving a signal
emitted from such equipment.
18. Unwanted emissions limits with
respect to licensed services operating
above 2495 MHz. Section 25.254(d) of
the Commission’s rules sets out the
unwanted emission limits for ATC base
stations in the 2483.5–2495 MHz band
in order to avoid interference to
Broadcast Radio Service (BRS)/
Educational Broadband Service (EBS)
adjacent channel licensees operating
above 2495 MHz. This rule requires that
ATC base stations attenuate unwanted
emissions above 2495 MHz by a factor
of no less than 43 + 10 log (P) dB, where
P is the total transmitter power in Watts.
47 CFR 25.254(d)(1). This rule was
developed based on high power base
station operations. For its low-power
ATC equipment, Globalstar proposes to
attenuate the unwanted emission above
2495 MHz by a factor no less than 40 +
10 log (P) dB at the channel edge at 2495
MHz, 43 + 10 log (P) dB at 5 megahertz
from the channel edges, and 55 + 10 log
(P) dB at X megahertz from the channel
edges where X is the greater of 6
megahertz or the actual emission
bandwidth. This is a relaxation of the
current ATC base station unwanted
emissions attenuation rule by 3 dB
within the first 5 megahertz above 2495
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MHz (i.e., 2495–2500 MHz). In its
comments on Globalstar’s petition for
rulemaking, Clearwire Corporation
(Clearwire) argued that Globalstar’s
proposed power levels, out-of-band
emissions, and potential outdoor
installations create a high probability for
interference to Clearwire’s operations
above 2496 MHz. The Commission
observes, however, that the unwanted
emissions limits proposed by Globalstar
are similar to those proposed in another
proceeding by the Wireless
Communications Association
International, Inc. (WCAI) and
supported by Clearwire for unwanted
emissions for its wide bandwidth, lowpower mobile devices operating above
2511 MHz. Those wide-bandwidth, lowpower mobile devices’ operations are
similar to the low-power operations
proposed by Globalstar. Under
§ 27.50(h)(2) of the rules, BRS and EBS
mobile stations are required to limit
their EIRP to 2 Watts. Globalstar
proposed to limit the EIRP to 4 Watts for
both access points and end-user
19. Clearwire also argued that
Globalstar’s proposal lacks mutuality of
obligation that fosters an environment of
cooperation at the licensees’ respective
band edges. Under the current rules,
BRS/EBS mobile digital stations that
operate in the 2496–2690 MHz band are
required to limit their unwanted
emissions below 2496 MHz by a factor
no less than 43 + 10 log (P) dB. 47 CFR
27.53(m)(4). This limit is 3 dB stricter
than the limit proposed by Globalstar
for its low-power network in the 2496–
2500 MHz band. The Commission notes,
however, that this stricter limit imposed
on BRS/EBS unwanted emissions below
2496 MHz is intended to avoid
interference to MSS operations below
2495 MHz, which will continue
regardless of whether the rules proposed
in this proceeding are adopted. The
signal power received from the satellite
by an MSS terminal is significantly
lower than that received by a BRS
terminal. As a result, the potential
interference impact of BRS
transmissions to an MSS terminal is
much higher than that of a low-power
ATC transmission into a BRS terminal.
20. The Commission seeks comment
on Globalstar’s proposed unwanted
emissions limits above 2495 MHz and
whether these limits would be adequate
to avoid interference to licensed
services operating above 2495 MHz. If
these limits are not adequate, what are
appropriate limit(s) to avoid
interference to licensed services
operating above 2495 MHz? In addition,
§ 25.254(d)(6) of the Commission’s rules
specifies a measurement bandwidth of 1
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percent of the 26 dB emission
bandwidth for determining ATC base
stations’ compliance with the
§ 25.254(d) unwanted emissions limits
in the 1 megahertz immediately above
and adjacent to 2495 MHz while
§ 15.247(d) of the Commission’s rules
specifies a measurement bandwidth of
100 kilohertz for determining § 15.247
devices’ compliance with the
§ 15.247(d) unwanted emissions limit
outside the band of operation. 47 CFR
15.247(d), 25.254(d)(6). Although the
emissions from Globalstar’s proposed
operations would include a portion that
is subject to the measurement
bandwidth requirement in § 15.247(d),
the Commission proposes to not apply
this measurement bandwidth
requirement to unwanted emissions
from Globalstar’s operations above 2495
MHz and seeks comment on whether to
apply a 1 megahertz resolution
bandwidth as required in § 25.254(d).
D. Broadcast Auxiliary Service Channels
21. Comments in response to
Globalstar’s rulemaking petition filed by
Engineers for the Integrity of Broadcast
Auxiliary Services Spectrum (EIBASS)
raised a number of long-standing
concerns related to BAS operations in
the 2450–2500 MHz band. By way of
background, there are three BAS
channels that are authorized for
operation in the 2450–2500 MHz band—
A8 (2450–2467 MHz), A9 (2467–2483.5
MHz), and A10 (2483.5–2500 MHz). As
of July 25, 1985, the Commission ceased
accepting applications for new or
modified BAS, part 90, and part 101
microwave stations for the 2483.5–2500
MHz band. Existing licensees in the
band have been permitted to continue
operating on a ‘grandfathered’ basis. Our
records indicate that there are
approximately 599 active BAS licensees
operating on Channels A8 and A9,
categorized as follows: 58 TV Relay (54
Intercity Relay (ICR) and 4 TV
Translator Relay (TTR)), 492 TV Pickup
(TV PU), 17 TV Studio Transmitter Link
(TV STL), and 32 Local Television
Transmission Service (LTTS). Our
records also indicate there are
approximately 186 active grandfathered
BAS licensees operating on Channel
A10, as follows: 5 TV Relay (4 ICR and
1 TTR) and 181 TV PU.
22. The 2483.5–2500 MHz band has a
long history of joint uses and, on many
occasions, the Commission has
determined that additional services
could operate in this band, concluding
that coordination could be used to
prevent the newly integrated services
from causing harmful interference to
existing services in the band. In the
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
1994 Big LEO Service Rules Order,
which established the licensing and
service rules for MSS operations, the
Commission affirmed that MSS
licensees could coordinate their
operations to avoid causing harmful
interference to existing operations in the
2483.5–2500 MHz bands and declined
to relocate grandfathered operations in
this band. In 2003, to enhance MSS
licensees’ ability to offer mobile
services, the Commission adopted the
ATC R&O, which, inter alia, allowed
CDMA MSS licensees in the 2483.5–
2500 MHz band to add ATC operations.
In that decision, the Commission
determined that MSS licensees
operating ATC facilities could
coordinate their operations prior to
construction and operation to avoid
causing harmful interference to existing
BAS, part 90, and part 101 microwave
operations in the 2483.5–2500 MHz
band. Consequently, these MSS
licensees were not required to relocate
incumbent BAS operations in the
2483.5–2500 MHz band. Instead, they
were required to coordinate their
proposed operations to avoid causing
harmful interference to those
grandfathered operations in the 2483.5–
2500 MHz band, and BAS Channels A8
and A9 stations and parts 90 and 101
mobile and fixed stations in the 2450–
2483.5 MHz band.
23. Although the Commission has
previously concluded that the other
services authorized to use the 2483.5–
2500 MHz band could coordinate their
operations to avoid causing harmful
interference to BAS operations in this
band, EIBASS has voiced concerns
about the potential for harmful
interference to BAS Channel A10
operations from Globalstar’s terrestrial
low-power network operating in the
2483.5–2495 MHz band, and has
reiterated an interest in ‘‘refarming’’
Channels A8–A10 to resolve longstanding issues with Globalstar and
other users in the 2483.5–2500 MHz
band, such as BRS/EBS.
24. The Commission seeks comment
on Globalstar’s ability to effectively
coordinate the deployment of its
terrestrial low-power network with
primary BAS Channel A10 operations in
the 2483.5–2500 MHz band. Are there
criteria that can be used in deploying
low-power network access points that
will be effective in avoiding interference
to primary BAS operations, and, if so,
what are they? Alternatively, is accesspoint-by-access-point coordination
feasible? The Commission seeks input
on what specific procedures, rule
changes, or policies may be necessary to
either continue to protect grandfathered
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BAS Channel A10 stations from harmful
interference or to relocate such stations.
E. Part 15 Rules
25. Section 15.205 of the
Commission’s rules specifies certain
bands in which unlicensed devices are
restricted from operation, including the
2483.5–2500 MHz band. The restriction
protects MSS operations in that band,
and prohibits any emissions in the band
by unlicensed operations, other than
spurious emissions.
26. Given the unusual circumstances
involved here, with Globalstar
proposing to transmit a signal that is in
part operating under rules for
unlicensed operations and in part under
rules for licensed operations, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
it should interpret § 15.205 of the rules
to apply to Globalstar’s proposed
deployment in the 2483.5–2495 MHz
band. The rule was not developed with
this type of operation in mind and
Globalstar’s managed deployment of
equipment may provide an alternative
means of ensuring self-interference
protection of MSS operations. We seek
comment on, alternatively, providing an
explicit exception in § 15.205(d) of the
rules for unlicensed operations
involving a signal emitted from lowpower ATC equipment.
27. The Wi-Fi Alliance requested in
comments concerning Globalstar’s
rulemaking petition that the
Commission consider revising the bandedge restriction and unwanted
emissions limits specified in §§ 15.205
and 15.209, respectively, to enable the
use of Channels 12 and 13 by Wi-Fi and
other unlicensed devices, provided that
use does not interfere with Globalstar’s
licensed low-power ATC operations in
the upper portion of Channel 14, i.e., in
the 2483.5–2495 MHz band. Globalstar
indicated that it does not object to
seeking further comment on this issue,
but noted that the existing unwanted
emissions limits are necessary in order
to protect its MSS in the 2483.5–2495
MHz band, and that it is fully
committed to maintaining that service.
Accordingly, the Commission seeks
comment on this issue. Would
relaxation of the limits in order to
enable use of Channels 12 and 13
degrade MSS capabilities, particularly if
those capabilities are not deployed on
the same managed basis as Globalstar
contemplates for its operations in
Channel 14?
F. Equipment Certification
28. A party seeking to market RF
devices to the public must first comply
with the Commission’s equipment
authorization procedures, which, inter
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alia, require a demonstration that the
device complies with the Commission’s
rules. 47 CFR 2.803, 2.901. The
Commission proposes to require
equipment manufacturers to certify all
terrestrial low-power equipment under
modified provisions specified in
§ 25.149 of the rules. The proposed rules
would not distinguish between lowpower network access points and end
user terminals or client devices, and
would require certification for all lowpower network equipment. Since the
equipment will be operating
simultaneously under the provisions of
§ 15.247 and modified provisions
specified in § 25.149, we also tentatively
conclude that the equipment must be
certified under both of the rule parts. In
such cases the device could be treated
like a composite device subject to
multiple rule parts. Composite devices
are required to ensure compliance with
the relevant rule parts. The Commission
seeks comment on this approach and
how compliance should be
demonstrated for such devices. The
Commission also concludes that the
current certification procedures in
subpart J of part 2 of the rules permit
such approval and seeks comment on
this conclusion.
29. A grant of equipment certification
specifies the frequency range over
which the equipment is approved to
operate. A grantee of equipment
certification may obtain authorization to
add additional frequency bands to a
previously approved device by filing a
new application for certification and
labeling the equipment with a new FCC
ID. In some cases, the Commission
permits grantees to add new frequency
bands to a previously certified device by
filing a request for a ‘‘permissive
change.’’ If the changes are made
through software, the Commission has
permitted the grantees to add certain
additional frequency bands; however,
the Commission does not permit a
grantee of certification to add or change
the rule part under which a device is
certified (e.g., from part 15 to part 25)
by filing a request for a permissive
change, unless the equipment was
originally certified as a software defined
radio (SDR). For such a change, the
Commission would require the grantee
to file a new application for certification
and label the equipment with a new
30. Globalstar maintains that Wi-Fi
enabled devices can be upgraded
through software based modification.
