Beartooth Ranger District, Custer Gallatin National Forest; Carbon County, Montana; Greater Red Lodge Vegetation and Habitat Management Project, 8151-8154 [2014-02918]
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Federal Register
Vol. 79, No. 28
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
existing roads, approximately 4 miles of
road decommissioning, and 5 to 7.4
miles of temporary road construction
depending upon alternative. A site
specific Forest Plan amendment may be
needed to address effects to
Management Indicator Species (MIS)
The draft environmental impact
statement is planned to be released in
April 2014 and the final environmental
impact statement and draft decision is
planned for release in July 2014. The
Forest Service
project was initially released for public
scoping June 14, 2012 and February 22,
Beartooth Ranger District, Custer
Gallatin National Forest; Carbon
County, Montana; Greater Red Lodge
ADDRESSES: Comments are not being
Vegetation and Habitat Management
solicited at this time because of earlier
scoping efforts. However, written
comments may be sent to Amy Waring,
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
Custer Gallatin National Forest, 1310
ACTION: Notice; intent to prepare
Main Street, Billings, MT 59105.
environmental impact statement.
Comments may also be sent via email to:
SUMMARY: The Greater Red Lodge Project, or via facsimile to 406–255–
is proposed to (1) reduce hazardous
fuels; (2) maintain and/or improve
resiliency of forest vegetation and
grasslands; (3) enhance aspen habitat;
Amy Waring, Team Leader, at (406)
and (4) improve water quality. The EIS
will consider a no action alternative and
Individuals who use
three action alternatives that propose
telecommunication devices for the deaf
treatment on 1000–2000 acres
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
depending upon the alternative. The
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
project area encompasses approximately between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
21,871 acres north and west of the
Time, Monday through Friday.
community of Red Lodge, Carbon
County, MT in the vicinity of Red Lodge
Purpose and Need for Action
Creek (10,275 acres) and Nichols/
Willow Creek (11,596 acres). The project
The Greater Red Lodge Project is
area is designated Wildland Urban
proposed to respond to goals and
Interface (WUI) in the Carbon County
objectives in the Forest Plan for the
Wildfire Protection Plan, and may be
Custer Gallatin National Forest, national
considered a transition zone between
direction for ecological restoration and
developed areas and Inventoried
resilience (Forest Service Manual
Roadless and the Absaroka-Beartooth
2020.2), and the Northern Region
Wilderness. The Nichols Creek portion
Integrated Restoration and Protection
of the project area is part of the West
Strategy. The purpose of proposed
Fork Municipal Watershed for the
management actions includes:
community of Red Lodge. Proposed
1. Reduce Hazardous Fuels
treatment consists of a variety of
thinning (including post and pole/
• Reduce high-intensity wildfire
teepee pole collection), clearcuts
within the Wildland Urban Interface
ranging from one half acre to 40 acres
(WUI) as identified in the Carbon
in size, hand cutting and mechanical
County Community Wildfire Fire
treatment of small diameter vegetation,
Protection Plan.
and broadcast and pile burning to meet
• Provide for a safer environment for
the purpose and need. The action
the public and firefighters should a
alternatives also include reconstruction
wildfire occur within the proposed
of Nichols Creek Road to reduce
treatment areas.
sedimentation into Nichol Creek, road
• To provide wildfire managers more
reconstruction and maintenance of
suppression options to confine future
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wildfires from spreading beyond NFS
The project area is located in
wildland urban interface, and is capable
of supporting high intensity wildfires
which presents a risk to public and
firefighter safety. In this transition zone,
social considerations play a large part in
how vegetation is managed. Wildfires
will continue to be suppressed due to
the proximity to private lands, homes,
ranches, and other infrastructure, and
risk to public safety. Fire hazard can be
reduced through strategic treatments
that consist of thinning to increase
crown spacing or clearcutting conifer
stands to spatially break up contiguous
stands, reducing surface fuel loads by
mechanical cleanup and/or prescribed
fire, and maintaining grassland
openings through mechanical treatment
and broadcast burning.
2. Maintain/Improve Resiliency of
Forest Vegetation and Grasslands
• Improve and/or maintain the
general health, resiliency, and
sustainability of forested stands and
• Reduce the risk of epidemic insect
and disease infestations within the
project area.
Resiliency to disturbances may be
improved by increasing the diversity of
species (including aspen, limber pine
and ponderosa pine), and increasing age
class diversity (including regeneration
of lodgepole pine, promoting large
diameter Douglas fir stands, and
variable densities of vegetation to
reduce susceptibility to insect and
disease infestations). Silvicultural
treatments may slow or accelerate the
pace of natural succession and reduce
susceptibility and vulnerability from
large disturbance events including
wildfire and insect and disease
epidemics. Increased landscape
heterogeneity and pattern diversity may
ameliorate the effects of large scale
3. Enhance Aspen Habitat
• Provide for regeneration of aspen
stands declining in health.
