Endangered and Threatened Wildlife; 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List 19 Species and 3 Subpopulations of Sharks as Threatened or Endangered Under the Endangered Species Act, 69376-69391 [2013-27718]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
propose to kill any of the listed species
being captured, but given the nature of
the capture methods, some individuals
would likely be killed.
Permit 18194
The Wild Fish Conservancy (WFC) is
seeking a five-year permit to annually
take juvenile PS Chinook salmon and
juvenile and adult PS steelhead. The
sampling would take place in selected
stream channels and floodplain areas
throughout the Stillaguamish River
watershed in Washington State. The
purpose of the study is to classify by
water type approximately 25 miles of
stream channel in selected sub-basins
and floodplain areas of the
Stillaguamish River with the intent of
verifying and updating Washington
Department of Natural Resources,
Snohomish County, and United States
Forest Service stream classifications and
hydrological layers. This research
would benefit the affected species by
improving regulatory protection of
sensitive aquatic habitats for ESA listed
Chinook and steelhead, improving our
knowledge of Chinook habitat use (and
thereby informing various recovery
strategies), and identifying significant
habitat restoration opportunities. The
WFC proposes to capture fish using
beach seines, fyke nets, and minnow
traps. Fish would be anesthetized,
identified to species, measured to size
class, have a tissue sample taken, and
released. The researchers do not
propose to kill any of the listed
salmonids being captured, but a small
number may die as an unintended result
of the activities.
Permit 18331
The WFC is seeking a five-year permit
to annually take juvenile PS Chinook
salmon and PS steelhead in selected
stream channels and floodplain areas
throughout the Kitsap and Snoqualmie
sub-basins in Washington State. The
purpose of the study is to classify
existing channels by water type and
thereby validate and update Washington
Department of Natural Resources, and
affected county and city, stream
classifications and hydrological layers.
This research would benefit the affected
species by filling data gaps regarding
fish passage impediments (tidegates,
culverts, etc.) and providing fish species
composition and distribution—
information needed to identify,
prioritize, and implement restoration
projects. The WFC proposes to capture
fish using backpack electrofishing. Fish
would be identified to species, have a
tissue sample taken (only steelhead in
the Kitsap sub-basin), and released.
Once fish presence is established, either
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through visual observation or
electrofishing, electrofishing would be
discontinued. Surveyors would proceed
upstream until a change in habitat
parameters is encountered, where
electrofishing would be continued. The
researchers do not propose to kill any of
the listed salmonids being captured, but
a small number may die as an
unintended result of the activities.
Dated: November 14, 2013.
Angela Somma,
Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office
of Protected Resources, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
Permit 18405
The Oregon State University (OSU) is
seeking a two-year permit to annually
take juvenile LCR, PS, and UCR
Chinook salmon; CR chum salmon; LCR
coho salmon; and LCR, MCR, PS, SRB,
and UCR steelhead. The OSU research
may also cause them to take adult S
eulachon—a species for which there are
currently no ESA take prohibitions. The
sampling would take place in multiple
locations in the Puget Sound
(Stillaguamish, Skykomish, Duwamish,
and Nisqually watersheds), Washington
coast (Sol Duc, Queets, Quinault,
Chehalis, and Willapa watersheds), and
Columbia River basin (Cowlitz,
Klickitat, Yakima, Wenatchee, Spokane,
and Palouse watersheds). The purpose
of the study is to determine the
taxonomic status of Pacific Northwest
coastal populations of Speckled Dace
based on genetic and morphological
data. The genetic sequence data would
be used to better understand the
historical biogeography of coastal
Speckled Dace, improve the
understanding of how coastal streams
contribute to local species diversity and
endemism, and to compare coastal to
inland Speckled Dace populations. The
research would benefit the listed species
by providing information on their
distribution, but the main benefactor of
this research would be speckled dace by
providing taxonomical and
distributional data for that species. The
OSU proposes to capture fish using
small seine nets, dip nets, and minnow
traps. All non-target species and listed
salmon and steelhead would
immediately be released after capture.
The researchers do not propose to kill
any of the listed salmonids being
captured, but a small number may die
as an unintended result of the activities.
This notice is provided pursuant to
section 10(c) of the ESA. NMFS will
evaluate the applications, associated
documents, and comments submitted to
determine whether the applications
meet the requirements of section 10(a)
of the ESA and Federal regulations. The
final permit decisions will not be made
until after the end of the 30-day
comment period. NMFS will publish
notice of its final action in the Federal
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
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[FR Doc. 2013–27658 Filed 11–18–13; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 130926840–3840–01]
RIN 0648–XC898
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife;
90-Day Finding on a Petition To List 19
Species and 3 Subpopulations of
Sharks as Threatened or Endangered
Under the Endangered Species Act
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of 90-day petition
finding, request for information.
We (NMFS) announce a
90-day finding on a petition to list 19
species and 3 subpopulations of sharks
as threatened or endangered under the
Endangered Species Act (ESA). We find
that the petition presents substantial
scientific or commercial information
indicating that the petitioned action
may be warranted for 9 species:
Centrophorus harrissoni, Isogomphodon
oxyrhynchus, Mustelus fasciatus,
Mustelus schmitti, Squatina aculeata,
Squatina argentina, Squatina
guggenheim, Squatina oculata, and
Squatina squatina. Therefore, we will
conduct a status review of the nine
species to determine if the petitioned
action is warranted. To ensure that the
status review is comprehensive, we are
soliciting scientific and commercial
information pertaining to these
petitioned species from any interested
party. We find that the petition does not
present substantial scientific or
commercial information indicating that
the petitioned action may be warranted
for 10 species and 3 subpopulations:
Carcharhinus borneensis, Carcharhinus
hemiodon, Carcharias taurus
(Southwest Atlantic subpopulation),
Cetorhinus maximus (North Pacific
subpopulation), Cetorhinus maximus
(Northeast Atlantic subpopulation),
Haploblepharus kistnasamyi,
Hemitriakis leucoperiptera,
Holohalaelurus favus, Holohalaelurus
punctatus, Lamiopsis temmincki,
Squatina formosa, Squatina punctata,
and Triakis acutipinna.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
Information and comments on
the subject action must be received by
January 21, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
information, or data on this document,
identified by the code NOAA–NMFS–
2013–0519, by any of the following
• Electronic Submissions: Submit all
electronic comments via the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. Go to
#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-20130159, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
complete the required fields, and enter
or attach your comments.
• Mail: Submit written comments to
Office of Protected Resources, NMFS,
1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring,
MD 20910.
Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
considered by NMFS. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted for public
viewing on www.regulations.gov
without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. NMFS will
accept anonymous comments (enter
‘‘N/A’’ in the required fields if you wish
to remain anonymous), although
submitting comments anonymously will
prevent NMFS from contacting you if
NMFS has difficulty retrieving your
submission. Attachments to electronic
comments will be accepted in Microsoft
Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF file formats
Copies of the petition and related
materials are available upon request
from the Director, Office of Protected
Resources, 1315 East West Highway,
Silver Spring, MD 20910, or online at:
Maggie Miller, Office of Protected
Resources, 301–427–8403.
On July 15, 2013, we received a
petition from the WildEarth Guardians
to list 81 marine species as threatened
or endangered under the ESA and to
designate critical habitat under the ESA.
Copies of this petition are available from
us (see ADDRESSES). This finding
addresses the 19 species and 3
subpopulations of sharks identified as
part of this petition. The 19 shark
species and 3 subpopulations
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considered in this finding are:
Carcharhinus borneensis, Carcharhinus
hemiodon, Carcharias taurus
(Southwest Atlantic Subpopulation),
Centrophorus harrissoni, Cetorhinus
maximus (North Pacific Subpopulation),
Cetorhinus maximus (Northeast Atlantic
Subpopulation), Haploblepharus
kistnasamyi, Hemitriakis
leucoperiptera, Holohalaelurus favus,
Holohalaelurus punctatus,
Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus, Lamiopsis
temmincki, Mustelus fasciatus, Mustelus
schmitti, Squatina aculeata, Squatina
argentina, Squatina formosa, Squatina
guggenheim, Squatina oculata, Squatina
punctata, Squatina squatina, and
Triakis acutipinna.
Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the ESA of 1973,
as amended (U.S.C. 1531 et seq.),
requires, to the maximum extent
practicable, that within 90 days of
receipt of a petition to list a species as
threatened or endangered, the Secretary
of Commerce make a finding on whether
that petition presents substantial
scientific or commercial information
indicating that the petitioned action
may be warranted, and to promptly
publish the finding in the Federal
Register (16 U.S.C. 1533(b)(3)(A)). When
we find that substantial scientific or
commercial information in a petition
indicates the petitioned action may be
warranted (a ‘‘positive 90-day finding’’),
we are required to promptly commence
a review of the status of the species
concerned, which includes conducting a
comprehensive review of the best
available scientific and commercial
information. Within 12 months of
receiving the petition, we must
conclude the review with a finding as to
whether, in fact, the petitioned action is
warranted. Because the finding at the
12-month stage is based on a
significantly more thorough review of
the available information, a ‘‘may be
warranted’’ finding at the 90-day stage
does not prejudge the outcome of the
status review.
Under the ESA, a listing
determination may address a species,
which is defined to also include
subspecies and, for any vertebrate
species, any DPS that interbreeds when
mature (16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). A joint
NMFS-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) (jointly, ‘‘the Services’’) policy
(DPS Policy) clarifies the agencies’
interpretation of the phrase ‘‘distinct
population segment’’ for the purposes of
listing, delisting, and reclassifying a
species under the ESA (61 FR 4722;
February 7, 1996). A species,
subspecies, or DPS is ‘‘endangered’’ if it
is in danger of extinction throughout all
or a significant portion of its range, and
‘‘threatened’’ if it is likely to become
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endangered within the foreseeable
future throughout all or a significant
portion of its range (ESA sections 3(6)
and 3(20), respectively, 16 U.S.C.
1532(6) and (20)). Pursuant to the ESA
and our implementing regulations, we
determine whether species are
threatened or endangered based on any
one or a combination of the following
five section 4(a)(1) factors: The present
or threatened destruction, modification,
or curtailment of habitat or range;
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; disease or predation;
inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; and any other natural or
manmade factors affecting the species’
existence (16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(1), 50 CFR
ESA-implementing regulations issued
jointly by NMFS and USFWS (50 CFR
424.14(b)) define ‘‘substantial
information’’ in the context of reviewing
a petition to list, delist, or reclassify a
species as the amount of information
that would lead a reasonable person to
believe that the measure proposed in the
petition may be warranted. When
evaluating whether substantial
information is contained in a petition,
we must consider whether the petition:
(1) Clearly indicates the administrative
measure recommended and gives the
scientific and any common name of the
species involved; (2) contains detailed
narrative justification for the
recommended measure, describing,
based on available information, past and
present numbers and distribution of the
species involved and any threats faced
by the species; (3) provides information
regarding the status of the species over
all or a significant portion of its range;
and (4) is accompanied by the
appropriate supporting documentation
in the form of bibliographic references,
reprints of pertinent publications,
copies of reports or letters from
authorities, and maps (50 CFR
At the 90-day stage, we evaluate the
petitioner’s request based upon the
information in the petition including its
references, and the information readily
available in our files. We do not conduct
additional research, and we do not
solicit information from parties outside
the agency to help us in evaluating the
petition. We will accept the petitioner’s
sources and characterizations of the
information presented, if they appear to
be based on accepted scientific
principles, unless we have specific
information in our files that indicates
the petition’s information is incorrect,
unreliable, obsolete, or otherwise
irrelevant to the requested action.
Information that is susceptible to more
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
than one interpretation or that is
contradicted by other available
information will not be dismissed at the
90-day finding stage, so long as it is
reliable and a reasonable person would
conclude that it supports the
petitioner’s assertions. Conclusive
information indicating the species may
meet the ESA’s requirements for listing
is not required to make a positive 90day finding. We will not conclude that
a lack of specific information alone
negates a positive 90-day finding, if a
reasonable person would conclude that
the unknown information itself suggests
an extinction risk of concern for the
species at issue.
To make a 90-day finding on a
petition to list a species, we evaluate
whether the petition presents
substantial scientific or commercial
information indicating the subject
species may be either threatened or
endangered, as defined by the ESA.
First, we evaluate whether the
information presented in the petition,
along with the information readily
available in our files, indicates that the
petitioned entity constitutes a ‘‘species’’
eligible for listing under the ESA. Next,
we evaluate whether the information
indicates that the species at issue faces
extinction risk that is cause for concern;
this may be indicated in information
expressly discussing the species’ status
and trends, or in information describing
impacts and threats to the species. We
evaluate any information on specific
demographic factors pertinent to
evaluating extinction risk for the species
at issue (e.g., population abundance and
trends, productivity, spatial structure,
age structure, sex ratio, diversity,
current and historical range, habitat
integrity or fragmentation), and the
potential contribution of identified
demographic risks to extinction risk for
the species. We then evaluate the
potential links between these
demographic risks and the causative
impacts and threats identified in section
Information presented on impacts or
threats should be specific to the species
and should reasonably suggest that one
or more of these factors may be
operative threats that act or have acted
on the species to the point that it may
warrant protection under the ESA.
Broad statements about generalized
threats to the species, or identification
of factors that could negatively impact
a species, do not constitute substantial
information that listing may be
warranted. We look for information
indicating that not only is the particular
species exposed to a factor, but that the
species may be responding in a negative
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fashion; then we assess the potential
significance of that negative response.
Many petitions identify risk
classifications made by nongovernmental organizations, such as the
International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN), the American Fisheries
Society, or NatureServe, as evidence of
extinction risk for a species. Risk
classifications by other organizations or
made under other Federal or state
statutes may be informative, but such
classification alone may not provide the
rationale for a positive 90-day finding
under the ESA. For example, as
explained by NatureServe, their
assessments of a species’ conservation
status do ‘‘not constitute a
recommendation by NatureServe for
listing under the U.S. Endangered
Species Act’’ because NatureServe
assessments ‘‘have different criteria,
evidence requirements, purposes and
taxonomic coverage than government
lists of endangered and threatened
species, and therefore these two types of
lists should not be expected to
coincide’’ (https://www.natureserve.org/
Thus, when a petition cites such
classifications, we will evaluate the
source of information that the
classification is based upon in light of
the standards on extinction risk and
impacts or threats discussed above.
In this petition the petitioner relies
almost exclusively on the risk
classifications of the IUCN as the source
of information on the status of each
petitioned species. All of the petitioned
species are listed as ‘‘endangered’’ or
‘‘critically endangered’’ on the IUCN
Redlist and the petitioner notes this as
an explicit consideration in offering
petitions on these species. However, as
mentioned above, species classifications
under IUCN and the ESA are not
equivalent, and data standards, criteria
used to evaluate species, and treatment
of uncertainty are also not necessarily
the same. Thus, we instead consider the
information on threats identified by the
petitioners, as well as the data on which
they are based, as they pertain to each
petitioned species.
Analysis of the Petition
With the exception of the North
Pacific subpopulation of basking shark
(Cetorhinus maximus), the petitioned
shark species and subpopulations are
found exclusively in foreign waters. The
introductory part of the shark section of
the petition provides a general
description of threats following the five
ESA Section 4(a)(1) factors and is meant
to apply to all of the petitioned species.
This section discusses the following
threats: Habitat destruction from
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trawling and human population growth,
loss of coral reef habitat, overutilization
by fisheries, disease, lack of adequate
existing regulatory mechanisms,
biological characteristics that increase
susceptibility to threats, restricted
ranges, climate change, and synergistic
effects. The species-specific information
section follows and provides
information largely from the IUCN
assessment for each species. This
section includes fewer than three pages
of unique material for over half of the
petitioned species and provides
information on the species’ Convention
on International Trade in Endangered
Species (CITES) and IUCN status, range,
and habitat information. Entries for only
a few species provide species-specific
population status or trend information.
We consider this information separately
in the ‘‘Species-specific information’’
section below.
General Information
The petition clearly indicates the
administrative measure recommended
and gives the scientific and any
common name of the species involved.
The petition also contains a narrative
justification for the recommended
measure and provides limited
information on the species’ and
subpopulations’ geographic distribution,
habitat use, and threats. For a number
of the species and subpopulations, the
petitioner fails to provide any
information on past and present
numbers or population status. A
synopsis of our analysis of the
information provided in the petition
and readily available in our files is
provided below.
Based on the information presented in
the petition, along with the information
readily available in our files, we find
that 20 of the 21 petitioned shark
species constitute taxonomically valid
species eligible for listing under the
The introductory threats discussion is
general, with only occasional references
to specific petitioned species and
subpopulations with the threats later
repeated in the species-specific section
(discussed below). Some of the general
threats discussion are not clearly or
causally linked to the petitioned species
(e.g., discussion of dead zones yet no
identification that these occur in the
petitioned species’ ranges; discussion of
the threat of climate change with a focus
on coral reef habitat loss when only one
petitioned species was identified as
found on coral reef habitats
(Haploblepharus kistnasamyi)). The
petition also references worldwide
human population growth as a threat for
all of the petitioned species. However,
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
a rising human population by itself may
not necessarily be a threat to a species,
if, for instance, human activities are
managed such that habitat is preserved
or species are not over-exploited.
Similarly, human-mediated threats can
occur at a level that renders a species in
danger of extinction in the absence of a
growing human population. Thus,
information that the population is
growing, on its own, does not indicate
that the growing human population is a
The petition provides a discussion of
disease as a threat, presenting it in terms
of accumulations of mercury, persistent
organic compounds, heavy metals and
other pollutants in sharks. However, the
studies that the petition references as
support are based primarily on nonpetitioned shark species in locations
outside of the petitioned shark species’
ranges. For example, in their discussion
of the threat of mercury (Hg)
accumulation, the petitioners cite Mull
et al. (2012). This study focused solely
on white sharks found in the Southern
California Bight (SCB). The authors
concluded that geographic location is a
primary driver of the level of observed
concentrations of contaminants in
sharks, with those sharks found in
contamination hot spots (such as the
SCB and Mediterranean Sea) likely to
have higher tissue concentrations of
contaminants. According to the authors,
‘‘Sharks from the SCB exhibited
elevated muscle levels of total Hg,
second only to adult Smooth
Hammerheads, Gulper Sharks
(Centrophorus granulosus), Longnose
Spurdog (Squalus blainvilii), and Kitefin
Sharks (Dalatias licha) from the Ionian
Sea.’’ Sharks from the SCB also
exhibited concentrations of
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)
and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
much higher than those found
elsewhere in the world. However,
according to Mull et al. (2012), it is
unclear if the high levels of
contaminants in the white sharks are
causing deleterious physiological effects
or affecting survival or reproduction
rates. We recently conducted an ESA
status review of the Northeastern Pacific
DPS of white sharks, and in our
evaluation of threats from pollutants, we
noted that no hepatic lesions or other
visible effects have been observed in the
DPS (Dewar et al., 2013). Additionally,
the status review report notes that
‘‘[i]ndications that high tissue
contaminant levels are not causing
problems at a population level are the
apparent increase in other predators that
have similarly high contaminant levels
including the coastal stock of bottlenose
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dolphins, California sea lions and
harbor seals’’ (Dewar et al., 2013).
Ultimately, we concluded that the
impacts of pollution and disease are not
significant threats to the Northeastern
Pacific DPS of white sharks. As these
white sharks, which likely have some of
the highest levels of contaminants
compared to sharks found elsewhere in
the world, were not found to be
threatened or endangered due to
pollutants, it is reasonable to conclude
that the petitioned species, which are
not found in the SCB and thus likely to
have lower levels of contaminants, are
not at risk of extinction from these
Likewise, the petitioner cites Lyle
(1984; 1986) as evidence of threats to
the petitioned species based on the
accumulation of Hg; however, the paper
examined shark species that utilize
waters of the Northern Territory of
Australia. None of the petitioned shark
species are found in these waters. In
addition, the Lyle papers made no
mention of the effects of
bioaccumulation on the survival or
reproductive capacity of the examined
shark species. Instead, the papers
simply discuss the rate and level of Hg
and selenium concentrations in sharks,
with a focus on human consumption,
not survival of shark species.
Finally, the petitioners reference
Storelli et al. (2003) for evidence of
threats to the petitioned species based
on accumulations of PCBs and arsenic.
The Storelli et al. (2003) paper
examined hammerhead shark species
(none of which were petitioned) in the
Ionian Sea. The Ionian Sea, as
mentioned above, is recognized as a
geographical location with
exceptionally high levels of Hg
contamination due to urban, industrial,
and natural source inputs (Storelli et al.,
2003; Mull et al., 2012). Only three of
the petitioned species (Squatina
aculeata, S. oculata, and S. squatina)
may have current ranges that extend
into the Mediterranean Sea. However,
Storelli et al. (2003), state ‘‘[i]t is
hypothesed [sic] that the large size of
elasmobranch liver provides a greater
ability to eliminate organic toxicants
than in other fishes.’’ While the paper
mentions that ‘‘the presence of PCBs
and methylmercury, coupled with their
synergistic activity, may make these
organisms susceptible to long-term toxic
effects’’, it also states that in marine
mammals selenium has a detoxifying
effect against Hg intoxication when the
molar ratio between the two metals is
close to one, and the authors observed
similar ratios in shark liver ‘‘indicating
that this particular mechanism may also
be valid for sharks’’ (Storelli et al.,
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2003). With no information in our files,
or provided by the petitioner, on
baseline concentrations or rate of
accumulation of pollutants in the
petitioned shark species, or even
conclusive evidence of negative effects
of accumulation in terms of survival or
reproductive capacity of the shark
species from the referenced studies, we
find that the petitioner has not provided
substantial information that would lead
a reasonable person to conclude that the
threat of disease from pollutants (Hg,
persistent organic compounds, heavy
metals, and other pollutants) is
contributing to the petitioned shark
species’ risk of extinction.
In the regulatory mechanisms
discussion, the petitioner argues that
there are no adequate regulatory
mechanisms because the species are
listed as endangered or critically
endangered by IUCN, and none of the
populations have increasing or even
stable population trends. However,
generalized evidence of declining
populations per se is neither evidence of
declines large enough to infer extinction
risk that may meet the definition of
either threatened or endangered under
the ESA, nor evidence of inadequate
regulatory mechanisms, since
sustainable management regimes can
have periods of declining populations.
The petition notes that only one
species, with two petitioned
subpopulations (Cetorhinus maximus),
is listed on CITES Appendix II and
references the limitations inherent in
CITES listings from the coral section of
the petition. According to Article II of
CITES, species listed on Appendix II are
those that are ‘‘not necessarily now
threatened with extinction but may
become so unless trade in specimens of
such species is subject to strict
regulation in order to avoid utilization
incompatible with their survival.’’
