Acceleration of Broadband Deployment by Improving Wireless Facilities Siting Policies, 73144-73169 [2013-28349]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
We now announce the addition of a
third session consisting of one
committee meeting to take place
December 13, 2013. The meeting will
run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The
schedule for the third session follows.
Schedule for Negotiations: The
committee will meet for its third and
final session on December 13, 2013. The
meeting will run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
The meeting will be held at the U.S.
Department of Education at: 1990 K
Street NW., Eighth Floor Conference
Center, Washington, DC 20006.
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Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1098a.
Dated: December 2, 2013.
Brenda Dann-Messier,
Acting Assistant Secretary for the Office of
Postsecondary Education.
[FR Doc. 2013–29072 Filed 12–2–13; 4:15 pm]
Forest Service
36 CFR Part 242
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 100
Subsistence Management Program for
Public Lands in Alaska; Western
Interior Alaska Federal Subsistence
Regional Advisory Council Meeting
Forest Service, Agriculture;
Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
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Notice of meeting
This document informs the
public that the Western Interior Alaska
Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory
Council (Council) will hold a public
meeting by teleconference on December
11, 2013. The public is invited to
participate and to provide oral
testimony. The purpose of the Council
is to provide recommendations and
information to the Federal Subsistence
Board, to review policies and
management plans, and to provide a
public forum for subsistence issues.
DATES: The teleconference will take
place on December 11, 2013, at 8:30
a.m. (AKST). For information on how to
participate, please see SUPPLEMENTARY
Chair, Federal Subsistence Board, c/o
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Attention: Gene Peltola, Office of
Subsistence Management; (907) 786–
3888; or For
questions specific to National Forest
System lands, contact Steve Kessler,
Regional Subsistence Program Leader,
USDA, Forest Service, Alaska Region;
(907) 743–9461; or
of the Alaska National Interest Lands
Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 3111–3126)
sets forth the provisions of the Federal
Subsistence Management Program. This
program provides a priority for taking of
fish and wildlife resources for
subsistence uses on Federal public
lands and waters in Alaska. The Federal
Subsistence Board, which includes
public and private members,
administers the program supported by
Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory
Councils, which represent 10
subsistence resource regions in Alaska.
The Councils provide a forum for rural
residents with personal knowledge of
local conditions and resource
requirements to have a meaningful role
in the subsistence management of fish
and wildlife on Federal public lands in
Alaska. The Board will engage in
outreach efforts for this notice to Tribes
and Alaska Native corporations to
ensure they are advised of the
mechanisms by which they can
In accordance with the requirements
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act,
5 U.S.C. App., the Western Interior
Alaska Federal Subsistence Regional
Advisory Council will meet to review
State and Federal wildlife proposals and
fisheries resource monitoring plans and
to form other recommendations on fish
and wildlife issues. This meeting is a
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follow-up to the Council’s November 6–
8, 2013, meeting, which did not achieve
a required quorum, to make
recommendations on changes to the
regulations for the subsistence taking of
wildlife to the Federal Subsistence
Board and to address subsistence issues
concerning the region. To participate,
call toll free 1–877–638–8165. When
prompted, enter the following passcode:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 3, 472, 551, 668dd,
3101–3126; 18 U.S.C. 3551–3586; 43 U.S.C.
Dated: November 22, 2013.
Gene Peltola,
Assistant Regional Director, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Acting Chair, Federal
Subsistence Board.
Dated: November 25, 2013.
Steve Kessler,
Subsistence Program Leader, USDA–Forest
[FR Doc. 2013–29152 Filed 12–4–13; 8:45 am]
BILLING CODE 3410–11–4310–55–P
47 CFR Parts 1 and 17
[WT Docket Nos. 13–238, 13–32; WC Docket
No. 11–59; FCC 13–122]
Acceleration of Broadband
Deployment by Improving Wireless
Facilities Siting Policies
Federal Communications
ACTION: Proposed rule.
In this document, the
Commission seeks comment on
potential measures to expedite the
environmental and historic preservation
review of new wireless facilities and on
rules to implement statutory provisions
governing State and local review of
wireless siting proposals. By this action,
the Commission seeks to promote the
deployment of infrastructure that is
necessary to provide the public with
advanced wireless broadband services,
consistent with governing law and the
public interest.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
February 3, 2014. Submit reply
comments on or before March 5, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by WT Docket No. 13–238;
WC Docket No. 11–59; WT Docket No.
13–32, by the following methods:
■ Federal Communications
Commission’s Web site: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
■ People with Disabilities: Contact the
FCC to request reasonable
accommodations (accessible format
documents, sign language interpreters,
Cart, etc.) by email: or
phone: 202–418–0530 or TTY: 202–418–
For detailed instructions for
submitting comments, including
instructions for submitting comments by
mail, and additional information on the
rulemaking process, see the
Supplementary Information section of
this document.
Peter Trachtenberg, at (202) 418–7369,
or by email at Peter.Trachtenberg@, or Mania Baghdadi, at (202)
418–2133, or by email at
summary of the Commission’s Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), FCC 13–
122, adopted and released on September
26, 2013. The full text of the NPRM is
available for inspection and copying
during business hours in the FCC
Reference Information Center, Portals II,
445 12th Street SW., Room CY–A257,
Washington, DC 20554. Also, it may be
purchased from the Commission’s
duplicating contractor at Portals II, 445
12th Street SW., Room CY–B402,
Washington, DC 20554; the contractor’s
Web site,; or
by calling (800) 378–3160, facsimile
(202) 488–5563, or email FCC@ Copies of the NPRM also
may be obtained via the Commission’s
Electronic Comment Filing System
(ECFS) at,
using the ‘‘Search for Filings’’ function
and entering the proceeding number 13–
Pursuant to §§ 1.415 and 1.419 of the
Commission’s rules, 47 CFR 1.415,
1.419, interested parties may file
comments and reply comments on or
before the dates indicated on the first
page of this document. Comments may
be filed using the Commission’s
Electronic Comment Filing System
(ECFS). See Electronic Filing of
Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings,
63 FR 24121, May 1, 1998.
• Electronic Filers: Comments may be
filed electronically using the Internet by
accessing the ECFS: https://
• Paper Filers: Parties who choose to
file by paper must file an original and
one copy of each filing. If more than one
docket or rulemaking number appears in
the caption of this proceeding, filers
must submit two additional copies for
each additional docket or rulemaking
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Filings can be sent by hand or
messenger delivery, by commercial
overnight courier, or by first-class or
overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. All
filings must be addressed to the
Commission’s Secretary, Office of the
Secretary, Federal Communications
• All hand-delivered or messengerdelivered paper filings for the
Commission’s Secretary must be
delivered to FCC Headquarters at 445
12th Street, SW., Room TW–A325,
Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours
are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand
deliveries must be held together with
rubber bands or fasteners. Any
envelopes and boxes must be disposed
of before entering the building.
• Commercial overnight mail (other
than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail
and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300
East Hampton Drive, Capitol Heights,
MD 20743.
• U.S. Postal Service first-class,
Express, and Priority mail must be
addressed to 445 12th Street SW.,
Washington DC 20554.
People with Disabilities: To request
materials in accessible formats for
people with disabilities (braille, large
print, electronic files, audio format),
send an email to or call
the Consumer & Governmental Affairs
Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice), 202–
418–0432 (tty).
Availability of Documents.
Comments, reply comments, and ex
parte submissions will be available for
public inspection during regular
business hours in the FCC Reference
Center, Federal Communications
Commission, 445 12th Street, SW., CY–
A257, Washington, DC, 20554. These
documents will also be available via
ECFS. Documents will be available
electronically in ASCII, Microsoft Word,
and/or Adobe Acrobat.
Accessibility Information. To request
information in accessible formats
(computer diskettes, large print, audio
recording, and Braille), send an email to or call the FCC’s
Consumer and Governmental Affairs
Bureau at (202) 418–0530 (voice), (202)
418–0432 (TTY). This document can
also be downloaded in Word and
Portable Document Format (PDF) at:
I. Introduction and Executive Summary
1. In this Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (NPRM), the Commission
explores opportunities to promote the
deployment of infrastructure that is
necessary to provide the public with
advanced wireless broadband services,
consistent with governing law and the
public interest. In the
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Telecommunications Act of 1996,
Congress directed the Commission to
encourage the deployment on a
reasonable and timely basis of advanced
telecommunications capability to all
Americans by working to remove
barriers to infrastructure investment in
a manner consistent with the public
interest, convenience, and necessity.
The Commission has made significant
progress in recent years in expanding
high-speed Internet access and
promoting broadband availability, but
the Commission must continue to
examine and address impediments to
broadband investment, including
impediments that may be presented by
unnecessary or unclear regulatory
requirements and processes. This NPRM
addresses potential measures to
expedite the environmental and historic
preservation review of new wireless
facilities, as well as rules to implement
statutory provisions governing State and
local review of wireless siting proposals.
2. In the last few years, the
Commission has taken a number of
significant steps to reduce barriers to
wireless infrastructure investment. In
2009, the Commission released a
Declaratory Ruling establishing
presumptive timeframes for State and
local processing of wireless tower and
antenna siting requests (2009
Declaratory Ruling, 74 FR 67871,
December 21, 2009). In 2011, the
Commission released a Notice of Inquiry
on Expanding the Reach and Reducing
the Cost of Broadband Deployment by
Improving Policies Regarding Public
Rights of Way and Wireless Facilities
Siting (NOI). In the NOI, the
Commission sought to develop a record
on the nature and scope of both wireline
and wireless broadband deployment
issues, including best practices that
have promoted deployment as well as
practices that have resulted in delays,
and further sought comment on specific
steps that could be taken to identify and
reduce unnecessary obstacles to
obtaining access to rights-of-way and
siting wireless facilities.
3. With this NPRM, the Commission
now addresses four major issues
regarding the regulation of wireless
facility siting and construction,
including issues raised by commenters
in the NOI proceeding, with the goal of
reducing, where appropriate, the cost
and delay associated with the
deployment of such infrastructure. First,
the Commission seeks comment on
expediting its environmental review
process, including review for effects on
historic properties, in connection with
proposed deployments of small cells,
Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS),
and other small-scale wireless
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
technologies that may have minimal
effects on the environment. While
cellular service has traditionally been
provided by antennas on large
communications towers, these newer
technologies can be deployed on utility
poles, street lamps, water towers, or
rooftops. Through these deployments,
providers can enhance the wireless
capacity available to mobile users for
advanced broadband applications or fill
in coverage gaps in areas where it is not
possible or economically justifiable to
put in additional large towers. They can
also deploy these cells inside buildings
to enhance indoor signal strength.
4. Deployment of such technologies is
therefore becoming increasingly
common as one measure to meet
growing consumer demand, and the
Commission finds it may be appropriate
to update its environmental review
requirements to reflect this
development. These requirements are
intended to ensure that the Commission
considers the environmental effects of
new wireless infrastructure
deployments, including effects on
historic properties. While the
Commission has acted in the past to
tailor its environmental review for the
deployment of wireless infrastructure,
those processes were largely developed
long before small cell technologies
became prevalent, and for the most part
reflect the scale and level of
environmental concern presented by
traditional deployments on tall
structures. Accordingly, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
to expedite or tailor its environmental
review process for technologies such as
DAS and small cells.
5. Second, in response to a petition
filed by CTIA—The Wireless
Association (CTIA) filed on December
21, 2012 (‘‘Temporary Towers
Petition’’), and based on the associated
record, the Commission proposes to
adopt a narrow exemption from the
Commission’s pre-construction
environmental notification requirements
for certain temporary towers. Under the
current notification requirements, before
a party can register with the
Commission a proposed
communications tower that requires
registration under part 17 of its rules,
and thus begin to construct or deploy
the tower in question, it must complete
a process of local and national notice,
which helps to facilitate public
involvement in the Commission’s
consideration of the proposed
deployment’s potential to create
significant environmental effects.
Temporary towers are often needed with
very little advance warning, however,
making the notification process
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impracticable. Under the proposed
exemption, eligible towers must meet
specified criteria, including very short
duration, height limits, minimal or no
associated excavation, and absence of
lighting, which should ensure a
minimal potential for significant
environmental effects. The Commission
therefore tentatively finds that the
proposed exemption will serve the
public interest by enabling providers to
deploy these temporary facilities on a
timely basis in response to
unanticipated short term needs without
undermining the purposes of the
notification process.
6. Third, the Commission seeks
comment on rules to clarify and
implement the requirements of section
6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief
and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Spectrum
Act). Under section 6409(a), a State or
local government may not deny, and
shall approve, any eligible facilities
request for a modification of an existing
wireless tower or base station that does
not substantially change the physical
dimensions of such tower or base
station. Eligible facilities requests
include collocation requests, as well as
requests for removal or replacement of
existing equipment. Collocation, which
involves placing wireless equipment on
pre-existing structures rather than
constructing new support structures, is
often the most efficient, rapid, and
economical means of expanding
wireless coverage and capacity, and also
reduces the environmental and other
impacts of new wireless facilities
deployment. By requiring timely
approval of eligible collocations, section
6409(a) will help providers meet the
nation’s growing demand for wireless
broadband service and may be critical to
the deployment of the nationwide
public safety broadband network
mandated by the Spectrum Act. Because
most of the terms of the provision are
undefined, however, the Commission is
concerned that disputes over its
interpretation may significantly delay
these benefits. The Commission
therefore proposes to adopt rules
clarifying the provision’s meaning to
assist all parties in implementing its
requirements. The Commission also
seeks comment on how to encourage
efforts to develop best practices for
applying section 6409(a) and what role
they might play in interpreting or
implementing the provision.
7. Finally, the Commission seeks
comment on whether it should address
certain disputes or questions that have
arisen about how to apply its 2009
Declaratory Ruling in four specific
circumstances. The Commission also
seeks comment on one additional issue
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of interpretation arising under section
332(c)(7)(B)(i)(I), a provision of section
332(c)(7) that was not addressed by the
2009 Declaratory Ruling. The
Commission notes that the presumptive
timeframes the Commission established
under section 332(c)(7) in the 2009
Declaratory Ruling govern many
wireless facilities siting applications
that are not covered by section 6409(a).
II. Expediting Environmental
Compliance for Distributed Antenna
Systems and Small Cells
8. Many wireless technologies now
connect to mobile users using small
antennas that are placed on short
structures such as poles or inside
buildings and that, individually,
provide coverage over a much smaller
area than a traditional cell. The
Commission’s environmental rules were
largely written prior to these
developments, however, and primarily
reflect the environmental concerns
presented by traditional macrocell
deployments on tall structures. Further,
because Distributed Antenna Systems
(DAS) and small cell deployments often
require a large number of antennas or
base stations to provide coverage to an
area comparable to a single macrocell,
they may implicate dramatically greater
environmental compliance costs under
the existing site-by-site review process.
Given these factors, and the increasing
reliance on these new technologies to
meet ever increasing demand for
wireless services, including broadband,
the Commission finds that it should
consider whether further tailoring of its
environmental rules is appropriate for
technologies such as DAS and small
cells, and, if so, how such tailoring can
be accomplished.
A. NEPA Review
9. The Commission first addresses
whether and how it should expedite its
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (NEPA) compliance process for
DAS and small cells, and in particular
whether to adopt a categorical exclusion
to relieve all or some subset of such
deployments from routine NEPA
review. The Commission addresses a
possible exclusion for historic
preservation review under section 106
of the National Historic Preservation Act
of 1966 (NHPA) separately below.
10. Updating the NEPA Exclusion for
Collocations in Note 1 to § 1.1306. The
Commission first seeks comment on
whether to adopt Verizon’s proposal
that the Commission amend the first
sentence in Note 1 to § 1.1306 of the
Commission’s rules, which currently
excludes collocations on an existing
building or antenna tower from
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
environmental review except for review
for RF emissions exposure and effects
on historic properties. Verizon proposes
that the exclusion should also apply to
collocations on other structures,
including structures such as utility
poles, water tanks, light poles, and road
signs. For the reasons discussed below,
the Commission proposes a rule change
to implement this suggestion and seeks
11. As noted above, the exclusion
under the first part of Note 1 to § 1.1306
already applies to the mounting of
antennas on existing towers and
buildings, reflecting a determination
that such collocations individually and
cumulatively are unlikely to have
significant environmental effects. The
Commission tentatively concludes that
the same determination applies with
regard to collocations on structures like
water towers and poles. In addition, the
Commission has previously recognized
that the ability to use structures such as
utility poles is vitally important to the
deployment of wireless and wireline
services, including broadband. In
particular, DAS and small cell facilities,
which are critical to satisfying demand
for ubiquitous mobile voice and
broadband services, often use such
structures. Accordingly, to expedite
environmental processing for DAS and
small cell deployments and to update its
environmental rules to reflect current
industry practices and technologies, the
Commission proposes to amend Note 1
to § 1.1306 to provide that the
categorical exclusion in the first
sentence also applies to antennas
mounted on existing structures other
than buildings and antenna towers,
including structures on which
equipment associated with emerging
technologies such as DAS facilities is
sited. To accomplish such a change, the
Commission proposes to modify
sentence 1 of the note to change the
phrase ‘‘existing building or antenna
tower’’ to ‘‘existing building, antenna
tower, or other structure.’’
12. The Commission seeks comment
on this proposal and on whether the
proposed language requires any further
definition or qualification. For example,
the Nationwide Programmatic
Agreement for the Collocation of
Wireless Antennas (Collocation
Agreement) and the Nationwide
Programmatic Agreement Regarding the
section 106 National Historic
Preservation Act Review Process (NPA)
do not distinguish between buildings
and other non-tower structures in
applying exclusions from section 106
review. The Commission believes this
supports its tentative view that there is
no basis to subject collocations on
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structures such as utility poles to greater
environmental review than collocations
on buildings. The Commission seeks
comment on this analysis. Are
collocations on structures other than
towers and buildings any more likely to
have significant environmental effects
than collocations on towers and
buildings? Are there certain types of
existing structures for which this is true
and, if so, which types, and what
effects? The Commission further seeks
comment on whether, and how, the
Commission should define, specify, or
limit what constitutes a structure in any
rule that the Commission adopts. Are
there any technical or other limitations
that the Commission should reference in
a definition of the term structure such
that Note 1 to § 1.1306 would not extend
to types of existing structures, if any, for
which collocations are likely to have
significant environmental effects? Those
that advocate a different level of
environmental review for collocations
on any types of existing structures, or
that advocate any other limitations on
an expanded exclusion, should identify
those attributes of such structures that
they believe warrant heightened
scrutiny and describe with specificity
any limitations they consider
13. The Commission seeks comment
on whether any further action is needed
to adequately and appropriately tailor
NEPA review for collocations of DAS
and small cell facilities or other
collocations. For example, the first
sentence of Note 1 to § 1.1306
specifically excludes the mounting of
antennas on existing structures from
NEPA review. The Commission’s
understanding, however, is that the
typical deployment of a DAS or small
cell node on a pole or other structure
includes not only antennas but also
associated equipment such as power
supplies, converters, and transceivers.
Should the Commission further amend
the categorical exclusion for
collocations so that it expressly covers
not only the mounting of antennas but
also the associated equipment? Does
such associated equipment raise
particular environmental concerns that
the antennas do not? Does the
Commission need to clarify or define
what constitutes associated equipment
for purposes of this exclusion? If so,
how should associated equipment be
defined? Are there physical, technical,
or other technologically neutral
characteristics of associated equipment
by which the Commission should limit
the exclusion so that there will be no
significant environmental effects?
14. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether it should further
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amend the first sentence of Note 1 to
§ 1.1306 to clarify that the collocation
exclusion applies to installations in the
interior of buildings. Similarly, is any
amendment needed to clarify that the
first part of the Note 1 to § 1.1306
exclusion applies not only to rooftops
but also to the sides of buildings? Given
that either such clarification would not
exclude facilities from section 106
review or review for exposure to RF
emissions, are there any other special
environmental concerns that might arise
from collocations inside or on the side
of buildings as opposed to collocations
on rooftops? If either of these
clarifications to the collocation
exclusion in Note 1 to § 1.1306 is
appropriate, how should the language
be amended to reflect the clarification?
15. The Commission notes that while
the proposed amendment to Note 1 to
§ 1.1306 would continue to exclude
only facilities that are collocated on
existing structures, the Commission is
also seeking comment below on whether
to adopt a new categorical exclusion
that would broadly exclude DAS and
small cell deployments, either
collocated or deployed on new poles,
from its routine NEPA review
procedures (other than for compliance
with RF exposure limits). The
Commission proposes the above
amendment to the Note 1 to § 1.1306
collocation exclusion independent of
whether the Commission also adopts a
separate categorical exclusion
applicable to smaller facilities generally.
Regardless of whether the Commission
also adopts a broader NEPA exclusion
for small facilities generally, it
anticipates that the proposed expansion
of the Note 1 to § 1.1306 collocation
exclusion to cover all structures will
continue to provide independent
benefits, because it will apply to all
collocations on any non-tower structure,
not merely collocations involving DAS
and small cell facilities. For example,
such a clarification would also cover
collocation of a macrocell on a water
16. Adopting A New Categorical
Exclusion for DAS/Small Cell
Deployments. The Commission’s
existing categorical exclusions are
designed to capture and exclude from
environmental processing those
categories of facilities that are unlikely
to have significant environmental
effects. Such exclusions facilitate rapid
deployment of services to the public
consistent with the Commission’s
obligation under NEPA to consider
environmental effects, and also preserve
the resources of the Commission and
applicants for situations that may
involve greater potential for significant
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
environmental effects. The Commission
therefore seeks comment on whether
DAS and small cell deployments are
unlikely to have significant
environmental effects and whether the
Commission should adopt a categorical
exclusion for some or all of the
components involved in DAS and small
cell deployments from NEPA review
other than for compliance with RF
exposure limits.
17. A typical DAS deployment
includes a number of communications
nodes, each typically consisting of an
antenna or antennas either collocated on
an existing support structure or
deployed on a new structure, along with
a cabinet containing associated
equipment. In addition to the nodes, the
DAS system includes a central hub site
and fiber or other cabling connecting the
nodes to the hub. Other small cell
solutions may also include some or all
of these components. If the Commission
adopts the proposal discussed above to
amend the first sentence of Note 1 to
§ 1.1306, it believes that it would
effectively exclude the collocation of
nodes for DAS, small cells, and other
comparable wireless technologies from
NEPA review, other than historic
preservation review and review for
compliance with its RF exposure limits.
The Commission seeks comment on this
analysis. Should the Commission adopt
a special collocation exclusion for the
communications nodes of DAS, small
cell, and other small wireless
technologies, either in addition to or
instead of the proposed revisions to the
existing categorical exclusion for
collocations generally? If so, the
Commission seeks comment on how to
define the scope of the exclusion. The
Commission explores this definitional
question in greater detail below.
18. Assuming the Commission adopts
a broadened collocation exclusion,
either in general or specifically for small
communications nodes, such an
exclusion would not cover all
construction that may be necessary to
deploy DAS, small cells, and other
small facilities. In particular, it would
not cover new support structures, such
as new poles, that are constructed to
support communications nodes as part
of a DAS or small cell deployment. The
Commission seeks comment on whether
some or all such construction should
also be excluded from NEPA review.
The Commission invites comment on
the potential environmental effects of
the construction or deployment of such
new supporting structures and
equipment, on whether the Commission
may conclude that such facilities are
unlikely to have significant
environmental effects, and, if so, under
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what circumstances (e.g., categories or
19. If the Commission adopts a
specific NEPA exclusion for DAS and
other small wireless facilities, either for
collocated facilities or for facilities
deployed on new structures, how
should the Commission define the scope
or application of such an exclusion?
PCIA initially proposed that the
Commission define the scope of the
exclusion by reference to DAS or small
cell installations. The Commission is
concerned, however, that defining an
exclusion by reference to a specific
wireless technology such as DAS may
be both over-inclusive and underinclusive. It may be over-inclusive
because some facilities associated with
the named technology could be larger
and more obtrusive than contemplated
in the general case and therefore have a
greater potential for significant
environmental effects. For example,
future DAS deployments over different
spectrum bands may require larger or
higher antennas. A definition that relies
exclusively on reference to a particular
technology may also be under-inclusive
in that other technologies that involve
comparably unobtrusive wireless
facilities may be developed that equally
warrant an exclusion. For example,
commercial uses of signal boosters (such
as repeaters) may have characteristics
similar to DAS and small cells such that
they should be similarly eligible for any
exclusion developed for DAS and small
cell deployments. The Commission
therefore believes that framing any
exclusion based on objective physical
factors such as height, size, or location
could be a better approach than
referencing a specific technology such
as DAS. The Commission seeks
comment on this analysis, and on how
to craft an exclusion based on the
dimensions and other objective
characteristics of facilities, including all
aspects of any such definition.
20. Specifically, the Commission
seeks comment on how it can define the
covered facilities to ensure that
deployments eligible for the categorical
exclusion have no more than de
minimis effects on the environment and
that changes to technology do not
expand the exclusion beyond its intent.
Should the Commission define any such
categorical exclusion with reference to
the height of the supporting structure,
the size of the antenna, and the
dimensions of the equipment cabinets
or other ancillary equipment? If so, what
dimensions should the Commission
adopt as a definition? To the extent that
the Commission adopts a new
categorical exclusion that extends to
new support structures, the Commission
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seeks comment on how to define the
structures that are eligible, the locations
where the exclusion should apply, and
any other conditions or criteria for
eligibility that are necessary to ensure
that such deployments do not have a
significant effect on the environment.
21. The Commission notes that the
size and architecture of antennas,
supporting structures, and other
equipment may depend in part on the
characteristics of the service being
provided, such as the spectrum used.
Should the Commission strive to define
any exclusion in a manner that is
technologically neutral in effect as well
as in form? If so, what definitions would
best achieve this end? In order to assure
that consumers can continue to benefit
from technological development, should
any size or other criteria the
Commission applies attempt to
anticipate potential future technological
and industry developments?
22. The Commission also notes that
PCIA and the HetNet Forum have
recently submitted a new proposal for
the definition of facilities that should be
categorically exempt. This definition
relies on defining the maximum cubic
volume of the relevant facilities rather
than on specific technological labels.
PCIA and the HetNet Forum assert that
their proposed definition has
widespread industry support and both
accommodates current DAS and small
cell deployments and anticipates
foreseeable technological development.
Specifically, they propose that an
installation conforming to the following
parameters should be exempt:
(1) Equipment Volume. An equipment
enclosure shall be no larger than
seventeen (17) cubic feet in volume.
(2) Antenna Volume. Each antenna
associated with the installation shall be
in an antenna enclosure of no more than
three (3) cubic feet in volume. Each
antenna that has exposed elements shall
fit within an imaginary enclosure of no
more than three (3) cubic feet.
(3) Infrastructure Volume. Associated
electric meter, concealment, telecom
demarcation box, ground-based
enclosures, battery back-up power
systems, grounding equipment, power
transfer switch, and cut-off switch may
be located outside the primary
equipment enclosure(s) and are not
included in the calculation of
Equipment Volume.
Volume is a measure of the exterior
displacement, not the interior volume of
the enclosures. Any equipment that is
concealed from public view in or
behind an otherwise approved structure
or concealment, is not included in the
volume calculations.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
The Commission seeks comment on the
proposed definition.
23. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether any proposed
exclusion should be defined in part by
the location of facilities. For example,
the NPA establishes an exclusion from
routine section 106 review for
deployments of wireless facilities,
including deployments on new
structures, located in utility or
telecommunications rights-of-way.
Specifically, deployments are not
subject to section 106 review if (1) such
facilities are located in or within 50 feet
of a right-of-way designated for
communications tower or above-ground
utility transmission or distribution
lines, (2) the facility would not
constitute a substantial increase in size
over existing structures in the right-ofway in the vicinity of the proposed
construction, (3) the facility would not
be located within the boundaries of a
historic property, and (4) the applicant
has successfully completed the process
established in the NPA for Tribal and
Native Hawaiian Organization
participation. The Commission seeks
comment on whether it should adopt a
categorical exclusion from routine
NEPA review for DAS and small cells in
rights-of-way designated for utilities or
telecommunications similar to the one
in the NPA that applies to section 106
review. If so, should the Commission
apply any of the NPA conditions for this
categorical exclusion such as the one
requiring that the facilities not
constitute a substantial increase in size
over existing nearby structures in the
right-of-way? Would a rights-of-way
categorical exclusion appropriately and
effectively tailor NEPA review for DAS
and small cells?
24. As another example of a locationbased exclusion, Note 1 to § 1.1306
currently includes a categorical
exclusion from all environmental
review for the installation of aerial wire
or cable over existing aerial corridors of
prior or permitted use or the
underground installation of wire or
cable along existing underground
corridors of prior or permitted use. PCIA
proposes that the Commission similarly
exclude DAS and small cell
deployments, including deployments on
new structures, that are placed along or
within existing aerial or underground
corridors. The Commission seeks
comment on whether it should extend
the wire and cable exclusion to cover
components of DAS or small cell
deployments in such corridors,
including new support structures. Is
there a basis for the Commission to
conclude that DAS and small cell
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deployments (whether on new or
existing structures) do not individually
or cumulatively have a significant effect
on the quality of the human
environment so as to qualify for a
categorical exclusion from NEPA review
under 40 CFR 1508.4? To the extent that
these deployments require the
deployment of fiber optic cable, is any
amendment to the existing exclusion
necessary, or does the existing exclusion
for aerial or underground cables
deployed in existing corridors
adequately cover such components?
With regard to other components
including new structures, to what extent
can such components be placed in or
along aerial or underground corridors?
25. Finally, the Commission seeks
comment on whether any categorical
exclusion outside of existing aerial or
underground corridors should include
specific provisions for DAS and small
cell components other than the nodes.
For example, should the exclusion cover
fiber that is not already excluded under
the existing Note 1 to § 1.1306 exclusion
for cable in existing aerial or
underground corridors? If so, how
should the Commission frame such an
exclusion? Should the hub station also
be included, and if so, in what
circumstances? What additional
revisions to the exclusion for existing
aerial or underground corridors would
expedite DAS and small cell
deployment without risking significant
environmental impact?
B. Historic Preservation Review
26. The Commission next seeks
preliminary comment on whether and
how the Commission should tailor
section 106 review for effects on historic
properties in the context of DAS, small
cells, and similar facilities. As one
option, the Commission seeks comment
on whether the Commission can and
should adopt an exclusion from section
106 review for such facilities. The
Commission notes that whether to adopt
such exclusion raises many of the same
questions of definition and scope
discussed above in connection with a
possible exclusion from NEPA review,
and the Commission invites
commenters to consider the same
questions in addressing whether the
Commission should adopt an exclusion
from section 106 review. Further, in the
discussion below, the Commission
refers back as appropriate to the issues
raised by a possible NEPA exclusion.
The Commission seeks comment,
however, on whether and to what extent
a section 106 exclusion raises different
legal or policy issues. The Commission
explores these and other issues that
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relate specifically to section 106 review
27. The Commission also recognizes
that changes to its section 106
processing rules may require
coordination with the ACHP and
NCSHPO and consultation with
federally recognized Tribal Nations, and
the Commission intends to undertake
such coordination and consultation.
Commission staff has written separately
to Tribal leaders and to THPOs and
Cultural Preservation Officials,
informing them of section 106 priorities
and issues for Tribal consultation, and
inviting them to share their values and
initial thoughts regarding tailoring of
section 106 review for DAS and small
cells. In an effort to prepare Tribal
Nations for consultations, Commission
staff has also discussed this matter at
meetings of inter-Tribal government
28. Options for Tailoring Historic
Preservation Review. PCIA identifies
three possible avenues to tailor historic
preservation review for DAS and small
cell facilities: (1) categorical exclusion;
(2) program alternative; or (3) finding
that DAS and small cell deployments
are not undertakings under section 106.
PCIA favors the categorical exclusion
approach as the most expeditious means
to streamline the deployment of DAS
and small cells and to facilitate wireless
broadband deployment while
maintaining historic preservation goals.
According to PCIA, a rulemaking to add
DAS and small cell solutions to the list
of facilities that are categorically
excluded from non-RF-related
environmental processing under
§ 1.1306 (Note 1) would satisfy the
Commission’s responsibilities under the
NHPA and the ACHP’s section 106
regulations. In particular, PCIA relies on
§ 800.3(a)(1) of the ACHP’s rules, which
provides that an agency has no further
section 106 obligations if the
undertaking is a type of activity that
does not have the potential to cause
effects on historic properties assuming
such historic properties were present.
According to PCIA, this rule provides a
categorical exclusion from the
consultation process where there is no
potential adverse effect or the
environmental effects are de minimis.
PCIA asserts that adopting a categorical
exclusion through a notice-andcomment rulemaking would involve all
interested parties, including the ACHP,
but that, unlike the more elaborate
program alternative processes
authorized by § 800.14 of the ACHP’s
rules, it would require only a single
proceeding, thus saving time and
resources for all concerned. PCIA
observes that the third option, finding
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
DAS and small cell deployments not to
be undertakings, may be more
vulnerable to protracted procedural and
substantive challenges.
29. The Commission seeks comment
on the alternatives of an exclusion in its
rules or a program alternative under the
ACHP rules, and the relative costs and
benefits of each. The Commission
invites commenters to discuss the
potential effects of DAS and small cell
systems on historic properties, as such
an assessment is a key component in
selecting an appropriate procedural
mechanism to depart from the ordinary
process for historic preservation review
of a Federal undertaking. Does
§ 800.3(a)(1) of the ACHP’s rules
support an exclusion in circumstances
where the potential for adverse effects is
de minimis, as PCIA suggests, or only
where there is no potential for any
effects on historic properties?
Commenters should also address the
extent to which any revision of § 1.1306
(Note 1) to exclude DAS and small cell
systems from section 106 historic
preservation review would require that
the Commission consult the ACHP,
SHPOs, Tribal Nations and NHOs, or
others. Given that either a Commission
exclusion or an ACHP-approved
program alternative would necessarily
involve and revisit matters addressed in
the NPA, what, if any, revision to the
NPA would either option require? Does
the very existence of the NPA favor or
militate against adopting an exclusion
in a rulemaking? Would a program
alternative, providing the agency an
opportunity to tailor a process for DAS
and small cell systems in coordination
with ACHP, offer greater flexibility or
more significant benefits than a
Commission exclusion? If the
Commission were to pursue a program
alternative, which of the various
program alternatives authorized by
§ 800.14 of the ACHP’s rules is most
appropriate, considering their relative
costs and benefits, consultative
obligations, eligibility standards, and
the time required to implement each
alternative? Are there are other
procedural mechanisms by which the
Commission, either acting unilaterally
or in coordination with the ACHP or
others, could streamline any required
historic preservation review of DAS or
small cell systems?