The Commission seeks comment on
requiring applicants for certification of
certain equipment that operates in the
2483.5–2495 MHz band to provide
evidence of Globalstar’s consent to the
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
applicant’s request for equipment
certification. Specifically, the
Commission proposes limiting this
requirement to equipment that operates
in the 2483.5–2495 MHz band that is
used as a network access point and that
will operate as a master device as
defined in § 15.202 of the Commission’s
rules, since the master device in a
system controls the frequencies on
which other devices in the system
(client or end user terminal devices) can
operate. The Commission seeks
comment on whether a requirement to
obtain Globalstar’s consent is
unnecessary for the certification of
devices that operate exclusively as a
client to a master device. Globalstar
expects that network access points
operating in the 2483.5–2495 MHz band
would be new devices. The Commission
seeks comment on whether requiring
this additional step would place a
significant burden on device
31. In the case of client or end user
terminal devices that would operate
with the master or network access
points, Globalstar stated that to expand
the operating frequency range of
existing devices to include the 2483.5–
2495 MHz band, the original grantees of
certification for those devices will have
to submit permissive change filings
describing the proposed modifications.
It also stated that it has the ability to
control the availability of software
updates for end-user devices and will
provide the update only to devices
certified by the Commission and to endusers authenticated to receive service
over Globalstar’s facilities. Globalstar
further stated that most 802.11-enabled
end-user devices have the hardware
needed to operate at 2473–2495 MHz,
but lack the capability to operate above
2483.5 MHz in the United States
because of restrictions in their radio
frequency (RF) software.
32. The Commission seeks comment
on the capability of existing part 15
devices to be modified through software
directly provided by Globalstar to use
the 2473–2495 MHz frequency band
with the transmission format that
Globalstar proposed. In particular, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
the currently deployed devices have the
hardware capability to operate in the
additional frequency band with the
Globalstar proposed protocol. The
Commission also seeks comment on
whether existing devices could be
modified though over-the-air software
changes, or whether changes to the
devices’ firmware would be necessary.
In addition, the Commission seeks
comment on the means that Globalstar
plans to use to control the availability
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of software updates and prevent
unauthorized modifications to certified
equipment. The Commission further
seeks comment on how Globalstar will
limit operation of equipment to parties
that are authorized to use its spectrum,
and on how the Commission would
ensure that the modified devices would
be compliant with the proposed rules.
33. The Commission does not
currently permit grantees or thirdparties to modify non-SDR devices to
operate under additional rule parts
through a permissive change, but
instead requires a new grant of
certification and a new FCC ID. If the
client devices can be modified by overthe-air software upgrades by Globalstar,
how should such change be classified
under our current rules and which party
should be held responsible for
compliance of the devices? Globalstar
stated that grantees of such devices
should file for a permissive change prior
to Globalstar software upgrade. Also, if
the client devices need firmware
modifications which will require a filing
of new equipment authorization with
the Commission, this may require a
large number of filings for permissive
changes, if appropriate, or applications
for new filings. This may inhibit
manufacturers from taking advantage of
the proposed rule changes. Thus, the
Commission invites comments on the
costs and benefits of different
approaches to reduce the compliance
burden on various parties while
providing the assurance that modified
devices are compliant with the revised
rules. The Commission announced at its
June 13, 2012 meeting that it is planning
to initiate a proceeding to consider
possible changes to the equipment
certification procedures, including the
permissive change rules. In the interim,
the Commission seeks comment on
whether, in the interim, more limited
changes concerning only the Globalstar
proposal would serve the public
interest. Should the Commission permit
Globalstar, or parties working with
Globalstar, to add new frequency bands
to previously approved equipment
without the need to label equipment
with a new FCC ID?
G. Free Access Points and Public Safety
34. In its Petition, Globalstar
committed to ‘‘deploying up to twenty
thousand [low-power ATC] access
points free of charge in the nation’s
public and non-profit schools,
community colleges and hospitals.’’
Subsequently, Globalstar noted in an ex
parte filing that it fully supports the
ConnectED initiative and that
‘‘Globalstar’s [low-power ATC] can play
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an important part in meeting the
ambitious objectives of ConnectED.’’
Further, Globalstar also committed to
providing its ‘‘mobile satellite service
free of charge to Globalstar subscribers
within any federally declared ‘‘disaster
area’’ following a natural or man-made
disaster.’’ The Commission seeks
comment on whether one or both of
Globalstar’s commitments should be
incorporated as requirements in the
Commission’s rules. Alternatively, the
Commission invites comment on
directing the International Bureau to
include one or both of Globalstar’s
commitments as license conditions, in
the event that the Commission adopts
rules as contemplated in this
Procedural Matters
A. Regulatory Flexibility Act
35. As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 603, the
Commission has prepared an Initial
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA)
regarding the possible significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities of the
proposals addressed in the
Commission’s proposed rules. The IRFA
is set forth below. Written public
comments are requested on the IRFA.
B. Initial Paperwork Reduction
36. This document contains proposed
new information collection
requirements. The Commission, as part
of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork burdens, invites the general
public and OMB to comment on the
information collection requirements
contained in this document, as required
by PRA. In addition, pursuant to the
Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of
2002, the Commission seeks specific
comment on how it might ‘‘further
reduce the information collection
burden for small business concerns with
fewer than 25 employees.’’
C. Ex Parte Rules
37. This proceeding shall be treated as
a ‘‘permit-but-disclose’’ proceeding in
accordance with the Commission’s ex
parte rules. Persons making ex parte
presentations must file a copy of any
written presentation or a memorandum
summarizing any oral presentation
within two business days after the
presentation (unless a different deadline
applicable to the Sunshine period
applies). Persons making oral ex parte
presentations are reminded that
memoranda summarizing the
presentation must (1) list all persons
attending or otherwise participating in
the meeting at which the ex parte
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
presentation was made, and (2)
summarize all data presented and
arguments made during the
presentation. If the presentation
consisted in whole or in part of the
presentation of data or arguments
already reflected in the presenter’s
written comments, memoranda or other
filings in the proceeding, the presenter
may provide citations to such data or
arguments in his or her prior comments,
memoranda, or other filings (specifying
the relevant page and/or paragraph
numbers where such data or arguments
can be found) in lieu of summarizing
them in the memorandum. Documents
shown or given to Commission staff
during ex parte meetings are deemed to
be written ex parte presentations and
must be filed consistent with § 1.1206(b)
of the Commission’s rules. In
proceedings governed by § 1.49(f) or for
which the Commission has made
available a method of electronic filing,
written ex parte presentations and
memoranda summarizing oral ex parte
presentations, and all attachments
thereto, must be filed through the
electronic comment filing system
available for that proceeding, and must
be filed in their native format (e.g., .doc,
.xml, .ppt, searchable .pdf). Participants
in this proceeding should familiarize
themselves with the Commission’s ex
parte rules.
D. Filing Requirements
38. Comments and Replies. Pursuant
to §§ 1.415 and 1.419 of the
Commission’s rules, interested parties
may file comments and reply comments
on or before the dates indicated on the
first page of this document. Comments
may be filed using the Commission’s
Electronic Comment Filing System
• Electronic Filers: Comments may be
filed electronically using the Internet by
accessing the ECFS: https://
• Paper Filers: Parties who choose to
file by paper must file an original and
one copy of each filing. If more than one
docket or rulemaking number appears in
the caption of this proceeding, filers
must submit two additional copies for
each additional docket or rulemaking
Filings can be sent by hand or
messenger delivery, by commercial
overnight courier, or by first-class or
overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. All
filings must be addressed to the
Commission’s Secretary, Office of the
Secretary, Federal Communications
• All hand-delivered or messengerdelivered paper filings for the
Commission’s Secretary must be
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delivered to FCC Headquarters at 445
12th St. SW., Room TW–A325,
Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours
are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand
deliveries must be held together with
rubber bands or fasteners. Any
envelopes and boxes must be disposed
of before entering the building.
• Commercial overnight mail (other
than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail
and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300
East Hampton Drive, Capitol Heights,
MD 20743.
• U.S. Postal Service first-class,
Express, and Priority mail must be
addressed to 445 12th Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
39. Availability of Documents.
Comments, reply comments, and ex
parte submissions will be available for
public inspection during regular
business hours in the FCC Reference
Center, Federal Communications
Commission, 445 12th Street SW., CY–
A257, Washington, DC 20554. These
documents will also be available via
ECFS. Documents will be available
electronically in ASCII, Word 97, and/
or Adobe Acrobat.
40. People With Disabilities: To
request materials in accessible formats
for people with disabilities (Braille,
large print, electronic files, audio
format), send an email to
or call the Consumer & Governmental
Affairs Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice),
202–418–0432 (tty).
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
41. As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended
(RFA), the Commission has prepared
this present Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) of the
possible significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities by
the policies and rules proposed in IB
Docket No. 13–213. Written public
comments are requested on this IRFA.
Comments must be identified as
responses to the IRFA.
A. Need for, and Objectives of, the
Proposed Rules
42. The Commission proposes
modified rules for the operation of the
Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC)
of the single Mobile-Satellite Service
(MSS) system operating in the 2483.5–
2500 MHz frequency band. The
proposed changes would allow
Globalstar, Inc. (Globalstar) to deploy a
low-power broadband network in the
Big LEO S band. Under the proposals,
Globalstar would be able to provide
low-power ATC using its licensed
spectrum under certain limited
technical criteria, and could utilize
spectrum in the adjacent 2473–2483.5
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MHz band pursuant to the technical
rules for unlicensed operations that
apply in that band. The Commission
proposes to make changes to relieve
Globalstar from certain requirements in
part 25 of the rules to provide for the
operation of low-power ATC in the
licensed MSS spectrum in the 2483.5–
2495 MHz band. The Commission also
proposes technical rules to prevent
unwanted emissions to other services
operating in or above or below the
2473–2495 MHz band and seeks
comment on preventing interference.
43. The Commission seeks comment
on the treatment of the proposed
operations under a part 15 rule which
specifies certain bands in which
unlicensed devices are restricted from
operation, and on the application of
certain Part 15 equipment certification
rules with respect to the proposed
Globalstar network. The Commission
also seeks comment on procedures for
equipment certification and on the
procedures that should be followed for
modifying the devices that will provide
the proposed network.
B. Legal Basis
44. The proposed action is authorized
pursuant to sections 1, 2, 4(i), 301, 302,
303, and 324 of the Communications
Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151,
152, 154(i), 301, 302, 303, and 324.
C. Description and Estimate of the
Number of Small Entities to Which
Rules Will Apply
45. The RFA directs agencies to
provide a description of and, where
feasible, an estimate of the number of
small entities that may be affected by
the rules adopted herein. The RFA
generally defines the term ‘‘small
entity’’ as having the same meaning as
the terms ‘‘small business,’’ ‘‘small
organization,’’ and ‘‘small governmental
jurisdiction.’’ In addition, the term
‘‘small business’’ has the same meaning
as the term ‘‘small business concern’’
under the Small Business Act. A small
business concern is one that: (1) Is
independently owned and operated; (2)
is not dominant in its field of operation;
and (3) satisfies any additional criteria
established by the Small Business
Administration (SBA). Below, we
further describe and estimate the
number of small entity licensees that
may be affected by the adopted rules.
Satellite Telecommunications and All
Other Telecommunications
46. The rules proposed would affect
some providers of satellite
telecommunications services, if
adopted. Satellite telecommunications
service providers include satellite and
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
earth station operators. Since 2007, the
SBA has recognized two census
categories for satellite
telecommunications firms: ‘‘Satellite
Telecommunications’’ and ‘‘Other
Telecommunications.’’ Under the
‘‘Satellite Telecommunications’’
category, a business is considered small
if it had $30 million or less in average
annual receipts. Under the ‘‘Other
Telecommunications’’ category, a
business is considered small if it had
$30 million or less in average annual
47. The first category of Satellite
Telecommunications ‘‘comprises
establishments primarily engaged in
providing point-to-point
telecommunications services to other
establishments in the
telecommunications and broadcasting
industries by forwarding and receiving
communications signals via a system of
satellites or reselling satellite
telecommunications.’’ For this category,
Census Bureau data for 2007 show that
there were a total of 512 satellite
communications firms that operated for
the entire year. Of this total, 464 firms
had annual receipts of under $10
million, and 18 firms had receipts of
$10 million to $24,999,999.
