Every Day Counts Initiative; Request for Information, 1422-1425 [2014-00079]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 5 / Wednesday, January 8, 2014 / Notices
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Kevin M. O’Neill,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2014–00073 Filed 1–7–14; 8:45 am]
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (https://www.sec.gov/
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@
sec.gov. Please include File Number SR–
Topaz–2013–18 on the subject line.
Federal Highway Administration
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
100 F Street NE., Washington, DC
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–Topaz–2013–18. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (https://www.sec.gov/
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for Web site viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change;
the Commission does not edit personal
identifying information from
submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number SR–Topaz–
2013–18 and should be submitted on or
before January 29, 2014.
Every Day Counts Initiative; Request
for Information
Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice.
This notice is a Request for
Information (RFI) and comments will be
used to help FHWA identify innovative,
market-ready technologies that may be
considered under the Every Day Counts
(EDC) initiative.
DATES: Responses to this RFI should be
submitted by February 15, 2014. The
FHWA will consider late-filed responses
to the extent practicable.
ADDRESSES: Submit responses by
electronic mail to everydaycounts@
dot.gov or through https://www.fbo.gov.
questions about the program discussed
herein, contact Julie Zirlin, FHWA
Office of Accelerating Innovation (202)
366–9105, Julie.Zirlin@dot.gov.
Additional information about the EDC
initiative is at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/
Purpose of the Notice
The FHWA requests information from
all sources regarding innovations that
have the potential to transform the way
we do business by shortening project
delivery time, enhancing the safety of
our roadways, and protecting the
environment. The purpose of this RFI is
to obtain information from State, local,
and industry partners and the public
regarding proven processes or
technologies that have the potential to
provide efficiencies in the
transportation system. This RFI is
issued under the FHWA Every Day
Counts Initiative.
RFI Guidelines
This is not a solicitation for proposals,
applications, proposal abstracts, or
quotations. The purpose of this RFI
notice is to conduct market research to
identify proven innovations. This RFI
must not be construed as a commitment
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by the Government to make an award,
nor does the Government intend to
directly or indirectly pay for any
information or responses submitted as a
result of this RFI. Responses to this
notice are not offers and cannot be
accepted by the Government to form a
binding contract or issue a grant.
Information obtained as a result of this
RFI may be used by the Government for
program planning on a non-attribution
basis. Respondents should not include
any information that might be
considered proprietary or confidential.
The FHWA has long been a leader in
innovation deployment. The FHWA
Administrator Victor Mendez advocates
deploying innovation to: (1) Shorten
project delivery time, (2) accelerate the
use of new technologies to make
Government more efficient, and (3)
construct highways faster, safer, and to
a higher quality. To that end, in 2010,
FHWA launched EDC—a broad
initiative aimed at shortening project
delivery and speeding the deployment
of proven, underutilized technologies.
The EDC initiative has had a significant
impact on the transportation system.
The FHWA believes that the EDC
initiative is a foundational part of
making innovation a cornerstone of our
business and that we can identify
rapidly deployable innovations to
achieve the goal of better, faster, and
smarter project delivery. Society and the
highway industry face an
unprecedented list of challenges. The
public wants greater accountability in
how its money is spent. Users and
industry want to find ways to make
roads safer. We want to preserve the
environment for future generations.
EDC 1 and EDC 2 Technologies
The EDC initiative focuses on two
pillars for innovation:
• Accelerating Technology:
Technologies and solutions to improve
safety, reduce congestion, produce
longer-lasting infrastructure, and keep
America moving and competitive in the
world market.
• Shortening Project Delivery:
Innovative practices and methods that
increase our ability to deliver timely
transportation projects to the public.
The EDC initiative is designed to
focus on a finite set of innovations.
Teams consisting of FHWA, State, local,
and industry partners and State
Transportation Innovation Councils
work to deploy the innovations and
develop performance measures to gauge
their success. The following innovations
were promoted in the first two rounds
of EDC:
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 5 / Wednesday, January 8, 2014 / Notices
• 3D Engineered Models for
• Accelerated Bridge Construction
• Adaptive Signal Control Technology
• Alternative Technical Concepts
• Clarifying the Scope of Preliminary
• Construction Manager/General
• Design Build
• Enhanced Technical Assistance with
ongoing Environmental Impact
Statements (EISs)
• Flexibilities in Rights-of-Way (ROW)
• Flexibilities in Utility
Accommodation and Relocation
• Geospatial Data Collection
• Geosynthetic Reinforced SoilIntegrated Bridge System
• High Friction Surface Treatments
• Implementing Quality Environmental
• Intelligent Compaction
• Intersection and Interchange
• Legal Sufficiency Enhancements
• Locally Administered Federal-Aid
• Planning and Environmental Linkages
• Prefabricated Bridge Elements and
• Programmatic Agreements
• Safety EdgeSM
• SHRP2 Traffic Incident Management
Responder Training
• Use of In-Lieu Fee and Mitigation
• Warm Mix Asphalt
Details of these innovations can be
found at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Invitation for Comment
The FHWA invites all sources to
respond to this RFI. The FHWA seeks
suggestions on innovative, market-ready
technologies that meet the criteria
described below and may be considered
for EDC3. In addition, FHWA seeks
comments on user experiences with ten
specific high-value innovations that
may be considered for accelerated
deployment under EDC3. These
innovations are described below under
‘‘Innovations of Interest.’’
