Environmental Impact and Related Procedures-Programmatic Agreements and Additional Categorical Exclusions, 57587-57602 [2013-22675]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
new CDL holders being paired with an
experienced driver, but on many
occasions the experienced driver was
resting in the sleeper-berth rather than
training/mentoring the new driver. They
believe that new CDL drivers should
receive a minimum of 6 months of onthe-job, behind the wheel training, with
the trainer required to ride in the
passenger seat and provide coaching
and mentoring rather than resting in the
sleeper berth. In addition, commenters
stated that trainers should meet
minimum experience and knowledge
requirements before being eligible to
train CDL applicants.
MAP–21 Requirements
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the
21st Century Act (MAP–21) Section
32304, ‘‘Commercial motor vehicle
operator training,’’ amends 49 U.S.C.
31305 to require the Agency to issue
regulations to establish minimum entrylevel training requirements for all
prospective CDL holders. Section 32304
specifically mandates that the training
regulations (1) Address the knowledge
and skills needed for safe operation of
a CMV, (2) address the specific training
needs of those seeking hazardous
materials and passenger endorsements,
(3) create a means of certifying that an
applicant for a CDL meets Federal
requirements, and (4) require training
providers to demonstrate that their
training meets uniform Federal
standards. The 2007 NPRM did not
address endorsement-related training or
the entry-level training of new intrastate
CDL applicants that is now mandated by
MAP–21; these additions would be a
significant change of direction.
After Congress enacted MAP–21,
FMCSA requested that its Motor Carrier
Safety Advisory Committee (MCSAC)
consider the history of the ELDT issue,
including legislative, regulatory and
research background, and identify ideas
the Agency should consider in moving
forward with a rulemaking to
implement the MAP–21 requirements.
MCSAC issued its letter report in June
2013, which is available on the MCSAC
Web site: https://mcsac.fmcsa.dot.gov.
Other Actions
Currently, FMCSA is conducting two
research projects to gather supporting
information on the effectiveness of
ELDT. Study 1 will randomly sample
CDL holders who received their license
in the last three years and were
identified as recently employed as a
CMV driver. This will be done using
information from the Motor Carrier
Management Information System and
the Commercial Driver License
Information System. The drivers’ safety
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performance data from these two
systems will be analyzed against the
type and amount of training they
received. Study 2 will gather
information from various sources to
identify the relationship of training to
safety performance. The sources
include: Carriers; CDL training schools;
and State Driver’s License Agency
records for recently issued CDLs. This
study will also examine the safety
performance of drivers in two States
that have regulations dealing with
different aspects of CDL driver training.
FMCSA Decision To Withdraw the
After reviewing the MAP–21
requirements, comments to the 2007
NPRM, participants’ statements during
the Agency’s public listening sessions
held earlier this year, and the MCSAC’s
June 2013 letter report, FMCSA has
determined that it would be
inappropriate to continue with the
rulemaking initiated in 2007. The
Agency believes a new rulemaking
would provide the most effective
starting point for implementing the
MAP–21 requirements. A new
rulemaking would provide the Agency
and all interested parties the
opportunity to move forward with a
proposal that focuses on the MAP–21
mandate and makes the best use of the
wealth of information provided by
stakeholders since the publication of the
2007 NPRM.
In consideration of the above, the
Agency withdraws the December 26,
2007, NPRM. However, the rulemaking
to carry out the MAP–21 entry-level
training requirement will solicit
comments from all interested parties,
including those who may wish to
reiterate their previous remarks. That
new rulemaking will be based on the
results of the studies referenced above,
public comments responsive to the
statutory mandate, and the specific
requirements of § 32304 of MAP–21.
Issued under the authority of delegation in
49 CFR 1.87.
Dated: August 27, 2013.
Anne S. Ferro,
[FR Doc. 2013–22772 Filed 9–18–13; 8:45 am]
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Federal Highway Administration
23 CFR Part 771
Federal Transit Administration
49 CFR Part 622
[Docket No. FHWA–2013–0049]
FHWA RIN 2125–AF59; FTA RIN 2132–AB14
Environmental Impact and Related
Agreements and Additional
Categorical Exclusions
Federal Highway
Administration, Federal Transit
Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
This notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) provides interested
parties with the opportunity to
comment on proposed changes to the
Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) and Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) joint procedures
that implement the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The
revisions are prompted by enactment of
the Moving Ahead for Progress in the
21st Century Act (MAP–21). This NPRM
proposes to: add new categorical
exclusions (CE) for FHWA and FTA,
allow a State department of
transportation (State DOT) to process
certain CEs without FHWA’s detailed
project-by-project review and approval
(as long as the action meets specified
constraints), and allow Programmatic
Agreements between FHWA and States
that would permit States to apply
FHWA CEs on FHWA’s behalf. The
FHWA and FTA seek comments on the
proposals contained in this notice.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before November 18, 2013.
ADDRESSES: To ensure that you do not
duplicate your docket submissions,
please submit them by only one of the
following means:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov and follow
the online instructions for submitting
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Ave. SE., West Building
Ground Floor Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001;
• Hand Delivery: West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200
New Jersey Ave. SE., between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays. The telephone
number is (202) 366–9329;
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
transportation projects since 2005 and
solicit requests for new CEs; (2) publish
an NPRM to propose new CEs received
by the Secretary to the extent that the
CEs meet the criteria for a CE under 40
CFR 1508.4 and 23 CFR part 771; and
(3) issue an NPRM to move three actions
found in 23 CFR 771.117(d)(1)–(3) to
paragraph (c) to the extent that such
movement complies with the criteria for
a CE under 40 CFR 1508.4. In addition,
section 1318(d) directs the Secretary to
seek opportunities to enter into
programmatic agreements, including
agreements that would allow a State to
determine, on behalf of FHWA, whether
a project is categorically excluded.
Since MAP–21’s enactment, FTA has
established 23 CFR 771.118, a new
section that contains FTA’s CEs. Due to
the timing of the publication of the final
rule and MAP–21’s enactment, FTA is
applying section 1318 to 23 CFR
771.118. The FHWA and FTA, hereafter
referred to as ‘‘the Agencies,’’ are
carrying out this rulemaking on behalf
of the Secretary.
General Background
• Instructions: You must include the
agency name and docket number or the
Regulatory Identification Number (RIN)
for the rulemaking at the beginning of
your comments. All comments received
will be posted without change to
https://www.regulations.gov, including
any personal information provided.
the Federal Highway Administration:
Owen Lindauer, Ph.D., Office of Project
Delivery and Environmental Review
(HEPE), (202) 366–2655, or Jomar
Maldonado, Office of the Chief Counsel
(HCC), (202) 366–1373, Federal
Highway Administration, 1200 New
Jersey Ave. SE., Washington, DC 20590–
0001. For the Federal Transit
Administration: Megan Blum, Office of
Planning and Environment (TPE), (202)
366–0463, or Dana Nifosi, Office of
Chief Counsel (TCC), (202) 366–4011.
Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. e.t., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
I. The Agencies’ NEPA Procedures
The CEQ regulations, 40 CFR parts
1500–1508, establish procedural
requirements for complying with NEPA
and instruct Federal agencies to
establish CEs in their NEPA
implementing procedures for those
categories of actions that do not
individually or cumulatively have a
significant effect on the human
environment and therefore do not
require the preparation of an EA or an
EIS. The Federal agency procedures
must provide for extraordinary
circumstances in which a normally
excluded action may have a significant
environmental effect (40 CFR 1508.4).
Joint procedures at 23 CFR part 771
(Agencies’ NEPA Procedures) describe
how the Agencies comply with NEPA
and the CEQ regulations. Specifically,
sections 771.117 and 771.118 contain
the CEs that the Agencies have
established, including the requirement
for considering unusual circumstances,
which is how the Agencies consider
extraordinary circumstances in
accordance with the CEQ NEPA
regulations. Examples of the Agencies’
unusual circumstances include:
substantial controversy on
environmental grounds, significant
impacts on properties protected by
section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT) Act (23 U.S.C.
138/49 U.S.C. 303) or section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act
(NHPA), or inconsistencies with any
Federal, State, or local law, requirement
or administrative determination relating
to the environmental aspects of the
On July 6, 2012, President Obama
signed into law MAP–21 (Pub. L. 112–
141, 126 Stat. 405). The MAP–21
contains new requirements that the
Secretary of Transportation must meet
in complying with NEPA (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.), as well as several
requirements for rulemaking to change
23 CFR part 771, which contains the
regulations that implement NEPA for
FHWA and FTA. Part 771 includes
authority to categorically exclude
certain categories of actions from the
NEPA requirements to prepare an
environmental assessment (EA) or
environmental impact statement (EIS).
Sections 771.117(c) and 771.118(c)
establish specific lists of categories of
actions that FHWA and FTA have
determined are normally categorically
excluded from further NEPA review.
Sections 771.117(d) and 771.118(d)
provide FHWA and FTA with the
authority to categorically exclude any
action that meets the criteria of a CE in
the Council on Environmental Quality
(CEQ) regulations (40 CFR 1508.4) and
provides examples of categories of
actions that can be approved under that
authority. The FHWA or FTA approval
of a CE under section 771.117(d) or
771.118(d) is based on a review of the
project’s documentation demonstrating
that the specific conditions or criteria
for the CE are satisfied and that there
will not be significant environmental
Section 1318 of MAP–21 requires the
Secretary to: (1) Survey and publish the
results of the use of CEs for
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action (23 CFR 771.117(b); 23 CFR
The Agencies first issued their NEPA
Procedures in 1980 (45 FR 71968, Oct.
30, 1980). Although the rules have been
the subject of subsequent revisions, the
Agencies issued the 1987 revisions (52
FR 3264, Aug. 28, 1987) as part of a
departmentwide effort to streamline
rules within the Department. The 1987
revisions are important to this NPRM
because they resulted in the split of the
Agencies’ CEs into two groups.
The first group, referred to as ‘‘(c)-list
CEs,’’ lists those actions that almost
never involve significant impacts and,
therefore, do not require detailed review
by the Agencies. The project description
typically contains all of the information
necessary to determine if the action fits
the description of the CE and that no
unusual circumstances exist that would
require further environmental studies.
The second group, referred to as ‘‘(d)list CEs,’’ includes any action that meets
the criteria for CEs in 40 CFR 1508.4
and sections 771.117(a) for FHWA
actions or 771.118(a) for FTA actions.
