Nielsen Holdings N.V., a Corporation and Aribtron Inc., a Corporation; Analysis of Agreement Containing Consent Order To Aid Public Comment, 59690-59696 [2013-23547]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 188 / Friday, September 27, 2013 / Notices
indicated. The applications will also be
available for inspection at the offices of
the Board of Governors. Interested
persons may express their views in
writing on the standards enumerated in
the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the
proposal also involves the acquisition of
a nonbanking company, the review also
includes whether the acquisition of the
nonbanking company complies with the
standards in section 4 of the BHC Act
(12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise
noted, nonbanking activities will be
conducted throughout the United States.
Unless otherwise noted, comments
regarding each of these applications
must be received at the Reserve Bank
indicated or the offices of the Board of
Governors not later than October 24,
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
City (Dennis Denney, Assistant Vice
President) 1 Memorial Drive, Kansas
City, Missouri 64198–0001:
1. First Okmulgee Corporation,
Okmulgee, Oklahoma, Coffeyville
Bancorp, Inc., and Community State
Bank, both in Coffeyville, Kansas; to
acquire 100 percent of the voting shares
of, and merge with Coffeyville Financial
Corporation, Omaha, Nebraska, and
thereby indirectly acquire voting shares
of Condon Bank & Trust, Coffeyville,
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, September 24, 2013.
Margaret McCloskey Shanks,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2013–23590 Filed 9–26–13; 8:45 am]
[File No. 131 0058]
Nielsen Holdings N.V., a Corporation
and Aribtron Inc., a Corporation;
Analysis of Agreement Containing
Consent Order To Aid Public Comment
Federal Trade Commission.
Proposed consent agreement.
The consent agreement in this
matter settles alleged violations of
federal law prohibiting unfair or
deceptive acts or practices or unfair
methods of competition. The attached
Analysis to Aid Public Comment
describes both the allegations in the
draft complaint and the terms of the
consent order—embodied in the consent
agreement—that would settle these
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before October 21, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may file a
comment at https://
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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nielsenarbitronconsent online or on
paper, by following the instructions in
the Request for Comment part of the
below. Write ‘‘Nielsen Arbitron, File No.
131 0058’’ on your comment and file
your comment online at https://
nielsenarbitronconsent by following the
instructions on the web-based form. If
you prefer to file your comment on
paper, mail or deliver your comment to
the following address: Federal Trade
Commission, Office of the Secretary,
Room H–113 (Annex D), 600
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20580.
Catherine M. Sanchez (202–326–3326),
FTC, Bureau of Competition, 600
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20580.
to Section 6(f) of the Federal Trade
Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. 46(f), and
FTC Rule 2.34, 16 CFR 2.34, notice is
hereby given that the above-captioned
consent agreement containing a consent
order to cease and desist, having been
filed with and accepted, subject to final
approval, by the Commission, has been
placed on the public record for a period
of thirty (30) days. The following
Analysis to Aid Public Comment
describes the terms of the consent
agreement, and the allegations in the
complaint. An electronic copy of the
full text of the consent agreement
package can be obtained from the FTC
Home Page (for September 20, 2013), on
the World Wide Web, at https:// A paper
copy can be obtained from the FTC
Public Reference Room, Room 130–H,
600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20580, either in person
or by calling (202) 326–2222.
You can file a comment online or on
paper. For the Commission to consider
your comment, we must receive it on or
before October 21, 2013. Write ‘‘Nielsen
Arbitron, File No. 131 0058’’ on your
comment. Your comment—including
your name and your state—will be
placed on the public record of this
proceeding, including, to the extent
practicable, on the public Commission
Web site, at
publiccomments.shtm. As a matter of
discretion, the Commission tries to
remove individuals’ home contact
information from comments before
placing them on the Commission Web
Because your comment will be made
public, you are solely responsible for
making sure that your comment does
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not include any sensitive personal
information, like anyone’s Social
Security number, date of birth, driver’s
license number or other state
identification number or foreign country
equivalent, passport number, financial
account number, or credit or debit card
number. You are also solely responsible
for making sure that your comment does
not include any sensitive health
information, like medical records or
other individually identifiable health
information. In addition, do not include
any ‘‘[t]rade secret or any commercial or
financial information which . . . is
privileged or confidential,’’ as discussed
in Section 6(f) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C.
46(f), and FTC Rule 4.10(a)(2), 16 CFR
4.10(a)(2). In particular, do not include
competitively sensitive information
such as costs, sales statistics,
inventories, formulas, patterns, devices,
manufacturing processes, or customer
If you want the Commission to give
your comment confidential treatment,
you must file it in paper form, with a
request for confidential treatment, and
you have to follow the procedure
explained in FTC Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR
4.9(c).1 Your comment will be kept
confidential only if the FTC General
Counsel, in his or her sole discretion,
grants your request in accordance with
the law and the public interest.
Postal mail addressed to the
Commission is subject to delay due to
heightened security screening. As a
result, we encourage you to submit your
comments online. To make sure that the
Commission considers your online
comment, you must file it at https://
nielsenarbitronconsent by following the
instructions on the web-based form. If
this Notice appears at https://!home. you also
may file a comment through that Web
If you file your comment on paper,
write ‘‘Nielsen Arbitron, File No. 131
0058’’ on your comment and on the
envelope, and mail or deliver it to the
following address: Federal Trade
Commission, Office of the Secretary,
Room H–113 (Annex D), 600
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20580. If possible, submit your
paper comment to the Commission by
courier or overnight service.
Visit the Commission Web site at to read this Notice
and the news release describing it. The
1 In particular, the written request for confidential
treatment that accompanies the comment must
include the factual and legal basis for the request,
and must identify the specific portions of the
comment to be withheld from the public record. See
FTC Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 188 / Friday, September 27, 2013 / Notices
FTC Act and other laws that the
Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to
consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. The Commission will
consider all timely and responsive
public comments that it receives on or
before October 21, 2013. You can find
more information, including routine
uses permitted by the Privacy Act, in
the Commission’s privacy policy, at
Analysis of Agreement Containing
Consent Order To Aid Public Comment
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The Federal Trade Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) has accepted, subject to
final approval, an Agreement
Containing Consent Order (‘‘Consent
Agreement’’) from Nielsen Holdings
N.V. (‘‘Nielsen’’) and Arbitron Inc.
(‘‘Arbitron’’). The purpose of the
proposed Consent Agreement is to
remedy the anticompetitive effects that
would otherwise result from Nielsen’s
acquisition of Arbitron. Under the terms
of the proposed Consent Agreement,
Nielsen is required to divest and/or
license certain technological assets
(including intellectual property) and
data to an acquirer approved by the
Commission (‘‘Acquirer’’), enabling the
Acquirer to develop and provide a
national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement service.
The proposed Consent Agreement has
been placed on the public record for 30
days to solicit comments from interested
persons. Comments received during this
period will become part of the public
record. After 30 days, the Commission
will again review the proposed Consent
Agreement and the comments received,
and will decide whether it should
withdraw from the proposed Consent
Agreement or make it final.
Pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of
Merger dated December 17, 2012,
Nielsen proposes to acquire Arbitron for
approximately $1.26 billion. The
Commission’s complaint alleges that the
proposed acquisition, if consummated,
would violate Section 7 of the Clayton
Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 18, and
Section 5 of the Federal Trade
Commission Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C.
45, by lessening competition in the
market for national syndicated crossplatform audience measurement
online, mobile, and cross-platform
audience measurement services to
media companies, advertisers, and
advertising agencies. Nielsen is the
dominant provider of television
audience measurement services 2 in the
United States. In 2012, Nielsen
generated global sales of $5.6 billion,
about half of which it derived from
business in the United States.
Arbitron, headquartered in Columbia,
Maryland, is a leading media
measurement and research company.
Arbitron’s radio ratings, which also
estimate listenership size and
demographic composition, are the
standard metric used by radio
broadcasters and advertisers to buy and
sell radio advertising. Arbitron also
offers products that measure television,
online, mobile and cross-platform
audiences. Almost all of Arbitron’s 2012
revenue of $449 million was derived
from business within the United States.
The Parties
The Relevant Product and Structure of
the Market
The proposed acquisition would harm
competition for national syndicated
cross-platform audience measurement
services. The proliferation of personal
computers, smartphones and tablets has
dramatically changed the way in which
U.S. consumers are exposed to
advertising and programming. As a
result, advertisers and media companies
desire cross-platform audience
measurement services that measure
audiences across multiple media
platforms, as opposed to services that
report audiences for a single media
platform, such as television, in
isolation. Cross-platform audience
measurement services report the overall
unduplicated audience size (i.e., reach)
and frequency of exposure for
programming content and
advertisements across multiple media
platforms, with corresponding
individual-level audience demographic
data. A syndicated national crossplatform audience measurement service
is one that provides all subscribers with
the same universe of data, showing the
relative audiences across platforms for
various programming content and
To be competitively viable, a national
syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement service must include two
key features. First, it must have an
accurate and widely-accepted television
audience measurement component, as
television viewing represents the vast
Nielsen, headquartered in New York,
New York and Diemen, the Netherlands,
is a leading global media measurement
and research company. In the United
States, Nielsen provides television,
2 Nielsen’s television audience ratings provide the
size and demographic composition of the audiences
for television programming, and are the primary
currency by which the buying and selling of
commercial airtime is negotiated.
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majority of media consumption and
accounts for the majority of advertising
dollars. Second, a national syndicated
cross-platform audience measurement
service must report individual-level
demographic data. Advertisers need
individual-level demographic data in
order to determine which programming
content is most likely to deliver
audiences within their desired category
of potential customers and to make
advertising campaign placement and
media buying decisions. Similarly,
media companies need individual-level
demographic data to assess the value of
their own advertising inventory and to
inform programming decisions.