Based on the CITES definitions and
standards for listing species on
Appendix II, the species’ actual listing
on Appendix II is not itself an inherent
indication that these species may now
warrant threatened or endangered status
under the ESA. Species classifications
under CITES and the ESA are not
equivalent, and criteria used to evaluate
species are not the same. The petitioner
also makes generalized statements about
shark finning bans and other measures
of protections in this section, but does
not provide any details or references.
We do not consider these general and
unsubstantiated statements as
substantial information that listing may
be warranted due to an inadequacy of
regulatory mechanisms for all of the
petitioned species. Where the petition
provides species-specific information on
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
this threat, that information is
considered in the individual species
sections below. Likewise, biological
characteristics, such as slow growth and
reproductive rates, and/or range
restrictions, do not automatically pose
threats to all of the petitioned species.
These biological and ecological factors
are examined on a species-specific basis
below, if information is available.
While the information in this
introductory section is otherwise largely
accurate and suggests concern for the
status of sharks in general, the broad
statements and generalizations of threats
for all petitioned shark species and
subpopulations do not constitute
substantial information that listing may
be warranted for any of the petitioned
species or subpopulations. There is little
information in this introductory section
indicating that particular petitioned
species may be responding in a negative
fashion to any of the discussed threats.
The few instances in the introductory
section which specifically link threats to
a particular petitioned species or
subpopulation will be considered in our
discussion of threats to that particular
species or subpopulation.
The next part of the petition consists
of individual species accounts for each
of the 22 petitioned sharks. For many of
the species and subpopulations, the
information is extracted directly from
the IUCN assessment, with the
petitioner providing the assessment as
an accompanying exhibit and a list of
references cited by the IUCN
assessment. Below we analyze this
species-specific information in light of
the standards of the ESA and our
policies as described above.
Species Descriptions and Information
Carcharhinus borneensis, commonly
referred to as the Borneo shark, is an
inshore coastal shark that appears to be
found exclusively off Sarawak, Malaysia
on Borneo. It is a small shark, with an
observed maximum size of 87 cm
(Department of Fisheries Malaysia,
2006). Prior to 1937, it was only known
from five confirmed specimens (four of
which were collected from Borneo, and
one from China) (Compagno, 2009;
White et al., 2010). As such, the life
history and ecology of this species is
largely unknown (Compagno, 2009;
White et al., 2010).
The petition states that the species is
very rare, and specifically identifies
commercial overutilization as a threat
based solely on the general statement in
the IUCN assessment that identifies
Borneo as an area heavily exploited by
artisanal and commercial fisheries
(Compagno, 2009). No references were
included as support for this statement,
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and neither the petitioner nor the IUCN
assessment provides any information on
catch statistics or operations of Borneo
fisheries. Instead, the assertion that
fishing activities have detrimentally
affected the species seems based solely
on the species’ rarity in historical
records. However, there could be a
number of other reasons for the species’
absence in fishing records, such as: The
species’ range does not coincide with
fishery operations or survey areas; the
fishing gear employed is not effective at
catching the species; the species may
have been caught but was released if it
was not of commercial value; its life
history is unknown, so it is possible that
this species may migrate to other areas
during fishing seasons; etc. In other
words, a species that is persistently rare
in the historical records does not
necessarily mean that it has declined or
is in danger of extinction. In fact, in this
case, recent surveys in the region have
actually found the species in
‘‘substantial numbers’’ near Mukah in
Sarawak (White et al., 2010). The 2006
Malaysia National Plan of Action
(NPOA) for sharks supports this finding,
noting that C. borneensis was the third
most abundant species landed in
Mukah, comprising around 9 percent of
the shark landings (Department of
Fisheries Malaysia, 2006). This new
information from our files, not
considered in the IUCN assessment
(which relied on information prior to
2006), suggests that the Borneo shark is
more common than previously thought.
The petitioner also contends that
there is a complete lack of protections
for the species. We do not necessarily
consider a lack of species-specific
protections as a threat to the species or
even problematic in all cases. For
example, management measures that
regulate other species or fisheries
operations may indirectly help to
minimize threats to the petitioned
species and may be adequate to prevent
it from being at risk of extinction. Again,
we look for substantial information
indicating that not only is the particular
species exposed to a factor, but that the
species may be responding in a negative
fashion; then we assess the potential
significance of that negative response.
According to the Malaysia NPOA,
sharks are not targeted by fishermen but
are caught as bycatch with other
commercially important species
(Department of Fisheries Malaysia,
2006). In fact, shark and ray landings
constitute only around 2.2 percent of
the total marine landings of the
demersal fishery that operates within
Malaysian waters (Department of
Fisheries Malaysia, 2006). In Mukah, C.
PO 00000
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borneensis is primarily landed in
coastal gillnets. In terms of fisheries
regulations, Malaysia has a number of
fishing gear, method, and area
restrictions that have been in place to
control the exploitation of fishery
resources. For example, there is
currently a complete ban on fishing
methods that are destructive to fish
resources and their environment, such
as dynamite, pair trawling, and push
nets (Department of Fisheries Malaysia,
2006). The pukat pari, a drift gill net
with a mesh size larger than 25.4 cm
that was used to catch large sized sharks
and rays, has been banned since 1990
(Department of Fisheries Malaysia,
2006). As the Malaysia NPOA notes,
these nationwide bans on fishing gear
and methods have helped reduce the
exploitation of adult shark and ray
species and provided some conservation
benefits to the breeding stocks.
Little information is known about the
life history and biology of C. borneensis.
It was previously considered to be a rare
species, with the assumption that its
absence in records was due to historical
overutilization of the species; however,
recent information suggests otherwise.
In fact, the species is substantially more
abundant than previously thought,
indicating that it is either experiencing
an increasing population trend or that
prior sampling of the species was
inadequate. The species is now
commonly landed in part of its range.
We, therefore, find no evidence that
would suggest that the threat of
overutilization or inadequate regulatory
measures is putting this species at an
increased extinction risk and conclude
that the species-specific information
presented in the petition does not
constitute substantial information that
listing may be warranted for C.
Carcharhinus hemiodon, commonly
referred to as the Pondicherry shark, is
a rarely observed shark thought to occur
inshore on continental and insular
shelves (Compagno et al., 2003). The
petitioner, citing the IUCN assessment
(Compagno et al., 2003), notes that the
species could possibly be extinct, as the
last record of the shark was in 1979 in
India ‘‘despite detailed surveys in
Borneo, Philippines, and Indonesia.’’
However, more recent surveys in India’s
economic exclusive zone (EEZ),
conducted from 1984–2006, have
identified the species as being present
in these waters. The petition also states
that the species is represented by ‘‘fewer
than twenty specimens in museum
collections, most of which were
captured before 1900.’’ However, it was
also recorded for the first time in
Malaysian waters during shark surveys
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
conducted from 1999 to 2004
(Department of Fisheries Malaysia,
2006), suggesting the range of the shark
may be wider than previously assumed.
Prior to 1990, C. hemiodon was reported
as common in the Guandong Province
and Fujian Province in China, but was
not recorded during market and
interview surveys conducted in these
shark-fishing provinces from 2006 to
2008 (Lam and de Mitcheson, 2010).
Similar to C. borneensis, the petition
attributes the rarity of this species to
commercial overutilization, although it
acknowledges that the population trend,
past and present abundance of the
species, and the basic biology and life
history of the species are unknown. As
mentioned previously, rarity does not
necessarily mean that a species is
threatened or in danger of extinction.
The condition of being rare is an
important factor to consider when
evaluating a species’ risk of extinction;
however, it does not by itself indicate
the likelihood of extinction of that
species, nor does the condition of being
rare constitute substantial information
that listing under the ESA may be
warranted. We look for information
indicating that the species is exposed to
a threat, but also that the species may
be responding in a negative fashion to
that threat. While we acknowledge that
fishing has and is occurring in areas
where this species has been
documented, the petitioner does not
provide any information indicating that
this species was (or is) targeted or
caught as bycatch in these fisheries in
numbers that would lead a reasonable
person to conclude that it has declined
or that listing may be warranted. In fact,
the IUCN assessment even
acknowledges that ‘‘market surveys
have failed to locate it’’ (Compagno et
al. 2003). In addition, the petition
claims that there are no conservation
measures in place for the species, yet
this species is currently listed under
Schedule I of India’s Wildlife Protection
Act (1972), which provides it absolute
protection in India’s waters (John and
Varghese, 2009). The petitioner has
failed to provide any information that
indicates current regulatory measures
are a threat to the species.
Finally, the range of this shark species
is poorly known. As such, the rare
occurrence of the shark in historical
records may simply be a reflection of
limited sampling efforts in the assumed
range of the shark. As mentioned above,
new survey data have in fact recorded
the shark in waters where previously it
was not known to occur. The IUCN
assessment also notes that the species
has been recorded from a number of
‘‘widely-separated’’ sites, suggesting
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that this species may exhibit migratory
behavior and may not be limited to
certain locations. In conclusion, we find
that the species-specific information
presented in the petition does not
constitute substantial information that
listing may be warranted for C.
Centrophorus harrissoni, commonly
referred to as Harrison’s dogfish, is a
demersal shark found on the upper to
middle continental slope off eastern
Australia, and on seamounts and ridges
north of New Zealand (Pogonoski and
Pollard, 2003). The petitioner relies on
the IUCN assessment (Pogonoski and
Pollard, 2003) for its information, noting
that the population size of this species
is unknown but the trend is decreasing.
The IUCN assessment states that the
major threats to the species are from
demersal trawling (by Australia’s South
East Trawl Fishery (SETF)) and
droplining (by the New South Wales
fisheries) along the continental slope.
The shark is commercially valuable and
sold for its flesh and liver oil (Graham
et al., 2001; Pogonoski and Pollard,
2003). The petition contends that
overutilization for commercial purposes
has contributed to the decline of the
species and currently remains a threat to
its existence. According to Graham et al.
(2001), the demersal trawl-fishery on the
upper continental slope off New South
Wales (NSW) began in 1968 but rapidly
expanded between 1975 and 1980
following exploratory trawling
conducted by the NSW government’s
fisheries research vessel, Kapala. By the
early 1980s, more than 100 trawlers
were landing around 15,000 mt of fish
per year, with the majority of fish
caught on the upper continental slope.
Although sharks were never targeted,
some species were fairly abundant, with
the larger species, including the dogfish
sharks, retained as bycatch. By the late
1980s, there were substantial declines in
catch rates of certain fish species, and
in 1992, total allowable catches and
transferrable quotas were introduced
into the fisheries operating in the
region. However, no such management
measures were created for sharks, which
Graham et al. (2001) attributes to their
low abundance and economic value. In
an effort to determine the relative
change in shark abundance, Graham et
al. (2001) examined the Kapala
exploratory trawl data from 1976–1977
and data from stratified surveys from
1996–1997 (conducted by the same
vessel and gear using equivalent
methodology). The surveys were
conducted on the upper continental
slope trawl grounds, between 200 and
650 m depths, off central and southern
PO 00000
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NSW. Results showed that 13 of the 15
examined shark species or species
groups saw substantial declines,
including Harrison’s dogfish (Graham et
al., 2001). In three of the 1976 surveys,
Harrisson’s dogfish were lumped with
little gulper sharks (C. uyato) and so
were analyzed as a group. These species
were fairly abundant across all depths
on all grounds, with an average catch
rate estimated at 126 kg/h (Graham et
al., 2001). These species also
represented around 9, 18, and 32
percent of the total fish catches in the
NSW trawl areas off Sydney, Ulladulla,
and Eden, respectively. By 1996–1997,
the two species represented less than 1
percent of the total catch weight from
these areas, with an average catch rate
of 0.4 kg/h. This translates to a decline
of more than 99 percent between 1976–
77 and 1996–1997 (Graham et al., 2001).
Given that the 1976–77 survey was
conducted when the demersal trawl
fishery was just beginning, Graham et al.
(2001) attributes the subsequent decline
in Harrison’s dogfish primarily to the
fishing activities of the SETF. The
authors, and the petitioner, also note
that the species’ low fecundity (thought
to produce only one to two pups every
1 to 2 years) and assumed late maturity
have likely hindered its ability to
recover from this decline.
In terms of current regulatory
measures, the petition notes that there
have been some measures implemented
that limit the catch of C. harrissoni in
the SETF and require fishermen to land
Centrophorus carcasses with their
livers, but argues that these regulations
are inadequate to protect the species
from extinction. Instead, the petitioner
states that catch should be completely
prohibited for a species that has
exhibited such drastic population
Based on the best available
information, we find that the threat of
overutilization by fisheries, inadequate
existing regulatory mechanisms, and
other natural factors may be impacting
Harrison’s dogfish populations to a
degree that raises concerns of a risk of
extinction, with evidence of severe
population declines throughout the
species’ observed range. We conclude
that the petition presents substantial
scientific information indicating that the
petitioned action of listing C. harrissoni
as threatened or endangered may be
Haploblepharus kistnasamyi is a rare
shark species, known only from three
adult specimens, and is thought to be
endemic to South Africa (Human,
2009a). These known specimens have
all occurred inshore, from the intertidal
zone to 30 m depth, and within a small
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
area (less than 100 km2) surrounding
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal (Human,
2009a). The species was previously
assumed to be a form of Haploblepharus
edwardsii, but in 2006 was named as a
new species based on morphological
differences (Human, 2009a). The
petition acknowledges that the
population size, trend, and life history
of the species are virtually unknown.
The petition identifies habitat
degradation, overutilization (as bycatch
in fisheries), and inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms as the main
threats to the species’ continued
existence, and relies primarily on the
information within the IUCN
assessment (Human, 2009a) for its
support. The petition, quoting the IUCN
assessment, states that Durban is
experiencing increasing
industrialization and contends that the
resultant industrial waste output,
pollution, and land development
activities are degrading the only known
habitat of H. kistnasamyi to the point
where its continued existence is at risk.
The petitioner also notes that the sharks’
restricted range leaves it vulnerable to
these localized activities and stochastic
events. However, neither the IUCN
assessment nor the petition provides
any supporting information (or
references) for these statements, such as
information on the level of development
in the area, the amount of waste or
pollutants entering the waters
surrounding Durban (or water quality
data), or evidence that the shark species
is responding in a negative fashion to
this threat. Likewise, the petitioner
states that bycatch is a threat to the
species and cites the IUCN assessment,
which notes that the area around
Durban is heavily fished, especially by
the prawn fisheries, but provides no
additional information, references, or
data on this fishery. Without further
information on these fisheries, such as
their areas of operation, gear and
methods, or data on catch and bycatch,
it is unclear how the petitioner came to
the conclusion that these fisheries are
negatively affecting the abundance of H.
kistnasamyi, especially in light of the
significant unknowns surrounding the
life history of H. kistnasamyi. In fact,
there have recently been questions
regarding the exact range of this species,
as the IUCN assessment states that
possible juveniles of the species have
been recorded, but not yet verified, from
the Eastern Cape to west of Mossel Bay,
both also in South Africa. If these
juveniles are identified as H.
kistnasamyi, then this would provide
evidence that the species is not as
restricted in its range as previously
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thought, and especially highlights the
need for more sampling and data to
understand the species’ life history and
As stated previously, broad
statements about generalized threats or
identification of factors that could
negatively impact a species do not
constitute substantial information that
listing may be warranted. In addition,
the condition of being rare is an
important factor to consider when
evaluating a species’ risk of extinction;
however, it does not by itself indicate
the likelihood of extinction of that
species, nor does the condition of being
rare constitute substantial information
that listing under the ESA may be
warranted. The fact that the species is
considered rare could also be an invalid
characterization of the species due to
limited sampling. Because of these
uncertainties, we look for substantial
information within the petition and
within our own files indicating that not
only is the particular species exposed to
a certain factor, but that the species may
be responding in a negative fashion, and
then we assess the potential significance
of that negative response. We had no
information on H. kistnasamyi or threats
to the species in our own files. After
evaluation of the species-specific
information presented in the petition,
we find that the petition does not
present substantial scientific or
commercial information indicating that
listing may be warranted for H.
Hemitriakis leucoperiptera,
commonly referred to as the whitefin
topeshark, is an inshore tropical shark
from Philippine waters. It is known only
from two free-swimming individuals
and, as such, there is little to no
information regarding its life history,
range, or population numbers. No other
information is provided in the petition
or available to us regarding past or
present numbers or status of this
species. Additionally, according to the
IUCN assessment (Compagno, 2005),
there have been no confirmed records of
the species’ occurrence in over 50 years,
indicating that the species may no
longer be found in the wild. The
purpose of the ESA is to conserve
species that are in danger of or
threatened with extinction. The
definition of an endangered species is
‘‘any species which is in danger of
extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range’’ (Section 3(6)).
Species that are already extinct are not
protected by the ESA. A review of the
best available scientific information
provided by the petitioner suggests that
H. leucoperiptera may no longer exist in
the wild and may already be extinct.
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Given this available information, as well
as the previous discussion about the
deficiencies of the general threats
information, we conclude that the
petition does not present substantial
information indicating that H.
leucoperiptera may warrant listing as
endangered or threatened under the
Holohalaelurus favus, commonly
referred to as the honeycomb izak or
natal izak, is found within a restricted
range along the east African coast, from
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
north to southern Mozambique. The
petitioner, citing the IUCN assessment
(Human, 2009b) notes that very little
information is known about the habitat,
ecology, population size and status of
the shark, nor is this information
available in our files. In the late 1960s
and early 1970s, H. favus was
commonly caught and recorded from
fishing trawls (Human, 2009b).
However, by the mid-1970s, it had
seemingly disappeared; no longer
showing up in trawl catches (Human,
2009b). The cause of the disappearance
is unknown. Furthermore, a number of
extensive surveys that have been
conducted in the known range of H.
favus, including biodiversity research
cruises in 2002 and 2003, a survey
cruise off Mozambique in 2007, and
other more recent biodiversity trawl
surveys, have failed to capture any
specimens of the species (Human,
2009b), indicating that the species may
no longer be found in the wild.
The purpose of the ESA is to conserve
species that are in danger of or
threatened with extinction. The
definition of an endangered species is
‘‘any species which is in danger of
extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range’’ (Section 3(6)).
Species that are already extinct are not
protected by the ESA. A review of the
best available scientific information
provided by the petitioner suggests that
H. favus may no longer exist in the wild
and may already be extinct. Given this
available information, as well as the
previous discussion about the
deficiencies of the general threats
information, we conclude that the
petition does not present substantial
information indicating that H. favus
may warrant listing as endangered or
threatened under the ESA.
Holohalaelurus punctatus, commonly
referred to as the whitespotted izak or
African spotted catshark, is endemic to
the southwestern Indian Ocean. It may
be found in depths of around 220–420
m off the coasts of KwaZulu-Natal,
South Africa, southern Mozambique,
and Madagascar. The petitioner, citing
the IUCN assessment (Human, 2009c),
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
notes that very little information is
known about the life history of the
species and the population status
throughout its range. Historically, the
species was commonly caught by
commercial and research bottom trawls
off South Africa and Mozambique in the
late 1960s and early 1970s. However,
similar to H. favus, catch of the species
abruptly declined. The cause of this
decline in catch is unknown. Only a
single specimen has been collected
since 1972, despite recent biodiversity
trawl surveys that have been conducted
off Mozambique (Human, 2009c).
However, the IUCN assessment notes
that the species also occurs off
Madagascar and its population status
and structure in this part of its range is
unknown (Human, 2009c). It also states
that given the species’ presumed depth
range, it may be protected from local
Madagascar fishermen, with the deep
waters off Madagascar thus serving as a
possible refuge for this species.
However, due to a ‘‘complete lack of
information from this part of its range’’
the IUCN assessment concluded that the
species could not be assessed in
Madagascar (Human, 2009c). Even with
this substantial lack of information on
the species, including its basic life
history, population size, structure,
status, and likely range, the petitioner
contends that the species is in danger of
extinction from threats of inadequate
regulatory measures (due to a lack of
conservation measures for the species)
and threats that have yet to be
As stated previously, we do not
necessarily consider a lack of speciesspecific protections as a threat to the
species. For example, management
measures that regulate other species or
fisheries operations may indirectly help
to minimize threats to the petitioned
species and may be adequate to prevent
its extinction. The petition has not
provided any information that would
lead a reasonable person to assume the
abrupt decline in catch was due to a
lack of adequate regulatory measures,
nor do we have that information in our
files. Additionally, the IUCN
assessment, cited by the petitioner,
highlights the uncertainty surrounding
the cause of the observed reduction in
catches of the shark off Mozambique
when it states ‘‘[i]t is not known
whether the reduced population
numbers are due to fisheries pressure,
habitat loss, pollution, or an as yet
unidentified threat.’’ The petition uses
this statement as support that listing
may be warranted for the entire species.
However, the information provided by
the IUCN assessment indicates that the
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population of H. punctatus found in
waters off Madagascar may possibly be
stable and protected, suggesting this
population is not currently at risk of
extinction. In addition, broad statements
about generalized threats or
identification of factors that could
negatively impact a species do not
constitute substantial information that
listing may be warranted. Thus, after
evaluation of the species-specific
information presented in the petition,
we find that the petition does not
present substantial scientific or
commercial information indicating that
listing may be warranted for H.
Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus,
commonly referred to as the daggernose
shark, is found in the western Atlantic,
ranging from the Caribbean (Trinidad,
Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana)
to northern Brazil and possibly in
waters off central Brazil (Lessa et al.,
2006). The shark occurs in highly
turbid, inshore waters, preferring
indented coasts with shallow banks,
muddy bottoms, and mangrove forests
(Lessa et al., 2006). It has been caught
in depths of 4–40 m off northern Brazil
and is thought to spend most of its life
cycle within its range, as no long
distance movements have been observed
(Lessa et al., 2006). Annual rate of
population increase, natural mortality,
average reproductive age, and longevity
are unknown (Lessa et al., 2006). The
species is believed to reach maturity at
6–7 years for females, and 5–6 years for
males, with maximum observed sizes of
160 cm total length (TL) and 144 cm TL,
respectively (Lessa et al., 2000). Average
litter sizes range from 3 to 8 pups, with
a gestation time of 12 months and an
unknown but possible biennial
reproductive periodicity (Lessa et al.,
The shark is primarily caught as
bycatch in artisanal floating gillnet
fisheries in northern Brazil (Lessa et al.,
2006). It is also taken in small numbers
by artisanal fishermen in Venezuela,
Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, and
French Guiana; however, data are
currently lacking for these areas (Lessa
et al., 2006). According to a study
referenced by the IUCN assessment
(Lessa et al., 2006), the population off
northern Brazil is thought to be
decreasing at a rate of 18.4 percent per
year, with substantial declines (>90
percent) over the past 10 years. From
November 1983 to February 1985, a
survey conducted off northern Brazil
showed the species represented around
10 percent of the floating gillnet
elasmobranch catch (Lessa, 1986), while
a later survey (Stride et al., 1992)
reported a catch per unit effort (CPUE)
PO 00000
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of 71 kg/km/h for the species.
