Airworthiness Directives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes, 78292-78294 [2013-30853]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on
December 11, 2013.
Frank P. Paskiewicz,
Acting Director, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2013–30882 Filed 12–24–13; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2013–1032; Directorate
Identifier 2012–NM–121–AD]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Dassault
Aviation Airplanes
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
We propose to supersede
airworthiness directive (AD) 2011–13–
07 that applies to all Dassault Aviation
Model FALCON 7X airplanes. AD 2011–
13–07 requires revising the airplane
flight manual (AFM) to include a
procedure to power off a radio-altimeter
or revert to the correct radio-altimeter
output. Since we issued AD 2011–13–
07, an analysis showed that AFM
procedures could be simplified. This
proposed AD would require revising the
AFM to include a simpler procedure to
revert to the correct radio-altimeter
output. We are proposing this AD to
ensure that the flightcrew has
procedures in the event of a radioaltimeter lock-up, which inhibits the
display of warnings along with certain
abnormal conditions, during the switch
into landing mode during altitude
cruise. If not corrected, this could result
in the flightcrew being unaware of
possible system failures that require
immediate action by the flightcrew,
leading to possible loss of control of the
DATES: We must receive comments on
this proposed AD by February 10, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may send comments by
any of the following methods:
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: (202) 493–2251.
• Mail: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
For service information identified in
this proposed AD, contact Dassault
Falcon Jet, P.O. Box 2000, South
Hackensack, NJ 07606; telephone 201–
440–6700; Internet https:// You may
view this service information at the
FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate,
1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA.
For information on the availability of
this material at the FAA, call 425–227–
We will post all comments we
receive, without change, to https://, including any
personal information you provide. We
will also post a report summarizing each
substantive verbal contact we receive
about this proposed AD.
Examining the AD Docket
contact information in paragraph (h)(5) of
this AD.
(5) For service information identified in
this AD, contact Dowty Propellers, Anson
Business Park, Cheltenham Road East,
Gloucester GL2 9QN, UK; phone: 44 (0) 1452
716000; fax: 44 (0) 1452 716001.
(6) You may view this service information
at the FAA, Engine & Propeller Directorate,
12 New England Executive Park, Burlington,
MA. For information on the availability of
this material at the FAA, call 781–238–7125.
Several occurrences of untimely radioaltimeter lock-up have been reported, where
the failed radio-altimeter (RA) indicated a
negative distance to the ground despite the
aircraft was flying at medium or high
A locked RA #1 leads to untimely
inhibition of warnings that could be
displayed along with certain abnormal
conditions while the avionic system switches
into landing mode during altitude cruise.
This condition, if not corrected, may cause
the flight crew to be unaware of possible
system failures that could require immediate
actions, which could ultimately lead to loss
of control of the aeroplane.
To address this unsafe condition, Dassault
Aviation developed an Airplane Flight
Manual (AFM) operational procedure that, in
case of RA #1 lock-up, allows the crew to
restore the system warning performance by
depowering the RA #1. EASA issued AD
2009–0208 [
2009-0208R3] to require application of that
new abnormal procedure when RA #1 lockup occurs. That EASA AD also prohibited
dispatch of the aeroplane with any radioaltimeter inoperative.
Since issuance of EASA AD 2009–0208,
Dassault Aviation developed Easy avionics
load 10 which is embodied through Dassault
Aviation production modification M0566 or
in-service through Service Bulletin (SB)
Falcon 7X n°100. This modification provides
new features to display a ‘‘RA miscompare’’
flag on both Primary Display Units (PDU) and
allows a commanded system reversion to the
correct RA output.
Prompted by this modification, EASA
issued AD 2009–0208R1 [ https://], to allow
not deactivating RA #1 in case lock-up
conditions occurred in flight, for aeroplanes
on which M0566 or SB Falcon 7X n°100 was
You may examine the AD docket on
the Internet at https://; or in person at the
Docket Operations office between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays. The AD docket
contains this proposed AD, the MCAI,
the regulatory evaluation, any
comments received, and other
information. The street address for the
Docket Operations office (telephone
(800) 647–5527) is in the ADDRESSES
section. Comments will be available in
the AD docket shortly after receipt.