The Agencies’ criteria are actions that
do not normally: induce significant
impacts to planned growth or land use
for the area; require the relocation of
significant numbers of people; have a
significant impact on any natural,
cultural, recreational, historic, or other
resource; involve significant air, noise,
or water quality impacts; have
significant impacts on travel patterns; or
otherwise, either individually or
cumulatively, have any significant
environmental impacts. Applicants for
FHWA or FTA assistance must submit
documentation for approval that
demonstrates that the specific
conditions or criteria for the CE are
satisfied and that the action will not
result in significant environmental
effects (23 CFR 771.117(d); 23 CFR
771.118(d)). The Agencies use a list of
examples to illustrate the types of
actions covered by the (d)-list criteria.
The Agencies take into account context
and site location to determine if an
action meets the CE criteria or would
warrant further NEPA analyses. The
Agencies took this approach instead of
developing a comprehensive list ‘‘so
that specific actions not previously
listed by an agency could be considered
for CE status on a case-by-case basis’’
(52 FR 32651, Aug. 28, 1987). In the
Agencies’ experience, the availability of
the (d)-list CE authority expedites
administrative and NEPA processing by
encouraging grant applicants to design
proposed projects so that significant
impacts will not normally occur.
Regardless of classification as a (c)-list
or (d)-list CE, actions qualifying for CEs
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
must also comply with NEPA
requirements relating to connected
actions and segmentation (see, e.g., 40
CFR 1508.25, and 23 CFR 771.111(f)).
The action must have independent
utility and connect logical termini when
applicable (i.e., linear facilities). In
addition, even though an action may
qualify for a CE, thereby satisfying
NEPA requirements, all other
requirements applicable to the activity
under other Federal and State laws and
regulations still apply, such as the
CWA, CAA, NHPA, General Bridge Act
of 1946, and ESA. Some of these
requirements may require the collection
and analysis of information, or
coordination and consultation efforts
that are independent of the Agencies’
NEPA CE determination. Also, some of
these requirements may involve actions
by other Federal agencies (e.g.,
approvals or issuance of permits) that
could trigger a different level of NEPA
analysis for those Federal agencies.
These requirements must be met before
the action begins, regardless of the
availability of a CE for the
transportation project under 23 CFR part
The CEQ regulations direct Federal
agencies to update their NEPA
implementing procedures as necessary,
including amending lists of CEs from
time to time to reflect changes in their
missions and programs, and to reflect
experience that has been gained since
the adoption of their lists (40 CFR
1507.3(a)). The CEQ’s guidance,
Establishing, Applying, and Revising
Categorical Exclusions under the
National Environmental Policy Act (75
FR 75628, Dec. 6, 2010) (CEQ CE
Guidance), makes recommendations on
reviewing existing lists and establishing
new CEs. Prior to the enactment of
MAP–21, the Agencies initiated a
rulemaking to revise the CE list in 23
CFR part 771 in accordance with the
CEQ guidance. The new rule became
final on February 7, 2013 (78 FR 8964)
and, among other improvements,
established 10 new CEs in section
771.118(c) that specifically apply to
actions by FTA. The CE provisions in
section 771.117 now specifically apply
to actions by FHWA.
II. The Agencies’ Joint Rulemaking
The Agencies are issuing this NPRM
jointly to facilitate public and agency
comment and to remain consistent with
the joint rulemaking approach taken for
previous proposed changes to the list of
actions categorically excluded under 23
CFR part 771 (see, e.g., 78 FR 11593,
Feb. 19, 2013, implementing section
1315 of MAP–21; and 78 FR 13609, Feb.
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28, 2013, proposing a rule to implement
sections 1316 and 1317 of MAP–21).
The Agencies collaborated in the
preparation of a survey on CE use in
transportation projects pursuant to
section 1318(a) of MAP–21. The survey
included a questionnaire that asked
State DOTs, transit authorities,
metropolitan planning organizations
(MPOs), and other government agencies
to provide information on their use of
CEs for transportation projects and to
solicit requests for new CEs.
The Secretary issued the survey on
September 5, 2012, and received 117
responses that proposed 269 actions as
new CEs. The Agencies collaboratively
reviewed the survey results and made
those results public in the U.S.
Department of Transportation National
Environmental Policy Act Categorical
Exclusion Survey Review (https://
sec1318report.cfm). The Agencies
coordinated to take advantage of their
collective experience, to promote
consistency, and to clarify differences
between the Agencies with the
development of the proposed CEs
contained in this NPRM.
Although this is a joint NPRM, the
Agencies note that the development of
the proposed CEs for each Agency and
the approach taken to implement
section 1318 of MAP–21 is based on
each Agency’s particular mission and
programs, unique experiences, and lists
of CEs. The FTA recently completed a
retrospective review of its CEs, and the
result is already reflected in section
771.118. In contrast, the CE list in
section 771.117 has not undergone a
complete retrospective analysis since its
last major revision in 1987. (The
Agencies published an NPRM proposing
major revisions to this regulation on
May 25, 2000, but never issued a final
rule.) Therefore, FHWA is taking the
opportunity presented by MAP–21 to
engage in a retrospective review of its
list of CEs as required by 40 CFR
1507.3(a) (‘‘Agencies shall continue to
review their policies and procedures
and in consultation with [CEQ] to revise
them as necessary to ensure full
compliance with the purposes and
provisions of [NEPA]’’), and reemphasized by the recent CEQ CE
The FHWA’s development and
implementation of programmatic
agreements for the use of CEs (also
known as PCE agreements) is also
distinct from FTA’s program, which
lacks the statutory authority to allow for
PCE agreements. The PCE agreements
enable FHWA Division Offices and State
DOTs to develop protocols that allow
State DOTs to certify to FHWA whether
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a project qualifies for a CE. (FHWA
Memorandum—Categorical Exclusion
(CE) Documentation and Approval, Mar.
30, 1989, https://
docuceda.asp) (hereinafter ‘‘FHWA’s
1989 PCE Memorandum’’). Section
1318(d) of MAP–21 encourages the use
of PCE agreements. The FHWA has
drawn from its experience with these
agreements to comply with section 1318
of MAP–21.
III. FHWA’s Approach to MAP–21’s
Section 1318 Requirements
The FHWA is issuing this proposal to
meet the rulemaking requirements in
section 1318(b) and 1318(c). The FHWA
is also utilizing this NPRM as an
opportunity to propose general criteria
for all PCE agreements in furtherance of
section 1318(d). As a result, this NPRM
contains the following proposed
changes with respect to 23 CFR 771.117:
(1) The addition of four new CEs
derived from the survey and requests for
new CEs as mandated by section
1318(a); (2) moving three FHWA (d)-list
CE examples to FHWA’s (c)-list (to the
extent that such movement complies
with the criteria for a CE under 40 CFR
1508.4) as required under section
1318(b); and (3) the addition of general
criteria that would apply to all FHWA
PCE agreements. Sections III.A., III.B.,
and III.C. provide background for each
of these changes, while the FHWA
Section-by-Section Discussion of the
Proposal provides a more detailed
discussion of the proposals.
A. CE Survey and New CEs
The FHWA evaluated the results of
the CE survey to determine which
requested actions would be appropriate
as CEs according to the criteria for a CE
under 40 CFR 1508.4 and 23 CFR
771.117(a). The FHWA did not pursue
requests for new CEs for actions that
would duplicate already existing CEs,
requests for new CEs that would not
involve a FHWA action (e.g., projects
ineligible for FHWA funding
assistance), requests that would not
meet the criteria for a CE under 40 CFR
1508.4 and 23 CFR 771.117(a), or
requests for new CEs for actions that
would not have independent utility.
The FHWA also eliminated proposed
new CEs that would be covered by a
statutorily mandated CE rulemaking
under other MAP–21 provisions (e.g.,
emergency actions (section 1315),
operational right-of-way actions (section
1316), limited Federal assistance actions
(section 1317), and the revision
mandated by section 1318(c) for moving
modernization of highways actions,
highway safety actions, and bridge
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
rehabilitation, reconstruction, or
replacement actions from the (d)-list to
the (c)-list)). The FHWA evaluated the
remaining actions proposed as CEs to
eliminate those that did not meet the 40
CFR 1508.4 definition and those that
were so broad that they could include
actions with significant environmental
The FHWA categorized the actions
proposed as CEs into 22 groups. The
groups identified were: (1) Safety and
operations; (2) maintenance and
preservation actions; (3) bridges; (4)
activities within existing right-of-way or
urban areas; (5) railroads; (6) transit; (7)
rehabilitation and reconstruction; (8)
environmental mitigation; (9) bicycle
and pedestrian facilities; (10) utilities,
lighting, and signage; (11) actions
consistent with existing plans or land
use and those approved by other
agencies; (12) culverts and waterways;
(13) acquisitions; (14) excess right-ofway; (15) activities with limited Federal
involvement/funding; (16) activities
under a certain size/cost threshold; (17)
alternative energy; (18) parking; (19)
geotechnical work; (20) aesthetic
treatments; (21) ferries; and (22) other.
The FHWA determined that most of
the requests for new CEs were for
actions either already covered by the
existing list of CEs (81 requests) or for
actions that would qualify for CEs
associated with other statutorily
mandated MAP–21 CE rulemakings (102
requests). For example, FHWA received
requests to include roundabouts and
traffic circle projects as a new CE. The
FHWA considers roundabouts and
traffic circle projects to be a highway
safety or traffic operations improvement
projects and would process this type of
action as a CE under paragraph
771.117(d)(2) when the action does not
add capacity and requires only minor
amounts of new right-of-way. As
discussed below, FHWA proposes to
move this category to paragraph (c).
The FHWA did not pursue 86
requests for the following reasons: 38
requests were for overly broad actions
that would include elements that may
result in significant impacts; 16 requests
were for actions that are not subject to
NEPA because there is no Federal
action; 13 requests were for actions
already covered by the (d)-list which
FHWA determined did not warrant a
move to the (c)-list; and 6 requests were
for actions that were inappropriately
segmented from a larger action. The
FHWA determined that the remaining
13 requests were appropriate for
consideration. These 13 requests were
grouped into 5 CEs. Four of the CEs are
proposed in this NPRM as new CEs for
the list in 23 CFR 771.117(c).
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The fifth CE, not pursued in this
NPRM, would have covered early
acquisition actions (e.g., advanced
acquisitions for minor amounts of
abandoned railroad right-of-way and
minimal right-of-way). Section 1302 of
MAP–21 amended 23 U.S.C. 108 to
allow for FHWA-funded early
acquisitions of real property interests
prior to completion of the NEPA review
process for the transportation project
that could use the real property
interests. The FHWA elected not to
propose the requested CE in this NPRM
because FHWA has not completed
procedures to implement section 108.
The FHWA notes, however, that similar
to acquisition projects for hardship and
protective purposes, early acquisition
projects using Federal funds that meet
the statutory conditions in section
108(d) may be processed as a (d)-listed
CE, so long as unusual circumstances do
not exist that would lead FHWA to
require the preparation of an EA or EIS.
