Lockhart Power Company, Inc.; Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Assessment, 76903-76968 [2013-30183]
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Vol. 78
No. 244
December 19, 2013
Part II
Department of Energy
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Lockhart Power Company, Inc.; Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental
Assessment; Notice
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 13590–001]
Lockhart Power Company, Inc.; Notice
of Availability of Draft Environmental
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
In accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA) and the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission’s (Commission
or FERC) regulations, 18 CFR part 380,
the Office of Energy Projects has
reviewed Lockhart Power Company,
Inc.’s application for license for the
Riverdale Hydroelectric Project (FERC
Project No. 13590–001), located on the
Enoree River, near the town of Enoree,
in Spartanburg and Laurens Counties,
South Carolina. The project does not
occupy federal lands.
Staff prepared a draft environmental
assessment (DEA), which analyzes the
potential environmental effects of
licensing the project, and concludes that
licensing the project, with appropriate
environmental protective measures,
would not constitute a major federal
action that would significantly affect the
quality of the human environment.
A copy of the DEA is available for
review at the Commission in the Public
Reference Room or may be viewed on
the Commission’s Web site at https://
www.ferc.gov using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link.
Enter the docket number excluding the
last three digits in the docket number
field to access the document. For
assistance, contact FERC Online
Support at FERCOnlineSupport@
ferc.gov, at (866)208–3676 (toll free), or,
202–502–8659 (TTY).
You may also register online at https://
esubscription.asp to be notified via
email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects.
For assistance, contact FERC Online
Any comments should be filed within
45 days from the date of this notice.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filing. Please file comments
using the Commission’s eFiling system
at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/
efiling.asp. Commenters can submit
brief comments up to 6,000 characters,
without prior registration, using the
eComment system at https://
ecomment.asp. You must include your
name and contact information at the end
of your comments. For assistance,
please contact FERC Online Support.
In lieu of electronic filing, please send
a paper copy to: Secretary, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.
The first page of any filing should
include docket number P–13590–001.
For further information, contact Sarah
Salazar by phone at 202–502–6863, or
by email at sarah.salazar@ferc.gov.
Dated: December 12, 2013.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Draft Environmental Assessment for
Hydropower License
Riverdale Hydroelectric Project, FERC
Project No. 13590–001, South Carolina
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Office of Energy Projects, Division of
Hydropower Licensing, 888 First Street
NE., Washington, DC 20426
December 2013
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................................................................
LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................................................................................................
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .....................................................................................................................................................
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................................................................
1.0 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................................................................
1.1 APPLICATION ..........................................................................................................................................................................
1.2 PURPOSE OF ACTION AND NEED FOR POWER .................................................................................................................
1.2.1 Purpose of Action ...........................................................................................................................................................
1.2.2 Need for Power ...............................................................................................................................................................
1.3 STATUTORY AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................
1.3.1 Federal Power Act ..........................................................................................................................................................
1.3.2 Clean Water Act ..............................................................................................................................................................
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act .................................................................................................................................................
1.3.4 Coastal Zone Management Act ......................................................................................................................................
1.3.5 National Historic Preservation Act ................................................................................................................................
1.4 PUBLIC REVIEW AND CONSULTATION ...............................................................................................................................
1.4.1 Scoping ............................................................................................................................................................................
1.4.2 Interventions ...................................................................................................................................................................
1.4.3 Comments on the License Application .........................................................................................................................
2.0 PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES .................................................................................................................................
2.1 NO–ACTION ALTERNATIVE ..................................................................................................................................................
2.1.1 Existing Project Facilities ...............................................................................................................................................
2.1.2 Project Safety ..................................................................................................................................................................
2.1.3 Existing Project Operation and Environmental Measures ...........................................................................................
2.2 APPLICANT’S PROPOSAL ......................................................................................................................................................
2.2.1 Proposed Project Facilities .............................................................................................................................................
2.2.2 Proposed Project Operations ..........................................................................................................................................
2.2.3 Proposed Environmental Measures ...............................................................................................................................
2.3 STAFF ALTERNATIVE ............................................................................................................................................................
2.4 ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED BUT ELIMINATED FROM FURTHER ANALYSIS ...........................................................
2.4.1 Issuing a Non-power License .........................................................................................................................................
2.4.2 Project Decommissioning ...............................................................................................................................................
3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................................................
3.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE RIVER BASIN .................................................................................................................
3.2 SCOPE OF CUMULATIVE EFFECTS ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................
3.2.1 Geographic Scope ...........................................................................................................................................................
3.2.2 Temporal Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................
3.3 PROPOSED ACTION AND ACTION ALTERNATIVES ..........................................................................................................
3.3.1 Geologic and Soil Resources ..........................................................................................................................................
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3.3.2 Aquatic Resources ..........................................................................................................................................................
3.3.3 Terrestrial Resources ......................................................................................................................................................
3.3.4 Threatened and Endangered Species ............................................................................................................................
3.3.5 Recreation and Land Use ...............................................................................................................................................
3.3.6 Cultural Resources ..........................................................................................................................................................
3.4 NO–ACTION ALTERNATIVE ..................................................................................................................................................
DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................................................
4.1 POWER AND DEVELOPMENTAL BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT .........................................................................................
4.2 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES .......................................................................................................................................
4.2.1 No-action Alternative .....................................................................................................................................................
4.2.2 Lockhart Power’s Proposal .............................................................................................................................................
4.2.3 Staff Alternative ..............................................................................................................................................................
4.3 COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES ............................................................................................................................
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...............................................................................................................................
5.1 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES .......................................................................................................................................
5.2 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT AND RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE ....................................................................
5.3 UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE EFFECTS .....................................................................................................................................
5.4 FISH AND WILDLIFE AGENCY RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................................................
5.5 CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLANS ................................................................................................................
FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ......................................................................................................................................
LITERATURE CITED .......................................................................................................................................................................
LIST OF PREPARERS ......................................................................................................................................................................
Figure 1. .......
Figure 2. .......
Figure 3. .......
Figure 4. .......
Location of the Riverdale Project .................................................................................................................................
Percent of time during each month that inflows to the Riverdale Project are greater than 170 cfs and less than
or equal to 500 cfs (i.e. when peaking with drawdown operation can occur under Lockhart Power’s proposed operations), less than or equal to 170 cfs (i.e. flow below turbine minimum turbine capacity plus 50
cfs minimum flow), and > 500 cfs (i.e. flows greater than maximum turbine capacity plus 50 cfs minimum
Illustration of the front of the 2.25-inch headrace trashrack .....................................................................................
Illustration of the front of the 1-inch headrace trash rack .........................................................................................
Table 1. ........
Table 2. ........
Table 3. ........
Table 4. ........
Table 5. ........
Table 6. ........
7. ........
8. ........
9. ........
10. ......
11. ......
Table 12. ......
Table 14. ......
Table 14. ......
Table 15. ......
Table 16. ......
Major statutory and regulatory requirements for the Riverdale Project ....................................................................
Select characteristics of mapped soil units at the Riverdale Project .........................................................................
Synthesized monthly flow data (cfs) for the Riverdale Project from USGS gage No. 02160390 Enoree River at
Woodruff, South Carolina.
South Carolina water quality standards for freshwaters ............................................................................................
Fish species and number collected in the vicinity of the Riverdale Project during baseline sampling on June
10–11 and July 6–7, 2010.
Spawning dates and habitat requirements for eight Conservation Species observed in the Riverdale bypassed
Flows through the bypassed reach at FERC licensed projects in the Broad River Basin, South Carolina .............
Minimum flow required for fish in streams identified by Tennant (1976) ...............................................................
Calculation of intake cross-sectional area for the 2.25-inch and 1-inch trashracks .................................................
Burst swim speeds of four species found in the Riverdale impoundment ...............................................................
Minimum fish total lengths susceptible to impingement at 1-inch and 2.25-inch trashracks, based on trashrack
bar spacing and fish width-at-length relationship (i.e. width = a × total length b) alone and exclusive of
burst swim speeds.
Parameters for the economic analysis of the proposed Riverdale Project .................................................................
Summary of annual cost, power benefits, and annual net benefits of the alternatives for the Riverdale Project ..
Cost of environmental mitigation and enhancement measures considered in assessing the environmental effects of refurbishing, operating, and maintaining the Riverdale Project.
Comparison of Alternatives for the Riverdale Project ................................................................................................
Fish and wildlife agency recommendations for the Riverdale Project ......................................................................
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Acronyms and Abbreviations
APE area of potential effects
applicant Lockhart Power Company, Inc.
BMPs Best Management Practices
°C degrees Celsius
certificate Water Quality Certificate
cfs cubic feet per second
Commission Federal Energy Regulatory
Conservation Species South Carolina
Priority Species
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Council Advisory Council on Historic
Corps U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CWA Clean Water Act
CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act
DO dissolved oxygen
DOI U.S. Department of the Interior
EA environmental assessment
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
°F degrees Fahrenheit
fps feet per second
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FERC Federal Energy Regulatory
FPA Federal Power Act
FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
LIP low inflow protocol
Lockhart Power Lockhart Power Company,
MADF mean annual daily flow
MW megawatt
MWh megawatt-hour
mg/L milligrams per liter
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
msl mean sea level
National Register National Register of
Historic Places
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NERC North American Electric Reliability
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System
NRCS Natural Resource Conservation
NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum
PM&E measure protection, mitigation, and
enhancement measure
Riverdale LLC Riverdale Development
Venture, LLC
ROR run-of-river
ROW rights-of-way
SERC Southeastern Electric Reliability
SCORP Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor
Recreation Plan
SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer
South Carolina DHEC South Carolina
Department of Health and Environmental
South Carolina DNR South Carolina
Department of Natural Resources
South Carolina DPRT South Carolina
Department of Parks, Recreation, and
South Carolina EPPC South Carolina Exotic
Pest Plant Council
South Carolina WRC South Carolina Water
Resources Commission
THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
Water District Woodruff-Roebuck Water
Water Plan South Carolina Water Plan
Executive Summary
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Proposed Action
On August 31, 2010, Lockhart Power
Company, Inc. (Lockhart Power or
applicant), filed a license application for
the Riverdale Hydroelectric Project
(Riverdale Project or project) with the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(Commission or FERC). Lockhart Power
proposes to repair existing facilities and
return the project,1 which has been
inoperable since 2001, to operation. The
proposed 1.24-megawatt (MW) project is
located on the Enoree River near the city
of Enoree, in Spartanburg and Laurens
Counties, South Carolina. The project
does not occupy any federal lands.
Project Description
The Riverdale Project is located at
river mile 52 of the 110-mile-long
Enoree River in northwestern South
Carolina. The proposed project would
consist of the following: (1) An existing
425-foot-long, 12-foot-high concrete
gravity dam with three evenly spaced,
integral sand gates, and 2-foot-high
1 The project was originally licensed to Inman
Mills as FERC No. 4362 on September 29, 1982.
Inman Mills, 20 FERC ¶ 62,586 (1982).
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flashboards; (2) an existing 6.6-acre
impoundment with a gross storage of
22.0 acre-feet; (3) an existing 85-footlong, 50-foot-wide concrete headrace
canal with an intake structure equipped
with trash racks with 2.25-inch bar
spacing; (4) an existing 9-foot-diameter,
340-foot-long steel penstock equipped
with a second set of trash racks with bar
spacing of about 10 inches; (5) an
existing wood frame powerhouse
containing one 1.24-MW capacity
generating unit; (6) an existing 510-footlong tailrace; (7) an existing 700-footlong transmission line from the
powerhouse to an existing Duke Energy
distribution line; (8) an existing
approximately 1,376-foot-long, 20-footwide paved access road; and (9)
appurtenant facilities. Flow diverted to
the powerhouse creates a 1,400-footlong bypassed reach downstream from
the dam.
Since the project became in-operable
12 years ago, all flows have passed over
the dam and into the 1,400-foot-long
bypassed reach. The 2-foot-high
flashboards were partially damaged
during high flow events in 2012 and
Proposed Facilities
Because Lockhart Power is not the
current licensee or current owner of the
project and has not had full access to
the project, it plans to spend the first
year following license issuance
assessing the condition of project
facilities and finalizing any engineering
design needed to refurbish the project.
To make the project operational,
Lockhart Power expects it would, at a
minimum need to: (1) Repair or replace
the sand gates and gate operators; (2)
repair or replace the 2-foot flashboards
on the dam; (3) replace a 193-foot-long
above ground section of the penstock;
(4) modify the bar spacing on the
penstock trashrack from 10 to 5 inches;
(5) refurbish the turbine generator; (6)
repair the plant controls and governor;
(7) repair the powerhouse roof; and (8)
dredge sediment and debris from the
Lockhart Power would operate the
project using a combination of run-ofriver (ROR) and peaking modes.
Lockhart Power would typically operate
the project in a ROR mode, with project
outflow approximately equaling project
inflow, such that the impoundment
surface elevation stays within 1 foot
(+/¥10 percent) of the top of the
flashboards. When inflows are
insufficient to operate the turbine at its
maximum hydraulic capacity i.e. of 450
cubic feet per second (cfs) and provide
a continuous minimum flow of 50 cfs to
the bypassed reach (i.e. when inflow is
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less than 500 cfs), Lockhart Power
would operate the project in a
‘‘peaking’’ mode. Peaking events would
occur no more than once daily, until
either the daily period of increased need
for power ends or until the
impoundment surface elevation is
drawn down a maximum of 4 feet
(+/¥10 percent) below the top of the
flashboards. Following each peaking
event, Lockhart Power would suspend
operation and store inflow, minus the
minimum flow to the bypassed reach, to
refill the impoundment (likely
overnight) to its normal elevation of
within 1 foot (+/¥10 percent) of the top
of the flashboards, allowing it to return
to ROR mode until the next peaking
event. Lockhart Power expects that
peaking operation would occur less than
half of the days in any given year.
Proposed Environmental Measures
Lockhart Power proposes, once the
project is operational, the following
measures to protect or enhance
environmental resources at the project:
• Implement a sediment management
plan that consists of using the existing
sand gates to draw down the
impoundment below the normal
operating range for periodic inspections
and maintenance and, if possible,
avoiding drawdowns from March 15
through June 1 to prevent significant
accumulation of sediments in the
project impoundment and untimely
releases of sediment downstream.
• Monitor water quality as may be
required by South Carolina Department
of Health and Environmental Council
(South Carolina DHEC).
• Maintain a minimum flow of 50 cfs
in the bypassed reach and a total
minimum continuous flow of 60 cfs, or
inflow if less, in the Enoree River
downstream from the confluence of the
tailrace and the bypassed reach to
protect aquatic habitat. The minimum
flow in the bypassed reach would be
provided through one or more of the
three sand gates selected in consultation
with South Carolina DNR, Interior, and
NMFS, after repairs. Lockhart Power
would develop a rating curve for the
sand gates and verify it once every 6
years to ensure defined minimum flows
are being provided. The remaining 10
cfs would be provided via leakage
through the turbine.
• When average daily inflows are less
than or equal to 80 cfs (+/¥10 percent),
release all inflow into the bypassed
reach (i.e. low inflow protocol [LIP]) to
protect aquatic resources downstream
from Riverdale dam, including during
the fish spawning season.
• Implement best management
practices (BMPs) to protect vegetation
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within the project boundary, such as
limiting vegetation and grounddisturbing activities and maintaining a
minimum 25-foot-wide forested riparian
buffer on project shorelines, as long as
this does not interfere with Lockhart
Power’s ability to perform projectrelated activities.
• Construct and maintain: (1) A canoe
take-out located approximately 220 feet
upstream of the dam; (2) a canoe put-in
located approximately 1,075 feet
downstream from the dam; (3) a 1,650foot-long portage trail connecting the
proposed canoe take-out and put-in; (4)
a parking area located adjacent to the
proposed portage trail; and (5) signage
to improve public access at the project
and to the Enoree River.
• Provide informal public access for
fishing at the project impoundment,
tailrace, and bypassed reach.
Alternatives Considered
This draft environmental assessment
(draft EA) considers the following
alternatives: (1) Lockhart Power’s
proposal; (2) Lockhart Power’s proposal
with staff modifications (staff
alternative); and (3) the no-action
alternative, meaning that Lockhart
Power would not refurbish the
hydroelectric facilities and resume
project operations.
Under the staff alternative, the project
would be operated and maintained as
proposed by Lockhart Power with the
modifications and additional measures
described below. Our recommended
modifications and additional
environmental measures include, or are
based on, recommendations made by
federal and state resource agencies that
have an interest in resources that may
be affected by operation of the proposed
project, as well as those identified by
The staff alternative includes the
following additional measures and
modifications to Lockhart Power’s
• Develop and implement a sitespecific soil erosion and sediment
control plan, which includes the BMPs
described in the South Carolina DHEC’s
Stormwater BMP Handbook, to
minimize erosion and sedimentation
during soil-disturbing activities
associated with project construction and
• Develop and implement a sediment
management plan to (a) test
impoundment sediments for heavy
metals and other contaminants, prior to
beginning in-water construction
activities and initial operation to
prevent the release of any toxic
substances, and (b) annually monitor
and manage sediment accumulation in
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the impoundment to prevent the
potential release of large quantities of
sediment during maintenance activities.
• Develop and implement a shoreline
stabilization plan to identify and
stabilize eroding shorelines to minimize
potential shoreline erosion from
impoundment and flow fluctuations
during peaking operation.
• Develop and implement a water
quality monitoring plan to monitor
dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature,
and turbidity and implement corrective
actions, if necessary, to protect aquatic
resources located downstream of the
• Release a continuous minimum
flow of 75 cfs into the bypassed reach
to protect aquatic habitat.
• Develop and implement a plan to
determine the feasibility of using the
sand gates as a mechanism for providing
minimum flows to the bypassed reach
and to evaluate methods to distribute
minimum flows into the bypassed reach
to protect aquatic habitat.
• Develop and implement a low
inflow protocol/drought contingency
plan to define periods of extended
drought and low inflow protocols to
minimize adverse effects on generation,
and fish, wildlife, and water quality in
the bypassed reach and downstream
from the tailrace.
• Develop and implement an
operation compliance monitoring plan
to document impoundment fluctuations
and minimum flow releases.
• Develop and implement an invasive
vegetation monitoring and control plan
to prevent the spread of alligatorweed
and other invasive non-native plants
during project refurbishment, operation,
and maintenance activities.
• Determine whether the existing
project transmission line is consistent
with Avian Power Line Interaction
Committee (APLIC) guidelines and
identify measures to minimize potential
electrocution hazards to birds, if
• Modify Lockhart Power’s proposed
signage measures to include: (1)
Identification of the canoe take-out and
put in; (2) directions from the parking
area to river access points; and (3)
information regarding garbage disposal
in order to improve public information
available at the project and protect
environmental resources.
• Stop work and notify the South
Carolina SHPO and the Catawba Indian
Nation if any unknown archaeological
resources are discovered as a result of
project construction, operation, or
project-related activities to avoid,
lessen, or mitigate potential adverse
effects on historic resources.
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Under the no-action alternative, the
project would continue to be inoperable
and no new environmental protection,
mitigation, or enhancement measures
would be implemented.
Public Involvement and Areas of
Before filing its license application,
Lockhart Power conducted a pre-filing
consultation process under the
traditional licensing process. The intent
of the Commission’s prefiling process is
to initiate public involvement early in
the project planning process and to
encourage citizens, governmental
entities, tribes, and other interested
parties to identify and resolve issues
prior to an application being formally
filed with the Commission. After the
application was filed, we conducted
scoping to determine what issues and
alternatives should be addressed. A
scoping document was distributed to
interested parties on May 15, 2012. On
July 13, 2012, we issued the Ready for
Environmental analysis notice,
requesting comments,
recommendations, terms and
conditions, and prescriptions.
The primary issues associated with
licensing the project include erosion
and sediment control, sediment
management, minimum flows to protect
aquatic species and shoal habitat in the
1,400-foot-long bypassed reach, a low
inflow protocol during extended
droughts, invasive vegetation
management, and recreation
Staff Alternative
Geology and Soils
Refurbishing the hydropower
facilities, dredging the tailrace, and
constructing the recreation
improvements would temporarily
increase soil erosion. Implementing
staff’s recommended site-specific soil
erosion and sediment control plan
would minimize adverse effects on
aquatic and terrestrial resources.
Project repairs and the initial
operation of the project would likely
result in a discharge of a large amount
of sediment downstream that could
contain heavy metals and other
contaminants. Staff’s recommended
testing of sediment for contaminants
and developing a contingency plan, if
needed, for removal and proper disposal
of any contaminated sediment prior to
beginning in-water construction
activities and operation would prevent
the unexpected release of any toxic
substances and potential adverse effects
on aquatic resources.
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Because the Enoree River is heavily
sediment laden, regular management of
sediment bed-load from the
impoundment may be needed to
maintain project operation. Developing
and implementing staff’s recommended
sediment management plan, which
would include Lockhart Power’s
proposal to avoid drawing down the
impoundment below the normal
operating range for periodic inspections
and maintenance from March 15
through June 1, would minimize
adverse effects of sediment releases and
lower impoundment levels on fish
spawning in and downstream from the
impoundment. The plan would also
ensure that sediment in the
impoundment is regularly monitored
and managed, preventing excessive
sediment accumulation and ensuring
that sediment management activities
occur when they are least likely to cause
adverse effects on downstream
Because of areas of highly erodible
soils along the project shoreline,
peaking operation could cause bank
sloughing and erosion. Developing and
implementing a shoreline stabilization
plan and maintaining a 25-foot forested
buffer around the impoundment as
recommended by staff would help
prevent bank erosion and loss of
riparian habitat.
Aquatic Resources
In addition to the short-term increases
in turbidity during project
refurbishment, the diversion of flow for
project operations would reduce flows
in the bypassed reach, which could
reduce DO levels and raise water
temperatures in the bypassed reach.
Monitoring water quality prior to the
start of construction, during
construction, and for 1 year after
beginning operation as recommended by
staff, would ensure that erosion control
measures and minimum instream flows
are adequately protecting water quality
and allow for the timely identification
of any needed corrective measures.
Lockhart Power’s proposed minimum
continuous flow of 60 cfs (16 percent of
mean annual daily flow [MADF])
downstream from the tailrace and 50 cfs
(13 percent of MADF) in the bypassed
reach would not maintain aquatic
resources in the bypassed reach. As
defined by Tennant (1976),2 such flows
provide ‘‘fair or degrading’’ conditions,
and close to ‘‘poor or minimum’’
conditions during the dry and wet
2 The Tennant method establishes streamflow
requirements on the basis of a percentage of the
mean annual flow, and associates aquatic-habitat
conditions with different percentages of mean
annual flow.
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seasons, respectively. Compared to
Lockhart’s proposed flow, staff’s
recommended year-round minimum
flow of 75 cfs (20 percent of MADF)
would better protect aquatic resources
because this flow represents ‘‘good’’
conditions and close to ‘‘fair or
degrading’’ conditions, as defined by
Tennant (1996), during the dry and wet
seasons, respectively.
Using the sand gates to release the
bypassed reach minimum flows as
proposed by Lockhart Power may not be
feasible because the sand gates are
currently inoperable. Also, sand gates
are generally not designed for such
activities and may become blocked with
debris, preventing the release of
specified flows. Developing and
implementing staff’s recommended
minimum instream flow release plan
would assess the feasibility of using the
sand gates to release the minimum
flows, identify which gate(s) best
distribute flows across the bypassed
reach, and identify alternative means to
release minimum flows should using
the gates prove impracticable.
Developing a low inflow protocol/
drought contingency plan, as
recommended by staff, would allow
Lockhart Power and the resource
agencies to adjust operation and
minimum instream flow requirements
as specified by the plan during periods
of extended drought that minimize
adverse effects on generation, and on
fish, wildlife, and water quality in the
bypassed reach and downstream from
the tailrace.
Staff’s recommended operation
compliance monitoring plan would
provide the Commission a mechanism
to monitor compliance with Lockhart
Power’s proposed limits on
impoundment fluctuations, minimum
instream flow releases, and low inflow
operation protocols.
Terrestrial Resources
Limiting disturbances to soil and
vegetation and maintaining a minimum
25-foot-wide forested riparian buffer
along project shorelines, as proposed by
Lockhart Power, would preserve
existing vegetation and habitat for
wildlife. Staff’s recommended invasive
plant management plan, would
minimize the introduction or spread of
non-native invasive vegetation within
the project boundary, and would protect
native plant communities and the fish
and wildlife that depend on them.
Implementing staff’s recommended
avian protection plan would facilitate a
determination on whether the project
transmission lines pose a risk of avian
injury or mortality due to electrocution
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and identify mitigation measures, if
Recreation and Land Use
Lockhart Power’s proposed canoe
portage trail, put-in and take-out,
parking, and directional signage at the
project would enhance recreation
amenities on a reach of the Enoree River
designated for recreation use and future
water trail development. Staff’s
recommended signage requesting that
visitors pack out their garbage would
reduce the likelihood that recreation use
at the project would negatively affect
the surrounding environment.
Continued project operation would not
affect land use.
Cultural Resources
No historic properties were identified
within the project’s area of potential
effects. The South Carolina SHPO
concurred that the proposed project
would have no adverse effect on historic
properties. Stopping work and notifying
the South Carolina SHPO and Catawba
Indian Nation if any unknown
archaeological resources are discovered
during project construction, operation,
or other project-related activities, would
allow Lockhart Power to define the
appropriate treatments necessary to
avoid, lessen, or mitigate for potential
adverse effects from the inadvertent
Based on our analysis, we recommend
licensing the project as proposed by
Lockhart Power, with some staff
modifications and additional measures.
In section 4.2 of the EA, we compare
the likely cost of alternative power for
each of the three alternatives identified
above. Under the no-action alternative,
the project would not be rehabilitated as
proposed; therefore, the project would
not produce any electricity. Our
analysis shows that during the first year
of operating the project as proposed by
the applicant, project power would cost
$265,378, or $54.21/MWh more than the
likely alternative cost of power. Under
the staff alternative, project power
would cost $297,487, or $68.07/MWh
more than the likely alternative cost of
We chose the staff alternative as the
preferred alternative because: (1) The
project would provide a dependable
source of electrical energy for the region
(4,370 MWh annually); (2) the 1.24 MW
of electric energy capacity comes from
a renewable resource that does not
contribute to atmospheric pollution,
including greenhouse gases; and (3) the
recommended environmental measures
proposed by Lockhart Power, as
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
modified by staff, would protect and
enhance environmental resources
affected by the project. The overall
benefits of the staff alternative would be
worth the cost of the proposed and
recommended environmental measures.
We conclude that issuing a new
license for the project with the staffrecommended measures would not be a
major federal action significantly
affecting the quality of the human
Environmental Assessment
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Office of Energy Projects, Division of
Hydropower Licensing, Washington, DC
Riverdale Hydroelectric Project, FERC
Project No. 13590–001—South Carolina
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
On August 31, 2010, Lockhart Power
Company, Inc. (Lockhart Power or
applicant), filed a license application for
the Riverdale Hydroelectric Project
(Riverdale Project or project) with the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
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(Commission or FERC).3 The 1.24megawatt (MW) project is located on the
Enoree River near Enoree, in
Spartanburg and Laurens Counties,
South Carolina (figure 1). The project
does not occupy any federal lands. The
project is currently inoperable, but as
proposed by Lockhart Power, it would
generate an average of about 4,895
megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy
1.2 Purpose of Action and Need for
1.2.1 Purpose of Action
The purpose of the Riverdale Project
is to provide a source of hydroelectric
3 On September 29, 1982, the Riverdale Project
was licensed to Inman Mills under FERC Project
No. 4362. The project has not operated since
January of 2001. Inman Mills’ license expired on
August 31, 2012, and was subsequently issued an
authorization for continued project operation until
the Commission issues someone else a license for
the project or otherwise orders disposition of the
project. Inman Mills did not file a notice of intent
to relicense the project. On November 29, 2007, the
Commission issued a notice soliciting applications
for subsequent license by August 31, 2010. Lockhart
Power filed the only timely license application and
is therefore the only license applicant for the
Riverdale Project.
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power. Therefore, under the provisions
of the Federal Power Act (FPA), the
Commission must decide whether to
issue a license to Lockhart Power for the
Riverdale Project and what conditions
should be placed on any license issued.
In deciding whether to issue a license
for a hydroelectric project, the
Commission must determine that the
project will be best adapted to a
comprehensive plan for improving or
developing a waterway. In addition to
the power and developmental purposes
for which licenses are issued (such as
flood control, irrigation, or water
supply), the Commission must give
equal consideration to the purposes of:
(1) Energy conservation; (2) the
protection of, mitigation of damage to,
and enhancement of fish and wildlife
resources; (3) the protection of
recreational opportunities; and (4) the
preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
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Issuing a license for the Riverdale
Project would allow Lockhart Power to
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generate electricity for the term of a
license, making electrical power from a
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
renewable resource available to the local
utility Duke Energy, which would use it
to serve its customers’ needs.
This environmental assessment (EA)
assesses the effects associated with
refurbishment, operation, and
maintenance of the project and
alternatives to the proposed project. It
also includes recommendations to the
Commission on whether to issue a
license, and if so, includes the
recommended terms and conditions to
become a part of any license issued.
In this EA, we assess the
environmental and economic effects of
refurbishing and operating the project:
(1) As proposed by the applicant; and
(2) as proposed with our recommended
measures. We also consider the effects
of the no-action alternative. Important
issues that are addressed include
erosion and sediment control, sediment
management, minimum flows to protect
aquatic species and shoals habitat in the
1,400-foot-long bypassed reach, a low
inflow protocol during extended
droughts, invasive vegetation
management, and recreation
1.2.2 Need for Power
The Riverdale Project would provide
hydroelectric generation to meet part of
South Carolina’s power requirements,
resource diversity, and capacity needs.
With staff’s recommended measures, the
project would have an installed capacity
of 1.24 MW and would generate
approximately 4,370 MWh per year.
The North American Electric
Reliability Council (NERC) annually
forecasts electrical supply and demand
nationally and regionally for a 10-year
period. The Riverdale Project is located
in the VACAR sub-region 4 of the
Southeastern Electric Reliability
Council (SERC), which is one of eight
regional reliability councils of NERC.
According to NERC’s 2012 forecast,
annual energy requirement for the
VACAR sub-region is projected to grow
at a compound annual rate of 1.11
percent, from 2012 through 2022 (NERC,
The power from the Riverdale Project
would help meet a need for power in
the VACAR sub-region of the SERC in
both the short- and long-term. The
project provides low-cost power that
may displace non-renewable, fossil-fired
generation and contributes to a
diversified generation mix. Displacing
the operation of fossil-fueled facilities
may avoid some power plant emissions
and create an environmental benefit.
1.3 Statutory and Regulatory
A license for the Riverdale Project is
subject to numerous requirements under
the Federal Power Act (FPA) and other
applicable statutes. We summarize the
major regulatory requirements in table 1
and describe them below.
Section 18 of the FPA (fishway prescriptions).
U.S. Department of the Interior (Interior), National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS).
Interior, NMFS, and South Carolina
Department of National Resources
(South Carolina DNR).
South Carolina DNR ...........................
Interior and NMFS reserved authority to prescribe fishways on
September 10, and September 11, 2012, respectively.
Section 10(j) of the FPA ......................
Clean Water Act—Water quality certification (certification).
Endangered Species Act (ESA) Consultation.
Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Coastal Zone
National Historic
South Carolina Department of Health
and Environmental Control (South
Carolina DHEC).
South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).
Federal Power Act
included in any license issued for the
project. Section 18 Fishway
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Interior, South Carolina DNR, and NMFS provided section 10(j)
recommendations on September 10, September 10, and
September 11, 2012, respectively.
Application for water quality certification received on October 4,
2012; withdrawn and reapplied on September 20, 2013; due
by September 20, 2014.
The project would not affect any listed species because none
are known to occur in the project vicinity; therefore, further
consultation under the ESA is not necessary.
South Carolina DHEC indicated by letter filed September 30,
2010, that the project is not located within South Carolina’s
coastal zone, that the proposed project poses no reasonably
foreseeable effects on the coastal zone, and that no consistency certification is needed.
By letter filed August 31, 2010, the South Carolina SHPO concurred with Lockhart Power’s determination that no historic
properties would be affected by the project.
Section 18 of the FPA states that the
Commission is to require construction,
operation, and maintenance by a
licensee of such fishways as may be
prescribed by the Secretaries of
Commerce or the U.S. Department of the
Interior. Interior and Commerce through
NMFS, by letters filed on September 10
and 11, 2012, respectively, request that
a reservation of authority to prescribe
fishways under section 18 of the FPA be Section 10(j)
Under section 10(j) of the FPA, each
hydroelectric license issued by the
Commission must include conditions
based on recommendations provided by
federal and state fish and wildlife
agencies for the protection, mitigation,
or enhancement of fish and wildlife
resources affected by the project. The
Commission is required to include these
conditions unless it determines that
they are inconsistent with the purposes
and requirements of the FPA or other
applicable law. Before rejecting or
modifying an agency recommendation,
the Commission is required to attempt
to resolve any such inconsistency with
the agency, giving due weight to the
recommendations, expertise, and
statutory responsibilities of such
Interior, South Carolina DNR, and
NMFS timely filed on September 10,
September 10, and September 11, 2012,
respectively, recommendations under
10(j), as summarized in table 18 in
section 5.4.1, Recommendations of Fish
and Wildlife Agencies. In section 5.4,
4 The VACAR sub-region includes the states of
Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
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we also discuss how we address the
agency recommendations and comply
with section 10(j).
Clean Water Act
Under section 401 of the Clean Water
Act (CWA), a license applicant must
obtain certification from the appropriate
state pollution control agency verifying
compliance with the CWA. On October
3, 2012, Lockhart Power applied to the
South Carolina DHEC for certification of
the Riverdale Project. South Carolina
DHEC received this request on October
4, 2012. On September 20, 2013,
Lockhart Power withdrew and re-filed
for certification, and on the same day
South Carolina DHEC received this
request. South Carolina DHEC has not
yet acted on the request. The
certification is due by September 20,
Endangered Species Act
Section 7 of the Endangered Species
Act requires federal agencies to ensure
that their actions are not likely to
jeopardize the continued existence of
endangered or threatened species or
result in the destruction or adverse
modification of the critical habitat of
such species. There are no federally
listed endangered or threatened species
or critical habitat known to occur in the
Riverdale Project vicinity. Therefore,
licensing the project would not affect
listed species and no further
consultation under section 7 is needed.
Coastal Zone Management Act
Under section 307(c)(3)(A) of the
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA),
16 U.S.C. 1456(3)(A), the Commission
cannot issue a license for a project
within or affecting a state’s coastal zone
unless the state CZMA agency concurs
with the license applicant’s certification
of consistency with the state’s CZMA
program, or the agency’s concurrence is
conclusively presumed by its failure to
act within 180 days of its receipt of the
applicant’s certification.
The project is not located within the
state-designated Coastal Management
Zone, which extends to South Carolina’s
eight coastal counties (Jasper, Beaufort,
Colleton, Berkeley, Dorchester,
Charleston, Georgetown, and Horry),
and the project would not affect South
Carolina’s coastal resources. Therefore,
the project is not subject to South
Carolina coastal zone program review
and no consistency certification is
needed for the action. By letter filed
September 30, 2010,5 the South Carolina
DHEC concurred.
National Historic Preservation
Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (NHPA) requires that
every federal agency ‘‘take into account’’
how each of its undertakings could
affect historic properties. Historic
properties are districts, sites, buildings,
structures, traditional cultural
properties, and objects significant in
American history, architecture,
engineering, and culture that are eligible
for inclusion in the National Register of
Historic Places (National Register).
Pursuant to section 106, the applicant
consulted with the South Carolina
SHPO and affected Indian tribes to
locate, determine National Register
eligibility, and assess potential adverse
effects to historic properties associated
with the project. By letter filed August
31, 2010,6 the South Carolina SHPO
stated that it concurred with the
applicant’s assessment that no
properties listed in or eligible for listing
in the National Register would be
affected by the by the federal licensing
action. Staff reaffirmed the South
Carolina SHPO’s concurrence via
teleconference on May 23, 2012.7
As a result of the findings made by
Lockhart Power and the SHPO’s
concurrence that no historic properties
would be affected by the project, the
drafting of a programmatic agreement to
resolve adverse effects on historic
properties will not be necessary.
Public Review and Consultation
The Commission’s regulations (18
CFR, § 4.38) require that applicants
consult with appropriate resource
agencies, tribes, and other entities
before filing an application for a license.
This consultation is the first step in
complying with the Fish and Wildlife
Coordination Act, the ESA, the NHPA,
and other federal statutes. Pre-filing
consultation must be complete and
documented according to the
Commission’s regulations.
Before preparing this EA, we
conducted scoping to determine what
issues and alternatives should be
addressed. A Scoping Document 1 was
distributed to interested agencies and
other stakeholders on December 22,
2011. It was noticed in the Federal
Register on December 22, 2011. A
Scoping Document 2 was issued on May
15, 2012. The following entities
provided written comments on Scoping
Document 1:
Commenting entities
Date filed
Caitlin Totherow, Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Preservation Officer (THPO) ..................................................................
South Carolina SHPO .........................................................................................................................................................
Woodruff-Roebuck Water District (Water District) ..............................................................................................................
Greg Sveinsson, Riverdale Development Venture, LLC (Riverdale, LLC) .........................................................................
American Rivers ..................................................................................................................................................................
South Carolina DNR ...........................................................................................................................................................
FWS ....................................................................................................................................................................................
NMFS ..................................................................................................................................................................................
On May 7, 2012, the Commission
issued a notice that Lockhart Power’s
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
January 18, 2012.
January 20, 2012.
February 9, 2012.
February 15, 2012.
February 16, 2012
February 21, 2012.
February 21, 2012.
March 6, 2012.
application to license the Riverdale
Project had been accepted for filing.
This notice set July 6, 2012, as the
deadline for filing protests and motions
to intervene. In response to the notice,
the following entities filed notices of
intervention or motions to intervene
(none opposed issuance of a license):
5 See letter dated September 13, 2010 from W.
McGoldrick, Stormwater Permit Coordinator, South
Carolina DHEC, Charleston, South Carolina, to S.
Boring, Kleinschmidt Associates, Lexington, South
6 See letter dated December 7, 2009 from C.
Wilson, Review and Compliance Coordinator,
South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office,
Columbia, South Carolina to J. Seay, Jr., Lockhart
Power Company, Lockhart, South Carolina.
7 See FERC. 2012a. Telephone Meeting Summary
with the South Carolina State Historic Preservation
Office for the Riverdale Hydroelectric Project No.
13590–001. Filed on May 24, 2012.
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Date filed
Woodruff-Roebuck Water District .......................................................................................................................................
American Rivers ..................................................................................................................................................................
Interior .................................................................................................................................................................................
South Carolina DNR ...........................................................................................................................................................
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (on behalf of NMFS) ..........................................................................
1.4.3 Comments on the License
environmental analysis, and requested
that comments, recommendations, terms
and conditions, and prescriptions be
The July 13, 2012 notice also stated
that the application was ready for
filed. The following entities
Commenting agencies and other entities
Date filed
Interior .................................................................................................................................................................................
South Carolina DNR ...........................................................................................................................................................
NMFS ..................................................................................................................................................................................
American Rivers ..................................................................................................................................................................
The applicant, Lockhart Power, filed
reply comments on October 24, 2012.
Proposed Action and Alternatives
No-Action Alternative
We use existing conditions as the
baseline environmental condition for
comparison with other alternatives.
Under the no-action alternative, the
project would not be refurbished and
operated, the dam and other facilities
would remain in place, and all flows
would remain in the Enoree River by
passing over the spillway or through
leaks in the sand gates.
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Existing Project Facilities
The Riverdale Project would consist
of an existing 425-foot-long, 12-foothigh concrete gravity dam with three
evenly spaced, integral sand gates,8 and
2-foot-high flashboards that form a 6.6acre impoundment with a gross storage
of 22.0 acre-feet. On the north end of the
dam is an existing 85-foot-long, 50-footwide concrete headrace canal with an
intake structure equipped with trash
racks with 2.25-inch bar spacing. The
canal feeds an existing 9-foot-diameter,
340-foot-long steel penstock,9 which is
equipped with trash racks having bar
spacing of about 10 inches. The
penstock connects to an existing wood
frame powerhouse building containing
one 1.24–MW capacity generating unit.
An existing 510-foot-long tailrace
extends from the powerhouse to the
Enoree River, and an existing 700-footlong transmission line extends from the
powerhouse to an existing Duke Energy
8 Three low level sand gates are located within
three concrete-framed piers along the spillway dam.
9 Staff used GIS software to estimate the length of
the penstock. Current Exhibit F drawings only
defined the below ground portion of the penstock
as 110 feet long.
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distribution line. An existing paved
access road, approximately 1,376 feet
long and 20 feet wide extends from
Highway 221 to the project powerhouse.
The project boundary includes about
25.9 acres. The project boundary
encloses the project impoundment, the
existing hydropower facilities, the
bypassed reach (including the braided
channels), tailrace, project access road,
and the proposed canoe take-out, put-in,
portage trail, and parking area.
Riverdale, LLC currently owns
approximately 2.5 acres of land within
Lockhart Power’s proposed project
boundary which encompasses the
project powerhouse, intake structure,
penstock, and tailrace. The Water
District owns the majority of the
remaining lands within the project
boundary and retains an option to
acquire the dam. Two other private
individuals own the remaining parcels
which are located on the south side of
the impoundment.
2.1.2 Project Safety
The project has been inoperable for
more than 12 years under the existing
license; nonetheless, during this time,
Commission staff has conducted
inspections focusing on the continued
safety of the structures, identification of
unauthorized modifications, efficiency
and safety of operations, compliance
with the terms of the license, and proper
maintenance. As part of the licensing
process, the Commission would
evaluate the adequacy of the proposed
project facilities. Special articles would
be included in any license issued, as
appropriate. Commission staff would
continue to inspect the project both
during and after construction to repair
existing project facilities. Before the
project is refurbished, engineers from
the Commission’s Atlanta Regional
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June 12, 2012.
June 19, 2012.
June 25, 2012.
June 29, 2012.
July 5, 2012.
Office would review the designs, plans
and specifications of the proposed
repairs to equipment and structures.
Inspections during project
refurbishment would concentrate on
adherence to Commission-approved
plans and specifications, special license
articles relating to construction, and
accepted engineering practices and
procedures. Operational inspections
would focus on the continued safety of
the structures, identification of
unauthorized modifications, efficiency,
and safety of operations, compliance
with the terms of the license, and proper
2.1.3 Existing Project Operation and
Environmental Measures
Inman Mills ceased operating the
project (under FERC No. 4362) in 2001,
when the adjacent textile mill closed.
The 2-foot-high flashboards washed out
during storm events in 2012 and 2013
and there is currently no practical way
to control flows from Riverdale dam.
The current owner demolished the
original concrete and brick powerhouse
and replaced it with a wood frame
building. All flows pass over the dam
and into the 1,400-foot-long bypassed
reach. No environmental measures are
currently being implemented at the
Applicant’s Proposal
Proposed Project Facilities
Lockhart Power proposes to use the
existing hydropower facilities described
above, and rehabilitate all equipment
rendering the project inoperable.
Because Lockhart Power is not the
current licensee or current owner of the
project and has not had full access to
the project, it plans to spend the first
year following license issuance
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
assessing the condition of project
facilities and finalizing any engineering
design needed to refurbish the project.
To make the project operational,
Lockhart Power expects it would, at a
minimum: (1) Repair or replace the sand
gates and gate operators; (2) repair or
replace the 2-foot flashboards on the
dam; (3) replace a 193-foot above
ground section of the penstock; (4)
modify the bar spacing on the penstock
trashrack from 10 to 5 inches; (5)
refurbish the turbine generator; 10 (6)
repair plant controls and governor; (7)
repair the powerhouse roof; and (8)
dredge the sediment and debris in the
tailrace. There would be a total of 25.9
acres within the proposed project
boundary, of which 11.3 acres are land
and the remainder is occupied by waters
of the impoundment, bypassed reach,
and tailrace.
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2.2.2 Proposed Project Operations
Lockhart Power would operate the
project using a combination of run-ofriver (ROR) and peaking modes. The
project would operate semiautomatically with an operator on
standby. Lockhart Power would
remotely monitor impoundment levels
and control the water flow through the
project’s turbine to maintain
impoundment levels. The Riverdale
impoundment would fluctuate between
1 and 4 feet of the top of the
Lockhart Power would typically
operate the project in a ROR mode, with
project outflow approximately equaling
inflow, such that the impoundment
surface elevation stays within 1 foot
(+/¥10 percent) of the top of the
flashboards. When inflows are
insufficient to operate the turbine at its
maximum hydraulic capacity of 450
cubic feet per second (cfs) and provide
a continuous minimum flow of 50 cfs to
the bypassed reach (i.e. when inflow is
less than 500 cfs), Lockhart Power
would operate the project in a
‘‘peaking’’ mode. Peaking events would
occur no more than once daily, until
either the daily period of increased need
for power ends or until the
impoundment surface elevation is
drawn down a maximum of 4 feet (+/¥
10 percent) below the top of the
flashboards. Following each peaking
event, Lockhart Power would suspend
operation and store inflow, minus the
10 Lockhart Power anticipates that significant
electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic system
improvements and refurbishments will be necessary
to restore the project to reliable long term operating
condition. Certain improvements, such as turbine
refurbishment, may improve the design efficiency
of and thereby increase the rated capacity of the
turbine-generator to a range of 1.2–1.45 MW.
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minimum flow to the bypassed reach, to
refill the impoundment (likely
overnight) to its normal elevation of
within 1 foot (+/¥ 10 percent) of the top
of the flashboards, allowing it to return
to ROR mode until the next peaking
event. Lockhart Power expects that
peaking operation would occur less than
half of the days in any given year
(Lockhart Power, 2011a).
2.2.3 Proposed Environmental
Lockhart Power proposes to construct
and operate the project with the
following environmental protection,
mitigation, and enhancement (PM&E)
• Implement a sediment management
plan that consists of using the sand
gates to draw down the impoundment
below the normal operating range for
periodic inspections and maintenance
and, if possible, avoid drawdowns from
March 15 through June 1 to prevent
significant accumulation of sediments
in the project impoundment and
untimely releases of sediment
• Monitor water quality as may be
required by the South Carolina DHEC.
• Maintain a minimum flow of 50 cfs
in the bypassed reach and a total
minimum continuous flow of 60 cfs, or
inflow if less, in the Enoree River
downstream from the confluence of the
tailrace and the bypassed reach to
protect aquatic habitat. The minimum
flow in the bypassed reach would be
provided through one or more of the
three sand gates selected in consultation
with South Carolina DNR, Interior, and
NMFS, after repairs. Lockhart Power
would develop a rating curve for the
sand gates and verify it once every 6
years to ensure defined minimum flows
are being provided.
• When average daily inflows are less
than or equal to 80 cfs (+/¥ 10 percent),
release all inflow into the bypassed
reach (i.e. low inflow protocol [LIP]) to
protect aquatic resources downstream
from Riverdale dam, including during
the fish spawning season.
• Implement best management
practices (BMPs) to protect vegetation
within the project boundary, such as
limiting vegetation and grounddisturbing activities and maintaining a
minimum 25-foot-wide forested riparian
buffer on project shorelines, as long as
this does not interfere with Lockhart
Power’s ability to perform projectrelated activities.
• Construct and maintain: (1) A canoe
take-out located approximately 220 feet
upstream of the dam; (2) a canoe put-in
located approximately 1,075 feet
downstream from the dam; (3) a 1,650-
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foot-long portage trail connecting the
proposed canoe take-out and put-in; (4)
a parking area located adjacent to the
proposed portage trail; and (5) signage
to improve public access at the project
and to the Enoree River.
• Provide informal public access for
fishing at the project impoundment,
tailrace, and bypassed reach.
• Notify and consult with the South
Carolina SHPO regarding any projectrelated construction or other grounddisturbing activities.11
2.3 Staff Alternative
The staff alternative includes the
following additional measures and
modifications to Lockhart Power’s
• Develop and implement a sitespecific soil erosion and sediment
control plan, which includes the BMPs
described in the South Carolina DHEC’s
Stormwater BMP Handbook, to
minimize erosion and sedimentation
during soil-disturbing activities
associated with project construction and
• Develop and implement a sediment
management plan that includes
provisions to: (a) Test impoundment
sediments for heavy metals and other
contaminants prior to beginning inwater construction activities and initial
operation; (b) prepare a contingency
plan for proper disposal of any
contaminated sediments should they be
found in the impoundment; (c) monitor
sediment accumulation in the
impoundment annually to facilitate
planning of sediment management
activities; (d) develop criteria that
would trigger sediment removal from
the impoundment (i.e. by opening the
sand gates, if appropriate, during high
flow events, or via mechanical
methods); (e) conduct sediment
management activities during the
months of November through January
except during high rain events (e.g.,
tropical storms or hurricanes); (f) avoid
maintenance activities that would draw
down the impoundment below normal
operating levels and potentially pass
sediment into the bypassed reach from
March 15 through June 1, if possible, to
minimize adverse impacts to spawning
fish; and (g) file annual reports with
11 Although Lockhart Power proposes this
measure in its license application, we consider
Lockhart Power’s consultation requirements under
section 106 of the NHPA to be complete because of
the SHPO’s finding that no properties listed in or
eligible for listing in the National Register would be
affected by the project (letter from C. Wilson,
Review and Compliance Coordinator, South
Carolina SHPO, Columbia, South Carolina to J.
Seay, Jr., Lockhart Power, Lockhart, South Carolina,
December 7 2009). Therefore no further analysis of
this measure is necessary.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
sediment monitoring results, sediment
management activities, and an
evaluation of the effectiveness of the
plan in minimizing sediment
accumulation in the impoundment.
• Develop and implement a shoreline
stabilization plan that includes
provisions to: (a) Identify eroding or
potential project-induced erosion sites
on the impoundment shorelines and
streambanks downstream from the dam
and powerhouse prior to beginning
operation; (b) stabilize areas of shoreline
erosion using native vegetation, bioengineering, slope flattening, toe
armoring with anchored logs, and/or
riprap that incorporates native
vegetation plantings; (c) monitor
shorelines after resuming operation and
implement stabilization measures if
project-induced erosion occurs; (d)
conduct shoreline stabilization activities
from September through February to
protect aquatic species and wildlife; and
(e) file annual reports describing
monitoring results and any
implemented shoreline stabilization
• Develop and implement a water
quality monitoring plan with provisions
to: (a) Monitor dissolved oxygen (DO),
temperature, and turbidity prior to the
start of construction, during
construction, and for 1 year after project
operation begins to ensure the levels
specified by the current state water
quality standards are met and aquatic
resources are protected; (b) define
sampling methods, timing, and
locations for monitoring these
parameters in consultation with South
Carolina DHEC, FWS, and NMFS; and
(c) file a report that presents the
monitoring data, describes any projectrelated effects and identifies corrective
actions, if necessary.
• Release a continuous minimum
flow of 75 cfs into the bypassed reach
to protect aquatic habitat.
• Develop and implement a plan to
release required minimum flows into
the bypassed reach that includes: (a) A
feasibility assessment for using the sand
gates as a flow-release mechanism; (b) if
found to be feasible, a flow study to
determine how the sand gates would be
used to distribute flow into the
bypassed reach to protect aquatic
habitat; (c) if the sand gates are not
feasible, a description of how the
minimum instream flows would be
provided to the bypassed reach; (d) a
report documenting the outcome of the
feasibility assessment, flow study, and
consultation with the agencies; and (e)
an implementation schedule.
• Develop and implement a low
inflow protocol/drought contingency
plan to define periods of extended
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drought and the low inflow protocols to
minimize adverse effects on generation,
and on fish, wildlife, and water quality
in the bypassed reach and downstream
from the tailrace.
• Develop and implement an
operation compliance monitoring plan
that includes: (a) A rating curve to
provide the seasonally defined flows; (b)
protocols to monitor and document
compliance with required flows; (c)
protocols to monitor and document
impoundment fluctuations; and (d) an
implementation schedule.
• Develop and implement an
invasive 12 vegetation monitoring and
control plan that includes: (a) Survey
methods to determine the extent of
alligatorweed in the impoundment and
riparian area prior to beginning
refurbishment activities; (b) BMPs, as
well as monitoring and control methods
to prevent the spread of alligatorweed in
the impoundment to areas downstream
from the dam during project
refurbishment; (c) monitoring protocols
to detect the introduction or spread of
other invasive plants within the project
boundary during operation and
maintenance; (d) criteria that would
determine when control measures
would be required; and (e) a schedule
for filing monitoring reports and any
recommended control measures with
the Commission.
• Determine whether the existing
project transmission line is consistent
with Avian Power Line Interaction
Committee (APLIC) guidelines. Identify,
in consultation with FWS, measures to
minimize potential electrocution
hazards to birds and file a report with
the Commission describing the results
of the evaluation and any measures
recommended by FWS.
• Modify the applicant’s proposal for
signage at recreation sites to include: (1)
Identification of the canoe take-out and
put in; (2) directions from the parking
area to river access points; and (3)
information regarding garbage disposal
in order to improve public information
available at the project and protect
environmental resources.
• Stop work and notify the South
Carolina SHPO and the Catawba Indian
Nation if any unknown archaeological
resources are discovered as a result of
project construction, operation, or
project-related activities to avoid,
lessen, or mitigate potential adverse
effects on historic resources.
12 For the purposes of this document, an
‘‘invasive species’’ is defined, consistent with
Executive Order 13112, as a species that is: (1) Nonnative (or alien[/exotic]) to the ecosystem under
consideration; and (2) whose introduction causes or
is likely to cause economic or environmental harm
or harm to human health (USDA, 2012).
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2.4 Alternatives Considered but
Eliminated From Further Analysis
2.4.1 Issuing a Non-Power License
A non-power license is a temporary
license that the Commission will
terminate when it determines that
another governmental agency will
assume regulatory authority and
supervision over the lands and facilities
covered by the non-power license. At
this point, no agency has suggested a
willingness or ability to do so. No party
has sought a non-power license and we
have no basis for concluding that the
project should no longer be used to
produce power. Thus, we do not
consider issuing a non-power license a
realistic alternative to relicensing in this
2.4.2 Project Decommissioning
Project decommissioning could be
accomplished with or without dam
removal. Both Interior and American
Rivers recommended that the
Commission analyze project
decommissioning with dam removal as
an alternative in this EA. Because
Lockhart Power neither owns nor
operates the project under the existing
license, the Commission cannot require
Lockhart Power to remove the dam.
Decommissioning the project would
involve denial of Lockhart Power’s
license application and then the
surrender or termination of Inman Mills’
existing license with appropriate
conditions under separate action by the
Decommissioning with dam removal
would remove the only barrier to fish
movement in the Enoree River from its
confluence with the Broad River to its
headwaters, allow for natural sediment
movement through the project area,
eliminate the need to portage canoes
around the project, remove lake
recreation, and eliminate a potential
source of renewable energy. However, as
we explain herein, the project’s power
would serve to meet regional energy
needs. Further, a license can be
conditioned to address adverse
environmental effects of project
operation such that project benefits can
be retained with minimal effects on the
environment. Considering there is a
willing developer of the project, we see
no reason not to develop the project
power. Therefore, we do not consider
project decommissioning with or
without dam removal as a reasonable
alternative to Lockhart Power’s
3.0 Environmental Analysis
In this section, we present: (1) A
general description of the project
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
vicinity; (2) an explanation of the scope
of our cumulative effects analysis; and
(3) our analysis of the proposed action
and other recommended environmental
measures. Sections are organized by
resource area. Under each resource area,
historic and current conditions are first
described. The existing condition is the
baseline against which the
environmental effects of the proposed
action and alternatives are compared,
including an assessment of the effects of
proposed mitigation, protection, and
enhancement measures, and any
potential cumulative effects of the
proposed action and alternatives.13 We
present the estimated cost of the
proposed and recommended measures
in section 4.0, Developmental Analysis.
Our conclusions and recommended
measures are discussed in section 5.2,
Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
3.1 General Description of the River
Situated within the Piedmont
Physiographic Region and
encompassing approximately 731 square
miles within the lower portion of the
Broad River Basin, the Enoree River
Basin spans portions of Greenville,
Spartanburg, Union, and Newberry
Counties in northwestern South
Carolina. The Enoree River originates
near the city of Travelers Rest and then
flows 110 miles to its confluence with
the Broad River. The Broad River flows
into the Congaree, which merges with
the Wateree to form the Santee River.
The Santee River flows into the Atlantic
The Enoree River is the primary
source of water for the project.
Tributaries to the Enoree River include
Beaverdam Creek 14 as well as Warrior
and Duncan creeks. Approximately 29
miles upstream of the project, are the
remains of the Pelham dam 15 and
Pelham Mills, closed in the 1930’s.
There are no other dams on the Enoree
River upstream of, or downstream from,
the Riverdale dam. The nearest dam is
Parr Shoals dam (FERC Project No.
1984), located on the Broad River 65
miles downstream from the confluence
of the Enoree and Broad rivers.
The Enoree River has a variety of
aquatic habitats, including seven shoal
13 Unless otherwise indicated, our information is
taken from the license application for this project
(Lockhart Power, 2010a) and Lockhart Power’s
responses to the Commission staff’s additional
information requests (Lockhart Power, 2011a;
2011b; 2012).
14 Beaverdam Creek enters the Enoree River
approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the project.
15 There are no records of a hydroelectric license
at the Pelham dam location (Federal Power
Commission, 1970).
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reaches and frequent long stretches of
riffles and runs separated with short
sections of glides and pools. The
topography of the basin is generally
moderate, varying from steep to rolling
hills. Land uses in the basin and
surrounding the Riverdale Project are
primarily forest or agriculture with
small developed areas near the
headwaters of the Enoree River and
along main roads in the project area.
Climate in the Enoree River Basin is
subtropical, marked by high summer
humidity and moderate winters that
rarely drop below freezing. The average
annual temperature is 60 °F to 70 °F.
Rainfall is high year-round, with an
annual average of 40 to 60 inches,
typically greatest during the summer.
3.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects
According to the Council on
Environmental Quality, a cumulative
effect under NEPA is the impact on the
environment which results from the
incremental impact of the action when
added to other past, present, and
reasonably foreseeable future actions
regardless of what agency (federal or
non-federal) or person undertakes such
other actions 40 CFR 1508.7 (2013).
Cumulative effects can result from
individually minor but collectively
significant actions taking place over a
period of time, including hydropower
and other land and water development
Based on our review of the license
application, agency and public
comments from scoping, and other
filings related to the project, we have
identified fisheries as a resource that
could be cumulatively affected by the
proposed project in combination with
other actions such as sand mining
operations in the Enoree River Basin.
3.2.1 Geographic Scope
The geographic scope of the analysis
defines the physical limits or
boundaries of the proposed action’s
effects on the resources. Because the
proposed action would affect the
resources differently, the geographic
scope for each resource may vary. For
fisheries, we identified the geographic
scope to extend from the remains of the
Pelham dam downstream to the mouth
of the Broad River.
3.2.2 Temporal Scope
The temporal scope of our cumulative
effects analysis in the EA includes a
discussion of past, present, and future
actions and their effects on these
resources. Based on the potential term
of license, we will look 30 to 50 years
into the future, concentrating on the
PO 00000
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effect on the resources from reasonably
foreseeable future actions. The historical
discussion is limited, by necessity, to
the amount of available information. We
identify the present resource conditions
based on the license application, agency
comments, and comprehensive plans.
3.3 Proposed Action and Action
In this section, we discuss the effect
of the project alternatives on
environmental resources. For each
resource, we first describe the affected
environment, which is the existing
condition and baseline against which
we measure effects. We then discuss
and analyze the site-specific
environmental issues.
Only the resources that would be
affected, or about which comments have
been received, are addressed in detail in
this EA. We have not identified any
substantive issues related to aesthetic
resources or socioeconomics associated
with the proposed action, and,
therefore, these issues are not assessed
in this EA.
Geologic and Soil Resources
Affected Environment
The Enoree River is located within the
greater Broad River Drainage Basin and
flows through the geologic region
known as the Piedmont. The Piedmont
geologic region extends from the Blue
Ridge region to the fall line, at
Columbia, South Carolina, and consists
of stream and river valleys and rolling
hills with elevations ranging from 375 to
over 1,000 feet mean sea level (msl).16
Bedrock in this region is dominated by
granite which is found mostly below the
surface, except at shoals within streams.
The Enoree River passes through
various geologic formations including
the Six Mile Thrust Sheet, the Laurens
Thrust Stack, and the Charlotte Terrane
before entering the Broad River,
approximately 52 miles downstream
from the project. Surficial geological
material within the project area and
within the vicinity of the project
consists of fluvial deposited sediments,
as well as weathered felsic igneous and
metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont
Dominant soils within the project area
and general vicinity of the project
include the following series: Cartecay,
Congaree, and Enoree (entisols); 17 and
16 Elevations in this document are based on the
National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929 (NGVD 29).
17 Entisols are mineral soils that typically occur
in areas where the rate of erosion or deposition of
soil parent materials exceeds the rate of soil horizon
development (NRCS, 2012).
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
Cecil, Madison, and Pacolet (ultisols) 18
(NRCS, 2013a). In particular, the
northern shoreline of the Riverdale
impoundment is composed of CartecayToccoa complex, Pacolet sandy clay
loam with 10 to 15 percent slopes, and
Pacolet sandy loam with 25 to 40
percent slopes. The southern shoreline
of the impoundment consists largely of
Enoree soils. Downstream from the dam,
bordering the bypassed reach, tailrace,
and Enoree River are Madison & Pacolet
soils with 15 to 40 percent slopes and
wet, mixed alluvial land.19 Table 2
describes key features of these soils.
[Source: Lockhart Power, 2010A]
Soil type
Drainage class
Capacity to
transmit water 1
Erodibility 2
Northern Shoreline
Cartecay-Toccoa complex.
Pacolet sandy clay
Pacolet sandy loam .....
Floodplain .............
Occasional ............
High ......................
Interfluves 3 ...........
Somewhat poorly
Well drained .........
None .....................
Mod. high to high
Interfluves 3 ...........
Well drained .........
None .....................
Mod. high to high
Frequent ...............
Mod. high to high
Frequent ...............
High ......................
None .....................
Mod. high to high
Southern Shoreline
Enoree .........................
Poorly drained ......
Downstream from Riverdale Dam
Madison & Pacolet .......
Floodplain .............
mixed alluvial land .......
Interfluves 3 ...........
Moderately well
Well drained .........
1 Measured
as Ksat, or saturated hydraulic capacity, as an indicator of seepage potential in the upper 60 inches.
as the K factor, or the erodibility of soil and other surface substrates, taking into account soil texture, content (e.g., clay, silt, organic matter, minerals, rocks), and structure (NRCS, 2013b). Values range from 0.02 to 0.69. The higher the value, the more susceptible the soil
is to sheet and rill erosion by water. Moderate range is about 0.20–0.40.
3 Upland landform located between two adjacent valleys containing streams.
2 Measured
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
The characteristics of dominant soil
types along with active local mining
operations likely contribute to the load
of suspended solids in the Enoree River.
According to the Natural Resource
Conservation Service (NRCS), the
majority of lands in the Enoree
watershed, including those of the
project, represent a resource concern
due to erosion and are classified as
‘highly erodible lands.’ As shown in
table 2, the soils bordering the project
impoundment have a K factor that
indicates moderate erodibility. In
addition, there are several mine sites
upstream of the Riverdale Project,
including granite, vermiculite, and sand
mines (South Carolina DHEC, 2013a;
During licensing studies conducted
the summer of 2010,20 Lockhart Power
collected qualitative data on substrate
content and bank stability at the
Riverdale Project.21 The substrates were
dominated by silt and sand in the
impoundment and at the confluence of
the Enoree River and Two-Mile Creek.
Boulders and bedrock occur
immediately downstream from the dam.
