Notice of Funding Availability for Resilience Projects in Response to Hurricane Sandy, 78486-78493 [2013-30867]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Notices
Issued on: December 16th, 2013.
Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2013–30711 Filed 12–24–13; 8:45 am]
Federal Transit Administration
Notice of Funding Availability for
Resilience Projects in Response to
Hurricane Sandy
Federal Transit Administration
ACTION: Notice of funding availability
The Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) announces the
availability of approximately $3 billion
in funds under the Public
Transportation Emergency Relief
Program and the Disaster Relief
Appropriations Act of 2013 for States,
local governmental authorities, tribal
governments and other FTA recipients
impacted by Hurricane Sandy, which
affected mid-Atlantic and northeastern
states in October 2012. This
announcement solicits proposals for
resilience projects, defined as those
projects designed and built to address
current and future vulnerabilities to a
public transportation facility or system
due to future occurrence or recurrence
of emergencies or major disasters that
are likely to occur in the geographic area
in which the public transportation
system is located; or projected changes
in development patterns, demographics,
or climate change and extreme weather
patterns. For the purposes of this notice,
‘‘public transportation’’ may include
consideration of intercity passenger rail
service. This resilience funding is
intended to protect public
transportation infrastructure that has
been repaired or rebuilt after Hurricane
Sandy or that is at risk of being damaged
or destroyed by a future natural disaster.
These investments reduce the likelihood
that U.S. taxpayers are asked to repair
the same infrastructure after a future
major storm or natural disaster.
Furthermore, the activities funded
under this notice will help strengthen
and build more resilient communities to
better withstand future disasters.
The Disaster Relief Appropriations
Act of 2013 was enacted on January 29,
2013, and provided $10.9 billion for
FTA’s Emergency Relief Program for
recovery, relief and resilience efforts in
areas affected by Hurricane Sandy with
approximately $10.4 billion still
available after implementation of the
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Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit
Control Act of 2011. FTA has previously
allocated $5.7 billion for recovery and
resilience projects to public
transportation agencies impacted by
Hurricane Sandy. Additionally, the
Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of
2013 permits the Secretary to transfer
up to $5.383 billion to other agencies to
fund programs authorized under titles
23 and 49, United States Code, in order
to carry out resilience projects in areas
impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Under
this authority, DOT transferred $185
million to the Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA).
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the
21st Century Act (MAP–21) authorized
the Emergency Relief Program at 49
U.S.C. 5324. With the authorization of
this program, Congress provided FTA
with primary responsibility for Federal
reimbursements for emergency response
and recovery costs after an emergency or
major disaster that affects public
transportation systems. The Emergency
Relief Program allows FTA to make
grants for eligible public transportation
capital and operating costs in the event
of a natural disaster, such as a
hurricane, that affects a wide area,
including projects to protect public
transportation assets from damage.
Beginning in late October 2012,
President Obama issued major disaster
declarations for specified counties in
the following States: Connecticut,
Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
Virginia, and West Virginia, as well as
the District of Columbia as a result of
the impacts Hurricane Sandy and its
remnants. Providers of public
transportation in the affected areas as
defined by these Presidential
declarations are eligible to apply for
funding for public transportation
resilience projects.
This notice includes a description of
eligible projects, the criteria FTA will
use to identify projects for funding, and
a description of how to apply for
funding. This announcement is
available on the FTA Web site at: https:// A synopsis of the
funding opportunity will be posted in
the FIND module of the governmentwide electronic grants Web site at
https://www.GRANTS.GOV. FTA will
announce final allocations in a Federal
Register notice and on the FTA Web
In January 2014, FTA will host
a webinar to answer questions about the
NOFA and will conduct training,
specifically for the Hazard Mitigation
Cost Effectiveness methodology.
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Prospective applicants must participate
in the training. Dates and times of these
offerings will be posted to FTA’s Web
Complete proposals must be
submitted no later than Friday, March
28, 2014 by 11:59 p.m. EST. All
proposals must be submitted
electronically through the
GRANTS.GOV ‘‘APPLY’’ function. Any
prospective applicant intending to
submit a proposal should initiate the
process of registering on the
GRANTS.GOV site immediately to
ensure completion of registration before
the submission deadline. Instructions
for submitting a proposal can be found
on FTA’s Web site at https:// and in the ‘‘FIND’’
module of GRANTS.GOV.
appropriate FTA Regional Office found
at for
application-specific information and
other assistance needed in preparing a
complete proposal. For program-specific
questions about applying for the funds
as outlined in this notice, please contact
Adam Schildge, Office of Program
Management, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE.,
Washington, DC 20590, phone: (202)
366–0778, or email, For legal
questions, Bonnie Graves, Office of
Chief Counsel, same address, phone:
(202) 366–4011, or email, For questions
about direct transfers (outside of the
competitive process and this Notice) to
other modes within the Department of
Transportation, please contact Peter
Gould, Office of Policy, Office of the
Secretary, same address, phone: (202)
366–6321, or email,; or Sahar Shirazi,
Office of Policy, Office of the Secretary,
same address, phone: (202) 366–4114, or
Table of Contents
I. Overview of FTA Public Transportation
Emergency Relief Program
A. Authority
B. Disaster Relief Funding
C. Policy Priorities
II. Public Transportation Resilience Grants
for Areas Affected by Sandy
A. Description and Purpose
B. Eligibility Information
C. Evaluation Criteria, Review and
III. Application and Submission Information
for This Notice
A. Proposal Content
B. Application Submission Instructions
IV. Award Administration
A. Pre-award Authority
B. Grant Requirements
C. Reporting Requirements
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Notices
I. Overview of FTA Public
Transportation Emergency Relief
A. Authority
MAP–21 authorized FTA’s Emergency
Relief Program under Section 5324 of
title 49, United States Code as follows:
General authority.—The Secretary may
make grants and enter into contracts and
other agreements (including agreements with
departments, agencies, and instrumentalities
of the Government) for—
(1) capital projects to protect, repair,
reconstruct, or replace equipment and
facilities of a public transportation system
operating in the United States or on an
Indian reservation that the Secretary
determines is in danger of suffering serious
damage, or has suffered serious damage, as
a result of an emergency; and
(2) eligible operating costs of public
transportation equipment and facilities in an
area directly affected by an emergency
(A) the 1-year period beginning on the date
of a declaration described in subsection
(a)(2); or
(B) if the Secretary determines there is a
compelling need, the 2-year period beginning
on the date of a declaration described in
subsection (a)(2).
In addition, Section 5324(a)(2) defines an
‘‘emergency’’ as follows:
The term ‘emergency’ means a natural
disaster affecting a wide area (such as a
flood, hurricane, tidal wave, earthquake,
severe storm, or landslide) or a catastrophic
failure from any external cause, as a result
of which—
(A) the Governor of a State has declared an
emergency and the Secretary has concurred;
(B) the President has declared a major
disaster under section 401 of the Robert T.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170).
In addition, Section 5324(d) provides
that a grant awarded under section 5324
shall be subject to the terms and
conditions the Secretary determines are
B. Disaster Relief Funding
As a result of Hurricane Sandy, and
in accordance with the Stafford Act,
President Obama declared a major
disaster in late 2012 for twelve states
and the District of Columbia affected by
Hurricane Sandy, making public
transportation agencies in specified
counties in those States eligible for
financial assistance under FTA’s Public
Transportation Emergency Relief
The Disaster Relief Appropriations
Act (Pub. L. 113–2) provides $10.9
billion for FTA’s Emergency Relief
Program for recovery, relief and
resilience efforts in areas affected by
Hurricane Sandy, with approximately
$10.4 billion still available after
implementation of the Balanced Budget
and Emergency Deficit Control Act of
2011 (Pub. L. 112–25). FTA is allocating
the remaining $10.4 billion in multiple
tiers for response, recovery and
rebuilding, for locally-prioritized
resilience projects, and for
competitively selected resilience
On March 29, 2013 and May 29, 2013
FTA announced the allocation of $2
billion for response and recovery
expenses and $3.7 billion for response,
recovery, and local priority resilience
funding respectively, with $5.7 billion
total allocated to date. FTA allocated
funding for locally-prioritized resilience
projects to the public transportation
agencies most affected by Hurricane
Sandy. Funds were allocated based on
a formula reflecting the distribution of
damage costs among public
transportation agencies most impacted
by the storm, as outlined in the Federal
Register Notice of Allocation dated May
29, 2013. Locally prioritized resilience
projects require FTA review prior to
incurring costs, and are primarily
intended for resilience improvements in
tandem with recovery and rebuilding
projects where joint implementation
will prove cost effective, and for lower
cost stand-alone resilience
improvements that can be implemented
relatively quickly.
The following chart 1 illustrates the
overall allocation of funding under the
FTA Emergency Relief Program and the
Disaster Relief Appropriations Act:
Award type
Available funding
Eligibility criteria
Response, Recovery &
Affected FTA Recipients .................................
$4.4 billion ..................
Locally-Prioritized Resilience.
Competitive Resilience
MTA, NJT, PANYNJ, NYCDOT ......................
$1.3 billion ..................
Damage assessments submitted by affected
agencies and reviewed by FTA, and costs
incurred by affected agencies.
Resilience Projects and Project Components.
(1) States, (2) public transportation agencies
that receive funding through FTA formula
programs, (3) other entities responsible for
an eligible public transportation capital
project that enter into a subrecipient arrangement with an existing FTA grantee,
and (4) entities that provide intercity passenger rail service.
Affected FTA Recipients .................................
$3 billion .....................
Described in this Notice.
$1.1 billion (to be announced in a subsequent notice).
TBD ............................
Damage assessments submitted by affected
agencies and reviewed by FTA, and costs
incurred by affected agencies.
Any statutorily eligible project not readily
fundable through the formula distribution or
competitive application process. For further
information on the Direct Transfer process,
interested parties may contact the Office of
the Secretary. Please note that DOT’s intent is to allocate resilience funds primarily
though formula and competition.
Response, Recovery &
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Direct Transfer Resilience.
Eligible DOT grantees/funding recipients implementing programs authorized under titles 23 and 49 U.S.C.
1 The Secretary is authorized by the Disaster
Relief Appropriations Act to transfer emergency
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relief resilience funding to other DOT operating
administrations for eligible projects.