48. The second category of Other
Telecommunications is comprised of
entities ‘‘primarily engaged in providing
specialized telecommunications
services, such as satellite tracking,
communications telemetry, and radar
station operation. This industry also
includes establishments primarily
engaged in providing satellite terminal
stations and associated facilities
connected with one or more terrestrial
systems and capable of transmitting
telecommunications to, and receiving
telecommunications from, satellite
systems. Establishments providing
Internet services or voice over Internet
protocol (VoIP) services via clientsupplied telecommunications
connections are also included in this
industry.’’ For this category, Census
Bureau data for 2007 show that there
were a total of 2,383 firms that operated
for the entire year. Of this total, 2,346
firms had annual receipts of under $25
million. Some of these ‘‘Other
Telecommunications firms,’’ which are
small entities, are earth station
applicants/licensees that might be
affected if the proposed rule changes are
49. The proposed rule changes only
impact one Satellite
Telecommunications Service Provider,
Globalstar, Inc. Globalstar reported
$76.3 million in revenue in 2012.
Regarding the use of the frequency
bands that are the subject of this
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rulemaking, the applicable definition of
small entity is the definition under the
Small Business Administration (SBA)
rules applicable to Satellite
Telecommunications. Because the
proposed rule amendments affect only
Globalstar, which cannot be described
as a small entity, and no other satellite
telecommunications service providers,
the Commission believes that no
substantial number of small entities is
potentially affected by our actions.
Radio and Television Broadcasting and
Wireless Communications Equipment
50. The proposed rules will pertain to
manufacturers of unlicensed
communications devices. The
appropriate small business size standard
is that which the SBA has established
for radio and television broadcasting
and wireless communications
equipment manufacturing. The Census
Bureau defines this category as follows:
‘‘This industry comprises
establishments primarily engaged in
manufacturing radio and television
broadcast and wireless communications
equipment. Examples of products made
by these establishments are:
Transmitting and receiving antennas,
cable television equipment, GPS
equipment, pagers, cellular phones,
mobile communications equipment, and
radio and television studio and
broadcasting equipment.’’ The SBA has
developed a small business size
standard for firms in this category,
which is: all such firms having 750 or
fewer employees. According to Census
Bureau data for 2007, there were a total
of 939 establishments in this category
that operated for part or all of the entire
year. Of this total, 784 had fewer than
500 employees and 155 had more than
100 employees. Thus, under this size
standard, the majority of firms can be
considered small.
51. The Commission anticipates that
the proposed rules will affect equipment
manufacturers of unlicensed
communications devices, because the
proposed rules would apply existing
part 15 equipment certification rules to
the proposed equipment that would
provide low-power ATC service. The
Commission proposes to apply the rules
in part 15 to both existing equipment as
well as new equipment that will be
D. Description of Projected Reporting,
Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance
52. The Commission seeks comment
on whether it would be necessary to
adopt rule changes that could affect the
reporting, recordkeeping, and other
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compliance requirements for small
business equipment manufacturers who
would provide the equipment for the
contemplated new service.
E. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant
Economic Impact on Small Entities, and
Significant Alternatives Considered
53. The RFA requires that, to the
extent consistent with the objectives of
applicable statutes, the analysis shall
discuss significant alternatives such as:
(1) The establishment of differing
compliance or reporting requirements or
timetables that take into account the
resources available to small entities; (2)
the clarification, consolidation, or
simplification of compliance and
reporting requirements under the rule
for small entities; (3) the use of
performance, rather than design,
standards; and (4) an exemption from
coverage of the rule, or any part thereof,
for small entities.
54. The Commission seeks comment
from all interested parties. The
Commission recognizes that proposals
to require equipment manufacturers to
comply with both existing and proposed
equipment certification rules may
impact small entities. To the extent
possible, the Commission seeks to
minimize the impact the proposed rule
changes would have on small entities
and seeks comment on those proposed
changes. For devices which will operate
on the low-power broadband network
proposed, the Commission proposes
that the equipment certification rules
contained in part 15 of the
Commission’s rules apply to operations
in the 2473–2483.5 MHz band. For
operations in the 2483.5–2495 MHz
band, the Commission proposed
modifications to rules in § 25.149 of the
Commission’s rules. Since the
operations will cover this band and the
2483.5–2495 MHz band, the devices
may be treated as composite devices
which would be required to comply
with the relevant portions of both rule
55. The Commission also suggests
limiting a proposed rule, which would
require parties seeking certification of
equipment to provide evidence of
Globalstar’s consent to their request for
equipment certification, to equipment
that is used as a network access point
and will operate as a master device. The
Commission proposes not imposing this
requirement on devices that will serve
only as a client to a master device. The
Commission seeks comment on whether
already manufactured devices can be
modified by over-the-air software
upgrades or through firmware upgrades
and how those modifications should be
classified under the rules, as a
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
permissive change or as an application
for a new filing. Finally, the
Commission seeks comment from
parties to ascertain the benefits and
costs of different certification
approaches to reduce the compliance
burden on affected parties.
56. Small entities are encouraged to
bring to the Commission’s attention any
specific concerns they may have with
the proposals. The Commission expects
to consider the economic impact on
small entities, as identified in comments
filed, in reaching its final conclusions
and taking action in this proceeding.
F. Federal Rules That May Duplicate,
Overlap, or Conflict With the Proposed
57. None.
58. This action could potentially help
to meet growing consumer demand for
wireless broadband. At the same time,
concerns have been raised about certain
detrimental impacts on unlicensed
devices. The Commission seeks
comment on the costs and benefits of
the approach proposed and on the
changes to our rules, which may
facilitate such deployment and
minimize any negative impacts to
authorized services and unlicensed
devices that operate in and/or adjacent
to the same bands that Globalstar
proposed to use for its low-power
terrestrial network.
Ordering Clauses
59. Accordingly, it is ordered that,
pursuant to the authority contained in
sections 4(i), 4(j), 7(a), 302(a), 303(c),
303(e), 303(f), 303(g), 303(j), and 303(r)
of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 154(j),
157(a), 302(a), 303(c), 303(e), 303(f),
303(g), 303(j), and 303(r), this Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking in IB Docket No.
13–147 is adopted.
60. It is further ordered that the
Commission’s Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference
Information Center, shall send a copy of
this NPRM, including the Initial
Regulatory Flexibility Certification, to
the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the
Small Business Administration.
61. It is further ordered pursuant to
sections 4(i) and (j) and 303(r) of the
Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), (j), 303(r),
and § 1.407 of the Commission’s Rules,
47 CFR 1.407, that the Petition for
Rulemaking filed by Globalstar, Inc. on
November 13, 2012, is granted to the
extent provided in this NPRM.
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List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 25
Satellites, Telecommunications.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Federal Communications
Commission proposes to amend 47 CFR
part 25 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 25
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 701–744. Interprets
or applies sections 4, 301, 302, 303, 307, 309,
310, and 332, of the Communications Act, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. sections 154, 301, 302,
303, 307, 309, 310, and 332 unless otherwise
2. Section 25.149 is amended by
a. Revising paragraph (a)(1), the note
to paragraph (a)(1), and paragraph (c)(3);
■ b. Adding paragraph (c)(4);
■ c. Revising paragraph (e);
■ d. Redesignating paragraph (g) as (h);
■ e. Adding new paragraph (g) to read
as follows:
§ 25.149 Application requirements for
ancillary terrestrial components in the
Mobile-Satellite Service networks operating
in the 1.5./1.6 GHz, and 1.6/2.4 GHz MobileSatellite Service.
(a) * * *
(1) ATC shall be deployed in the
forward-band mode of operation
whereby the ATC mobile terminals
transmit in the MSS uplink bands and
the ATC base stations transmit in the
MSS downlink bands in portions of the
2000–2020 MHz/2180–2200 MHz bands
(2 GHz band), the 1626.5–1660.5 MHz/
1525–1559 MHz bands (L-band), and the
1610–1626.5 MHz/2483.5–2500 MHz
bands (1.6/2.4 GHz).
Note to paragraph (a)(1): An L-band MSS
licensee is permitted to apply for ATC
authorization based on a non-forward-band
mode of operation provided it is able to
demonstrate that the use of a non-forwardband mode of operation would produce no
greater potential interference than that
produced as a result of implementing the
rules of this section. A 1.6/2.4 GHz licensee
is permitted to apply for ATC authorization
on a non-forward-band mode of operations
where the equipment deployed will meet the
requirements of paragraph (c)(4) of this
(c) * * *
(3) Licensees and manufacturers are
subject to the radiofrequency radiation
exposure requirements specified in
§§ 1.1307(b), 2.1091, and 2.1093 of this
chapter, as appropriate. ATC base
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stations must comply with the
requirements specified in § 1.1307(b) of
this chapter for PCS base stations. ATC
mobile stations must comply with the
requirements specified for mobile and
portable PCS transmitting devices in
§ 1.1307(b) of this chapter. ATC mobile
terminals must also comply with the
requirements in §§ 2.1091 and 2.1093 of
this chapter for Satellite
Communications Services devices.
Applications for equipment
authorization of ATC mobile or portable
devices operating under this section
must contain a statement confirming
compliance with these requirements for
both fundamental emissions and
unwanted emissions. Technical
information showing the basis for this
statement must be submitted to the
Commission upon request.
(4) Applications for equipment
authorization of terrestrial low-power
system equipment (access point and
end-user devices) operating under this
section in the 2483.5–2495 MHz band
must demonstrate the following:
(i) The system is digitally modulated;
(ii) The 6 dB bandwidth is at least 500
(iii) The maximum transmit power is
no more than 1 Watt with a peak EIRP
of no more than 6 dBW;
(iv) The maximum power spectral
density conducted to the antenna shall
not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz
band during any time interval of
continuous transmission;
(v) Emissions above 2495 MHz shall
be attenuated by a factor of at least 40
+ 10 log (P) dB at the channel edge at
2495 MHz, 43 + 10 log (P) dB at 5 MHz
from the channel edges, and 55 + 10 log
(P) dB at X MHz from the channel edges
where X is the greater of 6 MHz or the
actual emission bandwidth.
(vi) Compliance with these rules is
based on the use of measurement
instrumentation employing a resolution
bandwidth of 1 MHz or greater.
However, in the 1 MHz bands
immediately above and adjacent to the
2495 MHz a resolution bandwidth of at
least 1 percent of the emission
bandwidth of the fundamental emission
of the transmitter may be employed. If
1 percent of the emission bandwidth of
the fundamental emission is less than 1
MHz, the power measured must be
integrated over the required
measurement bandwidth of 1 MHz. A
resolution bandwidth narrower than 1
MHz is permitted to improve
measurement accuracy, provided the
measured power is integrated over the
full required measurement bandwidth
(i.e., 1 MHz). The emission bandwidth
of the fundamental emission of a
transmitter is defined as the width of
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 33 / Wednesday, February 19, 2014 / Proposed Rules
the signal between two points, one
below the carrier center frequency and
one above the carrier center frequency,
outside of which all emissions are
attenuated at least 26 dB below the
transmitter power. When an emission
outside of the authorized bandwidth
causes harmful interference, the
Commission may, at its discretion,
require greater attenuation than
specified in this section.
Note to paragraph (c)(4): Systems meeting
the requirements set forth in this section are
deemed to have also met the requirements of
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§ 25.254. No further demonstration is needed
for these systems with respect to § 25.254.