30. The Commission notes that, while
it proceeds with this rulemaking, it
intends to work with ACHP and
NCSHPO to explore the option of a
program alternative to further tailor
section 106 review for DAS, small cell,
and similar facilities. Those efforts will
also inform any steps the Commission
takes as a result of this NPRM.
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31. Defining the Scope of the
Exclusion. Assuming the Commission
excludes small wireless facilities from
historic preservation review either
through adoption of an exclusion or
through one of ACHP’s program
alternatives, the Commission seeks
comment on how to define the scope of
the exclusion. In particular, as with the
possible exclusion from NEPA review
discussed above, the Commission seeks
comment on how to define the facilities
that would not be subject to review
under these approaches. If the
Commission does adopt an exclusion for
small facilities that covers both section
106 and NEPA review, should the
Commission define the facilities
excluded from section 106 review the
same way the Commission does the
facilities excluded from NEPA review?
While there may be administrative
advantages to adopting the same
definition, there may also be
circumstances where a facility that
meets criteria for an exclusion under
NEPA does not meet the criteria for an
exclusion under section 106 and vice
versa. For example, Note 1 to § 1.1306,
which provides a categorical exclusion
for collocations on an existing building
or antenna tower for most purposes
under NEPA, does not extend to review
under section 106.
32. In order to define the scope of an
exclusion or program alternative, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
and under what circumstances DAS and
small cell facilities, individually and
cumulatively, are unlikely to cause an
adverse effect on historic properties. Are
there some circumstances, such as
placement of facilities in historic
districts or collocations near or on
historic buildings, where there is a
potential for significant effects on
historic properties? If so, what
conditions, criteria, or definitions
should the Commission use to identify
situations in which routine section 106
review may be appropriate while
maintaining an exclusion in the
ordinary case? In the alternative, is it
sufficient to rely on §§ 1.1307(c) and (d)
of the Commission’s rules, which direct
the reviewing bureau to require an
Environmental Assessment (EA) for an
otherwise categorically excluded
deployment where, on its own motion
or in response to public petition, the
bureau finds that the deployment may
have a significant environmental
33. While the general provisions of
the Collocation Agreement and the NPA
already exclude many DAS and small
cell facilities from some or all of the
section 106 review process, PCIA notes
two provisions that limit the
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applicability of the exclusions in this
context. First, the Collocation
Agreement, while excluding most
collocations from section 106 review,
provides that collocations on existing
buildings or other non-tower structures
that are over 45 years old are not
excluded. PCIA asserts that the
percentage of utility poles that are 45
years or older is significant and growing
and that, as a consequence, collocations
of small wireless facilities on such
existing poles will increasingly not be
excluded from review. Second, the NPA
provides a partial exclusion for
deployments (including new poles) in
or near utility rights-of-way, but with
certain limitations. Critically, this
exclusion does not apply if the
deployment would be located within
the boundaries of a historic property.
PCIA asserts that corridors including
utility and highway rights-of-way are
increasingly being found eligible for the
National Register, thus reducing the
availability of this exclusion.
34. The Commission seeks comment
on whether, if it finds that a
comprehensive exclusion for DAS and
small cells is not appropriate through
either an exclusion or a program
alternative, the Commission should
address one or both of these specific
concerns or tailor review for any other
categories of small facility deployments
other than those that are currently
excluded under the NPA or the
Collocation Agreement. First, with
respect to collocations on non-tower
structures that are over 45 years old, the
Commission notes that, because utility
poles are being maintained for long
periods of time, it is likely that most
utility poles will eventually fall out of
the NPA exclusion. Given that the NPA
was adopted when use of structures
such as utility poles for wireless
communications facilities was
extremely rare, the Commission seeks
comment on whether review of
collocations on older utility poles was
intended, in what ways such structures
might possess historic value, and to
what extent collocation may result in
adverse effects to that historic value.
The Commission seeks comment on
whether it can and should clarify or
otherwise provide that the provision
requiring review of collocations on
buildings and other structures over 45
years old is not applicable to a utility
pole that is over 45 years of age. If so,
how should the Commission define a
utility pole for such purpose? Should
the Commission exclude other
categories of non-tower structures, such
as street lamps or water towers?
35. With regard to the second issue,
as noted above, according to PCIA, use
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
of utility corridors for DAS and small
cell deployment is becoming more
difficult because such corridors are
increasingly being considered historic
properties or districts, and thus both
new poles and collocations in such
rights-of-way are becoming subject to
routine section 106 review under the
Collocation Agreement and the NPA.
The Commission seeks comment on
whether collocations and new pole
deployments in utility or
communications rights-of-way that
otherwise fall within the exclusions in
the Collocation Agreement or the NPA
should be exempt from the section 106
historic preservation review process
regardless of whether such rights-of-way
are considered historic properties.
Would additional infrastructure
potentially have significant effects on
historic properties if located in utility
corridors that are already lined with
utility poles and other infrastructure of
similar size? Are there any particular
circumstances that may suggest that a
different result is appropriate, such as,
for example, if utility poles are a
contributing element towards making a
corridor a Historic District?
36. The Commission also notes an
additional issue that arises when a
collocation requires an existing utility
pole to be replaced with a new pole.
The NPA currently provides that the
construction of a new tower that
replaces an existing tower is excluded
from routine section 106 review if it
meets certain criteria. The NPA does
not, however, address replacements of
utility poles or other non-tower
structures. AT&T has suggested that the
Commission extend the exclusion for
replacement towers to cover
replacements of non-tower structures.
The Commission seeks comment on this
proposal, and in particular, whether the
Commission should provide, through an
exclusion or a program alternative, for
an exclusion from routine section 106
review for replacement utility poles. If
so, should the Commission limit it to
circumstances where the new pole is no
larger than the existing pole or where
there is not a substantial increase in
size? Should the exclusion apply if the
replacement is constructed with
different materials?
37. Finally, the Commission seeks
comment on whether, to the extent
DAS, small cell, and other small
facilities are not excluded from historic
preservation review, the Commission
could still develop a process that would
enable the review to proceed more
efficiently. For example, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
and how to define circumstances in
which individual communication nodes
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(e.g., the separate antenna nodes of a
single DAS deployment) can be grouped
together and reviewed as a single
undertaking for historic preservation
review. The Commission further seeks
comment on whether and to what extent
such changes may be implemented as a
matter of process by the bureaus
without any amendment of the NPA or
the Commission’s rules.
C. Other Considerations
38. As noted above, in an ex parte
submission in the NOI proceeding, PCIA
suggests that the Commission could find
that DAS and small cell deployments
are not Federal undertakings under the
NHPA pursuant to an NPA provision
that grants it sole authority to determine
what activities undertaken by the
Commission or its applicants constitute
undertakings within the meaning of the
NHPA. In light of PCIA’s suggestion, the
Commission seeks comment on the
extent to which deployments of DAS or
small cell facilities qualify as Federal
undertakings under the NHPA and
major Federal actions under NEPA. The
Commission invites commenters to
analyze this issue in terms of the extent
to which the Commission provides, or
has the authority to provide, Federal
licensing, approval, or other assistance
for such deployments, and also to
consider the effects of such
deployments on the environment and
historic preservation. In particular,
section 319 of the Communications Act
generally confers on the Commission
authority to regulate and require preconstruction approval for the
construction of any facility for which a
license is required, which in turn
extends to any apparatus for the
transmission of energy, or
communications, or signals by radio.
Further, while the Commission has
generally waived the requirement of
preconstruction approval for
geographic-area licensees, as permitted
by section 319(d), the Commission has
also retained a limited approval
authority under § 1.1312 of the
Commission’s rules to review the
environmental effects of all facilities.
The Commission has found, given these
provisions, that macro site deployments
are appropriately classified as Federal
undertakings, a conclusion affirmed by
the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia. Is there a
difference in how these provisions
apply to DAS facilities and small cells
as compared to macrocells and the
towers on which they are mounted that
would justify distinguishing the
deployment of DAS and small cell
facilities for purposes of classification as
a Federal undertaking and major Federal
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action? Is the only distinguishing factor
that the physical characteristics of DAS
and small cells may make them less
intrusive than traditional macro sites?
The Commission invites commenters to
describe any other differences that
potentially warrant different treatment
under the NHPA and NEPA, and to
explain specifically how these
differences affect the analysis of
whether these deployments are Federal
undertakings and major Federal actions.
39. Assuming DAS and small cell
deployments are Federal undertakings
within the meaning of the NHPA and
major Federal actions under NEPA, the
Commission seeks comment on how
and by what mechanisms the
Commission might implement either of
the options discussed above—
categorical exclusion or program
alternative. Under the Commission’s
existing rules and processes, where no
site-by-site filing is otherwise required
for a facility, a licensee is required to
ensure compliance with the
environmental rules before constructing
a facility, but is not required to file any
site-by-site certification. In particular,
such a licensee planning to construct a
new facility must ascertain if a proposed
facility may have a significant
environmental impact. If so, the licensee
must submit the required
documentation for an environmental
assessment on which the Commission
must complete environmental
processing before construction may be
initiated. Is this process appropriate for
the potential exemptions discussed
above? Should the Commission consider
developing documentation requirements
for demonstrating eligibility for any of
the exemptions under consideration in
this NPRM? Would the costs of such
documentation requirements outweigh
the benefits? What mechanism might be
appropriate to address cases in which
eligibility for the exemption is unclear?
40. The Commission emphasizes that
if it excludes any class of DAS and
small cell deployments or other small
facilities deployments from all routine
environmental processing, including
section 106 historic preservation review,
such deployments would still be subject
to §§ 1.1307(c) and (d) of the
Commission’s rules. Thus, the relevant
processing bureau would still require
the filing of an EA if, either on its own
motion or in response to a complaint
from the public, the bureau determines
that a particular action may cause
significant environmental effects. In
addition, deployments that are eligible
for the exclusions discussed in this
section would still be subject to any
applicable notice requirements.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
III. Environmental Notification
Exemption for Registration of
Temporary Towers
41. In this section, the Commission
proposes to adopt a limited exemption
from the environmental notification
requirements that is substantially
similar to the exemption proposed by
CTIA. Specifically, and consistent with
the interim exemption granted in the
Waiver Order, 78 FR 59929, September
30, 2013, the Commission proposes an
exemption from its Antenna Structure
Registration (ASR) environmental
notification requirements for temporary
antenna structures that, because of their
characteristics, do not have the potential
for significant environmental effects.
The Commission seeks comment on
how to define such an exemption, and
whether the criteria set out in the
Waiver Order are sufficient and
appropriate for this purpose. Under
these criteria, an antenna structure
would be exempt from the notification
requirements if it (i) will be in use for
60 days or less, (ii) requires notice of
construction to the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), (iii) does not
require marking or lighting pursuant to
FAA regulations, (iv) will be less than
200 feet in height, and (v) will involve
minimal or no excavation. The
Commission seeks comment on its
proposal and on alternative approaches
to address the concerns raised in the
CTIA petition.
42. In considering the proposed
exemption, the Commission recognizes
that one of its responsibilities under
NEPA is to facilitate public involvement
in agency decisions that may affect the
environment. CEQ regulations direct
that agencies shall make diligent efforts
to involve the public in preparing and
implementing their NEPA procedures
and solicit appropriate information from
the public. At the same time, an agency
has wide discretion in fashioning its
own procedures to implement its
environmental obligations, and
considerable discretion under CEQ
regulations to decide the extent to
which such public involvement is
practicable. Consistent with the
discretion to identify particular
circumstances in which inviting public
involvement is impracticable or
inappropriate, the Commission proposes
to find that the environmental notice
requirements will typically be
impracticable for temporary towers that
meet the criteria outlined above. The
Commission further proposes to find
that the risk that carriers will not be able
to meet short-term capacity needs and
the resulting detriment to the public if
they are required to complete the
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notification process outweighs the small
likelihood that the process will confer
any benefit. The Commission also notes
that parties filing comments in response
to the Temporary Towers Petition PN
uniformly supported an exemption for
antenna structures meeting the criteria
set out by CTIA. The Commission
therefore tentatively concludes that
establishing the proposed exemption is
consistent with its obligations under
NEPA and CEQ regulations, and will
serve the public interest.
43. Commenters state that the
environmental notification process is
impracticable for antenna structures
meeting the criteria set out by CTIA and
will interfere with carriers’ ability to
respond to short-term capacity needs.
The ASR notice process takes
approximately 40 days, as carriers must
provide local and national public
notice, allow 30 days for the filing of
any requests for further environmental
review, and wait for the Commission to
clear the tower for a final certification.
If a request for environmental review is
filed, the deployment can be delayed
longer even if the request lacks merit.
According to commenters, situations
frequently arise where there is
insufficient time to complete this
process before a temporary tower must
be deployed to meet near-term demand,
including (1) newsworthy events that
occur without any prior notice and
require immediate deployments, such as
natural disasters; (2) other events that
occur with less than 30 days advance
notice, such as certain political events
and parades for sports teams; (3) events
for which the timing and general
location are known in advance, but
where the specific locations for
temporary towers are unknown until
days before the event, such as State fairs
and major sporting events; and (4)
situations in which unexpected
difficulties with permanent structures
require the deployment of temporary
towers while permanent facilities are
repaired. The record, as well as the
Commission’s own experience in
administering the environmental notice
rule, shows that substantial numbers of
such non-emergency temporary towers
require registration. In particular, notice
to the FAA (and therefore ASR
registration) is necessary for towers
under 200 feet in height if they may
interfere with the flight path of a nearby
airport. Therefore, absent an exemption,
application of the ASR notice process to
these temporary towers will apparently
prevent service providers from meeting
important short term coverage and
capacity needs. The Commission seeks
comment on this analysis.
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44. At the same time, the benefits of
environmental notice appear to be
limited in the case of most temporary
towers. The environmental notice
process is intended to effectuate the
opportunity conferred by § 1.1307(c) of
its rules for interested persons to allege
that an otherwise categorically excluded
ASR application presents circumstances
necessitating environmental
consideration in the decision-making
process. Thus, to the extent that
significant environmental effects are
highly unlikely for certain classes of
temporary towers, there seems to be
little reason to require environmental
notification, particularly given the harm
to the public from delaying the
deployment of such towers. The
Commission seeks comment on this
analysis, and on whether the criteria
proposed by CTIA in the Temporary
Towers Petition, as modified in the
Waiver Order, sufficiently insure against
potential environmental impact or risk
to air safety from such towers.
45. In particular, CTIA proposes that,
to be exempt from notice, a temporary
tower must be less than 200 feet in
height and not subject to FAA marking
or lighting requirements. The
Commission seeks comment on these
conditions. Evidence demonstrates that
lighting and height are major factors
influencing whether an antenna
structure may cause significant
environmental impacts, particularly on
migratory birds. Given this evidence, is
it necessary that, in addition to the
height and lighting restrictions, eligible
temporary towers be limited to those
that do not require marking? Is a
requirement that eligible temporary
towers be less than 200 feet in height a
sufficient height limitation to protect
against significant environmental
impacts? Is it too strict?
46. In adopting an interim waiver, the
Commission added a condition that
deployments covered by the waiver
either must involve no excavation or the
depth of previous disturbance must
exceed the proposed construction depth
(excluding footings and other anchoring
mechanisms) by at least two feet. That
specific requirement was drawn from
the NPA, which excludes towers from
section 106 historic preservation review
if they are deployed for less than 24
months and also meet this condition. As
the Commission explained in adopting
the NPA, so long as no excavation will
occur on previously undisturbed
ground, the risk of damage to
archeological or other historic
properties from a temporary facility is
small. The Commission seeks comment
on whether to similarly require no or
minimal excavation as a condition of
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
the proposed temporary towers
exemption from environmental notice.
Is such a condition necessary to assure
that such towers are unlikely to have
significant environmental effects, and
what are the costs of the condition? Are
effects on historic properties the only
concern with excavation, and, if so, is
section 106 review under the NPA,
which includes a process for public
participation, sufficient to protect
against such effects? Should the
Commission adopt any other structural
or construction conditions in addition
to or in lieu of those proposed in the
Waiver Order?
47. Consistent with CTIA’s proposal
in its Petition, the Commission proposes
to limit the temporary towers exemption
from notice to towers that will be
deployed for no more than 60 days. The
Commission seeks comment on this
time period. The Commission notes that
the NPA excludes from review under
section 106 of the NHPA a broader
category of temporary towers, generally
defined as towers that will remain in
place for up to 24 months. Further,
NTCH proposes that the maximum
period be three months instead of two.
Would exempting from notice
temporary towers that are deployed for
longer than 60 days be consistent with
avoiding a potential for all significant
environmental effects, not only those on
historic properties? Is it reasonable to
expect that parties deploying a tower for
more than 60 days will ordinarily have
sufficient advance notice to complete
the environmental notice process, and
therefore should either do so or obtain
a case-specific waiver? Alternatively, is
a period shorter than 60 days both
reasonable and necessary to protect
against significant environmental
effects? The Commission also notes that
the NPA permits temporary towers used
for national security purposes to exceed
24 months and still be excluded from
section 106 review. Should the
Commission adopt a similar exception
to whatever time limit the Commission
applies to the notification exemption?
48. The Commission proposes to
require no post-construction
environmental notice for temporary
towers that qualify for the exemption.
While the Commission ordinarily
requires that environmental notice be
provided within a short period after
construction when pre-construction
notice is waived due to an emergency
situation, the Commission recognized in
the Order on Remand, 77 FR 3935,
January 26, 2012, that in some
circumstances, post-construction notice
may be impractical or not in the public
interest. While towers subject to
emergency waiver relief may be
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deployed for long periods or even
indefinitely, thus warranting postconstruction notice, the Commission
addresses here only towers deployed for
short periods of time. Notice in this
circumstance would seem to serve little
purpose as the deployment would be
over or nearly so by the time the notice
period ended. In addition, its own
experience in administering the ASR
public notice process is that temporary
antenna structures rarely generate
public comment regarding potentially
significant environmental effects and
rarely are determined to require further
environmental processing. The
Commission therefore proposes to find
that it would not be in the public
interest to require post-construction
notice for towers subject to the proposed
exemption. The Commission seeks
comment on its proposal and analysis,
and on the costs and benefits of
requiring post-construction notice of
towers subject to the exemption. As an
alternative to completely exempting
such towers from environmental
notification, would it be appropriate to
establish a shorter post-construction
environmental notice period or limit the
notice requirement to national notice?
49. CTIA states in its Temporary
Towers Petition that under its proposal,
towers exempted from environmental
notice would still be required to comply
with the Commission’s other NEPA
rules, including the obligation to certify
environmental compliance on a
completed ASR application and to file
an EA in appropriate cases. The
Commission proposes to retain these
requirements. The Commission notes
that, as part of the NEPA rules, even if
a specific facility is categorically
excluded from environmental
processing under § 1.1306, the
reviewing bureau shall require the filing
of an EA under §§ 1.1307(c) and (d) of
the rules if the bureau determines the
deployment may have a significant
environmental impact. The Commission
also notes that where an EA is filed for
a registered tower, the Commission puts
the EA on public notice for 30 days and
also requires the applicant to provide
local notice unless local notice was
previously completed for that tower.
The Commission proposes that if an
applicant determines that it needs to
complete an EA for a temporary tower
that would otherwise be exempt from
environmental notice, or if the bureau
makes this determination under
§§ 1.1307(c) or (d), the application with
an EA would not be exempt from
environmental notice. Alternatively,
should the Commission provide that
temporary towers that require an EA are
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eligible for the exemption, or that they
would be subject to national but not
local notice?
50. The Commission notes that under
the NPA, the exclusion from section 106
review for temporary towers expressly
includes but is not limited to the
following: a cell on wheels (COW)
transmission facility, a broadcast
auxiliary services truck, a TV pickup
station, a remote pickup broadcast
station (e.g., electronic newsgathering
vehicle) authorized under part 74, a
temporary fixed or transportable earth
station in the fixed satellite service (e.g.,
satellite newsgathering vehicle)
authorized under part 25, a temporary
ballast mount tower, or any facility
authorized by a Commission grant of an
experimental authorization. CTIA’s
Temporary Towers Petition does not
specify the types of temporary towers
that would be eligible for the
exemption, apart from the other criteria
CTIA proposes. Should the Commission
list or provide examples of specific
types of facilities potentially eligible for
an exemption from its environmental
notification rules? What would be the
purpose of limiting the exemption to
listed facilities? If the Commission does
specify a list of facilities eligible for the
exemption, should the Commission
replicate or modify in any way the list
provided in the NPA? Could limiting
the exemption to listed facilities have
unintended consequences, such as
inadvertently excluding new
technologies or types of structures?
51. The Commission seeks comment
on what process should apply when an
applicant determines, subsequent to
registering a tower under the temporary
towers notification exemption, that the
relevant tower will or may be needed
beyond the maximum period for the
exemption. Should the Commission
adopt a process for extending the period
the tower may remain in place without
environmental notice? Alternatively,
should the Commission condition the
grant of the exemption on the
requirement that, if the applicant needs
the tower beyond the maximum period
for the exemption, it must either: (1)
Provide environmental notification
before the end of the specified period;
(2) obtain a case-specific waiver; or (3)
remove the tower at the end of the
permitted period and not redeploy it
until environmental notice has been
completed? Should there be any other
consequences for exceeding the
maximum period, even if postconstruction notice is subsequently
52. Finally, the Commission seeks
comment generally on the costs and
benefits of the proposed exemption. The
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Commission asks commenters to
quantify costs and benefits and provide
supporting evidence, where possible. If
the Commission determines that there is
no or very little potential for significant
environmental effects from these
antenna structures, would
environmental notification confer any
benefits? If so, would they be
outweighed by the costs from delays
that might prevent deployment of these
towers and result in a loss of service to
the public? The Commission
specifically seeks comment on the costs
and benefits of the exemption as
measured against the alternative of
applying a case-by-case waiver process
similar to that which applies to
emergency situations. Under this caseby-case waiver process, applicants are
required to file a waiver request and
wait for a bureau determination of
whether to grant the request. AT&T
states that a waiver process similar to
that which currently applies to
emergency situations is an inefficient
approach for the narrow category of
temporary towers within the scope of its
proposal and creates unnecessary
uncertainty and delay. The Commission
seeks comment on the costs of the caseby-case waiver process that would be
avoided by adopting a rule. The
Commission also seeks comment on the
potential that an exemption by rule
would be over-inclusive, and on any
costs that might result.
IV. Implementation of Section 6409(a)
53. The Commission tentatively finds
that it will serve the public interest to
establish rules clarifying the
requirements of section 6409(a) to
ensure that the benefits of a streamlined
review process for collocations and
other minor facility modifications are
not unnecessarily delayed. As the
Commission noted in the Sixteenth
Competition Report, 28 FCC Rcd 3700
(2013), collocation on existing
structures is often the most efficient and
economical solution for mobile wireless
service providers that need new cell
sites, either to expand their existing
coverage area, increase their capacity, or
deploy new advanced services.
54. Since Congress adopted section
6409(a) more than a year ago, parties
have expressed widely divergent views
as to the meaning of its terms and the
scope of its requirements. Although the
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau’s
release of the Section 6409(a) PN, see
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Offers Guidance on Interpretation of
section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax
Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012,
Public Notice, 28 FCC Rcd 1 (WTB
2013) (Section 6409(a) PN), provided
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guidance on certain questions of
interpretation under this provision, the
bureau left other issues unaddressed,
and parties have also raised questions
and concerns regarding the Section
6409(a) PN guidance itself. While these
issues could be addressed in practice
through local interpretations, judicial
decisions, and voluntary agreements,
the Commission believes on balance it
serves the public interest for us
proactively to seek comment at this time
on implementing rules to define terms
that the statute leaves undefined, and to
fill in other interstices that may serve to
delay the intended benefits of section
6409(a). The Commission invites
comment on its decision to do so and
on any reasons why the Commission
should limit or decline to take
regulatory action in this proceeding.
55. In particular, the Commission
anticipates that, in the absence of
definitive guidance from the
Commission, the uncertainties under
section 6409(a) may lead to protracted
and costly litigation and could
adversely affect the timely deployment
of a nationwide public safety network
and delay the intended streamlining
benefits of the statute with respect to
other communications services. Further,
addressing the interpretation of section
6409(a) in a rulemaking, with notice and
opportunity for comment, will provide
a broader opportunity for participation
and input in the implementation of this
provision than, for example, one or
more adjudicatory proceedings. In
addition, the Commission believes that
State and local governments, FirstNet,
Commission licensees, and tower
companies will benefit from having
settled interpretations on which they
can rely in determining how to comply
with the new law. The Commission
therefore takes this opportunity to
examine section 6409(a) and to seek
public comment on its interpretation.
The Commission seeks comment on this
56. The Commission acknowledges,
however, that there may also be
countervailing benefits to offering
governments additional opportunity to
implement some or all of the provisions
of section 6409(a) before adopting
prescriptive rules. Such an approach
would provide State and local
governments more opportunity and
flexibility to develop solutions that best
meet the needs of their communities
consistent with the requirements of the
provision and may also help to
distinguish those issues that require
clarification by the Commission from
those on which there is general
consensus. In particular, the
Commission believe that best practices
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or model ordinances that reflect a
consensus of industry and municipal
interests may facilitate the practical and
efficient implementation of section
6409(a), and the Commission is aware of
ongoing discussions between industry
and municipal government
representatives in that regard. Therefore,
the Commission invites comment on
whether it should refrain from
addressing any or all of the issues
discussed below at the present time, on
how the Commission might encourage
efforts to develop best practices for
applying section 6409(a), and on what
role best practices might play in the
interpretation or implementation of this
statutory provision.
57. The Commission also notes
legislative efforts by State and local
governments to streamline their
collocation review processes in
response to section 6409(a) and other
considerations. The Commission seeks
comment on how it could accommodate
and encourage such efforts consistent
with section 6409(a) and the factors
discussed above. In particular, the
Commission seeks comment on how
this consideration affects whether and
to what extent the Commission should
leave issues unaddressed at this time.
The Commission also seeks comment on
other ways in which principles of
federalism should inform its approach
to implementation of section 6409(a). In
this connection, the Commission notes
that its goal is not to operate as a
national zoning board. Rather, the
Commission seeks to implement and
enforce the intent of Congress to make
compliance with Federal standards a
precondition to continued State
regulation in an otherwise pre-empted
field. In establishing such Federal
standards, how should the Commission
most appropriately address the
traditional responsibility of State and
local governments for land use matters?
58. To the extent that the Commission
does adopt rules implementing section
6409(a), the Commission also seeks
comment on whether it should provide
a transition period to allow States and
localities time to implement the
requirements in their laws, ordinances,
and procedures. If so, how would the
Commission establish such a
mechanism consistent with the
provision, and what transition period
would be appropriate?
1. Terms in Section 6409(a)
59. Under section 6409(a), states and
localities must grant an eligible facilities
request, defined as any request for
modification of an existing wireless
tower or base station that involves
collocation, removal or replacement of
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
transmission equipment, if the request
does not substantially change the
physical dimensions of the tower or
base station. The Commission will refer
to an eligible request that does not
substantially change the physical
dimensions of the tower or base station,
and therefore that shall be approved and
must not be denied, as a covered
60. The scope of section 6409(a)
depends on the proper interpretation of
a number of terms. The Commission
seeks comment on how to interpret or
define these terms, including
‘‘transmission equipment,’’ ‘‘existing
wireless tower or base station,’’
‘‘substantially change the physical
dimensions,’’ and ‘‘collocation,’’ as they
are used in and apply to an eligible
facilities request under section 6409(a).
The Commission also seeks comment on
whether the term eligible facilities
request itself requires any further
clarification beyond the statutory
definition provided in section
6409(a)(2). Commenters addressing
these issues are strongly encouraged to
offer specific definitions.
61. Transmission equipment and
wireless. Section 6409(a) refers broadly
to transmission equipment without
referencing any particular service.
Similarly, in defining eligible facilities
to be modified, it refers broadly to a
wireless tower or base station. In
contrast, section 332(c)(7) of the Act, an
older provision that also places limits
on State and local authority to regulate
wireless facility siting, extends only to
facilities used for personal wireless
services as defined in that section. In
the Section 6409(a) PN, the bureau
opined that the scope of a wireless
tower or base station under section
6409(a) is not intended to be limited to
facilities that support personal wireless
services under section 332(c)(7), given
Congress’s decision not to use the preexisting definition from another
statutory provision relating to wireless
62. Consistent with the bureau’s
interpretation, the Commission
proposes to find that section 6409(a)
applies to the collocation, removal, or
replacement of equipment used in
connection with any Commissionauthorized wireless transmission,
licensed or unlicensed, terrestrial or
satellite, including commercial mobile,
private mobile, broadcast, and public
safety services, as well as fixed wireless
services such as microwave backhaul or
fixed broadband. Similarly, the
Commission proposes to define a
wireless tower or base station to include
one used for any such purpose. The
Commission believes this interpretation
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is warranted given the clear intent of
Congress to facilitate collocation, the
substantial number of broadcast and
public safety towers that are potentially
available for wireless collocation and
that are, in many cases, already being
used for collocation, and Congress’s use
of the term wireless rather than a more
restrictive term. The Commission also
notes that the definitions of tower under
both the Collocation Agreement and
NPA have a similarly broad scope,
encompassing structures used to
support any Commission-licensed or
authorized service. The Commission
seeks comment on its proposal and on
whether there is a reason to exclude any
type of services. With respect to the
service involved, should the scope of
transmission equipment to be
collocated, replaced, or removed be
different from the scope of structures to
be modified? If the Commission were to
exclude structures used for certain
services, how would the Commission
treat a tower or other structure that is
used or usable for multiple types of
service? What about a tower that is not
yet used for any service?
63. The Commission proposes to
further define transmission equipment
to encompass antennas and other
equipment associated with and
necessary to their operation, including,
for example, power supply cables and a
backup power generator. The
Commission believes this is consistent
with Congressional intent to streamline
the review of collocations and minor
modifications and also with Congress’s
use of the broad term transmission
equipment rather than a more specific
term such as antenna. The Commission
seeks comment on this proposal and
analysis. In particular, the Commission
seeks comment on including backup
power equipment in light of the public
interest in continued service during
emergencies. The Commission also
seeks comment on whether it should
specifically include or exclude any
equipment to be considered as
transmission equipment under section
64. The NPA defines antenna in part
as an apparatus designed for the
purpose of emitting radio frequency
(RF) radiation, to be operated or
operating from a fixed location pursuant
to Commission authorization, for the
transmission of writing, signs, signals,
data, images, pictures, and sounds of all
kinds, including the transmitting device
and any on-site equipment, switches,
wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters
or cabinets associated with that antenna
and added to a tower, structure, or
building as part of the original
installation of the antenna. Should the
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Commission adopt or adapt this
definition of antenna to define the term
transmission facility under section
65. Existing wireless tower or base
station. The Commission seeks
comment on how to define wireless
tower or base station under section
6409(a). Initially, the Commission notes
that both tower and base station have
been previously defined in Commission
rules and documents. Under the
Collocation Agreement, a tower is
defined as any structure built for the
sole or primary purpose of supporting
FCC-licensed antennas and their
associated facilities. The NPA includes
a similar definition of a tower as any
structure built for the sole or primary
purpose of supporting Commissionlicensed or authorized antennas,
including the on-site fencing,
equipment, switches, wiring, cabling,
power sources, shelters, or cabinets
associated with that tower but not
installed as part of an antenna. In part
90 of the Commission’s rules, base
station is defined as a station at a
specified site authorized to
communicate with mobile stations,
whereas part 2 and part 24 of the
Commission’s rules define base station
as a land station in the land mobile
service. As noted in the Section 6409(a)
PN, the Commission has also described
a base station in more detail as
consisting of radio transceivers,
antennas, coaxial cable, a regular and
backup power supply, and other
associated electronics. The Commission
seeks comment generally on the
relevance of these definitions for
defining wireless tower or base station
under section 6409(a).
66. The Commission seeks comment
on the types of structures that may be
considered a wireless tower or base
station under section 6409(a). At a
minimum, tower would appear to
include, as in the NPA, structures built
for the sole or primary purpose of
supporting antennas used for any
wireless communications service.
However, many other types of
structures, from buildings and water
towers to streetlights and utility poles,
may also support antennas or other base
station equipment. The Commission
also notes that the Commission has
encouraged the use of these types of
structures to enhance capacity for
wireless networks. In the Section
6409(a) PN, the bureau opined that it is
reasonable to interpret a base station to
include a structure that supports or
houses an antenna, transceiver, or other
associated equipment that constitutes
part of a base station under section
6409(a). The Commission proposes to
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
find, consistent with the bureau’s
guidance, that the term wireless tower
or base station should be interpreted to
encompass structures that support or
house an antenna, transceiver, or other
associated equipment that constitutes
part of a base station, even if they were
not built for the sole or primary purpose
of providing such support. In particular,
the Commission believes that
interpreting section 6409(a) to include
structures that house or support base
station equipment not only is consistent
with Congressional intent to streamline
the facilities application process, but
also accords with established principles
of statutory construction by giving
separate meaning to the term base
station as well as tower. The
Commission seeks comment on this
interpretation. Should this definition be
limited in any way? For example,
should a building or cabinet with
equipment inside be included in this
definition? Is it material to the
application of section 6409(a) whether a
structure is a tower or a base station,
and if so, how should the Commission
distinguish these terms?
67. The Intergovernmental Advisory
Committee (IAC) argues that base station
should not be interpreted to encompass
structures that support or house only
part of a base station. Rather, the IAC
argues, any interpretation of base station
should reflect that a base station is a set
of equipment components that
collectively provides a system for
transmission and reception of personal
wireless services. The Commission
seeks comment on the IAC’s argument.
68. The Commission also seeks
comment on what equipment
constitutes a base station under section
6409(a). The Commission proposes,
consistent with the definition of
transmission equipment proposed
above, to include antennas, transceivers,
and other equipment associated with
and necessary to their operation,
including coaxial cable and regular and
backup power equipment. The
Commission seeks comment on this
proposal. Should the equipment that
constitutes a base station be defined in
the same way as transmission
equipment, more expansively, or less
expansively? Should structures housing
any particular type of equipment not be
included? The Commission further
seeks comment on how to ensure that
the definition of base station is
sufficiently flexible to encompass, as
appropriate to section 6409(a)’s intent
and purpose, future as well as current
base station technologies and
technological configurations, using
either licensed or unlicensed spectrum.
In the Section 6409(a) PN, the bureau
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indicated that the term base station
encompasses the relevant equipment in
any technological configuration,
including DAS and small cells. The
Commission seeks comment on whether
to adopt this interpretation, and on what
constitutes the base station in the
context of DAS or other wireless
technologies where the various
components of what might traditionally
be considered a base station are
dispersed over a large area and may be
owned or controlled by different parties.
69. Under section 6409(a), a wireless
tower or base station must be existing in
order for its modification to be covered.