• Stimulate growth in aspen
communities declining in health and/or
• Reduce conifer colonization in
mixed aspen-conifer stands.
Aspen is relatively rare in the
Beartooth Mountains compared to
conifer trees, and many aspen
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 28 / Tuesday, February 11, 2014 / Notices
communities are either progressively
converting to a dominance of lodgepole
pine or Douglas fir, or are declining in
health and/or abundance. Without
disturbance, heavily conifer-colonized
and aging aspen stands will eventually
die and be lost from the landscape. Fire
suppression will continue within the
WUI, which will result in continued
conifer colonization and additional
declines in health and/or abundance of
aspen stands. Treatments such as
prescribed fire and mechanical
treatment would increase the acreage of
healthy aspen communities, leading to
increased vegetation diversity, a
potential rise in wildlife abundance,
and reduced loss of aspen genetic
4. Improve Water Quality
• Reduce sediment delivery to
Nichols Creek, thereby improving water
quality and aquatic habitat in the West
Fork Municipal Watershed.
• Decommission roads identified in
the 2008 Beartooth Travel Management
Decision as ‘‘system roads, not needed.’’
• Perform maintenance and
reconstruction of existing system roads
to reduce sources of sediment.
Nichols Creek Road has been poorly
maintained and is contributing
sediment to Nichols Creek, which is
part of Red Lodge’s municipal
watershed. Reconstruction of Nichols
Creek Road would reduce sediment
delivery to Nichols Creek, provide for
log haul and post and pole/teepee pole
collection, accommodate future
recreation needs, and management of
the National Forest. Additional road
decommissioning and maintenance/
reconstruction of existing roads in the
project area would further reduce
sources of sediment and improve water
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Proposed Action
The proposed action includes the
following components:
• Vegetative treatments on
approximately 1990 acres of NFS lands
within the project area, including
approximately 1211 acres of commercial
timber harvest (a combination of
thinning, clearcuts, and post and pole/
teepee pole collection) and 779 acres of
mechanical/hand noncommercial
treatment, including 565 acres of
broadcast burning.
• Slash treated through a combination
of the following: whole tree yarding, lop
and scatter, masticating, and/or
excavator piling. Fuel accumulations at
landings are addressed through burning,
chipping/masticating, and/or removal
from NFS lands. Prescribed fire
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treatments include broadcast burning or
pile burning.
• Treatment units accessed through
an estimated 7.4 miles of temporary
road construction and 9.3 miles of road
easements across private (about 1.1
mile) and Montana Department of
Natural Resources and Conservation
(MTDNRC) lands (about 8.2 miles).
• Road decommissioning proposed
on an estimated 3.5 miles of NFS roads.
Road maintenance proposed on an
estimated 6.3 miles of NFS roads. Road
reconstruction proposed on an
estimated 6 miles of NFS roads,
including replacement of an aquatic
barrier culvert with a bridge on the 2141
Red Lodge Creek Road. Best
Management Practices (BMPs)
implemented on haul routes to meet
Timber Sale Requirements.
• Changing the road classification on
an estimated 1.11 miles of existing roads
currently classified as ‘‘system road not
needed’’ to Maintenance Level 1 and
.039 mile from ‘‘system not needed’’ to
Maintenance Level 2 to provide for
future management needs. These roads
would be closed to public motorized
• Reconstruct about 1.25 miles of
Nichols Creek Road to abate erosion
problems (thereby improving water
quality), accommodate log haul, post
and pole/teepee pole collection, future
recreation needs, and long-term
National Forest management. The road
prism would be approximately 12 feet
wide and ditched and/or 14 feet wide
and out sloped for drainage depending
upon site conditions. Road gradient
would be reduced to a maximum of 12
percent, and road drainage would be
installed at a maximum of every 200 feet
per Montanan State BMP Guidelines.
The road would be opened to motorized
use for about five years with timing
restrictions for timber harvest and
collection of post and poles and teepee
poles. After timber management
activities are completed, the route
would be closed to public motorized
use, and retained for non-motorized
recreation. The road would remain
designated as a Maintenance Level 2
Road by the Forest Service, which
would accommodate any future
management needs.
• Harvest activity within Riparian
Areas will be conducted in compliance
with Montana Streamside Management
Zone (SMZ) regulations. The Forest
Service will seek an Alternative
Practices waiver on up to 33 acres for
hand thinning, lop and scattering the
slash, and broadcast burning within
SMZs. Broadcast burning in the SMZ
would be avoided (no active lighting
unless necessary for control measures to
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cleanup fuel pockets). Fire would be
allowed to creep into the SMZ and selfextinguish or be mopped up when
convenient. Some temporary road
locations may be needed to cross
• All activities comply with the
Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy and
Lynx Management Direction.