Clay, gravel, pebble, cobble, detritus,
and mud were also found in the
substrates within the project boundary.
The study results indicated areas of
stable shorelines and some areas with
evidence of erosion and undercutting.
The current extent of erosion is not
known at this time, but the majority of
the project shoreline is forested with
portions armored by bedrock.
Heavy metals and other contaminants
from an industrial spill are known to
occur in the Upper Enoree River
watershed. In 1985, a galvanizing
facility spilled 75,700 liters of
hydrochloric acid, zinc, lead, barium,
chromium, and other contaminants from
a ruptured waste containment pond.
The contaminants infiltrated the soil
and seeped into the groundwater at the
headwaters of the Enoree River near
Travelers Rest, South Carolina. Also in
1985, the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) removed contaminated
materials from the waste containment
ponds, from soil around the facility, as
well as drums and other containers of
stored hazardous materials, some of
which appeared to have leaked (South
Carolina DHEC, 2005). Studies
conducted in 1999 and 2000
documented the residual adverse effects
of these contaminants on salamanders,
fish, dragonfly and damselfly larvae,
and other aquatic species in the Enoree
River (Worthen, et al., 2001; Worthen,
2002). While South Carolina DHEC
determined that the surface water,
sediment, soils, and groundwater
adjacent to the facility pose no public
health hazard,22 a South Carolina
DHEC’s survey in October 2004
indicated that zinc concentrations in
surface water and sediments were above
ambient conditions and could
negatively impact aquatic species at the
headwaters of the Enoree River (South
Carolina DHEC, 2005). The type and
quantity of contaminants that may have
18 Ulitsols are highly weathered soils rich in clays
and minerals commonly found in mesic forests in
the Lower Broad River Basin (Andersen et al.,
19 Alluvial land is an area such as a portion of a
stream channel or floodplain where stream-born
sediment has been deposited (Chernicoff and
Ramesh, 1995).
20 The survey report for Carolina heelsplitter, a
freshwater mussel species, provided qualitative
information on substrate content and compactness,
sand and gravel bars, woody debris, beaver activity,
bank stability, riparian buffer width and vegetation
types, land use, turbidity, and water level.
21 Survey locations included the impoundment
and the Enoree River in the riffle habitat
immediately upstream of the impoundment, Two-
Mile Creek, the tailrace, the bypassed reach, and the
Enoree River downstream from the project near a
road (i.e. SC 49) crossing.
22 According to South Carolina DHEC, the levels
of chemicals measured at the spill site do not pose
a risk to people who may ingest or come in contact
with water and sediment in the area; however, the
threshold for adverse effects to aquatic organisms is
much lower.
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
been transported in the Enoree River
and deposited within the sediments of
the project impoundment since the 1985
industrial spill is unknown at this time.
The Enoree watershed is transport
limited, meaning that material,
primarily eroding soils, collects at a
faster rate than river flows can transport.
In small impoundments such as the one
at the project, sediments tend to collect
seasonally or during low flow periods.
This is exemplified by the large amount
of fine sediments (e.g., sand, silt, and
clay), tree trunks, branches, and other
debris that have accumulated within the
project impoundment, including in
front of the intake structure and the dam
spillway (FERC, 2012b; 2013). Some of
the sediments and debris in these areas
are covered by mats of alligatorweed
and other vegetation (Lockhart Power,
2012). Turbidity and thick vegetation
growing along the canal between the
intake structure and the penstock
limited visual inspection during recent
project inspections (FERC, 2012b; 2013).
The precise volume of sediment
deposits in the impoundment and the
canal are unknown at this time.
Environmental Effects
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Construction-Related Effects
At this time, Lockhart Power cannot
define exactly what will be required to
make the project operable. However,
anticipated activities associated with
replacing the approximately 193-footlong section of the penstock, dredging
the tailrace, repairing the powerhouse,
and constructing the canoe put-in, takeout, portage trail, and parking area
would result in soil-disturbing activities
that could cause erosion and
sedimentation in the impoundment and
Enoree River. Soil erosion and
subsequent sedimentation of aquatic
habitats can adversely affect fish and
wildlife habitat and degrade water
To address the issue of erosion and
sedimentation at the project, Lockhart
Power would limit ground-disturbing
activities whenever possible on lands
acquired for project purposes. South
Carolina DNR recommends Lockhart
Power consult with state and federal
agencies to implement construction and
maintenance 23 BMPs described in the
23 Both Lockhart Power’s proposal and South
Carolina DHEC’s recommendation appear to apply
to all future ground-disturbing maintenance
activities. While we are not opposed to such
protective measures, we cannot analyze the effects
of undefined, broad measures. Therefore, this EA
only considers the effects of refurbishing the project
and general operation and maintenance of the
project. Any future modifications that result in
ground-disturbing activities may require prior
Commission approval.
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South Carolina DHEC’s Stormwater
BMP Handbook (South Carolina DHEC,
Our Analysis
Lockhart Power anticipates that
construction and repairs of the
hydroelectric facilities and installation
of the proposed recreation facilities
would be confined to about 2 acres.
Ground-disturbing activities would
occur predominantly within the
footprint of the former textile mill,
parking lots, and roadways, minimizing
effects to undisturbed areas.
Implementing standard industry BMPs
for controlling erosion would ensure
adverse effects are minor and
temporary. Such BMPs could include
the use of silt fences, sediment traps,
stabilized construction entrances, and
alternative techniques that may be
approved after consultation with the
South Carolina DHEC (South Carolina
DHEC, 2013a; 2013b; 2005).
Operation and Maintenance-Related
Heavy sediment loads in the Enoree
River and years of in-operation have
resulted in significant sediment deposits
and the establishment of vegetation in
the project impoundment. The exact
amount of sediment deposit is
unknown. Repairs to the sand gates
prior to project operation would likely
require lowering the impoundment
which could release large quantities of
sediments downstream. Any heavy
metals and other contaminants that may
have been deposited and covered by the
sediment over the years could be
suspended and released downstream.
Resuming project operation and
maintenance activities could affect
several geomorphological processes
and/or conditions such as stream bank
and shoreline erosion, bed scour, and
sediment accumulation within the
impoundment, and sediment transport
to downstream river reaches. Because of
the heavy sediment loads and lower
velocities in the impoundment,
sediments would continue to
accumulate in the impoundment during
project operation. Periodic maintenance
activities, such as inspections or repairs
to the sand gates that would require
lowering the project impoundment
below the normal operating levels,
could result in untimely flushing of
sediments and the accidental releases of
large quantities of sediment. During
peaking operation, impoundment
fluctuations of up to 4 feet could cause
bank erosion and sedimentation in the
To prevent significant accumulation
of sediments in the project
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impoundment and untimely releases of
sediment downstream, Lockhart Power
proposes to implement a sediment
management plan, which consists of the
following: Lockhart Power would use
the sand gates to draw down the
impoundment below the normal
operating range (i.e. for periodic
inspections and maintenance purposes)
and avoid drawdowns from March 15
through June 1. These measures are
intended to minimize sediment releases
that could affect fish spawning in the
project impoundment and downstream
South Carolina DNR recommends that
Lockhart Power develop and implement
a sediment management plan with
provisions to: (a) Monitor stream-borne
sediment accumulations in the
impoundment; (b) regularly flush
sediments downstream or remove them
from the impoundment; (c) prepare
annual reports describing monitoring
and management activities and
evaluating the overall effectiveness of
the plan; (d) conduct sediment
management activities from November
through January, if possible; and (e)
consult with the South Carolina DHEC
to address the potential presence of
contaminated sediments in the
Interior also recommends Lockhart
Power develop and implement its
sediment management plan with
guidelines for periodic inspections and
maintenance drawdowns, as well as the
following additional provisions: (a) Test
impoundment sediment for heavy
metals and other contaminants; (b)
develop a schedule and criteria that
would trigger sediment removal from
the impoundment, by opening the sand
gates, if appropriate, during high flow
events, or via mechanical methods; (c)
develop a method to monitor future
sediment accumulation in the
impoundment; and (d) conduct
maintenance drawdowns in late fall and
winter to avoid impacts to spawning
fish upstream and downstream of the
To protect project shorelines from
water level fluctuations associated with
peaking operation, Interior recommends
Lockhart Power develop and implement
a shoreline stabilization plan. As part of
the plan, Lockhart Power would be
required to identify and address any
existing areas of active erosion along the
impoundment, as well as areas
downstream from the dam with the
potential for erosion due to project
operation. Interior recommends that
Lockhart Power use native vegetation
and techniques such as bio-engineering,
slope flattening, toe armoring with
anchored logs, and/or riprap that
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
incorporates native vegetation plantings
to stabilize shorelines subject to
potential erosion.
Our Analysis
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Sediment Management
Refurbishing the dam, sand gates, and
intake structures, and beginning initial
operation would likely result in the resuspension and subsequent transport of
a large quantity of sediments
downstream from the project. High
loads of suspended solids [sediment]
increase turbidity in riverine habitats
leading to reduced light penetration,
decreased primary productivity, which
then can lead to adverse effects to the
rest of the food chain. Sedimentation
can modify the substrate surfaces and
morphology of a stream channel,
reducing habitat availability and
smothering and killing aquatic flora and
fauna (Wood and Armitage, 1997). If
heavy metals and other contaminants
are present in the impoundment, they
could also be suspended and
transported in the water column,
harming fish and wildlife.
Conducting an initial test for heavy
metals and other contaminants in the
impoundment sediments prior to
beginning project operations, as
recommended by Interior, would
determine if such contaminants are in
the project impoundment. The test
results would also help Lockhart Power,
the resource agencies, South Carolina
DHEC, and the Commission to identify
suitable methods for removing and
disposing of any contaminated
sediments, preventing the inadvertent
re-suspension and release of
contaminants. The information would
also help to design appropriate methods
for short- and long-term sediment
management at the project.
Avoiding impoundment draw downs
between March 15 and June 1 to
initially repair the sand gates and to
conduct any maintenance once it is
operational, would avoid adverse effects
on spawning fish and reproductive
success. Limiting any such maintenance
actions to the late fall and winter, as
recommended by Interior, would also
protect a broad range of aquatic species,
which undergo less critical life-cycle
events during this time of year and are
often dormant or less active. In addition,
during the fall and winter there would
likely be sufficient flows to keep any
suspended sediment moving
downstream instead of settling in the
shoal habitat of the bypassed reach.
Regular management of impoundment
sediment loads would help prevent
sediment buildup and the accidental
release of large quantities of sediment
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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during scheduled and unscheduled
maintenance activities that could have
adverse effects on downstream
resources. Such an event occurred in
October of 2011 at the Neal Shoals
Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No.
2315) which is located on the Broad
River about 16 miles upstream from the
confluence with the Enoree River.
About 112,841 cubic yards of sediment
was released 24 during a reservoir
drawdown associated with the
replacement of four sand gates,
installation of new trash racks on the
sand gates, temporary installation and
removal of a bulkhead in the sand gate
opening, and the replacement of the
controls for the sand gates and trash
racks.25 The Commission was informed
that the sediment release resulted in a
fish kill and affected water quality in
the Broad River.26 Analysis of the effects
the sediment release on aquatic
resources downstream from the Neal
Shoals Project is ongoing.27
Developing a sediment management
plan would facilitate detection and
timely management of sedimentation at
the project, which would protect aquatic
and riparian resources at and near the
project. The plan would be most
effective if it includes regular
monitoring of sediment loads, defines
criteria for when sediment loads are
reaching levels requiring flushing or
removal, and establishes a schedule for
flushing sediments or mechanically
removing the sediments during periods
when such releases would be least
harmful to aquatic resources. Annual
sediment management reports, as
recommended by South Carolina DNR,
would ensure continued stakeholder
involvement in sediment management
activities at the project and that
sedimentation is managed effectively
from year to year. Such report(s) would
be most informative if they include
sediment monitoring results, sediment
management activities that were
undertaken, and an evaluation of the
effectiveness of the sediment
management plan in minimizing
24 See letter from Michael C. Summer, General
Manager, Fossil/Hydo Technical Services, South
Carolina Electric and Gas Company (SCE&G),
Cayce, South Carolina, filed on January 25, 2012.
25 See letter from Michael C. Summer, General
Manager, Fossil/Hydo Technical Services, SCE&G,
Cayce, South Carolina, to Charles D. Wagner,
Regional Engineer, FERC, Atlanta Regional Office,
Duluth, Georgia, filed on March 7, 2011.
26 See letter from Thomas J. LoVullo, Chief,
Aquatic Resources Branch, FERC, Division of
Hydropower Administration and Compliance to
Michael C. Summer, General Manager, Fossil/Hydo
Technical Services, SCE&G, Cayce, South Carolina,
issued on November 14, 2011.
27 See letter from Michael C. Summer, General
Manager, Fossil/Hydo Technical Services, SCE&G,
Cayce, South Carolina, filed on August 8, 2013.
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adverse effects on downstream
Fluctuating Water Levels
Resuming project operations, as
Lockhart Power proposes, would result
in impoundment fluctuations of up to 4
feet that could compromise the stability
of soils along the project shorelines. The
total length of the impoundment
shoreline is about 2,394 feet.28 Since the
shoreline contains areas of highly
erodible soils, such fluctuations could
cause physical weathering through
saturation, subsequent drying, exposure
to rainfall, runoff, and freeze/thaw
conditions. These mechanisms can
cause slumping of soils and fracturing of
rocks on the shorelines. Bank slumping
and erosion is likely to be greatest
during the initial years of operation.
Identifying and stabilizing areas of
active erosion, as well as areas that
exhibit the potential for erosion prior to
commencing project operation would
prevent and/or minimize potential
shoreline erosion problems. Annually
monitoring the banks for erosion and
implementing corrective measures as
needed would minimize future adverse
effects of bank erosion on fish and
wildlife habitat. Using native vegetation
and techniques such as bio-engineering,
slope flattening, toe armoring with
anchored logs, and/or riprap that
incorporates native vegetation plantings
would effectively stabilize eroding
shorelines and provide habitat for
wildlife and aquatic species that use the
riparian zone, littoral zone of the
impoundment, and bank areas of stream
reaches in the project area. Monitoring
banks and shorelines after Lockhart
Power resumes project operation as well
as implementing stabilization
techniques if erosion is observed, would
address any areas of future shoreline
erosion. Installing shoreline or bank
stabilizers during the fall and winter
(i.e. September through February),
except under emergency situations,
would help minimize potential
disturbances to aquatic species and
wildlife. As with the sediment
management plan discussed above,
annual reports documenting the results
of monitoring and any shoreline
stabilization activities would ensure
continued stakeholder involvement in
activities to minimize erosion and
protect littoral, bank, and riparian areas
within the project area over the term of
any license issued for the project.
28 Staff used GIS software to estimate the length
of the impoundment shoreline. The individual
lengths of the northern and southern impoundment
shorelines are 1,234 feet and 1,160 feet,
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
Aquatic Resources
Affected Environment
Water Quantity
The project impoundment has a
surface area of 6.6 acres at the normal
pool elevation of 512 feet above msl and
a gross storage capacity of 22 acre-feet.
The impoundment extends 0.25 mile
upstream of the dam to a bedrock ledge
about 225 feet downstream from the
Highway 221 Bridge. The impoundment
is about 250 to 300 feet wide, shallow,
and includes mid-channel sandbars and
large woody debris. All flows currently
pass over the dam and flow into the
project’s 1,400-foot-long bypassed reach.
The impoundment drainage area is
280.5 square miles. The estimated mean
annual daily flow (MADF) at the project
is 374 cfs.29 The maximum peak flow
for the period of record was
approximately 52,200 cfs on August 27,
1995, as a result of Tropical Storm Jerry
(table 3). As expected, the lowest flow
periods occur during the summer and
early fall (June–November).
[Source: Lockhart Power, 2010a; USGS, 2013, as modified by staff]
January ........................
February .......................
March ...........................
April ..............................
May ..............................
June .............................
July ...............................
August ..........................
September ....................
October ........................
November .....................
December .....................
90 Percent
75 Percent
25 Percent
10 Percent
Note: Period of Record is January 1, 1994 through December 31, 2012. The Woodruff gage is located about 6.7 miles upstream of the project
and has a drainage area of about 249 square miles. Flows were pro-rated to the project using the formula 280.5/249.
Water Use
Public water supply is the primary
surface water use of the Enoree River.
The Enoree River serves as the water
supply for Lauren and Spartanburg
counties. The town of Whitmire and city
of Clinton withdraw water from the
Enoree River downstream from the
project. There are no current water
withdrawals occurring at the project.
However, the Woodruff-Roebuck Water
District, South Carolina anticipates
future withdrawals of 5 million gallons
per day or 7.74 cfs from the Riverdale
impoundment to support probable
increases in area water demands.30
Water Quality
South Carolina DHEC designated the
Enoree River waters at the project as
freshwater, suitable for primary and
secondary contact recreation, and as a
source for drinking water supply after
conventional treatment in accordance
with the requirements of the South
Carolina DHEC. State water quality
standards that would be applicable for
project discharge are described in table
[Source: South Carolina Regulation 61–68—Water classifications and standards]
Quality standards for freshwaters
a. Garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge, or other refuse ........................
b. Dissolved oxygen .................................................................................
c. E. coli ....................................................................................................
None allowed.
Daily average not less than 5.0 mg/l with a low of 4.0 mg/1.
Not to exceed a geometric mean of 126/100 ml based on at least four
samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30 day period,
nor shall a single sample maximum exceed 349/100 ml.
Temperature of all freshwaters which are free flowing shall not be increased more than 5°F (2.8°C) above natural temperature conditions
and shall not exceed a maximum of 90°F (32.2°C) as a result of the
discharge of heated liquids unless a different site-specific temperature standard has been established, a mixing zone has been established, or a Section 316(a) determination under the Federal Clean
Water Act has been completed.
Not to exceed 50 NTUs provided existing uses are maintained.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
d. Temperature .........................................................................................
e. Turbidity (except for lakes) ...................................................................
29 This MADF is based on data collected during
the following period of record: January 1, 1994
through December 31, 2012, as pro-rated from U.S.
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Geological Survey (USGS) gage No. 02160390,
located on the Enoree River near Woodruff, SC.
30 See letter from Curtis M. Dillard, PE, General
Manager, Woodruff-Roebuck Water District,
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Woodruff, South Carolina, filed on February 9,
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
In general, water quality of the Enoree
River upstream of, and downstream
from, the project fully supports aquatic
life, but recreational uses are only
partially supported because of high fecal
coliform levels (South Carolina DHEC,
2007). South Carolina DHEC’s 2007
Water Quality Assessment identified 23
locations that are impaired in the
Enoree River for fecal coliform bacteria.
Sources of these water quality
impairments include pastureland,
cropland, and active point sources
discharging fecal coliform bacteria
(2007). South Carolina DHEC (2007,
2012) notes that aquatic life uses in
Beaverdam Creek, a tributary
immediately upstream of the Riverdale
Project, are not supported based on
macroinvertebrate community data due
to excess copper. However, South
Carolina DHEC (2007) documents some
stream reaches in the Enoree River
watershed with significant decreasing
trends in turbidity, total phosphorus,
total nitrogen, five-day biological
oxygen demand, and fecal coliform, as
well as increasing trends in DO
concentrations which suggest that the
water quality conditions are improving
in portions of the Enoree River.
Lockhart Power intended to collect
temperature, DO, pH, conductivity, and
turbidity data throughout the 2010 and
2011 sampling season. However, limited
access to the project area permitted
Lockhart Power to collect water quality
data in the morning and evening of June
18 and 30, and August 2, 2010 in the
following areas: One location upstream
of the impoundment, two locations
within the impoundment at a depth of
1.5- and 3-feet, one location each in the
bypass reach, tailrace, and at the
confluence of the Broad and Enoree
Rivers. Lockhart Power also used USGS
data collected at the Whitmire gage.31
Impoundment samples taken during the
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
31 The USGS Whitmire gage (USGS 02160700
Enoree River at Whitmire, SC) collects water quality
parameters and was sampled as a point of reference.
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evening on June 18, 2010, at both
depths, fell below the minimum
instantaneous standard for DO (4.0 mg/
L). All other samples collected by
Lockhart Power met South Carolina’s
state standards for DO, temperature,
conductivity, and pH.
Fishery Resources
The 6.6-acre impoundment is mostly
riverine in nature with substrates of silt,
clay, sand, and/or detritus. Upstream of
the dam, just below the HWY 221
Bridge, a small shelf composed of
boulder and bedrock provides shoal
habitat. Littoral habitat in the
impoundment includes shallow banks
composed of sand, mud and submerged
aquatic vegetation. The riparian forest at
the edge of the impoundment provides
overhanging vegetation with occasional
snags and roots.
The tailrace is approximately 5 to 6
feet wide and 8 inches to 1 foot deep.
The most prevalent substrate is sand,
which covers bedrock, boulders and
cobble. Root mats, aquatic vegetation,
and a few logs are also present
(Carnagey Biological Services, 2010).
The Enoree River bypassed reach
extends for approximately 1,400 feet
downstream from the toe of the dam to
the confluence with the project’s
powerhouse tailrace. The bypassed
reach is largely composed of habitat
consistent with shoals in Piedmont
streams of the Southeastern U.S.
(Mulholland and Lenat, 1992). Shoals
only comprise 2 percent of all habitats
in the Enoree River (Lockhart Power,
2011b). The project bypassed reach,
which contains 10 percent of the
available shoals habitat in the Enoree
River, includes a natural ledge, a
braided portion, and a main channel.
The natural ledge or fall stretches
across the entire width of the river,
approximately 15 to 20 feet below the
dam. Downstream from the natural
ledge, the main channel runs on the
south side of the river, and flows over
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small and large boulders with aquatic
vegetation dispersed throughout. The
main channel provides a series of riffle,
run and pool habitat types. The
substrate in the main channel consists
mostly of bedrock and sand,
interspersed with some boulders, cobble
and gravel. Logs, root mats, and aquatic
vegetation are also present (Carnagey
Biological Services, 2010).
The north side of the bypassed reach
is more complex and splits into three
braided channels. The braided channels
are approximately 6.5 to 19.5 feet wide
and from 4 inches to greater than 2 feet
deep, with a canopy cover of 45 percent.
Substrate in this area is composed of
boulders, cobble, gravel, sand, and some
bedrock. Snags, root mats, leaf packs,
and some aquatic vegetation provide
other habitat (Carnagey Biological
Services, 2010).
To characterize the fish resources
within the Riverdale Project area,
Lockhart Power conducted a baseline
fisheries survey on June 10–11 and July
6–7, 2010 (Lockhart Power, 2010a).
Sampling was conducted at six stations:
One station was in the impoundment,
three stations were in the bypassed
reach, and one station each was in the
tailrace and the confluence of the
tailrace with the Enoree River. During
the baseline fisheries survey, 29
freshwater fish species were collected in
the vicinity of the Riverdale Project
(table 5). The highest number of species
(20) occurred in the bypassed reach
upstream of the braiding. Fewer species
were collected in the main channel
along the southern shoreline of the
bypassed reach (13), the braided reach
along the northern shoreline (11), and
the Riverdale impoundment (12). The
lowest number of species (6) was
collected at the confluence of the Enoree
River and the powerhouse tailrace,
which is a relatively homogenous
habitat composed mostly of woody
debris and undercut banks.
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Carnagey Biological Services (2010)
conducted benthic macroinvertebrate
surveys in the Riverdale Project vicinity
on June 30, 2010. Collections of aquatic
macroinvertebrates were made at six
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sampling stations. Stations were located
above the Riverdale Project
impoundment (i.e. reference location,
station 1), in the tailrace (station 2),
upstream of the braided area in the
bypassed reach (station 3), in the main
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channel of the bypassed reach (station
4), in the braided flow channel of the
bypassed reach (station 5), and at the
confluence of the tailrace and the
Enoree River (station 6). A total of 1,807
organisms, comprising 81 distinct taxa,
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
were collected. Station 4 had the most
taxa and specimens collected, while
station 6 had the fewest taxa and station
3 had the fewest specimens collected.
The number of EPT taxa (i.e. insect
orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and
Trichoptera) was highest (17 taxa) at the
reference station, lowest at stations 3 (11
taxa) and 6 (12 taxa), while stations 2,
4, and 5 had 15 to 16 EPT taxa.
Two indices were used to evaluate the
quality of the environment for benthic
macroinvertebrates. The North Carolina
biotic index (NCBI) utilizes a pollution
tolerance value developed over a wide
range of conditions and pollution types
to assess the amount of impact. The
South Carolina DHEC bioclassification
is determined by averaging scores for
the NCBI and EPT index at each station.
Based on NCBI, the environment at
station 2 was ‘‘excellent’’ and all other
stations were ‘‘good.’’ Based on the
South Carolina DHEC bioclassification,
the environment at station 2 was ‘‘good’’
and all others stations were ‘‘good-fair.’’
Freshwater Mussels
Alderman Environmental Services
conducted freshwater mussel and snail
surveys July 6–8, 2010 (Lockhart Power,
2010a). Visual and tactile sampling
occurred in five reaches. Reach 1 was
upriver of the dam, reach 2 was in the
tailrace, reach 3 was at the confluence
of the tailrace and the Enoree River,
reach 4 was in the vicinity of SC 49
crossing (∼ 4.75 miles downstream from
project), and reach 5 was in the
bypassed reach. Although there was no
evidence of any mussels, six snail
species were observed, including the
panhandle pebblesnail, which was
found in reaches 4 and 5.
Special Status Aquatic Species
None of the species identified during
the survey are state or federally listed as
threatened or endangered. However,
eight fish species collected in the survey
are listed as Conservation Species:
redeye bass, Santee chub, thicklip chub,
greenfin shiner, flat bullhead, snail
bullhead, Piedmont darter, and notchlip
redhorse (table 5).
Redeye bass is a Conservation Species
of Highest Priority due to its restricted
range, as well as competitive
displacement and hybridization when
found together with the introduced,
non-native spotted bass (SCDNR, 2005).
The species typically inhabits small to
medium sized headwater streams within
the Appalachian foothills of Gulf and
Atlantic Slope drainages (Boschung and
Mayden, 1999). It spawns in the spring
(April–June; table 6) in headwater
streams in gravel nests built in eddy
waters at the heads of pools (Wallus and
Simon, 2008). Outside of the spawning
season, adult and juvenile redeye bass
appear to prefer areas close to shorelines
with heavy canopy cover (Knight, 2011).
Redeye bass were observed in the
impoundment, bypassed reach, and at
the confluence of the tailrace and the
Enoree River (table 5).
The Santee chub is a Conservation
Species of High Priority due to its
limited distribution (South Carolina
DNR, 2005). Within its distribution, the
Santee chub is found in small- to
medium-sized streams over gravel, sand,
and rubble; however, it is most
abundant in sand-bottomed runs of
larger streams. The life-history of the
Santee chub is not well understood
(including spawning season), but is
probably similar to the thicklip chub
(table 6; Rohde et al., 2009). Santee chub
were found in the bypassed reach,
tailrace, and confluence during 2010
fish surveys (table 5).
The piedmont darter is a Conservation
Species of High Priority, largely because
one-third of its global distribution is in
South Carolina and many of its
preferred habitats are at risk (South
Carolina DNR, 2005). Piedmont darter
occupy cool to warm moderate-sized
streams and rivers, but are usually
found in riffles with gravel and rock
substrate (Rohde et al., 2009). Little else
is known about the life-history of this
species, but it likely spawns in mid- to
late-spring (table 6; Jenkins and
Burkhead, 1993). Piedmont darter was
found in all sections of the bypassed
reach during 2010 fish surveys (table 5).
The thicklip chub is a Conservation
Species of Moderate Priority because it
occurs only in the Carolinas and Georgia
and only within a few drainages. About
one-half of the global distribution of the
species is in South Carolina (South
Carolina DNR, 2005). It is primarily
found in warmer, clear to turbid streams
and rivers of the Piedmont. Adults
occupy runs and riffles over sand and
gravel, as well as sites characterized by
rubble, boulder and bedrock (Jenkins
and Burkhead, 1993). Thicklip chub
spawning biology is not well
understood, but likely occurs from midMay to late August (table 6; Jenkins and
Burkhead, 1993). Thicklip chub was
found in the bypassed reach, upstream
of channel braiding during 2010 fish
surveys (table 5).
[South Carolina DNR, 2005]
Common name
Spawning dates
Habitat Use
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Percina crassa
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Literature source
Redeye Bass ..
April–June .....................
Santee Chub ..
information not available
Mettee et al. (1996) Wallus
and Simon (2008).
none ........................................
Freeman and Marcinek (2006)
Rohde et al. (2009)
Rohde et al. (2009)
Thicklip Chub
possibly mid-May—late
information not available
Jenkins and Burkhead (1993)
June-July (impoundment
May—early June ...........
Olmsted and Cloutman (1979)
fluvial 1 specialist.
fluvial specialist.
fluvial specialist.
fluvial specialist.
generalist2 ......
Jenkins and Burkhead (1993)
mid- to late-spring .........
Jenkins and Burkhead (1993)
Greenfin Shiner.
Flat Bullhead ..
Snail Bullhead
Piedmont Darter.
16:45 Dec 18, 2013
Jkt 232001
PO 00000
Frm 00022
none ........................................
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
fluvial specialist.
fluvial specialist.
Freeman and Marcinek (2006)
Rohde et al. (2009)
Freeman and Marcinek (2006)
Rohde et al. (2009)
Rohde et al. (2009)
Freeman and Marcinek (2006)
Rohde et al. (2009)
Rohde et al. (2009)
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
[South Carolina DNR, 2005]
Common name
Spawning dates
1 Fluvial
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
2 Habitat
Habitat Use
Literature source
March—early June ........
Jenkins and Burkhead (1993)
Grabowski and Isely (2007)
Coughlan et al. (2007).
fluvial specialist.
Freeman and Marcinek (2006)
Rohde et al. (2009)
specialists are species that require flowing water for most or all of their life cycle (Galat et al., 2005).
generalists are species that are capable of successfully utilizing a variety of habitats to complete their life-cycle.
The greenfin shiner is a Conservation
Species of Moderate Priority because
they only occur in the Carolinas and
Georgia, and only within a few
drainages. About two-thirds of the
global distribution is in South Carolina
(South Carolina DNR, 2005). The
species is found over sandy and rocky
pools and in the runs of larger creeks
and small to medium-sized rivers
(Rohde et al., 2009). The spawning
biology of greenfin shiner is not well
understood; however, it likely exhibits
behavior similar to other species in its
genera, which deposit eggs in crevices
of submerged logs and rocks (Rohde et
al., 2009). The greenfin shiner was
found in the impoundment and
bypassed reach during 2010 fish surveys
(table 5).
The notchlip redhorse is a
Conservation Species of Moderate
Priority due to habitat degradation such
as deforestation and siltation (South
Carolina DNR, 2005). The species occurs
in large creeks to large rivers on the
inner Coastal Plain and Piedmont of
South Carolina (Rohde et al., 2009). Its
temporal spawning range may occur
from March to early June (table 6), and
it is thought to gather near shoals and
flats to spawn over coarse gravel
(Jenkins and Burkhead, 1993; Jennings
et al., 1996). The notchlip redhorse was
found in the braided and main channel
of the bypassed reach during 2010 fish
surveys (table 5).
The flat bullhead is a Conservation
Species of Moderate Priority due to
sedimentation, hydrologic modification,
impoundments, nonpoint source
pollution, and development, as well as
competition with and predation by nonnative catfish species like the flathead
and blue catfish (South Carolina DNR,
2005). The species occupies a variety of
habitats, including impoundments
(Olmstead and Cloutman, 1979).
Spawning biology is not well
understood in stream or riverine
environments, though spawning in Lake
Norman, North Carolina occurs during
June and July (table 6; Olmstead and
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Cloutman, 1979). The flat bullhead was
found in the impoundment during 2010
fish surveys (table 5).
The snail bullhead is a Conservation
Species of Moderate Priority for the
same reasons as flat bullhead. The
species is frequently found in warm and
medium-sized rivers, often in rocky
runs and riffles, and appears to prefer
shoals compared to pools (Kennon,
2007; Rohde et al., 2009). Little is
known about snail bullhead biology, but
it likely spawns from May to early June
(table 6). The snail bullhead was found
in the main channel and upstream of
braided sections of the bypassed reach
during 2010 fish surveys (table 5).
All Conservation Priority Fish
Species, with the possible exception of
the flat bullhead, are fluvial
specialists.32 In contrast, habitat
generalists,33 such as flat bullhead, can
be found in both lentic and lotic
systems (Galat et al., 2005).
Benthic macroinvertebrates
The panhandle pebblesnail is a
Conservation Species of Highest
Priority. Siltation of streams and rivers
from agricultural runoff and erosion of
unstable stream banks are the main
factors affecting the distribution of the
species (South Carolina DNR, 2005).
The species is generally found in rivers
and streams throughout the Piedmont—
typically in rocky riffles with good flow
and often with the hornleaf riverweed.
Solid substrate seems to be a key habitat
requirement. Its biology is not well
understood; however, like all snails in
the mud snail family it likely requires
solid substrate to attach eggs (Dillon et
al., 2006). The panhandle pebblesnail
was found in the bypassed reach and
about 4.75 miles downstream from the
project during freshwater mussel and
snail surveys (Lockhart Power, 2010a).
32 Fluvial specialists are species that require
flowing water for most or all of their life cycle
(Galat et al., 2005).
33 Habitat generalists are species that are capable
of successfully utilizing a variety of habitats to
complete their life-cycle.
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Environmental Effects
Effects of Project Refurbishment and
Operation on Water Quality
As discussed in section 3.3.1,
Geologic and Soil Resources, if erosion
control measures do not adequately
mitigate soil erosion and sedimentation,
there may be temporary increases in
turbidity above the current state
standard of 50 NTU in the Enoree River.
Similarly, drawing down the
impoundment to repair the sand gates
and initial operations may result in the
discharge of a large amount of sediment
from the project impoundment. Peaking
operation may also affect DO and
temperature within the impoundment,
particularly during low flows. Releasing
poorly oxygenated, warm water from the
impoundment could affect fish,
mussels, and other aquatic species in
the bypassed reach.
Lockhart Power is willing to monitor
water quality in the project vicinity, as
required by South Carolina DHEC, but
did not specifically propose any water
quality monitoring.
Interior recommends that Lockhart
Power: (1) Conduct water quality
monitoring in the impoundment at all
proposed operational drawdowns for a
minimum of 1 year; and (2) submit
water quality monitoring results to
South Carolina DHEC, South Carolina
DNR, NMFS, Interior, and the
Our Analysis
Our understanding of water quality in
the project vicinity under existing
conditions is limited because it is based
on three water quality samples collected
by Lockhart Power, as described above.
Low DO concentrations for the June 18,
2010 sample may have been due to high
levels of decomposed organic matter in
the impoundment, water temperature,
or water quality of the impoundment’s
Because of the limited storage
capacity of the project impoundment,
ROR operation would likely
predominate. Water quality conditions
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
within the impoundment are not
expected to differ greatly from existing
conditions during ROR operation
because all inflow would continually
pass through the project as it currently
does. However, during peaking
operation, which would occur during
lower flow periods, DO levels could
decrease and water temperatures could
increase as water retention times
increase. The extent to which these
water quality parameters would be
affected is unknown, and would depend
on inflow rates and ambient conditions.
Because all flows currently spill over
the dam into the bypassed reach, some
degree of aeration occurs. Given the
presence of several species of fish and
macroinvertebrates, sufficient aeration
is likely occurring. Once operation
begins, flows in the bypassed reach
would be limited to minimum flows
provided through the low-level sand
gates, except when inflow exceeds the
project’s hydraulic capacity. Although
the flows would be less than that which
occurs currently, flows would be
constant and aeration over the shoals is
likely to be sufficient to protect aquatic
biota. Thermal stratification of the
impoundment, which could affect DO
levels in the bypassed minimum flow to
the bypassed reach, is unlikely because
of its shallow depth (Dodds et al., 2010).
Turbidity monitoring prior to the start
of construction as well as during project
rehabilitation would ensure that the
erosion control and sediment
management plan is meeting its
objectives and that discharges are
consistent with the current state water
quality standards (table 4) and other
permitting requirements throughout the
project rehabilitation phase.
Monitoring water quality in the
impoundment and in the bypassed
reach prior to construction, during
construction, and during the first year of
project operation under the various
operational levels, as recommended by
Interior, would determine if operations
are adversely affecting water quality
parameters and if potential corrective
actions are warranted. Depending on the
results, monitoring may need to be
extended beyond the first year.
Effects of Project Refurbishment and
Operation on Fishery Resources
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Instream Flow Releases
The proposed Riverdale Project would
divert existing river flows away from the
bypassed reach and toward the turbines
for hydropower generation. Flow
diversions would ultimately reduce the
volume of flow in the bypassed reach,
resulting in dewatering of habitat and
modifying aquatic habitat parameters in
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the 1,400 feet of complex shoals habitat
in the bypassed reach. Peaking
operations would result in flow
fluctuations within the impoundment,
and in the Enoree River below the
tailrace confluence. Such fluctuations
could strand and isolate fish in back
channels and on gravel bars, causing
increased risk of predation and natural
mortality, or dewater fish nests in the
impoundment and downstream from the
tailrace, leaving eggs vulnerable to
predation and desiccation.
Lockhart Power proposes to provide a
continuous minimum flow of 50 cfs
through the bypassed reach and a
downstream continuous minimum flow
of 60 cfs, or inflow, whichever is less.
Lockhart Power plans to release at least
10 cfs into the tailrace when the project
is not generating via leakage, or through
gate operations if necessary. In the event
of a plant outage, Lockhart Power would
release flows into the bypassed reach
via the dam’s sand gates or over the
South Carolina DNR recommends
Lockhart Power release flows in the
bypassed reach that are consistent with
the Water Plan. Based on an estimated
MADF of 393 cfs for a period of record
from 1994–2009, the minimum flows
should meet or exceed the following:
July-November, 20 percent of MADF (79
cfs); January-April, 40 percent of MADF
(157 cfs); and May, June, and December,
30 percent of MADF (118 cfs). Interior,34
NMFS, and American Rivers support
the recommendations provided by
South Carolina DNR.
Although NMFS supports South
Carolina DNR’s proposed minimum
flows, it also recommends Lockhart
Power conduct an instream flow study
after a license is issued, and when the
project’s sand gates are operational.
NMFS states that this is because
Lockhart Power could not provide an
instream flow study to support flows
needed to protect aquatic resources in
the bypassed reach. NMFS recommends
that Lockhart Power develop the study
plan within 6 months of license
Our Analysis
The current licensee has not operated
the project since 2001, and no river flow
has been diverted for hydropower
purposes since that time. Rather, all
river flow has and continues to run over
the dam/spillway and into the shoals of
the 1,400-foot-long bypassed river
channel. These conditions represent the
no-action alternative.
34 See email correspondence dated May 31, 2013
from Thomas McCoy, Deputy Field Supervisor,
FWS, Charleston, South Carolina, to Sarah Salazar,
FERC, Washington, DC, filed on June 6, 2013.
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Piedmont streams like the Enoree
River naturally exhibit large seasonal
variations in stream flow with varying
amounts of habitat. High rates of
evapotranspiration during the growing
season deplete soil moisture content
and reduce groundwater input to
streams, resulting in average stream
flows that are generally much lower
during the summer compared with
winter and early spring. During winter
and early spring, evapotranspiration is
very low and groundwater discharge is
usually considerably higher, resulting in
higher baseflows (Mulholland and
Lenat, 1992).
Many fish species have evolved life
history strategies in the context of
natural flow regimes. Consequently,
fishes are generally adapted to the
monthly, seasonal, annual, and
interannual variations in flow, and are
capable of surviving flows from drought
to flood conditions (Bunn and
Arthington, 2002; Thompson and
Larsen, 2004). Some fishes also benefit
from particular magnitudes of flow
during specific periods of the year. For
example, higher flow during spring can
provide access to spawning grounds for
migratory species, or access to the
floodplain, where nursery value and
foraging opportunities are optimal for
some fish species (Bunn and
Arthington, 2002). Thus, certain
seasonal components of an annual flow
regime can be important for some fishes.
A diversity of species currently exist
in the bypassed reach, which is
composed of complex shoals habitat.
Shoals represent only 2 percent of all
habitat in the Enoree River, and the
bypassed reach contains 10 percent of
shoals habitat in the Enoree River
(Lockhart Power, 2011b). Wharton
(1978) describes a Piedmont shoal as
‘‘shallow, oxygenated water,’’ and
shoals as ‘‘swift, rocky areas’’ that are
abundant with life. Despite their rarity,
they are structurally complex habitats
that support a higher number of species
than more homogenous habitats in
Piedmont rivers (Kennon, 2007).
The bypassed reach had the highest
number of species collected, compared
to all other habitats sampled during the
2010 fish surveys (table 5). A total of 21
species was observed in the bypassed
reach, and seven of those species are
listed by South Carolina as Conservation
Species (table 5). Each of these species
is a fluvial specialist, requiring flowing
water for most or all of their life cycle
(Galat et al., 2005).
Redeye bass is one of the more unique
species present in the bypassed reach,
and is listed as Conservation Species of
Highest Priority. This species is
restricted to watersheds in northwest
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
South Carolina, and is currently in
decline in the state due to hybridization
with the introduced Alabama spotted
bass (South Carolina DNR, 2008).
Continued hybridization could
eventually restrict redeye bass
populations to isolated tributaries
(Barwick et al., 2006).
The panhandle pebblesnail is another
unique and rare species present in the
bypassed reach, and also is listed as a
Conservation Species of Highest
Priority. In 1994, this species was under
candidate review for listing under the
Endangered Species Act; however, it
was determined that persuasive data on
biological vulnerability and threat were
not available to support listing at the
time (DOI, 1994). This species is only
documented at seven locations in South
Carolina (Dillon et al., 2006). Siltation
of streams and rivers from agricultural
runoff and erosion of unstable
streambanks are the main factors
affecting the distribution of the species
(South Carolina DNR, 2005).
Because Lockhart Power could not
conduct a controlled-flow study of the
instream flows needed to support
aquatic resources in the bypassed reach
or downstream from the tailrace, it
proposed to provide a minimum
continuous flow of 60 cfs downstream
from the tailrace and 50 cfs through the
bypassed reach when operating.
Lockhart Power asserts that such flows
would meet 7Q10 35 requirements (56
cfs) in the Enoree River established by
South Carolina DHEC.36
The proposed 50 cfs is 13 percent of
the MADF, or 393 cfs. Lockhart Power
states that this flow is within the range
of minimum bypass flows for five other
Commission-licensed projects located
within South Carolina’s Broad River
Basin (table 7), each of which were built
at a shoal site, have similar fish species
as found at the Riverdale Project, and
were based on flow studies. Lockhart
Power asserts that if a field study could
have been conducted at the Riverdale
Project it would have yielded similar
results, supporting a similar percent of
MADF for minimum flows in the project
bypassed reach. Consequently, Lockhart
Power states that its proposed flow
would adequately protect aquatic
habitat in the bypassed reach and the
Enoree River. However, for each of the
projects cited by Lockhart Power (i.e.
table 7), site-specific instream flow
studies were conducted to support the
minimum flows . No instream flow
studies have been conducted in the
Riverdale bypassed reach or
downstream from the tailrace to support
Lockhart Power’s proposed minimum
[Source: Lockhart Power]
Gaston Shoals ..............................................................................................................
Lockhart ........................................................................................................................
Catawba .......................................................................................................................
Columbia ......................................................................................................................
Pacolet ..........................................................................................................................
Riverdale Proposed ......................................................................................................
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Range of flow
through bypassed reach
Project Name
Percent range of
7 to 16.
5 to 11.
11 to 19.
7 to 13.
4 to 9.
Without a site-specific flow study,
desktop standard-setting methods, such
as 7Q10, the Water Plan, and Tennant
(1976) can be used to provide minimum
flow recommendations.
The 7Q10 flow is a hydrologicallybased design flow that represents the
lowest 7-day average flow that occurs,
on average, once every 10 years. The
7Q10 flow does not necessarily take into
account biological needs of aquatic
resources. Nonetheless, Lockhart
Power’s proposed minimum flow of 50
cfs is not equivalent to the 7Q10 flow
(56 cfs) in the bypassed reach; however,
it is equivalent to the 7Q10 flow below
the tailrace when combined with
leakage through the turbine.
Where site-specific flow studies are
not available, South Carolina DNR uses
the state Water Plan 37 to recommend
flows that will protect fishery resources
in all waters of the state when natural
streamflow regimes cannot be
maintained. The Water Plan minimum
flow requirements are based on instream
flow studies conducted at six regulated
reaches in the South Carolina Piedmont.
These minimum flow requirements
were designed to provide a useable
width for migratory fish 38 passing
through shoals during high flows,
provide ‘‘generally adequate’’ flows to
protect fisheries during low flows,
provide ‘‘adequate’’ flows during
periods when flows are increasing or
decreasing, and provide flows that
conform to seasonal variation in flow.
These objectives resulted in three
distinct minimum flow periods that
capture high (January–April; 40 percent
of MADF), low (July–November; 20
percent of MADF), and increasing
(December; 30 percent of MADF) or
decreasing (May, June; 30 percent of
MADF) flow periods (Bulak and Jobsis,
Based on the stipulations of the Water
Plan and the flow record at the time,
which established a MADF of 393 cfs for
the bypassed reach, South Carolina
DNR, Interior, and NMFS concluded
that the minimum flows should meet or
exceed the following: 79 cfs from July–
November (20 percent of MADF); 157
cfs from January–April (40 percent of
MADF); and 118 cfs in May, June, and
December (30 percent of MADF). Using
the most current flow data available,
staff calculated the MADF to be 374 cfs,
which results in the following slightly
lower flows: July–November, 75 cfs (20
percent of MADF); January–April, 150
cfs (40 percent of MADF); and May,
June, and December, 112 cfs (30 percent
of MADF). In contrast, Lockhart Power’s
proposed flows of 60 cfs (16 percent of
MADF) downstream from the tailrace
35 The 7Q10 is the lowest 7-day average flow that
occurs (on average) once every 10 years.
36 The 50-cfs minimum flow in the bypassed
reach represents an increase from the 30-cfs
minimum flow requirement of the existing license.
37 The Water Plan states that the current policy
for determining instream flow requirements for
fishery resources can be found in South Carolina
Instream Flow Studies: A Status Report (Bulak and
Jobsis, 1989).
38 Striped bass were considered a migratory
species of prime importance in the instream flow
studies, and habitat suitability (i.e. stream width
and depth requirements) was based on passage of
this species.
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
and 50 cfs (13 percent of MADF) in the
bypassed reach would fall below all of
the Water Plan’s minimum flows and
would not be adequate to protect the
existing fishery in the bypassed reach.
In addition, unlike the Water Plan’s
seasonally variable minimum flows,
Lockhart Power’s proposed year-round
flows would not maintain or mimic the
natural flow regime, which according to
the Water Plan, can be important
because fish have evolved to spawn in
synchrony with the seasonal hydrologic
One of the criteria used to establish
minimum flow requirements of the
Water Plan is to provide sufficient depth
for passage of striped bass. Bulak and
Jobsis (1989) concluded that in
Piedmont streams, where striped bass
are generally of prime importance, a
minimum depth of 1.5 feet and passage
width of 10 feet is necessary for
unimpeded passage for the spawning
migration. During high flow periods,
study results from the six Piedmont
reaches indicated that establishing a 1.5foot-deep by 10-foot-wide passage route
required flows at shoals to range from
39–70 percent of MADF (Bulak and
Jobsis, 1989). Therefore, the 40 percent
of MADF flow recommended by South
Carolina DNR, Interior, and NMFS for
the period between January and April
represents the lower end of flows
deemed necessary for maintaining a
zone-of-passage for striped bass.
Striped bass are not present in the
bypassed reach and a spawning
migration does not occur up to the
Riverdale Project due to the lack of
passage at Parr dam, located 65 miles
downstream from the Riverdale Project.
Therefore, the passage requirements
outlined in the Water Plan are not
relevant for the Riverdale bypassed
reach. While a 1.5-foot-deep by 10-foot-
wide passage was determined to be
suitable for striped bass, which at
maturity can range in length from 18
inches to greater than 40 inches, the
species with the largest adult size range
that presently inhabits the Riverdale
bypassed reach is redeye bass, which in
South Carolina, can range from 6–17
inches in length (Rohde et al., 2009).
Based on size, redeye bass do not
require the same depths as striped bass
for movement within the bypassed
reach, nor is there evidence that other
species require depths of 1.5 feet.
Therefore, flows of 40 percent MADF
from January to April are not necessary
for maintenance of suitable habitat for
the current fish community in the
bypassed reach.
Based on the study conducted by
Bulak and Jobsis (1989), flows ranging
from 15 to 32 percent of MADF are
acceptable from January to April if a
channel 1.0-foot-deep by 10-feet-wide is
adequate for the species present. Given
the absence of striped bass and other
anadromous species at the Riverdale
Project, a minimum flow of 20 percent
of MADF (75-cfs) between January and
April should provide suitable passage
conditions in the bypassed reach for the
existing aquatic community. Bulak and
Jobsis (1989) also concluded that a
minimum flow of 20 percent MADF is
generally adequate during the low flow
period. Although a year-round
minimum flow of 75 cfs would not
mimic the seasonal variation in
hydrology sought by the Water Plan,
there is currently no evidence that the
fishes or invertebrates in the bypassed
reach, or downstream from the tailrace
require such annual variation in flow to
complete their life-cycle.
In addition to using the parameters of
the Water Plan, we analyzed flows in
the bypassed reach using the Tennant
method. The Tennant method is based
on the assumption that a proportion of
MADF would maintain suitable depths
and water velocities for fish. Although
Tennant’s method is derived from rivers
in Montana, Wyoming, and Nebraska,
analyses in the southeast exhibit general
agreement with his recommendations
(Wood and Whelan, 1962). Bulak and
Jobsis (1989) also used Tennant as one
of the factors to establish South
Carolina’s policy on minimum flows.
Tennant concluded that 10 percent of
MADF is the minimum instantaneous
flow needed to sustain short-term
survival and is considered the lower
limits for aquatic life. Tennant also
concluded that at 20 percent of MADF,
the widths, depths, and velocities of
most streams would be ‘‘good’’ during
the dry season and close to ‘‘fair or
degrading’’ during the wet season.
Table 8 shows the percentages of
mean annual flows and corresponding
narrative descriptions of the habitat
created by these flows in the Enoree
River using the Tennant method.
According to this method, and using the
most current flow data available (i.e.
1994–2012; MADF = 374 cfs), a flow of
60 cfs (15 percent of MADF)
downstream of the tailrace and 50 cfs
(13 percent of MADF) in the bypassed
reach would provide fair or degrading
conditions, and close to poor or
minimum conditions during the dry and
wet seasons, respectively. In contrast,
the South Carolina DNR’s recommended
minimum flows of 20 percent of MADF
during the dry season and 40 percent of
MADF during the wet season, would
provide good conditions year round at
the project. A year-round minimum
flow of 75 cfs (20 percent of MADF),
would result in good, and close to fair
or degrading conditions during the dry
season and wet season, respectively.
% of MADF
Description of flow
Dry season
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Outstanding ..............................................................................................................................................................
Excellent ..................................................................................................................................................................
Good ........................................................................................................................................................................
Fair or degrading .....................................................................................................................................................
Poor or minimum .....................................................................................................................................................
Severe degradation .................................................................................................................................................
NMFS recommended that an instream
flow study be conducted after the
license is issued, and when the sand
gates have been renovated to allow
management of flows into the bypassed
reach. However, as discussed above, we
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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already have sufficient information to
evaluate bypassed reach minimum flow
alternatives. For this reason, an instream
flow study is not needed for this project.
PO 00000
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Wet season
Fluctuating Water Levels
Lockhart Power’s peaking operation
would result in periods of daily
discharge fluctuations downstream from
the tailrace. Lockhart Power’s proposed
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
Our Analysis
Lockhart Power states that peaking
operation would occur when inflows to
the project are greater than 170 cfs (i.e.
50 cfs minimum bypass flow and about
120 cfs minimum hydraulic capacity of
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Downstream Effects
Flow fluctuations associated with
peaking may have negative
consequences for fish occurring
downstream from the tailrace. When
flows are high, large areas of habitat can
be used by fish for foraging, cover, or
reproduction. However, when water
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Peaking would occur greater than 50
percent of the time during January,
February, March, April, May, June, and
December (figure 2).
Downstream from the tailrace, the
highest fluctuations would occur from
December through June, when monthly
mean flows range from 300–590 cfs (see
table 3). During this period, daily flows
downstream from the tailrace could
range from 60 cfs when the project is
not operating and the pond is refilling,
to pulses of 500 cfs during operation.
the turbine). Lockhart Power also
indicates that flow would be spilled
over the dam when inflow is greater
than 500 cfs (i.e. 50 cfs minimum
bypass flow and about 450 cfs
maximum hydraulic capacity of the
turbine) (Lockhart Power, 2011b). Based
on this proposed operation, peaking
could occur when inflow to the project
is greater than 170 cfs and less than or
equal to 500 cfs. Accordingly, peaking
could occur as little as 38.6 percent of
the time in August, to as much as 75.2
percent of the time in April (figure 2).
levels recede, the connection between
side channels and the main channel can
be lost (Bradford, 1997). As a result, fish
stranding can occur on gravel bars, back
channels, or pot-holes that become
isolated from the main flow (Cushman,
1985). These isolated off-channel
habitats often expose fish to greater
predation risk, lower DO, and higher
water temperature, which can lead to
stranding mortality (Nagrodski et al.,
2012). Early-life stages (i.e. larvae,
juveniles), which have a reduced
swimming capacity compared to older
fish, are particularly vulnerable to
stranding and associated mortality,
because they are unable to reach the
main channel as flows decrease
(Dabrowski et al., 1986). Furthermore,
many riverine fishes, spawn on stony
PO 00000
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peaking operations would also involve a
4-foot impoundment drawdown during
peaking events.
Beyond the minimum flow
alternatives described above, no one
recommended changing proposed
project operations.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
substrate in off-channel locations that
are susceptible to dewatering, which
can leave eggs vulnerable to predation
and desiccation (Nagrodski et al., 2012).
Alterations in discharge during the
spawning season can particularly affect
reproduction of species with short
spawning seasons (Craven et al., 2010).
Freeman et al. (2001) demonstrated that
fish assemblages below projects with
peaking operations in Piedmont rivers
are dominated numerically by species
that display prolonged spawning
seasons (i.e. extending into July or later;
Freeman et al., 2001). In contrast,
species that spawn exclusively during
the spring are less abundant below
peaking projects compared to
unregulated sites, due to unstable and
sometimes unavailable spawning habitat
(Freeman et al., 2001). Redeye bass,
snail bullhead, Piedmont darter and
notchlip redhorse are fluvial specialists
that spawn exclusively during the
spring. These species are currently
present in the bypassed reach, but their
populations could decline due to flow
variability associated with peaking
As discussed above, under Lockhart
Power’s proposed operation, daily flows
downstream from the tailrace could
range from 60 cfs when the project is
not operating and the impoundment is
refilling, to pulses of 500 cfs during
operation. The magnitude of this flow
fluctuation would be 440 cfs. Higher
minimum instream flows recommended
by South Carolina DNR would reduce
the magnitude of the flow fluctuation
proportionally and would result in less
exposed shoreline downstream from the
tailrace when the project is not
Impoundment Effects
Fluctuating water levels may produce
unfavorable spawning conditions and
recruitment for resident fish species that
occupy the Riverdale impoundment.
Effects may be particularly pronounced
for centrarchids, which build nests and
spawn at shallow depths in the littoral
zone during spring and summer. When
water levels decrease during
drawdowns, nests become exposed and
egg desiccation can occur (Maraldo and
MacCrimmon, 1981). Lower water levels
can also result in reduced shoreline
cover and increased predation on
juvenile fish (Willis, 1986).
Inflows are greater than 170 cfs and
less than 500 cfs, between 50.6 and 75.2
percent of the time during April through
June, when most centrarchids build
nests and spawn (figure 2). Thus,
peaking operation, with up to a 4-foot
drawdown, could occur daily about 50
to 75 percent of the time during April
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through June when centrarchids are
building nests and spawning (figure 2).
Proposed peaking operation, with up
to a 4-foot drawdown, would change the
littoral zone fish habitat in the project
impoundment, compared to the natural
flow conditions that have been present
at the project for the last 12 years.
Frequent drawdowns from April
through June have the potential to
dewater fish nests, disturb spawning,
and reduce reproductive success of the
four centrarchid species occupying the
impoundment (see table 5). Peaking
operation at the project could affect
each of these species. However, three
centrarchids are multiple spawners (e.g.,
bluegill, red breast sunfish, and redear
sunfish) and could spawn again if
project operation disrupts initial
spawning activities.
With regard to redeye bass, the
impoundment likely does not possess
significant amounts of spawning or
juvenile habitat. The impoundment’s
littoral zone includes shallow banks
composed of sand, mud, and submerged
aquatic vegetation (Carnegey Biological
Services, 2010). Redeye bass, however,
spawn in gravel nests built in eddy
waters at the heads of pools (Wallus and
Simon, 2008) and juveniles appear to
prefer areas close to shorelines with
heavy canopy cover (Knight, 2011).
These types of habitats are not present
in the project impoundment, but are
present in the bypassed reach, where
Lockhart Power captured the most
redeye bass during 2010 baseline
fisheries survey (table 5).
Low Inflow/Drought Conditions
The project is located in the Southeast
U.S., which is susceptible to severe
drought events that can reduce water
supplies for several years at a time.
Recently, severe droughts occurred from
1998–2002, 2005–2007, and 2012.
During these events, incoming flow can
fall below minimum continuous flows,
stressing aquatic resources and creating
conflicts among competing uses,
including generation, water supply, and
To address drought conditions,
Lockhart Power developed what it terms
a low inflow protocol (LIP), which states
that ‘‘when average daily project inflow
is less than approximately 80 cfs (+/¥
10 percent), the following would be in
effect: Continuous project outflow shall
approximately (+/¥ 10 percent) equal
project inflow.’’ 39 South Carolina DNR
recommends Lockhart Power develop
and implement a LIP for the project,
consistent with the Water Plan. They
39 Based on pro-rated inflow data from the USGS
gage near Woodruff, SC (#02160390).
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
also recommend that Lockhart Power
implement the LIP during periods of
extended drought and design it to
provide instream flows to protect fish
and wildlife and other water uses
associated with the Enoree River in the
Project vicinity.40 Interior concurs with
South Carolina DNR’s recommended
Our Analysis
The overall objective of a LIP is to
provide sufficient instream flows to
protect fish, wildlife and other water
uses in the project vicinity during
droughts. Lockhart Power and
stakeholders have agreed that the
project needs a LIP to adequately protect
fishery resources. The recent high
frequency of severe drought events in
the Southeast U.S. reinforces this need.
Severe drought events can affect
fishes in a number of ways. Low
streamflows during a drought reduce
stream width and depth, limiting habitat
availability and the ability of fish to
move freely among habitats (Lohr and
Fausch, 1997). Droughts also affect
water temperature and DO
concentrations, which can negatively
affect reproduction and juvenile
recruitment (Schlosser et al., 2001). This
can reduce stream fish populations and
change fish assemblage structure by
favoring hypoxia-tolerant species and
reducing intolerant species (Smale and
Rabeni, 1995). Moreover, drought can
simply kill fish directly (Lohr and
Fausch, 1997).
Ideally, a LIP would be designed to
provide flexibility to adjust minimum
flows during drought periods so that the
effects of low flows are balanced among
competing uses, while still protecting
fish and wildlife. As written, Lockhart
Power’s proposed LIP does not provide
a mechanism to adjust minimum flows
during drought periods; rather it
proposes to ensure project outflow is
equal to inflow when average daily
inflow is less than 80 cfs. This would
ensure no interruption of flow (i.e.
storage of water) through the project to
downstream resources when flows are
80 cfs or less. However, Lockhart
Power’s LIP is not clear as to how that
flow would be passed through the
project. In other words, would all flow
be provided through the sand gates into
the bypassed reach, or as a combination
40 The Water Plan does not prescribe specific
flows, recommends that a Water-shortage
Contingency Plan (i.e., drought contingency plan)
be developed and coordinated with appropriate
federal and state agencies, local governments, and
other stakeholders. The Water Plan also
recommends that the Water-shortage Contingency
Plan include water-shortage severity levels and
water releases associated with each severity level.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
of bypassed reach minimum flows and
generation? The project’s minimum
operating hydraulic capacity of 120 cfs
suggests that all inflow would be
released into the bypassed reach when
average daily inflow to the project is 80
cfs or lower.
Eighty cfs represents 20 to 21 percent
of MADF, depending on whether the
flow record includes 1994–2009 (MADF
= 393 cfs) or the most complete record
from 1994–2012 (MADF = 374 cfs),
respectively. Bulak and Jobsis (1989)
determined that during the low flow
period (July–November) in South
Carolina Piedmont streams, 20 percent
of MADF was ‘‘generally adequate’’ for
aquatic resources. If drought conditions
were to extend into the high flow period
(January–April), 20 percent of MADF
was within the range (15–32 percent of
MADF) of flow that provides a 1-footdeep by 10-feet-wide stream of water.
Thus, 80 cfs would provide good habitat
in the bypassed reach and downstream
from the tailrace. Any inflows that are
lower would represent natural flow
conditions that Lockhart Power could
not control, and would result in the best
aquatic habitat conditions possible
given drought conditions. However it
would also limit the project’s ability to
generate until drought conditions
Lockhart Power also does not explain
the basis for selecting an average daily
inflow of 80 cfs to represent low flow/
drought conditions, only noting that this
was being discussed with resource
agencies during its application
development. Developing and
implementing an LIP, as recommended
by South Carolina DNR and Interior,
would allow Lockhart Power and the
resource agencies to cooperatively
define water-shortage severity levels
(i.e. drought conditions) and potentially
adjust minimum flows, depending on
the severity of the drought so that the
effects of low flows are balanced among
competing uses.
The LIPs recommended by South
Carolina DNR inherently allow flows to
drop below the minimum flow releases
determined to be suitable for fish and
benthic invertebrates in the bypassed
reach. Although further reductions of
minimum flow requirements are likely
to have additional effects on aquatic
habitat and fish populations, fishes have
developed physiological and behavioral
adaptations for coping with drought
conditions. For example, some fishes
move to pools that contain water
(Gelwick, 1990) or larger downstream
reaches (Magoulick and Kobza, 2003),
and darters may survive in the
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hyporheic zone 41 (Tramer, 1977). Also,
fishes tend to move back into an
affected area as soon as a drought
disturbance has subsided (Larimore et
al., 1959; Peterson and Bayley, 1993),
and fish assemblages can return to predisturbance levels within one year
(Larimore et al., 1959; and Meffe and
Sheldon 1990). Thus, a reduction in
minimum flow requirements during
drought periods may affect fishery
resources in the bypassed reach and
downstream from the tailrace
temporarily; however, stream fish
communities are resilient and can
recover quickly from these temporary
Releasing and Distributing Minimum
Instream Flows Across the Bypassed
As discussed above, Lockhart Power
proposes to use one or more of the
existing sand gates in the dam to
provide its proposed minimum flows to
the bypassed reach. Currently, the sand
gates on the middle and right side of the
dam are closed and inoperable, while
the gate on the left side remains open.42
Lockhart Power proposes to repair the
sand gates, and work with the resource
agencies to determine which gate(s) to
use to provide the bypassed reach
minimum flow. Lockhart Power also
would develop a rating curve following
the repairs and verify the rating curve
once every 6 years.