Although there is no national
syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement service today, demand for
such a service by advertisers and media
companies is increasing rapidly. Nielsen
and Arbitron are developing national
syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement services. Nielsen currently
provides Cross-Platform Campaign
Ratings on a custom-basis and plans to
launch a similar Cross-Platform Program
Ratings service in the coming year.
Arbitron partnered with comScore Inc.
(‘‘comScore’’) to provide customized
cross-platform audience measurement
services to ESPN, widely known as
‘‘Project Blueprint.’’ Although these
services are currently custom projects
and/or customer-sponsored beta tests,
Nielsen and Arbitron are developing
national syndicated offerings.
Nielsen and Arbitron are the bestpositioned firms to develop (or partner
with others to develop) a national
syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement service because of their
existing audience measurement panels
and proven audience measurement
technology assets. Large, representative
panels, like those used by Nielsen and
Arbitron for their respective television
and radio audience measurement
businesses, are considered the most
accurate and preferred sources of
individual-level demographic data for
audience measurement purposes. Only
Nielsen and Arbitron maintain large,
representative panels capable of
measuring television with the required
individual-level demographics. Other
firms working to develop cross-platform
audience measurement services are not
as well positioned to compete with
Nielsen and Arbitron to develop a
national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement service because
they lack the representative panels,
existing audience measurement
technology assets of the quality and
character of Nielsen’s and Arbitron’s,
and strong brands in audience
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 188 / Friday, September 27, 2013 / Notices
The United States is the appropriate
geographic market in which to analyze
the competitive effects of the proposed
transaction. Purchasers of U.S. crossplatform audience measurement
services require these services to assist
them in making decision about buying
and selling advertising inventory aimed
at U.S. consumers. National U.S. crossplatform audience measurement
services provide U.S. customers with
data on U.S. audiences and require a
significant presence in the United States
to gather such audience data.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Sufficient and timely entry or
expansion into the market for national
syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement services is unlikely to
deter or counteract the anticompetitive
effects of the proposed acquisition. In
order to offer national syndicated crossplatform audience measurements, a firm
must have access to television audience
data with individual-level demographic
data. Establishing the infrastructure to
recruit and maintain a representative
panel of individuals needed to provide
the television audience measurement
component of a national syndicated
cross-platform audience measurement
service requires substantial upfront and
on-going investments. New entrants
would also have to develop or license
technology capable of collecting and
generating the underlying data needed
to provide a national syndicated crossplatform audience measurement service.
Further, in order to attract customers, a
new entrant must establish a strong
reputation for quality and reliability in
audience measurement. These
significant barriers ensure that entry
would not be timely, likely, or sufficient
to counteract the anticompetitive effects
of the proposed acquisition for several
years at a minimum.
Effects of the Acquisition
The acquisition is likely to cause
significant competitive harm in the
market for national syndicated crossplatform audience measurement
services. Nielsen and Arbitron are the
best-positioned firms to develop (or
partner with others to develop) national
syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement services. Both companies
expect their respective cross-platform
audience measurement services to
become national syndicated offerings.
The elimination of future competition
between Nielsen and Arbitron would
likely cause U.S. customers to pay
higher prices for national syndicated
cross-platform audience measurement
services and result in less innovation for
cross platform measurement services.
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The Consent Agreement
The proposed Consent Agreement
resolves the Acquisition’s likely
anticompetitive effects in the market for
national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement services by
requiring the divestiture of assets
related to Arbitron’s cross-platform
audience measurement business,
including data from its representative
panel, to an Acquirer within three
months of executing the consent
Pursuant to the proposed Consent
Agreement, the Acquirer will receive
the assets necessary to replicate
Arbitron’s participation in the
development of a national syndicated
cross-platform audience measurement
service. Among other things, the
Consent Agreement requires Nielsen to
provide the Acquirer with a perpetual,
royalty-free license to data, including
individual-level demographic data, and
technology related to Arbitron’s crossplatform audience measurement
business for a period of no less than
eight years. Nielsen will also be
required to make improvements and
enhancements to the Arbitron panels at
the request and expense of the Acquirer
that will further the Acquirer’s ability to
offer a national syndicated crossplatform audience measurement service.
With respect to Arbitron personnel
involved in cross-platform services, the
Consent Agreement removes
impediments that might otherwise deter
certain Key Arbitron Employees from
accepting employment with the
Acquirer. It also requires that Nielsen
provide the Acquirer with certain
technical assistance, at the request of
the Acquirer to facilitate the Acquirer’s
ability to replicate Arbitron’s position in
the cross-platform audience
measurement market. Collectively, these
provisions are intended to enable the
Acquirer to develop and provide a
national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement service to its
customers. The Consent Agreement is
designed to ensure that the benefits of
competition that would have been
realized from Arbitron’s provision of
cross-platform audience measurement
services, are not lost as a result of the
The Commission has appointed a
monitor to oversee Nielsen’s compliance
with all of its obligations and
performance of its responsibilities
pursuant to the Commission’s Decision
and Order (the ‘‘Order’’). The monitor is
required to file periodic reports with the
Commission to ensure that the
Commission remains informed about
efforts to accomplish the divestiture and
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Nielsen’s compliance with its ongoing
obligations and responsibilities
pursuant to the Order until the Order
Finally, the proposed Consent
Agreement contains provisions that
allow the Commission to appoint a
divestiture trustee if any or all of the
above remedies are not accomplished
within the time frames required by the
Consent Agreement. The divestiture
trustee may be appointed to accomplish
any and all of the remedies required by
the proposed Consent Agreement that
have not yet been fulfilled upon
expiration of the time period allotted.
The purpose of this analysis is to
facilitate public comment on the
proposed Consent Agreement, and it is
not intended to constitute an official
interpretation of the proposed Decision
and Order or to modify its terms in any
Statement of the Federal Trade
Commission 3
Today, the Commission is taking
remedial action concerning the
proposed acquisition of Arbitron Inc. by
Nielsen Holdings N.V. We believe
Nielsen’s acquisition of Arbitron is
likely to deprive media companies and
advertisers of the benefits of
competition between two firms that are
currently developing, and are most
likely to be effective suppliers of,
syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement services.4 Our remedy is
tailored to counteract the likely
anticompetitive effects of the proposed
acquisition while leaving intact any
efficiencies that might be gained from
the combination of the two companies.
The remedy is consistent with the
analytical framework through which we
evaluate the effects of all mergers that
come before us, whether those effects
are likely to occur immediately or in the
foreseeable future.
Nielsen and Arbitron are best known
for their respective single-platform TV
and radio audience measurement
services. Nielsen ratings are the industry
benchmark for determining the size and
demographics of television audiences.
Nielsen maintains a national panel of
20,000 households, comprising nearly
50,000 individuals whose television
programming consumption is monitored
on a continual basis. Arbitron provides
radio ratings for traditional, or
3 This statement reflects the majority view of
Chairwoman Ramirez and Commissioner Brill.
Commissioner Ohlhausen is recused and took no
part in the decision on this matter.
4 A syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement product is one that provides all
subscribers with each programmer’s unduplicated
audience across platforms.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 188 / Friday, September 27, 2013 / Notices
‘‘terrestrial,’’ radio that are similar to
Nielsen’s television ratings. Arbitron’s
panel covers 48 local markets and
consists of approximately 70,000 people
whose exposure to programming is
captured by its proprietary Personal
People Meter (‘‘PPM’’) technology. In
addition to measuring radio
consumption, Arbitron measures
panelists’ television consumption and
provides out-of-home audience
measurement data to television
As television viewership has shifted
from traditional television screens to
mobile devices, tablets, and personal
computers, traditional television
measurement is capturing a decreasing
portion of the total viewing audience.
As a result, media companies and
advertisers are now seeking
measurement services that account for
the entire audience. Specifically, they
seek a cross-platform solution that
measures audiences across multiple
platforms as well as determines the
extent of audience duplication (e.g.,
whether the same individual is
watching a program on both traditional
TV and on the Internet). Media
companies and advertisers would then
use those measurements to determine
the relative value of advertising
inventory. This type of cross-platform
measurement product has yet to be
developed and marketed. But there is
wide consensus among media
companies and advertisers that Nielsen
and Arbitron are best-positioned to
provide this service because they are the
only two companies that operate large
and demographically representative
panels that are capable of reporting
television programming viewership,
which is critical to developing a crossplatform product that meets likely
customer demand. While other
companies provide estimates of
aggregate cross-platform viewership,
only Nielsen and Arbitron provide
individual demographic data, such as
age and gender information, for
television and, hence, cross-platform
The Commission also has reason to
believe that Nielsen and Arbitron are
the best-positioned firms to develop (or
partner with others to develop) such a
service. Nielsen already offers several
products that provide audience
measurement across different media
platforms, including its Extended
Screen and Cross-Platform Campaign
Ratings (‘‘XCR’’) products. Extended
Screen measures television and online
viewing for a subset of its national
panel. XCR is an advertising campaign
measurement tool that combines online
viewership data with Nielsen’s national
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television measurement product.
Nielsen is in the process of introducing
a product targeted at programmers,
called Digital Program Ratings, that will
measure the audiences for television
programs that appear on line, and plans
to launch a cross-platform measurement
product, Cross-Platform Program
Ratings, next year.
Arbitron is also developing a crossplatform audience measurement
solution. Last year, it began a
collaboration with comScore known as
‘‘Project Blueprint’’ to develop a
product for ESPN. Arbitron is
contributing in-home and out-of-home
television audience demographic data
sourced from its PPM radio panel, radio
audience data, and a ‘‘calibration’’ panel
recruited from its PPM panel to measure
audience duplication across platforms.
comScore is providing online
measurement and set-top box data.
