Proposed Agency Information Collection Extension With Changes, 77667-77668 [2013-30727]
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emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 247 / Tuesday, December 24, 2013 / Notices
In June 2013, the Supreme Court ruled
that the NVRA preempts inconsistent
State law and States must accept and
use the Federal Form for voter
registration purposes in elections for
Federal office. Arizona v. Inter Tribal
Council of Arizona, Inc., ll
U.S. ll, 133 S. Ct. 2247, 2253–60
(2013) (hereinafter ‘‘Inter Tribal
The EAC deferred consideration of the
requests by Kansas and Georgia
pursuant to internal operating
procedures put in place in 2011 by the
former EAC Executive Director. These
procedures provided that requests that
‘‘raise issues of broad policy concerns to
more than one state’’ would be deferred
until the EAC regained a quorum of its
commissioners, so that they would have
the opportunity, if they desired, to
provide additional policy guidance to
the Executive Director and staff.
Currently all four seats on the EAC are
Following the Supreme Court’s
decision in Inter Tribal Council in June
2013, Arizona and Kansas renewed their
requests to the EAC to change the Statespecific instructions on the Federal
Form to include additional proof-ofcitizenship requirements, and the EAC
likewise deferred those renewed
requests, in accordance with the 2011
EAC internal procedures. Kansas and
Arizona officials then initiated litigation
against the EAC in the United States
District Court for the District of Kansas,
challenging the EAC’s deferral of these
requests. See Kobach v. EAC, No. 5:13–
cv–4095 (D. Kan. filed Aug. 21, 2013).
On December 13, 2013, as part of this
litigation, the district court remanded
the Kansas and Arizona matters to the
EAC with instructions that the EAC
render a final agency action on the
Kansas and Arizona requests to change
the Federal Form by no later than
January 17, 2014. The Court’s order
provided that if the EAC has not acted
by January 17, 2014, the States’ requests
will be deemed by the Court to have
been denied. The Georgia request is not
part of this pending federal court
Request for Public Comments: The
EAC invites public comments on the
requests from Arizona, Kansas and
Georgia to modify the State-specific
instructions for those States on the
Federal Form to require additional proof
of citizenship under their respective
state laws beyond the existing
requirements on the Federal Form. The
EAC invites public comments on any
issues that commenters believe are
relevant to the EAC’s consideration of
these State requests. Comments must be
in writing and must be submitted no
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:58 Dec 23, 2013
Jkt 232001
later than 5:00 p.m. EST on January 3,
Dated: December 19, 2013.
Alice Miller,
Chief Operating Officer and Acting Executive
Director, U.S. Election Assistance
[FR Doc. 2013–30659 Filed 12–23–13; 8:45 am]
Proposed Agency Information
Collection Extension With Changes
U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA), U.S. Department
of Energy.
ACTION: Notice and Request for OMB
Review and Comment.