B. Moving FHWA (d)-List CEs to the
The FHWA also considered MAP–21’s
requirement to move particular (d)-list
CEs to the (c)-list to the extent that such
movement complies with the criteria for
CE under 40 CFR 1508.4. The (d)-list
CEs are those for (1) Modernization of
a highway by resurfacing, restoration,
rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding
shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes
(including parking, weaving, turning,
and climbing); (2) highway safety or
traffic operations improvement projects,
including installation of ramp metering
control devices and lighting; and (3)
bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or
replacement or construction of grade
separation to replace existing at-grade
railroad crossings.
Section 1508.4 of title 40, Code of
Federal Regulations, provides that a
‘‘categorical exclusion means a category
of actions which do not individually or
cumulatively have a significant effect on
the human environment and which
have been found to have such effect in
procedures adopted by a [F]ederal
agency in implementation of these
regulations and for which, therefore,
neither an environmental assessment
nor an environmental impact statement
is required.’’ This CEQ regulatory
definition of a CE does not acknowledge
the distinction in part 771 between two
types of CEs (i.e., the (c)-list and (d)list). Therefore, the particular agency’s
NEPA procedures are the appropriate
place for establishing any distinctions
for the agency’s CEs. See CEQ CE
Guidance, 75 FR 75635–75636
(establishing that each Federal agency
should decide—and update its NEPA
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implementing procedures and guidance
to indicate—whether any of its CEs
warrant preparation of additional
The FHWA has determined that, for
its programs, moving the CE language
from section 771.117(d)(1)–(3) to
771.117(c) is appropriate and consistent
with 40 CFR 1508.4, if: (1) The action
normally would not have significant
impacts, and (2) FHWA’s experience
supports eliminating FHWA’s detailed
review process for this select group of
categorical exclusions. In FHWA’s
experience, actions in section 771.117(c)
represent actions that normally do not
have significant impacts. This
interpretation is consistent with
FHWA’s experience with PCE
agreements. Some FHWA PCE
agreements eliminate the need for
FHWA’s detailed project-by-project
review for actions that qualify for a (d)list CE, and meet certain conditions that
reduce their potential to cause
significant impacts. The intent of this
approach is to identify those actions
that currently qualify for (d)-list CEs,
but would not normally have significant
impacts and therefore could be placed
on the (c)-list. The interpretation is also
consistent with FHWA’s practice since
the creation of the (c)-list, as evidenced
in the preamble for the 1987 final rule
(52 FR 32651, Aug. 28, 1987). In
applying this test to the particular (d)list actions identified in MAP–21
section 1318, FHWA considered
recommendations in the CEQ CE
Guidance to consider ‘‘limiting or
removing activities included in the
categorical exclusion’’ and ‘‘placing
additional constraints on the categorical
exclusion’s applicability’’ when
appropriate (75 FR 75632, Dec. 6, 2010).
After reviewing its experience with
these actions, FHWA has decided not to
propose an unconditional move of the
identified (d)-list CEs to the (c)-list.
Many actions that qualify for these (d)list CEs require consideration of the
surrounding environment in which the
action will occur (such as their setting,
site location, and surrounding land use)
and their particular context (e.g., no
effect, or minor to moderate
environmental effects). This is typically
accomplished through FHWA’s review
of project documentation, and the
movement from the (d)-list to the (c)-list
is not supported without any
limitations. However, FHWA’s
experience with PCE agreements
indicates that FHWA could move a
subset of these actions—those that meet
a proposed a set of constraints similar
to those used in PCE agreements—
because the constraints would limit the
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
actions to those that normally would not
have significant impacts.
C. The FHWA PCE Agreements
This rulemaking also is intended to
address section 1318(d) of MAP–21,
which authorizes FHWA to enter into
programmatic agreements. The FHWA
proposes changes to 23 CFR 771 to
codify PCE agreements in regulation and
to establish general criteria for all PCE
agreements. Existing PCE agreements
will need to be reviewed and amended
to conform to the new criteria proposed
in this NPRM. Existing PCE agreements
would continue to operate until revised,
but would need to be revised no later
than 5 years after publication of the rule
if it becomes final.
The FHWA established PCE
agreements in 1989 as a tool to expedite
the NEPA review processes (see
FHWA’s 1989 PCE Memorandum).
Under these PCE agreements, FHWA
and the State DOT enter into an
agreement that identifies classes of (d)list CEs that the State DOT may process
without FHWA’s detailed project-byproject review and approval as long as
the action meets specified conditions
that limit their potential environmental
impacts. These agreements also provide
for the processing of (c)-list CEs by the
State DOT. Typically, PCE agreements
allow a State DOT to certify to FHWA
that a particular action (or group of
actions) meet the conditions established
in the agreement and provide FHWA an
opportunity to agree or reclassify the
action before the State DOT begins the
project. The FHWA has promoted these
instruments through its Every Day
Counts initiative. See https://
www.fhwa.dot.gov/everydaycounts/ for
more information about this initiative.
The PCE agreements increase
efficiency in the processing of CE
actions under FHWA’s existing
regulatory framework. The PCE
agreements provide a process where
State DOTs can certify to FHWA that a
project qualifies for a CE based on
conditions that take into account each
State’s unique resources, context, and
considerations. The FHWA legally
remains responsible for the final CE
determination and remains responsible
for compliance with other
environmental review requirements,
such as compliance with section 106 of
NHPA, section 7 of ESA, CAA
conformity, and section 4(f) of the DOT
Section 1318(d)(2) of MAP–21
introduces a new authority that allows
State DOTs to make CE determinations
on FHWA’s behalf. The FHWA
interprets the provision in section
1318(d)(2) to allow a State DOT to make
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determinations on FHWA’s behalf
without the need for certification and
FHWA’s NEPA approval as required
under 23 CFR 771.117. The FHWA
interprets section 1318(d)(3) as limiting
this expanded authority to actions listed
in regulation (i.e., all (c)-list CEs and the
examples provided in the (d)-list) and
any other CE that is added through a
process consistent with the
requirements of 40 CFR 1508.4. This
new opportunity would avoid the need
for State DOT certification and FHWA
review before the start of a project for
those CEs identified in the agreement.
This NPRM proposes criteria to
standardize all PCE agreements,
including those authorized under
section 1318(d)(2).
The FHWA does not provide detailed
project-by-project review for the State
DOT’s use of a CE if the action is
provided for in the PCE agreement, the
action meets stipulated conditions for
avoiding adverse environmental
impacts, and the State DOT follows the
stipulated processing and
documentation requirements. However,
the PCE agreements recognize that some
actions qualifying for (d)-list CEs
deserve detailed project-by-project
review by FHWA due to their context
and project scope, while others may not
require such detailed project-by-project
review if specific environmentally
adverse impact considerations are
avoided, and the State DOT agrees and
provides appropriate administrative
controls (i.e., resources and oversight).
The FHWA’s oversight would ensure
that CE determinations are appropriate
and that State DOTs comply with all
environmental requirements. The result
of oversight is the identification of best
practices and the implementation of
corrective actions. The FHWA Division
Offices undertake periodic monitoring
as well as informal reviews of the State
DOTs’ procedures and documentation to
ensure that all potential environmental
impacts are considered and compliance
with all other environmental
requirements is properly documented.
The FHWA’s 1989 PCE Memorandum
originally recommended 14 base
conditions that, if met, would eliminate
the need for FHWA’s detailed projectby-project review for those actions. Over
time, experience in applying these
conditions has led to State-by-State PCE
agreement revisions to account for each
State’s unique environmental context.
The PCE agreements developed from
the 1989 PCE Memorandum vary from
State to State in a number of respects
due to the absence of standards for
national consistency. Agreements differ
in how FHWA accomplishes oversight
and monitoring, how States process and
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document CEs, and how States report
CE certifications to FHWA. Some
agreements have specific stipulations
regarding quality control and quality
assurance, the term of the agreement
and provisions for termination, and
public availability of the PCE agreement
itself. This rulemaking proposes to
rectify this consistency issue.
The FHWA has two additional
programs that allow for State
assumption of certain NEPA
responsibilities. The PCE agreements are
different than the arrangements
established by 23 U.S.C. 326 (State
Assumption of Responsibility for
Categorical Exclusion actions) and 23
U.S.C. 327 (Surface Transportation
Project Delivery Program). First, as
mentioned above, the PCE agreements
relate to the processing of the CE under
NEPA and do not extend to compliance
with other environmental requirements.
In contrast, sections 326 and 327
specifically authorize the assignment of
other environmental review,
consultation, and decisionmaking
responsibilities to States (except
responsibilities for government-togovernment consultation with federally
recognized Indian tribes under section
327, responsibility for planning
pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 134 and 135 or 49
U.S.C. 5303 and 5304, and any
conformity determination required
under section 176 of the CAA) that will
assume the NEPA responsibilities.
Second, PCE agreements do not remove
FHWA’s legal responsibility for
individual CE determinations. As a
result, FHWA retains the authority to
overturn any CE determination made by
the State DOT under the PCE agreement
at any time. The FHWA may also decide
to terminate or invalidate the PCE
agreement at-will without prior notice
and with immediate effect. In contrast,
under sections 326 and 327, the State
becomes solely responsible and liable
for complying with and carrying out
NEPA, and FHWA has no such
responsibility or liability. The FHWA
does not retain veto authority over
NEPA decisions for individual projects
after the CE assignment through a
Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)
has been made. In addition, sections 326
and 327 provide for notice and an
opportunity to cure where the FHWA
proposes to terminate a State’s
participation in the programs. Finally,
FHWA retains legal responsibility,
including primary responsibility for
defending litigation, for CE
determinations under PCE agreements.
Under sections 326 and 327, the State
has primary responsibility for defending
determinations made under the
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
assignments if they are challenged in
IV. FTA’s Approach to MAP–21’s
Section 1318 Requirements
A. CE Survey and New CEs
After the public comment period
closed for the section 1318 CE Survey
Review, FTA considered all CE
proposals received (269), whether they
were proposed by State DOTs, transit
authorities, MPOs, or other government
agencies. The FTA determined that the
majority of the actions proposed as CEs
(120) were covered by the CEs created
under section 771.118 and published as
a final rule on February 7, 2013. Further
analysis revealed that 86 of the actions
proposed as CEs would fall under CEs
that either have been or may be created
pursuant to other MAP–21 provisions,
or through a combination of existing
CEs at section 771.118 and through
other MAP–21 provisions. As those
actions are categorically excluded
through existing CEs or through CEs
otherwise created, they were not
considered further for this rulemaking.