Arbitron has stated that Project
Blueprint is ‘‘a major jumping off point’’
toward a ‘‘syndicable type [crossplatform] service,’’ and both ESPN and
comScore are enthusiastic about the
project. There is considerable industry
interest in participating in the next
phase of Project Blueprint.
Networks and advertisers believe that
any syndicated cross-platform
measurement services of Nielsen and
Arbitron would compete directly. The
proposed transaction would eliminate
that competition. Although this is a
future market, with an amount of
concomitant uncertainty, effective
merger enforcement always requires a
forward-looking analysis of likely
competitive effects. On the evidence
here, the Commission has reason to
believe that the proposed remedy is
necessary to address the likely
competitive harm that would result
from the acquisition.
The proposed Consent Order is
designed to address these specific
competitive concerns by requiring
divestiture of assets relating to
Arbitron’s cross-platform audience
measurement services business,
including audience data with
individual-level demographic
information and related technology,
software, and intellectual property. The
Consent Agreement also requires that
the combined firm provide the acquirer
with any needed technical assistance,
and provide the acquirer with the tools
and ability to expand the PPM panel to
obtain additional data it deems
necessary. With the divested assets, the
acquirer will be well-positioned to step
into Arbitron’s shoes and replace the
future competition between Nielsen and
Arbitron that will be lost as a result of
the proposed acquisition.
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We agree with Commissioner Wright
that the analysis of a merger’s
competitive effects in any market,
including markets where the products
are still in the development phase, must
always be strongly rooted in the
evidence. Where the product at issue is
not yet on the market, it can be difficult
to develop the evidence necessary to
predict accurately the nature and extent
of competition. Nevertheless, the 2010
Guidelines specifically indicate that the
agencies will consider whether the
merging firms have been or likely will
become ‘‘substantial head-to-head
competitors’’ absent the merger. §
Here, there is considerable evidence
from which to predict that an
anticompetitive effect is likely to occur
if these two companies are allowed to
merge without a remedy. Both
companies meet the standard to be
considered actual potential entrants.6
As evidenced in both internal
documents and statements they have
made publicly and to potential
customers, Nielsen and Arbitron (with
comScore) both have invested
significant time and resources to
develop a national syndicated crossplatform audience measurement service.
There is extensive evidence from
customers that Nielsen and Arbitron are
best positioned to compete in this area
given their ability to provide individuallevel demographic data. This forms the
basis for our concern that there would
be anticompetitive consequences from
the combination, despite the fact that
others are trying to develop crossplatform measurement services of their
own. Customer views that Nielsen and
Arbitron would be by far the two
strongest competitors are supported by
Nielsen and Arbitron statements about
the products they are each developing
and, in some cases, already beta testing
with customers.
As with any transaction, the
Commission does not merely accept a
remedy because it is able to obtain one.
We have accepted this consent because
we have reason to believe that the
transaction will harm competition, and
because it is in the public interest to do
5 In particular, the 2010 Horizontal Merger
Guidelines explain that ‘‘[m]ost merger analysis is
necessarily predictive, requiring an assessment of
what will likely happen if a merger proceeds as
compared to what will likely happen if it does not.
Given this inherent need for prediction, these
Guidelines reflect the congressional intent that
merger enforcement should interdict competitive
problems in their incipiency, and that certainty
about anticompetitive effect is seldom possible and
not required for a merger to be illegal.’’ § 1.
6 Commissioner Wright cites B.A.T Indus., 104
F.T.C. 852 (1984), as the applicable standard for
actual potential entry. Most federal courts have
applied a less stringent standard.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 188 / Friday, September 27, 2013 / Notices
We recognize that the overall
combination of Nielsen and Arbitron
could yield efficiencies outside of the
market that concerns us. The proposed
consent does not affect those
efficiencies. We also took into account
the parties’ predictions that national
syndicated cross-platform measurement
services were likely to have relatively
modest sales for some time. Weighing
these considerations and the evidence of
likely harm, we have concluded that the
public interest is best served by
allowing the transaction to proceed
while remedying the competitive
concerns. The remedy proposed in this
matter does just that.
By direction of the Commission,
Commissioner Ohlhausen recused, and
Commissioner Wright dissenting.
Donald S. Clark,
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner
Joshua D. Wright
The Commission has voted to issue a
Complaint and Decision & Order
(‘‘Order’’) against Nielsen Holdings N.V.
(‘‘Nielsen’’) to remedy the allegedly
anticompetitive effects of Nielsen’s
proposed acquisition of Arbitron Inc.
(‘‘Arbitron’’). I dissented from the
Commission’s decision because the
evidence is insufficient to provide
reason to believe Nielsen’s acquisition
will substantially lessen competition in
the future market for national
syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement services in violation of
Section 7 of the Clayton Act. I want to
commend staff for conducting a
thorough investigation. Staff has worked
diligently to collect and analyze a
substantial quantity of documentary and
testimonial evidence, and has provided
thoughtful analysis of the transaction’s
potential effects. Based upon this
evidence and analysis, I conclude there
is no reason to believe the transaction
violates Section 7 of the Clayton Act.7
It follows, in my view, that the
Commission should close the
investigation and allow the parties to
complete the merger without imposing
a remedy.
I. Predicting Competitive Effects in
Future Markets
Nielsen and Arbitron do not currently
compete in the sale of national
syndicated cross-platform audience
7 15 U.S.C. 21(b) (2006) (‘‘Whenever the
Commission . . . vested with jurisdiction thereof
shall have reason to believe that any person is
violating or has violated any of the provisions of
sections 13, 14, 18, and 19 of this title, it shall issue
and serve upon such person and the Attorney
General a complaint stating its charges in that
respect. . . .’’).
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measurement services. In fact, there is
no commercially available national
syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement service today.8 The
Commission thus challenges the
proposed transaction based upon what
must be acknowledged as a novel
theory—that is, that the merger will
substantially lessen competition in a
market that does not today exist. The
Commission asserts that, in the absence
of the merger, Nielsen and Arbitron
would invest heavily in the
development of national syndicated
cross-platform audience measurement
services, and that the products
ultimately yielded by those efforts
would compete directly against one
another to the benefit of consumers. The
Commission therefore has required
Nielsen to license Arbitron’s television
audience measurement service to a third
party in hopes of allowing the third
party to one day offer national
syndicated cross-platform measurement
services in competition with Nielsen.
A future market case, such as the one
alleged by the Commission today,
presents a number of unique challenges
not confronted in a typical merger
review or even in ‘‘actual potential
competition’’ cases. For instance, it is
inherently more difficult in future
market cases to define properly the
relevant product market, to identify
likely buyers and sellers, to estimate
cross-elasticities of demand or
understand on a more qualitative level
potential product substitutability, and to
ascertain the set of potential entrants
and their likely incentives.9 Although
all merger review necessarily is forward
looking, it is an exceedingly difficult
task to predict the competitive effects of
a transaction where there is insufficient
evidence to reliably answer these basic
questions upon which proper merger
analysis is based.10 Without these
8 Complaint ¶ 10, Nielsen Holdings N.V., FTC
File No. 131–0058 (Sept. 20, 2013).
9 Somewhere between typical merger cases and
future market cases are ‘‘actual potential
competition’’ cases. Competitive effects in such
cases typically are less difficult to predict than in
future market cases because the Commission at least
can identify the relevant product market and
interview current buyers and sellers. Nevertheless,
competitive effects in actual potential competition
cases still are more difficult, on balance, to assess
than typical merger cases because the agency must
predict whether a party is likely to enter the
relevant market absent the merger. It is because of
this uncertainty and the potential for conjecture
that the courts and agencies have cabined the actual
potential competition doctrine by, for instance,
applying a heightened standard of proof for
showing a firm likely would enter the market absent
the merger. See e.g., B.A.T. Indus., 104 F.T.C. 852,
926–28 (1984) (applying a ‘‘clear proof’’ standard).
10 See Douglas H. Ginsburg & Joshua D. Wright,
Dynamic Analysis and The Limits of Antitrust
Institutions, 78 Antitrust L.J. 1, 15–17 (2012)
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critical inputs, our current economic
toolkit provides little basis from which
to answer accurately the question of
whether a merger implicating a future
market will result in a substantial
lessening of competition.
The Commission of course already
routinely engages in predictive merger
analysis that seeks to compare present
competitive activities to future market
conditions.11 For instance, the
Horizontal Merger Guidelines (‘‘Merger
Guidelines’’) call upon the antitrust
agencies to take into account
efficiencies claimed by the parties, the
likelihood of successful entry, and the
possibility of a failing firm defense.12
Significantly, however, each of these
predictions about the evolution of a
market is based upon a fact-intensive
analysis rather than relying upon a
general presumption that economic
theory teaches that an increase in
market concentration implies a reduced
incentive to invest in innovation.13 For
example, when parties seek to show that
a proposed transaction has efficiencies
that mitigate the anticompetitive
concerns, they must provide the
agencies with clear evidence showing
that the claimed efficiencies are
cognizable, merger-specific, and
verifiable.14 Similarly, when assessing
whether future entry would counteract
a proposed transaction’s competitive
concerns, the agencies evaluate a
number of facts—such as the history of
entry in the relevant market and the
costs a future entrant would need to
incur to be able to compete effectively—
to determine whether entry is ‘‘timely,
likely, and sufficient.’’ 15 Likewise, to
prove a failing firm defense
successfully, the parties must show
(describing some difficulties associated with further
incorporating dynamic analysis into merger
11 See id. at 8–10 (identifying areas in the merger
context where the antitrust agencies have been able
to predict confidently effects on future
12 U.S. Dep’t of Justice & Fed. Trade Comm’n,
Horizontal Merger Guidelines §§ 9–11 (2010),
available at
guidelines/hmg-2010.html [hereinafter 2010 Merger
13 The link between market structure and
incentives to innovate remains inconclusive. See,
e.g., Ginsburg & Wright, supra note 4, at 4–5 (‘‘To
this day, the complex relationship between static
product market competition and the incentive to
innovate is not well understood.’’); Richard J.