EIA has submitted an
information collection request to the
OMB for extension with changes, under
the provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, for the
Electricity and Renewable Power
Surveys (OMB Control Number 1905–
0129) information collection. EIA
requests a three-year clearance with
changes for the following existing forms:
D Form EIA–411, ‘‘Coordinated Bulk
Power Supply Program Report’’
D Form EIA–826, ‘‘Monthly Electric
Utility Sales and Revenue Report with
State Distributions’’
D Form EIA–860, ‘‘Annual Electric
Generator Report’’
D Form EIA–860M, ‘‘Monthly Update
to the Annual Electric Generator
D Form EIA–861, ‘‘Annual Electric
Power Industry Report’’
D Form EIA–861S, ‘‘Annual Electric
Power Industry Report (Short Form)’’
D Form EIA–923, ‘‘Power Plant
Operations Report’’ and
the addition of a new survey, Form EIA–
930, ‘‘Balancing Authority Operations
Report’’ under OMB Control Number
EIA also proposes to discontinue
OMB Control Number 1905–0196 for the
Solar Information Collection. This
collection includes the Form EIA–63A
(Annual Solar Thermal Collector/
Reflector Shipments Report), Form EIA–
63B (Annual Photovoltaic Module/Cell
Shipments Report), and Form EIA–902
(Annual Geothermal Heat Pump
Shipments Report). The current
approval will expire on December 31,
2013. EIA does not plan to collect data
on the Forms EIA–63A and EIA–902
and proposes to transfer the Form EIA–
63B to the Electric Power Information
Collection (OMB Control Number 1905–
PO 00000
Frm 00025
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Comments regarding this
collection must be received on or before
January 23, 2014. If you anticipate that
you will be submitting comments, but
find it difficult to do so within the
period of time allowed by this notice,
please advise the DOE Desk Officer at
OMB of your intention to make a
submission as soon as possible. The
Desk Officer may be telephoned at 202–
395–4718 or contacted by email at
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to the
DOE Desk Officer, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Room 10102,
735 17th Street NW., Washington, DC
20503, Chad_S_Whiteman@
And to Rebecca Peterson, U.S. Energy
Information Administration, Mail Stop
EI–23, Forrestal Building, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585, erus2014@
Direct any requests for additional
information or copies of the information
collection instrument and instructions
to Rebecca Peterson at erus2014@, or at 202–586–4509. The
collection instrument and instructions
are also available on the Internet at:
information collection request contains:
(1) OMB No.: 1905–0129;
(2) Information Collection Request
Title: Electricity and Renewables Power
(3) Type of Request: Extension, with
changes of a currently approved
(4) Purpose: The electricity and
renewables surveys collect data from
entities involved in the production,
transmission, delivery, and sale of
electricity, and in maintaining the
reliable operation of the power system.
The data collected are the primary
source of information on the nation’s
electric power industry. EIA uses the
data collected on the electric power
surveys to answer queries from the U.S.
Congress, other federal and state
agencies, the electric power industry,
and the public; and as input to the
National Energy Modeling System
(NEMS) and to EIA’s other forecasting
and analytical activities. Other users of
the data include policy makers,
regulators, energy market analysts, and
the energy industries.
EIA proposes that the existing Form
EIA–63B, ‘‘Annual Photovoltaic Cell/
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 247 / Tuesday, December 24, 2013 / Notices
Module Shipments Report,’’ move into
this clearance package to permit EIA to
better align its surveys and programs. In
addition, EIA’s proposed new Form
EIA–930, ‘‘Balancing Authority
Operations Report,’’’ will collect hourly
information on the operation of the
power system, a topic of growing
interest due to the impact of renewable
power plants and demand response
programs on power system performance.
Changes to the currently approved
forms in this package include collecting
enhanced data on power system
reliability, operations, environmental
performance, and energy efficiency and
demand response programs, and
eliminating questions where the data
either are no longer needed or cannot be
accurately or cost-effectively collected.
In addition, EIA proposes changes to the
data protection terms for the electric
power survey forms to uniformly apply
the same policy regarding electric power
data. There are two changes in the
provisions for protecting the survey
data. The first change is that EIA will
protect and not publicly disclose the
information on the individuals who
complete the survey forms. The second
change is that, with the exceptions of
blackstart data and power plant
construction costs reported on Form
EIA–860, and all data reported on Form
EIA–63B, EIA will no longer apply
disclosure limitation procedures to the
published aggregate electric power
statistical data.
(5) Annual Estimated Number of
Respondents: 14,328;
(6) Annual Estimated Number of
Total Responses: 74,934;
(7) Annual Estimated Number of
Burden Hours: 141,145;
(8) Annual Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $76,000.
Authority: Section 13(b) of the Federal
Energy Administration Act of 1974, Public
Law 93–275, codified at 15 U.S.C. 772(b).
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Issued in Washington, DC, December 18,
Stephanie Brown,
Director, Office of Survey Development and
Statistical Integration, U.S. Energy
Information Administration.