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Notices
C. Policy Priorities
Both scientific evidence and recent
history indicate that weather and
climate-related disasters are a
continuing threat. According to the
‘‘Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy’’
report,2 in the last year alone there were
11 different weather and climate
disaster events with estimated losses
exceeding $1 billion each across the
United States. Taken together, these 11
events resulted in more than $110
billion in estimated damages.
Federal investment in the improved
resilience of public transportation
systems to future disasters is necessary
to reduce, better manage, and better
prepare for the economic and social
consequences of future disasters,
regardless of their cause, including both
the potential cost of rebuilding after the
next storm and the social and economic
consequences of suspended or
inoperable public transportation
A more resilient public transportation
system will be the product of many
efforts, including some that are outside
the scope of this notice; including
disaster preparation, risk assessments,
enhanced response capabilities,
redundant infrastructure, a more
complete state of good repair in systems
essential to transit operations,
evacuation readiness, emergency social
support systems, and other efforts.
While these and other factors contribute
to the resilience of a region and of a
public transportation system, this
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
is intended to provide funding
specifically for the resilience activities
that strengthen and protect vulnerable
infrastructure that is essential for
providing and supporting public
transportation in the region impacted by
Hurricane Sandy. In addition to projects
funded under this notice, agencies are
also responsible for disaster response
planning and evacuation readiness.
In accordance with FTA’s definition
of resilience and resilience project, and
for the purpose of this competition, a
future disaster is considered to be any
significant event with a likelihood of
occurring in the areas affected by
Hurricane Sandy, and which presents a
risk of damage from hazards similar to
those associated with Hurricane Sandy,
such as severe storm surge, flooding—
including levels projected due to sea
level rise—, heavy rain, high winds, and
associated power outages. Further, for
purposes of this competition, FTA will
prioritize resilience projects that
strengthen, protect, or otherwise
2 See
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increase the protection or resilience of
existing infrastructure that was damaged
or destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, to
minimize the potential of repeated
reinvestments to the same infrastructure
due to damage from future similar
storms. These priority investments and
related outcomes will take precedent
over new ‘‘redundant’’ investments
whose primary objective is to increase
system capacity.
FTA is undertaking this competition
in accordance with the
recommendations issued by the
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force,
convened by President Obama and
composed of the leaders of Federal
agencies responsible for various aspects
of the recovery. The Task Force issued
the ‘‘Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding
Strategy’’ report in August 2013, laying
out key principles for recovery, as well
as related recommendations to guide the
implementation of federally supported
recovery efforts.
The Task Force recommends that
Sandy-rebuilding infrastructure projects
be designed to increase the resilience of
the region and that they be regionally
coordinated. Reflecting the Task Force’s
recommended infrastructure resilience
guidelines, FTA has considered the
following principles in the development
of this competitive resilience
Æ Comprehensive Analysis
Æ Transparent and Inclusive Decision
Æ Regional Resilience
Æ Long-Term Efficacy and Fiscal
Æ Environmentally Sustainable and
Innovative Solutions
Æ Targeted Financial Incentives
Æ Adherence to Resilience
Performance Standards
All projects submitted under this
competitive public transportation
resilience notice, including any intercity
passenger rail projects, will be evaluated
based on the process and criteria
described later in this notice.
Subsequent to project selection, the
Secretary may transfer funds and the
responsibility for administering
intercity passenger rail projects to the
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).
II. Public Transportation Resilience
Grants for Areas Affected by Sandy
A. Description and Purpose
This notice solicits proposals for
capital projects that will protect or
otherwise increase the resilience of
public transportation equipment and
facilities from the future recurrence of
hurricanes and similar storms in the
areas affected by Hurricane Sandy.
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FTA’s Emergency Relief rule at 49 CFR
602.5 defines ‘‘resilience’’ as the
capability to anticipate, prepare for,
respond to, and recover from significant
multi-hazard threats with minimum
damage to social well-being, the
economy, and the environment. The
rule defines ‘‘resilience project’’ as a
project designed and built to address
future vulnerabilities to a public
transportation facility or system due to
future recurrence of emergencies or
major disasters that are likely to occur
again in the geographic area in which
the public transportation system is
located; or projected changes in
development patterns, demographics, or
extreme weather or other climate
B. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants must be located in
or provide public transportation service
in one of the areas affected by Hurricane
Sandy, which are defined as areas for
which President Obama declared a
major disaster under the Stafford Act in
response to Hurricane Sandy. Eligible
applicants include (1) States and Indian
tribes, (2) local governmental authorities
and public transportation agencies that
receive funding through FTA formula
programs, (3) other entities responsible
for an eligible public transportation
capital project that enter into a subrecipient arrangement with an existing
FTA grantee, and (4) entities that
provide intercity passenger rail service.
Projects that involve joint public transit
and intercity passenger rail service will
be administered under the provisions of
(2) or (3) above. Note: Entities that
provide public transportation service
and are not current recipients of FTA
funding are only eligible to receive
Emergency Relief funding as a
subrecipient of an FTA recipient. These
entities should contact the appropriate
FTA Regional Office, the contact
information for which is available at, to find a direct FTA
recipient in their area to apply on their
behalf. Successful intercity rail projects
may be transferred to the FRA for
administration and oversight.
For the purpose of this notice, areas
affected by Hurricane Sandy include
any of the counties designated for
FEMA’s Public Assistance program
under any of the major disaster
declarations issued by President Obama
in response to Hurricane Sandy. This
includes areas within the following
States: Connecticut, Delaware,
Maryland, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Notices
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Virginia, and West Virginia, as well as
the District of Columbia. Areas affected
by Hurricane Sandy are defined by the
presidential declaration of major
disaster for that State. See https://
2. Eligible Projects
Eligible projects are capital projects
that reduce the risk of damage to public
transportation assets as a result of future
natural disasters. FTA expects the
project sponsor to demonstrate, as part
of an overall system plan, how steps are
being taken to first ensure protection
and increased resilience of existing
assets before redundant (new)
infrastructure is contemplated. This
must be demonstrated in the applicant’s
response to the evaluation criteria for
‘‘Protection of Most Essential and
Vulnerable Infrastructure,’’ as described
in section C.2 of this notice. If such a
case is made, then projects that involve
the construction or installation of new
equipment or facilities for the purpose
of providing redundancy to reduce the
vulnerability of the existing public
transportation system may be
considered. All project proposals will be
evaluated based on the criteria
identified in the next section.
Sample resilience projects may
include elevating or relocating assets
that are located in a special flood hazard
area (SFHA), protecting assets
vulnerable to high winds, installing
mitigation measures that prevent the
intrusion of floodwaters into
underground segments of a public
transportation system, strengthening
systems that remove rainwater from
public transportation facilities, and
other projects that address identified
FTA encourages innovative proposals;
however, all projects must consist of
technologies that can be demonstrated
to be effective. The functionality of
innovative proposals must be
adequately documented and justified.
Innovative proposals may include
remotely controlled or other belowgrade subway vent closures, modular
flood prevention barriers, use of green
infrastructure to control storm water, or
other new technologies or applications.
Recognizing that risk continuously
changes and is expected to increase in
many areas, resilience projects must be
designed to be resilient to at least 1 foot
above the best available base flood
elevations released by FEMA to ensure
long term resilience of communities.
State and local governments are
encouraged to review their local
conditions and needs and, where
appropriate, build to an even higher
standard where they are planning key
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infrastructure projects and/or where
future conditions indicate higher risk.
Resilience projects under this
competition may be designed to
withstand a higher base flood elevation
if required by local or State building
codes or standards. Projects designed to
meet the above standard may include
the relocation of infrastructure from the
floodplain, physical elevation of the
infrastructure, or other appropriate
mitigation measures depending on the
circumstances of the proposed project.
This requirement is addressed further
under section C.1.a. of this notice,
‘‘Special Note Regarding FEMA’s Best
Available Flood Hazard Information.’’
FTA recognizes that, in the course of
making an asset more resilient, a
resilience project may also involve
activities or elements that concurrently
serve to bring an asset up to a state of
good repair. For example, a resilience
project may involve the replacement of
older features with new features, the
incorporation of current design
standards, the replacement of a
vulnerable facility at a new location
when a cost-effective mitigation is not
practical or feasible at the existing
location, or other required mitigation
measures resulting from the NEPA
process or required for compliance with
applicable Federal environmental
3. Cost Sharing and Matching
Section 5324 of title 49, United States
Code, provides that the Government
share for FTA emergency relief projects
shall be not more than 80 percent of the
net project cost. Consistent with
FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program, resilience projects solicited by
this notice are eligible for a Federal cost
share of no more than 75 percent of the
total project cost. Project sponsors will
be required to identify a source of
eligible non-Federal match representing
no less than 25 percent of the total
project cost. The local share may be
provided from an undistributed cash
surplus, a replacement or depreciation
cash fund or reserve, or new capital. In
addition to local and state funds, nonFederal match may include the use of
Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funds, including CDBG Disaster
Recovery (CDBG–DR) funds that are
available for transportation purposes.3
Project sponsors may propose the use of
non-Federal funds in excess of 25
percent of the project cost. FTA may
consider the planned commitment of
3 See the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) Federal Register dated
November 18, 2013 (
FR-2013-11-18/pdf/2013-27506.pdf) for more
information on CDBG–DR funds.
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additional non-Federal match as a part
of project selection.
C. Evaluation Criteria, Review and
All projects must meet minimum
application requirements in order to
qualify for further consideration.
Qualified projects will then be
evaluated based on the factors outlined
1. Minimum Application Requirements
Minimum requirements include the
• Applicant is a current FTA
recipient, or, if not a current FTA
recipient, has provided a support letter
from a current FTA recipient stating that
it is willing to partner on the project, or
is an entity that provides intercity
passenger rail service.
• Applicant has identified the source
for the required non-Federal cost share,
which may include CDBG funding.
• Applicant certifies that the project
will be designed and built to be resilient
to the best available FEMA flood hazard
information as of February 1, 2014, plus
one foot, as defined in this notice.