South Carolina DNR and Interior
recommend Lockhart Power evaluate
the feasibility and effectiveness of using
the sand gates to provide flows on a
permanent, continuous basis to the
bypassed reach. South Carolina DNR
also recommends that Lockhart Power
evaluate flow distribution through the
sand gates, and the gates be operated to
optimize downstream aquatic habitat in
the bypassed reach. In addition,
American Rivers recommends the new
license require: (1) A study of flow
delivery alternatives to determine how
to release flows from the dam to fully
wet the shoals of the bypassed reach;
and (2) the best method for delivering
flows to the bypassed reach under all
flow conditions. NMFS recommends
conducting an instream flow study once
the gates are operational.
41 The hyporheic zone is a portion of the
groundwater interface in streams where a mixture
of surface water and groundwater can be found.
Hyporheic zone waters can be found both beneath
the active channel and within the riparian zone of
most streams and rivers.
42 The sand gate on the right side does not have
any gate mechanism installed, and is permanently
sealed. The operating mechanism for the middle
sand gate is tilted relative to its foundation and
appears to be damaged (FERC, 2013).
PO 00000
Frm 00029
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Our Analysis
Under existing conditions, flows in
the Enoree River are capable of covering
the entire breadth of bypassed reach,
creating complex shoal habitat that
supports a diverse assemblage of 21 fish
species. There is a natural ledge or fall
immediately downstream from the dam
that stretches across the entire width of
the river for about 15 to 20 feet.
Downstream from the natural ledge, the
main channel runs on the south side of
the river, and flows over small and large
boulders with aquatic vegetation
dispersed throughout (Carnagey
Biological Services, 2010). The north
side of bypassed reach is more complex
and splits into three braided sections,
each approximately 6.5 to 19.5-footwide and 4 inches to greater than 2-footdeep, with 45 percent canopy cover
(Carnagey Biological Services, 2010).
The distinct physical features
between the north and south side of the
bypassed reach enables a unique
assemblage of fish to occupy each
habitat. Lockhart Power’s 2010 fish
survey of the bypassed reach,
demonstrated that fish species observed
on the south side were often absent, or
less common on the north side, and vice
versa (table 5). For example, redeye bass
and Piedmont darter, Highest Priority
and High Priority Conservation Species,
respectively, were collected most
frequently on the north side, and absent
on the south side (table 5). Whereas, the
snail bullhead, a Moderate Priority
Conservation Species, was collected
most frequently on the south side, but
absent on the north side (table 5).
Because Lockhart Power did not have
control of the dam, it was unable to
determine if the sand gates could be
made operable, or how best to use them
to release minimum flows on a
continuous and permanent basis. If the
gates cannot be made operational, or
used in a manner to provide the
required flows, alternative mechanisms
would need to be identified. These
alternatives would need to be functional
prior to operating the project to ensure
that the aquatic resources in the
bypassed reach are protected.
Assuming that the bypassed flows can
be provided through the sand gates,
distributing the flows across the shoals
to optimize benthic invertebrate and
fish habitat may require delivering flows
from one or more sand gates. While
fully wetting the shoals would likely
provide benthic invertebrate and fish
habitat, it may not provide the best
habitat for targeted channels supporting
rare species. To determine which
combination of gates to use would
require a post-licensing flow study as
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
recommended by NMFS and American
Rivers that examines depth, velocity,
and wetted width across the shoals
using various combinations of the sand
gates to deliver the required flows.
Targeted species and habitat conditions
would need to be selected in
consultation with the South Carolina
DNR, FWS, NMFS, and American Rivers
to define habitat suitability criteria.
Benthic Invertebrate and Fish Surveys
The shoals within the bypassed reach
represents a unique habitat that is
relatively rare and currently supports
seven fish species and a snail
(panhandle pebblesnail) recognized in
the South Carolina Wildlife Action Plan
as in need of conservation because of
their restricted ranges and specialized
habitat needs (table 5). Sediment
discharges and minimum instream
flows could lead to physical, chemical,
and biological changes in the bypassed
reach affecting the distribution and
occurrence of these species in the
bypassed reach.
Interior recommends that Lockhart
Power conduct fish surveys before and
after construction at the project, and
again 1 year later, to provide
information on the presence of the eight
Conservation Species. Interior also
recommends that Lockhart Power
conduct invertebrate surveys before and
after construction at the project, and
again 1 year later, to provide
information on the panhandle
pebblesnail within the bypassed reach.
Interior requests that Lockhart Power
design the surveys in consultation with
South Carolina DNR, South Carolina
DHEC, NMFS, and FWS, and that
sampling efforts be concentrated in the
multiple habitat types in the bypassed
reach. Interior states that additional
surveys may be necessary depending on
the results.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Our Analysis
Interior does not explain why surveys
for the conservation species are needed
before and after construction and again
one year later, or the level of effort it
anticipates would be required for such
Pre- and post-construction surveys of
fish and benthic invertebrates in the
bypassed reach would identify current
locations of these species in the
bypassed reach and their locations
following initial operations. However,
sufficient information already exists to
document their occurrence in the
bypassed reach and to evaluate how best
to distribute flows to optimize aquatic
habitat. Therefore, there is no need for
this information.
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Jkt 232001
Monitoring Compliance With
Impoundment Levels and Minimum
Lockhart Power proposes to limit
impoundment fluctuations to 4 feet and
to establish a rating curve of minimum
flow releases through the sand gates and
very the rating curves every six years.
No agency recommended measures to
monitor compliance with these
Our Analysis
Developing and implementing an
operation compliance monitoring plan
would provide additional detail about
project operations. Such a plan would
provide the Commission a means to
monitor compliance with the minimum
flow releases and the limits on
impoundment fluctuations. To be
effective, the plan would need to: (1)
Define the criteria by which compliance
with impoundment fluctuations and
minimum flows would be measured; (2)
specify the type and location of all
equipment used to monitor
impoundment levels and minimum
flows; and (3) identify the data
collection intervals and reporting
Fish Impingement and Entrainment
Water intake structures at hydropower
projects can injure or kill fish that are
either impinged on intake screens/trash
racks, or entrained through turbines.
Larger aquatic organisms (typically fish
and larger invertebrates) can be trapped
against the intake screens or trash racks
by the water flowing into a penstock.
This process is known as impingement,
and can cause physical stresses and/or
suffocation that lead to death of some
organisms (EPRI, 2003).
If fish are able to pass through screens
or trash racks (i.e. entrained), fish injury
or mortality can result from collisions
with turbine blades, or exposure to
pressure changes, sheer forces in
turbulent flows, and water velocity
accelerations created by turbines
(Knapp et al., 1982). The number of fish
entrained and at risk of turbine
mortality at a hydroelectric project is
dependent upon site-specific factors,
including physical characteristics of the
project, as well as the size, age, and
seasonal movement patterns of fish
present within the impoundment (EPRI,
1992). Fish that are entrained and killed
are removed from the river population
and no longer available for recruitment
to the fishery.
The project includes two sets of trash
racks: One with 2.25-inch bar rack
spacing that is located at the intake to
the project headrace and a second
PO 00000
Frm 00030
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
located at the downstream end of the
headrace (at the entrance to the turbine
penstock) that has bar rack spacing of
approximately 10 inches. Lockhart
Power proposes to decrease the spacing
on the trashrack at the penstock intake
from 10 inches to 5 inches.43 Lockhart
Power is not proposing any changes to
the 2.25-inch bar spacing on the
trashracks at the headrace intake
(hereafter, headrace trashracks).
Interior is concerned with the existing
2.25-inch bar rack spacing on the
headrace trashracks, and with approach
velocities during proposed project
operation, especially during peaking
when the head pond is lowered by 4
feet. Interior requests that a 1-inch bar
rack spacing be installed at the headrace
trashrack to minimize fish entrainment
and mortality at the project.
Our Analysis
Fisheries surveys conducted by
Lockhart Power indicate that the project
impoundment contains 11 species of
fish, including redeye bass and flat
bullhead, which are Conservation
Species of Highest and Moderate
Priority, respectively (table 5). Overall,
two redeye bass and 11 flat bullhead
were captured within the
impoundment, which represented 2.5
and 13.9 percent of the total number of
fish captured, respectively. Highback
chub was the most common fish
captured in the impoundment,
representing 55.7 percent of the total
number of fish captured.
Fish Impingement
Fish can become impinged on the bars
of a trash rack if they are unable to
overcome the approach velocity 44 and
are unable to pass between the trashrack
bars due to their larger body size. Fish
that are wider than the trashrack bar
spacing and have burst swim speeds 45
lower than approach velocities would
be susceptible to impingement. Thus,
determining the risk of impingement for
fish in the project impoundment
requires an understanding of approach
velocities at the headrace trashracks, as
well as the widths and burst swim
speeds of fish in the impoundment.
Lockhart Power was not able to
provide approach velocities at the
headrace trashrack because it does not
currently own or have access to the
43 This trash rack is isolated from the project
impoundment and, thus, its modification would
result in little to no effect on aquatic fauna.
44 Approach velocity is the calculated water flow
velocity component perpendicular to the trashrack
45 Burst swimming speed is the maximum
swimming speed that can only be sustained for a
few seconds. It is usually used to escape danger
(Murray, 1974).
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
2.25-inch bar spacing was 67.75 inches
(or 5.65 feet) wide (i.e. two 31.875-inch
panels,48 plus one 4-inch timber in
between). Each unit with 1-inch bar
spacing was 68 inches (or about 5.67
feet) wide (i.e. two 32 inch panels,49
plus one 4 inch timber in between. The
larger panel width for the trashracks
with 1-inch bar spacing was necessary
to accommodate 1-inch bar spacing and
still maintain similar sized units. All
trashrack units were 13.4 feet high. With
all five units combined, the total
number of open spaces between bars in
the 2.25-inch and 1-inch trashracks is
120 and 230, respectively (figures 3 and
46 Drawings in Exhibit F of the license application
show that the headrace trashracks are composed of
five steel units, with 4-inch timbers in the middle
of each unit and 3/8-inch vertical bars (figures 3
and 4). The total width of each unit was estimated
to be about 5.5 feet wide and 13.4 feet high.
47 We assumed the 4-inch timbers represented
closed space in each unit, and that each unit was
composed of two panels. We also assumed each bar
was 3/8-inch wide.
48 The 31.875-inch-wide panels are composed of
13 vertical bars totaling 4.875 inches (3/8-inch bar
width × 13 = 4.875), and 12 open spaces (2.25
inches each) totaling 27 inches (figure 3).
49 The 32-inch-wide panels are composed of 24
vertical bars totaling 9 inches (3/8 inch bar width
× 24 = 9), and 23 open spaces (1 inch each) totaling
23 inches (figure 4).
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Jkt 232001
PO 00000
Frm 00031
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
project. However, we estimated
approach velocities for the existing 2.25inch and Interior’s recommended 1-inch
clear bar spacing, as described below.
To estimate approach velocities at the
project we used existing information on
the dimensions of the headrace
trashracks,46 as well as certain
assumptions regarding the composition
of the trashracks.47 Each unit with the
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
To estimate approach velocity (V0,
feet per second [fps]), we used the
following equation (EPRI, 2000):
where intake flow is in cfs and crosssectional area is in square-feet. We used
intake flows of 120 cfs and 450 cfs,
which represent the minimum and
maximum turbine hydraulic capacities,
respectively. Total intake cross-sectional
area is shown in table 9, and was
estimated using the information shown
in figures 3 and 4.
[Source: Staff]
Approach velocities did not differ
substantially between the 2.25-inch and
1-inch trashracks, though they are
slightly lower with the 2.25-inch
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:45 Dec 18, 2013
Height of
space between bars
(H; feet)
Jkt 232001
Open area between two bars
(a; feet 2)
Number of
open spaces
between bars
W × H = 2.51 ........................
W × H = 1.12 ........................
trashrack. At the minimum hydraulic
capacity, estimated approach velocities
are 0.40 and 0.47 fps with 2.25-inch and
1-inch trashracks, respectively. At the
PO 00000
Frm 00032
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Total intake cross-sectional
(A; feet 2)
a × n = 301.2
a × n = 257.6
maximum hydraulic capacity, estimated
approach velocities are 1.49 and 1.75
fps with the 2.25-inch and 1-inch
trashracks, respectively.
2.25 ........................................
1 .............................................
Spacing between bars
(W; feet)
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Spacing between bars
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
represented a combination of both
Conservation Species and the most
common species occurring in the
impoundment. The burst swimming
speeds of these species and the
minimum total lengths that are
To evaluate the potential for
impingement at the existing trashrack
with 2.25-inch and with 1-inch bar
spacings, we focused our analysis on
redeye bass, flat bullhead, redbreast
sunfish and highback chub—which
susceptible to impingement (based on
estimated fish width alone and
exclusive of burst swim speeds) are
shown in tables 10 and 11, respectively.
Redeye bass ................
Flat bullhead .................
Redbreast sunfish ........
Highback chub ..............
(a) 2
Surrogate species
used in calculation1
Smallmouth bass ........
Brown bullhead ...........
Bluegill .........................
Fathead minnow .........
Maximum total
(b) 3
Minimum fish total length (inches)
susceptible to impingement:
1-inch trash
rack spacing
4 none
2.25-inch trash rack
Fish are at risk of impingement if
their burst swim speed (see table 9) is
less than the approach velocity at the
trashrack, and if their size prevents
them from passing through the bar
spacing on the trashrack (see table 10).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 232001
The results of our analysis show that
none of the species analyzed would be
susceptible to impingement with a
trashrack having 2.25-inch bar spacing
(see figures in appendix A), because of
their swimming abilities. However,
PO 00000
Frm 00033
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
larger flat bullhead (i.e. greater than 5.1
inches) would be susceptible to
impingement with a trashrack having 1inch bar spacing when intake flows
approach the maximum turbine capacity
of 450 cfs.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
1 Length-width equations were not available for species included in our analysis. Surrogate species were fish in the same family and with similar body morphometry to the species included in our analysis.
2 3 The alpha and beta parameters for equations are from Lawler, Matucky, and Skelly Engineers (1991).
4 The calculated minimum total length susceptible to impingement is greater than the maximum total length of the species; therefore, no length
of this species is susceptible to impingement at this trackrack spacing.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
The risk of impingement would be
greater for adult flat bullhead if
Lockhart Power replaces the existing
2.25-inch bar spacing with Interior’s
recommended 1-inch bar spacing. The
reduced porosity of the 1-inch bar
spacing design would also lead to
greater accumulation of debris
compared to the 2.25-inch bar spacing
design, which could lead to a greater
risk of impingement than would occur
with a design having 2.25-inch bar
spacing. Routine maintenance of either
trashrack would be required to ensure
approach velocities do not increase.
Greater maintenance would be required
for the 1-inch bar spacing versus the
2.25-inch bar spacing.
Fish Entrainment and Turbine Mortality
Entrainment can occur if fish can pass
between trashrack bars, and do not
behaviorally avoid entrainment.
Consequently, smaller (i.e. fish smaller
than those susceptible to impingement
[table 10]) redeye bass, flat bullhead,
redbreast sunfish, and highback chub
could each be entrained through both
trashrack designs. Larger and older fish
of each species would be protected by
both trashrack designs; but, the 1-inch
bar spacing would be more protective
than the 2.25-inch bar spacing.
Even if fish are small enough to fit
through trashrack bar spacing, generally
they will behaviorally avoid
entrainment if their burst swim speeds
exceed approach velocities at
trashracks. Based on our analysis, only
highback chub and flat bullhead lack
the burst swim speeds needed to
overcome approach velocities and avoid
entrainment through trashrack designs
that have 1-inch and 2.25-inch bar
spacing, respectively (see figures in
appendix A). Small (i.e. 2-inch)
highback chub are susceptible to
entrainment with a trashrack that has 1inch bar spacing when intake flows
approach the maximum turbine capacity
of 450 cfs. However, all sizes of flat
bullhead are susceptible to entrainment
with the existing trashrack that has 2.25inch bar spacing when intake flows
approach the maximum turbine
capacity. As these results indicate, and
as other studies have shown, the
majority of fish entrained consists of
small fish (EPRI, 1997). The survival of
smaller individuals of both species is
likely to be relatively high because they
are less prone to mechanical injury from
turbine passage than larger fish. Smaller
fish are also less prone to injury
resulting from shear stresses and rapid
pressure changes associated with
turbine passage. Combined, these results
indicate that each trashrack design has
the potential to entrain one species;
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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however, turbine mortality is expected
to be similarly low for both designs.
Lockhart Power’s desktop fish
entrainment and turbine mortality
analysis considered information from
published literature 50 to estimate fish
entrainment rates and turbine mortality
rates, and to characterize the anticipated
composition of fish entrained and killed
at the project. Results of the analysis
indicate that on average, about 48,271
fish could potentially pass through the
turbines on an annual basis, and of
those, 5,412 fish could potentially be
killed by the turbine. Sunfish had the
highest estimated entrainment and
turbine mortality, which represented 38
percent (18,346) and nearly 36 percent
(1,941) of all fish entrained and killed,
Lockhart Power’s analysis did not
include Conservation Species due to the
absence of data on redeye bass and flat
bullhead. However, the analysis did
include species in the redeye bass genus
(i.e. Micropterus; black bass) and the flat
bullhead family (i.e. Ictaluridae;
catfish). Annual entrainment estimates
for black bass represented only 1.6
percent (804) and 3.4 percent (182) of
the total fish entrained and killed,
respectively. Estimates for catfish were
higher, and represented 22.1 percent
(10,645) and 11.0 percent (593) of the
total fish entrained and killed,
Although Lockhart Power’s analysis
did not provide details on the size or
age-class of redeye bass or flat bullhead
entrained, based on other studies, it is
likely that most entrained fish would
consist of smaller fish—primarily
young-of-the-year (EPRI, 1997). These
younger individuals in the population
generally have high rates of mortality,
even in the absence of hydropower
operations. Fish populations have
generally evolved to withstand losses of
these smaller and younger individuals
with little or no impact to long-term
population sustainability. Thus, any
turbine mortality of redeye bass and flat
bullhead is likely to have minimal effect
on their respective populations.
Terrestrial Resources Affected Environment
The Riverdale Project is situated at
the northern edge of what is considered
the Piedmont ecoregion. This region is
characterized by gently rolling hills and
stream-cut valleys with elevations that
50 The database is based on specific entrainment
studies conducted at FERC licensed projects that
are similar to the Riverdale Project in geographic
location, hydraulic capacity, operation, fish species,
and water quality (Lockhart Power, 2010c).
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
range from 375 feet to 1,000 feet msl.
Historically, plant communities in the
region consisted of oak and hickorydominated forests, with associated
species varying by slope and soil
moisture. The landscape in the
Piedmont ecoregion has a long history
of forest clearing, intensive agriculture,
and other economic uses that date back
to the earliest European settlements.
Today, the Piedmont landscape is
predominantly a mosaic of agricultural
land and managed pine and mixed pinehardwood woodlands, with hardwooddominated forests limited primarily to
narrow floodplains and scattered
upland sites.
The project area and immediate
project vicinity include a mix of
managed areas and natural
communities. The rural community of
Enoree surrounds the project, with its
lawns, hedgerows and limited
commercial development representing
the primary managed areas. Extensive
agricultural lands, including managed
hay fields, pastures, row croplands and
pine plantations, occur in the uplands
surrounding the community of Enoree
and the project. The majority of
farmland in the Enoree River Basin is
dedicated to pasture and hay fields.
This cover type commonly includes
early successional species such as daisy
fleabane, horse nettle, sunflower,
pokeweed, and spiny amaranth.
Forested uplands in the project
vicinity are characterized primarily by
managed pine plantation and mixed
hardwood-pine stands. Mature stands
tend to consist of a diverse assemblage
of hardwoods, primarily oaks and
hickories, as co-dominants in
combination with pines. Common pine
species of the piedmont include
shortleaf and loblolly, with the former
better adapted to dry, fine textured
upland soils and loblolly achieving
maximum growth on deep soils with
good moisture and drainage. The
understory in pure pine stands is often
open, but in mixed or older stands, it is
dominated by the hardwoods
characteristic of the site.
The areas immediately adjacent to the
project impoundment and along the
Enoree River downstream from the dam
are characterized by heavily vegetated,
primarily forested shorelines. Forested
shorelines of the impoundment and
downstream from the dam are typical of
hardwood-dominated streamside forests
that characterize the Piedmont. The
typical canopy species in these forests is
a mixture of bottomland and
mesophytic trees including river birch,
sycamore, sweetgum, tulip tree,
American elm, hackberry, green ash,
and red maple. Sites farther upslope on
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protected bluffs and ravines are more
characteristic of the cove forests typical
of the region. The canopy and
understory on such sites is typically
composed of hardwoods including
beech, tulip tree, black gum, sourwood,
white oak, northern red oak, black oak,
sweetgum, red maple, southern sugar
maple, basswood, ironwood, flowering
dogwood, American holly, witch-hazel,
and hop-hornbeam. Because this habitat
has a closed canopy, the likely substory
consists of the more shade tolerant
species including young beech and
maples. Poison ivy, Virginia creeper,
and wood sage are typical of the
remaining shrubby stratum. Along the
riverbank, shade intolerant species such
as sumac, tree-of-heaven, daisy fleabane,
and blackberry are likely common.
Wetlands are common in the
Piedmont ecoregion as a whole,
although they are much less abundant
than in the low lying Coastal Plain
region. Wetlands coverage in the
Piedmont is overwhelmingly dominated
by palustrine forests, otherwise known
as floodplain or bottomland hardwoods,
which are estimated to account for
approximately 80 percent (i.e. 1 million
acres) of wetlands in the region.
Bottomland/floodplain forests generally
occur as narrow corridors along the
region’s rivers and streams due to the
prevailing moderate topography.
Bottomland/floodplain forests are also
the dominant wetlands type in the
immediate vicinity of the Riverdale
Project. They are characterized by moist
alluvial soils and are dominated by
hardwood species such as sweetgum,
loblolly pine, water oak, willow oak,
laurel oak, cherrybark oak, and
American holly.
National Wetlands Inventory (NWI)
data for the project area indicate a lack
of wetlands in the area immediately
surrounding the impoundment and
adjacent to the Enoree River
immediately downstream from the dam.
However, a number of bottomland/
floodplain (palustrine forested)
wetlands are located along the river’s
floodplain upstream of the dam. These
are located well upstream of the
influence of the project impoundment,
adjacent to a free flowing reach of the
river, and thus would not be affected by
the project.
Riparian areas surrounding the project
impoundment and the river downstream
from the dam are relatively narrow due
to the moderately sloped banks. The
well vegetated banks are characterized
by abundant willows and alders in areas
directly abutting and overhanging the
water, with upslope areas containing a
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mix of bottomland and mesophytic trees
typical of the Piedmont including river
birch, sycamore, sweetgum, tulip tree,
American elm, hackberry, green ash,
and red maple.
Non-Native Invasive Vegetation
In the Piedmont ecoregion, invasive
plant populations are often present
within the forested communities. Data
from the Forest Inventory Analysis,
collected by the U.S. Forest Service,
indicates that almost three quarters of
sampled plots within the Piedmont
ecoregion contain at least one exotic
(non-native) plant. The South Carolina
Exotic Pest Plant Council (South
Carolina EPPC) identifies the following
terrestrial exotic invasive plants as
severe threats to the composition,
structure, or function of natural areas in
the state of South Carolina: tree-ofheaven, chinaberry, princess tree/royal
paulownia, Chinese tallow, scotch
broom, thorny-olive, autumn-olive,
shrub lespedeza, Japanese privet,
Chinese privet, kudzu, English ivy,
Japanese climbing fern, Japanese
honeysuckle, Cherokee rose, Chinese
wisteria, bigleaf periwinkle, tall fescue,
cogongrass, Japanese stilt grass, bahia
grass, common reed/phragmites,
Chinese bush clover, marsh dewflower,
and tropical soda apple.
As noted above, tree-of-heaven is
among the species that are likely
common in the riparian area in the
vicinity of the project. Tree-of-heaven is
a non-native invasive deciduous tree
native to central China that has spread
throughout the United States in natural,
agricultural, and developed areas. Treeof-heaven is a severe ecological threat
because it is fast-growing, reproduces
prolifically from both seeds 51 and
vegetatively from suckers and sprouts
from cut stumps, and releases chemicals
into the soil that inhibit growth of other
plants. In addition, the root system of
this species can cause structural damage
to concrete structures such as sewers
and foundations (Swearingen and
Pannill, 2009).
Kudzu is a terrestrial non-native
invasive species known to occur within
Spartanburg County at troublesome
levels. The county has concerns
regarding the effect of over 1,000 acres
of kudzu infestation on beautification
efforts in the urban areas of
Spartanburg. Kudzu is a climbing, semiwoody, perennial vine native to Asia
that was introduced to the United States
for erosion control and is now found
throughout most of the Southeast.
Although kudzu grows best in disturbed
51 While only the female trees produce seeds, a
single tree can produce 325,000 seeds annually.
PO 00000
Frm 00035
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
areas such as forest edges, abandoned
fields, and along roads and trails, this
species thrives in a wide range of
conditions. Kudzu is a severe ecological
threat because it grows rapidly—at a
rate of approximately one foot daily—
and it can envelope and eventually kill
other plants by shading them out,
breaking limbs, and even uprooting
trees under the weight of its blanket of
tangled vines (Bergmann and
Swearingen, 2005).
Aquatic non-native plant species also
occur throughout South Carolina. South
Carolina DNR’s Aquatic Nuisance
Species Program maintains a list of
aquatic plant species currently listed as
illegal to possess, import, or distribute
in South Carolina. Examples of invasive
exotic aquatic plants on this list include
alligatorweed, common reed/
phragmites, Eurasian watermilfoil,
hydrilla, and water hyacinth (South
Carolina DNR, 2010). Where these
plants occur, they can obstruct
navigable waterways, restrict water
flow, degrade water quality, interfere
with recreation, and alter fish
populations. South Carolina DNR has
identified water bodies throughout the
state, including two within Spartanburg
or Laurens counties, as ‘problem areas,’
or areas where aquatic plants interfere
with water uses. These areas and
associated aquatic plants include
hydrilla, slender naiad, and water
primrose at Lake Greenwood; and water
primrose and hydrilla at Lake Edwin
Johnson (South Carolina DNR, 2012),
both of which are located within about
30 miles from the project area.
The extensive beds of aquatic
vegetation observed in the project
impoundment are a mixture of a native
smartweed species and alligatorweed,
an invasive non-native species.
Alligatorweed, an emergent perennial
plant, is native to South America
(USDA, 2013) and it is listed as a
noxious weed in South Carolina. This
species can grow in upland sites, but it
prefers saturated soils along shorelines
of lakes, ponds, streams, ditches, and
wetlands. It spreads vegetatively from
fragments and by seeds that can be
dispersed by water, wildlife, and
people. Alligatorweed forms dense mats
that grow into open water habitats,
shading out native plant species and
reducing DO in the water under the mat
which, in turn, decreases the quality of
the habitat for fish and wildlife. Mats of
alligatorweed can also inhibit
navigation and recreational use
Wildlife habitats within the Lockhart
Power’s proposed 25.9-acre project area
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are typical of the Piedmont region of
South Carolina. Of the 25.9 acres, there
are 11.3 acres of terrestrial habitat. The
shoreline area is predominately
undeveloped riparian and upland
forests. Mixed hardwood forest is the
dominant terrestrial habitat type along
the edge of the project boundary. This
habitat type is characterized by a high
degree of structure, including both
vertical complexity (height class
diversity of vegetation) and microhabitat
features such as snags, dead-and-down
wood, and forest floors consisting of
leaves and woody debris. The mixed
hardwood forest cover type typically
contains a high density of small
mammals. This may be attributable to
the fact that these areas produce
substantial amounts of mast (seeds and
nuts) that provide valuable forage
habitat for a variety of wildlife species.
Other wildlife species potentially using
these areas include white-tailed deer,
raccoon, fox, wild turkey, grouse, blue
jay, ovenbird, red-bellied woodpecker,
hairy woodpecker, eastern king snake,
black racer, black rat snake, copperhead,
and timber rattlesnake.
The aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats
of the 6.6-acre project headpond and
upstream and downstream river reaches
also provide wildlife habitat in the
project area. Wildlife species that
potentially use open water and semiaquatic areas of the impoundments and
the lower tailrace and bypassed reach
include beaver, muskrat, otter, mink,
belted kingfisher, wood duck, great blue
heron, green heron, great egret,
redbellied water snake, bullfrog, leopard
frog, yellowbelly slider turtle, and
common snapping turtle. Species
typical of river margins include raccoon,
woodcock, red-winged blackbird,
various thrushes, green treefrog and
American toad.
Special Status Terrestrial Species
There is one terrestrial species
documented as occurring in Laurens
County that is a candidate for federal
listing under the ESA. Georgia aster
(Symphyotrichum georgianum) is a
perennial herbaceous plant that forms
clonal clumps and can spread through
modified stems called rhizomes
(NatureServe, 2013a). Adequate sunlight
appears to be one of the most important
factors in the success of this species.
Historically this species was found in
post oak savanna and prairie
communities in the Southeast. This
habitat type has dwindled since
wildfires have been suppressed and
large native grazers are no longer
present to maintain it. While there are
small isolated populations surviving in
areas of Alabama, Georgia, North
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Carolina, and South Carolina that are
maintained in an open, early
successional stage such as roadway,
railroad, and transmission line rights-ofway (ROW), the species is still
threatened by residential development,
highway expansion/improvement
projects, encroachment of non-native
invasive plants, deer browsing,
herbicide use, and by woody succession
due to wildfire suppression that
historically maintained its open
grassland habitat (FWS, 2012).52 Environmental Effects
Currently the project is inoperable
and all available flows pass through the
impoundment, over the Riverdale dam,
and into the shoals and braided
channels within the bypassed reach.
The plants and wildlife in the riparian
corridor along the impoundment and
downstream from the dam have adapted
to the natural variation in stream flows.
Effects of Project Refurbishment and
Vegetation Maintenance
Refurbishing the project facilities,
developing the canoe portage facilities,
and maintaining these areas would
require clearing or trimming of some
vegetation. Heavy equipment and
activities associated with the
replacement of the 193-foot-long above
ground section of the penstock and
repairs to the powerhouse, dam, and
other project facilities would disturb
wildlife near the construction areas.
Disturbance to plants and wildlife
would also occur during periodic
vegetation maintenance, including
mowing and/or trimming, around the
perimeter of the existing powerhouse
and along the transmission line ROW
which follows the access road, as well
as the area within the proposed portage
trail, canoe take-out and put-in, and
parking area for recreation.
In order to preserve the vegetative
communities within the project
boundary, Lockhart Power proposes to
consult with state and federal resource
agencies on the implementation of
BMPs during project refurbishment and
maintenance activities. Lockhart Power
would minimize effects to terrestrial
resources by limiting ground-disturbing
activities and disturbance of riparian
vegetation whenever possible on lands
acquired for project purposes.
South Carolina DNR supports the
applicant’s proposal to consult with
state and federal agencies on the
implementation of BMPs during all
construction and maintenance activities
to preserve the vegetative communities
within the project boundary. FWS
52 77
PO 00000
FR 69,994, 70,047 (Nov. 21, 2012).
Frm 00036
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
recommends that the applicant avoid
and minimize any adverse impacts to
fish, wildlife, shoreline vegetation, and
other natural resources while
conducting construction and
maintenance activities.
Our Analysis
The majority of disturbances to
vegetation and wildlife related to
Lockhart Power’s project refurbishment
activities and installation of the
proposed recreation area would be
temporary, minor, and confined to
approximately 2 acres of previously
disturbed habitats within the footprint
of the former textile mill and associated
parking lots and roadways. The noise
and movement of equipment and
materials associated with replacing the
193-foot-long portion of the penstock
could disturb wildlife, especially small
species with confined home ranges or
limited mobility. However, this portion
of the penstock is above ground so the
disturbances would be temporary and
would not change the character of the
surrounding habitat. Most wildlife
would likely leave the immediate
project area and return when
construction and repairs are complete.
Periodic mowing along the existing
paved access road and trimming of tree
limbs and underbrush along the
proposed canoe portage trail are
necessary to maintain access to the
proposed project facilities. Given that
the existing project transmission line is
adjacent to the access road, periodic
mowing would be limited and would
not affect any unique terrestrial habitat
or change the character of the vegetation
within the ROW corridor. The proposed
canoe portage is within an existing
(non-project) transmission line ROW.
Consequently, trimming trees and
underbrush to maintain recreation
access would cause little incremental
disturbance to plants or wildlife.
Implementing BMPs during project
refurbishment, recreation area
installation, and periodic vegetation
maintenance activities would minimize
potential disturbances to vegetation and
wildlife. BMPs to preserve terrestrial
habitats could include, but not be
limited to, minimizing disturbances to
existing vegetation, maintaining a
riparian buffer on project shorelines,
and cleaning construction and
maintenance equipment before and after
use to prevent the transport of seeds and
fragments of invasive non-native
vegetation to new (uninfested) areas.
Effects of Invasive Non-Native Plants
Alligatorweed is a prolific non-native
plant and a South Carolina noxious
weed that has become established in the
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project impoundment. Alligatorweed
competes with native riparian and
aquatic species, reducing the quality of
fish and wildlife habitat where it
becomes established. Large mats of
alligatorweed can impede boating and
access to the shore. These mats could
become fragmented and spread during
in-water construction activities, such as
during the canoe take-out and
mechanical removal of sediment from
the impoundment. Fluctuations in the
impoundment levels and periodic
sediment management activities may
also create conditions facilitating its
Lockhart Power does not propose any
specific measures to control existing
mats of alligatorweed and does not
anticipate that project refurbishment
would affect the distribution of this
species within the project boundary
(Lockhart Power, 2011b).
Lockhart Power also states that
alligatorweed was not observed growing
on the southern shore of the
impoundment at the proposed canoe
take-out (Lockhart Power, 2012).
Similarly, Lockhart Power does not
propose any specific measures to
control alligatorweed in the
impoundment during operation, mainly
because it does not anticipate that this
species would interfere with project
operations. Rather, Lockhart Power
states that proposed project operation
could aid in controlling this species
through periodic dewatering (i.e.
drawdowns) and potential exposure to
freezing temperatures during the winter
No one recommended measures to
control alligatorweed.
Our Analysis
Extensive mats of alligatorweed have
become established in the project
impoundment. Although alligatorweed
was not present in areas that would be
disturbed during project refurbishment
or at the canoe put-in and take-outs in
2010 when Lockhart Power examined
the impoundment, it may have spread
into these areas. Construction activities
could facilitate their spread in the
impoundment and downstream from the
project. A survey of the impoundment
prior to beginning construction repairs
and developing the canoe portages
would determine if specific BMPs
should be taken to prevent its spread.
Any such BMPs could be developed in
consultation with FWS and South
Carolina DNR based on the survey
Once operational, flow fluctuations
from peaking operations may help
control the spread of alligatorweed as
Lockhart Power suggests. However,
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daily impoundment fluctuations of 1 to
4 feet can also stress existing riparian
communities, causing some of the
existing riparian vegetation to die and
exposing shorelines to erosion and
colonization of non-native invasive
plants. Periodic monitoring of invasive
species in the impoundment would
facilitate early detection of new invasive
plant introductions, as well as the
spread of invasive species, including the
existing mats of alligatorweed.
Monitoring would also allow Lockhart
Power, the resource agencies, and the
Commission to determine when, and if,
correction measures may be needed to
protect native plant communities and
the wildlife that depend on them.
To be effective, the monitoring
program should define the monitoring
schedule, include a means to document
changes in invasive species composition
and distribution between monitoring
events, and include criteria that would
determine when corrective actions may
be required.
Avian Electrocution Hazards
Birds in the project area may have
become accustomed to using the
transmission lines and poles for
perching or nesting. Transmission lines
can represent an electrocution hazard to
roosting and perching birds if the
spacing between the conductors and
ground wires is narrower than the bird’s
wingspan, or when they use poles for
Lockhart Power proposes to use the
existing transmission line which
extends from the powerhouse along the
project access road to an existing Duke
Energy distribution line to deliver
power to the grid. However, the current
condition of the project transmission
line is unknown. Lockhart Power also
did not provide any description of the
design of the transmission lines to
determine if the line could represent an
electrocution hazard.
Lockhart Power did not propose and
no one recommended any measures to
address these potential hazards.
Our Analysis
APLIC, a consortium of utilities, and
FWS developed guidelines for design of
electrical lines to minimize potential for
electrocutions (APLIC, 2006). The
APLIC guidelines define applicable
separation distances for energized
conductors and groundwires. The
guidelines also describe measures to
deter perching and/or nesting
depending on transmission line pole
As part of project refurbishment,
Lockhart Power would need to
determine the condition of the existing
PO 00000
Frm 00037
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
line as well as any repairs that may be
necessary to transmit power. While
conducting this initial inspection of the
transmission line, Lockhart Power could
concurrently evaluate whether the
transmission line was built in
accordance with the APLIC guidelines
and look for evidence of bird nesting on
the poles. Depending on the design,
corrective measures may be needed to
minimize electrocution hazards, which
could include monitoring or the
installation of insulation, line marking
devices, and structures to discourage
perching and/or nesting (i.e. for poles
where other protection measures cannot
be used). However the extent or need for
such measures cannot be determined
until the evaluation is complete.
Effects of Flow Fluctuations on Plants
and Wildlife
Lockhart Power’s proposal to resume
hydroelectric operations with 1 to 4-foot
fluctuations in the impoundment would
affect some of the terrestrial, riparian,
and littoral habitats. Impoundment
fluctuations can affect the distribution,
species composition, and productivity
of riparian and littoral habitat. In
general, hydroelectric impoundments
with extreme long or short-term
fluctuation in water surface elevations
exhibit reduced plant species diversity,
reduced plant productivity, and a
proliferation of exotic species (Stanford
et al., 1996), and provide less value for
wildlife, especially for breeding
waterfowl and hibernating reptiles and
amphibians (Nilsson and Berggren,
To address the potential effects of
project operation and maintenance on
terrestrial resources, Lockhart Power
proposes to maintain a 25-foot-wide
forested riparian buffer around the
project impoundment, as well as the
tailrace and bypassed reach downstream
from the dam, as long as this does not
interfere with Lockhart Power’s ability
to perform project-related activities. In
order to preserve natural conditions,
Lockhart Power would also minimize
ground-disturbing activities and
disturbance of riparian vegetation
whenever possible on acquired lands.
Lockhart Power would consult with the
South Carolina DNR in the event that it
needed to make exceptions to these
environmental protection measures.
South Carolina DNR and Interior
support Lockhart Power’s proposal to
establish and maintain a 25-foot riparian
buffer on all shorelines within the
project boundary and to avoid and/or
minimize disturbances and adverse
impacts to soils, vegetation, wildlife,
and other natural resources. Interior also
recommended measures to address
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existing and potential project-induced
erosion on project shorelines, as
discussed in section 3.3.1, Geologic and
Soil Resources.
Our Analysis
Lockhart Power states that its
proposed project operation would only
affect those areas within the natural
banks of the Enoree River, and, thus,
would have no effect on terrestrial
resources (Lockhart Power, 2011b).
However the 2-foot-tall flashboards were
washed out during a storm event in late
2009. The flashboards were
subsequently replaced, but were
damaged again in 2012 and 2013 by
floodwaters, floating logs, and tree
stumps (FERC, 2013). Therefore the
existing full pool condition is two feet
lower than Lockhart Power’s proposed
full pool condition and vegetation has
had over 3 years to colonize the exposed
shoreline. The results of Lockhart
Power’s Headpond Fluctuation Study
conducted in 2010, indicate that the
width of the littoral zone and the
associated riparian vegetation along the
impoundment has increased since the
flashboards were washed out. Once
Lockhart Power reinstalls/repairs the
flashboards and resumes project
operation, a portion of the riparian zone
would be inundated again potentially
submerging existing vegetation.
Riparian plant communities are made
up of species adapted to varying degrees
of water level fluctuations. Water level
fluctuations associated with project
operation could lead to changes in
species composition and distribution in
the riparian zone.
Lockhart Power’s proposal to
minimize ground-disturbing activities
and disturbance of riparian vegetation
whenever possible on acquired lands
would ensure that effects to terrestrial
resources during project operations and
maintenance would be minor and
temporary. Maintaining a 25-foot-wide
forested buffer around the
impoundment, the tailrace, and
bypassed reach downstream from the
dam would minimize the effects of flow
fluctuations during project operation by
minimizing soil erosion, filtering
pollutants and slowing runoff from
impermeable surfaces in the project
area. The buffer would also preserve a
movement corridor for wildlife.
Lockhart Power’s proposal to consult
with South Carolina DNR regarding any
exceptions on its proposed terrestrial
resource protection measures would
provide a mechanism to address future
unforeseen actions that could adversely
affect riparian vegetation and the
wildlife it supports. Limiting
disturbances to soils and vegetation,
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maintaining a 25-foot riparian buffer,
and using the shoreline stabilization
methods described in section 3.3.1,
Geologic and Soil Resources, would
further reduce the potential for invasive
plant establishment and protect native
plants and wildlife.
Effects of Project Repairs, Construction,
Operation, and Maintenance on Special
Status Terrestrial Species
Georgia aster is not known to occur
within the project boundary and there is
limited potential habitat for this species
in the project area. No measures were
proposed or recommended to protect
this species.
Our Analysis
Because the majority of the project
area is dominated by mature riparian
hardwood forest and Lockhart Power
proposes to minimize disturbances to
existing vegetation wherever possible, it
is unlikely that Georgia aster would
become established in the project area.
Therefore the proposed project repairs,
operation, and maintenance are not
expected to affect Georgia aster.
3.3.4 Threatened and Endangered
Affected Environment
Three federally listed terrestrial
species and one aquatic species are
known to or potentially occur in
Spartanburg or Laurens Counties, South
Carolina and could potentially occur
within the project area.
Aquatic Species
FWS lists the federally endangered
Carolina heelsplitter mussel (Lasmigona
decorate) as potentially occurring in
Laurens County. Endemic to South
Carolina and North Carolina, the
historic range of this species is not
known, although current data suggest it
was relatively widespread in the Pee
Dee and Catawba river systems in North
Carolina and the Pee Dee, Savannah and
Saluda systems in South Carolina.
Current distribution in South Carolina is
limited to generally small populations
in the Lynches River (Pee Dee River
system), tributaries to the Savannah
River, a tributary to the Saluda River,
and one location in the Catawba River
Basin. Carolina heelsplitter is usually
found on mud, muddy sand, or muddy
gravel substrates in cool, slow-moving,
small to medium-sized streams or rivers
along well-shaded streambanks. Stable
streambanks and channels, with pool,
riffle and run sequences, little or no fine
sediment, and periodic natural flooding,
appear to be required for the Carolina
heelsplitter. The stability of the stream
PO 00000
Frm 00038
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
banks appears to be a very important
factor in the habitat.
South Carolina DNR spatial
distribution data for threatened and
endangered species indicate no known
occurrences of Carolina heelsplitter in
Laurens or Spartanburg Counties.
Further, freshwater gastropods surveys
conducted in the project area in support
of relicensing found no live, dead, or
shell fragments of Carolina heelsplitter;
this species was one of the primary
target species of the survey effort.
Terrestrial Species
One federally listed plant species, the
dwarf-flowered heartleaf (Hexastylis
naniflora), is known to occur in
Spartanburg County. Dwarf-flowered
heartleaf is a terrestrial plant species
that typically occurs on bluffs and in
ravines in deciduous forests with acidic
sandy loam soils, often in association
with mountain laurel. A search of the
South Carolina Heritage Trust
Geographic Database of Rare and
Endangered Species revealed no
occurrences of dwarf-flowered heartleaf
in the Enoree Quad, where the project
would be located. Further, field surveys
of sites containing the Pacolet, Madison,
or Musella soil types required by this
species, conducted in support of
licensing as part of the Rare, Threatened
and Endangered Species Assessment,
found no occurrences of the species
within the project area.
The red-cockaded woodpecker
(Picoides borealis) is listed as
endangered at both the state and federal
level and is known to occur in Laurens
County. The red-cockaded woodpecker
is endemic to open, mature, and old
growth pine ecosystems in the
southeastern United States. Over 97
percent of the pre-colonial era redcockaded woodpecker population has
been eradicated, leaving only roughly
14,000 red-cockaded woodpeckers
living in about 5,600 colonies scattered
across eleven states, including South
Carolina. Red-cockaded woodpecker
decline is generally attributed to a loss
of suitable nesting and foraging habitats,
including longleaf pine systems, due to
logging, agriculture, fire suppression,
and other factors. Suitable nesting
habitat generally consists of open pine
forests and savannahs with large, older
pines and minimal hardwood midstory
or overstory. Living trees, especially
older trees that are susceptible to redheart disease making them more easily
excavated, provide red-cockaded
woodpecker’s preferred nesting cavities.
Suitable foraging habitat consists of
open-canopy, mature pine forests with
low densities of small pines, little
midstory vegetation, limited hardwood
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
overstory, and abundant bunchgrass and
forb groundcover.
The expansive old-growth pine forests
required by this species do not occur in
the areas surrounding the project.
Further, South Carolina DNR spatial
distribution data indicate no
documented occurrences of redcockaded woodpecker in Laurens and
Spartanburg Counties, suggesting that
the ‘‘known’’ status listed by FWS for
Laurens County may potentially be
related to historical records of this
species. Terrestrial areas within the
project area were examined for presence
of the mature longleaf pine forest
required by red-cockaded woodpeckers
as part of the Rare, Threatened and
Endangered Species Assessment. No
such habitat was documented.
Environmental Effects
Our Analysis
No federally listed species are known
to occur within the project area.
Suitable habitat for the red-cockaded
woodpecker does not occur in the area.
Therefore, refurbishment, operation,
and maintenance of the proposed
project would have no effect on the
endangered Carolina heelsplitter
mussel, the threatened dwarf-flowered
heartleaf, or the endangered redcockaded woodpecker.
Recreation and Land Use
Affected Environment
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Statewide Recreation Plan
The 2008 South Carolina State
Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation
Plan (SCORP) guides recreation
planning and development in the state.
The plan has no specific
recommendations for the project area;
however, it does identify major goals for
recreation within the state. These goals
include: Providing a balanced and
comprehensive system of public and
private recreation opportunities;
conserving and interpreting significant
historic, cultural, and natural areas; and
encouraging cooperation between
various agencies, levels of government,
private enterprise, and volunteers to
meet the state’s recreation needs. The
SCORP also identifies issues associated
with recreation supply and demand in
the state. The plan indicates there is a
demand for additional trail
development for walking, boating, and
equestrian use; additional education
and outreach relating to outdoor
recreation opportunities; and
development of, or improvements to,
recreation access for various user groups
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including the elderly and disabled
(South Carolina DPRT, 2008).
Regional Recreation Resources
Spartanburg and Laurens counties are
regionally-important destinations for
outdoor recreation activities such as
fishing, hiking and sightseeing. The
region is home to several state parks,
recreation areas and historic sites.
Recreation lands account for over
28,000 acres in the region and provide
opportunities for hiking, camping,
fishing, motorized- and non-motorized
boating, horseback riding, picnicking,
and wildlife viewing.
The South Carolina Rivers
Assessment (1988) identifies several
high-value recreation areas on the
Enoree River. A four-mile reach of the
Enoree, upstream of the project, from
State Route 14 in Pelham to State Route
296 is identified as regionally
significant for whitewater boating,
which American Whitewater (2009)
identifies as having Class II and III
rapids under normal flow conditions.
Downstream from the project, from RM
42 to the confluence with the Broad
River, the Enoree River is designated as
both a regionally-significant flatwater
boating river and as a back-country
boating river of statewide significance.
The entire Enoree River from its
headwaters to the confluence with the
Broad River is categorized as a
recreational fishing river of regional or
local significance (South Carolina WRC
and NPS, 1988).
Formal recreational boating
opportunities are provided on the
Enoree River Canoe Trail, which begins
approximately 16 miles downstream
from the project, at the western border
of the Sumter National Forest’s Enoree
Ranger district (RM 36). The trail
continues through the National Forest to
the Enoree River’s confluence with the
Broad River. Six hand-carry boat ramps
provide access to the canoe trail for nonmotorized boaters. The canoe trail is
characterized by steep hardwood bluffs,
bottomland forests, and small marshy
areas. In the early spring, high flows
make the river unsafe for flatwater
recreational boating. In the late spring
and fall, fast-moving flatwater
conditions are best for experienced
paddlers. Summer flows, particularly
during drought conditions, are generally
too low for recreational boating (U.S.
Forest Service, 2010). The South
Carolina Trails Plan (2002) identifies 45
miles of Enoree River in Spartanburg
County and 5 miles of the river in Union
County for future development as a
canoe trail.
PO 00000
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Recreation in the Project Vicinity
In the vicinity of the project, boating
on the Enoree River is limited by a lack
of developed boating access and boat
ramps. The shallow nature of some
sections of the river, which typically
ranges in depth from 2 to 6 feet, limits
boating access to canoes and flatbottomed boats of less than 14 feet in
length (U.S. Forest Service, 2010). Nonmotorized boaters typically access the
river at informal locations like bridge
crossings or dams. There are no formal
portage facilities on the stretch of river
near the proposed project, and small
dams, such as the Riverdale dam,
impede navigation.
Angling activities near the proposed
project occur primarily from shore and
are concentrated in tributaries and
below the Pelham and Riverdale dams.
Largemouth bass, crappie, channel
catfish, yellow perch, bluegill, gizzard
shad, redear sunfish, and redbreast
sunfish are the primary game fish
expected in the Enoree River (see
section 3.3.2, Aquatic Resources). There
is no fish consumption advisory for the
Enoree River in the vicinity of the
Recreation at the Proposed Project
There are no formal recreation
facilities located at the project. Under
Inman Mill’s license, the project was
exempt from filing the Licensed
Hydropower Development Recreation
Report (FERC Form 80) because of the
lack of recreation facilities and potential
for recreation use.53 However, members
of the public periodically use the
impoundment for fishing, as evidenced
by the presence of discarded bait
containers, fishing line, and other
Land Use
The project is located on the Enoree
River, which comprises the border
between Laurens and Spartanburg
counties, South Carolina. The project is
located within the Enoree River
subwatershed, which extends from the
confluence of Beaverdam Creek,
immediately upstream of the project
impoundment at RM 52, to Duncan
Creek south of the town of Whitmire at
RM 20. Lands in the subwatershed are
typically undeveloped, with forest lands
comprising 61.6 percent of the
watershed and agricultural lands
comprising an additional 26.7 percent.
Major agricultural uses include hay
pastures and crops such as peaches,
soybeans, and grain corn. Other land
uses within the watershed are urban/
53 See FERC issuance of March 16, 1998 for the
Riverdale Project No. 4362.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
developed lands (5.8 percent), wetlands
(4.5 percent), and barren lands (1.8
The most intensive land uses in the
project vicinity occur in the town of
Enoree, located north of the project in
Spartanburg County, and the town of
Lanford, to the south of the project in
Laurens County. These areas are
characterized primarily by residential,
commercial, and industrial
development. Both counties regulate
private land development through
planning and zoning measures.
The project boundary encloses
approximately 25.9 acres, of which 11.3
acres are land. The remainder is
occupied by the waters of the
impoundment, bypassed reach, and
tailrace. Aerial photos indicate that
within the project boundary, the
predominant land cover is forest. The
bypassed reach of the Enoree River is
characterized by bedrock, granite dome,
and cobble overlaid with sand bars,
which create a series of riffles and
pools. Limited industrial use, including
the project’s powerhouse and disturbed
areas formerly occupied by Inman Mills,
is also present along the northern
shoreline of the project. For more
information about ground cover and
wildlife habitat within the project
boundary, see sections 3.3.1, Geologic
and Soil Resources and 3.3.3, Terrestrial
There are no lands in the immediate
vicinity of the project that are included
in the national trails system or
designated as wilderness lands. No
portion of the Enoree River is included
on the list of wild and scenic rivers;
however, the reach of the Enoree River
from RM 0 to RM 98 is listed on the
Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI) for
its outstanding values in scenery,
recreation, geology, fish, wildlife,
history, and cultural significance. The
NRI, which was created in 1982 and
amended in 1993, identifies river
segments in the United States that are
believed to possess one or more
‘‘outstandingly remarkable’’ natural or
cultural values judged to be of more
than local or regional significance (NPS,
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Environmental Effects
Recreation Enhancements and Public
Lockhart Power proposes to construct
and maintain a 1,650 foot-long portage
trail around the dam, a parking area
adjacent to the portage trail, a canoe
take-out located approximately 220 feet
upstream of the dam, and a canoe putin located approximately 1,075 feet
downstream from the dam. Signage
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would be posted at both the canoe takeout and put-in denoting their purpose.
Directional signage would be used along
the portage trail to indicate the locations
of the take-out and put-in. Lockhart
Power also proposes to provide informal
public access for fishing at the project,
including at the impoundment, tailrace,
and bypass reach.
All proposed recreation facilities
would be located within the project
boundary. The proposed portage trail
and parking area would be located
entirely on lands owned by the
Woodruff Roebuck Water District. The
trail would follow two separate
transmission line ROW, owned and
maintained by Duke Energy, that cross
the Water District’s property. Lockhart
Power has proposed to operate and
maintain the recreation facilities
through an agreement with the Water
District. FWS, South Carolina DNR, and
American Rivers concur with the
proposed recreation measures.
Our Analysis
Lockhart Power’s proposed recreation
enhancement measures, including the
canoe take-out, put-in, and portage trail
would address the need for canoe trail
development in the region, as identified
by the South Carolina State Trails Plan
(2002) and South Carolina SCORP
(2008). The addition of a formal portage
trail along with signs identifying the
canoe take-out and put-in would
improve access to the outdoors and
enhance the quality of the recreation
experience on the Enoree River. Signage
and parking would improve
accessibility and provide information
about recreation opportunities at the
Increased recreation use induced by
the proposed recreation features may
negatively affect wildlife and aquatic
habitat at the project. However, by
formalizing recreation access, Lockhart
Power would have more opportunities
to manage the effects of recreation on
sensitive areas. For example, although
the portage trail may bring additional
recreation use to the area, it would also
protect terrestrial resources from the
effects of informal portaging that may
already be occurring. The shoals in the
bypassed reach, a unique habitat on the
Enoree River, would be protected by
guiding users to a developed put-in,
rather than dispersing access along the
reach. The spread of non-native invasive
terrestrial plant species, such as
Japanese stilt grass, would be
minimized by restricting foot traffic to
the maintained transmission line ROW.
Lockhart Power expects that the
public would continue informal use of
the impoundment and areas
PO 00000
Frm 00040
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Sfmt 4703
downstream from the dam for fishing or
sightseeing. Signage indicating standard
safety measures, as required as part of
any Commission-issued license, would
ensure that public access would not
compromise project operations, safety,
or security. Additional signage referring
to ‘‘pack-it-in, pack-it-out’’ garbage
disposal at the parking area, as well as
the canoe take-out and put-in, could
limit negative effects of public use on
the surrounding environment. The
Licensed Hydropower Development
Recreation Report (Form 80—filed every
6 years) would allow Lockhart Power to
assess recreation use at the project and
determine if additional measures would
be needed to address future recreation
Effects of Project Operation and Flows
on Recreation
Project operation has the potential to
affect recreational boating at the project.
Lockhart Power proposes to operate the
project in ROR mode with daily
peaking, as well as maintain continuous
minimum flows of 50 cfs in the
bypassed reach during project
operations. See section 2.2.1, Proposed
Project Operation, for a more detailed
description of Lockhart Power’s
proposal. Interior and South Carolina
DNR recommend Lockhart Power
provide minimum flows to the bypassed
reach that are consistent with the Water
Plan. American Rivers recommends
seasonally-adjusted, continuous
instream flows for the bypassed reach.
The minimum flows recommended by
Interior, South Carolina DNR, and
American Rivers are higher than those
recommended by Lockhart Power.
Our Analysis
The proposed canoe put-in, which
would be located downstream from the
dam on the shore of the bypassed reach,
may be unusable under low-flow
conditions. In situations where the
canoe launch is unusable, boaters would
be required to portage to an area farther
downstream past the confluence of the
Enoree River and the project tailrace.
Informal portaging could affect wildlife
habitat or increase the spread of
invasive plant species.
Higher minimum flows in the
bypassed reach, as recommended by
Interior, South Carolina DNR, and
American Rivers would provide greater
latitude for boat launching in the
bypassed reach. However, the effect of
diverting flows from the bypassed reach
is unlikely to be significant because
during summer months or in drought
conditions, much of the Enoree River is
too shallow for recreational boating,
independent of project operations.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Spring and fall are the primary boating
seasons on the Enoree, and during those
periods flows through the project would
be sufficient for use of the proposed
portage trail and canoe put-in.
Flow fluctuations associated with
peaking also have the potential to affect
recreational flows downstream from the
project in the Enoree River. As
discussed in section 3.3.2, Aquatic
Resources, peaking operations would
ultimately alter the existing natural flow
regime to one of increased daily
fluctuation downstream from the
tailrace and in the bypassed reach.
Lower flow through the project when
the project’s impoundment recharges
would negatively affect recreation
downstream from the project by
increasing the likelihood that boaters
would need to portage shallow areas of
the river. However, pulses of higher
flows when peaking operation begins
may provide recreational benefits by
providing additional boating depth
downstream from the project. Because
Lockhart Power anticipates operating in
ROR mode for much of the time, the
effects of peaking operations are
expected to be minimal.
Drawdowns of the project
impoundment associated with peaking
operations, may also affect use and
maintenance of the proposed canoe
take-out and recreational boating
upstream of the dam. However, standard
canoe launch designs can accommodate
a wide range of river levels, with proper
siting and maintenance. Lockhart
Power’s proposed canoe take-out would
be a positive amenity on a section of the
river that currently is undeveloped for
recreation. Additionally, conditions for
recreational boating immediately
upstream of the project may improve
with repair to the project’s flashboards
and maintenance of the project
Land Use
Lockhart Power proposes to restore
the project to operating status and
construct recreation enhancements
within the project boundary. In
addition, Lockhart Power proposes to
maintain all lands within 25 feet of the
project shorelines as a forested riparian
buffer, unless those lands are required
for other project purposes. Lockhart
Power also proposes to negotiate with
the Water District regarding
maintenance of forested riparian buffers
on any lands that the applicant cannot
obtain through purchase. FWS and
South Carolina DNR concur with the
proposed land management measures to
stabilize erosion of project shorelines,
reduce runoff into the Enoree River, and
provide wildlife habitat.
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Our Analysis
Refurbishing, operating, and
maintaining the proposed project would
have no effect on land use within the
project boundary. The addition of a
portage trail would add additional
recreation lands to the project boundary;
however, that use would be consistent
with existing land use. Additionally, the
portage trail would follow two existing
transmission line ROW, limiting ground
disturbance and reducing the potential
for effects on terrestrial habitat within
the project boundary.
The applicant’s proposal to maintain
a 25-foot forested buffer along project
shorelines would be consistent with the
recommendations by FWS and South
Carolina DNR to protect shoreline and
riparian habitats. Additional analysis of
measures to reduce erosion, prevent
runoff, and protect wildlife habitat are
discussed in sections 3.3.1., Geologic
and Soil Resources, and 3.3.3.,
Terrestrial Resources.
The Enoree River’s designation on the
NRI would not be affected by the
proposed project. The reach of the
Enoree River from RM 0 to RM 98 was
listed on the NRI in 1982, when the
project was operational. Returning the
project to operating status would be
unlikely to significantly affect or alter
the character of the river. Further, the
addition of a portage trail would
improve recreation access to a reach of
the Enoree River that has been
identified for its outstanding recreation
Cultural Resources
Affected Environment
Area of Potential Effects
Section 106 of the NHPA of 1966, as
amended, requires that the Commission
evaluate the potential effects of
continued operation of the project on
properties listed or eligible for listing on
the National Register. Such properties
listed, or eligible for listing, in the
National Register are called historic
properties. In this case, the Commission
must take into account whether any
historic property could be affected
within the project’s area of potential
effects (APE). The APE is defined as the
geographic area or areas within which
an undertaking may directly or
indirectly cause alterations in the
character or use of historic properties, if
any such properties exist. We define the
APE for the proposed Riverdale Project
as: (1) Lands enclosed by the proposed
project boundary; and (2) lands or
properties adjoining the proposed
project boundary, where the authorized
project uses may cause changes in the
PO 00000
Frm 00041
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Sfmt 4703
character or use of historic properties, if
historic properties exist.
Cultural History Overview
The archaeological record dates
Native American presence in central
South Carolina to at least the late PaleoIndian period (11,000 B.C.-8,000 B.C.).
The earliest Native Americans in the
area used the region to forage and hunt
on a seasonal basis. Over the Archaic
(8,000 B.C.-1,000 B.C.) and Woodland
(1,000 B.C.-1000 A.D.) periods, Native
populations grew larger and more
sedentary. These populations developed
trade networks and became more
dependent on agriculture for
subsistence (FERC, 2010). Prior to
European settlement, the primary Native
American groups in the region were the
Catawba and Cherokee. The Cherokee
maintained territory in the area of
Spartanburg County until 1777 (Benson,
Permanent European settlement in
South Carolina began in 1670 on the
Ashley River near present-day
Charleston. By 1700, settlers had moved
inland and up the Congaree River to the
fall line (south of present-day Columbia,
South Carolina), which marked the
upper limit of navigation. Modern
industrial development of upstate South
Carolina began in 1815 with the
construction of series of water-powered
textile mills in Greenville and
Spartanburg counties. Many early mills
failed due to lack of capital, shortage of
workers, limited distribution, and
competition from more established
textile mills in New England and New
York. Following the Civil War, local
investors began to renew their interest
in the region’s textile mills.
In 1888, a group of Charleston
investors purchased property for the
Riverdale Mill, which was constructed
between two hills with Two Mile Creek
running under the factory. The project’s
original hydroelectric facilities,
including the dam, forebay, headrace,
penstock, and turbine were installed
between 1910 and 1913 and were used
to power the manufacturing operations
at the mill. The mill changed owners
several times during the twentieth
century, being last owned by Inman
Mills, which refurbished the project’s
turbine and penstock in the 1980s. The
project has been inoperable since 2001,
when the adjacent textile mill was
closed. The original mill buildings and
powerhouse were removed by the
current owner and the original concrete
and brick masonry powerhouse was
replaced with a wood frame building
with a wood truss roof system and
asphalt shingles.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
Archeological Resources and Historic
There are no known archeological
sites or historic properties that would be
affected by the proposed Riverdale
Project. As discussed previously, while
the project dates from the early 20th
century, many of the mill’s original
facilities were removed in recent years.
Environmental Effects
On November 23, 2009, the
Commission designated Lockhart Power
as a non-federal section 106
representative, which enabled it to
conduct the day-to-day section 106
consultation responsibilities pursuant to
36 CFR § 800.2(c)(4) of the Preservation
Act regarding their proposal to repair or
upgrade the existing turbine unit and
return the project to operation. By letter
dated December 7, 2009 and filed as
part of the license application on
August 31, 2010, the South Carolina
SHPO determined that no historic
properties listed in, or eligible for listing
in, the National Register would be
affected by the project.
By letter filed September 30, 2010, the
Catawba Indian Nation stated that they
have no immediate concerns with
regard to traditional cultural properties,
sacred sites, or Native American
archeological sites at the project. The
Catawba Indian Nation also commented
that the tribe should be notified if
Native American artifacts and/or human
remains are located during ground
disturbing activities. In comments efiled January 18, 2012, the Catawba
Indian Nation requested that the
applicant consult with the tribe prior to
any ground disturbing activities and
indicated that a cultural resource survey
involving shovel testing would likely be
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Our Analysis
Based on the assessment of the South
Carolina SHPO and the information in
the record for this proceeding, operation
of the proposed project would not alter
the historic character of existing
structures. In addition, there would be
no historic properties affected by the
construction and operation of the
proposed project.
