Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest; Idaho; Middle Fork Vegetation Management, 385-386 [2013-31457]
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Federal Register
Vol. 79, No. 2
Friday, January 3, 2014
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
Forest Service
Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest;
Idaho; Middle Fork Vegetation
Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement.
The Forest Service gives
notice of its intent to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement for the
Middle Fork Vegetation Management
Project. The Proposed action would use
a combination of timber harvest, precommercial thinning, prescribed fire
and reforestation to achieve the desired
range of age classes, size classes,
vegetative species distributions habitat
complexity (diversity) and landscape
pattern across the forested portions of
the project area. Road decommissioning,
and road improvements are also
proposed to improve watershed health.
The EIS will analyze the effects of the
proposed action and alternatives. The
Nez Perce-Clearwater Forests invites
comments and suggestions on the issues
to be addressed. The agency gives notice
of the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) analysis and decision
making process on the proposal so
interested and affected members of the
public may participate and contribute to
the final decision.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope
of the analysis must be received by
February 3, 2014. The draft
environmental impact statement is
expected in May 2014 and the final
environmental impact statement is
expected November 2014.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to
Mike Ward, Interdisciplinary Team
Leader; 502 Lowry Street, Kooskia,
Idaho 83539. Comments may also be
sent via email to
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:36 Jan 02, 2014
Jkt 232001
Mike Ward, Interdisciplinary Team
Leader, (208) 926–6413
objective of the Middle Fork Project is
to move the area towards a more diverse
and resilient landscape structure by
creating a range of age and size classes
that more closely emulates a mixedseverity fire regime. Also, the desired
species composition would be moved
more towards the early-seral species
(ponderosa pine, western larch, and
white pine) by retaining these species in
variable retention harvesting and by
planting post-harvest, which would
improve resilience to root diseases, bark
beetles, fire and a changing climate over
the long-term.
Watershed improvement activities
would reduce road related impacts to
the watershed and important aquatic
habitats while still providing a stable
and cost efficient transportation system
and dispersed recreation opportunities.
Vegetation Management
Purpose: Trend vegetation species
composition, structure, and
distributions toward desired conditions
described in the Forest Plan.
Need: The project area has a high
proportion of grand fir/Douglas fir cover
types. These species tend to be more
susceptible/vulnerable to insects and
diseases and grand fir is unlikely to
survive in wildfire. There is a need to
trend the area towards a more diverse
and resilient forest structure by creating
a range of age classes, size classes,
species diversity and disturbance
patterns that more closely emulate
natural mixed severity disturbance.
Shifting tree species composition by
retaining and planting early seral
species (i.e. ponderosa pine, western
larch and western white pine) in
managed areas would help trend the
area toward or maintain desired habitat
conditions and would make these
habitats more resistant and resilient to
change agents such as insect, disease,
and fire.
Goods and Service
Purpose: To utilize timber outputs
produced through forest management
activities to support the economic
structure of local communities.
Need: The need to provide a sustained
yield of resource outputs is directed in
the Forest Plan. Much of the area
PO 00000
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consists of grand fir dominated stands
that have insect and disease infestations
that are contributing to increased tree
mortality, or are at risk from stand
replacing events. Stands proposed for
treatment are currently losing volume
and value due to insects and disease.
Harvest of the timber would provide
materials to local industries.
Fire Regime/Natural Disturbance
Restoration and Fuel Reduction
Purpose: Break up fuel continuity
created by past wildfires which would
reduce the potential for large scale
crown fires. Reduce shade tolerant
ladder fuels around existing legacy trees
to retain those more fire resistant legacy
trees on the landscape over the long
term. These activities would emulate
mixed severity fire.
Need: Effective fire suppression in
this area has created a vegetative shift to
less fire resistant species, and an
increase in ladder fuels that can
contribute to the risk of high intensity
and potentially resource damaging
wildfire. Past harvest patterns do not
emulate natural disturbance patterns
nor do they emulate natural habitat
structure. There is a need to increase
patch sizes to shift age and size class
distributions to increase high quality
early seral wildlife habitats. Landscape
burning and timber harvest that mimics
natural fire would help increase forest
resilience, help reduce risk of wildfires,
and help create high quality habitats
that would benefit birds, small
mammals, and big game species. Fire
dependent wildlife species would
benefit from landscape burning.
Watershed Improvement
Purpose: Reduce potential sediment
inputs into the aquatic ecosystem.