• Applicant has participated in an
FTA training session (one of two
offerings) on Hazard Mitigation Cost
Effectiveness (HMCE). FTA will
schedule two training sessions in
January 2014. Applicants may
participate either in person or through
the web. Instructions and requirements
regarding the HMCE process will be
provided at these training sessions.
a. Special Note Regarding FEMA’s Best
Available Flood Hazard Information
In certain situations, notably where a
project or activity is located within a
SFHA, use of FTA funds will require
that a project and activity be designed
and constructed in accordance with
elevated minimums for project
elevations (i.e. the best available FEMA
flood hazard information plus one foot),
in order to adequately enhance longterm structural resilience, and mitigate
against the recurrence of flood-related
Accordingly, resilience projects
intended to protect against flooding and
that are located within the SFHA must
be designed and elevated or otherwise
flood-proofed to the best available Base
Flood Elevation (BFE) elevation released
by FEMA plus one foot. The best
available SFHA and BFE can be
determined by comparing the SFHA and
BFE on the current effective Flood
Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood
Insurance Study (FIS) report with
alternative flood hazard information
released by FEMA, if available. FEMA’s
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alternative flood hazard information
may include Advisory Base Flood
Elevations (ABFEs) and ABFE Maps;
Preliminary Work Maps; 4 and
Preliminary FIRMs and the FIS report.
The best available SFHA is the widest
geographic area indicated by FEMA’s
FIRM, FIS, or alternative flood hazard
information. The best available BFE is
the highest base flood elevation
indicated by FEMA’s FIRM, FIS, or
alternative flood hazard information for
the project’s location. For purposes of
this notice, FTA will consider best
available information to be information
released by FEMA as of February 1,
Following Hurricane Sandy, FEMA
produced ABFE maps for coastal
counties in New Jersey and New York.
These advisory maps can be found at If FEMA’s
alternative flood hazard information is
not available, such as in many areas
outside of New York and New Jersey,
resilience projects must be designed and
elevated or otherwise flood-proofed to
the elevation identified on the effective
FIRM and in the FIS report plus one
foot. The Preliminary and effective
FIRMs and FIS reports can be found on
FEMA’s Web site at: https://
Elevations required by either State or
locally adopted building codes or
standards that are higher than the best
available FEMA flood hazard
information plus one foot will apply.
This standard does not necessarily
mean that public transportation
agencies will be required to move
existing facilities or build new facilities
at a higher elevation; however, in order
to minimize potential harm within the
floodplain in accordance with Executive
Order 11988, when relocation or
elevation is not possible, resilience
projects funded under this notice must
include updated design features or
added protective features in order to
reduce the risk of damage from future
A base flood elevation from an ABFE
map, preliminary work map, or
preliminary FIRM and FIS report or
non-FEMA source cannot be used if it
is lower than the effective FIRM and FIS
report plus one foot. Recipients may
also consider the best available data on
sea-level rise, storm surge, scouring and
erosion before rebuilding. In all
instances, FTA retains the authority to
4 FEMA’s preliminary work maps are an interim
product created by FEMA in the development of
preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for
certain communities in New York and New Jersey.
This information will replace the Advisory Base
Flood Elevation (ABFE) maps as the most recent
data available from FEMA.
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award funds in direct alignment with
recipient acceptance of and continued
compliance with Federal determinations
regarding increased standards for
floodplain management.
b. Project Scalability
Projects are considered scalable if
they incorporate multiple activities or
elements that have separate and
independent benefits and which can be
undertaken independently of one
another. FTA may at times choose to
fund less than the full requested amount
of a proposal, consistent with the
project’s scalability.
To facilitate this approach, and to
allow for partial funding when full
funding of a project is not possible, all
project proposals must identify whether
a project is scalable and, if so, must
identify potential scopes and funding
amounts for the scalable project
components, including a separate costeffectiveness evaluation for potential
scaled projects, if appropriate. If the
project is not scalable, the project
sponsor must indicate the minimum
amount of Section 5324 funds necessary
to implement the full scope of the
project, including a discussion of
alternative funding sources for the
unfunded portion.
2. Project Evaluation Factors
Projects that meet the minimum
requirements will be evaluated based on
the factors listed below:
Hazard Mitigation Cost Effectiveness
For each project, applicants are
required to submit information, both
quantitative and qualitative, that FTA
will use to evaluate the costeffectiveness of the proposed project in
reducing an asset’s and the public
transportation system’s vulnerabilities
to future disasters. Consistent with OMB
Circular A–94 and Executive Order
12893, selection of projects for funding
will be based in part on a systematic
analysis of benefits and costs. This
analysis will incorporate methodologies
developed by FEMA for its Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program. When
determining the cost and benefit, FTA
will evaluate both quantitative measures
such as the probability of occurrence of
future disasters, the potential cost to
repair, the historic or projected cost of
emergency response and temporary
service, the number of transit passengers
affected if the asset were damaged,
potential or observed travel time delays,
and other quantitative factors required
by the Hazard Mitigation Cost
Effectiveness (HMCE) process or
identified by the applicant; as well as
qualitative information, for example the
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regional importance of a subway line to
overall system performance. Recipients
are encouraged to submit narrative
explanations and supporting
documentation accompanying the
quantitative and qualitative information
Consistent with FEMA’s Hazard
Mitigation Benefit Cost Analysis
approach, analyses of benefits and costs
(or cost-effectiveness) must distinguish
clearly between a baseline case—what is
likely to occur if the proposed project is
not built—and the ‘‘project’’ or ‘‘build’’
case—what is likely to occur if the
project is built. The analysis should
assess the likelihood of future disasters
of various severities, the likely costs (in
both the baseline and build cases) of
loss of public transportation service and
other costs while the damage is being
repaired, and the costs (in both the
baseline and build cases) of repairing
the damage. This information is
especially important in order to explain
the basis of the estimates of losses in the
two cases and in order to compare
clearly the estimated losses from
potential future events both with and
without the proposed resilience project.
Quantitative information that
applicants must submit in order to
conduct the analysis described above
include the estimated damage and
losses from specifically identified
hazards (e.g. the cost to repair), the
probabilities of these hazards occurring
at certain magnitudes (e.g. 100-year
recurrence) both now and throughout
the effective lifetime of the project, and
the reduction in the anticipated losses
after such an event as a result of the
proposed project. FTA will review and
evaluate the explanations and
justifications provided by the
applicants, as well as the source of the
For all projects, applicants must
provide the following information
including relevant source documents:
• The public transportation asset(s) to
be protected by the proposed resilience
• The useful life of the investment;
and the current remaining or projected
useful life of the asset(s) to be protected;
• A list of hazards likely to impact
the asset(s), including the frequency or
probability of the primary identified
hazard to be addressed by the project
and any secondary hazards occurring at
various levels of severity, both now and
throughout the expected project life;
• The estimated cost to repair the
asset if any of these primary identified
hazard events occur. Estimated repair
costs for historic damage events must be
supported by damage assessments,
itemized statements of force account
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Notices
labor and materials, contractor invoices,
insurance claims, and/or similar
documentation. Estimated repair costs
for expected damage events must be
supported by engineering reports,
transit studies supported by engineering
analysis, and/or similar documentation;
• If a loss of an asset is likely to occur
as a result of a primary identified
hazard, the anticipated societal impacts
of loss of the asset (e.g. a narrative
description of the significance of the
asset to the operations of the system and
the impacts of lost service to riders and
the community);
• The anticipated reduction in
expected losses from a primary
identified hazard as a result of the
proposed resilience project;
• The total cost of the resilience
project, including the additional
annualized marginal operating and
maintenance costs over the life of the
proposed project.
Resilience projects that protect the
system as a whole, such as a project to
provide a back-up power supply, do not
need to include information for a
specific asset to be protected, and will
be evaluated instead based on the
proposed benefits of the project to the
system as a whole. FTA will provide
technical assistance for determining the
probability of those hazards occurring
for which resilience funding is being
sought, and will provide guidance on
the calculation of project benefits.
Data required for the Hazard
Mitigation Cost Effectiveness evaluation
can be derived from various sources,
which may include the comprehensive
risk data collected as part of the Rebuild
by Design (RBD) Initiative. Project
sponsors are encouraged to consider
that initiative as appropriate to their
Applicants may also submit
additional supporting information or
analyses. While FTA will evaluate the
cost-effectiveness of each project based
on the information described above,
including both quantitative and
qualitative factors, additional
information may be considered on a
case-by-case basis, such as if an
applicant believes that the information
requested above does not adequately
measure the proposed benefits of a
FTA will provide training to
applicants in January 2014 (specific
dates, times, and locations will be
posted to FTA’s Web site) on how to
compile and submit the information
required to complete a benefit cost
analysis. This training must be
completed in order to submit a complete
application. Applicants will have no
less than 60 days from the required
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training to submit an application. All
applications must be submitted no later
than Friday, March 28, 2014.
Project Implementation Strategy
For each project, applicants must
provide a proposed timeline for project
implementation. This timeline must
include proposed dates for key
milestones, including but not limited to
NEPA compliance, project engineering
and design, construction, and project
completion. The project implementation
strategy must identify any critical
dependencies that may affect the
timeline or strategy for accomplishing
the project (e.g. availability of matching
funds, site construction approvals, or
any major unresolved design or
engineering considerations). The project
implementation strategy must also
identify any potential for variability in
project costs, propose an appropriate
contingency as part of the funding
request, and identify the availability of
funds for these contingencies. Projects
will be evaluated based on the
completeness of this timeline, and on
the readiness of the project to proceed
consistent with the proposed timeline if
funds are allocated for the project.
Protection of Most Essential and
Vulnerable Infrastructure
FTA will prioritize resilience projects
that strengthen the protection of a
public transportation system’s assets
that are most immediately vulnerable to
future damage from hazards associated
with severe storms. Applicants should
identify those projects that are key to
ensuring continued public
transportation service. For example,
applicants may demonstrate the
importance of a transit asset by
documenting the ridership that would
be affected by projected damage to or
loss of the asset or by quantifying the
projected loss of fare revenue as a result
of damage to or loss of the asset.
This evaluation factor includes both
the likelihood that an asset will be
damaged as well as the importance of
the asset to the operations of the system.
Particular attention will be paid to data
and information that illustrates how the
protection of an existing asset—either
individually or working synergistically
with other proposed asset
improvements—serves to protect
functionality of the public
transportation system as a whole from
damage of future storm events,
compared to discrete localized impacts.
Projects will be evaluated based on the
vulnerability of the asset to be
protected, the criticality of the asset to
existing public transportation service,
and on the process or methodology used
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to prioritize assets for resilience
Local and Regional Planning
Collaboration and Coordination
Applicants must provide
documentation to show that proposed
projects are the result of local or
regional planning efforts. To
demonstrate regional collaboration,
applicants should coordinate, as
appropriate, with one or more of the
following: Hurricane Sandy recovery
plans, including those developed for the
use of CDBG–DR funds, local
governments, other transportation
operators, relevant metropolitan
planning organizations, the general
public, including representatives of
vulnerable communities, and other
affected stakeholders. Ideally, such
plans should reinforce and support a
project sponsor’s consideration of, and
priority assigned to, the protection of
the existing infrastructure—for example,
the incorporation of resilience
improvements with transit asset
management strategies addressing
rehabilitation and replacement of assets.
