Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area; Amendment 99, 59908-59910 [2013-23770]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 189 / Monday, September 30, 2013 / Proposed Rules
the Federal Register at least 15 days
before the hearing is to be held.
Information on the specific hearing
locations and times will also be posted
on our Web site at: https://
Dated: September 25, 2013.
Angela Somma,
Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office
of Protected Resources, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2013–23715 Filed 9–27–13; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 679
RIN 0648–BC73
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone Off Alaska; Bering Sea and
Aleutian Islands Management Area;
Amendment 99
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Notice of availability of fishery
management plan amendment; request
for comments.
The North Pacific Fishery
Management Council submitted
Amendment 99 to the Fishery
Management Plan for Groundfish of the
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
Management Area (BSAI FMP) to NMFS
for review. If approved, Amendment 99
would enable the holders of license
limitation program (LLP) licenses
authorizing a designated vessel to catch
and process Pacific cod in the BSAI
hook-and-line fisheries to use newly
built or existing vessels that are not
eligible under current vessel length and
capacity restrictions. This action is
necessary to promote safety-at-sea by
encouraging the replacement of older
vessels with newer and more efficient
vessels that are able to meet modern
vessel safety standards. This action is
intended to facilitate the increased
retention and utilization of groundfish
by allowing sector participants to use
larger vessels with increased processing
and hold capabilities. This action is
intended to promote the goals and
objectives of the FMP, the MagnusonStevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens
Act), and other applicable laws.
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Comments on the amendment
must be received on or before November
29, 2013.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by NOAA–NMFS–2012–0220,
by any of the following methods:
• Electronic Submissions: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to
#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-20120220, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
complete the required fields, and enter
or attach your comments
• Mail: Address written comments to
Glenn Merrill, Assistant Regional
Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries
Division, Alaska Region NMFS, Attn:
Ellen Sebastian. Mail comments to P.O.
Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802–1668.
• Fax: Address written comments to
Glenn Merrill, Assistant Regional
Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries
Division, Alaska Region NMFS, Attn:
Ellen Sebastian. Fax comments to 907–
Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
considered by NMFS. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted for public
viewing on
without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. NMFS will
accept anonymous comments (enter ‘‘N/
A’’ in the required fields if you wish to
remain anonymous). Attachments to
electronic comments will be accepted in
Microsoft Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF
file formats only.
Electronic copies of the Regulatory
Impact Review (RIR) and the Categorical
Exclusion prepared for this proposed
action may be obtained from https:// or from the NMFS
Alaska Region Web site at https://
Written comments regarding the
burden-hour estimates or other aspects
of the collection-of-information
requirements contained in this proposed
rule may be submitted to NMFS Alaska
Region and by email to OIRA_ or fax to (202)
Seanbob Kelly, 907–586–7228.
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(Magnuson-Stevens Act) requires that
each regional fishery management
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council submit any fishery management
plan amendment it prepares to NMFS
for review and approval, disapproval, or
partial approval by the Secretary of
Commerce (Secretary). The MagnusonStevens Act also requires that NMFS,
upon receiving a fishery management
plan amendment, immediately publish a
notice in the Federal Register
announcing that the amendment is
available for public review and
comment. This notice announces that
proposed Amendment 99 to the FMP is
available for public review and
NMFS manages the U.S. groundfish
fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ) off Alaska under the Fishery
Management Plan for Groundfish of the
Gulf of Alaska (GOA FMP) and the BSAI
FMP. The North Pacific Fishery
Management Council (Council)
prepared the GOA FMP and BSAI FMP
pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Act
and other applicable laws.