Respondents should not submit
unique, proprietary, or patented
products. The FHWA will only review
suggestions of broad categories of
Responses should provide the
following information for each
innovation and should not exceed 10
pages for each innovation. There is no
limit to the number of innovations that
may be recommended.
1. Organization name.
2. Point(s) of contact, email address,
and telephone number.
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3. Brief description of a proven
process or innovation and how it meets
the following four criteria:
• National Impact: Potential to
benefit the transportation system
• Readiness: Whether the innovation
is ready to be deployed nationally.
• ‘‘Game Changing’’: How the
innovation is transformative in saving
time, money or quality.
• Urgency and Scale: Potential to
shorten project delivery and positively
impact the environment, safety,
congestion, freight movement,
construction techniques, contracting
methods, project costs, maintenance,
preservation, or emergency response.
4. Location and date when the
innovation was successfully applied in
a transportation application and a
description of the quantifiable
performance benefits of the innovation
in those applications.
5. List of supporting specifications,
guidelines, and/or procedures are
available to support successful national
6. List of agencies that are the
champions of this innovation.
Innovations of Interest
1. Accelerated Deployment of Traffic
Incident Management Performance
Measurement Data Collection Using
Available Low-Cost, Web-Based
While the Fiscal Year 2013 Traffic
Incident Management (TIM) SelfAssessment (SA) effort reflected a
positive overall jump in the national SA
score, the TIM SA report pointed to a
problem that has the potential to impact
further advances in this national
indicator and threaten individual TIM
program institutionalization efforts. The
scores on Performance Management—
especially collection time of lane
closure, time responders remain at the
incident scene, and the number of
secondary crashes—have declined. The
TIM program professionals and
associations identify the inability to
establish a systematic collection of
performance metrics to be a significant
inhibitor to the ability to institutionalize
TIM. There is a need to help
jurisdictions establish an integrated,
multidisciplinary and ongoing TIM
Performance Management program in
order to institutionalize programs and
measure results.
Many TIM partners may not realize
that the tools to help collect and
transmit performance data exist and
make the task immediate and
uncomplicated. For example,
smartphone technology and systems
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such as the Traffic and Criminal
Software (TraCS), funded by DOT and
maintained by the Iowa DOT, make data
collection easy to capture. Mobile
computing devices, like tablets and
smartphones, loaded with Web-based,
secure software like TraCS can also be
used in the field and make data
collection easy for the responder with
instantaneous transmission and
automated analysis.
2. Road Project Coordination To Reduce
Impacts and Costs
Some States, cities, and regions
recognized benefits from coordinating
projects between transportation
agencies, utilities, and other agencies
that need to do construction in the
public ROW. These benefits include
cost savings, earlier identification of
project impacts, greater ability to reduce
and manage traffic disruptions from
road work, better quality road surfaces,
and reduced exposure for workers.
Better coordination of projects can be a
‘‘win-win’’ for public agencies, road
users, and citizens by reducing the need
for additional work zones. For example:
• San Francisco, California, reduced
street cuts by 27 percent by coordinating
ROW projects.
• Oregon corridor-level
transportation management plans
ensure that at least one major northsouth corridor and one major east-west
corridor are left unrestricted for freight
and passenger travel at all times.
• Covington, Kentucky, reduced
traffic disruptions and saved nearly
$18,000 over several months by
coordinating planned paving with water
main replacement.
Project coordination can be
accomplished using different methods
and scopes. Coordination may be done
within a single urban area, across a
corridor, for a whole State, or across a
region that includes neighboring States.
Using a combination of methods is the
most effective way to get the best
results. Coordination methods include:
• Collaboration—Establishing a
formal organization that spearheads
coordination across a geographic area
and having coordination meetings to
discuss the next season’s projects or
upcoming lane closures.
• Policy—Creating incentives or
disincentives, such as penalties for
working without a permit, higher
permitting fees, and strict restoration
requirements for disturbing recently
repaved or reconstructed streets.
• Technology—Using software, such
as online project mapping tools, to
organize and share data entered by
multiple agencies so that schedules can
be coordinated.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 5 / Wednesday, January 8, 2014 / Notices
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• Performance management—Jointly
establishing performance goals for a
corridor and working together to
monitor and meet them.
One key new tool that will enhance
the ability to coordinate projects is the
Workzone Impact and Strategy
Estimator software, a product of
Strategic Highway Research Program 2
(SHRP2) project R11. The tool will help
reduce disruption to the transportation
network by assisting agencies
sequencing and phasing of road projects
both during the programming of projects
and later during more detailed project
planning and design.