FTA recognizes that many of the
resilience projects are being planned in
direct response to actual damage
sustained from Hurricane Sandy, so
they may not be in an area’s long range
transportation plans, or an agency’s
current capital improvement program.
However, FTA expects proposals to
describe the local and regional
collaboration and coordination efforts
that have been undertaken to plan for
the resilience project by the time of
project application. For those applicants
whose proposed projects are located in
states where the Rebuild by Design
competition initiative has been
conducted, consideration of data
analyses conducted as part of that
competition is encouraged, particularly
any assessments that address regional
infrastructure interdependencies. Such
information may be site specific and
therefore targeted to particular portions
of the region affected by Hurricane
Sandy; further information can be found
FTA is also interested in projects that
have a potentially significant impact on
the region’s public transportation
ridership; for instance those projects
whose physical or functional
boundaries cross jurisdictional lines,
and are critical to the connected travel
of public transportation customers in
the region. Scope and connectivity must
be demonstrated as the number of daily
riders affected by the proposed
improvements, or by the extent of the
affected service area, including
connecting service to or within other
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Notices
jurisdictions or public transportation
In addition to local and regional plans
that recognize the need for investments
in such projects, resilience proposals
that geographically span multiple
jurisdictions or that require
implementation actions, including
financial contributions, from multiple
parties should provide appropriate
documentation from all affected parties
demonstrating support for the project,
its priority relative to other needs, and
concurrence to provide supporting
actions necessary to implement the
proposed project.
Projects will be evaluated both on (i)
the extent of local and regional
planning, collaboration and
coordination with local, state, and other
Federal agencies that has influenced the
identification and prioritization of the
project, and (ii) on the connectivity of
the project with other public
transportation systems in the region, as
evidenced by both planning efforts and
the potential impact of the project on
public transportation ridership in the
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Interdependency of the Public
Transportation Resilience Project
Applications should discuss the
interdependencies of the proposed
public transportation project’s resilience
with other supporting infrastructure
elements (e.g. flood management
projects, power station improvements,
etc.). This should include analysis on
how a project will not shift risk to other
infrastructure elements. FTA will take
into account any coordinated efforts
with other local or regional
infrastructure resilience plans or
infrastructure investment priorities.
Local Financial Commitment
FTA will evaluate applications in part
on the viability and completeness of the
project’s financing proposal (assuming
the availability of the requested
resilience discretionary grant funds),
including evidence of stable and reliable
capital and (as appropriate) operating
fund commitments and specific sources
of funds sufficient to cover estimated
costs; the availability of contingency
reserves should planned capital or
operating revenue sources not
materialize; evidence of the financial
condition of the project sponsor; and
evidence of the grant recipient’s ability
to manage grants. Applicants must
include a detailed project budget in
their application, including a detailed
breakdown of how the funds will be
spent on each activity. If the project will
be completed in individual segments or
phases, a budget for each individual
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segment or phase must be included.
Budget spending categories must be
broken down between FTA
discretionary resilience funding and
other federal and non-federal sources,
and applicants must identify how each
funding source will be applied to the
project. Additionally, applicants must
identify any other sources of Federal
funding included in the proposed
Technical Capacity
FTA will evaluate applications in part
on the applicant’s demonstrated
technical capacity to undertake the
proposed project, which may include
the applicant’s experience undertaking
projects of a similar scale or scope in the
Other Factors
FTA may consider geographic
diversity in the selection of projects.
FTA may also consider diversity among
project types, including the type of
public transportation service protected
by the resilience project (e.g. bus, rail,
ferry). Applications must clearly
identify the location of the project and
the types of public transportation
services affected by the project.
III. Application and Submission
Information for this Notice
A. Proposal Content
FTA will evaluate applications based
on the information requested above.
FTA encourages applicants to
demonstrate the responsiveness of their
application with the most relevant
information the applicant can provide,
regardless of whether FTA has
specifically requested such information
in this notice.
Applicants may submit one
application which can include multiple
projects. For each project, the applicant
must submit all of the information
necessary to evaluate the project, as
described in Section II of this notice.
FTA will provide training to potential
applicants within 30 days of the
publication of this notice on how to
compile and submit this information.
Each project proposal must include all
required attachments.
Information such as the applicant
name, Federal amount requested, nonFederal match amount, description of
areas served, etc. may be requested in
varying degrees of detail on both the SF
424 form and supplemental form. All
fields are required unless stated
otherwise on the forms. Use both the
‘‘Check Package for Errors’’ and the
‘‘Validate Form’’ validation buttons on
both forms to check all required fields
PO 00000
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on the forms. Ensure that the Federal
and non-Federal amounts specified are
B. Application Submission Instructions
Applications must be submitted
electronically through https://
www.GRANTS.GOV by Friday, March
28, 2014, by 11:59 p.m. EST. Mail and
fax submissions will not be accepted.
A complete proposal submission will
consist of at least two files: (1) The SF
424 Mandatory form (downloaded from
GRANTS.GOV) and (2) the Hurricane
Sandy-specific supplemental form
found on the FTA Web site: https:// The
supplemental form provides guidance
and a consistent format for applicants to
respond to the information required as
outlined in this notice. Once completed,
the supplemental form must be placed
in the attachments section of the SF 424
Mandatory form.
Applicants must attach the Hurricane
Sandy-specific supplemental form to
their submission in GRANTS.GOV to
successfully complete the application
process. A proposal submission may
contain additional supporting
documentation as attachments. Within
24–48 hours after submitting an
electronic application, the applicant
should receive three email messages
from GRANTS.GOV: (1) Confirmation of
successful transmission to
GRANTS.GOV, (2) confirmation of
successful validation by GRANTS.GOV
and (3) confirmation of successful
validation by FTA. If an applicant does
not receive confirmations of successful
validation and receives a notice of failed
validation or incomplete materials, the
applicant must address the reason for
the failed validation, as described in the
notice, and resubmit before the
submission deadline. If making a
resubmission for any reason, include all
original attachments regardless of which
attachments were updated. Complete
instructions on the application process
can be found on FTA’s Web site at
FTA urges applicants to submit their
applications at least 72 hours prior to
the due date to allow time to receive the
validation message and to correct any
problems that may have caused a
rejection notification. GRANTS.GOV
scheduled maintenance and outage
times are announced on the
GRANTS.GOV Web site https://
www.GRANTS.GOV. Deadlines will not
be extended due to scheduled
maintenance or outages.
IV. Award Administration
Once FTA allocates Emergency Relief
funds to a recipient, the recipient will
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Notices
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
be required to submit a grant
application electronically via FTA’s
Transportation Electronic Award
Management system (TEAM). Recipients
should work with their FTA Regional
Office to develop and submit their
application in TEAM so that funds can
be obligated expeditiously. Grant
applications in TEAM may only include
eligible activities under the Emergency
Relief program. Upon award, payments
to recipients will be made by electronic
transfer to the recipient’s financial
institution through FTA’s Electronic
Clearing House Operation (ECHO)
system. Successful intercity rail projects
may be transferred to the FRA for
administration and oversight.
A. Pre-award Authority
Pre-award authority allows affected
FTA recipients to incur certain project
costs before grant approval and retain
the eligibility of those costs for
subsequent reimbursement after grant
approval. FTA has provided blanket
pre-award authority for environmental
work (to comply with NEPA) and design
costs for resilience projects seeking
funding under this NOFA, permitting
them to be eligible for reimbursement
OR count towards the local match if the
competitive resilience project is
selected. Applicants may not use other
FTA Disaster Relief allocations for these
Pre-award authority is not a legal or
implied commitment that the subject
project will be approved for FTA
assistance or that FTA will obligate
Federal funds. Furthermore, it is not a
legal or implied commitment that all
items undertaken by the applicant will
be eligible for inclusion in the project.
The conditions under which preaward authority may be used are
specified below:
(i) All FTA statutory, procedural, and
contractual requirements must be met.
(ii) The recipient must take no action
that prejudices the legal and
administrative findings that the Federal
Transit Administrator must make in
order to approve a project.
(iii) When a grant for the project is
subsequently awarded, the Financial
Status Report in TEAM-Web must
indicate the use of pre-award authority.
In addition to the pre-award authority
described above, affected recipients are
permitted to submit grant amendments
for existing section 5307 and 5311
grants in order to use available
unexpended balances for eligible
disaster-related project costs. Use of
formula funds for these purposes is at
the discretion of the affected recipient.
Section 5307 and 5311 funds may not be
used as local match for awards under
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the Section 5324 Public Transportation
Emergency Relief Program. Section 5324
funds may not be used to replenish
formula funds spent in response to an
B. Grant Requirements
Emergency Relief funds may only be
used for eligible purposes as defined
under 49 U.S.C. 5324 and as described
in the Emergency Relief Program Rule
(49 CFR part 602).
Recipients of section 5324 funds must
comply with all applicable Federal
requirements, including FTA’s Master
Agreement. Each grant for section 5324
funds will include special grant
conditions, including but not limited to
specific requirements of the Disaster
Relief Appropriations Act of 2013,
Federal share, and enhanced oversight.
Proposals that receive competitive
funding allocations must provide
evidence of continued progress toward
key project milestones, which will be
determined cooperatively by FTA and
the awardee within six months of the
announcement of allocations. Projects
that cease to make progress towards
these milestones within a reasonable
timeframe may have their funding
allocations deobligated or rescinded.
Recipients are advised that FTA is
implementing an enhanced oversight
process for Disaster Relief
Appropriation Act funds awarded under
the Emergency Relief Program. FTA
intends to undertake a risk analysis of
each recipient and grant to determine
the appropriate level of oversight.
Successful intercity passenger rail
projects may be transferred to the FRA
for administration and oversight, and
will be subject to FRA program
C. Reporting Requirements
Post-award reporting requirements
include submission of the Federal
Financial Report and Milestone Progress
Reports in FTA’s electronic grant
management system consistent with
FTA’s grants management Circular
5010.1D, as well as any other reporting
requirements FTA determines are
Issued in Washington, DC, this 19th day of
December 2013.