The FTA also removed 50 proposed
actions from further consideration as
CEs for the following reasons: the action
was not applicable to FTA (e.g., control
and removal of outdoor advertising), the
action was too broad or lacked sufficient
detail to allow it to qualify as a CE
under the CEQ and FTA regulations
(e.g., all projects in an urbanized area on
the theory that most of the areas are
already disturbed), the action would
lack independent utility (e.g., project
staging and storage areas), or FTA lacks
the basis for substantiation to show that
the activity qualifies as a CE under the
CEQ and FTA regulations (e.g., stimulus
or fast track projects).
Of the 13 remaining proposed CEs,
FTA refined and combined the language
suggested by survey respondents,
resulting in 5 CE proposals (3 for section
771.118(c) and 2 proposed examples for
section 771.118(d)). Per CEQ’s CE
Guidance and as alluded to above, FTA
based its proposal on a determination of
‘‘whether a proposed activity is one
that, on the basis of past experience,
normally does not require further
environmental review’’ (75 FR 75631,
Dec. 6, 2010). To do this, FTA surveyed
its records for documented CEs and
Findings of No Significant Impact
(FONSIs), as well as the CEs for other
Federal agencies of similar nature,
scope, and intensity. The FTA was able
to support the three section 771.118(c)
CEs through substantiation. The CEQ’s
CE guidance qualifies substantiation by
stating that the ‘‘amount of information
required to substantiate a CE depends
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on the type of activities included in the
proposed category of actions’’ (75 FR at
75633). Given the direction that
documentation should match the nature
of the CE and the proposed CEs for
section 771.118(c), FTA anticipates little
environmental impact—and normally
no significant impact—associated with
the proposed CEs; therefore, FTA is
proposing the CEs despite not having
extensive documentation for some of the
proposals. Through this rulemaking,
FTA specifically seeks public comment
and requests any supporting
information to substantiate the potential
environmental impacts of its CE
The FTA also proposes two new
examples under section 771.118(d). The
additions to section 771.118(d) would
be examples of actions that may be
categorically excluded only with the
required site specific documentation.
When a project sponsor submits
documentation to support an action
under section 771.118(d), the grantee is
substantiating the appropriate use of the
CE at that time. All five CE proposals
are presented in this NPRM for public
review and comment.
B. Moving FTA (d)-List CEs to the
Regarding the MAP–21 Section
1318(c) mandate to move the actions at
section 771.117(d)(1)–(3) to section
771.117(c) ‘‘to the extent that such
movement complies with the criteria for
a categorical exclusion’’ in the CEQ
regulation, FTA complied with section
1318(c) through the final rule published
on February 7, 2013 (78 FR 8964). When
FTA created the new list of CEs at
section 771.118, it considered the
actions found in section 771.117(d) and
moved those activities applicable to
FTA’s program and for which FTA had
supporting documentation to section
771.118(c), which corresponds with
FHWA’s section 771.117(c). Although
FTA complied with section 1318(c)
through the final rule issued on
February 7, 2013, FTA will consider
comments on this proposal and will
examine any supporting substantiation/
data/documentation submitted by
members of the public. The FTA is
particularly interested in hearing from
past sponsors of transit projects and
members of the public affected by those
projects. Details regarding FTA’s
proposal regarding section 1318(c) are
found in the ‘‘FTA Section-by-Section
Analysis’’ section.
General Discussion of the Proposals
This NPRM proposes to add four new
CEs to FHWA’s list of CEs in section
771.117(c); move FHWA CEs in section
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771.117(d)(1)–(3) to paragraph (c)
subject to a list of constraints; establish
the constraints for the moved (d)-list
CEs in section 771.117(e); renumber
existing paragraph (e) in section 771.117
to (f); add new section 771.117(g) on
PCE agreements; make conforming
amendments to section 771.117(d); add
three new CEs to FTA’s list of CEs in
section 771.118(c); and provide two new
CE examples in FTA’s list of CE
examples in section 771.118(d).
The CE lists in part 771 are the subject
of current rulemaking proceedings (see,
e.g., 78 FR 13609, Feb. 28, 2013,
implementing sections 1316 and 1317 of
MAP–21). Any final rule resulting from
this NPRM will adopt revised references
as appropriate to reflect the final results
of the other MAP–21 rulemaking
FHWA Section-by-Section Discussion of
the Proposals
Section 771.117(c)
The FHWA proposes to amend
section 771.117(c) by adding four new
CEs based on the CE Survey Review and
moving the first three FHWA CEs in
paragraph (d) to paragraph (c). In
FHWA’s experience, actions that meet
the criteria of these proposed CEs do not
normally have significant
environmental impacts. The FHWA has
developed a substantiation record
summary to support the inclusion of the
CEs, which is provided in the docket for
this rulemaking.
The FHWA proposes to amend
section 771.117(c) by adding a new
paragraph (c)(24) for ‘‘[l]ocalized
geotechnical and other investigations to
provide information for preliminary
design and for environmental analyses
and permitting purposes, such as
drilling test bores for soil sampling;
archeological investigations for
archeology resources assessment or
similar survey; and wetland surveys.’’
This proposed addition is in direct
response to requests for new CEs
received through the CE Survey Review.
The CE would include a variety of
investigations that inform preliminary
engineering for highway projects.
Geotechnical or other subsurface
investigation, including drilling of test
bores/soil sampling, provides
information for preliminary design and
for environmental analyses and
permitting purposes and is found
normally not to have the potential to
significantly impact the environment.
The CE also would cover other site
characterization actions such as
archeological surveying and testing to
determine eligibility for the National
Register of Historic Places, and wetland
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
surveys for purposes of delineation and/
or jurisdictional determinations. The
California Department of Transportation
(Caltrans) has provided substantiation
for including these types of preliminary
engineering actions in Appendix A of
the MOU that assigns CE
responsibilities to the State of California
The FHWA proposes adding
paragraph (c)(25) to create a new (c)-list
CE for ‘‘[e]nvironmental restoration and
pollution abatement actions to minimize
or mitigate the impacts of any existing
transportation facility (including
retrofitting and construction of
stormwater treatment systems to meet
Federal and State requirements under
sections 401 and 402 of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.
1341; 1342)) carried out to address
water pollution or environmental
degradation.’’ This CE includes a range
of environmental mitigations that
became eligible for FHWA funding as a
project with independent utility in the
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for
Users (Pub. L. 109–59). Section 328 of
title 23, United States Code, makes
certain stand-alone environmental
mitigation projects eligible for title 23
assistance. ‘‘Environmental restoration,’’
as defined by FHWA in guidance
(Guidance on 23 U.S.C. 328
Environmental Restoration and
Pollution Abatement, Aug. 17, 2006,
envrestore.cfm), is a process involving
returning the habitat, ecosystem, or
landscape to a productive condition that
supports natural ecological functions.
Since these natural systems are diverse
and dynamic, the process of recreating
or duplicating their natural, or presettlement state is virtually impossible,
but the goal of the restoration should be
to re-establish the basic structure and
function associated with natural,
productive conditions. Wetlands are
part of the hydrological cycle and are
associated with the environmental
restoration process. The FHWA has
existing guidance for wetland and
natural habitat restoration and
mitigation measures, such as wetland
and habitat banks or statewide and
regional conservation measures.
In the Guidance on 23 U.S.C. 328
Environmental Restoration and
Pollution Abatement, ‘‘pollution
abatement project’’ is defined as
‘‘practices or control measures designed
to retrofit existing facilities or minimize
stormwater quality impacts from
highway projects.’’ Examples of projects
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for environmental restoration and
pollution abatement actions include:
• Establishing buffers or areas to
protect riparian habitat along drainage
ways and stream corridors;
• Installing stormwater quality
retrofit and mitigation measures
(creation of detention, infiltration, and
pervious pavements, and establishment
of native plant species for abatement of
storm water runoff); and
• Restoring wetlands and natural
habitat (e.g., revegetation of disturbed
areas with native plant species, stream
or river bank vegetation, and restoration
or creation of wetlands, including
creation of wetland mitigation banks).
The FHWA’s experience with
environmental restoration and pollution
abatement projects is most extensive in
California, where these actions were
added in Appendix A to the MOU that
assigned Federal responsibilities for CEs
to Caltrans pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 326.
Additional substantiation for these
actions includes projects from
Washington State, Texas, Alabama, and
Alaska. As noted in the FHWA CE
substantiation summary included in the
docket for this NPRM, projects
involving environmental restoration and
pollution abatement have not resulted
in significant impacts in FHWA’s
experience. It is important to note,
however, that the decision to apply the
CE must still take into account unusual
circumstances. This means, for example,
that a pollution abatement project that
involves clear cutting a forest to build
a detention pond may involve unusual
circumstances that would potentially
require the preparation of an
environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement.
The FHWA proposes a new paragraph
(c)(29) to create a new (c)-list CE for the
‘‘[p]urchase, construction, replacement,
or rehabilitation of ferry vessels
(including improvements to ferry vessel
safety, navigation, and security systems)
that would not require a change in the
function of the ferry terminals and can
be accommodated by existing facilities
or by new facilities which themselves
are within a CE.’’ This is one of two CEs
FHWA proposes related to ferry
transportation projects. The Agencies
did not identify ferry boats in the
Agencies’ NEPA Procedures when they
finalized the Procedures in 1980 and
revised them in 1987, but ferry boats
became a recognized vehicle in both
transit and highway projects beginning
with the Ferry Boat Discretionary
Program in the Intermodal Surface
Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
(Pub. L. 102–240). Under MAP–21, this
program is now titled the Construction
of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal
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Facilities and is no longer a
discretionary program. The FHWA
proposes two new CEs to recognize ferry
transportation actions. The purchase,
replacement, construction, or
rehabilitation of ferry boats with
Federal-aid highway funds is similar to
the acquisition, installation,
rehabilitation, replacement, and
maintenance of ferry boats with funds
under chapter 53 of title 49, United
States Code. The environmental impacts
of these actions are comparable. For
these reasons, FHWA used language
from FTA’s CE in 23 CFR 771.118(c)(7)
to inform this proposed CE.
The FHWA is proposing two
constraints for this proposed CE that are
modeled after constraints in FTA’s CE:
(1) No change in function of the ferry
terminals; and (2) that the ferries be
accommodated by existing facilities.
The FHWA has modified the second
constraint to allow for situations where
a new facility is needed and its
construction would qualify for an
existing CE. This proposed modification
is modeled after FHWA’s CE for the
purchase of vehicles in section
771.117(c)(17), which allows for the
purchase of vehicles where the use of
the vehicles can be accommodated by
new facilities which themselves are
within a CE.