Gilbert, Competition and Innovation, in 1 ABA
Section of Antitrust Law, Issues in Competition
Law and Policy 577, 583 (W. Dale Collins ed., 2008)
(‘‘[E]conomic theory does not provide unambiguous
support either for the view that market power
generally threatens innovation by lowering the
return to innovative efforts nor the Schumpeterian
view that concentrated markets generally promote
14 2010 Merger Guidelines, supra note 6, at § 10.
15 Id. at § 9.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 188 / Friday, September 27, 2013 / Notices
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several specific facts, such as an
inability to meet financial obligations in
the near future or to reorganize in
bankruptcy, to allow the agencies to
predict that the firm would fail absent
the merger.16
I believe the Commission is at its best
when it relies upon such fact-intensive
analysis, guided by well-established and
empirically grounded economic theory,
to predict the competitive effects of a
proposed merger.17 When the
Commission’s antitrust analysis comes
unmoored from such fact-based inquiry,
tethered tightly to robust economic
theory, there is a more significant risk
that non-economic considerations,
intuition, and policy preferences
influence the outcome of cases.
Consequently, in merger cases where
only limited or ambiguous evidence
exists upon which to base our predictive
conclusions, I believe the Commission
will be best served by acknowledging
these institutional limitations rather
than challenging the transaction.
Although future market cases may
warrant investigation under certain
circumstances, the inherent difficulties
associated with analyzing the
competitive effects of a transaction
where the market does not yet exist, and
the present inability of economic theory
and evidence to support confident and
reliable prediction, each suggest such
cases typically will not warrant an
enforcement action.
II. The Evidence Does Not Provide a
Reason To Believe the Transaction Will
Result in a Substantial Lessening of
Competition in the National Syndicated
Cross-Platform Audience Measurement
At the outset, it is important to
recognize that our task is not simply to
assess whether Nielsen and Arbitron are
the firms best positioned today to
develop national syndicated crossplatform audience measurement
services. They very well may be when
compared to other options available
today. However, our task is decidedly
different and requires us to evaluate
instead whether the merger will result
in a substantial lessening of competition
in a relevant product market. I have not
been presented evidence sufficient to
provide a reason to believe the proposed
merger will substantially reduce future
competition in the sale of national
syndicated cross-platform audience
16 Id.
at § 11.
17 See generally Joshua D. Wright, Comm’r, Fed.
Trade Comm’n, Evidence-Based Antitrust
Enforcement in the Technology Sector (Feb. 23,
2013), Remarks at the Competition Law Center
available at
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measurement services. My decision is
based primarily upon the absence of
answers to key questions that are
necessary to draw reliable conclusions
about the merger’s likely competitive
For example, we do not know
whether each of the parties could and
would develop a cross-platform product
for the relevant market (however
defined) absent the merger. For
instance, if syndication ultimately is
required for a successful cross-platform
service, we do not know whether this is
something both parties could offer.
Furthermore, if the parties were to
develop cross-platform products, we do
not know the ultimate attributes of these
products and whether, and to what
extent, they would be substitutable by
consumers. For example, we do not
know if the parties would offer daily
ratings or monthly ratings, and whether
consumers would consider monthly and
daily ratings to be complements or
substitutes. Finally, we also do not
know how the market will evolve, what
other potential competitors might exist,
and whether and to what extent these
competitors might impose competitive
constraints upon the parties.
Further, because cross-platform
products are at best at the nascent stages
of development, it is difficult even to
define the relevant product market.18
Indeed, the investigation has uncovered
that ‘‘cross-platform services’’ means
very different things to different
industry participants. As with likely
competitive effects from the transaction,
there are also a number of questions we
simply cannot reliably answer at this
time with respect to defining the future
market in which the competitive effects
will allegedly occur. For example,
across how many platforms must the
product provide audience measurement
in order to be competitive? Does the
product need to be syndicated or do
cross-platform products impose
competitive constraints upon one
another irrespective of syndication?
Does the product truly need to be
national and to what extent? Will
customers require Nielsen’s ‘‘currency’’
measurement to be a component or will
something less suffice? Will radio
audience measurement be a necessary
component for a cross-platform
audience measurement service to be
successful? Depending upon the
18 Although the Merger Guidelines provide that
the agencies need not begin their merger analysis
by defining the relevant product market—that is to
say, defining the relevant product market before
assessing effects, the Merger Guidelines do not
dispense with market definition because it is
important to understanding where those effects
ultimately might occur.
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answers to these questions, the proper
relevant product market unsurprisingly
may be defined quite differently than it
is defined in the Commission’s
It is true that the same concerns
arising from predicting future
anticompetitive effects also provide a
challenge to predicting any cognizable
efficiencies arising from the transaction.
However, even assuming away the
uncertainty discussed above, the
evidence suggests that any
anticompetitive effects arising from the
transaction would be relatively small.
One reason for this is that the alleged
relevant market would constitute a
small fraction of the value of the overall
deal. Indeed, there is no reason to
believe the prospect of supracompetitive
profits in the national syndicated crossplatform audience measurement
services market motivated the
transaction. A substantial fraction of the
potentially cognizable efficiencies from
the transaction arise in markets that
already exist—that is, outside the
alleged relevant market. While out-ofmarket efficiencies are generally
discounted by the agencies, the Merger
Guidelines’ analysis rejects the view
that form should trump substance when
assessing competitive effects. Indeed,
the Merger Guidelines suggest that the
Commission will consider out-of-market
efficiencies when they are ‘‘inextricably
linked’’ with the transaction as a whole
and are likely to be large relative to any
likely anticompetitive effects.19 This
appears to be precisely such a case. To
be clear, I do not base my disagreement
with the Commission today on the
possibility that the potential efficiencies
arising from the transaction would offset
any anticompetitive effect. As discussed
above, I find no reason to believe the
transaction is likely to substantially
lessen competition because the evidence
does not support the conclusion that it
is likely to generate anticompetitive
effects in the alleged relevant market.
For these reasons, I dissent from the
Commission’s conclusion that there is
reason to believe the proposed
transaction will substantially lessen
competition in the alleged relevant
III. Ensuring Consent Agreements Are
in the Public Interest
Nielsen and Arbitron have agreed to
certain concessions in a Consent
Agreement with the Commission
despite the lack of evidence supporting
the conclusion that the proposed
transaction will result in a substantial
19 2010 Merger Guidelines, supra note 6, § 10
n. 14.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 188 / Friday, September 27, 2013 / Notices
lessening of competition in the market
for national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement services. Some
may conclude that there can be no harm
in the Commission entering into a
consent agreement and issuing a
Complaint and Order imposing a
remedy with sophisticated and willing
parties. That of course need not be true.
Nor does that view logically follow from
the Commission’s mission to prevent
anticompetitive conduct and to promote
consumer welfare.
Whether parties to a transaction are
willing to enter into a consent
agreement will often have little to do
with whether the agreed upon remedy
actually promotes consumer welfare.
The Commission’s ability to obtain
concessions instead reflects the
weighing by the parties of the private
costs and private benefits of delaying
the transaction and potentially litigating
the merger against the private costs and
private benefits of acquiescing to the
proposed terms.20 Indeed, one can
imagine that where, as here, the alleged
relevant product market is small relative
to the overall deal size, the parties
would be happy to agree to concessions
that cost very little and finally permit
the deal to close. Put simply, where
there is no reason to believe a
transaction violates the antitrust laws, a
sincerely held view that a consent
decree will improve upon the postmerger competitive outcome or have
other beneficial effects does not justify
imposing those conditions. Instead,
entering into such agreements subtly,
and in my view harmfully, shifts the
Commission’s mission from that of
antitrust enforcer to a much broader
mandate of ‘‘fixing’’ a variety of
perceived economic welfare-reducing
Consents can and do play an
important and productive role in the
Commission’s competition enforcement
mission. Consents can efficiently
address competitive concerns arising
from a merger by allowing the
Commission to reach a resolution more
quickly and at less expense than would
be possible through litigation. However,
consents potentially also can have a
detrimental impact upon consumers.
The Commission’s consents serve as
important guidance and inform
practitioners and the business
community about how the agency is
likely to view and remedy certain
mergers.21 Where the Commission has
20 See Douglas H. Ginsburg & Joshua D. Wright,
Antitrust Settlements: The Culture of Consent, in 1
William E. Kovacic: An Antitrust Tribute—Liber
Amicorum 177, 179–80 (2012).
21 See, e.g., Deborah L. Feinstein, Bureau of
Competition Dir., Fed. Trade Comm’n, The
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endorsed by way of consent a
willingness to challenge transactions
where it might not be able to meet its
burden of proving harm to competition,
and which therefore at best are
competitively innocuous, the
Commission’s actions may alter private
parties’ behavior in a manner that does
not enhance consumer welfare.22
Because there is no judicial approval of
Commission settlements, it is especially
important that the Commission take care
to ensure its consents are in the public
[FR Doc. 2013–23547 Filed 9–26–13; 8:45 am]
[Notice-MG–2013–02; Docket No: 2013–
0002; Sequence 26] Please cite NoticeMK–2013–02.
notice announces guidance on
estimating and voluntarily reporting
leased asset energy use and greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions data. The guidance
contains a practical set of guidelines
and best practices for agencies
developing their own policies and
processes for leasing, energy data
collection and estimation, and GHG
reporting and may be found at It is not federal
policy for energy reporting or GHG
Dated: September 23, 2013.