Rodriguez, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM–116,
Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA,
1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA
98057–3356; telephone (425) 227–1137;
fax (425) 227–1149.
Comments Invited
We invite you to send any written
relevant data, views, or arguments about
this proposed AD. Send your comments
to an address listed under the
ADDRESSES section. Include ‘‘Docket No.
FAA–2013–1032; Directorate Identifier
2012–NM–121–AD’’ at the beginning of
your comments. We specifically invite
comments on the overall regulatory,
economic, environmental, and energy
aspects of this proposed AD. We will
consider all comments received by the
closing date and may amend this
proposed AD based on those comments.
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On June 14, 2011, we issued AD
2011–13–07, Amendment 39–16730 (76
FR 36283, June 22, 2011). AD 2011–13–
07 requires actions intended to address
an unsafe condition on the products
listed above.
Since we issued AD 2011–13–07,
Amendment 39–16730 (76 FR 36283,
June 22, 2011), the European Aviation
Safety Agency (EASA), which is the
Technical Agent for the Member States
of the European Community, has issued
EASA Airworthiness Directive 2009–
0208R2, dated May 22, 2012 (referred to
after this as the Mandatory Continuing
Airworthiness Information, or ‘‘the
MCAI’’), to correct an unsafe condition
for the specified products. The MCAI
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Since issuance of EASA AD 2009–0208R1,
further analysis shows that, for aeroplanes
with M0566 applied in production, or SB
Falcon 7X N°100 applied in service, the
RA#2 lock-up occurrence should be
addressed through a commanded system
reversion, now only contained in a simplified
Falcon 7X AFM procedure 3–140–70A.
For the reasons described above, this
[EASA] AD revises EASA AD 2009–0208R1
to reduce the requirement to amend the AFM
by deleting the reference to procedure 3–
140–65B. In addition, Dassault Aviation have
confirmed that all Falcon 7X have been or are
being modified with Mod M0566 applied in
production, or SB Falcon 7X n°100 applied
in service. For this reason, paragraph (1) of
this [EASA] AD has been deleted. Finally,
many editorial changes have been made to
align the writing of the AD with the current
writing standards.
You may obtain further information by
examining the MCAI in the AD docket.
Relevant Service Information
Dassault has issued Falcon 7X
Airplane Flight Manual, DGT 105608,
Revision 15, dated January 30, 2012.
The actions described in this service
information are intended to correct the
unsafe condition identified in the
FAA’s Determination and Requirements
of This Proposed AD
This product has been approved by
the aviation authority of another
country, and is approved for operation
in the United States. Pursuant to our
bilateral agreement with the State of
Design Authority, we have been notified
of the unsafe condition described in the
MCAI and service information
referenced above. We are proposing this
AD because we evaluated all pertinent
information and determined an unsafe
condition exists and is likely to exist or
develop on other products of the same
type design.
Costs of Compliance
We estimate that this proposed AD
affects 35 products of U.S. registry.
We estimate the following costs to
comply with this proposed AD:
Cost per
Cost on U.S.
Labor cost
Parts cost
AFM revision [retained actions from AD 2011–13–07,
Amendment 39–16730 (76 FR 36283, June 22, 2011)].
New AFM revision [new proposed action] ...............................
1 work-hour × $85 per hour =
1 work-hour × $85 per hour =
None ............
None ............
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code
specifies the FAA’s authority to issue
rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,
section 106, describes the authority of
the FAA Administrator. ‘‘Subtitle VII:
Aviation Programs,’’ describes in more
detail the scope of the Agency’s
We are issuing this rulemaking under
the authority described in ‘‘Subtitle VII,
Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701:
General requirements.’’ Under that
section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in
air commerce by prescribing regulations
for practices, methods, and procedures
the Administrator finds necessary for
safety in air commerce. This proposed
regulation is within the scope of that
authority because it addresses an unsafe
condition that is likely to exist or
develop on products identified in this
rulemaking action.
