Animal Center Master Plan Record of Decision, 61373-61375 [2013-24205]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 192 / Thursday, October 3, 2013 / Notices biological sketch of the nominee and a copy of his/her curriculum vitae; and (3) the name, address, daytime telephone number, and email address at which the nominator can be contacted. HHS strives to ensure that the membership of HHS federal advisory committee is fairly balanced in terms of points of view presented and the committees function. Every effort is made to ensure that the views of women, all ethnic and racial groups, and people with disabilities are represented on HHS federal advisory committees and, therefore, the Department encourages nominations of qualified candidates from these groups. The Department also encourages geographic diversity in the composition of the Committee. Appointment to this Committee shall be made without discrimination on basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and cultural, religious, or socioeconomic status. Dated: September 26, 2013. Bahar Niakan, Director, Division of Policy and Information Coordination. [FR Doc. 2013–24304 Filed 10–2–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4165–15–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Animal Center Master Plan Record of Decision The Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has decided, after completion of a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and a thorough consideration of the public comments on the Draft EIS, to implement the Proposed Action, referred to as the Proposed Action in the Final EIS. This action is for a long-range physical Master Plan for National Institutes of Health Animal Center (NIHAC) located in Dickerson, Maryland. This alternative accounts for potential growth in NIHAC personnel, new construction, additions, renovations, demolitions, and upgrades in site utilities. Responsible Official: Daniel G. Wheeland, Director, Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, NIH. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Valerie Nottingham, Deputy Director, DEP, ORF, NIH, Building 13, Room 2S11, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892, Phone 301–496–7775, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:29 Oct 02, 2013 Jkt 232001 Decision After careful review of the environmental consequences in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Master Plan, National Institutes of Health Animal Center, and consideration of public comment throughout the NEPA process, the NIH has decided to implement the Proposed Action described below as the Selected Alternative. Selected Alternative The Selected Alternative is intended to be a strategic tool for the efficient allocation of campus resources, the orderly accommodation of future growth, and the creation of an environment, which is both functionally and aesthetically conducive to accomplishing the NIHAC mission. The Selected Alternative will provide a guide for the reasoned and orderly development of the NIHAC campus, one that values and builds on existing resources, corrects current deficiencies and meets changing needs through new construction or renovation. The plan sets forth implementation priorities and a logical sequencing of planned development. The Selected Alternative is for a longrange physical Master Plan for NIHAC. This alternative covers a 20-year planning period, with reviews every 5 years to ensure that the plan continues to address issues affecting the campus. The alternative addresses the future development of the NIHAC site, including placement of future construction; vehicular and pedestrian circulation on and off-campus; parking within the property boundaries; open space in and around the campus; required setbacks; historic properties; natural and scenic resources; noise; and lighting. This alternative accounts for potential growth in NIHAC personnel, and consequent construction of space over the planning period. Future construction on the site could include such facilities as new animal holding, research laboratories, and support facilities. NIH will continue to develop NIHAC to accommodate NIH’s research needs and required programmatic adjacencies consistent with the commitment to maintain the ‘‘campus’’ character of the site. The alternative advances this objective by programming and locating future NIHAC growth so that new development would tie into the existing utility services and utilities are available to support growth, and establishing development guidelines for future changes to the site that ensure that as the campus grows new development PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 61373 would be responsive to the context of adjacent neighborhoods or developments. Under the selected alternative, NIHAC’s population is anticipated to grow in the next twenty years to a total campus population of 212. The primary growth at the campus would be in intramural research personnel and the administrative and facility staff to support them. Alternatives Considered The Proposed Action Alternative and No Action Alternative were the two alternatives analyzed in the Final EIS. The Master Plan covers a 20-year planning period, but will be reviewed every 5 years to ensure that the plan continues to remain current and relevant to the key issues affecting the campus. The alternatives addressed the future development of the NIHAC site, including placement of future construction; vehicular and pedestrian circulation on and off-campus; parking within the property boundaries; open space in and around the campus; required setbacks; historic properties; natural and scenic resources; noise; and lighting. They account for potential growth in NIHAC personnel, and consequent construction of space over the planning period. Future construction on the site could include such facilities as new animal holding, research laboratories, and support facilities. Factors Involved in the Decision The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requires that NIH facilities have a Master Plan; however, the previous Master Plan for the NIHAC campus was outdated. In addition, factors such as the aging of facilities that were designed only to accommodate temporary use, animal housing facilities that do not provide adequate space for projected increases in animal populations, and research support facilities not being adequate to sustain current and projected programs played a key role. The Master Plan contains information and recommendations to guide development of individual projects. It also serves as a means of informing city and county officials and utilities of future NIHAC development plans so they can anticipate and plan for the potential effects of NIHAC proposals on their systems. Resources Impacts The Final EIS describes potential environmental effects of the Selected Alternative. These potential effects are