In the Section 6409(a) PN, the bureau
opined that an existing base station only
includes a structure that currently
supports or houses base station
equipment. Verizon, however, argues
that modifications of base stations
encompass collocations on buildings
and other structures, even if those
structures do not currently house
wireless communications equipment.
Verizon argues that the Collocation
Agreement defines collocation as
encompassing the mounting of an
antenna on an existing building or
structure, and that collocations in
section 6409(a) should therefore be
given similar scope. The Commission
seeks comment on this argument. Does
existing require only that the structure
be previously constructed at the time of
the collocation application, or does this
term also require that the structure be
used at that time as a tower or base
station? Do the statutory language and
context argue in favor of one
interpretation or the other? Which
interpretation, or some other, would be
more consistent with both facilitating
deployments that are unlikely to
conflict with local land use policies
(including policies that favor use of
existing structures) and preserving State
and local authority to review
construction proposals that may have
impacts? Should the interpretation of
existing depend on the type of structure
involved? For example, should the
Commission consider a structure built
for the primary purpose of supporting or
housing transmission equipment
existing under section 6409(a) whether
or not it currently hosts such
equipment, while considering other
structures existing only if they currently
support or house transmission
70. The Commission asks
commenters, when discussing the scope
of support structures encompassed by
section 6409(a), to discuss the economic
costs and benefits of adopting their
proposed interpretation and how these
might relate to the intent of Congress.
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Are there different costs and benefits to
mandatory approval depending on the
type of structure involved?
71. Collocation, removal, and
replacement. The Commission seeks
comment on how to define or interpret
the terms collocation, removal, and
replacement. Under the Collocation
Agreement, collocation is defined as the
mounting or installation of an antenna
on an existing tower, building or
structure for the purpose of transmitting
and/or receiving radio frequency signals
for communications purposes. The
Commission seeks comment on whether
to adopt a similar definition of
collocation under section 6409(a).
72. The Commission also proposes to
interpret a modification of a wireless
tower or base station to include
collocation, removal, or replacement of
an antenna or any other transmission
equipment associated with the
supporting structure, even if the
equipment is not physically located
upon it. The Commission notes that the
Collocation Agreement similarly
construes the mounting of an antenna
on a tower to encompass installation of
associated equipment cabinets or
shelters on the ground. The Commission
seeks comment on its proposed
73. The Commission seeks comment
on whether and to what extent a request
to replace or harden a tower or other
covered structure should be considered
a covered request if the replacement
would not substantially change the
physical dimensions of the structure.
For example, under some
circumstances, a tower may need to be
replaced, reinforced, or otherwise
hardened in connection with an
upgrade from 3G to heavier 4G facilities.
Should replacement of the underlying
structure be covered if it is necessary to
support the otherwise covered
collocation or replacement of
transmission equipment? What if the
replacement is constructed with
different materials, such as if a wooden
pole must be replaced with steel?
Should a requested structure
replacement be covered only for certain
types of structures, such as those
originally constructed for the sole or
primary purpose of supporting
communications equipment?
74. Substantially Change the Physical
Dimensions. The Commission seeks
comment on whether and how to define
when a modification would
substantially change the physical
dimensions of a wireless tower or base
75. As the bureau noted in the Section
6409(a) PN, the Collocation Agreement
establishes a four-prong test to
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
determine whether a collocation will
effect a substantial increase in the size
of a tower. The Commission later
adopted the same test in the 2009
Declaratory Ruling to determine
whether an application will be treated
as a collocation when applying section
332(c)(7). The Commission has also
applied a similar definition to
determine whether a modification of an
existing registered tower requires public
notice for purposes of environmental
76. Under this test, a substantial
increase in the size of the tower occurs
(1) [t]he mounting of the proposed
antenna on the tower would increase
the existing height of the tower by more
than 10%, or by the height of one
additional antenna array with
separation from the nearest existing
antenna not to exceed twenty feet,
whichever is greater, except that the
mounting of the proposed antenna may
exceed the size limits set forth in this
paragraph if necessary to avoid
interference with existing antennas; or
(2) [t]he mounting of the proposed
antenna would involve the installation
of more than the standard number of
new equipment cabinets for the
technology involved, not to exceed four,
or more than one new equipment
shelter; or
(3) [t]he mounting of the proposed
antenna would involve adding an
appurtenance to the body of the tower
that would protrude from the edge of
the tower more than twenty feet, or
more than the width of the tower
structure at the level of the
appurtenance, whichever is greater,
except that the mounting of the
proposed antenna may exceed the size
limits set forth in this paragraph if
necessary to shelter the antenna from
inclement weather or to connect the
antenna to the tower via cable; or
(4) [t]he mounting of the proposed
antenna would involve excavation
outside the current tower site, defined
as the current boundaries of the leased
or owned property surrounding the
tower and any access or utility
easements currently related to the site.
77. The Commission seeks comment
on whether to adopt the Collocation
Agreement’s definition of substantial
increase in the size of the tower as the
test for when a modification will
substantially change the physical
dimensions of a tower or base station
under section 6409(a). If the
Commission does so, should the
Commission apply this test to all
modification requests, including
collocation, replacement, and removal
of transmission equipment? Or should
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the Commission modify or clarify any of
the prongs of that test for any type of
78. In determining what constitutes a
substantial change in physical
dimensions under section 6409(a), the
Commission seeks comment on how to
address situations where the tower or
other structure has been previously
modified since it was originally
approved. For example, it is
theoretically possible that successive
increases of 10 percent could
cumulatively increase the height of a
structure by double or more. In such
situations, should the physical change
in dimensions resulting from a
collocation be measured based on the
structure’s original dimensions or the
existing dimensions taking into account
all pre-existing modifications? Should it
matter if previous expansions occurred
before or after the enactment of section
79. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether the standard for
what constitutes a substantial change
should be different depending on the
type of structure to be modified. As the
Commission noted above, the
Collocation Agreement definition
applies to towers, defined as any
structure built for the sole or primary
purpose of supporting FCC-licensed
antennas and their associated facilities.
Should a different standard apply to
other types of structures that may be
defined as towers or base stations, such
as buildings or utility poles? For
example, what are the potential effects
of adding up to 10 percent to the height
of a building? Is a standard that allows
for separation from the nearest existing
antenna of up to twenty feet appropriate
for structures that are much shorter than
traditional towers, such as utility poles?
The Commission further seeks comment
on whether a different test should apply
to stealth structures, structures and
associated base stations that have been
constructed to blend in with their
surroundings. Should changes in
physical dimensions that would defeat
or be inconsistent with the stealth
characteristics of the structure be
considered substantial?
80. The Commission also seeks
comment on the views of the IAC
regarding when a modification will
substantially change the physical
dimensions of a tower or base station. In
particular, the IAC argues that the
question of substantiality cannot be
resolved by the adoption of mechanical
percentages or numerical rules
applicable anywhere and everywhere in
the United States, but rather must be
evaluated in the context of specific
installations and a particular
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community’s land use requirements and
decisions. As an example, the IAC
suggests that a change in a tower’s
height of only 5 percent that would
adversely affect substantial safety,
esthetic, or quality-of-life elements
would represent a substantial change in
physical dimensions. The Commission
seeks comment on this interpretation,
and on how, consistent with the IAC’s
interpretation, the Commission might
define the test for what constitutes a
substantial change in physical
2. Review and Processing of
Applications, Time Limits, and
81. Section 6409(a)(1) provides that
notwithstanding section 704 of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996 or any
other provision of law, a State or local
government may not deny, and shall
approve any eligible facilities request
for a modification of an existing
wireless tower or base station that does
not substantially change the physical
dimensions of such tower or base
station. The Commission asks for
comments on the extent to which the
statutory language leaves State or local
governments discretion or authority to
deny or condition approval and what
restrictions or requirements, if any, it
may place on the processes that a State
or locality may adopt for the review of
applications. The Commission further
seeks comment on whether section
6409(a) warrants establishment of time
limits for State and local review and
prescription of remedies in the event of
a failure to approve a covered request
under section 6409(a)(1).
82. May not deny and shall approve.
The Commission seeks comment on
whether, by directing that States and
localities may not deny and shall
approve covered requests, section
6409(a) requires States and localities to
approve all requests that meet the
definition of eligible facilities requests
and do not result in a substantial change
in the dimensions of the facility,
without exception and/or discretionary
review. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether there are any
special circumstances under which,
notwithstanding this unqualified
language, section 6409(a) would permit
a State or local government to deny an
otherwise covered request. The
Commission further seeks comment on
whether States and localities may make
the grant of a covered request subject to
conditions on or alterations to the
request. If so, what types of conditions
or alterations may they require that
would be consistent with section
6409(a)? In particular, the Commission
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
seeks comment below on whether and/
or to what extent States and localities
may require any covered requests to
comply with State or local building
codes and land use laws and whether
States and localities are required to
approve an otherwise covered
modification of a tower or base station
that has legal, non-conforming status or
that does not conform to a condition or
restriction that the State or locality
imposed as a prerequisite to its original
approval of the tower or base station.
The Commission also proposes below to
find that the requirement that States and
localities may not deny and shall
approve covered requests in any case
applies only to State and local
governments acting in their role as land
use regulators and does not apply to
such entities acting in their capacities as
property owners.
83. The Commission seeks comment
whether and/or to what extent States
and localities may require any covered
requests to comply with State or local
building codes and land use laws. For
example, the Commission seeks
comment on whether a State or local
government must grant a facilities
modification request that would result
in an increase in height above the
maximum height permitted by an
applicable zoning ordinance. May States
and localities require a covered request
to be in compliance with general
building codes or other laws reasonably
related to health and safety? For
example, the Commission seeks
comment on whether States or localities
can continue to enforce restrictions such
as load-bearing limits on applications
that otherwise meet the standard for
approval under section 6409(a)(1). May
they condition the approval of a
modification on the underlying
structure’s compliance with the
hardening standards under TIA–222
revision G, Structural Standards for
Antenna Supporting Structures and
Antennas? What is the cost of bringing
a structure into compliance with these
standards? Similarly, may a State or
local government deny an application
for an otherwise covered modification if
the structure, as modified, would not
meet the fall zone or setback distance
that its ordinance requires? The
Commission further seeks comment on
the enforceability of codes that may not
be designed for current technologies,
e.g., codes establishing set-back
minimums appropriate for towers but
excessive for much shorter utility poles.
The Commission asks commenters to
discuss the extent to which principles of
federalism require or permit the
Commission to construe section 6409(a)
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in a manner that preserves traditional
State or local land use authority with
respect to any of these issues.
84. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether section 6409(a) is
applicable to eligible facilities requests
involving existing towers or base
stations that were approved at the time
of construction but that are no longer in
conformance due to subsequent changes
to the governing zoning ordinance.
Some jurisdictions routinely deny such
requests, while others require full
zoning review and impose conditions
such as replacement or retrofitting of the
underlying structure. The Commission
therefore seeks comment on whether
States and localities are required to
approve an otherwise covered
modification of a tower or base station
that has legal, non-conforming status,
and whether section 6409(a) disallows a
jurisdiction from subjecting such a
request to full zoning review. The
Commission further seeks comment on
current municipal practices regarding
modification or collocation requests in
connection with legal, non-conforming
wireless towers. What are the reasons or
justifications for the local jurisdiction to
require a full zoning review? What is the
common time frame to process a local
zoning review for a request to modify a
legal, non-conforming tower? What sorts
of conditions have local governments
placed on their approval?
85. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether States and
localities are required to approve a
modification of an existing tower or
base station that does not conform to a
condition or restriction that the State or
locality imposed as a prerequisite to its
original approval of the tower or base
station. For example, if a municipality
has approved initial installation of some
transmission facilities on a building or
other structure conditioned on the
facilities meeting standards with regard
to height, width, bulk, appearance, or
other design characteristics intended to
camouflage the deployment, is it
required to approve subsequent
collocations on the structure that do not
meet those stealth conditions? Should a
different rule apply depending on
whether the condition was imposed
before or after the effective date of
section 6409(a)? The Commission seeks
comment on whether interpreting the
statute to require approval of
modifications notwithstanding
conditions on the original installation
may create disincentives for States and
localities to approve the initial siting of
towers or base stations, and if so, how
section 6409(a) can be implemented to
address this concern.
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86. More broadly, the Commission
seeks comment on the extent to which
any of these asserted grounds for local
substantive review and potential denial
of an application should alternatively be
understood as factors in determining
whether a wireless tower or base station
should be considered existing or what
constitutes a substantial change in the
physical dimensions of a wireless tower
or base station. For example, should
modifications that alter a facility in a
fashion inconsistent with local
ordinance or with conditions on the
structure’s use be considered to
substantially change its physical
dimensions? Should a tower that is legal
but non-conforming not be considered
existing for purposes of section 6409(a)?
87. The IAC argues that the mandate
that States and localities may not deny
and shall approve requests applies only
to State and local governments acting in
their role as land use regulators and
does not apply to such entities acting in
their capacities as property owners. The
IAC asserts, as example, that where a
county government, as landlord rather
than as land use regulator, has by
contract or lease chosen, in its
discretion, to authorize the installation
of an antenna on a county courthouse
rooftop of certain exact dimensions and
specifications, section 6409 does not
require the county, acting in its capacity
as landlord rather than its capacity as
regulator of private land use, to allow
the tenant to exceed to any extent those
mutually and contractually agreed-upon
exact dimensions and specifications.
The Commission proposes to adopt this
interpretation of section 6409(a) and
seeks comment, including comment on
how to ensure it is clear in which
capacity governmental action is
requested and in which capacity a
governmental entity is acting, and
whether the Commission needs to
address how section 6409(a) applies to
requests seeking a government’s
approval in both capacities. For
example, would section 6409(a) impose
no limits on such a landlord’s ability to
refuse or delay action on a collocation
88. Application procedures. The
Commission seeks comment on whether
section 6409(a) places restrictions,
limitations, or requirements on the
filing and review process applicable to
applications subject to section 6409(a),
and if so, what Federal standards would
appropriately implement such
limitations. Some have suggested that
because section 6409(a) provides that
State and local governments shall
approve covered facilities requests, the
provision requires an expedited process.
Other parties, on the other hand, have
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
argued that a fact-finding is required to
determine whether section 6409(a)
applies at all and that local governments
need the freedom to adopt procedures
that will enable them to resolve this
question. In the Section 6409(a) PN, the
bureau, noting that the provision on its
face contemplates the submission of a
request, indicated that the relevant
government entity may still require the
filing of an application for
administrative approval. The Section
6409(a) PN did not provide any further
procedural guidance.
89. The Commission proposes to find,
consistent with the bureau guidance,
that section 6409(a) permits a State or
local government at a minimum to
require an application to be filed and to
determine whether the application
constitutes a covered request. This is
consistent with the statutory language
providing that the government shall
approve the application. The
Commission seeks comment on this
proposed finding. The Commission
further seeks comment on whether,
given the directive that the State or local
government shall approve, section
6409(a) permits and warrants Federal
limits on applicable fees, processes, or
time for review. If so, should the
Commission define what these limits
are, or are the variations in
circumstances such that it is better to
address them case-by-case? If the
Commission does define them, what
should the limits be? For example,
should the Commission find that section
6409(a) warrants specific expedited
procedures or limits on the
documentation that may be required
with an application?
90. In particular, the Commission
seeks comment on whether section
6409(a) warrants limiting the
procedures for filing and reviewing an
application that the applicant
characterizes as stating a covered
request to those procedures relevant to
resolving whether the request is in fact
covered by section 6409(a). The
Commission further seeks comment on
whether section 6409(a) permits
limitations on which officials may
review an application, and if so,
whether such limitations are warranted.
For example, to the extent that review
under section 6409(a) is ministerial,
approval by administrative staff may be
more efficient, and no less effective,
than submission to an elected Board.
Would a Federal standard requiring
State and local governments to utilize
such an administrative process
sufficiently protect their ability to
identify applications that are not
covered by section 6409(a) and
otherwise to exercise any permitted
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discretion? Would it be consistent with
principles of federalism to constrain
State and local government procedures
in this manner, as a condition for
continuing to review covered requests?
Would such a standard contradict some
local ordinances and, if so, would it
raise concerns that, at least for an
interim period, the affected community
could not review applications at all? Are
administrative practices sufficiently
uniform among communities that any
rules could be meaningful?
91. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether section 6409(a)
permits or warrants imposing limits on
the kinds of information and
documentation that may be required in
connection with an application asserted
to be a covered request. The
Commission notes that, in the NOI
proceeding, some parties asserted that
some jurisdictions were requesting
extensive documentation for collocation
approvals, thereby resulting in delay,
while other jurisdictions required only
the limited information necessary to
issue a common building permit. The
Commission also notes that, since the
NOI was released, additional States
have taken steps to streamline local
processing of collocation requests, in
part through clarifying what information
may be required to support such
requests. The Commission seeks
comment on such developments and on
whether, given current practices, it is
now necessary or appropriate to
establish Federal standards governing
the information that applicants may be
required to provide in connection with
an asserted section 6409(a) request in
order to ensure that such information
requests do not unnecessarily extend
the application process. For example,
should the Commission clarify that
States and localities may not require
information or documents in connection
with an eligible facilities request
asserted to be a covered request under
section 6409(a) that are not relevant to
the criteria for approval under section
92. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether to establish a time
limit for the processing of requests
under section 6409(a). In the Section
6409(a) PN, the bureau noted that the
2009 Declaratory Ruling established 90
days as a presumptively reasonable
period of time to process collocation
applications under section 332(c)(7).
The bureau stated that 90 days should
be the maximum presumptively
reasonable period of time for reviewing
requests that are covered by section
6409(a), whether for personal wireless
services or other wireless facilities. The
Commission seeks comment on whether
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to adopt this conclusion or adopt a
shorter period, given that section
6409(a) considerably narrows the scope
of review. Should the Commission also
consider specific circumstances under
which municipalities may extend the
time period? For example, consistent
with the Commission’s interpretation of
section 332(c)(7), should the
Commission provide that a municipality
may toll the running of the period if it
notifies the applicant in writing within
30 days that an application is
incomplete and specifies the additional
information or documentation required
to complete the application? Does
section 6409(a) warrant imposing any
limits on the ability of a municipality to
require such additional information or
documentation? Should municipalities
be able to extend the time period by
agreement with the applicant?
93. The Commission notes that some
jurisdictions have adopted moratoria on
the filing or processing of applications
for new wireless facilities, including
collocations and other modifications
that may be covered under section
6409(a). The Commission seeks
comment on current developments of
this kind, and how they may relate to
covered requests under section 6409(a).
Considering Congress’s explicit
language that a State or local
government may not deny, and shall
approve a covered application, the
Commission proposes to preempt the
application of any such moratoria to
covered requests under section 6409(a),
including with respect to the running of
any applicable time period. In other
words, under this proposal, a State or
local government may not prevent or
delay the filing of applications asserted
to be covered by section 6409(a) due to
a moratorium, and it must approve
covered applications within the same
time period as if no moratorium were in
effect. The Commission seeks comment
on this proposal. Alternatively, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
it should specify a maximum
cumulative time that may be added to
the process due to moratoria and, if so,
what that time period should be, as well
as whether any tolling should be limited
to moratoria that are put in place prior
to submission of the application or
94. The Commission anticipates that
in general, review of applications
submitted under section 6409(a) will be
limited to determining whether the
application states an eligible facilities
request, whether the request would
substantially change the physical
dimensions of the relevant tower or base
station, and whether it satisfies any
other criteria that, under interpretations
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
the Commission may adopt in this
proceeding, allow the State or local
government to deny or condition an
otherwise covered application. Should
the Commission distinguish any set of
applications that are unlikely to raise
any significant questions of eligibility
and therefore should be subject to more
stringent limitations on process, timing,
or fees? If so, what criteria should
identify these applications and what
limits are appropriate under section
6409(a)? For example, should requests
for removal of transmission equipment
be eligible for a more expedited process
than new collocations? Should
replacement applications also be subject
to a more expedited process and, if so,
subject to what limitations on the size
or appearance of the new equipment?
95. Remedy and enforcement. The
Commission seeks comment on what
remedies should be available to enforce
section 6409(a) in cases of failure to act
or decisions adverse to the applicant.
The Commission first seeks comment on
whether it should provide that a
covered request is deemed granted by
operation of law if a State or local
government fails to act within a
specified period of time. In the 2009
Declaratory Ruling, the Commission
declined to adopt such a deemed
granted remedy for local government
failures to act on facilities siting
applications under section 332(c)(7)(B),
finding that section 332(c)(7)(B)(v)
indicated a Congressional intent that
courts should have the responsibility to
fashion appropriate case-specific
remedies. Unlike section 332(c)(7),
however, section 6409(a) does not
explicitly include a judicial remedy.
Indeed, whereas the terms of section
332(c)(7) do not mandate approval of
any particular request, section 6409(a)
provides that governments shall
approve requests covered by the
provision. Moreover, section 6409(a)
compels such action notwithstanding
section 332(c)(7) in particular. The
Commission seeks comment on whether
this statutory distinction supports a
deemed granted remedy for applications
subject to section 6409(a).
96. The Commission also seeks
comment on whether such a remedy
raises any constitutional concerns,
including concerns under the Tenth
Amendment. While the adoption of a
deemed granted rule for cases of State
inaction would result in the grant of
facilities siting applications by
operation of Federal law pursuant to
section 6409(a), such a rule would not
appear to compel the States to enact or
administer a Federal regulatory
program. Indeed, rather than drawing
the States into such involvement, the
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rule would simply end the application
process without a need for any State or
local action at all, since a deemed
granted approach would operate
automatically to grant the application
when the trigger event occurs (e.g.,
inaction on the application for the
amount of time specified by the rule).
Moreover, other than establishing the
automatic grant, a deemed granted rule
would not prescribe any particular
processes or place any obligations on
State or local governments, thereby
leaving their regulatory authority over
the siting matter otherwise undisturbed.
In these respects, it would appear that
a deemed granted rule would no more
constitute a Federal regulatory program
imposed on the States than would a
pure preemption of State action.
97. In addition to the deemed granted
approach, the Commission also seeks
comment on any alternative remedies to
similarly ensure that cases of State
inaction or inordinate delay are
addressed as Congress intended. Should
the Commission, for example, exercise
authority under City of New York to
preempt State or local authority with
respect to covered requests that have
been pending for more than a specified
period of time? Would such preemption
effectively serve the goals of section
6409(a) by precluding State or local
legal action against installations that
meet the terms of section 6409(a)?
Would this type of remedy effectively
enable the installation to proceed, or
would the preemption of the State/local
application process prior to its normal
conclusion create other potential
impediments? For example, if the State
or local body typically issues a permit
after granting a siting application,
would the lack of a permit affect the
wireless carrier’s ability to hire
contractors to perform necessary work
for the installation? While a similar
problem is conceivable with the deemed
granted approach, a carrier that receives
a grant by operation of Federal law
under section 6409(a) should have
recourse through established legal
frameworks to obtain any necessary
paperwork and credentials to which
those receiving a grant from the State or
local government are entitled. The
Commission seeks comment on this
aspect of the deemed granted approach,
as well as on any other practical
problems that may arise.
98. The Commission also seeks
comment on the appropriate remedy
when a State or local government
impermissibly denies a covered request.
Should such a denial also be subject to
a deemed granted remedy? How feasible
would this approach be when the
ostensible reason for the denial is that
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the request does not qualify as a covered
request? Could such denials be
excluded from the deemed granted
approach without rendering the
approach ineffective for addressing
impermissible denials of covered
requests? Is there any other reason to
treat a State or local government’s
denial of an eligible facilities request
differently from its failure to act within
a specified period of time?
99. The Commission further seeks
comment on how a deemed granted
remedy, if adopted, should operate,
when it should be applicable, and how
it should be enforced under section
6409(a). For example, should an
applicant be required to notify a State or
local government when it believes that
a deemed grant has occurred, thus
providing that State or local government
the opportunity to go to court or the
Commission to seek a finding that the
deemed granted remedy has not been
triggered? Or should the onus be placed
on the applicant to go to court or the
Commission and asks for a finding that
an application is a covered request
before it can be deemed granted? Would
placing the burden on the applicant
pursuant to the latter option negate
many of the benefits of having a deemed
granted remedy?
100. For the reasons discussed above,
the Commission proposes to permit the
filing of complaints with the
Commission alleging violations of
section 6409(a) along with any
implementing rules the Commission
choose to adopt, and that such
complaints be filed as petitions for
declaratory ruling. The Commission
seeks comment on these proposals,
including whether it should adopt other
procedures, such as those that have
been adopted in connection with other
local land use actions that affect
Commission licensees. What alternative
judicial remedies would a party have?
The Commission also notes that some
zoning regulations require that only a
court decision can overturn a zoning
decision. The Commission seeks
comment on whether and how section
6409(a) might operate to preempt such
requirements and how this issue should
affect the remedies the Commission
101. Finally, the Commission seeks
comment on the relation between
section 6409(a) and section 332(c)(7).
While the provisions are not
coextensive, many collocation
applications under section 6409(a) are
also covered under section 332(c)(7).
Where both sections apply, the
Commission proposes to find that
section 6409(a) governs, consistent with
canons of statutory construction that a
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
more recent statute takes precedence
over an earlier one and that normally
the specific governs the general. Thus,
under this interpretation, because the
substantive standard requiring approval
of covered requests under section
6409(a) appears to provide significantly
less leeway than section 337(c)(7) and is
therefore in conflict with the latter
provision, where both apply, such
covered requests would be governed by
the substantive standard of section
6409(a). The Commission seeks
comment on this proposed finding and
any alternatives.
V. Implementation of Section 332(C)(7)
102. The Commission does not intend
in this NPRM to seek comment on or
otherwise revisit any aspect of its 2009
Declaratory Ruling. As discussed below,
the Commission has received various
comments in response to the NOI
asserting that it is unclear how the
standards established in the 2009
Declaratory Ruling apply in certain
specifically identified contexts or
seeking clarification regarding questions
arising under section 332(c)(7) that were
not addressed by the 2009 Declaratory
Ruling. Additionally, the Commission
has been asked to revisit its decision not
to impose a deemed granted remedy in
cases where a State or local government
fails to comply with the time limits set
forth in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling.
From these comments, the Commission
has distilled six discrete issues that
have been raised. While taking the
opportunity to address these issues, the
Commission stresses that it is not
revisiting—or seeking comment in this
proceeding on—any of the matters
decided by the 2009 Declaratory Ruling.
103. Definition of collocation. In the
2009 Declaratory Ruling, the
Commission held that the addition of an
antenna to an existing tower or other
structure constitutes a collocation for
purposes of section 332(c)(7) if it does
not involve a substantial increase in the
size of a tower as defined in the
Collocation Agreement. However, the
Commission did not further define that
term. In the context of defining a
substantial change in physical
dimensions under section 6409(a), the
Commission seeks comment above on
whether to adopt a different standard
depending on the type of structure to be
modified. The Commission similarly
seeks comment here on whether to
refine the substantial increase in size
test as applied to collocations on
structures other than communications
towers under section 332(c)(7). Should
the Commission apply the test for
substantial increase in size under
section 332(c)(7) in the same manner as
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it interprets the test under section
6409(a) for substantial change in
physical dimensions? The Commission
also seeks comment on whether terms
that it defines under both section
332(c)(7) and section 6409(a), such as
collocation, should be defined in the
same way.
104. Completeness of applications.
Although the 2009 Declaratory Ruling
held that a State or local government’s
period for acting on an application is
tolled until the applicant completes its
application in response to a request for
additional information made within the
first 30 days, it did not attempt to define
when a siting application should be
considered complete for this purpose.
PCIA has asserted that, as a result,
jurisdictions may delay processing by
repeatedly requesting additional
information. AT&T also asserted that
some local authorities have tried to
extend their period for decision by
delaying when they deem the
application complete. The Commission
seeks comment on whether to clarify
when a siting application is considered
complete for the purpose of triggering
the 2009 Declaratory Ruling time frame
and, if so, how that should be
105. Local moratoria. Above, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
and how the requirements of section
6409(a) apply to delays in processing
applications that result from local
moratoria. Here, the Commission
similarly seeks comment on whether
and how the presumptively reasonable
time frames under section 332(c)(7)
apply to such delays. PCIA in its
comments to the NOI argued that
because the 2009 Declaratory Ruling on
timelines for application review did not
explicitly discuss moratoria, many
jurisdictions have enacted them in an
effort to avoid the 2009 Declaratory
Ruling time frames altogether. PCIA
asserted that siting moratoria lasting
longer than six months are generally
contrary to the industry-community
agreement signed in 1998, and that local
jurisdictions have not followed this
agreement and have enacted moratoria
extending well beyond the six-month
time period. Thus, PCIA requested that
the Commission clarify the applicability
of the 2009 Declaratory Ruling to local
106. The Commission proposes to
find that the presumptively reasonable
period for State or local government
action on an application runs regardless
of any local moratorium. Since the 2009
Declaratory Ruling makes no special
provision for moratoria, the Commission
believes this is consistent with the plain
reading of that decision. Furthermore,
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the Commission believes this approach
creates an appropriate bright-line test
for when a State or local government’s
delay may be brought before a court.
Under this reading, the reasonableness
of the moratorium may be considered by
a reviewing court in determining
whether the delay violates section
332(c)(7). The Commission seeks
comment on this proposal and analysis.
107. Alternatively, the Commission
seeks comment on whether the running
of the applicable presumptively
reasonable period of time should be
tolled by a moratorium. The
Commission also seeks comment on
whether, if it adopts this ruling, the
tolling period for moratoria should be
limited to a maximum cumulative time,
what that time period should be, and
whether tolling should be limited to
moratoria that are put in place prior to
the submission of the application or
request. The Commission further seeks
comment on how frequently moratoria
are invoked, the typical duration of
moratoria, and the local interests served
by or justifications for such moratoria.
The Commission notes that if it holds
that the section 6409(a) substantive
standards govern applications covered
by both section 6409(a) and section
332(c)(7), such standards would include
any decisions on moratoria under
section 6409(a). The Commission seeks
comment on whether treatment of
moratoria should be similar under the
two provisions.
108. Application to DAS. The NOI
record has shown that in the absence of
any explicit discussion, some
jurisdictions have interpreted the 2009
Declaratory Ruling time frames as not
applying to DAS deployments. Neither
section 332(c)(7) nor any Commission
decision interpreting section 332(c)(7)
makes any distinction among personal
wireless service facilities based on
technology, and absent a compelling
reason to do so, the Commission is not
inclined to make such distinctions. In
any event, the Commission proposes to
clarify that to the extent DAS or small
cell facilities, including third-party
facilities such as neutral host DAS
deployments, are or will be used for the
provision of personal wireless services,
such facilities are subject to the same
presumptively reasonable time frames
and other requirements as other
personal wireless service facilities.
109. The City of Philadelphia
responded to the NOI record on this
issue, arguing that a number of factors,
including the possibility that a DAS
network may include a large number of
discrete sites, the density of the sites,
and their tendency to have a large
presence in the public rights-of-way,
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
dictate a substantially greater time to
review and evaluate permitting
applications than for traditional cell site
applications, making the time frames
provided in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling
inappropriate. The 2009 Declaratory
Ruling does not prevent a court from
taking these factors into consideration
in any determination of reasonableness,
however, and applicants and
municipalities can agree to extensions
of time in appropriate cases. The
Commission seeks comment on its
proposal and analysis, including any
reason DAS or small cell facilities
should be subject to different time
frames or other requirements.
110. Section 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(I). PCIA
has asserted that some local ordinances
establish preferences for placing
wireless facilities on municipal property
and argued that, by limiting the siting
flexibility of subsequent wireless
entrants in a given area, such
ordinances unreasonably discriminate
among providers of functionally
equivalent services in violation of
section 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(I). Other
commenters have argued against such a
per se conclusion. The Commission
seeks comment on whether ordinances
establishing preferences for the
placement of wireless facilities on
municipal property are unreasonably
discriminatory under section 332(c)(7).
111. Deemed Granted Remedy. In the
2009 Declaratory Ruling, the
Commission declined to establish a
deemed granted remedy in cases where
a State or local government failed to
abide by the time limits established by
the Commission. It noted at the time
that section 332(c)(7)(B)(v) states that
when a failure to act has occurred,
aggrieved parties should file with a
court of competent jurisdiction within
30 days and that the court shall hear
and decide such action on an expedited
basis. The Commission then concluded
that this provision indicates
Congressional intent that courts should
have the responsibility to fashion
appropriate case-specific remedies.
112. PCIA in its comments asks the
Commission to revisit this decision and
adopt a deemed granted remedy.
Specifically, it claims that adding a
deemed granted rule is critical to
ensuring that States and localities act
within the prescribed timelines. PCIA
notes that seeking judicial relief for
violations of section 332(c)(7) can
involve great time and expense and that
a deemed granted remedy would reduce
costly and time-consuming litigation,
allowing those resources to be used to
fund rather than defend the expansion
of broadband deployment. What
experiences have parties had since the
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end of the comment period for the NOI
in WC Docket No. 11–59? Should the
Commission adopt remedies beyond the
one provided in the 2009 Declaratory
Ruling for violations of section
332(c)(7)? If so, what should they be?
What authority does the Commission
have to adopt the proposed remedy?
VI. Other Procedural Matters
A. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
113. As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, see 5 U.S.C. 603, the
Commission has prepared an Initial
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA)
of the possible significant economic
impact on small entities of the policies
and rules addressed in this NPRM.
Written public comments are requested
on the IRFA. These comments must be
filed in accordance with the same filing
deadlines as comments filed in response
to this NPRM and, if submitted together
with comments to the NPRM in a single
filing, must have a separate and distinct
heading designating them as responses
to the IRFA. The Commission’s
Consumer and Governmental Affairs
Bureau, Reference Information Center,
will send a copy of this NPRM,
including the IRFA, to the Chief
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration. In addition,
the NPRM and IRFA (or summaries
thereof) will be published in the Federal
1. Need for, and Objectives of, the
Proposed Rules
114. In this NPRM, the Commission
addresses four major issues regarding
the regulation of wireless facility siting
and construction with the goal of
reducing, where appropriate, the cost
and delay associated with the
deployment of such infrastructure. First,
the Commission seeks comment on
expediting its environmental review,
including review under section 106 of
the NHPA, in connection with proposed
deployments of small cells, Distributed
Antenna Systems (DAS), and other
small wireless technologies that may
have minimal effects on the
environment. While the Commission
has acted in the past to tailor its
environmental review for the
deployment of wireless infrastructure,
those processes were largely developed
long before small cell technologies
became prevalent, and for the most part
reflect the scale and level of
environmental concern presented by
traditional deployments on tall
structures. Accordingly, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
to further tailor its environmental
review process for technologies such as
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DAS and small cells through adoption
of a categorical exclusion or other
means. Second, the Commission
proposes to adopt a narrow exemption
from the Commission’s pre-construction
environmental notification requirements
for certain temporary towers. These
notification requirements provide that,
before a party can register a proposed
communications tower that requires
registration under part 17 of its rules,
and thus begin to construct or deploy
the tower in question, it must complete
a process of local and national notice.