[FR Doc. 2013–30727 Filed 12–23–13; 8:45 am]
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:36 Dec 23, 2013
Jkt 232001
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
Certification Reports, Compliance
Statements, Application for a Test
Procedure Waiver, and Recordkeeping
for Consumer Products and
Commercial/Industrial Equipment
Subject to Federal Energy or Water
Conservation Standards
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Proposed information
collection; request for comments.
The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) invites public comment
on a proposed collection of information
that DOE is developing for submission
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. Comments are
invited on: (a) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before February 24,
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Ms. Ashley Armstrong, U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
Building Technologies Program, EE–2J,
1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121. Email:
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Ashley Armstrong at
information collection request contains:
(1) OMB No. 1910–1400;
(2) Information Collection Request
Title: Certification Reports, Compliance
Statements, Application for a Test
PO 00000
Frm 00026
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Procedure Waiver, and Recordkeeping
for Consumer Products and
Commercial/Industrial Equipment
subject to Energy or Water Conservation
(3) Type of Request: Renewal;
(4) Purpose: DOE is seeking approval
to collect information from
manufacturers and to require that
manufacturers retain records of covered
consumer products and commercial and
industrial equipment pursuant to Title
III of the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act of 1975, as amended
(‘‘EPCA’’), 42 U.S.C. 6291 et seq. The
EPCA sets forth a variety of provisions
designed to improve energy efficiency.
Part A of Title III (42 U.S.C. 6291–6309)
of the EPCA provides for the Energy
Conservation Program for Consumer
Products Other Than Automobiles.
The Energy Conservation Program for
Consumer Products Other Than
Automobiles consists of four parts: (1)
Testing, (2) labeling, (3) Federal energy
conservation standards, and (4)
certification and enforcement
procedures. The testing requirements
consist of test procedures that
manufacturers of covered products must
use (1) as the basis for certifying to DOE
that their products comply with the
applicable energy conservation
standards adopted under the EPCA, and
(2) for making representations about the
efficiency of those products. DOE must
use these test requirements to determine
whether the products comply with any
relevant standards promulgated under
the EPCA.
DOE is renewing its information
collection on the energy and water
efficiency of consumer products and
commercial equipment manufactured
for distribution in commerce in the
United States. Under the Energy
Conservation Program for Consumer
Products Other Than Automobiles DOE
requires that manufacturers: (1) Submit
certification and compliance reports for
each basic model distributed in
commerce in the U.S.; (2) maintain
records underlying the certified ratings
for each basic model including test data
and the associated calculations; and (3)
submit an application for a test
procedure waiver for which
manufacturers may elect to submit if
they manufacturer a basic model that
cannot be tested pursuant to the DOE
test procedure.
DOE currently requires manufacturers
or their party representatives to prepare
and submit certification reports and
compliance statements using DOE’s
electronic Web-based tool, the
Compliance and Certification
Management System (CCMS), which is
the only mechanism for submitting
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 247 (Tuesday, December 24, 2013)]
[Pages 77667-77668]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-30727]
Proposed Agency Information Collection Extension With Changes
AGENCY: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. Department
of Energy.
ACTION: Notice and Request for OMB Review and Comment.
SUMMARY: EIA has submitted an information collection request to the OMB
for extension with changes, under the provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, for the Electricity and Renewable Power Surveys
(OMB Control Number 1905-0129) information collection. EIA requests a
three-year clearance with changes for the following existing forms:
[ssquf] Form EIA-411, ``Coordinated Bulk Power Supply Program
[ssquf] Form EIA-826, ``Monthly Electric Utility Sales and Revenue
Report with State Distributions''
[ssquf] Form EIA-860, ``Annual Electric Generator Report''
[ssquf] Form EIA-860M, ``Monthly Update to the Annual Electric
Generator Report''
[ssquf] Form EIA-861, ``Annual Electric Power Industry Report''
[ssquf] Form EIA-861S, ``Annual Electric Power Industry Report
(Short Form)''
[ssquf] Form EIA-923, ``Power Plant Operations Report'' and
the addition of a new survey, Form EIA-930, ``Balancing Authority
Operations Report'' under OMB Control Number 1905-0129.