(e) Except as provided for in
paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section, no
application for an ancillary terrestrial
component shall be granted until the
applicant has demonstrated actual
compliance with the provisions of
paragraph (b) of this section. Upon
receipt of ATC authority, all ATC
licensees must ensure continued
compliance with this section and
§ 25.253 or § 25.254, as appropriate.
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(g) Special provisions for terrestrial
low-power systems in the 2473–2495
MHz band. An operational MSS system
that applies for authority to deploy ATC
in the 2483.5–2495 MHz band for
terrestrial low-power operations
satisfying the equipment certification
requirements of paragraph (c)(4) of this
section is not required to demonstrate
compliance with paragraph (b) of this
section, except to demonstrate the
commercial availability of MSS, without
regard to coverage requirements.
[FR Doc. 2014–03618 Filed 2–14–14; 4:15 pm]
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 33 (Wednesday, February 19, 2014)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 9445-9455]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-03618]
[[Page 9445]]
47 CFR Part 25
[IB Docket No. 13-213; FCC 13-147]
Proposal To Enable Operation of a Terrestrial Broadband Network
in Certain Mobile Satellite Service Spectrum
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission
(Commission) proposed to modify its rules for operation of the
Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC) of the single Mobile-Satellite
Service (MSS) system operating in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band. The
proposed rule changes would allow the MSS operator to deploy a low-
power terrestrial broadband network that would operate in both
Globalstar's licensed spectrum at 2483.5-2495 GHz, and, with the same
equipment, spectrum in the adjacent 2473-2483.5 MHz band used by
unlicensed devices. This action could potentially increase the amount
of spectrum available for broadband access in the United States. The
Commission seeks comment on the potential impacts this proposal could
have on unlicensed devices, which operate in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band,
licensed Broadcast Auxiliary Service (BAS) stations, which operate in
the 2483.5-2500 MHz band, and licensed Broadband Radio Service/
Educational Broadband Service (BRS/EBS) stations, which operate in the
2496-2690 MHz band, along with the costs and benefits of the proposed
DATES: Comments are due on or before May 5, 2014 and reply comments are
due on or before June 4, 2014. Written comments on the proposed
information collection requirements, subject to the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995, Public Law 104-13, should be submitted on or before
April 21, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by IB Docket No. 13-213,
by any of the following methods:
[ssquf] Federal Communications Commission's Web site: https://"> Follow the instructions for submitting
[ssquf] People With Disabilities: Contact the FCC to request
reasonable accommodations (accessible format documents, sign language
interpreters, CART, etc.) by email: or phone: 202-418-
0530 or TTY: 202-418-0432.
For detailed instructions for submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process, see the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section of this document.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lynne Montgomery at 202-418-2229,
Satellite Division, International Bureau, Federal Communications
Commission, Washington, DC 20554. For additional information concerning
the PRA information collection requirements contained in this document,
contact Cathy Williams, Federal Communications Commission, at (202)
418-2918, or via email
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in IB Docket No. 13-213, adopted November
1, 2013 and released on November 1, 2013. The full text of this
document is available for public inspection and copying during regular
business hours at the FCC Reference Information Center, Portals II, 445
12th Street SW., Room CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. This document may
also be purchased from the Commission's duplicating contractor, Best
Copy and Printing, Inc., Portals II, 445 12th Street SW., Room CY-B402,
Washington, DC 20554, telephone 202-488-5300, facsimile 202-488-5563,
or via email at It is also available via the Internet
in the Commission's Electronic Document System (EDOCS) at under IB Docket No. 13-213.
To view a copy of this information collection request (ICR)
submitted to OMB: (1) Go to the Web page, (2) look for the section of the Web page called ``Currently
Under Review,'' (3) click on the downward-pointing arrow in the
``Select Agency'' box below the ``Currently Under Review'' heading, (4)
select ``Federal Communications Commission'' from the list of agencies
presented in the ``Select Agency'' box, (5) click the ``Submit'' button
to the right of the ``Select Agency'' box, (6) when the list of FCC
ICRs currently under review appears, look for the Title of this ICR and
then click on the ICR Reference Number. A copy of the FCC submission to
OMB will be displayed.
Pursuant to 47 CFR 1.1200 et seq., this matter shall be treated as
a ``permit-but-disclose'' proceeding in accordance with the
Commission's ex parte rules. Persons making oral ex parte presentations
are reminded that memoranda summarizing the presentations must contain
summaries of the substances of the presentations and not merely a
listing of the subjects discussed. More than a one or two sentence
description of the views and arguments presented is generally required.
Other rules pertaining to oral and written ex parte presentations in
permit-but-disclose proceedings are set forth in 47 CFR 1.1206(b).
Initial Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis
This document contains proposed information collection
requirements. The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to
reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public and the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) to comment on the information collection
requirements contained in this document, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. Public and agency comments
are due April 21, 2014. Comments should address: (a) Whether the
proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
Commission's burden estimates; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information collected; (d) ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of information on the respondents,
including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and (e) way to further reduce the information
collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25
employees. In addition, pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief
Act of 2002, Public Law 107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), we seek
specific comment on how we might further reduce the information
collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25
OMB Control Number: 3060-0994.
Title: Flexibility for Delivery of Communications By Mobile
Satellite Service Providers in the 2 GHz Band, the L Band, and the 1.6/
2.4 GHz Band.
Form No.: Not applicable.
Type of Review: Revision of an Existing Collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents and Responses: 124 respondents; 124
Estimated Time per Response: 0.50-50 hours per response.
Frequency of Response: On occasion reporting requirement; one time
and annual reporting requirements; third party disclosure and
recordkeeping requirements.
[[Page 9446]]
Obligation To Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits. The
statutory authority for these proposed information collections is found
at sections is contained in the 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 157, 302, 303(c),
303(e), 303(f), and 303(r).
Total Annual Burden: 517 hours.
Total Annual Costs: $511,440.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: There is no need for
confidentiality with this collection of information.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No impact(s).
Needs and Uses: The purposes of the existing information collection
is to obtain information necessary for licensing operators of Mobile-
Satellite Service (MSS) networks to provide ancillary services in the
U.S. via terrestrial base stations (Ancillary Terrestrial Components,
or ATCs); obtain the legal and technical information required to
facilitate the integration of ATCs into MSS networks in the L-Band and
the 1.6/2.4 GHz Bands; and to ensure that ATC licensees meet the
Commission's legal and technical requirements to develop and maintain
their MSS networks and operate their ATC systems without causing
harmful interference to other radio systems.
The purpose of the proposed revision would be to remove a portion
of the information collection with respect to a low power broadband
network, as proposed in document FCC 13-147. These proposed revisions
would enable provision of low-power ATC using licensed spectrum at
2483.5-2495 MHz and spectrum in the adjacent 2473-2483.5 MHz band.
The proposed revision would provide an exception for low-power ATC
from the requirements contained in Sec. 25.149(b) of the Commission's
rules. These rules require detailed showings concerning satellite
system coverage and replacement satellites. The proposed rules would
also provide an exception from a rule requiring integrated service, for
example service to handsets capable of operation with both satellites
and terrestrial base stations. In this sense, the provider of low-power
ATC would be relieved from certain burdens that are currently in place
in the existing information collection. We also propose revising this
information collection to reflect the elimination of the elements of
this information collection for 2 GHz MSS. See 78 FR 48621, August 9,
1. In response to a petition for rulemaking filed by MSS operator
Globalstar, the Commission proposes modified rules for operation in the
2483.5-2495 MHz band. Globalstar is the operator of the single MSS
system operating in that band. The current rules specify the licensing
and operating conditions for terrestrial base stations and mobile
terminals licensed to the operator of an MSS system for provision of
radio communication services offered together with MSS. The Commission
proposes rules that would permit Globalstar to provide low-power ATC
using its licensed spectrum at 2483.5-2495 MHz under certain limited
technical criteria and, with the same equipment, to utilize spectrum in
the adjacent 2473-2483.5 MHz band pursuant to the applicable technical
rules for unlicensed operations in that band. The Commission seeks
comment on this possible deployment of broadband access equipment, on
whether it is thereby possible to enable more efficient use of spectrum
in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band and the adjacent 2473-2483.5 MHz band and
to increase the amount of spectrum available for broadband access in
the United States. However, significant concerns have been raised about
potential detrimental impacts on licensed services that operate in the
2483.5-2500 MHz and 2496-2690 MHz bands and unlicensed devices that
operate in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band. The Commission seeks comment on
the costs and benefits of the proposed approach, and on changes to its
rules which may facilitate such deployment and minimize any negative
impacts on licensed services that operate in the 2483.5-2500 MHz and
2496-2690 MHz bands and unlicensed devices that operate in the 2400-
2483.5 MHz band.
2. Globalstar also requested that the Commission initiate a
rulemaking to permit it to deploy a higher power terrestrial service
using LTE technology in both the S band (2483.5-2495 MHz) and L band
(1610-1617.775 MHz) over the longer term. The Commission will address
Globalstar's L-band proposal separately from this proceeding, although
it reserves the right, should it find it appropriate, to consolidate
this proceeding with any proceeding addressing Globalstar's L-band
proposal and a petition for rulemaking filed by Iridium Constellation
LLC regarding L-band MSS frequencies (1610-1626.5 MHz).
Proposed Rules
A. Part 25 Rule Proposals
3. The Commission concludes that Globalstar's proposal to deploy a
low-power terrestrial system in the 2473-2495 MHz band should be
examined to determine whether it is possible to increase the use of
this spectrum terrestrially in the near term for its subscribers,
without causing harmful interference to other users of this band and
adjacent bands, and without compromising Globalstar's ability to
provide substantial MSS to the public under its existing MSS
authorization. If supported by the record, adoption of Globalstar's
proposals could potentially increase the usefulness for terrestrial
mobile broadband purposes of 11.5 megahertz of licensed spectrum. As a
result, these changes may induce increased investment and innovation
throughout the industry and ultimately improve competition and consumer
choice. Therefore, the Commission proposes to make the changes to part
25 of the rules necessary to provide for the operation of low-power ATC
in the licensed MSS spectrum in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band. Specifically,
the Commission seeks comment on its proposal to add technical and
operational provisions to part 25 to align with uses that are
compatible with part 15 uses. Part 15 of the Commission's rules governs
the operation of low-power radiofrequency devices in the 2400-2483.5
MHz band without an individual license from the Commission. Significant
concerns have been raised in response to Globalstar's petition about
the potential for harmful interference to licensed BAS stations that
operate in the 2483.5-2500 MHz band and BRS/EBS stations that operate
in the 2496-2690 MHz band. In addition, concerns have been raised about
the potential detrimental impact on unlicensed devices that operate in
the 2400-2483.5 MHz band, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices, that are
currently used extensively for various wireless broadband services and
applications. The Commission specifically seeks further information and
supporting detailed technical analyses regarding concerns with any
potential detrimental impact on existing unlicensed devices that
operate in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band. The Commission also seeks comment
on the results of Globalstar's testing of its proposed low-power
terrestrial broadband network.
4. The Commission also tentatively concludes that, due to the
proposed managed deployment of this equipment in a unique
radiofrequency environment involving both unlicensed and licensed
operations, the proposed operations are ancillary to Globalstar's
licensed MSS operations and are thus appropriately considered for
licensing as ATC.
[[Page 9447]]
Globalstar has stated that, ``unlike public 802.11 applications, [its]
access points will be carefully controlled by a Network Operating
System (``NOS''), [which] will be analogous to that currently deployed
by CMRS operators to manage pico- and femto-cellular infrastructure.''