Peter Rogoff,
[FR Doc. 2013–30867 Filed 12–24–13; 8:45 am]
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Federal Transit Administration
National Rural Transportation
Assistance Program: Solicitation for
Federal Transit Administration
ACTION: Notice; request for proposals.
The Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) is soliciting
proposals under FTA’s Formula Grants
for Rural Areas Program (49 U.S.C.
5311), to fund a National Rural
Transportation Assistance Program
(National RTAP). The National RTAP
provides a source of funding to assist in
the design and implementation of
training and technical assistance
projects and other support services
tailored to meet the specific needs of
transit operators in rural areas. The
National RTAP provides for the
development of information and
materials for use by local operators and
State administering agencies, and
supports research and technical
assistance projects of national interest.
The total duration of this cooperative
agreement, including the exercising of
any options under this text, shall not
exceed 5 years. FTA intends to fund the
National RTAP at $1,794,903 for the
first year, as authorized by the Moving
Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
Act (MAP–21), Public Law 112–141
(2012). Funding beyond the first year
will depend upon (1) future
appropriations and authorizations, and
(2) annual performance reviews.
This solicitation describes the
priorities established for the National
RTAP, the proposal submission process,
and criteria upon which proposals will
be evaluated. This announcement is
available on FTA’s Web site at: https://
FTA will announce the final selection
on the FTA Web site and in the Federal
Register. A synopsis of this
announcement will be posted in the
FIND module of the government-wide
electronic grants Web site at https:// Proposals must be
submitted to FTA, electronically
through the GRANTS.GOV ‘‘APPLY’’
DATES: Complete proposals must be
submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m.,
Eastern Time, on February 10, 2014. All
proposals must be submitted
electronically through the
‘‘GRANTS.GOV’’ APPLY function.
Interested organizations that have not
already done so should initiate the
process of registering on the
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 248 (Thursday, December 26, 2013)]
[Pages 78486-78493]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-30867]
Federal Transit Administration
Notice of Funding Availability for Resilience Projects in
Response to Hurricane Sandy
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of funding availability (NOFA).
SUMMARY: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the
availability of approximately $3 billion in funds under the Public
Transportation Emergency Relief Program and the Disaster Relief
Appropriations Act of 2013 for States, local governmental authorities,
tribal governments and other FTA recipients impacted by Hurricane
Sandy, which affected mid-Atlantic and northeastern states in October
2012. This announcement solicits proposals for resilience projects,
defined as those projects designed and built to address current and
future vulnerabilities to a public transportation facility or system
due to future occurrence or recurrence of emergencies or major
disasters that are likely to occur in the geographic area in which the
public transportation system is located; or projected changes in
development patterns, demographics, or climate change and extreme
weather patterns. For the purposes of this notice, ``public
transportation'' may include consideration of intercity passenger rail
service. This resilience funding is intended to protect public
transportation infrastructure that has been repaired or rebuilt after
Hurricane Sandy or that is at risk of being damaged or destroyed by a
future natural disaster. These investments reduce the likelihood that
U.S. taxpayers are asked to repair the same infrastructure after a
future major storm or natural disaster. Furthermore, the activities
funded under this notice will help strengthen and build more resilient
communities to better withstand future disasters.
The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 was enacted on
January 29, 2013, and provided $10.9 billion for FTA's Emergency Relief
Program for recovery, relief and resilience efforts in areas affected
by Hurricane Sandy with approximately $10.4 billion still available
after implementation of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit
Control Act of 2011. FTA has previously allocated $5.7 billion for
recovery and resilience projects to public transportation agencies
impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Additionally, the Disaster Relief
Appropriations Act of 2013 permits the Secretary to transfer up to
$5.383 billion to other agencies to fund programs authorized under
titles 23 and 49, United States Code, in order to carry out resilience
projects in areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Under this authority,
DOT transferred $185 million to the Federal Railroad Administration
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)
authorized the Emergency Relief Program at 49 U.S.C. 5324. With the
authorization of this program, Congress provided FTA with primary
responsibility for Federal reimbursements for emergency response and
recovery costs after an emergency or major disaster that affects public
transportation systems. The Emergency Relief Program allows FTA to make
grants for eligible public transportation capital and operating costs
in the event of a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, that affects a
wide area, including projects to protect public transportation assets
from damage. Beginning in late October 2012, President Obama issued
major disaster declarations for specified counties in the following
States: Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, and
West Virginia, as well as the District of Columbia as a result of the
impacts Hurricane Sandy and its remnants. Providers of public
transportation in the affected areas as defined by these Presidential
declarations are eligible to apply for funding for public
transportation resilience projects.
This notice includes a description of eligible projects, the
criteria FTA will use to identify projects for funding, and a
description of how to apply for funding. This announcement is available
on the FTA Web site at: A synopsis of the
funding opportunity will be posted in the FIND module of the
government-wide electronic grants Web site at https://www.GRANTS.GOV.
FTA will announce final allocations in a Federal Register notice and on
the FTA Web site.
DATES: In January 2014, FTA will host a webinar to answer questions
about the NOFA and will conduct training, specifically for the Hazard
Mitigation Cost Effectiveness methodology. Prospective applicants must
participate in the training. Dates and times of these offerings will be
posted to FTA's Web site.
Complete proposals must be submitted no later than Friday, March
28, 2014 by 11:59 p.m. EST. All proposals must be submitted
electronically through the GRANTS.GOV ``APPLY'' function. Any
prospective applicant intending to submit a proposal should initiate
the process of registering on the GRANTS.GOV site immediately to ensure
completion of registration before the submission deadline. Instructions
for submitting a proposal can be found on FTA's Web site at and in the ``FIND'' module of GRANTS.GOV.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: the appropriate FTA Regional Office
found at for application-specific information
and other assistance needed in preparing a complete proposal. For
program-specific questions about applying for the funds as outlined in
this notice, please contact Adam Schildge, Office of Program
Management, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE., Washington, DC 20590, phone:
(202) 366-0778, or email, For legal
questions, Bonnie Graves, Office of Chief Counsel, same address, phone:
(202) 366-4011, or email, For questions about
direct transfers (outside of the competitive process and this Notice)
to other modes within the Department of Transportation, please contact
Peter Gould, Office of Policy, Office of the Secretary, same address,
phone: (202) 366-6321, or email,; or Sahar Shirazi,
Office of Policy, Office of the Secretary, same address, phone: (202)
366-4114, or email,
Table of Contents
I. Overview of FTA Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program
A. Authority
B. Disaster Relief Funding
C. Policy Priorities
II. Public Transportation Resilience Grants for Areas Affected by
A. Description and Purpose
B. Eligibility Information
C. Evaluation Criteria, Review and Selection
III. Application and Submission Information for This Notice
A. Proposal Content
B. Application Submission Instructions
IV. Award Administration
A. Pre-award Authority
B. Grant Requirements
C. Reporting Requirements
[[Page 78487]]
I. Overview of FTA Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program
A. Authority
MAP-21 authorized FTA's Emergency Relief Program under Section 5324
of title 49, United States Code as follows:
General authority.--The Secretary may make grants and enter into
contracts and other agreements (including agreements with
departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Government)
(1) capital projects to protect, repair, reconstruct, or replace
equipment and facilities of a public transportation system operating
in the United States or on an Indian reservation that the Secretary
determines is in danger of suffering serious damage, or has suffered
serious damage, as a result of an emergency; and
(2) eligible operating costs of public transportation equipment
and facilities in an area directly affected by an emergency during--
(A) the 1-year period beginning on the date of a declaration
described in subsection (a)(2); or
(B) if the Secretary determines there is a compelling need, the
2-year period beginning on the date of a declaration described in
subsection (a)(2).
In addition, Section 5324(a)(2) defines an ``emergency'' as
The term `emergency' means a natural disaster affecting a wide
area (such as a flood, hurricane, tidal wave, earthquake, severe
storm, or landslide) or a catastrophic failure from any external
cause, as a result of which--
(A) the Governor of a State has declared an emergency and the
Secretary has concurred; or
(B) the President has declared a major disaster under section
401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170).
In addition, Section 5324(d) provides that a grant awarded under
section 5324 shall be subject to the terms and conditions the Secretary
determines are necessary.
B. Disaster Relief Funding
As a result of Hurricane Sandy, and in accordance with the Stafford
Act, President Obama declared a major disaster in late 2012 for twelve
states and the District of Columbia affected by Hurricane Sandy, making
public transportation agencies in specified counties in those States
eligible for financial assistance under FTA's Public Transportation
Emergency Relief Program.
The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 113-2) provides
$10.9 billion for FTA's Emergency Relief Program for recovery, relief
and resilience efforts in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy, with
approximately $10.4 billion still available after implementation of the
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 2011 (Pub. L. 112-
25). FTA is allocating the remaining $10.4 billion in multiple tiers
for response, recovery and rebuilding, for locally-prioritized
resilience projects, and for competitively selected resilience
On March 29, 2013 and May 29, 2013 FTA announced the allocation of
$2 billion for response and recovery expenses and $3.7 billion for
response, recovery, and local priority resilience funding respectively,
with $5.7 billion total allocated to date. FTA allocated funding for
locally-prioritized resilience projects to the public transportation
agencies most affected by Hurricane Sandy. Funds were allocated based
on a formula reflecting the distribution of damage costs among public
transportation agencies most impacted by the storm, as outlined in the
Federal Register Notice of Allocation dated May 29, 2013. Locally
prioritized resilience projects require FTA review prior to incurring
costs, and are primarily intended for resilience improvements in tandem
with recovery and rebuilding projects where joint implementation will
prove cost effective, and for lower cost stand-alone resilience
improvements that can be implemented relatively quickly.
The following chart \1\ illustrates the overall allocation of
funding under the FTA Emergency Relief Program and the Disaster Relief
Appropriations Act:
\1\ The Secretary is authorized by the Disaster Relief
Appropriations Act to transfer emergency relief resilience funding
to other DOT operating administrations for eligible projects.
Award type Applicants Available funding Eligibility criteria
Response, Recovery & Rebuilding... Affected FTA Recipients... $4.4 billion......... Damage assessments
submitted by affected
agencies and reviewed by
FTA, and costs incurred
by affected agencies.
Locally-Prioritized Resilience.... MTA, NJT, PANYNJ, NYCDOT.. $1.3 billion......... Resilience Projects and
Project Components.