Unfortunately, we were unable to
review these studies, as they are not in
our files and were not provided by the
The petitioner asserts that the
daggernose shark’s continued existence
is threatened by the synergistic effects of
habitat destruction, overutilization for
commercial purposes, inadequate
regulatory measures, and the species’
biological characteristics. In terms of
threats to the species’ habitat, the
petitioner notes that population growth
and subsequent coastal development
within the range of the species is
degrading the species’ habitat and
leading to increased pollutants in the
coastal waters. The petitioner provides
general information about population
density within Latin America and the
growth of the global population.
However, information that the
population is growing, on its own, does
not indicate that the growing human
population is a threat to the species. The
petition continues by discussing some
potential negative effects from this
growth for coastal ecosystems, including
increased inputs of nutrients and
chemical wastes from run-off pollution,
increased sedimentation, deforestation,
and the physical destruction of coastal
shorelines. While we acknowledge that
these may be potential effects of a
growing human population, we look to
see if the species is directly exposed to
and responding in a negative fashion to
any of these factors. The petitioner does
not provide any information to indicate
the species is exposed or negatively
responding to any of the identified
factors, nor do we have that information
in our files. For example, the petition
mentions the increasing number of dead
zones worldwide but does not provide
any evidence that these dead zones
occur in areas within the daggernose
shark’s range, or information on the
species’ likely response to hypoxic
conditions. The petition provides no
information on water quality within the
daggernose shark’s range, or the species’
response to factors such as increased
sedimentation or nutrients. The petition
notes that the daggernose shark occurs
in mangrove systems within its range,
and cites the destruction of these
mangroves as a threat to the species. We
reviewed the citation that the petition
used as support for this statement (FAO,
2007) but found no evidence that would
suggest this is a significant threat to the
species’ continued existence in its
range. The FAO (2007) study examined
the status and trends of the world’s
mangrove areas, including those likely
to be within the daggernose shark’s
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
range. For each country with mangrove
areas, the study provided the annual
change in mangrove area for three time
periods: 1980–1990, 1990–2000, and
2000–2005. In Brazil, the study found
that the annual change in mangrove area
was ¥0.3 percent, ¥0.1 percent, and 0
percent for the three periods, but that
the majority of this loss was along the
southern coast, an area that is outside of
the daggernose shark range. For French
Guiana, the change was 0 percent for all
three periods and the FAO (2007) notes
that ‘‘no serious threats seem to pressure
the mangroves’’ there. For Trinidad, the
change was ¥0.4 percent, ¥0.2 percent,
and 0 percent. For Guyana, the change
was ¥1 percent, ¥0.3 percent, and 0
percent, with activities that include
afforestation and reforestation currently
being undertaken (FAO, 2007). In
Suriname, the change was noted as ‘‘not
significant,’’ with mangroves protected
in multiple-use management areas
(FAO, 2007). Given the above
information, which indicates very little
loss of mangrove forests within the
daggernose shark range, we do not find
the petitioner’s assertion of mangrove
destruction to be a significant threat to
the species’ continued existence.
The petitioner also contends that
overutilization for commercial purposes
is placing the species at an increased
risk of extinction. Specifically, the
petitioner notes that the daggernose
shark is caught as bycatch in artisanal
floating gillnets in northern Brazil, and
repeats the information about CPUE
from the Stride et al. (1992) survey and
the observed decreases in the northern
Brazil population as support that the
species is being overutilized. The
petitioner provides general information
about bycatch and the dangers facing
shark populations. The petition makes
the assumption that fishing pressures
are similar throughout all of the species’
range and, therefore, similar declines
are likely, but provides no information
on effort or catch elsewhere. The
petition also asserts that the species’
biological characteristics, such as slow
intrinsic population growth and high
natural mortality (neither of which have
been estimated) have resulted in a
population that cannot rebound from
this fishing pressure. The petition also
provides general information on the use
and trade of shark meat and fins,
including import and export data from
the countries in the daggernose shark’s
range. These trade data are for all shark
species and products and do not show
the relative importance of the
daggernose shark in trade. As Compagno
(1984b) notes, the daggernose shark
meat is ‘‘occasionally marketed but not
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considered a prime food fish,’’ and the
species’ fins are not valued in the
international fin trade (Lessa et al.,
However, given the substantial
declines that have been observed in the
population (>90 percent) and ongoing
declines off northern Brazil, the fact that
the species is recorded in artisanal catch
throughout its restricted range and,
although not targeted, does enter the
market, and coupled with its known life
history traits which increase its
susceptibility to depletion (such as low
reproductive rate), we find that the
petition presents substantial scientific
or commercial information indicating
that I. oxyrhynchus may be threatened
due to overutilization and that listing
may be warranted.
Lamiopsis temmincki, commonly
referred to as the broadfin shark, is
known to occur in the Indian Ocean and
Western Pacific, off India, Pakistan,
Myanmar, Indonesia, eastern Malaysia,
and China. According to Compagno
(1984b), it is unknown whether its
distribution is sporadic or continuous. It
is a continental, inshore shark, and was
once common on the west coast of India
(Bombay region) but is now found only
in low numbers throughout its range.
However, according to the IUCN
assessment (White et al., 2009), the
species ‘‘is taken regularly (but in low
numbers) by local fishermen in India
(Bombay), Pakistan (Karachi), Sarawak
and Kalimantan (Indonesia),’’ with its
meat used for human consumption, fins
traded, and livers used for vitamin oil.
Information from our own files also
indicates that the species is commonly
taken in fisheries operating within its
range. In Mukah (Sarawak, Malaysia), L.
temmincki was the 10th most landed
shark from July 2003 to August 2004
(Department of Fisheries Malaysia,
2006). However, we do not have
information on population abundance
(historical or current) or catch
information (numbers or trends), nor are
these data provided in the petition.
Without this type of information on
historical or current abundance or
population trends, it is difficult to
assess whether the population is at a
risk of extinction that may warrant
The petition contends that the species
is threatened by destruction of habitat,
overutilization by fisheries, inadequate
regulatory measures, and synergistic
effects, but provides very little to no
information or data to support these
statements. For example, the petition
does not provide any references related
to habitat destruction or degradation,
just to state that it is ‘‘prolific’’
throughout most of the species’ range
PO 00000
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and represents a significant threat. It is
unclear on what information the
petition (or the IUCN assessment) bases
this assertion. Likewise, the petition
makes general assumptions regarding
the species’ extinction risk from the
other threats it identifies, such as its life
history traits and the lack of speciesspecific protections, but provides no
evidence or information that shows the
species is responding in a negative
fashion to these threats. We do not
consider general assumptions and
assertions made by the petitioner as
substantial information that listing may
be warranted. As such, we find that the
petition does not present substantial
scientific or commercial information
indicating that listing may be warranted
for L. temmincki.
Mustelus fasciatus, commonly
referred to as the striped smooth-hound,
is endemic to the Southwest Atlantic,
found on the inner continental shelf
from south Brazil to Argentina
(estimated 1,500 km of coastline)
(Hozbor et al., 2004). In southern Brazil,
gravid females occur at depths greater
than 20 m (up to 250 m deep) but
migrate to shallower, inshore waters in
the spring to give birth (Hozbor et al.,
2004). Neonates and small juveniles will
remain in these shallow waters, using
them as nursery grounds. Little other
life history information is known for
this species.
The petition identifies overutilization
for commercial purposes and
inadequate regulatory mechanisms as
threats to the species. According to the
IUCN assessment (Hozbor et al., 2004),
fishing is intense in the coastal nursery
areas of southern Brazil, with evidence
the species is caught as bycatch in the
shrimp and multi-species fisheries
(Haimovici and Mendonca, 1996). These
fisheries, which operate using trawl,
gillnet, and beach seine gear, catch
gravid females during their seasonal
inshore migration and juveniles all yearround. In the 1980s, neonates were
frequently caught in large numbers (10–
100 per gillnet set) off the beach in the
summer, but in 2003 their occurrence
was characterized as sporadic (Hozbor
et al., 2004). In 2002, the state
government of Rio Grande do Sul
(Brazil) classified M. fasciatus as a
species threatened with extinction
(Hozbor et al., 2004). Farther south, in
Uruguay, M. fasciatus is caught as
bycatch in industrial and artisanal
fisheries. According to Hozbor et al.
(2004), the biomass of M. fasciatus in
the coastal region of the Bonaerensean
District (northern Argentina and
Uruguay) decreased by 96 percent
between 1994 and 1999, as measured by
trawl surveys.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
In terms of regulatory measures, the
petition indicates that existing
regulatory mechanisms are inadequate
and have failed to protect the species
from both targeted and bycatch
mortality. It highlights Brazil’s trawl
fishing regulation, which prohibits
trawling at distances less than 3 nautical
miles (5.56 km) from the shore (which
would be in depths of less than around
10 m). However, the petition and IUCN
assessment contend that enforcement of
the law is difficult and that trawling
continues to occur in these nursery
areas (Hozbor et al., 2004). In addition,
gillnetting, which has historically been
the primary method to catch neonates
within these inshore areas, remains
unregulated (Hozbor et al., 2004). Thus,
the petition suggests that it is the largely
unregulated overutilization of the
species that has put the species in
danger of extinction.
Given the occurrence of the species in
fisheries catch and bycatch data,
evidence of substantial declines in
biomass (96 percent) and observed
decreases in abundance in some areas,
as well as information indicating
current regulations may be inadequate
to protect the species from
overutilization, we find that the petition
presents substantial scientific or
commercial information indicating that
listing may be warranted for M.
Mustelus schmitti, commonly referred
to as the narrownose smooth-hound, is
endemic to the southwest Atlantic, and
is found in waters off of southwest
Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay
(between latitudes 22° S and 48° S)
(Massa et al., 2006). It is found in
coastal waters to depths of 140 m. A
large population is known to migrate
seasonally, wintering off southern Brazil
and moving south to spend summers off
Uruguay and/or Argentina (Massa et al.,
2006). There was also a smaller, local
population that was known to breed in
south Brazil during the spring, but is
now thought to be extirpated (Massa et
al., 2006).
The petition identifies overutilization
and the inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms as threats to the
species’ continued existence. The
petition notes that the species
experiences heavy fishing pressure
throughout its entire range, including in
its nursery grounds. In south Brazil, the
wintering population is targeted and
also caught as a component of the
mixed-species fishery. Based on bottom
trawl CPUE data, the winter migrant
population of south Brazil has
decreased by 85 percent between 1985
and 1997 (Massa et al., 2006). The small
resident population, that was once
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common in waters of south Brazil, has
apparently disappeared. A summer
shore fishery survey, conducted in 2003,
failed to record any members of the
local population, despite the once
common occurrence of neonates in
beach seines and bottom trawls in the
1980s (Massa et al., 2006). The IUCN
assessment (Massa et al., 2006)
attributes this disappearance to intense
and continual fishing efforts in the
inshore pupping and nursery grounds.
In Argentina, M. schmitti is a
commercially important species
(Chiaramonte, 1998), mainly caught in
the multi-species trawl fishery, and its
demand in the market has increased
(Massa et al., 2006). From 1992 to 1996,
total declared landings of the species in
Argentina more than doubled, from
5,047.6 mt to 10,271.3 mt (Chiaramonte,
1998). From 1993 to 1996, a survey that
examined shark species in 454
Patagonian coastal fishery trawls found
M. schmitti to be the most frequently
caught species (found in 28 percent of
the trawls) and it was recorded within
all trawling areas (Molen et al., 1998).
However, between 1998 and 2002,
national Argentinian landings of the
species decreased by 30 percent (Massa
et al., 2006, citing unpublished data). In
Uruguay, the species is taken as bycatch
in industrial and artisanal fisheries.
Estimated annual capture of both M.
schmitti and M. fasciatus was 900 mt
from 2000–2002 (although M. schmitti
was the main species in the catch;
(Massa et al., 2006)). Between 1998 and
2002, biomass of the species decreased
by 22 percent in the main fishing areas
off Uruguay and Argentina (Massa et al.,
2006, citing unpublished data).
In terms of fishery regulations, the
petition contends that the only current
conservation measure in place for the
species is a permitted maximum catch,
established by the Argentine fisheries
authority, but argues that catch should
be set at zero to ensure the species’
Declines of 20 to 30 percent in
biomass and landings do not necessarily
indicate that a population is at risk of
extinction or that catch must be
prohibited (especially without
additional information regarding the
population size or maximum
sustainable yield). However, based on
the above information provided which
shows the species is commercially
important, taken in substantial numbers
in fisheries within its range, including
in nursery grounds and pupping areas,
and has experienced large declines (85
percent) in parts of its range, with a
potential extirpation of a local
population, we find overutilization for
commercial purposes may be a threat to
PO 00000
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the species’ current existence. As such,
we find that the petition presents
substantial scientific or commercial
information indicating that listing may
be warranted for M. schmitti.
The petition requests that we list
three species of angel sharks that have
similar ranges and are found in coastal
and outer continental shelf sediment
habitats in the Mediterranean Sea and
eastern Atlantic. These three species are
Squatina aculeata, S. oculata, and S.
squatina. Angel sharks are bottom
dwellers, preferring to spend most of
their time buried in the sand or mud.
Squatina squatina can be found from
close inshore (5 m) to at least 150 m in
depth (Morey et al., 2006). S. aculeata
can be found in depths of 30 to 500 m,
and S. oculata occurs in depths of over
20 to 500 m (Morey et al., 2007a; 2007b).
The historical range of S. squatina
extended along the eastern Atlantic,
from Scandinavia to Mauritania and the
Canary Islands, and included the
Mediterranean and Black seas. The
historical range of S. aculeata extended
from the Mediterranean Sea (western
and central basins) to the eastern
Atlantic, from Morocco to Namibia, and
the historical range of S. oculata
extended throughout the Mediterranean
and in the eastern Atlantic, from
southern Portugal to Namibia. Many of
the life history traits of these angel
sharks are unknown, including the age
at maturity, reproductive periodicity,
productivity, and natural mortality.
Squatina aculeata is thought to mature
around 124 cm, with maximum size
achieved at around 188 cm (Morey et
al., 2007a). Squatina oculata sizes at
maturity range from 71 to 100 cm, with
maximum size of 160 cm, and S.
squatina mature at sizes of 80 to 169 cm
(depending on sex), with a maximum
size of up to 244 cm (Morey et al., 2006;
The petition identifies bottom
trawling, human population growth,
overutilization, inadequacy of existing
regulatory measures, and isolation of
populations as potential threats to the
existence of these species. The petition
notes that identifying angel sharks down
to species is difficult and so many of the
fishing records identify catch only to the
genus level. In the Mediterranean,
historical records from the late 1800s to
early 1900s show a decline in the
number of angel sharks caught in tuna
traps that were operating in Baratti
(Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) (Morey et al.,
2006; 2007a; 2007b). From 1898 to 1905,
catches of angel sharks averaged 134
sharks per year, but from 1914–1933,
this average declined to only 15 sharks
per year (Morey et al., 2006; 2007a;
2007b). As these years coincided with
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
the beginning of trawling activity in the
area, the IUCN assessments (Morey et
al., 2006; 2007a; 2007b) attribute the
decline in catch specifically to trawl
fishing, noting that angel sharks, which
dwell near or on the bottom, are
especially susceptible to this type of
fishing activity.
The petition notes that this bottom
trawling activity has continued to
increase in both intensity and efficiency
on the Mediterranean shelf and slope
over the last 50 years, and, as such, is
a threat to the angel shark species
existence. The petition states that the
three species are now rare or absent
from most of the northern
Mediterranean coastline (Morey et al.,
2006; 2007a; 2007b), as evidenced by
species-specific catch data from two
major trawl surveys that were
conducted in the north Mediterranean:
the Mediterranean International Trawl
Survey (MEDITS) and the Italian
National Project. During the MEDITS
program (1995–1999), tows were made
in depths of 10–800 m along the north
Mediterranean coastline, from west
Morocco to the Aegean Sea. Out of the
9,095 tows, S. squatina appeared in two,
S. aculeata appeared in one, and S.
oculata was not present in any of the
tows (Morey et al., 2006; 2007a; 2007b).
Biomass estimates were only provided
for S. squatina, with total biomass
estimated to be 14 mt throughout the
survey area, equating to about 1,400
sharks (Morey et al., 2006). The Italian
National Project survey (1985–1998) did
not report any catches of S. aculeata or
S. oculata from the 9,281 hauls
conducted in the northern
Mediterranean (Morey et al., 2007a;
2007b). S. squatina were caught in only
0.41 percent of the hauls (Morey et al.,
Squatina aculeata is now considered
to be absent from the Black Sea and rare
in the eastern part of the Mediterranean
(Morey et al., 2007a). Squatina squatina
has also become rare within its range,
with evidence of possible local
extirpations. For example, it was once
recorded in trawl surveys in the
Adriatic Sea (in 1948), but the MEDIT
surveys conducted in 1998 found no
evidence of the species in this area
(Morey et al., 2006). In addition, the last
reported landing of the species in the
northeast Atlantic was in 1998
(compiled from landings records dated
1978 to 2002 for all International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea
areas), and is now considered extinct in
the North Sea (Morey et al., 2006).
Off the Balearic Islands (Spain),
Squatina sharks were fairly common
until the mid-1980s, with records from
a lobster gillnet fishery that show angel
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sharks (likely S. aculeata or S. oculata)
caught on a daily basis (Morey et al.,
2007a; 2007b). However, since the mid1990s, there have been no records of
Squatina sharks around the Balearic
Islands, despite a bottom trawl fishing
survey that was conducted at depths
where the sharks should be present
(between 46 and 1800 m) (Morey et al.,
2007a; 2007b). The petition points to
evidence that Squatina sharks were
once targeted and caught by a special
net called an ‘escaterea’ in these waters
(Morey et al., 2007a), but reports from
fishermen indicate that all species of
Squatina have undergone dramatic
declines over the last 20 years and are
likely extirpated from the area (Morey et
al., 2006; 2007a; 2007b).
Off the coast of West Africa, these
angel shark species are primarily taken
as bycatch in industrial demersal trawl
fisheries and inshore bottom set gillnets.
The IUCN assessments (Morey et al.,
2007a; 2007b) provide Portuguese
landings data from a fleet fishing in
Moroccan and Mauritanian waters that
showed landings of the three species
peaking in 1990 at 35 t and then
decreasing by 95 percent to 1.7 t in
1998, when the fishery subsequently
closed. However, the IUCN assessments
caution that the level of fishing effort
associated with these data is unknown.
Citing various personal
communications, the IUCN assessments
also note that the Squatina sharks were
common in these waters in the 1970s
and 1980s, frequently caught by lines
and gillnets; however, according to both
artisanal fishermen and observers of the
industrial demersal trawl fleets, the
species has been depleted and is now
only very rarely observed. Morey et al.,
(2007a) and (2007b) also mention
research surveys that were conducted
along the coast of West Africa and
previously reported catches of Squatina
species, but noted that no specimens
have been captured since 1998 for S.
aculeata and since 2002 for S. oculata.
The petition identifies existing
regulations that aim to protect these
three species from further declines, but
contends that these current regulations
are either insufficient or ineffective to
protect the existing populations of the
three species from extinction. For
example, the petition notes that
Squatina sharks are protected from
fishing within six Balearic Islands
marine reserves, but suggests that local
extirpation of the species are likely in
this part of the Squatina range, and,
therefore, the regulation is not effective
in minimizing extinction risk to the
existing populations. In 2012, S.
aculeata was added to Spain’s List of
Wild Species under Special Protection,
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
which essentially prohibits the capture
or trade of the species by Spanish
citizens (Morey et al., 2007a). Squatina
squatina is listed as a prohibited species
by the European Union. This listing
prohibits EU and third country vessels
from fishing for, transporting, or landing
the species in EU waters (Morey et al.,
2006). Likewise, S. squatina is also
protected from fishing activities within
three nautical miles of English coastal
baselines by the UK Wildlife and
Countryside Act (Morey et al., 2006).
However, as the petition notes, these
regulations provide protections for these
species in only parts of their ranges,
including in some areas where the
species are no longer found (northern
Mediterranean, northeast Atlantic).
Based on the above information
provided by the petition, which shows
that these three species were once
common and frequently taken in various
fisheries but have now noticeably
declined in abundance throughout their
ranges, with evidence of possible local
extirpations, we find that the threats of
overutilization and inadequate
regulatory measures as described above
may be putting the species at an
increased risk of extinction. As such, we
find that the petition presents
substantial scientific or commercial
information indicating that listing may
be warranted for S. aculeata, S. oculata,
and S. squatina.
The petition also requests that we list
three species of angel sharks that are
endemic to the southwest Atlantic:
Squatina argentina, S. punctata, and S.
guggenheim. According to the IUCN
assessments (Vooren and Chiaramonte,
2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007;
IUCN SSG, 2007), there is some
controversy regarding the taxonomy of
these southwest Atlantic Squatina
species. In one study, for example, the
authors analyzed mitochondrial DNA
and indicated that there are only three
species of Squatina in southern Brazil:
S. argentina, S. guggenheim, and S.
occulta (Furtado-Neto and Carr, 2002).
In another study (Vooren and Silva,
1991), S. punctata was characterized as
being the same species as S.
guggenheim. Based on the information
provided in the petition, speciesspecific data are available for both S.
argentina, whose validity as a species
and occurrence is ‘‘generally agreed
upon’’ (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006),
and S. guggenheim, whose
nomenclature and taxonomy are
questionable, but whose occurrence and
information on its abundance are
represented in the available fisheries
data. Although the petition requests us
to list S. punctata, it provides no
specific-specific population or
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
abundance data, or evidence of its
occurrence. The only species-specific
information for S. punctata provided in
the petition corresponds to some life
history data from Vooren and Silva
(1991), the paper in which the authors
synonymize S. punctata with S.
guggenheim, so it is unclear whether
this information actually corresponds to
S. punctata or S. guggenheim.
In terms of threats, the petition
identifies overutilization of S. punctata
and provides general angel shark
landing statistics and information on
CPUE declines. However, Vooren and
Chiaramonte (2006) and Chiaramonte
and Vooren (2007) note that the landing
statistics in southern Brazil (referenced
in the petition) refer to S. guggenheim,
S. occulta, and S. argentina combined,
but make no mention of S. punctata.