At this time, there is also no evidence
indicating the presence of archeological
properties within the project’s APE that
would warrant a cultural resource
survey and shovel testing as
recommended by the Catawba Indian
Nation. However, it is possible that
unknown archaeological or historic
resources may be discovered in the
future as a result of project construction,
operation, or other project related
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activities. If such resources are
discovered, immediately stopping work
and consulting with the Commission,
the South Carolina SHPO and the
Catawba Indian Nation to define
appropriate treatment would prevent
any further harm to previously
unidentified archaeological or cultural
3.4 No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, the
Riverdale Project would not be
refurbished, operated, and maintained
by Lockhart Power. There would be no
changes to the physical, biological, or
cultural resources of the area, and
electrical generation from the project
would not occur. The power that would
have been developed from a renewable
resource would have to be replaced
from nonrenewable fuels. The proposed
public recreation amenities and access
points would not be built and public
access to the Enoree River in this area
would not be available.
4.0 Developmental Analysis
In this section, we look at the
Riverdale Project’s use of the Enoree
River for hydropower purposes to see
what effect various environmental
measures would have on the project’s
costs and power benefits. Under the
Commission’s approach to evaluating
the economics of hydropower projects,
as articulated in Mead Corp.,54 the
Commission compares the current
project cost to an estimate of the cost of
obtaining the same amount of energy
and capacity using a likely alternative
source of power for the region (cost of
alternative power). In keeping with
Commission policy as described in
Mead, our economic analysis is based
on current electric power cost
conditions and does not consider future
escalation of fuel prices in valuing the
hydropower project’s power benefits.
For each of the licensing alternatives,
our analysis includes an estimate of: (1)
The cost of individual measures
considered in the EA for the protection,
mitigation, and enhancement of
environmental resources affected by the
project; (2) the cost of alternative power;
(3) the total project cost (i.e. for
construction, operation, maintenance,
and environmental measures); and (4)
the difference between the cost of
alternative power and the total project
cost. If the difference between the cost
of alternative power and the total
54 See Mead Corporation, Publishing Paper
Division, 72 FERC ¶ 61,027 (July 13, 1995). In most
cases, electricity from hydropower would displace
some form of fossil-fueled generation, in which fuel
cost is the largest component of the cost of
electricity production.
PO 00000
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project cost is positive, the project
would produce power for less than the
cost of alternative power. If the
difference between the cost of
alternative power and the total project
cost is negative, the project would
produce power for more than the cost of
alternative power. This estimate helps
to support an informed decision
concerning what is in the public interest
with respect to a proposed license.
However, project economics is only one
of many public interest factors the
Commission considers in determining
whether, and under what conditions, to
issue a license.
4.1 Power and Developmental Benefits
of the Project
Table 12 summarizes the assumptions
and economic information we use in our
analysis. This information was provided
by Lockhart Power in its license
application and its responses to staff’s
additional information requests. We
find that the values provided by
Lockhart Power are reasonable for the
purposes of our analysis. Cost items
common to all alternatives include:
Taxes and insurance costs; net
investment (the total investment in
power plant facilities to be depreciated);
estimated future capital investment
required to maintain and extend the life
of plant equipment and facilities;
licensing costs; normal operation and
maintenance cost; and Commission fees.
Throughout this section all dollars are
2013, unless otherwise specified.
[Source: Staff and Lockhart Power]
Economic parameter
Average annual generation
Composite power value ..........
Period of analysis ...................
Term of financing ....................
Capital investment ..................
License application cost ..........
Interest/discount rate ..............
Federal tax rate .......................
State tax ..................................
Insurance (percent) .................
Annual Operation and Maintenance.
30 years.
20 years.
7.0 percent.d
34 percent.d
3.0 percent.d
a Value from license application dated August 31, 2010, as clarified in Lockhart Power’s
responses to staff’s additional information request, filed on August 5, 2011.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
b The composite power value was provided
by Lockhart Power and incorporates peak and
off-peak energy and capacity rates and a
value for Renewable Energy Credits offered
by North Carolina. The basis of these values
is a power purchase contract currently offered
by Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC.
c This value includes staff’s estimate of cost
to purchase the project site and Lockhart Power’s estimate to rehabilitate the project features.
d Assumed by staff.
4.2 Comparison of Alternatives
Table 13 summarizes the installed
capacity, annual generation, cost of
alternative power, estimated total
project cost, and the difference between
the cost of alternative power and total
project cost for the three alternatives
considered in this EA: No-action,
Lockhart Power’s proposal, and the staff
[Source: Staff]
Annual generation (MWh) ..........................................................................................
Annual cost of alternative power ...............................................................................
($/MWh) .....................................................................................................................
Annual project cost ....................................................................................................
($/MWh) .....................................................................................................................
Difference between the cost of alternative power and project cost ..........................
($/MWh) .....................................................................................................................
Lockhart Power’s
Staff alternative
Note: A number in parentheses denotes that the difference between the cost of alternative power and project cost is negative, thus the total
project cost is greater than the cost of alternative power.
No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative,
Lockhart Power would not rehabilitate
the Riverdale Project; the project would
not generate electricity; and no
environmental protection, mitigation, or
enhancement measures would be
Lockhart Power’s Proposal
The Riverdale Project has been
inoperable since 2001. After repairing
the hydroelectric facilities, Lockhart
Power proposes to operate the project in
a ROR mode, with daily peaking under
certain flow conditions. Upon
completion of the proposed repairs, the
project’s installed capacity would be
1.24 MW and would generate an average
of 4,895 MWh of electricity annually.
The average annual cost of alternative
power under Lockhart Power’s proposal
would be about $353,957 ($72.31/
MWh). The average annual project cost
would be about $619,336 ($126.52/
MWh). Overall, the project would
produce power at a cost that is about
$265,378 ($54.21/MWh) more than the
cost of alternative power.
4.2.3 Staff Alternative
The staff alternative includes most of
the measures proposed by Lockhart
Power, with some modifications and
additional recommended measures. The
additional staff-recommended measures
that would increase the annual cost of
the project include: (a) A soil erosion
and sediment control plan; (b) a
sediment management plan; (c) a
shoreline stabilization plan; (d) a water
quality monitoring plan; (e) higher
continuous minimum flows in the
bypassed reach; (f) an operation
compliance monitoring plan; (g) an
invasive vegetation monitoring and
control plan; and (h) an evaluation of
the project transmission line
consistency with APLIC guidelines.
Under the staff alternative, the project
would generate an average of 4,370
MWh of electricity annually. The
average annual cost of alternative power
under the staff alternative would be
about $315,995 ($72.31/MWh). The
average annual project cost would be
about $613,481 ($140.38/MWh).
Overall, the project would produce
power at a cost that is about $297,487
($68.07/MWh) more than the cost of
alternative power. The staff alternative
would increase the annual project cost
about $32,109, or about $13.86/MWh,
compared to the project as proposed by
Lockhart Power.
Cost of Environmental Measures
Table 14 gives the cost of each of the
environmental enhancement measures
considered in our analysis.55 We
convert all costs to equal annual
(levelized) values over a 30-year period
of analysis to give a uniform basis for
comparing the benefits of a measure to
its cost.
[Source: Staff and Lockhart Power]
Enhancement/mitigation measure
Capital cost
Annual cost
Levelized cost
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Geology and Soils Resources
1. Develop and implement a soil erosion and sediment control plan, which includes the BMPs described in the
South Carolina DHEC’s Stormwater BMP Handbook.
55 Lockhart Power provided costs for specific
protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures
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South Carolina
DNR, Staff.
in its license application dated August 31, 2010,
and in its responses to the Commission’s additional
PO 00000
Frm 00043
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
information request (Lockhart Power, 2011a; 2011b;
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
[Source: Staff and Lockhart Power]
Enhancement/mitigation measure
2. Implement a sediment management plan that consists of
using the sand gates for periodic inspections and maintenance drawdowns and, if possible, avoiding drawdowns
from March 15 through June 1.
3. Develop and implement a sediment management plan
that includes provisions to: (a) Test impoundment sediments for heavy metals and other contaminants prior to
beginning in-water construction activities; (b) prepare a
contingency plan for proper disposal b of any contaminated sediments found in the impoundment; (c) monitor
sediment accumulation in the impoundment annually; (d)
develop criteria that would trigger, sediment removal and
proper disposal, if necessary; (e) conduct maintenance
drawdowns in late fall and winter (November through
January); (f) avoid drawdowns from March 15 through
June 1, if possible; and (g) file an annual report.
4. Develop and implement a shoreline stabilization plan
with provisions to: (a) Identify eroding or potential projectinduced erosion sites on project shorelines prior to operation; (b) stabilize areas of shoreline erosion; (c) monitor
shorelines after resuming operation and implement stabilization techniques as necessary; (d) conduct shoreline
stabilization activities from September through February if
possible; and (e) file an annual report.
Lockhart Power .....
Capital cost
Annual cost
Levelized cost
c 12,000
d 1,000
Lockhart Power .....
e 20,174
Interior,f South
Carolina DNR,
NMFS, American
e 80,851
Staff .......................
e 45,540
Interior, South
Carolina DNR,
NMFS, Staff.
South Carolina
DNR, Interior,
Lockhart Power,
Interior, South
Carolina DNR,
Interior, Staff ..........
Aquatic Resources
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
5. Develop and implement a water quality monitoring plan
with provisions to: (a) Monitor DO, temperature, and turbidity prior to the start of construction, during construction, and for 1 year after project operation begins; (b) define sampling methods, timing, and locations for monitoring these parameters in consultation with South Carolina DHEC, FWS, and NMFS; and (c) file a report that
presents the monitoring data, describes any project-related effects and identifies corrective actions if necessary.
6. Maintain a minimum flow of 50 cfs in the bypassed reach
and a total minimum continuous flow of 60 cfs downstream from the project.
7. Provide the following seasonal minimum instream flows
into the bypassed reach (based on the South Carolina
Water Plan and a MADF of 393 cfs): 79 cfs (July–November), 118 cfs (May, June, and December), and 157
cfs (January–April).
8. Provide a continuous minimum instream flow of 75 cfs
into the bypassed reach.
9. Develop and implement a plan to release required minimum flows into the bypassed reach that includes: (a) A
feasibility assessment for using the sand gates as a flowrelease mechanism; (b) if found to be feasible, a study to
determine how the sand gates would be used to distribute flow into the bypassed reach; (c) if the sand gates
are not feasible, a description of how the minimum
instream flows would be provided to the bypassed reach;
(d) a report documenting the outcome of the feasibility
assessment, flow study, and consultation with the agencies; and (e) an implementation schedule.
10. Develop and implement a low inflow protocol/drought
contingency plan.
11. Develop and implement an operation compliance monitoring plan that includes: (a) A rating curve to provide the
seasonally defined flows; (b) protocols to monitor and
document compliance with required flows; (c) protocols to
monitor and document impoundment fluctuations; and (d)
an implementation schedule.
12. Modify trash rack bar spacing at the headrace intake by
decreasing the spacing from 2.25 inches to 1 inch.
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PO 00000
Interior, NMFS,
Interior ...................
Frm 00044
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
[Source: Staff and Lockhart Power]
Capital cost
Annual cost
Levelized cost
Enhancement/mitigation measure
13. Conduct fish surveys before and after construction, and
1 year after construction is complete.
14. Conduct comprehensive invertebrate surveys before
and after construction, and 1 year after construction is
Interior ...................
Interior ...................
Lockhart Power, Interior, South
Carolina DNR,
and Staff.
Staff .......................
h 6,000
h 1,000
Staff .......................
h 5,000
Lockhart Power, Interior, South
Carolina DNR,
and Staff.
e 3,811
Lockhart Power, Interior, South
Carolina DNR,
and Staff.
Lockhart Power,
e 660
h 10,000
Terrestrial Resources
15. Implement BMPs to protect vegetation within the project
boundary, such as limiting vegetation and ground-disturbing activities and maintaining a minimum 25-foot-wide
forested riparian buffer on project shorelines, as long as
this does not interfere with Lockhart Power’s ability to
perform project-related activities.
16. Develop and implement an invasive vegetation monitoring and control plan that includes: (a) Survey methods
to determine the extent of alligatorweed in the impoundment and riparian area prior to beginning refurbishment
activities; (b) BMPs, as well as monitoring and control
methods to prevent the spread of alligatorweed in the impoundment to areas downstream from the dam during
project refurbishment; (c) monitoring protocols to detect
the introduction or spread of other invasive plants within
the project boundary during operation and maintenance;
(d) criteria that would determine when corrective actions
would be required; and (e) a schedule for filing monitoring reports and any recommended control measures.
17. Determine if the project transmission line is consistent
with APLIC guidelines, consult with FWS, and file a report with the Commission describing the results of the
evaluation and any measures recommended by FWS.
Recreational and Land Use
18. Construct and maintain a canoe take-out located approximately 220 feet upstream of the dam; a canoe put-in
located approximately 1,075 feet downstream from the
dam; a 1,650-foot-long portage trail connecting the proposed canoe take-out and put-in; and a parking area located adjacent to the proposed portage trail.
19. Provide informal public access for fishing at the project
impoundment, tailrace, and bypassed reach.
20. Install informational signage that includes: (1) Identification of the canoe take-out and put in; (2) directions from
the parking area to river access points; and (3) information regarding garbage disposal.
Cultural Resources
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
21. Stop work and notify the South Carolina SHPO and the
Catawba Indian Nation, and follow the South Carolina
SHPO’s guidance if any unknown archaeological resources are discovered as a result of project construction, operation, or project-related activities.
22. Consult with the Catawba Indian Nation prior to any
ground disturbing activities, and conduct a cultural resource survey involving shovel tests, if necessary.
Staff .......................
Catawba Indian
a Sediment management would occur in conjunction with periodic inspections and maintenance activities. There are no additional costs associated with this measure.
b We assume that the cost of initial sediment disposal, if necessary, is included in Lockhart Power’s estimates for project refurbishment.
c This cost includes the initial/capital cost of monitoring sediment accumulation in the impoundment.
d The precise frequency of monitoring sediment accumulation would likely be determined after consultation with the South Carolina DHEC, the
Corps, South Carolina DNR, and Interior.
e In many cases in this table, the 30-year levelized cost is lower than the annual cost (i.e. operation and maintenance cost). The reason for this
is the levelized cost includes an estimate of tax savings that the applicant would realize due to the combined high capital (including interest and
depreciation) and operation and maintenance costs of the measure.
f Interior’s recommendation actually called for a seasonal flow of 80 cfs from July through November instead of 79 cfs.
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
g We
estimate that the implementation of the measure would not result in any appreciable additional cost.
estimated by staff.
cost is included in the $15K for constructing and maintaining the portage trail. The additional staff measures are not expected to increase
the overall cost.
h Cost
i This
5.0 Conclusions and
Lockhart Power’s proposal as modified
by staff, and the no-action alternative.
We estimate the annual generation of
the project under those three
alternatives. Our analysis shows that the
annual generation would be 4,895 MWh
5.1 Comparison of Alternatives
In this section we compare the
development and non-developmental
effects of Lockhart Power’s proposal,
for the proposed action and 4,370 MWh
for the staff alternative. Under the noaction alternative, no power would be
generated. We summarize the
environmental effects of the different
alternatives below in table 15.
[Source: staff]
No action alternative
Proposed action
Staff recommended alternative
Generation ...................
Geology and Soils .......
0 MWh ........................
Impoundment sediments would continue to accumulate
and be flushed
downstream from
the dam during high
4,895 MWh ......................................................
Project refurbishment would disturb about 2
acres of vegetation. Implementing BMPs
would minimize soil disturbance and erosion. Avoiding drawing down the impoundment between March 15 and June 1 would
prevent the release of large quantities of
sediment into the bypassed reach in the
Enoree River during fish spawning season.
Water Quality (during
No change in existing
water quality conditions.
Short-term increases in turbidity and sedimentation during rehabilitation; BMPs
would minimize erosion and sedimentation.
Water Quality (postconstruction).
No change in existing
water quality conditions.
Project flow diversions could reduce DO levels and raise water temperatures in bypassed reach.
Fishery Resources
(during construction).
No change to the fishery resources.
Short-term increases in turbidity and sedimentation during construction could adversely affect fish habitat in the Enoree
River downstream from the dam.
Fishery Resources
No change to the fishery resources.
No change in existing
Reduction of flow to 50 cfs in the bypassed
reach and 60 cfs downstream from the
project would likely result in poor to low
quality fishery and benthic habitat conditions in the bypassed reach; Impoundment
surface elevation fluctuations of up to 4
feet below full pool with associated adverse
effects on impoundment fish habitats; Entrainment of fish through the development’s
2.25-inch trashrack.
Project refurbishment, operation, and maintenance would result in minor, temporary disturbances to upland vegetation and wildlife.
However, in-water repair work, peaking operation, and sediment management activities
alligatorweed from the impoundment to
areas downstream or facilitate introduction
of other invasive plants. In addition, project
transmission lines may represent an electrocution hazard to birds.
4,370 MWh.
Same as proposed action, but implementing
a site-specific soil erosion and sediment
control plan and a more clearly defined
sediment management plan would more effectively minimize erosion and impoundment sediment loads, helping to prevent an
accidental release of large quantities of
sediment downstream. Implementing a
shoreline stabilization plan would further reduce potential erosion and sedimentation
during operations and also benefit fish and
wildlife in the riparian and littoral areas of
the project.
Same proposed action, but implementing a
water quality monitoring plan during preand post- construction activities would provide a mechanism to identify and address
water quality effects.
Same as proposed action, except higher minimum flows would reduce the potential for
elevated temperatures and low DO levels.
Implementing a water quality monitoring
plan would detect any effects to water
quality caused by project operations and
Same as proposed action, except that implementation of a water quality monitoring
plan and a soil erosion and sediment control plan during construction activities may
minimize adverse effects of turbidity and
sedimentation on fish habitat downstream
from the dam.
Same as the proposed action except that
minimum flows in the bypassed reach
would be reduced to 75 cfs year-round.
Minimum flows would maintain adequate
Terrestrial Resources ..
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Wetlands ......................
No effect .....................
No effect ..........................................................
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PO 00000
Frm 00046
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Same as proposed action, except developing
and implementing an invasive vegetation
monitoring and control plan, would minimize spread and introductions of non-native invasive plants and benefit native plant
communities and the fish and wildlife in the
project area. In addition, evaluating the
transmission line for consistency with
APLIC guidelines and consulting with FWS
to identify mitigative measures, if needed,
would minimize the risk of avian electrocution.
No effect.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
[Source: staff]
No action alternative
Proposed action
Threatened and Endangered Species.
Recreational Access ....
No effect .....................
No effect ..........................................................
No effect.
No effect .....................
The addition of a portage trail, parking, and
directional signage would improve canoe
portaging around the project.
Land Use .....................
No effect .....................
Cultural Resources ......
No effect .....................
Slight increase in recreation land use within
the project boundary. This use would be
consistent with existing land uses, and,
therefore, would have no adverse effect.
No effect ..........................................................
Same as the proposed action. Additional
signage requesting visitors to pack out their
garbage would reduce the likelihood that
any increase in recreation use at the
project would negatively affect the surrounding environment.
Same as proposed action.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
5.2 Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative
Sections 4(e) and 10(a)(1) of the FPA
require the Commission to give equal
consideration to the power development
purposes and to the purposes of energy
conservation; the protection, mitigation
of damage to, and enhancement of fish
and wildlife; the protection of
recreational opportunities; and the
preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality. Any license
issued shall be such, as in the
Commission’s judgment, will be best
adapted to a comprehensive plan for
improving or developing a waterway or
waterways for all beneficial public uses.
This section contains the basis for, and
a summary of, our recommendations for
licensing the Riverdale Project. We
weigh the costs and benefits of our
recommended alternative against other
proposed measures.
Based on our independent review of
agency and public comments filed on
this project and our review of the
environmental and economic effects of
the proposed project and its
alternatives, we selected the staff
alternative, as the preferred option. We
recommend this option because: (1)
Issuance of a hydropower license for the
project would allow Lockhart Power to
develop and operate the project and
provide a dependable source of
electrical energy for the region (4,370
MWh annually); (2) the 1.24 MW of
electric energy generated from a
renewable resource may offset the use of
fossil-fueled, steam-electric generating
plants, thereby conserving nonreviewable resources and reducing
atmospheric pollution; (3) the public
benefits of this alternative would exceed
those of the no-action alternative; and
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Staff recommended alternative
(4) the recommended environmental
measures would protect and enhance
environmental resources affected by the
In the following section, we make
recommendations as to which
environmental measures proposed by
Lockhart Power or recommended by
agencies and other entities should be
included in any license issued for the
project. In addition to Lockhart Power’s
proposed environmental measures, we
recommend additional staffrecommended environmental measures
to be included in any license issued for
the project. We also discuss which
measures we do not recommend
including in the license.
Measures Proposed by Lockhart Power
Based on our environmental analysis
of Lockhart Power’s proposal discussed
in section 3.0, Environmental Analysis,
and the costs discussed in section 4.0,
Developmental Analysis, we conclude
that the following measures proposed by
Lockhart Power would protect and
enhance environmental resources in the
project area, and would be worth the
cost. Therefore, we recommend
including these measures in any license
issued for the project.
• Implement BMPs to protect
vegetation within the project boundary,
such as limiting vegetation and grounddisturbing activities and maintaining a
minimum 25-foot-wide forested riparian
buffer on project shorelines, as long as
this does not interfere with Lockhart
Power’s ability to perform projectrelated activities.
• Construct and maintain: (1) A canoe
take-out located approximately 220 feet
upstream of the dam; (2) a canoe put-in
located approximately 1,075 feet
downstream from the dam; (3) a 1,650-
PO 00000
Frm 00047
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
No effect. However, if any unknown archaeological resources were found, Lockhart
Power would stop work and notify the
South Carolina SHPO and the Catawba Indian Nation.
foot-long portage trail connecting the
proposed canoe take-out and put-in; (4)
a parking area located adjacent to the
proposed portage trail; and (5) signage
to improve public access at the project
and to the Enoree River.
• Provide informal public access for
fishing at the project impoundment,
tailrace, and bypassed reach.
Additional Measures Recommended by
We recommend the measures
described above, as well as 12
additional staff-recommended measures
and modifications to Lockhart Power’s
proposed measure(s). These additional
and modified measures include the
• Develop and implement a sitespecific soil erosion and sediment
control plan, which includes the BMPs
described in the South Carolina DHEC’s
Stormwater BMP Handbook, to
minimize erosion and sedimentation
during soil-disturbing activities
associated with project construction and
• Develop and implement a sediment
management plan that includes
provisions to: (a) Test impoundment
sediments for heavy metals and other
contaminants prior to beginning inwater project construction activities and
initial operation; (b) prepare a
contingency plan for proper disposal of
any contaminated sediments that may
be found in the impoundment; (c)
monitor sediment accumulation in the
impoundment annually to facilitate
planning of sediment management
activities; (d) develop criteria that
would trigger sediment removal from
the impoundment (i.e. by opening the
sand gates, if appropriate, during high
flow events, or via mechanical
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
methods); (e) conduct sediment
management activities during the
months of November through January
except during high rain events (e.g.
tropical storms or hurricanes); (f) avoid
maintenance activities that would draw
down the impoundment below normal
operating levels and potentially pass
sediment into the bypassed reach from
March 15 through June 1, if possible, to
minimize adverse impacts to spawning
fish; and (g) prepare annual reports with
sediment monitoring results, sediment
management activities, and an
evaluation of the effectiveness of the
plan in minimizing sediment
accumulation in the impoundment.
• Develop and implement a shoreline
stabilization plan that includes
provisions to: (a) Identify eroding or
potential project-induced erosion sites
on the project shorelines prior to
beginning operation; (b) stabilize areas
of shoreline erosion using native
vegetation, bio-engineering, slope
flattening, toe armoring with anchored
logs, and/or riprap that incorporates
native vegetation plantings; (c) monitor
shorelines after resuming operation, and
implement stabilization measures if
project-induced erosion is identified; (d)
conduct shoreline stabilization activities
from September through February to
protect aquatic species and wildlife; and
(e) file annual reports describing
monitoring results and any
implemented shoreline stabilization
• Develop and implement a water
quality monitoring plan that includes
provisions to: (a) Monitor DO,
temperature, and turbidity prior to the
start of project construction, during
construction, and for 1 year after project
operation begins to ensure the levels
specified by the current state water
quality standards are met and aquatic
resources are protected; (b) define
sampling methods, timing, and
locations for these parameters in
consultation with South Carolina DHEC,
FWS, and NMFS; and (c) file a report
that presents the monitoring data,
describes any project-related effects and
identifies corrective actions if necessary.
• Release a continuous minimum
flow of 75 cfs in the bypassed reach to
protect aquatic habitat.
• Develop and implement a plan to
release required minimum flows into
the bypassed reach that includes: (a) A
feasibility assessment for using the sand
gates as a flow-release mechanism; (b) if
found to be feasible, a flow study to
determine how the sand gates would be
used to distribute flow into the
bypassed reach to protect aquatic
habitats; (c) if the sand gates are not
feasible, a description of how the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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minimum instream flows would be
provided to the bypassed reach; (d) a
report documenting the outcome of the
feasibility assessment, flow study, and
consultation with the agencies; and (e)
an implementation schedule.
• Develop and implement a low
inflow protocol/drought contingency
plan to define periods of extended
drought and the low inflow protocols to
minimize adverse effects on generation,
and on fish and wildlife, water quality,
water supply, and generation.
• Develop and implement an
operation compliance monitoring plan
that includes: (a) A rating curve to
provide the seasonally defined flows; (b)
protocols to monitor and document
compliance with required flows; (c)
protocols to monitor and document
impoundment fluctuations; and (d) an
implementation schedule.
• Develop and implement an invasive
vegetation monitoring and control plan
that includes: (a) Survey methods to
determine the extent of alligatorweed in
the impoundment and riparian area
prior to beginning refurbishment
activities; (b) BMPs, as well as
monitoring and control methods to
prevent the spread of alligatorweed in
the impoundment to areas downstream
from the dam during project
refurbishment; (c) monitoring protocols
to detect the introduction or spread of
other invasive plants within the project
boundary during project operation and
maintenance; (d) criteria that would
determine when control measures
would be required; and (e) a schedule
for filing monitoring reports and any
recommended control measures with
the Commission.
• Determine whether the existing
project transmission line is consistent
with APLIC guidelines. Identify, in
consultation with FWS, measures to
minimize potential electrocution
hazards to birds and file a report with
the Commission describing the results
of the evaluation and any measures
recommended by FWS.
• Install informational signage that
includes: (a) Identification of the canoe
take-out and put in; (b) directions from
the parking area to river access points;
and (c) information regarding garbage
disposal in order to improve public
information available at the project and
protect environmental resources.
• Stop work and notify the South
Carolina SHPO and the Catawba Indian
Nation if any unknown archaeological
resources are discovered as a result of
project construction, operation, or
project-related activities to avoid,
lessen, or mitigate potential adverse
PO 00000
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We discuss the basis for our
recommended measures below.
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Project refurbishment, tailrace
dredging, and construction of the
proposed canoe take-out, put-in, and
portage trail would result in soildisturbing activities that could increase
turbidity and sedimentation in the
Enoree River. Lockhart Power’s proposal
would limit ground-disturbing activities
to previously disturbed areas within the
footprint of the former textile mill and
associated parking lots and roadways,
minimizing adverse effects on vegetated
areas. Developing a site-specific soil
erosion and sediment control plan that
includes standard industry BMPs (such
as those found in South Carolina
DHEC’s Stormwater BMP Handbook)
would further reduce potential soil
erosion and sedimentation effects.
Applicable erosion and sediment
control BMPs may include the use of silt
fences, sediment traps, stabilized
construction entrances, and alternative
techniques that may be developed in
consultation with the South Carolina
DHEC. We do not expect that
development of the soil erosion and
sediment control plan would incur any
additional costs not already included in
the costs for project refurbishment.
Based on our review and analysis
contained in section 3.3.1, Geologic and
Soil Resources, we find that the benefits
of implementing a soil erosion and
sediment control plan as described
above are worth these costs.
Initial Testing of Impoundment
There currently is no information on
the volume of sediment deposits and
potentially embedded contaminants in
the Riverdale impoundment. However,
the Enoree River carries a high sediment
load and visual observations indicate a
significant buildup of sediment in the
impoundment. Project refurbishment
activities and operation could disturb
the bottom sediments and release a large
amount of sediment downstream,
causing any heavy metals or other
contaminants present within the
sediments to re-suspend with clays, silt,
sand, and other sediments in the water
column. Depending on the toxicity,
contaminants suspended and
transported in the water column could
then harm fish and wildlife and
adversely affect other stream uses.
Testing for heavy metals and other
contaminants in the sediment in the
impoundment prior to beginning
operation, as recommended by Interior,
would prevent the accidental release of
any toxic substances and allow for their
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
proper disposal. The test results would
help Lockhart Power, the resource
agencies, and South Carolina DHEC
design appropriate methods for shortand long-term sediment management at
the project, discussed next. Preparing a
contingency plan for handling any
contaminated sediments would ensure
that sediments are disposed of properly
and would minimize potential adverse
effects to aquatic resources. Based on
our review and analysis contained in
section 3.3.1, Geologic and Soil
Resources, we find that the benefits of
initial testing of impoundment
sediments and preparing a plan for
proper disposal of any identified
contaminated sediments as elements of
a sediment management plan are worth
the estimated annual levelized cost
provided below.
Sediment Management Plan
Project rehabilitation and periodic
dam maintenance (e.g., repair the sand
gates) would likely require drawing
down the impoundment below the
normal operating levels of four feet,
resulting in the re-suspension and
discharge of sediment from the
impoundment. Heavy sediment loads
can adversely affect fish and wildlife,
recreation opportunities, and other
stream uses.
Lockhart Power’s proposal to avoid
periodic inspection and maintenance
drawdowns from March 15 to June 1
would prevent the release of large
sediment loads during fish spawning
periods, but would do little to actively
manage sediment deposited behind the
dam. Actively managing sediment
within the impoundment, as
recommended by Interior, and South
Carolina DNR, would help prevent the
buildup of sediment in the
impoundment and minimize the risk of
potentially releasing excessive sediment
loads through the sand gates during
planned and un-planned maintenance
activities. Conducting maintenance
drawdowns and sediment management
activities between November and
January, as recommended by the
agencies, would ensure that sediment
management is occurring when flows
are most likely to be high enough to
carry the sediment downstream from the
sensitive shoals habitat and avoid fish
spawning periods.
To be effective, sediment management
would need to include provisions to: (a)
Test impoundment sediments for heavy
metals and other contaminants prior to
beginning project repairs; (b) prepare a
contingency plan for proper disposal of
any contaminated sediments that may
be found; (c) monitor sediment
accumulation in the impoundment
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annually; (d) develop criteria triggering
sediment removal from the
impoundment (i.e. by opening the sand
gates, if appropriate, during high flow
events, or via mechanical methods); (e)
conduct sediment management
activities from November through
January except during high rain events
(e.g., tropical storms or hurricanes); and
(f) avoid maintenance activities that
would draw down the impoundment
below normal operating levels and
potentially pass sediment into the
bypassed reach from March 15 through
June 1 unless required for emergency
purposes. Annual monitoring reports
would assist the Commission and
resource agencies in documenting
compliance with the requirements of
any license issued and evaluating the
overall effectiveness of the sediment
management plan.
Based on our review and analysis
contained in section 3.3.1, Geologic and
Soil Resources, we find that the benefits
of implementing a sediment
management plan with the measures
outlined above are worth the estimated
annual levelized cost of $1,597.
Shoreline Stabilization Plan
Resuming project operation as
Lockhart Power proposes would result
in impoundment fluctuations between 1
and 4 feet. As Interior notes, such
fluctuations may cause shoreline
erosion and lead to instability in the
riparian zone, channel aggradation,
increased turbidity, and associated
adverse effects to fish and invertebrates.
Developing and implementing a
shoreline stabilization plan, as
recommended by Interior, would
identify and stabilize any existing areas
of active erosion, minimizing the
potential for erosion due to project
operation. It would also allow Lockhart
Power to effectively and efficiently
focus any monitoring efforts on specific
areas prone to erosion in the project
boundary and address those areas before
they become a significant problem.
Using native vegetation and techniques
such as bio-engineering, slope
flattening, toe armoring with anchored
logs, and/or riprap that incorporates
native vegetation plantings would
stabilize eroding shorelines while
providing habitat for wildlife and
aquatic species. Implementing shoreline
stabilization measures during the fall
and winter (i.e. September through
February), except under emergency
situations, as recommended by Interior,
would help minimize potential
disturbances to aquatic species and
wildlife. As with the sediment
management plan discussed above,
annual reports would assist the
PO 00000
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Commission and resource agencies in
documenting compliance with the
requirements of any license and
evaluating the overall effectiveness of
the shoreline stabilization plan. Based
on our review and analysis contained in
section 3.3.1, Geologic and Soil
Resources, we find that the benefits of
implementing a shoreline stabilization
plan with the measures outlined above
are worth the estimated annual
levelized cost of $1,050.
Water Quality Monitoring Plan
Refurbishing and operating the project
could increase turbidity levels, raise
water temperatures, and lower DO
levels in the impoundment and
bypassed reach. Lockhart Power intends
to monitor water quality as may be
required by South Carolina DHEC, but
did not propose any specific monitoring
Interior recommends that Lockhart
Power: (1) Conduct water quality
monitoring in the impoundment at all
proposed operational drawdowns for a
minimum of 1 year and (2) submit water
quality monitoring results to South
Carolina DHEC, South Carolina DNR,
NMFS, Interior, and the Commission.
Our understanding of water quality in
the project vicinity under existing
conditions is limited. Monitoring
turbidity, DO, and temperature in the
impoundment and bypassed reach prior
to the start of construction, during
construction, and for 1 year after project
operation begins would provide a means
to ensure that the current state water
quality standards (table 4) are met and
that erosion control measures and
minimum flows are adequately
protecting aquatic resources. Therefore,
we recommend that Lockhart Power
develop a water quality monitoring plan
that defines sampling methods, timing,
and locations for monitoring these
parameters in consultation with South
Carolina DHEC, FWS, and NMFS. Based
on our review and analysis contained in
section 3.3.2, Aquatic Resources, we
find that the benefits of developing and
implementing the water quality
monitoring plan with the measures
outlined above would be worth the
estimated annual levelized cost of
Minimum Instream Flows
Since 2001, flows at the project have
passed over the dam rather than the
through the powerhouse to generate
electricity. These flows provide habitat
conditions in the bypassed reach that
support a diversity of fish and
invertebrate species in the complex
shoals habitat, including eight species
identified by the State of South Carolina
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
as ‘‘Conservation Species.’’ Two of the
species, redeye bass and panhandle
pebblesnail, are either declining or rare,
and both are limited in their
distribution within the state.
Lockhart Power proposes to provide a
minimum continuous flow of 60 cfs
downstream from the tailrace and 50 cfs
in the bypassed reach to maintain and
protect aquatic resources in the
bypassed reach and in the Enoree River.
South Carolina DNR, Interior, NMFS,
and American Rivers recommend the
following minimum flows in the
bypassed reach based on the state’s
Water Plan: 79 cfs in July–November (20
percent of MADF); 157 cfs in January–
April (40 percent of MADF); and 118 cfs
in May, June, and December (30 percent
of MADF). Using flow data for the
period 1994 through 2009, South
Carolina DNR, Interior, NMFS, and
American Rivers calculated the flows
based on a prorated MADF of 393 cfs.
Using the most current flow data
available (1994–2012), we calculated a
MADF of 374 cfs and base our
recommendations on this flow
The Water Plan’s minimum flow
regime is based on flow studies
conducted at six regulated reaches in
the South Carolina Piedmont, and three
distinct periods that capture high
(January–April), low (July–November),
and increasing (December) or decreasing
(May, June) flow periods (Bulak and
Jobsis, 1989). The Water Plan states that
seasonal variation in flow is important
because fish have evolved to spawn in
synchrony with the hydrologic cycle.
While beneficial to a certain extent,
there is currently no evidence that the
fishes or invertebrates in the bypassed
reach, or downstream from the tailrace
require such annual variation in the
flow regime to complete their life-cycle.
The state’s Water Plan concludes that
the 20 and 30 percent flows represent
‘‘generally adequate’’ and ‘‘adequate’’
flows, respectively, to protect aquatic
habitat and fish during low flow
periods, while 40 percent flows would
protect fishery resources during high
flow periods. As discussed in section, Environmental Effects, a flow of
60 cfs (16 percent of MADF)
downstream of the tailrace and 50 cfs
(13 percent of MADF) into the bypassed
reach falls considerably short of the
Water Plan’s recommended flows in
most months, thus would not likely
maintain adequate aquatic habitat
conditions. However, the Water Plan
recommended flows for January through
April (150 cfs, 40 percent MADF) were
based on flows needed to provide a 1.5foot-deep by 10-foot-wide passage route
at shoals for striped bass. There are no
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striped bass, or other anadromous
species present at the project.56 In
contrast, a flow of 75 cfs (20 percent
MADF 57) from January to April is
expected to provide a channel 1.0-footdeep by 10-foot-wide, which would be
sufficient to maintain habitat and
passage requirements for fish currently
inhabiting the bypassed reach. A flow of
75 cfs also provides generally adequate
flows during low flow periods based the
study conducted by Bulak and Jobsis
Based on the Tennant (1976) method,
a flow of 60 cfs (16 percent of MADF)
downstream of the tailrace and of 50 cfs
(13 percent of MADF) into the bypassed
reach would represent fair or degrading
conditions during the dry season, and
close to poor or minimum conditions
during the wet season. South Carolina
DNR’s variable flows based on the state
Water Plan would result in good
conditions year-round. However, a
continuous minimum flow of 75 cfs (20
percent of MADF) year round would
represent good conditions during the
dry season and close to fair or degrading
conditions during the wet season.
The annual levelized cost of Lockhart
Power’s minimum flow for the bypassed
reach would be $20,174. Providing a
continuous 75-cfs minimum flow to the
bypassed reach would have an annual
levelized cost of $45,540, which is
$25,366 more than the annual levelized
cost of Lockhart Power’s proposed flow
regime. Providing the agencyrecommended minimum flows would
have an annual levelized cost of
$80,851, which would be $60,677 more
than the annual levelized cost of
Lockhart Power’s proposed flow regime.
In consideration of the benefits and
costs of the proposed and recommended
minimum flows as well as the relative
uniqueness of the bypassed reach
fishery within the state of South
Carolina, we conclude that the
appropriate balance of the benefits and
costs of the various flows is best met
through a bypassed reach flow of 75 cfs.
For this reason, we recommend a
license condition requiring Lockhart
Power to provide a continuous
minimum flow of 75 cfs within the
bypassed reach, or inflow if less. We see
no need for a separate minimum flow
requirement for the reach downstream
of the powerhouse as proposed by
Lockhart Power given that a continuous
56 Anadromous fish are also unable to pass
upstream of Parr dam, which is located 65 miles
downstream on the Broad River.
57 The study (i.e. Bulak and Jobsis, 1989) used to
identify Water Plan minimum flows indicated that
if a 1.0-foot-deep by 10-foot-wide was acceptable,
required flows in shoals habitat ranged from 15 to
32 percent of MADF (mean = 24 percent of MADF).
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75-cfs minimum flow in the bypassed
reach would flow downstream to the
reach below the powerhouse and
provide the same benefits to aquatic
Flow Release Plan for Minimum Flows
Into the Bypassed Reach
Lockhart Power proposes to repair the
sand gates and work with the resource
agencies to determine which
combination of gates to use to provide
the required bypassed reach minimum
flows. South Carolina DNR and Interior
recommend Lockhart Power evaluate
the feasibility of using the sand gates to
reliably provide minimum instream
flows on a continuous basis, and the
flow distribution through the gate(s) to
optimize aquatic habitat in the bypassed
reach. American Rivers recommends
Lockhart Power study alternatives to
releasing minimum instream flows to
select the best method to deliver flows
that ensure that the bypassed reach is
fully wetted. NMFS recommends
conducting an instream flow study.
The shoals below the dam are
complex and its distinct physical
features create different habitats on the
north and south side of the bypassed
reach that support different fish and
benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages,
including some rare species. Because
the lack of access prevented Lockhart
Power from determining if it could
make the sand gates operable, a
feasibility assessment would be
necessary as proposed by Lockhart
Power and recommended by the
agencies. If the gates cannot be made
operational or used in a manner to
provide the required flows, alternative
mechanisms would need to be
identified and made operational prior to
operating the project to ensure that the
aquatic resources in the bypassed reach
are protected.
Assuming that the bypassed flows can
be provided through the sand gates,
distributing the flows across the shoals
to optimize benthic invertebrate and
fish habitat may require delivering flows
from one or more sand gates. While
fully wetting the shoals as
recommended by American Rivers
would likely provide some benthic
invertebrate and fish habitat, it may not
provide the best habitat for targeted
channels supporting rare species. To
determine which combination of gates
to use would require a post-licensing
flow study as recommended by NMFS.
Such a study would not be used to
establish required minimum flows
because the minimum flow
requirements have been determined as
described above. Rather, it would be
used to determine how to distribute the
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
required flows to optimize habitat. The
study would need to examine depth,
velocity, and wetted width across the
shoals using various combinations of
the sand gates. We recommend Lockhart
Power select the targeted species and
habitat suitability criteria to evaluate the
flows in consultation with the South
Carolina DNR, FWS, NMFS, and
American Rivers. Developing a flow
release plan that includes the feasibility
assessment and the above flow study
would have an estimated annualized
cost of $546. The benefits of
determining which combination of gates
best optimize aquatic habitats would be
worth the cost.
Low Inflow Protocol/Drought
Management Plan
As discussed above, the staff
recommended minimum flow releases
would adequately maintain aquatic
habitat in the bypassed reach during
most years. However, during moderate
and extreme drought years, such as
those experienced in the Southeast U.S.
from 1998–2002, 2005–2007, and 2012,
inflows to the project may be
insufficient to continually release the
required flow.
During such low inflow periods,
Lockhart Power would implement the
following low inflow protocol: When
average daily project inflow is less than
approximately 80 cfs (+/¥ 10 percent),
continuous project outflow shall
approximately (+/¥ 10 percent) equal
project inflow. However, Lockhart
Power does not explain how or where
such flows would be released, or its
basis for selecting 80 cfs as defining low
inflow/drought conditions. A flow of 80
cfs represents about 20 percent of the
MADF which would be ‘‘generally
adequate’’ to maintain aquatic resources
during typical low inflow periods (July
through November), but would be
inadequate if drought conditions
extended into the typically high flow
The South Carolina DNR and Interior
recommend that Lockhart Power
develop low inflow protocol (i.e. a
drought contingency plan) in
consultation with appropriate federal
and state agencies, local governments,
and other stakeholders that continues to
protect fish and wildlife and other water
uses in the Enoree River.
Ideally, a low inflow protocol would
provide some flexibility to adjust
minimum flows during drought periods
so that the effects of low inflows are
balanced among competing uses. We
recommend Lockhart Power develop a
low inflow protocol in consultation
with South Carolina DNR, Interior, and
NMFS. The protocol should define
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Invasive Vegetation Monitoring and
Control Plan
Existing mats of alligatorweed can
become fragmented and spread during
in-water construction activities, such as
during the installation of the canoe
portage facilities and repairs to the sand
gates, as well as during sediment
management activities. Fluctuations in
the impoundment levels may also create
conditions facilitating its spread.
Lockhart Power does not propose any
measures to monitor or control the
spread of alligatorweed or other
invasive plants that may become
established in the project area.
Developing and implementing an
invasive vegetation monitoring and
control plan would minimize the
potential spread and adverse effects of
alligatorweed during project
refurbishment, and project-related
recreation activities as well as other
invasive plants that may be detected
during project operation and
maintenance. We recommend that
Lockhart Power develop an invasive
vegetation monitoring and control plan
that includes surveying the
impoundment to determine the
distribution of alligatorweed prior to
beginning construction repairs or
installing the canoe portage facilities
and identifying specific BMPs that
should be taken to prevent spreading
this species. We also recommend
periodic monitoring for invasive species
in the impoundment to facilitate early
detection of new invasive plant
introductions, as well as the spread of
the existing mats of alligatorweed. Such
monitoring would allow Lockhart
Power, the resource agencies, and the
Commission to determine when, and if,
correction measures may be needed to
protect native plant communities and
the wildlife that depend on them.
To be effective, the monitoring
program should define the monitoring
schedule, document changes in invasive
species composition and distribution
between monitoring events, and include
criteria that would determine when
corrective actions may be required.
Based on our review and analysis
contained in section 3.3.3, Terrestrial
Resources, we find that the benefits of
implementing an invasive vegetation
management plan with the measures
outlined above are worth the estimated
levelized annual cost of $1,128.
Alligatorweed is a prolific state
noxious weed and that has become
established in the project impoundment.
Alligatorweed competes with native
aquatic species, reducing the quality of
fish and wildlife habitat where it
becomes established. In mats covering
extensive areas, it can impede boating
and access to the shore.
Avian Protection
Lockhart Power proposes to use the
existing transmission line which
extends from the powerhouse along the
project access road to an existing Duke
Energy distribution line. Transmission
lines with inadequate spacing between
the conductors can represent an
electrocution hazards for birds with
water shortage severity levels (i.e.
drought conditions), and how project
operation would be adjusted depending
on drought conditions to balance
competing needs.
Developing the low inflow protocol
would have an annual levelized cost of
$390. There could be additional costs in
some years during droughts that depend
on the operational changes needed and
the frequency and severity of drought
over the term of the license. We find
that the benefits of these measures are
worth the cost.
Operation Compliance Monitoring Plan
Lockhart Power proposes to operate
the Riverdale Project using a
combination of ROR and peaking
modes, resulting in fluctuations
between 1 and 4 feet from the top of the
flashboards. Lockhart Power would
ensure minimum flow releases are being
provided through one or more of the
sand gates by establishing a rating curve
and verifying the rating curve every 6
To assist the Commission in
monitoring compliance with operation
limitations, we recommend Lockhart
Power develop and implement an
operation compliance monitoring plan.
Such a plan would need to explain how
Lockhart Power would monitor
impoundment fluctuations to ensure
that the impoundment is not drawn
down below 4 feet unless required for
maintenance or emergencies beyond the
control of the applicant. The plan would
also need to define how Lockhart Power
would document flows through the sand
gates into the bypassed reach as
required based on the flow release plan.
In addition, the plan should include a
schedule for implementing the
provisions of the plan, maintaining
monitoring equipment, and filing
annual reports with the resource
agencies and the Commission. Based on
our review and analysis contained in
section 3.3.2, Aquatic Resources, we
find that the benefits of implementing
an operation compliance monitoring
plan, with the measures outlined above,
would be worth the estimated levelized
annual cost of $2,161.
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
broad wingspans, such as raptors.
However, Lockhart Power’s limited
access to the project prevented it from
determining and whether the line could
represent an electrocution hazard.
Evaluating the consistency of the
transmission line with APLIC guidelines
would allow Lockhart Power to
determine if a potential hazard exists
and if protective measures may be
needed. If the transmission lines do not
meet APLIC guidelines, potential
mitigation measures could include
changing the relative position of
conductors, or installing insulators, or
structures to discourage perching and/or
nesting (APLIC, 2006). A small cost
would be incurred in evaluating the
consistency of the transmission line
design with APLIC guidelines,
preparing a report, and consulting with
the FWS to determine if potential
measures are needed. Based on our
review and analysis contained in
section 3.3.3, Terrestrial Resources, we
find that the benefits of evaluating the
transmission line against APLIC
guidelines would be worth the
estimated levelized annual cost of $390.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Recreation Signage
Lockhart Power proposes to install a
canoe put-in and take-out, a portage
trail, a parking area, and to use
informational and directional signage to
indicate recreation access at the project.
However, development of more formal
recreation facilities is likely to induce
greater amounts of garbage and debris.
Although recreation use at the project is
expected to remain relatively low,
adding signage reminding users to
‘‘pack-it-in, pack-it-out’’ or a similar
‘‘leave no trace’’ message would help
minimize the accumulation of garbage at
project recreation facilities and reduce
the maintenance responsibility for the
Because Lockhart Power has proposed
developing directional and
informational signage for the project, the
additional signage relating to garbage
disposal would not result in a
significant change to the applicant’s
levelized annual cost of $660.
Cultural Resources
There are no known archeological
sites or historic properties within the
proposed project’s APE; however, there
is a possibility that unknown
archaeological resources may be
discovered due to project construction,
operation, or other project-related
activities. To ensure proper treatment of
any unknown archaeological resources
that may be discovered at the project,
we recommend in the case of any such
discovery that Lockhart Power notify
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and consult with the South Carolina
SHPO and the Catawba Indian Nation
to: (1) Stop work and determine if the
discovered archaeological resource is
eligible for the National Register; (2)
determine if the proposed project would
adversely affect the resource; and (3) if
the resource would be adversely
affected, obtain guidance from the South
Carolina SHPO on how to avoid, lessen,
or mitigate for any adverse effects. Also
we recommend that Lockhart Power
inform the Commission of its discovery
of any unknown archaeological
resource, and any measures proposed if
the archaeological resource is eligible
for the National Register and is
adversely affected by project
construction or operation. There is no
estimated cost associated with this
Measures Not Recommended by Staff
Fish Impingement and Entrainment
Water intake structures at hydropower
projects can injure or kill fish through
impingement at intake screens/trashracks, or entrainment through intakes
and into turbines. The Riverdale Project
currently includes two sets of trash
racks, one of which is located at the
intake to the project headrace and has
2.25-inch bar spacing. Interior
recommends that Lockhart Power install
1-inch bar spacing at the headrace trashrack to avoid and minimize fish
entrainment and mortality.
Our analysis in section,
Environmental Effects, indicates that
entrainment and turbine mortality
impacts of a trash-rack design with 1inch bar spacing are potentially greater
than the impacts of a design with the
existing 2.25-inch bar spacing. Further,
based on the intake velocities and the
size of the bar spacing, most fish
residing in the impoundment would be
able to avoid impingement on the
trashrack, but could be susceptible to
entrainment through the turbines if they
fail to use behavioral avoidance (i.e.
burst swimming). The fish involved
would likely consist of younger and
smaller fish, which generally have high
rates of mortality, even in the absence
of hydropower operations. Fish
populations have generally evolved to
withstand losses of these smaller and
younger individuals with little or no
impact to long-term population
sustainability. Consequently, replacing
the existing trash-rack with a design
having 1-inch bar spacing would not
likely provide any benefits to fishery
resources at the Riverdale Project.
Therefore, we conclude that installation
of 1-inch bar spacing at the headrace
trashrack would not be worth the
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estimated levelized annual cost of
Fish and Macroinvertebrate Surveys
The bypassed reach supports seven
species of fish and one
macroinvertebrate that are considered of
conservation concern by the state.
Interior recommends that Lockhart
Power conduct surveys for fish and
invertebrates before and after
construction at the project, and again 1
year later, to provide information on the
presence of the eight Conservation
Species. Interior requests that Lockhart
Power design the surveys in
consultation with South Carolina DNR,
South Carolina DHEC, NMFS, and FWS,
and that sampling efforts be
concentrated in the multiple habitat
types in the bypassed reach. Interior
states that additional surveys may be
necessary depending on the results.
As explained in section,
Environmental Effects, sufficient
information already exists to document
their occurrence in the bypassed reach
and to evaluate how best to distribute
flows to optimize aquatic habitat to
support these species. Therefore, there
is no need for this information.
Consequently, we conclude that the
information obtained from such surveys
is not worth the estimated levelized
annual costs of $2,341 and $702, for fish
surveys and invertebrate surveys
Cultural Resource Survey
The Catawba Indian Nation
recommends that Lockhart Power
consult with the tribe prior to any
ground-disturbing activity and states
that Lockhart Power would most likely
need to conduct a cultural resources
survey involving shovel testing. Our
analysis in section 3.3.6, Cultural
Resources, indicates that there is no
evidence archeological properties are
present within the project’s APE that
would warrant a cultural resource
survey and shovel testing prior to
project construction. Rather, we
recommend that should unknown
archeological or historic resources be
discovered in the future, as a result of
project construction, operation, or other
project related activities, Lockhart
Power cease ground disturbing activities
and consult with the Commission, the
South Carolina SHPO, and the Catawba
Indian Nation to establish the proper
treatment of any potential
archaeological or cultural resources.
Therefore, we conclude that a cultural
resources survey and shovel testing
prior to ground-disturbing activity
would not be worth the estimated
levelized annual cost of $780.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
Unavoidable Adverse Effects
Project refurbishment and the
addition of canoe portage facilities
would result in some land-disturbing
activities that would affect
approximately 2 acres of land.
Implementing the erosion and sediment
control plan would minimize these
effects. Repairs to the sand gates on the
Riverdale dam spillway would cause
minor amounts of sediment to enter the
Enoree River; however, the sediment
management plan and sediment testing
would ensure that the timing of
sediment releases would occur when
they would have the least adverse effect
to aquatic resources. Repairs to the dam,
penstock, powerhouse and other project
facilities would also cause temporary
and minor disturbances to wildlife near
the construction activities.
Project operation would reduce flows
to the bypassed reach and may release
water that has a lower DO concentration
than existing flows. Recommended
minimum flows would be adequate to
protect existing aquatic resources. Water
quality monitoring would allow
identification of any needed measures to
maintain state water quality standards.
Project operation would result in some
fish impingement and entrainment
mortality of resident fish in the Enoree
River, but these would represent young
fish and be comprised of highly prolific
species that have the ability to
compensate for losses.
5.4 Fish and Wildlife Agency
Under the provisions of section 10(j)
of the FPA, each hydroelectric license
issued by the Commission shall include
conditions based on recommendations
provided by federal and state fish and
wildlife agencies for the protection,
mitigation, and enhancement of fish and
wildlife resources affected by the
Section 10(j) of the FPA states that
whenever the Commission believes that
any fish and wildlife agency
recommendation is inconsistent with
the purposes and the requirements of
the FPA or other applicable law, the
Commission and the agency will
attempt to resolve any such
inconsistency, giving due weight to the
recommendations, expertise, and
statutory responsibilities of such
In response to our REA notice, the
following fish and wildlife agencies
submitted recommendations for the
project: Interior (letter filed September
10, 2012), South Carolina DNR (letter
filed September 10, 2012), and NMFS
(letter filed September 11, 2012). Table
16 lists the federal and state
recommendations filed pursuant to
section 10(j), and indicate whether the
recommendations are included as part
of the Staff Alternative. Environmental
recommendations that we consider
outside the scope of section 10(j) have
been considered under section 10(a) of
the FPA, and are addressed in the
specific resource sections of this
Of the 9 recommendations that we
consider to be within the scope of
section 10(j), we include 7, and do not
include 2 in the staff alternative. We
discuss the reasons for not including
those recommendations in section 5.2,
Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative. Table 16
indicates the basis for our preliminary
determinations concerning measures
that we consider inconsistent with
section 10(j).
[Source: staff]
Within the scope of
section 10(j)
Erosion and Sediment Control
Implement South Carolina DHEC’s stormwater
BMP’s during construction and maintenance
activities to prevent or minimize erosion and
South Carolina DNR ...
Yes ..............................
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Sediment Management Plan
Develop and implement a sediment management plan with provisions to: (a) Consult
with South Carolina DHEC to address the
potential presence of contaminated sediments in the impoundment and additional
monitoring and sediment management
needs; (b) test impoundment sediment for
heavy metals and other contaminants; (c)
monitor sediment accumulation in the impoundment annually; (d) develop criteria
that would trigger sediment removal from
the impoundment, by opening sand gates, if
appropriate, during high flow events, or mechanical methods; (e) conduct sediment
management activities from November–January; and (f) file an annual report describing
sediment monitoring and management activities, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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South Carolina DNR,
PO 00000
Frm 00053
Fmt 4701
Yes ..............................
Sfmt 4703
Yes.b c
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
[Source: staff]
Within the scope of
section 10(j)
Management of Shoreline Erosion
Implement the following measures to minimize
the effects of project operations and associated shoreline erosion: (a) Identify eroding
or potential project-induced erosion sites on
project shorelines prior to beginning operation; (b) stabilize areas of shoreline erosion with native plants, bioengineering,
slope flattening, toe armoring, and/or rip-rap
which incorporates native vegetation plantings; (c) monitor shorelines after operation
and implement stabilization techniques as
necessary; and (d) conduct shoreline stabilization activities September–February to
protect aquatic species and wildlife.
Interior .........................
Yes, because it could
not be done prior to
Water Quality Monitoring
Conduct Water quality monitoring for 1-year at
the impoundment during all proposed
project operational drawdowns.
Interior .........................
No e .............................
Instream Flows
Provide minimum seasonal instream flows into
the bypassed reach based on a MADF of
393 cfs. Seasonal flows to include:
Æ 79 cfs—July–November ...............................
Æ 118 cfs—May, June, and December ...........
Æ 157 cfs—January–April ................................
Develop an instream flow study plan within 6months of license issuance and implement
the plan after spillway gate renovations are
complete, in consultation with NMFS, Interior, South Carolina DNR.
Develop and implement a low inflow protocol/
drought contingency plan, consistent with
the South Carolina Water Plan including
provisions for minimum flow requirements
during drought periods.
Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of
using sand gates to provide minimum flows
into the bypassed reach. Evaluation should
include optimizing downstream habitat.
Not Adopted f (see section
Interior, South Carolina
Yes ..............................
NMFS ..........................
Yes ..............................
South Carolina DNR,
Yes ..............................
Interior, South Carolina
Yes ..............................
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
Aquatic Species Measures
Modify trash rack bar spacing at headrace intake from 2.25 inches to 1 inch to avoid and
minimize fish entrainment and mortality.
South Carolina Conservation Species study:
Conduct comprehensive fish surveys of redeye bass, santee chub, piedmont darter,
thicklip chub, greenfin shiner, notchlip
redhorse, flat bullhead, snail bullhead. Conduct surveys before and after construction
activities as well as 1 year after construction
is complete to provide status of above mentioned priority species. Survey areas are to
include multiple habitats within bypassed
pebblesnail to include provisions of appropriate minimum flows in bypassed reach.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 232001
Interior .........................
Yes ..............................
Not Adopted f (see section
Interior .........................
No e .............................
Interior .........................
No e .............................
PO 00000
Frm 00054
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
No (staff-recommended
minimum flows would
maintain habitat).
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
[Source: staff]
Within the scope of
section 10(j)
Conduct comprehensive invertebrate surveys
within the bypassed reach before and after
construction, and one year after construction is complete. Surveys should be designed in consultation with South Carolina
DNR, NMFS, South Carolina DHEC, and Interior.
Interior .........................
No e .............................
Riparian Buffer Zone
Implement BMPs to protect vegetation within
the project boundary, such as limiting vegetation and ground-disturbing activities and
maintaining a minimum of 25-foot-wide
vegetated buffer zone on all shorelines within the project boundary.
South Carolina DNR,
Yes ..............................
a The
measure was adopted under the staff-recommended soil erosion control plan.
measures were adopted under the staff-recommended sediment management plan.
measures were adopted under the staff-recommended measure to conduct testing for contaminants in the impoundment sediments prior
to beginning project refurbishment activities.
d The measures were adopted under the staff-recommended shoreline stabilization plan.
e Not specific measures to protect, mitigate, or enhance fish and wildlife resources.
f Preliminary findings that recommendations found to be within the scope of section 10(j) are inconsistent with the comprehensive planning
standard of section 10(a) of the FPA, including the equal consideration provision of section 4(e) of the FPA, are based on staff’s determination
that the cost of the measures outweigh the expected benefits.
g This measure is accommodated as part of the flow distribution study to determine how best to distribute flows in the bypassed reach to protect aquatic resources, but not to determine appropriate flows.
h This measure was adopted under the staff-recommendation flow release plan.
i Preliminary findings that recommendations found to be within the scope of section 10(j) are inconsistent with the substantial evidence standards of section 313(b) of the FPA based on a lack of evidence to support the reasonableness of the recommendation or a lack of justification for
the measure.
j The measure is too vaguely defined to assign a cost and instream flow costs are included in the minimum instream flow recommendations.
b The
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
c The
5.5 Consistency With Comprehensive
Section 10(a)(2)(A) of the FPA,58
requires the Commission to consider the
extent to which a project is consistent
with the federal or state comprehensive
plans for improving, developing, or
conserving a waterway or waterways
affected by the project. We reviewed 22
state and federal comprehensive plans
that are applicable to the Riverdale
Project, located in South Carolina. The
project would be consistent with their
provisions with the exception of the
state Water Plan. As discussed in
section 5.2, Comprehensive
Development and Recommended
Alternative, the Water Plan’s minimum
flow regime is based on flow studies
that capture high (January-April), low
(July-November), and increasing
(December) or decreasing (May, June)
flow periods in the South Carolina
Piedmont (Bulak and Jobsis, 1989). The
Water Plan states that periods of
seasonal variation in flow are important
because fish have evolved to spawn in
synchrony with the hydrologic cycle.
While true, there is currently no
evidence that the fishes or invertebrates
58 16
U.S.C. § 803(a)(2)(A).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 232001
in the bypassed reach, or downstream
from the tailrace require such variation
in the annual flow regime to complete
their life-cycle.
Based on the Tennant (1976) method,
Lockhart Power’s proposed minimum
flow of 60 cfs (16 percent of MADF)
downstream of the tailrace and of 50 cfs
(13 percent of MADF) into the bypassed
reach would represent fair or degrading
conditions during the dry season, and
close to poor or minimum conditions
during the wet season. However, a
continuous minimum flow of 75 cfs (20
percent of MADF) year round would
represent good conditions during the
dry season and close to fair or degrading
conditions during the wet season.
In section 5.2 of this EA, we find that
our recommended continuous minimum
flow of 75 cfs provides the best balance
between providing flows for generation
and providing flows for aquatic resource
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
1998. Interstate fishery management plan
for Atlantic striped bass. (Report No. 34).
January 1998.
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
1999. Amendment 1 to the Interstate
Fishery Management Plan for shad and
river herring. (Report No. 35). April 1999.
PO 00000
Frm 00055
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4703
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
2000. Technical Addendum 1 to
Amendment 1 of the Interstate Fishery
Management Plan for shad and river
herring. February 2000.
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
2009. Amendment 2 to the Interstate
Fishery Management Plan for shad and
river herring, Arlington, Virginia. May
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
2010. Amendment 3 to the Interstate
Fishery Management Plan for shad and
river herring, Arlington, Virginia. February
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
2000. Interstate Fishery Management Plan
for American eel (Anguilla rostrata).
(Report No. 36). April 2000.
National Park Service. 1993. The nationwide
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2
of South Carolina. Columbia, South
Carolina. April 1989.
South Carolina Department of Parks,
Recreation, & Tourism. 2008. South
Carolina State Comprehensive Outdoor
Recreation Plan (SCORP). Columbia, South
Carolina. April 2008.
South Carolina Department of Parks,
Recreation, & Tourism. The South Carolina
State Trails Plan. 2002. Columbia, South
Carolina. 2002.
South Carolina Department of Natural
Resources. 2005. South Carolina
Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation
Strategy: 2005–2010. Columbia, South
Carolina. September 2005.
South Carolina Department of Natural
Resources. 2004. South Carolina Water
Plan, Second Edition. Columbia, South
Carolina. January 2004.
South Carolina Department of Natural
Resources. 2000. Lower Saluda Scenic
River Corridor Plan update. Columbia,
South Carolina. December 2000.
South Carolina Water Resources
Commission. 1985. Instream flow study—
Phase I: identification and priority listing
of streams in South Carolina for which
minimum flow levels need to be
established. Report No. 149. Columbia,
South Carolina. June 1985.
South Carolina Water Resources
Commission. 1988. Instream flow study—
Phase II: determination of minimum flow
standards to protect instream uses in
priority stream segments. Report No. 163.
Columbia, South Carolina. May 1988.
South Carolina Water Resources
Commission. National Park Service. 1988.
South Carolina Rivers Assessment.