Need: Sediment input from gravel and
native surface roads can flow into
streams, negatively affecting fish habitat
and water quality. Improvement of
watershed function and stream
conditions can be accomplished by
reducing road densities and repairing
existing roads and culverts to reduce
sediment and improve drainage.
Decompacting soils and adding organic
material on old skid trails and landings
can also help to improve watershed
The Proposed Action would:
Improve forest health, provide goods
and services, reduce fuels and improve
wildlife habitat by:
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2014 / Notices
• Conducting ‘‘variable retention’’
regeneration harvest and post-harvest
burning activities on up to 2300 acres
distributed across the focus areas to
create early sucessional plant
communities and improve wildlife
habitat while re-establishing long-lived
early seral tree species. Variable
retention harvest would include areas of
full retention (clumps), irregular edges,
and retention of snags and legacy trees
to provide structure and a future source
of woody debris. Openings would likely
exceed 40 acres. Creation of openings
over 40 acres requires 60 day public
review and Regional Forest approval.
This letter provides public notice that
an environmental impact statement will
be prepared and Regional Forester
approval requested.
• Applying improvement harvest
(thin from below) on approximately 875
acres to remove encroachment and
ladder fuels from ponderosa pine
dominated stands.
• Construct up to 18 miles of
temporary roads to carry out the
proposed action. Roads would be
designed and located to minimize
environmental effects and
decommissioned after use.
• Harvest would be conducted by
ground based (tractor/skyline) and aerial
(helicopter) logging systems. Logs
would likely be landed in the Wild and
Scenic River corridor at designated
helicopter landings.
• Creating a shaded fuel break and
defensible space for approximately 300
feet on NFS lands adjacent to private
properties within the project area. This
may include commercial and noncommercial thinning, pruning of ladder
fuels and hand piling of slash.
Responsible Official and Lead Agency
The USDA Forest Service is the lead
agency for this proposal. The Nez PerceClearwater Forest Supervisor is the
responsible official.
The Decision To Be Made is whether
to adopt the proposed action, in whole
or inpart, or another alternative; and
what mitigation measures and
management requirements will be
The Scoping Process for the EIS is
being initiated with this notice. The
scoping process will identify issues to
be analyzed in detail and will lead to
the developemnt of alternatives to the
proposal. The Forest Service is seeking
information and comments from other
Federal, State, and local agencies; Tribal
Governments; and organizations and
individuals who may be interested in or
affected by the proposed action.
Comments received in response to this
notice, including the names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be a part of the project record and
available for public review.
Early Notice of Importance of Public
Participation in Subsequent
Environmental Review: A draft
environmental impact statement will be
prepared for comment. The second
major opportunity for public input will
be when the draft EIS is published. The
comment period for the draft EIS will be
45 days from the date the
Environmental Protection Agency
publishes the notice of availability in
the Federal Register. The Draft EIS is
anticipated to be available for public
review in May 2013.
Dated: December 20, 2013.
Rick Brazell,
Forest Supervisor.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Watershed Improvement
[FR Doc. 2013–31457 Filed 1–2–14; 8:45 am]
• 2–3 miles of system roads no longer
considered necessary for transportation
needs would be decommissioned.
• Maintaining and improving of 7–10
miles of roads used to support the
proposed actions. Maintenance or
improvement may include culvert
installation or replacement, ditch
cleaning, and riprap placement for
drainage improvement. It may also
include gravel placement, road grading
and dust abatement.
Possible Alternatives the Forest
Service will consider include a noaction alternative, which will serve as a
baseline for comparison of alternatives.
The proposed action will be considered
along with additional alternatives that
will be developed to meet the purpose
and need for action, and to address
significant issues identified during
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:36 Jan 02, 2014
Jkt 232001
Sunshine Act Meeting
10:00 a.m., Friday,
January 10, 2014.
PLACE: 1155 21st St. NW., Washington,
DC, 9th Floor Commission Conference
STATUS: Closed.
Surveillance, Enforcement Matters, and
Examinations. In the event that the
times, dates, or locations of this or any
future meetings change, an
announcement of the change, along with
the new time and place of the meeting
will be posted on the Commission’s
Web site at
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
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Melissa D. Jurgens, 202–418–5516.