Amendment 99 would make three
substantive changes to the FMP to: (1)
Increase the maximum length overall
(MLOA) to 220 feet (67 m) on LLP
licenses authorizing vessels to catch and
process Pacific cod with hook-and-line
gear in the BSAI; (2) allow holders of
LLP licenses authorized to catch and
process Pacific cod with hook-and-line
and pot gear in the BSAI to increase the
MLOA on the LLP license to 220 feet (67
m) only if the pot gear endorsement is
surrendered within a specific time
frame; and (3) allow vessels that catch
and process Pacific cod with hook-andline in the BSAI to exceed length,
tonnage, and power limits established
under the American Fisheries Act
The LLP and BSAI Longline Catcher
Processor Subsector
Under the LLP, which was
implemented by NMFS on January 1,
2000 (63 FR 52642, October 1, 1998), an
LLP license is required for all vessels
directed fishing for groundfish in the
BSAI and GOA, with limited
exemptions for smaller vessels and
vessels using a limited amount of jig
gear. Directed fishing is defined in
regulations at § 679.2. For a vessel
designated on an LLP license, the LLP
license authorizes the type of fishing
gear that may be used by the vessel, the
maximum size of the vessel, and
whether the vessel may catch and
process fish at sea or if it is limited to
delivering catch without at-sea
processing. LLP licenses specify the
MLOA of the vessel to which that LLP
license may be assigned. Participants in
LLP groundfish fisheries are prohibited
from using a vessel to fish for LLP
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 189 / Monday, September 30, 2013 / Proposed Rules
groundfish that has a length overall
(LOA) that is greater than the MLOA
specified on the LLP license.
The LLP also includes a species
endorsement for Pacific cod in the BSAI
(67 FR 18129, April 15, 2002) and GOA
(76 FR 15826, March 22, 2011). A vessel
subject to the LLP requirements can
directed fish for Pacific cod in the BSAI
or GOA only if the vessel is designated
on an LLP license that has this specific
endorsement. The LLP Pacific cod
endorsement requirement has, in effect,
limited the number of vessels that are
eligible to fish for Pacific cod in the
BSAI and GOA. For example, under
existing LLP regulations, the vessels
currently used to directed fish for
Pacific cod in the BSAI using hook-andline gear and process that catch at sea
must be assigned an LLP license with a
BSAI Pacific cod hook-and-line C/P
endorsement. Public Law 108–447, 118
Stat. 2887, Dec. 8, 2004, at section
219(a)(6), defines the term ‘‘longline
catcher processor subsector’’ as ‘‘the
holders of an LLP license that is
noninterim and transferable, or that is
interim and subsequently becomes
noninterim and transferable, and that is
endorsed for Bering Sea or Aleutian
Islands catcher processor fishing
activity, C/P, Pcod [Pacific cod], hook
and line gear.’’ There are 36 LLP
licenses that meet the eligibility criteria
for the BSAI longline C/P subsector as
defined in section 219(a)(6).
The vessels used in the BSAI longline
C/P subsector fisheries range in length
from 107 feet (32.6 m) to 180 feet (54.8
m) length overall (LOA). The average
age of the vessels in this fleet is
approximately 40 years, and 30 percent
were built before 1946. Production
capacity and efficiency for BSAI
longline C/P subsector vessels are
directly related to vessel length and
overall vessel design. For example,
larger vessels in the fleet can
accommodate larger freezer holds that
allow vessels to stay at sea for longer
periods. Larger C/Ps also can facilitate
increased retention and utilization of
target species by enabling vessel owners
to use additional processing lines for
ancillary products.
Vessels eligible to participate in the
BSAI longline C/P subsector primarily
target Pacific cod in the BSAI, but many
also participate in Greenland turbot and
sablefish fisheries in the BSAI, as well
as Pacific cod fisheries in the GOA. In
addition, vessels using longline gear
retain incidentally caught species such
as skates, rockfish, arrowtooth flounder,
and pollock.
Three of the 36 LLP licenses that
authorize participation in the BSAI
longline C/P subsector also authorize
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participation in the BSAI Pacific cod
fisheries with a C/P using pot gear; of
these three licenses, only one is also
endorsed to authorize participation in
the Western GOA Pacific cod fishery
with a C/P using pot gear. Vessels
named on these three LLP licenses may
elect to participate in either the longline
or pot C/P sector in the BSAI Pacific cod
fishery, or the vessel may participate in
both sectors.
The Council and NMFS annually
establish total allowable catch (TAC)
limits for Pacific cod and other
groundfish targeted by C/Ps using hookand-line gear in the BSAI and the GOA.