3. Traffic Signal Automated
Performance Measures
Poor traffic signal performance
contributes to 5–10 percent of all traffic
delay on the National Highway System
(NHS), which contains a fraction of the
estimated 311,000 traffic signals in the
U.S., valued at $82.7 billion. Best
practices for traffic signal operation
suggest retiming signals every 3–5 years
with ongoing performance monitoring.
Several surveys identify phone calls or
‘‘complaints’’ as the primary
performance measure for traffic signal
operations and maintenance. The 2012
Traffic Signal Report Card assigned a
grade of ‘‘F’’ nationally to agency
monitoring and performance
measurement practices. The lack of
performance measurement adversely
effects safety and wastes the time and
money of both operating agencies and
the traveling public by reducing quality
and efficiency.
Traffic Signal Automated Performance
Measures allow agencies to maximize
the effectiveness of signal systems and
improve the management of traffic
signal assets by proactively monitoring
performance and making low cost
modifications to the detection,
communications, and control systems of
Monitoring and evaluation of traffic
signal systems is critical to improving
safety and efficiency. The measures that
are currently available enable the
effectiveness of signal progression along
a given corridor to be monitored using
six metrics: Delay, Speed, Approach
Volumes, the Purdue Phase Termination
Chart, Split Monitor, and Turning
Movement Volume Counts. Other
measures will be incorporated in the
near future.
Adaptive Signal Control Technology
(ASCT), included in EDC1, provided the
ability to monitor and improve traffic
signal performance. Implementing
performance measurement before
installing ASCT reduces the risks and
improves the likelihood of successful
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implementation. But Traffic Signal
Automated Performance Measures
would be applicable to all signalized
intersections, not just the most
challenging locations that are difficult to
operate with traditional approaches,
where ASCT is typically implemented.
4. Intelligent Transportation Systems for
Work Zones
Travel through and around work
zones can be frustrating and hazardous
to the traveling public and highway
workers. Unexpected congestion can
have serious consequences for road
users. Delays can significantly affect
freight shipments and other types of
travel. Serious crashes happen at
congested approaches to work zones,
often resulting in catastrophic loss of
life. There have been several recent
catastrophic crashes involving
commercial vehicles where the
commercial vehicle operator did not
react soon enough and rear ended
stopped vehicles at the end of a queue
caused by a work zone, or conversely,
where passenger vehicles rear ended a
stopped commercial vehicle.
Several Intelligent Transportation
Systems (ITS) have been developed in
the last few years to address safety and
mobility issues that often occur in work
zones. Systems are available to do the
following: determine travel time
through the work zone and advise the
public of travel conditions in real time;
alert vehicles to a slow moving or
stopped queue of vehicles so they can
be prepared to stop safely (especially
beneficial for commercial motor
vehicles); adjust speed limits or merging
in response to current traffic conditions;
and provide early detection of incidents,
reducing the likelihood of secondary
Several deployments of the various
systems demonstrate that they provide
both safety and operational benefits.
The technologies have advanced to a
point where they are accurate and the
results are dependable. Options are
available that allow systems to be scaled
to the project and to make use of
permanent ITS when available.
From EDC to the recent Presidential
Memorandum Speeding Infrastructure
Development through more Efficient
and Effective Permitting and
Environmental Review to the Moving
Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
Act, shortening the time for the National
Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)
project approval has been a consistent
focus of FHWA. Interagency
collaboration is a critical part of this
process and a necessity for timely
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environmental reviews and approval of
surface transportation projects. By
improving the ability for concurrent
agency reviews during the
environmental review process, issues
can be more quickly and clearly raised
and dealt with in real time and in a
transparent manner, building trust and
consensus amongst the different parties.
By enabling multiple agencies to
interact and collaborate on an ongoing
basis, especially with agreed-upon
review timeframes, the product and
outcome of NEPA review processes can
be improved and delivered in a shorter
time period, significantly accelerating
project delivery.
The e-NEPA, a real-time electronic
collaboration tool, provides an online
workspace and collaboration forum for
EIS and environmental assessment
projects. It will reduce administrative
workloads required to collaborate,
maintain records, and create an
administrative record. In addition, eNEPA will allow State DOTs to share
documents, track comments, schedule
tasks with participating agencies and
perform concurrent reviews for their EIS
and EA projects.
6. Strategies for Improving DOT and
Railroad Coordination (SHRP2 R16)
Each year construction of hundreds of
public agency highway projects cross
over, under, or parallel to railroad
ROWs, requiring extended coordination
between these public agencies and
railroads. Although most go smoothly,
delays in development or construction
do occur. Railroads must carefully
evaluate public transportation agency
projects in terms of safety, engineering,
and operational impacts both during
construction and for decades later. For
public agencies, delays while waiting on
railroad reviews and agreements can
increase project costs and extend
renewal needs for users.