The petition notes that the sharp decline
in landings is ‘‘attributed to recruitment
overfishing due to the bottom gillnet
fishery;’’ however, the citations it uses,
which are also referenced by Vooren
and Chiaramonte (2006) and
Chiaramonte and Vooren (2007),
specifically refer to the decline in
abundance of S. argentina and S.
guggenheim on the outer shelf of Brazil,
not S. punctata. The petition also cites
declines in angel shark catch in
Argentine waters, but the IUCN
assessments (Vooren and Chiaramonte,
2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007;
IUCN SSG, 2007) note that the majority
of these landings consist almost entirely
of S. guggenheim. In Uruguay, the IUCN
assessments (Vooren and Chiaramonte,
2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007;
IUCN SSG, 2007), citing a personal
communication, state that speciesspecific statistics are not known, but
that the largest catches most likely
correspond to S. guggenheim and S.
argentina. Given the available
information provided by the petitioner,
we do not find that the petition has
presented substantial evidence that S.
punctata is a taxonomically valid
species for listing.
We will now evaluate the petition’s
request to list the other two angel shark
species in the southwest Atlantic, S.
argentina and S. guggenheim. Squatina
argentina is a bottom-dwelling species
that occurs from 32° S in Rio Grande,
southern Brazil, to 43° S, in northern
Patagonia, Argentina (Vooren and
Chiaramonte, 2006). It is found offshore,
on the shelf and upper continental slope
in depths of 120 to 320 m, but has
occasionally been observed in 50 m
depths (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006).
It has an estimated maximum size of
138 cm TL (Vooren and Chiaramonte,
2006). Squatina guggenheim is a smaller
angel shark species (maximum size is
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∼92 cm total length, TL), and occurs
from 24° S, in Rio de Janeiro, southern
Brazil, to 43° S, northern Patagonia,
Argentina) (Chiaramonte and Vooren,
2007). It is also a bottom-dweller and is
found at depths of 10 to 80 m in Brazil
and from the coast to 150 m in
Argentinian waters (Chiaramonte and
Vooren, 2007).
The petition identifies overutilization
as a threat to the continued existence of
both species. These angel sharks are
both targeted and caught as bycatch in
fisheries operating from southern Brazil
to Uruguay. Landing statistics from
southern Brazil are combined for S.
argentina, S. guggenheim, and S.
occulta as they are hard to distinguish.
They show variable catches throughout
the years, with peaks of around 2,000 mt
for the species assemblage in 1986–1989
and 1993 and then a decrease in catch
to around 900 mt in 2003 (Vooren and
Chiaramonte, 2006; Chiaramonte and
Vooren, 2007). No data are cited in the
petition or available in our files since
2003. From 1984 to 2002, CPUE of these
angel sharks in otter and pair trawls on
the continental shelf declined by around
85 percent (Vooren and Chiaramonte,
2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007).
Research trawl surveys conducted on
the outer shelf of southern Brazil in
1986/97 and 2001/02 also found
significant declines in angel shark
abundance, with S. guggenheim and S.
argentina estimated to be at 15 percent
of their original abundance levels
(Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006;
Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007). The
petition references the IUCN
assessments (Vooren and Chiaramonte,
2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007)
which attribute these decreases to
recruitment overfishing specifically by a
bottom gillnet fishery that began in 1990
and continues to operate on the outer
continental shelf, targeting and taking
large numbers of Squatina sharks. In
addition to being targeted catch, the
petition notes that S. argentina is also
caught (and retained) in significant
numbers as bycatch in the trawl and
gillnet fishery for monkfish (Lophius
gastrophysus), which operates on the
shelf edge and upper slope (Vooren and
Chiaramonte, 2006). In 2001, the
estimated bycatch of S. argentina in the
monkfish gillnet fishery was 1.052
sharks per 100 nets, which equates to a
total of 8,689 individuals (Vooren and
Chiaramonte, 2006). Vooren and
Chiaramonte (2006) note that S.
argentina was ‘‘one of the most retained
bycatch species’’ in the monkfish gillnet
In Argentina, angel shark landings
have been decreasing since reaching
maximum levels in 1998, with landings
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
almost entirely consisting of S.
guggenheim (Vooren and Chiaramonte,
2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007).
Citing a study from 1982, Chiaramonte
and Vooren (2007) state that annual
biomass for angel sharks on the Buenos
Aires coast (in 1981/82) was estimated
to be around 4,050 mt, with total
captures of Squatina sharks wavering
around 1,000 mt between 1979 and
1984. However, by the 1990s, landings
had increased to over 4,000 mt, with
maximum landings recorded in 1997
and 1998. Chiaramonte and Vooren
(2007) and Vooren and Chaiaramonte
(2006) note that these landings
consisted almost entirely of S.
guggenheim (and that S. argentina is
rare in commercial landings data);
however, Molen (1998), citing an
anonymous reference, stated that
landings of S. argentina were 4,300 mt
in 1997. In addition, a bottom trawl
survey conducted between 1993 and
1996 found S. argentina to be of
medium frequency in Patagonian coastal
trawl fisheries, showing up as bycatch
in 15.4 percent of the 454 trawls (Molen,
1998). Therefore, it appears that both S.
argentina and S. guggenheim may have
been present and fairly abundant in the
late 1990s in Argentine waters. In 1998,
the gillnet fleet of Puerto Quequen
considered angel sharks to be the
second most important fish in their
catch (Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007).
Landings of these angel sharks have
since decreased from the 1997/98 peak
levels, dropping to 3,550 mt in 2003
(Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007). The
petition indicates that the overall
negative trend in these landings data
(from 1998 to 2003) is also reflected in
the 58 percent decline in CPUE of the
angel shark that was calculated for the
coastal bottom trawl fleet in Argentina
(Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007).
In Uruguay, species-specific statistics
are unavailable, but the petition notes
that angel sharks are taken as bycatch in
industrial and artisanal fisheries. Total
Squatina shark captures have been
estimated at 300 to 400 mt per year
since 1997, with the majority likely S.
guggenheim and S. argentina (based on
personal communications provided to
Chiaramonte and Vooren (2007) and
Vooren and Chiaramonte (2006)).
The petition also identifies
inadequate regulatory measures and the
species’ low reproductive potential as
threats to the continued existence of
both species. The petition, citing the
IUCN assessments, states that there are
currently no regulations to manage the
angel shark fishery that operates on the
continental shelf off southern Brazil.
However, a management plan for the
gillnet monkfish fishery, which takes
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
substantial numbers of S. argentina as
bycatch, was approved in 2005 and thus
may help to minimize the threat of
overutilization to the species in this area
(Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006). The
petition also notes that Argentina has
set the maximum permitted catch for
angel sharks at 4,000 mt (down from
6,000 mt in the years 1995 to 1999), a
quota that appears to be similar to the
peak landings of the Squatina species
during the 1990s. However, with
declining trends evident in the landings
and CPUE of angel sharks, this
management measure may not be
adequate to protect the species from
threats such as overutilization. In
addition, the petition asserts that the
low reproductive potential of both
species makes them especially slow to
recover from overutilization and
depletion, and thus poses an additional
threat to the species’ existence. For
example, the petition states that
pregnant females of S. guggenheim are
known to abort embryos upon capture
in fishing gear, thus further decreasing
their reproductive potential even if
released alive (Chiaramonte and Vooren,
After a review of the species-specific
information provided in the petition,
which shows that S. argentina and S.
guggenheim have and continue to be
targeted and taken in various fisheries,
with limited regulation of these fisheries
and evidence of significant population
declines for both species in part of their
range, we find that the threats of
overutilization and inadequate
regulatory measures as described above
may be putting the two angel shark
species at an increased risk of
extinction. As such, we find that the
petition presents substantial scientific
or commercial information indicating
that listing may be warranted for S.
argentina and S. guggenheim.
Squatina formosa, commonly referred
to as the Taiwan angel shark, occurs in
the northwest Pacific Ocean and East
China Sea and is primarily found in
waters around northern Taiwan and the
East Taiwan Strait (Walsh and Ebert,
2009). It is found on the continental
shelf, in depths of around 100–300 m,
with a maximum recorded size of 150
cm TL (Walsh and Ebert, 2009). There
are no life history details for this species
or information on its population size.
Although it is found in local Taiwanese
fish markets, there have been no catch
records of this species (possibly due to
the difficulty in distinguishing the
species from other angel sharks in the
area) (Walsh and Ebert, 2009).
Although the petition contends that
the extensive bottom trawling occurring
within the range of S. formosa has led
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to overutilization of the species to the
point where the species is threatened
with extinction, the petition provides no
information on catch numbers,
population status, or abundance trends
for the species. Instead, the petition
refers to other angel shark species in
different parts of the world that have
undergone population declines from
intense fishing pressure, and uses this
information as a surrogate for evidence
of threats to S. formosa. While we agree
that extensive fishing is occurring
within the range of S. formosa, the
petition has not provided any
information on the level of directed
fishing or level of bycatch of this
particular shark. The petition only notes
that there are no catch records of the
species but that it is present in the
market place. The petition also argues
that the triennial reproductive cycle and
small litter sizes makes several species
of angel sharks more vulnerable to
depletion, but specific reproductive
information for S. formosa is not
currently known (although it is likely
similar to other angel shark species). We
do not find that the available
information is substantial information
indicating that overutilization is a threat
to this species such that listing may be
The petition also contends that there
are no conservation measures in place
for the species, but states that there are
some areas of Chinese waters that are
protected from trawling activities. The
petition does not provide any additional
information on these regulations except
to note that these areas may or may not
be within S. formosa’s range and may
not be effectively enforced and therefore
‘‘provide no certain protection’’ for the
species. It is unclear how the petitioner
came to such a conclusion. The petition
specifically identifies bottom trawling
as a threat to the species, so if this
activity were prohibited within certain
areas of the species’ range, this threat
would be decreased and provide some
protection to the species.
The petition fails to provide any
information on the species’ abundance,
life history, status, or trends throughout
all or a significant portion of the
species’ range, nor do we have any
information in our files. The petition
provides no evidence that the species is
or has been in decline. The petition
provides only general statements and
assumptions regarding threats to the
species but does not provide evidence to
suggest these threats are acting upon the
species to the point where it may meet
the definition of threatened or
endangered. As such, we find that the
petition does not provide substantial
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evidence that listing may be warranted
for S. formosa.
Triakis acutipinna, commonly
referred to as the sharpfin houndshark,
is found only in the tropical, continental
waters off Manabi Province, Ecuador.
Little is known about the species’ life
history, habitat, or ecology. It was first
recorded 40 years ago, in waters off Isla
de La Plata, and has since been
identified in artisanal coastal gillnet
fishery landings from the coastal fishing
port of Daniel Lopez, Ecuador. However,
its occurrence is rare and it is unknown
whether the species is taken in other
artisanal inshore fisheries. The petition
states that the current population size is
estimated to be less than 2,500
individuals, based on very few records,
and cites the IUCN assessment
(Compagno et al., 2009); however, it is
unclear how this number was
calculated. Neither the IUCN assessment
nor the petition provides any references
to population size data, records of
abundance or occurrence, or
information on how the population total
was calculated. It appears that the size
of the species is only known from two
documented adult specimens, a male of
90 cm and a female of 102 cm
(Compagno et al., 2009). All other life
history parameters are unknown.
The petition acknowledges that little
is known about the species and its
occurrence in fisheries catch, but
contends that the species is landed and
perhaps targeted and thus fishing
pressure is likely causing a decline and
is a threat to its continued existence. In
2004, Ecuador banned directed fishing
for sharks in all of its waters; therefore,
it is illegal to target the species.
Although fishermen can catch sharks as
bycatch, information provided in the
petition indicates that the species is
only rarely caught as bycatch, and has
only been observed in landings from the
artisanal coastal gillnet fishery in the
fishing port of Daniel Lopez (Compagno
et al., 2009). As such, we do not find
that the available information indicates
that overutilization is a threat to the
species. In addition, the petition states
that regulatory measures are inadequate
to protect the species from extinction
because trade in shark fins is still
allowed, which will ‘‘ensure that the
sharpfin houndshark will continue to be
a utilized bycatch species.’’ However,
the petitioner provides no evidence that
sharpfin houndshark fins even enter (or
are valued in) the shark fin trade. It also
states that the meat of sharpfin
houndsharks has a higher value than
most other species, but does not provide
a reference for the statement or any
further information that would support
the claim that the sharpfin houndshark
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
is valued in trade, nor do we have that
type of information on its trade in our
Although the sharpfin houndshark
may be a rare species, the petition has
not provided any evidence to indicate
that the species is currently in decline
or that there are any threats that are
acting upon the species to the point
where it may meet the definition of
threatened or endangered. As such, we
find that the petition does not provide
substantial evidence that listing may be
warranted for T. acutipinna.
Species-Specific Information for
Requested DPSs
This petition also requests that we
identify three subpopulations of shark
species as DPSs and subsequently list
these subpopulations as threatened or
endangered under the ESA. In
evaluating this request, we must first
consider whether the petition provides
substantial information that the
requested populations may qualify as
DPSs under the discreteness and
significance criteria of our joint DPS
Policy (as noted above in the
‘‘Background’’ section). If we find that
the petition presents substantial
information that the requested
populations may qualify as DPSs, we
must then determine whether the
petitioner provides substantial
information that listing may be
warranted for those DPSs. Our analyses
and conclusions regarding the
information presented by the petitioner
and available in our files for these
petitioned subpopulations are provided
Carcharias taurus, commonly referred
to as the sandtiger shark, is found in all
warm and temperate seas, except the
eastern Pacific. They occur in the surf
zone, in shallow bays and around coral
and rocky reefs, but are also found in
depths as great as 191 m on the outer
continental shelf (Compagno, 1984a).
The petitioner requests that we list the
Southwest Atlantic subpopulation of
sandtiger shark as threatened or
endangered, arguing that it satisfies both
the ‘‘discreteness’’ and ‘‘significance’’
requirements under our DPS policy, and
thus qualifies as a DPS.
The petition contends that the
Southwest Atlantic subpopulation of
sandtiger shark is discrete based on
physical, physiological, behavioral, and
morphological factors. In terms of
physical barriers, the petition states that
the population rarely occurs in deep
water (greater than 200 m depth;
Compagno, 1984a) and uses this as
evidence that the species does not mix
with the sandtiger sharks found
elsewhere. However, the petitioner
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provides no other information, such as
tagging studies, to support its claim of
isolation. Additionally, this depth
barrier does not explain why mixing
would not occur between the Southwest
Atlantic population and those sharks
found in the Caribbean as well as the
Northwest Atlantic.
The petition also states that the
Southwest Atlantic population is
behaviorally unique because it is more
migratory than other C. taurus
populations, yet does not mix with
these other populations, and cites
Sardowsky (1970) and Compagno (2001)
as support. These references are also
used as support for the petitioner’s
claim that the Southwest Atlantic
subpopulation is a ‘closed group,’ with
dentition that differs from all other
subpopulations. However, it is unclear
how the petitioner came to these
conclusions based on the results of
these studies. The study by Sardowsky
(1970) examined the dentition of
specimens of C. taurus caught in waters
off Cananeia, Brazil, and compared their
dental characteristics to sandtigers from
other regions. Based on these
comparisons, the authors concluded
that the sandtiger sharks found off the
coast of southern Brazil are not
taxonomically distinct from sandtigers
found elsewhere in the world.
Sardowsky (1970) also states that the
northwest Atlantic population and
Brazilian populations are not isolated
from each other and share some dental
character combinations. The Compagno
(2001) reference mentions that the
sandtiger shark is strongly migratory in
certain parts of its range, and lists
populations found off Australia, the east
coast of the USA, and the east coast of
South Africa as sharing this behavior.
Lucifora et al. (2002) notes that this
migratory behavior is likely linked to
reproduction and also observed it in
sandtigers in the Southwest Atlantic. In
fact, the reproductive migration patterns
of the Southwest Atlantic sandtigers
were noted as similar to those of
sandtigers in the northwest Atlantic
(Lucifora et al., 2002). Although the
petition contends that the Southwest
Atlantic sandtiger population has ‘‘its
own unique maturation age and size’’,
Lucifora et al. (2002) states that the
estimates of maturity size for sandtigers
found off Brazil (females = 218–235 cm
TL and males = 193 cm TL) are
comparable to those for sandtigers off
the east coast of the USA (females =
220–229 cm TL; males = 190–195 cm
TL), South Africa (females = 220 cm TL;
males = 202–220 cm TL), and Australia
(females = 220 cm TL). Thus, the
available information in our files and
PO 00000
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provided by the petitioner suggests the
Southwest Atlantic population of C.
taurus shares many of its biological and
life history characteristics with
populations of C. taurus found
elsewhere. We therefore find that
petitioner has not provided substantial
information to indicate that the
Southwest Atlantic population of C.
taurus may qualify as a discrete
population based on physical,
physiological, behavioral, or
morphological factors.
Citing the same information it
provided for the discreteness factor
discussed above, the petitioner asserts
that the Southwest Atlantic population
segment is significant to the taxon.
However, based on our above analysis,
we do not find that the petitioner has
provided substantial information that
this specific population has biological
or ecological significance to the taxon.
The available information does not
indicate that the population exists in an
unusual or unique ecological setting, or
that loss of the population would result
in a significant gap in the range of the
taxon, or that it differs markedly from
other populations of the species in its
genetic characteristics.
In conclusion, we find that the
petitioner has failed to provide
substantial information that the
Southwest Atlantic population of
sandtiger sharks may qualify as a DPS
under the discreteness and significance
criteria of our joint DPS Policy. As such,
we deny the petitioner’s request to list
the Southwest Atlantic subpopulation of
C. taurus as threatened or endangered
because the available information in our
files and provided by the petitioner
suggests it is not a ‘‘species’’ eligible for
listing under the ESA.
Cetorhinus maximus, commonly
referred to as the basking shark, is the
second largest shark species (reaching
lengths of 10 m) and is circumglobal in
distribution (Compagno, 2001),
observed in boreal to tropical waters
(Skomal et al., 2009; Compagno, 2001).
Seasonal changes in abundance have
been noted for the species, as well as
strong sexual segregation in parts of its
range (NMFS, 2010). Tagging studies in
the Atlantic have discovered that this
species is capable of large, transoceanic, and trans-equatorial
migrations, and may occasionally dive
to meso-pelagic depths (200 to 1000 m)
(Gore et al., 2008; Skomal et al., 2009).
These sharks are filter-feeders and are
commonly observed foraging at the
surface on zooplankton (NMFS, 2010).
The petitioner requests that we list both
the North Pacific subpopulation as well
as the Northeast Atlantic subpopulation
of basking sharks as threatened or
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
endangered, asserting that these
subpopulations satisfy both the
‘‘discreteness’’ and ‘‘significance’’
requirements under our DPS policy, and
thus qualify as DPSs.
For both subpopulations, the
petitioner claims that these populations
are discrete because they are
geographically isolated from other
populations of the taxon. The petitioner
cites a statement in the IUCN
assessments (Fowler, 2009a; 2009b)
which reads: ‘‘[t]he different
morphological characteristics of Basking
Sharks in the Pacific and the north and
south Atlantic oceans are not thought to
indicate separate species (Compagno
1984), but are geographically isolated
subpopulations.’’ The petitioner uses
this quote as the only source of
information to support the claim of
discreteness through geographic
isolation. In addition, the petitioner
uses the above statement as the only
support to show that these two
subpopulations are also significant to
the species. According to the petitioner,
the geographic isolation mentioned in
the quote is evidence that loss of either
subpopulation would result in a
significant gap in the range of the taxon,
and the morphological differences
mentioned in the quote is evidence that
the subpopulations are markedly
different from other populations of the
species based on genetic characteristics.
However, the IUCN assessments from
which this quote is taken (Fowler,
2009a; 2009b) do not provide any
details regarding the different
morphological characteristics, such as
what they are or which populations
exhibit these traits, or explain how these
apparent differences indicate geographic
isolation. In addition, we reviewed the
information on C. maximus presented in
Compagno (1984a) and found no
discussion of morphological differences
between the Pacific and the north and
south Atlantic basking shark
In our own files, we reviewed a paper
by Hoelzel et al. (2006), which
examined the global genetic diversity of
basking sharks by comparing samples of
C. maximus mitochondrial DNA
(mtDNA) taken from the western North
Atlantic, eastern North Atlantic,
Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean and
western Pacific. The results of this study
showed that there is low genetic
diversity in the global basking shark
population and no significant genetic
differentiation between ocean basins.
The authors suggested that this lack of
genetic structure in the global basking
shark population is likely a result of a
population bottleneck event that
occurred within the Holocene epoch,
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but also suggested it could be explained
by female mediated gene flow over the
entire range of the species (Hoelzel et
al., 2006). The latter theory of
worldwide panmixia of basking sharks
has recently been supported by tagging
studies conducted by Gore et al. (2008)
and Skomal et al. (2009). These studies
have revealed that basking sharks are
capable of making trans-oceanic
migrations (with an observed transatlantic distance of 9,589 km; Gore et
al., 2008) across dynamic oceanographic
conditions, from boreal and temperate
latitudes to tropical waters (Skomal et
al., 2009). As Skomal et al. (2009) notes,
these new data raise ‘‘the possibility
that there may also be migratory
connectivity of basking sharks on global
spatial scales.’’
Based on this information, we do not
find evidence that indicates that the
North Pacific or Northeast Atlantic
subpopulations may qualify as discrete
populations under our DPS policy based
on physical, physiological, behavioral,
or morphological factors, or may qualify
as significant populations under our
DPS policy based on differences in
genetic characteristics. We also find that
the petitioner has failed to provide
substantial information that would
indicate otherwise. As such, we deny
the petitioner’s request to list the North
Pacific or Northeast Atlantic
subpopulation of C. maximus as
threatened or endangered because the
available information in our files
suggests these subpopulations are not
‘‘species’’ eligible for listing under the
Currently, the basking shark is a
NMFS ‘‘Species of Concern’’, with a
focus on the eastern North Pacific part
of its range. ‘‘Species of Concern’’ are
those species about which NMFS has
some concerns regarding status and
threats, but for which insufficient
information is available to indicate a
need to list the species under the ESA.
As noted on the basking shark ‘‘Species
of Concern’’ fact sheet, ‘‘[t]here is no
aspect of the movements, behaviors,
population size or structure, or life
history that isn’t data deficient for
basking sharks in the eastern North
Pacific’’ (NMFS, 2010). There is a lack
of information on habitat requirements
for different life stages of basking sharks
and there are still questions regarding
key life history characteristics,
including age at first reproduction,
gestation period, littler size, and mating
frequency. Population dynamics,
structure, size, geographic range, and
genetics are still largely unknown.
Without this type of basic information,
it is difficult to assess the potential
threats to the species and how they may
PO 00000
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influence abundance and distribution of
the species over long and short time
scales. The basking shark will remain on
our ‘‘Species of Concern’’ list until more
data become available.
