Petition for Waiver of Compliance, 8237-8238 [2014-02863]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 28 / Tuesday, February 11, 2014 / Notices
complete Privacy Act Statement in the
Federal Register published on April 11,
2000 (65 FR 19477).
Robert C. Lauby,
Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety,
Chief Safety Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014–02870 Filed 2–10–14; 8:45 am]
Federal Railroad Administration
[Docket Number FRA–2013–0145]
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Petition for Waiver of Compliance
In accordance with part 211 of Title
49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
this document provides the public
notice that by a document dated
December 20, 2013, Mr. Burt Mall,
Partner of 1003 Operations LLP, and Mr.
Zachary Hall, mechanical manager,
Steam Locomotive Heritage Association
(SLHA), have jointly petitioned the
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
for a waiver of compliance from certain
provisions of the Federal railroad safety
regulations contained at 49 CFR part
215, Railroad Freight Car Safety
Standards; Part 223, Safety Glazing
Standards—Locomotives, Passenger
Cars and Cabooses; and Part 224,
Reflectorization of Rail Freight Rolling
Stock. FRA assigned the petition Docket
Number FRA–2013–0145.
Mr. Mall owns Soo Line Steam
Locomotive #1003 and several historic
cars (specifically, Box Car LLTX 10559,
Caboose LLTX 2012, and Caboose LLTX
238). This petition is for these three
cars. Mr. Mall leases the equipment to
SLHA. SLHA, based in Hartford, WI, is
a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
created to reconstruct, maintain, and
display steam locomotives and
associated historic railroad equipment
for educational purposes. SLHA
controls the operation and maintenance
of the leased equipment.
The petitioners state that while Mr.
Mall has owned these cars, their use has
been restricted. The cars have not been
interchanged in regular freight
operations with other railroads. The
primary use of the cars is transporting
equipment and crews in support of
Steam Locomotive #1003. At no time are
the cars used to transport passengers or
freight in revenue service. SLHA also at
times receives inquiries for the
operation of historic demonstration
trains using the cars and Steam
Locomotive #1003. The purposes of
these trains are for photography, historic
documentation, film production, and
community involvement.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:58 Feb 10, 2014
Jkt 232001
The petitioners further state that the
operation of the equipment is primarily
confined to Wisconsin and Southern
Railroad (WSOR) trackage (although in
the future, SLHA may operate on other
railroads). The equipment is operated at
a maximum speed of 49 mph on WSOR
trackage. In addition, the equipment is
moved under the direction of the
mechanical manager or a qualified
SLHA member during deadhead or light
equipment moves. The maximum load
that each car would be permitted to
carry, if any, is provided in Exhibit A
attached to the petition letter. Each car
is inspected and maintained on a
regular basis by qualified car inspectors
and mechanics to ensure safe operations
under the conditions of use.
The petitioners request that the
stenciling requirement in 49 CFR
215.303, Stenciling of restricted cars,
and the reflectorization requirements in
49 CFR part 224 be waived for Box Car
LLTX 10559, Caboose LLTX 2012, and
Caboose LLTX 238. In addition, the
petitioners request that the glazing
requirement of 49 CFR 223.13,
Requirements for existing cabooses, be
waived for the two cabooses, LLTX 2012
and LLTX 268.
As information, the petitioners have
also requested a Special Approval to
continue in service the abovementioned three cars in accordance
with 49 CFR 205.203(c).
A copy of the petition, as well as any
written communications concerning the
petition, is available for review online at and in person at
the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
(DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590. The Docket
Operations Facility is open from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
Interested parties are invited to
participate in these proceedings by
submitting written views, data, or
comments. FRA does not anticipate
scheduling a public hearing in
connection with these proceedings since
the facts do not appear to warrant a
hearing. If any interested party desires
an opportunity for oral comment, they
should notify FRA, in writing, before
the end of the comment period and
specify the basis for their request.
All communications concerning these
proceedings should identify the
appropriate docket number and may be
submitted by any of the following
• Web site: https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: 202–493–2251.
PO 00000
Frm 00087
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
• Mail: Docket Operations Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
Communications received by March
28, 2014 will be considered by FRA
before final action is taken. Comments
received after that date will be
considered as far as practicable.
Anyone is able to search the
electronic form of any written
communications and comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the document, if
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). See https://!privacyNotice
for the privacy notice of
or interested parties may review DOT’s
complete Privacy Act Statement in the
Federal Register published on April 11,
2000 (65 FR 19477).