Columbia, South Carolina. September
South Carolina Wildlife and Marine
Resources Department. 1989. South
Carolina instream flow studies: a status
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National
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2001. Santee-Cooper Basin diadromous
fish passage restoration plan. Charleston,
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United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
Canadian Wildlife Service. 1986. North
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Department of the Interior. Environment
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6.0 Finding of No Significant Impact
Licensing the Riverdale Project would
allow Lockhart Power to rehabilitate an
existing, inoperable hydro facility and
begin generating power. Project repairs
and the addition of canoe portage
facilities would result in some landdisturbing activities that would
permanently affect a small amount of
vegetation. Our recommended measures
would ensure that erosion and
sedimentation at the site is minimized.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:45 Dec 18, 2013
Jkt 232001
Providing minimum flows in the
bypassed reach would ensure state
water quality standards are met and
aquatic habitat is maintained. Project
operation and associated fish
impingement and entrainment would
result in some loss of resident fish in the
Enoree River, but these would represent
young fish and be comprised of highly
prolific species that have the ability to
compensate for losses. Native vegetation
and wildlife within the project
boundary would be preserved by
limiting vegetation and grounddisturbing activities and maintaining a
minimum 25-foot-wide forested riparian
buffer on project shorelines. Public
recreation opportunities would be
improved in the project area and
historic resources are protected for the
life of the license.
On the basis of our independent
analysis, we find that issuance of a
license for the Riverdale Project, with
our recommended environmental
measures, would not constitute a major
federal action significantly affecting the
quality of the human environment.
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Stanford, J.A., J.V. Ward, W.J. Liss, C.A.
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and C.C. Coutant. 1996. A general
protocol for restoration of regulated
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Swearingen, J.M. and P.D. Pannill. 2009. Fact
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altissima). Plant Conservation Alliance’s
Alien Plant Working Group. Available
pdf/aial1.pdf Accessed April 16, 2013.
Tennant, D.L. 1976. Instream flow regimens
for flush, wildlife, recreation and related
environmental resources. Fisheries
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Tramer, E.J. 1977. Catastrophic mortality of
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Travnichek, V.H., and M.J. Maceina. 1994.
Comparison of flow regulation effects on
fish assemblages in shallow and deep
water habitats in the Tallapoosa River,
Alabama. Journal of Freshwater Ecology
Travnichek, V.H., M.B. Bain, and M.J.
Maceina. 1995. Recovery of a warmwater
fish assemblage after the initiation of a
minimum-flow release downstream from
a hydroelectric dam. Transactions of the
American Fisheries Society 124:836–844.
Tyus, H.M., C.W. Brown, and J.F. Saunders,
III. 2000. Movements of young Colorado
pikeminnow and razorback sucker in
response to water flow and light level.
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 15(4):525–
U.S. Forest Service (Forest Service). 2010.
Enoree River Canoe Trail. Available
Accessed March 15, 2013.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA),
National Invasive Species Information
Center. 2013. Species Profile:
Alligatorweed. Available https://
alligatorweed.shtml Accessed April 16,
lll. 2012. What is an invasive species?
Available https://
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2012.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Species
Assessment and Listing Priority
Assignment Form, Georgia aster
(Symphyotrichum georgianum).
Available https://ecos.fws.gov/docs/
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U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). 2013. USGS
surface-water for South Carolina Web
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Venn Beecham, R., C.D. Minchew, and G.R.
Parsons. 2007. Comparative swimming
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Wallus R., and T.P. Simon. 2008.
Reproductive Biology and Early Life
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Willis, D.W. 1986. Review of water level
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Hall and M.J. Van Den Avyle (eds.),
Reservoir fisheries management:
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PO 00000
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Bethesda, Maryland.
Wood, P.J., and P.D. Armitage. 1997.
Biological effects of fine sediment in the
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Management 21(2):203–217.
Wood, R. K. and D. E. Whelan. 1962. Lowflow regulation as a means of improving
stream fishing. Proceedings of the
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Woodruff Roebuck Water District. 2012.
Letter with scoping comments regarding
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Worthen, W.B. 2002. The Structure of Larval
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Responses. Journal of Freshwater
Ecology 16(3):467–477.
List of Preparers
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Sarah Salazar—Project Coordinator,
Geology and Soils, Terrestrial
Resources, Threatened and
Endangered Species (Environmental
Biologist; B.A., Environmental
Studies; M.S., Applied Ecology)
Allan Creamer—Water and Fisheries
Resources (Fisheries Biologist; B.S.
and M.S., Fisheries Science)
Jeanne Edwards—Water Resources
(Environmental Biologist; B.S.,
Biology/Biochemistry; MM, Public
Rachel McNamara—Recreation and
Land Use, Cultural Resources
(Outdoor Recreation Planner; B.A.,
Public Policy/Environmental
Studies; M.C.P., Land Use and
Environmental Planning)
Adam Peer—Fisheries Resources (Fish
Biologist; B.S. Biology; M.S.,
Fisheries Science; Ph.D., Marine,
Estuarine and Environmental
Michael Spencer—Need for Power,
Engineering and Developmental
Analysis (Civil Engineer; B.S., Civil
Appendix A
Fish lengths susceptible to impingement
(shaded gray) and entrainment (shaded blue)
as a function of burst swim speed. Horizontal
dashed line is approach velocity and solid
vertical line is minimum fish length
susceptible to impingement. (Source: Staff).
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[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 244 (Thursday, December 19, 2013)]
[Pages 76903-76968]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-30183]
[[Page 76903]]
Vol. 78
No. 244
December 19, 2013
Part II
Department of Energy
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Lockhart Power Company, Inc.; Notice of Availability of Draft
Environmental Assessment; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 78 , No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2013 /
[[Page 76904]]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Project No. 13590-001]
Lockhart Power Company, Inc.; Notice of Availability of Draft
Environmental Assessment
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (Commission or
FERC) regulations, 18 CFR part 380, the Office of Energy Projects has
reviewed Lockhart Power Company, Inc.'s application for license for the
Riverdale Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 13590-001), located
on the Enoree River, near the town of Enoree, in Spartanburg and
Laurens Counties, South Carolina. The project does not occupy federal
Staff prepared a draft environmental assessment (DEA), which
analyzes the potential environmental effects of licensing the project,
and concludes that licensing the project, with appropriate
environmental protective measures, would not constitute a major federal
action that would significantly affect the quality of the human
A copy of the DEA is available for review at the Commission in the
Public Reference Room or may be viewed on the Commission's Web site at
https://www.ferc.gov using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to
access the document. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support at
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, at (866)208-3676 (toll free), or, 202-502-
8659 (TTY).
You may also register online at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/esubscription.asp to be notified via email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support.
Any comments should be filed within 45 days from the date of this
The Commission strongly encourages electronic filing. Please file
comments using the Commission's eFiling system at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling.asp. Commenters can submit brief comments up to
6,000 characters, without prior registration, using the eComment system
at https://www.ferc.gov/dcos-filing/ecomment.asp. You must include your
name and contact information at the end of your comments. For
assistance, please contact FERC Online Support.
In lieu of electronic filing, please send a paper copy to:
Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20426. The first page of any filing should include
docket number P-13590-001.
For further information, contact Sarah Salazar by phone at 202-502-
6863, or by email at sarah.salazar@ferc.gov.
Dated: December 12, 2013.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Draft Environmental Assessment for Hydropower License
Riverdale Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 13590-001, South
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Energy Projects,
Division of Hydropower Licensing, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC
December 2013
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES............................................. iii
LIST OF TABLES.............................................. iii
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.................................. v
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................... vii
1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................ 1
1.1 APPLICATION......................................... 1
1.2.1 Purpose of Action............................. 1
1.2.2 Need for Power................................ 3
1.3.1 Federal Power Act............................. 5
1.3.2 Clean Water Act............................... 6
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act........................ 6
1.3.4 Coastal Zone Management Act................... 6
1.3.5 National Historic Preservation Act............ 7
1.4 PUBLIC REVIEW AND CONSULTATION...................... 8
1.4.1 Scoping....................................... 8
1.4.2 Interventions................................. 8
1.4.3 Comments on the License Application........... 9
2.0 PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES........................ 10
2.1 NO-ACTION ALTERNATIVE............................... 10
2.1.1 Existing Project Facilities................... 10
2.1.2 Project Safety................................ 11
2.1.3 Existing Project Operation and Environmental 11
2.2 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL................................ 11
2.2.1 Proposed Project Facilities................... 11
2.2.2 Proposed Project Operations................... 12
2.2.3 Proposed Environmental Measures............... 13
2.3 STAFF ALTERNATIVE................................... 14
2.4.1 Issuing a Non-power License................... 16
2.4.2 Project Decommissioning....................... 17
3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS.................................. 18
3.2.1 Geographic Scope.............................. 19
3.2.2 Temporal Scope................................ 19
3.3.1 Geologic and Soil Resources................... 20
[[Page 76905]]
3.3.2 Aquatic Resources............................. 29
3.3.3 Terrestrial Resources......................... 67
3.3.4 Threatened and Endangered Species............. 77
3.3.5 Recreation and Land Use....................... 79
3.3.6 Cultural Resources............................ 86
3.4 NO-ACTION ALTERNATIVE............................... 88
4.0 DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS.................................. 89
4.2 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES.......................... 90
4.2.1 No-action Alternative......................... 91
4.2.2 Lockhart Power's Proposal..................... 91
4.2.3 Staff Alternative............................. 91
4.3 COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES...................... 92
5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................... 104
5.1 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVES.......................... 104
5.3 UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE EFFECTS......................... 124
6.0 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT........................ 132
7.0 LITERATURE CITED........................................ 133
8.0 LIST OF PREPARERS....................................... 142
List of Figures
Figure 1......... Location of the Riverdale Project........ 2
Figure 2......... Percent of time during each month that 51
inflows to the Riverdale Project are
greater than 170 cfs and less than or
equal to 500 cfs (i.e. when peaking with
drawdown operation can occur under
Lockhart Power's proposed operations),
less than or equal to 170 cfs (i.e. flow
below turbine minimum turbine capacity
plus 50 cfs minimum flow), and > 500 cfs
(i.e. flows greater than maximum turbine
capacity plus 50 cfs minimum flow).
Figure 3......... Illustration of the front of the 2.25- 61
inch headrace trashrack.
Figure 4......... Illustration of the front of the 1-inch 62
headrace trash rack.
List of Tables
Table 1.......... Major statutory and regulatory 4
requirements for the Riverdale Project.
Table 2.......... Select characteristics of mapped soil 21
units at the Riverdale Project.
Table 3.......... Synthesized monthly flow data (cfs) for 30
the Riverdale Project from USGS gage No.
02160390 Enoree River at Woodruff, South
Table 4.......... South Carolina water quality standards 31
for freshwaters.
Table 5.......... Fish species and number collected in the 35
vicinity of the Riverdale Project during
baseline sampling on June 10-11 and July
6-7, 2010.
Table 6.......... Spawning dates and habitat requirements 39
for eight Conservation Species observed
in the Riverdale bypassed reach.
Table 7.......... Flows through the bypassed reach at FERC 46
licensed projects in the Broad River
Basin, South Carolina.
Table 8.......... Minimum flow required for fish in streams 49
identified by Tennant (1976).
Table 9.......... Calculation of intake cross-sectional 63
area for the 2.25-inch and 1-inch
Table 10......... Burst swim speeds of four species found 64
in the Riverdale impoundment.
Table 11......... Minimum fish total lengths susceptible to 64
impingement at 1-inch and 2.25-inch
trashracks, based on trashrack bar
spacing and fish width-at-length
relationship (i.e. width = [alpha] x
total length [beta]) alone and exclusive
of burst swim speeds.
Table 12......... Parameters for the economic analysis of 90
the proposed Riverdale Project.
Table 14......... Summary of annual cost, power benefits, 90
and annual net benefits of the
alternatives for the Riverdale Project.
Table 14......... Cost of environmental mitigation and 93
enhancement measures considered in
assessing the environmental effects of
refurbishing, operating, and maintaining
the Riverdale Project.
Table 15......... Comparison of Alternatives for the 104
Riverdale Project.
Table 16......... Fish and wildlife agency recommendations 125
for the Riverdale Project.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
APE area of potential effects
applicant Lockhart Power Company, Inc.
BMPs Best Management Practices
[deg]C degrees Celsius
certificate Water Quality Certificate
cfs cubic feet per second
Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Conservation Species South Carolina Priority Species
Council Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Corps U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CWA Clean Water Act
CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act
DO dissolved oxygen
DOI U.S. Department of the Interior
EA environmental assessment
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
[deg]F degrees Fahrenheit
fps feet per second
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FPA Federal Power Act
FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
LIP low inflow protocol
Lockhart Power Lockhart Power Company, Inc.
MADF mean annual daily flow
MW megawatt
MWh megawatt-hour
mg/L milligrams per liter
[[Page 76906]]
msl mean sea level
National Register National Register of Historic Places
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NERC North American Electric Reliability Council
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NRCS Natural Resource Conservation Service
NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum
PM&E measure protection, mitigation, and enhancement measure
Riverdale LLC Riverdale Development Venture, LLC
ROR run-of-river
ROW rights-of-way
SERC Southeastern Electric Reliability Council
SCORP Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer
South Carolina DHEC South Carolina Department of Health and
Environmental Control
South Carolina DNR South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
South Carolina DPRT South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation,
and Tourism
South Carolina EPPC South Carolina Exotic Pest Plant Council
South Carolina WRC South Carolina Water Resources Commission
THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
Water District Woodruff-Roebuck Water District
Water Plan South Carolina Water Plan
Executive Summary
Proposed Action
On August 31, 2010, Lockhart Power Company, Inc. (Lockhart Power or
applicant), filed a license application for the Riverdale Hydroelectric
Project (Riverdale Project or project) with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC). Lockhart Power proposes to
repair existing facilities and return the project,\1\ which has been
inoperable since 2001, to operation. The proposed 1.24-megawatt (MW)
project is located on the Enoree River near the city of Enoree, in
Spartanburg and Laurens Counties, South Carolina. The project does not
occupy any federal lands.
\1\ The project was originally licensed to Inman Mills as FERC
No. 4362 on September 29, 1982. Inman Mills, 20 FERC ] 62,586
Project Description
The Riverdale Project is located at river mile 52 of the 110-mile-
long Enoree River in northwestern South Carolina. The proposed project
would consist of the following: (1) An existing 425-foot-long, 12-foot-
high concrete gravity dam with three evenly spaced, integral sand
gates, and 2-foot-high flashboards; (2) an existing 6.6-acre
impoundment with a gross storage of 22.0 acre-feet; (3) an existing 85-
foot-long, 50-foot-wide concrete headrace canal with an intake
structure equipped with trash racks with 2.25-inch bar spacing; (4) an
existing 9-foot-diameter, 340-foot-long steel penstock equipped with a
second set of trash racks with bar spacing of about 10 inches; (5) an
existing wood frame powerhouse containing one 1.24-MW capacity
generating unit; (6) an existing 510-foot-long tailrace; (7) an
existing 700-foot-long transmission line from the powerhouse to an
existing Duke Energy distribution line; (8) an existing approximately
1,376-foot-long, 20-foot-wide paved access road; and (9) appurtenant
facilities. Flow diverted to the powerhouse creates a 1,400-foot-long
bypassed reach downstream from the dam.
Since the project became in-operable 12 years ago, all flows have
passed over the dam and into the 1,400-foot-long bypassed reach. The 2-
foot-high flashboards were partially damaged during high flow events in
2012 and 2013.
Proposed Facilities
Because Lockhart Power is not the current licensee or current owner
of the project and has not had full access to the project, it plans to
spend the first year following license issuance assessing the condition
of project facilities and finalizing any engineering design needed to
refurbish the project. To make the project operational, Lockhart Power
expects it would, at a minimum need to: (1) Repair or replace the sand
gates and gate operators; (2) repair or replace the 2-foot flashboards
on the dam; (3) replace a 193-foot-long above ground section of the
penstock; (4) modify the bar spacing on the penstock trashrack from 10
to 5 inches; (5) refurbish the turbine generator; (6) repair the plant
controls and governor; (7) repair the powerhouse roof; and (8) dredge
sediment and debris from the tailrace.
Lockhart Power would operate the project using a combination of
run-of-river (ROR) and peaking modes. Lockhart Power would typically
operate the project in a ROR mode, with project outflow approximately
equaling project inflow, such that the impoundment surface elevation
stays within 1 foot (+/-10 percent) of the top of the flashboards. When
inflows are insufficient to operate the turbine at its maximum
hydraulic capacity i.e. of 450 cubic feet per second (cfs) and provide
a continuous minimum flow of 50 cfs to the bypassed reach (i.e. when
inflow is less than 500 cfs), Lockhart Power would operate the project
in a ``peaking'' mode. Peaking events would occur no more than once
daily, until either the daily period of increased need for power ends
or until the impoundment surface elevation is drawn down a maximum of 4
feet (+/-10 percent) below the top of the flashboards. Following each
peaking event, Lockhart Power would suspend operation and store inflow,
minus the minimum flow to the bypassed reach, to refill the impoundment
(likely overnight) to its normal elevation of within 1 foot (+/-10
percent) of the top of the flashboards, allowing it to return to ROR
mode until the next peaking event. Lockhart Power expects that peaking
operation would occur less than half of the days in any given year.
Proposed Environmental Measures
Lockhart Power proposes, once the project is operational, the
following measures to protect or enhance environmental resources at the
Implement a sediment management plan that consists of
using the existing sand gates to draw down the impoundment below the
normal operating range for periodic inspections and maintenance and, if
possible, avoiding drawdowns from March 15 through June 1 to prevent
significant accumulation of sediments in the project impoundment and
untimely releases of sediment downstream.
Monitor water quality as may be required by South Carolina
Department of Health and Environmental Council (South Carolina DHEC).
Maintain a minimum flow of 50 cfs in the bypassed reach
and a total minimum continuous flow of 60 cfs, or inflow if less, in
the Enoree River downstream from the confluence of the tailrace and the
bypassed reach to protect aquatic habitat. The minimum flow in the
bypassed reach would be provided through one or more of the three sand
gates selected in consultation with South Carolina DNR, Interior, and
NMFS, after repairs. Lockhart Power would develop a rating curve for
the sand gates and verify it once every 6 years to ensure defined
minimum flows are being provided. The remaining 10 cfs would be
provided via leakage through the turbine.
When average daily inflows are less than or equal to 80
cfs (+/-10 percent), release all inflow into the bypassed reach (i.e.
low inflow protocol [LIP]) to protect aquatic resources downstream from
Riverdale dam, including during the fish spawning season.
Implement best management practices (BMPs) to protect
[[Page 76907]]
within the project boundary, such as limiting vegetation and ground-
disturbing activities and maintaining a minimum 25-foot-wide forested
riparian buffer on project shorelines, as long as this does not
interfere with Lockhart Power's ability to perform project-related
Construct and maintain: (1) A canoe take-out located
approximately 220 feet upstream of the dam; (2) a canoe put-in located
approximately 1,075 feet downstream from the dam; (3) a 1,650-foot-long
portage trail connecting the proposed canoe take-out and put-in; (4) a
parking area located adjacent to the proposed portage trail; and (5)
signage to improve public access at the project and to the Enoree
Provide informal public access for fishing at the project
impoundment, tailrace, and bypassed reach.
Alternatives Considered
This draft environmental assessment (draft EA) considers the
following alternatives: (1) Lockhart Power's proposal; (2) Lockhart
Power's proposal with staff modifications (staff alternative); and (3)
the no-action alternative, meaning that Lockhart Power would not
refurbish the hydroelectric facilities and resume project operations.
Under the staff alternative, the project would be operated and
maintained as proposed by Lockhart Power with the modifications and
additional measures described below. Our recommended modifications and
additional environmental measures include, or are based on,
recommendations made by federal and state resource agencies that have
an interest in resources that may be affected by operation of the
proposed project, as well as those identified by staff.
The staff alternative includes the following additional measures
and modifications to Lockhart Power's proposal:
Develop and implement a site-specific soil erosion and
sediment control plan, which includes the BMPs described in the South
Carolina DHEC's Stormwater BMP Handbook, to minimize erosion and
sedimentation during soil-disturbing activities associated with project
construction and repairs.
Develop and implement a sediment management plan to (a)
test impoundment sediments for heavy metals and other contaminants,
prior to beginning in-water construction activities and initial
operation to prevent the release of any toxic substances, and (b)
annually monitor and manage sediment accumulation in the impoundment to
prevent the potential release of large quantities of sediment during
maintenance activities.
Develop and implement a shoreline stabilization plan to
identify and stabilize eroding shorelines to minimize potential
shoreline erosion from impoundment and flow fluctuations during peaking
Develop and implement a water quality monitoring plan to
monitor dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, and turbidity and implement
corrective actions, if necessary, to protect aquatic resources located
downstream of the dam.
Release a continuous minimum flow of 75 cfs into the
bypassed reach to protect aquatic habitat.
Develop and implement a plan to determine the feasibility
of using the sand gates as a mechanism for providing minimum flows to
the bypassed reach and to evaluate methods to distribute minimum flows
into the bypassed reach to protect aquatic habitat.
Develop and implement a low inflow protocol/drought
contingency plan to define periods of extended drought and low inflow
protocols to minimize adverse effects on generation, and fish,
wildlife, and water quality in the bypassed reach and downstream from
the tailrace.
Develop and implement an operation compliance monitoring
plan to document impoundment fluctuations and minimum flow releases.
Develop and implement an invasive vegetation monitoring
and control plan to prevent the spread of alligatorweed and other
invasive non-native plants during project refurbishment, operation, and
maintenance activities.
Determine whether the existing project transmission line
is consistent with Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (APLIC)
guidelines and identify measures to minimize potential electrocution
hazards to birds, if needed.
Modify Lockhart Power's proposed signage measures to
include: (1) Identification of the canoe take-out and put in; (2)
directions from the parking area to river access points; and (3)
information regarding garbage disposal in order to improve public
information available at the project and protect environmental
Stop work and notify the South Carolina SHPO and the
Catawba Indian Nation if any unknown archaeological resources are
discovered as a result of project construction, operation, or project-
related activities to avoid, lessen, or mitigate potential adverse
effects on historic resources.
Under the no-action alternative, the project would continue to be
inoperable and no new environmental protection, mitigation, or
enhancement measures would be implemented.
Public Involvement and Areas of Concern
Before filing its license application, Lockhart Power conducted a
pre-filing consultation process under the traditional licensing
process. The intent of the Commission's prefiling process is to
initiate public involvement early in the project planning process and
to encourage citizens, governmental entities, tribes, and other
interested parties to identify and resolve issues prior to an
application being formally filed with the Commission. After the
application was filed, we conducted scoping to determine what issues
and alternatives should be addressed. A scoping document was
distributed to interested parties on May 15, 2012. On July 13, 2012, we
issued the Ready for Environmental analysis notice, requesting
comments, recommendations, terms and conditions, and prescriptions.
The primary issues associated with licensing the project include
erosion and sediment control, sediment management, minimum flows to
protect aquatic species and shoal habitat in the 1,400-foot-long
bypassed reach, a low inflow protocol during extended droughts,
invasive vegetation management, and recreation improvements.
Staff Alternative
Geology and Soils
Refurbishing the hydropower facilities, dredging the tailrace, and
constructing the recreation improvements would temporarily increase
soil erosion. Implementing staff's recommended site-specific soil
erosion and sediment control plan would minimize adverse effects on
aquatic and terrestrial resources.
Project repairs and the initial operation of the project would
likely result in a discharge of a large amount of sediment downstream
that could contain heavy metals and other contaminants. Staff's
recommended testing of sediment for contaminants and developing a
contingency plan, if needed, for removal and proper disposal of any
contaminated sediment prior to beginning in-water construction
activities and operation would prevent the unexpected release of any
toxic substances and potential adverse effects on aquatic resources.
[[Page 76908]]
Because the Enoree River is heavily sediment laden, regular
management of sediment bed-load from the impoundment may be needed to
maintain project operation. Developing and implementing staff's
recommended sediment management plan, which would include Lockhart
Power's proposal to avoid drawing down the impoundment below the normal
operating range for periodic inspections and maintenance from March 15
through June 1, would minimize adverse effects of sediment releases and
lower impoundment levels on fish spawning in and downstream from the
impoundment. The plan would also ensure that sediment in the
impoundment is regularly monitored and managed, preventing excessive
sediment accumulation and ensuring that sediment management activities
occur when they are least likely to cause adverse effects on downstream
Because of areas of highly erodible soils along the project
shoreline, peaking operation could cause bank sloughing and erosion.
Developing and implementing a shoreline stabilization plan and
maintaining a 25-foot forested buffer around the impoundment as
recommended by staff would help prevent bank erosion and loss of
riparian habitat.
Aquatic Resources
In addition to the short-term increases in turbidity during project
refurbishment, the diversion of flow for project operations would
reduce flows in the bypassed reach, which could reduce DO levels and
raise water temperatures in the bypassed reach. Monitoring water
quality prior to the start of construction, during construction, and
for 1 year after beginning operation as recommended by staff, would
ensure that erosion control measures and minimum instream flows are
adequately protecting water quality and allow for the timely
identification of any needed corrective measures.
Lockhart Power's proposed minimum continuous flow of 60 cfs (16
percent of mean annual daily flow [MADF]) downstream from the tailrace
and 50 cfs (13 percent of MADF) in the bypassed reach would not
maintain aquatic resources in the bypassed reach. As defined by Tennant
(1976),\2\ such flows provide ``fair or degrading'' conditions, and
close to ``poor or minimum'' conditions during the dry and wet seasons,
respectively. Compared to Lockhart's proposed flow, staff's recommended
year-round minimum flow of 75 cfs (20 percent of MADF) would better
protect aquatic resources because this flow represents ``good''
conditions and close to ``fair or degrading'' conditions, as defined by
Tennant (1996), during the dry and wet seasons, respectively.
\2\ The Tennant method establishes streamflow requirements on
the basis of a percentage of the mean annual flow, and associates
aquatic-habitat conditions with different percentages of mean annual
Using the sand gates to release the bypassed reach minimum flows as
proposed by Lockhart Power may not be feasible because the sand gates
are currently inoperable. Also, sand gates are generally not designed
for such activities and may become blocked with debris, preventing the
release of specified flows. Developing and implementing staff's
recommended minimum instream flow release plan would assess the
feasibility of using the sand gates to release the minimum flows,
identify which gate(s) best distribute flows across the bypassed reach,
and identify alternative means to release minimum flows should using
the gates prove impracticable.
Developing a low inflow protocol/drought contingency plan, as
recommended by staff, would allow Lockhart Power and the resource
agencies to adjust operation and minimum instream flow requirements as
specified by the plan during periods of extended drought that minimize
adverse effects on generation, and on fish, wildlife, and water quality
in the bypassed reach and downstream from the tailrace.
Staff's recommended operation compliance monitoring plan would
provide the Commission a mechanism to monitor compliance with Lockhart
Power's proposed limits on impoundment fluctuations, minimum instream
flow releases, and low inflow operation protocols.
Terrestrial Resources
Limiting disturbances to soil and vegetation and maintaining a
minimum 25-foot-wide forested riparian buffer along project shorelines,
as proposed by Lockhart Power, would preserve existing vegetation and
habitat for wildlife. Staff's recommended invasive plant management
plan, would minimize the introduction or spread of non-native invasive
vegetation within the project boundary, and would protect native plant
communities and the fish and wildlife that depend on them. Implementing
staff's recommended avian protection plan would facilitate a
determination on whether the project transmission lines pose a risk of
avian injury or mortality due to electrocution and identify mitigation
measures, if needed.
Recreation and Land Use
Lockhart Power's proposed canoe portage trail, put-in and take-out,
parking, and directional signage at the project would enhance
recreation amenities on a reach of the Enoree River designated for
recreation use and future water trail development. Staff's recommended
signage requesting that visitors pack out their garbage would reduce
the likelihood that recreation use at the project would negatively
affect the surrounding environment. Continued project operation would
not affect land use.
Cultural Resources
No historic properties were identified within the project's area of
potential effects. The South Carolina SHPO concurred that the proposed
project would have no adverse effect on historic properties. Stopping
work and notifying the South Carolina SHPO and Catawba Indian Nation if
any unknown archaeological resources are discovered during project
construction, operation, or other project-related activities, would
allow Lockhart Power to define the appropriate treatments necessary to
avoid, lessen, or mitigate for potential adverse effects from the
inadvertent discovery.
Based on our analysis, we recommend licensing the project as
proposed by Lockhart Power, with some staff modifications and
additional measures.
In section 4.2 of the EA, we compare the likely cost of alternative
power for each of the three alternatives identified above. Under the
no-action alternative, the project would not be rehabilitated as
proposed; therefore, the project would not produce any electricity. Our
analysis shows that during the first year of operating the project as
proposed by the applicant, project power would cost $265,378, or
$54.21/MWh more than the likely alternative cost of power. Under the
staff alternative, project power would cost $297,487, or $68.07/MWh
more than the likely alternative cost of power.
We chose the staff alternative as the preferred alternative
because: (1) The project would provide a dependable source of
electrical energy for the region (4,370 MWh annually); (2) the 1.24 MW
of electric energy capacity comes from a renewable resource that does
not contribute to atmospheric pollution, including greenhouse gases;
and (3) the recommended environmental measures proposed by Lockhart
Power, as
[[Page 76909]]
modified by staff, would protect and enhance environmental resources
affected by the project. The overall benefits of the staff alternative
would be worth the cost of the proposed and recommended environmental
We conclude that issuing a new license for the project with the
staff-recommended measures would not be a major federal action
significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.
Environmental Assessment
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Energy Projects,
Division of Hydropower Licensing, Washington, DC
Riverdale Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 13590-001--South
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Application
On August 31, 2010, Lockhart Power Company, Inc. (Lockhart Power or
applicant), filed a license application for the Riverdale Hydroelectric
Project (Riverdale Project or project) with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC).\3\ The 1.24-megawatt (MW)
project is located on the Enoree River near Enoree, in Spartanburg and
Laurens Counties, South Carolina (figure 1). The project does not
occupy any federal lands. The project is currently inoperable, but as
proposed by Lockhart Power, it would generate an average of about 4,895
megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy annually.
\3\ On September 29, 1982, the Riverdale Project was licensed to
Inman Mills under FERC Project No. 4362. The project has not
operated since January of 2001. Inman Mills' license expired on
August 31, 2012, and was subsequently issued an authorization for
continued project operation until the Commission issues someone else
a license for the project or otherwise orders disposition of the
project. Inman Mills did not file a notice of intent to relicense
the project. On November 29, 2007, the Commission issued a notice
soliciting applications for subsequent license by August 31, 2010.
Lockhart Power filed the only timely license application and is
therefore the only license applicant for the Riverdale Project.
1.2 Purpose of Action and Need for Power
1.2.1 Purpose of Action
The purpose of the Riverdale Project is to provide a source of
hydroelectric power. Therefore, under the provisions of the Federal
Power Act (FPA), the Commission must decide whether to issue a license
to Lockhart Power for the Riverdale Project and what conditions should
be placed on any license issued. In deciding whether to issue a license
for a hydroelectric project, the Commission must determine that the
project will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for improving or
developing a waterway. In addition to the power and developmental
purposes for which licenses are issued (such as flood control,
irrigation, or water supply), the Commission must give equal
consideration to the purposes of: (1) Energy conservation; (2) the
protection of, mitigation of damage to, and enhancement of fish and
wildlife resources; (3) the protection of recreational opportunities;
and (4) the preservation of other aspects of environmental quality.
[[Page 76910]]
Issuing a license for the Riverdale Project would allow Lockhart
Power to generate electricity for the term of a license, making
electrical power from a
[[Page 76911]]
renewable resource available to the local utility Duke Energy, which
would use it to serve its customers' needs.
This environmental assessment (EA) assesses the effects associated
with refurbishment, operation, and maintenance of the project and
alternatives to the proposed project. It also includes recommendations
to the Commission on whether to issue a license, and if so, includes
the recommended terms and conditions to become a part of any license
In this EA, we assess the environmental and economic effects of
refurbishing and operating the project: (1) As proposed by the
applicant; and (2) as proposed with our recommended measures. We also
consider the effects of the no-action alternative. Important issues
that are addressed include erosion and sediment control, sediment
management, minimum flows to protect aquatic species and shoals habitat
in the 1,400-foot-long bypassed reach, a low inflow protocol during
extended droughts, invasive vegetation management, and recreation
1.2.2 Need for Power
The Riverdale Project would provide hydroelectric generation to
meet part of South Carolina's power requirements, resource diversity,
and capacity needs. With staff's recommended measures, the project
would have an installed capacity of 1.24 MW and would generate
approximately 4,370 MWh per year.
The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) annually
forecasts electrical supply and demand nationally and regionally for a
10-year period. The Riverdale Project is located in the VACAR sub-
region \4\ of the Southeastern Electric Reliability Council (SERC),
which is one of eight regional reliability councils of NERC. According
to NERC's 2012 forecast, annual energy requirement for the VACAR sub-
region is projected to grow at a compound annual rate of 1.11 percent,
from 2012 through 2022 (NERC, 2012).
\4\ The VACAR sub-region includes the states of Virginia, North
Carolina, and South Carolina.
The power from the Riverdale Project would help meet a need for
power in the VACAR sub-region of the SERC in both the short- and long-
term. The project provides low-cost power that may displace non-
renewable, fossil-fired generation and contributes to a diversified
generation mix. Displacing the operation of fossil-fueled facilities
may avoid some power plant emissions and create an environmental
1.3 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
A license for the Riverdale Project is subject to numerous
requirements under the Federal Power Act (FPA) and other applicable
statutes. We summarize the major regulatory requirements in table 1 and
describe them below.
Table 1--Major Statutory and Regulatory Requirements for the Riverdale
Requirement Agency Status
Section 18 of the FPA (fishway U.S. Department Interior and NMFS
prescriptions). of the Interior reserved authority
(Interior), to prescribe
National Marine fishways on
Fisheries September 10, and
Service (NMFS). September 11, 2012,
Section 10(j) of the FPA...... Interior, NMFS, Interior, South
and South Carolina DNR, and
Carolina NMFS provided
Department of section 10(j)
National recommendations on
Resources (South September 10,
Carolina DNR). September 10, and
September 11, 2012,
Clean Water Act--Water quality South Carolina Application for water
certification (certification). DNR. quality
received on October
4, 2012; withdrawn
and reapplied on
September 20, 2013;
due by September 20,
Endangered Species Act (ESA) Interior, U.S. The project would not
Consultation. Fish and affect any listed
Wildlife Service species because none
(FWS). are known to occur
in the project
vicinity; therefore,
further consultation
under the ESA is not
Coastal Zone Management Act South Carolina South Carolina DHEC
(CZMA). Department of indicated by letter
Health and filed September 30,
Environmental 2010, that the
Control (South project is not
Carolina DHEC). located within South
Carolina's coastal
zone, that the
proposed project
poses no reasonably
foreseeable effects
on the coastal zone,
and that no
certification is
National Historic Preservation South Carolina By letter filed
Act (NHPA). State Historic August 31, 2010, the
Preservation South Carolina SHPO
Office (SHPO). concurred with
Lockhart Power's
determination that
no historic
properties would be
affected by the
1.3.1 Federal Power Act Section 18 Fishway Prescriptions
Section 18 of the FPA states that the Commission is to require
construction, operation, and maintenance by a licensee of such fishways
as may be prescribed by the Secretaries of Commerce or the U.S.
Department of the Interior. Interior and Commerce through NMFS, by
letters filed on September 10 and 11, 2012, respectively, request that
a reservation of authority to prescribe fishways under section 18 of
the FPA be included in any license issued for the project. Section 10(j) Recommendations
Under section 10(j) of the FPA, each hydroelectric license issued
by the Commission must include conditions based on recommendations
provided by federal and state fish and wildlife agencies for the
protection, mitigation, or enhancement of fish and wildlife resources
affected by the project. The Commission is required to include these
conditions unless it determines that they are inconsistent with the
purposes and requirements of the FPA or other applicable law. Before
rejecting or modifying an agency recommendation, the Commission is
required to attempt to resolve any such inconsistency with the agency,
giving due weight to the recommendations, expertise, and statutory
responsibilities of such agency.
Interior, South Carolina DNR, and NMFS timely filed on September
10, September 10, and September 11, 2012, respectively, recommendations
under 10(j), as summarized in table 18 in section 5.4.1,
Recommendations of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. In section 5.4,
[[Page 76912]]
we also discuss how we address the agency recommendations and comply
with section 10(j).
1.3.2 Clean Water Act
Under section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), a license applicant
must obtain certification from the appropriate state pollution control
agency verifying compliance with the CWA. On October 3, 2012, Lockhart
Power applied to the South Carolina DHEC for certification of the
Riverdale Project. South Carolina DHEC received this request on October
4, 2012. On September 20, 2013, Lockhart Power withdrew and re-filed
for certification, and on the same day South Carolina DHEC received
this request. South Carolina DHEC has not yet acted on the request. The
certification is due by September 20, 2014.
1.3.3 Endangered Species Act
Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires federal agencies
to ensure that their actions are not likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of endangered or threatened species or result in the
destruction or adverse modification of the critical habitat of such
species. There are no federally listed endangered or threatened species
or critical habitat known to occur in the Riverdale Project vicinity.
Therefore, licensing the project would not affect listed species and no
further consultation under section 7 is needed.
1.3.4 Coastal Zone Management Act
Under section 307(c)(3)(A) of the Coastal Zone Management Act
(CZMA), 16 U.S.C. 1456(3)(A), the Commission cannot issue a license for
a project within or affecting a state's coastal zone unless the state
CZMA agency concurs with the license applicant's certification of
consistency with the state's CZMA program, or the agency's concurrence
is conclusively presumed by its failure to act within 180 days of its
receipt of the applicant's certification.
The project is not located within the state-designated Coastal
Management Zone, which extends to South Carolina's eight coastal
counties (Jasper, Beaufort, Colleton, Berkeley, Dorchester, Charleston,
Georgetown, and Horry), and the project would not affect South
Carolina's coastal resources. Therefore, the project is not subject to
South Carolina coastal zone program review and no consistency
certification is needed for the action. By letter filed September 30,
2010,\5\ the South Carolina DHEC concurred.
\5\ See letter dated September 13, 2010 from W. McGoldrick,
Stormwater Permit Coordinator, South Carolina DHEC, Charleston,
South Carolina, to S. Boring, Kleinschmidt Associates, Lexington,
South Carolina.
1.3.5 National Historic Preservation Act
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
requires that every federal agency ``take into account'' how each of
its undertakings could affect historic properties. Historic properties
are districts, sites, buildings, structures, traditional cultural
properties, and objects significant in American history, architecture,
engineering, and culture that are eligible for inclusion in the
National Register of Historic Places (National Register).
Pursuant to section 106, the applicant consulted with the South
Carolina SHPO and affected Indian tribes to locate, determine National
Register eligibility, and assess potential adverse effects to historic
properties associated with the project. By letter filed August 31,
2010,\6\ the South Carolina SHPO stated that it concurred with the
applicant's assessment that no properties listed in or eligible for
listing in the National Register would be affected by the by the
federal licensing action. Staff reaffirmed the South Carolina SHPO's
concurrence via teleconference on May 23, 2012.\7\
\6\ See letter dated December 7, 2009 from C. Wilson, Review and
Compliance Coordinator, South Carolina State Historic Preservation
Office, Columbia, South Carolina to J. Seay, Jr., Lockhart Power
Company, Lockhart, South Carolina.
\7\ See FERC. 2012a. Telephone Meeting Summary with the South
Carolina State Historic Preservation Office for the Riverdale
Hydroelectric Project No. 13590-001. Filed on May 24, 2012.
As a result of the findings made by Lockhart Power and the SHPO's
concurrence that no historic properties would be affected by the
project, the drafting of a programmatic agreement to resolve adverse
effects on historic properties will not be necessary.
1.4 Public Review and Consultation
The Commission's regulations (18 CFR, Sec. 4.38) require that
applicants consult with appropriate resource agencies, tribes, and
other entities before filing an application for a license. This
consultation is the first step in complying with the Fish and Wildlife
Coordination Act, the ESA, the NHPA, and other federal statutes. Pre-
filing consultation must be complete and documented according to the
Commission's regulations.
1.4.1 Scoping
Before preparing this EA, we conducted scoping to determine what
issues and alternatives should be addressed. A Scoping Document 1 was
distributed to interested agencies and other stakeholders on December
22, 2011. It was noticed in the Federal Register on December 22, 2011.
A Scoping Document 2 was issued on May 15, 2012. The following entities
provided written comments on Scoping Document 1:
Commenting entities Date filed
Caitlin Totherow, Catawba Indian January 18, 2012.
Nation Tribal Preservation
Officer (THPO).
South Carolina SHPO............... January 20, 2012.
Woodruff-Roebuck Water District February 9, 2012.
(Water District).
Greg Sveinsson, Riverdale February 15, 2012.
Development Venture, LLC
(Riverdale, LLC).
American Rivers................... February 16, 2012
South Carolina DNR................ February 21, 2012.
FWS............................... February 21, 2012.
NMFS.............................. March 6, 2012.
1.4.2 Interventions
On May 7, 2012, the Commission issued a notice that Lockhart
Power's application to license the Riverdale Project had been accepted
for filing. This notice set July 6, 2012, as the deadline for filing
protests and motions to intervene. In response to the notice, the
following entities filed notices of intervention or motions to
intervene (none opposed issuance of a license):
[[Page 76913]]
Intervenors Date filed
Woodruff-Roebuck Water District... June 12, 2012.
American Rivers................... June 19, 2012.
Interior.......................... June 25, 2012.
South Carolina DNR................ June 29, 2012.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric July 5, 2012.
Administration (on behalf of
1.4.3 Comments on the License Application
The July 13, 2012 notice also stated that the application was ready
for environmental analysis, and requested that comments,
recommendations, terms and conditions, and prescriptions be filed. The
following entities commented:
Commenting agencies and other
entities Date filed
Interior.......................... September 10, 2012.
South Carolina DNR................ September 10, 2012.
NMFS.............................. September 11, 2012.
American Rivers................... September 12, 2012.
The applicant, Lockhart Power, filed reply comments on October 24,
2.0 Proposed Action and Alternatives
2.1 No-Action Alternative
We use existing conditions as the baseline environmental condition
for comparison with other alternatives. Under the no-action
alternative, the project would not be refurbished and operated, the dam
and other facilities would remain in place, and all flows would remain
in the Enoree River by passing over the spillway or through leaks in
the sand gates.
2.1.1 Existing Project Facilities
The Riverdale Project would consist of an existing 425-foot-long,
12-foot-high concrete gravity dam with three evenly spaced, integral
sand gates,\8\ and 2-foot-high flashboards that form a 6.6-acre
impoundment with a gross storage of 22.0 acre-feet. On the north end of
the dam is an existing 85-foot-long, 50-foot-wide concrete headrace
canal with an intake structure equipped with trash racks with 2.25-inch
bar spacing. The canal feeds an existing 9-foot-diameter, 340-foot-long
steel penstock,\9\ which is equipped with trash racks having bar
spacing of about 10 inches. The penstock connects to an existing wood
frame powerhouse building containing one 1.24-MW capacity generating
unit. An existing 510-foot-long tailrace extends from the powerhouse to
the Enoree River, and an existing 700-foot-long transmission line
extends from the powerhouse to an existing Duke Energy distribution
line. An existing paved access road, approximately 1,376 feet long and
20 feet wide extends from Highway 221 to the project powerhouse.
\8\ Three low level sand gates are located within three
concrete-framed piers along the spillway dam.
\9\ Staff used GIS software to estimate the length of the
penstock. Current Exhibit F drawings only defined the below ground
portion of the penstock as 110 feet long.
The project boundary includes about 25.9 acres. The project
boundary encloses the project impoundment, the existing hydropower
facilities, the bypassed reach (including the braided channels),
tailrace, project access road, and the proposed canoe take-out, put-in,
portage trail, and parking area. Riverdale, LLC currently owns
approximately 2.5 acres of land within Lockhart Power's proposed
project boundary which encompasses the project powerhouse, intake
structure, penstock, and tailrace. The Water District owns the majority
of the remaining lands within the project boundary and retains an
option to acquire the dam. Two other private individuals own the
remaining parcels which are located on the south side of the
2.1.2 Project Safety
The project has been inoperable for more than 12 years under the
existing license; nonetheless, during this time, Commission staff has
conducted inspections focusing on the continued safety of the
structures, identification of unauthorized modifications, efficiency
and safety of operations, compliance with the terms of the license, and
proper maintenance. As part of the licensing process, the Commission
would evaluate the adequacy of the proposed project facilities. Special
articles would be included in any license issued, as appropriate.
Commission staff would continue to inspect the project both during and
after construction to repair existing project facilities. Before the
project is refurbished, engineers from the Commission's Atlanta
Regional Office would review the designs, plans and specifications of
the proposed repairs to equipment and structures. Inspections during
project refurbishment would concentrate on adherence to Commission-
approved plans and specifications, special license articles relating to
construction, and accepted engineering practices and procedures.
Operational inspections would focus on the continued safety of the
structures, identification of unauthorized modifications, efficiency,
and safety of operations, compliance with the terms of the license, and
proper maintenance.
2.1.3 Existing Project Operation and Environmental Measures
Inman Mills ceased operating the project (under FERC No. 4362) in
2001, when the adjacent textile mill closed. The 2-foot-high
flashboards washed out during storm events in 2012 and 2013 and there
is currently no practical way to control flows from Riverdale dam. The
current owner demolished the original concrete and brick powerhouse and
replaced it with a wood frame building. All flows pass over the dam and
into the 1,400-foot-long bypassed reach. No environmental measures are
currently being implemented at the project.
2.2 Applicant's Proposal
2.2.1 Proposed Project Facilities
Lockhart Power proposes to use the existing hydropower facilities
described above, and rehabilitate all equipment rendering the project
inoperable. Because Lockhart Power is not the current licensee or
current owner of the project and has not had full access to the
project, it plans to spend the first year following license issuance
[[Page 76914]]
assessing the condition of project facilities and finalizing any
engineering design needed to refurbish the project. To make the project
operational, Lockhart Power expects it would, at a minimum: (1) Repair
or replace the sand gates and gate operators; (2) repair or replace the
2-foot flashboards on the dam; (3) replace a 193-foot above ground
section of the penstock; (4) modify the bar spacing on the penstock
trashrack from 10 to 5 inches; (5) refurbish the turbine generator;
\10\ (6) repair plant controls and governor; (7) repair the powerhouse
roof; and (8) dredge the sediment and debris in the tailrace. There
would be a total of 25.9 acres within the proposed project boundary, of
which 11.3 acres are land and the remainder is occupied by waters of
the impoundment, bypassed reach, and tailrace.
\10\ Lockhart Power anticipates that significant electrical,
mechanical, and hydraulic system improvements and refurbishments
will be necessary to restore the project to reliable long term
operating condition. Certain improvements, such as turbine
refurbishment, may improve the design efficiency of and thereby
increase the rated capacity of the turbine-generator to a range of
1.2-1.45 MW.
2.2.2 Proposed Project Operations
Lockhart Power would operate the project using a combination of
run-of-river (ROR) and peaking modes. The project would operate semi-
automatically with an operator on standby. Lockhart Power would
remotely monitor impoundment levels and control the water flow through
the project's turbine to maintain impoundment levels. The Riverdale
impoundment would fluctuate between 1 and 4 feet of the top of the
Lockhart Power would typically operate the project in a ROR mode,
with project outflow approximately equaling inflow, such that the
impoundment surface elevation stays within 1 foot (+/-10 percent) of
the top of the flashboards. When inflows are insufficient to operate
the turbine at its maximum hydraulic capacity of 450 cubic feet per
second (cfs) and provide a continuous minimum flow of 50 cfs to the
bypassed reach (i.e. when inflow is less than 500 cfs), Lockhart Power
would operate the project in a ``peaking'' mode. Peaking events would
occur no more than once daily, until either the daily period of
increased need for power ends or until the impoundment surface
elevation is drawn down a maximum of 4 feet (+/- 10 percent) below the
top of the flashboards. Following each peaking event, Lockhart Power
would suspend operation and store inflow, minus the minimum flow to the
bypassed reach, to refill the impoundment (likely overnight) to its
normal elevation of within 1 foot (+/- 10 percent) of the top of the
flashboards, allowing it to return to ROR mode until the next peaking
event. Lockhart Power expects that peaking operation would occur less
than half of the days in any given year (Lockhart Power, 2011a).
2.2.3 Proposed Environmental Measures
Lockhart Power proposes to construct and operate the project with
the following environmental protection, mitigation, and enhancement
(PM&E) measures:
Implement a sediment management plan that consists of
using the sand gates to draw down the impoundment below the normal
operating range for periodic inspections and maintenance and, if
possible, avoid drawdowns from March 15 through June 1 to prevent
significant accumulation of sediments in the project impoundment and
untimely releases of sediment downstream.
Monitor water quality as may be required by the South
Carolina DHEC.
Maintain a minimum flow of 50 cfs in the bypassed reach
and a total minimum continuous flow of 60 cfs, or inflow if less, in
the Enoree River downstream from the confluence of the tailrace and the
bypassed reach to protect aquatic habitat. The minimum flow in the
bypassed reach would be provided through one or more of the three sand
gates selected in consultation with South Carolina DNR, Interior, and
NMFS, after repairs. Lockhart Power would develop a rating curve for
the sand gates and verify it once every 6 years to ensure defined
minimum flows are being provided.
When average daily inflows are less than or equal to 80
cfs (+/- 10 percent), release all inflow into the bypassed reach (i.e.
low inflow protocol [LIP]) to protect aquatic resources downstream from
Riverdale dam, including during the fish spawning season.
Implement best management practices (BMPs) to protect
vegetation within the project boundary, such as limiting vegetation and
ground-disturbing activities and maintaining a minimum 25-foot-wide
forested riparian buffer on project shorelines, as long as this does
not interfere with Lockhart Power's ability to perform project-related
Construct and maintain: (1) A canoe take-out located
approximately 220 feet upstream of the dam; (2) a canoe put-in located
approximately 1,075 feet downstream from the dam; (3) a 1,650-foot-long
portage trail connecting the proposed canoe take-out and put-in; (4) a
parking area located adjacent to the proposed portage trail; and (5)
signage to improve public access at the project and to the Enoree
Provide informal public access for fishing at the project
impoundment, tailrace, and bypassed reach.
Notify and consult with the South Carolina SHPO regarding
any project-related construction or other ground-disturbing
\11\ Although Lockhart Power proposes this measure in its
license application, we consider Lockhart Power's consultation
requirements under section 106 of the NHPA to be complete because of
the SHPO's finding that no properties listed in or eligible for
listing in the National Register would be affected by the project
(letter from C. Wilson, Review and Compliance Coordinator, South
Carolina SHPO, Columbia, South Carolina to J. Seay, Jr., Lockhart
Power, Lockhart, South Carolina, December 7 2009). Therefore no
further analysis of this measure is necessary.
2.3 Staff Alternative
The staff alternative includes the following additional measures
and modifications to Lockhart Power's proposal:
Develop and implement a site-specific soil erosion and
sediment control plan, which includes the BMPs described in the South
Carolina DHEC's Stormwater BMP Handbook, to minimize erosion and
sedimentation during soil-disturbing activities associated with project
construction and repairs.
Develop and implement a sediment management plan that
includes provisions to: (a) Test impoundment sediments for heavy metals
and other contaminants prior to beginning in-water construction
activities and initial operation; (b) prepare a contingency plan for
proper disposal of any contaminated sediments should they be found in
the impoundment; (c) monitor sediment accumulation in the impoundment
annually to facilitate planning of sediment management activities; (d)
develop criteria that would trigger sediment removal from the
impoundment (i.e. by opening the sand gates, if appropriate, during
high flow events, or via mechanical methods); (e) conduct sediment
management activities during the months of November through January
except during high rain events (e.g., tropical storms or hurricanes);
(f) avoid maintenance activities that would draw down the impoundment
below normal operating levels and potentially pass sediment into the
bypassed reach from March 15 through June 1, if possible, to minimize
adverse impacts to spawning fish; and (g) file annual reports with
[[Page 76915]]
sediment monitoring results, sediment management activities, and an
evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan in minimizing sediment
accumulation in the impoundment.
Develop and implement a shoreline stabilization plan that
includes provisions to: (a) Identify eroding or potential project-
induced erosion sites on the impoundment shorelines and streambanks
downstream from the dam and powerhouse prior to beginning operation;
(b) stabilize areas of shoreline erosion using native vegetation, bio-
engineering, slope flattening, toe armoring with anchored logs, and/or
riprap that incorporates native vegetation plantings; (c) monitor
shorelines after resuming operation and implement stabilization
measures if project-induced erosion occurs; (d) conduct shoreline
stabilization activities from September through February to protect
aquatic species and wildlife; and (e) file annual reports describing
monitoring results and any implemented shoreline stabilization
Develop and implement a water quality monitoring plan with
provisions to: (a) Monitor dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, and
turbidity prior to the start of construction, during construction, and
for 1 year after project operation begins to ensure the levels
specified by the current state water quality standards are met and
aquatic resources are protected; (b) define sampling methods, timing,
and locations for monitoring these parameters in consultation with
South Carolina DHEC, FWS, and NMFS; and (c) file a report that presents
the monitoring data, describes any project-related effects and
identifies corrective actions, if necessary.
Release a continuous minimum flow of 75 cfs into the
bypassed reach to protect aquatic habitat.
Develop and implement a plan to release required minimum
flows into the bypassed reach that includes: (a) A feasibility
assessment for using the sand gates as a flow-release mechanism; (b) if
found to be feasible, a flow study to determine how the sand gates
would be used to distribute flow into the bypassed reach to protect
aquatic habitat; (c) if the sand gates are not feasible, a description
of how the minimum instream flows would be provided to the bypassed
reach; (d) a report documenting the outcome of the feasibility
assessment, flow study, and consultation with the agencies; and (e) an
implementation schedule.
Develop and implement a low inflow protocol/drought
contingency plan to define periods of extended drought and the low
inflow protocols to minimize adverse effects on generation, and on
fish, wildlife, and water quality in the bypassed reach and downstream
from the tailrace.
Develop and implement an operation compliance monitoring
plan that includes: (a) A rating curve to provide the seasonally
defined flows; (b) protocols to monitor and document compliance with
required flows; (c) protocols to monitor and document impoundment
fluctuations; and (d) an implementation schedule.
Develop and implement an invasive \12\ vegetation
monitoring and control plan that includes: (a) Survey methods to
determine the extent of alligatorweed in the impoundment and riparian
area prior to beginning refurbishment activities; (b) BMPs, as well as
monitoring and control methods to prevent the spread of alligatorweed
in the impoundment to areas downstream from the dam during project
refurbishment; (c) monitoring protocols to detect the introduction or
spread of other invasive plants within the project boundary during
operation and maintenance; (d) criteria that would determine when
control measures would be required; and (e) a schedule for filing
monitoring reports and any recommended control measures with the
\12\ For the purposes of this document, an ``invasive species''
is defined, consistent with Executive Order 13112, as a species that
is: (1) Non-native (or alien[/exotic]) to the ecosystem under
consideration; and (2) whose introduction causes or is likely to
cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health (USDA,
Determine whether the existing project transmission line
is consistent with Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (APLIC)
guidelines. Identify, in consultation with FWS, measures to minimize
potential electrocution hazards to birds and file a report with the
Commission describing the results of the evaluation and any measures
recommended by FWS.
Modify the applicant's proposal for signage at recreation
sites to include: (1) Identification of the canoe take-out and put in;
(2) directions from the parking area to river access points; and (3)
information regarding garbage disposal in order to improve public
information available at the project and protect environmental
Stop work and notify the South Carolina SHPO and the
Catawba Indian Nation if any unknown archaeological resources are
discovered as a result of project construction, operation, or project-
related activities to avoid, lessen, or mitigate potential adverse
effects on historic resources.
2.4 Alternatives Considered but Eliminated From Further Analysis
2.4.1 Issuing a Non-Power License
A non-power license is a temporary license that the Commission will
terminate when it determines that another governmental agency will
assume regulatory authority and supervision over the lands and
facilities covered by the non-power license. At this point, no agency
has suggested a willingness or ability to do so. No party has sought a
non-power license and we have no basis for concluding that the project
should no longer be used to produce power. Thus, we do not consider
issuing a non-power license a realistic alternative to relicensing in
this circumstance.
2.4.2 Project Decommissioning
Project decommissioning could be accomplished with or without dam
removal. Both Interior and American Rivers recommended that the
Commission analyze project decommissioning with dam removal as an
alternative in this EA. Because Lockhart Power neither owns nor
operates the project under the existing license, the Commission cannot
require Lockhart Power to remove the dam. Decommissioning the project
would involve denial of Lockhart Power's license application and then
the surrender or termination of Inman Mills' existing license with
appropriate conditions under separate action by the Commission.
Decommissioning with dam removal would remove the only barrier to
fish movement in the Enoree River from its confluence with the Broad
River to its headwaters, allow for natural sediment movement through
the project area, eliminate the need to portage canoes around the
project, remove lake recreation, and eliminate a potential source of
renewable energy. However, as we explain herein, the project's power
would serve to meet regional energy needs. Further, a license can be
conditioned to address adverse environmental effects of project
operation such that project benefits can be retained with minimal
effects on the environment. Considering there is a willing developer of
the project, we see no reason not to develop the project power.
Therefore, we do not consider project decommissioning with or without
dam removal as a reasonable alternative to Lockhart Power's proposal.
3.0 Environmental Analysis
In this section, we present: (1) A general description of the
[[Page 76916]]
vicinity; (2) an explanation of the scope of our cumulative effects
analysis; and (3) our analysis of the proposed action and other
recommended environmental measures. Sections are organized by resource
area. Under each resource area, historic and current conditions are
first described. The existing condition is the baseline against which
the environmental effects of the proposed action and alternatives are
compared, including an assessment of the effects of proposed
mitigation, protection, and enhancement measures, and any potential
cumulative effects of the proposed action and alternatives.\13\ We
present the estimated cost of the proposed and recommended measures in
section 4.0, Developmental Analysis. Our conclusions and recommended
measures are discussed in section 5.2, Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative.
\13\ Unless otherwise indicated, our information is taken from
the license application for this project (Lockhart Power, 2010a) and
Lockhart Power's responses to the Commission staff's additional
information requests (Lockhart Power, 2011a; 2011b; 2012).
3.1 General Description of the River Basin
Situated within the Piedmont Physiographic Region and encompassing
approximately 731 square miles within the lower portion of the Broad
River Basin, the Enoree River Basin spans portions of Greenville,
Spartanburg, Union, and Newberry Counties in northwestern South
Carolina. The Enoree River originates near the city of Travelers Rest
and then flows 110 miles to its confluence with the Broad River. The
Broad River flows into the Congaree, which merges with the Wateree to
form the Santee River. The Santee River flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
The Enoree River is the primary source of water for the project.
Tributaries to the Enoree River include Beaverdam Creek \14\ as well as
Warrior and Duncan creeks. Approximately 29 miles upstream of the
project, are the remains of the Pelham dam \15\ and Pelham Mills,
closed in the 1930's. There are no other dams on the Enoree River
upstream of, or downstream from, the Riverdale dam. The nearest dam is
Parr Shoals dam (FERC Project No. 1984), located on the Broad River 65
miles downstream from the confluence of the Enoree and Broad rivers.
\14\ Beaverdam Creek enters the Enoree River approximately 0.5
mile upstream of the project.
\15\ There are no records of a hydroelectric license at the
Pelham dam location (Federal Power Commission, 1970).
The Enoree River has a variety of aquatic habitats, including seven
shoal reaches and frequent long stretches of riffles and runs separated
with short sections of glides and pools. The topography of the basin is
generally moderate, varying from steep to rolling hills. Land uses in
the basin and surrounding the Riverdale Project are primarily forest or
agriculture with small developed areas near the headwaters of the
Enoree River and along main roads in the project area.
Climate in the Enoree River Basin is subtropical, marked by high
summer humidity and moderate winters that rarely drop below freezing.
The average annual temperature is 60 [deg]F to 70 [deg]F. Rainfall is
high year-round, with an annual average of 40 to 60 inches, typically
greatest during the summer.
3.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects Analysis
According to the Council on Environmental Quality, a cumulative
effect under NEPA is the impact on the environment which results from
the incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present,
and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency
(federal or non-federal) or person undertakes such other actions 40 CFR
1508.7 (2013). Cumulative effects can result from individually minor
but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of
time, including hydropower and other land and water development
Based on our review of the license application, agency and public
comments from scoping, and other filings related to the project, we
have identified fisheries as a resource that could be cumulatively
affected by the proposed project in combination with other actions such
as sand mining operations in the Enoree River Basin.
3.2.1 Geographic Scope
The geographic scope of the analysis defines the physical limits or
boundaries of the proposed action's effects on the resources. Because
the proposed action would affect the resources differently, the
geographic scope for each resource may vary. For fisheries, we
identified the geographic scope to extend from the remains of the
Pelham dam downstream to the mouth of the Broad River.
3.2.2 Temporal Scope
The temporal scope of our cumulative effects analysis in the EA
includes a discussion of past, present, and future actions and their
effects on these resources. Based on the potential term of license, we
will look 30 to 50 years into the future, concentrating on the effect
on the resources from reasonably foreseeable future actions. The
historical discussion is limited, by necessity, to the amount of
available information. We identify the present resource conditions
based on the license application, agency comments, and comprehensive
3.3 Proposed Action and Action Alternatives
In this section, we discuss the effect of the project alternatives
on environmental resources. For each resource, we first describe the
affected environment, which is the existing condition and baseline
against which we measure effects. We then discuss and analyze the site-
specific environmental issues.
Only the resources that would be affected, or about which comments
have been received, are addressed in detail in this EA. We have not
identified any substantive issues related to aesthetic resources or
socioeconomics associated with the proposed action, and, therefore,
these issues are not assessed in this EA.
3.3.1 Geologic and Soil Resources Affected Environment
The Enoree River is located within the greater Broad River Drainage
Basin and flows through the geologic region known as the Piedmont. The
Piedmont geologic region extends from the Blue Ridge region to the fall
line, at Columbia, South Carolina, and consists of stream and river
valleys and rolling hills with elevations ranging from 375 to over
1,000 feet mean sea level (msl).\16\ Bedrock in this region is
dominated by granite which is found mostly below the surface, except at
shoals within streams. The Enoree River passes through various geologic
formations including the Six Mile Thrust Sheet, the Laurens Thrust
Stack, and the Charlotte Terrane before entering the Broad River,
approximately 52 miles downstream from the project. Surficial
geological material within the project area and within the vicinity of
the project consists of fluvial deposited sediments, as well as
weathered felsic igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont uplands.
\16\ Elevations in this document are based on the National
Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929 (NGVD 29).
Dominant soils within the project area and general vicinity of the
project include the following series: Cartecay, Congaree, and Enoree
(entisols); \17\ and
[[Page 76917]]
Cecil, Madison, and Pacolet (ultisols) \18\ (NRCS, 2013a). In
particular, the northern shoreline of the Riverdale impoundment is
composed of Cartecay-Toccoa complex, Pacolet sandy clay loam with 10 to
15 percent slopes, and Pacolet sandy loam with 25 to 40 percent slopes.
The southern shoreline of the impoundment consists largely of Enoree
soils. Downstream from the dam, bordering the bypassed reach, tailrace,
and Enoree River are Madison & Pacolet soils with 15 to 40 percent
slopes and wet, mixed alluvial land.\19\ Table 2 describes key features
of these soils.
\17\ Entisols are mineral soils that typically occur in areas
where the rate of erosion or deposition of soil parent materials
exceeds the rate of soil horizon development (NRCS, 2012).
\18\ Ulitsols are highly weathered soils rich in clays and
minerals commonly found in mesic forests in the Lower Broad River
Basin (Andersen et al., 2001).
\19\ Alluvial land is an area such as a portion of a stream
channel or floodplain where stream-born sediment has been deposited
(Chernicoff and Ramesh, 1995).