Regulatory Findings
We determined that this proposed AD
would not have federalism implications
under Executive Order 13132. This
proposed AD would not have a
substantial direct effect on the States, on
the relationship between the national
Government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I
certify this proposed regulation:
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866;
2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the
DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
(44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979);
3. Will not affect intrastate aviation in
Alaska; and
4. Will not have a significant
economic impact, positive or negative,
on a substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
We prepared a regulatory evaluation
of the estimated costs to comply with
this proposed AD and placed it in the
AD docket.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Incorporation by reference,
The Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part
39 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
§ 39.13
2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by
removing airworthiness directive (AD)
2011–13–07, Amendment 39–16730 (76
PO 00000
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FR 36283, June 22, 2011), and adding
the following new AD:
Dassault Aviation: Docket No. FAA–2013–
1032; Directorate Identifier 2012–NM–
(a) Comments Due Date
We must receive comments by February
10, 2014.
(b) Affected ADs
This AD supersedes AD 2011–13–07,
Amendment 39–16730 (76 FR 36283, June
22, 2011).
(c) Applicability
This AD applies to Dassault Aviation
Model FALCON 7X airplanes, certificated in
any category, all serial numbers.
(d) Subject
Air Transport Association (ATA) of
America Code 34, Navigation.
(e) Reason
This AD was prompted by reports of
untimely radio-altimeter lock-ups, where the
failed radio-altimeter indicated a negative
distance to the ground when the airplane was
flying at medium or high altitude. We are
issuing this AD to ensure that the flightcrew
has procedures in the event of a radioaltimeter lock-up, which inhibits the display
of warnings along with certain abnormal
conditions, during the switch into landing
mode during altitude cruise. If not corrected,
this could result in the flightcrew being
unaware of possible system failures that
require immediate action by the flightcrew,
leading to possible loss of control of the
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 248 / Thursday, December 26, 2013 / Proposed Rules
(f) Compliance
You are responsible for having the actions
required by this AD performed within the
compliance times specified, unless the
actions have already been done.
(g) Retained Airplane Flight Manual (AFM)
This paragraph restates the requirements of
paragraph (h) of AD 2011–13–07,
Amendment 39–16730 (76 FR 36283, June
22, 2011), with editorial changes. For
airplanes on which M0566 or Dassault
Service Bulletin Falcon 7X–100 has been
accomplished: Within 14 days after July 27,
2011 (the effective date of AD 2011–13–07),
revise the Limitations Section of the Dassault
Falcon 7X AFM to include the statement in
figure 1 to paragraph (g) of this AD. This may
be done by inserting a copy of this AD in the
AFM. When a statement identical to that in
figure 1 to paragraph (g) of this AD has been
included in the general revisions of the AFM,
the general revisions may be inserted into the
AFM, and the copy of this AD may be
removed from the AFM. Accomplishing the
revision required by paragraph (h) of this AD
terminates the requirements of this
paragraph, and after the revision required by
paragraph (h) of this AD has been done,
before further flight, remove the revision
required by this paragraph.
radio-altimeter #1 lock-up conditions
occur in flight, revert to the correct radioaltimeter output, in accordance with the
instructions of Falcon 7X AFM procedure
3–140–65B and 3–140–70A.
Dispatch of the airplane with any radio-altimeter inoperative is prohibited.
(h) New Requirement of This AD: Revision
of Airplane Flight Manual
For airplanes on which M0566 or Dassault
Service Bulletin Falcon 7X–100 has been
accomplished: Within 30 days after the
effective date of this AD, do the action
specified in paragraphs (h)(1) and (h)(2) of
this AD.
(1) Revise the Limitations Section of the
Dassault Falcon 7X AFM to include the
statement in figure 2 to paragraph (h) of this
AD. This may be done by inserting a copy of
this AD in the AFM. Doing this revision
terminates the requirements of paragraph (g)
of this AD and the revision required by
paragraph (g) of this AD must be removed.
When a statement identical to that in figure
2 to paragraph (h) of this AD has been
included in the general revisions of the AFM,
the general revisions may be inserted into the
AFM, and the copy of this AD may be
removed from the AFM.
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If radio-altimeter miscompare indication occurs in flight, revert to the correct radioaltimeter output, in accordance with the
instructions of Falcon 7X AFM procedure
Dispatch of the airplane with any radio-altimeter inoperative is prohibited.