In 2007, Amendment 85 to the BSAI
FMP modified the allocations of the
annual BSAI Pacific cod TAC among
various harvest sectors as seasonal
apportionments (72 FR 50788,
September 4, 2007). The BSAI longline
C/P subsector receives an allocation of
the annual Pacific cod TAC.
Amendment 85 also limited the amount
of halibut to be used as prohibited
species catch (PSC) in the Pacific cod
fishery. Halibut is incidentally caught
by vessels using hook-and-line gear. The
halibut PSC limit ensures that total
incidental mortality of halibut does not
exceed a specified limit while at the
same time allowing participants to
conduct their target fisheries. Once this
halibut PSC limit is reached, NMFS
closes directed fishing for groundfish
that take halibut. This halibut PSC limit
constrains the BSAI longline C/P
subsector in the Pacific cod and other
groundfish fisheries.
Amendment 83 to the GOA FMP
established specific allocations of
Pacific cod in the GOA similar to those
in the BSAI (76 FR 74670, December 1,
2011). Under Amendment 83, the hookand-line C/P sector receives an
allocation of the annual Pacific cod TAC
in the Western and Central GOA. The
hook-and-line C/P sector is also
allocated a limited amount of halibut for
use as PSC in the Western and Central
GOA Pacific cod fisheries.
In addition to the constraints on
Pacific cod allocations and halibut PSC
limits implemented under regulations
for Amendment 85 to the BSAI FMP and
Amendment 83 to the GOA FMP, the
BSAI longline C/P subsector has
developed private contractual
arrangements to limit Pacific cod and
halibut PSC use in the BSAI, effectively
establishing a de facto limited access
program. Congress’ definition of the
BSAI longline C/P subsector and the
allocation of BSAI Pacific cod and
halibut PSC specifically to the BSAI
longline C/P subsector encouraged
holders of eligible LLP licenses to form
a voluntary cooperative and divide the
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Pacific cod and halibut PSC allocations
among its members. Cooperatives allow
multiple quota recipients to aggregate
their annual quota amounts, coordinate
their collective fishing operations, and
benefit from the resulting efficiencies.
Amendment 99 to the FMP
The Council and NMFS recognize that
the existing regulatory and statutory
vessel capacity restrictions provide a
disincentive for owners to rebuild or
replace their vessels with larger, more
efficient and safer vessels. The Council
recommended Amendment 99 in
October 2012. Amendment 99 is
intended to promote the sustainable
harvest of groundfish, especially Pacific
cod in the BSAI and GOA, by removing
disincentives for owners of vessels to
rebuild or replace their vessels with
larger vessels. To the extent that the
vessel owners exercise the vessel
replacement opportunity provided in
this proposed action, it would promote
efficient utilization of the Pacific cod
resource in the BSAI and GOA. The
proposed action would also promote
safety-at-sea by allowing vessel owners
to replace existing vessels with newer
vessels that can accommodate improved
safety features and minimize the risks
faced by crew members.
Amendment 99 would increase the
MLOA to 220 feet (67 m) on LLP
licenses authorizing vessels to catch and
process Pacific cod with hook-and-line
gear in the BSAI for all LLP licenses not
also endorsed for pot gear. The Council
determined that establishing a uniform
220-foot (67 m) MLOA for all eligible
LLP licenses would encourage LLP
license holders in the BSAI longline
C/P subsector to replace aging vessels
with newer, safer, and more efficient
vessels. The Council considered several
size limits, including no size limit, and
other variable rate and fixed-length
increases to vessel size prior to
recommending Amendment 99. The
Council received public testimony that
a 220-foot (67 m) MLOA would provide
adequate incentives to meet the
Council’s objectives for this action and
would likely allow vessel owners to
replace vessels with new vessels that
could accommodate improved
efficiency and safety design. This
testimony is supported by the RIR
prepared for this action, which
describes that processing capacity
constraints likely limit the size of
vessels used in the BSAI longline
C/P subsector to 220 feet (67 m) or less.