The collection of model agreements,
sample contracts, training materials, and
standardized best practices developed
through SHRP2 will allow public
agencies and railroads to identify and
circumvent sources of conflict. The
tools reflect research that takes into
account the perspectives, processes,
budgets and funding, and acknowledged
best practices of both railroads and
public agencies. The report, Strategies
for Improving the Project Agreement
Process Between Highway Agencies and
Railroads, outlines recommended
practices and offers eight different
model documents to expedite
With railroad volumes projected to
continue to grow, pressures for more
project coordination activity will
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 5 / Wednesday, January 8, 2014 / Notices
continue to increase. Cementing mutual
understanding and streamlining the
process involved will save money and
time for both railroads and public
agencies. In turn, road users will see the
positive results of more rapid highway
renewal on facilities and budget. The
model agreements also lay out
standardized construction and
operational needs, thereby enhancing
safety for workers and reducing delays
for users.
geotechnologies. While the technologies
are mature, the Web sites’ technology
selection system and technology catalog
provide a significant resource for
critically important information that
assists in the design and construction of
ground improvement techniques.
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7. Electronic Project Document
Management Tools (e-construction)
The administration of a project
through the design and construction
process requires significant
communications and documentation of
events. This has traditionally required
writing and mailing letters through a
Post Office or an internal mail system,
keeping project journals, maintaining
large file cabinets and file rooms, using
physical signatures on paper, and taking
notes at in-person meetings. With the
advent of enhanced electronic project
management tools, different modes of
meeting, communicating, and assuring a
secure version approval process, we are
now accelerating the decisionmaking
process. Some additional benefits noted
by State DOTs using this technology are
improved communications and
partnering, decreased cost of printing
and mailing services, opportunity to
perform parallel work activities.
9. Ultra High Performance Concrete for
Advanced Connection Technology for
Prefabricated Bridge Elements and
Ultra-High Performance Concrete
(UHPC) has proven to be a technology
that can facilitate simplified, effectiveuse prefabricated bridge elements and
systems (PBES). The proliferation of
PBES concepts over the past 4 years has
led to recognition among owners and
specifiers that robust connection
systems are a key part of any successful
bridge construction project. The UHPC
is a steel fiber reinforced cementitious
composite possessing exceptionally
high mechanical strengths and
durability properties. Field casting of
UHPC into the interstitial spaces
between prefabricate components
engages a strong connection concept,
freeing the owner from concerns
regarding the short- and long-term
performance of the connection.
Research and development on this topic
over the past 5 years addressed specific
connection concepts that are most
relevant to the highway bridge
8. Geotechnical Solutions for Soil
Improvement, Rapid Embankment
Construction and Stabilization of the
Pavement Working Platform (SHRP2
The Geotechnical Solutions are a
Technology Catalog with detailed
information on 46 geoconstruction and
ground improvement techniques. In
addition, the product contains a
Technology Selection system to aid in
identifying potential technologies for
ground modification based on userdefined project conditions. The
geotechnical solutions are on a Web site
developed as part of the research under
the SHRP2 R02 project. The scope was
aimed at identifying design and
construction solutions for risk elements
that may be encountered in project
delivery related to: (a) Construction of
new embankments and roadways over
unstable soils, (b) widening and
expansion of existing roadways and
embankments and (c) stabilization of
geotechnical pavement components and
of working platforms. The R02 research
team is deploying the product worldwide by promoting it to subject matter
experts. Deployment efforts have been
targeted at experienced users of the
10. Road Diet (Roadway Configuration)
The classic roadway reconfiguration,
commonly referred to as a ‘‘road diet,’’
involves converting an undivided fourlane roadway into three lanes, made up
of two through lanes and a center twoway left-turn lane. The reduction of
lanes allows the roadway to be
reallocated for other uses such as bike
lanes, pedestrian crossing islands and
parking. Road diets have multiple safety
and operational benefits for drivers as
well as nonmotorists. Midblock
locations can benefit from road diets
because they tend to experience higher
travel speeds, contributing to increased
injury and fatality rates. More than 80
percent of pedestrians hit by vehicles
traveling at 40 mph or faster die, while
less than 10 percent die when hit by a
vehicle traveling 20 mph or less. When
appropriately applied, road diets
generated benefits to users of all modes
of transportation, including bicyclists,
pedestrians and motorists. The resulting
benefits include reduced vehicle speeds,
improved mobility and access, reduced
collisions and injuries and improved
livability and quality of life. When
modified from four travel lanes to two
travel lanes with a two-way left-turn
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lane, roadways experienced a 29 percent
reduction in all roadway crashes. The
benefits to pedestrians include reduced
crossing distance and fewer midblock
crossing locations, which account for
more than 70 percent of pedestrian
Road diets can be low cost if planned
in conjunction with reconstruction or
simple overlay projects, since a road
diet mostly consists of restriping. The
reduction of lanes allows the roadway to
be reallocated for other uses such as
bike lanes, pedestrian crossing islands,
and parking. Road diets have multiple
safety and operational benefits for
vehicles as well as pedestrians, such as:
• Decreasing vehicle travel lanes for
pedestrians to cross, therefore, reducing
the multiple-threat crash for pedestrians
(when one vehicle stops for a pedestrian
in a travel lane on a multilane road, but
the motorist in the next lane does not,
resulting in a crash),
• Providing room for a pedestrian
crossing island,
• Improving safety for bicyclists
when bike lanes are added (such lanes
also create a buffer space between
pedestrians and vehicles),
• Providing the opportunity for onstreet parking (also a buffer between
pedestrians and vehicles),
• Reducing rear-end and side-swipe
crashes, and
• Improving speed limit compliance
and decreasing crash severity when
crashes do occur.