The proposed exemption will ensure
that providers can timely deploy
temporary facilities in response to
unanticipated short term needs for
broadband and other wireless services,
such as in response to newsworthy
events that occur without prior notice.
Third, the Commission seeks comment
on proposed rules to clarify and
implement the requirements of section
6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief
and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Spectrum
Act), which streamlines State and local
review of requests for modification of
existing towers and base stations to
facilitate the deployment of the
nationwide public safety broadband
network mandated by the Spectrum Act
and help providers meet the Nation’s
growing demand for wireless broadband
and other advanced services. Finally,
the Commission seeks comment on
certain issues arising from section
332(c)(7) of the Communications Act
and the Commission’s interpretations in
the 2009 Declaratory Ruling of that
provision, in order to provide greater
notice and clarity to affected
2. Legal Basis
115. The authority for the actions
taken in this NPRM is contained in
sections 1, 2, 4(i), 7, 201, 301, 303, 309,
332, 1403, and 1455 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i),
157, 201, 301, 303, 309, 332, 1403, and
1455, section 102(C) of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as
amended, 42 U.S.C. 4332(C), and
section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966, as amended,
16 U.S.C. 470f.
3. Description and Estimate of the
Number of Small Entities To Which the
Proposed Rules Will Apply
116. The RFA directs agencies to
provide a description of, and where
feasible, an estimate of the number of
small entities that may be affected by
the proposed rules and policies, if
adopted. The RFA generally defines the
term small entity as having the same
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
meaning as the terms small business,
small organization, and small
governmental jurisdiction. In addition,
the term small business has the same
meaning as the term small business
concern under the Small Business Act.
A small business concern is one which:
(1) Is independently owned and
operated; (2) is not dominant in its field
of operation; and (3) satisfies any
additional criteria established by the
SBA. Below, the Commission provides a
description of such small entities, as
well as an estimate of the number of
such small entities, where feasible.
117. The NPRM proposes rule
changes regarding local and Federal
regulation of the siting and deployment
of communications towers and other
wireless facilities. Due to the number
and diversity of owners of such
infrastructure and other responsible
parties, including small entities that are
Commission licensees as well as nonlicensees, the Commission classifies and
quantifies them in the remainder of this
section. The Commission seeks
comment on its description and
estimate of the number of small entities
that may be affected.
118. Small Businesses, Small
Organizations, and Small Governmental
Jurisdictions. The Commission’s action
may, over time, affect small entities that
are not easily categorized at present.
The Commission therefore describes
here, at the outset, three comprehensive,
statutory small entity size standards that
encompass entities that could be
directly affected by the proposals under
consideration. As of 2010, there were
27.9 million small businesses in the
United States, according to the SBA.
Additionally, a small organization is
generally any not-for-profit enterprise
which is independently owned and
operated and is not dominant in its
field. Nationwide, as of 2007, there were
approximately 1,621,315 small
organizations. Finally, the term small
governmental jurisdiction is defined
generally as governments of cities,
counties, towns, townships, villages,
school districts, or special districts, with
a population of less than fifty thousand.
Census Bureau data for 2007 indicate
that there were 89,527 governmental
jurisdictions in the United States. The
Commission estimates that, of this total,
as many as 88,761 entities may qualify
as small governmental jurisdictions.
Thus, the Commission estimates that
most governmental jurisdictions are
119. Wireless Telecommunications
Carriers (except satellite). This industry
comprises establishments engaged in
operating and maintaining switching
and transmission facilities to provide
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communications via the airwaves.
Establishments in this industry have
spectrum licenses and provide services
using that spectrum, such as cellular
phone services, paging services,
wireless Internet access, and wireless
video services. The appropriate size
standard under SBA rules is for the
category Wireless Telecommunications
Carriers. The size standard for that
category is that a business is small if it
has 1,500 or fewer employees. For this
category, census data for 2007 show that
there were 11,163 establishments that
operated for the entire year. Of this
total, 10,791 establishments had
employment of 99 or fewer employees
and 372 had employment of 1000
employees or more. Thus under this
category and the associated small
business size standard, the Commission
estimates that the majority of wireless
telecommunications carriers (except
satellite) are small entities that may be
affected by its proposed action.
Similarly, according to Commission
data, 413 carriers reported that they
were engaged in the provision of
wireless telephony, including cellular
service, PCS, and Specialized Mobile
Radio (SMR) Telephony services. Of
these, an estimated 261 have 1,500 or
fewer employees and 152 have more
than 1,500 employees. Consequently,
the Commission estimates that
approximately half or more of these
firms can be considered small. Thus,
using available data, the Commission
estimates that the majority of wireless
firms can be considered small.
120. Personal Radio Services.
Personal radio services provide shortrange, low power radio for personal
communications, radio signaling, and
business communications not provided
for in other services. The Personal Radio
Services include spectrum licensed
under part 95 of its rules. These services
include Citizen Band Radio Service
(CB), General Mobile Radio Service
(GMRS), Radio Control Radio Service
(R/C), Family Radio Service (FRS),
Wireless Medical Telemetry Service
(WMTS), Medical Implant
Communications Service (MICS), Low
Power Radio Service (LPRS), and MultiUse Radio Service (MURS). There are a
variety of methods used to license the
spectrum in these rule parts, from
licensing by rule, to conditioning
operation on successful completion of a
required test, to site-based licensing, to
geographic area licensing. Under the
RFA, the Commission is required to
make a determination of which small
entities are directly affected by the rules
being proposed. Since all such entities
are wireless, the Commission applies
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the definition of Wireless
Telecommunications Carriers (except
Satellite), pursuant to which a small
entity is defined as employing 1,500 or
fewer persons. Many of the licensees in
these services are individuals, and thus
are not small entities. In addition, due
to the mostly unlicensed and shared
nature of the spectrum utilized in many
of these services, the Commission lacks
direct information upon which to base
an estimation of the number of small
entities under an SBA definition that
might be directly affected by its
proposed actions.
121. Public Safety Radio Services.
Public Safety Radio Services include
police, fire, local government, forestry
conservation, highway maintenance,
and emergency medical services. There
are a total of approximately 127,540
licensees within these services.
Governmental entities as well as private
businesses comprise the licensees for
these services. All governmental entities
with populations of less than 50,000 fall
within the definition of a small entity.
122. Private Land Mobile Radio.
Private Land Mobile Radio (PLMR)
systems serve an essential role in a
range of industrial, business, land
transportation, and public safety
activities. These radios are used by
companies of all sizes operating in all
U.S. business categories that operate
and maintain switching and
transmission facilities to provide
communications via the airwaves.
Establishments in this industry have
spectrum licenses and provide services
using that spectrum, such as cellular
phone services, paging services,
wireless Internet access, and wireless
video services. The SBA has not
developed a definition of small entity
specifically applicable to PLMR
licensees due to the vast array of PLMR
users. However, the Commission
believes that the most appropriate
classification for PLMR is Wireless
Communications Carriers (except
satellite). The size standard for that
category is that a business is small if it
has 1,500 or fewer employees. For this
category, census data for 2007 show that
there were 11,163 establishments that
operated for the entire year. Of this
total, 10,791 establishments had
employment of 999 or fewer employees
and 372 had employment of 1000
employees or more. Thus under this
category and the associated small
business size standard, the Commission
estimates that the majority of wireless
telecommunications carriers (except
satellite) are small entities that may be
affected by its proposed action.
123. Similarly, according to
Commission data, 413 carriers reported
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
that they were engaged in the provision
of wireless telephony, including cellular
service, PCS, and Specialized Mobile
Radio (SMR) Telephony services. Of
these, an estimated 261 have 1,500 or
fewer employees and 152 have more
than 1,500 employees. Consequently,
the Commission estimates that
approximately half or more of these
firms can be considered small. Thus,
using available data, the Commission
estimates that the majority of wireless
firms can be considered small.
124. Other relevant information about
PLMRs is as follows. The Commission’s
1994 Annual Report on PLMRs
indicates that at the end of fiscal year
1994 there were 1,087,267 licensees
operating 12,481,989 transmitters in the
PLMR bands below 512 MHz. Because
any entity engaged in a commercial
activity is eligible to hold a PLMR
license, the revised rules in this context
could potentially impact every small
business in the United States.
125. Multiple Address Systems.
Entities using Multiple Address Systems
(MAS) spectrum, in general, fall into
two categories: (1) Those using the
spectrum for profit-based uses, and (2)
those using the spectrum for private
internal uses. With respect to the first
category, the Commission defines small
entity for MAS licensees as an entity
that has average gross revenues of less
than $15 million in the three previous
calendar years. Very small business is
defined as an entity that, together with
its affiliates, has average gross revenues
of not more than $3 million for the
preceding three calendar years. The
SBA has approved of these definitions.
The majority of these entities will most
likely be licensed in bands where the
Commission has implemented a
geographic area licensing approach that
would require the use of competitive
bidding procedures to resolve mutually
exclusive applications. The
Commission’s licensing database
indicates that, as of April 16, 2010, there
were a total of 11,653 site-based MAS
station authorizations. Of these, 58
authorizations were associated with
common carrier service. In addition, the
Commission’s licensing database
indicates that, as of April 16, 2010, there
were a total of 3,330 EA market area
MAS authorizations. The Commission’s
licensing database indicates that, as of
April 16, 2010, of the 11,653 total MAS
station authorizations, 10,773
authorizations were for private radio
126. With respect to the second
category, which consists of entities that
use, or seek to use, MAS spectrum to
accommodate their own internal
communications needs, MAS serves an
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essential role in a range of industrial,
safety, business, and land transportation
activities. MAS radios are used by
companies of all sizes, operating in
virtually all U.S. business categories,
and by all types of public safety entities.
For the majority of private internal
users, the definition developed by the
SBA would be more appropriate than
the Commission’s definition. The
applicable definition of small entity in
this instance appears to be the Wireless
Telecommunications Carriers (except
satellite) definition under the SBA rules.
Under that SBA category, a business is
small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees.
For this category, census data for 2007
show that there were 11,163
establishments that operated for the
entire year. Of this total, 10,791
establishments had employment of 99 or
fewer employees and 372 had
employment of 100 employees or more.
Thus under this category and the
associated small business size standard,
the Commission estimates that the
majority of wireless telecommunications
carriers (except satellite) are small
entities that may be affected by its
proposed action.
127. Broadband Radio Service and
Educational Broadband Service.
Broadband Radio Service systems,
previously referred to as Multipoint
Distribution Service (MDS) and
Multichannel Multipoint Distribution
Service (MMDS) systems, and wireless
cable, transmit video programming to
subscribers and provide two-way high
speed data operations using the
microwave frequencies of the
Broadband Radio Service (BRS) and
Educational Broadband Service (EBS)
(previously referred to as the
Instructional Television Fixed Service
(ITFS)). In connection with the 1996
BRS auction, the Commission
established a small business size
standard as designating an entity that
had annual average gross revenues of no
more than $40 million in the previous
three calendar years. The BRS auctions
resulted in 67 successful bidders
obtaining licensing opportunities for
493 Basic Trading Areas (BTAs). Of the
67 auction winners, 61 met the
definition of a small business. BRS also
includes licensees of stations authorized
prior to the auction. At this time, the
Commission estimates that of the 61
small business BRS auction winners, 48
remain small business licensees. In
addition to the 48 small businesses that
hold BTA authorizations, there are
approximately 392 incumbent BRS
licensees that are considered small
entities. After adding the number of
small business auction licensees to the
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number of incumbent licensees not
already counted, the Commission finds
that there are currently approximately
440 BRS licensees that are defined as
small businesses under either the SBA’s
or the Commission’s rules.
128. In 2009, the Commission
conducted Auction 86, the sale of 78
licenses in the BRS areas. The
Commission offered three levels of
bidding credits: (1) A bidder with
attributed average annual gross revenues
that exceed $15 million and do not
exceed $40 million for the preceding
three years (small business) received a
15 percent discount on its winning bid;
(2) a bidder with attributed average
annual gross revenues that exceed $3
million and do not exceed $15 million
for the preceding three years (very small
business) received a 25 percent discount
on its winning bid; and (3) a bidder with
attributed average annual gross revenues
that do not exceed $3 million for the
preceding three years (entrepreneur)
received a 35 percent discount on its
winning bid. Auction 86 concluded in
2009 with the sale of 61 licenses. Of the
ten winning bidders, two bidders that
claimed small business status won 4
licenses; one bidder that claimed very
small business status won three
licenses; and two bidders that claimed
entrepreneur status won six licenses.
129. Location and Monitoring Service
(LMS). Multilateration LMS systems use
non-voice radio techniques to determine
the location and status of mobile radio
units. For purposes of auctioning LMS
licenses, the Commission has defined a
small business as an entity that, together
with controlling interests and affiliates,
has average annual gross revenues for
the preceding three years not to exceed
$15 million. A very small business is
defined as an entity that, together with
controlling interests and affiliates, has
average annual gross revenues for the
preceding three years not to exceed $3
million. These definitions have been
approved by the SBA. An auction for
LMS licenses commenced on February
23, 1999 and closed on March 5, 1999.
Of the 528 licenses auctioned, 289
licenses were sold to four small
130. Television Broadcasting. The
SBA defines a television broadcasting
station that has no more than $35.5
million in annual receipts as a small
business. Business concerns included in
this industry are those primarily
engaged in broadcasting images together
with sound. These establishments
operate television broadcasting studios
and facilities for the programming and
transmission of programs to the public.
These establishments also produce or
transmit visual programming to
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
affiliated broadcast television stations,
which in turn broadcast the programs to
the public on a predetermined schedule.
Programming may originate in the
station’s own studio, from an affiliated
network, or from an external source.
131. According to Commission staff
review of the BIA Financial Network,
Inc. Media Access Pro Television
Database as of March 31, 2013, about 90
percent of an estimated 1,385
commercial television stations in the
United States have revenues of $35.5
million or less. Based on this data and
the associated size standard, the
Commission concludes that the majority
of such establishments are small. The
Commission has estimated the number
of licensed noncommercial educational
(NCE) stations to be 396. The
Commission does not have revenue
estimates for NCE stations. These
stations rely primarily on grants and
contributions for their operations, so the
Commission will assume that all of
these entities qualify as small
businesses. In addition, there are
approximately 567 licensed Class A
stations, 2,227 licensed low power
television (LPTV) stations, and 4,518
licensed TV translators. Given the
nature of these services, the
Commission will presume that all LPTV
licensees qualify as small entities under
the above SBA small business size
132. The Commission notes that in
assessing whether a business entity
qualifies as small under the above
definition, business control affiliations
must be included. Its estimate,
therefore, likely overstates the number
of small entities affected by the
proposed rules, because the revenue
figures on which this estimate is based
do not include or aggregate revenues
from affiliated companies.
133. In addition, an element of the
definition of small business is that the
entity not be dominant in its field of
operation. The Commission is unable at
this time and in this context to define
or quantify the criteria that would
establish whether a specific television
station is dominant in its market of
operation. Accordingly, the foregoing
estimate of small businesses to which
the rules may apply does not exclude
any television stations from the
definition of a small business on this
basis and is therefore over-inclusive to
that extent. An additional element of the
definition of small business is that the
entity must be independently owned
and operated. It is difficult at times to
assess these criteria in the context of
media entities, and its estimates of small
businesses to which they apply may be
over-inclusive to this extent.
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134. Radio Broadcasting. This
Economic Census category comprises
establishments primarily engaged in
broadcasting aural programs by radio to
the public. Programming may originate
in the station’s own studio, from an
affiliated network, or from an external
source. The SBA defines a radio
broadcasting entity that has $35.5
million or less in annual receipts as a
small business. According to
Commission staff review of the BIA
Kelsey Inc. Media Access Radio
Analyzer Database as of June 5, 2013,
about 90 percent of the 11,340 of
commercial radio stations in the United
States have revenues of $35.5 million or
less. Therefore, the majority of such
entities are small entities. The
Commission has estimated the number
of licensed noncommercial radio
stations to be 3,917. The Commission
does not have revenue data or revenue
estimates for these stations. These
stations rely primarily on grants and
contributions for their operations, so the
Commission will assume that all of
these entities qualify as small
businesses. The Commission notes that
in assessing whether a business entity
qualifies as small under the above
definition, business control affiliations
must be included. In addition, to be
determined to be a small business, the
entity may not be dominant in its field
of operation. The Commission notes that
it is difficult at times to assess these
criteria in the context of media entities,
and its estimate of small businesses may
therefore be over-inclusive.
135. FM translator stations and low
power FM stations. The proposed rules
and policies could affect licensees of
FM translator and booster stations and
low power FM (LPFM) stations, as well
as potential licensees in these radio
services. The same SBA definition that
applies to radio broadcast licensees
would apply to these stations. The SBA
defines a radio broadcast station as a
small business if such station has no
more than $35.5 million in annual
receipts. Currently, there are
approximately 6,155 licensed FM
translator and booster stations and 864
licensed LPFM stations. Given the
nature of these services, the
Commission will presume that all of
these licensees qualify as small entities
under the SBA definition.
136. Multichannel Video Distribution
and Data Service. MVDDS is a terrestrial
fixed microwave service operating in
the 12.2–12.7 GHz band. The
Commission adopted criteria for
defining three groups of small
businesses for purposes of determining
their eligibility for special provisions
such as bidding credits. It defined a very
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small business as an entity with average
annual gross revenues not exceeding $3
million for the preceding three years; a
small business as an entity with average
annual gross revenues not exceeding
$15 million for the preceding three
years; and an entrepreneur as an entity
with average annual gross revenues not
exceeding $40 million for the preceding
three years. These definitions were
approved by the SBA. On January 27,
2004, the Commission completed an
auction of 214 MVDDS licenses
(Auction No. 53). In this auction, ten
winning bidders won a total of 192
MVDDS licenses. Eight of the ten
winning bidders claimed small business
status and won 144 of the licenses. The
Commission also held an auction of
MVDDS licenses on December 7, 2005
(Auction 63). Of the three winning
bidders who won 22 licenses, two
winning bidders, winning 21 of the
licenses, claimed small business status.
137. Satellite Telecommunications.
Two economic census categories
address the satellite industry. The first
category has a small business size
standard of $30 million or less in
average annual receipts, under SBA
rules. The second has a size standard of
$30 million or less in annual receipts.
138. The category of Satellite
Telecommunications comprises
establishments primarily engaged in
providing telecommunications services
to other establishments in the
telecommunications and broadcasting
industries by forwarding and receiving
communications signals via a system of
satellites or reselling satellite
telecommunications. Census Bureau
data for 2007 show that 607 Satellite
Telecommunications establishments
operated for that entire year. Of this
total, 533 establishments had annual
receipts of under $10 million, and 74
establishments had receipts of $10
million or more. Consequently, the
Commission estimates that the majority
of Satellite Telecommunications firms
are small entities that might be affected
by its action.
139. The second category, i.e., All
Other Telecommunications, comprises
establishments primarily engaged in
providing specialized
telecommunications services, such as
satellite tracking, communications
telemetry, and radar station operation.
This industry also includes
establishments primarily engaged in
providing satellite terminal stations and
associated facilities connected with one
or more terrestrial systems and capable
of transmitting telecommunications to,
and receiving telecommunications from,
satellite systems. Establishments
providing Internet services or voice over
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Internet protocol (VoIP) services via
client-supplied telecommunications
connections are also included in this
industry. For this category, Census data
for 2007 shows that there were a total
of 2,639 establishments that operated for
the entire year. Of those 2,639
establishments, 2,333 operated with
annual receipts of less than $10 million
and 306 with annual receipts of $10
million or more. Consequently, the
Commission estimates that a majority of
All Other Telecommunications
establishments are small entities that
might be affected by its action.
140. Non-Licensee Tower Owners.
Although at one time, most
communications towers were owned by
the licensee using the tower to provide
communications service, many towers
are now owned by third-party
businesses that do not provide
communications services themselves
but lease space on their towers to other
companies that provide
communications services. The
Commission’s rules require that any
entity, including a non-licensee,
proposing to construct a tower over 200
feet in height or within the glide slope
of an airport must register the tower
with the Commission on FCC Form 854.
Thus, non-licensee tower owners may
be subject to the environmental
notification requirements associated
with Antenna Structure Registration
(ASR), and may benefit from the
exemption for certain temporary
antenna structures that the Commission
proposes in this NPRM. In addition,
non-licensee tower owners may be
affected by interpretations of section
6409(a) of the Spectrum Act or by any
revisions to its interpretation of section
332(c)(7) of the Communications Act.
141. As of June 28, 2013, there are
approximately 113,612 registration
records in a ‘Constructed’ status and
13,572 registration records in a
‘Granted, Not Constructed’ status in the
ASR database. This includes both
towers registered to licensees and
towers registered to non-licensee tower
owners. The Commission does not keep
information from which the
Commission can easily determine how
many of these towers are registered to
non-licensees or how many nonlicensees have registered towers.
Regarding towers that do not require
antenna structure registration, the
Commission does not collect
information as to the number of such
towers in use and therefore cannot
estimate the number of tower owners
who would be subject to the proposed
rules. Moreover, the SBA has not
developed a size standard for small
businesses in the category Tower
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Owners. Therefore, the Commission is
unable to determine the number of nonlicensee tower owners that are small
entities. The Commission believes,
however, that when all individuals
owning 10 or fewer towers and leasing
space for collocation are included, nonlicensee tower owners number in the
thousands, and that nearly all of these
qualify as small businesses under the
SBA’s definition for All Other
Telecommunications. In addition, there
may be other non-licensee owners of
other wireless infrastructure, including
DAS and small cells, that might be
affected by the regulatory measures
proposed in this NPRM. The
Commission does not have any basis for
estimating the number of such nonlicensee owners that are small entities.
4. Description of Projected Reporting,
Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance
Requirements for Small Entities
142. The NPRM proposes an
exemption from the environmental
notification process that, if adopted,
may require amending a current
information collection. Under the
environmental notification rules, prior
to filing a completed Antenna Structure
Registration (ASR) application for any
new antenna structure or for certain
categories of antenna structure
modifications or replacements, the ASR
applicant must initially submit into the
ASR system a partially completed FCC
Form 854 that includes information
about the proposed antenna structure
but is not yet complete for filing. The
applicant must also provide local notice
of its proposed tower through
publication in a local newspaper or
other appropriate means, such as by
following the local zoning public notice
process. The Commission then posts
information about the proposal on its
Web site for thirty days, relying on
information submitted by the applicant.
Applicants claiming either a waiver
from the notification process or
entitlement to a defined exemption from
the notification process must so indicate
on their Form 854 submission.
143. This NPRM proposes to adopt a
new limited exemption from the
environmental notification
requirements. This exemption would
apply to temporary antenna structures
that, because of their characteristics, do
not have the potential for significant
environmental effects. For these antenna
structures, the NPRM proposes to find
that the risk that carriers will not be able
to meet short-term capacity needs if
required to complete the notification
process outweighs the small likelihood
that the process will confer any benefit.
The NPRM further seeks comment on
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the specific criteria for such an
exemption, and whether it is sufficient
for exemption if an antenna structure (1)
will be in use for 60 days or less, (2)
requires notice of construction to the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
(3) does not require marking or lighting
pursuant to FAA regulations, (4) will be
less than 200 feet in height, and (5) will
involve minimal or no excavation.
Should such an exemption be adopted,
applicants would be required to indicate
on their Form 854 filing that they are
claiming the notification exemption for
new towers and to demonstrate that
they satisfy any applicable criteria.
5. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant
Economic Impact on Small Entities and
Significant Alternatives Considered
144. The RFA requires an agency to
describe any significant alternatives that
it has considered in developing its
approach, which may include the
following four alternatives (among
others): (1) The establishment of
differing compliance or reporting
requirements or timetables that take into
account the resources available to small
entities; (2) the clarification,
consolidation, or simplification of
compliance or reporting requirements
under the rule for small entities; (3) the
use of performance, rather than design,
standards; and (4) an exemption from
coverage of the rule, or any part thereof,
for small entities.
145. In this proceeding, the
Commission seeks to encourage and
promote the deployment of advanced
wireless broadband and other services
by tailoring or streamlining the
regulatory review of new wireless
network infrastructure consistent with
the law and the public interest. The
Commission therefore anticipates that
the steps it proposes or on which it
seeks comment will not impose any
significant economic impacts on small
entities, and will in fact help reduce
burdens on small entities that may need
to deploy wireless infrastructure by
reducing the cost and delay associated
with the deployment of such
infrastructure. As discussed below,
however, certain proposals may impose
regulatory compliance costs on small
146. The NPRM seeks comment in
four major areas relating to the
regulation of wireless facility siting and
construction. First, it seeks comment on
whether and by what measures the
Commission should expedite
environmental review under the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 and section 106 of the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966 for
DAS and small cell deployments and
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
other new wireless network
technologies involving the deployment
of small facilities that may have
minimal potential for significant
environmental effects. The proposed
measures should reduce existing
regulatory costs for small entities that
construct or deploy wireless
infrastructure, and will not impose any
additional costs on such entities. The
Commission seeks comment on the
economic impact of these clarifications
and exclusions on small entities and
invite commenters addressing these
options to discuss alternatives that
could further lessen the burden on small
businesses and reduce unnecessary
costs and delays associated with the
deployment of wireless network
infrastructure, without risking
significant environmental impact.
147. In particular, the NPRM proposes
to amend the first sentence of Note 1 to
§ 1.1306 of the Commission’s rules to
clarify that the existing NEPA exclusion
for collocations of antennas on an
existing building or antenna tower also
applies to collocations on other
structures, including the types of short
structures upon which DAS and small
facilities may be collocated. This change
would clarify that small entities
proposing to collocate wireless
equipment on structures such as poles
or water towers would be entitled to the
same relief from the requirement to
prepare an Environmental Assessment
(EA) that they receive under Note 1 to
§ 1.1306 when collocating on buildings
and antenna towers. The NPRM also
seeks comment on whether to further
amend the first sentence of Note 1 to
§ 1.1306 to clarify that the collocation
exclusion applies to collocations of
equipment inside buildings as well as to
equipment attached externally, and
whether to provide expressly that the
exclusion for antennas also applies to
associated equipment. This change
would clarify that entities, including
small entities, proposing to place
wireless equipment inside buildings or
on structures such as poles or water
towers would be entitled to the same
relief from the requirement to prepare
an EA that they receive under Note 1 to
§ 1.1306 when collocating on the
outside of buildings.
148. The NPRM further seeks
comment on whether to adopt new
categorical exclusions from NEPA and
section 106 review for DAS and small
cells and on how such exclusions
should be defined to encompass other
wireless technologies that similarly
involve deployment of small facilities
and therefore warrant similar treatment
for purposes of NEPA and section 106
review. These new exclusions would
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reduce environmental compliance costs
of small entities by providing that
eligible proposed deployments of small
wireless facilities do not require the
preparation of an EA.
149. Second, the NPRM proposes to
adopt an exemption from the preconstruction environmental notification
process for certain temporary towers
that have characteristics (very short
duration, height limits, minimal or no
excavation, and no lighting) that
minimize their potential to cause
significant environmental effects, and
seeks comment specifically on an
exemption for antenna structures that
(1) will be in use for 60 days or less, (2)
require notice of construction to the
FAA, (3) do not require marking or
lighting pursuant to FAA regulations,
(4) will be less than 200 feet in height,
and (5) will involve minimal or no
excavation. The NPRM tentatively
concludes that this exemption will serve
the public interest by reducing the
burden on broadband and other wireless
service providers, including small
entities. The Commission seeks
comment on the economic impact of
this proposal on small entities, and any
alternative approaches that may further
reduce the burden on such entities.
150. Third, the NPRM seeks comment
on rules interpreting and implementing
section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act,
which governs State and local review of
eligible requests for modification of
existing wireless towers or base stations,
including requests for collocation. In
particular, it seeks comment on the
interpretation of various statutory terms,
on time limits for the review of
applications covered by section 6409(a),
and other issues relevant to how State
or local governments process and
review applications under the
provision. In considering what
interpretations to adopt from among
potential alternatives, the Commission
will give full consideration to the effects
on small entities, including small
governmental jurisdictions, and will not
adopt an interpretation that significantly
burdens small entities unless necessary
to effectuate the intent of the statute.
The Commission invites commenters to
discuss the economic impact on small
entities of the interpretations of section
6409(a) on which the Commission seeks
comment and to suggest alternatives
that may reduce the impact on small
entities while achieving the goals of the
Commission and the provision. For
example, the NPRM seeks comment on
how the Commission might encourage
efforts to develop best practices for
applying section 6409(a), and on
whether the Commission should
provide a transition period to allow
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States and localities to implement the
requirements of section 6409(a) in their
laws, ordinances, and procedures,
without risking significant delay in
implementation of the provision.
151. Finally, the NPRM seeks
comment on whether to clarify certain
aspects of the Commission’s
interpretations of section 332(c)(7) in
the 2009 Declaratory Ruling. In
particular, it seeks comment on whether
to clarify when a siting application is
considered complete, how the
presumptive time frames apply in the
context of local moratoria, whether to
refine the substantial increase in size
test as applied to collocations on
structures other than communications
towers under section 332(c)(7), how the
decisions in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling
apply to deployments of DAS and small
cell facilities, and whether the
Commission should adopt remedies
beyond those provided in the 2009
Declaratory Ruling. The NPRM also
seeks comment on whether ordinances
establishing preferences for municipal
property sitings violate section
332(c)(7)(B)(i)(I). The Commission
invites commenters to discuss the
economic impact of any clarification of
those rulings on small entities,
including small jurisdictions, and on
any alternatives that would reduce the
economic impact on such entities.
152. For the options discussed in this
NPRM, the Commission seeks comment
on the effect or burden of the
prospective regulation on small entities,
including small jurisdictions, the extent
to which the regulation would relieve
burdens on small entities, and whether
there are any alternatives the
Commission could implement that
could achieve the Commission’s goals
while at the same time minimizing or
further reducing the burdens on small
6. Federal Rules That May Duplicate,
Overlap, or Conflict With the Proposed
153. None.
B. Initial Paperwork Reduction Act
154. This document contains
proposed modified information
collection requirements. The
Commission, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork burdens,
invites the general public and the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) to
comment on the information collection
requirements contained in this
document, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–
13. In addition, pursuant to the Small
Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002,
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(4), the Commission seeks
specific comment on how the
Commission might further reduce the
information collection burden for small
business concerns with fewer than 25
C. Ex Parte Rules—Permit-but-Disclose
155. The proceeding this NPRM
initiates shall be treated as a permit-butdisclose proceeding in accordance with
the Commission’s ex parte rules.
Persons making ex parte presentations
must file a copy of any written
presentation or a memorandum
summarizing any oral presentation
within two business days after the
presentation (unless a different deadline
applicable to the Sunshine period
applies). Persons making oral ex parte
presentations are reminded that
memoranda summarizing the
presentation must (1) list all persons
attending or otherwise participating in
the meeting at which the ex parte
presentation was made, and (2)
summarize all data presented and
arguments made during the
presentation. If the presentation
consisted in whole or in part of the
presentation of data or arguments
already reflected in the presenter’s
written comments, memoranda or other
filings in the proceeding, the presenter
may provide citations to such data or
arguments in his or her prior comments,
memoranda, or other filings (specifying
the relevant page and/or paragraph
numbers where such data or arguments
can be found) in lieu of summarizing
them in the memorandum. Documents
shown or given to Commission staff
during ex parte meetings are deemed to
be written ex parte presentations and
must be filed consistent with
§ 1.1206(b). In proceedings governed by
§ 1.49(f) or for which the Commission
has made available a method of
electronic filing, written ex parte
presentations and memoranda
summarizing oral ex parte
presentations, and all attachments
thereto, must be filed through the
electronic comment filing system
available for that proceeding, and must
be filed in their native format (e.g., .doc,
.xml, .ppt, searchable .pdf). Participants
in this proceeding should familiarize
themselves with the Commission’s ex
parte rules.
VII. Ordering Clauses
156. Accordingly, it is ordered,
pursuant to sections 1, 2, 4(i), 7, 201,
301, 303, 309, 332, 1403, and 1455 of
the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i), 157,
201, 301, 303, 309, 332, 1403, and 1455,
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section 102(C) of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as
amended, 42 U.S.C. 4332(C), and
section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966, as amended,
16 U.S.C. 470f, that this Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking is hereby
157. It is further ordered that pursuant
to applicable procedures set forth in
§§ 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission’s
rules, 47 CFR 1.415, 1.419, interested
parties may file comments on this
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on or
before February 3, 2014 and reply
comments on or before March 5, 2014.
158. It is further ordered that the
Commission’s Consumer &
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference
Information Center, shall send a copy of
this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
including the Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the Federal Communications
Commission proposes to amend 47 CFR
parts 1 and 17 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1 is
revised to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 79, et seq.; 47 U.S.C.
151, 154(i), 154(j), 155, 157, 160, 201, 225,
227, 303, 309, 332, 1403, and 1455.
2. Amend § 1.1306 by
a. Revising NOTE 1; and
b. Redesignating NOTES 2 and 3 as
‘‘NOTE 2 to § 1.1306’’ and ‘‘NOTE 3 to
§ 1.1306’’ respectively.
The revision reads as follows:
§ 1.1306 Actions which are categorically
excluded from environmental processing.
NOTE 1 to § 1.1306: The provisions of
§ 1.1307(a) of this part requiring the
preparation of EAs do not encompass the
mounting of antenna(s) and associated
equipment on an existing building, antenna
tower, or other structure, or inside an
existing building or other structure, unless
§ 1.1307(a)(4) of this part is applicable. Such
antennas and associated equipment are
subject to § 1.1307(b) of this part and require
EAs if their construction would result in
human exposure to radiofrequency radiation
in excess of the applicable health and safety
guidelines cited in § 1.1307(b) of this part.
The provisions of §§ 1.1307 (a) and (b) of this
part do not encompass the installation of
aerial wire or cable over existing aerial
corridors of prior or permitted use or the
underground installation of wire or cable
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along existing underground corridors of prior
or permitted use, established by the applicant
or others. The use of existing buildings,
towers or corridors is an environmentally
desirable alternative to the construction of
new facilities and is encouraged. The
provisions of §§ 1.1307(a) and (b) of this part
do not encompass the construction of new
submarine cable systems.
3. Add Subpart CC to part 1 read as
Subpart CC—State and Local Review
of Applications to Site Wireless
§ 1.40001
Wireless Facility Modifications.
Wireless Facility Modifications.
(a) Purpose. These rules are issued
under the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151 et seq.,
implementing section 6409 of the
Middle Class Tax Relief and Job
Creation Act of 2012 (codified at 47
U.S.C. 1455), which requires a State or
local government to approve any
eligible facilities request for a
modification of an existing wireless
tower or base station that does not
substantially change the physical
dimensions of such tower or base
(b) Definitions. Terms used in this
section have the following meanings.