Amendment 99 would allow LLP
license holders holding a license
authorized to catch and process Pacific
cod with hook-and-line and pot gear in
the BSAI to increase the MLOA on the
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 189 / Monday, September 30, 2013 / Proposed Rules
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
LLP license to 220 feet (67 m) only if
any Pacific cod pot gear endorsements
are surrendered within a specific time
frame. In recommending Amendment
99, the Council recognized that allowing
holders of LLP licenses with Pacific cod
pot gear C/P endorsements to designate
larger vessels on those LLP licenses
could increase vessel capacity in the pot
gear C/P fisheries and allow these
participants to harvest a greater
proportion of the GOA Pacific cod
sector allocation relative to their
historical catch. This increased capacity
could negatively impact historical
participants in the Pacific cod pot
fisheries. Under proposed Amendment
99, holders of the BSAI longline C/P
subsector LLP licenses with Pacific cod
pot gear C/P endorsements for the BSAI,
GOA, or both could either surrender the
Pacific cod pot gear C/P endorsements
and a be assigned a 220-foot (67 m)
MLOA on the LLP license or retain the
Pacific cod pot gear C/P endorsements
and the current MLOA on the LLP
license would continue to apply. LLP
license holders would have 36 months
after the effective date of a final rule to
implement Amendment 99, if approved,
to surrender all Pacific cod pot gear
endorsements by requesting that NMFS
permanently remove and extinguish all
Pacific cod pot gear C/P endorsements
specified on the LLP license. If the LLP
holder submits a timely written request
to remove and extinguish all Pacific cod
pot gear C/P endorsements specified on
the LLP license, NMFS will assign a
220-foot (67 m) MLOA on that license.
If an LLP holder does not notify NMFS
of their election to surrender the Pacific
cod pot gear C/P endorsement within
the 36-month time frame, the current
MLOA and Pacific cod hook-and-line
and pot gear C/P endorsements would
be retained on the LLP license.
Amendment 99, if approved, is also
intended to demonstrate to the United
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States Maritime Administration
(MARAD) that the Council
recommended and NMFS approved
conservation and management measures
allowing vessels that exceed the limits
set forth in 46 U.S.C. 12113 to
participate in certain North Pacific
fisheries under the Council’s
jurisdiction and therefore are eligible to
receive a certificate of documentation. If
the Secretary approves Amendment 99
and issues a final rule to implement
Amendment 99, NMFS will notify
MARAD that any vessel named on an
LLP license endorsed for participation
in the BSAI longline C/P subsector,
which is greater than 165 feet in
registered length, of more than 750 gross
registered tons, or that has an engine or
engines capable of producing a total of
more than 3,000 shaft horsepower, is
authorized for use in the EEZ under the
jurisdiction of the Council, and is
eligible to receive a certificate of
documentation consistent with 46
U.S.C. 12113(d) and MARAD
regulations at 46 CFR 356.47.
NMFS does not expect Amendment
99 to increase the fishing operations of
C/Ps using hook-and-line gear in the
BSAI or GOA. Management constraints
such as Pacific cod species
endorsements on LLP licenses, sector
allocations for Pacific cod in the BSAI
and GOA, and halibut PSC limits in the
BSAI and GOA limit the ability of
vessels on which these LLP licenses are
used to expand their overall fishing
operations in groundfish fisheries.
These management measures in the
BSAI and GOA provide an overall limit
to the Pacific cod catch by vessels in
this subsector, thereby limiting the
potential for the BSAI longline C/P
subsector to compete with other fishery
This action would not change how
groundfish stocks are assessed or
modify the harvest specifications
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process currently used to establish
harvest limits and PSC limits. Instead,
Amendment 99 would promote the
achievement of optimum yield by
providing the BSAI longline C/P
subsector with the ability to increase
retention and utilization of harvested
fish by replacing their aging vessels
with newer vessels that are capable of
incorporating additional processing
lines and processing equipment, which
are designed to increase overall daily
throughput and retention rates.
Public comments are solicited on
proposed Amendment 99 to the FMP
through the end of the comment period
(see DATES). NMFS intends to publish in
the Federal Register and seek public
comment on a proposed rule that would
implement Amendment 99, following
NMFS’ evaluation of the proposed rule
under the Magnuson-Stevens Act.