Robert C. Lauby,
Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety,
Chief Safety Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014–02869 Filed 2–10–14; 8:45 am]
Federal Railroad Administration
[Docket Number FRA–2008–0010]
Petition for Waiver of Compliance
In accordance with Part 211 of Title
49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
this document provides the public
notice that by a document dated
December 19, 2013, the Sonoma-Marin
Area Rail Transit District (SMART),
owner of 77 miles of former
Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company
trackage in Marin, Sonoma, and Napa
Counties, CA, has petitioned the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) for a
reconsideration of an approval
condition on the Brazos Drawbridge at
Milepost 64.7. SMART asked FRA to
reconsider Condition 4 of FRA–2008–
0010, granted on February 24, 2009,
which states, ‘‘Approval is for freight
movements only and shall be revisited
prior to any passenger operations.’’
SMART, Amtrak, and the Capitol
Corridor Joint Powers Authority are
asking for an exception to the condition
cited above to permit the operation of
two round-trip, chartered Amtrak
passenger trains over the Brazos
Drawbridge to Sonoma Raceway on
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 28 / Tuesday, February 11, 2014 / Notices
Sunday, June 22, 2014, for a NASCAR
Special, and on Sunday, August 24,
2014, for an Indy Car Special. The two
passenger trains are an 11-car train from
and to Sacramento, CA, and a 5-car train
from and to San Jose, CA.
FRA previously granted an exception
to the condition cited above to allow a
chartered Amtrak special train a 1-day
movement on June 23, 2013, over the
Brazos Drawbridge while operating
between Sacramento and Sonoma
Raceway. That special train was
considered a great success, and the
Sonoma Raceway has requested
SMART’s cooperation in arranging for
the operation of two special trains on
June 22, 2014, as well as two special
trains on August 24, 2014.
The intended operating route of these
special trains is from Sacramento and
San Jose on the Union Pacific Railroad
to Suisun-Fairfield, via the California
Northern Railroad from Suisun-Fairfield
to Brazos Junction, and over SMART
trackage from Brazos Junction over the
Brazos Drawbridge to Sonoma Raceway
and return.
As in 2013, a specific operating plan
will be in place to ensure correct
operation of the Brazos Drawbridge and
the safety of train operations,
equipment, passenger boarding and
alighting, staffing, and raceway access
and egress.
A copy of the petition, as well as any
written communications concerning the
petition, is available for review online at and in person at
the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
(DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590. The Docket
Operations Facility is open from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
Interested parties are invited to
participate in these proceedings by
submitting written views, data, or
comments. FRA does not anticipate
scheduling a public hearing in
connection with these proceedings since
the facts do not appear to warrant a
hearing. If any interested party desires
an opportunity for oral comment, they
should notify FRA, in writing, before
the end of the comment period and
specify the basis for their request.
All communications concerning these
proceedings should identify the
appropriate docket number and may be
submitted by any of the following
• Web site: https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: 202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Operations Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:58 Feb 10, 2014
Jkt 232001
New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
Communications received by March
28, 2014 will be considered by FRA
before final action is taken. Comments
received after that date will be
considered as far as practicable.
Anyone is able to search the
electronic form of any written
communications and comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the document, if
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). See https://!privacyNotice
for the privacy notice of
or interested parties may review DOT’s
complete Privacy Act Statement in the
Federal Register published on April 11,
2000 (65 FR 19477).
Robert C. Lauby,
Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety,
Chief Safety Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014–02863 Filed 2–10–14; 8:45 am]
Federal Railroad Administration
[Docket Number FRA–2013–0128]
Petition for Waiver of Compliance
In accordance with Part 211 of Title
49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
this document provides the public
notice that by a document dated October
9, 2013, the National Railroad Passenger
Corporation (Amtrak) has petitioned the
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
for a waiver of compliance from certain
provisions of the Federal railroad safety
regulations contained at 49 CFR chapter
II, subtitle B . The request was assigned
Docket Number FRA–2013–0128.
Amtrak would like to increase Acela
trainset maximum authorized speeds
(MAS) on its Northeast Corridor (NEC)
in limited locations (in Rhode Island
from Kingston Milepost 154.3 to
Warwick Milepost 171.7) from 150 mph
to 160 mph. As part of this gradual
process to safely increase Acela speeds,
Amtrak is requesting permission from
FRA to permanently waive certain
provisions of 49 CFR Chapter II, Subtitle
B, particularly the provisions of the
Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement
System (ACSES) Final Order of
Particular Applicability, which was
issued on July 22, 1998 [FRA Docket No.
PO 00000
Frm 00088
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
87–2, Notice No.7], for this single
In 1998, FRA issued an Order of
Particular Applicability requiring all
trains operating on the NEC between
New Haven, CT, and Boston, MA (NEC–
North End), to be equipped to respond
to Amtrak’s ACSES as a supplement to
its Automatic Train Control (ATC)
system. In response, Amtrak installed a
system designed to enforce civil speed
restrictions, both permanent and
temporary, and to enforce a positive
stop at interlocking home signals. This
system was installed and placed in
service beginning in 2000 with the
startup of premium Acela service. At the
same time that ACSES was installed,
additional cab signal codes and aspects
were provided to support higher speed
operations for civil speed enforcement.