Competitive Resilience............ (1) States, (2) public $3 billion........... Described in this Notice.
transportation agencies
that receive funding
through FTA formula
programs, (3) other
entities responsible for
an eligible public
transportation capital
project that enter into a
subrecipient arrangement
with an existing FTA
grantee, and (4) entities
that provide intercity
passenger rail service.
Response, Recovery & Rebuilding... Affected FTA Recipients... $1.1 billion (to be Damage assessments
announced in a submitted by affected
subsequent notice). agencies and reviewed by
FTA, and costs incurred
by affected agencies.
Direct Transfer Resilience........ Eligible DOT grantees/ TBD.................. Any statutorily eligible
funding recipients project not readily
implementing programs fundable through the
authorized under titles formula distribution or
23 and 49 U.S.C. competitive application
process. For further
information on the
Direct Transfer process,
interested parties may
contact the Office of
the Secretary. Please
note that DOT's intent
is to allocate
resilience funds
primarily though formula
and competition.
[[Page 78488]]
C. Policy Priorities
Both scientific evidence and recent history indicate that weather
and climate-related disasters are a continuing threat. According to the
``Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy'' report,\2\ in the last year
alone there were 11 different weather and climate disaster events with
estimated losses exceeding $1 billion each across the United States.
Taken together, these 11 events resulted in more than $110 billion in
estimated damages.
\2\ See
Federal investment in the improved resilience of public
transportation systems to future disasters is necessary to reduce,
better manage, and better prepare for the economic and social
consequences of future disasters, regardless of their cause, including
both the potential cost of rebuilding after the next storm and the
social and economic consequences of suspended or inoperable public
transportation services.
A more resilient public transportation system will be the product
of many efforts, including some that are outside the scope of this
notice; including disaster preparation, risk assessments, enhanced
response capabilities, redundant infrastructure, a more complete state
of good repair in systems essential to transit operations, evacuation
readiness, emergency social support systems, and other efforts. While
these and other factors contribute to the resilience of a region and of
a public transportation system, this Notice of Funding Availability
(NOFA) is intended to provide funding specifically for the resilience
activities that strengthen and protect vulnerable infrastructure that
is essential for providing and supporting public transportation in the
region impacted by Hurricane Sandy. In addition to projects funded
under this notice, agencies are also responsible for disaster response
planning and evacuation readiness.
In accordance with FTA's definition of resilience and resilience
project, and for the purpose of this competition, a future disaster is
considered to be any significant event with a likelihood of occurring
in the areas affected by Hurricane Sandy, and which presents a risk of
damage from hazards similar to those associated with Hurricane Sandy,
such as severe storm surge, flooding--including levels projected due to
sea level rise--, heavy rain, high winds, and associated power outages.
Further, for purposes of this competition, FTA will prioritize
resilience projects that strengthen, protect, or otherwise increase the
protection or resilience of existing infrastructure that was damaged or
destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, to minimize the potential of repeated
reinvestments to the same infrastructure due to damage from future
similar storms. These priority investments and related outcomes will
take precedent over new ``redundant'' investments whose primary
objective is to increase system capacity.
FTA is undertaking this competition in accordance with the
recommendations issued by the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force,
convened by President Obama and composed of the leaders of Federal
agencies responsible for various aspects of the recovery. The Task
Force issued the ``Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy'' report in
August 2013, laying out key principles for recovery, as well as related
recommendations to guide the implementation of federally supported
recovery efforts.
The Task Force recommends that Sandy-rebuilding infrastructure
projects be designed to increase the resilience of the region and that
they be regionally coordinated. Reflecting the Task Force's recommended
infrastructure resilience guidelines, FTA has considered the following
principles in the development of this competitive resilience
[cir] Comprehensive Analysis
[cir] Transparent and Inclusive Decision Processes
[cir] Regional Resilience
[cir] Long-Term Efficacy and Fiscal Sustainability
[cir] Environmentally Sustainable and Innovative Solutions
[cir] Targeted Financial Incentives
[cir] Adherence to Resilience Performance Standards
All projects submitted under this competitive public transportation
resilience notice, including any intercity passenger rail projects,
will be evaluated based on the process and criteria described later in
this notice. Subsequent to project selection, the Secretary may
transfer funds and the responsibility for administering intercity
passenger rail projects to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).
II. Public Transportation Resilience Grants for Areas Affected by Sandy
A. Description and Purpose
This notice solicits proposals for capital projects that will
protect or otherwise increase the resilience of public transportation
equipment and facilities from the future recurrence of hurricanes and
similar storms in the areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. FTA's
Emergency Relief rule at 49 CFR 602.5 defines ``resilience'' as the
capability to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from
significant multi-hazard threats with minimum damage to social well-
being, the economy, and the environment. The rule defines ``resilience
project'' as a project designed and built to address future
vulnerabilities to a public transportation facility or system due to
future recurrence of emergencies or major disasters that are likely to
occur again in the geographic area in which the public transportation
system is located; or projected changes in development patterns,
demographics, or extreme weather or other climate patterns.
B. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants must be located in or provide public
transportation service in one of the areas affected by Hurricane Sandy,
which are defined as areas for which President Obama declared a major
disaster under the Stafford Act in response to Hurricane Sandy.
Eligible applicants include (1) States and Indian tribes, (2) local
governmental authorities and public transportation agencies that
receive funding through FTA formula programs, (3) other entities
responsible for an eligible public transportation capital project that
enter into a sub-recipient arrangement with an existing FTA grantee,
and (4) entities that provide intercity passenger rail service.
Projects that involve joint public transit and intercity passenger rail
service will be administered under the provisions of (2) or (3) above.
Note: Entities that provide public transportation service and are not
current recipients of FTA funding are only eligible to receive
Emergency Relief funding as a subrecipient of an FTA recipient. These
entities should contact the appropriate FTA Regional Office, the
contact information for which is available at, to find
a direct FTA recipient in their area to apply on their behalf.
Successful intercity rail projects may be transferred to the FRA for
administration and oversight.
For the purpose of this notice, areas affected by Hurricane Sandy
include any of the counties designated for FEMA's Public Assistance
program under any of the major disaster declarations issued by
President Obama in response to Hurricane Sandy. This includes areas
within the following States: Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island,
[[Page 78489]]
Virginia, and West Virginia, as well as the District of Columbia. Areas
affected by Hurricane Sandy are defined by the presidential declaration
of major disaster for that State. See
2. Eligible Projects
Eligible projects are capital projects that reduce the risk of
damage to public transportation assets as a result of future natural
disasters. FTA expects the project sponsor to demonstrate, as part of
an overall system plan, how steps are being taken to first ensure
protection and increased resilience of existing assets before redundant
(new) infrastructure is contemplated. This must be demonstrated in the
applicant's response to the evaluation criteria for ``Protection of
Most Essential and Vulnerable Infrastructure,'' as described in section
C.2 of this notice. If such a case is made, then projects that involve
the construction or installation of new equipment or facilities for the
purpose of providing redundancy to reduce the vulnerability of the
existing public transportation system may be considered. All project
proposals will be evaluated based on the criteria identified in the
next section.
Sample resilience projects may include elevating or relocating
assets that are located in a special flood hazard area (SFHA),
protecting assets vulnerable to high winds, installing mitigation
measures that prevent the intrusion of floodwaters into underground
segments of a public transportation system, strengthening systems that
remove rainwater from public transportation facilities, and other
projects that address identified vulnerabilities.
FTA encourages innovative proposals; however, all projects must
consist of technologies that can be demonstrated to be effective. The
functionality of innovative proposals must be adequately documented and
justified. Innovative proposals may include remotely controlled or
other below-grade subway vent closures, modular flood prevention
barriers, use of green infrastructure to control storm water, or other
new technologies or applications.
Recognizing that risk continuously changes and is expected to
increase in many areas, resilience projects must be designed to be
resilient to at least 1 foot above the best available base flood
elevations released by FEMA to ensure long term resilience of
communities. State and local governments are encouraged to review their
local conditions and needs and, where appropriate, build to an even
higher standard where they are planning key infrastructure projects
and/or where future conditions indicate higher risk. Resilience
projects under this competition may be designed to withstand a higher
base flood elevation if required by local or State building codes or
standards. Projects designed to meet the above standard may include the
relocation of infrastructure from the floodplain, physical elevation of
the infrastructure, or other appropriate mitigation measures depending
on the circumstances of the proposed project. This requirement is
addressed further under section C.1.a. of this notice, ``Special Note
Regarding FEMA's Best Available Flood Hazard Information.''
FTA recognizes that, in the course of making an asset more
resilient, a resilience project may also involve activities or elements
that concurrently serve to bring an asset up to a state of good repair.
For example, a resilience project may involve the replacement of older
features with new features, the incorporation of current design
standards, the replacement of a vulnerable facility at a new location
when a cost-effective mitigation is not practical or feasible at the
existing location, or other required mitigation measures resulting from
the NEPA process or required for compliance with applicable Federal
environmental requirements.
3. Cost Sharing and Matching
Section 5324 of title 49, United States Code, provides that the
Government share for FTA emergency relief projects shall be not more
than 80 percent of the net project cost. Consistent with FEMA's Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program, resilience projects solicited by this notice
are eligible for a Federal cost share of no more than 75 percent of the
total project cost. Project sponsors will be required to identify a
source of eligible non-Federal match representing no less than 25
percent of the total project cost. The local share may be provided from
an undistributed cash surplus, a replacement or depreciation cash fund
or reserve, or new capital. In addition to local and state funds, non-
Federal match may include the use of Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funds, including CDBG Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds that are
available for transportation purposes.\3\ Project sponsors may propose
the use of non-Federal funds in excess of 25 percent of the project
cost. FTA may consider the planned commitment of additional non-Federal
match as a part of project selection.
\3\ See the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Federal Register dated November 18, 2013 ( for more information on CDBG-
DR funds.
C. Evaluation Criteria, Review and Selection
All projects must meet minimum application requirements in order to
qualify for further consideration. Qualified projects will then be
evaluated based on the factors outlined below.
1. Minimum Application Requirements
Minimum requirements include the following:
Applicant is a current FTA recipient, or, if not a current
FTA recipient, has provided a support letter from a current FTA
recipient stating that it is willing to partner on the project, or is
an entity that provides intercity passenger rail service.
Applicant has identified the source for the required non-
Federal cost share, which may include CDBG funding.