Public comments on the proposed rule
must be received by the end of the
comment period on Amendment 99 to
be considered in the approval/
disapproval decision on Amendment
99. All comments received by the end
of the comment period on Amendment
99, whether specifically directed to the
FMP amendment or the proposed rule,
will be considered in the FMP
amendment approval/disapproval
decision. Comments received after that
date will not be considered in the
approval/disapproval decision on the
amendment. To be considered,
comments must be received, not just
postmarked or otherwise transmitted, by
the last day of the comment period.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: September 25, 2013.
Kelly Denit,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2013–23770 Filed 9–27–13; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 189 (Monday, September 30, 2013)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 59908-59910]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-23770]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 679
RIN 0648-BC73
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Bering Sea
and Aleutian Islands Management Area; Amendment 99
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of availability of fishery management plan amendment;
request for comments.
SUMMARY: The North Pacific Fishery Management Council submitted
Amendment 99 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area (BSAI FMP) to NMFS for
review. If approved, Amendment 99 would enable the holders of license
limitation program (LLP) licenses authorizing a designated vessel to
catch and process Pacific cod in the BSAI hook-and-line fisheries to
use newly built or existing vessels that are not eligible under current
vessel length and capacity restrictions. This action is necessary to
promote safety-at-sea by encouraging the replacement of older vessels
with newer and more efficient vessels that are able to meet modern
vessel safety standards. This action is intended to facilitate the
increased retention and utilization of groundfish by allowing sector
participants to use larger vessels with increased processing and hold
capabilities. This action is intended to promote the goals and
objectives of the FMP, the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act), and other applicable laws.
DATES: Comments on the amendment must be received on or before November
29, 2013.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by NOAA-NMFS-2012-0220,
by any of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit all electronic public
comments via the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2012-0220, click the ``Comment Now!'' icon,
complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments
Mail: Address written comments to Glenn Merrill, Assistant
Regional Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries Division, Alaska Region
NMFS, Attn: Ellen Sebastian. Mail comments to P.O. Box 21668, Juneau,
AK 99802-1668.
Fax: Address written comments to Glenn Merrill, Assistant
Regional Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries Division, Alaska Region
NMFS, Attn: Ellen Sebastian. Fax comments to 907-586-7557.
Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period,
may not be considered by NMFS. All comments received are a part of the
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential business
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily
by the sender will be publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain
anonymous). Attachments to electronic comments will be accepted in
Microsoft Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF file formats only.
Electronic copies of the Regulatory Impact Review (RIR) and the
Categorical Exclusion prepared for this proposed action may be obtained
from or from the NMFS Alaska Region Web site
Written comments regarding the burden-hour estimates or other
aspects of the collection-of-information requirements contained in this
proposed rule may be submitted to NMFS Alaska Region and by email to or fax to (202) 395-7285.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Seanbob Kelly, 907-586-7228.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation
and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) requires that each regional
fishery management council submit any fishery management plan amendment
it prepares to NMFS for review and approval, disapproval, or partial
approval by the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary). The Magnuson-Stevens
Act also requires that NMFS, upon receiving a fishery management plan
amendment, immediately publish a notice in the Federal Register
announcing that the amendment is available for public review and
comment. This notice announces that proposed Amendment 99 to the FMP is
available for public review and comment.
NMFS manages the U.S. groundfish fisheries of the Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) off Alaska under the Fishery Management Plan for
Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA FMP) and the BSAI FMP. The North
Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) prepared the GOA FMP and
BSAI FMP pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Act and other applicable
Amendment 99 would make three substantive changes to the FMP to:
(1) Increase the maximum length overall (MLOA) to 220 feet (67 m) on
LLP licenses authorizing vessels to catch and process Pacific cod with
hook-and-line gear in the BSAI; (2) allow holders of LLP licenses
authorized to catch and process Pacific cod with hook-and-line and pot
gear in the BSAI to increase the MLOA on the LLP license to 220 feet
(67 m) only if the pot gear endorsement is surrendered within a
specific time frame; and (3) allow vessels that catch and process
Pacific cod with hook-and-line in the BSAI to exceed length, tonnage,
and power limits established under the American Fisheries Act (AFA).
