Annual Wholesale Trade Survey, 68023-68024 [2013-27160]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 219 / Wednesday, November 13, 2013 / Notices
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of Rural BusinessCooperative Service, including whether
the information will have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of Rural
Business-Cooperative Service’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology. Comments on the
paperwork burden may be sent to
Jeanne Jacobs, Regulations and
Paperwork Management Branch, Rural
Development, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, STOP 0742, 1400
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20250–0742. All
responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
also become a matter of public record.
Dated: September 26, 2013.
Lillian Salerno,
Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative
[FR Doc. 2013–27097 Filed 11–12–13; 8:45 am]
Bureau of the Census
[Docket Number 131022882–3882–01]
Annual Surveys in the Manufacturing
Bureau of the Census,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of determination.
The Bureau of the Census
(Census Bureau) is conducting the 2014
Annual Surveys in the Manufacturing
Area. The 2014 Annual Surveys consist
of the Annual Survey of Manufactures,
the Business R&D and Innovation
Survey (BRDIS), and the Manufacturers’
Unfilled Orders Survey. We have
determined that annual data collected
from these surveys are needed to aid the
efficient performance of essential
governmental functions, and have
significant application to the needs of
the public and industry. The data
derived from these surveys, most of
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which have been conducted for many
years, are not publicly available from
nongovernmental or other governmental
ADDRESSES: The Census Bureau will
furnish report forms to organizations
included in the surveys. Additional
copies are available upon written
request to the Director, U.S. Census
Bureau, Washington, DC 20233–0101.
Mendel D. Gayle, Chief, Manufacturing
and Construction Division at (301) 763–
4587 or by email at mendel.d.gayle@
Census Bureau is authorized to conduct
mandatory surveys necessary to furnish
current data on the subjects covered by
the major censuses authorized by Title
13, United States Code, sections 61, 81,
131, 182, 193, 224, and 225. These
surveys will provide continuing and
timely national statistical data on
manufacturing for the period between
economic censuses. The data collected
in the surveys will be within the general
scope and nature of those inquiries
covered in the economic census. The
next economic census will be conducted
for the year 2017.
Annual Survey of Manufactures
The Annual Survey of Manufactures
collects industry statistics, such as total
value of shipments, employment,
payroll, workers’ hours, capital
expenditures, cost of materials
consumed, supplemental labor costs,
and so forth. This survey is conducted
on a sample basis, and covers all
manufacturing industries, including
data on plants under construction but
not yet in operation. All data items are
collected on a mandatory basis under
the authority of Title 13, United States
Business R&D and Innovation Survey
The Business R&D and Innovation
Survey (BRDIS) measures spending on
research and development activities by
United States businesses. This survey
replaced the Survey of Industrial
Research and Development that had
been collected since the 1950’s. The
BRDIS collects global as well as
domestic spending information, more
detailed information about the R&D
workforce, and information regarding
innovation and intellectual property
from U.S. businesses. The Census
Bureau collects and compiles this
information in accordance with a joint
project agreement between the National
Science Foundation (NSF) and the
Census Bureau. The NSF posts the joint
project’s information results on their
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Web site. All data items are collected on
a mandatory basis under the authority of
Title 13, United States Code.
Manufacturers’ Unfilled Orders Survey
The Manufacturers’ Unfilled Orders
Survey collects data on sales and
unfilled orders in order to provide
annual benchmarks for unfilled orders
for the monthly Manufacturers’
Shipments, Inventories, and Orders
(M3) survey. The Annual Survey of
Manufactures (ASM) provides annual
benchmarks for the shipments and
inventory data collected in the M3
monthly survey. The Manufacturers’
Unfilled Orders Survey data will also be
used to determine whether it is
necessary to collect unfilled orders data
for specific industries on a monthly
basis; some industries are not requested
to provide unfilled orders data on the
M3 Survey. All data items are collected
on a mandatory basis under the
authority of Title 13, United States
Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, no person is required to respond
to, nor shall a person be subject to a
penalty for failure to comply with a
collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) unless that
collection of information displays a
current valid Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) control number. In
accordance with the PRA, 44 U.S.C.,
Chapter 45, OMB approved the annual
surveys under the following OMB
control numbers: Annual Survey of
Manufactures, 0607–0449; Business
R&D and Innovation Survey, 0607–0912;
and Manufacturers’ Unfilled Orders
Survey, 0607–0561.
Based upon the foregoing, I have
directed that the Annual Surveys in the
Manufacturing Area be conducted for
the purpose of collecting these data.
Dated: November 6, 2013.
John H. Thompson,
Director, Bureau of the Census.
[FR Doc. 2013–27177 Filed 11–12–13; 8:45 am]
Bureau of the Census
[Docket Number 131029910–3910–01]
Annual Wholesale Trade Survey
Bureau of the Census,
Department of Commerce
ACTION: Notice of determination.