Applicant certifies that the project will be designed and
built to be resilient to the best available FEMA flood hazard
information as of February 1, 2014, plus one foot, as defined in this
Applicant has participated in an FTA training session (one
of two offerings) on Hazard Mitigation Cost Effectiveness (HMCE). FTA
will schedule two training sessions in January 2014. Applicants may
participate either in person or through the web. Instructions and
requirements regarding the HMCE process will be provided at these
training sessions.
a. Special Note Regarding FEMA's Best Available Flood Hazard
In certain situations, notably where a project or activity is
located within a SFHA, use of FTA funds will require that a project and
activity be designed and constructed in accordance with elevated
minimums for project elevations (i.e. the best available FEMA flood
hazard information plus one foot), in order to adequately enhance long-
term structural resilience, and mitigate against the recurrence of
flood-related damages.
Accordingly, resilience projects intended to protect against
flooding and that are located within the SFHA must be designed and
elevated or otherwise flood-proofed to the best available Base Flood
Elevation (BFE) elevation released by FEMA plus one foot. The best
available SFHA and BFE can be determined by comparing the SFHA and BFE
on the current effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood
Insurance Study (FIS) report with alternative flood hazard information
released by FEMA, if available. FEMA's
[[Page 78490]]
alternative flood hazard information may include Advisory Base Flood
Elevations (ABFEs) and ABFE Maps; Preliminary Work Maps; \4\ and
Preliminary FIRMs and the FIS report. The best available SFHA is the
widest geographic area indicated by FEMA's FIRM, FIS, or alternative
flood hazard information. The best available BFE is the highest base
flood elevation indicated by FEMA's FIRM, FIS, or alternative flood
hazard information for the project's location. For purposes of this
notice, FTA will consider best available information to be information
released by FEMA as of February 1, 2014.
\4\ FEMA's preliminary work maps are an interim product created
by FEMA in the development of preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps
(FIRMs) for certain communities in New York and New Jersey. This
information will replace the Advisory Base Flood Elevation (ABFE)
maps as the most recent data available from FEMA.
Following Hurricane Sandy, FEMA produced ABFE maps for coastal
counties in New Jersey and New York. These advisory maps can be found
at If FEMA's alternative flood hazard
information is not available, such as in many areas outside of New York
and New Jersey, resilience projects must be designed and elevated or
otherwise flood-proofed to the elevation identified on the effective
FIRM and in the FIS report plus one foot. The Preliminary and effective
FIRMs and FIS reports can be found on FEMA's Web site at:
Elevations required by either State or locally adopted building
codes or standards that are higher than the best available FEMA flood
hazard information plus one foot will apply.
This standard does not necessarily mean that public transportation
agencies will be required to move existing facilities or build new
facilities at a higher elevation; however, in order to minimize
potential harm within the floodplain in accordance with Executive Order
11988, when relocation or elevation is not possible, resilience
projects funded under this notice must include updated design features
or added protective features in order to reduce the risk of damage from
future flooding.
A base flood elevation from an ABFE map, preliminary work map, or
preliminary FIRM and FIS report or non-FEMA source cannot be used if it
is lower than the effective FIRM and FIS report plus one foot.
Recipients may also consider the best available data on sea-level rise,
storm surge, scouring and erosion before rebuilding. In all instances,
FTA retains the authority to award funds in direct alignment with
recipient acceptance of and continued compliance with Federal
determinations regarding increased standards for floodplain management.
b. Project Scalability
Projects are considered scalable if they incorporate multiple
activities or elements that have separate and independent benefits and
which can be undertaken independently of one another. FTA may at times
choose to fund less than the full requested amount of a proposal,
consistent with the project's scalability.
To facilitate this approach, and to allow for partial funding when
full funding of a project is not possible, all project proposals must
identify whether a project is scalable and, if so, must identify
potential scopes and funding amounts for the scalable project
components, including a separate cost-effectiveness evaluation for
potential scaled projects, if appropriate. If the project is not
scalable, the project sponsor must indicate the minimum amount of
Section 5324 funds necessary to implement the full scope of the
project, including a discussion of alternative funding sources for the
unfunded portion.
2. Project Evaluation Factors
Projects that meet the minimum requirements will be evaluated based
on the factors listed below:
Hazard Mitigation Cost Effectiveness
For each project, applicants are required to submit information,
both quantitative and qualitative, that FTA will use to evaluate the
cost-effectiveness of the proposed project in reducing an asset's and
the public transportation system's vulnerabilities to future disasters.
Consistent with OMB Circular A-94 and Executive Order 12893, selection
of projects for funding will be based in part on a systematic analysis
of benefits and costs. This analysis will incorporate methodologies
developed by FEMA for its Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. When
determining the cost and benefit, FTA will evaluate both quantitative
measures such as the probability of occurrence of future disasters, the
potential cost to repair, the historic or projected cost of emergency
response and temporary service, the number of transit passengers
affected if the asset were damaged, potential or observed travel time
delays, and other quantitative factors required by the Hazard
Mitigation Cost Effectiveness (HMCE) process or identified by the
applicant; as well as qualitative information, for example the regional
importance of a subway line to overall system performance. Recipients
are encouraged to submit narrative explanations and supporting
documentation accompanying the quantitative and qualitative information
Consistent with FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Benefit Cost Analysis
approach, analyses of benefits and costs (or cost-effectiveness) must
distinguish clearly between a baseline case--what is likely to occur if
the proposed project is not built--and the ``project'' or ``build''
case--what is likely to occur if the project is built. The analysis
should assess the likelihood of future disasters of various severities,
the likely costs (in both the baseline and build cases) of loss of
public transportation service and other costs while the damage is being
repaired, and the costs (in both the baseline and build cases) of
repairing the damage. This information is especially important in order
to explain the basis of the estimates of losses in the two cases and in
order to compare clearly the estimated losses from potential future
events both with and without the proposed resilience project.
Quantitative information that applicants must submit in order to
conduct the analysis described above include the estimated damage and
losses from specifically identified hazards (e.g. the cost to repair),
the probabilities of these hazards occurring at certain magnitudes
(e.g. 100-year recurrence) both now and throughout the effective
lifetime of the project, and the reduction in the anticipated losses
after such an event as a result of the proposed project. FTA will
review and evaluate the explanations and justifications provided by the
applicants, as well as the source of the information.
For all projects, applicants must provide the following information
including relevant source documents:
The public transportation asset(s) to be protected by the
proposed resilience project;
The useful life of the investment; and the current
remaining or projected useful life of the asset(s) to be protected;
A list of hazards likely to impact the asset(s), including
the frequency or probability of the primary identified hazard to be
addressed by the project and any secondary hazards occurring at various
levels of severity, both now and throughout the expected project life;
The estimated cost to repair the asset if any of these
primary identified hazard events occur. Estimated repair costs for
historic damage events must be supported by damage assessments,
itemized statements of force account
[[Page 78491]]
labor and materials, contractor invoices, insurance claims, and/or
similar documentation. Estimated repair costs for expected damage
events must be supported by engineering reports, transit studies
supported by engineering analysis, and/or similar documentation;
If a loss of an asset is likely to occur as a result of a
primary identified hazard, the anticipated societal impacts of loss of
the asset (e.g. a narrative description of the significance of the
asset to the operations of the system and the impacts of lost service
to riders and the community);
The anticipated reduction in expected losses from a
primary identified hazard as a result of the proposed resilience
The total cost of the resilience project, including the
additional annualized marginal operating and maintenance costs over the
life of the proposed project.
Resilience projects that protect the system as a whole, such as a
project to provide a back-up power supply, do not need to include
information for a specific asset to be protected, and will be evaluated
instead based on the proposed benefits of the project to the system as
a whole. FTA will provide technical assistance for determining the
probability of those hazards occurring for which resilience funding is
being sought, and will provide guidance on the calculation of project
Data required for the Hazard Mitigation Cost Effectiveness
evaluation can be derived from various sources, which may include the
comprehensive risk data collected as part of the Rebuild by Design
(RBD) Initiative. Project sponsors are encouraged to consider that
initiative as appropriate to their project.
Applicants may also submit additional supporting information or
analyses. While FTA will evaluate the cost-effectiveness of each
project based on the information described above, including both
quantitative and qualitative factors, additional information may be
considered on a case-by-case basis, such as if an applicant believes
that the information requested above does not adequately measure the
proposed benefits of a project.
FTA will provide training to applicants in January 2014 (specific
dates, times, and locations will be posted to FTA's Web site) on how to
compile and submit the information required to complete a benefit cost
analysis. This training must be completed in order to submit a complete
application. Applicants will have no less than 60 days from the
required training to submit an application. All applications must be
submitted no later than Friday, March 28, 2014.
Project Implementation Strategy
For each project, applicants must provide a proposed timeline for
project implementation. This timeline must include proposed dates for
key milestones, including but not limited to NEPA compliance, project
engineering and design, construction, and project completion. The
project implementation strategy must identify any critical dependencies
that may affect the timeline or strategy for accomplishing the project
(e.g. availability of matching funds, site construction approvals, or
any major unresolved design or engineering considerations). The project
implementation strategy must also identify any potential for
variability in project costs, propose an appropriate contingency as
part of the funding request, and identify the availability of funds for
these contingencies. Projects will be evaluated based on the
completeness of this timeline, and on the readiness of the project to
proceed consistent with the proposed timeline if funds are allocated
for the project.
Protection of Most Essential and Vulnerable Infrastructure
FTA will prioritize resilience projects that strengthen the
protection of a public transportation system's assets that are most
immediately vulnerable to future damage from hazards associated with
severe storms. Applicants should identify those projects that are key
to ensuring continued public transportation service. For example,
applicants may demonstrate the importance of a transit asset by
documenting the ridership that would be affected by projected damage to
or loss of the asset or by quantifying the projected loss of fare
revenue as a result of damage to or loss of the asset.