Issued on: December 27, 2013.
Victor M. Mendez,
FHWA Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2014–00079 Filed 1–7–14; 8:45 am]
Federal Transit Administration
[Safety Advisory 14–1]
Right-of-Way Worker Protection
Federal Transit Administration
(FTA), Department of Transportation
ACTION: Notice of Safety Advisory.
On December 31, 2013, the
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
issued Safety Advisory 14–1 to provide
guidance to State Safety Oversight
Agencies (SSOAs) and rail fixed
guideway public transportation agencies
on redundant protections for roadway
workers in the rail transit industry, and
review and revision of rules and
procedures to protect roadway workers
from trains and moving equipment. FTA
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 5 (Wednesday, January 8, 2014)]
[Pages 1422-1425]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2014-00079]
Federal Highway Administration
Every Day Counts Initiative; Request for Information
AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice is a Request for Information (RFI) and comments
will be used to help FHWA identify innovative, market-ready
technologies that may be considered under the Every Day Counts (EDC)
DATES: Responses to this RFI should be submitted by February 15, 2014.
The FHWA will consider late-filed responses to the extent practicable.
ADDRESSES: Submit responses by electronic mail to
everydaycounts@dot.gov or through https://www.fbo.gov.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions about the program
discussed herein, contact Julie Zirlin, FHWA Office of Accelerating
Innovation (202) 366-9105, Julie.Zirlin@dot.gov. Additional information
about the EDC initiative is at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/everydaycounts/.
Purpose of the Notice
The FHWA requests information from all sources regarding
innovations that have the potential to transform the way we do business
by shortening project delivery time, enhancing the safety of our
roadways, and protecting the environment. The purpose of this RFI is to
obtain information from State, local, and industry partners and the
public regarding proven processes or technologies that have the
potential to provide efficiencies in the transportation system. This
RFI is issued under the FHWA Every Day Counts Initiative.
RFI Guidelines
This is not a solicitation for proposals, applications, proposal
abstracts, or quotations. The purpose of this RFI notice is to conduct
market research to identify proven innovations. This RFI must not be
construed as a commitment by the Government to make an award, nor does
the Government intend to directly or indirectly pay for any information
or responses submitted as a result of this RFI. Responses to this
notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form
a binding contract or issue a grant. Information obtained as a result
of this RFI may be used by the Government for program planning on a
non-attribution basis. Respondents should not include any information
that might be considered proprietary or confidential.
The FHWA has long been a leader in innovation deployment. The FHWA
Administrator Victor Mendez advocates deploying innovation to: (1)
Shorten project delivery time, (2) accelerate the use of new
technologies to make Government more efficient, and (3) construct
highways faster, safer, and to a higher quality. To that end, in 2010,
FHWA launched EDC--a broad initiative aimed at shortening project
delivery and speeding the deployment of proven, underutilized
technologies. The EDC initiative has had a significant impact on the
transportation system.
The FHWA believes that the EDC initiative is a foundational part of
making innovation a cornerstone of our business and that we can
identify rapidly deployable innovations to achieve the goal of better,
faster, and smarter project delivery. Society and the highway industry
face an unprecedented list of challenges. The public wants greater
accountability in how its money is spent. Users and industry want to
find ways to make roads safer. We want to preserve the environment for
future generations.
EDC 1 and EDC 2 Technologies
The EDC initiative focuses on two pillars for innovation:
Accelerating Technology: Technologies and solutions to
improve safety, reduce congestion, produce longer-lasting
infrastructure, and keep America moving and competitive in the world
Shortening Project Delivery: Innovative practices and
methods that increase our ability to deliver timely transportation
projects to the public.
The EDC initiative is designed to focus on a finite set of
innovations. Teams consisting of FHWA, State, local, and industry
partners and State Transportation Innovation Councils work to deploy
the innovations and develop performance measures to gauge their
success. The following innovations were promoted in the first two
rounds of EDC:
[[Page 1423]]
3D Engineered Models for Construction
Accelerated Bridge Construction
Adaptive Signal Control Technology
Alternative Technical Concepts
Clarifying the Scope of Preliminary Design
Construction Manager/General Contractor
Design Build
Enhanced Technical Assistance with ongoing Environmental
Impact Statements (EISs)
Flexibilities in Rights-of-Way (ROW)
Flexibilities in Utility Accommodation and Relocation
Geospatial Data Collection
Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System
High Friction Surface Treatments
Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation
Intelligent Compaction
Intersection and Interchange Geometrics
Legal Sufficiency Enhancements
Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects
Planning and Environmental Linkages
Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems
Programmatic Agreements
Safety EdgeSM
SHRP2 Traffic Incident Management Responder Training
Use of In-Lieu Fee and Mitigation Banking
Warm Mix Asphalt
Details of these innovations can be found at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/everydaycounts/.