The FHWA proposes paragraph
(c)(30) to create a new (c)-listed CE for
‘‘[r]ehabilitation or reconstruction of
existing ferry facilities that occupy
substantially the same geographic
footprint, do not result in a change in
their functional use, and do not result
in a substantial increase in users.
Example actions include work on
pedestrian and vehicle transfer
structures and associated utilities,
buildings, and terminals.’’ The
environmental impacts of rehabilitation
or reconstruction actions of existing
ferry facilities are similar to the
environmental impacts of rehabilitation
or reconstruction actions of rail and bus
buildings and ancillary facilities.
Rehabilitation and reconstruction of bus
and rail buildings qualify for an existing
FHWA CE under section 771.117(d)(9).
Additionally, the environmental
impacts of rehabilitation or
reconstruction actions of existing ferry
facilities using Federal-aid highway
funds are similar to the environmental
impacts of actions to rehabilitate and
reconstruct ferry facilities using funds
under chapter 53 of title 49, United
States Code, which qualify for a FTA CE
under section 771.118(c)(8).
The FHWA proposes to include
constraints on paragraph (c)(30)
modeled after FTA’s section
771.118(c)(8) constraints (i.e., that the
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
projects occupy substantially the same
geographic footprint and do not result in
a change in their functional use). The
FHWA is proposing the additional
constraint—that the project does not
result in a substantial increase in
users—to be consistent with the existing
constraint in FHWA’s CE for the
rehabilitation or reconstruction of rail
and bus buildings. Example actions that
this CE would cover include work on
pedestrian and vehicle transfer
structures and associated utilities,
buildings, and terminals.
The FHWA considered the addition of
two new CEs for bridge removal projects
and preventive maintenance modeled
after the proposed FTA CEs for sections
771.118(c)(14) and (15) (see FTA
Section-by-Section Analysis for Section
771.118(c)). The FHWA decided not to
propose these CEs at this time. The
FHWA does not have sufficient
experience with projects involving only
bridge removal to warrant the creation
of a new CE. Typically, for FHWA, a
bridge removal action is associated with
a bridge replacement project that is
already listed as a CE. For preventive
maintenance actions, FHWA found that
the majority of actions that would be
eligible as preventive maintenance
under title 23 would qualify for other
CEs in section 771.117 and therefore, no
new FHWA CE was needed at this time.
The FHWA proposes to move the first
three listed examples in section
771.117(d)(1)–(3) to section
771.117(c)(26)–(28). The proposal is to
move paragraph (d)(1) ‘‘[m]odernization
of a highway by resurfacing, restoration,
rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding
shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes
(including parking, weaving, turning,
and climbing)’’ to paragraph (c)(26);
paragraph (d)(2) ‘‘[h]ighway safety or
traffic operations improvement projects,
including the installation of ramp
metering control devices and lighting’’
to paragraph (c)(27); and paragraph
(d)(3) ‘‘[b]ridge rehabilitation,
reconstruction, or replacement or the
construction of grade separation to
replace existing at-grade railroad
crossings’’) to paragraph (c)(28). Each of
the moved paragraphs will contain a
reference to constraints developed to
support the move. The proposed
constraints are discussed below in the
Section-by-Section discussion of new
paragraph (e).
The FHWA proposes paragraph
(c)(26) to create a new (c)-list CE for
actions involving the ‘‘[m]odernization
of a highway by resurfacing, restoration,
rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding
shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes
(including parking, weaving, turning,
and climbing) if the action meets the
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conditions in paragraph (e).’’ A version
of this CE has existed since the initial
publication of the Agencies’ NEPA
Procedures in 1980. The 1980 version,
which did not divide the CEs into two
groups, as is the case in the current
regulations, included ‘‘widening less
than a single lane width’’ and
‘‘correcting substandard curves and
intersections’’ as additional examples of
what actions the CE covered. The 1980
version contained constraints that
prohibited the application of the CE if
the proposed project required
‘‘acquisition of more than minor
amounts of right-of-way or substantial
changes in access control.’’ The FHWA
removed these constraints as part of the
1987 amendments that placed this
action in the (d)-list CE. This restriction
was not needed for the processing of
these actions as (d)-list CEs. In FHWA’s
experience, actions that did not meet
the prescriptive limitations (e.g., minor
amounts of right-of-way, substantial
change in access control) could still
meet FHWA’s criteria for CE
classification after FHWA’s project-byproject evaluation of their context under
paragraph (d)(1). The FHWA proposes
to restore these constraints as part of the
list of constraints in paragraph (e) to
ensure that these actions, when
processed as (c)-list CEs, would
normally not cause significant effects.
The FHWA proposes paragraph
(c)(27) to create a new (c)-list CE for
actions associated with ‘‘[h]ighway
safety or traffic operations improvement
projects, including the installation of
ramp metering control devices and
lighting if the project meets the
conditions in paragraph (e).’’ A version
of this CE has existed since the initial
publication of the Agencies’ NEPA
Procedures in 1980. The 1980 version of
this CE included examples such as
‘‘correction or improvement of high
hazard locations; elimination of
roadside obstacles; highway signing;
pavement markings; traffic control
devices; railroad warning devices; and
lighting.’’ The 1980 version also
contained constraints that prohibited
the application of the CE if the proposed
project required ‘‘acquisition of more
than minor amounts of right-of-way or
substantial changes in access control.’’
In 1983, FHWA proposed that CE
language for safety and traffic operation
projects be added to the (d)-list
examples requiring FHWA detailed
review. The FHWA received public
comments objecting to the inclusion of
‘‘traffic control devices’’ in the (d)-list.
In response, FHWA decided to split
those activities into two CEs: ‘‘traffic
signals’’ was added to the (c)-list,
whereas ‘‘ramp metering controls’’ was
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placed in the (d)-list. The FHWA also
removed the constraints against
‘‘acquisition of more than minor
amounts of right-of-way or substantial
changes in access control’’ in the 1987
amendments because the Agency moved
the CE text to the (d)-list and the
detailed review would assist in
determining the context of these
impacts. The FHWA proposes to restore
these constraints as part of the list of
constraints in paragraph (e) to ensure
that these actions, when processed as
(c)-list CEs, would have no effects or
almost never cause significant effects.
As discussed in the General
Background section of this NPRM,
paragraph (c)(27) would cover
roundabouts and traffic circle projects
because these are considered highway
safety or traffic operations improvement
projects as long as they meet the
constraints provided in paragraph (e).
Roundabouts and traffic circle projects
that do not meet the constraints
provided in paragraph (e) may continue
to be processed as (d)-list CE if they
meet the conditions for the CE use.
The FHWA proposes paragraph
(c)(28) to create a new (c)-list CE for
actions involving ‘‘[b]ridge
rehabilitation, reconstruction, or
replacement or the construction of grade
separation to replace existing at-grade
railroad crossings if the actions meet the
conditions of paragraph (e).’’ A version
of this CE has existed since the initial
publication of the Agencies’ NEPA
Procedures in 1980 before the split of
the CEs into two groups. The original CE
language provided for the
‘‘[r]econstruction or modification of an
existing bridge structure on essentially
the same alignment or location (e.g.,
widening less than a single travel lane,
adding shoulders or safety lanes,
walkways, bikeways, or pipelines)
except for bridges on or eligible for
inclusion in the National Register or
bridges providing access to barrier
islands. Reconstruction or modifications
of an existing one lane bridge structure,
presently serviced by a two lane road
and used for two lane traffic, to a two
lane bridge on essentially the same
alignment or location, except bridges on
or eligible for inclusion in the National
Register or bridges providing access to
barrier islands.’’ In addition to placing
the CE in the (d)-list examples, the 1987
amendments removed the restrictions
prohibiting the use of the CE for
modifications of bridges that are on or
eligible for inclusion in the National
Register of Historic Places or bridges
that provide access to barrier islands.
The FHWA reasoned that the evaluation
of unusual circumstances, coupled with
the detailed review and documentation
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
expectations for the (d)-list CE, assisted
in identifying those situations where
modifications of historic or barrier
island bridges might need a higher level
of NEPA analysis (i.e., an EA or EIS). As
discussed below, the FHWA is
proposing to include a version of these
conditions in paragraph (e). This CE
would cover all actions associated with
the bridge rehabilitation or replacement
project, including the creation of
temporary roads and bridges. It is
important to note that temporary work
that raises unusual circumstances (e.g.,
taking place in endangered species
habitat) may trigger the need for a
higher level of NEPA review for the
entire project. Some temporary work
such as the construction of a detour
road or bridge may require a higher
level of scrutiny to ensure adequate
consideration of unusual circumstances.
Section 771.117(d)
The FHWA proposes to make several
amendments to section 771.117(d) to
account for the proposed move of the
(d)-list CEs in paragraphs (1), (2), and
(3). First, FHWA proposes to remove
and reserve paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2),
and (d)(3). Second, FHWA proposes to
add a new paragraph (d)(13) for
‘‘[a]ctions described in paragraphs
(c)(26), (c)(27), and (c)(28) that do not
meet the constraints in paragraph (e) of
this section.’’ The purpose of this
language is to preserve the use of the
(d)-list CE for those projects that could
be covered by the moved language but
do not meet the constraints proposed.
The FHWA would make a CE
determination based on documentation
that demonstrates no significant
environmental impacts would result.
In addition, FHWA proposes minor
changes to the introductory sentence in
paragraph (d) to account for the
authority provided in section 1318(d) of
MAP–21 and the proposed new
paragraph (g). The FHWA proposes to
change the first sentence to
‘‘[a]dditional actions which meet the
criteria for a CE in the CEQ regulations
(40 CFR 1508.4) and paragraph (a) of
this section may be designated as CEs
only after Administration approval
unless otherwise authorized under an
executed agreement pursuant to
paragraph (g) of this section’’ (emphasis
added). This amendment makes it clear
that FHWA NEPA approval is not
expected on a case-by-case basis in
situations where a PCE agreement
covers the action and the State is
processing the CE on behalf of FHWA.
Section 771.117(e)
The FHWA proposes to renumber
current paragraph (e) as paragraph (f).
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The FHWA proposes new language for
paragraph (e) describing the constraints
applicable to the proposed CEs under
paragraphs (c)(26), (c)(27), and (c)(28).
These constraints are needed to ensure
the actions falling under paragraphs
(c)(26), (c)(27), or (c)(28) do not
significantly affect the environment and,
therefore, can be processed under the
(c)-list without FHWA detailed projectby-project review. The FHWA believes
that listing these proposed constraints
in new paragraph (e) will encourage
project proponents to design their
projects in a way that avoids the need
for FHWA detailed project-by-project
review. Projects that cannot meet these
constraints would still be eligible for a
(d)-listed CE, if the projects meet CE
criteria established in paragraph (d).