The LLP and BSAI Longline Catcher Processor Subsector
Under the LLP, which was implemented by NMFS on January 1, 2000 (63
FR 52642, October 1, 1998), an LLP license is required for all vessels
directed fishing for groundfish in the BSAI and GOA, with limited
exemptions for smaller vessels and vessels using a limited amount of
jig gear. Directed fishing is defined in regulations at Sec. 679.2.
For a vessel designated on an LLP license, the LLP license authorizes
the type of fishing gear that may be used by the vessel, the maximum
size of the vessel, and whether the vessel may catch and process fish
at sea or if it is limited to delivering catch without at-sea
processing. LLP licenses specify the MLOA of the vessel to which that
LLP license may be assigned. Participants in LLP groundfish fisheries
are prohibited from using a vessel to fish for LLP
[[Page 59909]]
groundfish that has a length overall (LOA) that is greater than the
MLOA specified on the LLP license.
The LLP also includes a species endorsement for Pacific cod in the
BSAI (67 FR 18129, April 15, 2002) and GOA (76 FR 15826, March 22,
2011). A vessel subject to the LLP requirements can directed fish for
Pacific cod in the BSAI or GOA only if the vessel is designated on an
LLP license that has this specific endorsement. The LLP Pacific cod
endorsement requirement has, in effect, limited the number of vessels
that are eligible to fish for Pacific cod in the BSAI and GOA. For
example, under existing LLP regulations, the vessels currently used to
directed fish for Pacific cod in the BSAI using hook-and-line gear and
process that catch at sea must be assigned an LLP license with a BSAI
Pacific cod hook-and-line C/P endorsement. Public Law 108-447, 118
Stat. 2887, Dec. 8, 2004, at section 219(a)(6), defines the term
``longline catcher processor subsector'' as ``the holders of an LLP
license that is noninterim and transferable, or that is interim and
subsequently becomes noninterim and transferable, and that is endorsed
for Bering Sea or Aleutian Islands catcher processor fishing activity,
C/P, Pcod [Pacific cod], hook and line gear.'' There are 36 LLP
licenses that meet the eligibility criteria for the BSAI longline C/P
subsector as defined in section 219(a)(6).
The vessels used in the BSAI longline C/P subsector fisheries range
in length from 107 feet (32.6 m) to 180 feet (54.8 m) length overall
(LOA). The average age of the vessels in this fleet is approximately 40
years, and 30 percent were built before 1946. Production capacity and
efficiency for BSAI longline C/P subsector vessels are directly related
to vessel length and overall vessel design. For example, larger vessels
in the fleet can accommodate larger freezer holds that allow vessels to
stay at sea for longer periods. Larger C/Ps also can facilitate
increased retention and utilization of target species by enabling
vessel owners to use additional processing lines for ancillary
Vessels eligible to participate in the BSAI longline C/P subsector
primarily target Pacific cod in the BSAI, but many also participate in
Greenland turbot and sablefish fisheries in the BSAI, as well as
Pacific cod fisheries in the GOA. In addition, vessels using longline
gear retain incidentally caught species such as skates, rockfish,
arrowtooth flounder, and pollock.
Three of the 36 LLP licenses that authorize participation in the
BSAI longline C/P subsector also authorize participation in the BSAI
Pacific cod fisheries with a C/P using pot gear; of these three
licenses, only one is also endorsed to authorize participation in the
Western GOA Pacific cod fishery with a C/P using pot gear. Vessels
named on these three LLP licenses may elect to participate in either
the longline or pot C/P sector in the BSAI Pacific cod fishery, or the
vessel may participate in both sectors.