Invitation for Comment
The FHWA invites all sources to respond to this RFI. The FHWA seeks
suggestions on innovative, market-ready technologies that meet the
criteria described below and may be considered for EDC3. In addition,
FHWA seeks comments on user experiences with ten specific high-value
innovations that may be considered for accelerated deployment under
EDC3. These innovations are described below under ``Innovations of
Respondents should not submit unique, proprietary, or patented
products. The FHWA will only review suggestions of broad categories of
Responses should provide the following information for each
innovation and should not exceed 10 pages for each innovation. There is
no limit to the number of innovations that may be recommended.
1. Organization name.
2. Point(s) of contact, email address, and telephone number.
3. Brief description of a proven process or innovation and how it
meets the following four criteria:
National Impact: Potential to benefit the transportation
system nationally.
Readiness: Whether the innovation is ready to be deployed
``Game Changing'': How the innovation is transformative in
saving time, money or quality.
Urgency and Scale: Potential to shorten project delivery
and positively impact the environment, safety, congestion, freight
movement, construction techniques, contracting methods, project costs,
maintenance, preservation, or emergency response.
4. Location and date when the innovation was successfully applied
in a transportation application and a description of the quantifiable
performance benefits of the innovation in those applications.
5. List of supporting specifications, guidelines, and/or procedures
are available to support successful national deployment.
6. List of agencies that are the champions of this innovation.
Innovations of Interest
1. Accelerated Deployment of Traffic Incident Management Performance
Measurement Data Collection Using Available Low-Cost, Web-Based
While the Fiscal Year 2013 Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Self-
Assessment (SA) effort reflected a positive overall jump in the
national SA score, the TIM SA report pointed to a problem that has the
potential to impact further advances in this national indicator and
threaten individual TIM program institutionalization efforts. The
scores on Performance Management--especially collection time of lane
closure, time responders remain at the incident scene, and the number
of secondary crashes--have declined. The TIM program professionals and
associations identify the inability to establish a systematic
collection of performance metrics to be a significant inhibitor to the
ability to institutionalize TIM. There is a need to help jurisdictions
establish an integrated, multidisciplinary and ongoing TIM Performance
Management program in order to institutionalize programs and measure
Many TIM partners may not realize that the tools to help collect
and transmit performance data exist and make the task immediate and
uncomplicated. For example, smartphone technology and systems such as
the Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS), funded by DOT and maintained
by the Iowa DOT, make data collection easy to capture. Mobile computing
devices, like tablets and smartphones, loaded with Web-based, secure
software like TraCS can also be used in the field and make data
collection easy for the responder with instantaneous transmission and
automated analysis.
2. Road Project Coordination To Reduce Impacts and Costs
Some States, cities, and regions recognized benefits from
coordinating projects between transportation agencies, utilities, and
other agencies that need to do construction in the public ROW. These
benefits include cost savings, earlier identification of project
impacts, greater ability to reduce and manage traffic disruptions from
road work, better quality road surfaces, and reduced exposure for
workers. Better coordination of projects can be a ``win-win'' for
public agencies, road users, and citizens by reducing the need for
additional work zones. For example:
San Francisco, California, reduced street cuts by 27
percent by coordinating ROW projects.
Oregon corridor-level transportation management plans
ensure that at least one major north-south corridor and one major east-
west corridor are left unrestricted for freight and passenger travel at
all times.
Covington, Kentucky, reduced traffic disruptions and saved
nearly $18,000 over several months by coordinating planned paving with
water main replacement.
Project coordination can be accomplished using different methods
and scopes. Coordination may be done within a single urban area, across
a corridor, for a whole State, or across a region that includes
neighboring States. Using a combination of methods is the most
effective way to get the best results. Coordination methods include:
Collaboration--Establishing a formal organization that
spearheads coordination across a geographic area and having
coordination meetings to discuss the next season's projects or upcoming
lane closures.
Policy--Creating incentives or disincentives, such as
penalties for working without a permit, higher permitting fees, and
strict restoration requirements for disturbing recently repaved or
reconstructed streets.
Technology--Using software, such as online project mapping
tools, to organize and share data entered by multiple agencies so that
schedules can be coordinated.
[[Page 1424]]
Performance management--Jointly establishing performance
goals for a corridor and working together to monitor and meet them.
One key new tool that will enhance the ability to coordinate
projects is the Workzone Impact and Strategy Estimator software, a
product of Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2) project R11.
The tool will help reduce disruption to the transportation network by
assisting agencies sequencing and phasing of road projects both during
the programming of projects and later during more detailed project
planning and design.