The FHWA relied on its experience in
the implementation of PCE agreements
for the development of the constraints.
The FHWA has promoted PCE
agreements since 1989 recognizing that
some actions qualifying for (d)-list CEs
deserve careful consideration and
approval by FHWA due to their context,
while others may not require such a
detailed individual project-by-project
review as long as specific environmental
adverse impact constraints are followed,
and the State DOT agrees and provides
appropriate administrative controls (i.e.,
resources and oversight). The FHWA’s
1989 PCE Memorandum recommended
14 nationwide conditions that, if met,
could allow the processing of (d)-list
CEs without the need for FHWA
detailed project-by-project review. The
FHWA’s use of conditions in PCE
agreements has the same effect as the
proposal for moving the (d)-list CEs to
the (c)-list while applying conditions—
to define a subset of actions that would
otherwise fit under paragraphs (d)(1),
(d)(2), and (d)(3) CEs but do not merit
FHWA detailed project-by-project
review based on a project’s impacts. The
FHWA notes that establishing such
constraints is supported by the CEQ CE
Guidance, which expands on 40 CFR
1508.4 (75 FR 75632, Dec. 6, 2010).
After an evaluation of the original 14
conditions in the 1989 memorandum
and consideration of its field staff
experience, FHWA is proposing 6
constraints be listed in paragraph (e).
First Proposed Constraint
The first proposed constraint would
establish that a proposed action fitting
the language under paragraphs (c)(26),
(c)(27), or (c)(28) may not involve ‘‘an
acquisition of more than a minor
amount of right-of-way or that would
result in any commercial or residential
displacements.’’ This constraint is
similar to the condition that appeared in
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the 1980 version of the CEs for
modernization of highways and for
highway safety or traffic operation
improvement projects. The proposed
constraint is based on a condition
described in FHWA’s 1989 PCE
Memorandum indicating that the action
must not involve ‘‘[t]he acquisition of
more than minor amounts of temporary
or permanent strips of right-of-way for
construction of such items as clear
vision corner and grading. Such
acquisitions will not require any
commercial or residential
displacements.’’ The FHWA proposes to
simplify the language. Typical examples
of ‘‘minor amounts of . . . right-of-way’’
include low cost, strip acquisitions, and
corner acquisitions. The intent of the
limitation is to distinguish between
projects involving minor use of
additional land (e.g., rehabilitation,
renovation) from projects involving
substantial land use changes and the
associated potential for adverse impacts.
The FHWA reviewed existing PCE
agreements and found that FHWA
Divisions and State DOTs limit the
amount of new land that triggers FHWA
NEPA approval using acres (with ranges
between zero and up to 10 acres
depending on the State) or percentages
(e.g., more than 10 percent of parcels
under 10 acres in size). The FHWA
proposes to leave the definition of
‘‘minor’’ up to the discretion of FHWA
and each State DOT to account for each
State’s unique characteristics and
Second Proposed Constraint
The second proposed constraint
would establish that a proposed action
fitting the language under paragraphs
(c)(26), (c)(27), or (c)(28) may not
involve ‘‘[a]n action that needs a bridge
permit from the U.S. Coast Guard, or an
action that does not meet the terms and
conditions of a U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers nationwide or general permit
under section 404 of the Clean Water
Act and/or section 10 of the Rivers and
Harbors Act of 1899.’’ This proposal is
an updated version of the condition in
FHWA’s 1989 PCE Memorandum that
excluded actions involving ‘‘any U.S.
Coast Guard construction permits or any
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers section
404 permits.’’ Section 144(h) of title 23,
United States Code, and 23 CFR 650—
subpart H establish procedures for
determining which bridge actions need
a bridge permit from the U.S. Coast
Guard. These include bridges that cross
waters that are (1) tidal and used by
recreational boating, fishing, and other
small vessels 21 feet or greater in length;
or (2) used or susceptible to use in their
natural condition or by reasonable
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
improvement as a means to transport
interstate or foreign commerce.
Construction of these types of bridges
require coordination with the U.S. Coast
Guard and detailed information to
determine their environmental impacts,
including impacts on navigation. For
wetlands, the proposal establishes as a
threshold the terms and condtions for
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
nationwide or general permits. Actions
requiring USACE nationwide or general
permits may be processed as (c)-list CEs.
The FHWA’s experience with PCE
agreements is that actions having minor
impacts on ‘‘waters of the United
States’’ (such as wetlands), which only
require nationwide or other general
permits under section 404 of the CWA
or section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors
Act, do not warrant a detailed FHWA
project-by-project review because they
normally do not have the potential for
significant impacts. An initial finding
that the action could meet the terms and
conditions of a nationwide or general
permit may be made by FHWA or a
State DOT using the project information
available at the time of the proposal. An
official determination from USACE is
not required for the CE determination.
The FHWA notes, however, that this
initial finding does not bind the USACE
in making its official determination, and
a USACE determination that the project
does not qualify for a nationwide or
general permit and requires an
individual permit under either section
404 of the CWA or section 10 of the
Rivers and Harbor Act would constitute
new information that could trigger a reevaluation of the CE determination
under 23 CFR 771.129.
Third Proposed Constraint
The third proposed constraint would
establish that a proposed action fitting
the language under paragraphs (c)(26),
(c)(27), or (c)(28) may not involve ‘‘[a]
finding of adverse effect to historic
properties under the National Historic
Preservation Act, use of a resource
protected under 23 U.S.C. 138 or 49
U.S.C. 303 (section 4(f)) except for
actions resulting in de minimis impacts,
or likely to adversely affect threatened
or endangered species or critical habitat
under the Endangered Species Act.’’
This proposal consolidates three
conditions discussed in FHWA’s 1989
PCE Memorandum. The first excluded
actions that involved ‘‘[a] determination
of adverse effect by the State Historic
Preservation Officer.’’ The Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation’s
(ACHP) regulations implementing
section 106 of NHPA establish that an
‘‘adverse effect’’ occurs when the
Federal agency finds, in consultation
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with the State Historic Preservation
Officer or Tribal Historic Preservation
(and when applicable the ACHP), that
‘‘an undertaking may alter, directly or
indirectly, any of the characteristics of
a historic property that qualify the
property for inclusion in the National
Register in a manner that would
diminish the integrity of the property’s
location, design, setting, materials,
workmanship, feeling, or association’’
(36 CFR 800.5(a)(1)). Not all actions,
labeled ‘‘undertakings’’ under section
106 procedures, affecting historic
properties result in an adverse effect
finding. The FHWA’s experience with
PCE agreements is that the ‘‘adverse
effect’’ threshold appropriately
delineates when FHWA should engage
in detailed FHWA project-by-project
The second condition excluded
actions that involved the ‘‘use of
properties protected by Section 4(f) of
the Department of Transportation Act.’’
Section 138 of title 23, United States
Code, and 49 U.S.C. 303 (originally
section ‘‘4(f)’’ of the DOT Act) prohibit
the approval of any program or project
that requires the use of any publicly
owned land from a public park,
recreation area, or wildlife and
waterfowl refuge of national, State, or
local significance, or any land from an
historic site of national, State, or local
significance, unless there is no feasible
and prudent alternative to the use of
such land and all possible planning to
minimize the harm is included. These
sections were amended by SAFETEA–
LU to provide for the use of such
resources without the need for this
finding if the use would result in de
minimis impacts. The Agencies
developed regulations to implement the
procedures of section 4(f) and its de
minimis impact allowance in 23 CFR
part 774. The FHWA has determined
that actions that result in the use of
resources protected by section 4(f) but
result in de minimis impacts do not
warrant detailed FHWA project-byproject review because the impacts to
these resources are considered to be
minor and not potentially significant.
Finally, the third condition excluded
actions that ‘‘occur in an area where
there are no federally listed endangered
or threatened species or critical
habitat.’’ This proposal revises the
language from this 1989 condition by
focusing on the impact of the project on
these protected resources instead of the
location of the project. This constraint
recognizes that projects may be located
in an area with listed species or within
critical habitat areas, but would result in
minor impacts to these resources such
that FHWA would issue a ‘‘no effect’’
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finding or a ‘‘not likely to adversely
affect’’ finding with concurrence from
the applicable Federal resource agency
(i.e., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or
National Marine Fisheries Service). This
constraint would require some level of
consideration or analysis to identify
potential effects to listed species or
critical habitat and might require
coordination with the applicable
Federal resource agency. However, the
coordination could be applied to a
program of projects. For example, the
FHWA Division or the State DOT may
agree with the Federal resource agency
on conditions, terms, or pre-approved
mitigation that would avoid or reduce
impacts that a project could have on the
protected resources, in a manner that
would result in streamlined ‘‘no effect’’
or ‘‘not likely to adversely affect’’
determinations. Thus, projects meeting,
or designed to meet, these measures
could meet this constraint and avoid the
need for detailed FHWA project-byproject review.
Fourth Proposed Constraint
The fourth proposed constraint would
establish that a proposed action fitting
the language under paragraphs (c)(26),
(c)(27), or (c)(28) may not involve
‘‘[c]onstruction of temporary access, or
the closure of an existing road, bridge,
or ramps, that would result in major
traffic disruptions or substantial
environmental impacts.’’ The FHWA
1989 PCE Memorandum provided a
condition for ‘‘[t]he use of a temporary
road, detour, or ramp closure unless the
use of such facilities satisfy the
following conditions:
• Provisions are made for access by
local traffic and so posted.
• Through-traffic dependent business
will not be adversely affected.
• The detour or ramp closure, to the
extent possible, will not interfere with
any local special event or festival.
• The temporary road, detour or ramp
closure does not substantially change
the environmental consequences of the
• There is no substantial controversy
associated with the temporary road,
detour, or ramp closure.’’
The FHWA recognized that some
temporary road, bridge, detour, or ramp
closures deserved a higher level of
scrutiny and detailed FHWA project-byproject review. The proposed constraint
simplifies the 1989 condition, focusing
on the elements that are of particular
concern for these temporary detours—
mainly traffic and other adverse
environmental impacts. Consideration
of the impacts on local users’
transportation patterns, including
businesses and community members, as
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
well as the impacts on special events
would be taken into account in
evaluating whether the temporary
measure would have major traffic
disruptions in a manner that would
warrant a detailed FHWA project-byproject review. Consideration of adverse
environmental impacts would include
consideration of the temporary, but
acute, environmental impacts on natural
and cultural resources, as well as other
human environment considerations
(e.g., community cohesion, and
emergency response times).