According to Globalstar, the NOS will also create a rapid means of
specifically identifying and controlling potential interference. In
adopting ATC rules in the 2003 ATC Report and Order (ATC R&O), which
included provisions for licensing ATC operators in the 2483.5-2495 MHz
band, the Commission found that there were spectrum efficiency benefits
to ``dynamic allocation'' of frequency use and that those benefits can
only be realized by having one licensee control both the MSS and
terrestrial rights in bands allocated for MSS. 18 FCC Rcd 1962, 2071-72
(2003), 68 FR 49372, August 18, 2003. Globalstar's proposed NOS-based
approach appears to offer benefits consistent with those identified in
the ATC R&O, particularly given the potential benefits to spectrum
efficiency in both the licensed MSS band and the adjacent unlicensed
band. Although Globalstar's proposed operations differ in some respects
from the types of operations contemplated in the Commission's original
ATC R&O, the Commission seeks comment on whether analogous technical,
policy, and legal bases for restricting ATC licensing to the incumbent
MSS licensee adopted in the ATC R&O also apply to Globalstar's proposed
B. Overview of Proposed Low-Power Rules
5. The Commission proposes to modify its part 25 rules in order to
allow Globalstar to implement its plan of deploying a low-power
terrestrial broadband network in its licensed spectrum from 2483.5-2495
MHz and in the adjacent band at 2473-2483.5 MHz used for unlicensed
devices. Specifically, it proposes that the part 25 rules will apply to
the 2483.5-2495 MHz portion licensed to Globalstar and that a blanket
license will cover operations using these frequencies. The Commission
does not intend to grant Globalstar any additional or different
interference protection rights than those that currently apply to
existing unlicensed operations in the 2473-2483.5 MHz band under part
15 or to ATC operations under the part 25 rules, with the exception of
the revisions to the ATC rules discussed below. Under this approach,
Globalstar would be required to file an application to modify its part
25 license or licenses pursuant to the existing ATC application
procedures, and any deployed equipment in the 2473-2495 MHz band would
need an equipment certification. The Commission seeks comment on this
general approach.
6. Under this approach, Globalstar's managed operations in the
2473-2483.5 MHz band would not be entitled to interference protection
from licensed services, other part 15 devices, or part 18 industrial,
scientific, and medical (ISM) devices. Part 15 unlicensed devices are
not entitled to interference protection from licensed services or other
unlicensed devices. Part 18 of the Commission's rules authorizes
unlicensed ISM devices to operate in the 2400-2500 MHz band. ISM
equipment generally must avoid causing interference to any authorized
radio service, unless the interference occurs in an ISM band.
Similarly, Globalstar's low-power ATC operations in the 2483.5-2495 MHz
band would not be entitled to interference protection from a number of
other authorized operations. Globalstar's operations would also need to
protect other licensed services from harmful interference to the extent
required under current Commission rules. This approach addresses one of
the concerns raised by parties that commented on Globalstar's petition
for rulemaking. These parties generally were concerned that Globalstar
could obtain superior interference protection status over other
authorized users.
7. Unlicensed uses of the 2400-2483.5 MHz band include Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth hands-free communication devices, as well as Bluetooth Low
Energy technology applications such as medical temperature measurement
devices and blood glucose, blood pressure, and heart rate monitors. In
commenting on Globalstar's petition for rulemaking, the Wi-Fi Alliance
noted that in the United States, Wi-Fi devices effectively use three
non-overlapping IEEE 802.11 standard channels in the 2400-2473 MHz
band, Channels 1 (2401-2423 MHz), 6 (2426-2448 MHz), and 11 (2451-2473
MHz). The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) noted that the 2473-
2483.5 MHz portion of the part 15 unlicensed band is unused by the
majority of Wi-Fi devices in the U.S. because of limitations on
unwanted emissions in the 2483.5-2500 MHz band, and is thus somewhat of
a ``safe haven'' for Bluetooth frequency hopping devices. It also noted
that since U.S. Wi-Fi devices generally do not operate in the 2473-
2483.5 MHz band, this band is relatively ``quiet'' from a
radiofrequency perspective, and thus is particularly useful for its
relatively low-power systems and is ``extremely important'' to
Bluetooth technology and its operations.
8. Several parties have raised concerns about the effect of
Globalstar's proposed low-power terrestrial network on unlicensed
operations in and below the 2473-2483.5 MHz band. Bluetooth SIG noted
that recent innovations in Bluetooth technology used in connection with
health and wellness products may be impacted, and that Globalstar's
operations may affect a channel used to facilitate ``discovery'' and
interconnection of Bluetooth devices with each other. The Wi-Fi
Alliance also expressed concerns that Bluetooth devices would face
constraints in spectrum above 2473 MHz, which would generally
contribute to congestion in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band with other
unlicensed devices. In response, Globalstar argued that since Bluetooth
devices are frequency-hopping systems that operate on constantly
varying 1 megahertz channels throughout the 2400-2483.5 MHz band, and
the 2473-2483.5 MHz band segment represents just one small portion of
the unlicensed spectrum that is utilized by Bluetooth technology, its
proposed low-power network is no more likely to cause harmful
interference to a Bluetooth device than already-existing IEEE 802.11-
based Wi-Fi operations elsewhere in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band.
Globalstar contended that Bluetooth devices and other unlicensed
equipment will be able to coexist with its low-power network and
continue to operate in the 2473-2483.5 MHz band, without any loss of
spectrum for Bluetooth and other existing and future unlicensed
9. The Commission seeks comment on any costs, in terms of impacts
on unlicensed operations both in the 2473-2483.5 MHz band and below
2473 MHz (i.e., in the 2400-2473 MHz band) that might flow from
Globalstar's proposed low-power terrestrial network. To the extent that
any party asserts that Globalstar's low-power network may cause
interference or substantially constrain other operations, the
Commission encourages the party to submit technical analyses detailing
their concerns, as well as a detailed assessment of any associated
C. Revisions to Sec. 25.149 of the Commission's Rules
1. Mode of Operations
10. Globalstar's proposed low-power ATC operations would require a
rule modification to allow operations by end-user equipment in the
2483.5-2495 MHz band, as such operations are not in the ``forward-
band'' mode of operations
[[Page 9448]]
required by Sec. 25.149(a)(1) of the rules. Because Globalstar's
proposed deployment involves end-user equipment, i.e., ``the mobile
terminals'' transmitting in the MSS band allocated for downlink (i.e.,
(satellite to end-user equipment) transmissions, the end-user equipment
would operate in ``non-forward-band'' mode. Therefore, the Commission
proposes to modify this rule to permit low-power ATC operations in the
non-forward-band mode, and seeks comment on this proposal.
2. ATC Gating Requirements
11. The Commission's current ATC rules include several
prerequisites, or ``gating criteria'' that MSS operators must meet in
order to be allowed to offer ATC. These gating criteria are set forth
in Sec. 25.149 of the Commission's rules. To ensure that the ATC is
ancillary to the provision of MSS, there is a requirement that MSS
operators must provide substantial satellite service to be eligible for
ATC authorization. The Commission has defined substantial satellite
service as the capability of providing continuous satellite service
over the entire geographic area of satellite coverage required in its
rules, (47 CFR 25.149(b)(1)), maintenance of spare satellites to
expeditiously replace destroyed or degraded satellites, (47 CFR
25.149(b)(2)), and commercial availability of MSS throughout the
mandatory coverage area. (47 CFR 25.149(b)(3)). The rules also require
that MSS and ATC services be offered on an integrated basis. (47 CFR
12. Relieving Globalstar from certain ATC gating criteria for its
low-power network may facilitate spectrum use in both the 2483.5-2495
MHz band as well as the adjacent 2473-2483.5 MHz band, and thus could
serve the public interest. Therefore, the Commission proposes to create
a limited exception from some provisions of the ATC gating criteria in
order to streamline the authorization process and to facilitate
deployment of Globalstar's proposed low-power broadband network.
Specifically, the Commission proposes to modify the gating criteria
that require a demonstration that the MSS licensee is offering
commercial MSS. Under this proposal, the Commission would provide an
exception for low-power ATC from the rules requiring detailed showings
concerning satellite system coverage and replacement satellites. In its
rulemaking request, Globalstar indicated it is continuing to develop
and pursue MSS operations in the portion of the Big LEO spectrum
designated for its use, and has recently announced that it has
substantially replenished its satellite constellation by completing a
launch campaign, at a cost of more than $1 billion, for 24 new
satellites that are now in full commercial service. This substantial
capital investment has facilitated re-initiation of voice and other
two-way services via MSS satellites. Globalstar continues to be
invested in the provision of MSS. Thus, a simplified evidentiary
showing may be sufficient to address a fundamental goal of the ATC
rules--that the deployment of terrestrial facilities is in fact
ancillary to satellite operations. The Commission seeks comment on this
13. The Commission also proposes an exception from the integrated
services rule for the proposed low-power deployment. The integrated
services rule requires the offering of integrated MSS and ATC, for
example, through use of dual-mode handsets that can communicate with
both the MSS network and the ATC. It does not appear feasible for
Globalstar to meet this requirement with respect to the entire 2473-
2495 MHz band because there is no MSS allocation in the 2473-2483.5 MHz
band. The ATC rules and the integrated service rule, in particular,
focus on ensuring that ATC remains ancillary to satellite services and
does not become a stand-alone terrestrial service. Given the potential
enhanced use of the 2473-2495 MHz band, the Commission invites comment
on whether relaxation of this requirement would serve the public
interest while maintaining the terrestrial service as ancillary to MSS.
Under this approach, Globalstar's management and oversight of
deployment of low-power terrestrial facilities, while continuing to
offer and support its MSS offering, would be the critical factors in
determining whether the ATC continues to be ancillary. The Commission
seeks comment on this approach.
3. Technical Rules
14. Limits for equipment operating in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band. The
Commission proposes that the total transmit power for low-power ATC
equipment operating in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band under new proposed
Sec. 25.149(c)(4) of the Commission's rules not exceed 1 Watt with a
peak equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) of no more than 6
dBW (4 Watts), a minimum 6 dB bandwidth of 500 kilohertz, and a maximum
conducted power spectral density (PSD) limit of 8 dBm/3 kHz. This limit
is identical to the limit in Sec. 15.247 of the Commission's rules,
which specifies limits for unlicensed operation of digitally modulated
communications equipment in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band. The Commission
believes it is appropriate to apply the same limits with respect to the
2483.5-2495 MHz band, given the nature of these proposed operations,
including the use of digital modulation, and the widespread use of
these limits in designing part 15 devices. The Commission seeks comment
on this proposal.
15. Unwanted emissions below 2473 MHz. In its comments on
Globalstar's petition for rulemaking, the Consumer Electronics
Association (CEA) asserted that Globalstar's proposed operations on
IEEE 802.11 Channel 14 (2473-2495 MHz), immediately adjacent to IEEE
802.11 Channel 11 (2451-2473 MHz), could, without any guard band,
result in the loss of use of Channel 11 by Wi-Fi users and contribute
to congestion in the remaining Wi-Fi channels below 2473 MHz. The
Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA) also raised
this concern. In response, Globalstar asserted that although the two
channels are immediately adjacent to one another, a functional IEEE
802.11-based communications link occupies only approximately 18
megahertz of the 22 megahertz of available bandwidth in each of these
channels. Globalstar argued that the resulting de facto guard band will
minimize harmful interference between Wi-Fi systems and its low-power
network. Globalstar further argued that its access points and higher
powered terminal devices will be equipped with high selectivity
passband filters, which will further segregate Channel 14 operations
from those on Channel 11. The Commission seeks comment on these
concerns and claims.
16. The Commission also seeks comment on the appropriate limit for
unwanted emissions below 2473 MHz resulting from Globalstar's proposed
low-power operations at 2473-2495 MHz. One possible limit is specified
in Sec. 15.247(d) of the Commission's rules. That rule, applicable to
spread spectrum or digital modulation systems operating in the 2400-
2483.5 MHz band, specifies that in any 100 kilohertz bandwidth outside
the frequency band in which a device is operating, the unwanted
emissions shall be at least 20 dB below the fundamental power in the
100 kilohertz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level
of desired power. Unlicensed use of IEEE 802.11 Channel 11 (2451-2473
MHz) is directly adjacent to Channel 14 (2473-2495 MHz) with no guard
band between these two channels, and as pointed out by Globalstar, the
overwhelming majority of IEEE 802.11 access points operate on
[[Page 9449]]
non-overlapping Channels 1, 6, and 11. In light of this, the Commission
seeks comment on whether the current unwanted emissions limit provided
in Sec. 15.247(d) is compatible with systems operating below 2473 MHz.