Petition Finding
After reviewing the information
contained in the petition, as well as
information readily available in our
files, including the sections of the
petition applicable to all of the
petitioned species and subpopulations
as well as the species-specific
information, we conclude the petition in
its entirety does not present substantial
scientific or commercial information
indicating the petitioned action may be
warranted for 13 of the 22 species and
subpopulations of sharks. These 13
species and subpopulations are:
Carcharhinus borneensis, Carcharhinus
hemiodon, Carcharias taurus
(Southwest Atlantic subpopulation),
Cetorhinus maximus (North Pacific
subpopulation), Cetorhinus maximus
(Northeast Atlantic subpopulation),
Haploblepharus kistnasamyi,
Hemitriakis leucoperiptera,
Holohalaelurus favus, Holohalaelurus
punctatus, Lamiopsis temmincki,
Squatina formosa, Squatina punctata,
and Triakis acutipinna. In contrast, as
described above, we find that there is
substantial scientific or commercial
information indicating the petitioned
action may be warranted for 9 of the 22
species and subpopulations of sharks
and we hereby announce the initiation
of a status review for each of these
species to determine whether the
petition action is warranted. These 9
species are: Centrophorus harrissoni,
Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus, Mustelus
fasciatus, Mustelus schmitti, Squatina
aculeata, Squatina argentina, Squatina
guggenheim, Squatina oculata, and
Squatina squatina.
Information Solicited
To ensure that the status review is
based on the best available scientific
and commercial data, we are soliciting
information relevant to whether the
nine species we believe may be
warranted for listing (Centrophorus
harrissoni, Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus,
Mustelus fasciatus, Mustelus schmitti,
Squatina aculeata, Squatina argentina,
Squatina guggenheim, Squatina oculata,
and Squatina squatina) are threatened
or endangered. Specifically, we are
soliciting information, including
unpublished information, in the
following areas: (1) Historical and
current distribution and abundance of
each species throughout its range; (2)
historical and current population
trends; (3) life history information; (4)
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 223 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 / Notices
data on trade of these species, including
products such as fins, jaws, meat, and
teeth; (5) historical and current data on
catch, bycatch, retention, and discards
in fisheries; (6) ongoing or planned
efforts to protect and restore these
species and their habitats; (7) any
current or planned activities that may
adversely impact these species; and (8)
management, regulatory, and
enforcement information. We request
that all information be accompanied by:
(1) Supporting documentation such as
maps, bibliographic references, or
reprints of pertinent publications; and
(2) the submitter’s name, address, and
any association, institution, or business
that the person represents.
References Cited
A complete list of references is
available upon request to the Office of
Protected Resources (see ADDRESSES).
The authority for this action is the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
Dated: November 13, 2013.
Alan D. Risenhoover,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries,
performing the functions and duties of the
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2013–27718 Filed 11–18–13; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XC968
New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery
Management Councils; Public
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
The New England and MidAtlantic Fishery Management Councils
seek public comment on a draft
amendment to all the fishery
management plans under their purview.
The omnibus amendment would
establish a standardized bycatch
reporting methodology for each fishery
management plan, as required by the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act.
DATES: Comments must be received by
December 19, 2013.
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You may submit written
comments by any of the following
• Email: nmfs.ner.draftSBRM@
noaa.gov. Include in the subject line
‘‘Comments on draft SBRM.’’
• Mail: John K. Bullard, Regional
Administrator, NMFS, Northeast
Regional Office, 55 Great Republic
Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930. Mark the
outside of the envelope ‘‘Comments on
draft SBRM.’’
• Fax: (978) 281–9135.
Copies of the draft SBRM amendment
may be obtained by contacting the
NMFS Northeast Regional Office at the
above address. The documents are also
available via the internet at: https://
Douglas Potts, Fishery Policy Analyst,
(978) 281–9341.
303(a)(11) of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) requires
each fishery management plan (FMP) to
include provisions establishing ‘‘a
standardized reporting methodology to
assess the amount and type of bycatch
occurring in the fishery.’’ The Councils
and NMFS are considering an omnibus
amendment to establish a standardized
bycatch reporting methodology (SBRM)
or modify existing SBRMs under every
Northeast Region FMP. NMFS had
previously implemented an omnibus
SBRM amendment recommended by the
Councils. That amendment was vacated
by a Federal Court and remanded to
NMFS and the Councils in order to
develop and implement another SBRM
amendment consistent with the Court’s
findings, see Oceana v. Locke et al. (No.
10–5299). The purpose of the
amendment is to respond to the remand;
particularly the appellate court’s finding
that the level of observer coverage was
too dependent on the discretion of
NMFS. This amendment also would
explain the methods and processes by
which bycatch is currently monitored
and assessed for Northeast Region
fisheries, determine whether these
methods and processes need to be
modified and/or supplemented,
establish standards of precision for
bycatch estimation for all Northeast
Region fisheries and, thereby, to
document the SBRM established for all
fisheries managed through the FMPs of
the Northeast Region. The scope of the
omnibus amendment is limited to those
fisheries prosecuted in the Federal
waters of the Northeast Region and
managed through an FMP developed by
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
either the Mid-Atlantic or New England
Alternatives under consideration in
the omnibus SBRM amendment address
bycatch reporting and monitoring
mechanisms, analytical techniques, and
allocation of at-sea fishery observers
when funding limits the recommended
level of observer coverage;
establishment of a target level for
precision of bycatch estimates; and
requirements for reviewing and
reporting on the efficacy of the SBRM.
NMFS and the Councils will consider
all comments received on the draft
SBRM amendment and the alternatives
for incorporation into the final
document until the end of the comment
period on December 19, 2013. The
public will have several additional
opportunities to comment on the SBRM.
The final amendment will be considered
for approval by the Councils at public
meetings in early 2014. Once submitted
to NMFS, the final SBRM Amendment
will be made available for public review
and comment, and regulations will be
proposed for review and comment.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: November 13, 2013.
Kelly Denit,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2013–27570 Filed 11–18–13; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket ID: DoD–2013–OS–0106]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Department of Defense
has submitted to OMB for clearance, the
following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35).
DATES: Consideration will be given to all
comments received by December 19,
Licari, 571–372–0493.
Title, Associated Form and OMB
Number: DOD Loan Repayment Program
(LRP); DD Form 2475; OMB Number
Type of Request: Extension.
Number of Respondents: 22,391.
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Annual Responses: 22,391.
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 223 (Tuesday, November 19, 2013)]
[Pages 69376-69391]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-27718]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[Docket No. 130926840-3840-01]
RIN 0648-XC898
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife; 90-Day Finding on a Petition
To List 19 Species and 3 Subpopulations of Sharks as Threatened or
Endangered Under the Endangered Species Act
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of 90-day petition finding, request for information.
SUMMARY: We (NMFS) announce a 90-day finding on a petition to list 19
species and 3 subpopulations of sharks as threatened or endangered
under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). We find that the petition
presents substantial scientific or commercial information indicating
that the petitioned action may be warranted for 9 species: Centrophorus
harrissoni, Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus, Mustelus fasciatus, Mustelus
schmitti, Squatina aculeata, Squatina argentina, Squatina guggenheim,
Squatina oculata, and Squatina squatina. Therefore, we will conduct a
status review of the nine species to determine if the petitioned action
is warranted. To ensure that the status review is comprehensive, we are
soliciting scientific and commercial information pertaining to these
petitioned species from any interested party. We find that the petition
does not present substantial scientific or commercial information
indicating that the petitioned action may be warranted for 10 species
and 3 subpopulations: Carcharhinus borneensis, Carcharhinus hemiodon,
Carcharias taurus (Southwest Atlantic subpopulation), Cetorhinus
maximus (North Pacific subpopulation), Cetorhinus maximus (Northeast
Atlantic subpopulation), Haploblepharus kistnasamyi, Hemitriakis
leucoperiptera, Holohalaelurus favus, Holohalaelurus punctatus,
Lamiopsis temmincki, Squatina formosa, Squatina punctata, and Triakis
[[Page 69377]]
DATES: Information and comments on the subject action must be received
by January 21, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, information, or data on this
document, identified by the code NOAA-NMFS-2013-0519, by any of the
following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit all electronic comments via
the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2013-0159, click the ``Comment Now!'' icon,
complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments.
Mail: Submit written comments to Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period,
may not be considered by NMFS. All comments received are a part of the
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on
www.regulations.gov without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential business
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily
by the sender will be publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain
anonymous), although submitting comments anonymously will prevent NMFS
from contacting you if NMFS has difficulty retrieving your submission.
Attachments to electronic comments will be accepted in Microsoft Word,
Excel, or Adobe PDF file formats only.
Copies of the petition and related materials are available upon
request from the Director, Office of Protected Resources, 1315 East
West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, or online at: https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/petition81.htm.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Maggie Miller, Office of Protected
Resources, 301-427-8403.
On July 15, 2013, we received a petition from the WildEarth
Guardians to list 81 marine species as threatened or endangered under
the ESA and to designate critical habitat under the ESA. Copies of this
petition are available from us (see ADDRESSES). This finding addresses
the 19 species and 3 subpopulations of sharks identified as part of
this petition. The 19 shark species and 3 subpopulations considered in
this finding are: Carcharhinus borneensis, Carcharhinus hemiodon,
Carcharias taurus (Southwest Atlantic Subpopulation), Centrophorus
harrissoni, Cetorhinus maximus (North Pacific Subpopulation),
Cetorhinus maximus (Northeast Atlantic Subpopulation), Haploblepharus
kistnasamyi, Hemitriakis leucoperiptera, Holohalaelurus favus,
Holohalaelurus punctatus, Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus, Lamiopsis
temmincki, Mustelus fasciatus, Mustelus schmitti, Squatina aculeata,
Squatina argentina, Squatina formosa, Squatina guggenheim, Squatina
oculata, Squatina punctata, Squatina squatina, and Triakis acutipinna.
Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the ESA of 1973, as amended (U.S.C. 1531 et
seq.), requires, to the maximum extent practicable, that within 90 days
of receipt of a petition to list a species as threatened or endangered,
the Secretary of Commerce make a finding on whether that petition
presents substantial scientific or commercial information indicating
that the petitioned action may be warranted, and to promptly publish
the finding in the Federal Register (16 U.S.C. 1533(b)(3)(A)). When we
find that substantial scientific or commercial information in a
petition indicates the petitioned action may be warranted (a ``positive
90-day finding''), we are required to promptly commence a review of the
status of the species concerned, which includes conducting a
comprehensive review of the best available scientific and commercial
information. Within 12 months of receiving the petition, we must
conclude the review with a finding as to whether, in fact, the
petitioned action is warranted. Because the finding at the 12-month
stage is based on a significantly more thorough review of the available
information, a ``may be warranted'' finding at the 90-day stage does
not prejudge the outcome of the status review.
Under the ESA, a listing determination may address a species, which
is defined to also include subspecies and, for any vertebrate species,
any DPS that interbreeds when mature (16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). A joint
NMFS-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (jointly, ``the Services'')
policy (DPS Policy) clarifies the agencies' interpretation of the
phrase ``distinct population segment'' for the purposes of listing,
delisting, and reclassifying a species under the ESA (61 FR 4722;
February 7, 1996). A species, subspecies, or DPS is ``endangered'' if
it is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion
of its range, and ``threatened'' if it is likely to become endangered
within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion
of its range (ESA sections 3(6) and 3(20), respectively, 16 U.S.C.
1532(6) and (20)). Pursuant to the ESA and our implementing
regulations, we determine whether species are threatened or endangered
based on any one or a combination of the following five section 4(a)(1)
factors: The present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of habitat or range; overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; disease or
predation; inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; and any other
natural or manmade factors affecting the species' existence (16 U.S.C.
1533(a)(1), 50 CFR 424.11(c)).
ESA-implementing regulations issued jointly by NMFS and USFWS (50
CFR 424.14(b)) define ``substantial information'' in the context of
reviewing a petition to list, delist, or reclassify a species as the
amount of information that would lead a reasonable person to believe
that the measure proposed in the petition may be warranted. When
evaluating whether substantial information is contained in a petition,
we must consider whether the petition: (1) Clearly indicates the
administrative measure recommended and gives the scientific and any
common name of the species involved; (2) contains detailed narrative
justification for the recommended measure, describing, based on
available information, past and present numbers and distribution of the
species involved and any threats faced by the species; (3) provides
information regarding the status of the species over all or a
significant portion of its range; and (4) is accompanied by the
appropriate supporting documentation in the form of bibliographic
references, reprints of pertinent publications, copies of reports or
letters from authorities, and maps (50 CFR 424.14(b)(2)).
At the 90-day stage, we evaluate the petitioner's request based
upon the information in the petition including its references, and the
information readily available in our files. We do not conduct
additional research, and we do not solicit information from parties
outside the agency to help us in evaluating the petition. We will
accept the petitioner's sources and characterizations of the
information presented, if they appear to be based on accepted
scientific principles, unless we have specific information in our files
that indicates the petition's information is incorrect, unreliable,
obsolete, or otherwise irrelevant to the requested action. Information
that is susceptible to more
[[Page 69378]]
than one interpretation or that is contradicted by other available
information will not be dismissed at the 90-day finding stage, so long
as it is reliable and a reasonable person would conclude that it
supports the petitioner's assertions. Conclusive information indicating
the species may meet the ESA's requirements for listing is not required
to make a positive 90-day finding. We will not conclude that a lack of
specific information alone negates a positive 90-day finding, if a
reasonable person would conclude that the unknown information itself
suggests an extinction risk of concern for the species at issue.
To make a 90-day finding on a petition to list a species, we
evaluate whether the petition presents substantial scientific or
commercial information indicating the subject species may be either
threatened or endangered, as defined by the ESA. First, we evaluate
whether the information presented in the petition, along with the
information readily available in our files, indicates that the
petitioned entity constitutes a ``species'' eligible for listing under
the ESA. Next, we evaluate whether the information indicates that the
species at issue faces extinction risk that is cause for concern; this
may be indicated in information expressly discussing the species'
status and trends, or in information describing impacts and threats to
the species. We evaluate any information on specific demographic
factors pertinent to evaluating extinction risk for the species at
issue (e.g., population abundance and trends, productivity, spatial
structure, age structure, sex ratio, diversity, current and historical
range, habitat integrity or fragmentation), and the potential
contribution of identified demographic risks to extinction risk for the
species. We then evaluate the potential links between these demographic
risks and the causative impacts and threats identified in section
Information presented on impacts or threats should be specific to
the species and should reasonably suggest that one or more of these
factors may be operative threats that act or have acted on the species
to the point that it may warrant protection under the ESA. Broad
statements about generalized threats to the species, or identification
of factors that could negatively impact a species, do not constitute
substantial information that listing may be warranted. We look for
information indicating that not only is the particular species exposed
to a factor, but that the species may be responding in a negative
fashion; then we assess the potential significance of that negative
Many petitions identify risk classifications made by non-
governmental organizations, such as the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the American Fisheries Society, or
NatureServe, as evidence of extinction risk for a species. Risk
classifications by other organizations or made under other Federal or
state statutes may be informative, but such classification alone may
not provide the rationale for a positive 90-day finding under the ESA.
For example, as explained by NatureServe, their assessments of a
species' conservation status do ``not constitute a recommendation by
NatureServe for listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act'' because
NatureServe assessments ``have different criteria, evidence
requirements, purposes and taxonomic coverage than government lists of
endangered and threatened species, and therefore these two types of
lists should not be expected to coincide'' (https://www.natureserve.org/prodServices/statusAssessment.jsp). Thus, when a petition cites such
classifications, we will evaluate the source of information that the
classification is based upon in light of the standards on extinction
risk and impacts or threats discussed above.
In this petition the petitioner relies almost exclusively on the
risk classifications of the IUCN as the source of information on the
status of each petitioned species. All of the petitioned species are
listed as ``endangered'' or ``critically endangered'' on the IUCN
Redlist and the petitioner notes this as an explicit consideration in
offering petitions on these species. However, as mentioned above,
species classifications under IUCN and the ESA are not equivalent, and
data standards, criteria used to evaluate species, and treatment of
uncertainty are also not necessarily the same. Thus, we instead
consider the information on threats identified by the petitioners, as
well as the data on which they are based, as they pertain to each
petitioned species.
Analysis of the Petition
With the exception of the North Pacific subpopulation of basking
shark (Cetorhinus maximus), the petitioned shark species and
subpopulations are found exclusively in foreign waters. The
introductory part of the shark section of the petition provides a
general description of threats following the five ESA Section 4(a)(1)
factors and is meant to apply to all of the petitioned species. This
section discusses the following threats: Habitat destruction from
trawling and human population growth, loss of coral reef habitat,
overutilization by fisheries, disease, lack of adequate existing
regulatory mechanisms, biological characteristics that increase
susceptibility to threats, restricted ranges, climate change, and
synergistic effects. The species-specific information section follows
and provides information largely from the IUCN assessment for each
species. This section includes fewer than three pages of unique
material for over half of the petitioned species and provides
information on the species' Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species (CITES) and IUCN status, range, and habitat
information. Entries for only a few species provide species-specific
population status or trend information. We consider this information
separately in the ``Species-specific information'' section below.
General Information
The petition clearly indicates the administrative measure
recommended and gives the scientific and any common name of the species
involved. The petition also contains a narrative justification for the
recommended measure and provides limited information on the species'
and subpopulations' geographic distribution, habitat use, and threats.
For a number of the species and subpopulations, the petitioner fails to
provide any information on past and present numbers or population
status. A synopsis of our analysis of the information provided in the
petition and readily available in our files is provided below.
Based on the information presented in the petition, along with the
information readily available in our files, we find that 20 of the 21
petitioned shark species constitute taxonomically valid species
eligible for listing under the ESA.
The introductory threats discussion is general, with only
occasional references to specific petitioned species and subpopulations
with the threats later repeated in the species-specific section
(discussed below). Some of the general threats discussion are not
clearly or causally linked to the petitioned species (e.g., discussion
of dead zones yet no identification that these occur in the petitioned
species' ranges; discussion of the threat of climate change with a
focus on coral reef habitat loss when only one petitioned species was
identified as found on coral reef habitats (Haploblepharus
kistnasamyi)). The petition also references worldwide human population
growth as a threat for all of the petitioned species. However,
[[Page 69379]]
a rising human population by itself may not necessarily be a threat to
a species, if, for instance, human activities are managed such that
habitat is preserved or species are not over-exploited. Similarly,
human-mediated threats can occur at a level that renders a species in
danger of extinction in the absence of a growing human population.
Thus, information that the population is growing, on its own, does not
indicate that the growing human population is a threat.
The petition provides a discussion of disease as a threat,
presenting it in terms of accumulations of mercury, persistent organic
compounds, heavy metals and other pollutants in sharks. However, the
studies that the petition references as support are based primarily on
non-petitioned shark species in locations outside of the petitioned
shark species' ranges. For example, in their discussion of the threat
of mercury (Hg) accumulation, the petitioners cite Mull et al. (2012).
This study focused solely on white sharks found in the Southern
California Bight (SCB). The authors concluded that geographic location
is a primary driver of the level of observed concentrations of
contaminants in sharks, with those sharks found in contamination hot
spots (such as the SCB and Mediterranean Sea) likely to have higher
tissue concentrations of contaminants. According to the authors,
``Sharks from the SCB exhibited elevated muscle levels of total Hg,
second only to adult Smooth Hammerheads, Gulper Sharks (Centrophorus
granulosus), Longnose Spurdog (Squalus blainvilii), and Kitefin Sharks
(Dalatias licha) from the Ionian Sea.'' Sharks from the SCB also
exhibited concentrations of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), much higher than those found
elsewhere in the world. However, according to Mull et al. (2012), it is
unclear if the high levels of contaminants in the white sharks are
causing deleterious physiological effects or affecting survival or
reproduction rates. We recently conducted an ESA status review of the
Northeastern Pacific DPS of white sharks, and in our evaluation of
threats from pollutants, we noted that no hepatic lesions or other
visible effects have been observed in the DPS (Dewar et al., 2013).
Additionally, the status review report notes that ``[i]ndications that
high tissue contaminant levels are not causing problems at a population
level are the apparent increase in other predators that have similarly
high contaminant levels including the coastal stock of bottlenose
dolphins, California sea lions and harbor seals'' (Dewar et al., 2013).
Ultimately, we concluded that the impacts of pollution and disease are
not significant threats to the Northeastern Pacific DPS of white
sharks. As these white sharks, which likely have some of the highest
levels of contaminants compared to sharks found elsewhere in the world,
were not found to be threatened or endangered due to pollutants, it is
reasonable to conclude that the petitioned species, which are not found
in the SCB and thus likely to have lower levels of contaminants, are
not at risk of extinction from these pollutants.
Likewise, the petitioner cites Lyle (1984; 1986) as evidence of
threats to the petitioned species based on the accumulation of Hg;
however, the paper examined shark species that utilize waters of the
Northern Territory of Australia. None of the petitioned shark species
are found in these waters. In addition, the Lyle papers made no mention
of the effects of bioaccumulation on the survival or reproductive
capacity of the examined shark species. Instead, the papers simply
discuss the rate and level of Hg and selenium concentrations in sharks,
with a focus on human consumption, not survival of shark species.
Finally, the petitioners reference Storelli et al. (2003) for
evidence of threats to the petitioned species based on accumulations of
PCBs and arsenic. The Storelli et al. (2003) paper examined hammerhead
shark species (none of which were petitioned) in the Ionian Sea. The
Ionian Sea, as mentioned above, is recognized as a geographical
location with exceptionally high levels of Hg contamination due to
urban, industrial, and natural source inputs (Storelli et al., 2003;
Mull et al., 2012). Only three of the petitioned species (Squatina
aculeata, S. oculata, and S. squatina) may have current ranges that
extend into the Mediterranean Sea. However, Storelli et al. (2003),
state ``[i]t is hypothesed [sic] that the large size of elasmobranch
liver provides a greater ability to eliminate organic toxicants than in
other fishes.'' While the paper mentions that ``the presence of PCBs
and methylmercury, coupled with their synergistic activity, may make
these organisms susceptible to long-term toxic effects'', it also
states that in marine mammals selenium has a detoxifying effect against
Hg intoxication when the molar ratio between the two metals is close to
one, and the authors observed similar ratios in shark liver
``indicating that this particular mechanism may also be valid for
sharks'' (Storelli et al., 2003). With no information in our files, or
provided by the petitioner, on baseline concentrations or rate of
accumulation of pollutants in the petitioned shark species, or even
conclusive evidence of negative effects of accumulation in terms of
survival or reproductive capacity of the shark species from the
referenced studies, we find that the petitioner has not provided
substantial information that would lead a reasonable person to conclude
that the threat of disease from pollutants (Hg, persistent organic
compounds, heavy metals, and other pollutants) is contributing to the
petitioned shark species' risk of extinction.