The combination of ACSES and the
existing ATC system, supported by the
underlying traffic control system,
provided the core requirements of a
Positive Train Control system. The ATC
system enforces all speeds associated
with the signal system preventing trainto-train collisions (49 CFR
236.1005(a)(1)(i)), and the ACSES
system prevents trains from passing stop
signals at interlocking home signals.
ACSES enforces all permanent civil
speed restrictions and temporary
restrictions (slow orders), thereby
preventing overspeed derailments (49
CFR 236.1005(a)(1)(ii)). With time,
improvements have been made to the
initial ACSES configuration to expedite
train movements at home signals and
obviate the need for placement of
temporary transponders. The current
configuration of this technology is
known as ACSES II.
As part of its risk and hazard
assessment, Amtrak recognizes that the
safety of the signal and train control
system must be established. ACSES and
Amtrak’s nine-aspect cab signal/ATC
system are presently configured to
enforce relevant signals, as well as
permanent and temporary speed
restrictions, by equipment class.
Modifications to the transponder
database will be required and existing
transponders will be reprogrammed
through the affected area. It will be
necessary to demonstrate that both
systems function as intended through
testing designed to validate and verify
the modifications. This includes reading
transponders and receiving cab signal
code at the higher speeds. Furthermore,
analysis and testing will be required to
associate stopping distances from MAS
with existing signal spacing based on all
relevant factors. Amtrak will initially
seek to gain approval of a test plan for
this activity under 49 CFR 236.1035.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 28 (Tuesday, February 11, 2014)]
[Pages 8237-8238]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-02863]
Federal Railroad Administration
[Docket Number FRA-2008-0010]
Petition for Waiver of Compliance
In accordance with Part 211 of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR), this document provides the public notice that by a document
dated December 19, 2013, the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District
(SMART), owner of 77 miles of former Northwestern Pacific Railroad
Company trackage in Marin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties, CA, has
petitioned the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for a
reconsideration of an approval condition on the Brazos Drawbridge at
Milepost 64.7. SMART asked FRA to reconsider Condition 4 of FRA-2008-
0010, granted on February 24, 2009, which states, ``Approval is for
freight movements only and shall be revisited prior to any passenger
SMART, Amtrak, and the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority are
asking for an exception to the condition cited above to permit the
operation of two round-trip, chartered Amtrak passenger trains over the
Brazos Drawbridge to Sonoma Raceway on
[[Page 8238]]
Sunday, June 22, 2014, for a NASCAR Special, and on Sunday, August 24,
2014, for an Indy Car Special. The two passenger trains are an 11-car
train from and to Sacramento, CA, and a 5-car train from and to San
Jose, CA.
FRA previously granted an exception to the condition cited above to
allow a chartered Amtrak special train a 1-day movement on June 23,
2013, over the Brazos Drawbridge while operating between Sacramento and
Sonoma Raceway. That special train was considered a great success, and
the Sonoma Raceway has requested SMART's cooperation in arranging for
the operation of two special trains on June 22, 2014, as well as two
special trains on August 24, 2014.
The intended operating route of these special trains is from
Sacramento and San Jose on the Union Pacific Railroad to Suisun-
Fairfield, via the California Northern Railroad from Suisun-Fairfield
to Brazos Junction, and over SMART trackage from Brazos Junction over
the Brazos Drawbridge to Sonoma Raceway and return.
As in 2013, a specific operating plan will be in place to ensure
correct operation of the Brazos Drawbridge and the safety of train
operations, equipment, passenger boarding and alighting, staffing, and
raceway access and egress.
A copy of the petition, as well as any written communications
concerning the petition, is available for review online at and in person at the U.S. Department of
Transportation's (DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., W12-140, Washington, DC 20590. The Docket Operations
Facility is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal Holidays.
Interested parties are invited to participate in these proceedings
by submitting written views, data, or comments. FRA does not anticipate
scheduling a public hearing in connection with these proceedings since
the facts do not appear to warrant a hearing. If any interested party
desires an opportunity for oral comment, they should notify FRA, in
writing, before the end of the comment period and specify the basis for
their request.
All communications concerning these proceedings should identify the
appropriate docket number and may be submitted by any of the following
Web site: Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Fax: 202-493-2251.
Mail: Docket Operations Facility, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., W12-140, Washington, DC
Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Room W12-140,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
Communications received by March 28, 2014 will be considered by FRA
before final action is taken. Comments received after that date will be
considered as far as practicable.
Anyone is able to search the electronic form of any written
communications and comments received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the comment (or signing the document,
if submitted on behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.).
See!privacyNotice for the privacy notice
of or interested parties may review DOT's complete
Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on April 11,
2000 (65 FR 19477).
Robert C. Lauby,
Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety, Chief Safety Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014-02863 Filed 2-10-14; 8:45 am]