(2) Revise the Abnormal Procedures
section to include procedure 3–140–70A of
the Dassault Falcon 7X Airplane Flight
Manual, DGT105608, Revision 15, dated
January 30, 2012, into the AFM.
(i) Other FAA AD Provisions
The following provisions also apply to this
(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance
(AMOCs): The Manager, International
Branch, ANM–116, Transport Airplane
Directorate, FAA, has the authority to
approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested
using the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19.
In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19, send your
request to your principal inspector or local
Flight Standards District Office, as
appropriate. If sending information directly
to the International Branch, send it to ATTN:
Tom Rodriguez, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM–116, Transport
Airplane Directorate, FAA, 1601 Lind
Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98057–3356;
telephone (425) 227–1137; fax (425) 227–
1149. Information may be emailed to:
Before using any approved AMOC, notify
your appropriate principal inspector, or
lacking a principal inspector, the manager of
the local flight standards district office/
certificate holding district office. The AMOC
approval letter must specifically reference
this AD. AMOCs approved previously in
accordance with AD 2011–13–07,
Amendment 39–16730 (76 FR 36283, June
22, 2011), are approved as alternative
methods of compliance with this AD.
(2) Airworthy Product: For any requirement
in this AD to obtain corrective actions from
a manufacturer, use these actions if they are
FAA-approved. Corrective actions are
considered FAA-approved if they were
approved by the State of Design Authority (or
its delegated agent, or by the DAH with a
State of Design Authority’s design
organization approval). For a repair method
to be approved, the repair approval must
specifically refer to this AD. You are required
to ensure the product is airworthy before it
is returned to service.
(j) Related Information
(1) Refer to Mandatory Continuing
Airworthiness Information (MCAI) European
Aviation Safety Agency Airworthiness
Directive 2009–0208R2, dated May 22, 2012,
for related information. This MCAI may be
found in the AD docket on the Internet at
(2) For service information identified in
this AD, contact Dassault Falcon Jet, P.O. Box
2000, South Hackensack, New Jersey 07606;
telephone 201–440–6700; Internet https:// You may view this
PO 00000
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Fmt 4702
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referenced service information at the FAA,
Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind
Avenue SW., Renton, WA. For information
on the availability of this material at the
FAA, call 425–227–1221.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on
December 12, 2013.
John P. Piccola,
Acting Manager, Transport Airplane
Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2013–30853 Filed 12–24–13; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2013–1031; Directorate
Identifier 2013–NM–155–AD]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
We propose to adopt a new
airworthiness directive (AD) for certain
Airbus Model A330–200, A330–200
Freighter, and A330–300 series
airplanes; and Model A340–200, A340–
300, A340–500, and A340–600 series
airplanes. This proposed AD was
prompted by the failure of the generator
control unit-constant speed motor/
generator (GCU–CSM/G) during a final
assembly operational test. This
proposed AD would require a detailed
inspection of the connector wires for
GCU–CSM/G connector 1XE–A for
discrepancies (evidence of arcing or
overheating damage), and related
investigative and corrective actions if
necessary. We are proposing this AD to
detect and correct incorrect locking of
contacts into connector 1XE–A of the
GCU–CSM/G, which could result in a
loss of contact continuity and lead to
the CSM/G not operating, which, in
conjunction with an emergency
electrical configuration loss of the main
electrical system or total engine flame
out, could adversely affect the airplane’s
safe flight.
DATES: We must receive comments on
this proposed AD by February 10, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may send comments by
any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: (202) 493–2251.
• Mail: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 248 (Thursday, December 26, 2013)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 78292-78294]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-30853]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA-2013-1032; Directorate Identifier 2012-NM-121-AD]
RIN 2120-AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
SUMMARY: We propose to supersede airworthiness directive (AD) 2011-13-
07 that applies to all Dassault Aviation Model FALCON 7X airplanes. AD
2011-13-07 requires revising the airplane flight manual (AFM) to
include a procedure to power off a radio-altimeter or revert to the
correct radio-altimeter output. Since we issued AD 2011-13-07, an
analysis showed that AFM procedures could be simplified. This proposed
AD would require revising the AFM to include a simpler procedure to
revert to the correct radio-altimeter output. We are proposing this AD
to ensure that the flightcrew has procedures in the event of a radio-
altimeter lock-up, which inhibits the display of warnings along with
certain abnormal conditions, during the switch into landing mode during
altitude cruise. If not corrected, this could result in the flightcrew
being unaware of possible system failures that require immediate action
by the flightcrew, leading to possible loss of control of the airplane.