Table 2--Select Characteristics of Mapped Soil Units at the Riverdale Project
[Source: Lockhart Power, 2010A]
Capacity to Erodibility
Soil type Slope Landform Drainage class Flooding transmit water \1\ \2\
Northern Shoreline
Cartecay-Toccoa complex.......... 0-2 Floodplain.......... Somewhat poorly Occasional.......... High............... 0.24
Pacolet sandy clay loam.......... 15-25 Interfluves \3\..... Well drained........ None................ Mod. high to high.. 0.20
Pacolet sandy loam............... 25-40 Interfluves \3\..... Well drained........ None................ Mod. high to high.. 0.20
Southern Shoreline
Enoree........................... 0-2 Depressions/ Poorly drained...... Frequent............ Mod. high to high.. 0.32
Downstream from Riverdale Dam
Madison & Pacolet................ 0-2 Floodplain.......... Moderately well Frequent............ High............... 0.32
mixed alluvial land.............. 15-40 Interfluves \3\..... Well drained........ None................ Mod. high to high.. 0.20
\1\ Measured as Ksat, or saturated hydraulic capacity, as an indicator of seepage potential in the upper 60 inches.
\2\ Measured as the K factor, or the erodibility of soil and other surface substrates, taking into account soil texture, content (e.g., clay, silt,
organic matter, minerals, rocks), and structure (NRCS, 2013b). Values range from 0.02 to 0.69. The higher the value, the more susceptible the soil is
to sheet and rill erosion by water. Moderate range is about 0.20-0.40.
\3\ Upland landform located between two adjacent valleys containing streams.
The characteristics of dominant soil types along with active local
mining operations likely contribute to the load of suspended solids in
the Enoree River. According to the Natural Resource Conservation
Service (NRCS), the majority of lands in the Enoree watershed,
including those of the project, represent a resource concern due to
erosion and are classified as `highly erodible lands.' As shown in
table 2, the soils bordering the project impoundment have a K factor
that indicates moderate erodibility. In addition, there are several
mine sites upstream of the Riverdale Project, including granite,
vermiculite, and sand mines (South Carolina DHEC, 2013a; 2013b).
During licensing studies conducted the summer of 2010,\20\ Lockhart
Power collected qualitative data on substrate content and bank
stability at the Riverdale Project.\21\ The substrates were dominated
by silt and sand in the impoundment and at the confluence of the Enoree
River and Two-Mile Creek. Boulders and bedrock occur immediately
downstream from the dam. Clay, gravel, pebble, cobble, detritus, and
mud were also found in the substrates within the project boundary. The
study results indicated areas of stable shorelines and some areas with
evidence of erosion and undercutting. The current extent of erosion is
not known at this time, but the majority of the project shoreline is
forested with portions armored by bedrock.
\20\ The survey report for Carolina heelsplitter, a freshwater
mussel species, provided qualitative information on substrate
content and compactness, sand and gravel bars, woody debris, beaver
activity, bank stability, riparian buffer width and vegetation
types, land use, turbidity, and water level.
\21\ Survey locations included the impoundment and the Enoree
River in the riffle habitat immediately upstream of the impoundment,
Two-Mile Creek, the tailrace, the bypassed reach, and the Enoree
River downstream from the project near a road (i.e. SC 49) crossing.
Heavy metals and other contaminants from an industrial spill are
known to occur in the Upper Enoree River watershed. In 1985, a
galvanizing facility spilled 75,700 liters of hydrochloric acid, zinc,
lead, barium, chromium, and other contaminants from a ruptured waste
containment pond. The contaminants infiltrated the soil and seeped into
the groundwater at the headwaters of the Enoree River near Travelers
Rest, South Carolina. Also in 1985, the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) removed contaminated materials from the waste containment
ponds, from soil around the facility, as well as drums and other
containers of stored hazardous materials, some of which appeared to
have leaked (South Carolina DHEC, 2005). Studies conducted in 1999 and
2000 documented the residual adverse effects of these contaminants on
salamanders, fish, dragonfly and damselfly larvae, and other aquatic
species in the Enoree River (Worthen, et al., 2001; Worthen, 2002).
While South Carolina DHEC determined that the surface water, sediment,
soils, and groundwater adjacent to the facility pose no public health
hazard,\22\ a South Carolina DHEC's survey in October 2004 indicated
that zinc concentrations in surface water and sediments were above
ambient conditions and could negatively impact aquatic species at the
headwaters of the Enoree River (South Carolina DHEC, 2005). The type
and quantity of contaminants that may have
[[Page 76918]]
been transported in the Enoree River and deposited within the sediments
of the project impoundment since the 1985 industrial spill is unknown
at this time.
\22\ According to South Carolina DHEC, the levels of chemicals
measured at the spill site do not pose a risk to people who may
ingest or come in contact with water and sediment in the area;
however, the threshold for adverse effects to aquatic organisms is
much lower.
The Enoree watershed is transport limited, meaning that material,
primarily eroding soils, collects at a faster rate than river flows can
transport. In small impoundments such as the one at the project,
sediments tend to collect seasonally or during low flow periods. This
is exemplified by the large amount of fine sediments (e.g., sand, silt,
and clay), tree trunks, branches, and other debris that have
accumulated within the project impoundment, including in front of the
intake structure and the dam spillway (FERC, 2012b; 2013). Some of the
sediments and debris in these areas are covered by mats of
alligatorweed and other vegetation (Lockhart Power, 2012). Turbidity
and thick vegetation growing along the canal between the intake
structure and the penstock limited visual inspection during recent
project inspections (FERC, 2012b; 2013). The precise volume of sediment
deposits in the impoundment and the canal are unknown at this time. Environmental Effects
Construction-Related Effects
At this time, Lockhart Power cannot define exactly what will be
required to make the project operable. However, anticipated activities
associated with replacing the approximately 193-foot-long section of
the penstock, dredging the tailrace, repairing the powerhouse, and
constructing the canoe put-in, take-out, portage trail, and parking
area would result in soil-disturbing activities that could cause
erosion and sedimentation in the impoundment and Enoree River. Soil
erosion and subsequent sedimentation of aquatic habitats can adversely
affect fish and wildlife habitat and degrade water quality.
To address the issue of erosion and sedimentation at the project,
Lockhart Power would limit ground-disturbing activities whenever
possible on lands acquired for project purposes. South Carolina DNR
recommends Lockhart Power consult with state and federal agencies to
implement construction and maintenance \23\ BMPs described in the South
Carolina DHEC's Stormwater BMP Handbook (South Carolina DHEC, 2005).
\23\ Both Lockhart Power's proposal and South Carolina DHEC's
recommendation appear to apply to all future ground-disturbing
maintenance activities. While we are not opposed to such protective
measures, we cannot analyze the effects of undefined, broad
measures. Therefore, this EA only considers the effects of
refurbishing the project and general operation and maintenance of
the project. Any future modifications that result in ground-
disturbing activities may require prior Commission approval.
Our Analysis
Lockhart Power anticipates that construction and repairs of the
hydroelectric facilities and installation of the proposed recreation
facilities would be confined to about 2 acres. Ground-disturbing
activities would occur predominantly within the footprint of the former
textile mill, parking lots, and roadways, minimizing effects to
undisturbed areas. Implementing standard industry BMPs for controlling
erosion would ensure adverse effects are minor and temporary. Such BMPs
could include the use of silt fences, sediment traps, stabilized
construction entrances, and alternative techniques that may be approved
after consultation with the South Carolina DHEC (South Carolina DHEC,
2013a; 2013b; 2005).
Operation and Maintenance-Related Effects
Heavy sediment loads in the Enoree River and years of in-operation
have resulted in significant sediment deposits and the establishment of
vegetation in the project impoundment. The exact amount of sediment
deposit is unknown. Repairs to the sand gates prior to project
operation would likely require lowering the impoundment which could
release large quantities of sediments downstream. Any heavy metals and
other contaminants that may have been deposited and covered by the
sediment over the years could be suspended and released downstream.
Resuming project operation and maintenance activities could affect
several geomorphological processes and/or conditions such as stream
bank and shoreline erosion, bed scour, and sediment accumulation within
the impoundment, and sediment transport to downstream river reaches.
Because of the heavy sediment loads and lower velocities in the
impoundment, sediments would continue to accumulate in the impoundment
during project operation. Periodic maintenance activities, such as
inspections or repairs to the sand gates that would require lowering
the project impoundment below the normal operating levels, could result
in untimely flushing of sediments and the accidental releases of large
quantities of sediment. During peaking operation, impoundment
fluctuations of up to 4 feet could cause bank erosion and sedimentation
in the impoundment.
To prevent significant accumulation of sediments in the project
impoundment and untimely releases of sediment downstream, Lockhart
Power proposes to implement a sediment management plan, which consists
of the following: Lockhart Power would use the sand gates to draw down
the impoundment below the normal operating range (i.e. for periodic
inspections and maintenance purposes) and avoid drawdowns from March 15
through June 1. These measures are intended to minimize sediment
releases that could affect fish spawning in the project impoundment and
downstream areas.
South Carolina DNR recommends that Lockhart Power develop and
implement a sediment management plan with provisions to: (a) Monitor
stream-borne sediment accumulations in the impoundment; (b) regularly
flush sediments downstream or remove them from the impoundment; (c)
prepare annual reports describing monitoring and management activities
and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the plan; (d) conduct
sediment management activities from November through January, if
possible; and (e) consult with the South Carolina DHEC to address the
potential presence of contaminated sediments in the impoundment.
Interior also recommends Lockhart Power develop and implement its
sediment management plan with guidelines for periodic inspections and
maintenance drawdowns, as well as the following additional provisions:
(a) Test impoundment sediment for heavy metals and other contaminants;
(b) develop a schedule and criteria that would trigger sediment removal
from the impoundment, by opening the sand gates, if appropriate, during
high flow events, or via mechanical methods; (c) develop a method to
monitor future sediment accumulation in the impoundment; and (d)
conduct maintenance drawdowns in late fall and winter to avoid impacts
to spawning fish upstream and downstream of the dam.
To protect project shorelines from water level fluctuations
associated with peaking operation, Interior recommends Lockhart Power
develop and implement a shoreline stabilization plan. As part of the
plan, Lockhart Power would be required to identify and address any
existing areas of active erosion along the impoundment, as well as
areas downstream from the dam with the potential for erosion due to
project operation. Interior recommends that Lockhart Power use native
vegetation and techniques such as bio-engineering, slope flattening,
toe armoring with anchored logs, and/or riprap that
[[Page 76919]]
incorporates native vegetation plantings to stabilize shorelines
subject to potential erosion.
Our Analysis
Sediment Management
Refurbishing the dam, sand gates, and intake structures, and
beginning initial operation would likely result in the re-suspension
and subsequent transport of a large quantity of sediments downstream
from the project. High loads of suspended solids [sediment] increase
turbidity in riverine habitats leading to reduced light penetration,
decreased primary productivity, which then can lead to adverse effects
to the rest of the food chain. Sedimentation can modify the substrate
surfaces and morphology of a stream channel, reducing habitat
availability and smothering and killing aquatic flora and fauna (Wood
and Armitage, 1997). If heavy metals and other contaminants are present
in the impoundment, they could also be suspended and transported in the
water column, harming fish and wildlife.
Conducting an initial test for heavy metals and other contaminants
in the impoundment sediments prior to beginning project operations, as
recommended by Interior, would determine if such contaminants are in
the project impoundment. The test results would also help Lockhart
Power, the resource agencies, South Carolina DHEC, and the Commission
to identify suitable methods for removing and disposing of any
contaminated sediments, preventing the inadvertent re-suspension and
release of contaminants. The information would also help to design
appropriate methods for short- and long-term sediment management at the
Avoiding impoundment draw downs between March 15 and June 1 to
initially repair the sand gates and to conduct any maintenance once it
is operational, would avoid adverse effects on spawning fish and
reproductive success. Limiting any such maintenance actions to the late
fall and winter, as recommended by Interior, would also protect a broad
range of aquatic species, which undergo less critical life-cycle events
during this time of year and are often dormant or less active. In
addition, during the fall and winter there would likely be sufficient
flows to keep any suspended sediment moving downstream instead of
settling in the shoal habitat of the bypassed reach.
Regular management of impoundment sediment loads would help prevent
sediment buildup and the accidental release of large quantities of
sediment during scheduled and unscheduled maintenance activities that
could have adverse effects on downstream resources. Such an event
occurred in October of 2011 at the Neal Shoals Hydroelectric Project
(FERC Project No. 2315) which is located on the Broad River about 16
miles upstream from the confluence with the Enoree River. About 112,841
cubic yards of sediment was released \24\ during a reservoir drawdown
associated with the replacement of four sand gates, installation of new
trash racks on the sand gates, temporary installation and removal of a
bulkhead in the sand gate opening, and the replacement of the controls
for the sand gates and trash racks.\25\ The Commission was informed
that the sediment release resulted in a fish kill and affected water
quality in the Broad River.\26\ Analysis of the effects the sediment
release on aquatic resources downstream from the Neal Shoals Project is
\24\ See letter from Michael C. Summer, General Manager, Fossil/
Hydo Technical Services, South Carolina Electric and Gas Company
(SCE&G), Cayce, South Carolina, filed on January 25, 2012.
\25\ See letter from Michael C. Summer, General Manager, Fossil/
Hydo Technical Services, SCE&G, Cayce, South Carolina, to Charles D.
Wagner, Regional Engineer, FERC, Atlanta Regional Office, Duluth,
Georgia, filed on March 7, 2011.
\26\ See letter from Thomas J. LoVullo, Chief, Aquatic Resources
Branch, FERC, Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance
to Michael C. Summer, General Manager, Fossil/Hydo Technical
Services, SCE&G, Cayce, South Carolina, issued on November 14, 2011.
\27\ See letter from Michael C. Summer, General Manager, Fossil/
Hydo Technical Services, SCE&G, Cayce, South Carolina, filed on
August 8, 2013.
Developing a sediment management plan would facilitate detection
and timely management of sedimentation at the project, which would
protect aquatic and riparian resources at and near the project. The
plan would be most effective if it includes regular monitoring of
sediment loads, defines criteria for when sediment loads are reaching
levels requiring flushing or removal, and establishes a schedule for
flushing sediments or mechanically removing the sediments during
periods when such releases would be least harmful to aquatic resources.
Annual sediment management reports, as recommended by South Carolina
DNR, would ensure continued stakeholder involvement in sediment
management activities at the project and that sedimentation is managed
effectively from year to year. Such report(s) would be most informative
if they include sediment monitoring results, sediment management
activities that were undertaken, and an evaluation of the effectiveness
of the sediment management plan in minimizing adverse effects on
downstream resources.
Fluctuating Water Levels
Resuming project operations, as Lockhart Power proposes, would
result in impoundment fluctuations of up to 4 feet that could
compromise the stability of soils along the project shorelines. The
total length of the impoundment shoreline is about 2,394 feet.\28\
Since the shoreline contains areas of highly erodible soils, such
fluctuations could cause physical weathering through saturation,
subsequent drying, exposure to rainfall, runoff, and freeze/thaw
conditions. These mechanisms can cause slumping of soils and fracturing
of rocks on the shorelines. Bank slumping and erosion is likely to be
greatest during the initial years of operation. Identifying and
stabilizing areas of active erosion, as well as areas that exhibit the
potential for erosion prior to commencing project operation would
prevent and/or minimize potential shoreline erosion problems. Annually
monitoring the banks for erosion and implementing corrective measures
as needed would minimize future adverse effects of bank erosion on fish
and wildlife habitat. Using native vegetation and techniques such as
bio-engineering, slope flattening, toe armoring with anchored logs,
and/or riprap that incorporates native vegetation plantings would
effectively stabilize eroding shorelines and provide habitat for
wildlife and aquatic species that use the riparian zone, littoral zone
of the impoundment, and bank areas of stream reaches in the project
area. Monitoring banks and shorelines after Lockhart Power resumes
project operation as well as implementing stabilization techniques if
erosion is observed, would address any areas of future shoreline
erosion. Installing shoreline or bank stabilizers during the fall and
winter (i.e. September through February), except under emergency
situations, would help minimize potential disturbances to aquatic
species and wildlife. As with the sediment management plan discussed
above, annual reports documenting the results of monitoring and any
shoreline stabilization activities would ensure continued stakeholder
involvement in activities to minimize erosion and protect littoral,
bank, and riparian areas within the project area over the term of any
license issued for the project.
\28\ Staff used GIS software to estimate the length of the
impoundment shoreline. The individual lengths of the northern and
southern impoundment shorelines are 1,234 feet and 1,160 feet,
[[Page 76920]]
3.3.2 Aquatic Resources Affected Environment
Water Quantity
The project impoundment has a surface area of 6.6 acres at the
normal pool elevation of 512 feet above msl and a gross storage
capacity of 22 acre-feet. The impoundment extends 0.25 mile upstream of
the dam to a bedrock ledge about 225 feet downstream from the Highway
221 Bridge. The impoundment is about 250 to 300 feet wide, shallow, and
includes mid-channel sandbars and large woody debris. All flows
currently pass over the dam and flow into the project's 1,400-foot-long
bypassed reach.
The impoundment drainage area is 280.5 square miles. The estimated
mean annual daily flow (MADF) at the project is 374 cfs.\29\ The
maximum peak flow for the period of record was approximately 52,200 cfs
on August 27, 1995, as a result of Tropical Storm Jerry (table 3). As
expected, the lowest flow periods occur during the summer and early
fall (June-November).
\29\ This MADF is based on data collected during the following
period of record: January 1, 1994 through December 31, 2012, as pro-
rated from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gage No. 02160390, located
on the Enoree River near Woodruff, SC.
Table 3--Synthesized Monthly Flow Data (CFS) for the Riverdale Project From USGS Gage No. 02160390 Enoree River at Woodruff, South Carolina
[Source: Lockhart Power, 2010a; USGS, 2013, as modified by staff]
90 Percent 75 Percent 25 Percent 10 Percent
Month Minimum exceedance exceedance Mean Maximum exceedance exceedance
January................................. 153 180 252 475 6938 492 828
February................................ 156 193 267 503 5853 521 803
March................................... 191 247 298 590 8204 586 895
April................................... 164 218 258 442 4656 498 709
May..................................... 127 160 188 343 463 359 557
June.................................... 62 107 140 300 2915 341 544
July.................................... 53 92 122 269 6893 263 489
August.................................. 38 68 90 307 22600 283 467
September............................... 44 71 98 271 7255 276 414
October................................. 59 87 115 256 5311 272 406
November................................ 73 98 131 296 4497 301 512
December................................ 101 149 188 439 5198 475 748
Note: Period of Record is January 1, 1994 through December 31, 2012. The Woodruff gage is located about 6.7 miles upstream of the project and has a
drainage area of about 249 square miles. Flows were pro-rated to the project using the formula 280.5/249.
Water Use
Public water supply is the primary surface water use of the Enoree
River. The Enoree River serves as the water supply for Lauren and
Spartanburg counties. The town of Whitmire and city of Clinton withdraw
water from the Enoree River downstream from the project. There are no
current water withdrawals occurring at the project. However, the
Woodruff-Roebuck Water District, South Carolina anticipates future
withdrawals of 5 million gallons per day or 7.74 cfs from the Riverdale
impoundment to support probable increases in area water demands.\30\
\30\ See letter from Curtis M. Dillard, PE, General Manager,
Woodruff-Roebuck Water District, Woodruff, South Carolina, filed on
February 9, 2012.
Water Quality
South Carolina DHEC designated the Enoree River waters at the
project as freshwater, suitable for primary and secondary contact
recreation, and as a source for drinking water supply after
conventional treatment in accordance with the requirements of the South
Carolina DHEC. State water quality standards that would be applicable
for project discharge are described in table 4.
Table 4--South Carolina Water Quality Standards for Freshwaters
[Source: South Carolina Regulation 61-68--Water classifications and
Quality standards for freshwaters
Items Standards
a. Garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, None allowed.
sludge, or other refuse.
b. Dissolved oxygen.................... Daily average not less than 5.0
mg/l with a low of 4.0 mg/1.
c. E. coli............................. Not to exceed a geometric mean
of 126/100 ml based on at
least four samples collected
from a given sampling site
over a 30 day period, nor
shall a single sample maximum
exceed 349/100 ml.
d. Temperature......................... Temperature of all freshwaters
which are free flowing shall
not be increased more than
5[deg]F (2.8[deg]C) above
natural temperature conditions
and shall not exceed a maximum
of 90[deg]F (32.2[deg]C) as a
result of the discharge of
heated liquids unless a
different site-specific
temperature standard has been
established, a mixing zone has
been established, or a Section
316(a) determination under the
Federal Clean Water Act has
been completed.
e. Turbidity (except for lakes)........ Not to exceed 50 NTUs provided
existing uses are maintained.
[[Page 76921]]
In general, water quality of the Enoree River upstream of, and
downstream from, the project fully supports aquatic life, but
recreational uses are only partially supported because of high fecal
coliform levels (South Carolina DHEC, 2007). South Carolina DHEC's 2007
Water Quality Assessment identified 23 locations that are impaired in
the Enoree River for fecal coliform bacteria. Sources of these water
quality impairments include pastureland, cropland, and active point
sources discharging fecal coliform bacteria (2007). South Carolina DHEC
(2007, 2012) notes that aquatic life uses in Beaverdam Creek, a
tributary immediately upstream of the Riverdale Project, are not
supported based on macroinvertebrate community data due to excess
copper. However, South Carolina DHEC (2007) documents some stream
reaches in the Enoree River watershed with significant decreasing
trends in turbidity, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, five-day
biological oxygen demand, and fecal coliform, as well as increasing
trends in DO concentrations which suggest that the water quality
conditions are improving in portions of the Enoree River.
Lockhart Power intended to collect temperature, DO, pH,
conductivity, and turbidity data throughout the 2010 and 2011 sampling
season. However, limited access to the project area permitted Lockhart
Power to collect water quality data in the morning and evening of June
18 and 30, and August 2, 2010 in the following areas: One location
upstream of the impoundment, two locations within the impoundment at a
depth of 1.5- and 3-feet, one location each in the bypass reach,
tailrace, and at the confluence of the Broad and Enoree Rivers.
Lockhart Power also used USGS data collected at the Whitmire gage.\31\
Impoundment samples taken during the evening on June 18, 2010, at both
depths, fell below the minimum instantaneous standard for DO (4.0 mg/
L). All other samples collected by Lockhart Power met South Carolina's
state standards for DO, temperature, conductivity, and pH.
\31\ The USGS Whitmire gage (USGS 02160700 Enoree River at
Whitmire, SC) collects water quality parameters and was sampled as a
point of reference.
Fishery Resources
The 6.6-acre impoundment is mostly riverine in nature with
substrates of silt, clay, sand, and/or detritus. Upstream of the dam,
just below the HWY 221 Bridge, a small shelf composed of boulder and
bedrock provides shoal habitat. Littoral habitat in the impoundment
includes shallow banks composed of sand, mud and submerged aquatic
vegetation. The riparian forest at the edge of the impoundment provides
overhanging vegetation with occasional snags and roots.
The tailrace is approximately 5 to 6 feet wide and 8 inches to 1
foot deep. The most prevalent substrate is sand, which covers bedrock,
boulders and cobble. Root mats, aquatic vegetation, and a few logs are
also present (Carnagey Biological Services, 2010).
The Enoree River bypassed reach extends for approximately 1,400
feet downstream from the toe of the dam to the confluence with the
project's powerhouse tailrace. The bypassed reach is largely composed
of habitat consistent with shoals in Piedmont streams of the
Southeastern U.S. (Mulholland and Lenat, 1992). Shoals only comprise 2
percent of all habitats in the Enoree River (Lockhart Power, 2011b).
The project bypassed reach, which contains 10 percent of the available
shoals habitat in the Enoree River, includes a natural ledge, a braided
portion, and a main channel.
The natural ledge or fall stretches across the entire width of the
river, approximately 15 to 20 feet below the dam. Downstream from the
natural ledge, the main channel runs on the south side of the river,
and flows over small and large boulders with aquatic vegetation
dispersed throughout. The main channel provides a series of riffle, run
and pool habitat types. The substrate in the main channel consists
mostly of bedrock and sand, interspersed with some boulders, cobble and
gravel. Logs, root mats, and aquatic vegetation are also present
(Carnagey Biological Services, 2010).
The north side of the bypassed reach is more complex and splits
into three braided channels. The braided channels are approximately 6.5
to 19.5 feet wide and from 4 inches to greater than 2 feet deep, with a
canopy cover of 45 percent. Substrate in this area is composed of
boulders, cobble, gravel, sand, and some bedrock. Snags, root mats,
leaf packs, and some aquatic vegetation provide other habitat (Carnagey
Biological Services, 2010).
To characterize the fish resources within the Riverdale Project
area, Lockhart Power conducted a baseline fisheries survey on June 10-
11 and July 6-7, 2010 (Lockhart Power, 2010a). Sampling was conducted
at six stations: One station was in the impoundment, three stations
were in the bypassed reach, and one station each was in the tailrace
and the confluence of the tailrace with the Enoree River. During the
baseline fisheries survey, 29 freshwater fish species were collected in
the vicinity of the Riverdale Project (table 5). The highest number of
species (20) occurred in the bypassed reach upstream of the braiding.
Fewer species were collected in the main channel along the southern
shoreline of the bypassed reach (13), the braided reach along the
northern shoreline (11), and the Riverdale impoundment (12). The lowest
number of species (6) was collected at the confluence of the Enoree
River and the powerhouse tailrace, which is a relatively homogenous
habitat composed mostly of woody debris and undercut banks.
[[Page 76922]]
[[Page 76923]]
Carnagey Biological Services (2010) conducted benthic
macroinvertebrate surveys in the Riverdale Project vicinity on June 30,
2010. Collections of aquatic macroinvertebrates were made at six
sampling stations. Stations were located above the Riverdale Project
impoundment (i.e. reference location, station 1), in the tailrace
(station 2), upstream of the braided area in the bypassed reach
(station 3), in the main channel of the bypassed reach (station 4), in
the braided flow channel of the bypassed reach (station 5), and at the
confluence of the tailrace and the Enoree River (station 6). A total of
1,807 organisms, comprising 81 distinct taxa,
[[Page 76924]]
were collected. Station 4 had the most taxa and specimens collected,
while station 6 had the fewest taxa and station 3 had the fewest
specimens collected. The number of EPT taxa (i.e. insect orders
Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) was highest (17 taxa) at
the reference station, lowest at stations 3 (11 taxa) and 6 (12 taxa),
while stations 2, 4, and 5 had 15 to 16 EPT taxa.
Two indices were used to evaluate the quality of the environment
for benthic macroinvertebrates. The North Carolina biotic index (NCBI)
utilizes a pollution tolerance value developed over a wide range of
conditions and pollution types to assess the amount of impact. The
South Carolina DHEC bioclassification is determined by averaging scores
for the NCBI and EPT index at each station. Based on NCBI, the
environment at station 2 was ``excellent'' and all other stations were
``good.'' Based on the South Carolina DHEC bioclassification, the
environment at station 2 was ``good'' and all others stations were
Freshwater Mussels
Alderman Environmental Services conducted freshwater mussel and
snail surveys July 6-8, 2010 (Lockhart Power, 2010a). Visual and
tactile sampling occurred in five reaches. Reach 1 was upriver of the
dam, reach 2 was in the tailrace, reach 3 was at the confluence of the
tailrace and the Enoree River, reach 4 was in the vicinity of SC 49
crossing (~ 4.75 miles downstream from project), and reach 5 was in the
bypassed reach. Although there was no evidence of any mussels, six
snail species were observed, including the panhandle pebblesnail, which
was found in reaches 4 and 5.
Special Status Aquatic Species
None of the species identified during the survey are state or
federally listed as threatened or endangered. However, eight fish
species collected in the survey are listed as Conservation Species:
redeye bass, Santee chub, thicklip chub, greenfin shiner, flat
bullhead, snail bullhead, Piedmont darter, and notchlip redhorse (table
Redeye bass is a Conservation Species of Highest Priority due to
its restricted range, as well as competitive displacement and
hybridization when found together with the introduced, non-native
spotted bass (SCDNR, 2005). The species typically inhabits small to
medium sized headwater streams within the Appalachian foothills of Gulf
and Atlantic Slope drainages (Boschung and Mayden, 1999). It spawns in
the spring (April-June; table 6) in headwater streams in gravel nests
built in eddy waters at the heads of pools (Wallus and Simon, 2008).
Outside of the spawning season, adult and juvenile redeye bass appear
to prefer areas close to shorelines with heavy canopy cover (Knight,
2011). Redeye bass were observed in the impoundment, bypassed reach,
and at the confluence of the tailrace and the Enoree River (table 5).
The Santee chub is a Conservation Species of High Priority due to
its limited distribution (South Carolina DNR, 2005). Within its
distribution, the Santee chub is found in small- to medium-sized
streams over gravel, sand, and rubble; however, it is most abundant in
sand-bottomed runs of larger streams. The life-history of the Santee
chub is not well understood (including spawning season), but is
probably similar to the thicklip chub (table 6; Rohde et al., 2009).
Santee chub were found in the bypassed reach, tailrace, and confluence
during 2010 fish surveys (table 5).
The piedmont darter is a Conservation Species of High Priority,
largely because one-third of its global distribution is in South
Carolina and many of its preferred habitats are at risk (South Carolina
DNR, 2005). Piedmont darter occupy cool to warm moderate-sized streams
and rivers, but are usually found in riffles with gravel and rock
substrate (Rohde et al., 2009). Little else is known about the life-
history of this species, but it likely spawns in mid- to late-spring
(table 6; Jenkins and Burkhead, 1993). Piedmont darter was found in all
sections of the bypassed reach during 2010 fish surveys (table 5).
The thicklip chub is a Conservation Species of Moderate Priority
because it occurs only in the Carolinas and Georgia and only within a
few drainages. About one-half of the global distribution of the species
is in South Carolina (South Carolina DNR, 2005). It is primarily found
in warmer, clear to turbid streams and rivers of the Piedmont. Adults
occupy runs and riffles over sand and gravel, as well as sites
characterized by rubble, boulder and bedrock (Jenkins and Burkhead,
1993). Thicklip chub spawning biology is not well understood, but
likely occurs from mid-May to late August (table 6; Jenkins and
Burkhead, 1993). Thicklip chub was found in the bypassed reach,
upstream of channel braiding during 2010 fish surveys (table 5).
Table 6--Spawning Dates and Habitat Requirements for Eight Conservation Species Observed in the Riverdale Bypassed Reach
[South Carolina DNR, 2005]
Common name Spawning dates Habitat Use
Species Literature
Range Literature source Range Literature source Category source
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
Micropterus coosae............. Redeye Bass....... April-June......... Mettee et al. (1996) fluvial \1\ Freeman and Marcinek
Wallus and Simon specialist. (2006) Rohde et al.
(2008). (2009)
Cyprinella zanema.............. Santee Chub....... information not none................... fluvial specialist Rohde et al. (2009)
Cyprinella labrosa............. Thicklip Chub..... possibly mid-May-- Jenkins and Burkhead fluvial specialist Freeman and Marcinek
late August. (1993). (2006) Rohde et al.
Cyprinella chloristia.......... Greenfin Shiner... information not none................... fluvial specialist Freeman and Marcinek
available. (2006) Rohde et al.
Ameiurus platycephalus......... Flat Bullhead..... June-July Olmsted and Cloutman generalist\2\..... Rohde et al. (2009)
(impoundment (1979).
Ameriurus brunneus............. Snail Bullhead.... May--early June.... Jenkins and Burkhead fluvial specialist Freeman and Marcinek
(1993). (2006) Rohde et al.
Percina crassa................. Piedmont Darter... mid- to late-spring Jenkins and Burkhead fluvial specialist Rohde et al. (2009)
[[Page 76925]]
Moxostoma collapsum............ Notchlip Redhorse. March--early June.. Jenkins and Burkhead fluvial specialist Freeman and Marcinek
(1993) Grabowski and (2006) Rohde et al.
Isely (2007) Coughlan (2009)
et al. (2007).
\1\ Fluvial specialists are species that require flowing water for most or all of their life cycle (Galat et al., 2005).
\2\ Habitat generalists are species that are capable of successfully utilizing a variety of habitats to complete their life-cycle.
The greenfin shiner is a Conservation Species of Moderate Priority
because they only occur in the Carolinas and Georgia, and only within a
few drainages. About two-thirds of the global distribution is in South
Carolina (South Carolina DNR, 2005). The species is found over sandy
and rocky pools and in the runs of larger creeks and small to medium-
sized rivers (Rohde et al., 2009). The spawning biology of greenfin
shiner is not well understood; however, it likely exhibits behavior
similar to other species in its genera, which deposit eggs in crevices
of submerged logs and rocks (Rohde et al., 2009). The greenfin shiner
was found in the impoundment and bypassed reach during 2010 fish
surveys (table 5).
The notchlip redhorse is a Conservation Species of Moderate
Priority due to habitat degradation such as deforestation and siltation
(South Carolina DNR, 2005). The species occurs in large creeks to large
rivers on the inner Coastal Plain and Piedmont of South Carolina (Rohde
et al., 2009). Its temporal spawning range may occur from March to
early June (table 6), and it is thought to gather near shoals and flats
to spawn over coarse gravel (Jenkins and Burkhead, 1993; Jennings et
al., 1996). The notchlip redhorse was found in the braided and main
channel of the bypassed reach during 2010 fish surveys (table 5).
The flat bullhead is a Conservation Species of Moderate Priority
due to sedimentation, hydrologic modification, impoundments, nonpoint
source pollution, and development, as well as competition with and
predation by non-native catfish species like the flathead and blue
catfish (South Carolina DNR, 2005). The species occupies a variety of
habitats, including impoundments (Olmstead and Cloutman, 1979).
Spawning biology is not well understood in stream or riverine
environments, though spawning in Lake Norman, North Carolina occurs
during June and July (table 6; Olmstead and Cloutman, 1979). The flat
bullhead was found in the impoundment during 2010 fish surveys (table
The snail bullhead is a Conservation Species of Moderate Priority
for the same reasons as flat bullhead. The species is frequently found
in warm and medium-sized rivers, often in rocky runs and riffles, and
appears to prefer shoals compared to pools (Kennon, 2007; Rohde et al.,
2009). Little is known about snail bullhead biology, but it likely
spawns from May to early June (table 6). The snail bullhead was found
in the main channel and upstream of braided sections of the bypassed
reach during 2010 fish surveys (table 5).
All Conservation Priority Fish Species, with the possible exception
of the flat bullhead, are fluvial specialists.\32\ In contrast, habitat
generalists,\33\ such as flat bullhead, can be found in both lentic and
lotic systems (Galat et al., 2005).
\32\ Fluvial specialists are species that require flowing water
for most or all of their life cycle (Galat et al., 2005).
\33\ Habitat generalists are species that are capable of
successfully utilizing a variety of habitats to complete their life-
Benthic macroinvertebrates
The panhandle pebblesnail is a Conservation Species of Highest
Priority. Siltation of streams and rivers from agricultural runoff and
erosion of unstable stream banks are the main factors affecting the
distribution of the species (South Carolina DNR, 2005). The species is
generally found in rivers and streams throughout the Piedmont--
typically in rocky riffles with good flow and often with the hornleaf
riverweed. Solid substrate seems to be a key habitat requirement. Its
biology is not well understood; however, like all snails in the mud
snail family it likely requires solid substrate to attach eggs (Dillon
et al., 2006). The panhandle pebblesnail was found in the bypassed
reach and about 4.75 miles downstream from the project during
freshwater mussel and snail surveys (Lockhart Power, 2010a). Environmental Effects
Effects of Project Refurbishment and Operation on Water Quality
As discussed in section 3.3.1, Geologic and Soil Resources, if
erosion control measures do not adequately mitigate soil erosion and
sedimentation, there may be temporary increases in turbidity above the
current state standard of 50 NTU in the Enoree River. Similarly,
drawing down the impoundment to repair the sand gates and initial
operations may result in the discharge of a large amount of sediment
from the project impoundment. Peaking operation may also affect DO and
temperature within the impoundment, particularly during low flows.
Releasing poorly oxygenated, warm water from the impoundment could
affect fish, mussels, and other aquatic species in the bypassed reach.
Lockhart Power is willing to monitor water quality in the project
vicinity, as required by South Carolina DHEC, but did not specifically
propose any water quality monitoring.
Interior recommends that Lockhart Power: (1) Conduct water quality
monitoring in the impoundment at all proposed operational drawdowns for
a minimum of 1 year; and (2) submit water quality monitoring results to
South Carolina DHEC, South Carolina DNR, NMFS, Interior, and the
Our Analysis
Our understanding of water quality in the project vicinity under
existing conditions is limited because it is based on three water
quality samples collected by Lockhart Power, as described above. Low DO
concentrations for the June 18, 2010 sample may have been due to high
levels of decomposed organic matter in the impoundment, water
temperature, or water quality of the impoundment's inflows.
Because of the limited storage capacity of the project impoundment,
ROR operation would likely predominate. Water quality conditions
[[Page 76926]]
within the impoundment are not expected to differ greatly from existing
conditions during ROR operation because all inflow would continually
pass through the project as it currently does. However, during peaking
operation, which would occur during lower flow periods, DO levels could
decrease and water temperatures could increase as water retention times
increase. The extent to which these water quality parameters would be
affected is unknown, and would depend on inflow rates and ambient
Because all flows currently spill over the dam into the bypassed
reach, some degree of aeration occurs. Given the presence of several
species of fish and macroinvertebrates, sufficient aeration is likely
occurring. Once operation begins, flows in the bypassed reach would be
limited to minimum flows provided through the low-level sand gates,
except when inflow exceeds the project's hydraulic capacity. Although
the flows would be less than that which occurs currently, flows would
be constant and aeration over the shoals is likely to be sufficient to
protect aquatic biota. Thermal stratification of the impoundment, which
could affect DO levels in the bypassed minimum flow to the bypassed
reach, is unlikely because of its shallow depth (Dodds et al., 2010).
Turbidity monitoring prior to the start of construction as well as
during project rehabilitation would ensure that the erosion control and
sediment management plan is meeting its objectives and that discharges
are consistent with the current state water quality standards (table 4)
and other permitting requirements throughout the project rehabilitation
Monitoring water quality in the impoundment and in the bypassed
reach prior to construction, during construction, and during the first
year of project operation under the various operational levels, as
recommended by Interior, would determine if operations are adversely
affecting water quality parameters and if potential corrective actions
are warranted. Depending on the results, monitoring may need to be
extended beyond the first year.
Effects of Project Refurbishment and Operation on Fishery Resources
Instream Flow Releases
The proposed Riverdale Project would divert existing river flows
away from the bypassed reach and toward the turbines for hydropower
generation. Flow diversions would ultimately reduce the volume of flow
in the bypassed reach, resulting in dewatering of habitat and modifying
aquatic habitat parameters in the 1,400 feet of complex shoals habitat
in the bypassed reach. Peaking operations would result in flow
fluctuations within the impoundment, and in the Enoree River below the
tailrace confluence. Such fluctuations could strand and isolate fish in
back channels and on gravel bars, causing increased risk of predation
and natural mortality, or dewater fish nests in the impoundment and
downstream from the tailrace, leaving eggs vulnerable to predation and
Lockhart Power proposes to provide a continuous minimum flow of 50
cfs through the bypassed reach and a downstream continuous minimum flow
of 60 cfs, or inflow, whichever is less. Lockhart Power plans to
release at least 10 cfs into the tailrace when the project is not
generating via leakage, or through gate operations if necessary. In the
event of a plant outage, Lockhart Power would release flows into the
bypassed reach via the dam's sand gates or over the spillway.
South Carolina DNR recommends Lockhart Power release flows in the
bypassed reach that are consistent with the Water Plan. Based on an
estimated MADF of 393 cfs for a period of record from 1994-2009, the
minimum flows should meet or exceed the following: July-November, 20
percent of MADF (79 cfs); January-April, 40 percent of MADF (157 cfs);
and May, June, and December, 30 percent of MADF (118 cfs).
Interior,\34\ NMFS, and American Rivers support the recommendations
provided by South Carolina DNR.
\34\ See email correspondence dated May 31, 2013 from Thomas
McCoy, Deputy Field Supervisor, FWS, Charleston, South Carolina, to
Sarah Salazar, FERC, Washington, DC, filed on June 6, 2013.
Although NMFS supports South Carolina DNR's proposed minimum flows,
it also recommends Lockhart Power conduct an instream flow study after
a license is issued, and when the project's sand gates are operational.
NMFS states that this is because Lockhart Power could not provide an
instream flow study to support flows needed to protect aquatic
resources in the bypassed reach. NMFS recommends that Lockhart Power
develop the study plan within 6 months of license issuance.
Our Analysis
The current licensee has not operated the project since 2001, and
no river flow has been diverted for hydropower purposes since that
time. Rather, all river flow has and continues to run over the dam/
spillway and into the shoals of the 1,400-foot-long bypassed river
channel. These conditions represent the no-action alternative.
Piedmont streams like the Enoree River naturally exhibit large
seasonal variations in stream flow with varying amounts of habitat.
High rates of evapotranspiration during the growing season deplete soil
moisture content and reduce groundwater input to streams, resulting in
average stream flows that are generally much lower during the summer
compared with winter and early spring. During winter and early spring,
evapotranspiration is very low and groundwater discharge is usually
considerably higher, resulting in higher baseflows (Mulholland and
Lenat, 1992).
Many fish species have evolved life history strategies in the
context of natural flow regimes. Consequently, fishes are generally
adapted to the monthly, seasonal, annual, and interannual variations in
flow, and are capable of surviving flows from drought to flood
conditions (Bunn and Arthington, 2002; Thompson and Larsen, 2004). Some
fishes also benefit from particular magnitudes of flow during specific
periods of the year. For example, higher flow during spring can provide
access to spawning grounds for migratory species, or access to the
floodplain, where nursery value and foraging opportunities are optimal
for some fish species (Bunn and Arthington, 2002). Thus, certain
seasonal components of an annual flow regime can be important for some
A diversity of species currently exist in the bypassed reach, which
is composed of complex shoals habitat. Shoals represent only 2 percent
of all habitat in the Enoree River, and the bypassed reach contains 10
percent of shoals habitat in the Enoree River (Lockhart Power, 2011b).
Wharton (1978) describes a Piedmont shoal as ``shallow, oxygenated
water,'' and shoals as ``swift, rocky areas'' that are abundant with
life. Despite their rarity, they are structurally complex habitats that
support a higher number of species than more homogenous habitats in
Piedmont rivers (Kennon, 2007).
The bypassed reach had the highest number of species collected,
compared to all other habitats sampled during the 2010 fish surveys
(table 5). A total of 21 species was observed in the bypassed reach,
and seven of those species are listed by South Carolina as Conservation
Species (table 5). Each of these species is a fluvial specialist,
requiring flowing water for most or all of their life cycle (Galat et
al., 2005).
Redeye bass is one of the more unique species present in the
bypassed reach, and is listed as Conservation Species of Highest
Priority. This species is restricted to watersheds in northwest
[[Page 76927]]
South Carolina, and is currently in decline in the state due to
hybridization with the introduced Alabama spotted bass (South Carolina
DNR, 2008). Continued hybridization could eventually restrict redeye
bass populations to isolated tributaries (Barwick et al., 2006).
The panhandle pebblesnail is another unique and rare species
present in the bypassed reach, and also is listed as a Conservation
Species of Highest Priority. In 1994, this species was under candidate
review for listing under the Endangered Species Act; however, it was
determined that persuasive data on biological vulnerability and threat
were not available to support listing at the time (DOI, 1994). This
species is only documented at seven locations in South Carolina (Dillon
et al., 2006). Siltation of streams and rivers from agricultural runoff
and erosion of unstable streambanks are the main factors affecting the
distribution of the species (South Carolina DNR, 2005).
Because Lockhart Power could not conduct a controlled-flow study of
the instream flows needed to support aquatic resources in the bypassed
reach or downstream from the tailrace, it proposed to provide a minimum
continuous flow of 60 cfs downstream from the tailrace and 50 cfs
through the bypassed reach when operating. Lockhart Power asserts that
such flows would meet 7Q10 \35\ requirements (56 cfs) in the Enoree
River established by South Carolina DHEC.\36\
\35\ The 7Q10 is the lowest 7-day average flow that occurs (on
average) once every 10 years.
\36\ The 50-cfs minimum flow in the bypassed reach represents an
increase from the 30-cfs minimum flow requirement of the existing
The proposed 50 cfs is 13 percent of the MADF, or 393 cfs. Lockhart
Power states that this flow is within the range of minimum bypass flows
for five other Commission-licensed projects located within South
Carolina's Broad River Basin (table 7), each of which were built at a
shoal site, have similar fish species as found at the Riverdale
Project, and were based on flow studies. Lockhart Power asserts that if
a field study could have been conducted at the Riverdale Project it
would have yielded similar results, supporting a similar percent of
MADF for minimum flows in the project bypassed reach. Consequently,
Lockhart Power states that its proposed flow would adequately protect
aquatic habitat in the bypassed reach and the Enoree River. However,
for each of the projects cited by Lockhart Power (i.e. table 7), site-
specific instream flow studies were conducted to support the minimum
flows . No instream flow studies have been conducted in the Riverdale
bypassed reach or downstream from the tailrace to support Lockhart
Power's proposed minimum flows.
Table 7--Flows Through the Bypassed Reach at FERC Licensed Projects in the Broad River Basin, South Carolina
[Source: Lockhart Power]
Range of flow
Project Name MADF (cfs) through bypassed Percent range of MADF
reach (cfs)
Gaston Shoals........................... 2,170 150-350 7 to 16.
Lockhart................................ 3,600 200-385 5 to 11.
Catawba................................. 4,878 550-950 11 to 19.
Columbia................................ 6,923 500-900 7 to 13.
Pacolet................................. 505 22-49 4 to 9.
Riverdale Proposed...................... 393 50 13.
Without a site-specific flow study, desktop standard-setting
methods, such as 7Q10, the Water Plan, and Tennant (1976) can be used
to provide minimum flow recommendations.
The 7Q10 flow is a hydrologically-based design flow that represents
the lowest 7-day average flow that occurs, on average, once every 10
years. The 7Q10 flow does not necessarily take into account biological
needs of aquatic resources. Nonetheless, Lockhart Power's proposed
minimum flow of 50 cfs is not equivalent to the 7Q10 flow (56 cfs) in
the bypassed reach; however, it is equivalent to the 7Q10 flow below
the tailrace when combined with leakage through the turbine.
Where site-specific flow studies are not available, South Carolina
DNR uses the state Water Plan \37\ to recommend flows that will protect
fishery resources in all waters of the state when natural streamflow
regimes cannot be maintained. The Water Plan minimum flow requirements
are based on instream flow studies conducted at six regulated reaches
in the South Carolina Piedmont. These minimum flow requirements were
designed to provide a useable width for migratory fish \38\ passing
through shoals during high flows, provide ``generally adequate'' flows
to protect fisheries during low flows, provide ``adequate'' flows
during periods when flows are increasing or decreasing, and provide
flows that conform to seasonal variation in flow. These objectives
resulted in three distinct minimum flow periods that capture high
(January-April; 40 percent of MADF), low (July-November; 20 percent of
MADF), and increasing (December; 30 percent of MADF) or decreasing
(May, June; 30 percent of MADF) flow periods (Bulak and Jobsis, 1989).
\37\ The Water Plan states that the current policy for
determining instream flow requirements for fishery resources can be
found in South Carolina Instream Flow Studies: A Status Report
(Bulak and Jobsis, 1989).
\38\ Striped bass were considered a migratory species of prime
importance in the instream flow studies, and habitat suitability
(i.e. stream width and depth requirements) was based on passage of
this species.
Based on the stipulations of the Water Plan and the flow record at
the time, which established a MADF of 393 cfs for the bypassed reach,
South Carolina DNR, Interior, and NMFS concluded that the minimum flows
should meet or exceed the following: 79 cfs from July-November (20
percent of MADF); 157 cfs from January-April (40 percent of MADF); and
118 cfs in May, June, and December (30 percent of MADF). Using the most
current flow data available, staff calculated the MADF to be 374 cfs,
which results in the following slightly lower flows: July-November, 75
cfs (20 percent of MADF); January-April, 150 cfs (40 percent of MADF);
and May, June, and December, 112 cfs (30 percent of MADF). In contrast,
Lockhart Power's proposed flows of 60 cfs (16 percent of MADF)
downstream from the tailrace
[[Page 76928]]
and 50 cfs (13 percent of MADF) in the bypassed reach would fall below
all of the Water Plan's minimum flows and would not be adequate to
protect the existing fishery in the bypassed reach. In addition, unlike
the Water Plan's seasonally variable minimum flows, Lockhart Power's
proposed year-round flows would not maintain or mimic the natural flow
regime, which according to the Water Plan, can be important because
fish have evolved to spawn in synchrony with the seasonal hydrologic
One of the criteria used to establish minimum flow requirements of
the Water Plan is to provide sufficient depth for passage of striped
bass. Bulak and Jobsis (1989) concluded that in Piedmont streams, where
striped bass are generally of prime importance, a minimum depth of 1.5
feet and passage width of 10 feet is necessary for unimpeded passage
for the spawning migration. During high flow periods, study results
from the six Piedmont reaches indicated that establishing a 1.5-foot-
deep by 10-foot-wide passage route required flows at shoals to range
from 39-70 percent of MADF (Bulak and Jobsis, 1989). Therefore, the 40
percent of MADF flow recommended by South Carolina DNR, Interior, and
NMFS for the period between January and April represents the lower end
of flows deemed necessary for maintaining a zone-of-passage for striped
Striped bass are not present in the bypassed reach and a spawning
migration does not occur up to the Riverdale Project due to the lack of
passage at Parr dam, located 65 miles downstream from the Riverdale
Project. Therefore, the passage requirements outlined in the Water Plan
are not relevant for the Riverdale bypassed reach. While a 1.5-foot-
deep by 10-foot-wide passage was determined to be suitable for striped
bass, which at maturity can range in length from 18 inches to greater
than 40 inches, the species with the largest adult size range that
presently inhabits the Riverdale bypassed reach is redeye bass, which
in South Carolina, can range from 6-17 inches in length (Rohde et al.,
2009). Based on size, redeye bass do not require the same depths as
striped bass for movement within the bypassed reach, nor is there
evidence that other species require depths of 1.5 feet. Therefore,
flows of 40 percent MADF from January to April are not necessary for
maintenance of suitable habitat for the current fish community in the
bypassed reach.
Based on the study conducted by Bulak and Jobsis (1989), flows
ranging from 15 to 32 percent of MADF are acceptable from January to
April if a channel 1.0-foot-deep by 10-feet-wide is adequate for the
species present. Given the absence of striped bass and other anadromous
species at the Riverdale Project, a minimum flow of 20 percent of MADF
(75-cfs) between January and April should provide suitable passage
conditions in the bypassed reach for the existing aquatic community.
Bulak and Jobsis (1989) also concluded that a minimum flow of 20
percent MADF is generally adequate during the low flow period. Although
a year-round minimum flow of 75 cfs would not mimic the seasonal
variation in hydrology sought by the Water Plan, there is currently no
evidence that the fishes or invertebrates in the bypassed reach, or
downstream from the tailrace require such annual variation in flow to
complete their life-cycle.
In addition to using the parameters of the Water Plan, we analyzed
flows in the bypassed reach using the Tennant method. The Tennant
method is based on the assumption that a proportion of MADF would
maintain suitable depths and water velocities for fish. Although
Tennant's method is derived from rivers in Montana, Wyoming, and
Nebraska, analyses in the southeast exhibit general agreement with his
recommendations (Wood and Whelan, 1962). Bulak and Jobsis (1989) also
used Tennant as one of the factors to establish South Carolina's policy
on minimum flows. Tennant concluded that 10 percent of MADF is the
minimum instantaneous flow needed to sustain short-term survival and is
considered the lower limits for aquatic life. Tennant also concluded
that at 20 percent of MADF, the widths, depths, and velocities of most
streams would be ``good'' during the dry season and close to ``fair or
degrading'' during the wet season.
Table 8 shows the percentages of mean annual flows and
corresponding narrative descriptions of the habitat created by these
flows in the Enoree River using the Tennant method. According to this
method, and using the most current flow data available (i.e. 1994-2012;
MADF = 374 cfs), a flow of 60 cfs (15 percent of MADF) downstream of
the tailrace and 50 cfs (13 percent of MADF) in the bypassed reach
would provide fair or degrading conditions, and close to poor or
minimum conditions during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. In
contrast, the South Carolina DNR's recommended minimum flows of 20
percent of MADF during the dry season and 40 percent of MADF during the
wet season, would provide good conditions year round at the project. A
year-round minimum flow of 75 cfs (20 percent of MADF), would result in
good, and close to fair or degrading conditions during the dry season
and wet season, respectively.
Table 8--Minimum Flow Required for Fish in Streams Identified by Tennant
% of MADF
Description of flow -------------------------------
Dry season Wet season
Outstanding............................. 40 60
Excellent............................... 30 50
Good.................................... 20 40
Fair or degrading....................... 10 30
Poor or minimum......................... 10 10
Severe degradation...................... 0-10 0-10
NMFS recommended that an instream flow study be conducted after the
license is issued, and when the sand gates have been renovated to allow
management of flows into the bypassed reach. However, as discussed
above, we already have sufficient information to evaluate bypassed
reach minimum flow alternatives. For this reason, an instream flow
study is not needed for this project.
Fluctuating Water Levels
Lockhart Power's peaking operation would result in periods of daily
discharge fluctuations downstream from the tailrace. Lockhart Power's
[[Page 76929]]
peaking operations would also involve a 4-foot impoundment drawdown
during peaking events.
Beyond the minimum flow alternatives described above, no one
recommended changing proposed project operations.
Our Analysis
Lockhart Power states that peaking operation would occur when
inflows to the project are greater than 170 cfs (i.e. 50 cfs minimum
bypass flow and about 120 cfs minimum hydraulic capacity of the
turbine). Lockhart Power also indicates that flow would be spilled over
the dam when inflow is greater than 500 cfs (i.e. 50 cfs minimum bypass
flow and about 450 cfs maximum hydraulic capacity of the turbine)
(Lockhart Power, 2011b). Based on this proposed operation, peaking
could occur when inflow to the project is greater than 170 cfs and less
than or equal to 500 cfs. Accordingly, peaking could occur as little as
38.6 percent of the time in August, to as much as 75.2 percent of the
time in April (figure 2). Peaking would occur greater than 50 percent
of the time during January, February, March, April, May, June, and
December (figure 2).
Downstream from the tailrace, the highest fluctuations would occur
from December through June, when monthly mean flows range from 300-590
cfs (see table 3). During this period, daily flows downstream from the
tailrace could range from 60 cfs when the project is not operating and
the pond is refilling, to pulses of 500 cfs during operation.
Downstream Effects
Flow fluctuations associated with peaking may have negative
consequences for fish occurring downstream from the tailrace. When
flows are high, large areas of habitat can be used by fish for
foraging, cover, or reproduction. However, when water levels recede,
the connection between side channels and the main channel can be lost
(Bradford, 1997). As a result, fish stranding can occur on gravel bars,
back channels, or pot-holes that become isolated from the main flow
(Cushman, 1985). These isolated off-channel habitats often expose fish
to greater predation risk, lower DO, and higher water temperature,
which can lead to stranding mortality (Nagrodski et al., 2012). Early-
life stages (i.e. larvae, juveniles), which have a reduced swimming
capacity compared to older fish, are particularly vulnerable to
stranding and associated mortality, because they are unable to reach
the main channel as flows decrease (Dabrowski et al., 1986).
Furthermore, many riverine fishes, spawn on stony
[[Page 76930]]
substrate in off-channel locations that are susceptible to dewatering,
which can leave eggs vulnerable to predation and desiccation (Nagrodski
et al., 2012).
Alterations in discharge during the spawning season can
particularly affect reproduction of species with short spawning seasons
(Craven et al., 2010). Freeman et al. (2001) demonstrated that fish
assemblages below projects with peaking operations in Piedmont rivers
are dominated numerically by species that display prolonged spawning
seasons (i.e. extending into July or later; Freeman et al., 2001). In
contrast, species that spawn exclusively during the spring are less
abundant below peaking projects compared to unregulated sites, due to
unstable and sometimes unavailable spawning habitat (Freeman et al.,
2001). Redeye bass, snail bullhead, Piedmont darter and notchlip
redhorse are fluvial specialists that spawn exclusively during the
spring. These species are currently present in the bypassed reach, but
their populations could decline due to flow variability associated with
peaking operation.
As discussed above, under Lockhart Power's proposed operation,
daily flows downstream from the tailrace could range from 60 cfs when
the project is not operating and the impoundment is refilling, to
pulses of 500 cfs during operation. The magnitude of this flow
fluctuation would be 440 cfs. Higher minimum instream flows recommended
by South Carolina DNR would reduce the magnitude of the flow
fluctuation proportionally and would result in less exposed shoreline
downstream from the tailrace when the project is not generating.
Impoundment Effects
Fluctuating water levels may produce unfavorable spawning
conditions and recruitment for resident fish species that occupy the
Riverdale impoundment. Effects may be particularly pronounced for
centrarchids, which build nests and spawn at shallow depths in the
littoral zone during spring and summer. When water levels decrease
during drawdowns, nests become exposed and egg desiccation can occur
(Maraldo and MacCrimmon, 1981). Lower water levels can also result in
reduced shoreline cover and increased predation on juvenile fish
(Willis, 1986).
Inflows are greater than 170 cfs and less than 500 cfs, between
50.6 and 75.2 percent of the time during April through June, when most
centrarchids build nests and spawn (figure 2). Thus, peaking operation,
with up to a 4-foot drawdown, could occur daily about 50 to 75 percent
of the time during April through June when centrarchids are building
nests and spawning (figure 2).
Proposed peaking operation, with up to a 4-foot drawdown, would
change the littoral zone fish habitat in the project impoundment,
compared to the natural flow conditions that have been present at the
project for the last 12 years. Frequent drawdowns from April through
June have the potential to dewater fish nests, disturb spawning, and
reduce reproductive success of the four centrarchid species occupying
the impoundment (see table 5). Peaking operation at the project could
affect each of these species. However, three centrarchids are multiple
spawners (e.g., bluegill, red breast sunfish, and redear sunfish) and
could spawn again if project operation disrupts initial spawning
With regard to redeye bass, the impoundment likely does not possess
significant amounts of spawning or juvenile habitat. The impoundment's
littoral zone includes shallow banks composed of sand, mud, and
submerged aquatic vegetation (Carnegey Biological Services, 2010).
Redeye bass, however, spawn in gravel nests built in eddy waters at the
heads of pools (Wallus and Simon, 2008) and juveniles appear to prefer
areas close to shorelines with heavy canopy cover (Knight, 2011). These
types of habitats are not present in the project impoundment, but are
present in the bypassed reach, where Lockhart Power captured the most
redeye bass during 2010 baseline fisheries survey (table 5).
Low Inflow/Drought Conditions
The project is located in the Southeast U.S., which is susceptible
to severe drought events that can reduce water supplies for several
years at a time. Recently, severe droughts occurred from 1998-2002,
2005-2007, and 2012. During these events, incoming flow can fall below
minimum continuous flows, stressing aquatic resources and creating
conflicts among competing uses, including generation, water supply, and
To address drought conditions, Lockhart Power developed what it
terms a low inflow protocol (LIP), which states that ``when average
daily project inflow is less than approximately 80 cfs (+/- 10
percent), the following would be in effect: Continuous project outflow
shall approximately (+/- 10 percent) equal project inflow.'' \39\ South
Carolina DNR recommends Lockhart Power develop and implement a LIP for
the project, consistent with the Water Plan. They also recommend that
Lockhart Power implement the LIP during periods of extended drought and
design it to provide instream flows to protect fish and wildlife and
other water uses associated with the Enoree River in the Project
vicinity.\40\ Interior concurs with South Carolina DNR's recommended
\39\ Based on pro-rated inflow data from the USGS gage near
Woodruff, SC (02160390).
\40\ The Water Plan does not prescribe specific flows,
recommends that a Water-shortage Contingency Plan (i.e., drought
contingency plan) be developed and coordinated with appropriate
federal and state agencies, local governments, and other
stakeholders. The Water Plan also recommends that the Water-shortage
Contingency Plan include water-shortage severity levels and water
releases associated with each severity level.
Our Analysis
The overall objective of a LIP is to provide sufficient instream
flows to protect fish, wildlife and other water uses in the project
vicinity during droughts. Lockhart Power and stakeholders have agreed
that the project needs a LIP to adequately protect fishery resources.
The recent high frequency of severe drought events in the Southeast
U.S. reinforces this need.
Severe drought events can affect fishes in a number of ways. Low
streamflows during a drought reduce stream width and depth, limiting
habitat availability and the ability of fish to move freely among
habitats (Lohr and Fausch, 1997). Droughts also affect water
temperature and DO concentrations, which can negatively affect
reproduction and juvenile recruitment (Schlosser et al., 2001). This
can reduce stream fish populations and change fish assemblage structure
by favoring hypoxia-tolerant species and reducing intolerant species
(Smale and Rabeni, 1995). Moreover, drought can simply kill fish
directly (Lohr and Fausch, 1997).
Ideally, a LIP would be designed to provide flexibility to adjust
minimum flows during drought periods so that the effects of low flows
are balanced among competing uses, while still protecting fish and
wildlife. As written, Lockhart Power's proposed LIP does not provide a
mechanism to adjust minimum flows during drought periods; rather it
proposes to ensure project outflow is equal to inflow when average
daily inflow is less than 80 cfs. This would ensure no interruption of
flow (i.e. storage of water) through the project to downstream
resources when flows are 80 cfs or less. However, Lockhart Power's LIP
is not clear as to how that flow would be passed through the project.
In other words, would all flow be provided through the sand gates into
the bypassed reach, or as a combination
[[Page 76931]]
of bypassed reach minimum flows and generation? The project's minimum
operating hydraulic capacity of 120 cfs suggests that all inflow would
be released into the bypassed reach when average daily inflow to the
project is 80 cfs or lower.
Eighty cfs represents 20 to 21 percent of MADF, depending on
whether the flow record includes 1994-2009 (MADF = 393 cfs) or the most
complete record from 1994-2012 (MADF = 374 cfs), respectively. Bulak
and Jobsis (1989) determined that during the low flow period (July-
November) in South Carolina Piedmont streams, 20 percent of MADF was
``generally adequate'' for aquatic resources. If drought conditions
were to extend into the high flow period (January-April), 20 percent of
MADF was within the range (15-32 percent of MADF) of flow that provides
a 1-foot-deep by 10-feet-wide stream of water. Thus, 80 cfs would
provide good habitat in the bypassed reach and downstream from the
tailrace. Any inflows that are lower would represent natural flow
conditions that Lockhart Power could not control, and would result in
the best aquatic habitat conditions possible given drought conditions.
However it would also limit the project's ability to generate until
drought conditions subside.
Lockhart Power also does not explain the basis for selecting an
average daily inflow of 80 cfs to represent low flow/drought
conditions, only noting that this was being discussed with resource
agencies during its application development. Developing and
implementing an LIP, as recommended by South Carolina DNR and Interior,
would allow Lockhart Power and the resource agencies to cooperatively
define water-shortage severity levels (i.e. drought conditions) and
potentially adjust minimum flows, depending on the severity of the
drought so that the effects of low flows are balanced among competing
The LIPs recommended by South Carolina DNR inherently allow flows
to drop below the minimum flow releases determined to be suitable for
fish and benthic invertebrates in the bypassed reach. Although further
reductions of minimum flow requirements are likely to have additional
effects on aquatic habitat and fish populations, fishes have developed
physiological and behavioral adaptations for coping with drought
conditions. For example, some fishes move to pools that contain water
(Gelwick, 1990) or larger downstream reaches (Magoulick and Kobza,
2003), and darters may survive in the hyporheic zone \41\ (Tramer,
1977). Also, fishes tend to move back into an affected area as soon as
a drought disturbance has subsided (Larimore et al., 1959; Peterson and
Bayley, 1993), and fish assemblages can return to pre-disturbance
levels within one year (Larimore et al., 1959; and Meffe and Sheldon
1990). Thus, a reduction in minimum flow requirements during drought
periods may affect fishery resources in the bypassed reach and
downstream from the tailrace temporarily; however, stream fish
communities are resilient and can recover quickly from these temporary
\41\ The hyporheic zone is a portion of the groundwater
interface in streams where a mixture of surface water and
groundwater can be found. Hyporheic zone waters can be found both
beneath the active channel and within the riparian zone of most
streams and rivers.