Kevin Kampschroer,
Federal Director, Office of Federal High
Performance Green Buildings, Office of
Government-wide Policy.
[FR Doc. 2013–23581 Filed 9–26–13; 8:45 am]
Leased Asset Energy and GHG
Reporting Interpretive Guidance
Office of Government-Wide
Policy, U.S. General Services
Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Notice.
This notice announces
guidance on estimating and voluntarily
reporting leased asset energy use and
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data.
The guidance contains a practical set of
guidelines and best practices for
agencies developing their own policies
and processes for leasing, energy data
collection and estimation, and GHG
reporting and may be found at It is not federal
policy for energy reporting or GHG
September 27, 2013.
Kinga Porst, Office of Federal High
Performance Green Buildings (MG),
Office of Government-Wide Policy,
GSA, at 202–501–0762 or via email at
Significance of Consent Orders in the Federal Trade
Commission’s Competition Enforcement Efforts,
Remarks at GCR Live, 4–5 (Sept. 17, 2013),
available at
22 See Ginsburg & Wright, supra note 14, at 179.
23 15 U.S.C. 45(b) (2006); see also J. Thomas
Rosch, Comm’r, Fed. Trade Comm’n, Consent
Decrees: Is the Public Getting Its Money’s Worth
(Apr. 7, 2011), Remarks at the XVIIIth St. Gallen
International Competition Law Forum, available at
110407roschconsentdecrees.pdf (stating that ‘‘we at
the Commission are responsible for conducting our
own public interest inquiry before accepting
proposed consent decrees, and this inquiry operates
as a check on the ‘wide discretion’ that we
otherwise wield to combat methods, acts and
practices that violate the antitrust and consumer
protection laws’’).
PO 00000
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Office of the Secretary
[Document Identifier HHS–OS–20584–60D]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed Collection; Public
Comment Request
Office of the Secretary, HHS.
In compliance with section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of the
Secretary (OS), Department of Health
and Human Services, announces plans
to submit a new Information Collection
Request (ICR), described below, to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). Prior to submitting that ICR to
OMB, Office of the Secretary, OS seeks
comments from the public regarding the
burden estimate, below, or any other
aspect of the ICR.
DATES: Comments on the ICR must be
received on or before November 26,
Submit your comments to
Information.CollectionClearance@ or by calling (202) 690–6162.
Information Collection Clearance staff,
Information.CollectionClearance@ or (202) 690–6162.
submitting comments or requesting
information, please include the
document identifier HHS–OS–20584–
60D for reference. Information
Collection Request Title: Survey on
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 188 (Friday, September 27, 2013)]
[Pages 59690-59696]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-23547]
[File No. 131 0058]
Nielsen Holdings N.V., a Corporation and Aribtron Inc., a
Corporation; Analysis of Agreement Containing Consent Order To Aid
Public Comment
AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission.
ACTION: Proposed consent agreement.
SUMMARY: The consent agreement in this matter settles alleged
violations of federal law prohibiting unfair or deceptive acts or
practices or unfair methods of competition. The attached Analysis to
Aid Public Comment describes both the allegations in the draft
complaint and the terms of the consent order--embodied in the consent
agreement--that would settle these allegations.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before October 21, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may file a comment at online or on
paper, by following the instructions in the Request for Comment part of
the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below. Write ``Nielsen Arbitron,
File No. 131 0058'' on your comment and file your comment online at by
following the instructions on the web-based form. If you prefer to file
your comment on paper, mail or deliver your comment to the following
address: Federal Trade Commission, Office of the Secretary, Room H-113
(Annex D), 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20580.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Catherine M. Sanchez (202-326-3326),
FTC, Bureau of Competition, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to Section 6(f) of the Federal
Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. 46(f), and FTC Rule 2.34, 16 CFR 2.34,
notice is hereby given that the above-captioned consent agreement
containing a consent order to cease and desist, having been filed with
and accepted, subject to final approval, by the Commission, has been
placed on the public record for a period of thirty (30) days. The
following Analysis to Aid Public Comment describes the terms of the
consent agreement, and the allegations in the complaint. An electronic
copy of the full text of the consent agreement package can be obtained
from the FTC Home Page (for September 20, 2013), on the World Wide Web,
at A paper copy can be obtained
from the FTC Public Reference Room, Room 130-H, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW., Washington, DC 20580, either in person or by calling (202) 326-
You can file a comment online or on paper. For the Commission to
consider your comment, we must receive it on or before October 21,
2013. Write ``Nielsen Arbitron, File No. 131 0058'' on your comment.
Your comment--including your name and your state--will be placed on the
public record of this proceeding, including, to the extent practicable,
on the public Commission Web site, at As a matter of discretion, the Commission tries to
remove individuals' home contact information from comments before
placing them on the Commission Web site.
Because your comment will be made public, you are solely
responsible for making sure that your comment does not include any
sensitive personal information, like anyone's Social Security number,
date of birth, driver's license number or other state identification
number or foreign country equivalent, passport number, financial
account number, or credit or debit card number. You are also solely
responsible for making sure that your comment does not include any
sensitive health information, like medical records or other
individually identifiable health information. In addition, do not
include any ``[t]rade secret or any commercial or financial information
which . . . is privileged or confidential,'' as discussed in Section
6(f) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 46(f), and FTC Rule 4.10(a)(2), 16 CFR
4.10(a)(2). In particular, do not include competitively sensitive
information such as costs, sales statistics, inventories, formulas,
patterns, devices, manufacturing processes, or customer names.
If you want the Commission to give your comment confidential
treatment, you must file it in paper form, with a request for
confidential treatment, and you have to follow the procedure explained
in FTC Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).\1\ Your comment will be kept
confidential only if the FTC General Counsel, in his or her sole
discretion, grants your request in accordance with the law and the
public interest.
\1\ In particular, the written request for confidential
treatment that accompanies the comment must include the factual and
legal basis for the request, and must identify the specific portions
of the comment to be withheld from the public record. See FTC Rule
4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).
Postal mail addressed to the Commission is subject to delay due to
heightened security screening. As a result, we encourage you to submit
your comments online. To make sure that the Commission considers your
online comment, you must file it at by following the instructions on the web-
based form. If this Notice appears at!home. you also may file a comment through that Web site.
If you file your comment on paper, write ``Nielsen Arbitron, File
No. 131 0058'' on your comment and on the envelope, and mail or deliver
it to the following address: Federal Trade Commission, Office of the
Secretary, Room H-113 (Annex D), 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20580. If possible, submit your paper comment to the
Commission by courier or overnight service.
Visit the Commission Web site at to read this
Notice and the news release describing it. The
[[Page 59691]]
FTC Act and other laws that the Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. The Commission will consider all timely and responsive
public comments that it receives on or before October 21, 2013. You can
find more information, including routine uses permitted by the Privacy
Act, in the Commission's privacy policy, at
Analysis of Agreement Containing Consent Order To Aid Public Comment
The Federal Trade Commission (``Commission'') has accepted, subject
to final approval, an Agreement Containing Consent Order (``Consent
Agreement'') from Nielsen Holdings N.V. (``Nielsen'') and Arbitron Inc.
(``Arbitron''). The purpose of the proposed Consent Agreement is to
remedy the anticompetitive effects that would otherwise result from
Nielsen's acquisition of Arbitron. Under the terms of the proposed
Consent Agreement, Nielsen is required to divest and/or license certain
technological assets (including intellectual property) and data to an
acquirer approved by the Commission (``Acquirer''), enabling the
Acquirer to develop and provide a national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement service.
The proposed Consent Agreement has been placed on the public record
for 30 days to solicit comments from interested persons. Comments
received during this period will become part of the public record.
After 30 days, the Commission will again review the proposed Consent
Agreement and the comments received, and will decide whether it should
withdraw from the proposed Consent Agreement or make it final.
Pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated December 17,
2012, Nielsen proposes to acquire Arbitron for approximately $1.26
billion. The Commission's complaint alleges that the proposed
acquisition, if consummated, would violate Section 7 of the Clayton
Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 18, and Section 5 of the Federal Trade
Commission Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 45, by lessening competition in
the market for national syndicated cross-platform audience measurement
The Parties
Nielsen, headquartered in New York, New York and Diemen, the
Netherlands, is a leading global media measurement and research
company. In the United States, Nielsen provides television, online,
mobile, and cross-platform audience measurement services to media
companies, advertisers, and advertising agencies. Nielsen is the
dominant provider of television audience measurement services \2\ in
the United States. In 2012, Nielsen generated global sales of $5.6
billion, about half of which it derived from business in the United
\2\ Nielsen's television audience ratings provide the size and
demographic composition of the audiences for television programming,
and are the primary currency by which the buying and selling of
commercial airtime is negotiated.
Arbitron, headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, is a leading media
measurement and research company. Arbitron's radio ratings, which also
estimate listenership size and demographic composition, are the
standard metric used by radio broadcasters and advertisers to buy and
sell radio advertising. Arbitron also offers products that measure
television, online, mobile and cross-platform audiences. Almost all of
Arbitron's 2012 revenue of $449 million was derived from business
within the United States.
The Relevant Product and Structure of the Market
The proposed acquisition would harm competition for national
syndicated cross-platform audience measurement services. The
proliferation of personal computers, smartphones and tablets has
dramatically changed the way in which U.S. consumers are exposed to
advertising and programming. As a result, advertisers and media
companies desire cross-platform audience measurement services that
measure audiences across multiple media platforms, as opposed to
services that report audiences for a single media platform, such as
television, in isolation. Cross-platform audience measurement services
report the overall unduplicated audience size (i.e., reach) and
frequency of exposure for programming content and advertisements across
multiple media platforms, with corresponding individual-level audience
demographic data. A syndicated national cross-platform audience
measurement service is one that provides all subscribers with the same
universe of data, showing the relative audiences across platforms for
various programming content and advertising.