documented in Chapter 3 of the Final EIS. Any potential adverse environmental effects will be avoided or E:\FR\FM\03OCN1.SGM 03OCN1 61374 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 192 / Thursday, October 3, 2013 / Notices mitigated through design elements, procedures, and compliance with regulatory and NIH requirements. Potential impacts on air quality are all within government standards (federal, state, and local). NIH does not expect negative effects on the environment or on the citizens of Dickerson from construction and operations at NIHAC. Summary of Impacts The following is a summary of potential impacts resulting from the Selected Alternative that the NIH considered when making its decision. No adverse cumulative effects have been identified during the NEPA process. Likewise, no unavoidable or adverse impacts from implementation of the Selected Action have been identified. The Selected Alternative will be beneficial to the long-term productivity of the national and world health communities. Biomedical research conducted at the NIHAC facility will have the potential to advance techniques in disease prevention, develop disease immunizations, and prepare defenses against naturally emerging and re-emerging diseases and against bioweapons. Additionally, the local community will benefit from increased employment, income and, government and public finance. Housing NIHAC is located in a very rural area of Dickerson. Temporary impacts during construction are expected to have a minimal effect on the existing rural community. Education The current public school capacity in nearby Poolesville would be adequate to accommodate the expected minimal growth caused by the Selected Alternative. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Transportation The potential increase in vehicular traffic generated by the Master Plan would only minimally contribute to the slight decrease in the level of service on the roadways in the vicinity of the campus. Existing arterial, connector, and local roads surrounding NIHAC are underutilized and have the capacity to support projected traffic increases associated with the Master Plan and the population growth. In addition, NIHAC is relatively isolated from existing and projected local centers of employment, residences, or retail, limiting potential effects on road infrastructure or traffic levels. Therefore, the minor increase in traffic volume associated with the Master plan is not expected to VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:29 Oct 02, 2013 Jkt 232001 contribute to significant traffic concerns in the vicinity of NIHAC. Security The Master Plan would provide an entrance security and screening center, 100-foot vehicle separation from buildings, access control at loading docks, perimeter fence repair, and an emergency access for the campus to meet recently enacted safety requirements for government facilities. Employment If the Selected Alternative is fully implemented, up to only 13 new employees over the current 199 employees would be hired. Some of the new staff members are likely to move to Montgomery County, and possibly the Poolesville area, from outside the region. Environmental Justice As no minority or low-income populations occur within the analysis, Environmental Justice will not be discussed. Visual Quality The Master Plan’s land use plan provides a framework to help organize future development at NIHAC so that similar land use types are consolidated while open space and natural features are preserved. NIHAC would exhibit the same basic types of land use as it does currently, but in a slightly different configuration. The Master Plan does not propose any land use changes outside NIHAC. Therefore, the NIHAC campus is anticipated to remain consistent with the county plan and zoning regulations. Noise To limit impacts to nearby residences, NIH would limit construction activities to normal daytime working hours. Under the Master Plan, the ambient noise levels at NIHAC would remain within Maryland and Montgomery County noise thresholds. Furthermore, any minor change in noise levels is not expected to affect the rural character of the site. Air Quality Air monitoring data at the stations closest to NIHAC demonstrate that ozone and PM ambient air quality pollutant concentrations have been steadily declining over the past 10 to 20 years (USEPA, 2012a). Therefore, the moderate increase in air emissions under the Master Plan is not expected to result in cumulative negative impacts to regional air quality. PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Wastewater/Water Supply The Master Plan recommends system upgrades and water conservation measures to address the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) capacity concern. The Master Plan would install an additional filter at the WWTP to increase the treatment capacity. Installation of the new filter, combined with implementation of the potable water conservation measures, should provide sufficient capacity to accommodate wastewater generated under the Master Plan and would accommodate a 20 percent factor of safety. NIH would evaluate the water demands and potential implementation of system upgrades and water conservation measures as they proceed through planning and design for each new facility. If potable water conservation measures are not fully implemented, or the actual building designs result in greater than anticipated flows, the WWTP would likely require replacement or a major component upgrade. NIH would conduct a detailed study during Phase 1 of the Master Plan to evaluate the need for upgrades to the WWTP. Following the Phase 1 study, NIH would implement WWTP upgrades during Phases 2 and/or 3 of the Master Plan. Expansion of the WWTP treatment capacity under the Master Plan may require a revised NPDES permit from MDE with updated effluent limitations. Prior to implementing upgrades, NIH would consult with MDE to identify the appropriate review and NPDES permitting requirements, which may involve opportunities for public comment. NIH would continue to operate the WWTP in accordance with the applicable NPDES permit limitations. Historic Resources NIH would comply with NHPA Section 106 by consulting with Maryland Historical Trust on the need for particular archeological studies as individual Master Plan project elements are funded, designed, and executed. In the event that eligible prehistoric resources are identified and adverse effects are anticipated, NIH would continue Section 106 consultation with the appropriate consulting parties (which would include MHT and may also include ACHP and Native American tribes) to establish a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to resolve adverse effects. Mitigation measures identified through this consultation could include in-place preservation through site avoidance, E:\FR\FM\03OCN1.SGM 03OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 192 / Thursday, October 3, 2013 / Notices protection, or easement acquisition; development and implementation of a data recovery plan to retrieve and analyze the site’s resourcesimplementation of innovative, alternative mitigation measures- or a combination of these measures. Practicable Means to Avoid or Minimize Potential Environmental Harm From the Selected Alternative Air quality permit standards will be met, as will all federal, state, and local requirements to protect the environment and public health. Conclusion Based upon review and careful consideration, the NIH has decided to implement the Selected Alternative for a long-range physical Master Plan for NIH Animal Center located in Dickerson, Maryland. The decision accounts for potential growth at NIHAC personnel, and consequent construction of space over the planning period. The decision was based upon review and careful consideration of the impacts identified in the Final EIS and public comments received throughout the NEPA process. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES BILLING CODE 4140–01–P VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:29 Oct 02, 2013 Jkt 232001 Prospective Grant of Exclusive License: Use of Quaking-Induced Conversion (QUIC) for Detection of Prions National Institutes of Health, HHS. Pollution Prevention [FR Doc. 2013–24205 Filed 10–2–13; 8:45 am] National Institutes of Health AGENCY: All practicable means to avoid or minimize adverse environmental effects from the Selected Action have been identified and incorporated into the action. The proposed Master Plan construction will be subject to the existing NIHAC pollution prevention, waste management, and safety, security, and emergency response procedures as well as existing environmental permits. Best management practices, spill prevention and control, and stormwater management plans will be followed to appropriately address the construction and operation of the new Master Plan and comply with applicable regulatory and NIH requirements. No additional mitigation measures have been identified. Dated: September 27, 2013. Daniel G. Wheeland, Director, Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, National Institutes of Health. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ACTION: Notice. This is notice, in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR part 404, that the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Health and Human Services, is contemplating the grant of an exclusive license to practice the inventions embodied in U.S. provisional Application 60/961,364 filed July 20, 2007 [E–109–2007/0–US–01], PCT/ US2008/070656, filed July 21, 2008; [E– 109–2007/1–PCT–01], EPC application No 08796382.3 filed July 21, 2008 [E– 109–2007/1–EP–03], US Application No. 12/177,012, filed July 21, 2008 and issued as US patent 8,216,788 on July 10, 2012 [E–109–2007/1–US–02], and US Application No. 13/489,321, filed June 5, 2012 [E–109–2007/1–US–04]; Each entitled ‘‘Detection of Infectious Prion Protein by Seeded Conversion of Recombinant Prion Protein’’ By Byron Caughey et al. to Prionics AG having a place of business at Wagistrasse 27a CH–8952 Schlieren-Zurich, Switzerland. The patent rights in this invention have been assigned to the United States of America. DATES: Only written comments and/or application for a license that are received by the NIH Office of Technology Transfer on or before November 4, 2013 will be considered. ADDRESSES: Requests for a copy of the patent application, inquiries, comments and other materials relating to the contemplated license should be directed to: Tedd Fenn, Office of Technology Transfer, National Institutes of Health, 6011 Executive Boulevard, Suite 325, Rockville, MD 20852–3804; Email:; Telephone: 301–435–5031; Facsimile: 301–402– 0220. SUMMARY: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The prospective worldwide exclusive license will be royalty bearing and will comply with the terms and conditions of 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR part 404. The prospective exclusive license may be granted unless, within thirty (30) days from the date of this published Notice, NIH receives written evidence and argument that establishes that the grant of the license would not be PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 9990 61375 consistent with the requirements of 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR part 404. The invention relates to methods and compositions for the detection of infectious proteins or prions and diagnosis of prion related diseases. Prion diseases are neurodegenerative diseases of great public concern because humans may be infected from hoofed animals used as food, food products such as milk, or blood products. Currently available tests for diseasecausing prions are either incapable of detecting low concentrations of prions and must be used post-mortem or are incapable of detecting low concentrations of prions economically or accurately. This technology enables rapid and economical detection of sublethal concentrations of prions by using recombinant, normal, prion protein (rPrP-sen) as a marker or indicator of infectious prions in a sample. Specifically, prions (contained in a sample) seed the polymerization of rPrP-sen, and polymerized rPrP-sen is detected as an amplified indicator of prions in the sample. This assay differs from the protein-misfolding cyclic amplification assay (PMCA) because it enables the effective use of rPrP-sen and does not require multiple amplification cycles unless a higher degree of sensitivity is required. It is anticipated that this technology can be combined with additional prion-detection technologies to further improve the sensitivity of the assay. In its current embodiment, this assay has been used to detect prions in brain tissue or cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from humans (variant CJD), sheep (scrapie), and hamsters (scrapie). The proposed field of exclusivity may be limited to diagnostics requiring premarket approval by a U.S. or a foreign regulatory agency. Properly filed competing applications for a license filed in response to this notice will be treated as objections to the contemplated license. Comments and objections submitted in response to this notice will not be made available for public inspection, and, to the extent permitted by law, will not be released under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552. Dated: September 27, 2013. Richard U. Rodriguez, Director, Division of Technology Development & Transfer, Office of Technology Transfer, National Institutes of Health. [FR Doc. 2013–24141 Filed 10–2–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4140–01–P E:\FR\FM\03OCN1.SGM 03OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 192 (Thursday, October 3, 2013)]
[Pages 61373-61375]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-24205]