The Council and NMFS annually establish total allowable catch (TAC)
limits for Pacific cod and other groundfish targeted by C/Ps using
hook-and-line gear in the BSAI and the GOA. In 2007, Amendment 85 to
the BSAI FMP modified the allocations of the annual BSAI Pacific cod
TAC among various harvest sectors as seasonal apportionments (72 FR
50788, September 4, 2007). The BSAI longline C/P subsector receives an
allocation of the annual Pacific cod TAC. Amendment 85 also limited the
amount of halibut to be used as prohibited species catch (PSC) in the
Pacific cod fishery. Halibut is incidentally caught by vessels using
hook-and-line gear. The halibut PSC limit ensures that total incidental
mortality of halibut does not exceed a specified limit while at the
same time allowing participants to conduct their target fisheries. Once
this halibut PSC limit is reached, NMFS closes directed fishing for
groundfish that take halibut. This halibut PSC limit constrains the
BSAI longline C/P subsector in the Pacific cod and other groundfish
Amendment 83 to the GOA FMP established specific allocations of
Pacific cod in the GOA similar to those in the BSAI (76 FR 74670,
December 1, 2011). Under Amendment 83, the hook-and-line C/P sector
receives an allocation of the annual Pacific cod TAC in the Western and
Central GOA. The hook-and-line C/P sector is also allocated a limited
amount of halibut for use as PSC in the Western and Central GOA Pacific
cod fisheries.
In addition to the constraints on Pacific cod allocations and
halibut PSC limits implemented under regulations for Amendment 85 to
the BSAI FMP and Amendment 83 to the GOA FMP, the BSAI longline C/P
subsector has developed private contractual arrangements to limit
Pacific cod and halibut PSC use in the BSAI, effectively establishing a
de facto limited access program. Congress' definition of the BSAI
longline C/P subsector and the allocation of BSAI Pacific cod and
halibut PSC specifically to the BSAI longline C/P subsector encouraged
holders of eligible LLP licenses to form a voluntary cooperative and
divide the Pacific cod and halibut PSC allocations among its members.
Cooperatives allow multiple quota recipients to aggregate their annual
quota amounts, coordinate their collective fishing operations, and
benefit from the resulting efficiencies.
Amendment 99 to the FMP
The Council and NMFS recognize that the existing regulatory and
statutory vessel capacity restrictions provide a disincentive for
owners to rebuild or replace their vessels with larger, more efficient
and safer vessels. The Council recommended Amendment 99 in October
2012. Amendment 99 is intended to promote the sustainable harvest of
groundfish, especially Pacific cod in the BSAI and GOA, by removing
disincentives for owners of vessels to rebuild or replace their vessels
with larger vessels. To the extent that the vessel owners exercise the
vessel replacement opportunity provided in this proposed action, it
would promote efficient utilization of the Pacific cod resource in the
BSAI and GOA. The proposed action would also promote safety-at-sea by
allowing vessel owners to replace existing vessels with newer vessels
that can accommodate improved safety features and minimize the risks
faced by crew members.
Amendment 99 would increase the MLOA to 220 feet (67 m) on LLP
licenses authorizing vessels to catch and process Pacific cod with
hook-and-line gear in the BSAI for all LLP licenses not also endorsed
for pot gear. The Council determined that establishing a uniform 220-
foot (67 m) MLOA for all eligible LLP licenses would encourage LLP
license holders in the BSAI longline C/P subsector to replace aging
vessels with newer, safer, and more efficient vessels. The Council
considered several size limits, including no size limit, and other
variable rate and fixed-length increases to vessel size prior to
recommending Amendment 99. The Council received public testimony that a
220-foot (67 m) MLOA would provide adequate incentives to meet the
Council's objectives for this action and would likely allow vessel
owners to replace vessels with new vessels that could accommodate
improved efficiency and safety design. This testimony is supported by
the RIR prepared for this action, which describes that processing
capacity constraints likely limit the size of vessels used in the BSAI
longline C/P subsector to 220 feet (67 m) or less.