To be competitively viable, a national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement service must include two key features. First, it
must have an accurate and widely-accepted television audience
measurement component, as television viewing represents the vast
majority of media consumption and accounts for the majority of
advertising dollars. Second, a national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement service must report individual-level demographic
data. Advertisers need individual-level demographic data in order to
determine which programming content is most likely to deliver audiences
within their desired category of potential customers and to make
advertising campaign placement and media buying decisions. Similarly,
media companies need individual-level demographic data to assess the
value of their own advertising inventory and to inform programming
Although there is no national syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement service today, demand for such a service by advertisers and
media companies is increasing rapidly. Nielsen and Arbitron are
developing national syndicated cross-platform audience measurement
services. Nielsen currently provides Cross-Platform Campaign Ratings on
a custom-basis and plans to launch a similar Cross-Platform Program
Ratings service in the coming year. Arbitron partnered with comScore
Inc. (``comScore'') to provide customized cross-platform audience
measurement services to ESPN, widely known as ``Project Blueprint.''
Although these services are currently custom projects and/or customer-
sponsored beta tests, Nielsen and Arbitron are developing national
syndicated offerings.
Nielsen and Arbitron are the best-positioned firms to develop (or
partner with others to develop) a national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement service because of their existing audience
measurement panels and proven audience measurement technology assets.
Large, representative panels, like those used by Nielsen and Arbitron
for their respective television and radio audience measurement
businesses, are considered the most accurate and preferred sources of
individual-level demographic data for audience measurement purposes.
Only Nielsen and Arbitron maintain large, representative panels capable
of measuring television with the required individual-level
demographics. Other firms working to develop cross-platform audience
measurement services are not as well positioned to compete with Nielsen
and Arbitron to develop a national syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement service because they lack the representative panels,
existing audience measurement technology assets of the quality and
character of Nielsen's and Arbitron's, and strong brands in audience
[[Page 59692]]
The United States is the appropriate geographic market in which to
analyze the competitive effects of the proposed transaction. Purchasers
of U.S. cross-platform audience measurement services require these
services to assist them in making decision about buying and selling
advertising inventory aimed at U.S. consumers. National U.S. cross-
platform audience measurement services provide U.S. customers with data
on U.S. audiences and require a significant presence in the United
States to gather such audience data.
Sufficient and timely entry or expansion into the market for
national syndicated cross-platform audience measurement services is
unlikely to deter or counteract the anticompetitive effects of the
proposed acquisition. In order to offer national syndicated cross-
platform audience measurements, a firm must have access to television
audience data with individual-level demographic data. Establishing the
infrastructure to recruit and maintain a representative panel of
individuals needed to provide the television audience measurement
component of a national syndicated cross-platform audience measurement
service requires substantial upfront and on-going investments. New
entrants would also have to develop or license technology capable of
collecting and generating the underlying data needed to provide a
national syndicated cross-platform audience measurement service.
Further, in order to attract customers, a new entrant must establish a
strong reputation for quality and reliability in audience measurement.
These significant barriers ensure that entry would not be timely,
likely, or sufficient to counteract the anticompetitive effects of the
proposed acquisition for several years at a minimum.
Effects of the Acquisition
The acquisition is likely to cause significant competitive harm in
the market for national syndicated cross-platform audience measurement
services. Nielsen and Arbitron are the best-positioned firms to develop
(or partner with others to develop) national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement services. Both companies expect their respective
cross-platform audience measurement services to become national
syndicated offerings. The elimination of future competition between
Nielsen and Arbitron would likely cause U.S. customers to pay higher
prices for national syndicated cross-platform audience measurement
services and result in less innovation for cross platform measurement
The Consent Agreement
The proposed Consent Agreement resolves the Acquisition's likely
anticompetitive effects in the market for national syndicated cross-
platform audience measurement services by requiring the divestiture of
assets related to Arbitron's cross-platform audience measurement
business, including data from its representative panel, to an Acquirer
within three months of executing the consent agreement.
Pursuant to the proposed Consent Agreement, the Acquirer will
receive the assets necessary to replicate Arbitron's participation in
the development of a national syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement service. Among other things, the Consent Agreement requires
Nielsen to provide the Acquirer with a perpetual, royalty-free license
to data, including individual-level demographic data, and technology
related to Arbitron's cross-platform audience measurement business for
a period of no less than eight years. Nielsen will also be required to
make improvements and enhancements to the Arbitron panels at the
request and expense of the Acquirer that will further the Acquirer's
ability to offer a national syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement service. With respect to Arbitron personnel involved in
cross-platform services, the Consent Agreement removes impediments that
might otherwise deter certain Key Arbitron Employees from accepting
employment with the Acquirer. It also requires that Nielsen provide the
Acquirer with certain technical assistance, at the request of the
Acquirer to facilitate the Acquirer's ability to replicate Arbitron's
position in the cross-platform audience measurement market.
Collectively, these provisions are intended to enable the Acquirer to
develop and provide a national syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement service to its customers. The Consent Agreement is designed
to ensure that the benefits of competition that would have been
realized from Arbitron's provision of cross-platform audience
measurement services, are not lost as a result of the acquisition.
The Commission has appointed a monitor to oversee Nielsen's
compliance with all of its obligations and performance of its
responsibilities pursuant to the Commission's Decision and Order (the
``Order''). The monitor is required to file periodic reports with the
Commission to ensure that the Commission remains informed about efforts
to accomplish the divestiture and Nielsen's compliance with its ongoing
obligations and responsibilities pursuant to the Order until the Order
Finally, the proposed Consent Agreement contains provisions that
allow the Commission to appoint a divestiture trustee if any or all of
the above remedies are not accomplished within the time frames required
by the Consent Agreement. The divestiture trustee may be appointed to
accomplish any and all of the remedies required by the proposed Consent
Agreement that have not yet been fulfilled upon expiration of the time
period allotted.
The purpose of this analysis is to facilitate public comment on the
proposed Consent Agreement, and it is not intended to constitute an
official interpretation of the proposed Decision and Order or to modify
its terms in any way.
Statement of the Federal Trade Commission \3\
Today, the Commission is taking remedial action concerning the
proposed acquisition of Arbitron Inc. by Nielsen Holdings N.V. We
believe Nielsen's acquisition of Arbitron is likely to deprive media
companies and advertisers of the benefits of competition between two
firms that are currently developing, and are most likely to be
effective suppliers of, syndicated cross-platform audience measurement
services.\4\ Our remedy is tailored to counteract the likely
anticompetitive effects of the proposed acquisition while leaving
intact any efficiencies that might be gained from the combination of
the two companies. The remedy is consistent with the analytical
framework through which we evaluate the effects of all mergers that
come before us, whether those effects are likely to occur immediately
or in the foreseeable future.
\3\ This statement reflects the majority view of Chairwoman
Ramirez and Commissioner Brill. Commissioner Ohlhausen is recused
and took no part in the decision on this matter.
\4\ A syndicated cross-platform audience measurement product is
one that provides all subscribers with each programmer's
unduplicated audience across platforms.
Nielsen and Arbitron are best known for their respective single-
platform TV and radio audience measurement services. Nielsen ratings
are the industry benchmark for determining the size and demographics of
television audiences. Nielsen maintains a national panel of 20,000
households, comprising nearly 50,000 individuals whose television
programming consumption is monitored on a continual basis. Arbitron
provides radio ratings for traditional, or
[[Page 59693]]
``terrestrial,'' radio that are similar to Nielsen's television
ratings. Arbitron's panel covers 48 local markets and consists of
approximately 70,000 people whose exposure to programming is captured
by its proprietary Personal People Meter (``PPM'') technology. In
addition to measuring radio consumption, Arbitron measures panelists'
television consumption and provides out-of-home audience measurement
data to television broadcasters.
As television viewership has shifted from traditional television
screens to mobile devices, tablets, and personal computers, traditional
television measurement is capturing a decreasing portion of the total
viewing audience. As a result, media companies and advertisers are now
seeking measurement services that account for the entire audience.
Specifically, they seek a cross-platform solution that measures
audiences across multiple platforms as well as determines the extent of
audience duplication (e.g., whether the same individual is watching a
program on both traditional TV and on the Internet). Media companies
and advertisers would then use those measurements to determine the
relative value of advertising inventory. This type of cross-platform
measurement product has yet to be developed and marketed. But there is
wide consensus among media companies and advertisers that Nielsen and
Arbitron are best-positioned to provide this service because they are
the only two companies that operate large and demographically
representative panels that are capable of reporting television
programming viewership, which is critical to developing a cross-
platform product that meets likely customer demand. While other
companies provide estimates of aggregate cross-platform viewership,
only Nielsen and Arbitron provide individual demographic data, such as
age and gender information, for television and, hence, cross-platform
The Commission also has reason to believe that Nielsen and Arbitron
are the best-positioned firms to develop (or partner with others to
develop) such a service. Nielsen already offers several products that
provide audience measurement across different media platforms,
including its Extended Screen and Cross-Platform Campaign Ratings
(``XCR'') products. Extended Screen measures television and online
viewing for a subset of its national panel. XCR is an advertising
campaign measurement tool that combines online viewership data with
Nielsen's national television measurement product. Nielsen is in the
process of introducing a product targeted at programmers, called
Digital Program Ratings, that will measure the audiences for television
programs that appear on line, and plans to launch a cross-platform
measurement product, Cross-Platform Program Ratings, next year.