The Commission also seeks comment on an appropriate limit if this limit
is not appropriate. Parties proposing such an emission limit should
provide technical analyses and/or studies adequate to demonstrate that
their proposed limit is appropriate.
17. Applicability of the unwanted emission limit of Sec. 25.254 at
the lower edge of the 2483.5-2495 MHz band. Section 25.254 of the
Commission's rules specifies an out-of-channel emission limit for ATC
base stations operating in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band. This limit was
created assuming high-powered operations in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band.
The Commission proposes to authorize low-power operations across the
lower band edge at 2483.5 MHz. Therefore, the Commission seeks comment
on whether it should interpret Sec. 25.254 of the rules as not
applying, at the lower edge of the 2483.5-2495 MHz band to the low-
power network under consideration in this proceeding. Alternatively,
the Commission seeks comment on whether it should provide an explicit
exception to Sec. 25.254 of the rules with respect to the lower edge
of the 2483.5-2495 GHz band for operations involving a signal emitted
from such equipment.
18. Unwanted emissions limits with respect to licensed services
operating above 2495 MHz. Section 25.254(d) of the Commission's rules
sets out the unwanted emission limits for ATC base stations in the
2483.5-2495 MHz band in order to avoid interference to Broadcast Radio
Service (BRS)/Educational Broadband Service (EBS) adjacent channel
licensees operating above 2495 MHz. This rule requires that ATC base
stations attenuate unwanted emissions above 2495 MHz by a factor of no
less than 43 + 10 log (P) dB, where P is the total transmitter power in
Watts. 47 CFR 25.254(d)(1). This rule was developed based on high power
base station operations. For its low-power ATC equipment, Globalstar
proposes to attenuate the unwanted emission above 2495 MHz by a factor
no less than 40 + 10 log (P) dB at the channel edge at 2495 MHz, 43 +
10 log (P) dB at 5 megahertz from the channel edges, and 55 + 10 log
(P) dB at X megahertz from the channel edges where X is the greater of
6 megahertz or the actual emission bandwidth. This is a relaxation of
the current ATC base station unwanted emissions attenuation rule by 3
dB within the first 5 megahertz above 2495 MHz (i.e., 2495-2500 MHz).
In its comments on Globalstar's petition for rulemaking, Clearwire
Corporation (Clearwire) argued that Globalstar's proposed power levels,
out-of-band emissions, and potential outdoor installations create a
high probability for interference to Clearwire's operations above 2496
MHz. The Commission observes, however, that the unwanted emissions
limits proposed by Globalstar are similar to those proposed in another
proceeding by the Wireless Communications Association International,
Inc. (WCAI) and supported by Clearwire for unwanted emissions for its
wide bandwidth, low-power mobile devices operating above 2511 MHz.
Those wide-bandwidth, low-power mobile devices' operations are similar
to the low-power operations proposed by Globalstar. Under Sec.
27.50(h)(2) of the rules, BRS and EBS mobile stations are required to
limit their EIRP to 2 Watts. Globalstar proposed to limit the EIRP to 4
Watts for both access points and end-user terminals.
19. Clearwire also argued that Globalstar's proposal lacks
mutuality of obligation that fosters an environment of cooperation at
the licensees' respective band edges. Under the current rules, BRS/EBS
mobile digital stations that operate in the 2496-2690 MHz band are
required to limit their unwanted emissions below 2496 MHz by a factor
no less than 43 + 10 log (P) dB. 47 CFR 27.53(m)(4). This limit is 3 dB
stricter than the limit proposed by Globalstar for its low-power
network in the 2496-2500 MHz band. The Commission notes, however, that
this stricter limit imposed on BRS/EBS unwanted emissions below 2496
MHz is intended to avoid interference to MSS operations below 2495 MHz,
which will continue regardless of whether the rules proposed in this
proceeding are adopted. The signal power received from the satellite by
an MSS terminal is significantly lower than that received by a BRS
terminal. As a result, the potential interference impact of BRS
transmissions to an MSS terminal is much higher than that of a low-
power ATC transmission into a BRS terminal.
20. The Commission seeks comment on Globalstar's proposed unwanted
emissions limits above 2495 MHz and whether these limits would be
adequate to avoid interference to licensed services operating above
2495 MHz. If these limits are not adequate, what are appropriate
limit(s) to avoid interference to licensed services operating above
2495 MHz? In addition, Sec. 25.254(d)(6) of the Commission's rules
specifies a measurement bandwidth of 1 percent of the 26 dB emission
bandwidth for determining ATC base stations' compliance with the Sec.
25.254(d) unwanted emissions limits in the 1 megahertz immediately
above and adjacent to 2495 MHz while Sec. 15.247(d) of the
Commission's rules specifies a measurement bandwidth of 100 kilohertz
for determining Sec. 15.247 devices' compliance with the Sec.
15.247(d) unwanted emissions limit outside the band of operation. 47
CFR 15.247(d), 25.254(d)(6). Although the emissions from Globalstar's
proposed operations would include a portion that is subject to the
measurement bandwidth requirement in Sec. 15.247(d), the Commission
proposes to not apply this measurement bandwidth requirement to
unwanted emissions from Globalstar's operations above 2495 MHz and
seeks comment on whether to apply a 1 megahertz resolution bandwidth as
required in Sec. 25.254(d).
D. Broadcast Auxiliary Service Channels A8-A10
21. Comments in response to Globalstar's rulemaking petition filed
by Engineers for the Integrity of Broadcast Auxiliary Services Spectrum
(EIBASS) raised a number of long-standing concerns related to BAS
operations in the 2450-2500 MHz band. By way of background, there are
three BAS channels that are authorized for operation in the 2450-2500
MHz band--A8 (2450-2467 MHz), A9 (2467-2483.5 MHz), and A10 (2483.5-
2500 MHz). As of July 25, 1985, the Commission ceased accepting
applications for new or modified BAS, part 90, and part 101 microwave
stations for the 2483.5-2500 MHz band. Existing licensees in the band
have been permitted to continue operating on a `grandfathered' basis.
Our records indicate that there are approximately 599 active BAS
licensees operating on Channels A8 and A9, categorized as follows: 58
TV Relay (54 Intercity Relay (ICR) and 4 TV Translator Relay (TTR)),
492 TV Pickup (TV PU), 17 TV Studio Transmitter Link (TV STL), and 32
Local Television Transmission Service (LTTS). Our records also indicate
there are approximately 186 active grandfathered BAS licensees
operating on Channel A10, as follows: 5 TV Relay (4 ICR and 1 TTR) and
181 TV PU.
22. The 2483.5-2500 MHz band has a long history of joint uses and,
on many occasions, the Commission has determined that additional
services could operate in this band, concluding that coordination could
be used to prevent the newly integrated services from causing harmful
interference to existing services in the band. In the
[[Page 9450]]
1994 Big LEO Service Rules Order, which established the licensing and
service rules for MSS operations, the Commission affirmed that MSS
licensees could coordinate their operations to avoid causing harmful
interference to existing operations in the 2483.5-2500 MHz bands and
declined to relocate grandfathered operations in this band. In 2003, to
enhance MSS licensees' ability to offer mobile services, the Commission
adopted the ATC R&O, which, inter alia, allowed CDMA MSS licensees in
the 2483.5-2500 MHz band to add ATC operations. In that decision, the
Commission determined that MSS licensees operating ATC facilities could
coordinate their operations prior to construction and operation to
avoid causing harmful interference to existing BAS, part 90, and part
101 microwave operations in the 2483.5-2500 MHz band. Consequently,
these MSS licensees were not required to relocate incumbent BAS
operations in the 2483.5-2500 MHz band. Instead, they were required to
coordinate their proposed operations to avoid causing harmful
interference to those grandfathered operations in the 2483.5-2500 MHz
band, and BAS Channels A8 and A9 stations and parts 90 and 101 mobile
and fixed stations in the 2450-2483.5 MHz band.
23. Although the Commission has previously concluded that the other
services authorized to use the 2483.5-2500 MHz band could coordinate
their operations to avoid causing harmful interference to BAS
operations in this band, EIBASS has voiced concerns about the potential
for harmful interference to BAS Channel A10 operations from
Globalstar's terrestrial low-power network operating in the 2483.5-2495
MHz band, and has reiterated an interest in ``refarming'' Channels A8-
A10 to resolve long-standing issues with Globalstar and other users in
the 2483.5-2500 MHz band, such as BRS/EBS.
24. The Commission seeks comment on Globalstar's ability to
effectively coordinate the deployment of its terrestrial low-power
network with primary BAS Channel A10 operations in the 2483.5-2500 MHz
band. Are there criteria that can be used in deploying low-power
network access points that will be effective in avoiding interference
to primary BAS operations, and, if so, what are they? Alternatively, is
access-point-by-access-point coordination feasible? The Commission
seeks input on what specific procedures, rule changes, or policies may
be necessary to either continue to protect grandfathered BAS Channel
A10 stations from harmful interference or to relocate such stations.
E. Part 15 Rules
25. Section 15.205 of the Commission's rules specifies certain
bands in which unlicensed devices are restricted from operation,
including the 2483.5-2500 MHz band. The restriction protects MSS
operations in that band, and prohibits any emissions in the band by
unlicensed operations, other than spurious emissions.
26. Given the unusual circumstances involved here, with Globalstar
proposing to transmit a signal that is in part operating under rules
for unlicensed operations and in part under rules for licensed
operations, the Commission seeks comment on whether it should interpret
Sec. 15.205 of the rules to apply to Globalstar's proposed deployment
in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band. The rule was not developed with this type
of operation in mind and Globalstar's managed deployment of equipment
may provide an alternative means of ensuring self-interference
protection of MSS operations. We seek comment on, alternatively,
providing an explicit exception in Sec. 15.205(d) of the rules for
unlicensed operations involving a signal emitted from low-power ATC
27. The Wi-Fi Alliance requested in comments concerning
Globalstar's rulemaking petition that the Commission consider revising
the band-edge restriction and unwanted emissions limits specified in
Sec. Sec. 15.205 and 15.209, respectively, to enable the use of
Channels 12 and 13 by Wi-Fi and other unlicensed devices, provided that
use does not interfere with Globalstar's licensed low-power ATC
operations in the upper portion of Channel 14, i.e., in the 2483.5-2495
MHz band. Globalstar indicated that it does not object to seeking
further comment on this issue, but noted that the existing unwanted
emissions limits are necessary in order to protect its MSS in the
2483.5-2495 MHz band, and that it is fully committed to maintaining
that service. Accordingly, the Commission seeks comment on this issue.
Would relaxation of the limits in order to enable use of Channels 12
and 13 degrade MSS capabilities, particularly if those capabilities are
not deployed on the same managed basis as Globalstar contemplates for
its operations in Channel 14?
F. Equipment Certification
28. A party seeking to market RF devices to the public must first
comply with the Commission's equipment authorization procedures, which,
inter alia, require a demonstration that the device complies with the
Commission's rules. 47 CFR 2.803, 2.901. The Commission proposes to
require equipment manufacturers to certify all terrestrial low-power
equipment under modified provisions specified in Sec. 25.149 of the
rules. The proposed rules would not distinguish between low-power
network access points and end user terminals or client devices, and
would require certification for all low-power network equipment. Since
the equipment will be operating simultaneously under the provisions of
Sec. 15.247 and modified provisions specified in Sec. 25.149, we also
tentatively conclude that the equipment must be certified under both of
the rule parts. In such cases the device could be treated like a
composite device subject to multiple rule parts. Composite devices are
required to ensure compliance with the relevant rule parts. The
Commission seeks comment on this approach and how compliance should be
demonstrated for such devices. The Commission also concludes that the
current certification procedures in subpart J of part 2 of the rules
permit such approval and seeks comment on this conclusion.