The United States Department
of Commerce’s Bureau of the Census
(Census Bureau) publishes this notice to
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 219 / Wednesday, November 13, 2013 / Notices
announce that the Director of the
Census Bureau has determined the need
to conduct the 2013 Annual Wholesale
Trade Survey (AWTS). The AWTS
covers employer firms with
establishments located in the United
States and classified in the Wholesale
Trade sector as defined by the 2007
North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS). Through this survey,
the Census Bureau will collect data
covering annual sales, e-commerce
sales, purchases, total operating
expenses, year-end inventories held
both inside and outside the United
States, commissions, total operating
revenue, and gross selling value, for
three components of wholesale activity:
wholesale distributors; manufacturers’
sales branches and offices; and agents,
brokers, and electronic markets. These
data are collected to provide a sound
statistical basis for the formation of
policy by various government agencies.
Results will be available for use for a
variety of public and business needs
such as economic and market analysis,
company performance, and forecasting
future demand. The Census Bureau
conducts the AWTS to provide
continuing and timely national
statistical data on wholesale trade
The Census Bureau will
provide report forms to businesses
included in the survey. Additional
copies are available upon written
request to the Director, U.S. Census
Bureau, Washington, DC 20233–0101.
William Abriatis, Service Sector
Statistics Division, at (301) 763–3686 or
by email at william.m.abriatis@
182, 224, and 225 of Title 13 of the
United States Code authorize the Census
Bureau to take surveys that are
necessary to produce current data on the
subjects covered by the major censuses.
As part of this authorization, the Census
Bureau conducts the AWTS to provide
continuing and timely national
statistical data on wholesale trade
activity every year for the period
between economic censuses. The AWTS
covers employer firms with
establishments located in the United
States and classified in the Wholesale
Trade sector as defined by the 2007
NAICS. The 2013 AWTS will collect
data for three components of wholesale
activity: wholesale distributors;
manufacturers’ sales branches and
offices; and agents, brokers, and
electronic markets. For wholesale
distributors, the Census Bureau will
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collect data covering sales, e-commerce
sales, year-end inventories held inside
and outside the United States,
purchases, and total operating expenses.
For manufacturers’ sales branches and
offices, the Census Bureau will collect
data covering annual sales, e-commerce
sales, year-end inventories held inside
and outside the United States, and total
operating expenses. For agents, brokers,
and electronic markets, the Census
Bureau will collect data covering
commissions, total operating revenue,
gross selling value, and total operating
expenses. The Census Bureau has
determined that this survey is necessary
as these data are not available publicly
on a timely basis from nongovernmental or other government
Firms were selected for the AWTS
survey using a stratified random sample
based on industry groupings and annual
sales size. We will provide report forms
to the firms covered by this survey in
February 2013, and will require their
responses within 50 days after receipt.
Firms’ responses to the AWTS are
required by law (Title 13 U.S.C. 182,
224, and 225). The sample of firms
selected will provide, with measurable
reliability, statistics on annual sales, ecommerce sales, purchases, total
operating expenses, year-end
inventories held both inside and outside
the Unites States, commissions, total
operating revenue, and gross selling
value for 2013.
The data collected in this survey will
be similar to that collected in the past
and within the general scope and nature
of those inquiries covered in the
quinquennial economic census, which
was most recently conducted in 2012.
These data are collected to provide a
sound statistical basis for the formation
of policy by various government
agencies. Results will be available for
use for a variety of public and business
needs such as economic and market
analysis, company performance, and
forecasting future demand.
Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, no person is required to respond
to, nor shall a person be subject to a
penalty for failure to comply with, a
collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) unless that
collection of information displays a
current valid Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) control number. In
accordance with the PRA, 44 U.S.C.
3501–3521, OMB approved the AWTS
under OMB control number 0607–0195.
Based upon the foregoing, I have
directed that the annual survey be
conducted for the purpose of collecting
these data.
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Dated: November 6, 2013.
John H. Thompson,
Director, Bureau of the Census.
[FR Doc. 2013–27160 Filed 11–12–13; 8:45 am]
Bureau of the Census
Federal Economic Statistics Advisory
Committee Meeting
Bureau of the Census,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
The Bureau of the Census
(U.S. Census Bureau) is giving notice of
a meeting of the Federal Economic
Statistics Advisory Committee (FESAC).
The Committee will advise the Directors
of the Economics and Statistics
Administration’s (ESA) two statistical
agencies, the Bureau of Economic
Analysis (BEA) and the Census Bureau,
and the Commissioner of the
Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) on statistical
methodology and other technical
matters related to the collection,
tabulation, and analysis of federal
economic statistics. Last minute changes
to the agenda are possible, which could
prevent giving advance public notice of
schedule adjustments.
DATES: December 13, 2013. The meeting
will begin at approximately 9:00 a.m.
and adjourn at approximately 4:30 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the U.S. Census Bureau Conference
Center, 4600 Silver Hill Road, Suitland,
MD 20746.