Arbitron is also developing a cross-platform audience measurement
solution. Last year, it began a collaboration with comScore known as
``Project Blueprint'' to develop a product for ESPN. Arbitron is
contributing in-home and out-of-home television audience demographic
data sourced from its PPM radio panel, radio audience data, and a
``calibration'' panel recruited from its PPM panel to measure audience
duplication across platforms. comScore is providing online measurement
and set-top box data. Arbitron has stated that Project Blueprint is ``a
major jumping off point'' toward a ``syndicable type [cross-platform]
service,'' and both ESPN and comScore are enthusiastic about the
project. There is considerable industry interest in participating in
the next phase of Project Blueprint.
Networks and advertisers believe that any syndicated cross-platform
measurement services of Nielsen and Arbitron would compete directly.
The proposed transaction would eliminate that competition. Although
this is a future market, with an amount of concomitant uncertainty,
effective merger enforcement always requires a forward-looking analysis
of likely competitive effects. On the evidence here, the Commission has
reason to believe that the proposed remedy is necessary to address the
likely competitive harm that would result from the acquisition.
The proposed Consent Order is designed to address these specific
competitive concerns by requiring divestiture of assets relating to
Arbitron's cross-platform audience measurement services business,
including audience data with individual-level demographic information
and related technology, software, and intellectual property. The
Consent Agreement also requires that the combined firm provide the
acquirer with any needed technical assistance, and provide the acquirer
with the tools and ability to expand the PPM panel to obtain additional
data it deems necessary. With the divested assets, the acquirer will be
well-positioned to step into Arbitron's shoes and replace the future
competition between Nielsen and Arbitron that will be lost as a result
of the proposed acquisition.
We agree with Commissioner Wright that the analysis of a merger's
competitive effects in any market, including markets where the products
are still in the development phase, must always be strongly rooted in
the evidence. Where the product at issue is not yet on the market, it
can be difficult to develop the evidence necessary to predict
accurately the nature and extent of competition. Nevertheless, the 2010
Guidelines specifically indicate that the agencies will consider
whether the merging firms have been or likely will become ``substantial
head-to-head competitors'' absent the merger. Sec. 2.1.4.\5\
\5\ In particular, the 2010 Horizontal Merger Guidelines explain
that ``[m]ost merger analysis is necessarily predictive, requiring
an assessment of what will likely happen if a merger proceeds as
compared to what will likely happen if it does not. Given this
inherent need for prediction, these Guidelines reflect the
congressional intent that merger enforcement should interdict
competitive problems in their incipiency, and that certainty about
anticompetitive effect is seldom possible and not required for a
merger to be illegal.'' Sec. 1.
Here, there is considerable evidence from which to predict that an
anticompetitive effect is likely to occur if these two companies are
allowed to merge without a remedy. Both companies meet the standard to
be considered actual potential entrants.\6\ As evidenced in both
internal documents and statements they have made publicly and to
potential customers, Nielsen and Arbitron (with comScore) both have
invested significant time and resources to develop a national
syndicated cross-platform audience measurement service. There is
extensive evidence from customers that Nielsen and Arbitron are best
positioned to compete in this area given their ability to provide
individual-level demographic data. This forms the basis for our concern
that there would be anticompetitive consequences from the combination,
despite the fact that others are trying to develop cross-platform
measurement services of their own. Customer views that Nielsen and
Arbitron would be by far the two strongest competitors are supported by
Nielsen and Arbitron statements about the products they are each
developing and, in some cases, already beta testing with customers.
\6\ Commissioner Wright cites B.A.T Indus., 104 F.T.C. 852
(1984), as the applicable standard for actual potential entry. Most
federal courts have applied a less stringent standard.
As with any transaction, the Commission does not merely accept a
remedy because it is able to obtain one. We have accepted this consent
because we have reason to believe that the transaction will harm
competition, and because it is in the public interest to do so.
[[Page 59694]]
We recognize that the overall combination of Nielsen and Arbitron
could yield efficiencies outside of the market that concerns us. The
proposed consent does not affect those efficiencies. We also took into
account the parties' predictions that national syndicated cross-
platform measurement services were likely to have relatively modest
sales for some time. Weighing these considerations and the evidence of
likely harm, we have concluded that the public interest is best served
by allowing the transaction to proceed while remedying the competitive
concerns. The remedy proposed in this matter does just that.
By direction of the Commission, Commissioner Ohlhausen recused,
and Commissioner Wright dissenting.
Donald S. Clark,
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Joshua D. Wright
The Commission has voted to issue a Complaint and Decision & Order
(``Order'') against Nielsen Holdings N.V. (``Nielsen'') to remedy the
allegedly anticompetitive effects of Nielsen's proposed acquisition of
Arbitron Inc. (``Arbitron''). I dissented from the Commission's
decision because the evidence is insufficient to provide reason to
believe Nielsen's acquisition will substantially lessen competition in
the future market for national syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement services in violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act. I
want to commend staff for conducting a thorough investigation. Staff
has worked diligently to collect and analyze a substantial quantity of
documentary and testimonial evidence, and has provided thoughtful
analysis of the transaction's potential effects. Based upon this
evidence and analysis, I conclude there is no reason to believe the
transaction violates Section 7 of the Clayton Act.\7\ It follows, in my
view, that the Commission should close the investigation and allow the
parties to complete the merger without imposing a remedy.
\7\ 15 U.S.C. 21(b) (2006) (``Whenever the Commission . . .
vested with jurisdiction thereof shall have reason to believe that
any person is violating or has violated any of the provisions of
sections 13, 14, 18, and 19 of this title, it shall issue and serve
upon such person and the Attorney General a complaint stating its
charges in that respect. . . .'').
I. Predicting Competitive Effects in Future Markets
Nielsen and Arbitron do not currently compete in the sale of
national syndicated cross-platform audience measurement services. In
fact, there is no commercially available national syndicated cross-
platform audience measurement service today.\8\ The Commission thus
challenges the proposed transaction based upon what must be
acknowledged as a novel theory--that is, that the merger will
substantially lessen competition in a market that does not today exist.
The Commission asserts that, in the absence of the merger, Nielsen and
Arbitron would invest heavily in the development of national syndicated
cross-platform audience measurement services, and that the products
ultimately yielded by those efforts would compete directly against one
another to the benefit of consumers. The Commission therefore has
required Nielsen to license Arbitron's television audience measurement
service to a third party in hopes of allowing the third party to one
day offer national syndicated cross-platform measurement services in
competition with Nielsen.
\8\ Complaint ] 10, Nielsen Holdings N.V., FTC File No. 131-0058
(Sept. 20, 2013).
A future market case, such as the one alleged by the Commission
today, presents a number of unique challenges not confronted in a
typical merger review or even in ``actual potential competition''
cases. For instance, it is inherently more difficult in future market
cases to define properly the relevant product market, to identify
likely buyers and sellers, to estimate cross-elasticities of demand or
understand on a more qualitative level potential product
substitutability, and to ascertain the set of potential entrants and
their likely incentives.\9\ Although all merger review necessarily is
forward looking, it is an exceedingly difficult task to predict the
competitive effects of a transaction where there is insufficient
evidence to reliably answer these basic questions upon which proper
merger analysis is based.\10\ Without these critical inputs, our
current economic toolkit provides little basis from which to answer
accurately the question of whether a merger implicating a future market
will result in a substantial lessening of competition.
\9\ Somewhere between typical merger cases and future market
cases are ``actual potential competition'' cases. Competitive
effects in such cases typically are less difficult to predict than
in future market cases because the Commission at least can identify
the relevant product market and interview current buyers and
sellers. Nevertheless, competitive effects in actual potential
competition cases still are more difficult, on balance, to assess
than typical merger cases because the agency must predict whether a
party is likely to enter the relevant market absent the merger. It
is because of this uncertainty and the potential for conjecture that
the courts and agencies have cabined the actual potential
competition doctrine by, for instance, applying a heightened
standard of proof for showing a firm likely would enter the market
absent the merger. See e.g., B.A.T. Indus., 104 F.T.C. 852, 926-28
(1984) (applying a ``clear proof'' standard).
\10\ See Douglas H. Ginsburg & Joshua D. Wright, Dynamic
Analysis and The Limits of Antitrust Institutions, 78 Antitrust L.J.
1, 15-17 (2012) (describing some difficulties associated with
further incorporating dynamic analysis into merger review).
The Commission of course already routinely engages in predictive
merger analysis that seeks to compare present competitive activities to
future market conditions.\11\ For instance, the Horizontal Merger
Guidelines (``Merger Guidelines'') call upon the antitrust agencies to
take into account efficiencies claimed by the parties, the likelihood
of successful entry, and the possibility of a failing firm defense.\12\
Significantly, however, each of these predictions about the evolution
of a market is based upon a fact-intensive analysis rather than relying
upon a general presumption that economic theory teaches that an
increase in market concentration implies a reduced incentive to invest
in innovation.\13\ For example, when parties seek to show that a
proposed transaction has efficiencies that mitigate the anticompetitive
concerns, they must provide the agencies with clear evidence showing
that the claimed efficiencies are cognizable, merger-specific, and
verifiable.\14\ Similarly, when assessing whether future entry would
counteract a proposed transaction's competitive concerns, the agencies
evaluate a number of facts--such as the history of entry in the
relevant market and the costs a future entrant would need to incur to
be able to compete effectively--to determine whether entry is ``timely,
likely, and sufficient.'' \15\ Likewise, to prove a failing firm
defense successfully, the parties must show
[[Page 59695]]
several specific facts, such as an inability to meet financial
obligations in the near future or to reorganize in bankruptcy, to allow
the agencies to predict that the firm would fail absent the merger.\16\
\11\ See id. at 8-10 (identifying areas in the merger context
where the antitrust agencies have been able to predict confidently
effects on future competition).