Melissa D. Jurgens,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2013–31549 Filed 12–31–13; 4:15 pm]
[Docket No.: CFPB–2013–0036]
Request for Information Regarding the
Mortgage Closing Process
Bureau of Consumer Financial
ACTION: Notice and request for
This notice requests
information from the public about
mortgage closing. Specifically, the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
(CFPB) seeks information on key
consumer ‘‘pain points’’ associated with
mortgage closing and how those pain
points might be addressed by market
innovations and technology.
The CFPB seeks to encourage the
development of a more streamlined,
efficient, and educational closing
process as the mortgage industry
increases its usage of technology,
electronic signatures, and paperless
processes. The next phase of CFPB’s
Know Before You Owe initiative aims to
identify ways to improve the mortgage
closing process for consumers. This
project will encourage interventions that
increase consumer knowledge,
understanding, and confidence at
This notice seeks information from
market participants, consumers, and
other stakeholders who work closely
with consumers. The information will
inform the CFPB’s understanding of
what consumers find most problematic
about the current closing process and
inform the CFPB’s vision for an
improved closing experience.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
February 7, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit responsive
information and other comments,
identified by Docket No. CFPB–2013–
0036, by any of the following methods:
• Electronic: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier:
Monica Jackson, Office of the Executive
Secretary, Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau, 1700 G Street NW.,
Washington, DC 20552.
Instructions: The Bureau encourages
the early submission of comments. All
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 2 (Friday, January 3, 2014)]
[Pages 385-386]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-31457]
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules
or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings
and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings,
delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are examples of documents
appearing in this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2014 /
[[Page 385]]
Forest Service
Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest; Idaho; Middle Fork
Vegetation Management
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: The Forest Service gives notice of its intent to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement for the Middle Fork Vegetation
Management Project. The Proposed action would use a combination of
timber harvest, pre-commercial thinning, prescribed fire and
reforestation to achieve the desired range of age classes, size
classes, vegetative species distributions habitat complexity
(diversity) and landscape pattern across the forested portions of the
project area. Road decommissioning, and road improvements are also
proposed to improve watershed health. The EIS will analyze the effects
of the proposed action and alternatives. The Nez Perce-Clearwater
Forests invites comments and suggestions on the issues to be addressed.
The agency gives notice of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
analysis and decision making process on the proposal so interested and
affected members of the public may participate and contribute to the
final decision.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope of the analysis must be received
by February 3, 2014. The draft environmental impact statement is
expected in May 2014 and the final environmental impact statement is
expected November 2014.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Mike Ward, Interdisciplinary Team
Leader; 502 Lowry Street, Kooskia, Idaho 83539. Comments may also be
sent via email to
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mike Ward, Interdisciplinary Team
Leader, (208) 926-6413
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The objective of the Middle Fork Project is
to move the area towards a more diverse and resilient landscape
structure by creating a range of age and size classes that more closely
emulates a mixed-severity fire regime. Also, the desired species
composition would be moved more towards the early-seral species
(ponderosa pine, western larch, and white pine) by retaining these
species in variable retention harvesting and by planting post-harvest,
which would improve resilience to root diseases, bark beetles, fire and
a changing climate over the long-term.
Watershed improvement activities would reduce road related impacts
to the watershed and important aquatic habitats while still providing a
stable and cost efficient transportation system and dispersed
recreation opportunities.
Vegetation Management
Purpose: Trend vegetation species composition, structure, and
distributions toward desired conditions described in the Forest Plan.
Need: The project area has a high proportion of grand fir/Douglas
fir cover types. These species tend to be more susceptible/vulnerable
to insects and diseases and grand fir is unlikely to survive in
wildfire. There is a need to trend the area towards a more diverse and
resilient forest structure by creating a range of age classes, size
classes, species diversity and disturbance patterns that more closely
emulate natural mixed severity disturbance. Shifting tree species
composition by retaining and planting early seral species (i.e.
ponderosa pine, western larch and western white pine) in managed areas
would help trend the area toward or maintain desired habitat conditions
and would make these habitats more resistant and resilient to change
agents such as insect, disease, and fire.
Goods and Service
Purpose: To utilize timber outputs produced through forest
management activities to support the economic structure of local
Need: The need to provide a sustained yield of resource outputs is
directed in the Forest Plan. Much of the area consists of grand fir
dominated stands that have insect and disease infestations that are
contributing to increased tree mortality, or are at risk from stand
replacing events. Stands proposed for treatment are currently losing
volume and value due to insects and disease. Harvest of the timber
would provide materials to local industries.