In the regulatory mechanisms discussion, the petitioner argues that
there are no adequate regulatory mechanisms because the species are
listed as endangered or critically endangered by IUCN, and none of the
populations have increasing or even stable population trends. However,
generalized evidence of declining populations per se is neither
evidence of declines large enough to infer extinction risk that may
meet the definition of either threatened or endangered under the ESA,
nor evidence of inadequate regulatory mechanisms, since sustainable
management regimes can have periods of declining populations.
The petition notes that only one species, with two petitioned
subpopulations (Cetorhinus maximus), is listed on CITES Appendix II and
references the limitations inherent in CITES listings from the coral
section of the petition. According to Article II of CITES, species
listed on Appendix II are those that are ``not necessarily now
threatened with extinction but may become so unless trade in specimens
of such species is subject to strict regulation in order to avoid
utilization incompatible with their survival.'' Based on the CITES
definitions and standards for listing species on Appendix II, the
species' actual listing on Appendix II is not itself an inherent
indication that these species may now warrant threatened or endangered
status under the ESA. Species classifications under CITES and the ESA
are not equivalent, and criteria used to evaluate species are not the
same. The petitioner also makes generalized statements about shark
finning bans and other measures of protections in this section, but
does not provide any details or references. We do not consider these
general and unsubstantiated statements as substantial information that
listing may be warranted due to an inadequacy of regulatory mechanisms
for all of the petitioned species. Where the petition provides species-
specific information on
[[Page 69380]]
this threat, that information is considered in the individual species
sections below. Likewise, biological characteristics, such as slow
growth and reproductive rates, and/or range restrictions, do not
automatically pose threats to all of the petitioned species. These
biological and ecological factors are examined on a species-specific
basis below, if information is available.
While the information in this introductory section is otherwise
largely accurate and suggests concern for the status of sharks in
general, the broad statements and generalizations of threats for all
petitioned shark species and subpopulations do not constitute
substantial information that listing may be warranted for any of the
petitioned species or subpopulations. There is little information in
this introductory section indicating that particular petitioned species
may be responding in a negative fashion to any of the discussed
threats. The few instances in the introductory section which
specifically link threats to a particular petitioned species or
subpopulation will be considered in our discussion of threats to that
particular species or subpopulation.
The next part of the petition consists of individual species
accounts for each of the 22 petitioned sharks. For many of the species
and subpopulations, the information is extracted directly from the IUCN
assessment, with the petitioner providing the assessment as an
accompanying exhibit and a list of references cited by the IUCN
assessment. Below we analyze this species-specific information in light
of the standards of the ESA and our policies as described above.
Species Descriptions and Information
Carcharhinus borneensis, commonly referred to as the Borneo shark,
is an inshore coastal shark that appears to be found exclusively off
Sarawak, Malaysia on Borneo. It is a small shark, with an observed
maximum size of 87 cm (Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 2006). Prior
to 1937, it was only known from five confirmed specimens (four of which
were collected from Borneo, and one from China) (Compagno, 2009; White
et al., 2010). As such, the life history and ecology of this species is
largely unknown (Compagno, 2009; White et al., 2010).
The petition states that the species is very rare, and specifically
identifies commercial overutilization as a threat based solely on the
general statement in the IUCN assessment that identifies Borneo as an
area heavily exploited by artisanal and commercial fisheries (Compagno,
2009). No references were included as support for this statement, and
neither the petitioner nor the IUCN assessment provides any information
on catch statistics or operations of Borneo fisheries. Instead, the
assertion that fishing activities have detrimentally affected the
species seems based solely on the species' rarity in historical
records. However, there could be a number of other reasons for the
species' absence in fishing records, such as: The species' range does
not coincide with fishery operations or survey areas; the fishing gear
employed is not effective at catching the species; the species may have
been caught but was released if it was not of commercial value; its
life history is unknown, so it is possible that this species may
migrate to other areas during fishing seasons; etc. In other words, a
species that is persistently rare in the historical records does not
necessarily mean that it has declined or is in danger of extinction. In
fact, in this case, recent surveys in the region have actually found
the species in ``substantial numbers'' near Mukah in Sarawak (White et
al., 2010). The 2006 Malaysia National Plan of Action (NPOA) for sharks
supports this finding, noting that C. borneensis was the third most
abundant species landed in Mukah, comprising around 9 percent of the
shark landings (Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 2006). This new
information from our files, not considered in the IUCN assessment
(which relied on information prior to 2006), suggests that the Borneo
shark is more common than previously thought.
The petitioner also contends that there is a complete lack of
protections for the species. We do not necessarily consider a lack of
species-specific protections as a threat to the species or even
problematic in all cases. For example, management measures that
regulate other species or fisheries operations may indirectly help to
minimize threats to the petitioned species and may be adequate to
prevent it from being at risk of extinction. Again, we look for
substantial information indicating that not only is the particular
species exposed to a factor, but that the species may be responding in
a negative fashion; then we assess the potential significance of that
negative response. According to the Malaysia NPOA, sharks are not
targeted by fishermen but are caught as bycatch with other commercially
important species (Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 2006). In fact,
shark and ray landings constitute only around 2.2 percent of the total
marine landings of the demersal fishery that operates within Malaysian
waters (Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 2006). In Mukah, C.
borneensis is primarily landed in coastal gillnets. In terms of
fisheries regulations, Malaysia has a number of fishing gear, method,
and area restrictions that have been in place to control the
exploitation of fishery resources. For example, there is currently a
complete ban on fishing methods that are destructive to fish resources
and their environment, such as dynamite, pair trawling, and push nets
(Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 2006). The pukat pari, a drift gill
net with a mesh size larger than 25.4 cm that was used to catch large
sized sharks and rays, has been banned since 1990 (Department of
Fisheries Malaysia, 2006). As the Malaysia NPOA notes, these nationwide
bans on fishing gear and methods have helped reduce the exploitation of
adult shark and ray species and provided some conservation benefits to
the breeding stocks.
Little information is known about the life history and biology of
C. borneensis. It was previously considered to be a rare species, with
the assumption that its absence in records was due to historical
overutilization of the species; however, recent information suggests
otherwise. In fact, the species is substantially more abundant than
previously thought, indicating that it is either experiencing an
increasing population trend or that prior sampling of the species was
inadequate. The species is now commonly landed in part of its range.
We, therefore, find no evidence that would suggest that the threat of
overutilization or inadequate regulatory measures is putting this
species at an increased extinction risk and conclude that the species-
specific information presented in the petition does not constitute
substantial information that listing may be warranted for C.
Carcharhinus hemiodon, commonly referred to as the Pondicherry
shark, is a rarely observed shark thought to occur inshore on
continental and insular shelves (Compagno et al., 2003). The
petitioner, citing the IUCN assessment (Compagno et al., 2003), notes
that the species could possibly be extinct, as the last record of the
shark was in 1979 in India ``despite detailed surveys in Borneo,
Philippines, and Indonesia.'' However, more recent surveys in India's
economic exclusive zone (EEZ), conducted from 1984-2006, have
identified the species as being present in these waters. The petition
also states that the species is represented by ``fewer than twenty
specimens in museum collections, most of which were captured before
1900.'' However, it was also recorded for the first time in Malaysian
waters during shark surveys
[[Page 69381]]
conducted from 1999 to 2004 (Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 2006),
suggesting the range of the shark may be wider than previously assumed.
Prior to 1990, C. hemiodon was reported as common in the Guandong
Province and Fujian Province in China, but was not recorded during
market and interview surveys conducted in these shark-fishing provinces
from 2006 to 2008 (Lam and de Mitcheson, 2010).
Similar to C. borneensis, the petition attributes the rarity of
this species to commercial overutilization, although it acknowledges
that the population trend, past and present abundance of the species,
and the basic biology and life history of the species are unknown. As
mentioned previously, rarity does not necessarily mean that a species
is threatened or in danger of extinction. The condition of being rare
is an important factor to consider when evaluating a species' risk of
extinction; however, it does not by itself indicate the likelihood of
extinction of that species, nor does the condition of being rare
constitute substantial information that listing under the ESA may be
warranted. We look for information indicating that the species is
exposed to a threat, but also that the species may be responding in a
negative fashion to that threat. While we acknowledge that fishing has
and is occurring in areas where this species has been documented, the
petitioner does not provide any information indicating that this
species was (or is) targeted or caught as bycatch in these fisheries in
numbers that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that it has
declined or that listing may be warranted. In fact, the IUCN assessment
even acknowledges that ``market surveys have failed to locate it''
(Compagno et al. 2003). In addition, the petition claims that there are
no conservation measures in place for the species, yet this species is
currently listed under Schedule I of India's Wildlife Protection Act
(1972), which provides it absolute protection in India's waters (John
and Varghese, 2009). The petitioner has failed to provide any
information that indicates current regulatory measures are a threat to
the species.
Finally, the range of this shark species is poorly known. As such,
the rare occurrence of the shark in historical records may simply be a
reflection of limited sampling efforts in the assumed range of the
shark. As mentioned above, new survey data have in fact recorded the
shark in waters where previously it was not known to occur. The IUCN
assessment also notes that the species has been recorded from a number
of ``widely-separated'' sites, suggesting that this species may exhibit
migratory behavior and may not be limited to certain locations. In
conclusion, we find that the species-specific information presented in
the petition does not constitute substantial information that listing
may be warranted for C. hemiodon.
Centrophorus harrissoni, commonly referred to as Harrison's
dogfish, is a demersal shark found on the upper to middle continental
slope off eastern Australia, and on seamounts and ridges north of New
Zealand (Pogonoski and Pollard, 2003). The petitioner relies on the
IUCN assessment (Pogonoski and Pollard, 2003) for its information,
noting that the population size of this species is unknown but the
trend is decreasing. The IUCN assessment states that the major threats
to the species are from demersal trawling (by Australia's South East
Trawl Fishery (SETF)) and droplining (by the New South Wales fisheries)
along the continental slope. The shark is commercially valuable and
sold for its flesh and liver oil (Graham et al., 2001; Pogonoski and
Pollard, 2003). The petition contends that overutilization for
commercial purposes has contributed to the decline of the species and
currently remains a threat to its existence. According to Graham et al.
(2001), the demersal trawl-fishery on the upper continental slope off
New South Wales (NSW) began in 1968 but rapidly expanded between 1975
and 1980 following exploratory trawling conducted by the NSW
government's fisheries research vessel, Kapala. By the early 1980s,
more than 100 trawlers were landing around 15,000 mt of fish per year,
with the majority of fish caught on the upper continental slope.
Although sharks were never targeted, some species were fairly abundant,
with the larger species, including the dogfish sharks, retained as
bycatch. By the late 1980s, there were substantial declines in catch
rates of certain fish species, and in 1992, total allowable catches and
transferrable quotas were introduced into the fisheries operating in
the region. However, no such management measures were created for
sharks, which Graham et al. (2001) attributes to their low abundance
and economic value. In an effort to determine the relative change in
shark abundance, Graham et al. (2001) examined the Kapala exploratory
trawl data from 1976-1977 and data from stratified surveys from 1996-
1997 (conducted by the same vessel and gear using equivalent
methodology). The surveys were conducted on the upper continental slope
trawl grounds, between 200 and 650 m depths, off central and southern
NSW. Results showed that 13 of the 15 examined shark species or species
groups saw substantial declines, including Harrison's dogfish (Graham
et al., 2001). In three of the 1976 surveys, Harrisson's dogfish were
lumped with little gulper sharks (C. uyato) and so were analyzed as a
group. These species were fairly abundant across all depths on all
grounds, with an average catch rate estimated at 126 kg/h (Graham et
al., 2001). These species also represented around 9, 18, and 32 percent
of the total fish catches in the NSW trawl areas off Sydney, Ulladulla,
and Eden, respectively. By 1996-1997, the two species represented less
than 1 percent of the total catch weight from these areas, with an
average catch rate of 0.4 kg/h. This translates to a decline of more
than 99 percent between 1976-77 and 1996-1997 (Graham et al., 2001).
Given that the 1976-77 survey was conducted when the demersal trawl
fishery was just beginning, Graham et al. (2001) attributes the
subsequent decline in Harrison's dogfish primarily to the fishing
activities of the SETF. The authors, and the petitioner, also note that
the species' low fecundity (thought to produce only one to two pups
every 1 to 2 years) and assumed late maturity have likely hindered its
ability to recover from this decline.
In terms of current regulatory measures, the petition notes that
there have been some measures implemented that limit the catch of C.
harrissoni in the SETF and require fishermen to land Centrophorus
carcasses with their livers, but argues that these regulations are
inadequate to protect the species from extinction. Instead, the
petitioner states that catch should be completely prohibited for a
species that has exhibited such drastic population declines.
Based on the best available information, we find that the threat of
overutilization by fisheries, inadequate existing regulatory
mechanisms, and other natural factors may be impacting Harrison's
dogfish populations to a degree that raises concerns of a risk of
extinction, with evidence of severe population declines throughout the
species' observed range. We conclude that the petition presents
substantial scientific information indicating that the petitioned
action of listing C. harrissoni as threatened or endangered may be
Haploblepharus kistnasamyi is a rare shark species, known only from
three adult specimens, and is thought to be endemic to South Africa
(Human, 2009a). These known specimens have all occurred inshore, from
the intertidal zone to 30 m depth, and within a small
[[Page 69382]]
area (less than 100 km\2\) surrounding Durban, KwaZulu-Natal (Human,
2009a). The species was previously assumed to be a form of
Haploblepharus edwardsii, but in 2006 was named as a new species based
on morphological differences (Human, 2009a). The petition acknowledges
that the population size, trend, and life history of the species are
virtually unknown.
The petition identifies habitat degradation, overutilization (as
bycatch in fisheries), and inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms
as the main threats to the species' continued existence, and relies
primarily on the information within the IUCN assessment (Human, 2009a)
for its support. The petition, quoting the IUCN assessment, states that
Durban is experiencing increasing industrialization and contends that
the resultant industrial waste output, pollution, and land development
activities are degrading the only known habitat of H. kistnasamyi to
the point where its continued existence is at risk. The petitioner also
notes that the sharks' restricted range leaves it vulnerable to these
localized activities and stochastic events. However, neither the IUCN
assessment nor the petition provides any supporting information (or
references) for these statements, such as information on the level of
development in the area, the amount of waste or pollutants entering the
waters surrounding Durban (or water quality data), or evidence that the
shark species is responding in a negative fashion to this threat.
Likewise, the petitioner states that bycatch is a threat to the species
and cites the IUCN assessment, which notes that the area around Durban
is heavily fished, especially by the prawn fisheries, but provides no
additional information, references, or data on this fishery. Without
further information on these fisheries, such as their areas of
operation, gear and methods, or data on catch and bycatch, it is
unclear how the petitioner came to the conclusion that these fisheries
are negatively affecting the abundance of H. kistnasamyi, especially in
light of the significant unknowns surrounding the life history of H.
kistnasamyi. In fact, there have recently been questions regarding the
exact range of this species, as the IUCN assessment states that
possible juveniles of the species have been recorded, but not yet
verified, from the Eastern Cape to west of Mossel Bay, both also in
South Africa. If these juveniles are identified as H. kistnasamyi, then
this would provide evidence that the species is not as restricted in
its range as previously thought, and especially highlights the need for
more sampling and data to understand the species' life history and
As stated previously, broad statements about generalized threats or
identification of factors that could negatively impact a species do not
constitute substantial information that listing may be warranted. In
addition, the condition of being rare is an important factor to
consider when evaluating a species' risk of extinction; however, it
does not by itself indicate the likelihood of extinction of that
species, nor does the condition of being rare constitute substantial
information that listing under the ESA may be warranted. The fact that
the species is considered rare could also be an invalid
characterization of the species due to limited sampling. Because of
these uncertainties, we look for substantial information within the
petition and within our own files indicating that not only is the
particular species exposed to a certain factor, but that the species
may be responding in a negative fashion, and then we assess the
potential significance of that negative response. We had no information
on H. kistnasamyi or threats to the species in our own files. After
evaluation of the species-specific information presented in the
petition, we find that the petition does not present substantial
scientific or commercial information indicating that listing may be
warranted for H. kistnasamyi.
Hemitriakis leucoperiptera, commonly referred to as the whitefin
topeshark, is an inshore tropical shark from Philippine waters. It is
known only from two free-swimming individuals and, as such, there is
little to no information regarding its life history, range, or
population numbers. No other information is provided in the petition or
available to us regarding past or present numbers or status of this
species. Additionally, according to the IUCN assessment (Compagno,
2005), there have been no confirmed records of the species' occurrence
in over 50 years, indicating that the species may no longer be found in
the wild. The purpose of the ESA is to conserve species that are in
danger of or threatened with extinction. The definition of an
endangered species is ``any species which is in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of its range'' (Section 3(6)).
Species that are already extinct are not protected by the ESA. A review
of the best available scientific information provided by the petitioner
suggests that H. leucoperiptera may no longer exist in the wild and may
already be extinct. Given this available information, as well as the
previous discussion about the deficiencies of the general threats
information, we conclude that the petition does not present substantial
information indicating that H. leucoperiptera may warrant listing as
endangered or threatened under the ESA.
Holohalaelurus favus, commonly referred to as the honeycomb izak or
natal izak, is found within a restricted range along the east African
coast, from Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa north to southern
Mozambique. The petitioner, citing the IUCN assessment (Human, 2009b)
notes that very little information is known about the habitat, ecology,
population size and status of the shark, nor is this information
available in our files. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, H. favus was
commonly caught and recorded from fishing trawls (Human, 2009b).
However, by the mid-1970s, it had seemingly disappeared; no longer
showing up in trawl catches (Human, 2009b). The cause of the
disappearance is unknown. Furthermore, a number of extensive surveys
that have been conducted in the known range of H. favus, including
biodiversity research cruises in 2002 and 2003, a survey cruise off
Mozambique in 2007, and other more recent biodiversity trawl surveys,
have failed to capture any specimens of the species (Human, 2009b),
indicating that the species may no longer be found in the wild.
The purpose of the ESA is to conserve species that are in danger of
or threatened with extinction. The definition of an endangered species
is ``any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range'' (Section 3(6)). Species that are
already extinct are not protected by the ESA. A review of the best
available scientific information provided by the petitioner suggests
that H. favus may no longer exist in the wild and may already be
extinct. Given this available information, as well as the previous
discussion about the deficiencies of the general threats information,
we conclude that the petition does not present substantial information
indicating that H. favus may warrant listing as endangered or
threatened under the ESA.
Holohalaelurus punctatus, commonly referred to as the whitespotted
izak or African spotted catshark, is endemic to the southwestern Indian
Ocean. It may be found in depths of around 220-420 m off the coasts of
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, southern Mozambique, and Madagascar. The
petitioner, citing the IUCN assessment (Human, 2009c),
[[Page 69383]]
notes that very little information is known about the life history of
the species and the population status throughout its range.
Historically, the species was commonly caught by commercial and
research bottom trawls off South Africa and Mozambique in the late
1960s and early 1970s. However, similar to H. favus, catch of the
species abruptly declined. The cause of this decline in catch is
unknown. Only a single specimen has been collected since 1972, despite
recent biodiversity trawl surveys that have been conducted off
Mozambique (Human, 2009c). However, the IUCN assessment notes that the
species also occurs off Madagascar and its population status and
structure in this part of its range is unknown (Human, 2009c). It also
states that given the species' presumed depth range, it may be
protected from local Madagascar fishermen, with the deep waters off
Madagascar thus serving as a possible refuge for this species. However,
due to a ``complete lack of information from this part of its range''
the IUCN assessment concluded that the species could not be assessed in
Madagascar (Human, 2009c). Even with this substantial lack of
information on the species, including its basic life history,
population size, structure, status, and likely range, the petitioner
contends that the species is in danger of extinction from threats of
inadequate regulatory measures (due to a lack of conservation measures
for the species) and threats that have yet to be identified.
As stated previously, we do not necessarily consider a lack of
species-specific protections as a threat to the species. For example,
management measures that regulate other species or fisheries operations
may indirectly help to minimize threats to the petitioned species and
may be adequate to prevent its extinction. The petition has not
provided any information that would lead a reasonable person to assume
the abrupt decline in catch was due to a lack of adequate regulatory
measures, nor do we have that information in our files. Additionally,
the IUCN assessment, cited by the petitioner, highlights the
uncertainty surrounding the cause of the observed reduction in catches
of the shark off Mozambique when it states ``[i]t is not known whether
the reduced population numbers are due to fisheries pressure, habitat
loss, pollution, or an as yet unidentified threat.'' The petition uses
this statement as support that listing may be warranted for the entire
species. However, the information provided by the IUCN assessment
indicates that the population of H. punctatus found in waters off
Madagascar may possibly be stable and protected, suggesting this
population is not currently at risk of extinction. In addition, broad
statements about generalized threats or identification of factors that
could negatively impact a species do not constitute substantial
information that listing may be warranted. Thus, after evaluation of
the species-specific information presented in the petition, we find
that the petition does not present substantial scientific or commercial
information indicating that listing may be warranted for H. punctatus.
Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus, commonly referred to as the daggernose
shark, is found in the western Atlantic, ranging from the Caribbean
(Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana) to northern Brazil and
possibly in waters off central Brazil (Lessa et al., 2006). The shark
occurs in highly turbid, inshore waters, preferring indented coasts
with shallow banks, muddy bottoms, and mangrove forests (Lessa et al.,
2006). It has been caught in depths of 4-40 m off northern Brazil and
is thought to spend most of its life cycle within its range, as no long
distance movements have been observed (Lessa et al., 2006). Annual rate
of population increase, natural mortality, average reproductive age,
and longevity are unknown (Lessa et al., 2006). The species is believed
to reach maturity at 6-7 years for females, and 5-6 years for males,
with maximum observed sizes of 160 cm total length (TL) and 144 cm TL,
respectively (Lessa et al., 2000). Average litter sizes range from 3 to
8 pups, with a gestation time of 12 months and an unknown but possible
biennial reproductive periodicity (Lessa et al., 2006).