Base Station. A station at a specified
site that enables wireless
communication between user
equipment and a communications
network, including any associated
equipment such as, but not limited to,
radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial or
fiber-optic cable, and regular and
backup power supply. It includes a
structure that currently supports or
houses an antenna, transceiver, or other
associated equipment that constitutes
part of a base station. It may encompass
such equipment in any technological
configuration, including distributed
antenna systems and small cells.
Collocation. The mounting or
installation of transmission equipment
on an eligible support structure for the
purpose of transmitting and/or receiving
radio frequency signals for
communications purposes.
Eligible Facilities Request. Any
request for modification of an existing
wireless tower or base station involving;
(i) Collocation of new transmission
(ii) Removal of transmission
equipment; or
(iii) Replacement of transmission
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Eligible Support Structure. Any
structure that meets the definition of a
wireless tower or base station.
Transmission Equipment. Any
equipment that facilitates transmission
for wireless communications, including
all the components of a base station,
such as, but not limited to, radio
transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiberoptic cable, and regular and backup
power supply, but not including
support structures.
Wireless Tower. Any structure built
for the sole or primary purpose of
supporting any FCC-licensed or
authorized license-exempt antennas and
their associated facilities, including the
on-site fencing, equipment, switches,
wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters,
or cabinets associated with that tower.
It includes structures that are
constructed solely or primarily for any
wireless communications service, such
as, but not limited to, private, broadcast,
and public safety services, as well as
fixed wireless services such as
microwave backhaul.
(c) A State or local government may
not deny and shall approve any eligible
facilities request for a modification of an
existing wireless tower or base station
that does not substantially change the
physical dimensions of such tower or
base station.
(d) A modification of an eligible
support structure would result in a
substantial change in the physical
dimension of such structure if
(1) The proposed modification would
increase the existing height of the
support structure by more than 10%, or
by the height of one additional antenna
array with separation from the nearest
existing antenna not to exceed twenty
feet, whichever is greater, except that
the proposed modification may exceed
the size limits set forth in this paragraph
if necessary to avoid interference with
existing antennas; or
(2) The proposed modification would
involve the installation of more than the
standard number of new equipment
cabinets for the technology involved,
not to exceed four, or more than one
new equipment shelter; or
(3) The proposed modification would
involve adding an appurtenance to the
body of the support structure that would
protrude from the edge of the support
structure more than twenty feet, or more
than the width of the support structure
at the level of the appurtenance,
whichever is greater, except that the
proposed modification may exceed the
size limits set forth in this paragraph if
necessary to shelter the antenna from
inclement weather or to connect the
antenna to the support structure via
cable; or
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(4) The proposed modification would
involve excavation outside the current
structure site, defined as the current
boundaries of the leased or owned
property surrounding the structure and
any access or utility easements currently
related to the site.
4. The authority citation for part 17
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat. 1066,
1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303.
Interpret or apply secs. 301, 309, 48 Stat.
1081, 1085 as amended; 47 U.S.C. 301, 309.
5. Amend § 17.4 by revising
paragraphs (c)(1)(v) and (vi); and add
paragraph (c)(1)(vii) to read as follows:
§ 17.4
Antenna structure registration.
(c) * * *
(1) * * *
(v) For any other change that does not
alter the physical structure, lighting, or
geographic location of an existing
(vi) For construction, modification, or
replacement of an antenna structure on
Federal land where another Federal
agency has assumed responsibility for
evaluating the potentially significant
environmental effect of the proposed
antenna structure on the quality of the
human environment and for invoking
any required environmental impact
statement process, or for any other
structure where another Federal agency
has assumed such responsibilities
pursuant to a written agreement with
the Commission. See § 1.1311(e) of this
chapter; or
(vii) For any antenna structure that
meets all of the following criteria:
(A) The antenna structure will be in
use for no longer than 60 days;
(B) Construction of the antenna
structure requires the filing of Form
7460–1 with the FAA;
(C) The antenna structure does not
require marking or lighting pursuant to
FAA regulations;
(D) The antenna structure will be less
than 200 feet in height;
(E) The antenna structure will involve
either no excavation or excavation
where the depth of previous disturbance
exceeds the proposed construction
depth (excluding proposed footings and
other anchoring mechanisms) by at least
two feet; and
(F) Construction of the antenna
structure does not require the filing of
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an Environmental Assessment pursuant
to § 1.1307 of this chapter.
[FR Doc. 2013–28349 Filed 12–4–13; 8:45 am]
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA)
49 CFR Part 592
[Docket No. NHTSA–2013–0041; Notice 1]
RIN 2127–AL43
Registered Importers of Vehicles Not
Originally Manufactured To Conform to
the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
This document proposes to
clarify NHTSA regulations on registered
importers (‘‘RIs’’) of motor vehicles not
originally manufactured to comply with
all applicable Federal motor vehicle
safety standards. The proposal would
require RIs to certify to NHTSA, as
appropriate, that an imported vehicle
either is not required to comply with the
parts marking requirements of the Theft
Prevention Standard or that the vehicle
complies with those requirements as
manufactured, or as modified prior to
importation. The proposal would
replace text that was inadvertently
omitted when the regulations were last
DATES: You should submit your
comments early enough to ensure that
Docket Management receives them not
later than January 6, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to
the docket and notice numbers above
and be submitted by any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
online instructions for submitting
• Mail: Docket Management Facility:
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
• Fax: 202–493–2251.
Instructions: For detailed instructions
on submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process,
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 234 (Thursday, December 5, 2013)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 73144-73169]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-28349]
47 CFR Parts 1 and 17
[WT Docket Nos. 13-238, 13-32; WC Docket No. 11-59; FCC 13-122]
Acceleration of Broadband Deployment by Improving Wireless
Facilities Siting Policies
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Commission seeks comment on potential
measures to expedite the environmental and historic preservation review
of new wireless facilities and on rules to implement statutory
provisions governing State and local review of wireless siting
proposals. By this action, the Commission seeks to promote the
deployment of infrastructure that is necessary to provide the public
with advanced wireless broadband services, consistent with governing
law and the public interest.
DATES: Submit comments on or before February 3, 2014. Submit reply
comments on or before March 5, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by WT Docket No. 13-238;
WC Docket No. 11-59; WT Docket No. 13-32, by the following methods:
[squf] Federal Communications Commission's Web site: Follow the instructions for submitting
[[Page 73145]]
[squf] People with Disabilities: Contact the FCC to request
reasonable accommodations (accessible format documents, sign language
interpreters, Cart, etc.) by email: or phone: 202-418-
0530 or TTY: 202-418-0432.
For detailed instructions for submitting comments, including
instructions for submitting comments by mail, and additional
information on the rulemaking process, see the Supplementary
Information section of this document.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peter Trachtenberg, at (202) 418-7369,
or by email at, or Mania Baghdadi, at (202)
418-2133, or by email at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), FCC 13-122, adopted and released on
September 26, 2013. The full text of the NPRM is available for
inspection and copying during business hours in the FCC Reference
Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street SW., Room CY-A257,
Washington, DC 20554. Also, it may be purchased from the Commission's
duplicating contractor at Portals II, 445 12th Street SW., Room CY-
B402, Washington, DC 20554; the contractor's Web site,; or by calling (800) 378-3160, facsimile (202) 488-
5563, or email Copies of the NPRM also may be obtained
via the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) at, using the ``Search for Filings'' function and
entering the proceeding number 13-238.
Pursuant to Sec. Sec. 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission's rules,
47 CFR 1.415, 1.419, interested parties may file comments and reply
comments on or before the dates indicated on the first page of this
document. Comments may be filed using the Commission's Electronic
Comment Filing System (ECFS). See Electronic Filing of Documents in
Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 FR 24121, May 1, 1998.
Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically
using the Internet by accessing the ECFS:
Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must
file an original and one copy of each filing. If more than one docket
or rulemaking number appears in the caption of this proceeding, filers
must submit two additional copies for each additional docket or
rulemaking number.
Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial
overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service
mail. All filings must be addressed to the Commission's Secretary,
Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.
All hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings
for the Commission's Secretary must be delivered to FCC Headquarters at
445 12th Street, SW., Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. The filing
hours are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand deliveries must be held
together with rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes and boxes must
be disposed of before entering the building.
Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service
Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300 East Hampton
Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743.
U.S. Postal Service first-class, Express, and Priority
mail must be addressed to 445 12th Street SW., Washington DC 20554.
People with Disabilities: To request materials in accessible
formats for people with disabilities (braille, large print, electronic
files, audio format), send an email to or call the
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-
418-0432 (tty).
Availability of Documents. Comments, reply comments, and ex parte
submissions will be available for public inspection during regular
business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Federal Communications
Commission, 445 12th Street, SW., CY-A257, Washington, DC, 20554. These
documents will also be available via ECFS. Documents will be available
electronically in ASCII, Microsoft Word, and/or Adobe Acrobat.
Accessibility Information. To request information in accessible
formats (computer diskettes, large print, audio recording, and
Braille), send an email to or call the FCC's Consumer
and Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 418-
0432 (TTY). This document can also be downloaded in Word and Portable
Document Format (PDF) at:
I. Introduction and Executive Summary
1. In this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), the Commission
explores opportunities to promote the deployment of infrastructure that
is necessary to provide the public with advanced wireless broadband
services, consistent with governing law and the public interest. In the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, Congress directed the Commission to
encourage the deployment on a reasonable and timely basis of advanced
telecommunications capability to all Americans by working to remove
barriers to infrastructure investment in a manner consistent with the
public interest, convenience, and necessity. The Commission has made
significant progress in recent years in expanding high-speed Internet
access and promoting broadband availability, but the Commission must
continue to examine and address impediments to broadband investment,
including impediments that may be presented by unnecessary or unclear
regulatory requirements and processes. This NPRM addresses potential
measures to expedite the environmental and historic preservation review
of new wireless facilities, as well as rules to implement statutory
provisions governing State and local review of wireless siting
2. In the last few years, the Commission has taken a number of
significant steps to reduce barriers to wireless infrastructure
investment. In 2009, the Commission released a Declaratory Ruling
establishing presumptive timeframes for State and local processing of
wireless tower and antenna siting requests (2009 Declaratory Ruling, 74
FR 67871, December 21, 2009). In 2011, the Commission released a Notice
of Inquiry on Expanding the Reach and Reducing the Cost of Broadband
Deployment by Improving Policies Regarding Public Rights of Way and
Wireless Facilities Siting (NOI). In the NOI, the Commission sought to
develop a record on the nature and scope of both wireline and wireless
broadband deployment issues, including best practices that have
promoted deployment as well as practices that have resulted in delays,
and further sought comment on specific steps that could be taken to
identify and reduce unnecessary obstacles to obtaining access to
rights-of-way and siting wireless facilities.
3. With this NPRM, the Commission now addresses four major issues
regarding the regulation of wireless facility siting and construction,
including issues raised by commenters in the NOI proceeding, with the
goal of reducing, where appropriate, the cost and delay associated with
the deployment of such infrastructure. First, the Commission seeks
comment on expediting its environmental review process, including
review for effects on historic properties, in connection with proposed
deployments of small cells, Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), and
other small-scale wireless
[[Page 73146]]
technologies that may have minimal effects on the environment. While
cellular service has traditionally been provided by antennas on large
communications towers, these newer technologies can be deployed on
utility poles, street lamps, water towers, or rooftops. Through these
deployments, providers can enhance the wireless capacity available to
mobile users for advanced broadband applications or fill in coverage
gaps in areas where it is not possible or economically justifiable to
put in additional large towers. They can also deploy these cells inside
buildings to enhance indoor signal strength.
4. Deployment of such technologies is therefore becoming
increasingly common as one measure to meet growing consumer demand, and
the Commission finds it may be appropriate to update its environmental
review requirements to reflect this development. These requirements are
intended to ensure that the Commission considers the environmental
effects of new wireless infrastructure deployments, including effects
on historic properties. While the Commission has acted in the past to
tailor its environmental review for the deployment of wireless
infrastructure, those processes were largely developed long before
small cell technologies became prevalent, and for the most part reflect
the scale and level of environmental concern presented by traditional
deployments on tall structures. Accordingly, the Commission seeks
comment on whether to expedite or tailor its environmental review
process for technologies such as DAS and small cells.
5. Second, in response to a petition filed by CTIA--The Wireless
Association (CTIA) filed on December 21, 2012 (``Temporary Towers
Petition''), and based on the associated record, the Commission
proposes to adopt a narrow exemption from the Commission's pre-
construction environmental notification requirements for certain
temporary towers. Under the current notification requirements, before a
party can register with the Commission a proposed communications tower
that requires registration under part 17 of its rules, and thus begin
to construct or deploy the tower in question, it must complete a
process of local and national notice, which helps to facilitate public
involvement in the Commission's consideration of the proposed
deployment's potential to create significant environmental effects.
Temporary towers are often needed with very little advance warning,
however, making the notification process impracticable. Under the
proposed exemption, eligible towers must meet specified criteria,
including very short duration, height limits, minimal or no associated
excavation, and absence of lighting, which should ensure a minimal
potential for significant environmental effects. The Commission
therefore tentatively finds that the proposed exemption will serve the
public interest by enabling providers to deploy these temporary
facilities on a timely basis in response to unanticipated short term
needs without undermining the purposes of the notification process.
6. Third, the Commission seeks comment on rules to clarify and
implement the requirements of section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax
Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Spectrum Act). Under section
6409(a), a State or local government may not deny, and shall approve,
any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing
wireless tower or base station that does not substantially change the
physical dimensions of such tower or base station. Eligible facilities
requests include collocation requests, as well as requests for removal
or replacement of existing equipment. Collocation, which involves
placing wireless equipment on pre-existing structures rather than
constructing new support structures, is often the most efficient,
rapid, and economical means of expanding wireless coverage and
capacity, and also reduces the environmental and other impacts of new
wireless facilities deployment. By requiring timely approval of
eligible collocations, section 6409(a) will help providers meet the
nation's growing demand for wireless broadband service and may be
critical to the deployment of the nationwide public safety broadband
network mandated by the Spectrum Act. Because most of the terms of the
provision are undefined, however, the Commission is concerned that
disputes over its interpretation may significantly delay these
benefits. The Commission therefore proposes to adopt rules clarifying
the provision's meaning to assist all parties in implementing its
requirements. The Commission also seeks comment on how to encourage
efforts to develop best practices for applying section 6409(a) and what
role they might play in interpreting or implementing the provision.
7. Finally, the Commission seeks comment on whether it should
address certain disputes or questions that have arisen about how to
apply its 2009 Declaratory Ruling in four specific circumstances. The
Commission also seeks comment on one additional issue of interpretation
arising under section 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(I), a provision of section
332(c)(7) that was not addressed by the 2009 Declaratory Ruling. The
Commission notes that the presumptive timeframes the Commission
established under section 332(c)(7) in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling
govern many wireless facilities siting applications that are not
covered by section 6409(a).
II. Expediting Environmental Compliance for Distributed Antenna Systems
and Small Cells
8. Many wireless technologies now connect to mobile users using
small antennas that are placed on short structures such as poles or
inside buildings and that, individually, provide coverage over a much
smaller area than a traditional cell. The Commission's environmental
rules were largely written prior to these developments, however, and
primarily reflect the environmental concerns presented by traditional
macrocell deployments on tall structures. Further, because Distributed
Antenna Systems (DAS) and small cell deployments often require a large
number of antennas or base stations to provide coverage to an area
comparable to a single macrocell, they may implicate dramatically
greater environmental compliance costs under the existing site-by-site
review process. Given these factors, and the increasing reliance on
these new technologies to meet ever increasing demand for wireless
services, including broadband, the Commission finds that it should
consider whether further tailoring of its environmental rules is
appropriate for technologies such as DAS and small cells, and, if so,
how such tailoring can be accomplished.
A. NEPA Review
9. The Commission first addresses whether and how it should
expedite its National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)
compliance process for DAS and small cells, and in particular whether
to adopt a categorical exclusion to relieve all or some subset of such
deployments from routine NEPA review. The Commission addresses a
possible exclusion for historic preservation review under section 106
of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) separately
10. Updating the NEPA Exclusion for Collocations in Note 1 to Sec.
1.1306. The Commission first seeks comment on whether to adopt
Verizon's proposal that the Commission amend the first sentence in Note
1 to Sec. 1.1306 of the Commission's rules, which currently excludes
collocations on an existing building or antenna tower from
[[Page 73147]]
environmental review except for review for RF emissions exposure and
effects on historic properties. Verizon proposes that the exclusion
should also apply to collocations on other structures, including
structures such as utility poles, water tanks, light poles, and road
signs. For the reasons discussed below, the Commission proposes a rule
change to implement this suggestion and seeks comment.
11. As noted above, the exclusion under the first part of Note 1 to
Sec. 1.1306 already applies to the mounting of antennas on existing
towers and buildings, reflecting a determination that such collocations
individually and cumulatively are unlikely to have significant
environmental effects. The Commission tentatively concludes that the
same determination applies with regard to collocations on structures
like water towers and poles. In addition, the Commission has previously
recognized that the ability to use structures such as utility poles is
vitally important to the deployment of wireless and wireline services,
including broadband. In particular, DAS and small cell facilities,
which are critical to satisfying demand for ubiquitous mobile voice and
broadband services, often use such structures. Accordingly, to expedite
environmental processing for DAS and small cell deployments and to
update its environmental rules to reflect current industry practices
and technologies, the Commission proposes to amend Note 1 to Sec.
1.1306 to provide that the categorical exclusion in the first sentence
also applies to antennas mounted on existing structures other than
buildings and antenna towers, including structures on which equipment
associated with emerging technologies such as DAS facilities is sited.
To accomplish such a change, the Commission proposes to modify sentence
1 of the note to change the phrase ``existing building or antenna
tower'' to ``existing building, antenna tower, or other structure.''
12. The Commission seeks comment on this proposal and on whether
the proposed language requires any further definition or qualification.
For example, the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for the Collocation
of Wireless Antennas (Collocation Agreement) and the Nationwide
Programmatic Agreement Regarding the section 106 National Historic
Preservation Act Review Process (NPA) do not distinguish between
buildings and other non-tower structures in applying exclusions from
section 106 review. The Commission believes this supports its tentative
view that there is no basis to subject collocations on structures such
as utility poles to greater environmental review than collocations on
buildings. The Commission seeks comment on this analysis. Are
collocations on structures other than towers and buildings any more
likely to have significant environmental effects than collocations on
towers and buildings? Are there certain types of existing structures
for which this is true and, if so, which types, and what effects? The
Commission further seeks comment on whether, and how, the Commission
should define, specify, or limit what constitutes a structure in any
rule that the Commission adopts. Are there any technical or other
limitations that the Commission should reference in a definition of the
term structure such that Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 would not extend to
types of existing structures, if any, for which collocations are likely
to have significant environmental effects? Those that advocate a
different level of environmental review for collocations on any types
of existing structures, or that advocate any other limitations on an
expanded exclusion, should identify those attributes of such structures
that they believe warrant heightened scrutiny and describe with
specificity any limitations they consider appropriate.
13. The Commission seeks comment on whether any further action is
needed to adequately and appropriately tailor NEPA review for
collocations of DAS and small cell facilities or other collocations.
For example, the first sentence of Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 specifically
excludes the mounting of antennas on existing structures from NEPA
review. The Commission's understanding, however, is that the typical
deployment of a DAS or small cell node on a pole or other structure
includes not only antennas but also associated equipment such as power
supplies, converters, and transceivers. Should the Commission further
amend the categorical exclusion for collocations so that it expressly
covers not only the mounting of antennas but also the associated
equipment? Does such associated equipment raise particular
environmental concerns that the antennas do not? Does the Commission
need to clarify or define what constitutes associated equipment for
purposes of this exclusion? If so, how should associated equipment be
defined? Are there physical, technical, or other technologically
neutral characteristics of associated equipment by which the Commission
should limit the exclusion so that there will be no significant
environmental effects?
14. The Commission also seeks comment on whether it should further
amend the first sentence of Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 to clarify that the
collocation exclusion applies to installations in the interior of
buildings. Similarly, is any amendment needed to clarify that the first
part of the Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 exclusion applies not only to
rooftops but also to the sides of buildings? Given that either such
clarification would not exclude facilities from section 106 review or
review for exposure to RF emissions, are there any other special
environmental concerns that might arise from collocations inside or on
the side of buildings as opposed to collocations on rooftops? If either
of these clarifications to the collocation exclusion in Note 1 to Sec.
1.1306 is appropriate, how should the language be amended to reflect
the clarification?
15. The Commission notes that while the proposed amendment to Note
1 to Sec. 1.1306 would continue to exclude only facilities that are
collocated on existing structures, the Commission is also seeking
comment below on whether to adopt a new categorical exclusion that
would broadly exclude DAS and small cell deployments, either collocated
or deployed on new poles, from its routine NEPA review procedures
(other than for compliance with RF exposure limits). The Commission
proposes the above amendment to the Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 collocation
exclusion independent of whether the Commission also adopts a separate
categorical exclusion applicable to smaller facilities generally.
Regardless of whether the Commission also adopts a broader NEPA
exclusion for small facilities generally, it anticipates that the
proposed expansion of the Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 collocation exclusion
to cover all structures will continue to provide independent benefits,
because it will apply to all collocations on any non-tower structure,
not merely collocations involving DAS and small cell facilities. For
example, such a clarification would also cover collocation of a
macrocell on a water tank.
16. Adopting A New Categorical Exclusion for DAS/Small Cell
Deployments. The Commission's existing categorical exclusions are
designed to capture and exclude from environmental processing those
categories of facilities that are unlikely to have significant
environmental effects. Such exclusions facilitate rapid deployment of
services to the public consistent with the Commission's obligation
under NEPA to consider environmental effects, and also preserve the
resources of the Commission and applicants for situations that may
involve greater potential for significant
[[Page 73148]]
environmental effects. The Commission therefore seeks comment on
whether DAS and small cell deployments are unlikely to have significant
environmental effects and whether the Commission should adopt a
categorical exclusion for some or all of the components involved in DAS
and small cell deployments from NEPA review other than for compliance
with RF exposure limits.
17. A typical DAS deployment includes a number of communications
nodes, each typically consisting of an antenna or antennas either
collocated on an existing support structure or deployed on a new
structure, along with a cabinet containing associated equipment. In
addition to the nodes, the DAS system includes a central hub site and
fiber or other cabling connecting the nodes to the hub. Other small
cell solutions may also include some or all of these components. If the
Commission adopts the proposal discussed above to amend the first
sentence of Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306, it believes that it would
effectively exclude the collocation of nodes for DAS, small cells, and
other comparable wireless technologies from NEPA review, other than
historic preservation review and review for compliance with its RF
exposure limits. The Commission seeks comment on this analysis. Should
the Commission adopt a special collocation exclusion for the
communications nodes of DAS, small cell, and other small wireless
technologies, either in addition to or instead of the proposed
revisions to the existing categorical exclusion for collocations
generally? If so, the Commission seeks comment on how to define the
scope of the exclusion. The Commission explores this definitional
question in greater detail below.
18. Assuming the Commission adopts a broadened collocation
exclusion, either in general or specifically for small communications
nodes, such an exclusion would not cover all construction that may be
necessary to deploy DAS, small cells, and other small facilities. In
particular, it would not cover new support structures, such as new
poles, that are constructed to support communications nodes as part of
a DAS or small cell deployment. The Commission seeks comment on whether
some or all such construction should also be excluded from NEPA review.
The Commission invites comment on the potential environmental effects
of the construction or deployment of such new supporting structures and
equipment, on whether the Commission may conclude that such facilities
are unlikely to have significant environmental effects, and, if so,
under what circumstances (e.g., categories or locations).
19. If the Commission adopts a specific NEPA exclusion for DAS and
other small wireless facilities, either for collocated facilities or
for facilities deployed on new structures, how should the Commission
define the scope or application of such an exclusion? PCIA initially
proposed that the Commission define the scope of the exclusion by
reference to DAS or small cell installations. The Commission is
concerned, however, that defining an exclusion by reference to a
specific wireless technology such as DAS may be both over-inclusive and
under-inclusive. It may be over-inclusive because some facilities
associated with the named technology could be larger and more obtrusive
than contemplated in the general case and therefore have a greater
potential for significant environmental effects. For example, future
DAS deployments over different spectrum bands may require larger or
higher antennas. A definition that relies exclusively on reference to a
particular technology may also be under-inclusive in that other
technologies that involve comparably unobtrusive wireless facilities
may be developed that equally warrant an exclusion. For example,
commercial uses of signal boosters (such as repeaters) may have
characteristics similar to DAS and small cells such that they should be
similarly eligible for any exclusion developed for DAS and small cell
deployments. The Commission therefore believes that framing any
exclusion based on objective physical factors such as height, size, or
location could be a better approach than referencing a specific
technology such as DAS. The Commission seeks comment on this analysis,
and on how to craft an exclusion based on the dimensions and other
objective characteristics of facilities, including all aspects of any
such definition.
20. Specifically, the Commission seeks comment on how it can define
the covered facilities to ensure that deployments eligible for the
categorical exclusion have no more than de minimis effects on the
environment and that changes to technology do not expand the exclusion
beyond its intent. Should the Commission define any such categorical
exclusion with reference to the height of the supporting structure, the
size of the antenna, and the dimensions of the equipment cabinets or
other ancillary equipment? If so, what dimensions should the Commission
adopt as a definition? To the extent that the Commission adopts a new
categorical exclusion that extends to new support structures, the
Commission seeks comment on how to define the structures that are
eligible, the locations where the exclusion should apply, and any other
conditions or criteria for eligibility that are necessary to ensure
that such deployments do not have a significant effect on the
21. The Commission notes that the size and architecture of
antennas, supporting structures, and other equipment may depend in part
on the characteristics of the service being provided, such as the
spectrum used. Should the Commission strive to define any exclusion in
a manner that is technologically neutral in effect as well as in form?
If so, what definitions would best achieve this end? In order to assure
that consumers can continue to benefit from technological development,
should any size or other criteria the Commission applies attempt to
anticipate potential future technological and industry developments?
22. The Commission also notes that PCIA and the HetNet Forum have
recently submitted a new proposal for the definition of facilities that
should be categorically exempt. This definition relies on defining the
maximum cubic volume of the relevant facilities rather than on specific
technological labels. PCIA and the HetNet Forum assert that their
proposed definition has widespread industry support and both
accommodates current DAS and small cell deployments and anticipates
foreseeable technological development. Specifically, they propose that
an installation conforming to the following parameters should be
(1) Equipment Volume. An equipment enclosure shall be no larger
than seventeen (17) cubic feet in volume.
(2) Antenna Volume. Each antenna associated with the installation
shall be in an antenna enclosure of no more than three (3) cubic feet
in volume. Each antenna that has exposed elements shall fit within an
imaginary enclosure of no more than three (3) cubic feet.
(3) Infrastructure Volume. Associated electric meter, concealment,
telecom demarcation box, ground-based enclosures, battery back-up power
systems, grounding equipment, power transfer switch, and cut-off switch
may be located outside the primary equipment enclosure(s) and are not
included in the calculation of Equipment Volume.
Volume is a measure of the exterior displacement, not the interior
volume of the enclosures. Any equipment that is concealed from public
view in or behind an otherwise approved structure or concealment, is
not included in the volume calculations.
[[Page 73149]]
The Commission seeks comment on the proposed definition.
23. The Commission also seeks comment on whether any proposed
exclusion should be defined in part by the location of facilities. For
example, the NPA establishes an exclusion from routine section 106
review for deployments of wireless facilities, including deployments on
new structures, located in utility or telecommunications rights-of-way.
Specifically, deployments are not subject to section 106 review if (1)
such facilities are located in or within 50 feet of a right-of-way
designated for communications tower or above-ground utility
transmission or distribution lines, (2) the facility would not
constitute a substantial increase in size over existing structures in
the right-of-way in the vicinity of the proposed construction, (3) the
facility would not be located within the boundaries of a historic
property, and (4) the applicant has successfully completed the process
established in the NPA for Tribal and Native Hawaiian Organization
participation. The Commission seeks comment on whether it should adopt
a categorical exclusion from routine NEPA review for DAS and small
cells in rights-of-way designated for utilities or telecommunications
similar to the one in the NPA that applies to section 106 review. If
so, should the Commission apply any of the NPA conditions for this
categorical exclusion such as the one requiring that the facilities not
constitute a substantial increase in size over existing nearby
structures in the right-of-way? Would a rights-of-way categorical
exclusion appropriately and effectively tailor NEPA review for DAS and
small cells?
24. As another example of a location-based exclusion, Note 1 to
Sec. 1.1306 currently includes a categorical exclusion from all
environmental review for the installation of aerial wire or cable over
existing aerial corridors of prior or permitted use or the underground
installation of wire or cable along existing underground corridors of
prior or permitted use. PCIA proposes that the Commission similarly
exclude DAS and small cell deployments, including deployments on new
structures, that are placed along or within existing aerial or
underground corridors. The Commission seeks comment on whether it
should extend the wire and cable exclusion to cover components of DAS
or small cell deployments in such corridors, including new support
structures. Is there a basis for the Commission to conclude that DAS
and small cell deployments (whether on new or existing structures) do
not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the
quality of the human environment so as to qualify for a categorical
exclusion from NEPA review under 40 CFR 1508.4? To the extent that
these deployments require the deployment of fiber optic cable, is any
amendment to the existing exclusion necessary, or does the existing
exclusion for aerial or underground cables deployed in existing
corridors adequately cover such components? With regard to other
components including new structures, to what extent can such components
be placed in or along aerial or underground corridors?
25. Finally, the Commission seeks comment on whether any
categorical exclusion outside of existing aerial or underground
corridors should include specific provisions for DAS and small cell
components other than the nodes. For example, should the exclusion
cover fiber that is not already excluded under the existing Note 1 to
Sec. 1.1306 exclusion for cable in existing aerial or underground
corridors? If so, how should the Commission frame such an exclusion?
Should the hub station also be included, and if so, in what
circumstances? What additional revisions to the exclusion for existing
aerial or underground corridors would expedite DAS and small cell
deployment without risking significant environmental impact?
B. Historic Preservation Review
26. The Commission next seeks preliminary comment on whether and
how the Commission should tailor section 106 review for effects on
historic properties in the context of DAS, small cells, and similar
facilities. As one option, the Commission seeks comment on whether the
Commission can and should adopt an exclusion from section 106 review
for such facilities. The Commission notes that whether to adopt such
exclusion raises many of the same questions of definition and scope
discussed above in connection with a possible exclusion from NEPA
review, and the Commission invites commenters to consider the same
questions in addressing whether the Commission should adopt an
exclusion from section 106 review. Further, in the discussion below,
the Commission refers back as appropriate to the issues raised by a
possible NEPA exclusion. The Commission seeks comment, however, on
whether and to what extent a section 106 exclusion raises different
legal or policy issues. The Commission explores these and other issues
that relate specifically to section 106 review below.
27. The Commission also recognizes that changes to its section 106
processing rules may require coordination with the ACHP and NCSHPO and
consultation with federally recognized Tribal Nations, and the
Commission intends to undertake such coordination and consultation.
Commission staff has written separately to Tribal leaders and to THPOs
and Cultural Preservation Officials, informing them of section 106
priorities and issues for Tribal consultation, and inviting them to
share their values and initial thoughts regarding tailoring of section
106 review for DAS and small cells. In an effort to prepare Tribal
Nations for consultations, Commission staff has also discussed this
matter at meetings of inter-Tribal government organizations.
28. Options for Tailoring Historic Preservation Review. PCIA
identifies three possible avenues to tailor historic preservation
review for DAS and small cell facilities: (1) categorical exclusion;
(2) program alternative; or (3) finding that DAS and small cell
deployments are not undertakings under section 106. PCIA favors the
categorical exclusion approach as the most expeditious means to
streamline the deployment of DAS and small cells and to facilitate
wireless broadband deployment while maintaining historic preservation
goals. According to PCIA, a rulemaking to add DAS and small cell
solutions to the list of facilities that are categorically excluded
from non-RF-related environmental processing under Sec. 1.1306 (Note
1) would satisfy the Commission's responsibilities under the NHPA and
the ACHP's section 106 regulations. In particular, PCIA relies on Sec.
800.3(a)(1) of the ACHP's rules, which provides that an agency has no
further section 106 obligations if the undertaking is a type of
activity that does not have the potential to cause effects on historic
properties assuming such historic properties were present. According to
PCIA, this rule provides a categorical exclusion from the consultation
process where there is no potential adverse effect or the environmental
effects are de minimis. PCIA asserts that adopting a categorical
exclusion through a notice-and-comment rulemaking would involve all
interested parties, including the ACHP, but that, unlike the more
elaborate program alternative processes authorized by Sec. 800.14 of
the ACHP's rules, it would require only a single proceeding, thus
saving time and resources for all concerned. PCIA observes that the
third option, finding
[[Page 73150]]
DAS and small cell deployments not to be undertakings, may be more
vulnerable to protracted procedural and substantive challenges.
29. The Commission seeks comment on the alternatives of an
exclusion in its rules or a program alternative under the ACHP rules,
and the relative costs and benefits of each. The Commission invites
commenters to discuss the potential effects of DAS and small cell
systems on historic properties, as such an assessment is a key
component in selecting an appropriate procedural mechanism to depart
from the ordinary process for historic preservation review of a Federal
undertaking. Does Sec. 800.3(a)(1) of the ACHP's rules support an
exclusion in circumstances where the potential for adverse effects is
de minimis, as PCIA suggests, or only where there is no potential for
any effects on historic properties? Commenters should also address the
extent to which any revision of Sec. 1.1306 (Note 1) to exclude DAS
and small cell systems from section 106 historic preservation review
would require that the Commission consult the ACHP, SHPOs, Tribal
Nations and NHOs, or others. Given that either a Commission exclusion
or an ACHP-approved program alternative would necessarily involve and
revisit matters addressed in the NPA, what, if any, revision to the NPA
would either option require? Does the very existence of the NPA favor
or militate against adopting an exclusion in a rulemaking? Would a
program alternative, providing the agency an opportunity to tailor a
process for DAS and small cell systems in coordination with ACHP, offer
greater flexibility or more significant benefits than a Commission
exclusion? If the Commission were to pursue a program alternative,
which of the various program alternatives authorized by Sec. 800.14 of
the ACHP's rules is most appropriate, considering their relative costs
and benefits, consultative obligations, eligibility standards, and the
time required to implement each alternative? Are there are other
procedural mechanisms by which the Commission, either acting
unilaterally or in coordination with the ACHP or others, could
streamline any required historic preservation review of DAS or small
cell systems?