Possible Alternatives
In addition to No Action (Alternative
1) and the Proposed Action (Alternative
2), the Draft EIS will consider two
additional action alternatives that were
developed in response to public
comments made during the scoping
comment period. Both of these
alternatives reduce the size and scope of
proposed treatment compared to the
proposed action. Compared to the
proposed action, Alternative 3 reduces
the amount of treatment by about 300
acres, and Alternative 4 reduces the
amount of treatment by about 1000
Alternative 3 proposes treatment on
1706 acres (927 acres commercial, 779
acres noncommercial). It includes 4
acres of noncommercial treatment in
Inventoried Roadless, which would be
accessed by an existing road. Treatment
would involve hand cutting small
diameter lodgepole pine by chainsaws
and lopping and scattering the slash to
increase tree spacing, which will
improve growth and vigor of the stand
and reduce fire hazard. Compared to the
proposed action, Alternative 3 adds
more No Treatment ‘‘skips’’ in between
treated areas to maintain wildlife
habitat, and drops or modifies proposed
treatment units based on perceived
impacts to wildlife, water quality, and
Alternative 4 proposes treatment on
1054 acres (670 acres commercial, 384
acres noncommercial). Alternative 4
also responds to public comment to
avoid log haul as much as possible on
the NFSR 21415 road which is an
important recreational route for some
members of the public, and proposes
alternative temporary road access
Alternatives 3 and 4 both reconstruct
about 1.25 miles of Nichols Creek Road
to reduce sedimentation into Nichols
Creek (a municipal watershed), but the
road would not be reconstructed to
accommodate log haul or post and pole/
teepee pole collection. Vegetation
treatments along Nichols Creek are
dropped under Alternatives 3 and 4.
Under all action alternatives,
commercial harvest would be
accomplished via tractor logging and
whole tree yarding during the summer
under dry soil conditions, or in the
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 28 / Tuesday, February 11, 2014 / Notices
winter on frozen ground or over snow.
Noncommercial treatment would be
done by hand (chainsaws) or
mechanically, and may include pile or
broadcast burning. All action
alternatives require various levels of
temporary road construction (about 7.4,
6.7, and 5 miles for Alternatives 2, 3,
and 4 respectively), and about 6 miles
of road maintenance, 6 miles road
reconstruction, and 4 miles of road
decommissioning. No road construction
or maintenance would occur in
Inventoried Roadless.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Forest Plan Amendment
The Custer Forest Plan standard for
Management Indicator Species (MIS) is
to maintain and improve the habitat.
The northern goshawk is MIS for old
growth forest. Two occupied goshawk
nest sites are present in the project area,
located on Forest Service lands in close
proximity to lands managed by the State
of Montana Department of Natural
Resources and Conservation (MT
DNRC). NEPA requires analysis of past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable
future actions that could contribute to
cumulative effects. That state of
Montana recently approved a decision
to harvest state lands adjacent to the
Greater Red Lodge Project Area, which
will include clearcutting nest and post
fledgling area (PFA) habitat. The Greater
Red Lodge Project proposes a relatively
small amount of treatment in PFA
habitat, but does not propose treatment
in the nest stands. The cumulative
effects to these two goshawk territories
may include short term effects that may
not fully be consistent with the Forest
Plan standard to ‘‘maintain and
improve’’ habitat. Therefore a site
specific Forest Plan Amendment is
being considered to acknowledge that
there may be effects to old growth
species under all action alternatives.
No Action Alternative
The No Action alternative represents
the existing condition in the Greater Red
Lodge Project Area. Under this
alternative, none of the activities
proposed for the Greater Red Lodge
Project would occur. Ongoing activities,
such as recreation, public firewood
gathering, fire suppression, and normal
road maintenance would continue.
No treatment does not mean that the
forest will stay the same as it is now.
Forests are dynamic ever-changing
biological systems that experience and
respond to catastrophic events such as
fire, wind storms, and insects and
disease, and continually grow, develop,
mature, die, and start anew. As forest
succession proceeds, aspen stands, open
meadows, and riparian areas will
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continue to be colonized by conifers. In
the absence of wildfire or vegetation
treatments, the diversity of forest
vegetation and stand structure in the
project area will likely become more
homogenous, with increases in
understory ladder fuels. As existing
stands age or deteriorate as part of
natural succession, increased
susceptibility to insect attacks, disease,
windthrow, or competition mortality
will occur. Stands will continue to
experience increasing surface fuel loads
and, when combined with already tight
crown spacing, will be more capable of
supporting high intensity wildfires.
Under the no action alternative, no
treatment would occur in the wildland
urban interface. Predicted fire behavior
under typical large fire development
conditions could preclude wildfire
suppression operations during initial
attack. Ingress and egress for firefighting
and emergency equipment and
personnel, as well as residents and
visitors become difficult under this
scenario. Furthermore, high intensity
fire behavior due to existing vegetation
conditions in the wildland urban
interface could limit suppression
options, increasing the threat to nearby
values at risk both on and off national
forest lands.