\12\ U.S. Dep't of Justice & Fed. Trade Comm'n, Horizontal
Merger Guidelines Sec. Sec. 9-11 (2010), available at [hereinafter
2010 Merger Guidelines].
\13\ The link between market structure and incentives to
innovate remains inconclusive. See, e.g., Ginsburg & Wright, supra
note 4, at 4-5 (``To this day, the complex relationship between
static product market competition and the incentive to innovate is
not well understood.''); Richard J. Gilbert, Competition and
Innovation, in 1 ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Issues in Competition
Law and Policy 577, 583 (W. Dale Collins ed., 2008) (``[E]conomic
theory does not provide unambiguous support either for the view that
market power generally threatens innovation by lowering the return
to innovative efforts nor the Schumpeterian view that concentrated
markets generally promote innovation.'').
\14\ 2010 Merger Guidelines, supra note 6, at Sec. 10.
\15\ Id. at Sec. 9.
\16\ Id. at Sec. 11.
I believe the Commission is at its best when it relies upon such
fact-intensive analysis, guided by well-established and empirically
grounded economic theory, to predict the competitive effects of a
proposed merger.\17\ When the Commission's antitrust analysis comes
unmoored from such fact-based inquiry, tethered tightly to robust
economic theory, there is a more significant risk that non-economic
considerations, intuition, and policy preferences influence the outcome
of cases. Consequently, in merger cases where only limited or ambiguous
evidence exists upon which to base our predictive conclusions, I
believe the Commission will be best served by acknowledging these
institutional limitations rather than challenging the transaction.
Although future market cases may warrant investigation under certain
circumstances, the inherent difficulties associated with analyzing the
competitive effects of a transaction where the market does not yet
exist, and the present inability of economic theory and evidence to
support confident and reliable prediction, each suggest such cases
typically will not warrant an enforcement action.
\17\ See generally Joshua D. Wright, Comm'r, Fed. Trade Comm'n,
Evidence-Based Antitrust Enforcement in the Technology Sector (Feb.
23, 2013), Remarks at the Competition Law Center available at
II. The Evidence Does Not Provide a Reason To Believe the Transaction
Will Result in a Substantial Lessening of Competition in the National
Syndicated Cross-Platform Audience Measurement Market
At the outset, it is important to recognize that our task is not
simply to assess whether Nielsen and Arbitron are the firms best
positioned today to develop national syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement services. They very well may be when compared to other
options available today. However, our task is decidedly different and
requires us to evaluate instead whether the merger will result in a
substantial lessening of competition in a relevant product market. I
have not been presented evidence sufficient to provide a reason to
believe the proposed merger will substantially reduce future
competition in the sale of national syndicated cross-platform audience
measurement services. My decision is based primarily upon the absence
of answers to key questions that are necessary to draw reliable
conclusions about the merger's likely competitive effects.
For example, we do not know whether each of the parties could and
would develop a cross-platform product for the relevant market (however
defined) absent the merger. For instance, if syndication ultimately is
required for a successful cross-platform service, we do not know
whether this is something both parties could offer. Furthermore, if the
parties were to develop cross-platform products, we do not know the
ultimate attributes of these products and whether, and to what extent,
they would be substitutable by consumers. For example, we do not know
if the parties would offer daily ratings or monthly ratings, and
whether consumers would consider monthly and daily ratings to be
complements or substitutes. Finally, we also do not know how the market
will evolve, what other potential competitors might exist, and whether
and to what extent these competitors might impose competitive
constraints upon the parties.
Further, because cross-platform products are at best at the nascent
stages of development, it is difficult even to define the relevant
product market.\18\ Indeed, the investigation has uncovered that
``cross-platform services'' means very different things to different
industry participants. As with likely competitive effects from the
transaction, there are also a number of questions we simply cannot
reliably answer at this time with respect to defining the future market
in which the competitive effects will allegedly occur. For example,
across how many platforms must the product provide audience measurement
in order to be competitive? Does the product need to be syndicated or
do cross-platform products impose competitive constraints upon one
another irrespective of syndication? Does the product truly need to be
national and to what extent? Will customers require Nielsen's
``currency'' measurement to be a component or will something less
suffice? Will radio audience measurement be a necessary component for a
cross-platform audience measurement service to be successful? Depending
upon the answers to these questions, the proper relevant product market
unsurprisingly may be defined quite differently than it is defined in
the Commission's Complaint.
\18\ Although the Merger Guidelines provide that the agencies
need not begin their merger analysis by defining the relevant
product market--that is to say, defining the relevant product market
before assessing effects, the Merger Guidelines do not dispense with
market definition because it is important to understanding where
those effects ultimately might occur.
It is true that the same concerns arising from predicting future
anticompetitive effects also provide a challenge to predicting any
cognizable efficiencies arising from the transaction. However, even
assuming away the uncertainty discussed above, the evidence suggests
that any anticompetitive effects arising from the transaction would be
relatively small. One reason for this is that the alleged relevant
market would constitute a small fraction of the value of the overall
deal. Indeed, there is no reason to believe the prospect of
supracompetitive profits in the national syndicated cross-platform
audience measurement services market motivated the transaction. A
substantial fraction of the potentially cognizable efficiencies from
the transaction arise in markets that already exist--that is, outside
the alleged relevant market. While out-of-market efficiencies are
generally discounted by the agencies, the Merger Guidelines' analysis
rejects the view that form should trump substance when assessing
competitive effects. Indeed, the Merger Guidelines suggest that the
Commission will consider out-of-market efficiencies when they are
``inextricably linked'' with the transaction as a whole and are likely
to be large relative to any likely anticompetitive effects.\19\ This
appears to be precisely such a case. To be clear, I do not base my
disagreement with the Commission today on the possibility that the
potential efficiencies arising from the transaction would offset any
anticompetitive effect. As discussed above, I find no reason to believe
the transaction is likely to substantially lessen competition because
the evidence does not support the conclusion that it is likely to
generate anticompetitive effects in the alleged relevant market.
\19\ 2010 Merger Guidelines, supra note 6, Sec. 10 n. 14.
For these reasons, I dissent from the Commission's conclusion that
there is reason to believe the proposed transaction will substantially
lessen competition in the alleged relevant market.
III. Ensuring Consent Agreements Are in the Public Interest
Nielsen and Arbitron have agreed to certain concessions in a
Consent Agreement with the Commission despite the lack of evidence
supporting the conclusion that the proposed transaction will result in
a substantial
[[Page 59696]]
lessening of competition in the market for national syndicated cross-
platform audience measurement services. Some may conclude that there
can be no harm in the Commission entering into a consent agreement and
issuing a Complaint and Order imposing a remedy with sophisticated and
willing parties. That of course need not be true. Nor does that view
logically follow from the Commission's mission to prevent
anticompetitive conduct and to promote consumer welfare.
Whether parties to a transaction are willing to enter into a
consent agreement will often have little to do with whether the agreed
upon remedy actually promotes consumer welfare. The Commission's
ability to obtain concessions instead reflects the weighing by the
parties of the private costs and private benefits of delaying the
transaction and potentially litigating the merger against the private
costs and private benefits of acquiescing to the proposed terms.\20\
Indeed, one can imagine that where, as here, the alleged relevant
product market is small relative to the overall deal size, the parties
would be happy to agree to concessions that cost very little and
finally permit the deal to close. Put simply, where there is no reason
to believe a transaction violates the antitrust laws, a sincerely held
view that a consent decree will improve upon the post-merger
competitive outcome or have other beneficial effects does not justify
imposing those conditions. Instead, entering into such agreements
subtly, and in my view harmfully, shifts the Commission's mission from
that of antitrust enforcer to a much broader mandate of ``fixing'' a
variety of perceived economic welfare-reducing arrangements.
\20\ See Douglas H. Ginsburg & Joshua D. Wright, Antitrust
Settlements: The Culture of Consent, in 1 William E. Kovacic: An
Antitrust Tribute--Liber Amicorum 177, 179-80 (2012).
Consents can and do play an important and productive role in the
Commission's competition enforcement mission. Consents can efficiently
address competitive concerns arising from a merger by allowing the
Commission to reach a resolution more quickly and at less expense than
would be possible through litigation. However, consents potentially
also can have a detrimental impact upon consumers. The Commission's
consents serve as important guidance and inform practitioners and the
business community about how the agency is likely to view and remedy
certain mergers.\21\ Where the Commission has endorsed by way of
consent a willingness to challenge transactions where it might not be
able to meet its burden of proving harm to competition, and which
therefore at best are competitively innocuous, the Commission's actions
may alter private parties' behavior in a manner that does not enhance
consumer welfare.\22\ Because there is no judicial approval of
Commission settlements, it is especially important that the Commission
take care to ensure its consents are in the public interest.\23\
\21\ See, e.g., Deborah L. Feinstein, Bureau of Competition
Dir., Fed. Trade Comm'n, The Significance of Consent Orders in the
Federal Trade Commission's Competition Enforcement Efforts, Remarks
at GCR Live, 4-5 (Sept. 17, 2013), available at
\22\ See Ginsburg & Wright, supra note 14, at 179.
\23\ 15 U.S.C. 45(b) (2006); see also J. Thomas Rosch, Comm'r,
Fed. Trade Comm'n, Consent Decrees: Is the Public Getting Its
Money's Worth (Apr. 7, 2011), Remarks at the XVIIIth St. Gallen
International Competition Law Forum, available at (stating
that ``we at the Commission are responsible for conducting our own
public interest inquiry before accepting proposed consent decrees,
and this inquiry operates as a check on the `wide discretion' that
we otherwise wield to combat methods, acts and practices that
violate the antitrust and consumer protection laws'').
[FR Doc. 2013-23547 Filed 9-26-13; 8:45 am]