National Institutes of Health

Animal Center Master Plan Record of Decision

SUMMARY: The Department of Health and Human Services, the National 
Institutes of Health (NIH), has decided, after completion of a Final 
Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and a thorough consideration of 
the public comments on the Draft EIS, to implement the Proposed Action, 
referred to as the Proposed Action in the Final EIS. This action is for 
a long-range physical Master Plan for National Institutes of Health 
Animal Center (NIHAC) located in Dickerson, Maryland. This alternative 
accounts for potential growth in NIHAC personnel, new construction, 
additions, renovations, demolitions, and upgrades in site utilities.
    Responsible Official: Daniel G. Wheeland, Director, Office of 
Research Facilities Development and Operations, NIH.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Valerie Nottingham, Deputy Director, 
DEP, ORF, NIH, Building 13, Room 2S11, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, 
MD 20892, Phone 301-496-7775,



    After careful review of the environmental consequences in the Final 
Environmental Impact Statement for the Master Plan, National Institutes 
of Health Animal Center, and consideration of public comment throughout 
the NEPA process, the NIH has decided to implement the Proposed Action 
described below as the Selected Alternative.

Selected Alternative

    The Selected Alternative is intended to be a strategic tool for the 
efficient allocation of campus resources, the orderly accommodation of 
future growth, and the creation of an environment, which is both 
functionally and aesthetically conducive to accomplishing the NIHAC 
mission. The Selected Alternative will provide a guide for the reasoned 
and orderly development of the NIHAC campus, one that values and builds 
on existing resources, corrects current deficiencies and meets changing 
needs through new construction or renovation. The plan sets forth 
implementation priorities and a logical sequencing of planned 
    The Selected Alternative is for a long-range physical Master Plan 
for NIHAC. This alternative covers a 20-year planning period, with 
reviews every 5 years to ensure that the plan continues to address 
issues affecting the campus. The alternative addresses the future 
development of the NIHAC site, including placement of future 
construction; vehicular and pedestrian circulation on and off-campus; 
parking within the property boundaries; open space in and around the 
campus; required setbacks; historic properties; natural and scenic 
resources; noise; and lighting. This alternative accounts for potential 
growth in NIHAC personnel, and consequent construction of space over 
the planning period. Future construction on the site could include such 
facilities as new animal holding, research laboratories, and support 
    NIH will continue to develop NIHAC to accommodate NIH's research 
needs and required programmatic adjacencies consistent with the 
commitment to maintain the ``campus'' character of the site. The 
alternative advances this objective by programming and locating future 
NIHAC growth so that new development would tie into the existing 
utility services and utilities are available to support growth, and 
establishing development guidelines for future changes to the site that 
ensure that as the campus grows new development would be responsive to 
the context of adjacent neighborhoods or developments. Under the 
selected alternative, NIHAC's population is anticipated to grow in the 
next twenty years to a total campus population of 212. The primary 
growth at the campus would be in intramural research personnel and the 
administrative and facility staff to support them.