Releasing and Distributing Minimum Instream Flows Across the Bypassed
As discussed above, Lockhart Power proposes to use one or more of
the existing sand gates in the dam to provide its proposed minimum
flows to the bypassed reach. Currently, the sand gates on the middle
and right side of the dam are closed and inoperable, while the gate on
the left side remains open.\42\ Lockhart Power proposes to repair the
sand gates, and work with the resource agencies to determine which
gate(s) to use to provide the bypassed reach minimum flow. Lockhart
Power also would develop a rating curve following the repairs and
verify the rating curve once every 6 years.
\42\ The sand gate on the right side does not have any gate
mechanism installed, and is permanently sealed. The operating
mechanism for the middle sand gate is tilted relative to its
foundation and appears to be damaged (FERC, 2013).
South Carolina DNR and Interior recommend Lockhart Power evaluate
the feasibility and effectiveness of using the sand gates to provide
flows on a permanent, continuous basis to the bypassed reach. South
Carolina DNR also recommends that Lockhart Power evaluate flow
distribution through the sand gates, and the gates be operated to
optimize downstream aquatic habitat in the bypassed reach. In addition,
American Rivers recommends the new license require: (1) A study of flow
delivery alternatives to determine how to release flows from the dam to
fully wet the shoals of the bypassed reach; and (2) the best method for
delivering flows to the bypassed reach under all flow conditions. NMFS
recommends conducting an instream flow study once the gates are
Our Analysis
Under existing conditions, flows in the Enoree River are capable of
covering the entire breadth of bypassed reach, creating complex shoal
habitat that supports a diverse assemblage of 21 fish species. There is
a natural ledge or fall immediately downstream from the dam that
stretches across the entire width of the river for about 15 to 20 feet.
Downstream from the natural ledge, the main channel runs on the south
side of the river, and flows over small and large boulders with aquatic
vegetation dispersed throughout (Carnagey Biological Services, 2010).
The north side of bypassed reach is more complex and splits into three
braided sections, each approximately 6.5 to 19.5-foot-wide and 4 inches
to greater than 2-foot-deep, with 45 percent canopy cover (Carnagey
Biological Services, 2010).
The distinct physical features between the north and south side of
the bypassed reach enables a unique assemblage of fish to occupy each
habitat. Lockhart Power's 2010 fish survey of the bypassed reach,
demonstrated that fish species observed on the south side were often
absent, or less common on the north side, and vice versa (table 5). For
example, redeye bass and Piedmont darter, Highest Priority and High
Priority Conservation Species, respectively, were collected most
frequently on the north side, and absent on the south side (table 5).
Whereas, the snail bullhead, a Moderate Priority Conservation Species,
was collected most frequently on the south side, but absent on the
north side (table 5).
Because Lockhart Power did not have control of the dam, it was
unable to determine if the sand gates could be made operable, or how
best to use them to release minimum flows on a continuous and permanent
basis. If the gates cannot be made operational, or used in a manner to
provide the required flows, alternative mechanisms would need to be
identified. These alternatives would need to be functional prior to
operating the project to ensure that the aquatic resources in the
bypassed reach are protected.
Assuming that the bypassed flows can be provided through the sand
gates, distributing the flows across the shoals to optimize benthic
invertebrate and fish habitat may require delivering flows from one or
more sand gates. While fully wetting the shoals would likely provide
benthic invertebrate and fish habitat, it may not provide the best
habitat for targeted channels supporting rare species. To determine
which combination of gates to use would require a post-licensing flow
study as
[[Page 76932]]
recommended by NMFS and American Rivers that examines depth, velocity,
and wetted width across the shoals using various combinations of the
sand gates to deliver the required flows. Targeted species and habitat
conditions would need to be selected in consultation with the South
Carolina DNR, FWS, NMFS, and American Rivers to define habitat
suitability criteria.
Benthic Invertebrate and Fish Surveys
The shoals within the bypassed reach represents a unique habitat
that is relatively rare and currently supports seven fish species and a
snail (panhandle pebblesnail) recognized in the South Carolina Wildlife
Action Plan as in need of conservation because of their restricted
ranges and specialized habitat needs (table 5). Sediment discharges and
minimum instream flows could lead to physical, chemical, and biological
changes in the bypassed reach affecting the distribution and occurrence
of these species in the bypassed reach.
Interior recommends that Lockhart Power conduct fish surveys before
and after construction at the project, and again 1 year later, to
provide information on the presence of the eight Conservation Species.
Interior also recommends that Lockhart Power conduct invertebrate
surveys before and after construction at the project, and again 1 year
later, to provide information on the panhandle pebblesnail within the
bypassed reach. Interior requests that Lockhart Power design the
surveys in consultation with South Carolina DNR, South Carolina DHEC,
NMFS, and FWS, and that sampling efforts be concentrated in the
multiple habitat types in the bypassed reach. Interior states that
additional surveys may be necessary depending on the results.
Our Analysis
Interior does not explain why surveys for the conservation species
are needed before and after construction and again one year later, or
the level of effort it anticipates would be required for such surveys.
Pre- and post-construction surveys of fish and benthic
invertebrates in the bypassed reach would identify current locations of
these species in the bypassed reach and their locations following
initial operations. However, sufficient information already exists to
document their occurrence in the bypassed reach and to evaluate how
best to distribute flows to optimize aquatic habitat. Therefore, there
is no need for this information.
Monitoring Compliance With Impoundment Levels and Minimum Flows
Lockhart Power proposes to limit impoundment fluctuations to 4 feet
and to establish a rating curve of minimum flow releases through the
sand gates and very the rating curves every six years.
No agency recommended measures to monitor compliance with these
Our Analysis
Developing and implementing an operation compliance monitoring plan
would provide additional detail about project operations. Such a plan
would provide the Commission a means to monitor compliance with the
minimum flow releases and the limits on impoundment fluctuations. To be
effective, the plan would need to: (1) Define the criteria by which
compliance with impoundment fluctuations and minimum flows would be
measured; (2) specify the type and location of all equipment used to
monitor impoundment levels and minimum flows; and (3) identify the data
collection intervals and reporting procedures.
Fish Impingement and Entrainment
Water intake structures at hydropower projects can injure or kill
fish that are either impinged on intake screens/trash racks, or
entrained through turbines. Larger aquatic organisms (typically fish
and larger invertebrates) can be trapped against the intake screens or
trash racks by the water flowing into a penstock. This process is known
as impingement, and can cause physical stresses and/or suffocation that
lead to death of some organisms (EPRI, 2003).
If fish are able to pass through screens or trash racks (i.e.
entrained), fish injury or mortality can result from collisions with
turbine blades, or exposure to pressure changes, sheer forces in
turbulent flows, and water velocity accelerations created by turbines
(Knapp et al., 1982). The number of fish entrained and at risk of
turbine mortality at a hydroelectric project is dependent upon site-
specific factors, including physical characteristics of the project, as
well as the size, age, and seasonal movement patterns of fish present
within the impoundment (EPRI, 1992). Fish that are entrained and killed
are removed from the river population and no longer available for
recruitment to the fishery.
The project includes two sets of trash racks: One with 2.25-inch
bar rack spacing that is located at the intake to the project headrace
and a second located at the downstream end of the headrace (at the
entrance to the turbine penstock) that has bar rack spacing of
approximately 10 inches. Lockhart Power proposes to decrease the
spacing on the trashrack at the penstock intake from 10 inches to 5
inches.\43\ Lockhart Power is not proposing any changes to the 2.25-
inch bar spacing on the trashracks at the headrace intake (hereafter,
headrace trashracks).
\43\ This trash rack is isolated from the project impoundment
and, thus, its modification would result in little to no effect on
aquatic fauna.
Interior is concerned with the existing 2.25-inch bar rack spacing
on the headrace trashracks, and with approach velocities during
proposed project operation, especially during peaking when the head
pond is lowered by 4 feet. Interior requests that a 1-inch bar rack
spacing be installed at the headrace trashrack to minimize fish
entrainment and mortality at the project.
Our Analysis
Fisheries surveys conducted by Lockhart Power indicate that the
project impoundment contains 11 species of fish, including redeye bass
and flat bullhead, which are Conservation Species of Highest and
Moderate Priority, respectively (table 5). Overall, two redeye bass and
11 flat bullhead were captured within the impoundment, which
represented 2.5 and 13.9 percent of the total number of fish captured,
respectively. Highback chub was the most common fish captured in the
impoundment, representing 55.7 percent of the total number of fish
Fish Impingement
Fish can become impinged on the bars of a trash rack if they are
unable to overcome the approach velocity \44\ and are unable to pass
between the trashrack bars due to their larger body size. Fish that are
wider than the trashrack bar spacing and have burst swim speeds \45\
lower than approach velocities would be susceptible to impingement.
Thus, determining the risk of impingement for fish in the project
impoundment requires an understanding of approach velocities at the
headrace trashracks, as well as the widths and burst swim speeds of
fish in the impoundment.
\44\ Approach velocity is the calculated water flow velocity
component perpendicular to the trashrack face.
\45\ Burst swimming speed is the maximum swimming speed that can
only be sustained for a few seconds. It is usually used to escape
danger (Murray, 1974).
Lockhart Power was not able to provide approach velocities at the
headrace trashrack because it does not currently own or have access to
[[Page 76933]]
project. However, we estimated approach velocities for the existing
2.25-inch and Interior's recommended 1-inch clear bar spacing, as
described below.
To estimate approach velocities at the project we used existing
information on the dimensions of the headrace trashracks,\46\ as well
as certain assumptions regarding the composition of the trashracks.\47\
Each unit with the 2.25-inch bar spacing was 67.75 inches (or 5.65
feet) wide (i.e. two 31.875-inch panels,\48\ plus one 4-inch timber in
between). Each unit with 1-inch bar spacing was 68 inches (or about
5.67 feet) wide (i.e. two 32 inch panels,\49\ plus one 4 inch timber in
between. The larger panel width for the trashracks with 1-inch bar
spacing was necessary to accommodate 1-inch bar spacing and still
maintain similar sized units. All trashrack units were 13.4 feet high.
With all five units combined, the total number of open spaces between
bars in the 2.25-inch and 1-inch trashracks is 120 and 230,
respectively (figures 3 and 4).
\46\ Drawings in Exhibit F of the license application show that
the headrace trashracks are composed of five steel units, with 4-
inch timbers in the middle of each unit and 3/8-inch vertical bars
(figures 3 and 4). The total width of each unit was estimated to be
about 5.5 feet wide and 13.4 feet high.
\47\ We assumed the 4-inch timbers represented closed space in
each unit, and that each unit was composed of two panels. We also
assumed each bar was 3/8-inch wide.
\48\ The 31.875-inch-wide panels are composed of 13 vertical
bars totaling 4.875 inches (3/8-inch bar width x 13 = 4.875), and 12
open spaces (2.25 inches each) totaling 27 inches (figure 3).
\49\ The 32-inch-wide panels are composed of 24 vertical bars
totaling 9 inches (3/8 inch bar width x 24 = 9), and 23 open spaces
(1 inch each) totaling 23 inches (figure 4).
[[Page 76934]]
To estimate approach velocity (V0, feet per second [fps]), we used
the following equation (EPRI, 2000):
where intake flow is in cfs and cross-sectional area is in square-feet.
We used intake flows of 120 cfs and 450 cfs, which represent the
minimum and maximum turbine hydraulic capacities, respectively. Total
intake cross-sectional area is shown in table 9, and was estimated
using the information shown in figures 3 and 4.
Table 9--Calculation of Intake Cross-Sectional Area for the 2.25-Inch and 1-Inch Trashracks
[Source: Staff]
Height of Total intake
Spacing between bars Spacing space between Open area Number of open cross-sectional
(inches) between bars bars (H; between two bars spaces between area (A; feet
(W; feet) feet) (a; feet \2\) bars (n) \2\)
2.25......................... 0.1875 13.4 W x H = 2.51.... 120 a x n = 301.2
1............................ 0.08333333 13.4 W x H = 1.12.... 230 a x n = 257.6
Approach velocities did not differ substantially between the 2.25-
inch and 1-inch trashracks, though they are slightly lower with the
2.25-inch trashrack. At the minimum hydraulic capacity, estimated
approach velocities are 0.40 and 0.47 fps with 2.25-inch and 1-inch
trashracks, respectively. At the maximum hydraulic capacity, estimated
approach velocities are 1.49 and 1.75 fps with the 2.25-inch and 1-inch
trashracks, respectively.
[[Page 76935]]
To evaluate the potential for impingement at the existing trashrack
with 2.25-inch and with 1-inch bar spacings, we focused our analysis on
redeye bass, flat bullhead, redbreast sunfish and highback chub--which
represented a combination of both Conservation Species and the most
common species occurring in the impoundment. The burst swimming speeds
of these species and the minimum total lengths that are susceptible to
impingement (based on estimated fish width alone and exclusive of burst
swim speeds) are shown in tables 10 and 11, respectively.
Table 11--Minimum Fish Total Lengths Susceptible to Impingement at 1-Inch and 2.25-Inch Trashracks, Based on Trashrack Bar Spacing and Fish Width-At-
Ength Relationship (i.e. Width = [alpha] x Total Length [beta]) Alone and Exclusive of Burst Swim Speeds
Minimum fish total length (inches)
Maximum total susceptible to impingement:
Species Surrogate species used Alpha Beta ([beta]) length ----------------------------------------
in calculation\1\ ([alpha]) \2\ \3\ (inches) 1-inch trash 2.25-inch trash rack
rack spacing spacing
Redeye bass.......................... Smallmouth bass......... 0.10095 1.0394 17 9.1 none.\4\
Flat bullhead........................ Brown bullhead.......... 0.19905 0.9919 11 5.1 none.\4\
Redbreast sunfish.................... Bluegill................ 0.1317 0.997 9 7.6 none.\4\
Highback chub........................ Fathead minnow.......... 0.00077 2.1795 3 \4\ none none.\4\
\1\ Length-width equations were not available for species included in our analysis. Surrogate species were fish in the same family and with similar body
morphometry to the species included in our analysis.
2 3 The alpha and beta parameters for equations are from Lawler, Matucky, and Skelly Engineers (1991).
\4\ The calculated minimum total length susceptible to impingement is greater than the maximum total length of the species; therefore, no length of this
species is susceptible to impingement at this trackrack spacing.
Fish are at risk of impingement if their burst swim speed (see
table 9) is less than the approach velocity at the trashrack, and if
their size prevents them from passing through the bar spacing on the
trashrack (see table 10). The results of our analysis show that none of
the species analyzed would be susceptible to impingement with a
trashrack having 2.25-inch bar spacing (see figures in appendix A),
because of their swimming abilities. However, larger flat bullhead
(i.e. greater than 5.1 inches) would be susceptible to impingement with
a trashrack having 1-inch bar spacing when intake flows approach the
maximum turbine capacity of 450 cfs.
[[Page 76936]]
The risk of impingement would be greater for adult flat bullhead if
Lockhart Power replaces the existing 2.25-inch bar spacing with
Interior's recommended 1-inch bar spacing. The reduced porosity of the
1-inch bar spacing design would also lead to greater accumulation of
debris compared to the 2.25-inch bar spacing design, which could lead
to a greater risk of impingement than would occur with a design having
2.25-inch bar spacing. Routine maintenance of either trashrack would be
required to ensure approach velocities do not increase. Greater
maintenance would be required for the 1-inch bar spacing versus the
2.25-inch bar spacing.
Fish Entrainment and Turbine Mortality
Entrainment can occur if fish can pass between trashrack bars, and
do not behaviorally avoid entrainment. Consequently, smaller (i.e. fish
smaller than those susceptible to impingement [table 10]) redeye bass,
flat bullhead, redbreast sunfish, and highback chub could each be
entrained through both trashrack designs. Larger and older fish of each
species would be protected by both trashrack designs; but, the 1-inch
bar spacing would be more protective than the 2.25-inch bar spacing.
Even if fish are small enough to fit through trashrack bar spacing,
generally they will behaviorally avoid entrainment if their burst swim
speeds exceed approach velocities at trashracks. Based on our analysis,
only highback chub and flat bullhead lack the burst swim speeds needed
to overcome approach velocities and avoid entrainment through trashrack
designs that have 1-inch and 2.25-inch bar spacing, respectively (see
figures in appendix A). Small (i.e. 2-inch) highback chub are
susceptible to entrainment with a trashrack that has 1-inch bar spacing
when intake flows approach the maximum turbine capacity of 450 cfs.
However, all sizes of flat bullhead are susceptible to entrainment with
the existing trashrack that has 2.25-inch bar spacing when intake flows
approach the maximum turbine capacity. As these results indicate, and
as other studies have shown, the majority of fish entrained consists of
small fish (EPRI, 1997). The survival of smaller individuals of both
species is likely to be relatively high because they are less prone to
mechanical injury from turbine passage than larger fish. Smaller fish
are also less prone to injury resulting from shear stresses and rapid
pressure changes associated with turbine passage. Combined, these
results indicate that each trashrack design has the potential to
entrain one species; however, turbine mortality is expected to be
similarly low for both designs.
Lockhart Power's desktop fish entrainment and turbine mortality
analysis considered information from published literature \50\ to
estimate fish entrainment rates and turbine mortality rates, and to
characterize the anticipated composition of fish entrained and killed
at the project. Results of the analysis indicate that on average, about
48,271 fish could potentially pass through the turbines on an annual
basis, and of those, 5,412 fish could potentially be killed by the
turbine. Sunfish had the highest estimated entrainment and turbine
mortality, which represented 38 percent (18,346) and nearly 36 percent
(1,941) of all fish entrained and killed, respectively.
\50\ The database is based on specific entrainment studies
conducted at FERC licensed projects that are similar to the
Riverdale Project in geographic location, hydraulic capacity,
operation, fish species, and water quality (Lockhart Power, 2010c).
Lockhart Power's analysis did not include Conservation Species due
to the absence of data on redeye bass and flat bullhead. However, the
analysis did include species in the redeye bass genus (i.e.
Micropterus; black bass) and the flat bullhead family (i.e.
Ictaluridae; catfish). Annual entrainment estimates for black bass
represented only 1.6 percent (804) and 3.4 percent (182) of the total
fish entrained and killed, respectively. Estimates for catfish were
higher, and represented 22.1 percent (10,645) and 11.0 percent (593) of
the total fish entrained and killed, respectively.
Although Lockhart Power's analysis did not provide details on the
size or age-class of redeye bass or flat bullhead entrained, based on
other studies, it is likely that most entrained fish would consist of
smaller fish--primarily young-of-the-year (EPRI, 1997). These younger
individuals in the population generally have high rates of mortality,
even in the absence of hydropower operations. Fish populations have
generally evolved to withstand losses of these smaller and younger
individuals with little or no impact to long-term population
sustainability. Thus, any turbine mortality of redeye bass and flat
bullhead is likely to have minimal effect on their respective
3.3.3 Terrestrial Resources Affected Environment Vegetation
The Riverdale Project is situated at the northern edge of what is
considered the Piedmont ecoregion. This region is characterized by
gently rolling hills and stream-cut valleys with elevations that range
from 375 feet to 1,000 feet msl. Historically, plant communities in the
region consisted of oak and hickory-dominated forests, with associated
species varying by slope and soil moisture. The landscape in the
Piedmont ecoregion has a long history of forest clearing, intensive
agriculture, and other economic uses that date back to the earliest
European settlements. Today, the Piedmont landscape is predominantly a
mosaic of agricultural land and managed pine and mixed pine-hardwood
woodlands, with hardwood-dominated forests limited primarily to narrow
floodplains and scattered upland sites.
The project area and immediate project vicinity include a mix of
managed areas and natural communities. The rural community of Enoree
surrounds the project, with its lawns, hedgerows and limited commercial
development representing the primary managed areas. Extensive
agricultural lands, including managed hay fields, pastures, row
croplands and pine plantations, occur in the uplands surrounding the
community of Enoree and the project. The majority of farmland in the
Enoree River Basin is dedicated to pasture and hay fields. This cover
type commonly includes early successional species such as daisy
fleabane, horse nettle, sunflower, pokeweed, and spiny amaranth.
Forested uplands in the project vicinity are characterized
primarily by managed pine plantation and mixed hardwood-pine stands.
Mature stands tend to consist of a diverse assemblage of hardwoods,
primarily oaks and hickories, as co-dominants in combination with
pines. Common pine species of the piedmont include shortleaf and
loblolly, with the former better adapted to dry, fine textured upland
soils and loblolly achieving maximum growth on deep soils with good
moisture and drainage. The understory in pure pine stands is often
open, but in mixed or older stands, it is dominated by the hardwoods
characteristic of the site.
The areas immediately adjacent to the project impoundment and along
the Enoree River downstream from the dam are characterized by heavily
vegetated, primarily forested shorelines. Forested shorelines of the
impoundment and downstream from the dam are typical of hardwood-
dominated streamside forests that characterize the Piedmont. The
typical canopy species in these forests is a mixture of bottomland and
mesophytic trees including river birch, sycamore, sweetgum, tulip tree,
American elm, hackberry, green ash, and red maple. Sites farther
upslope on
[[Page 76937]]
protected bluffs and ravines are more characteristic of the cove
forests typical of the region. The canopy and understory on such sites
is typically composed of hardwoods including beech, tulip tree, black
gum, sourwood, white oak, northern red oak, black oak, sweetgum, red
maple, southern sugar maple, basswood, ironwood, flowering dogwood,
American holly, witch-hazel, and hop-hornbeam. Because this habitat has
a closed canopy, the likely substory consists of the more shade
tolerant species including young beech and maples. Poison ivy, Virginia
creeper, and wood sage are typical of the remaining shrubby stratum.
Along the riverbank, shade intolerant species such as sumac, tree-of-
heaven, daisy fleabane, and blackberry are likely common.
Wetlands are common in the Piedmont ecoregion as a whole, although
they are much less abundant than in the low lying Coastal Plain region.
Wetlands coverage in the Piedmont is overwhelmingly dominated by
palustrine forests, otherwise known as floodplain or bottomland
hardwoods, which are estimated to account for approximately 80 percent
(i.e. 1 million acres) of wetlands in the region. Bottomland/floodplain
forests generally occur as narrow corridors along the region's rivers
and streams due to the prevailing moderate topography. Bottomland/
floodplain forests are also the dominant wetlands type in the immediate
vicinity of the Riverdale Project. They are characterized by moist
alluvial soils and are dominated by hardwood species such as sweetgum,
loblolly pine, water oak, willow oak, laurel oak, cherrybark oak, and
American holly.
National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data for the project area
indicate a lack of wetlands in the area immediately surrounding the
impoundment and adjacent to the Enoree River immediately downstream
from the dam. However, a number of bottomland/floodplain (palustrine
forested) wetlands are located along the river's floodplain upstream of
the dam. These are located well upstream of the influence of the
project impoundment, adjacent to a free flowing reach of the river, and
thus would not be affected by the project.
Riparian areas surrounding the project impoundment and the river
downstream from the dam are relatively narrow due to the moderately
sloped banks. The well vegetated banks are characterized by abundant
willows and alders in areas directly abutting and overhanging the
water, with upslope areas containing a mix of bottomland and mesophytic
trees typical of the Piedmont including river birch, sycamore,
sweetgum, tulip tree, American elm, hackberry, green ash, and red
Non-Native Invasive Vegetation
In the Piedmont ecoregion, invasive plant populations are often
present within the forested communities. Data from the Forest Inventory
Analysis, collected by the U.S. Forest Service, indicates that almost
three quarters of sampled plots within the Piedmont ecoregion contain
at least one exotic (non-native) plant. The South Carolina Exotic Pest
Plant Council (South Carolina EPPC) identifies the following
terrestrial exotic invasive plants as severe threats to the
composition, structure, or function of natural areas in the state of
South Carolina: tree-of-heaven, chinaberry, princess tree/royal
paulownia, Chinese tallow, scotch broom, thorny-olive, autumn-olive,
shrub lespedeza, Japanese privet, Chinese privet, kudzu, English ivy,
Japanese climbing fern, Japanese honeysuckle, Cherokee rose, Chinese
wisteria, bigleaf periwinkle, tall fescue, cogongrass, Japanese stilt
grass, bahia grass, common reed/phragmites, Chinese bush clover, marsh
dewflower, and tropical soda apple.
As noted above, tree-of-heaven is among the species that are likely
common in the riparian area in the vicinity of the project. Tree-of-
heaven is a non-native invasive deciduous tree native to central China
that has spread throughout the United States in natural, agricultural,
and developed areas. Tree-of-heaven is a severe ecological threat
because it is fast-growing, reproduces prolifically from both seeds
\51\ and vegetatively from suckers and sprouts from cut stumps, and
releases chemicals into the soil that inhibit growth of other plants.
In addition, the root system of this species can cause structural
damage to concrete structures such as sewers and foundations
(Swearingen and Pannill, 2009).
\51\ While only the female trees produce seeds, a single tree
can produce 325,000 seeds annually.
Kudzu is a terrestrial non-native invasive species known to occur
within Spartanburg County at troublesome levels. The county has
concerns regarding the effect of over 1,000 acres of kudzu infestation
on beautification efforts in the urban areas of Spartanburg. Kudzu is a
climbing, semi-woody, perennial vine native to Asia that was introduced
to the United States for erosion control and is now found throughout
most of the Southeast. Although kudzu grows best in disturbed areas
such as forest edges, abandoned fields, and along roads and trails,
this species thrives in a wide range of conditions. Kudzu is a severe
ecological threat because it grows rapidly--at a rate of approximately
one foot daily--and it can envelope and eventually kill other plants by
shading them out, breaking limbs, and even uprooting trees under the
weight of its blanket of tangled vines (Bergmann and Swearingen, 2005).
Aquatic non-native plant species also occur throughout South
Carolina. South Carolina DNR's Aquatic Nuisance Species Program
maintains a list of aquatic plant species currently listed as illegal
to possess, import, or distribute in South Carolina. Examples of
invasive exotic aquatic plants on this list include alligatorweed,
common reed/phragmites, Eurasian watermilfoil, hydrilla, and water
hyacinth (South Carolina DNR, 2010). Where these plants occur, they can
obstruct navigable waterways, restrict water flow, degrade water
quality, interfere with recreation, and alter fish populations. South
Carolina DNR has identified water bodies throughout the state,
including two within Spartanburg or Laurens counties, as `problem
areas,' or areas where aquatic plants interfere with water uses. These
areas and associated aquatic plants include hydrilla, slender naiad,
and water primrose at Lake Greenwood; and water primrose and hydrilla
at Lake Edwin Johnson (South Carolina DNR, 2012), both of which are
located within about 30 miles from the project area.
The extensive beds of aquatic vegetation observed in the project
impoundment are a mixture of a native smartweed species and
alligatorweed, an invasive non-native species. Alligatorweed, an
emergent perennial plant, is native to South America (USDA, 2013) and
it is listed as a noxious weed in South Carolina. This species can grow
in upland sites, but it prefers saturated soils along shorelines of
lakes, ponds, streams, ditches, and wetlands. It spreads vegetatively
from fragments and by seeds that can be dispersed by water, wildlife,
and people. Alligatorweed forms dense mats that grow into open water
habitats, shading out native plant species and reducing DO in the water
under the mat which, in turn, decreases the quality of the habitat for
fish and wildlife. Mats of alligatorweed can also inhibit navigation
and recreational use (Madsen).
Wildlife habitats within the Lockhart Power's proposed 25.9-acre
project area
[[Page 76938]]
are typical of the Piedmont region of South Carolina. Of the 25.9
acres, there are 11.3 acres of terrestrial habitat. The shoreline area
is predominately undeveloped riparian and upland forests. Mixed
hardwood forest is the dominant terrestrial habitat type along the edge
of the project boundary. This habitat type is characterized by a high
degree of structure, including both vertical complexity (height class
diversity of vegetation) and microhabitat features such as snags, dead-
and-down wood, and forest floors consisting of leaves and woody debris.
The mixed hardwood forest cover type typically contains a high density
of small mammals. This may be attributable to the fact that these areas
produce substantial amounts of mast (seeds and nuts) that provide
valuable forage habitat for a variety of wildlife species. Other
wildlife species potentially using these areas include white-tailed
deer, raccoon, fox, wild turkey, grouse, blue jay, ovenbird, red-
bellied woodpecker, hairy woodpecker, eastern king snake, black racer,
black rat snake, copperhead, and timber rattlesnake.
The aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats of the 6.6-acre project
headpond and upstream and downstream river reaches also provide
wildlife habitat in the project area. Wildlife species that potentially
use open water and semi-aquatic areas of the impoundments and the lower
tailrace and bypassed reach include beaver, muskrat, otter, mink,
belted kingfisher, wood duck, great blue heron, green heron, great
egret, redbellied water snake, bullfrog, leopard frog, yellowbelly
slider turtle, and common snapping turtle. Species typical of river
margins include raccoon, woodcock, red-winged blackbird, various
thrushes, green treefrog and American toad.
Special Status Terrestrial Species
There is one terrestrial species documented as occurring in Laurens
County that is a candidate for federal listing under the ESA. Georgia
aster (Symphyotrichum georgianum) is a perennial herbaceous plant that
forms clonal clumps and can spread through modified stems called
rhizomes (NatureServe, 2013a). Adequate sunlight appears to be one of
the most important factors in the success of this species. Historically
this species was found in post oak savanna and prairie communities in
the Southeast. This habitat type has dwindled since wildfires have been
suppressed and large native grazers are no longer present to maintain
it. While there are small isolated populations surviving in areas of
Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina that are
maintained in an open, early successional stage such as roadway,
railroad, and transmission line rights-of-way (ROW), the species is
still threatened by residential development, highway expansion/
improvement projects, encroachment of non-native invasive plants, deer
browsing, herbicide use, and by woody succession due to wildfire
suppression that historically maintained its open grassland habitat
(FWS, 2012).\52\
\52\ 77 FR 69,994, 70,047 (Nov. 21, 2012).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Environmental Effects
Currently the project is inoperable and all available flows pass
through the impoundment, over the Riverdale dam, and into the shoals
and braided channels within the bypassed reach. The plants and wildlife
in the riparian corridor along the impoundment and downstream from the
dam have adapted to the natural variation in stream flows.
Effects of Project Refurbishment and Vegetation Maintenance
Refurbishing the project facilities, developing the canoe portage
facilities, and maintaining these areas would require clearing or
trimming of some vegetation. Heavy equipment and activities associated
with the replacement of the 193-foot-long above ground section of the
penstock and repairs to the powerhouse, dam, and other project
facilities would disturb wildlife near the construction areas.
Disturbance to plants and wildlife would also occur during periodic
vegetation maintenance, including mowing and/or trimming, around the
perimeter of the existing powerhouse and along the transmission line
ROW which follows the access road, as well as the area within the
proposed portage trail, canoe take-out and put-in, and parking area for
In order to preserve the vegetative communities within the project
boundary, Lockhart Power proposes to consult with state and federal
resource agencies on the implementation of BMPs during project
refurbishment and maintenance activities. Lockhart Power would minimize
effects to terrestrial resources by limiting ground-disturbing
activities and disturbance of riparian vegetation whenever possible on
lands acquired for project purposes.
South Carolina DNR supports the applicant's proposal to consult
with state and federal agencies on the implementation of BMPs during
all construction and maintenance activities to preserve the vegetative
communities within the project boundary. FWS recommends that the
applicant avoid and minimize any adverse impacts to fish, wildlife,
shoreline vegetation, and other natural resources while conducting
construction and maintenance activities.
Our Analysis
The majority of disturbances to vegetation and wildlife related to
Lockhart Power's project refurbishment activities and installation of
the proposed recreation area would be temporary, minor, and confined to
approximately 2 acres of previously disturbed habitats within the
footprint of the former textile mill and associated parking lots and
roadways. The noise and movement of equipment and materials associated
with replacing the 193-foot-long portion of the penstock could disturb
wildlife, especially small species with confined home ranges or limited
mobility. However, this portion of the penstock is above ground so the
disturbances would be temporary and would not change the character of
the surrounding habitat. Most wildlife would likely leave the immediate
project area and return when construction and repairs are complete.
Periodic mowing along the existing paved access road and trimming
of tree limbs and underbrush along the proposed canoe portage trail are
necessary to maintain access to the proposed project facilities. Given
that the existing project transmission line is adjacent to the access
road, periodic mowing would be limited and would not affect any unique
terrestrial habitat or change the character of the vegetation within
the ROW corridor. The proposed canoe portage is within an existing
(non-project) transmission line ROW. Consequently, trimming trees and
underbrush to maintain recreation access would cause little incremental
disturbance to plants or wildlife.
Implementing BMPs during project refurbishment, recreation area
installation, and periodic vegetation maintenance activities would
minimize potential disturbances to vegetation and wildlife. BMPs to
preserve terrestrial habitats could include, but not be limited to,
minimizing disturbances to existing vegetation, maintaining a riparian
buffer on project shorelines, and cleaning construction and maintenance
equipment before and after use to prevent the transport of seeds and
fragments of invasive non-native vegetation to new (uninfested) areas.
Effects of Invasive Non-Native Plants
Alligatorweed is a prolific non-native plant and a South Carolina
noxious weed that has become established in the
[[Page 76939]]
project impoundment. Alligatorweed competes with native riparian and
aquatic species, reducing the quality of fish and wildlife habitat
where it becomes established. Large mats of alligatorweed can impede
boating and access to the shore. These mats could become fragmented and
spread during in-water construction activities, such as during the
canoe take-out and mechanical removal of sediment from the impoundment.
Fluctuations in the impoundment levels and periodic sediment management
activities may also create conditions facilitating its spread.
Lockhart Power does not propose any specific measures to control
existing mats of alligatorweed and does not anticipate that project
refurbishment would affect the distribution of this species within the
project boundary (Lockhart Power, 2011b).
Lockhart Power also states that alligatorweed was not observed
growing on the southern shore of the impoundment at the proposed canoe
take-out (Lockhart Power, 2012). Similarly, Lockhart Power does not
propose any specific measures to control alligatorweed in the
impoundment during operation, mainly because it does not anticipate
that this species would interfere with project operations. Rather,
Lockhart Power states that proposed project operation could aid in
controlling this species through periodic dewatering (i.e. drawdowns)
and potential exposure to freezing temperatures during the winter
No one recommended measures to control alligatorweed.
Our Analysis
Extensive mats of alligatorweed have become established in the
project impoundment. Although alligatorweed was not present in areas
that would be disturbed during project refurbishment or at the canoe
put-in and take-outs in 2010 when Lockhart Power examined the
impoundment, it may have spread into these areas. Construction
activities could facilitate their spread in the impoundment and
downstream from the project. A survey of the impoundment prior to
beginning construction repairs and developing the canoe portages would
determine if specific BMPs should be taken to prevent its spread. Any
such BMPs could be developed in consultation with FWS and South
Carolina DNR based on the survey results.
Once operational, flow fluctuations from peaking operations may
help control the spread of alligatorweed as Lockhart Power suggests.
However, daily impoundment fluctuations of 1 to 4 feet can also stress
existing riparian communities, causing some of the existing riparian
vegetation to die and exposing shorelines to erosion and colonization
of non-native invasive plants. Periodic monitoring of invasive species
in the impoundment would facilitate early detection of new invasive
plant introductions, as well as the spread of invasive species,
including the existing mats of alligatorweed. Monitoring would also
allow Lockhart Power, the resource agencies, and the Commission to
determine when, and if, correction measures may be needed to protect
native plant communities and the wildlife that depend on them.
To be effective, the monitoring program should define the
monitoring schedule, include a means to document changes in invasive
species composition and distribution between monitoring events, and
include criteria that would determine when corrective actions may be
Avian Electrocution Hazards
Birds in the project area may have become accustomed to using the
transmission lines and poles for perching or nesting. Transmission
lines can represent an electrocution hazard to roosting and perching
birds if the spacing between the conductors and ground wires is
narrower than the bird's wingspan, or when they use poles for nesting.
Lockhart Power proposes to use the existing transmission line which
extends from the powerhouse along the project access road to an
existing Duke Energy distribution line to deliver power to the grid.
However, the current condition of the project transmission line is
unknown. Lockhart Power also did not provide any description of the
design of the transmission lines to determine if the line could
represent an electrocution hazard.
Lockhart Power did not propose and no one recommended any measures
to address these potential hazards.
Our Analysis
APLIC, a consortium of utilities, and FWS developed guidelines for
design of electrical lines to minimize potential for electrocutions
(APLIC, 2006). The APLIC guidelines define applicable separation
distances for energized conductors and groundwires. The guidelines also
describe measures to deter perching and/or nesting depending on
transmission line pole designs.
As part of project refurbishment, Lockhart Power would need to
determine the condition of the existing line as well as any repairs
that may be necessary to transmit power. While conducting this initial
inspection of the transmission line, Lockhart Power could concurrently
evaluate whether the transmission line was built in accordance with the
APLIC guidelines and look for evidence of bird nesting on the poles.
Depending on the design, corrective measures may be needed to minimize
electrocution hazards, which could include monitoring or the
installation of insulation, line marking devices, and structures to
discourage perching and/or nesting (i.e. for poles where other
protection measures cannot be used). However the extent or need for
such measures cannot be determined until the evaluation is complete.
Effects of Flow Fluctuations on Plants and Wildlife
Lockhart Power's proposal to resume hydroelectric operations with 1
to 4-foot fluctuations in the impoundment would affect some of the
terrestrial, riparian, and littoral habitats. Impoundment fluctuations
can affect the distribution, species composition, and productivity of
riparian and littoral habitat. In general, hydroelectric impoundments
with extreme long or short-term fluctuation in water surface elevations
exhibit reduced plant species diversity, reduced plant productivity,
and a proliferation of exotic species (Stanford et al., 1996), and
provide less value for wildlife, especially for breeding waterfowl and
hibernating reptiles and amphibians (Nilsson and Berggren, 2000).
To address the potential effects of project operation and
maintenance on terrestrial resources, Lockhart Power proposes to
maintain a 25-foot-wide forested riparian buffer around the project
impoundment, as well as the tailrace and bypassed reach downstream from
the dam, as long as this does not interfere with Lockhart Power's
ability to perform project-related activities. In order to preserve
natural conditions, Lockhart Power would also minimize ground-
disturbing activities and disturbance of riparian vegetation whenever
possible on acquired lands. Lockhart Power would consult with the South
Carolina DNR in the event that it needed to make exceptions to these
environmental protection measures.
South Carolina DNR and Interior support Lockhart Power's proposal
to establish and maintain a 25-foot riparian buffer on all shorelines
within the project boundary and to avoid and/or minimize disturbances
and adverse impacts to soils, vegetation, wildlife, and other natural
resources. Interior also recommended measures to address
[[Page 76940]]
existing and potential project-induced erosion on project shorelines,
as discussed in section 3.3.1, Geologic and Soil Resources.
Our Analysis
Lockhart Power states that its proposed project operation would
only affect those areas within the natural banks of the Enoree River,
and, thus, would have no effect on terrestrial resources (Lockhart
Power, 2011b). However the 2-foot-tall flashboards were washed out
during a storm event in late 2009. The flashboards were subsequently
replaced, but were damaged again in 2012 and 2013 by floodwaters,
floating logs, and tree stumps (FERC, 2013). Therefore the existing
full pool condition is two feet lower than Lockhart Power's proposed
full pool condition and vegetation has had over 3 years to colonize the
exposed shoreline. The results of Lockhart Power's Headpond Fluctuation
Study conducted in 2010, indicate that the width of the littoral zone
and the associated riparian vegetation along the impoundment has
increased since the flashboards were washed out. Once Lockhart Power
reinstalls/repairs the flashboards and resumes project operation, a
portion of the riparian zone would be inundated again potentially
submerging existing vegetation. Riparian plant communities are made up
of species adapted to varying degrees of water level fluctuations.
Water level fluctuations associated with project operation could lead
to changes in species composition and distribution in the riparian
Lockhart Power's proposal to minimize ground-disturbing activities
and disturbance of riparian vegetation whenever possible on acquired
lands would ensure that effects to terrestrial resources during project
operations and maintenance would be minor and temporary. Maintaining a
25-foot-wide forested buffer around the impoundment, the tailrace, and
bypassed reach downstream from the dam would minimize the effects of
flow fluctuations during project operation by minimizing soil erosion,
filtering pollutants and slowing runoff from impermeable surfaces in
the project area. The buffer would also preserve a movement corridor
for wildlife. Lockhart Power's proposal to consult with South Carolina
DNR regarding any exceptions on its proposed terrestrial resource
protection measures would provide a mechanism to address future
unforeseen actions that could adversely affect riparian vegetation and
the wildlife it supports. Limiting disturbances to soils and
vegetation, maintaining a 25-foot riparian buffer, and using the
shoreline stabilization methods described in section 3.3.1, Geologic
and Soil Resources, would further reduce the potential for invasive
plant establishment and protect native plants and wildlife.
Effects of Project Repairs, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance on
Special Status Terrestrial Species
Georgia aster is not known to occur within the project boundary and
there is limited potential habitat for this species in the project
area. No measures were proposed or recommended to protect this species.
Our Analysis
Because the majority of the project area is dominated by mature
riparian hardwood forest and Lockhart Power proposes to minimize
disturbances to existing vegetation wherever possible, it is unlikely
that Georgia aster would become established in the project area.
Therefore the proposed project repairs, operation, and maintenance are
not expected to affect Georgia aster.
3.3.4 Threatened and Endangered Species Affected Environment
Three federally listed terrestrial species and one aquatic species
are known to or potentially occur in Spartanburg or Laurens Counties,
South Carolina and could potentially occur within the project area.
Aquatic Species
FWS lists the federally endangered Carolina heelsplitter mussel
(Lasmigona decorate) as potentially occurring in Laurens County.
Endemic to South Carolina and North Carolina, the historic range of
this species is not known, although current data suggest it was
relatively widespread in the Pee Dee and Catawba river systems in North
Carolina and the Pee Dee, Savannah and Saluda systems in South
Carolina. Current distribution in South Carolina is limited to
generally small populations in the Lynches River (Pee Dee River
system), tributaries to the Savannah River, a tributary to the Saluda
River, and one location in the Catawba River Basin. Carolina
heelsplitter is usually found on mud, muddy sand, or muddy gravel
substrates in cool, slow-moving, small to medium-sized streams or
rivers along well-shaded streambanks. Stable streambanks and channels,
with pool, riffle and run sequences, little or no fine sediment, and
periodic natural flooding, appear to be required for the Carolina
heelsplitter. The stability of the stream banks appears to be a very
important factor in the habitat.
South Carolina DNR spatial distribution data for threatened and
endangered species indicate no known occurrences of Carolina
heelsplitter in Laurens or Spartanburg Counties. Further, freshwater
gastropods surveys conducted in the project area in support of
relicensing found no live, dead, or shell fragments of Carolina
heelsplitter; this species was one of the primary target species of the
survey effort.
Terrestrial Species
One federally listed plant species, the dwarf-flowered heartleaf
(Hexastylis naniflora), is known to occur in Spartanburg County. Dwarf-
flowered heartleaf is a terrestrial plant species that typically occurs
on bluffs and in ravines in deciduous forests with acidic sandy loam
soils, often in association with mountain laurel. A search of the South
Carolina Heritage Trust Geographic Database of Rare and Endangered
Species revealed no occurrences of dwarf-flowered heartleaf in the
Enoree Quad, where the project would be located. Further, field surveys
of sites containing the Pacolet, Madison, or Musella soil types
required by this species, conducted in support of licensing as part of
the Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Assessment, found no
occurrences of the species within the project area.
The red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) is listed as
endangered at both the state and federal level and is known to occur in
Laurens County. The red-cockaded woodpecker is endemic to open, mature,
and old growth pine ecosystems in the southeastern United States. Over
97 percent of the pre-colonial era red-cockaded woodpecker population
has been eradicated, leaving only roughly 14,000 red-cockaded
woodpeckers living in about 5,600 colonies scattered across eleven
states, including South Carolina. Red-cockaded woodpecker decline is
generally attributed to a loss of suitable nesting and foraging
habitats, including longleaf pine systems, due to logging, agriculture,
fire suppression, and other factors. Suitable nesting habitat generally
consists of open pine forests and savannahs with large, older pines and
minimal hardwood midstory or overstory. Living trees, especially older
trees that are susceptible to red-heart disease making them more easily
excavated, provide red-cockaded woodpecker's preferred nesting
cavities. Suitable foraging habitat consists of open-canopy, mature
pine forests with low densities of small pines, little midstory
vegetation, limited hardwood
[[Page 76941]]
overstory, and abundant bunchgrass and forb groundcover.
The expansive old-growth pine forests required by this species do
not occur in the areas surrounding the project. Further, South Carolina
DNR spatial distribution data indicate no documented occurrences of
red-cockaded woodpecker in Laurens and Spartanburg Counties, suggesting
that the ``known'' status listed by FWS for Laurens County may
potentially be related to historical records of this species.
Terrestrial areas within the project area were examined for presence of
the mature longleaf pine forest required by red-cockaded woodpeckers as
part of the Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Assessment. No such
habitat was documented. Environmental Effects
Our Analysis
No federally listed species are known to occur within the project
area. Suitable habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker does not occur
in the area. Therefore, refurbishment, operation, and maintenance of
the proposed project would have no effect on the endangered Carolina
heelsplitter mussel, the threatened dwarf-flowered heartleaf, or the
endangered red-cockaded woodpecker.
3.3.5 Recreation and Land Use Affected Environment
Statewide Recreation Plan
The 2008 South Carolina State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
(SCORP) guides recreation planning and development in the state. The
plan has no specific recommendations for the project area; however, it
does identify major goals for recreation within the state. These goals
include: Providing a balanced and comprehensive system of public and
private recreation opportunities; conserving and interpreting
significant historic, cultural, and natural areas; and encouraging
cooperation between various agencies, levels of government, private
enterprise, and volunteers to meet the state's recreation needs. The
SCORP also identifies issues associated with recreation supply and
demand in the state. The plan indicates there is a demand for
additional trail development for walking, boating, and equestrian use;
additional education and outreach relating to outdoor recreation
opportunities; and development of, or improvements to, recreation
access for various user groups including the elderly and disabled
(South Carolina DPRT, 2008).
Regional Recreation Resources
Spartanburg and Laurens counties are regionally-important
destinations for outdoor recreation activities such as fishing, hiking
and sightseeing. The region is home to several state parks, recreation
areas and historic sites. Recreation lands account for over 28,000
acres in the region and provide opportunities for hiking, camping,
fishing, motorized- and non-motorized boating, horseback riding,
picnicking, and wildlife viewing.
The South Carolina Rivers Assessment (1988) identifies several
high-value recreation areas on the Enoree River. A four-mile reach of
the Enoree, upstream of the project, from State Route 14 in Pelham to
State Route 296 is identified as regionally significant for whitewater
boating, which American Whitewater (2009) identifies as having Class II
and III rapids under normal flow conditions. Downstream from the
project, from RM 42 to the confluence with the Broad River, the Enoree
River is designated as both a regionally-significant flatwater boating
river and as a back-country boating river of statewide significance.
The entire Enoree River from its headwaters to the confluence with the
Broad River is categorized as a recreational fishing river of regional
or local significance (South Carolina WRC and NPS, 1988).
Formal recreational boating opportunities are provided on the
Enoree River Canoe Trail, which begins approximately 16 miles
downstream from the project, at the western border of the Sumter
National Forest's Enoree Ranger district (RM 36). The trail continues
through the National Forest to the Enoree River's confluence with the
Broad River. Six hand-carry boat ramps provide access to the canoe
trail for non-motorized boaters. The canoe trail is characterized by
steep hardwood bluffs, bottomland forests, and small marshy areas. In
the early spring, high flows make the river unsafe for flatwater
recreational boating. In the late spring and fall, fast-moving
flatwater conditions are best for experienced paddlers. Summer flows,
particularly during drought conditions, are generally too low for
recreational boating (U.S. Forest Service, 2010). The South Carolina
Trails Plan (2002) identifies 45 miles of Enoree River in Spartanburg
County and 5 miles of the river in Union County for future development
as a canoe trail.
Recreation in the Project Vicinity
In the vicinity of the project, boating on the Enoree River is
limited by a lack of developed boating access and boat ramps. The
shallow nature of some sections of the river, which typically ranges in
depth from 2 to 6 feet, limits boating access to canoes and flat-
bottomed boats of less than 14 feet in length (U.S. Forest Service,
2010). Non-motorized boaters typically access the river at informal
locations like bridge crossings or dams. There are no formal portage
facilities on the stretch of river near the proposed project, and small
dams, such as the Riverdale dam, impede navigation.
Angling activities near the proposed project occur primarily from
shore and are concentrated in tributaries and below the Pelham and
Riverdale dams. Largemouth bass, crappie, channel catfish, yellow
perch, bluegill, gizzard shad, redear sunfish, and redbreast sunfish
are the primary game fish expected in the Enoree River (see section
3.3.2, Aquatic Resources). There is no fish consumption advisory for
the Enoree River in the vicinity of the project.
Recreation at the Proposed Project
There are no formal recreation facilities located at the project.
Under Inman Mill's license, the project was exempt from filing the
Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report (FERC Form 80)
because of the lack of recreation facilities and potential for
recreation use.\53\ However, members of the public periodically use the
impoundment for fishing, as evidenced by the presence of discarded bait
containers, fishing line, and other debris.
\53\ See FERC issuance of March 16, 1998 for the Riverdale
Project No. 4362.
Land Use
The project is located on the Enoree River, which comprises the
border between Laurens and Spartanburg counties, South Carolina. The
project is located within the Enoree River subwatershed, which extends
from the confluence of Beaverdam Creek, immediately upstream of the
project impoundment at RM 52, to Duncan Creek south of the town of
Whitmire at RM 20. Lands in the subwatershed are typically undeveloped,
with forest lands comprising 61.6 percent of the watershed and
agricultural lands comprising an additional 26.7 percent. Major
agricultural uses include hay pastures and crops such as peaches,
soybeans, and grain corn. Other land uses within the watershed are
[[Page 76942]]
developed lands (5.8 percent), wetlands (4.5 percent), and barren lands
(1.8 percent).
The most intensive land uses in the project vicinity occur in the
town of Enoree, located north of the project in Spartanburg County, and
the town of Lanford, to the south of the project in Laurens County.
These areas are characterized primarily by residential, commercial, and
industrial development. Both counties regulate private land development
through planning and zoning measures.
The project boundary encloses approximately 25.9 acres, of which
11.3 acres are land. The remainder is occupied by the waters of the
impoundment, bypassed reach, and tailrace. Aerial photos indicate that
within the project boundary, the predominant land cover is forest. The
bypassed reach of the Enoree River is characterized by bedrock, granite
dome, and cobble overlaid with sand bars, which create a series of
riffles and pools. Limited industrial use, including the project's
powerhouse and disturbed areas formerly occupied by Inman Mills, is
also present along the northern shoreline of the project. For more
information about ground cover and wildlife habitat within the project
boundary, see sections 3.3.1, Geologic and Soil Resources and 3.3.3,
Terrestrial Resources.
There are no lands in the immediate vicinity of the project that
are included in the national trails system or designated as wilderness
lands. No portion of the Enoree River is included on the list of wild
and scenic rivers; however, the reach of the Enoree River from RM 0 to
RM 98 is listed on the Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI) for its
outstanding values in scenery, recreation, geology, fish, wildlife,
history, and cultural significance. The NRI, which was created in 1982
and amended in 1993, identifies river segments in the United States
that are believed to possess one or more ``outstandingly remarkable''
natural or cultural values judged to be of more than local or regional
significance (NPS, 2011). Environmental Effects
Recreation Enhancements and Public Access
Lockhart Power proposes to construct and maintain a 1,650 foot-long
portage trail around the dam, a parking area adjacent to the portage
trail, a canoe take-out located approximately 220 feet upstream of the
dam, and a canoe put-in located approximately 1,075 feet downstream
from the dam. Signage would be posted at both the canoe take-out and
put-in denoting their purpose. Directional signage would be used along
the portage trail to indicate the locations of the take-out and put-in.
Lockhart Power also proposes to provide informal public access for
fishing at the project, including at the impoundment, tailrace, and
bypass reach.
All proposed recreation facilities would be located within the
project boundary. The proposed portage trail and parking area would be
located entirely on lands owned by the Woodruff Roebuck Water District.
The trail would follow two separate transmission line ROW, owned and
maintained by Duke Energy, that cross the Water District's property.
Lockhart Power has proposed to operate and maintain the recreation
facilities through an agreement with the Water District. FWS, South
Carolina DNR, and American Rivers concur with the proposed recreation
Our Analysis
Lockhart Power's proposed recreation enhancement measures,
including the canoe take-out, put-in, and portage trail would address
the need for canoe trail development in the region, as identified by
the South Carolina State Trails Plan (2002) and South Carolina SCORP
(2008). The addition of a formal portage trail along with signs
identifying the canoe take-out and put-in would improve access to the
outdoors and enhance the quality of the recreation experience on the
Enoree River. Signage and parking would improve accessibility and
provide information about recreation opportunities at the site.
Increased recreation use induced by the proposed recreation
features may negatively affect wildlife and aquatic habitat at the
project. However, by formalizing recreation access, Lockhart Power
would have more opportunities to manage the effects of recreation on
sensitive areas. For example, although the portage trail may bring
additional recreation use to the area, it would also protect
terrestrial resources from the effects of informal portaging that may
already be occurring. The shoals in the bypassed reach, a unique
habitat on the Enoree River, would be protected by guiding users to a
developed put-in, rather than dispersing access along the reach. The
spread of non-native invasive terrestrial plant species, such as
Japanese stilt grass, would be minimized by restricting foot traffic to
the maintained transmission line ROW.
Lockhart Power expects that the public would continue informal use
of the impoundment and areas downstream from the dam for fishing or
sightseeing. Signage indicating standard safety measures, as required
as part of any Commission-issued license, would ensure that public
access would not compromise project operations, safety, or security.
Additional signage referring to ``pack-it-in, pack-it-out'' garbage
disposal at the parking area, as well as the canoe take-out and put-in,
could limit negative effects of public use on the surrounding
environment. The Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report
(Form 80--filed every 6 years) would allow Lockhart Power to assess
recreation use at the project and determine if additional measures
would be needed to address future recreation use.
Effects of Project Operation and Flows on Recreation
Project operation has the potential to affect recreational boating
at the project. Lockhart Power proposes to operate the project in ROR
mode with daily peaking, as well as maintain continuous minimum flows
of 50 cfs in the bypassed reach during project operations. See section
2.2.1, Proposed Project Operation, for a more detailed description of
Lockhart Power's proposal. Interior and South Carolina DNR recommend
Lockhart Power provide minimum flows to the bypassed reach that are
consistent with the Water Plan. American Rivers recommends seasonally-
adjusted, continuous instream flows for the bypassed reach. The minimum
flows recommended by Interior, South Carolina DNR, and American Rivers
are higher than those recommended by Lockhart Power.
Our Analysis
The proposed canoe put-in, which would be located downstream from
the dam on the shore of the bypassed reach, may be unusable under low-
flow conditions. In situations where the canoe launch is unusable,
boaters would be required to portage to an area farther downstream past
the confluence of the Enoree River and the project tailrace. Informal
portaging could affect wildlife habitat or increase the spread of
invasive plant species.
Higher minimum flows in the bypassed reach, as recommended by
Interior, South Carolina DNR, and American Rivers would provide greater
latitude for boat launching in the bypassed reach. However, the effect
of diverting flows from the bypassed reach is unlikely to be
significant because during summer months or in drought conditions, much
of the Enoree River is too shallow for recreational boating,
independent of project operations.
[[Page 76943]]
Spring and fall are the primary boating seasons on the Enoree, and
during those periods flows through the project would be sufficient for
use of the proposed portage trail and canoe put-in.
Flow fluctuations associated with peaking also have the potential
to affect recreational flows downstream from the project in the Enoree
River. As discussed in section 3.3.2, Aquatic Resources, peaking
operations would ultimately alter the existing natural flow regime to
one of increased daily fluctuation downstream from the tailrace and in
the bypassed reach. Lower flow through the project when the project's
impoundment recharges would negatively affect recreation downstream
from the project by increasing the likelihood that boaters would need
to portage shallow areas of the river. However, pulses of higher flows
when peaking operation begins may provide recreational benefits by
providing additional boating depth downstream from the project. Because
Lockhart Power anticipates operating in ROR mode for much of the time,
the effects of peaking operations are expected to be minimal.
Drawdowns of the project impoundment associated with peaking
operations, may also affect use and maintenance of the proposed canoe
take-out and recreational boating upstream of the dam. However,
standard canoe launch designs can accommodate a wide range of river
levels, with proper siting and maintenance. Lockhart Power's proposed
canoe take-out would be a positive amenity on a section of the river
that currently is undeveloped for recreation. Additionally, conditions
for recreational boating immediately upstream of the project may
improve with repair to the project's flashboards and maintenance of the
project impoundment.
Land Use
Lockhart Power proposes to restore the project to operating status
and construct recreation enhancements within the project boundary. In
addition, Lockhart Power proposes to maintain all lands within 25 feet
of the project shorelines as a forested riparian buffer, unless those
lands are required for other project purposes. Lockhart Power also
proposes to negotiate with the Water District regarding maintenance of
forested riparian buffers on any lands that the applicant cannot obtain
through purchase. FWS and South Carolina DNR concur with the proposed
land management measures to stabilize erosion of project shorelines,
reduce runoff into the Enoree River, and provide wildlife habitat.
Our Analysis
Refurbishing, operating, and maintaining the proposed project would
have no effect on land use within the project boundary. The addition of
a portage trail would add additional recreation lands to the project
boundary; however, that use would be consistent with existing land use.
Additionally, the portage trail would follow two existing transmission
line ROW, limiting ground disturbance and reducing the potential for
effects on terrestrial habitat within the project boundary.
The applicant's proposal to maintain a 25-foot forested buffer
along project shorelines would be consistent with the recommendations
by FWS and South Carolina DNR to protect shoreline and riparian
habitats. Additional analysis of measures to reduce erosion, prevent
runoff, and protect wildlife habitat are discussed in sections 3.3.1.,
Geologic and Soil Resources, and 3.3.3., Terrestrial Resources.
The Enoree River's designation on the NRI would not be affected by
the proposed project. The reach of the Enoree River from RM 0 to RM 98
was listed on the NRI in 1982, when the project was operational.
Returning the project to operating status would be unlikely to
significantly affect or alter the character of the river. Further, the
addition of a portage trail would improve recreation access to a reach
of the Enoree River that has been identified for its outstanding
recreation value.
3.3.6 Cultural Resources Affected Environment
Area of Potential Effects
Section 106 of the NHPA of 1966, as amended, requires that the
Commission evaluate the potential effects of continued operation of the
project on properties listed or eligible for listing on the National
Register. Such properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the
National Register are called historic properties. In this case, the
Commission must take into account whether any historic property could
be affected within the project's area of potential effects (APE). The
APE is defined as the geographic area or areas within which an
undertaking may directly or indirectly cause alterations in the
character or use of historic properties, if any such properties exist.
We define the APE for the proposed Riverdale Project as: (1) Lands
enclosed by the proposed project boundary; and (2) lands or properties
adjoining the proposed project boundary, where the authorized project
uses may cause changes in the character or use of historic properties,
if historic properties exist.
Cultural History Overview
The archaeological record dates Native American presence in central
South Carolina to at least the late Paleo-Indian period (11,000 B.C.-
8,000 B.C.). The earliest Native Americans in the area used the region
to forage and hunt on a seasonal basis. Over the Archaic (8,000 B.C.-
1,000 B.C.) and Woodland (1,000 B.C.-1000 A.D.) periods, Native
populations grew larger and more sedentary. These populations developed
trade networks and became more dependent on agriculture for subsistence
(FERC, 2010). Prior to European settlement, the primary Native American
groups in the region were the Catawba and Cherokee. The Cherokee
maintained territory in the area of Spartanburg County until 1777
(Benson, 2006).
Permanent European settlement in South Carolina began in 1670 on
the Ashley River near present-day Charleston. By 1700, settlers had
moved inland and up the Congaree River to the fall line (south of
present-day Columbia, South Carolina), which marked the upper limit of
navigation. Modern industrial development of upstate South Carolina
began in 1815 with the construction of series of water-powered textile
mills in Greenville and Spartanburg counties. Many early mills failed
due to lack of capital, shortage of workers, limited distribution, and
competition from more established textile mills in New England and New
York. Following the Civil War, local investors began to renew their
interest in the region's textile mills.
In 1888, a group of Charleston investors purchased property for the
Riverdale Mill, which was constructed between two hills with Two Mile
Creek running under the factory. The project's original hydroelectric
facilities, including the dam, forebay, headrace, penstock, and turbine
were installed between 1910 and 1913 and were used to power the
manufacturing operations at the mill. The mill changed owners several
times during the twentieth century, being last owned by Inman Mills,
which refurbished the project's turbine and penstock in the 1980s. The
project has been inoperable since 2001, when the adjacent textile mill
was closed. The original mill buildings and powerhouse were removed by
the current owner and the original concrete and brick masonry
powerhouse was replaced with a wood frame building with a wood truss
roof system and asphalt shingles.
[[Page 76944]]
Archeological Resources and Historic Properties
There are no known archeological sites or historic properties that
would be affected by the proposed Riverdale Project. As discussed
previously, while the project dates from the early 20th century, many
of the mill's original facilities were removed in recent years. Environmental Effects
On November 23, 2009, the Commission designated Lockhart Power as a
non-federal section 106 representative, which enabled it to conduct the
day-to-day section 106 consultation responsibilities pursuant to 36 CFR
Sec. 800.2(c)(4) of the Preservation Act regarding their proposal to
repair or upgrade the existing turbine unit and return the project to
operation. By letter dated December 7, 2009 and filed as part of the
license application on August 31, 2010, the South Carolina SHPO
determined that no historic properties listed in, or eligible for
listing in, the National Register would be affected by the project.
By letter filed September 30, 2010, the Catawba Indian Nation
stated that they have no immediate concerns with regard to traditional
cultural properties, sacred sites, or Native American archeological
sites at the project. The Catawba Indian Nation also commented that the
tribe should be notified if Native American artifacts and/or human
remains are located during ground disturbing activities. In comments e-
filed January 18, 2012, the Catawba Indian Nation requested that the
applicant consult with the tribe prior to any ground disturbing
activities and indicated that a cultural resource survey involving
shovel testing would likely be required.
Our Analysis
Based on the assessment of the South Carolina SHPO and the
information in the record for this proceeding, operation of the
proposed project would not alter the historic character of existing
structures. In addition, there would be no historic properties affected
by the construction and operation of the proposed project.
At this time, there is also no evidence indicating the presence of
archeological properties within the project's APE that would warrant a
cultural resource survey and shovel testing as recommended by the
Catawba Indian Nation. However, it is possible that unknown
archaeological or historic resources may be discovered in the future as
a result of project construction, operation, or other project related
activities. If such resources are discovered, immediately stopping work
and consulting with the Commission, the South Carolina SHPO and the
Catawba Indian Nation to define appropriate treatment would prevent any
further harm to previously unidentified archaeological or cultural
3.4 No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, the Riverdale Project would not be
refurbished, operated, and maintained by Lockhart Power. There would be
no changes to the physical, biological, or cultural resources of the
area, and electrical generation from the project would not occur. The
power that would have been developed from a renewable resource would
have to be replaced from nonrenewable fuels. The proposed public
recreation amenities and access points would not be built and public
access to the Enoree River in this area would not be available.