Responsible Official
The Responsible Official is Mary C.
Erickson, Forest Supervisor, Custer
Gallatin National Forest, 1310 Main
Street, Billings, MT 59105.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
Based on the purpose and need for the
proposed action, the Responsible
Official will determine whether to
proceed with the action as proposed, as
modified by another alternative or not at
all. If an action alternative is selected,
the Responsible Official will determine
what design features, mitigation
measures and monitoring to require.
Preliminary Issues
The Interdisciplinary Team reviewed
scoping comments and identified
significant issues that led to the
development of alternatives to the
proposed action, and analysis issues.
Significant issues included (1) concerns
about the size and scale of the project
and the cumulative effect of the Greater
Red Lodge Project and the MT DNRC
Palisades Timber Sale, (2) concerns
about impacts to wildlife habitat for
mature forest species, (3) concerns about
impacts to scenery, (4) concerns about
impacts to recreation and
transportation, and (5) a myriad of
issues related to reconstruction of
Nichols Creek Road, including water
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quality, economics, and cultural
Additionally, the EIS will consider a
number of analysis issues to evaluate
how the purpose and need for action
will be met (including changes to
wildfire and beetle hazards), and
impacts to specific resources including,
but not limited to Threatened/
Endangered Species, big game, water
quality, soil productivity, aquatic
species, range, noxious weeds, and
sensitive plants.
Permits or Licenses Required
The following permits may be
required prior to project implementation
in order to ensure Federal and State
laws are met: (1) Montana Streamside
Protection Act (SPA 124 Permit); (2)
Federal Clean Water Act (Section 404
Permit); (3) Short-Term Water Quality
Standard for Turbidity (318
Authorization); and (4) Alternative
Practices Waiver from MT DNRC to
remove trees in a streamside
management zone to maintain wet
Scoping Process
The Beartooth District provided
information to the public and asked for
comments in 2012 and 2013, and
provided numerous opportunities for
public input as the proposed action and
alternatives were developed. On June
14, 2012, the District scoped a
preliminary purpose/need and general
proposed action (i.e. unit boundaries
identified, but treatments not assigned),
and conducted a public field trip and
meeting on June 28, 2012. As a result,
the purpose and need was refined and
clarified, and comments were
considered as the proposed action was
On February 22, 2013, the District
scoped a detailed purpose and need and
proposed action, and received about 36
comments. A public meeting was held
on March 14, 2013, and field trips were
held on June 6 and 28, 2013. The Forest
Service also participated in numerous
other meetings to discuss the project. As
alternatives to the proposed action were
developed, the District held additional
field trips and reviewed draft
alternatives with the public to provide
information, discuss issues of concern,
provide an opportunity for the public to
interact with resource specialists, and
provide an additional opportunity for
people to provide comments on the
alternatives before they were finalized.
Throughout this process, the district
also met with local government and
interest groups to share information.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 28 / Tuesday, February 11, 2014 / Notices
Comments Requested
Given that scoping and public
meetings have been conducted,
comments are not being requested at
this time. The Draft EIS will be
published in April 2014 and include a
45-day comment period.
Dated: February 4, 2014.
Mary C. Erickson,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2014–02918 Filed 2–10–14; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Ashley National Forest Resource
Advisory Committee
Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
The Ashley National Forest
Resource Advisory Committee (RAC)
will meet in Vernal, Utah. The
committee is authorized under the
Secure Rural Schools and Community
Self-Determination Act (Pub. L. 110–
343) (the Act) and operates in
compliance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act. The purpose of the
committee is to improve collaborative
relationships and to provide advice and
recommendations to the Forest Service
concerning projects and funding
consistent with the title II of the Act.
The meeting is open to the public. The
purpose of the meeting is to receive
updates from approved and finished
projects and plan meeting schedule for
recommending new projects for funding
in 2014.
DATES: The meeting will be held March
5th 2014.
All RAC meetings are subject to
cancellation. For status of meeting prior
to attendance, please contact the person
The meeting will be held at
the Forest Supervisor’s Office located at
355 North Vernal Avenue, Vernal, Utah
Written comments may be submitted
as described under Supplementary
Information. All comments, including
names and addresses when provided,
are placed in the record and are
available for public inspection and
copying. The public may inspect
comments received at the Ashley
National Forest Supervisor’s Office
located at 355 North Vernal Avenue,
Vernal, Utah 84078. Please call ahead to
facilitate entry into the building.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Louis Haynes by phone at 435–781–
5105 or via email at
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.,
Eastern Standard Time, Monday
through Friday. Please make requests in
advance for sign language interpreting,
assistive listening devices or other
reasonable accommodation for access to
the facility or proceedings by contacting
the person listed FOR FURTHER
Additional RAC information, including
the meeting agenda and the meeting
summary/minutes can be found at the
following Web site: https://
secure_rural_schools.nsf. The agenda
will include time for people to make
oral statements of three minutes or less.