Alternatives Considered

    The Proposed Action Alternative and No Action Alternative were the 
two alternatives analyzed in the Final EIS. The Master Plan covers a 
20-year planning period, but will be reviewed every 5 years to ensure 
that the plan continues to remain current and relevant to the key 
issues affecting the campus. The alternatives addressed the future 
development of the NIHAC site, including placement of future 
construction; vehicular and pedestrian circulation on and off-campus; 
parking within the property boundaries; open space in and around the 
campus; required setbacks; historic properties; natural and scenic 
resources; noise; and lighting. They account for potential growth in 
NIHAC personnel, and consequent construction of space over the planning 
period. Future construction on the site could include such facilities 
as new animal holding, research laboratories, and support facilities.

Factors Involved in the Decision

    The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requires that NIH 
facilities have a Master Plan; however, the previous Master Plan for 
the NIHAC campus was outdated. In addition, factors such as the aging 
of facilities that were designed only to accommodate temporary use, 
animal housing facilities that do not provide adequate space for 
projected increases in animal populations, and research support 
facilities not being adequate to sustain current and projected programs 
played a key role. The Master Plan contains information and 
recommendations to guide development of individual projects. It also 
serves as a means of informing city and county officials and utilities 
of future NIHAC development plans so they can anticipate and plan for 
the potential effects of NIHAC proposals on their systems.

Resources Impacts

    The Final EIS describes potential environmental effects of the 
Selected Alternative. These potential effects are documented in Chapter 
3 of the Final EIS. Any potential adverse environmental effects will be 
avoided or

[[Page 61374]]

mitigated through design elements, procedures, and compliance with 
regulatory and NIH requirements. Potential impacts on air quality are 
all within government standards (federal, state, and local). NIH does 
not expect negative effects on the environment or on the citizens of 
Dickerson from construction and operations at NIHAC.

Summary of Impacts

    The following is a summary of potential impacts resulting from the 
Selected Alternative that the NIH considered when making its decision. 
No adverse cumulative effects have been identified during the NEPA 
process. Likewise, no unavoidable or adverse impacts from 
implementation of the Selected Action have been identified. The 
Selected Alternative will be beneficial to the long-term productivity 
of the national and world health communities. Biomedical research 
conducted at the NIHAC facility will have the potential to advance 
techniques in disease prevention, develop disease immunizations, and 
prepare defenses against naturally emerging and re-emerging diseases 
and against bioweapons. Additionally, the local community will benefit 
from increased employment, income and, government and public finance.


    NIHAC is located in a very rural area of Dickerson. Temporary 
impacts during construction are expected to have a minimal effect on 
the existing rural community.


    The current public school capacity in nearby Poolesville would be 
adequate to accommodate the expected minimal growth caused by the 
Selected Alternative.


    The potential increase in vehicular traffic generated by the Master 
Plan would only minimally contribute to the slight decrease in the 
level of service on the roadways in the vicinity of the campus. 
Existing arterial, connector, and local roads surrounding NIHAC are 
underutilized and have the capacity to support projected traffic 
increases associated with the Master Plan and the population growth. In 
addition, NIHAC is relatively isolated from existing and projected 
local centers of employment, residences, or retail, limiting potential 
effects on road infrastructure or traffic levels. Therefore, the minor 
increase in traffic volume associated with the Master plan is not 
expected to contribute to significant traffic concerns in the vicinity 


    The Master Plan would provide an entrance security and screening 
center, 100-foot vehicle separation from buildings, access control at 
loading docks, perimeter fence repair, and an emergency access for the 
campus to meet recently enacted safety requirements for government 


    If the Selected Alternative is fully implemented, up to only 13 new 
employees over the current 199 employees would be hired. Some of the 
new staff members are likely to move to Montgomery County, and possibly 
the Poolesville area, from outside the region.

Environmental Justice

    As no minority or low-income populations occur within the analysis, 
Environmental Justice will not be discussed.