30. The Commission notes that, while it proceeds with this
rulemaking, it intends to work with ACHP and NCSHPO to explore the
option of a program alternative to further tailor section 106 review
for DAS, small cell, and similar facilities. Those efforts will also
inform any steps the Commission takes as a result of this NPRM.
31. Defining the Scope of the Exclusion. Assuming the Commission
excludes small wireless facilities from historic preservation review
either through adoption of an exclusion or through one of ACHP's
program alternatives, the Commission seeks comment on how to define the
scope of the exclusion. In particular, as with the possible exclusion
from NEPA review discussed above, the Commission seeks comment on how
to define the facilities that would not be subject to review under
these approaches. If the Commission does adopt an exclusion for small
facilities that covers both section 106 and NEPA review, should the
Commission define the facilities excluded from section 106 review the
same way the Commission does the facilities excluded from NEPA review?
While there may be administrative advantages to adopting the same
definition, there may also be circumstances where a facility that meets
criteria for an exclusion under NEPA does not meet the criteria for an
exclusion under section 106 and vice versa. For example, Note 1 to
Sec. 1.1306, which provides a categorical exclusion for collocations
on an existing building or antenna tower for most purposes under NEPA,
does not extend to review under section 106.
32. In order to define the scope of an exclusion or program
alternative, the Commission seeks comment on whether and under what
circumstances DAS and small cell facilities, individually and
cumulatively, are unlikely to cause an adverse effect on historic
properties. Are there some circumstances, such as placement of
facilities in historic districts or collocations near or on historic
buildings, where there is a potential for significant effects on
historic properties? If so, what conditions, criteria, or definitions
should the Commission use to identify situations in which routine
section 106 review may be appropriate while maintaining an exclusion in
the ordinary case? In the alternative, is it sufficient to rely on
Sec. Sec. 1.1307(c) and (d) of the Commission's rules, which direct
the reviewing bureau to require an Environmental Assessment (EA) for an
otherwise categorically excluded deployment where, on its own motion or
in response to public petition, the bureau finds that the deployment
may have a significant environmental impact?
33. While the general provisions of the Collocation Agreement and
the NPA already exclude many DAS and small cell facilities from some or
all of the section 106 review process, PCIA notes two provisions that
limit the applicability of the exclusions in this context. First, the
Collocation Agreement, while excluding most collocations from section
106 review, provides that collocations on existing buildings or other
non-tower structures that are over 45 years old are not excluded. PCIA
asserts that the percentage of utility poles that are 45 years or older
is significant and growing and that, as a consequence, collocations of
small wireless facilities on such existing poles will increasingly not
be excluded from review. Second, the NPA provides a partial exclusion
for deployments (including new poles) in or near utility rights-of-way,
but with certain limitations. Critically, this exclusion does not apply
if the deployment would be located within the boundaries of a historic
property. PCIA asserts that corridors including utility and highway
rights-of-way are increasingly being found eligible for the National
Register, thus reducing the availability of this exclusion.
34. The Commission seeks comment on whether, if it finds that a
comprehensive exclusion for DAS and small cells is not appropriate
through either an exclusion or a program alternative, the Commission
should address one or both of these specific concerns or tailor review
for any other categories of small facility deployments other than those
that are currently excluded under the NPA or the Collocation Agreement.
First, with respect to collocations on non-tower structures that are
over 45 years old, the Commission notes that, because utility poles are
being maintained for long periods of time, it is likely that most
utility poles will eventually fall out of the NPA exclusion. Given that
the NPA was adopted when use of structures such as utility poles for
wireless communications facilities was extremely rare, the Commission
seeks comment on whether review of collocations on older utility poles
was intended, in what ways such structures might possess historic
value, and to what extent collocation may result in adverse effects to
that historic value. The Commission seeks comment on whether it can and
should clarify or otherwise provide that the provision requiring review
of collocations on buildings and other structures over 45 years old is
not applicable to a utility pole that is over 45 years of age. If so,
how should the Commission define a utility pole for such purpose?
Should the Commission exclude other categories of non-tower structures,
such as street lamps or water towers?
35. With regard to the second issue, as noted above, according to
PCIA, use
[[Page 73151]]
of utility corridors for DAS and small cell deployment is becoming more
difficult because such corridors are increasingly being considered
historic properties or districts, and thus both new poles and
collocations in such rights-of-way are becoming subject to routine
section 106 review under the Collocation Agreement and the NPA. The
Commission seeks comment on whether collocations and new pole
deployments in utility or communications rights-of-way that otherwise
fall within the exclusions in the Collocation Agreement or the NPA
should be exempt from the section 106 historic preservation review
process regardless of whether such rights-of-way are considered
historic properties. Would additional infrastructure potentially have
significant effects on historic properties if located in utility
corridors that are already lined with utility poles and other
infrastructure of similar size? Are there any particular circumstances
that may suggest that a different result is appropriate, such as, for
example, if utility poles are a contributing element towards making a
corridor a Historic District?
36. The Commission also notes an additional issue that arises when
a collocation requires an existing utility pole to be replaced with a
new pole. The NPA currently provides that the construction of a new
tower that replaces an existing tower is excluded from routine section
106 review if it meets certain criteria. The NPA does not, however,
address replacements of utility poles or other non-tower structures.
AT&T has suggested that the Commission extend the exclusion for
replacement towers to cover replacements of non-tower structures. The
Commission seeks comment on this proposal, and in particular, whether
the Commission should provide, through an exclusion or a program
alternative, for an exclusion from routine section 106 review for
replacement utility poles. If so, should the Commission limit it to
circumstances where the new pole is no larger than the existing pole or
where there is not a substantial increase in size? Should the exclusion
apply if the replacement is constructed with different materials?
37. Finally, the Commission seeks comment on whether, to the extent
DAS, small cell, and other small facilities are not excluded from
historic preservation review, the Commission could still develop a
process that would enable the review to proceed more efficiently. For
example, the Commission seeks comment on whether and how to define
circumstances in which individual communication nodes (e.g., the
separate antenna nodes of a single DAS deployment) can be grouped
together and reviewed as a single undertaking for historic preservation
review. The Commission further seeks comment on whether and to what
extent such changes may be implemented as a matter of process by the
bureaus without any amendment of the NPA or the Commission's rules.
C. Other Considerations
38. As noted above, in an ex parte submission in the NOI
proceeding, PCIA suggests that the Commission could find that DAS and
small cell deployments are not Federal undertakings under the NHPA
pursuant to an NPA provision that grants it sole authority to determine
what activities undertaken by the Commission or its applicants
constitute undertakings within the meaning of the NHPA. In light of
PCIA's suggestion, the Commission seeks comment on the extent to which
deployments of DAS or small cell facilities qualify as Federal
undertakings under the NHPA and major Federal actions under NEPA. The
Commission invites commenters to analyze this issue in terms of the
extent to which the Commission provides, or has the authority to
provide, Federal licensing, approval, or other assistance for such
deployments, and also to consider the effects of such deployments on
the environment and historic preservation. In particular, section 319
of the Communications Act generally confers on the Commission authority
to regulate and require pre-construction approval for the construction
of any facility for which a license is required, which in turn extends
to any apparatus for the transmission of energy, or communications, or
signals by radio. Further, while the Commission has generally waived
the requirement of preconstruction approval for geographic-area
licensees, as permitted by section 319(d), the Commission has also
retained a limited approval authority under Sec. 1.1312 of the
Commission's rules to review the environmental effects of all
facilities. The Commission has found, given these provisions, that
macro site deployments are appropriately classified as Federal
undertakings, a conclusion affirmed by the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia. Is there a difference in how
these provisions apply to DAS facilities and small cells as compared to
macrocells and the towers on which they are mounted that would justify
distinguishing the deployment of DAS and small cell facilities for
purposes of classification as a Federal undertaking and major Federal
action? Is the only distinguishing factor that the physical
characteristics of DAS and small cells may make them less intrusive
than traditional macro sites? The Commission invites commenters to
describe any other differences that potentially warrant different
treatment under the NHPA and NEPA, and to explain specifically how
these differences affect the analysis of whether these deployments are
Federal undertakings and major Federal actions.
39. Assuming DAS and small cell deployments are Federal
undertakings within the meaning of the NHPA and major Federal actions
under NEPA, the Commission seeks comment on how and by what mechanisms
the Commission might implement either of the options discussed above--
categorical exclusion or program alternative. Under the Commission's
existing rules and processes, where no site-by-site filing is otherwise
required for a facility, a licensee is required to ensure compliance
with the environmental rules before constructing a facility, but is not
required to file any site-by-site certification. In particular, such a
licensee planning to construct a new facility must ascertain if a
proposed facility may have a significant environmental impact. If so,
the licensee must submit the required documentation for an
environmental assessment on which the Commission must complete
environmental processing before construction may be initiated. Is this
process appropriate for the potential exemptions discussed above?
Should the Commission consider developing documentation requirements
for demonstrating eligibility for any of the exemptions under
consideration in this NPRM? Would the costs of such documentation
requirements outweigh the benefits? What mechanism might be appropriate
to address cases in which eligibility for the exemption is unclear?
40. The Commission emphasizes that if it excludes any class of DAS
and small cell deployments or other small facilities deployments from
all routine environmental processing, including section 106 historic
preservation review, such deployments would still be subject to
Sec. Sec. 1.1307(c) and (d) of the Commission's rules. Thus, the
relevant processing bureau would still require the filing of an EA if,
either on its own motion or in response to a complaint from the public,
the bureau determines that a particular action may cause significant
environmental effects. In addition, deployments that are eligible for
the exclusions discussed in this section would still be subject to any
applicable notice requirements.
[[Page 73152]]
III. Environmental Notification Exemption for Registration of Temporary
41. In this section, the Commission proposes to adopt a limited
exemption from the environmental notification requirements that is
substantially similar to the exemption proposed by CTIA. Specifically,
and consistent with the interim exemption granted in the Waiver Order,
78 FR 59929, September 30, 2013, the Commission proposes an exemption
from its Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) environmental
notification requirements for temporary antenna structures that,
because of their characteristics, do not have the potential for
significant environmental effects. The Commission seeks comment on how
to define such an exemption, and whether the criteria set out in the
Waiver Order are sufficient and appropriate for this purpose. Under
these criteria, an antenna structure would be exempt from the
notification requirements if it (i) will be in use for 60 days or less,
(ii) requires notice of construction to the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), (iii) does not require marking or lighting
pursuant to FAA regulations, (iv) will be less than 200 feet in height,
and (v) will involve minimal or no excavation. The Commission seeks
comment on its proposal and on alternative approaches to address the
concerns raised in the CTIA petition.
42. In considering the proposed exemption, the Commission
recognizes that one of its responsibilities under NEPA is to facilitate
public involvement in agency decisions that may affect the environment.
CEQ regulations direct that agencies shall make diligent efforts to
involve the public in preparing and implementing their NEPA procedures
and solicit appropriate information from the public. At the same time,
an agency has wide discretion in fashioning its own procedures to
implement its environmental obligations, and considerable discretion
under CEQ regulations to decide the extent to which such public
involvement is practicable. Consistent with the discretion to identify
particular circumstances in which inviting public involvement is
impracticable or inappropriate, the Commission proposes to find that
the environmental notice requirements will typically be impracticable
for temporary towers that meet the criteria outlined above. The
Commission further proposes to find that the risk that carriers will
not be able to meet short-term capacity needs and the resulting
detriment to the public if they are required to complete the
notification process outweighs the small likelihood that the process
will confer any benefit. The Commission also notes that parties filing
comments in response to the Temporary Towers Petition PN uniformly
supported an exemption for antenna structures meeting the criteria set
out by CTIA. The Commission therefore tentatively concludes that
establishing the proposed exemption is consistent with its obligations
under NEPA and CEQ regulations, and will serve the public interest.
43. Commenters state that the environmental notification process is
impracticable for antenna structures meeting the criteria set out by
CTIA and will interfere with carriers' ability to respond to short-term
capacity needs. The ASR notice process takes approximately 40 days, as
carriers must provide local and national public notice, allow 30 days
for the filing of any requests for further environmental review, and
wait for the Commission to clear the tower for a final certification.
If a request for environmental review is filed, the deployment can be
delayed longer even if the request lacks merit. According to
commenters, situations frequently arise where there is insufficient
time to complete this process before a temporary tower must be deployed
to meet near-term demand, including (1) newsworthy events that occur
without any prior notice and require immediate deployments, such as
natural disasters; (2) other events that occur with less than 30 days
advance notice, such as certain political events and parades for sports
teams; (3) events for which the timing and general location are known
in advance, but where the specific locations for temporary towers are
unknown until days before the event, such as State fairs and major
sporting events; and (4) situations in which unexpected difficulties
with permanent structures require the deployment of temporary towers
while permanent facilities are repaired. The record, as well as the
Commission's own experience in administering the environmental notice
rule, shows that substantial numbers of such non-emergency temporary
towers require registration. In particular, notice to the FAA (and
therefore ASR registration) is necessary for towers under 200 feet in
height if they may interfere with the flight path of a nearby airport.
Therefore, absent an exemption, application of the ASR notice process
to these temporary towers will apparently prevent service providers
from meeting important short term coverage and capacity needs. The
Commission seeks comment on this analysis.
44. At the same time, the benefits of environmental notice appear
to be limited in the case of most temporary towers. The environmental
notice process is intended to effectuate the opportunity conferred by
Sec. 1.1307(c) of its rules for interested persons to allege that an
otherwise categorically excluded ASR application presents circumstances
necessitating environmental consideration in the decision-making
process. Thus, to the extent that significant environmental effects are
highly unlikely for certain classes of temporary towers, there seems to
be little reason to require environmental notification, particularly
given the harm to the public from delaying the deployment of such
towers. The Commission seeks comment on this analysis, and on whether
the criteria proposed by CTIA in the Temporary Towers Petition, as
modified in the Waiver Order, sufficiently insure against potential
environmental impact or risk to air safety from such towers.
45. In particular, CTIA proposes that, to be exempt from notice, a
temporary tower must be less than 200 feet in height and not subject to
FAA marking or lighting requirements. The Commission seeks comment on
these conditions. Evidence demonstrates that lighting and height are
major factors influencing whether an antenna structure may cause
significant environmental impacts, particularly on migratory birds.
Given this evidence, is it necessary that, in addition to the height
and lighting restrictions, eligible temporary towers be limited to
those that do not require marking? Is a requirement that eligible
temporary towers be less than 200 feet in height a sufficient height
limitation to protect against significant environmental impacts? Is it
too strict?
46. In adopting an interim waiver, the Commission added a condition
that deployments covered by the waiver either must involve no
excavation or the depth of previous disturbance must exceed the
proposed construction depth (excluding footings and other anchoring
mechanisms) by at least two feet. That specific requirement was drawn
from the NPA, which excludes towers from section 106 historic
preservation review if they are deployed for less than 24 months and
also meet this condition. As the Commission explained in adopting the
NPA, so long as no excavation will occur on previously undisturbed
ground, the risk of damage to archeological or other historic
properties from a temporary facility is small. The Commission seeks
comment on whether to similarly require no or minimal excavation as a
condition of
[[Page 73153]]
the proposed temporary towers exemption from environmental notice. Is
such a condition necessary to assure that such towers are unlikely to
have significant environmental effects, and what are the costs of the
condition? Are effects on historic properties the only concern with
excavation, and, if so, is section 106 review under the NPA, which
includes a process for public participation, sufficient to protect
against such effects? Should the Commission adopt any other structural
or construction conditions in addition to or in lieu of those proposed
in the Waiver Order?
47. Consistent with CTIA's proposal in its Petition, the Commission
proposes to limit the temporary towers exemption from notice to towers
that will be deployed for no more than 60 days. The Commission seeks
comment on this time period. The Commission notes that the NPA excludes
from review under section 106 of the NHPA a broader category of
temporary towers, generally defined as towers that will remain in place
for up to 24 months. Further, NTCH proposes that the maximum period be
three months instead of two. Would exempting from notice temporary
towers that are deployed for longer than 60 days be consistent with
avoiding a potential for all significant environmental effects, not
only those on historic properties? Is it reasonable to expect that
parties deploying a tower for more than 60 days will ordinarily have
sufficient advance notice to complete the environmental notice process,
and therefore should either do so or obtain a case-specific waiver?
Alternatively, is a period shorter than 60 days both reasonable and
necessary to protect against significant environmental effects? The
Commission also notes that the NPA permits temporary towers used for
national security purposes to exceed 24 months and still be excluded
from section 106 review. Should the Commission adopt a similar
exception to whatever time limit the Commission applies to the
notification exemption?
48. The Commission proposes to require no post-construction
environmental notice for temporary towers that qualify for the
exemption. While the Commission ordinarily requires that environmental
notice be provided within a short period after construction when pre-
construction notice is waived due to an emergency situation, the
Commission recognized in the Order on Remand, 77 FR 3935, January 26,
2012, that in some circumstances, post-construction notice may be
impractical or not in the public interest. While towers subject to
emergency waiver relief may be deployed for long periods or even
indefinitely, thus warranting post-construction notice, the Commission
addresses here only towers deployed for short periods of time. Notice
in this circumstance would seem to serve little purpose as the
deployment would be over or nearly so by the time the notice period
ended. In addition, its own experience in administering the ASR public
notice process is that temporary antenna structures rarely generate
public comment regarding potentially significant environmental effects
and rarely are determined to require further environmental processing.
The Commission therefore proposes to find that it would not be in the
public interest to require post-construction notice for towers subject
to the proposed exemption. The Commission seeks comment on its proposal
and analysis, and on the costs and benefits of requiring post-
construction notice of towers subject to the exemption. As an
alternative to completely exempting such towers from environmental
notification, would it be appropriate to establish a shorter post-
construction environmental notice period or limit the notice
requirement to national notice?
49. CTIA states in its Temporary Towers Petition that under its
proposal, towers exempted from environmental notice would still be
required to comply with the Commission's other NEPA rules, including
the obligation to certify environmental compliance on a completed ASR
application and to file an EA in appropriate cases. The Commission
proposes to retain these requirements. The Commission notes that, as
part of the NEPA rules, even if a specific facility is categorically
excluded from environmental processing under Sec. 1.1306, the
reviewing bureau shall require the filing of an EA under Sec. Sec.
1.1307(c) and (d) of the rules if the bureau determines the deployment
may have a significant environmental impact. The Commission also notes
that where an EA is filed for a registered tower, the Commission puts
the EA on public notice for 30 days and also requires the applicant to
provide local notice unless local notice was previously completed for
that tower. The Commission proposes that if an applicant determines
that it needs to complete an EA for a temporary tower that would
otherwise be exempt from environmental notice, or if the bureau makes
this determination under Sec. Sec. 1.1307(c) or (d), the application
with an EA would not be exempt from environmental notice.
Alternatively, should the Commission provide that temporary towers that
require an EA are eligible for the exemption, or that they would be
subject to national but not local notice?
50. The Commission notes that under the NPA, the exclusion from
section 106 review for temporary towers expressly includes but is not
limited to the following: a cell on wheels (COW) transmission facility,
a broadcast auxiliary services truck, a TV pickup station, a remote
pickup broadcast station (e.g., electronic newsgathering vehicle)
authorized under part 74, a temporary fixed or transportable earth
station in the fixed satellite service (e.g., satellite newsgathering
vehicle) authorized under part 25, a temporary ballast mount tower, or
any facility authorized by a Commission grant of an experimental
authorization. CTIA's Temporary Towers Petition does not specify the
types of temporary towers that would be eligible for the exemption,
apart from the other criteria CTIA proposes. Should the Commission list
or provide examples of specific types of facilities potentially
eligible for an exemption from its environmental notification rules?
What would be the purpose of limiting the exemption to listed
facilities? If the Commission does specify a list of facilities
eligible for the exemption, should the Commission replicate or modify
in any way the list provided in the NPA? Could limiting the exemption
to listed facilities have unintended consequences, such as
inadvertently excluding new technologies or types of structures?
51. The Commission seeks comment on what process should apply when
an applicant determines, subsequent to registering a tower under the
temporary towers notification exemption, that the relevant tower will
or may be needed beyond the maximum period for the exemption. Should
the Commission adopt a process for extending the period the tower may
remain in place without environmental notice? Alternatively, should the
Commission condition the grant of the exemption on the requirement
that, if the applicant needs the tower beyond the maximum period for
the exemption, it must either: (1) Provide environmental notification
before the end of the specified period; (2) obtain a case-specific
waiver; or (3) remove the tower at the end of the permitted period and
not redeploy it until environmental notice has been completed? Should
there be any other consequences for exceeding the maximum period, even
if post-construction notice is subsequently provided?
52. Finally, the Commission seeks comment generally on the costs
and benefits of the proposed exemption. The
[[Page 73154]]
Commission asks commenters to quantify costs and benefits and provide
supporting evidence, where possible. If the Commission determines that
there is no or very little potential for significant environmental
effects from these antenna structures, would environmental notification
confer any benefits? If so, would they be outweighed by the costs from
delays that might prevent deployment of these towers and result in a
loss of service to the public? The Commission specifically seeks
comment on the costs and benefits of the exemption as measured against
the alternative of applying a case-by-case waiver process similar to
that which applies to emergency situations. Under this case-by-case
waiver process, applicants are required to file a waiver request and
wait for a bureau determination of whether to grant the request. AT&T
states that a waiver process similar to that which currently applies to
emergency situations is an inefficient approach for the narrow category
of temporary towers within the scope of its proposal and creates
unnecessary uncertainty and delay. The Commission seeks comment on the
costs of the case-by-case waiver process that would be avoided by
adopting a rule. The Commission also seeks comment on the potential
that an exemption by rule would be over-inclusive, and on any costs
that might result.
IV. Implementation of Section 6409(a)
53. The Commission tentatively finds that it will serve the public
interest to establish rules clarifying the requirements of section
6409(a) to ensure that the benefits of a streamlined review process for
collocations and other minor facility modifications are not
unnecessarily delayed. As the Commission noted in the Sixteenth
Competition Report, 28 FCC Rcd 3700 (2013), collocation on existing
structures is often the most efficient and economical solution for
mobile wireless service providers that need new cell sites, either to
expand their existing coverage area, increase their capacity, or deploy
new advanced services.
54. Since Congress adopted section 6409(a) more than a year ago,
parties have expressed widely divergent views as to the meaning of its
terms and the scope of its requirements. Although the Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau's release of the Section 6409(a) PN, see
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Offers Guidance on Interpretation of
section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of
2012, Public Notice, 28 FCC Rcd 1 (WTB 2013) (Section 6409(a) PN),
provided guidance on certain questions of interpretation under this
provision, the bureau left other issues unaddressed, and parties have
also raised questions and concerns regarding the Section 6409(a) PN
guidance itself. While these issues could be addressed in practice
through local interpretations, judicial decisions, and voluntary
agreements, the Commission believes on balance it serves the public
interest for us proactively to seek comment at this time on
implementing rules to define terms that the statute leaves undefined,
and to fill in other interstices that may serve to delay the intended
benefits of section 6409(a). The Commission invites comment on its
decision to do so and on any reasons why the Commission should limit or
decline to take regulatory action in this proceeding.
55. In particular, the Commission anticipates that, in the absence
of definitive guidance from the Commission, the uncertainties under
section 6409(a) may lead to protracted and costly litigation and could
adversely affect the timely deployment of a nationwide public safety
network and delay the intended streamlining benefits of the statute
with respect to other communications services. Further, addressing the
interpretation of section 6409(a) in a rulemaking, with notice and
opportunity for comment, will provide a broader opportunity for
participation and input in the implementation of this provision than,
for example, one or more adjudicatory proceedings. In addition, the
Commission believes that State and local governments, FirstNet,
Commission licensees, and tower companies will benefit from having
settled interpretations on which they can rely in determining how to
comply with the new law. The Commission therefore takes this
opportunity to examine section 6409(a) and to seek public comment on
its interpretation. The Commission seeks comment on this reasoning.
56. The Commission acknowledges, however, that there may also be
countervailing benefits to offering governments additional opportunity
to implement some or all of the provisions of section 6409(a) before
adopting prescriptive rules. Such an approach would provide State and
local governments more opportunity and flexibility to develop solutions
that best meet the needs of their communities consistent with the
requirements of the provision and may also help to distinguish those
issues that require clarification by the Commission from those on which
there is general consensus. In particular, the Commission believe that
best practices or model ordinances that reflect a consensus of industry
and municipal interests may facilitate the practical and efficient
implementation of section 6409(a), and the Commission is aware of
ongoing discussions between industry and municipal government
representatives in that regard. Therefore, the Commission invites
comment on whether it should refrain from addressing any or all of the
issues discussed below at the present time, on how the Commission might
encourage efforts to develop best practices for applying section
6409(a), and on what role best practices might play in the
interpretation or implementation of this statutory provision.
57. The Commission also notes legislative efforts by State and
local governments to streamline their collocation review processes in
response to section 6409(a) and other considerations. The Commission
seeks comment on how it could accommodate and encourage such efforts
consistent with section 6409(a) and the factors discussed above. In
particular, the Commission seeks comment on how this consideration
affects whether and to what extent the Commission should leave issues
unaddressed at this time. The Commission also seeks comment on other
ways in which principles of federalism should inform its approach to
implementation of section 6409(a). In this connection, the Commission
notes that its goal is not to operate as a national zoning board.
Rather, the Commission seeks to implement and enforce the intent of
Congress to make compliance with Federal standards a precondition to
continued State regulation in an otherwise pre-empted field. In
establishing such Federal standards, how should the Commission most
appropriately address the traditional responsibility of State and local
governments for land use matters?
58. To the extent that the Commission does adopt rules implementing
section 6409(a), the Commission also seeks comment on whether it should
provide a transition period to allow States and localities time to
implement the requirements in their laws, ordinances, and procedures.
If so, how would the Commission establish such a mechanism consistent
with the provision, and what transition period would be appropriate?
1. Terms in Section 6409(a)
59. Under section 6409(a), states and localities must grant an
eligible facilities request, defined as any request for modification of
an existing wireless tower or base station that involves collocation,
removal or replacement of
[[Page 73155]]
transmission equipment, if the request does not substantially change
the physical dimensions of the tower or base station. The Commission
will refer to an eligible request that does not substantially change
the physical dimensions of the tower or base station, and therefore
that shall be approved and must not be denied, as a covered request.
60. The scope of section 6409(a) depends on the proper
interpretation of a number of terms. The Commission seeks comment on
how to interpret or define these terms, including ``transmission
equipment,'' ``existing wireless tower or base station,''
``substantially change the physical dimensions,'' and ``collocation,''
as they are used in and apply to an eligible facilities request under
section 6409(a). The Commission also seeks comment on whether the term
eligible facilities request itself requires any further clarification
beyond the statutory definition provided in section 6409(a)(2).
Commenters addressing these issues are strongly encouraged to offer
specific definitions.
61. Transmission equipment and wireless. Section 6409(a) refers
broadly to transmission equipment without referencing any particular
service. Similarly, in defining eligible facilities to be modified, it
refers broadly to a wireless tower or base station. In contrast,
section 332(c)(7) of the Act, an older provision that also places
limits on State and local authority to regulate wireless facility
siting, extends only to facilities used for personal wireless services
as defined in that section. In the Section 6409(a) PN, the bureau
opined that the scope of a wireless tower or base station under section
6409(a) is not intended to be limited to facilities that support
personal wireless services under section 332(c)(7), given Congress's
decision not to use the pre-existing definition from another statutory
provision relating to wireless siting.
62. Consistent with the bureau's interpretation, the Commission
proposes to find that section 6409(a) applies to the collocation,
removal, or replacement of equipment used in connection with any
Commission-authorized wireless transmission, licensed or unlicensed,
terrestrial or satellite, including commercial mobile, private mobile,
broadcast, and public safety services, as well as fixed wireless
services such as microwave backhaul or fixed broadband. Similarly, the
Commission proposes to define a wireless tower or base station to
include one used for any such purpose. The Commission believes this
interpretation is warranted given the clear intent of Congress to
facilitate collocation, the substantial number of broadcast and public
safety towers that are potentially available for wireless collocation
and that are, in many cases, already being used for collocation, and
Congress's use of the term wireless rather than a more restrictive
term. The Commission also notes that the definitions of tower under
both the Collocation Agreement and NPA have a similarly broad scope,
encompassing structures used to support any Commission-licensed or
authorized service. The Commission seeks comment on its proposal and on
whether there is a reason to exclude any type of services. With respect
to the service involved, should the scope of transmission equipment to
be collocated, replaced, or removed be different from the scope of
structures to be modified? If the Commission were to exclude structures
used for certain services, how would the Commission treat a tower or
other structure that is used or usable for multiple types of service?
What about a tower that is not yet used for any service?
63. The Commission proposes to further define transmission
equipment to encompass antennas and other equipment associated with and
necessary to their operation, including, for example, power supply
cables and a backup power generator. The Commission believes this is
consistent with Congressional intent to streamline the review of
collocations and minor modifications and also with Congress's use of
the broad term transmission equipment rather than a more specific term
such as antenna. The Commission seeks comment on this proposal and
analysis. In particular, the Commission seeks comment on including
backup power equipment in light of the public interest in continued
service during emergencies. The Commission also seeks comment on
whether it should specifically include or exclude any equipment to be
considered as transmission equipment under section 6409(a).
64. The NPA defines antenna in part as an apparatus designed for
the purpose of emitting radio frequency (RF) radiation, to be operated
or operating from a fixed location pursuant to Commission
authorization, for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data,
images, pictures, and sounds of all kinds, including the transmitting
device and any on-site equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power
sources, shelters or cabinets associated with that antenna and added to
a tower, structure, or building as part of the original installation of
the antenna. Should the Commission adopt or adapt this definition of
antenna to define the term transmission facility under section 6409(a)?
65. Existing wireless tower or base station. The Commission seeks
comment on how to define wireless tower or base station under section
6409(a). Initially, the Commission notes that both tower and base
station have been previously defined in Commission rules and documents.
Under the Collocation Agreement, a tower is defined as any structure
built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting FCC-licensed
antennas and their associated facilities. The NPA includes a similar
definition of a tower as any structure built for the sole or primary
purpose of supporting Commission-licensed or authorized antennas,
including the on-site fencing, equipment, switches, wiring, cabling,
power sources, shelters, or cabinets associated with that tower but not
installed as part of an antenna. In part 90 of the Commission's rules,
base station is defined as a station at a specified site authorized to
communicate with mobile stations, whereas part 2 and part 24 of the
Commission's rules define base station as a land station in the land
mobile service. As noted in the Section 6409(a) PN, the Commission has
also described a base station in more detail as consisting of radio
transceivers, antennas, coaxial cable, a regular and backup power
supply, and other associated electronics. The Commission seeks comment
generally on the relevance of these definitions for defining wireless
tower or base station under section 6409(a).
66. The Commission seeks comment on the types of structures that
may be considered a wireless tower or base station under section
6409(a). At a minimum, tower would appear to include, as in the NPA,
structures built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting antennas
used for any wireless communications service. However, many other types
of structures, from buildings and water towers to streetlights and
utility poles, may also support antennas or other base station
equipment. The Commission also notes that the Commission has encouraged
the use of these types of structures to enhance capacity for wireless
networks. In the Section 6409(a) PN, the bureau opined that it is
reasonable to interpret a base station to include a structure that
supports or houses an antenna, transceiver, or other associated
equipment that constitutes part of a base station under section
6409(a). The Commission proposes to
[[Page 73156]]
find, consistent with the bureau's guidance, that the term wireless
tower or base station should be interpreted to encompass structures
that support or house an antenna, transceiver, or other associated
equipment that constitutes part of a base station, even if they were
not built for the sole or primary purpose of providing such support. In
particular, the Commission believes that interpreting section 6409(a)
to include structures that house or support base station equipment not
only is consistent with Congressional intent to streamline the
facilities application process, but also accords with established
principles of statutory construction by giving separate meaning to the
term base station as well as tower. The Commission seeks comment on
this interpretation. Should this definition be limited in any way? For
example, should a building or cabinet with equipment inside be included
in this definition? Is it material to the application of section
6409(a) whether a structure is a tower or a base station, and if so,
how should the Commission distinguish these terms?
67. The Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (IAC) argues that base
station should not be interpreted to encompass structures that support
or house only part of a base station. Rather, the IAC argues, any
interpretation of base station should reflect that a base station is a
set of equipment components that collectively provides a system for
transmission and reception of personal wireless services. The
Commission seeks comment on the IAC's argument.
68. The Commission also seeks comment on what equipment constitutes
a base station under section 6409(a). The Commission proposes,
consistent with the definition of transmission equipment proposed
above, to include antennas, transceivers, and other equipment
associated with and necessary to their operation, including coaxial
cable and regular and backup power equipment. The Commission seeks
comment on this proposal. Should the equipment that constitutes a base
station be defined in the same way as transmission equipment, more
expansively, or less expansively? Should structures housing any
particular type of equipment not be included? The Commission further
seeks comment on how to ensure that the definition of base station is
sufficiently flexible to encompass, as appropriate to section 6409(a)'s
intent and purpose, future as well as current base station technologies
and technological configurations, using either licensed or unlicensed
spectrum. In the Section 6409(a) PN, the bureau indicated that the term
base station encompasses the relevant equipment in any technological
configuration, including DAS and small cells. The Commission seeks
comment on whether to adopt this interpretation, and on what
constitutes the base station in the context of DAS or other wireless
technologies where the various components of what might traditionally
be considered a base station are dispersed over a large area and may be
owned or controlled by different parties.
69. Under section 6409(a), a wireless tower or base station must be
existing in order for its modification to be covered. In the Section
6409(a) PN, the bureau opined that an existing base station only
includes a structure that currently supports or houses base station
equipment. Verizon, however, argues that modifications of base stations
encompass collocations on buildings and other structures, even if those
structures do not currently house wireless communications equipment.
Verizon argues that the Collocation Agreement defines collocation as
encompassing the mounting of an antenna on an existing building or
structure, and that collocations in section 6409(a) should therefore be
given similar scope. The Commission seeks comment on this argument.
Does existing require only that the structure be previously constructed
at the time of the collocation application, or does this term also
require that the structure be used at that time as a tower or base
station? Do the statutory language and context argue in favor of one
interpretation or the other? Which interpretation, or some other, would
be more consistent with both facilitating deployments that are unlikely
to conflict with local land use policies (including policies that favor
use of existing structures) and preserving State and local authority to
review construction proposals that may have impacts? Should the
interpretation of existing depend on the type of structure involved?
For example, should the Commission consider a structure built for the
primary purpose of supporting or housing transmission equipment
existing under section 6409(a) whether or not it currently hosts such
equipment, while considering other structures existing only if they
currently support or house transmission equipment?
70. The Commission asks commenters, when discussing the scope of
support structures encompassed by section 6409(a), to discuss the
economic costs and benefits of adopting their proposed interpretation
and how these might relate to the intent of Congress. Are there
different costs and benefits to mandatory approval depending on the
type of structure involved?