DATES: We must receive comments on this proposed AD by February 10,
ADDRESSES: You may send comments by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Fax: (202) 493-2251.
Mail: U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket
Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.
Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket
Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
For service information identified in this proposed AD, contact
Dassault Falcon Jet, P.O. Box 2000, South Hackensack, NJ 07606;
telephone 201-440-6700; Internet You may
view this service information at the FAA, Transport Airplane
Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA. For information on the
availability of this material at the FAA, call 425-227-1221.
Examining the AD Docket
You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at; or in person at the Docket Operations office
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. The AD docket contains this proposed AD, the MCAI, the
regulatory evaluation, any comments received, and other information.
The street address for the Docket Operations office (telephone (800)
647-5527) is in the ADDRESSES section. Comments will be available in
the AD docket shortly after receipt.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tom Rodriguez, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM-116, Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA,
1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98057-3356; telephone (425) 227-1137;
fax (425) 227-1149.
Comments Invited
We invite you to send any written relevant data, views, or
arguments about this proposed AD. Send your comments to an address
listed under the ADDRESSES section. Include ``Docket No. FAA-2013-1032;
Directorate Identifier 2012-NM-121-AD'' at the beginning of your
comments. We specifically invite comments on the overall regulatory,
economic, environmental, and energy aspects of this proposed AD. We
will consider all comments received by the closing date and may amend
this proposed AD based on those comments.
We will post all comments we receive, without change, to, including any personal information you provide. We
will also post a report summarizing each substantive verbal contact we
receive about this proposed AD.
On June 14, 2011, we issued AD 2011-13-07, Amendment 39-16730 (76
FR 36283, June 22, 2011). AD 2011-13-07 requires actions intended to
address an unsafe condition on the products listed above.
Since we issued AD 2011-13-07, Amendment 39-16730 (76 FR 36283,
June 22, 2011), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is
the Technical Agent for the Member States of the European Community,
has issued EASA Airworthiness Directive 2009-0208R2, dated May 22, 2012
(referred to after this as the Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness
Information, or ``the MCAI''), to correct an unsafe condition for the
specified products. The MCAI states:
Several occurrences of untimely radio-altimeter lock-up have
been reported, where the failed radio-altimeter (RA) indicated a
negative distance to the ground despite the aircraft was flying at
medium or high altitude.
A locked RA 1 leads to untimely inhibition of warnings
that could be displayed along with certain abnormal conditions while
the avionic system switches into landing mode during altitude
This condition, if not corrected, may cause the flight crew to
be unaware of possible system failures that could require immediate
actions, which could ultimately lead to loss of control of the
To address this unsafe condition, Dassault Aviation developed an
Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) operational procedure that, in case of
RA 1 lock-up, allows the crew to restore the system warning
performance by depowering the RA 1. EASA issued AD 2009-
0208 [] to require
application of that new abnormal procedure when RA 1 lock-
up occurs. That EASA AD also prohibited dispatch of the aeroplane
with any radio-altimeter inoperative.
Since issuance of EASA AD 2009-0208, Dassault Aviation developed
Easy avionics load 10 which is embodied through Dassault Aviation
production modification M0566 or in-service through Service Bulletin
(SB) Falcon 7X n[deg]100. This modification provides new features to
display a ``RA miscompare'' flag on both Primary Display Units (PDU)
and allows a commanded system reversion to the correct RA output.
Prompted by this modification, EASA issued AD 2009-0208R1 [], to allow not deactivating
RA 1 in case lock-up conditions occurred in flight, for
aeroplanes on which M0566 or SB Falcon 7X n[deg]100 was embodied.
[[Page 78293]]
Since issuance of EASA AD 2009-0208R1, further analysis shows
that, for aeroplanes with M0566 applied in production, or SB Falcon
7X N[deg]100 applied in service, the RA2 lock-up occurrence
should be addressed through a commanded system reversion, now only
contained in a simplified Falcon 7X AFM procedure 3-140-70A.