4.0 Developmental Analysis
In this section, we look at the Riverdale Project's use of the
Enoree River for hydropower purposes to see what effect various
environmental measures would have on the project's costs and power
benefits. Under the Commission's approach to evaluating the economics
of hydropower projects, as articulated in Mead Corp.,\54\ the
Commission compares the current project cost to an estimate of the cost
of obtaining the same amount of energy and capacity using a likely
alternative source of power for the region (cost of alternative power).
In keeping with Commission policy as described in Mead, our economic
analysis is based on current electric power cost conditions and does
not consider future escalation of fuel prices in valuing the hydropower
project's power benefits.
\54\ See Mead Corporation, Publishing Paper Division, 72 FERC ]
61,027 (July 13, 1995). In most cases, electricity from hydropower
would displace some form of fossil-fueled generation, in which fuel
cost is the largest component of the cost of electricity production.
For each of the licensing alternatives, our analysis includes an
estimate of: (1) The cost of individual measures considered in the EA
for the protection, mitigation, and enhancement of environmental
resources affected by the project; (2) the cost of alternative power;
(3) the total project cost (i.e. for construction, operation,
maintenance, and environmental measures); and (4) the difference
between the cost of alternative power and the total project cost. If
the difference between the cost of alternative power and the total
project cost is positive, the project would produce power for less than
the cost of alternative power. If the difference between the cost of
alternative power and the total project cost is negative, the project
would produce power for more than the cost of alternative power. This
estimate helps to support an informed decision concerning what is in
the public interest with respect to a proposed license. However,
project economics is only one of many public interest factors the
Commission considers in determining whether, and under what conditions,
to issue a license.
4.1 Power and Developmental Benefits of the Project
Table 12 summarizes the assumptions and economic information we use
in our analysis. This information was provided by Lockhart Power in its
license application and its responses to staff's additional information
requests. We find that the values provided by Lockhart Power are
reasonable for the purposes of our analysis. Cost items common to all
alternatives include: Taxes and insurance costs; net investment (the
total investment in power plant facilities to be depreciated);
estimated future capital investment required to maintain and extend the
life of plant equipment and facilities; licensing costs; normal
operation and maintenance cost; and Commission fees. Throughout this
section all dollars are 2013, unless otherwise specified.
Table 12--Parameters for the Economic Analysis of the Proposed Riverdale
[Source: Staff and Lockhart Power]
Economic parameter Value
Average annual generation (MWh).......... 4,895.\a\
Composite power value.................... $72.31/MWh.\b\
Period of analysis....................... 30 years.
Term of financing........................ 20 years.
Capital investment....................... $5,225,000.\c\
License application cost................. $200,000.\a\
Interest/discount rate................... 7.0 percent.\d\
Federal tax rate......................... 34 percent.\d\
State tax................................ 3.0 percent.\d\
Insurance (percent)...................... 0.25.
Annual Operation and Maintenance......... $81,000.\d\
\a\ Value from license application dated August 31, 2010, as clarified
in Lockhart Power's responses to staff's additional information
request, filed on August 5, 2011.
[[Page 76945]]
\b\ The composite power value was provided by Lockhart Power and
incorporates peak and off-peak energy and capacity rates and a value
for Renewable Energy Credits offered by North Carolina. The basis of
these values is a power purchase contract currently offered by Duke
Energy Carolinas, LLC.
\c\ This value includes staff's estimate of cost to purchase the project
site and Lockhart Power's estimate to rehabilitate the project
\d\ Assumed by staff.
4.2 Comparison of Alternatives
Table 13 summarizes the installed capacity, annual generation, cost
of alternative power, estimated total project cost, and the difference
between the cost of alternative power and total project cost for the
three alternatives considered in this EA: No-action, Lockhart Power's
proposal, and the staff alternative.
Table 13--Summary of Annual Cost, Power Benefits, and Annual Net Benefits of the Alternatives for the Riverdale
[Source: Staff]
Lockhart Power's
Parameter No-action proposal Staff alternative
Annual generation (MWh)................................ 0.0 4,895 4,370
Annual cost of alternative power....................... $0 $353,957 $315,995
($/MWh)................................................ 0.00 72.31 72.31
Annual project cost.................................... $0.00 $619,336 $613,481
($/MWh)................................................ 0.00 126.52 140.38
Difference between the cost of alternative power and $0.0 ($265,378) ($297,487)
project cost..........................................
($/MWh)................................................ 0.00 (54.21) (68.07)
Note: A number in parentheses denotes that the difference between the cost of alternative power and project cost
is negative, thus the total project cost is greater than the cost of alternative power.
4.2.1 No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, Lockhart Power would not
rehabilitate the Riverdale Project; the project would not generate
electricity; and no environmental protection, mitigation, or
enhancement measures would be implemented.
4.2.2 Lockhart Power's Proposal
The Riverdale Project has been inoperable since 2001. After
repairing the hydroelectric facilities, Lockhart Power proposes to
operate the project in a ROR mode, with daily peaking under certain
flow conditions. Upon completion of the proposed repairs, the project's
installed capacity would be 1.24 MW and would generate an average of
4,895 MWh of electricity annually. The average annual cost of
alternative power under Lockhart Power's proposal would be about
$353,957 ($72.31/MWh). The average annual project cost would be about
$619,336 ($126.52/MWh). Overall, the project would produce power at a
cost that is about $265,378 ($54.21/MWh) more than the cost of
alternative power.
4.2.3 Staff Alternative
The staff alternative includes most of the measures proposed by
Lockhart Power, with some modifications and additional recommended
measures. The additional staff-recommended measures that would increase
the annual cost of the project include: (a) A soil erosion and sediment
control plan; (b) a sediment management plan; (c) a shoreline
stabilization plan; (d) a water quality monitoring plan; (e) higher
continuous minimum flows in the bypassed reach; (f) an operation
compliance monitoring plan; (g) an invasive vegetation monitoring and
control plan; and (h) an evaluation of the project transmission line
consistency with APLIC guidelines.
Under the staff alternative, the project would generate an average
of 4,370 MWh of electricity annually. The average annual cost of
alternative power under the staff alternative would be about $315,995
($72.31/MWh). The average annual project cost would be about $613,481
($140.38/MWh). Overall, the project would produce power at a cost that
is about $297,487 ($68.07/MWh) more than the cost of alternative power.
The staff alternative would increase the annual project cost about
$32,109, or about $13.86/MWh, compared to the project as proposed by
Lockhart Power.
4.3 Cost of Environmental Measures
Table 14 gives the cost of each of the environmental enhancement
measures considered in our analysis.\55\ We convert all costs to equal
annual (levelized) values over a 30-year period of analysis to give a
uniform basis for comparing the benefits of a measure to its cost.
\55\ Lockhart Power provided costs for specific protection,
mitigation, and enhancement measures in its license application
dated August 31, 2010, and in its responses to the Commission's
additional information request (Lockhart Power, 2011a; 2011b; 2012).
Table 14--Cost of Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Measures Considered in Assessing the Environmental
Effects of Refurbishing, Operating, and Maintaining the Riverdale Project
[Source: Staff and Lockhart Power]
Capital cost Annual cost Levelized cost
Enhancement/mitigation measure Entities (2013$) (2013$) (2013$)
Geology and Soils Resources
1. Develop and implement a soil South Carolina DNR, 5,000 0 390
erosion and sediment control Staff.
plan, which includes the BMPs
described in the South Carolina
DHEC's Stormwater BMP Handbook.
[[Page 76946]]
2. Implement a sediment management Lockhart Power..... 0 \a\ 0 0
plan that consists of using the
sand gates for periodic
inspections and maintenance
drawdowns and, if possible,
avoiding drawdowns from March 15
through June 1.
3. Develop and implement a Interior, South \c\ 12,000 \d\ 1,000 1,597
sediment management plan that Carolina DNR,
includes provisions to: (a) Test Staff.
impoundment sediments for heavy
metals and other contaminants
prior to beginning in-water
construction activities; (b)
prepare a contingency plan for
proper disposal \b\ of any
contaminated sediments found in
the impoundment; (c) monitor
sediment accumulation in the
impoundment annually; (d) develop
criteria that would trigger,
sediment removal and proper
disposal, if necessary; (e)
conduct maintenance drawdowns in
late fall and winter (November
through January); (f) avoid
drawdowns from March 15 through
June 1, if possible; and (g) file
an annual report.
4. Develop and implement a Interior, Staff.... 5,000 1,000 1,050
shoreline stabilization plan with
provisions to: (a) Identify
eroding or potential project-
induced erosion sites on project
shorelines prior to operation;
(b) stabilize areas of shoreline
erosion; (c) monitor shorelines
after resuming operation and
implement stabilization
techniques as necessary; (d)
conduct shoreline stabilization
activities from September through
February if possible; and (e)
file an annual report.
Aquatic Resources
5. Develop and implement a water Interior, NMFS, 20,000 0 1,561
quality monitoring plan with Staff.
provisions to: (a) Monitor DO,
temperature, and turbidity prior
to the start of construction,
during construction, and for 1
year after project operation
begins; (b) define sampling
methods, timing, and locations
for monitoring these parameters
in consultation with South
Carolina DHEC, FWS, and NMFS; and
(c) file a report that presents
the monitoring data, describes
any project-related effects and
identifies corrective actions if
6. Maintain a minimum flow of 50 Lockhart Power..... 0 30,567 \e\ 20,174
cfs in the bypassed reach and a
total minimum continuous flow of
60 cfs downstream from the
7. Provide the following seasonal Interior,\f\ South 0 122,501 \e\ 80,851
minimum instream flows into the Carolina DNR,
bypassed reach (based on the NMFS, American
South Carolina Water Plan and a Rivers.
MADF of 393 cfs): 79 cfs (July-
November), 118 cfs (May, June,
and December), and 157 cfs
8. Provide a continuous minimum Staff.............. 0 69,000 \e\ 45,540
instream flow of 75 cfs into the
bypassed reach.
9. Develop and implement a plan to Interior, South 7,000 0 546
release required minimum flows Carolina DNR,
into the bypassed reach that NMFS, Staff.
includes: (a) A feasibility
assessment for using the sand
gates as a flow-release
mechanism; (b) if found to be
feasible, a study to determine
how the sand gates would be used
to distribute flow into the
bypassed reach; (c) if the sand
gates are not feasible, a
description of how the minimum
instream flows would be provided
to the bypassed reach; (d) a
report documenting the outcome of
the feasibility assessment, flow
study, and consultation with the
agencies; and (e) an
implementation schedule.
10. Develop and implement a low South Carolina DNR, 5,000 0 390
inflow protocol/drought Interior, staff.
contingency plan.
11. Develop and implement an Lockhart Power, 15,000 1,500 2,161
operation compliance monitoring Staff.
plan that includes: (a) A rating
curve to provide the seasonally
defined flows; (b) protocols to
monitor and document compliance
with required flows; (c)
protocols to monitor and document
impoundment fluctuations; and (d)
an implementation schedule.
12. Modify trash rack bar spacing Interior........... 15,000 0 1,171
at the headrace intake by
decreasing the spacing from 2.25
inches to 1 inch.
[[Page 76947]]
13. Conduct fish surveys before Interior........... 30,000 0 2,341
and after construction, and 1
year after construction is
14. Conduct comprehensive Interior........... 9,000 0 702
invertebrate surveys before and
after construction, and 1 year
after construction is complete.
Terrestrial Resources
15. Implement BMPs to protect Lockhart Power, \g\ 0 \g\ 0 0
vegetation within the project Interior, South
boundary, such as limiting Carolina DNR, and
vegetation and ground-disturbing Staff.
activities and maintaining a
minimum 25-foot-wide forested
riparian buffer on project
shorelines, as long as this does
not interfere with Lockhart
Power's ability to perform
project-related activities.
16. Develop and implement an Staff.............. \h\ 6,000 \h\ 1,000 1,128
invasive vegetation monitoring
and control plan that includes:
(a) Survey methods to determine
the extent of alligatorweed in
the impoundment and riparian area
prior to beginning refurbishment
activities; (b) BMPs, as well as
monitoring and control methods to
prevent the spread of
alligatorweed in the impoundment
to areas downstream from the dam
during project refurbishment; (c)
monitoring protocols to detect
the introduction or spread of
other invasive plants within the
project boundary during operation
and maintenance; (d) criteria
that would determine when
corrective actions would be
required; and (e) a schedule for
filing monitoring reports and any
recommended control measures.
17. Determine if the project Staff.............. \h\ 5,000 0 390
transmission line is consistent
with APLIC guidelines, consult
with FWS, and file a report with
the Commission describing the
results of the evaluation and any
measures recommended by FWS.
Recreational and Land Use
18. Construct and maintain a canoe Lockhart Power, 15,000 4,000 \e\ 3,811
take-out located approximately Interior, South
220 feet upstream of the dam; a Carolina DNR, and
canoe put-in located Staff.
approximately 1,075 feet
downstream from the dam; a 1,650-
foot-long portage trail
connecting the proposed canoe
take-out and put-in; and a
parking area located adjacent to
the proposed portage trail.
19. Provide informal public access Lockhart Power, 0 0 0
for fishing at the project Interior, South
impoundment, tailrace, and Carolina DNR, and
bypassed reach. Staff.
20. Install informational signage Lockhart Power, \i\ 0 1,000 \e\ 660
that includes: (1) Identification Staff.
of the canoe take-out and put in;
(2) directions from the parking
area to river access points; and
(3) information regarding garbage
Cultural Resources
21. Stop work and notify the South Staff.............. 0 0 0
Carolina SHPO and the Catawba
Indian Nation, and follow the
South Carolina SHPO's guidance if
any unknown archaeological
resources are discovered as a
result of project construction,
operation, or project-related
22. Consult with the Catawba Catawba Indian \h\ 10,000 0 780
Indian Nation prior to any ground Nation.
disturbing activities, and
conduct a cultural resource
survey involving shovel tests, if
\a\ Sediment management would occur in conjunction with periodic inspections and maintenance activities. There
are no additional costs associated with this measure.
\b\ We assume that the cost of initial sediment disposal, if necessary, is included in Lockhart Power's
estimates for project refurbishment.
\c\ This cost includes the initial/capital cost of monitoring sediment accumulation in the impoundment.
\d\ The precise frequency of monitoring sediment accumulation would likely be determined after consultation with
the South Carolina DHEC, the Corps, South Carolina DNR, and Interior.
\e\ In many cases in this table, the 30-year levelized cost is lower than the annual cost (i.e. operation and
maintenance cost). The reason for this is the levelized cost includes an estimate of tax savings that the
applicant would realize due to the combined high capital (including interest and depreciation) and operation
and maintenance costs of the measure.
\f\ Interior's recommendation actually called for a seasonal flow of 80 cfs from July through November instead
of 79 cfs.
[[Page 76948]]
\g\ We estimate that the implementation of the measure would not result in any appreciable additional cost.
\h\ Cost estimated by staff.
\i\ This cost is included in the $15K for constructing and maintaining the portage trail. The additional staff
measures are not expected to increase the overall cost.
5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Comparison of Alternatives
In this section we compare the development and non-developmental
effects of Lockhart Power's proposal, Lockhart Power's proposal as
modified by staff, and the no-action alternative. We estimate the
annual generation of the project under those three alternatives. Our
analysis shows that the annual generation would be 4,895 MWh for the
proposed action and 4,370 MWh for the staff alternative. Under the no-
action alternative, no power would be generated. We summarize the
environmental effects of the different alternatives below in table 15.
Table 15--Comparison of Alternatives for the Riverdale Project
[Source: staff]
Staff recommended
Resource No action alternative Proposed action alternative
Generation........................ 0 MWh................ 4,895 MWh................. 4,370 MWh.
Geology and Soils................. Impoundment sediments Project refurbishment Same as proposed action,
would continue to would disturb about 2 but implementing a site-
accumulate and be acres of vegetation. specific soil erosion
flushed downstream Implementing BMPs would and sediment control
from the dam during minimize soil disturbance plan and a more clearly
high flows. and erosion. Avoiding defined sediment
drawing down the management plan would
impoundment between March more effectively
15 and June 1 would minimize erosion and
prevent the release of impoundment sediment
large quantities of loads, helping to
sediment into the prevent an accidental
bypassed reach in the release of large
Enoree River during fish quantities of sediment
spawning season. downstream. Implementing
a shoreline
stabilization plan would
further reduce potential
erosion and
sedimentation during
operations and also
benefit fish and
wildlife in the riparian
and littoral areas of
the project.
Water Quality (during No change in existing Short-term increases in Same proposed action, but
construction). water quality turbidity and implementing a water
conditions. sedimentation during quality monitoring plan
rehabilitation; BMPs during pre- and post-
would minimize erosion construction activities
and sedimentation. would provide a
mechanism to identify
and address water
quality effects.
Water Quality (post-construction). No change in existing Project flow diversions Same as proposed action,
water quality could reduce DO levels except higher minimum
conditions. and raise water flows would reduce the
temperatures in bypassed potential for elevated
reach. temperatures and low DO
levels. Implementing a
water quality monitoring
plan would detect any
effects to water quality
caused by project
operations and
Fishery Resources (during No change to the Short-term increases in Same as proposed action,
construction). fishery resources. turbidity and except that
sedimentation during implementation of a
construction could water quality monitoring
adversely affect fish plan and a soil erosion
habitat in the Enoree and sediment control
River downstream from the plan during construction
dam. activities may minimize
adverse effects of
turbidity and
sedimentation on fish
habitat downstream from
the dam.
Fishery Resources (post- No change to the Reduction of flow to 50 Same as the proposed
construction). fishery resources. cfs in the bypassed reach action except that
and 60 cfs downstream minimum flows in the
from the project would bypassed reach would be
likely result in poor to reduced to 75 cfs year-
low quality fishery and round. Minimum flows
benthic habitat would maintain adequate
conditions in the conditions for fish and
bypassed reach; benthic
Impoundment surface macroinvertebrates.
elevation fluctuations of
up to 4 feet below full
pool with associated
adverse effects on
impoundment fish
habitats; Entrainment of
fish through the
development's 2.25-inch
Terrestrial Resources............. No change in existing Project refurbishment, Same as proposed action,
conditions. operation, and except developing and
maintenance would result implementing an invasive
in minor, temporary vegetation monitoring
disturbances to upland and control plan, would
vegetation and wildlife. minimize spread and
However, in-water repair introductions of non-
work, peaking operation, native invasive plants
and sediment management and benefit native plant
activities could fragment communities and the fish
and spread alligatorweed and wildlife in the
from the impoundment to project area. In
areas downstream or addition, evaluating the
facilitate introduction transmission line for
of other invasive plants. consistency with APLIC
In addition, project guidelines and
transmission lines may consulting with FWS to
represent an identify mitigative
electrocution hazard to measures, if needed,
birds. would minimize the risk
of avian electrocution.
Wetlands.......................... No effect............ No effect................. No effect.
[[Page 76949]]
Threatened and Endangered Species. No effect............ No effect................. No effect.
Recreational Access............... No effect............ The addition of a portage Same as the proposed
trail, parking, and action. Additional
directional signage would signage requesting
improve canoe portaging visitors to pack out
around the project. their garbage would
reduce the likelihood
that any increase in
recreation use at the
project would negatively
affect the surrounding
Land Use.......................... No effect............ Slight increase in Same as proposed action.
recreation land use
within the project
boundary. This use would
be consistent with
existing land uses, and,
therefore, would have no
adverse effect.
Cultural Resources................ No effect............ No effect................. No effect. However, if
any unknown
archaeological resources
were found, Lockhart
Power would stop work
and notify the South
Carolina SHPO and the
Catawba Indian Nation.
5.2 Comprehensive Development and Recommended Alternative
Sections 4(e) and 10(a)(1) of the FPA require the Commission to
give equal consideration to the power development purposes and to the
purposes of energy conservation; the protection, mitigation of damage
to, and enhancement of fish and wildlife; the protection of
recreational opportunities; and the preservation of other aspects of
environmental quality. Any license issued shall be such, as in the
Commission's judgment, will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for
improving or developing a waterway or waterways for all beneficial
public uses. This section contains the basis for, and a summary of, our
recommendations for licensing the Riverdale Project. We weigh the costs
and benefits of our recommended alternative against other proposed
Based on our independent review of agency and public comments filed
on this project and our review of the environmental and economic
effects of the proposed project and its alternatives, we selected the
staff alternative, as the preferred option. We recommend this option
because: (1) Issuance of a hydropower license for the project would
allow Lockhart Power to develop and operate the project and provide a
dependable source of electrical energy for the region (4,370 MWh
annually); (2) the 1.24 MW of electric energy generated from a
renewable resource may offset the use of fossil-fueled, steam-electric
generating plants, thereby conserving non-reviewable resources and
reducing atmospheric pollution; (3) the public benefits of this
alternative would exceed those of the no-action alternative; and (4)
the recommended environmental measures would protect and enhance
environmental resources affected by the project.
In the following section, we make recommendations as to which
environmental measures proposed by Lockhart Power or recommended by
agencies and other entities should be included in any license issued
for the project. In addition to Lockhart Power's proposed environmental
measures, we recommend additional staff-recommended environmental
measures to be included in any license issued for the project. We also
discuss which measures we do not recommend including in the license.
Measures Proposed by Lockhart Power
Based on our environmental analysis of Lockhart Power's proposal
discussed in section 3.0, Environmental Analysis, and the costs
discussed in section 4.0, Developmental Analysis, we conclude that the
following measures proposed by Lockhart Power would protect and enhance
environmental resources in the project area, and would be worth the
cost. Therefore, we recommend including these measures in any license
issued for the project.
Implement BMPs to protect vegetation within the project
boundary, such as limiting vegetation and ground-disturbing activities
and maintaining a minimum 25-foot-wide forested riparian buffer on
project shorelines, as long as this does not interfere with Lockhart
Power's ability to perform project-related activities.
Construct and maintain: (1) A canoe take-out located
approximately 220 feet upstream of the dam; (2) a canoe put-in located
approximately 1,075 feet downstream from the dam; (3) a 1,650-foot-long
portage trail connecting the proposed canoe take-out and put-in; (4) a
parking area located adjacent to the proposed portage trail; and (5)
signage to improve public access at the project and to the Enoree
Provide informal public access for fishing at the project
impoundment, tailrace, and bypassed reach.
Additional Measures Recommended by Staff
We recommend the measures described above, as well as 12 additional
staff-recommended measures and modifications to Lockhart Power's
proposed measure(s). These additional and modified measures include the
Develop and implement a site-specific soil erosion and
sediment control plan, which includes the BMPs described in the South
Carolina DHEC's Stormwater BMP Handbook, to minimize erosion and
sedimentation during soil-disturbing activities associated with project
construction and repairs.
Develop and implement a sediment management plan that
includes provisions to: (a) Test impoundment sediments for heavy metals
and other contaminants prior to beginning in-water project construction
activities and initial operation; (b) prepare a contingency plan for
proper disposal of any contaminated sediments that may be found in the
impoundment; (c) monitor sediment accumulation in the impoundment
annually to facilitate planning of sediment management activities; (d)
develop criteria that would trigger sediment removal from the
impoundment (i.e. by opening the sand gates, if appropriate, during
high flow events, or via mechanical
[[Page 76950]]
methods); (e) conduct sediment management activities during the months
of November through January except during high rain events (e.g.
tropical storms or hurricanes); (f) avoid maintenance activities that
would draw down the impoundment below normal operating levels and
potentially pass sediment into the bypassed reach from March 15 through
June 1, if possible, to minimize adverse impacts to spawning fish; and
(g) prepare annual reports with sediment monitoring results, sediment
management activities, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the
plan in minimizing sediment accumulation in the impoundment.
Develop and implement a shoreline stabilization plan that
includes provisions to: (a) Identify eroding or potential project-
induced erosion sites on the project shorelines prior to beginning
operation; (b) stabilize areas of shoreline erosion using native
vegetation, bio-engineering, slope flattening, toe armoring with
anchored logs, and/or riprap that incorporates native vegetation
plantings; (c) monitor shorelines after resuming operation, and
implement stabilization measures if project-induced erosion is
identified; (d) conduct shoreline stabilization activities from
September through February to protect aquatic species and wildlife; and
(e) file annual reports describing monitoring results and any
implemented shoreline stabilization measures.
Develop and implement a water quality monitoring plan that
includes provisions to: (a) Monitor DO, temperature, and turbidity
prior to the start of project construction, during construction, and
for 1 year after project operation begins to ensure the levels
specified by the current state water quality standards are met and
aquatic resources are protected; (b) define sampling methods, timing,
and locations for these parameters in consultation with South Carolina
DHEC, FWS, and NMFS; and (c) file a report that presents the monitoring
data, describes any project-related effects and identifies corrective
actions if necessary.
Release a continuous minimum flow of 75 cfs in the
bypassed reach to protect aquatic habitat.
Develop and implement a plan to release required minimum
flows into the bypassed reach that includes: (a) A feasibility
assessment for using the sand gates as a flow-release mechanism; (b) if
found to be feasible, a flow study to determine how the sand gates
would be used to distribute flow into the bypassed reach to protect
aquatic habitats; (c) if the sand gates are not feasible, a description
of how the minimum instream flows would be provided to the bypassed
reach; (d) a report documenting the outcome of the feasibility
assessment, flow study, and consultation with the agencies; and (e) an
implementation schedule.
Develop and implement a low inflow protocol/drought
contingency plan to define periods of extended drought and the low
inflow protocols to minimize adverse effects on generation, and on fish
and wildlife, water quality, water supply, and generation.
Develop and implement an operation compliance monitoring
plan that includes: (a) A rating curve to provide the seasonally
defined flows; (b) protocols to monitor and document compliance with
required flows; (c) protocols to monitor and document impoundment
fluctuations; and (d) an implementation schedule.
Develop and implement an invasive vegetation monitoring
and control plan that includes: (a) Survey methods to determine the
extent of alligatorweed in the impoundment and riparian area prior to
beginning refurbishment activities; (b) BMPs, as well as monitoring and
control methods to prevent the spread of alligatorweed in the
impoundment to areas downstream from the dam during project
refurbishment; (c) monitoring protocols to detect the introduction or
spread of other invasive plants within the project boundary during
project operation and maintenance; (d) criteria that would determine
when control measures would be required; and (e) a schedule for filing
monitoring reports and any recommended control measures with the
Determine whether the existing project transmission line
is consistent with APLIC guidelines. Identify, in consultation with
FWS, measures to minimize potential electrocution hazards to birds and
file a report with the Commission describing the results of the
evaluation and any measures recommended by FWS.
Install informational signage that includes: (a)
Identification of the canoe take-out and put in; (b) directions from
the parking area to river access points; and (c) information regarding
garbage disposal in order to improve public information available at
the project and protect environmental resources.
Stop work and notify the South Carolina SHPO and the
Catawba Indian Nation if any unknown archaeological resources are
discovered as a result of project construction, operation, or project-
related activities to avoid, lessen, or mitigate potential adverse
We discuss the basis for our recommended measures below.
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Project refurbishment, tailrace dredging, and construction of the
proposed canoe take-out, put-in, and portage trail would result in
soil-disturbing activities that could increase turbidity and
sedimentation in the Enoree River. Lockhart Power's proposal would
limit ground-disturbing activities to previously disturbed areas within
the footprint of the former textile mill and associated parking lots
and roadways, minimizing adverse effects on vegetated areas. Developing
a site-specific soil erosion and sediment control plan that includes
standard industry BMPs (such as those found in South Carolina DHEC's
Stormwater BMP Handbook) would further reduce potential soil erosion
and sedimentation effects. Applicable erosion and sediment control BMPs
may include the use of silt fences, sediment traps, stabilized
construction entrances, and alternative techniques that may be
developed in consultation with the South Carolina DHEC. We do not
expect that development of the soil erosion and sediment control plan
would incur any additional costs not already included in the costs for
project refurbishment. Based on our review and analysis contained in
section 3.3.1, Geologic and Soil Resources, we find that the benefits
of implementing a soil erosion and sediment control plan as described
above are worth these costs.
Initial Testing of Impoundment Sediments
There currently is no information on the volume of sediment
deposits and potentially embedded contaminants in the Riverdale
impoundment. However, the Enoree River carries a high sediment load and
visual observations indicate a significant buildup of sediment in the
impoundment. Project refurbishment activities and operation could
disturb the bottom sediments and release a large amount of sediment
downstream, causing any heavy metals or other contaminants present
within the sediments to re-suspend with clays, silt, sand, and other
sediments in the water column. Depending on the toxicity, contaminants
suspended and transported in the water column could then harm fish and
wildlife and adversely affect other stream uses.
Testing for heavy metals and other contaminants in the sediment in
the impoundment prior to beginning operation, as recommended by
Interior, would prevent the accidental release of any toxic substances
and allow for their
[[Page 76951]]
proper disposal. The test results would help Lockhart Power, the
resource agencies, and South Carolina DHEC design appropriate methods
for short- and long-term sediment management at the project, discussed
next. Preparing a contingency plan for handling any contaminated
sediments would ensure that sediments are disposed of properly and
would minimize potential adverse effects to aquatic resources. Based on
our review and analysis contained in section 3.3.1, Geologic and Soil
Resources, we find that the benefits of initial testing of impoundment
sediments and preparing a plan for proper disposal of any identified
contaminated sediments as elements of a sediment management plan are
worth the estimated annual levelized cost provided below.
Sediment Management Plan
Project rehabilitation and periodic dam maintenance (e.g., repair
the sand gates) would likely require drawing down the impoundment below
the normal operating levels of four feet, resulting in the re-
suspension and discharge of sediment from the impoundment. Heavy
sediment loads can adversely affect fish and wildlife, recreation
opportunities, and other stream uses.
Lockhart Power's proposal to avoid periodic inspection and
maintenance drawdowns from March 15 to June 1 would prevent the release
of large sediment loads during fish spawning periods, but would do
little to actively manage sediment deposited behind the dam. Actively
managing sediment within the impoundment, as recommended by Interior,
and South Carolina DNR, would help prevent the buildup of sediment in
the impoundment and minimize the risk of potentially releasing
excessive sediment loads through the sand gates during planned and un-
planned maintenance activities. Conducting maintenance drawdowns and
sediment management activities between November and January, as
recommended by the agencies, would ensure that sediment management is
occurring when flows are most likely to be high enough to carry the
sediment downstream from the sensitive shoals habitat and avoid fish
spawning periods.
To be effective, sediment management would need to include
provisions to: (a) Test impoundment sediments for heavy metals and
other contaminants prior to beginning project repairs; (b) prepare a
contingency plan for proper disposal of any contaminated sediments that
may be found; (c) monitor sediment accumulation in the impoundment
annually; (d) develop criteria triggering sediment removal from the
impoundment (i.e. by opening the sand gates, if appropriate, during
high flow events, or via mechanical methods); (e) conduct sediment
management activities from November through January except during high
rain events (e.g., tropical storms or hurricanes); and (f) avoid
maintenance activities that would draw down the impoundment below
normal operating levels and potentially pass sediment into the bypassed
reach from March 15 through June 1 unless required for emergency
purposes. Annual monitoring reports would assist the Commission and
resource agencies in documenting compliance with the requirements of
any license issued and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the
sediment management plan.
Based on our review and analysis contained in section 3.3.1,
Geologic and Soil Resources, we find that the benefits of implementing
a sediment management plan with the measures outlined above are worth
the estimated annual levelized cost of $1,597.
Shoreline Stabilization Plan
Resuming project operation as Lockhart Power proposes would result
in impoundment fluctuations between 1 and 4 feet. As Interior notes,
such fluctuations may cause shoreline erosion and lead to instability
in the riparian zone, channel aggradation, increased turbidity, and
associated adverse effects to fish and invertebrates. Developing and
implementing a shoreline stabilization plan, as recommended by
Interior, would identify and stabilize any existing areas of active
erosion, minimizing the potential for erosion due to project operation.
It would also allow Lockhart Power to effectively and efficiently focus
any monitoring efforts on specific areas prone to erosion in the
project boundary and address those areas before they become a
significant problem. Using native vegetation and techniques such as
bio-engineering, slope flattening, toe armoring with anchored logs,
and/or riprap that incorporates native vegetation plantings would
stabilize eroding shorelines while providing habitat for wildlife and
aquatic species. Implementing shoreline stabilization measures during
the fall and winter (i.e. September through February), except under
emergency situations, as recommended by Interior, would help minimize
potential disturbances to aquatic species and wildlife. As with the
sediment management plan discussed above, annual reports would assist
the Commission and resource agencies in documenting compliance with the
requirements of any license and evaluating the overall effectiveness of
the shoreline stabilization plan. Based on our review and analysis
contained in section 3.3.1, Geologic and Soil Resources, we find that
the benefits of implementing a shoreline stabilization plan with the
measures outlined above are worth the estimated annual levelized cost
of $1,050.
Water Quality Monitoring Plan
Refurbishing and operating the project could increase turbidity
levels, raise water temperatures, and lower DO levels in the
impoundment and bypassed reach. Lockhart Power intends to monitor water
quality as may be required by South Carolina DHEC, but did not propose
any specific monitoring measures.
Interior recommends that Lockhart Power: (1) Conduct water quality
monitoring in the impoundment at all proposed operational drawdowns for
a minimum of 1 year and (2) submit water quality monitoring results to
South Carolina DHEC, South Carolina DNR, NMFS, Interior, and the
Our understanding of water quality in the project vicinity under
existing conditions is limited. Monitoring turbidity, DO, and
temperature in the impoundment and bypassed reach prior to the start of
construction, during construction, and for 1 year after project
operation begins would provide a means to ensure that the current state
water quality standards (table 4) are met and that erosion control
measures and minimum flows are adequately protecting aquatic resources.
Therefore, we recommend that Lockhart Power develop a water quality
monitoring plan that defines sampling methods, timing, and locations
for monitoring these parameters in consultation with South Carolina
DHEC, FWS, and NMFS. Based on our review and analysis contained in
section 3.3.2, Aquatic Resources, we find that the benefits of
developing and implementing the water quality monitoring plan with the
measures outlined above would be worth the estimated annual levelized
cost of $1,561.
Minimum Instream Flows
Since 2001, flows at the project have passed over the dam rather
than the through the powerhouse to generate electricity. These flows
provide habitat conditions in the bypassed reach that support a
diversity of fish and invertebrate species in the complex shoals
habitat, including eight species identified by the State of South
[[Page 76952]]
as ``Conservation Species.'' Two of the species, redeye bass and
panhandle pebblesnail, are either declining or rare, and both are
limited in their distribution within the state.
Lockhart Power proposes to provide a minimum continuous flow of 60
cfs downstream from the tailrace and 50 cfs in the bypassed reach to
maintain and protect aquatic resources in the bypassed reach and in the
Enoree River. South Carolina DNR, Interior, NMFS, and American Rivers
recommend the following minimum flows in the bypassed reach based on
the state's Water Plan: 79 cfs in July-November (20 percent of MADF);
157 cfs in January-April (40 percent of MADF); and 118 cfs in May,
June, and December (30 percent of MADF). Using flow data for the period
1994 through 2009, South Carolina DNR, Interior, NMFS, and American
Rivers calculated the flows based on a prorated MADF of 393 cfs. Using
the most current flow data available (1994-2012), we calculated a MADF
of 374 cfs and base our recommendations on this flow calculation.
The Water Plan's minimum flow regime is based on flow studies
conducted at six regulated reaches in the South Carolina Piedmont, and
three distinct periods that capture high (January-April), low (July-
November), and increasing (December) or decreasing (May, June) flow
periods (Bulak and Jobsis, 1989). The Water Plan states that seasonal
variation in flow is important because fish have evolved to spawn in
synchrony with the hydrologic cycle. While beneficial to a certain
extent, there is currently no evidence that the fishes or invertebrates
in the bypassed reach, or downstream from the tailrace require such
annual variation in the flow regime to complete their life-cycle.
The state's Water Plan concludes that the 20 and 30 percent flows
represent ``generally adequate'' and ``adequate'' flows, respectively,
to protect aquatic habitat and fish during low flow periods, while 40
percent flows would protect fishery resources during high flow periods.
As discussed in section, Environmental Effects, a flow of 60
cfs (16 percent of MADF) downstream of the tailrace and 50 cfs (13
percent of MADF) into the bypassed reach falls considerably short of
the Water Plan's recommended flows in most months, thus would not
likely maintain adequate aquatic habitat conditions. However, the Water
Plan recommended flows for January through April (150 cfs, 40 percent
MADF) were based on flows needed to provide a 1.5-foot-deep by 10-foot-
wide passage route at shoals for striped bass. There are no striped
bass, or other anadromous species present at the project.\56\ In
contrast, a flow of 75 cfs (20 percent MADF \57\) from January to April
is expected to provide a channel 1.0-foot-deep by 10-foot-wide, which
would be sufficient to maintain habitat and passage requirements for
fish currently inhabiting the bypassed reach. A flow of 75 cfs also
provides generally adequate flows during low flow periods based the
study conducted by Bulak and Jobsis (1989).
\56\ Anadromous fish are also unable to pass upstream of Parr
dam, which is located 65 miles downstream on the Broad River.
\57\ The study (i.e. Bulak and Jobsis, 1989) used to identify
Water Plan minimum flows indicated that if a 1.0-foot-deep by 10-
foot-wide was acceptable, required flows in shoals habitat ranged
from 15 to 32 percent of MADF (mean = 24 percent of MADF).
Based on the Tennant (1976) method, a flow of 60 cfs (16 percent of
MADF) downstream of the tailrace and of 50 cfs (13 percent of MADF)
into the bypassed reach would represent fair or degrading conditions
during the dry season, and close to poor or minimum conditions during
the wet season. South Carolina DNR's variable flows based on the state
Water Plan would result in good conditions year-round. However, a
continuous minimum flow of 75 cfs (20 percent of MADF) year round would
represent good conditions during the dry season and close to fair or
degrading conditions during the wet season.
The annual levelized cost of Lockhart Power's minimum flow for the
bypassed reach would be $20,174. Providing a continuous 75-cfs minimum
flow to the bypassed reach would have an annual levelized cost of
$45,540, which is $25,366 more than the annual levelized cost of
Lockhart Power's proposed flow regime. Providing the agency-recommended
minimum flows would have an annual levelized cost of $80,851, which
would be $60,677 more than the annual levelized cost of Lockhart
Power's proposed flow regime.
In consideration of the benefits and costs of the proposed and
recommended minimum flows as well as the relative uniqueness of the
bypassed reach fishery within the state of South Carolina, we conclude
that the appropriate balance of the benefits and costs of the various
flows is best met through a bypassed reach flow of 75 cfs. For this
reason, we recommend a license condition requiring Lockhart Power to
provide a continuous minimum flow of 75 cfs within the bypassed reach,
or inflow if less. We see no need for a separate minimum flow
requirement for the reach downstream of the powerhouse as proposed by
Lockhart Power given that a continuous 75-cfs minimum flow in the
bypassed reach would flow downstream to the reach below the powerhouse
and provide the same benefits to aquatic resources.
Flow Release Plan for Minimum Flows Into the Bypassed Reach
Lockhart Power proposes to repair the sand gates and work with the
resource agencies to determine which combination of gates to use to
provide the required bypassed reach minimum flows. South Carolina DNR
and Interior recommend Lockhart Power evaluate the feasibility of using
the sand gates to reliably provide minimum instream flows on a
continuous basis, and the flow distribution through the gate(s) to
optimize aquatic habitat in the bypassed reach. American Rivers
recommends Lockhart Power study alternatives to releasing minimum
instream flows to select the best method to deliver flows that ensure
that the bypassed reach is fully wetted. NMFS recommends conducting an
instream flow study.
The shoals below the dam are complex and its distinct physical
features create different habitats on the north and south side of the
bypassed reach that support different fish and benthic
macroinvertebrate assemblages, including some rare species. Because the
lack of access prevented Lockhart Power from determining if it could
make the sand gates operable, a feasibility assessment would be
necessary as proposed by Lockhart Power and recommended by the
agencies. If the gates cannot be made operational or used in a manner
to provide the required flows, alternative mechanisms would need to be
identified and made operational prior to operating the project to
ensure that the aquatic resources in the bypassed reach are protected.
Assuming that the bypassed flows can be provided through the sand
gates, distributing the flows across the shoals to optimize benthic
invertebrate and fish habitat may require delivering flows from one or
more sand gates. While fully wetting the shoals as recommended by
American Rivers would likely provide some benthic invertebrate and fish
habitat, it may not provide the best habitat for targeted channels
supporting rare species. To determine which combination of gates to use
would require a post-licensing flow study as recommended by NMFS. Such
a study would not be used to establish required minimum flows because
the minimum flow requirements have been determined as described above.
Rather, it would be used to determine how to distribute the
[[Page 76953]]
required flows to optimize habitat. The study would need to examine
depth, velocity, and wetted width across the shoals using various
combinations of the sand gates. We recommend Lockhart Power select the
targeted species and habitat suitability criteria to evaluate the flows
in consultation with the South Carolina DNR, FWS, NMFS, and American
Rivers. Developing a flow release plan that includes the feasibility
assessment and the above flow study would have an estimated annualized
cost of $546. The benefits of determining which combination of gates
best optimize aquatic habitats would be worth the cost.
Low Inflow Protocol/Drought Management Plan
As discussed above, the staff recommended minimum flow releases
would adequately maintain aquatic habitat in the bypassed reach during
most years. However, during moderate and extreme drought years, such as
those experienced in the Southeast U.S. from 1998-2002, 2005-2007, and
2012, inflows to the project may be insufficient to continually release
the required flow.
During such low inflow periods, Lockhart Power would implement the
following low inflow protocol: When average daily project inflow is
less than approximately 80 cfs (+/- 10 percent), continuous project
outflow shall approximately (+/- 10 percent) equal project inflow.
However, Lockhart Power does not explain how or where such flows would
be released, or its basis for selecting 80 cfs as defining low inflow/
drought conditions. A flow of 80 cfs represents about 20 percent of the
MADF which would be ``generally adequate'' to maintain aquatic
resources during typical low inflow periods (July through November),
but would be inadequate if drought conditions extended into the
typically high flow periods.
The South Carolina DNR and Interior recommend that Lockhart Power
develop low inflow protocol (i.e. a drought contingency plan) in
consultation with appropriate federal and state agencies, local
governments, and other stakeholders that continues to protect fish and
wildlife and other water uses in the Enoree River.
Ideally, a low inflow protocol would provide some flexibility to
adjust minimum flows during drought periods so that the effects of low
inflows are balanced among competing uses. We recommend Lockhart Power
develop a low inflow protocol in consultation with South Carolina DNR,
Interior, and NMFS. The protocol should define water shortage severity
levels (i.e. drought conditions), and how project operation would be
adjusted depending on drought conditions to balance competing needs.
Developing the low inflow protocol would have an annual levelized
cost of $390. There could be additional costs in some years during
droughts that depend on the operational changes needed and the
frequency and severity of drought over the term of the license. We find
that the benefits of these measures are worth the cost.
Operation Compliance Monitoring Plan
Lockhart Power proposes to operate the Riverdale Project using a
combination of ROR and peaking modes, resulting in fluctuations between
1 and 4 feet from the top of the flashboards. Lockhart Power would
ensure minimum flow releases are being provided through one or more of
the sand gates by establishing a rating curve and verifying the rating
curve every 6 years.
To assist the Commission in monitoring compliance with operation
limitations, we recommend Lockhart Power develop and implement an
operation compliance monitoring plan. Such a plan would need to explain
how Lockhart Power would monitor impoundment fluctuations to ensure
that the impoundment is not drawn down below 4 feet unless required for
maintenance or emergencies beyond the control of the applicant. The
plan would also need to define how Lockhart Power would document flows
through the sand gates into the bypassed reach as required based on the
flow release plan. In addition, the plan should include a schedule for
implementing the provisions of the plan, maintaining monitoring
equipment, and filing annual reports with the resource agencies and the
Commission. Based on our review and analysis contained in section
3.3.2, Aquatic Resources, we find that the benefits of implementing an
operation compliance monitoring plan, with the measures outlined above,
would be worth the estimated levelized annual cost of $2,161.
Invasive Vegetation Monitoring and Control Plan
Alligatorweed is a prolific state noxious weed and that has become
established in the project impoundment. Alligatorweed competes with
native aquatic species, reducing the quality of fish and wildlife
habitat where it becomes established. In mats covering extensive areas,
it can impede boating and access to the shore.
Existing mats of alligatorweed can become fragmented and spread
during in-water construction activities, such as during the
installation of the canoe portage facilities and repairs to the sand
gates, as well as during sediment management activities. Fluctuations
in the impoundment levels may also create conditions facilitating its
spread. Lockhart Power does not propose any measures to monitor or
control the spread of alligatorweed or other invasive plants that may
become established in the project area.
Developing and implementing an invasive vegetation monitoring and
control plan would minimize the potential spread and adverse effects of
alligatorweed during project refurbishment, and project-related
recreation activities as well as other invasive plants that may be
detected during project operation and maintenance. We recommend that
Lockhart Power develop an invasive vegetation monitoring and control
plan that includes surveying the impoundment to determine the
distribution of alligatorweed prior to beginning construction repairs
or installing the canoe portage facilities and identifying specific
BMPs that should be taken to prevent spreading this species. We also
recommend periodic monitoring for invasive species in the impoundment
to facilitate early detection of new invasive plant introductions, as
well as the spread of the existing mats of alligatorweed. Such
monitoring would allow Lockhart Power, the resource agencies, and the
Commission to determine when, and if, correction measures may be needed
to protect native plant communities and the wildlife that depend on
To be effective, the monitoring program should define the
monitoring schedule, document changes in invasive species composition
and distribution between monitoring events, and include criteria that
would determine when corrective actions may be required. Based on our
review and analysis contained in section 3.3.3, Terrestrial Resources,
we find that the benefits of implementing an invasive vegetation
management plan with the measures outlined above are worth the
estimated levelized annual cost of $1,128.
Avian Protection
Lockhart Power proposes to use the existing transmission line which
extends from the powerhouse along the project access road to an
existing Duke Energy distribution line. Transmission lines with
inadequate spacing between the conductors can represent an
electrocution hazards for birds with
[[Page 76954]]
broad wingspans, such as raptors. However, Lockhart Power's limited
access to the project prevented it from determining and whether the
line could represent an electrocution hazard.
Evaluating the consistency of the transmission line with APLIC
guidelines would allow Lockhart Power to determine if a potential
hazard exists and if protective measures may be needed. If the
transmission lines do not meet APLIC guidelines, potential mitigation
measures could include changing the relative position of conductors, or
installing insulators, or structures to discourage perching and/or
nesting (APLIC, 2006). A small cost would be incurred in evaluating the
consistency of the transmission line design with APLIC guidelines,
preparing a report, and consulting with the FWS to determine if
potential measures are needed. Based on our review and analysis
contained in section 3.3.3, Terrestrial Resources, we find that the
benefits of evaluating the transmission line against APLIC guidelines
would be worth the estimated levelized annual cost of $390.
Recreation Signage
Lockhart Power proposes to install a canoe put-in and take-out, a
portage trail, a parking area, and to use informational and directional
signage to indicate recreation access at the project. However,
development of more formal recreation facilities is likely to induce
greater amounts of garbage and debris. Although recreation use at the
project is expected to remain relatively low, adding signage reminding
users to ``pack-it-in, pack-it-out'' or a similar ``leave no trace''
message would help minimize the accumulation of garbage at project
recreation facilities and reduce the maintenance responsibility for the
Because Lockhart Power has proposed developing directional and
informational signage for the project, the additional signage relating
to garbage disposal would not result in a significant change to the
applicant's levelized annual cost of $660.
Cultural Resources
There are no known archeological sites or historic properties
within the proposed project's APE; however, there is a possibility that
unknown archaeological resources may be discovered due to project
construction, operation, or other project-related activities. To ensure
proper treatment of any unknown archaeological resources that may be
discovered at the project, we recommend in the case of any such
discovery that Lockhart Power notify and consult with the South
Carolina SHPO and the Catawba Indian Nation to: (1) Stop work and
determine if the discovered archaeological resource is eligible for the
National Register; (2) determine if the proposed project would
adversely affect the resource; and (3) if the resource would be
adversely affected, obtain guidance from the South Carolina SHPO on how
to avoid, lessen, or mitigate for any adverse effects. Also we
recommend that Lockhart Power inform the Commission of its discovery of
any unknown archaeological resource, and any measures proposed if the
archaeological resource is eligible for the National Register and is
adversely affected by project construction or operation. There is no
estimated cost associated with this measure.
Measures Not Recommended by Staff
Fish Impingement and Entrainment
Water intake structures at hydropower projects can injure or kill
fish through impingement at intake screens/trash-racks, or entrainment
through intakes and into turbines. The Riverdale Project currently
includes two sets of trash racks, one of which is located at the intake
to the project headrace and has 2.25-inch bar spacing. Interior
recommends that Lockhart Power install 1-inch bar spacing at the
headrace trash-rack to avoid and minimize fish entrainment and
Our analysis in section, Environmental Effects, indicates
that entrainment and turbine mortality impacts of a trash-rack design
with 1-inch bar spacing are potentially greater than the impacts of a
design with the existing 2.25-inch bar spacing. Further, based on the
intake velocities and the size of the bar spacing, most fish residing
in the impoundment would be able to avoid impingement on the trashrack,
but could be susceptible to entrainment through the turbines if they
fail to use behavioral avoidance (i.e. burst swimming). The fish
involved would likely consist of younger and smaller fish, which
generally have high rates of mortality, even in the absence of
hydropower operations. Fish populations have generally evolved to
withstand losses of these smaller and younger individuals with little
or no impact to long-term population sustainability. Consequently,
replacing the existing trash-rack with a design having 1-inch bar
spacing would not likely provide any benefits to fishery resources at
the Riverdale Project. Therefore, we conclude that installation of 1-
inch bar spacing at the headrace trashrack would not be worth the
estimated levelized annual cost of $1,171.
Fish and Macroinvertebrate Surveys
The bypassed reach supports seven species of fish and one
macroinvertebrate that are considered of conservation concern by the
state. Interior recommends that Lockhart Power conduct surveys for fish
and invertebrates before and after construction at the project, and
again 1 year later, to provide information on the presence of the eight
Conservation Species. Interior requests that Lockhart Power design the
surveys in consultation with South Carolina DNR, South Carolina DHEC,
NMFS, and FWS, and that sampling efforts be concentrated in the
multiple habitat types in the bypassed reach. Interior states that
additional surveys may be necessary depending on the results.
As explained in section, Environmental Effects, sufficient
information already exists to document their occurrence in the bypassed
reach and to evaluate how best to distribute flows to optimize aquatic
habitat to support these species. Therefore, there is no need for this
information. Consequently, we conclude that the information obtained
from such surveys is not worth the estimated levelized annual costs of
$2,341 and $702, for fish surveys and invertebrate surveys
Cultural Resource Survey
The Catawba Indian Nation recommends that Lockhart Power consult
with the tribe prior to any ground-disturbing activity and states that
Lockhart Power would most likely need to conduct a cultural resources
survey involving shovel testing. Our analysis in section 3.3.6,
Cultural Resources, indicates that there is no evidence archeological
properties are present within the project's APE that would warrant a
cultural resource survey and shovel testing prior to project
construction. Rather, we recommend that should unknown archeological or
historic resources be discovered in the future, as a result of project
construction, operation, or other project related activities, Lockhart
Power cease ground disturbing activities and consult with the
Commission, the South Carolina SHPO, and the Catawba Indian Nation to
establish the proper treatment of any potential archaeological or
cultural resources. Therefore, we conclude that a cultural resources
survey and shovel testing prior to ground-disturbing activity would not
be worth the estimated levelized annual cost of $780.
[[Page 76955]]
5.3 Unavoidable Adverse Effects
Project refurbishment and the addition of canoe portage facilities
would result in some land-disturbing activities that would affect
approximately 2 acres of land. Implementing the erosion and sediment
control plan would minimize these effects. Repairs to the sand gates on
the Riverdale dam spillway would cause minor amounts of sediment to
enter the Enoree River; however, the sediment management plan and
sediment testing would ensure that the timing of sediment releases
would occur when they would have the least adverse effect to aquatic
resources. Repairs to the dam, penstock, powerhouse and other project
facilities would also cause temporary and minor disturbances to
wildlife near the construction activities.
Project operation would reduce flows to the bypassed reach and may
release water that has a lower DO concentration than existing flows.
Recommended minimum flows would be adequate to protect existing aquatic
resources. Water quality monitoring would allow identification of any
needed measures to maintain state water quality standards. Project
operation would result in some fish impingement and entrainment
mortality of resident fish in the Enoree River, but these would
represent young fish and be comprised of highly prolific species that
have the ability to compensate for losses.
5.4 Fish and Wildlife Agency Recommendations
Under the provisions of section 10(j) of the FPA, each
hydroelectric license issued by the Commission shall include conditions
based on recommendations provided by federal and state fish and
wildlife agencies for the protection, mitigation, and enhancement of
fish and wildlife resources affected by the project.
Section 10(j) of the FPA states that whenever the Commission
believes that any fish and wildlife agency recommendation is
inconsistent with the purposes and the requirements of the FPA or other
applicable law, the Commission and the agency will attempt to resolve
any such inconsistency, giving due weight to the recommendations,
expertise, and statutory responsibilities of such agency.
In response to our REA notice, the following fish and wildlife
agencies submitted recommendations for the project: Interior (letter
filed September 10, 2012), South Carolina DNR (letter filed September
10, 2012), and NMFS (letter filed September 11, 2012). Table 16 lists
the federal and state recommendations filed pursuant to section 10(j),
and indicate whether the recommendations are included as part of the
Staff Alternative. Environmental recommendations that we consider
outside the scope of section 10(j) have been considered under section
10(a) of the FPA, and are addressed in the specific resource sections
of this document.
Of the 9 recommendations that we consider to be within the scope of
section 10(j), we include 7, and do not include 2 in the staff
alternative. We discuss the reasons for not including those
recommendations in section 5.2, Comprehensive Development and
Recommended Alternative. Table 16 indicates the basis for our
preliminary determinations concerning measures that we consider
inconsistent with section 10(j).
Table 16--Fish and Wildlife Agency Recommendations for the Riverdale Project
[Source: staff]
Within the scope of Annualized
Recommendation Agency section 10(j) cost ($) Adopted?
Erosion and Sediment Control
Implement South Carolina DHEC's South Carolina DNR....... Yes...................... 390 Yes.\a\
stormwater BMP's during construction
and maintenance activities to prevent
or minimize erosion and sedimentation.
Sediment Management Plan
Develop and implement a sediment South Carolina DNR, Yes...................... 1,597 Yes.b c
management plan with provisions to: Interior.
(a) Consult with South Carolina DHEC
to address the potential presence of
contaminated sediments in the
impoundment and additional monitoring
and sediment management needs; (b)
test impoundment sediment for heavy
metals and other contaminants; (c)
monitor sediment accumulation in the
impoundment annually; (d) develop
criteria that would trigger sediment
removal from the impoundment, by
opening sand gates, if appropriate,
during high flow events, or
mechanical methods; (e) conduct
sediment management activities from
November-January; and (f) file an
annual report describing sediment
monitoring and management activities,
and an evaluation of the
effectiveness of the plan.
[[Page 76956]]
Management of Shoreline Erosion
Implement the following measures to Interior................. Yes, because it could not 1,050 Yes.\d\
minimize the effects of project be done prior to
operations and associated shoreline licensing.
erosion: (a) Identify eroding or
potential project-induced erosion
sites on project shorelines prior to
beginning operation; (b) stabilize
areas of shoreline erosion with
native plants, bioengineering, slope
flattening, toe armoring, and/or rip-
rap which incorporates native
vegetation plantings; (c) monitor
shorelines after operation and
implement stabilization techniques as
necessary; and (d) conduct shoreline
stabilization activities September-
February to protect aquatic species
and wildlife.
Water Quality Monitoring
Conduct Water quality monitoring for 1- Interior................. No \e\................... 1,561 Yes.
year at the impoundment during all
proposed project operational
Instream Flows
Provide minimum seasonal instream Interior, South Carolina Yes...................... 80,851 Not Adopted \f\ (see section 5.2).
flows into the bypassed reach based DNR, NMFS.
on a MADF of 393 cfs. Seasonal flows
to include:
[cir] 79 cfs--July-November...........
[cir] 118 cfs--May, June, and December
[cir] 157 cfs--January-April..........
Develop an instream flow study plan NMFS..................... Yes...................... 6,244 Yes.\g\
within 6-months of license issuance
and implement the plan after spillway
gate renovations are complete, in
consultation with NMFS, Interior,
South Carolina DNR.
Develop and implement a low inflow South Carolina DNR, Yes...................... 390 Yes.
protocol/drought contingency plan, Interior.
consistent with the South Carolina
Water Plan including provisions for
minimum flow requirements during
drought periods.
Evaluate the feasibility and Interior, South Carolina Yes...................... 546 Yes.\h\
effectiveness of using sand gates to DNR.
provide minimum flows into the
bypassed reach. Evaluation should
include optimizing downstream habitat.
Aquatic Species Measures
Modify trash rack bar spacing at Interior................. Yes...................... 1,171 Not Adopted \f\ (see section 5.2).
headrace intake from 2.25 inches to 1
inch to avoid and minimize fish
entrainment and mortality.
South Carolina Conservation Species Interior................. No \e\................... 2,341 No.\i\
study: Conduct comprehensive fish
surveys of redeye bass, santee chub,
piedmont darter, thicklip chub,
greenfin shiner, notchlip redhorse,
flat bullhead, snail bullhead.
Conduct surveys before and after
construction activities as well as 1
year after construction is complete
to provide status of above mentioned
priority species. Survey areas are to
include multiple habitats within
bypassed reach.
Enhance and protect the panhandle Interior................. No \e\................... \j\ 0 No (staff-recommended minimum flows would
pebblesnail to include provisions of maintain habitat).
appropriate minimum flows in bypassed
[[Page 76957]]
Conduct comprehensive invertebrate Interior................. No \e\................... 702 No.\i\
surveys within the bypassed reach
before and after construction, and
one year after construction is
complete. Surveys should be designed
in consultation with South Carolina
DNR, NMFS, South Carolina DHEC, and
Riparian Buffer Zone
Implement BMPs to protect vegetation South Carolina DNR, Yes...................... 0 Yes.
within the project boundary, such as Interior.
limiting vegetation and ground-
disturbing activities and maintaining
a minimum of 25-foot-wide vegetated
buffer zone on all shorelines within
the project boundary.
\a\ The measure was adopted under the staff-recommended soil erosion control plan.
\b\ The measures were adopted under the staff-recommended sediment management plan.
\c\ The measures were adopted under the staff-recommended measure to conduct testing for contaminants in the impoundment sediments prior to beginning
project refurbishment activities.
\d\ The measures were adopted under the staff-recommended shoreline stabilization plan.
\e\ Not specific measures to protect, mitigate, or enhance fish and wildlife resources.
\f\ Preliminary findings that recommendations found to be within the scope of section 10(j) are inconsistent with the comprehensive planning standard of
section 10(a) of the FPA, including the equal consideration provision of section 4(e) of the FPA, are based on staff's determination that the cost of
the measures outweigh the expected benefits.
\g\ This measure is accommodated as part of the flow distribution study to determine how best to distribute flows in the bypassed reach to protect
aquatic resources, but not to determine appropriate flows.
\h\ This measure was adopted under the staff-recommendation flow release plan.
\i\ Preliminary findings that recommendations found to be within the scope of section 10(j) are inconsistent with the substantial evidence standards of
section 313(b) of the FPA based on a lack of evidence to support the reasonableness of the recommendation or a lack of justification for the measure.
\j\ The measure is too vaguely defined to assign a cost and instream flow costs are included in the minimum instream flow recommendations.
5.5 Consistency With Comprehensive Plans
Section 10(a)(2)(A) of the FPA,\58\ requires the Commission to
consider the extent to which a project is consistent with the federal
or state comprehensive plans for improving, developing, or conserving a
waterway or waterways affected by the project. We reviewed 22 state and
federal comprehensive plans that are applicable to the Riverdale
Project, located in South Carolina. The project would be consistent
with their provisions with the exception of the state Water Plan. As
discussed in section 5.2, Comprehensive Development and Recommended
Alternative, the Water Plan's minimum flow regime is based on flow
studies that capture high (January-April), low (July-November), and
increasing (December) or decreasing (May, June) flow periods in the
South Carolina Piedmont (Bulak and Jobsis, 1989). The Water Plan states
that periods of seasonal variation in flow are important because fish
have evolved to spawn in synchrony with the hydrologic cycle. While
true, there is currently no evidence that the fishes or invertebrates
in the bypassed reach, or downstream from the tailrace require such
variation in the annual flow regime to complete their life-cycle.
\58\ 16 U.S.C. Sec. 803(a)(2)(A).
Based on the Tennant (1976) method, Lockhart Power's proposed
minimum flow of 60 cfs (16 percent of MADF) downstream of the tailrace
and of 50 cfs (13 percent of MADF) into the bypassed reach would
represent fair or degrading conditions during the dry season, and close
to poor or minimum conditions during the wet season. However, a
continuous minimum flow of 75 cfs (20 percent of MADF) year round would
represent good conditions during the dry season and close to fair or
degrading conditions during the wet season.
In section 5.2 of this EA, we find that our recommended continuous
minimum flow of 75 cfs provides the best balance between providing
flows for generation and providing flows for aquatic resource
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6.0 Finding of No Significant Impact
Licensing the Riverdale Project would allow Lockhart Power to
rehabilitate an existing, inoperable hydro facility and begin
generating power. Project repairs and the addition of canoe portage
facilities would result in some land-disturbing activities that would
permanently affect a small amount of vegetation. Our recommended
measures would ensure that erosion and sedimentation at the site is
minimized. Providing minimum flows in the bypassed reach would ensure
state water quality standards are met and aquatic habitat is
maintained. Project operation and associated fish impingement and
entrainment would result in some loss of resident fish in the Enoree
River, but these would represent young fish and be comprised of highly
prolific species that have the ability to compensate for losses. Native
vegetation and wildlife within the project boundary would be preserved
by limiting vegetation and ground-disturbing activities and maintaining
a minimum 25-foot-wide forested riparian buffer on project shorelines.
Public recreation opportunities would be improved in the project area
and historic resources are protected for the life of the license.
On the basis of our independent analysis, we find that issuance of
a license for the Riverdale Project, with our recommended environmental
measures, would not constitute a major federal action significantly
affecting the quality of the human environment.
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8.0 List of Preparers
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Sarah Salazar--Project Coordinator, Geology and Soils, Terrestrial
Resources, Threatened and Endangered Species (Environmental Biologist;
B.A., Environmental Studies; M.S., Applied Ecology)
Allan Creamer--Water and Fisheries Resources (Fisheries Biologist; B.S.
and M.S., Fisheries Science)
Jeanne Edwards--Water Resources (Environmental Biologist; B.S.,
Biology/Biochemistry; MM, Public Administration)
Rachel McNamara--Recreation and Land Use, Cultural Resources (Outdoor
Recreation Planner; B.A., Public Policy/Environmental Studies; M.C.P.,
Land Use and Environmental Planning)
Adam Peer--Fisheries Resources (Fish Biologist; B.S. Biology; M.S.,
Fisheries Science; Ph.D., Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Sciences)
Michael Spencer--Need for Power, Engineering and Developmental Analysis
(Civil Engineer; B.S., Civil Engineering)
Appendix A
Fish lengths susceptible to impingement (shaded gray) and
entrainment (shaded blue) as a function of burst swim speed.
Horizontal dashed line is approach velocity and solid vertical line
is minimum fish length susceptible to impingement. (Source: Staff).
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[FR Doc. 2013-30183 Filed 12-18-13; 8:45 am]