Fifth Proposed Constraint
The fifth proposed constraint would
establish that a proposed action fitting
the language under paragraphs (c)(26),
(c)(27), or (c)(28) may not involve
‘‘[c]hanges in access control.’’ This
constraint is similar to the constraint
that appeared in the 1980 version of the
CEs for modernization of highways and
for highway safety or traffic operation
improvement projects, and is similar to
a condition on access control changes in
the FHWA 1989 PCE Memorandum.
Such changes normally require
consideration of local traffic patterns
and possible indirect impacts from
development. However, not all changes
in access are alike. Some changes may
raise minor concerns regarding their
environmental effects and safety and
operational performance, while others
may raise concerns regarding their
environmental effects and safety and
operational performance that deserve
further evaluation. After taking into
account these considerations and the
original language, FHWA has
determined that the constraint should
retain the original language of the 1989
condition but acknowledges that State
DOTs and FHWA Division Offices may
establish programmatic approaches to
process access control changes based on
their impacts.
Sixth Proposed Constraint
The sixth and last proposed constraint
would establish that a proposed action
fitting the language under paragraphs
(c)(26), (c)(27), or (c)(28) may not
involve ‘‘[a] floodplain encroachment
other than for functionally dependent
uses (e.g., bridges, wetlands) or actions
that facilitate open space use (e.g.,
recreational trails, bicycle and
pedestrian paths); or construction
activities in, across or adjacent to a river
component designated or proposed for
inclusion in the National System of
Wild and Scenic Rivers.’’ This proposed
constraint consolidates two conditions
in the FHWA 1989 PCE Memorandum.
The first excluded actions that involved
‘‘any work encroaching on a regulatory
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floodway or any work affecting the base
floodplain (100-year flood) elevations of
a water course or lake.’’ It is FHWA’s
policy to prevent uneconomic,
hazardous, or incompatible use and
development of the Nation’s floodplains
(23 CFR 650.103). An action taking
place within the base floodplain would
trigger the decisionmaking process
required by Executive Order 11988,
Floodplain Management, and
established in 23 CFR part 650 subpart
A, which requires evaluation of
practicable alternatives and assessment
of impacts.
The FHWA is proposing changes to
the 1989 condition by simplifying the
language and adding some
clarifications. Section 650.105(e) of 23,
Code of Federal Regulations, defines
encroachment as ‘‘an action within the
limits of the base floodplain.’’
Regulatory floodways are located within
base floodplains. Retaining both the
phrase ‘‘encroaching on a regulatory
floodway’’ and the phrase ‘‘any work
affecting the base floodplain’’ would be
redundant under current regulatory
definitions. Retaining the scope of the
condition for all work affecting
floodplains would have eliminated most
if not all bridge rehabilitation,
reconstruction, and replacement
projects. To avoid this unintended
result, FHWA is proposing to allow the
use of the proposed CEs for work in
floodplains if the action is for a
functionally dependent use or an action
that facilitates open space use. In
developing this language, FHWA
considered the Federal Emergency
Management Agency’s (FEMA)
regulations since that agency regularly
works with surface transportation
actions within the floodplain and
provides advice to other Federal
agencies on floodplain management
issues (see 44 CFR 9.11(d)(1)
(establishing that the only FEMAfunded construction actions permissible
within regulatory floodways are
functionally dependent uses or actions
that facilitate open space use); 44 CFR
60.6(a)(7) (allowing communities to
consider variances in their local
floodplain management ordinances for
functionally dependent uses)). The term
‘‘functionally dependent use’’ is
intended to follow FEMA’s definition in
44 CFR 59.1, which is ‘‘a use which
cannot perform its intended purpose
unless it is located or carried out in
close proximity to water.’’ Examples
provided in the proposal for clarity
include bridges and wetland mitigation
projects. These are just two examples of
actions that have to be located close to
water to serve their purpose. The term
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‘‘facilitate open space use’’ is intended
to capture projects that do not lead to
additional base floodplain development
and are compatible with the restoration
and preservation of natural and
beneficial floodplain values. Examples
include recreational trails, and bicycle
and pedestrian paths.
A second condition from the FHWA
1989 PCE Memorandum consolidated
into this proposal would exclude
actions involving ‘‘[c]onstruction in,
across or adjacent to a river designated
as a component or proposed for
inclusion in the National System of
Wild and Scenic Rivers published by
the U.S. Department of the Interior/U.S.
Department of Agriculture.’’ Such
projects require consultation and
documentation of any possible impacts,
although may still be processed as a CE.
The original condition language has
been simplified in this proposal.
Finally, there were several conditions
discussed in the FHWA 1989 PCE
Memorandum that FHWA considered,
but did not pursue in this proposal.
These included conditions related to
work in wetlands, actions involving any
known hazardous materials sites,
conformity with the Air Quality
Implementation Plan, and consistency
with a State’s Coastal Zone Management
Plan. The FHWA believes that the
proposed constraint related to
individual permits under section 404 of
the CWA, together with FHWA’s
regulations at 23 CFR part 777
(implementing Executive Order 11990,
Protection of Wetlands, and authorizing
expenditure of Federal-aid highway
funds for wetland impact mitigation)
would address concerns regarding
potential impacts to wetlands. The
FHWA believes that the existing
statutory and regulatory framework for
appropriate environmental liability
inquiries, including the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘‘all
appropriate inquiries’’ rule at 40 CFR
part 312, reduce the potential for
acquiring unwanted clean-up liability.
In addition, FHWA believes that
conditions related to air quality
conformity under the section 176 of the
CAA and consistency determinations
with State coastal uses under the
Coastal Zone Management Act are
unnecessary since the actions must meet
these requirements regardless of
whether the project qualifies for the (c)or (d)-list CE. Although these conditions
have not been included as constraints in
this proposal, FHWA notes that these
considerations would continue to be
taken into account in the evaluation of
unusual circumstances.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Section 771.117(g)
The FHWA proposes to add paragraph
(g) to 23 CFR 771.117 to establish
requirements for developing PCE
agreements, including agreements that
would allow State DOTs to make CE
determinations on FHWA’s behalf. The
proposed language in this NPRM would
require that the PCE agreements include
the process for making CE
determinations. The process includes
defining roles and responsibilities,
appropriate quality control, and
expected documentation for each
determination. The FHWA proposes
that the PCE agreements provide for a
monitoring and oversight process by
FHWA and for State DOTs to take any
corrective action that is identified and
needed as a result of this oversight. The
proposal would direct the State DOT to
establish in the PCE agreements how the
agreement can be renewed and
improved based on performance by the
State DOT. The proposal would require
PCE agreements to provide for voluntary
and involuntary termination of the
agreement. The proposal would require
public availability of the PCE
agreements, which could be met
through publication on the State DOT
Web site and making the document
available in hard copy when requested.
The proposal would establish a five-year
renewal process to ensure FHWA
retains appropriate oversight of
processing outcomes by the State DOT.
This timeframe is consistent with
recently issued PCE agreements. Finally,
the proposal would require FHWA legal
sufficiency and Headquarters review of
the draft programmatic agreement prior
to FHWA approval to ensure
consistency of the agreements
nationwide. This is critical given
FHWA’s retention of legal liability for
individual CE determinations by State
If the proposal becomes final, then
FHWA would review all existing PCE
agreements as part of the
implementation of section 1318(d) and
ensure consistency with the new criteria
specified in the proposed paragraph (g).
Existing PCE agreements would
continue to operate until revised, but
would need to be revised no later than
5 years after publication of the rule.
FTA Section-by-Section Analysis
Section 771.118
The FTA proposes to add three new
CEs to section 771.118(c) and two new
CE examples to section 771.118(d). The
proposed CEs are based on responses to
the CE Survey Review, as well as FTA’s
substantiation efforts described above.
The CEs proposed in this NPRM are
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listed and explained below along with
a substantiation summary for the CEs
proposed for section 771.118(c). A
summary of the documentation used for
substantiation of these CEs (‘‘FTA
Section 1318 Substantiation’’) is
available in the NPRM docket on
Section 771.118(c)
‘‘(14) Bridge removal and related
activities, such as in-channel work,
disposal of materials and debris in
accordance with applicable regulations,
and transportation facility realignment.’’
This proposed CE expands the example
at section 771.118(d)(2)(bridge
replacement or rail grade separation) to
include bridge removal, specifically,
and would be located on the c-list at 23
CFR 771.118(c). Although a bridge is
removed or taken out of service during
a bridge replacement project, this CE
expands the activity to include those
actions that remove a bridge
permanently, which would affect the
associated transportation network, and
allows the approval through the c-list at
23 CFR 771.118(c). In addition to the
bridge removal action itself, it is likely
that the transportation facility to and
from the bridge would need to be
realigned, materials and debris would
need to be disposed of in an approved
manner per applicable regulations, and
in-channel work performed to remove
piers or reduce pier height for safer inwater navigation when conducting a
complete bridge removal. The
additional activity (i.e., bridge removal
and related activities) is not inconsistent
with other activities categorically
excluded under existing FTA
regulations, and is a logical extension of
those activities currently categorically
excluded (see ‘‘FTA Section 1318
‘‘(15) Preventative maintenance,
including safety treatments, to culverts
and channels within and adjacent to
transportation right-of-way to prevent
damage to the transportation facility and
adjoining property, plus any necessary
channel work, such as restoring,
replacing, reconstructing, and
rehabilitating culverts and drainage
pipes; and, expanding existing
culverts.’’ This CE expands the
exclusion found at section 771.118(c)(3)
(environmental mitigation or
stewardship activity) and section
771.118(c)(8) (maintenance, rehab, and
reconstruction of facilities) to include
preventative maintenance activities for
culverts and channels, specifically. The
proposed CE is limited to culvert and
channel maintenance within or adjacent
to the transportation right-of-way in
order to preserve the functionality of the
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culverts and channels, and to prevent
damage to the transportation facility and
adjoining property. Actions falling
under this CE would be performed on
an on-going, but as-needed basis to
maintain the continued operation of the
structure. The additional activity (i.e.,
preventative maintenance activities for
culverts and channels) is not
inconsistent with other activities
categorically excluded under existing
FTA regulations, and is a logical
extension of those activities currently
categorically excluded (see ‘‘FTA
Section 1318 Substantiation’’).
‘‘(16) Localized geotechnical and
other investigations to provide
information for preliminary design and
for environmental analyses and
permitting purposes, such as drilling
test bores for soil sampling;
archeological investigations for
archeology resources assessment or
similar survey; and wetland surveys.’’
This CE focuses on geotechnical and
other subsurface investigations that
inform preliminary engineering,
environmental analyses, and permitting.