For the reasons described above, this [EASA] AD revises EASA AD
2009-0208R1 to reduce the requirement to amend the AFM by deleting
the reference to procedure 3-140-65B. In addition, Dassault Aviation
have confirmed that all Falcon 7X have been or are being modified
with Mod M0566 applied in production, or SB Falcon 7X n[deg]100
applied in service. For this reason, paragraph (1) of this [EASA] AD
has been deleted. Finally, many editorial changes have been made to
align the writing of the AD with the current writing standards.
You may obtain further information by examining the MCAI in the AD
Relevant Service Information
Dassault has issued Falcon 7X Airplane Flight Manual, DGT 105608,
Revision 15, dated January 30, 2012. The actions described in this
service information are intended to correct the unsafe condition
identified in the MCAI.
FAA's Determination and Requirements of This Proposed AD
This product has been approved by the aviation authority of another
country, and is approved for operation in the United States. Pursuant
to our bilateral agreement with the State of Design Authority, we have
been notified of the unsafe condition described in the MCAI and service
information referenced above. We are proposing this AD because we
evaluated all pertinent information and determined an unsafe condition
exists and is likely to exist or develop on other products of the same
type design.
Costs of Compliance
We estimate that this proposed AD affects 35 products of U.S.
We estimate the following costs to comply with this proposed AD:
Estimated Costs
Cost per Cost on U.S.
Action Labor cost Parts cost product operators
AFM revision [retained actions 1 work-hour x $85 per None................. $85 $2,975
from AD 2011-13-07, Amendment 39- hour = $85.
16730 (76 FR 36283, June 22,
New AFM revision [new proposed 1 work-hour x $85 per None................. 85 2,975
action]. hour = $85.
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, section 106, describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator. ``Subtitle VII: Aviation
Programs,'' describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's
We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in
``Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701: General
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This proposed regulation is
within the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe
condition that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in
this rulemaking action.
Regulatory Findings
We determined that this proposed AD would not have federalism
implications under Executive Order 13132. This proposed AD would not
have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship
between the national Government and the States, or on the distribution
of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I certify this proposed
1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order
2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979);
3. Will not affect intrastate aviation in Alaska; and
4. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
We prepared a regulatory evaluation of the estimated costs to
comply with this proposed AD and placed it in the AD docket.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by
reference, Safety.
The Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the
Administrator, the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part 39 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
Sec. 39.13 [Amended]
2. The FAA amends Sec. 39.13 by removing airworthiness directive (AD)
2011-13-07, Amendment 39-16730 (76 FR 36283, June 22, 2011), and adding
the following new AD:
Dassault Aviation: Docket No. FAA-2013-1032; Directorate Identifier
(a) Comments Due Date
We must receive comments by February 10, 2014.
(b) Affected ADs
This AD supersedes AD 2011-13-07, Amendment 39-16730 (76 FR
36283, June 22, 2011).
(c) Applicability
This AD applies to Dassault Aviation Model FALCON 7X airplanes,
certificated in any category, all serial numbers.
(d) Subject
Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code 34, Navigation.
(e) Reason
This AD was prompted by reports of untimely radio-altimeter
lock-ups, where the failed radio-altimeter indicated a negative
distance to the ground when the airplane was flying at medium or
high altitude. We are issuing this AD to ensure that the flightcrew
has procedures in the event of a radio-altimeter lock-up, which
inhibits the display of warnings along with certain abnormal
conditions, during the switch into landing mode during altitude
cruise. If not corrected, this could result in the flightcrew being
unaware of possible system failures that require immediate action by
the flightcrew, leading to possible loss of control of the airplane.
[[Page 78294]]
(f) Compliance
You are responsible for having the actions required by this AD
performed within the compliance times specified, unless the actions
have already been done.