James R. Spletzer, Designated Federal
Official, Department of Commerce, U.S.
Census Bureau, Research and
Methodology Directorate, Room 5K175,
4600 Silver Hill Road, Washington, DC
20233, telephone 301–763–4069, email: For TTY
callers, please call the Federal Relay
Service (FRS) at 1–800–877–8339 and
give them the above listed number you
would like to call. This service is free
and confidential.
of the FESAC are appointed by the
Secretary of Commerce. The Committee
advises the Directors of the BEA, the
Census Bureau, and the Commissioner
of the Department of Labor’s BLS, on
statistical methodology and other
technical matters related to the
collection, tabulation, and analysis of
federal economic statistics. The
Committee is established in accordance
with the Federal Advisory Committee
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 219 (Wednesday, November 13, 2013)]
[Pages 68023-68024]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-27160]
Bureau of the Census
[Docket Number 131029910-3910-01]
Annual Wholesale Trade Survey
AGENCY: Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce
ACTION: Notice of determination.
SUMMARY: The United States Department of Commerce's Bureau of the
Census (Census Bureau) publishes this notice to
[[Page 68024]]
announce that the Director of the Census Bureau has determined the need
to conduct the 2013 Annual Wholesale Trade Survey (AWTS). The AWTS
covers employer firms with establishments located in the United States
and classified in the Wholesale Trade sector as defined by the 2007
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Through this
survey, the Census Bureau will collect data covering annual sales, e-
commerce sales, purchases, total operating expenses, year-end
inventories held both inside and outside the United States,
commissions, total operating revenue, and gross selling value, for
three components of wholesale activity: wholesale distributors;
manufacturers' sales branches and offices; and agents, brokers, and
electronic markets. These data are collected to provide a sound
statistical basis for the formation of policy by various government
agencies. Results will be available for use for a variety of public and
business needs such as economic and market analysis, company
performance, and forecasting future demand. The Census Bureau conducts
the AWTS to provide continuing and timely national statistical data on
wholesale trade annually.
ADDRESSES: The Census Bureau will provide report forms to businesses
included in the survey. Additional copies are available upon written
request to the Director, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233-0101.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William Abriatis, Service Sector
Statistics Division, at (301) 763-3686 or by email at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Sections 182, 224, and 225 of Title 13 of
the United States Code authorize the Census Bureau to take surveys that
are necessary to produce current data on the subjects covered by the
major censuses. As part of this authorization, the Census Bureau
conducts the AWTS to provide continuing and timely national statistical
data on wholesale trade activity every year for the period between
economic censuses. The AWTS covers employer firms with establishments
located in the United States and classified in the Wholesale Trade
sector as defined by the 2007 NAICS. The 2013 AWTS will collect data
for three components of wholesale activity: wholesale distributors;
manufacturers' sales branches and offices; and agents, brokers, and
electronic markets. For wholesale distributors, the Census Bureau will
collect data covering sales, e-commerce sales, year-end inventories
held inside and outside the United States, purchases, and total
operating expenses. For manufacturers' sales branches and offices, the
Census Bureau will collect data covering annual sales, e-commerce
sales, year-end inventories held inside and outside the United States,
and total operating expenses. For agents, brokers, and electronic
markets, the Census Bureau will collect data covering commissions,
total operating revenue, gross selling value, and total operating
expenses. The Census Bureau has determined that this survey is
necessary as these data are not available publicly on a timely basis
from non-governmental or other government sources.
Firms were selected for the AWTS survey using a stratified random
sample based on industry groupings and annual sales size. We will
provide report forms to the firms covered by this survey in February
2013, and will require their responses within 50 days after receipt.
Firms' responses to the AWTS are required by law (Title 13 U.S.C. 182,
224, and 225). The sample of firms selected will provide, with
measurable reliability, statistics on annual sales, e-commerce sales,
purchases, total operating expenses, year-end inventories held both
inside and outside the Unites States, commissions, total operating
revenue, and gross selling value for 2013.
The data collected in this survey will be similar to that collected
in the past and within the general scope and nature of those inquiries
covered in the quinquennial economic census, which was most recently
conducted in 2012. These data are collected to provide a sound
statistical basis for the formation of policy by various government
agencies. Results will be available for use for a variety of public and
business needs such as economic and market analysis, company
performance, and forecasting future demand.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required
to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure
to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements
of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) unless that collection of
information displays a current valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. In accordance with the PRA, 44 U.S.C. 3501-3521,
OMB approved the AWTS under OMB control number 0607-0195.
Based upon the foregoing, I have directed that the annual survey be
conducted for the purpose of collecting these data.
Dated: November 6, 2013.
John H. Thompson,
Director, Bureau of the Census.
[FR Doc. 2013-27160 Filed 11-12-13; 8:45 am]