Individuals wishing to make an oral
statement should request in writing by
February 26, 2014 to be scheduled on
the agenda. Anyone who would like to
bring related matters to the attention of
the committee may file written
statements with the committee staff
before or after the meeting. Written
comments and requests for time for oral
comments must be sent to Louis
Haynes, Public Affairs Officer, 355
North Vernal Avenue, Vernal, Utah,
84078; or by email to,
or via facsimile to 435–781–5142.
Meeting Accommodations: If you are
a person requiring reasonable
accommodation, please make requests
in advance for sign language
interpreting, assistive listening devices
or other reasonable accommodation for
access to the facility or proceedings by
contacting the person listed in the
section titled For Further Information
Contact. All reasonable accommodation
requests are managed on a case by case
Dated: February 4, 2014.
Scott Bingham,
Acting Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2014–02773 Filed 2–10–14; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Fishlake Resource Advisory
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of meeting.
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The Fishlake Resource
Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet in
Richfield, Utah. The committee is
authorized under the Secure Rural
Schools and Community SelfDetermination Act (Pub. L 110–343) (the
Act) and operates in compliance with
the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
The purpose of the committee is to
improve collaborative relationships and
to provide advice and recommendations
to the Forest Service concerning projects
and funding consistent with the title II
of the Act. The meeting is open to the
public. The purpose of the meeting is
discuss reauthorization of the Act,
review roles and responsibilties, review
current members’ status and extension
of membership, the recruitment of new
members, and elect a chairperson.
DATES: The meeting will be held March
13, 2014 at 6 p.m. (MDT).
All RAC meetings are subject to
cancellation. For status of meeting prior
to attendance, please contact the person
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Fishlake National Forest
Supervisor’s Office, 115 E 900 N,
Richfield, Utah.
Written comments may be submitted
as described under SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION. All comments, including
names and addresses when provided,
are placed in the record and are
available for public inspection and
copying. The public may inspect
comments received at the Fishlake
National Forest Supervisor’s Office.
Please call ahead to facilitate entry into
the building.
Zapell, Designated Federal Officer, by
phone at 435–896–1070 or via email at
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.,
Eastern Standard Time, Monday
through Friday. Please make requests in
advance for sign language interpreting,
assistive listening devices or other
reasonable accomodation for access to
the facility or procedings by contacting
the person listed above.
Additional RAC information, including
the meeting agenda and the meeting
summary/minutes can be found at the
following Web site: https://
2AA?OpenDocument. The agenda will
include time for people to make oral
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 28 (Tuesday, February 11, 2014)]
[Pages 8151-8154]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-02918]
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules
or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings
and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings,
delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are examples of documents
appearing in this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 28 / Tuesday, February 11, 2014 /
[[Page 8151]]
Forest Service
Beartooth Ranger District, Custer Gallatin National Forest;
Carbon County, Montana; Greater Red Lodge Vegetation and Habitat
Management Project
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice; intent to prepare environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: The Greater Red Lodge Project is proposed to (1) reduce
hazardous fuels; (2) maintain and/or improve resiliency of forest
vegetation and grasslands; (3) enhance aspen habitat; and (4) improve
water quality. The EIS will consider a no action alternative and three
action alternatives that propose treatment on 1000-2000 acres depending
upon the alternative. The project area encompasses approximately 21,871
acres north and west of the community of Red Lodge, Carbon County, MT
in the vicinity of Red Lodge Creek (10,275 acres) and Nichols/Willow
Creek (11,596 acres). The project area is designated Wildland Urban
Interface (WUI) in the Carbon County Wildfire Protection Plan, and may
be considered a transition zone between developed areas and Inventoried
Roadless and the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness. The Nichols Creek
portion of the project area is part of the West Fork Municipal
Watershed for the community of Red Lodge. Proposed treatment consists
of a variety of thinning (including post and pole/teepee pole
collection), clearcuts ranging from one half acre to 40 acres in size,
hand cutting and mechanical treatment of small diameter vegetation, and
broadcast and pile burning to meet the purpose and need. The action
alternatives also include reconstruction of Nichols Creek Road to
reduce sedimentation into Nichol Creek, road reconstruction and
maintenance of existing roads, approximately 4 miles of road
decommissioning, and 5 to 7.4 miles of temporary road construction
depending upon alternative. A site specific Forest Plan amendment may
be needed to address effects to Management Indicator Species (MIS)
DATES: The draft environmental impact statement is planned to be
released in April 2014 and the final environmental impact statement and
draft decision is planned for release in July 2014. The project was
initially released for public scoping June 14, 2012 and February 22,
ADDRESSES: Comments are not being solicited at this time because of
earlier scoping efforts. However, written comments may be sent to Amy
Waring, Custer Gallatin National Forest, 1310 Main Street, Billings, MT
59105. Comments may also be sent via email to:, or via facsimile to 406-255-1499.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Amy Waring, Team Leader, at (406) 255-
Individuals who use telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD)
may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Purpose and Need for Action
The Greater Red Lodge Project is proposed to respond to goals and
objectives in the Forest Plan for the Custer Gallatin National Forest,
national direction for ecological restoration and resilience (Forest
Service Manual 2020.2), and the Northern Region Integrated Restoration
and Protection Strategy. The purpose of proposed management actions
1. Reduce Hazardous Fuels
Reduce high-intensity wildfire within the Wildland Urban
Interface (WUI) as identified in the Carbon County Community Wildfire
Fire Protection Plan.