3. Traffic Signal Automated Performance Measures
Poor traffic signal performance contributes to 5-10 percent of all
traffic delay on the National Highway System (NHS), which contains a
fraction of the estimated 311,000 traffic signals in the U.S., valued
at $82.7 billion. Best practices for traffic signal operation suggest
retiming signals every 3-5 years with ongoing performance monitoring.
Several surveys identify phone calls or ``complaints'' as the primary
performance measure for traffic signal operations and maintenance. The
2012 Traffic Signal Report Card assigned a grade of ``F'' nationally to
agency monitoring and performance measurement practices. The lack of
performance measurement adversely effects safety and wastes the time
and money of both operating agencies and the traveling public by
reducing quality and efficiency.
Traffic Signal Automated Performance Measures allow agencies to
maximize the effectiveness of signal systems and improve the management
of traffic signal assets by proactively monitoring performance and
making low cost modifications to the detection, communications, and
control systems of intersections.
Monitoring and evaluation of traffic signal systems is critical to
improving safety and efficiency. The measures that are currently
available enable the effectiveness of signal progression along a given
corridor to be monitored using six metrics: Delay, Speed, Approach
Volumes, the Purdue Phase Termination Chart, Split Monitor, and Turning
Movement Volume Counts. Other measures will be incorporated in the near
Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT), included in EDC1,
provided the ability to monitor and improve traffic signal performance.
Implementing performance measurement before installing ASCT reduces the
risks and improves the likelihood of successful implementation. But
Traffic Signal Automated Performance Measures would be applicable to
all signalized intersections, not just the most challenging locations
that are difficult to operate with traditional approaches, where ASCT
is typically implemented.
4. Intelligent Transportation Systems for Work Zones
Travel through and around work zones can be frustrating and
hazardous to the traveling public and highway workers. Unexpected
congestion can have serious consequences for road users. Delays can
significantly affect freight shipments and other types of travel.
Serious crashes happen at congested approaches to work zones, often
resulting in catastrophic loss of life. There have been several recent
catastrophic crashes involving commercial vehicles where the commercial
vehicle operator did not react soon enough and rear ended stopped
vehicles at the end of a queue caused by a work zone, or conversely,
where passenger vehicles rear ended a stopped commercial vehicle.
Several Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have been
developed in the last few years to address safety and mobility issues
that often occur in work zones. Systems are available to do the
following: determine travel time through the work zone and advise the
public of travel conditions in real time; alert vehicles to a slow
moving or stopped queue of vehicles so they can be prepared to stop
safely (especially beneficial for commercial motor vehicles); adjust
speed limits or merging in response to current traffic conditions; and
provide early detection of incidents, reducing the likelihood of
secondary crashes.
Several deployments of the various systems demonstrate that they
provide both safety and operational benefits. The technologies have
advanced to a point where they are accurate and the results are
dependable. Options are available that allow systems to be scaled to
the project and to make use of permanent ITS when available.
From EDC to the recent Presidential Memorandum Speeding
Infrastructure Development through more Efficient and Effective
Permitting and Environmental Review to the Moving Ahead for Progress in
the 21st Century Act, shortening the time for the National
Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) project approval has been a
consistent focus of FHWA. Interagency collaboration is a critical part
of this process and a necessity for timely environmental reviews and
approval of surface transportation projects. By improving the ability
for concurrent agency reviews during the environmental review process,
issues can be more quickly and clearly raised and dealt with in real
time and in a transparent manner, building trust and consensus amongst
the different parties. By enabling multiple agencies to interact and
collaborate on an ongoing basis, especially with agreed-upon review
timeframes, the product and outcome of NEPA review processes can be
improved and delivered in a shorter time period, significantly
accelerating project delivery.
The e-NEPA, a real-time electronic collaboration tool, provides an
online workspace and collaboration forum for EIS and environmental
assessment projects. It will reduce administrative workloads required
to collaborate, maintain records, and create an administrative record.
In addition, e-NEPA will allow State DOTs to share documents, track
comments, schedule tasks with participating agencies and perform
concurrent reviews for their EIS and EA projects.
6. Strategies for Improving DOT and Railroad Coordination (SHRP2 R16)
Each year construction of hundreds of public agency highway
projects cross over, under, or parallel to railroad ROWs, requiring
extended coordination between these public agencies and railroads.
Although most go smoothly, delays in development or construction do
occur. Railroads must carefully evaluate public transportation agency
projects in terms of safety, engineering, and operational impacts both
during construction and for decades later. For public agencies, delays
while waiting on railroad reviews and agreements can increase project
costs and extend renewal needs for users.
The collection of model agreements, sample contracts, training
materials, and standardized best practices developed through SHRP2 will
allow public agencies and railroads to identify and circumvent sources
of conflict. The tools reflect research that takes into account the
perspectives, processes, budgets and funding, and acknowledged best
practices of both railroads and public agencies. The report, Strategies
for Improving the Project Agreement Process Between Highway Agencies
and Railroads, outlines recommended practices and offers eight
different model documents to expedite negotiations.