EIA also proposes to discontinue OMB Control Number 1905-0196 for
the Solar Information Collection. This collection includes the Form
EIA-63A (Annual Solar Thermal Collector/Reflector Shipments Report),
Form EIA-63B (Annual Photovoltaic Module/Cell Shipments Report), and
Form EIA-902 (Annual Geothermal Heat Pump Shipments Report). The
current approval will expire on December 31, 2013. EIA does not plan to
collect data on the Forms EIA-63A and EIA-902 and proposes to transfer
the Form EIA-63B to the Electric Power Information Collection (OMB
Control Number 1905-0129).
DATES: Comments regarding this collection must be received on or before
January 23, 2014. If you anticipate that you will be submitting
comments, but find it difficult to do so within the period of time
allowed by this notice, please advise the DOE Desk Officer at OMB of
your intention to make a submission as soon as possible. The Desk
Officer may be telephoned at 202-395-4718 or contacted by email at
ADDRESSES: Written comments should be sent to the
DOE Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Room
10102, 735 17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20503,
And to Rebecca Peterson, U.S. Energy Information Administration,
Mail Stop EI-23, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585,
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Direct any requests for additional
information or copies of the information collection instrument and
instructions to Rebecca Peterson at, or at 202-586-
4509. The collection instrument and instructions are also available on
the Internet at:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This information collection request
(1) OMB No.: 1905-0129;
(2) Information Collection Request Title: Electricity and
Renewables Power Surveys;
(3) Type of Request: Extension, with changes of a currently
approved collection;
(4) Purpose: The electricity and renewables surveys collect data
from entities involved in the production, transmission, delivery, and
sale of electricity, and in maintaining the reliable operation of the
power system. The data collected are the primary source of information
on the nation's electric power industry. EIA uses the data collected on
the electric power surveys to answer queries from the U.S. Congress,
other federal and state agencies, the electric power industry, and the
public; and as input to the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) and
to EIA's other forecasting and analytical activities. Other users of
the data include policy makers, regulators, energy market analysts, and
the energy industries.
EIA proposes that the existing Form EIA-63B, ``Annual Photovoltaic
[[Page 77668]]
Module Shipments Report,'' move into this clearance package to permit
EIA to better align its surveys and programs. In addition, EIA's
proposed new Form EIA-930, ``Balancing Authority Operations Report,'''
will collect hourly information on the operation of the power system, a
topic of growing interest due to the impact of renewable power plants
and demand response programs on power system performance.
Changes to the currently approved forms in this package include
collecting enhanced data on power system reliability, operations,
environmental performance, and energy efficiency and demand response
programs, and eliminating questions where the data either are no longer
needed or cannot be accurately or cost-effectively collected. In
addition, EIA proposes changes to the data protection terms for the
electric power survey forms to uniformly apply the same policy
regarding electric power data. There are two changes in the provisions
for protecting the survey data. The first change is that EIA will
protect and not publicly disclose the information on the individuals
who complete the survey forms. The second change is that, with the
exceptions of blackstart data and power plant construction costs
reported on Form EIA-860, and all data reported on Form EIA-63B, EIA
will no longer apply disclosure limitation procedures to the published
aggregate electric power statistical data.
(5) Annual Estimated Number of Respondents: 14,328;
(6) Annual Estimated Number of Total Responses: 74,934;
(7) Annual Estimated Number of Burden Hours: 141,145;
(8) Annual Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden:
Authority: Section 13(b) of the Federal Energy Administration
Act of 1974, Public Law 93-275, codified at 15 U.S.C. 772(b).
Issued in Washington, DC, December 18, 2013.
Stephanie Brown,
Director, Office of Survey Development and Statistical Integration,
U.S. Energy Information Administration.
[FR Doc. 2013-30727 Filed 12-23-13; 8:45 am]