Visual Quality

    The Master Plan's land use plan provides a framework to help 
organize future development at NIHAC so that similar land use types are 
consolidated while open space and natural features are preserved. NIHAC 
would exhibit the same basic types of land use as it does currently, 
but in a slightly different configuration. The Master Plan does not 
propose any land use changes outside NIHAC. Therefore, the NIHAC campus 
is anticipated to remain consistent with the county plan and zoning 


    To limit impacts to nearby residences, NIH would limit construction 
activities to normal daytime working hours. Under the Master Plan, the 
ambient noise levels at NIHAC would remain within Maryland and 
Montgomery County noise thresholds. Furthermore, any minor change in 
noise levels is not expected to affect the rural character of the site.

Air Quality

    Air monitoring data at the stations closest to NIHAC demonstrate 
that ozone and PM ambient air quality pollutant concentrations have 
been steadily declining over the past 10 to 20 years (USEPA, 2012a). 
Therefore, the moderate increase in air emissions under the Master Plan 
is not expected to result in cumulative negative impacts to regional 
air quality.

Wastewater/Water Supply

    The Master Plan recommends system upgrades and water conservation 
measures to address the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) capacity 
concern. The Master Plan would install an additional filter at the WWTP 
to increase the treatment capacity. Installation of the new filter, 
combined with implementation of the potable water conservation 
measures, should provide sufficient capacity to accommodate wastewater 
generated under the Master Plan and would accommodate a 20 percent 
factor of safety. NIH would evaluate the water demands and potential 
implementation of system upgrades and water conservation measures as 
they proceed through planning and design for each new facility.
    If potable water conservation measures are not fully implemented, 
or the actual building designs result in greater than anticipated 
flows, the WWTP would likely require replacement or a major component 
upgrade. NIH would conduct a detailed study during Phase 1 of the 
Master Plan to evaluate the need for upgrades to the WWTP. Following 
the Phase 1 study, NIH would implement WWTP upgrades during Phases 2 
and/or 3 of the Master Plan.
    Expansion of the WWTP treatment capacity under the Master Plan may 
require a revised NPDES permit from MDE with updated effluent 
limitations. Prior to implementing upgrades, NIH would consult with MDE 
to identify the appropriate review and NPDES permitting requirements, 
which may involve opportunities for public comment. NIH would continue 
to operate the WWTP in accordance with the applicable NPDES permit 

Historic Resources

    NIH would comply with NHPA Section 106 by consulting with Maryland 
Historical Trust on the need for particular archeological studies as 
individual Master Plan project elements are funded, designed, and 
executed. In the event that eligible prehistoric resources are 
identified and adverse effects are anticipated, NIH would continue 
Section 106 consultation with the appropriate consulting parties (which 
would include MHT and may also include ACHP and Native American tribes) 
to establish a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to resolve adverse 
effects. Mitigation measures identified through this consultation could 
include in-place preservation through site avoidance,

[[Page 61375]]

protection, or easement acquisition; development and implementation of 
a data recovery plan to retrieve and analyze the site's resources- 
implementation of innovative, alternative mitigation measures- or a 
combination of these measures.

Practicable Means to Avoid or Minimize Potential Environmental Harm 
From the Selected Alternative

    All practicable means to avoid or minimize adverse environmental 
effects from the Selected Action have been identified and incorporated 
into the action. The proposed Master Plan construction will be subject 
to the existing NIHAC pollution prevention, waste management, and 
safety, security, and emergency response procedures as well as existing 
environmental permits. Best management practices, spill prevention and 
control, and stormwater management plans will be followed to 
appropriately address the construction and operation of the new Master 
Plan and comply with applicable regulatory and NIH requirements. No 
additional mitigation measures have been identified.

Pollution Prevention

    Air quality permit standards will be met, as will all federal, 
state, and local requirements to protect the environment and public 


    Based upon review and careful consideration, the NIH has decided to 
implement the Selected Alternative for a long-range physical Master 
Plan for NIH Animal Center located in Dickerson, Maryland. The decision 
accounts for potential growth at NIHAC personnel, and consequent 
construction of space over the planning period.
    The decision was based upon review and careful consideration of the 
impacts identified in the Final EIS and public comments received 
throughout the NEPA process.

    Dated: September 27, 2013.
Daniel G. Wheeland,
Director, Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, 
National Institutes of Health.
[FR Doc. 2013-24205 Filed 10-2-13; 8:45 am]
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