29. A grant of equipment certification specifies the frequency
range over which the equipment is approved to operate. A grantee of
equipment certification may obtain authorization to add additional
frequency bands to a previously approved device by filing a new
application for certification and labeling the equipment with a new FCC
ID. In some cases, the Commission permits grantees to add new frequency
bands to a previously certified device by filing a request for a
``permissive change.'' If the changes are made through software, the
Commission has permitted the grantees to add certain additional
frequency bands; however, the Commission does not permit a grantee of
certification to add or change the rule part under which a device is
certified (e.g., from part 15 to part 25) by filing a request for a
permissive change, unless the equipment was originally certified as a
software defined radio (SDR). For such a change, the Commission would
require the grantee to file a new application for certification and
label the equipment with a new FCC ID.
30. Globalstar maintains that Wi-Fi enabled devices can be upgraded
through software based modification. The Commission seeks comment on
requiring applicants for certification of certain equipment that
operates in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band to provide evidence of
Globalstar's consent to the
[[Page 9451]]
applicant's request for equipment certification. Specifically, the
Commission proposes limiting this requirement to equipment that
operates in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band that is used as a network access
point and that will operate as a master device as defined in Sec.
15.202 of the Commission's rules, since the master device in a system
controls the frequencies on which other devices in the system (client
or end user terminal devices) can operate. The Commission seeks comment
on whether a requirement to obtain Globalstar's consent is unnecessary
for the certification of devices that operate exclusively as a client
to a master device. Globalstar expects that network access points
operating in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band would be new devices. The
Commission seeks comment on whether requiring this additional step
would place a significant burden on device manufacturers.
31. In the case of client or end user terminal devices that would
operate with the master or network access points, Globalstar stated
that to expand the operating frequency range of existing devices to
include the 2483.5-2495 MHz band, the original grantees of
certification for those devices will have to submit permissive change
filings describing the proposed modifications. It also stated that it
has the ability to control the availability of software updates for
end-user devices and will provide the update only to devices certified
by the Commission and to end-users authenticated to receive service
over Globalstar's facilities. Globalstar further stated that most
802.11-enabled end-user devices have the hardware needed to operate at
2473-2495 MHz, but lack the capability to operate above 2483.5 MHz in
the United States because of restrictions in their radio frequency (RF)
32. The Commission seeks comment on the capability of existing part
15 devices to be modified through software directly provided by
Globalstar to use the 2473-2495 MHz frequency band with the
transmission format that Globalstar proposed. In particular, the
Commission seeks comment on whether the currently deployed devices have
the hardware capability to operate in the additional frequency band
with the Globalstar proposed protocol. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether existing devices could be modified though over-the-
air software changes, or whether changes to the devices' firmware would
be necessary. In addition, the Commission seeks comment on the means
that Globalstar plans to use to control the availability of software
updates and prevent unauthorized modifications to certified equipment.
The Commission further seeks comment on how Globalstar will limit
operation of equipment to parties that are authorized to use its
spectrum, and on how the Commission would ensure that the modified
devices would be compliant with the proposed rules.
33. The Commission does not currently permit grantees or third-
parties to modify non-SDR devices to operate under additional rule
parts through a permissive change, but instead requires a new grant of
certification and a new FCC ID. If the client devices can be modified
by over-the-air software upgrades by Globalstar, how should such change
be classified under our current rules and which party should be held
responsible for compliance of the devices? Globalstar stated that
grantees of such devices should file for a permissive change prior to
Globalstar software upgrade. Also, if the client devices need firmware
modifications which will require a filing of new equipment
authorization with the Commission, this may require a large number of
filings for permissive changes, if appropriate, or applications for new
filings. This may inhibit manufacturers from taking advantage of the
proposed rule changes. Thus, the Commission invites comments on the
costs and benefits of different approaches to reduce the compliance
burden on various parties while providing the assurance that modified
devices are compliant with the revised rules. The Commission announced
at its June 13, 2012 meeting that it is planning to initiate a
proceeding to consider possible changes to the equipment certification
procedures, including the permissive change rules. In the interim, the
Commission seeks comment on whether, in the interim, more limited
changes concerning only the Globalstar proposal would serve the public
interest. Should the Commission permit Globalstar, or parties working
with Globalstar, to add new frequency bands to previously approved
equipment without the need to label equipment with a new FCC ID?
G. Free Access Points and Public Safety Considerations
34. In its Petition, Globalstar committed to ``deploying up to
twenty thousand [low-power ATC] access points free of charge in the
nation's public and non-profit schools, community colleges and
hospitals.'' Subsequently, Globalstar noted in an ex parte filing that
it fully supports the ConnectED initiative and that ``Globalstar's
[low-power ATC] can play an important part in meeting the ambitious
objectives of ConnectED.'' Further, Globalstar also committed to
providing its ``mobile satellite service free of charge to Globalstar
subscribers within any federally declared ``disaster area'' following a
natural or man-made disaster.'' The Commission seeks comment on whether
one or both of Globalstar's commitments should be incorporated as
requirements in the Commission's rules. Alternatively, the Commission
invites comment on directing the International Bureau to include one or
both of Globalstar's commitments as license conditions, in the event
that the Commission adopts rules as contemplated in this proceeding.
Procedural Matters
A. Regulatory Flexibility Act
35. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 603,
the Commission has prepared an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
(IRFA) regarding the possible significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities of the proposals addressed in the
Commission's proposed rules. The IRFA is set forth below. Written
public comments are requested on the IRFA.
B. Initial Paperwork Reduction
36. This document contains proposed new information collection
requirements. The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to
reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public and OMB to comment
on the information collection requirements contained in this document,
as required by PRA. In addition, pursuant to the Small Business
Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, the Commission seeks specific comment on
how it might ``further reduce the information collection burden for
small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.''
C. Ex Parte Rules
37. This proceeding shall be treated as a ``permit-but-disclose''
proceeding in accordance with the Commission's ex parte rules. Persons
making ex parte presentations must file a copy of any written
presentation or a memorandum summarizing any oral presentation within
two business days after the presentation (unless a different deadline
applicable to the Sunshine period applies). Persons making oral ex
parte presentations are reminded that memoranda summarizing the
presentation must (1) list all persons attending or otherwise
participating in the meeting at which the ex parte
[[Page 9452]]
presentation was made, and (2) summarize all data presented and
arguments made during the presentation. If the presentation consisted
in whole or in part of the presentation of data or arguments already
reflected in the presenter's written comments, memoranda or other
filings in the proceeding, the presenter may provide citations to such
data or arguments in his or her prior comments, memoranda, or other
filings (specifying the relevant page and/or paragraph numbers where
such data or arguments can be found) in lieu of summarizing them in the
memorandum. Documents shown or given to Commission staff during ex
parte meetings are deemed to be written ex parte presentations and must
be filed consistent with Sec. 1.1206(b) of the Commission's rules. In
proceedings governed by Sec. 1.49(f) or for which the Commission has
made available a method of electronic filing, written ex parte
presentations and memoranda summarizing oral ex parte presentations,
and all attachments thereto, must be filed through the electronic
comment filing system available for that proceeding, and must be filed
in their native format (e.g., .doc, .xml, .ppt, searchable .pdf).
Participants in this proceeding should familiarize themselves with the
Commission's ex parte rules.
D. Filing Requirements
38. Comments and Replies. Pursuant to Sec. Sec. 1.415 and 1.419 of
the Commission's rules, interested parties may file comments and reply
comments on or before the dates indicated on the first page of this
document. Comments may be filed using the Commission's Electronic
Comment Filing System (ECFS).
Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically
using the Internet by accessing the ECFS:
Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must
file an original and one copy of each filing. If more than one docket
or rulemaking number appears in the caption of this proceeding, filers
must submit two additional copies for each additional docket or
rulemaking number.
Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial
overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service
mail. All filings must be addressed to the Commission's Secretary,
Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.
All hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings
for the Commission's Secretary must be delivered to FCC Headquarters at
445 12th St. SW., Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours
are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand deliveries must be held together
with rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes and boxes must be
disposed of before entering the building.
Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service
Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300 East Hampton
Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743.
U.S. Postal Service first-class, Express, and Priority
mail must be addressed to 445 12th Street SW., Washington, DC 20554.
39. Availability of Documents. Comments, reply comments, and ex
parte submissions will be available for public inspection during
regular business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Federal
Communications Commission, 445 12th Street SW., CY-A257, Washington, DC
20554. These documents will also be available via ECFS. Documents will
be available electronically in ASCII, Word 97, and/or Adobe Acrobat.
40. People With Disabilities: To request materials in accessible
formats for people with disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic
files, audio format), send an email to or call the
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-
418-0432 (tty).
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
41. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as
amended (RFA), the Commission has prepared this present Initial
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) of the possible significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities by the
policies and rules proposed in IB Docket No. 13-213. Written public
comments are requested on this IRFA. Comments must be identified as
responses to the IRFA.
A. Need for, and Objectives of, the Proposed Rules
42. The Commission proposes modified rules for the operation of the
Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC) of the single Mobile-Satellite
Service (MSS) system operating in the 2483.5-2500 MHz frequency band.
The proposed changes would allow Globalstar, Inc. (Globalstar) to
deploy a low-power broadband network in the Big LEO S band. Under the
proposals, Globalstar would be able to provide low-power ATC using its
licensed spectrum under certain limited technical criteria, and could
utilize spectrum in the adjacent 2473-2483.5 MHz band pursuant to the
technical rules for unlicensed operations that apply in that band. The
Commission proposes to make changes to relieve Globalstar from certain
requirements in part 25 of the rules to provide for the operation of
low-power ATC in the licensed MSS spectrum in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band.
The Commission also proposes technical rules to prevent unwanted
emissions to other services operating in or above or below the 2473-
2495 MHz band and seeks comment on preventing interference.
43. The Commission seeks comment on the treatment of the proposed
operations under a part 15 rule which specifies certain bands in which
unlicensed devices are restricted from operation, and on the
application of certain Part 15 equipment certification rules with
respect to the proposed Globalstar network. The Commission also seeks
comment on procedures for equipment certification and on the procedures
that should be followed for modifying the devices that will provide the
proposed network.
B. Legal Basis
44. The proposed action is authorized pursuant to sections 1, 2,
4(i), 301, 302, 303, and 324 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i), 301, 302, 303, and 324.
C. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to Which
Rules Will Apply
45. The RFA directs agencies to provide a description of and, where
feasible, an estimate of the number of small entities that may be
affected by the rules adopted herein. The RFA generally defines the
term ``small entity'' as having the same meaning as the terms ``small
business,'' ``small organization,'' and ``small governmental
jurisdiction.'' In addition, the term ``small business'' has the same
meaning as the term ``small business concern'' under the Small Business
Act. A small business concern is one that: (1) Is independently owned
and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3)
satisfies any additional criteria established by the Small Business
Administration (SBA). Below, we further describe and estimate the
number of small entity licensees that may be affected by the adopted
Satellite Telecommunications and All Other Telecommunications
46. The rules proposed would affect some providers of satellite
telecommunications services, if adopted. Satellite telecommunications
service providers include satellite and
[[Page 9453]]
earth station operators. Since 2007, the SBA has recognized two census
categories for satellite telecommunications firms: ``Satellite
Telecommunications'' and ``Other Telecommunications.'' Under the
``Satellite Telecommunications'' category, a business is considered
small if it had $30 million or less in average annual receipts. Under
the ``Other Telecommunications'' category, a business is considered
small if it had $30 million or less in average annual receipts.