Amendment 99 would allow LLP license holders holding a license
authorized to catch and process Pacific cod with hook-and-line and pot
gear in the BSAI to increase the MLOA on the
[[Page 59910]]
LLP license to 220 feet (67 m) only if any Pacific cod pot gear
endorsements are surrendered within a specific time frame. In
recommending Amendment 99, the Council recognized that allowing holders
of LLP licenses with Pacific cod pot gear C/P endorsements to designate
larger vessels on those LLP licenses could increase vessel capacity in
the pot gear C/P fisheries and allow these participants to harvest a
greater proportion of the GOA Pacific cod sector allocation relative to
their historical catch. This increased capacity could negatively impact
historical participants in the Pacific cod pot fisheries. Under
proposed Amendment 99, holders of the BSAI longline C/P subsector LLP
licenses with Pacific cod pot gear C/P endorsements for the BSAI, GOA,
or both could either surrender the Pacific cod pot gear C/P
endorsements and a be assigned a 220-foot (67 m) MLOA on the LLP
license or retain the Pacific cod pot gear C/P endorsements and the
current MLOA on the LLP license would continue to apply. LLP license
holders would have 36 months after the effective date of a final rule
to implement Amendment 99, if approved, to surrender all Pacific cod
pot gear endorsements by requesting that NMFS permanently remove and
extinguish all Pacific cod pot gear C/P endorsements specified on the
LLP license. If the LLP holder submits a timely written request to
remove and extinguish all Pacific cod pot gear C/P endorsements
specified on the LLP license, NMFS will assign a 220-foot (67 m) MLOA
on that license. If an LLP holder does not notify NMFS of their
election to surrender the Pacific cod pot gear C/P endorsement within
the 36-month time frame, the current MLOA and Pacific cod hook-and-line
and pot gear C/P endorsements would be retained on the LLP license.
Amendment 99, if approved, is also intended to demonstrate to the
United States Maritime Administration (MARAD) that the Council
recommended and NMFS approved conservation and management measures
allowing vessels that exceed the limits set forth in 46 U.S.C. 12113 to
participate in certain North Pacific fisheries under the Council's
jurisdiction and therefore are eligible to receive a certificate of
documentation. If the Secretary approves Amendment 99 and issues a
final rule to implement Amendment 99, NMFS will notify MARAD that any
vessel named on an LLP license endorsed for participation in the BSAI
longline C/P subsector, which is greater than 165 feet in registered
length, of more than 750 gross registered tons, or that has an engine
or engines capable of producing a total of more than 3,000 shaft
horsepower, is authorized for use in the EEZ under the jurisdiction of
the Council, and is eligible to receive a certificate of documentation
consistent with 46 U.S.C. 12113(d) and MARAD regulations at 46 CFR
NMFS does not expect Amendment 99 to increase the fishing
operations of C/Ps using hook-and-line gear in the BSAI or GOA.
Management constraints such as Pacific cod species endorsements on LLP
licenses, sector allocations for Pacific cod in the BSAI and GOA, and
halibut PSC limits in the BSAI and GOA limit the ability of vessels on
which these LLP licenses are used to expand their overall fishing
operations in groundfish fisheries. These management measures in the
BSAI and GOA provide an overall limit to the Pacific cod catch by
vessels in this subsector, thereby limiting the potential for the BSAI
longline C/P subsector to compete with other fishery participants.
This action would not change how groundfish stocks are assessed or
modify the harvest specifications process currently used to establish
harvest limits and PSC limits. Instead, Amendment 99 would promote the
achievement of optimum yield by providing the BSAI longline C/P
subsector with the ability to increase retention and utilization of
harvested fish by replacing their aging vessels with newer vessels that
are capable of incorporating additional processing lines and processing
equipment, which are designed to increase overall daily throughput and
retention rates.
Public comments are solicited on proposed Amendment 99 to the FMP
through the end of the comment period (see DATES). NMFS intends to
publish in the Federal Register and seek public comment on a proposed
rule that would implement Amendment 99, following NMFS' evaluation of
the proposed rule under the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Public comments on
the proposed rule must be received by the end of the comment period on
Amendment 99 to be considered in the approval/disapproval decision on
Amendment 99. All comments received by the end of the comment period on
Amendment 99, whether specifically directed to the FMP amendment or the
proposed rule, will be considered in the FMP amendment approval/
disapproval decision. Comments received after that date will not be
considered in the approval/disapproval decision on the amendment. To be
considered, comments must be received, not just postmarked or otherwise
transmitted, by the last day of the comment period.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: September 25, 2013.
Kelly Denit,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National
Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2013-23770 Filed 9-27-13; 8:45 am]