The shark is primarily caught as bycatch in artisanal floating
gillnet fisheries in northern Brazil (Lessa et al., 2006). It is also
taken in small numbers by artisanal fishermen in Venezuela, Trinidad,
Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana; however, data are currently
lacking for these areas (Lessa et al., 2006). According to a study
referenced by the IUCN assessment (Lessa et al., 2006), the population
off northern Brazil is thought to be decreasing at a rate of 18.4
percent per year, with substantial declines (>90 percent) over the past
10 years. From November 1983 to February 1985, a survey conducted off
northern Brazil showed the species represented around 10 percent of the
floating gillnet elasmobranch catch (Lessa, 1986), while a later survey
(Stride et al., 1992) reported a catch per unit effort (CPUE) of 71 kg/
km/h for the species. Unfortunately, we were unable to review these
studies, as they are not in our files and were not provided by the
The petitioner asserts that the daggernose shark's continued
existence is threatened by the synergistic effects of habitat
destruction, overutilization for commercial purposes, inadequate
regulatory measures, and the species' biological characteristics. In
terms of threats to the species' habitat, the petitioner notes that
population growth and subsequent coastal development within the range
of the species is degrading the species' habitat and leading to
increased pollutants in the coastal waters. The petitioner provides
general information about population density within Latin America and
the growth of the global population. However, information that the
population is growing, on its own, does not indicate that the growing
human population is a threat to the species. The petition continues by
discussing some potential negative effects from this growth for coastal
ecosystems, including increased inputs of nutrients and chemical wastes
from run-off pollution, increased sedimentation, deforestation, and the
physical destruction of coastal shorelines. While we acknowledge that
these may be potential effects of a growing human population, we look
to see if the species is directly exposed to and responding in a
negative fashion to any of these factors. The petitioner does not
provide any information to indicate the species is exposed or
negatively responding to any of the identified factors, nor do we have
that information in our files. For example, the petition mentions the
increasing number of dead zones worldwide but does not provide any
evidence that these dead zones occur in areas within the daggernose
shark's range, or information on the species' likely response to
hypoxic conditions. The petition provides no information on water
quality within the daggernose shark's range, or the species' response
to factors such as increased sedimentation or nutrients. The petition
notes that the daggernose shark occurs in mangrove systems within its
range, and cites the destruction of these mangroves as a threat to the
species. We reviewed the citation that the petition used as support for
this statement (FAO, 2007) but found no evidence that would suggest
this is a significant threat to the species' continued existence in its
range. The FAO (2007) study examined the status and trends of the
world's mangrove areas, including those likely to be within the
daggernose shark's
[[Page 69384]]
range. For each country with mangrove areas, the study provided the
annual change in mangrove area for three time periods: 1980-1990, 1990-
2000, and 2000-2005. In Brazil, the study found that the annual change
in mangrove area was -0.3 percent, -0.1 percent, and 0 percent for the
three periods, but that the majority of this loss was along the
southern coast, an area that is outside of the daggernose shark range.
For French Guiana, the change was 0 percent for all three periods and
the FAO (2007) notes that ``no serious threats seem to pressure the
mangroves'' there. For Trinidad, the change was -0.4 percent, -0.2
percent, and 0 percent. For Guyana, the change was -1 percent, -0.3
percent, and 0 percent, with activities that include afforestation and
reforestation currently being undertaken (FAO, 2007). In Suriname, the
change was noted as ``not significant,'' with mangroves protected in
multiple-use management areas (FAO, 2007). Given the above information,
which indicates very little loss of mangrove forests within the
daggernose shark range, we do not find the petitioner's assertion of
mangrove destruction to be a significant threat to the species'
continued existence.
The petitioner also contends that overutilization for commercial
purposes is placing the species at an increased risk of extinction.
Specifically, the petitioner notes that the daggernose shark is caught
as bycatch in artisanal floating gillnets in northern Brazil, and
repeats the information about CPUE from the Stride et al. (1992) survey
and the observed decreases in the northern Brazil population as support
that the species is being overutilized. The petitioner provides general
information about bycatch and the dangers facing shark populations. The
petition makes the assumption that fishing pressures are similar
throughout all of the species' range and, therefore, similar declines
are likely, but provides no information on effort or catch elsewhere.
The petition also asserts that the species' biological characteristics,
such as slow intrinsic population growth and high natural mortality
(neither of which have been estimated) have resulted in a population
that cannot rebound from this fishing pressure. The petition also
provides general information on the use and trade of shark meat and
fins, including import and export data from the countries in the
daggernose shark's range. These trade data are for all shark species
and products and do not show the relative importance of the daggernose
shark in trade. As Compagno (1984b) notes, the daggernose shark meat is
``occasionally marketed but not considered a prime food fish,'' and the
species' fins are not valued in the international fin trade (Lessa et
al., 2006).
However, given the substantial declines that have been observed in
the population (>90 percent) and ongoing declines off northern Brazil,
the fact that the species is recorded in artisanal catch throughout its
restricted range and, although not targeted, does enter the market, and
coupled with its known life history traits which increase its
susceptibility to depletion (such as low reproductive rate), we find
that the petition presents substantial scientific or commercial
information indicating that I. oxyrhynchus may be threatened due to
overutilization and that listing may be warranted.
Lamiopsis temmincki, commonly referred to as the broadfin shark, is
known to occur in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific, off India,
Pakistan, Myanmar, Indonesia, eastern Malaysia, and China. According to
Compagno (1984b), it is unknown whether its distribution is sporadic or
continuous. It is a continental, inshore shark, and was once common on
the west coast of India (Bombay region) but is now found only in low
numbers throughout its range. However, according to the IUCN assessment
(White et al., 2009), the species ``is taken regularly (but in low
numbers) by local fishermen in India (Bombay), Pakistan (Karachi),
Sarawak and Kalimantan (Indonesia),'' with its meat used for human
consumption, fins traded, and livers used for vitamin oil. Information
from our own files also indicates that the species is commonly taken in
fisheries operating within its range. In Mukah (Sarawak, Malaysia), L.
temmincki was the 10th most landed shark from July 2003 to August 2004
(Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 2006). However, we do not have
information on population abundance (historical or current) or catch
information (numbers or trends), nor are these data provided in the
petition. Without this type of information on historical or current
abundance or population trends, it is difficult to assess whether the
population is at a risk of extinction that may warrant listing.
The petition contends that the species is threatened by destruction
of habitat, overutilization by fisheries, inadequate regulatory
measures, and synergistic effects, but provides very little to no
information or data to support these statements. For example, the
petition does not provide any references related to habitat destruction
or degradation, just to state that it is ``prolific'' throughout most
of the species' range and represents a significant threat. It is
unclear on what information the petition (or the IUCN assessment) bases
this assertion. Likewise, the petition makes general assumptions
regarding the species' extinction risk from the other threats it
identifies, such as its life history traits and the lack of species-
specific protections, but provides no evidence or information that
shows the species is responding in a negative fashion to these threats.
We do not consider general assumptions and assertions made by the
petitioner as substantial information that listing may be warranted. As
such, we find that the petition does not present substantial scientific
or commercial information indicating that listing may be warranted for
L. temmincki.
Mustelus fasciatus, commonly referred to as the striped smooth-
hound, is endemic to the Southwest Atlantic, found on the inner
continental shelf from south Brazil to Argentina (estimated 1,500 km of
coastline) (Hozbor et al., 2004). In southern Brazil, gravid females
occur at depths greater than 20 m (up to 250 m deep) but migrate to
shallower, inshore waters in the spring to give birth (Hozbor et al.,
2004). Neonates and small juveniles will remain in these shallow
waters, using them as nursery grounds. Little other life history
information is known for this species.
The petition identifies overutilization for commercial purposes and
inadequate regulatory mechanisms as threats to the species. According
to the IUCN assessment (Hozbor et al., 2004), fishing is intense in the
coastal nursery areas of southern Brazil, with evidence the species is
caught as bycatch in the shrimp and multi-species fisheries (Haimovici
and Mendonca, 1996). These fisheries, which operate using trawl,
gillnet, and beach seine gear, catch gravid females during their
seasonal inshore migration and juveniles all year-round. In the 1980s,
neonates were frequently caught in large numbers (10-100 per gillnet
set) off the beach in the summer, but in 2003 their occurrence was
characterized as sporadic (Hozbor et al., 2004). In 2002, the state
government of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) classified M. fasciatus as a
species threatened with extinction (Hozbor et al., 2004). Farther
south, in Uruguay, M. fasciatus is caught as bycatch in industrial and
artisanal fisheries. According to Hozbor et al. (2004), the biomass of
M. fasciatus in the coastal region of the Bonaerensean District
(northern Argentina and Uruguay) decreased by 96 percent between 1994
and 1999, as measured by trawl surveys.
[[Page 69385]]
In terms of regulatory measures, the petition indicates that
existing regulatory mechanisms are inadequate and have failed to
protect the species from both targeted and bycatch mortality. It
highlights Brazil's trawl fishing regulation, which prohibits trawling
at distances less than 3 nautical miles (5.56 km) from the shore (which
would be in depths of less than around 10 m). However, the petition and
IUCN assessment contend that enforcement of the law is difficult and
that trawling continues to occur in these nursery areas (Hozbor et al.,
2004). In addition, gillnetting, which has historically been the
primary method to catch neonates within these inshore areas, remains
unregulated (Hozbor et al., 2004). Thus, the petition suggests that it
is the largely unregulated overutilization of the species that has put
the species in danger of extinction.
Given the occurrence of the species in fisheries catch and bycatch
data, evidence of substantial declines in biomass (96 percent) and
observed decreases in abundance in some areas, as well as information
indicating current regulations may be inadequate to protect the species
from overutilization, we find that the petition presents substantial
scientific or commercial information indicating that listing may be
warranted for M. fasciatus.
Mustelus schmitti, commonly referred to as the narrownose smooth-
hound, is endemic to the southwest Atlantic, and is found in waters off
of southwest Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay (between latitudes 22[deg]
S and 48[deg] S) (Massa et al., 2006). It is found in coastal waters to
depths of 140 m. A large population is known to migrate seasonally,
wintering off southern Brazil and moving south to spend summers off
Uruguay and/or Argentina (Massa et al., 2006). There was also a
smaller, local population that was known to breed in south Brazil
during the spring, but is now thought to be extirpated (Massa et al.,
The petition identifies overutilization and the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms as threats to the species' continued
existence. The petition notes that the species experiences heavy
fishing pressure throughout its entire range, including in its nursery
grounds. In south Brazil, the wintering population is targeted and also
caught as a component of the mixed-species fishery. Based on bottom
trawl CPUE data, the winter migrant population of south Brazil has
decreased by 85 percent between 1985 and 1997 (Massa et al., 2006). The
small resident population, that was once common in waters of south
Brazil, has apparently disappeared. A summer shore fishery survey,
conducted in 2003, failed to record any members of the local
population, despite the once common occurrence of neonates in beach
seines and bottom trawls in the 1980s (Massa et al., 2006). The IUCN
assessment (Massa et al., 2006) attributes this disappearance to
intense and continual fishing efforts in the inshore pupping and
nursery grounds.
In Argentina, M. schmitti is a commercially important species
(Chiaramonte, 1998), mainly caught in the multi-species trawl fishery,
and its demand in the market has increased (Massa et al., 2006). From
1992 to 1996, total declared landings of the species in Argentina more
than doubled, from 5,047.6 mt to 10,271.3 mt (Chiaramonte, 1998). From
1993 to 1996, a survey that examined shark species in 454 Patagonian
coastal fishery trawls found M. schmitti to be the most frequently
caught species (found in 28 percent of the trawls) and it was recorded
within all trawling areas (Molen et al., 1998). However, between 1998
and 2002, national Argentinian landings of the species decreased by 30
percent (Massa et al., 2006, citing unpublished data). In Uruguay, the
species is taken as bycatch in industrial and artisanal fisheries.
Estimated annual capture of both M. schmitti and M. fasciatus was 900
mt from 2000-2002 (although M. schmitti was the main species in the
catch; (Massa et al., 2006)). Between 1998 and 2002, biomass of the
species decreased by 22 percent in the main fishing areas off Uruguay
and Argentina (Massa et al., 2006, citing unpublished data).
In terms of fishery regulations, the petition contends that the
only current conservation measure in place for the species is a
permitted maximum catch, established by the Argentine fisheries
authority, but argues that catch should be set at zero to ensure the
species' survival.
Declines of 20 to 30 percent in biomass and landings do not
necessarily indicate that a population is at risk of extinction or that
catch must be prohibited (especially without additional information
regarding the population size or maximum sustainable yield). However,
based on the above information provided which shows the species is
commercially important, taken in substantial numbers in fisheries
within its range, including in nursery grounds and pupping areas, and
has experienced large declines (85 percent) in parts of its range, with
a potential extirpation of a local population, we find overutilization
for commercial purposes may be a threat to the species' current
existence. As such, we find that the petition presents substantial
scientific or commercial information indicating that listing may be
warranted for M. schmitti.
The petition requests that we list three species of angel sharks
that have similar ranges and are found in coastal and outer continental
shelf sediment habitats in the Mediterranean Sea and eastern Atlantic.
These three species are Squatina aculeata, S. oculata, and S. squatina.
Angel sharks are bottom dwellers, preferring to spend most of their
time buried in the sand or mud. Squatina squatina can be found from
close inshore (5 m) to at least 150 m in depth (Morey et al., 2006). S.
aculeata can be found in depths of 30 to 500 m, and S. oculata occurs
in depths of over 20 to 500 m (Morey et al., 2007a; 2007b). The
historical range of S. squatina extended along the eastern Atlantic,
from Scandinavia to Mauritania and the Canary Islands, and included the
Mediterranean and Black seas. The historical range of S. aculeata
extended from the Mediterranean Sea (western and central basins) to the
eastern Atlantic, from Morocco to Namibia, and the historical range of
S. oculata extended throughout the Mediterranean and in the eastern
Atlantic, from southern Portugal to Namibia. Many of the life history
traits of these angel sharks are unknown, including the age at
maturity, reproductive periodicity, productivity, and natural
mortality. Squatina aculeata is thought to mature around 124 cm, with
maximum size achieved at around 188 cm (Morey et al., 2007a). Squatina
oculata sizes at maturity range from 71 to 100 cm, with maximum size of
160 cm, and S. squatina mature at sizes of 80 to 169 cm (depending on
sex), with a maximum size of up to 244 cm (Morey et al., 2006; 2007b).
The petition identifies bottom trawling, human population growth,
overutilization, inadequacy of existing regulatory measures, and
isolation of populations as potential threats to the existence of these
species. The petition notes that identifying angel sharks down to
species is difficult and so many of the fishing records identify catch
only to the genus level. In the Mediterranean, historical records from
the late 1800s to early 1900s show a decline in the number of angel
sharks caught in tuna traps that were operating in Baratti (Northern
Tyrrhenian Sea) (Morey et al., 2006; 2007a; 2007b). From 1898 to 1905,
catches of angel sharks averaged 134 sharks per year, but from 1914-
1933, this average declined to only 15 sharks per year (Morey et al.,
2006; 2007a; 2007b). As these years coincided with
[[Page 69386]]
the beginning of trawling activity in the area, the IUCN assessments
(Morey et al., 2006; 2007a; 2007b) attribute the decline in catch
specifically to trawl fishing, noting that angel sharks, which dwell
near or on the bottom, are especially susceptible to this type of
fishing activity.
The petition notes that this bottom trawling activity has continued
to increase in both intensity and efficiency on the Mediterranean shelf
and slope over the last 50 years, and, as such, is a threat to the
angel shark species existence. The petition states that the three
species are now rare or absent from most of the northern Mediterranean
coastline (Morey et al., 2006; 2007a; 2007b), as evidenced by species-
specific catch data from two major trawl surveys that were conducted in
the north Mediterranean: the Mediterranean International Trawl Survey
(MEDITS) and the Italian National Project. During the MEDITS program
(1995-1999), tows were made in depths of 10-800 m along the north
Mediterranean coastline, from west Morocco to the Aegean Sea. Out of
the 9,095 tows, S. squatina appeared in two, S. aculeata appeared in
one, and S. oculata was not present in any of the tows (Morey et al.,
2006; 2007a; 2007b). Biomass estimates were only provided for S.
squatina, with total biomass estimated to be 14 mt throughout the
survey area, equating to about 1,400 sharks (Morey et al., 2006). The
Italian National Project survey (1985-1998) did not report any catches
of S. aculeata or S. oculata from the 9,281 hauls conducted in the
northern Mediterranean (Morey et al., 2007a; 2007b). S. squatina were
caught in only 0.41 percent of the hauls (Morey et al., 2006).
Squatina aculeata is now considered to be absent from the Black Sea
and rare in the eastern part of the Mediterranean (Morey et al.,
2007a). Squatina squatina has also become rare within its range, with
evidence of possible local extirpations. For example, it was once
recorded in trawl surveys in the Adriatic Sea (in 1948), but the MEDIT
surveys conducted in 1998 found no evidence of the species in this area
(Morey et al., 2006). In addition, the last reported landing of the
species in the northeast Atlantic was in 1998 (compiled from landings
records dated 1978 to 2002 for all International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea areas), and is now considered extinct in the
North Sea (Morey et al., 2006).
Off the Balearic Islands (Spain), Squatina sharks were fairly
common until the mid-1980s, with records from a lobster gillnet fishery
that show angel sharks (likely S. aculeata or S. oculata) caught on a
daily basis (Morey et al., 2007a; 2007b). However, since the mid-1990s,
there have been no records of Squatina sharks around the Balearic
Islands, despite a bottom trawl fishing survey that was conducted at
depths where the sharks should be present (between 46 and 1800 m)
(Morey et al., 2007a; 2007b). The petition points to evidence that
Squatina sharks were once targeted and caught by a special net called
an `escaterea' in these waters (Morey et al., 2007a), but reports from
fishermen indicate that all species of Squatina have undergone dramatic
declines over the last 20 years and are likely extirpated from the area
(Morey et al., 2006; 2007a; 2007b).
Off the coast of West Africa, these angel shark species are
primarily taken as bycatch in industrial demersal trawl fisheries and
inshore bottom set gillnets. The IUCN assessments (Morey et al., 2007a;
2007b) provide Portuguese landings data from a fleet fishing in
Moroccan and Mauritanian waters that showed landings of the three
species peaking in 1990 at 35 t and then decreasing by 95 percent to
1.7 t in 1998, when the fishery subsequently closed. However, the IUCN
assessments caution that the level of fishing effort associated with
these data is unknown. Citing various personal communications, the IUCN
assessments also note that the Squatina sharks were common in these
waters in the 1970s and 1980s, frequently caught by lines and gillnets;
however, according to both artisanal fishermen and observers of the
industrial demersal trawl fleets, the species has been depleted and is
now only very rarely observed. Morey et al., (2007a) and (2007b) also
mention research surveys that were conducted along the coast of West
Africa and previously reported catches of Squatina species, but noted
that no specimens have been captured since 1998 for S. aculeata and
since 2002 for S. oculata.
The petition identifies existing regulations that aim to protect
these three species from further declines, but contends that these
current regulations are either insufficient or ineffective to protect
the existing populations of the three species from extinction. For
example, the petition notes that Squatina sharks are protected from
fishing within six Balearic Islands marine reserves, but suggests that
local extirpation of the species are likely in this part of the
Squatina range, and, therefore, the regulation is not effective in
minimizing extinction risk to the existing populations. In 2012, S.
aculeata was added to Spain's List of Wild Species under Special
Protection, which essentially prohibits the capture or trade of the
species by Spanish citizens (Morey et al., 2007a). Squatina squatina is
listed as a prohibited species by the European Union. This listing
prohibits EU and third country vessels from fishing for, transporting,
or landing the species in EU waters (Morey et al., 2006). Likewise, S.
squatina is also protected from fishing activities within three
nautical miles of English coastal baselines by the UK Wildlife and
Countryside Act (Morey et al., 2006). However, as the petition notes,
these regulations provide protections for these species in only parts
of their ranges, including in some areas where the species are no
longer found (northern Mediterranean, northeast Atlantic).
Based on the above information provided by the petition, which
shows that these three species were once common and frequently taken in
various fisheries but have now noticeably declined in abundance
throughout their ranges, with evidence of possible local extirpations,
we find that the threats of overutilization and inadequate regulatory
measures as described above may be putting the species at an increased
risk of extinction. As such, we find that the petition presents
substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that
listing may be warranted for S. aculeata, S. oculata, and S. squatina.
The petition also requests that we list three species of angel
sharks that are endemic to the southwest Atlantic: Squatina argentina,
S. punctata, and S. guggenheim. According to the IUCN assessments
(Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007; IUCN SSG,
2007), there is some controversy regarding the taxonomy of these
southwest Atlantic Squatina species. In one study, for example, the
authors analyzed mitochondrial DNA and indicated that there are only
three species of Squatina in southern Brazil: S. argentina, S.
guggenheim, and S. occulta (Furtado-Neto and Carr, 2002). In another
study (Vooren and Silva, 1991), S. punctata was characterized as being
the same species as S. guggenheim. Based on the information provided in
the petition, species-specific data are available for both S.
argentina, whose validity as a species and occurrence is ``generally
agreed upon'' (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006), and S. guggenheim, whose
nomenclature and taxonomy are questionable, but whose occurrence and
information on its abundance are represented in the available fisheries
data. Although the petition requests us to list S. punctata, it
provides no specific-specific population or
[[Page 69387]]
abundance data, or evidence of its occurrence. The only species-
specific information for S. punctata provided in the petition
corresponds to some life history data from Vooren and Silva (1991), the
paper in which the authors synonymize S. punctata with S. guggenheim,
so it is unclear whether this information actually corresponds to S.
punctata or S. guggenheim.
In terms of threats, the petition identifies overutilization of S.
punctata and provides general angel shark landing statistics and
information on CPUE declines. However, Vooren and Chiaramonte (2006)
and Chiaramonte and Vooren (2007) note that the landing statistics in
southern Brazil (referenced in the petition) refer to S. guggenheim, S.
occulta, and S. argentina combined, but make no mention of S. punctata.
The petition notes that the sharp decline in landings is ``attributed
to recruitment overfishing due to the bottom gillnet fishery;''
however, the citations it uses, which are also referenced by Vooren and
Chiaramonte (2006) and Chiaramonte and Vooren (2007), specifically
refer to the decline in abundance of S. argentina and S. guggenheim on
the outer shelf of Brazil, not S. punctata. The petition also cites
declines in angel shark catch in Argentine waters, but the IUCN
assessments (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren,
2007; IUCN SSG, 2007) note that the majority of these landings consist
almost entirely of S. guggenheim. In Uruguay, the IUCN assessments
(Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007; IUCN SSG,
2007), citing a personal communication, state that species-specific
statistics are not known, but that the largest catches most likely
correspond to S. guggenheim and S. argentina. Given the available
information provided by the petitioner, we do not find that the
petition has presented substantial evidence that S. punctata is a
taxonomically valid species for listing.
We will now evaluate the petition's request to list the other two
angel shark species in the southwest Atlantic, S. argentina and S.
guggenheim. Squatina argentina is a bottom-dwelling species that occurs
from 32[deg] S in Rio Grande, southern Brazil, to 43[deg] S, in
northern Patagonia, Argentina (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006). It is
found offshore, on the shelf and upper continental slope in depths of
120 to 320 m, but has occasionally been observed in 50 m depths (Vooren
and Chiaramonte, 2006). It has an estimated maximum size of 138 cm TL
(Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006). Squatina guggenheim is a smaller angel
shark species (maximum size is ~92 cm total length, TL), and occurs
from 24[deg] S, in Rio de Janeiro, southern Brazil, to 43[deg] S,
northern Patagonia, Argentina) (Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007). It is
also a bottom-dweller and is found at depths of 10 to 80 m in Brazil
and from the coast to 150 m in Argentinian waters (Chiaramonte and
Vooren, 2007).