Provide for a safer environment for the public and
firefighters should a wildfire occur within the proposed treatment
To provide wildfire managers more suppression options to
confine future wildfires from spreading beyond NFS lands.
The project area is located in wildland urban interface, and is
capable of supporting high intensity wildfires which presents a risk to
public and firefighter safety. In this transition zone, social
considerations play a large part in how vegetation is managed.
Wildfires will continue to be suppressed due to the proximity to
private lands, homes, ranches, and other infrastructure, and risk to
public safety. Fire hazard can be reduced through strategic treatments
that consist of thinning to increase crown spacing or clearcutting
conifer stands to spatially break up contiguous stands, reducing
surface fuel loads by mechanical cleanup and/or prescribed fire, and
maintaining grassland openings through mechanical treatment and
broadcast burning.
2. Maintain/Improve Resiliency of Forest Vegetation and Grasslands
Improve and/or maintain the general health, resiliency,
and sustainability of forested stands and grasslands.
Reduce the risk of epidemic insect and disease
infestations within the project area.
Resiliency to disturbances may be improved by increasing the
diversity of species (including aspen, limber pine and ponderosa pine),
and increasing age class diversity (including regeneration of lodgepole
pine, promoting large diameter Douglas fir stands, and variable
densities of vegetation to reduce susceptibility to insect and disease
infestations). Silvicultural treatments may slow or accelerate the pace
of natural succession and reduce susceptibility and vulnerability from
large disturbance events including wildfire and insect and disease
epidemics. Increased landscape heterogeneity and pattern diversity may
ameliorate the effects of large scale disturbances.
3. Enhance Aspen Habitat
Provide for regeneration of aspen stands declining in
Stimulate growth in aspen communities declining in health
and/or abundance.
Reduce conifer colonization in mixed aspen-conifer stands.
Aspen is relatively rare in the Beartooth Mountains compared to
conifer trees, and many aspen
[[Page 8152]]
communities are either progressively converting to a dominance of
lodgepole pine or Douglas fir, or are declining in health and/or
abundance. Without disturbance, heavily conifer-colonized and aging
aspen stands will eventually die and be lost from the landscape. Fire
suppression will continue within the WUI, which will result in
continued conifer colonization and additional declines in health and/or
abundance of aspen stands. Treatments such as prescribed fire and
mechanical treatment would increase the acreage of healthy aspen
communities, leading to increased vegetation diversity, a potential
rise in wildlife abundance, and reduced loss of aspen genetic
4. Improve Water Quality
Reduce sediment delivery to Nichols Creek, thereby
improving water quality and aquatic habitat in the West Fork Municipal
Decommission roads identified in the 2008 Beartooth Travel
Management Decision as ``system roads, not needed.''
Perform maintenance and reconstruction of existing system
roads to reduce sources of sediment.
Nichols Creek Road has been poorly maintained and is contributing
sediment to Nichols Creek, which is part of Red Lodge's municipal
watershed. Reconstruction of Nichols Creek Road would reduce sediment
delivery to Nichols Creek, provide for log haul and post and pole/
teepee pole collection, accommodate future recreation needs, and
management of the National Forest. Additional road decommissioning and
maintenance/reconstruction of existing roads in the project area would
further reduce sources of sediment and improve water quality.
Proposed Action
The proposed action includes the following components:
Vegetative treatments on approximately 1990 acres of NFS
lands within the project area, including approximately 1211 acres of
commercial timber harvest (a combination of thinning, clearcuts, and
post and pole/teepee pole collection) and 779 acres of mechanical/hand
noncommercial treatment, including 565 acres of broadcast burning.
Slash treated through a combination of the following:
whole tree yarding, lop and scatter, masticating, and/or excavator
piling. Fuel accumulations at landings are addressed through burning,
chipping/masticating, and/or removal from NFS lands. Prescribed fire
treatments include broadcast burning or pile burning.
Treatment units accessed through an estimated 7.4 miles of
temporary road construction and 9.3 miles of road easements across
private (about 1.1 mile) and Montana Department of Natural Resources
and Conservation (MTDNRC) lands (about 8.2 miles).