71. Collocation, removal, and replacement. The Commission seeks
comment on how to define or interpret the terms collocation, removal,
and replacement. Under the Collocation Agreement, collocation is
defined as the mounting or installation of an antenna on an existing
tower, building or structure for the purpose of transmitting and/or
receiving radio frequency signals for communications purposes. The
Commission seeks comment on whether to adopt a similar definition of
collocation under section 6409(a).
72. The Commission also proposes to interpret a modification of a
wireless tower or base station to include collocation, removal, or
replacement of an antenna or any other transmission equipment
associated with the supporting structure, even if the equipment is not
physically located upon it. The Commission notes that the Collocation
Agreement similarly construes the mounting of an antenna on a tower to
encompass installation of associated equipment cabinets or shelters on
the ground. The Commission seeks comment on its proposed
73. The Commission seeks comment on whether and to what extent a
request to replace or harden a tower or other covered structure should
be considered a covered request if the replacement would not
substantially change the physical dimensions of the structure. For
example, under some circumstances, a tower may need to be replaced,
reinforced, or otherwise hardened in connection with an upgrade from 3G
to heavier 4G facilities. Should replacement of the underlying
structure be covered if it is necessary to support the otherwise
covered collocation or replacement of transmission equipment? What if
the replacement is constructed with different materials, such as if a
wooden pole must be replaced with steel? Should a requested structure
replacement be covered only for certain types of structures, such as
those originally constructed for the sole or primary purpose of
supporting communications equipment?
74. Substantially Change the Physical Dimensions. The Commission
seeks comment on whether and how to define when a modification would
substantially change the physical dimensions of a wireless tower or
base station.
75. As the bureau noted in the Section 6409(a) PN, the Collocation
Agreement establishes a four-prong test to
[[Page 73157]]
determine whether a collocation will effect a substantial increase in
the size of a tower. The Commission later adopted the same test in the
2009 Declaratory Ruling to determine whether an application will be
treated as a collocation when applying section 332(c)(7). The
Commission has also applied a similar definition to determine whether a
modification of an existing registered tower requires public notice for
purposes of environmental review.
76. Under this test, a substantial increase in the size of the
tower occurs if:
(1) [t]he mounting of the proposed antenna on the tower would
increase the existing height of the tower by more than 10%, or by the
height of one additional antenna array with separation from the nearest
existing antenna not to exceed twenty feet, whichever is greater,
except that the mounting of the proposed antenna may exceed the size
limits set forth in this paragraph if necessary to avoid interference
with existing antennas; or
(2) [t]he mounting of the proposed antenna would involve the
installation of more than the standard number of new equipment cabinets
for the technology involved, not to exceed four, or more than one new
equipment shelter; or
(3) [t]he mounting of the proposed antenna would involve adding an
appurtenance to the body of the tower that would protrude from the edge
of the tower more than twenty feet, or more than the width of the tower
structure at the level of the appurtenance, whichever is greater,
except that the mounting of the proposed antenna may exceed the size
limits set forth in this paragraph if necessary to shelter the antenna
from inclement weather or to connect the antenna to the tower via
cable; or
(4) [t]he mounting of the proposed antenna would involve excavation
outside the current tower site, defined as the current boundaries of
the leased or owned property surrounding the tower and any access or
utility easements currently related to the site.
77. The Commission seeks comment on whether to adopt the
Collocation Agreement's definition of substantial increase in the size
of the tower as the test for when a modification will substantially
change the physical dimensions of a tower or base station under section
6409(a). If the Commission does so, should the Commission apply this
test to all modification requests, including collocation, replacement,
and removal of transmission equipment? Or should the Commission modify
or clarify any of the prongs of that test for any type of requests?
78. In determining what constitutes a substantial change in
physical dimensions under section 6409(a), the Commission seeks comment
on how to address situations where the tower or other structure has
been previously modified since it was originally approved. For example,
it is theoretically possible that successive increases of 10 percent
could cumulatively increase the height of a structure by double or
more. In such situations, should the physical change in dimensions
resulting from a collocation be measured based on the structure's
original dimensions or the existing dimensions taking into account all
pre-existing modifications? Should it matter if previous expansions
occurred before or after the enactment of section 6409(a)?
79. The Commission also seeks comment on whether the standard for
what constitutes a substantial change should be different depending on
the type of structure to be modified. As the Commission noted above,
the Collocation Agreement definition applies to towers, defined as any
structure built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting FCC-
licensed antennas and their associated facilities. Should a different
standard apply to other types of structures that may be defined as
towers or base stations, such as buildings or utility poles? For
example, what are the potential effects of adding up to 10 percent to
the height of a building? Is a standard that allows for separation from
the nearest existing antenna of up to twenty feet appropriate for
structures that are much shorter than traditional towers, such as
utility poles? The Commission further seeks comment on whether a
different test should apply to stealth structures, structures and
associated base stations that have been constructed to blend in with
their surroundings. Should changes in physical dimensions that would
defeat or be inconsistent with the stealth characteristics of the
structure be considered substantial?
80. The Commission also seeks comment on the views of the IAC
regarding when a modification will substantially change the physical
dimensions of a tower or base station. In particular, the IAC argues
that the question of substantiality cannot be resolved by the adoption
of mechanical percentages or numerical rules applicable anywhere and
everywhere in the United States, but rather must be evaluated in the
context of specific installations and a particular community's land use
requirements and decisions. As an example, the IAC suggests that a
change in a tower's height of only 5 percent that would adversely
affect substantial safety, esthetic, or quality-of-life elements would
represent a substantial change in physical dimensions. The Commission
seeks comment on this interpretation, and on how, consistent with the
IAC's interpretation, the Commission might define the test for what
constitutes a substantial change in physical dimensions.
2. Review and Processing of Applications, Time Limits, and Remedies
81. Section 6409(a)(1) provides that notwithstanding section 704 of
the Telecommunications Act of 1996 or any other provision of law, a
State or local government may not deny, and shall approve any eligible
facilities request for a modification of an existing wireless tower or
base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions
of such tower or base station. The Commission asks for comments on the
extent to which the statutory language leaves State or local
governments discretion or authority to deny or condition approval and
what restrictions or requirements, if any, it may place on the
processes that a State or locality may adopt for the review of
applications. The Commission further seeks comment on whether section
6409(a) warrants establishment of time limits for State and local
review and prescription of remedies in the event of a failure to
approve a covered request under section 6409(a)(1).
82. May not deny and shall approve. The Commission seeks comment on
whether, by directing that States and localities may not deny and shall
approve covered requests, section 6409(a) requires States and
localities to approve all requests that meet the definition of eligible
facilities requests and do not result in a substantial change in the
dimensions of the facility, without exception and/or discretionary
review. The Commission also seeks comment on whether there are any
special circumstances under which, notwithstanding this unqualified
language, section 6409(a) would permit a State or local government to
deny an otherwise covered request. The Commission further seeks comment
on whether States and localities may make the grant of a covered
request subject to conditions on or alterations to the request. If so,
what types of conditions or alterations may they require that would be
consistent with section 6409(a)? In particular, the Commission
[[Page 73158]]
seeks comment below on whether and/or to what extent States and
localities may require any covered requests to comply with State or
local building codes and land use laws and whether States and
localities are required to approve an otherwise covered modification of
a tower or base station that has legal, non-conforming status or that
does not conform to a condition or restriction that the State or
locality imposed as a prerequisite to its original approval of the
tower or base station. The Commission also proposes below to find that
the requirement that States and localities may not deny and shall
approve covered requests in any case applies only to State and local
governments acting in their role as land use regulators and does not
apply to such entities acting in their capacities as property owners.
83. The Commission seeks comment whether and/or to what extent
States and localities may require any covered requests to comply with
State or local building codes and land use laws. For example, the
Commission seeks comment on whether a State or local government must
grant a facilities modification request that would result in an
increase in height above the maximum height permitted by an applicable
zoning ordinance. May States and localities require a covered request
to be in compliance with general building codes or other laws
reasonably related to health and safety? For example, the Commission
seeks comment on whether States or localities can continue to enforce
restrictions such as load-bearing limits on applications that otherwise
meet the standard for approval under section 6409(a)(1). May they
condition the approval of a modification on the underlying structure's
compliance with the hardening standards under TIA-222 revision G,
Structural Standards for Antenna Supporting Structures and Antennas?
What is the cost of bringing a structure into compliance with these
standards? Similarly, may a State or local government deny an
application for an otherwise covered modification if the structure, as
modified, would not meet the fall zone or setback distance that its
ordinance requires? The Commission further seeks comment on the
enforceability of codes that may not be designed for current
technologies, e.g., codes establishing set-back minimums appropriate
for towers but excessive for much shorter utility poles. The Commission
asks commenters to discuss the extent to which principles of federalism
require or permit the Commission to construe section 6409(a) in a
manner that preserves traditional State or local land use authority
with respect to any of these issues.
84. The Commission also seeks comment on whether section 6409(a) is
applicable to eligible facilities requests involving existing towers or
base stations that were approved at the time of construction but that
are no longer in conformance due to subsequent changes to the governing
zoning ordinance. Some jurisdictions routinely deny such requests,
while others require full zoning review and impose conditions such as
replacement or retrofitting of the underlying structure. The Commission
therefore seeks comment on whether States and localities are required
to approve an otherwise covered modification of a tower or base station
that has legal, non-conforming status, and whether section 6409(a)
disallows a jurisdiction from subjecting such a request to full zoning
review. The Commission further seeks comment on current municipal
practices regarding modification or collocation requests in connection
with legal, non-conforming wireless towers. What are the reasons or
justifications for the local jurisdiction to require a full zoning
review? What is the common time frame to process a local zoning review
for a request to modify a legal, non-conforming tower? What sorts of
conditions have local governments placed on their approval?
85. The Commission also seeks comment on whether States and
localities are required to approve a modification of an existing tower
or base station that does not conform to a condition or restriction
that the State or locality imposed as a prerequisite to its original
approval of the tower or base station. For example, if a municipality
has approved initial installation of some transmission facilities on a
building or other structure conditioned on the facilities meeting
standards with regard to height, width, bulk, appearance, or other
design characteristics intended to camouflage the deployment, is it
required to approve subsequent collocations on the structure that do
not meet those stealth conditions? Should a different rule apply
depending on whether the condition was imposed before or after the
effective date of section 6409(a)? The Commission seeks comment on
whether interpreting the statute to require approval of modifications
notwithstanding conditions on the original installation may create
disincentives for States and localities to approve the initial siting
of towers or base stations, and if so, how section 6409(a) can be
implemented to address this concern.
86. More broadly, the Commission seeks comment on the extent to
which any of these asserted grounds for local substantive review and
potential denial of an application should alternatively be understood
as factors in determining whether a wireless tower or base station
should be considered existing or what constitutes a substantial change
in the physical dimensions of a wireless tower or base station. For
example, should modifications that alter a facility in a fashion
inconsistent with local ordinance or with conditions on the structure's
use be considered to substantially change its physical dimensions?
Should a tower that is legal but non-conforming not be considered
existing for purposes of section 6409(a)?
87. The IAC argues that the mandate that States and localities may
not deny and shall approve requests applies only to State and local
governments acting in their role as land use regulators and does not
apply to such entities acting in their capacities as property owners.
The IAC asserts, as example, that where a county government, as
landlord rather than as land use regulator, has by contract or lease
chosen, in its discretion, to authorize the installation of an antenna
on a county courthouse rooftop of certain exact dimensions and
specifications, section 6409 does not require the county, acting in its
capacity as landlord rather than its capacity as regulator of private
land use, to allow the tenant to exceed to any extent those mutually
and contractually agreed-upon exact dimensions and specifications. The
Commission proposes to adopt this interpretation of section 6409(a) and
seeks comment, including comment on how to ensure it is clear in which
capacity governmental action is requested and in which capacity a
governmental entity is acting, and whether the Commission needs to
address how section 6409(a) applies to requests seeking a government's
approval in both capacities. For example, would section 6409(a) impose
no limits on such a landlord's ability to refuse or delay action on a
collocation request?
88. Application procedures. The Commission seeks comment on whether
section 6409(a) places restrictions, limitations, or requirements on
the filing and review process applicable to applications subject to
section 6409(a), and if so, what Federal standards would appropriately
implement such limitations. Some have suggested that because section
6409(a) provides that State and local governments shall approve covered
facilities requests, the provision requires an expedited process. Other
parties, on the other hand, have
[[Page 73159]]
argued that a fact-finding is required to determine whether section
6409(a) applies at all and that local governments need the freedom to
adopt procedures that will enable them to resolve this question. In the
Section 6409(a) PN, the bureau, noting that the provision on its face
contemplates the submission of a request, indicated that the relevant
government entity may still require the filing of an application for
administrative approval. The Section 6409(a) PN did not provide any
further procedural guidance.
89. The Commission proposes to find, consistent with the bureau
guidance, that section 6409(a) permits a State or local government at a
minimum to require an application to be filed and to determine whether
the application constitutes a covered request. This is consistent with
the statutory language providing that the government shall approve the
application. The Commission seeks comment on this proposed finding. The
Commission further seeks comment on whether, given the directive that
the State or local government shall approve, section 6409(a) permits
and warrants Federal limits on applicable fees, processes, or time for
review. If so, should the Commission define what these limits are, or
are the variations in circumstances such that it is better to address
them case-by-case? If the Commission does define them, what should the
limits be? For example, should the Commission find that section 6409(a)
warrants specific expedited procedures or limits on the documentation
that may be required with an application?
90. In particular, the Commission seeks comment on whether section
6409(a) warrants limiting the procedures for filing and reviewing an
application that the applicant characterizes as stating a covered
request to those procedures relevant to resolving whether the request
is in fact covered by section 6409(a). The Commission further seeks
comment on whether section 6409(a) permits limitations on which
officials may review an application, and if so, whether such
limitations are warranted. For example, to the extent that review under
section 6409(a) is ministerial, approval by administrative staff may be
more efficient, and no less effective, than submission to an elected
Board. Would a Federal standard requiring State and local governments
to utilize such an administrative process sufficiently protect their
ability to identify applications that are not covered by section
6409(a) and otherwise to exercise any permitted discretion? Would it be
consistent with principles of federalism to constrain State and local
government procedures in this manner, as a condition for continuing to
review covered requests? Would such a standard contradict some local
ordinances and, if so, would it raise concerns that, at least for an
interim period, the affected community could not review applications at
all? Are administrative practices sufficiently uniform among
communities that any rules could be meaningful?
91. The Commission also seeks comment on whether section 6409(a)
permits or warrants imposing limits on the kinds of information and
documentation that may be required in connection with an application
asserted to be a covered request. The Commission notes that, in the NOI
proceeding, some parties asserted that some jurisdictions were
requesting extensive documentation for collocation approvals, thereby
resulting in delay, while other jurisdictions required only the limited
information necessary to issue a common building permit. The Commission
also notes that, since the NOI was released, additional States have
taken steps to streamline local processing of collocation requests, in
part through clarifying what information may be required to support
such requests. The Commission seeks comment on such developments and on
whether, given current practices, it is now necessary or appropriate to
establish Federal standards governing the information that applicants
may be required to provide in connection with an asserted section
6409(a) request in order to ensure that such information requests do
not unnecessarily extend the application process. For example, should
the Commission clarify that States and localities may not require
information or documents in connection with an eligible facilities
request asserted to be a covered request under section 6409(a) that are
not relevant to the criteria for approval under section 6409(a)?
92. The Commission also seeks comment on whether to establish a
time limit for the processing of requests under section 6409(a). In the
Section 6409(a) PN, the bureau noted that the 2009 Declaratory Ruling
established 90 days as a presumptively reasonable period of time to
process collocation applications under section 332(c)(7). The bureau
stated that 90 days should be the maximum presumptively reasonable
period of time for reviewing requests that are covered by section
6409(a), whether for personal wireless services or other wireless
facilities. The Commission seeks comment on whether to adopt this
conclusion or adopt a shorter period, given that section 6409(a)
considerably narrows the scope of review. Should the Commission also
consider specific circumstances under which municipalities may extend
the time period? For example, consistent with the Commission's
interpretation of section 332(c)(7), should the Commission provide that
a municipality may toll the running of the period if it notifies the
applicant in writing within 30 days that an application is incomplete
and specifies the additional information or documentation required to
complete the application? Does section 6409(a) warrant imposing any
limits on the ability of a municipality to require such additional
information or documentation? Should municipalities be able to extend
the time period by agreement with the applicant?
93. The Commission notes that some jurisdictions have adopted
moratoria on the filing or processing of applications for new wireless
facilities, including collocations and other modifications that may be
covered under section 6409(a). The Commission seeks comment on current
developments of this kind, and how they may relate to covered requests
under section 6409(a). Considering Congress's explicit language that a
State or local government may not deny, and shall approve a covered
application, the Commission proposes to preempt the application of any
such moratoria to covered requests under section 6409(a), including
with respect to the running of any applicable time period. In other
words, under this proposal, a State or local government may not prevent
or delay the filing of applications asserted to be covered by section
6409(a) due to a moratorium, and it must approve covered applications
within the same time period as if no moratorium were in effect. The
Commission seeks comment on this proposal. Alternatively, the
Commission seeks comment on whether it should specify a maximum
cumulative time that may be added to the process due to moratoria and,
if so, what that time period should be, as well as whether any tolling
should be limited to moratoria that are put in place prior to
submission of the application or request.
94. The Commission anticipates that in general, review of
applications submitted under section 6409(a) will be limited to
determining whether the application states an eligible facilities
request, whether the request would substantially change the physical
dimensions of the relevant tower or base station, and whether it
satisfies any other criteria that, under interpretations
[[Page 73160]]
the Commission may adopt in this proceeding, allow the State or local
government to deny or condition an otherwise covered application.
Should the Commission distinguish any set of applications that are
unlikely to raise any significant questions of eligibility and
therefore should be subject to more stringent limitations on process,
timing, or fees? If so, what criteria should identify these
applications and what limits are appropriate under section 6409(a)? For
example, should requests for removal of transmission equipment be
eligible for a more expedited process than new collocations? Should
replacement applications also be subject to a more expedited process
and, if so, subject to what limitations on the size or appearance of
the new equipment?
95. Remedy and enforcement. The Commission seeks comment on what
remedies should be available to enforce section 6409(a) in cases of
failure to act or decisions adverse to the applicant. The Commission
first seeks comment on whether it should provide that a covered request
is deemed granted by operation of law if a State or local government
fails to act within a specified period of time. In the 2009 Declaratory
Ruling, the Commission declined to adopt such a deemed granted remedy
for local government failures to act on facilities siting applications
under section 332(c)(7)(B), finding that section 332(c)(7)(B)(v)
indicated a Congressional intent that courts should have the
responsibility to fashion appropriate case-specific remedies. Unlike
section 332(c)(7), however, section 6409(a) does not explicitly include
a judicial remedy. Indeed, whereas the terms of section 332(c)(7) do
not mandate approval of any particular request, section 6409(a)
provides that governments shall approve requests covered by the
provision. Moreover, section 6409(a) compels such action
notwithstanding section 332(c)(7) in particular. The Commission seeks
comment on whether this statutory distinction supports a deemed granted
remedy for applications subject to section 6409(a).
96. The Commission also seeks comment on whether such a remedy
raises any constitutional concerns, including concerns under the Tenth
Amendment. While the adoption of a deemed granted rule for cases of
State inaction would result in the grant of facilities siting
applications by operation of Federal law pursuant to section 6409(a),
such a rule would not appear to compel the States to enact or
administer a Federal regulatory program. Indeed, rather than drawing
the States into such involvement, the rule would simply end the
application process without a need for any State or local action at
all, since a deemed granted approach would operate automatically to
grant the application when the trigger event occurs (e.g., inaction on
the application for the amount of time specified by the rule).
Moreover, other than establishing the automatic grant, a deemed granted
rule would not prescribe any particular processes or place any
obligations on State or local governments, thereby leaving their
regulatory authority over the siting matter otherwise undisturbed. In
these respects, it would appear that a deemed granted rule would no
more constitute a Federal regulatory program imposed on the States than
would a pure preemption of State action.
97. In addition to the deemed granted approach, the Commission also
seeks comment on any alternative remedies to similarly ensure that
cases of State inaction or inordinate delay are addressed as Congress
intended. Should the Commission, for example, exercise authority under
City of New York to preempt State or local authority with respect to
covered requests that have been pending for more than a specified
period of time? Would such preemption effectively serve the goals of
section 6409(a) by precluding State or local legal action against
installations that meet the terms of section 6409(a)? Would this type
of remedy effectively enable the installation to proceed, or would the
preemption of the State/local application process prior to its normal
conclusion create other potential impediments? For example, if the
State or local body typically issues a permit after granting a siting
application, would the lack of a permit affect the wireless carrier's
ability to hire contractors to perform necessary work for the
installation? While a similar problem is conceivable with the deemed
granted approach, a carrier that receives a grant by operation of
Federal law under section 6409(a) should have recourse through
established legal frameworks to obtain any necessary paperwork and
credentials to which those receiving a grant from the State or local
government are entitled. The Commission seeks comment on this aspect of
the deemed granted approach, as well as on any other practical problems
that may arise.
98. The Commission also seeks comment on the appropriate remedy
when a State or local government impermissibly denies a covered
request. Should such a denial also be subject to a deemed granted
remedy? How feasible would this approach be when the ostensible reason
for the denial is that the request does not qualify as a covered
request? Could such denials be excluded from the deemed granted
approach without rendering the approach ineffective for addressing
impermissible denials of covered requests? Is there any other reason to
treat a State or local government's denial of an eligible facilities
request differently from its failure to act within a specified period
of time?
99. The Commission further seeks comment on how a deemed granted
remedy, if adopted, should operate, when it should be applicable, and
how it should be enforced under section 6409(a). For example, should an
applicant be required to notify a State or local government when it
believes that a deemed grant has occurred, thus providing that State or
local government the opportunity to go to court or the Commission to
seek a finding that the deemed granted remedy has not been triggered?
Or should the onus be placed on the applicant to go to court or the
Commission and asks for a finding that an application is a covered
request before it can be deemed granted? Would placing the burden on
the applicant pursuant to the latter option negate many of the benefits
of having a deemed granted remedy?
100. For the reasons discussed above, the Commission proposes to
permit the filing of complaints with the Commission alleging violations
of section 6409(a) along with any implementing rules the Commission
choose to adopt, and that such complaints be filed as petitions for
declaratory ruling. The Commission seeks comment on these proposals,
including whether it should adopt other procedures, such as those that
have been adopted in connection with other local land use actions that
affect Commission licensees. What alternative judicial remedies would a
party have? The Commission also notes that some zoning regulations
require that only a court decision can overturn a zoning decision. The
Commission seeks comment on whether and how section 6409(a) might
operate to preempt such requirements and how this issue should affect
the remedies the Commission provides.
101. Finally, the Commission seeks comment on the relation between
section 6409(a) and section 332(c)(7). While the provisions are not
coextensive, many collocation applications under section 6409(a) are
also covered under section 332(c)(7). Where both sections apply, the
Commission proposes to find that section 6409(a) governs, consistent
with canons of statutory construction that a
[[Page 73161]]
more recent statute takes precedence over an earlier one and that
normally the specific governs the general. Thus, under this
interpretation, because the substantive standard requiring approval of
covered requests under section 6409(a) appears to provide significantly
less leeway than section 337(c)(7) and is therefore in conflict with
the latter provision, where both apply, such covered requests would be
governed by the substantive standard of section 6409(a). The Commission
seeks comment on this proposed finding and any alternatives.
V. Implementation of Section 332(C)(7)
102. The Commission does not intend in this NPRM to seek comment on
or otherwise revisit any aspect of its 2009 Declaratory Ruling. As
discussed below, the Commission has received various comments in
response to the NOI asserting that it is unclear how the standards
established in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling apply in certain
specifically identified contexts or seeking clarification regarding
questions arising under section 332(c)(7) that were not addressed by
the 2009 Declaratory Ruling. Additionally, the Commission has been
asked to revisit its decision not to impose a deemed granted remedy in
cases where a State or local government fails to comply with the time
limits set forth in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling. From these comments,
the Commission has distilled six discrete issues that have been raised.
While taking the opportunity to address these issues, the Commission
stresses that it is not revisiting--or seeking comment in this
proceeding on--any of the matters decided by the 2009 Declaratory
103. Definition of collocation. In the 2009 Declaratory Ruling, the
Commission held that the addition of an antenna to an existing tower or
other structure constitutes a collocation for purposes of section
332(c)(7) if it does not involve a substantial increase in the size of
a tower as defined in the Collocation Agreement. However, the
Commission did not further define that term. In the context of defining
a substantial change in physical dimensions under section 6409(a), the
Commission seeks comment above on whether to adopt a different standard
depending on the type of structure to be modified. The Commission
similarly seeks comment here on whether to refine the substantial
increase in size test as applied to collocations on structures other
than communications towers under section 332(c)(7). Should the
Commission apply the test for substantial increase in size under
section 332(c)(7) in the same manner as it interprets the test under
section 6409(a) for substantial change in physical dimensions? The
Commission also seeks comment on whether terms that it defines under
both section 332(c)(7) and section 6409(a), such as collocation, should
be defined in the same way.
104. Completeness of applications. Although the 2009 Declaratory
Ruling held that a State or local government's period for acting on an
application is tolled until the applicant completes its application in
response to a request for additional information made within the first
30 days, it did not attempt to define when a siting application should
be considered complete for this purpose. PCIA has asserted that, as a
result, jurisdictions may delay processing by repeatedly requesting
additional information. AT&T also asserted that some local authorities
have tried to extend their period for decision by delaying when they
deem the application complete. The Commission seeks comment on whether
to clarify when a siting application is considered complete for the
purpose of triggering the 2009 Declaratory Ruling time frame and, if
so, how that should be determined.
105. Local moratoria. Above, the Commission seeks comment on
whether and how the requirements of section 6409(a) apply to delays in
processing applications that result from local moratoria. Here, the
Commission similarly seeks comment on whether and how the presumptively
reasonable time frames under section 332(c)(7) apply to such delays.
PCIA in its comments to the NOI argued that because the 2009
Declaratory Ruling on timelines for application review did not
explicitly discuss moratoria, many jurisdictions have enacted them in
an effort to avoid the 2009 Declaratory Ruling time frames altogether.
PCIA asserted that siting moratoria lasting longer than six months are
generally contrary to the industry-community agreement signed in 1998,
and that local jurisdictions have not followed this agreement and have
enacted moratoria extending well beyond the six-month time period.
Thus, PCIA requested that the Commission clarify the applicability of
the 2009 Declaratory Ruling to local moratoria.
106. The Commission proposes to find that the presumptively
reasonable period for State or local government action on an
application runs regardless of any local moratorium. Since the 2009
Declaratory Ruling makes no special provision for moratoria, the
Commission believes this is consistent with the plain reading of that
decision. Furthermore, the Commission believes this approach creates an
appropriate bright-line test for when a State or local government's
delay may be brought before a court. Under this reading, the
reasonableness of the moratorium may be considered by a reviewing court
in determining whether the delay violates section 332(c)(7). The
Commission seeks comment on this proposal and analysis.
107. Alternatively, the Commission seeks comment on whether the
running of the applicable presumptively reasonable period of time
should be tolled by a moratorium. The Commission also seeks comment on
whether, if it adopts this ruling, the tolling period for moratoria
should be limited to a maximum cumulative time, what that time period
should be, and whether tolling should be limited to moratoria that are
put in place prior to the submission of the application or request. The
Commission further seeks comment on how frequently moratoria are
invoked, the typical duration of moratoria, and the local interests
served by or justifications for such moratoria. The Commission notes
that if it holds that the section 6409(a) substantive standards govern
applications covered by both section 6409(a) and section 332(c)(7),
such standards would include any decisions on moratoria under section
6409(a). The Commission seeks comment on whether treatment of moratoria
should be similar under the two provisions.
108. Application to DAS. The NOI record has shown that in the
absence of any explicit discussion, some jurisdictions have interpreted
the 2009 Declaratory Ruling time frames as not applying to DAS
deployments. Neither section 332(c)(7) nor any Commission decision
interpreting section 332(c)(7) makes any distinction among personal
wireless service facilities based on technology, and absent a
compelling reason to do so, the Commission is not inclined to make such
distinctions. In any event, the Commission proposes to clarify that to
the extent DAS or small cell facilities, including third-party
facilities such as neutral host DAS deployments, are or will be used
for the provision of personal wireless services, such facilities are
subject to the same presumptively reasonable time frames and other
requirements as other personal wireless service facilities.
109. The City of Philadelphia responded to the NOI record on this
issue, arguing that a number of factors, including the possibility that
a DAS network may include a large number of discrete sites, the density
of the sites, and their tendency to have a large presence in the public
[[Page 73162]]
dictate a substantially greater time to review and evaluate permitting
applications than for traditional cell site applications, making the
time frames provided in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling inappropriate. The
2009 Declaratory Ruling does not prevent a court from taking these
factors into consideration in any determination of reasonableness,
however, and applicants and municipalities can agree to extensions of
time in appropriate cases. The Commission seeks comment on its proposal
and analysis, including any reason DAS or small cell facilities should
be subject to different time frames or other requirements.
110. Section 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(I). PCIA has asserted that some local
ordinances establish preferences for placing wireless facilities on
municipal property and argued that, by limiting the siting flexibility
of subsequent wireless entrants in a given area, such ordinances
unreasonably discriminate among providers of functionally equivalent
services in violation of section 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(I). Other commenters
have argued against such a per se conclusion. The Commission seeks
comment on whether ordinances establishing preferences for the
placement of wireless facilities on municipal property are unreasonably
discriminatory under section 332(c)(7).
111. Deemed Granted Remedy. In the 2009 Declaratory Ruling, the
Commission declined to establish a deemed granted remedy in cases where
a State or local government failed to abide by the time limits
established by the Commission. It noted at the time that section
332(c)(7)(B)(v) states that when a failure to act has occurred,
aggrieved parties should file with a court of competent jurisdiction
within 30 days and that the court shall hear and decide such action on
an expedited basis. The Commission then concluded that this provision
indicates Congressional intent that courts should have the
responsibility to fashion appropriate case-specific remedies.
112. PCIA in its comments asks the Commission to revisit this
decision and adopt a deemed granted remedy. Specifically, it claims
that adding a deemed granted rule is critical to ensuring that States
and localities act within the prescribed timelines. PCIA notes that
seeking judicial relief for violations of section 332(c)(7) can involve
great time and expense and that a deemed granted remedy would reduce
costly and time-consuming litigation, allowing those resources to be
used to fund rather than defend the expansion of broadband deployment.
What experiences have parties had since the end of the comment period
for the NOI in WC Docket No. 11-59? Should the Commission adopt
remedies beyond the one provided in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling for
violations of section 332(c)(7)? If so, what should they be? What
authority does the Commission have to adopt the proposed remedy?
VI. Other Procedural Matters
A. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
113. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, see 5 U.S.C.
603, the Commission has prepared an Initial Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis (IRFA) of the possible significant economic impact on small
entities of the policies and rules addressed in this NPRM. Written
public comments are requested on the IRFA. These comments must be filed
in accordance with the same filing deadlines as comments filed in
response to this NPRM and, if submitted together with comments to the
NPRM in a single filing, must have a separate and distinct heading
designating them as responses to the IRFA. The Commission's Consumer
and Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference Information Center, will
send a copy of this NPRM, including the IRFA, to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. In addition, the NPRM
and IRFA (or summaries thereof) will be published in the Federal
1. Need for, and Objectives of, the Proposed Rules
114. In this NPRM, the Commission addresses four major issues
regarding the regulation of wireless facility siting and construction
with the goal of reducing, where appropriate, the cost and delay
associated with the deployment of such infrastructure. First, the
Commission seeks comment on expediting its environmental review,
including review under section 106 of the NHPA, in connection with
proposed deployments of small cells, Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS),
and other small wireless technologies that may have minimal effects on
the environment. While the Commission has acted in the past to tailor
its environmental review for the deployment of wireless infrastructure,
those processes were largely developed long before small cell
technologies became prevalent, and for the most part reflect the scale
and level of environmental concern presented by traditional deployments
on tall structures. Accordingly, the Commission seeks comment on
whether to further tailor its environmental review process for
technologies such as DAS and small cells through adoption of a
categorical exclusion or other means. Second, the Commission proposes
to adopt a narrow exemption from the Commission's pre-construction
environmental notification requirements for certain temporary towers.
These notification requirements provide that, before a party can
register a proposed communications tower that requires registration
under part 17 of its rules, and thus begin to construct or deploy the
tower in question, it must complete a process of local and national
notice. The proposed exemption will ensure that providers can timely
deploy temporary facilities in response to unanticipated short term
needs for broadband and other wireless services, such as in response to
newsworthy events that occur without prior notice. Third, the
Commission seeks comment on proposed rules to clarify and implement the
requirements of section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job
Creation Act of 2012 (Spectrum Act), which streamlines State and local
review of requests for modification of existing towers and base
stations to facilitate the deployment of the nationwide public safety
broadband network mandated by the Spectrum Act and help providers meet
the Nation's growing demand for wireless broadband and other advanced
services. Finally, the Commission seeks comment on certain issues
arising from section 332(c)(7) of the Communications Act and the
Commission's interpretations in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling of that
provision, in order to provide greater notice and clarity to affected
2. Legal Basis
115. The authority for the actions taken in this NPRM is contained
in sections 1, 2, 4(i), 7, 201, 301, 303, 309, 332, 1403, and 1455 of
the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i),
157, 201, 301, 303, 309, 332, 1403, and 1455, section 102(C) of the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 42 U.S.C.
4332(C), and section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of
1966, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 470f.
3. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities To Which
the Proposed Rules Will Apply
116. The RFA directs agencies to provide a description of, and
where feasible, an estimate of the number of small entities that may be
affected by the proposed rules and policies, if adopted. The RFA
generally defines the term small entity as having the same
[[Page 73163]]
meaning as the terms small business, small organization, and small
governmental jurisdiction. In addition, the term small business has the
same meaning as the term small business concern under the Small
Business Act. A small business concern is one which: (1) Is
independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of
operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by the
SBA. Below, the Commission provides a description of such small
entities, as well as an estimate of the number of such small entities,
where feasible.
117. The NPRM proposes rule changes regarding local and Federal
regulation of the siting and deployment of communications towers and
other wireless facilities. Due to the number and diversity of owners of
such infrastructure and other responsible parties, including small
entities that are Commission licensees as well as non-licensees, the
Commission classifies and quantifies them in the remainder of this
section. The Commission seeks comment on its description and estimate
of the number of small entities that may be affected.