The petition identifies overutilization as a threat to the
continued existence of both species. These angel sharks are both
targeted and caught as bycatch in fisheries operating from southern
Brazil to Uruguay. Landing statistics from southern Brazil are combined
for S. argentina, S. guggenheim, and S. occulta as they are hard to
distinguish. They show variable catches throughout the years, with
peaks of around 2,000 mt for the species assemblage in 1986-1989 and
1993 and then a decrease in catch to around 900 mt in 2003 (Vooren and
Chiaramonte, 2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007). No data are cited in
the petition or available in our files since 2003. From 1984 to 2002,
CPUE of these angel sharks in otter and pair trawls on the continental
shelf declined by around 85 percent (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006;
Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007). Research trawl surveys conducted on the
outer shelf of southern Brazil in 1986/97 and 2001/02 also found
significant declines in angel shark abundance, with S. guggenheim and
S. argentina estimated to be at 15 percent of their original abundance
levels (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007).
The petition references the IUCN assessments (Vooren and Chiaramonte,
2006; Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007) which attribute these decreases to
recruitment overfishing specifically by a bottom gillnet fishery that
began in 1990 and continues to operate on the outer continental shelf,
targeting and taking large numbers of Squatina sharks. In addition to
being targeted catch, the petition notes that S. argentina is also
caught (and retained) in significant numbers as bycatch in the trawl
and gillnet fishery for monkfish (Lophius gastrophysus), which operates
on the shelf edge and upper slope (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006). In
2001, the estimated bycatch of S. argentina in the monkfish gillnet
fishery was 1.052 sharks per 100 nets, which equates to a total of
8,689 individuals (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006). Vooren and
Chiaramonte (2006) note that S. argentina was ``one of the most
retained bycatch species'' in the monkfish gillnet fishery.
In Argentina, angel shark landings have been decreasing since
reaching maximum levels in 1998, with landings almost entirely
consisting of S. guggenheim (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006; Chiaramonte
and Vooren, 2007). Citing a study from 1982, Chiaramonte and Vooren
(2007) state that annual biomass for angel sharks on the Buenos Aires
coast (in 1981/82) was estimated to be around 4,050 mt, with total
captures of Squatina sharks wavering around 1,000 mt between 1979 and
1984. However, by the 1990s, landings had increased to over 4,000 mt,
with maximum landings recorded in 1997 and 1998. Chiaramonte and Vooren
(2007) and Vooren and Chaiaramonte (2006) note that these landings
consisted almost entirely of S. guggenheim (and that S. argentina is
rare in commercial landings data); however, Molen (1998), citing an
anonymous reference, stated that landings of S. argentina were 4,300 mt
in 1997. In addition, a bottom trawl survey conducted between 1993 and
1996 found S. argentina to be of medium frequency in Patagonian coastal
trawl fisheries, showing up as bycatch in 15.4 percent of the 454
trawls (Molen, 1998). Therefore, it appears that both S. argentina and
S. guggenheim may have been present and fairly abundant in the late
1990s in Argentine waters. In 1998, the gillnet fleet of Puerto Quequen
considered angel sharks to be the second most important fish in their
catch (Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007). Landings of these angel sharks
have since decreased from the 1997/98 peak levels, dropping to 3,550 mt
in 2003 (Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007). The petition indicates that the
overall negative trend in these landings data (from 1998 to 2003) is
also reflected in the 58 percent decline in CPUE of the angel shark
that was calculated for the coastal bottom trawl fleet in Argentina
(Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007).
In Uruguay, species-specific statistics are unavailable, but the
petition notes that angel sharks are taken as bycatch in industrial and
artisanal fisheries. Total Squatina shark captures have been estimated
at 300 to 400 mt per year since 1997, with the majority likely S.
guggenheim and S. argentina (based on personal communications provided
to Chiaramonte and Vooren (2007) and Vooren and Chiaramonte (2006)).
The petition also identifies inadequate regulatory measures and the
species' low reproductive potential as threats to the continued
existence of both species. The petition, citing the IUCN assessments,
states that there are currently no regulations to manage the angel
shark fishery that operates on the continental shelf off southern
Brazil. However, a management plan for the gillnet monkfish fishery,
which takes
[[Page 69388]]
substantial numbers of S. argentina as bycatch, was approved in 2005
and thus may help to minimize the threat of overutilization to the
species in this area (Vooren and Chiaramonte, 2006). The petition also
notes that Argentina has set the maximum permitted catch for angel
sharks at 4,000 mt (down from 6,000 mt in the years 1995 to 1999), a
quota that appears to be similar to the peak landings of the Squatina
species during the 1990s. However, with declining trends evident in the
landings and CPUE of angel sharks, this management measure may not be
adequate to protect the species from threats such as overutilization.
In addition, the petition asserts that the low reproductive potential
of both species makes them especially slow to recover from
overutilization and depletion, and thus poses an additional threat to
the species' existence. For example, the petition states that pregnant
females of S. guggenheim are known to abort embryos upon capture in
fishing gear, thus further decreasing their reproductive potential even
if released alive (Chiaramonte and Vooren, 2007).
After a review of the species-specific information provided in the
petition, which shows that S. argentina and S. guggenheim have and
continue to be targeted and taken in various fisheries, with limited
regulation of these fisheries and evidence of significant population
declines for both species in part of their range, we find that the
threats of overutilization and inadequate regulatory measures as
described above may be putting the two angel shark species at an
increased risk of extinction. As such, we find that the petition
presents substantial scientific or commercial information indicating
that listing may be warranted for S. argentina and S. guggenheim.
Squatina formosa, commonly referred to as the Taiwan angel shark,
occurs in the northwest Pacific Ocean and East China Sea and is
primarily found in waters around northern Taiwan and the East Taiwan
Strait (Walsh and Ebert, 2009). It is found on the continental shelf,
in depths of around 100-300 m, with a maximum recorded size of 150 cm
TL (Walsh and Ebert, 2009). There are no life history details for this
species or information on its population size. Although it is found in
local Taiwanese fish markets, there have been no catch records of this
species (possibly due to the difficulty in distinguishing the species
from other angel sharks in the area) (Walsh and Ebert, 2009).
Although the petition contends that the extensive bottom trawling
occurring within the range of S. formosa has led to overutilization of
the species to the point where the species is threatened with
extinction, the petition provides no information on catch numbers,
population status, or abundance trends for the species. Instead, the
petition refers to other angel shark species in different parts of the
world that have undergone population declines from intense fishing
pressure, and uses this information as a surrogate for evidence of
threats to S. formosa. While we agree that extensive fishing is
occurring within the range of S. formosa, the petition has not provided
any information on the level of directed fishing or level of bycatch of
this particular shark. The petition only notes that there are no catch
records of the species but that it is present in the market place. The
petition also argues that the triennial reproductive cycle and small
litter sizes makes several species of angel sharks more vulnerable to
depletion, but specific reproductive information for S. formosa is not
currently known (although it is likely similar to other angel shark
species). We do not find that the available information is substantial
information indicating that overutilization is a threat to this species
such that listing may be warranted.
The petition also contends that there are no conservation measures
in place for the species, but states that there are some areas of
Chinese waters that are protected from trawling activities. The
petition does not provide any additional information on these
regulations except to note that these areas may or may not be within S.
formosa's range and may not be effectively enforced and therefore
``provide no certain protection'' for the species. It is unclear how
the petitioner came to such a conclusion. The petition specifically
identifies bottom trawling as a threat to the species, so if this
activity were prohibited within certain areas of the species' range,
this threat would be decreased and provide some protection to the
The petition fails to provide any information on the species'
abundance, life history, status, or trends throughout all or a
significant portion of the species' range, nor do we have any
information in our files. The petition provides no evidence that the
species is or has been in decline. The petition provides only general
statements and assumptions regarding threats to the species but does
not provide evidence to suggest these threats are acting upon the
species to the point where it may meet the definition of threatened or
endangered. As such, we find that the petition does not provide
substantial evidence that listing may be warranted for S. formosa.
Triakis acutipinna, commonly referred to as the sharpfin
houndshark, is found only in the tropical, continental waters off
Manabi Province, Ecuador. Little is known about the species' life
history, habitat, or ecology. It was first recorded 40 years ago, in
waters off Isla de La Plata, and has since been identified in artisanal
coastal gillnet fishery landings from the coastal fishing port of
Daniel L[oacute]pez, Ecuador. However, its occurrence is rare and it is
unknown whether the species is taken in other artisanal inshore
fisheries. The petition states that the current population size is
estimated to be less than 2,500 individuals, based on very few records,
and cites the IUCN assessment (Compagno et al., 2009); however, it is
unclear how this number was calculated. Neither the IUCN assessment nor
the petition provides any references to population size data, records
of abundance or occurrence, or information on how the population total
was calculated. It appears that the size of the species is only known
from two documented adult specimens, a male of 90 cm and a female of
102 cm (Compagno et al., 2009). All other life history parameters are
The petition acknowledges that little is known about the species
and its occurrence in fisheries catch, but contends that the species is
landed and perhaps targeted and thus fishing pressure is likely causing
a decline and is a threat to its continued existence. In 2004, Ecuador
banned directed fishing for sharks in all of its waters; therefore, it
is illegal to target the species. Although fishermen can catch sharks
as bycatch, information provided in the petition indicates that the
species is only rarely caught as bycatch, and has only been observed in
landings from the artisanal coastal gillnet fishery in the fishing port
of Daniel L[oacute]pez (Compagno et al., 2009). As such, we do not find
that the available information indicates that overutilization is a
threat to the species. In addition, the petition states that regulatory
measures are inadequate to protect the species from extinction because
trade in shark fins is still allowed, which will ``ensure that the
sharpfin houndshark will continue to be a utilized bycatch species.''
However, the petitioner provides no evidence that sharpfin houndshark
fins even enter (or are valued in) the shark fin trade. It also states
that the meat of sharpfin houndsharks has a higher value than most
other species, but does not provide a reference for the statement or
any further information that would support the claim that the sharpfin
[[Page 69389]]
is valued in trade, nor do we have that type of information on its
trade in our files.
Although the sharpfin houndshark may be a rare species, the
petition has not provided any evidence to indicate that the species is
currently in decline or that there are any threats that are acting upon
the species to the point where it may meet the definition of threatened
or endangered. As such, we find that the petition does not provide
substantial evidence that listing may be warranted for T. acutipinna.
Species-Specific Information for Requested DPSs
This petition also requests that we identify three subpopulations
of shark species as DPSs and subsequently list these subpopulations as
threatened or endangered under the ESA. In evaluating this request, we
must first consider whether the petition provides substantial
information that the requested populations may qualify as DPSs under
the discreteness and significance criteria of our joint DPS Policy (as
noted above in the ``Background'' section). If we find that the
petition presents substantial information that the requested
populations may qualify as DPSs, we must then determine whether the
petitioner provides substantial information that listing may be
warranted for those DPSs. Our analyses and conclusions regarding the
information presented by the petitioner and available in our files for
these petitioned subpopulations are provided below.
Carcharias taurus, commonly referred to as the sandtiger shark, is
found in all warm and temperate seas, except the eastern Pacific. They
occur in the surf zone, in shallow bays and around coral and rocky
reefs, but are also found in depths as great as 191 m on the outer
continental shelf (Compagno, 1984a). The petitioner requests that we
list the Southwest Atlantic subpopulation of sandtiger shark as
threatened or endangered, arguing that it satisfies both the
``discreteness'' and ``significance'' requirements under our DPS
policy, and thus qualifies as a DPS.
The petition contends that the Southwest Atlantic subpopulation of
sandtiger shark is discrete based on physical, physiological,
behavioral, and morphological factors. In terms of physical barriers,
the petition states that the population rarely occurs in deep water
(greater than 200 m depth; Compagno, 1984a) and uses this as evidence
that the species does not mix with the sandtiger sharks found
elsewhere. However, the petitioner provides no other information, such
as tagging studies, to support its claim of isolation. Additionally,
this depth barrier does not explain why mixing would not occur between
the Southwest Atlantic population and those sharks found in the
Caribbean as well as the Northwest Atlantic.
The petition also states that the Southwest Atlantic population is
behaviorally unique because it is more migratory than other C. taurus
populations, yet does not mix with these other populations, and cites
Sardowsky (1970) and Compagno (2001) as support. These references are
also used as support for the petitioner's claim that the Southwest
Atlantic subpopulation is a `closed group,' with dentition that differs
from all other subpopulations. However, it is unclear how the
petitioner came to these conclusions based on the results of these
studies. The study by Sardowsky (1970) examined the dentition of
specimens of C. taurus caught in waters off Canan[eacute]ia, Brazil,
and compared their dental characteristics to sandtigers from other
regions. Based on these comparisons, the authors concluded that the
sandtiger sharks found off the coast of southern Brazil are not
taxonomically distinct from sandtigers found elsewhere in the world.
Sardowsky (1970) also states that the northwest Atlantic population and
Brazilian populations are not isolated from each other and share some
dental character combinations. The Compagno (2001) reference mentions
that the sandtiger shark is strongly migratory in certain parts of its
range, and lists populations found off Australia, the east coast of the
USA, and the east coast of South Africa as sharing this behavior.
Lucifora et al. (2002) notes that this migratory behavior is likely
linked to reproduction and also observed it in sandtigers in the
Southwest Atlantic. In fact, the reproductive migration patterns of the
Southwest Atlantic sandtigers were noted as similar to those of
sandtigers in the northwest Atlantic (Lucifora et al., 2002). Although
the petition contends that the Southwest Atlantic sandtiger population
has ``its own unique maturation age and size'', Lucifora et al. (2002)
states that the estimates of maturity size for sandtigers found off
Brazil (females = 218-235 cm TL and males = 193 cm TL) are comparable
to those for sandtigers off the east coast of the USA (females = 220-
229 cm TL; males = 190-195 cm TL), South Africa (females = 220 cm TL;
males = 202-220 cm TL), and Australia (females = 220 cm TL). Thus, the
available information in our files and provided by the petitioner
suggests the Southwest Atlantic population of C. taurus shares many of
its biological and life history characteristics with populations of C.
taurus found elsewhere. We therefore find that petitioner has not
provided substantial information to indicate that the Southwest
Atlantic population of C. taurus may qualify as a discrete population
based on physical, physiological, behavioral, or morphological factors.
Citing the same information it provided for the discreteness factor
discussed above, the petitioner asserts that the Southwest Atlantic
population segment is significant to the taxon. However, based on our
above analysis, we do not find that the petitioner has provided
substantial information that this specific population has biological or
ecological significance to the taxon. The available information does
not indicate that the population exists in an unusual or unique
ecological setting, or that loss of the population would result in a
significant gap in the range of the taxon, or that it differs markedly
from other populations of the species in its genetic characteristics.
In conclusion, we find that the petitioner has failed to provide
substantial information that the Southwest Atlantic population of
sandtiger sharks may qualify as a DPS under the discreteness and
significance criteria of our joint DPS Policy. As such, we deny the
petitioner's request to list the Southwest Atlantic subpopulation of C.
taurus as threatened or endangered because the available information in
our files and provided by the petitioner suggests it is not a
``species'' eligible for listing under the ESA.
Cetorhinus maximus, commonly referred to as the basking shark, is
the second largest shark species (reaching lengths of 10 m) and is
circumglobal in distribution (Compagno, 2001), observed in boreal to
tropical waters (Skomal et al., 2009; Compagno, 2001). Seasonal changes
in abundance have been noted for the species, as well as strong sexual
segregation in parts of its range (NMFS, 2010). Tagging studies in the
Atlantic have discovered that this species is capable of large, trans-
oceanic, and trans-equatorial migrations, and may occasionally dive to
meso-pelagic depths (200 to 1000 m) (Gore et al., 2008; Skomal et al.,
2009). These sharks are filter-feeders and are commonly observed
foraging at the surface on zooplankton (NMFS, 2010). The petitioner
requests that we list both the North Pacific subpopulation as well as
the Northeast Atlantic subpopulation of basking sharks as threatened or
[[Page 69390]]
endangered, asserting that these subpopulations satisfy both the
``discreteness'' and ``significance'' requirements under our DPS
policy, and thus qualify as DPSs.
For both subpopulations, the petitioner claims that these
populations are discrete because they are geographically isolated from
other populations of the taxon. The petitioner cites a statement in the
IUCN assessments (Fowler, 2009a; 2009b) which reads: ``[t]he different
morphological characteristics of Basking Sharks in the Pacific and the
north and south Atlantic oceans are not thought to indicate separate
species (Compagno 1984), but are geographically isolated
subpopulations.'' The petitioner uses this quote as the only source of
information to support the claim of discreteness through geographic
isolation. In addition, the petitioner uses the above statement as the
only support to show that these two subpopulations are also significant
to the species. According to the petitioner, the geographic isolation
mentioned in the quote is evidence that loss of either subpopulation
would result in a significant gap in the range of the taxon, and the
morphological differences mentioned in the quote is evidence that the
subpopulations are markedly different from other populations of the
species based on genetic characteristics. However, the IUCN assessments
from which this quote is taken (Fowler, 2009a; 2009b) do not provide
any details regarding the different morphological characteristics, such
as what they are or which populations exhibit these traits, or explain
how these apparent differences indicate geographic isolation. In
addition, we reviewed the information on C. maximus presented in
Compagno (1984a) and found no discussion of morphological differences
between the Pacific and the north and south Atlantic basking shark
In our own files, we reviewed a paper by Hoelzel et al. (2006),
which examined the global genetic diversity of basking sharks by
comparing samples of C. maximus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from
the western North Atlantic, eastern North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea,
Indian Ocean and western Pacific. The results of this study showed that
there is low genetic diversity in the global basking shark population
and no significant genetic differentiation between ocean basins. The
authors suggested that this lack of genetic structure in the global
basking shark population is likely a result of a population bottleneck
event that occurred within the Holocene epoch, but also suggested it
could be explained by female mediated gene flow over the entire range
of the species (Hoelzel et al., 2006). The latter theory of worldwide
panmixia of basking sharks has recently been supported by tagging
studies conducted by Gore et al. (2008) and Skomal et al. (2009). These
studies have revealed that basking sharks are capable of making trans-
oceanic migrations (with an observed trans-atlantic distance of 9,589
km; Gore et al., 2008) across dynamic oceanographic conditions, from
boreal and temperate latitudes to tropical waters (Skomal et al.,
2009). As Skomal et al. (2009) notes, these new data raise ``the
possibility that there may also be migratory connectivity of basking
sharks on global spatial scales.''
Based on this information, we do not find evidence that indicates
that the North Pacific or Northeast Atlantic subpopulations may qualify
as discrete populations under our DPS policy based on physical,
physiological, behavioral, or morphological factors, or may qualify as
significant populations under our DPS policy based on differences in
genetic characteristics. We also find that the petitioner has failed to
provide substantial information that would indicate otherwise. As such,
we deny the petitioner's request to list the North Pacific or Northeast
Atlantic subpopulation of C. maximus as threatened or endangered
because the available information in our files suggests these
subpopulations are not ``species'' eligible for listing under the ESA.
Currently, the basking shark is a NMFS ``Species of Concern'', with
a focus on the eastern North Pacific part of its range. ``Species of
Concern'' are those species about which NMFS has some concerns
regarding status and threats, but for which insufficient information is
available to indicate a need to list the species under the ESA. As
noted on the basking shark ``Species of Concern'' fact sheet, ``[t]here
is no aspect of the movements, behaviors, population size or structure,
or life history that isn't data deficient for basking sharks in the
eastern North Pacific'' (NMFS, 2010). There is a lack of information on
habitat requirements for different life stages of basking sharks and
there are still questions regarding key life history characteristics,
including age at first reproduction, gestation period, littler size,
and mating frequency. Population dynamics, structure, size, geographic
range, and genetics are still largely unknown. Without this type of
basic information, it is difficult to assess the potential threats to
the species and how they may influence abundance and distribution of
the species over long and short time scales. The basking shark will
remain on our ``Species of Concern'' list until more data become
Petition Finding
After reviewing the information contained in the petition, as well
as information readily available in our files, including the sections
of the petition applicable to all of the petitioned species and
subpopulations as well as the species-specific information, we conclude
the petition in its entirety does not present substantial scientific or
commercial information indicating the petitioned action may be
warranted for 13 of the 22 species and subpopulations of sharks. These
13 species and subpopulations are: Carcharhinus borneensis,
Carcharhinus hemiodon, Carcharias taurus (Southwest Atlantic
subpopulation), Cetorhinus maximus (North Pacific subpopulation),
Cetorhinus maximus (Northeast Atlantic subpopulation), Haploblepharus
kistnasamyi, Hemitriakis leucoperiptera, Holohalaelurus favus,
Holohalaelurus punctatus, Lamiopsis temmincki, Squatina formosa,
Squatina punctata, and Triakis acutipinna. In contrast, as described
above, we find that there is substantial scientific or commercial
information indicating the petitioned action may be warranted for 9 of
the 22 species and subpopulations of sharks and we hereby announce the
initiation of a status review for each of these species to determine
whether the petition action is warranted. These 9 species are:
Centrophorus harrissoni, Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus, Mustelus fasciatus,
Mustelus schmitti, Squatina aculeata, Squatina argentina, Squatina
guggenheim, Squatina oculata, and Squatina squatina.
Information Solicited
To ensure that the status review is based on the best available
scientific and commercial data, we are soliciting information relevant
to whether the nine species we believe may be warranted for listing
(Centrophorus harrissoni, Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus, Mustelus fasciatus,
Mustelus schmitti, Squatina aculeata, Squatina argentina, Squatina
guggenheim, Squatina oculata, and Squatina squatina) are threatened or
endangered. Specifically, we are soliciting information, including
unpublished information, in the following areas: (1) Historical and
current distribution and abundance of each species throughout its
range; (2) historical and current population trends; (3) life history
information; (4)
[[Page 69391]]
data on trade of these species, including products such as fins, jaws,
meat, and teeth; (5) historical and current data on catch, bycatch,
retention, and discards in fisheries; (6) ongoing or planned efforts to
protect and restore these species and their habitats; (7) any current
or planned activities that may adversely impact these species; and (8)
management, regulatory, and enforcement information. We request that
all information be accompanied by: (1) Supporting documentation such as
maps, bibliographic references, or reprints of pertinent publications;
and (2) the submitter's name, address, and any association,
institution, or business that the person represents.
References Cited
A complete list of references is available upon request to the
Office of Protected Resources (see ADDRESSES).
The authority for this action is the Endangered Species Act of
1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
Dated: November 13, 2013.
Alan D. Risenhoover,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, performing the functions and
duties of the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2013-27718 Filed 11-18-13; 8:45 am]