Road decommissioning proposed on an estimated 3.5 miles of
NFS roads. Road maintenance proposed on an estimated 6.3 miles of NFS
roads. Road reconstruction proposed on an estimated 6 miles of NFS
roads, including replacement of an aquatic barrier culvert with a
bridge on the 2141 Red Lodge Creek Road. Best Management Practices
(BMPs) implemented on haul routes to meet Timber Sale Requirements.
Changing the road classification on an estimated 1.11
miles of existing roads currently classified as ``system road not
needed'' to Maintenance Level 1 and .039 mile from ``system not
needed'' to Maintenance Level 2 to provide for future management needs.
These roads would be closed to public motorized use.
Reconstruct about 1.25 miles of Nichols Creek Road to
abate erosion problems (thereby improving water quality), accommodate
log haul, post and pole/teepee pole collection, future recreation
needs, and long-term National Forest management. The road prism would
be approximately 12 feet wide and ditched and/or 14 feet wide and out
sloped for drainage depending upon site conditions. Road gradient would
be reduced to a maximum of 12 percent, and road drainage would be
installed at a maximum of every 200 feet per Montanan State BMP
Guidelines. The road would be opened to motorized use for about five
years with timing restrictions for timber harvest and collection of
post and poles and teepee poles. After timber management activities are
completed, the route would be closed to public motorized use, and
retained for non-motorized recreation. The road would remain designated
as a Maintenance Level 2 Road by the Forest Service, which would
accommodate any future management needs.
Harvest activity within Riparian Areas will be conducted
in compliance with Montana Streamside Management Zone (SMZ)
regulations. The Forest Service will seek an Alternative Practices
waiver on up to 33 acres for hand thinning, lop and scattering the
slash, and broadcast burning within SMZs. Broadcast burning in the SMZ
would be avoided (no active lighting unless necessary for control
measures to cleanup fuel pockets). Fire would be allowed to creep into
the SMZ and self-extinguish or be mopped up when convenient. Some
temporary road locations may be needed to cross streams.
All activities comply with the Grizzly Bear Conservation
Strategy and Lynx Management Direction.
Possible Alternatives
In addition to No Action (Alternative 1) and the Proposed Action
(Alternative 2), the Draft EIS will consider two additional action
alternatives that were developed in response to public comments made
during the scoping comment period. Both of these alternatives reduce
the size and scope of proposed treatment compared to the proposed
action. Compared to the proposed action, Alternative 3 reduces the
amount of treatment by about 300 acres, and Alternative 4 reduces the
amount of treatment by about 1000 acres.
Alternative 3 proposes treatment on 1706 acres (927 acres
commercial, 779 acres noncommercial). It includes 4 acres of
noncommercial treatment in Inventoried Roadless, which would be
accessed by an existing road. Treatment would involve hand cutting
small diameter lodgepole pine by chainsaws and lopping and scattering
the slash to increase tree spacing, which will improve growth and vigor
of the stand and reduce fire hazard. Compared to the proposed action,
Alternative 3 adds more No Treatment ``skips'' in between treated areas
to maintain wildlife habitat, and drops or modifies proposed treatment
units based on perceived impacts to wildlife, water quality, and
Alternative 4 proposes treatment on 1054 acres (670 acres
commercial, 384 acres noncommercial). Alternative 4 also responds to
public comment to avoid log haul as much as possible on the NFSR 21415
road which is an important recreational route for some members of the
public, and proposes alternative temporary road access instead.
Alternatives 3 and 4 both reconstruct about 1.25 miles of Nichols
Creek Road to reduce sedimentation into Nichols Creek (a municipal
watershed), but the road would not be reconstructed to accommodate log
haul or post and pole/teepee pole collection. Vegetation treatments
along Nichols Creek are dropped under Alternatives 3 and 4.
Under all action alternatives, commercial harvest would be
accomplished via tractor logging and whole tree yarding during the
summer under dry soil conditions, or in the
[[Page 8153]]
winter on frozen ground or over snow. Noncommercial treatment would be
done by hand (chainsaws) or mechanically, and may include pile or
broadcast burning. All action alternatives require various levels of
temporary road construction (about 7.4, 6.7, and 5 miles for
Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 respectively), and about 6 miles of road
maintenance, 6 miles road reconstruction, and 4 miles of road
decommissioning. No road construction or maintenance would occur in
Inventoried Roadless.
Forest Plan Amendment
The Custer Forest Plan standard for Management Indicator Species
(MIS) is to maintain and improve the habitat. The northern goshawk is
MIS for old growth forest. Two occupied goshawk nest sites are present
in the project area, located on Forest Service lands in close proximity
to lands managed by the State of Montana Department of Natural
Resources and Conservation (MT DNRC). NEPA requires analysis of past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions that could
contribute to cumulative effects. That state of Montana recently
approved a decision to harvest state lands adjacent to the Greater Red
Lodge Project Area, which will include clearcutting nest and post
fledgling area (PFA) habitat. The Greater Red Lodge Project proposes a
relatively small amount of treatment in PFA habitat, but does not
propose treatment in the nest stands. The cumulative effects to these
two goshawk territories may include short term effects that may not
fully be consistent with the Forest Plan standard to ``maintain and
improve'' habitat. Therefore a site specific Forest Plan Amendment is
being considered to acknowledge that there may be effects to old growth
species under all action alternatives.