118. Small Businesses, Small Organizations, and Small Governmental
Jurisdictions. The Commission's action may, over time, affect small
entities that are not easily categorized at present. The Commission
therefore describes here, at the outset, three comprehensive, statutory
small entity size standards that encompass entities that could be
directly affected by the proposals under consideration. As of 2010,
there were 27.9 million small businesses in the United States,
according to the SBA. Additionally, a small organization is generally
any not-for-profit enterprise which is independently owned and operated
and is not dominant in its field. Nationwide, as of 2007, there were
approximately 1,621,315 small organizations. Finally, the term small
governmental jurisdiction is defined generally as governments of
cities, counties, towns, townships, villages, school districts, or
special districts, with a population of less than fifty thousand.
Census Bureau data for 2007 indicate that there were 89,527
governmental jurisdictions in the United States. The Commission
estimates that, of this total, as many as 88,761 entities may qualify
as small governmental jurisdictions. Thus, the Commission estimates
that most governmental jurisdictions are small.
119. Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except satellite). This
industry comprises establishments engaged in operating and maintaining
switching and transmission facilities to provide communications via the
airwaves. Establishments in this industry have spectrum licenses and
provide services using that spectrum, such as cellular phone services,
paging services, wireless Internet access, and wireless video services.
The appropriate size standard under SBA rules is for the category
Wireless Telecommunications Carriers. The size standard for that
category is that a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. For this category, census data for 2007 show that there were
11,163 establishments that operated for the entire year. Of this total,
10,791 establishments had employment of 99 or fewer employees and 372
had employment of 1000 employees or more. Thus under this category and
the associated small business size standard, the Commission estimates
that the majority of wireless telecommunications carriers (except
satellite) are small entities that may be affected by its proposed
action. Similarly, according to Commission data, 413 carriers reported
that they were engaged in the provision of wireless telephony,
including cellular service, PCS, and Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR)
Telephony services. Of these, an estimated 261 have 1,500 or fewer
employees and 152 have more than 1,500 employees. Consequently, the
Commission estimates that approximately half or more of these firms can
be considered small. Thus, using available data, the Commission
estimates that the majority of wireless firms can be considered small.
120. Personal Radio Services. Personal radio services provide
short-range, low power radio for personal communications, radio
signaling, and business communications not provided for in other
services. The Personal Radio Services include spectrum licensed under
part 95 of its rules. These services include Citizen Band Radio Service
(CB), General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), Radio Control Radio Service
(R/C), Family Radio Service (FRS), Wireless Medical Telemetry Service
(WMTS), Medical Implant Communications Service (MICS), Low Power Radio
Service (LPRS), and Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS). There are a variety
of methods used to license the spectrum in these rule parts, from
licensing by rule, to conditioning operation on successful completion
of a required test, to site-based licensing, to geographic area
licensing. Under the RFA, the Commission is required to make a
determination of which small entities are directly affected by the
rules being proposed. Since all such entities are wireless, the
Commission applies the definition of Wireless Telecommunications
Carriers (except Satellite), pursuant to which a small entity is
defined as employing 1,500 or fewer persons. Many of the licensees in
these services are individuals, and thus are not small entities. In
addition, due to the mostly unlicensed and shared nature of the
spectrum utilized in many of these services, the Commission lacks
direct information upon which to base an estimation of the number of
small entities under an SBA definition that might be directly affected
by its proposed actions.
121. Public Safety Radio Services. Public Safety Radio Services
include police, fire, local government, forestry conservation, highway
maintenance, and emergency medical services. There are a total of
approximately 127,540 licensees within these services. Governmental
entities as well as private businesses comprise the licensees for these
services. All governmental entities with populations of less than
50,000 fall within the definition of a small entity.
122. Private Land Mobile Radio. Private Land Mobile Radio (PLMR)
systems serve an essential role in a range of industrial, business,
land transportation, and public safety activities. These radios are
used by companies of all sizes operating in all U.S. business
categories that operate and maintain switching and transmission
facilities to provide communications via the airwaves. Establishments
in this industry have spectrum licenses and provide services using that
spectrum, such as cellular phone services, paging services, wireless
Internet access, and wireless video services. The SBA has not developed
a definition of small entity specifically applicable to PLMR licensees
due to the vast array of PLMR users. However, the Commission believes
that the most appropriate classification for PLMR is Wireless
Communications Carriers (except satellite). The size standard for that
category is that a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. For this category, census data for 2007 show that there were
11,163 establishments that operated for the entire year. Of this total,
10,791 establishments had employment of 999 or fewer employees and 372
had employment of 1000 employees or more. Thus under this category and
the associated small business size standard, the Commission estimates
that the majority of wireless telecommunications carriers (except
satellite) are small entities that may be affected by its proposed
123. Similarly, according to Commission data, 413 carriers reported
[[Page 73164]]
that they were engaged in the provision of wireless telephony,
including cellular service, PCS, and Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR)
Telephony services. Of these, an estimated 261 have 1,500 or fewer
employees and 152 have more than 1,500 employees. Consequently, the
Commission estimates that approximately half or more of these firms can
be considered small. Thus, using available data, the Commission
estimates that the majority of wireless firms can be considered small.
124. Other relevant information about PLMRs is as follows. The
Commission's 1994 Annual Report on PLMRs indicates that at the end of
fiscal year 1994 there were 1,087,267 licensees operating 12,481,989
transmitters in the PLMR bands below 512 MHz. Because any entity
engaged in a commercial activity is eligible to hold a PLMR license,
the revised rules in this context could potentially impact every small
business in the United States.
125. Multiple Address Systems. Entities using Multiple Address
Systems (MAS) spectrum, in general, fall into two categories: (1) Those
using the spectrum for profit-based uses, and (2) those using the
spectrum for private internal uses. With respect to the first category,
the Commission defines small entity for MAS licensees as an entity that
has average gross revenues of less than $15 million in the three
previous calendar years. Very small business is defined as an entity
that, together with its affiliates, has average gross revenues of not
more than $3 million for the preceding three calendar years. The SBA
has approved of these definitions. The majority of these entities will
most likely be licensed in bands where the Commission has implemented a
geographic area licensing approach that would require the use of
competitive bidding procedures to resolve mutually exclusive
applications. The Commission's licensing database indicates that, as of
April 16, 2010, there were a total of 11,653 site-based MAS station
authorizations. Of these, 58 authorizations were associated with common
carrier service. In addition, the Commission's licensing database
indicates that, as of April 16, 2010, there were a total of 3,330 EA
market area MAS authorizations. The Commission's licensing database
indicates that, as of April 16, 2010, of the 11,653 total MAS station
authorizations, 10,773 authorizations were for private radio service.
126. With respect to the second category, which consists of
entities that use, or seek to use, MAS spectrum to accommodate their
own internal communications needs, MAS serves an essential role in a
range of industrial, safety, business, and land transportation
activities. MAS radios are used by companies of all sizes, operating in
virtually all U.S. business categories, and by all types of public
safety entities. For the majority of private internal users, the
definition developed by the SBA would be more appropriate than the
Commission's definition. The applicable definition of small entity in
this instance appears to be the Wireless Telecommunications Carriers
(except satellite) definition under the SBA rules. Under that SBA
category, a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees. For
this category, census data for 2007 show that there were 11,163
establishments that operated for the entire year. Of this total, 10,791
establishments had employment of 99 or fewer employees and 372 had
employment of 100 employees or more. Thus under this category and the
associated small business size standard, the Commission estimates that
the majority of wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite)
are small entities that may be affected by its proposed action.
127. Broadband Radio Service and Educational Broadband Service.
Broadband Radio Service systems, previously referred to as Multipoint
Distribution Service (MDS) and Multichannel Multipoint Distribution
Service (MMDS) systems, and wireless cable, transmit video programming
to subscribers and provide two-way high speed data operations using the
microwave frequencies of the Broadband Radio Service (BRS) and
Educational Broadband Service (EBS) (previously referred to as the
Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS)). In connection with the
1996 BRS auction, the Commission established a small business size
standard as designating an entity that had annual average gross
revenues of no more than $40 million in the previous three calendar
years. The BRS auctions resulted in 67 successful bidders obtaining
licensing opportunities for 493 Basic Trading Areas (BTAs). Of the 67
auction winners, 61 met the definition of a small business. BRS also
includes licensees of stations authorized prior to the auction. At this
time, the Commission estimates that of the 61 small business BRS
auction winners, 48 remain small business licensees. In addition to the
48 small businesses that hold BTA authorizations, there are
approximately 392 incumbent BRS licensees that are considered small
entities. After adding the number of small business auction licensees
to the number of incumbent licensees not already counted, the
Commission finds that there are currently approximately 440 BRS
licensees that are defined as small businesses under either the SBA's
or the Commission's rules.
128. In 2009, the Commission conducted Auction 86, the sale of 78
licenses in the BRS areas. The Commission offered three levels of
bidding credits: (1) A bidder with attributed average annual gross
revenues that exceed $15 million and do not exceed $40 million for the
preceding three years (small business) received a 15 percent discount
on its winning bid; (2) a bidder with attributed average annual gross
revenues that exceed $3 million and do not exceed $15 million for the
preceding three years (very small business) received a 25 percent
discount on its winning bid; and (3) a bidder with attributed average
annual gross revenues that do not exceed $3 million for the preceding
three years (entrepreneur) received a 35 percent discount on its
winning bid. Auction 86 concluded in 2009 with the sale of 61 licenses.
Of the ten winning bidders, two bidders that claimed small business
status won 4 licenses; one bidder that claimed very small business
status won three licenses; and two bidders that claimed entrepreneur
status won six licenses.
129. Location and Monitoring Service (LMS). Multilateration LMS
systems use non-voice radio techniques to determine the location and
status of mobile radio units. For purposes of auctioning LMS licenses,
the Commission has defined a small business as an entity that, together
with controlling interests and affiliates, has average annual gross
revenues for the preceding three years not to exceed $15 million. A
very small business is defined as an entity that, together with
controlling interests and affiliates, has average annual gross revenues
for the preceding three years not to exceed $3 million. These
definitions have been approved by the SBA. An auction for LMS licenses
commenced on February 23, 1999 and closed on March 5, 1999. Of the 528
licenses auctioned, 289 licenses were sold to four small businesses.
130. Television Broadcasting. The SBA defines a television
broadcasting station that has no more than $35.5 million in annual
receipts as a small business. Business concerns included in this
industry are those primarily engaged in broadcasting images together
with sound. These establishments operate television broadcasting
studios and facilities for the programming and transmission of programs
to the public. These establishments also produce or transmit visual
programming to
[[Page 73165]]
affiliated broadcast television stations, which in turn broadcast the
programs to the public on a predetermined schedule. Programming may
originate in the station's own studio, from an affiliated network, or
from an external source.
131. According to Commission staff review of the BIA Financial
Network, Inc. Media Access Pro Television Database as of March 31,
2013, about 90 percent of an estimated 1,385 commercial television
stations in the United States have revenues of $35.5 million or less.
Based on this data and the associated size standard, the Commission
concludes that the majority of such establishments are small. The
Commission has estimated the number of licensed noncommercial
educational (NCE) stations to be 396. The Commission does not have
revenue estimates for NCE stations. These stations rely primarily on
grants and contributions for their operations, so the Commission will
assume that all of these entities qualify as small businesses. In
addition, there are approximately 567 licensed Class A stations, 2,227
licensed low power television (LPTV) stations, and 4,518 licensed TV
translators. Given the nature of these services, the Commission will
presume that all LPTV licensees qualify as small entities under the
above SBA small business size standard.
132. The Commission notes that in assessing whether a business
entity qualifies as small under the above definition, business control
affiliations must be included. Its estimate, therefore, likely
overstates the number of small entities affected by the proposed rules,
because the revenue figures on which this estimate is based do not
include or aggregate revenues from affiliated companies.
133. In addition, an element of the definition of small business is
that the entity not be dominant in its field of operation. The
Commission is unable at this time and in this context to define or
quantify the criteria that would establish whether a specific
television station is dominant in its market of operation. Accordingly,
the foregoing estimate of small businesses to which the rules may apply
does not exclude any television stations from the definition of a small
business on this basis and is therefore over-inclusive to that extent.
An additional element of the definition of small business is that the
entity must be independently owned and operated. It is difficult at
times to assess these criteria in the context of media entities, and
its estimates of small businesses to which they apply may be over-
inclusive to this extent.
134. Radio Broadcasting. This Economic Census category comprises
establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting aural programs by
radio to the public. Programming may originate in the station's own
studio, from an affiliated network, or from an external source. The SBA
defines a radio broadcasting entity that has $35.5 million or less in
annual receipts as a small business. According to Commission staff
review of the BIA Kelsey Inc. Media Access Radio Analyzer Database as
of June 5, 2013, about 90 percent of the 11,340 of commercial radio
stations in the United States have revenues of $35.5 million or less.
Therefore, the majority of such entities are small entities. The
Commission has estimated the number of licensed noncommercial radio
stations to be 3,917. The Commission does not have revenue data or
revenue estimates for these stations. These stations rely primarily on
grants and contributions for their operations, so the Commission will
assume that all of these entities qualify as small businesses. The
Commission notes that in assessing whether a business entity qualifies
as small under the above definition, business control affiliations must
be included. In addition, to be determined to be a small business, the
entity may not be dominant in its field of operation. The Commission
notes that it is difficult at times to assess these criteria in the
context of media entities, and its estimate of small businesses may
therefore be over-inclusive.
135. FM translator stations and low power FM stations. The proposed
rules and policies could affect licensees of FM translator and booster
stations and low power FM (LPFM) stations, as well as potential
licensees in these radio services. The same SBA definition that applies
to radio broadcast licensees would apply to these stations. The SBA
defines a radio broadcast station as a small business if such station
has no more than $35.5 million in annual receipts. Currently, there are
approximately 6,155 licensed FM translator and booster stations and 864
licensed LPFM stations. Given the nature of these services, the
Commission will presume that all of these licensees qualify as small
entities under the SBA definition.
136. Multichannel Video Distribution and Data Service. MVDDS is a
terrestrial fixed microwave service operating in the 12.2-12.7 GHz
band. The Commission adopted criteria for defining three groups of
small businesses for purposes of determining their eligibility for
special provisions such as bidding credits. It defined a very small
business as an entity with average annual gross revenues not exceeding
$3 million for the preceding three years; a small business as an entity
with average annual gross revenues not exceeding $15 million for the
preceding three years; and an entrepreneur as an entity with average
annual gross revenues not exceeding $40 million for the preceding three
years. These definitions were approved by the SBA. On January 27, 2004,
the Commission completed an auction of 214 MVDDS licenses (Auction No.
53). In this auction, ten winning bidders won a total of 192 MVDDS
licenses. Eight of the ten winning bidders claimed small business
status and won 144 of the licenses. The Commission also held an auction
of MVDDS licenses on December 7, 2005 (Auction 63). Of the three
winning bidders who won 22 licenses, two winning bidders, winning 21 of
the licenses, claimed small business status.
137. Satellite Telecommunications. Two economic census categories
address the satellite industry. The first category has a small business
size standard of $30 million or less in average annual receipts, under
SBA rules. The second has a size standard of $30 million or less in
annual receipts.
138. The category of Satellite Telecommunications comprises
establishments primarily engaged in providing telecommunications
services to other establishments in the telecommunications and
broadcasting industries by forwarding and receiving communications
signals via a system of satellites or reselling satellite
telecommunications. Census Bureau data for 2007 show that 607 Satellite
Telecommunications establishments operated for that entire year. Of
this total, 533 establishments had annual receipts of under $10
million, and 74 establishments had receipts of $10 million or more.
Consequently, the Commission estimates that the majority of Satellite
Telecommunications firms are small entities that might be affected by
its action.
139. The second category, i.e., All Other Telecommunications,
comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing specialized
telecommunications services, such as satellite tracking, communications
telemetry, and radar station operation. This industry also includes
establishments primarily engaged in providing satellite terminal
stations and associated facilities connected with one or more
terrestrial systems and capable of transmitting telecommunications to,
and receiving telecommunications from, satellite systems.
Establishments providing Internet services or voice over
[[Page 73166]]
Internet protocol (VoIP) services via client-supplied
telecommunications connections are also included in this industry. For
this category, Census data for 2007 shows that there were a total of
2,639 establishments that operated for the entire year. Of those 2,639
establishments, 2,333 operated with annual receipts of less than $10
million and 306 with annual receipts of $10 million or more.
Consequently, the Commission estimates that a majority of All Other
Telecommunications establishments are small entities that might be
affected by its action.
140. Non-Licensee Tower Owners. Although at one time, most
communications towers were owned by the licensee using the tower to
provide communications service, many towers are now owned by third-
party businesses that do not provide communications services themselves
but lease space on their towers to other companies that provide
communications services. The Commission's rules require that any
entity, including a non-licensee, proposing to construct a tower over
200 feet in height or within the glide slope of an airport must
register the tower with the Commission on FCC Form 854. Thus, non-
licensee tower owners may be subject to the environmental notification
requirements associated with Antenna Structure Registration (ASR), and
may benefit from the exemption for certain temporary antenna structures
that the Commission proposes in this NPRM. In addition, non-licensee
tower owners may be affected by interpretations of section 6409(a) of
the Spectrum Act or by any revisions to its interpretation of section
332(c)(7) of the Communications Act.
141. As of June 28, 2013, there are approximately 113,612
registration records in a `Constructed' status and 13,572 registration
records in a `Granted, Not Constructed' status in the ASR database.
This includes both towers registered to licensees and towers registered
to non-licensee tower owners. The Commission does not keep information
from which the Commission can easily determine how many of these towers
are registered to non-licensees or how many non-licensees have
registered towers. Regarding towers that do not require antenna
structure registration, the Commission does not collect information as
to the number of such towers in use and therefore cannot estimate the
number of tower owners who would be subject to the proposed rules.
Moreover, the SBA has not developed a size standard for small
businesses in the category Tower Owners. Therefore, the Commission is
unable to determine the number of non-licensee tower owners that are
small entities. The Commission believes, however, that when all
individuals owning 10 or fewer towers and leasing space for collocation
are included, non-licensee tower owners number in the thousands, and
that nearly all of these qualify as small businesses under the SBA's
definition for All Other Telecommunications. In addition, there may be
other non-licensee owners of other wireless infrastructure, including
DAS and small cells, that might be affected by the regulatory measures
proposed in this NPRM. The Commission does not have any basis for
estimating the number of such non-licensee owners that are small
4. Description of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other
Compliance Requirements for Small Entities
142. The NPRM proposes an exemption from the environmental
notification process that, if adopted, may require amending a current
information collection. Under the environmental notification rules,
prior to filing a completed Antenna Structure Registration (ASR)
application for any new antenna structure or for certain categories of
antenna structure modifications or replacements, the ASR applicant must
initially submit into the ASR system a partially completed FCC Form 854
that includes information about the proposed antenna structure but is
not yet complete for filing. The applicant must also provide local
notice of its proposed tower through publication in a local newspaper
or other appropriate means, such as by following the local zoning
public notice process. The Commission then posts information about the
proposal on its Web site for thirty days, relying on information
submitted by the applicant. Applicants claiming either a waiver from
the notification process or entitlement to a defined exemption from the
notification process must so indicate on their Form 854 submission.
143. This NPRM proposes to adopt a new limited exemption from the
environmental notification requirements. This exemption would apply to
temporary antenna structures that, because of their characteristics, do
not have the potential for significant environmental effects. For these
antenna structures, the NPRM proposes to find that the risk that
carriers will not be able to meet short-term capacity needs if required
to complete the notification process outweighs the small likelihood
that the process will confer any benefit. The NPRM further seeks
comment on the specific criteria for such an exemption, and whether it
is sufficient for exemption if an antenna structure (1) will be in use
for 60 days or less, (2) requires notice of construction to the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), (3) does not require marking or lighting
pursuant to FAA regulations, (4) will be less than 200 feet in height,
and (5) will involve minimal or no excavation. Should such an exemption
be adopted, applicants would be required to indicate on their Form 854
filing that they are claiming the notification exemption for new towers
and to demonstrate that they satisfy any applicable criteria.
5. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant Economic Impact on Small
Entities and Significant Alternatives Considered
144. The RFA requires an agency to describe any significant
alternatives that it has considered in developing its approach, which
may include the following four alternatives (among others): (1) The
establishment of differing compliance or reporting requirements or
timetables that take into account the resources available to small
entities; (2) the clarification, consolidation, or simplification of
compliance or reporting requirements under the rule for small entities;
(3) the use of performance, rather than design, standards; and (4) an
exemption from coverage of the rule, or any part thereof, for small
145. In this proceeding, the Commission seeks to encourage and
promote the deployment of advanced wireless broadband and other
services by tailoring or streamlining the regulatory review of new
wireless network infrastructure consistent with the law and the public
interest. The Commission therefore anticipates that the steps it
proposes or on which it seeks comment will not impose any significant
economic impacts on small entities, and will in fact help reduce
burdens on small entities that may need to deploy wireless
infrastructure by reducing the cost and delay associated with the
deployment of such infrastructure. As discussed below, however, certain
proposals may impose regulatory compliance costs on small
146. The NPRM seeks comment in four major areas relating to the
regulation of wireless facility siting and construction. First, it
seeks comment on whether and by what measures the Commission should
expedite environmental review under the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969 and section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
of 1966 for DAS and small cell deployments and
[[Page 73167]]
other new wireless network technologies involving the deployment of
small facilities that may have minimal potential for significant
environmental effects. The proposed measures should reduce existing
regulatory costs for small entities that construct or deploy wireless
infrastructure, and will not impose any additional costs on such
entities. The Commission seeks comment on the economic impact of these
clarifications and exclusions on small entities and invite commenters
addressing these options to discuss alternatives that could further
lessen the burden on small businesses and reduce unnecessary costs and
delays associated with the deployment of wireless network
infrastructure, without risking significant environmental impact.
147. In particular, the NPRM proposes to amend the first sentence
of Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 of the Commission's rules to clarify that the
existing NEPA exclusion for collocations of antennas on an existing
building or antenna tower also applies to collocations on other
structures, including the types of short structures upon which DAS and
small facilities may be collocated. This change would clarify that
small entities proposing to collocate wireless equipment on structures
such as poles or water towers would be entitled to the same relief from
the requirement to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) that they
receive under Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 when collocating on buildings and
antenna towers. The NPRM also seeks comment on whether to further amend
the first sentence of Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 to clarify that the
collocation exclusion applies to collocations of equipment inside
buildings as well as to equipment attached externally, and whether to
provide expressly that the exclusion for antennas also applies to
associated equipment. This change would clarify that entities,
including small entities, proposing to place wireless equipment inside
buildings or on structures such as poles or water towers would be
entitled to the same relief from the requirement to prepare an EA that
they receive under Note 1 to Sec. 1.1306 when collocating on the
outside of buildings.
148. The NPRM further seeks comment on whether to adopt new
categorical exclusions from NEPA and section 106 review for DAS and
small cells and on how such exclusions should be defined to encompass
other wireless technologies that similarly involve deployment of small
facilities and therefore warrant similar treatment for purposes of NEPA
and section 106 review. These new exclusions would reduce environmental
compliance costs of small entities by providing that eligible proposed
deployments of small wireless facilities do not require the preparation
of an EA.
149. Second, the NPRM proposes to adopt an exemption from the pre-
construction environmental notification process for certain temporary
towers that have characteristics (very short duration, height limits,
minimal or no excavation, and no lighting) that minimize their
potential to cause significant environmental effects, and seeks comment
specifically on an exemption for antenna structures that (1) will be in
use for 60 days or less, (2) require notice of construction to the FAA,
(3) do not require marking or lighting pursuant to FAA regulations, (4)
will be less than 200 feet in height, and (5) will involve minimal or
no excavation. The NPRM tentatively concludes that this exemption will
serve the public interest by reducing the burden on broadband and other
wireless service providers, including small entities. The Commission
seeks comment on the economic impact of this proposal on small
entities, and any alternative approaches that may further reduce the
burden on such entities.
150. Third, the NPRM seeks comment on rules interpreting and
implementing section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act, which governs State
and local review of eligible requests for modification of existing
wireless towers or base stations, including requests for collocation.
In particular, it seeks comment on the interpretation of various
statutory terms, on time limits for the review of applications covered
by section 6409(a), and other issues relevant to how State or local
governments process and review applications under the provision. In
considering what interpretations to adopt from among potential
alternatives, the Commission will give full consideration to the
effects on small entities, including small governmental jurisdictions,
and will not adopt an interpretation that significantly burdens small
entities unless necessary to effectuate the intent of the statute. The
Commission invites commenters to discuss the economic impact on small
entities of the interpretations of section 6409(a) on which the
Commission seeks comment and to suggest alternatives that may reduce
the impact on small entities while achieving the goals of the
Commission and the provision. For example, the NPRM seeks comment on
how the Commission might encourage efforts to develop best practices
for applying section 6409(a), and on whether the Commission should
provide a transition period to allow States and localities to implement
the requirements of section 6409(a) in their laws, ordinances, and
procedures, without risking significant delay in implementation of the
151. Finally, the NPRM seeks comment on whether to clarify certain
aspects of the Commission's interpretations of section 332(c)(7) in the
2009 Declaratory Ruling. In particular, it seeks comment on whether to
clarify when a siting application is considered complete, how the
presumptive time frames apply in the context of local moratoria,
whether to refine the substantial increase in size test as applied to
collocations on structures other than communications towers under
section 332(c)(7), how the decisions in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling
apply to deployments of DAS and small cell facilities, and whether the
Commission should adopt remedies beyond those provided in the 2009
Declaratory Ruling. The NPRM also seeks comment on whether ordinances
establishing preferences for municipal property sitings violate section
332(c)(7)(B)(i)(I). The Commission invites commenters to discuss the
economic impact of any clarification of those rulings on small
entities, including small jurisdictions, and on any alternatives that
would reduce the economic impact on such entities.
152. For the options discussed in this NPRM, the Commission seeks
comment on the effect or burden of the prospective regulation on small
entities, including small jurisdictions, the extent to which the
regulation would relieve burdens on small entities, and whether there
are any alternatives the Commission could implement that could achieve
the Commission's goals while at the same time minimizing or further
reducing the burdens on small entities.
6. Federal Rules That May Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict With the
Proposed Rules
153. None.
B. Initial Paperwork Reduction Act Analysis
154. This document contains proposed modified information
collection requirements. The Commission, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to comment on the information
collection requirements contained in this document, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. In addition,
pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002,
[[Page 73168]]
Public Law 107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), the Commission seeks
specific comment on how the Commission might further reduce the
information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer
than 25 employees.
C. Ex Parte Rules--Permit-but-Disclose
155. The proceeding this NPRM initiates shall be treated as a
permit-but-disclose proceeding in accordance with the Commission's ex
parte rules. Persons making ex parte presentations must file a copy of
any written presentation or a memorandum summarizing any oral
presentation within two business days after the presentation (unless a
different deadline applicable to the Sunshine period applies). Persons
making oral ex parte presentations are reminded that memoranda
summarizing the presentation must (1) list all persons attending or
otherwise participating in the meeting at which the ex parte
presentation was made, and (2) summarize all data presented and
arguments made during the presentation. If the presentation consisted
in whole or in part of the presentation of data or arguments already
reflected in the presenter's written comments, memoranda or other
filings in the proceeding, the presenter may provide citations to such
data or arguments in his or her prior comments, memoranda, or other
filings (specifying the relevant page and/or paragraph numbers where
such data or arguments can be found) in lieu of summarizing them in the
memorandum. Documents shown or given to Commission staff during ex
parte meetings are deemed to be written ex parte presentations and must
be filed consistent with Sec. 1.1206(b). In proceedings governed by
Sec. 1.49(f) or for which the Commission has made available a method
of electronic filing, written ex parte presentations and memoranda
summarizing oral ex parte presentations, and all attachments thereto,
must be filed through the electronic comment filing system available
for that proceeding, and must be filed in their native format (e.g.,
.doc, .xml, .ppt, searchable .pdf). Participants in this proceeding
should familiarize themselves with the Commission's ex parte rules.
VII. Ordering Clauses
156. Accordingly, it is ordered, pursuant to sections 1, 2, 4(i),
7, 201, 301, 303, 309, 332, 1403, and 1455 of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i), 157, 201, 301, 303, 309,
332, 1403, and 1455, section 102(C) of the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 4332(C), and section 106 of
the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, 16 U.S.C.
470f, that this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is hereby adopted.
157. It is further ordered that pursuant to applicable procedures
set forth in Sec. Sec. 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission's rules, 47
CFR 1.415, 1.419, interested parties may file comments on this Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking on or before February 3, 2014 and reply comments
on or before March 5, 2014.
158. It is further ordered that the Commission's Consumer &
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference Information Center, shall send a
copy of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, including the Initial
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of
the Small Business Administration.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Federal Communications
Commission proposes to amend 47 CFR parts 1 and 17 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 79, et seq.; 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i),
154(j), 155, 157, 160, 201, 225, 227, 303, 309, 332, 1403, and 1455.
2. Amend Sec. 1.1306 by
a. Revising NOTE 1; and
b. Redesignating NOTES 2 and 3 as ``NOTE 2 to Sec. 1.1306'' and ``NOTE
3 to Sec. 1.1306'' respectively.
The revision reads as follows:
Sec. 1.1306 Actions which are categorically excluded from
environmental processing.
* * * * *
NOTE 1 to Sec. 1.1306: The provisions of Sec. 1.1307(a) of
this part requiring the preparation of EAs do not encompass the
mounting of antenna(s) and associated equipment on an existing
building, antenna tower, or other structure, or inside an existing
building or other structure, unless Sec. 1.1307(a)(4) of this part
is applicable. Such antennas and associated equipment are subject to
Sec. 1.1307(b) of this part and require EAs if their construction
would result in human exposure to radiofrequency radiation in excess
of the applicable health and safety guidelines cited in Sec.
1.1307(b) of this part. The provisions of Sec. Sec. 1.1307 (a) and
(b) of this part do not encompass the installation of aerial wire or
cable over existing aerial corridors of prior or permitted use or
the underground installation of wire or cable along existing
underground corridors of prior or permitted use, established by the
applicant or others. The use of existing buildings, towers or
corridors is an environmentally desirable alternative to the
construction of new facilities and is encouraged. The provisions of
Sec. Sec. 1.1307(a) and (b) of this part do not encompass the
construction of new submarine cable systems.
* * * * *
3. Add Subpart CC to part 1 read as follows:
Subpart CC--State and Local Review of Applications to Site Wireless
1.40001 Wireless Facility Modifications.
Sec. 1.40001 Wireless Facility Modifications.
(a) Purpose. These rules are issued under the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151 et seq., implementing section 6409 of
the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (codified at
47 U.S.C. 1455), which requires a State or local government to approve
any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing
wireless tower or base station that does not substantially change the
physical dimensions of such tower or base station.
(b) Definitions. Terms used in this section have the following
Base Station. A station at a specified site that enables wireless
communication between user equipment and a communications network,
including any associated equipment such as, but not limited to, radio
transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiber-optic cable, and regular and
backup power supply. It includes a structure that currently supports or
houses an antenna, transceiver, or other associated equipment that
constitutes part of a base station. It may encompass such equipment in
any technological configuration, including distributed antenna systems
and small cells.
Collocation. The mounting or installation of transmission equipment
on an eligible support structure for the purpose of transmitting and/or
receiving radio frequency signals for communications purposes.
Eligible Facilities Request. Any request for modification of an
existing wireless tower or base station involving;
(i) Collocation of new transmission equipment;
(ii) Removal of transmission equipment; or
(iii) Replacement of transmission equipment.
[[Page 73169]]
Eligible Support Structure. Any structure that meets the definition
of a wireless tower or base station.
Transmission Equipment. Any equipment that facilitates transmission
for wireless communications, including all the components of a base
station, such as, but not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas,
coaxial or fiber-optic cable, and regular and backup power supply, but
not including support structures.
Wireless Tower. Any structure built for the sole or primary purpose
of supporting any FCC-licensed or authorized license-exempt antennas
and their associated facilities, including the on-site fencing,
equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or
cabinets associated with that tower. It includes structures that are
constructed solely or primarily for any wireless communications
service, such as, but not limited to, private, broadcast, and public
safety services, as well as fixed wireless services such as microwave
(c) A State or local government may not deny and shall approve any
eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing wireless
tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical
dimensions of such tower or base station.
(d) A modification of an eligible support structure would result in
a substantial change in the physical dimension of such structure if
(1) The proposed modification would increase the existing height of
the support structure by more than 10%, or by the height of one
additional antenna array with separation from the nearest existing
antenna not to exceed twenty feet, whichever is greater, except that
the proposed modification may exceed the size limits set forth in this
paragraph if necessary to avoid interference with existing antennas; or
(2) The proposed modification would involve the installation of
more than the standard number of new equipment cabinets for the
technology involved, not to exceed four, or more than one new equipment
shelter; or
(3) The proposed modification would involve adding an appurtenance
to the body of the support structure that would protrude from the edge
of the support structure more than twenty feet, or more than the width
of the support structure at the level of the appurtenance, whichever is
greater, except that the proposed modification may exceed the size
limits set forth in this paragraph if necessary to shelter the antenna
from inclement weather or to connect the antenna to the support
structure via cable; or
(4) The proposed modification would involve excavation outside the
current structure site, defined as the current boundaries of the leased
or owned property surrounding the structure and any access or utility
easements currently related to the site.
4. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47
U.S.C. 154, 303. Interpret or apply secs. 301, 309, 48 Stat. 1081,
1085 as amended; 47 U.S.C. 301, 309.
5. Amend Sec. 17.4 by revising paragraphs (c)(1)(v) and (vi); and add
paragraph (c)(1)(vii) to read as follows:
Sec. 17.4 Antenna structure registration.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(1) * * *
(v) For any other change that does not alter the physical
structure, lighting, or geographic location of an existing structure;
(vi) For construction, modification, or replacement of an antenna
structure on Federal land where another Federal agency has assumed
responsibility for evaluating the potentially significant environmental
effect of the proposed antenna structure on the quality of the human
environment and for invoking any required environmental impact
statement process, or for any other structure where another Federal
agency has assumed such responsibilities pursuant to a written
agreement with the Commission. See Sec. 1.1311(e) of this chapter; or
(vii) For any antenna structure that meets all of the following
(A) The antenna structure will be in use for no longer than 60
(B) Construction of the antenna structure requires the filing of
Form 7460-1 with the FAA;
(C) The antenna structure does not require marking or lighting
pursuant to FAA regulations;
(D) The antenna structure will be less than 200 feet in height;
(E) The antenna structure will involve either no excavation or
excavation where the depth of previous disturbance exceeds the proposed
construction depth (excluding proposed footings and other anchoring
mechanisms) by at least two feet; and
(F) Construction of the antenna structure does not require the
filing of an Environmental Assessment pursuant to Sec. 1.1307 of this
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2013-28349 Filed 12-4-13; 8:45 am]