47. The first category of Satellite Telecommunications ``comprises
establishments primarily engaged in providing point-to-point
telecommunications services to other establishments in the
telecommunications and broadcasting industries by forwarding and
receiving communications signals via a system of satellites or
reselling satellite telecommunications.'' For this category, Census
Bureau data for 2007 show that there were a total of 512 satellite
communications firms that operated for the entire year. Of this total,
464 firms had annual receipts of under $10 million, and 18 firms had
receipts of $10 million to $24,999,999.
48. The second category of Other Telecommunications is comprised of
entities ``primarily engaged in providing specialized
telecommunications services, such as satellite tracking, communications
telemetry, and radar station operation. This industry also includes
establishments primarily engaged in providing satellite terminal
stations and associated facilities connected with one or more
terrestrial systems and capable of transmitting telecommunications to,
and receiving telecommunications from, satellite systems.
Establishments providing Internet services or voice over Internet
protocol (VoIP) services via client-supplied telecommunications
connections are also included in this industry.'' For this category,
Census Bureau data for 2007 show that there were a total of 2,383 firms
that operated for the entire year. Of this total, 2,346 firms had
annual receipts of under $25 million. Some of these ``Other
Telecommunications firms,'' which are small entities, are earth station
applicants/licensees that might be affected if the proposed rule
changes are adopted.
49. The proposed rule changes only impact one Satellite
Telecommunications Service Provider, Globalstar, Inc. Globalstar
reported $76.3 million in revenue in 2012. Regarding the use of the
frequency bands that are the subject of this rulemaking, the applicable
definition of small entity is the definition under the Small Business
Administration (SBA) rules applicable to Satellite Telecommunications.
Because the proposed rule amendments affect only Globalstar, which
cannot be described as a small entity, and no other satellite
telecommunications service providers, the Commission believes that no
substantial number of small entities is potentially affected by our
Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment
50. The proposed rules will pertain to manufacturers of unlicensed
communications devices. The appropriate small business size standard is
that which the SBA has established for radio and television
broadcasting and wireless communications equipment manufacturing. The
Census Bureau defines this category as follows: ``This industry
comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing radio and
television broadcast and wireless communications equipment. Examples of
products made by these establishments are: Transmitting and receiving
antennas, cable television equipment, GPS equipment, pagers, cellular
phones, mobile communications equipment, and radio and television
studio and broadcasting equipment.'' The SBA has developed a small
business size standard for firms in this category, which is: all such
firms having 750 or fewer employees. According to Census Bureau data
for 2007, there were a total of 939 establishments in this category
that operated for part or all of the entire year. Of this total, 784
had fewer than 500 employees and 155 had more than 100 employees. Thus,
under this size standard, the majority of firms can be considered
51. The Commission anticipates that the proposed rules will affect
equipment manufacturers of unlicensed communications devices, because
the proposed rules would apply existing part 15 equipment certification
rules to the proposed equipment that would provide low-power ATC
service. The Commission proposes to apply the rules in part 15 to both
existing equipment as well as new equipment that will be manufactured.
D. Description of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other
Compliance Requirements
52. The Commission seeks comment on whether it would be necessary
to adopt rule changes that could affect the reporting, recordkeeping,
and other compliance requirements for small business equipment
manufacturers who would provide the equipment for the contemplated new
E. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant Economic Impact on Small
Entities, and Significant Alternatives Considered
53. The RFA requires that, to the extent consistent with the
objectives of applicable statutes, the analysis shall discuss
significant alternatives such as: (1) The establishment of differing
compliance or reporting requirements or timetables that take into
account the resources available to small entities; (2) the
clarification, consolidation, or simplification of compliance and
reporting requirements under the rule for small entities; (3) the use
of performance, rather than design, standards; and (4) an exemption
from coverage of the rule, or any part thereof, for small entities.
54. The Commission seeks comment from all interested parties. The
Commission recognizes that proposals to require equipment manufacturers
to comply with both existing and proposed equipment certification rules
may impact small entities. To the extent possible, the Commission seeks
to minimize the impact the proposed rule changes would have on small
entities and seeks comment on those proposed changes. For devices which
will operate on the low-power broadband network proposed, the
Commission proposes that the equipment certification rules contained in
part 15 of the Commission's rules apply to operations in the 2473-
2483.5 MHz band. For operations in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band, the
Commission proposed modifications to rules in Sec. 25.149 of the
Commission's rules. Since the operations will cover this band and the
2483.5-2495 MHz band, the devices may be treated as composite devices
which would be required to comply with the relevant portions of both
rule parts.
55. The Commission also suggests limiting a proposed rule, which
would require parties seeking certification of equipment to provide
evidence of Globalstar's consent to their request for equipment
certification, to equipment that is used as a network access point and
will operate as a master device. The Commission proposes not imposing
this requirement on devices that will serve only as a client to a
master device. The Commission seeks comment on whether already
manufactured devices can be modified by over-the-air software upgrades
or through firmware upgrades and how those modifications should be
classified under the rules, as a
[[Page 9454]]
permissive change or as an application for a new filing. Finally, the
Commission seeks comment from parties to ascertain the benefits and
costs of different certification approaches to reduce the compliance
burden on affected parties.
56. Small entities are encouraged to bring to the Commission's
attention any specific concerns they may have with the proposals. The
Commission expects to consider the economic impact on small entities,
as identified in comments filed, in reaching its final conclusions and
taking action in this proceeding.
F. Federal Rules That May Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict With the
Proposed Rules
57. None.
58. This action could potentially help to meet growing consumer
demand for wireless broadband. At the same time, concerns have been
raised about certain detrimental impacts on unlicensed devices. The
Commission seeks comment on the costs and benefits of the approach
proposed and on the changes to our rules, which may facilitate such
deployment and minimize any negative impacts to authorized services and
unlicensed devices that operate in and/or adjacent to the same bands
that Globalstar proposed to use for its low-power terrestrial network.
Ordering Clauses
59. Accordingly, it is ordered that, pursuant to the authority
contained in sections 4(i), 4(j), 7(a), 302(a), 303(c), 303(e), 303(f),
303(g), 303(j), and 303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 154(j), 157(a), 302(a), 303(c), 303(e),
303(f), 303(g), 303(j), and 303(r), this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
in IB Docket No. 13-147 is adopted.
60. It is further ordered that the Commission's Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference Information Center, shall send a
copy of this NPRM, including the Initial Regulatory Flexibility
Certification, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business
61. It is further ordered pursuant to sections 4(i) and (j) and
303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i),
(j), 303(r), and Sec. 1.407 of the Commission's Rules, 47 CFR 1.407,
that the Petition for Rulemaking filed by Globalstar, Inc. on November
13, 2012, is granted to the extent provided in this NPRM.
List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 25
Satellites, Telecommunications.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal
Communications Commission proposes to amend 47 CFR part 25 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 25 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 701-744. Interprets or applies sections 4,
301, 302, 303, 307, 309, 310, and 332, of the Communications Act, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. sections 154, 301, 302, 303, 307, 309, 310, and
332 unless otherwise noted.
2. Section 25.149 is amended by
a. Revising paragraph (a)(1), the note to paragraph (a)(1), and
paragraph (c)(3);
b. Adding paragraph (c)(4);
c. Revising paragraph (e);
d. Redesignating paragraph (g) as (h); and
e. Adding new paragraph (g) to read as follows:
Sec. 25.149 Application requirements for ancillary terrestrial
components in the Mobile-Satellite Service networks operating in the
1.5./1.6 GHz, and 1.6/2.4 GHz Mobile-Satellite Service.
(a) * * *
(1) ATC shall be deployed in the forward-band mode of operation
whereby the ATC mobile terminals transmit in the MSS uplink bands and
the ATC base stations transmit in the MSS downlink bands in portions of
the 2000-2020 MHz/2180-2200 MHz bands (2 GHz band), the 1626.5-1660.5
MHz/1525-1559 MHz bands (L-band), and the 1610-1626.5 MHz/2483.5-2500
MHz bands (1.6/2.4 GHz).
Note to paragraph (a)(1): An L-band MSS licensee is permitted to
apply for ATC authorization based on a non-forward-band mode of
operation provided it is able to demonstrate that the use of a non-
forward-band mode of operation would produce no greater potential
interference than that produced as a result of implementing the
rules of this section. A 1.6/2.4 GHz licensee is permitted to apply
for ATC authorization on a non-forward-band mode of operations where
the equipment deployed will meet the requirements of paragraph
(c)(4) of this section.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(3) Licensees and manufacturers are subject to the radiofrequency
radiation exposure requirements specified in Sec. Sec. 1.1307(b),
2.1091, and 2.1093 of this chapter, as appropriate. ATC base stations
must comply with the requirements specified in Sec. 1.1307(b) of this
chapter for PCS base stations. ATC mobile stations must comply with the
requirements specified for mobile and portable PCS transmitting devices
in Sec. 1.1307(b) of this chapter. ATC mobile terminals must also
comply with the requirements in Sec. Sec. 2.1091 and 2.1093 of this
chapter for Satellite Communications Services devices. Applications for
equipment authorization of ATC mobile or portable devices operating
under this section must contain a statement confirming compliance with
these requirements for both fundamental emissions and unwanted
emissions. Technical information showing the basis for this statement
must be submitted to the Commission upon request.
(4) Applications for equipment authorization of terrestrial low-
power system equipment (access point and end-user devices) operating
under this section in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band must demonstrate the
(i) The system is digitally modulated;
(ii) The 6 dB bandwidth is at least 500 kHz;
(iii) The maximum transmit power is no more than 1 Watt with a peak
EIRP of no more than 6 dBW;
(iv) The maximum power spectral density conducted to the antenna
shall not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time
interval of continuous transmission;
(v) Emissions above 2495 MHz shall be attenuated by a factor of at
least 40 + 10 log (P) dB at the channel edge at 2495 MHz, 43 + 10 log
(P) dB at 5 MHz from the channel edges, and 55 + 10 log (P) dB at X MHz
from the channel edges where X is the greater of 6 MHz or the actual
emission bandwidth.
(vi) Compliance with these rules is based on the use of measurement
instrumentation employing a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz or greater.
However, in the 1 MHz bands immediately above and adjacent to the 2495
MHz a resolution bandwidth of at least 1 percent of the emission
bandwidth of the fundamental emission of the transmitter may be
employed. If 1 percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental
emission is less than 1 MHz, the power measured must be integrated over
the required measurement bandwidth of 1 MHz. A resolution bandwidth
narrower than 1 MHz is permitted to improve measurement accuracy,
provided the measured power is integrated over the full required
measurement bandwidth (i.e., 1 MHz). The emission bandwidth of the
fundamental emission of a transmitter is defined as the width of
[[Page 9455]]
the signal between two points, one below the carrier center frequency
and one above the carrier center frequency, outside of which all
emissions are attenuated at least 26 dB below the transmitter power.
When an emission outside of the authorized bandwidth causes harmful
interference, the Commission may, at its discretion, require greater
attenuation than specified in this section.
Note to paragraph (c)(4): Systems meeting the requirements set
forth in this section are deemed to have also met the requirements
of Sec. 25.254. No further demonstration is needed for these
systems with respect to Sec. 25.254.
* * * * *
(e) Except as provided for in paragraphs (f) and (g) of this
section, no application for an ancillary terrestrial component shall be
granted until the applicant has demonstrated actual compliance with the
provisions of paragraph (b) of this section. Upon receipt of ATC
authority, all ATC licensees must ensure continued compliance with this
section and Sec. 25.253 or Sec. 25.254, as appropriate.
* * * * *
(g) Special provisions for terrestrial low-power systems in the
2473-2495 MHz band. An operational MSS system that applies for
authority to deploy ATC in the 2483.5-2495 MHz band for terrestrial
low-power operations satisfying the equipment certification
requirements of paragraph (c)(4) of this section is not required to
demonstrate compliance with paragraph (b) of this section, except to
demonstrate the commercial availability of MSS, without regard to
coverage requirements.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2014-03618 Filed 2-14-14; 4:15 pm]