No Action Alternative
The No Action alternative represents the existing condition in the
Greater Red Lodge Project Area. Under this alternative, none of the
activities proposed for the Greater Red Lodge Project would occur.
Ongoing activities, such as recreation, public firewood gathering, fire
suppression, and normal road maintenance would continue.
No treatment does not mean that the forest will stay the same as it
is now. Forests are dynamic ever-changing biological systems that
experience and respond to catastrophic events such as fire, wind
storms, and insects and disease, and continually grow, develop, mature,
die, and start anew. As forest succession proceeds, aspen stands, open
meadows, and riparian areas will continue to be colonized by conifers.
In the absence of wildfire or vegetation treatments, the diversity of
forest vegetation and stand structure in the project area will likely
become more homogenous, with increases in understory ladder fuels. As
existing stands age or deteriorate as part of natural succession,
increased susceptibility to insect attacks, disease, windthrow, or
competition mortality will occur. Stands will continue to experience
increasing surface fuel loads and, when combined with already tight
crown spacing, will be more capable of supporting high intensity
wildfires. Under the no action alternative, no treatment would occur in
the wildland urban interface. Predicted fire behavior under typical
large fire development conditions could preclude wildfire suppression
operations during initial attack. Ingress and egress for firefighting
and emergency equipment and personnel, as well as residents and
visitors become difficult under this scenario. Furthermore, high
intensity fire behavior due to existing vegetation conditions in the
wildland urban interface could limit suppression options, increasing
the threat to nearby values at risk both on and off national forest
Responsible Official
The Responsible Official is Mary C. Erickson, Forest Supervisor,
Custer Gallatin National Forest, 1310 Main Street, Billings, MT 59105.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
Based on the purpose and need for the proposed action, the
Responsible Official will determine whether to proceed with the action
as proposed, as modified by another alternative or not at all. If an
action alternative is selected, the Responsible Official will determine
what design features, mitigation measures and monitoring to require.
Preliminary Issues
The Interdisciplinary Team reviewed scoping comments and identified
significant issues that led to the development of alternatives to the
proposed action, and analysis issues. Significant issues included (1)
concerns about the size and scale of the project and the cumulative
effect of the Greater Red Lodge Project and the MT DNRC Palisades
Timber Sale, (2) concerns about impacts to wildlife habitat for mature
forest species, (3) concerns about impacts to scenery, (4) concerns
about impacts to recreation and transportation, and (5) a myriad of
issues related to reconstruction of Nichols Creek Road, including water
quality, economics, and cultural resources.
Additionally, the EIS will consider a number of analysis issues to
evaluate how the purpose and need for action will be met (including
changes to wildfire and beetle hazards), and impacts to specific
resources including, but not limited to Threatened/Endangered Species,
big game, water quality, soil productivity, aquatic species, range,
noxious weeds, and sensitive plants.
Permits or Licenses Required
The following permits may be required prior to project
implementation in order to ensure Federal and State laws are met: (1)
Montana Streamside Protection Act (SPA 124 Permit); (2) Federal Clean
Water Act (Section 404 Permit); (3) Short-Term Water Quality Standard
for Turbidity (318 Authorization); and (4) Alternative Practices Waiver
from MT DNRC to remove trees in a streamside management zone to
maintain wet meadows.
Scoping Process
The Beartooth District provided information to the public and asked
for comments in 2012 and 2013, and provided numerous opportunities for
public input as the proposed action and alternatives were developed. On
June 14, 2012, the District scoped a preliminary purpose/need and
general proposed action (i.e. unit boundaries identified, but
treatments not assigned), and conducted a public field trip and meeting
on June 28, 2012. As a result, the purpose and need was refined and
clarified, and comments were considered as the proposed action was
On February 22, 2013, the District scoped a detailed purpose and
need and proposed action, and received about 36 comments. A public
meeting was held on March 14, 2013, and field trips were held on June 6
and 28, 2013. The Forest Service also participated in numerous other
meetings to discuss the project. As alternatives to the proposed action
were developed, the District held additional field trips and reviewed
draft alternatives with the public to provide information, discuss
issues of concern, provide an opportunity for the public to interact
with resource specialists, and provide an additional opportunity for
people to provide comments on the alternatives before they were
finalized. Throughout this process, the district also met with local
government and interest groups to share information.
[[Page 8154]]
Comments Requested
Given that scoping and public meetings have been conducted,
comments are not being requested at this time. The Draft EIS will be
published in April 2014 and include a 45-day comment period.
Dated: February 4, 2014.
Mary C. Erickson,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2014-02918 Filed 2-10-14; 8:45 am]