With railroad volumes projected to continue to grow, pressures for
more project coordination activity will
[[Page 1425]]
continue to increase. Cementing mutual understanding and streamlining
the process involved will save money and time for both railroads and
public agencies. In turn, road users will see the positive results of
more rapid highway renewal on facilities and budget. The model
agreements also lay out standardized construction and operational
needs, thereby enhancing safety for workers and reducing delays for
7. Electronic Project Document Management Tools (e-construction)
The administration of a project through the design and construction
process requires significant communications and documentation of
events. This has traditionally required writing and mailing letters
through a Post Office or an internal mail system, keeping project
journals, maintaining large file cabinets and file rooms, using
physical signatures on paper, and taking notes at in-person meetings.
With the advent of enhanced electronic project management tools,
different modes of meeting, communicating, and assuring a secure
version approval process, we are now accelerating the decisionmaking
process. Some additional benefits noted by State DOTs using this
technology are improved communications and partnering, decreased cost
of printing and mailing services, opportunity to perform parallel work
8. Geotechnical Solutions for Soil Improvement, Rapid Embankment
Construction and Stabilization of the Pavement Working Platform (SHRP2
The Geotechnical Solutions are a Technology Catalog with detailed
information on 46 geoconstruction and ground improvement techniques. In
addition, the product contains a Technology Selection system to aid in
identifying potential technologies for ground modification based on
user-defined project conditions. The geotechnical solutions are on a
Web site developed as part of the research under the SHRP2 R02 project.
The scope was aimed at identifying design and construction solutions
for risk elements that may be encountered in project delivery related
to: (a) Construction of new embankments and roadways over unstable
soils, (b) widening and expansion of existing roadways and embankments
and (c) stabilization of geotechnical pavement components and of
working platforms. The R02 research team is deploying the product
world-wide by promoting it to subject matter experts. Deployment
efforts have been targeted at experienced users of the geotechnologies.
While the technologies are mature, the Web sites' technology selection
system and technology catalog provide a significant resource for
critically important information that assists in the design and
construction of ground improvement techniques.
9. Ultra High Performance Concrete for Advanced Connection Technology
for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems
Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) has proven to be a
technology that can facilitate simplified, effective-use prefabricated
bridge elements and systems (PBES). The proliferation of PBES concepts
over the past 4 years has led to recognition among owners and
specifiers that robust connection systems are a key part of any
successful bridge construction project. The UHPC is a steel fiber
reinforced cementitious composite possessing exceptionally high
mechanical strengths and durability properties. Field casting of UHPC
into the interstitial spaces between prefabricate components engages a
strong connection concept, freeing the owner from concerns regarding
the short- and long-term performance of the connection. Research and
development on this topic over the past 5 years addressed specific
connection concepts that are most relevant to the highway bridge
10. Road Diet (Roadway Configuration)
The classic roadway reconfiguration, commonly referred to as a
``road diet,'' involves converting an undivided four-lane roadway into
three lanes, made up of two through lanes and a center two-way left-
turn lane. The reduction of lanes allows the roadway to be reallocated
for other uses such as bike lanes, pedestrian crossing islands and
parking. Road diets have multiple safety and operational benefits for
drivers as well as nonmotorists. Midblock locations can benefit from
road diets because they tend to experience higher travel speeds,
contributing to increased injury and fatality rates. More than 80
percent of pedestrians hit by vehicles traveling at 40 mph or faster
die, while less than 10 percent die when hit by a vehicle traveling 20
mph or less. When appropriately applied, road diets generated benefits
to users of all modes of transportation, including bicyclists,
pedestrians and motorists. The resulting benefits include reduced
vehicle speeds, improved mobility and access, reduced collisions and
injuries and improved livability and quality of life. When modified
from four travel lanes to two travel lanes with a two-way left-turn
lane, roadways experienced a 29 percent reduction in all roadway
crashes. The benefits to pedestrians include reduced crossing distance
and fewer midblock crossing locations, which account for more than 70
percent of pedestrian fatalities.
Road diets can be low cost if planned in conjunction with
reconstruction or simple overlay projects, since a road diet mostly
consists of restriping. The reduction of lanes allows the roadway to be
reallocated for other uses such as bike lanes, pedestrian crossing
islands, and parking. Road diets have multiple safety and operational
benefits for vehicles as well as pedestrians, such as:
Decreasing vehicle travel lanes for pedestrians to cross,
therefore, reducing the multiple-threat crash for pedestrians (when one
vehicle stops for a pedestrian in a travel lane on a multilane road,
but the motorist in the next lane does not, resulting in a crash),
Providing room for a pedestrian crossing island,
Improving safety for bicyclists when bike lanes are added
(such lanes also create a buffer space between pedestrians and
Providing the opportunity for on-street parking (also a
buffer between pedestrians and vehicles),
Reducing rear-end and side-swipe crashes, and
Improving speed limit compliance and decreasing crash
severity when crashes do occur.
Issued on: December 27, 2013.
Victor M. Mendez,
FHWA Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2014-00079 Filed 1-7-14; 8:45 am]