(g) Retained Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) Revision
This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (h) of AD
2011-13-07, Amendment 39-16730 (76 FR 36283, June 22, 2011), with
editorial changes. For airplanes on which M0566 or Dassault Service
Bulletin Falcon 7X-100 has been accomplished: Within 14 days after
July 27, 2011 (the effective date of AD 2011-13-07), revise the
Limitations Section of the Dassault Falcon 7X AFM to include the
statement in figure 1 to paragraph (g) of this AD. This may be done
by inserting a copy of this AD in the AFM. When a statement
identical to that in figure 1 to paragraph (g) of this AD has been
included in the general revisions of the AFM, the general revisions
may be inserted into the AFM, and the copy of this AD may be removed
from the AFM. Accomplishing the revision required by paragraph (h)
of this AD terminates the requirements of this paragraph, and after
the revision required by paragraph (h) of this AD has been done,
before further flight, remove the revision required by this
Figure 1 to Paragraph (g) of This AD
If radio-altimeter 1 lock-up conditions occur in flight, revert
to the correct radio-altimeter output, in accordance with the
instructions of Falcon 7X AFM procedure 3-140-65B and 3-140-70A.
Dispatch of the airplane with any radio-altimeter inoperative is
(h) New Requirement of This AD: Revision of Airplane Flight Manual
For airplanes on which M0566 or Dassault Service Bulletin Falcon
7X-100 has been accomplished: Within 30 days after the effective
date of this AD, do the action specified in paragraphs (h)(1) and
(h)(2) of this AD.
(1) Revise the Limitations Section of the Dassault Falcon 7X AFM
to include the statement in figure 2 to paragraph (h) of this AD.
This may be done by inserting a copy of this AD in the AFM. Doing
this revision terminates the requirements of paragraph (g) of this
AD and the revision required by paragraph (g) of this AD must be
removed. When a statement identical to that in figure 2 to paragraph
(h) of this AD has been included in the general revisions of the
AFM, the general revisions may be inserted into the AFM, and the
copy of this AD may be removed from the AFM.
Figure 2 to Paragraph (h) of This AD
If radio-altimeter miscompare indication occurs in flight, revert to the
correct radio-altimeter output, in accordance with the instructions of
Falcon 7X AFM procedure 3-140-70A.
Dispatch of the airplane with any radio-altimeter inoperative is
(2) Revise the Abnormal Procedures section to include procedure
3-140-70A of the Dassault Falcon 7X Airplane Flight Manual,
DGT105608, Revision 15, dated January 30, 2012, into the AFM.
(i) Other FAA AD Provisions
The following provisions also apply to this AD:
(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager,
International Branch, ANM-116, Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA,
has the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using
the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. In accordance with 14 CFR
39.19, send your request to your principal inspector or local Flight
Standards District Office, as appropriate. If sending information
directly to the International Branch, send it to ATTN: Tom
Rodriguez, Aerospace Engineer, International Branch, ANM-116,
Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton,
WA 98057-3356; telephone (425) 227-1137; fax (425) 227-1149.
Information may be emailed to:
Before using any approved AMOC, notify your appropriate principal
inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the
local flight standards district office/certificate holding district
office. The AMOC approval letter must specifically reference this
AD. AMOCs approved previously in accordance with AD 2011-13-07,
Amendment 39-16730 (76 FR 36283, June 22, 2011), are approved as
alternative methods of compliance with this AD.
(2) Airworthy Product: For any requirement in this AD to obtain
corrective actions from a manufacturer, use these actions if they
are FAA-approved. Corrective actions are considered FAA-approved if
they were approved by the State of Design Authority (or its
delegated agent, or by the DAH with a State of Design Authority's
design organization approval). For a repair method to be approved,
the repair approval must specifically refer to this AD. You are
required to ensure the product is airworthy before it is returned to
(j) Related Information
(1) Refer to Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Information
(MCAI) European Aviation Safety Agency Airworthiness Directive 2009-
0208R2, dated May 22, 2012, for related information. This MCAI may
be found in the AD docket on the Internet at
(2) For service information identified in this AD, contact
Dassault Falcon Jet, P.O. Box 2000, South Hackensack, New Jersey
07606; telephone 201-440-6700; Internet You may view this referenced service
information at the FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind
Avenue SW., Renton, WA. For information on the availability of this
material at the FAA, call 425-227-1221.
Issued in Renton, Washington, on December 12, 2013.
John P. Piccola,
Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. 2013-30853 Filed 12-24-13; 8:45 am]