Fire Regime/Natural Disturbance Restoration and Fuel Reduction
Purpose: Break up fuel continuity created by past wildfires which
would reduce the potential for large scale crown fires. Reduce shade
tolerant ladder fuels around existing legacy trees to retain those more
fire resistant legacy trees on the landscape over the long term. These
activities would emulate mixed severity fire.
Need: Effective fire suppression in this area has created a
vegetative shift to less fire resistant species, and an increase in
ladder fuels that can contribute to the risk of high intensity and
potentially resource damaging wildfire. Past harvest patterns do not
emulate natural disturbance patterns nor do they emulate natural
habitat structure. There is a need to increase patch sizes to shift age
and size class distributions to increase high quality early seral
wildlife habitats. Landscape burning and timber harvest that mimics
natural fire would help increase forest resilience, help reduce risk of
wildfires, and help create high quality habitats that would benefit
birds, small mammals, and big game species. Fire dependent wildlife
species would benefit from landscape burning.
Watershed Improvement
Purpose: Reduce potential sediment inputs into the aquatic
Need: Sediment input from gravel and native surface roads can flow
into streams, negatively affecting fish habitat and water quality.
Improvement of watershed function and stream conditions can be
accomplished by reducing road densities and repairing existing roads
and culverts to reduce sediment and improve drainage. Decompacting
soils and adding organic material on old skid trails and landings can
also help to improve watershed function.
The Proposed Action would:
Improve forest health, provide goods and services, reduce fuels and
improve wildlife habitat by:
[[Page 386]]
Conducting ``variable retention'' regeneration harvest and
post-harvest burning activities on up to 2300 acres distributed across
the focus areas to create early sucessional plant communities and
improve wildlife habitat while re-establishing long-lived early seral
tree species. Variable retention harvest would include areas of full
retention (clumps), irregular edges, and retention of snags and legacy
trees to provide structure and a future source of woody debris.
Openings would likely exceed 40 acres. Creation of openings over 40
acres requires 60 day public review and Regional Forest approval. This
letter provides public notice that an environmental impact statement
will be prepared and Regional Forester approval requested.
Applying improvement harvest (thin from below) on
approximately 875 acres to remove encroachment and ladder fuels from
ponderosa pine dominated stands.
Construct up to 18 miles of temporary roads to carry out
the proposed action. Roads would be designed and located to minimize
environmental effects and decommissioned after use.
Harvest would be conducted by ground based (tractor/
skyline) and aerial (helicopter) logging systems. Logs would likely be
landed in the Wild and Scenic River corridor at designated helicopter
Creating a shaded fuel break and defensible space for
approximately 300 feet on NFS lands adjacent to private properties
within the project area. This may include commercial and non-commercial
thinning, pruning of ladder fuels and hand piling of slash.
Watershed Improvement
2-3 miles of system roads no longer considered necessary
for transportation needs would be decommissioned.
Maintaining and improving of 7-10 miles of roads used to
support the proposed actions. Maintenance or improvement may include
culvert installation or replacement, ditch cleaning, and riprap
placement for drainage improvement. It may also include gravel
placement, road grading and dust abatement.
Possible Alternatives the Forest Service will consider include a
no-action alternative, which will serve as a baseline for comparison of
alternatives. The proposed action will be considered along with
additional alternatives that will be developed to meet the purpose and
need for action, and to address significant issues identified during
Responsible Official and Lead Agency
The USDA Forest Service is the lead agency for this proposal. The
Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest Supervisor is the responsible official.
The Decision To Be Made is whether to adopt the proposed action, in
whole or inpart, or another alternative; and what mitigation measures
and management requirements will be implemented.
The Scoping Process for the EIS is being initiated with this
notice. The scoping process will identify issues to be analyzed in
detail and will lead to the developemnt of alternatives to the
proposal. The Forest Service is seeking information and comments from
other Federal, State, and local agencies; Tribal Governments; and
organizations and individuals who may be interested in or affected by
the proposed action. Comments received in response to this notice,
including the names and addresses of those who comment, will be a part
of the project record and available for public review.
Early Notice of Importance of Public Participation in Subsequent
Environmental Review: A draft environmental impact statement will be
prepared for comment. The second major opportunity for public input
will be when the draft EIS is published. The comment period for the
draft EIS will be 45 days from the date the Environmental Protection
Agency publishes the notice of availability in the Federal Register.
The Draft EIS is anticipated to be available for public review in May
Dated: December 20, 2013.
Rick Brazell,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2013-31457 Filed 1-2-14; 8:45 am]