This evaluation factor includes both the likelihood that an asset
will be damaged as well as the importance of the asset to the
operations of the system. Particular attention will be paid to data and
information that illustrates how the protection of an existing asset--
either individually or working synergistically with other proposed
asset improvements--serves to protect functionality of the public
transportation system as a whole from damage of future storm events,
compared to discrete localized impacts. Projects will be evaluated
based on the vulnerability of the asset to be protected, the
criticality of the asset to existing public transportation service, and
on the process or methodology used to prioritize assets for resilience
Local and Regional Planning Collaboration and Coordination
Applicants must provide documentation to show that proposed
projects are the result of local or regional planning efforts. To
demonstrate regional collaboration, applicants should coordinate, as
appropriate, with one or more of the following: Hurricane Sandy
recovery plans, including those developed for the use of CDBG-DR funds,
local governments, other transportation operators, relevant
metropolitan planning organizations, the general public, including
representatives of vulnerable communities, and other affected
stakeholders. Ideally, such plans should reinforce and support a
project sponsor's consideration of, and priority assigned to, the
protection of the existing infrastructure--for example, the
incorporation of resilience improvements with transit asset management
strategies addressing rehabilitation and replacement of assets. FTA
recognizes that many of the resilience projects are being planned in
direct response to actual damage sustained from Hurricane Sandy, so
they may not be in an area's long range transportation plans, or an
agency's current capital improvement program. However, FTA expects
proposals to describe the local and regional collaboration and
coordination efforts that have been undertaken to plan for the
resilience project by the time of project application. For those
applicants whose proposed projects are located in states where the
Rebuild by Design competition initiative has been conducted,
consideration of data analyses conducted as part of that competition is
encouraged, particularly any assessments that address regional
infrastructure interdependencies. Such information may be site specific
and therefore targeted to particular portions of the region affected by
Hurricane Sandy; further information can be found at
FTA is also interested in projects that have a potentially
significant impact on the region's public transportation ridership; for
instance those projects whose physical or functional boundaries cross
jurisdictional lines, and are critical to the connected travel of
public transportation customers in the region. Scope and connectivity
must be demonstrated as the number of daily riders affected by the
proposed improvements, or by the extent of the affected service area,
including connecting service to or within other
[[Page 78492]]
jurisdictions or public transportation systems.
In addition to local and regional plans that recognize the need for
investments in such projects, resilience proposals that geographically
span multiple jurisdictions or that require implementation actions,
including financial contributions, from multiple parties should provide
appropriate documentation from all affected parties demonstrating
support for the project, its priority relative to other needs, and
concurrence to provide supporting actions necessary to implement the
proposed project.
Projects will be evaluated both on (i) the extent of local and
regional planning, collaboration and coordination with local, state,
and other Federal agencies that has influenced the identification and
prioritization of the project, and (ii) on the connectivity of the
project with other public transportation systems in the region, as
evidenced by both planning efforts and the potential impact of the
project on public transportation ridership in the region.
Interdependency of the Public Transportation Resilience Project
Applications should discuss the interdependencies of the proposed
public transportation project's resilience with other supporting
infrastructure elements (e.g. flood management projects, power station
improvements, etc.). This should include analysis on how a project will
not shift risk to other infrastructure elements. FTA will take into
account any coordinated efforts with other local or regional
infrastructure resilience plans or infrastructure investment
Local Financial Commitment
FTA will evaluate applications in part on the viability and
completeness of the project's financing proposal (assuming the
availability of the requested resilience discretionary grant funds),
including evidence of stable and reliable capital and (as appropriate)
operating fund commitments and specific sources of funds sufficient to
cover estimated costs; the availability of contingency reserves should
planned capital or operating revenue sources not materialize; evidence
of the financial condition of the project sponsor; and evidence of the
grant recipient's ability to manage grants. Applicants must include a
detailed project budget in their application, including a detailed
breakdown of how the funds will be spent on each activity. If the
project will be completed in individual segments or phases, a budget
for each individual segment or phase must be included. Budget spending
categories must be broken down between FTA discretionary resilience
funding and other federal and non-federal sources, and applicants must
identify how each funding source will be applied to the project.
Additionally, applicants must identify any other sources of Federal
funding included in the proposed project.
Technical Capacity
FTA will evaluate applications in part on the applicant's
demonstrated technical capacity to undertake the proposed project,
which may include the applicant's experience undertaking projects of a
similar scale or scope in the past.
Other Factors
FTA may consider geographic diversity in the selection of projects.
FTA may also consider diversity among project types, including the type
of public transportation service protected by the resilience project
(e.g. bus, rail, ferry). Applications must clearly identify the
location of the project and the types of public transportation services
affected by the project.
III. Application and Submission Information for this Notice
A. Proposal Content
FTA will evaluate applications based on the information requested
above. FTA encourages applicants to demonstrate the responsiveness of
their application with the most relevant information the applicant can
provide, regardless of whether FTA has specifically requested such
information in this notice.
Applicants may submit one application which can include multiple
projects. For each project, the applicant must submit all of the
information necessary to evaluate the project, as described in Section
II of this notice. FTA will provide training to potential applicants
within 30 days of the publication of this notice on how to compile and
submit this information. Each project proposal must include all
required attachments.
Information such as the applicant name, Federal amount requested,
non-Federal match amount, description of areas served, etc. may be
requested in varying degrees of detail on both the SF 424 form and
supplemental form. All fields are required unless stated otherwise on
the forms. Use both the ``Check Package for Errors'' and the ``Validate
Form'' validation buttons on both forms to check all required fields on
the forms. Ensure that the Federal and non-Federal amounts specified
are consistent.
B. Application Submission Instructions
Applications must be submitted electronically through https://www.GRANTS.GOV by Friday, March 28, 2014, by 11:59 p.m. EST. Mail and
fax submissions will not be accepted.
A complete proposal submission will consist of at least two files:
(1) The SF 424 Mandatory form (downloaded from GRANTS.GOV) and (2) the
Hurricane Sandy-specific supplemental form found on the FTA Web site: The supplemental form provides
guidance and a consistent format for applicants to respond to the
information required as outlined in this notice. Once completed, the
supplemental form must be placed in the attachments section of the SF
424 Mandatory form.
Applicants must attach the Hurricane Sandy-specific supplemental
form to their submission in GRANTS.GOV to successfully complete the
application process. A proposal submission may contain additional
supporting documentation as attachments. Within 24-48 hours after
submitting an electronic application, the applicant should receive
three email messages from GRANTS.GOV: (1) Confirmation of successful
transmission to GRANTS.GOV, (2) confirmation of successful validation
by GRANTS.GOV and (3) confirmation of successful validation by FTA. If
an applicant does not receive confirmations of successful validation
and receives a notice of failed validation or incomplete materials, the
applicant must address the reason for the failed validation, as
described in the notice, and resubmit before the submission deadline.
If making a resubmission for any reason, include all original
attachments regardless of which attachments were updated. Complete
instructions on the application process can be found on FTA's Web site
at FTA urges applicants to
submit their applications at least 72 hours prior to the due date to
allow time to receive the validation message and to correct any
problems that may have caused a rejection notification. GRANTS.GOV
scheduled maintenance and outage times are announced on the GRANTS.GOV
Web site https://www.GRANTS.GOV. Deadlines will not be extended due to
scheduled maintenance or outages.
IV. Award Administration
Once FTA allocates Emergency Relief funds to a recipient, the
recipient will
[[Page 78493]]
be required to submit a grant application electronically via FTA's
Transportation Electronic Award Management system (TEAM). Recipients
should work with their FTA Regional Office to develop and submit their
application in TEAM so that funds can be obligated expeditiously. Grant
applications in TEAM may only include eligible activities under the
Emergency Relief program. Upon award, payments to recipients will be
made by electronic transfer to the recipient's financial institution
through FTA's Electronic Clearing House Operation (ECHO) system.
Successful intercity rail projects may be transferred to the FRA for
administration and oversight.
A. Pre-award Authority
Pre-award authority allows affected FTA recipients to incur certain
project costs before grant approval and retain the eligibility of those
costs for subsequent reimbursement after grant approval. FTA has
provided blanket pre-award authority for environmental work (to comply
with NEPA) and design costs for resilience projects seeking funding
under this NOFA, permitting them to be eligible for reimbursement OR
count towards the local match if the competitive resilience project is
selected. Applicants may not use other FTA Disaster Relief allocations
for these expenses.
Pre-award authority is not a legal or implied commitment that the
subject project will be approved for FTA assistance or that FTA will
obligate Federal funds. Furthermore, it is not a legal or implied
commitment that all items undertaken by the applicant will be eligible
for inclusion in the project.
The conditions under which pre-award authority may be used are
specified below:
(i) All FTA statutory, procedural, and contractual requirements
must be met.
(ii) The recipient must take no action that prejudices the legal
and administrative findings that the Federal Transit Administrator must
make in order to approve a project.
(iii) When a grant for the project is subsequently awarded, the
Financial Status Report in TEAM-Web must indicate the use of pre-award
In addition to the pre-award authority described above, affected
recipients are permitted to submit grant amendments for existing
section 5307 and 5311 grants in order to use available unexpended
balances for eligible disaster-related project costs. Use of formula
funds for these purposes is at the discretion of the affected
recipient. Section 5307 and 5311 funds may not be used as local match
for awards under the Section 5324 Public Transportation Emergency
Relief Program. Section 5324 funds may not be used to replenish formula
funds spent in response to an emergency.
B. Grant Requirements
Emergency Relief funds may only be used for eligible purposes as
defined under 49 U.S.C. 5324 and as described in the Emergency Relief
Program Rule (49 CFR part 602).
Recipients of section 5324 funds must comply with all applicable
Federal requirements, including FTA's Master Agreement. Each grant for
section 5324 funds will include special grant conditions, including but
not limited to specific requirements of the Disaster Relief
Appropriations Act of 2013, Federal share, and enhanced oversight.
Proposals that receive competitive funding allocations must provide
evidence of continued progress toward key project milestones, which
will be determined cooperatively by FTA and the awardee within six
months of the announcement of allocations. Projects that cease to make
progress towards these milestones within a reasonable timeframe may
have their funding allocations deobligated or rescinded.
Recipients are advised that FTA is implementing an enhanced
oversight process for Disaster Relief Appropriation Act funds awarded
under the Emergency Relief Program. FTA intends to undertake a risk
analysis of each recipient and grant to determine the appropriate level
of oversight.
Successful intercity passenger rail projects may be transferred to
the FRA for administration and oversight, and will be subject to FRA
program requirements.
C. Reporting Requirements
Post-award reporting requirements include submission of the Federal
Financial Report and Milestone Progress Reports in FTA's electronic
grant management system consistent with FTA's grants management
Circular 5010.1D, as well as any other reporting requirements FTA
determines are necessary.
Issued in Washington, DC, this 19th day of December 2013.
Peter Rogoff,
[FR Doc. 2013-30867 Filed 12-24-13; 8:45 am]