The CE expands the CEs found at
section 771.118(c)(3) (environmental
mitigation or stewardship activity) and
section 771.118(c)(4) (planning and
administrative activity) to include
geotechnical and other investigation
activities. The additional activity (i.e.,
geotechnical and other investigation
activities) is not inconsistent with other
activities categorically excluded under
existing FTA regulations, and is a
logical extension of those activities
currently categorically excluded (see
‘‘FTA Section 1318 Substantiation’’). In
fact, FTA received several requests to
include geotechnical activities in
section 771.118(c)(4) in response to the
March 2012 NPRM (77 FR 15310, Mar.
15, 2012), but FTA made a distinction
between geotechnical activities in that
final rule based on its substantiation
work completed at that time. Limited
geotechnical work (such as the use of
ground penetrating radar) could be
approved under section 771.118(c)(4) as
long as it did not involve construction
or lead directly to construction. The CE
proposed in this NPRM, however,
would allow for more substantial
geotechnical work based on further
substantiation work done since the
issuance of the final rule on February 7,
The MAP–21 Section 1318(c) requires
the Secretary to move the actions at
section 771.117(d)(1)–(3) to section
771.117(c) ‘‘to the extent that such
movement complies with the criteria for
a categorical exclusion’’ in the CEQ
regulation. The FTA met this
requirement through the NEPA
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
rulemaking published in February 2013
(see 78 FR 8964, Feb. 7, 2013).
When FTA issued the NEPA
rulemaking noted above, it presented
section 771.118(d)(1) (which
corresponds with FHWA section
771.117(d)(1)), and section 771.118(d)(2)
(which is a modified version of FHWA
section 771.117(d)(3)), in the list of
examples under section 771.118(d). The
FTA retained the section 771.117(d)(1)
language as is when FTA created section
771.118(d)(1) due to its limited
applicability to transit actions and
FTA’s need to review documentation
associated with actions falling under
this example in order to verify the
action would not have significant
impact on the environment. Section
771.117(d)(2) was covered, as the
example applies to FTA, in section
771.118(c)(4). The FTA moved part of
the actions covered under section
771.117(d)(3) to section 771.118(c)(8),
and kept the larger aspects of section
771.117(d)(3) in FTA’s d-list at section
771.118(d)(2). The modifications to the
language for the examples in sections
771.118(d)(1)–(3) were based on FTA’s
substantiation effort and applicability to
FTA’s program.
Pursuant to MAP–21 section 1318(c),
FTA revisited sections 771.118(d)(1)
and (2), but did not locate additional
supporting data or documentation that
would enable FTA to move those
examples to section 771.118(c). Without
supporting data or documentation, FTA
cannot move the examples located at
section 771.118(d)(1) and (2) to section
771.118(c) and be consistent with CEQ’s
regulations, which require a showing
that categorical exclusions ‘‘do not
individually or cumulatively have
significant effect on the human
environment’’ (40 CFR 1508.4). Through
this NPRM, however, FTA requests
public comment on FTA’s proposal to
retain paragraphs (1) and (2) in section
771.118(d). Additionally, FTA requests
the public, such as past sponsors for
transit projects, provide supporting data
or documentation when possible. The
FTA will consider any substantiation or
supporting data/documentation
submitted to the docket for this NPRM
for the types of projects found at section
771.118(d)(1) and (2) that resulted in
documented CEs or FONSIs. After the
close of the public comment period,
FTA will review the proposals and
supporting data/documentation in
determining whether it is possible to
move further portions of paragraphs (1)
and (2) under section 771.118(d) to
section 771.118(c) in a final rule.
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Section 771.118(d)
‘‘(7) Minor transportation facility
realignment for rail safety reasons, such
as improving vertical and horizontal
alignment of railroad crossings, and
improving sight distance at railroad
crossings.’’ This CE example would
focus on those transportation facility
realignments needed in order to
improve rail safety for the grantee and
the public. This action is proposed for
inclusion in Section 771.118(d) because
FTA would require documentation
regarding the action in order to ensure
no significant impacts would be
incurred as part of the proposed action.
‘‘(8) Modernization or minor
expansions of transit structures and
facilities outside existing right-of-way,
such as bridges, stations or rail yards.’’
This CE example would focus on
modernizing or providing minor
expansions of transit structures and
facilities outside the existing right-ofway since activities occurring within
the existing transportation right-of-way
could fall under the CE created pursuant
to section 1316 of MAP–21. The FTA
would require documentation for
actions falling under this example in
order to ensure no significant impacts
would be incurred as part of the
proposed action.
Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
All comments received before the
close of business on the comment
closing date indicated above will be
considered and will be available for
examination in the docket at the above
address. Comments received after the
comment closing date will be filed in
the docket and will be considered to the
extent practicable. In addition to late
comments, the Agencies will also
continue to file relevant information in
the docket as it becomes available after
the comment period closing date, and
interested persons should continue to
examine the docket for new material.
The Agencies may publish a final rule
at any time after close of the comment
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
(Regulatory Planning and Review) and
DOT Regulatory Policies and
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
direct agencies to assess all costs and
benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). The Agencies have determined
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preliminarily that this action would not
be a significant regulatory action under
section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866
nor would it be significant within the
meaning of DOT regulatory policies and
procedures (44 FR 11032).
This NPRM proposes to add new CEs
as sections 771.117(c)(24), (c)(25),
(c)(26), (c)(27), (c)(28), (c)(29), and
(c)(30) and sections 771.118(c)(14),
(c)(15), (c)(16), (d)(7), and (d)(8),
pursuant to section 1318 of MAP–21. By
definition these actions normally do not
result in individual or cumulative
significant environmental impacts.
These actions are subject to the unusual
circumstances provision in 23 CFR
771.117(b) and 771.118(b), which
screens out those rare cases where the
action may result in significant impacts.
This NPRM also proposes to establish
criteria for Programmatic CE
Agreements between State DOTs and
FHWA. These agreements further
expedite NEPA environmental review
for highway projects.
These proposed changes would not
adversely affect, in any material way,
any sector of the economy. In addition,
these changes would not interfere with
any action taken or planned by another
agency and would not materially alter
the budgetary impact of any
entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan
programs. Consequently, a full
regulatory evaluation is not required.
The Agencies anticipate that the
changes in this proposal would enable
projects to move more expeditiously
through the Federal review process and
would reduce the preparation of
extraneous environmental
documentation and analysis not needed
for compliance with NEPA and for
ensuring that projects are built in an
environmentally responsible manner.
The vast majority of FHWA actions
presently are determined to be CEs. In
a recent survey conducted on CE usage,
carried out pursuant to MAP–21 section
1318, responding State DOTs reported
that 90 percent to 99 percent of their
projects qualified for CE determinations.
Approximately 90 percent of FTA’s
actions are within the scope of existing
CEs. The Agencies anticipate the
percentages may increase with the
promulgation of the proposed CEs. The
Agencies are not able to quantify the
economic effects of these changes,
because the types of projects that will be
proposed for FHWA and FTA funding
and their potential impacts are
unknown at this time, particularly given
changes to the programs in MAP–21.
The Agencies request comment,
including data and information on the
experiences of project sponsors, on the
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
likely effects of the changes being
Regulatory Flexibility Act
In compliance with the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96–354, 5 U.S.C.
601–612), the Agencies have evaluated
the effects of this proposed rule on
small entities and anticipate that this
action would not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. The proposed
revision could expedite environmental
review and thus would be less than any
current impact on small business
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
This proposed rule would not impose
unfunded mandates as defined by the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
(Pub. L. 104–4, 109 Stat. 48). This
proposed rule will not result in the
expenditure by State, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $148.8 million or more
in any one year (2 U.S.C. 1532). Further,
in compliance with the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995, the
Agencies will evaluate any regulatory
action that might be proposed in
subsequent stages of the proceeding to
assess the effects on State, local, and
tribal governments and the private
Executive Order 13132 (Federalism
Executive Order 13132 requires
agencies to assure meaningful and
timely input by State and local officials
in the development of regulatory
policies that may have a substantial,
direct effect on the States, on the
relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. This proposed
action has been analyzed in accordance
with the principles and criteria
contained in Executive Order 13132,
and the Agencies have determined that
this proposed action would not have
sufficient federalism implications to
warrant the preparation of a federalism
assessment. The Agencies have also
determined that this proposed action
would not preempt any State law or
State regulation or affect the States’
ability to discharge traditional State
governmental functions. The Agencies
invite State and local governments with
an interest in this rulemaking to
comment on the effect that adoption of
specific proposals may have on State or
local governments.
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Executive Order 13175 (Tribal
The Agencies have analyzed this
action under Executive Order 13175,
and believe that it would not have
substantial direct effects on one or more
Indian tribes; would not impose
substantial direct compliance costs on
Indian tribal governments; and would
not preempt tribal law. Therefore, a
tribal summary impact statement is not
Executive Order 13211 (Energy Effects)
The Agencies have analyzed this
action under Executive Order 13211,
Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use. The Agencies have
determined that this action is not a
significant energy action under that
order because it is not likely to have a
significant adverse effect on the supply,
distribution, or use of energy. Therefore,
a Statement of Energy Effects under
Executive Order 13211 is not required.
Executive Order 12372
(Intergovernmental Review)
The DOT’s regulations implementing
Executive Order 12372 (49 CFR part 17)
apply to this program. Accordingly, the
Agencies solicit comments on this issue.
Paperwork Reduction Act
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.),
Federal agencies must obtain approval
from the Office of Management and
Budget for each collection of
information they conduct, sponsor, or
require through regulations. The
Agencies have determined that this
proposal does not contain collection of
information requirements for the
purposes of the PRA.
Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice
This action meets applicable
standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
Reform, to minimize litigation,
eliminate ambiguity, and reduce
Executive Order 12898 (Environmental
Executive Order 12898, Federal
Actions to Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations, and DOT
Order 5610.2(a), 91 FR 27534 (May 10,
2012) (available online at
56102a/index.cfm), require DOT
agencies to achieve environmental
justice (EJ) as part of their mission by
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identifying and addressing, as
appropriate, disproportionately high
and adverse human health or
environmental effects, including
interrelated social and economic effects,
of their programs, policies, and
activities on minority populations and
low-income populations in the United
States. The DOT Order requires DOT
agencies to address compliance with the
Executive Order and the DOT Order in
all rulemaking activities. In addition,
both Agencies have issued additional
documents relating to administration of
the Executive Order and the DOT Order.
On June 14, 2012, the FHWA issued an
update to its EJ order, FHWA Order
6640.23A, FHWA Actions to Address
Environmental Justice in Minority
Populations and Low Income
Populations (available online at
orders/664023a.htm). The FTA also
issued an update to its EJ policy, FTA
Policy Guidance for Federal Transit
Recipients, 77 FR 42077 (July 17, 2012)
(available online at www.fta.dot.gov/
The Agencies have evaluated this
proposed rule under the Executive
Order, the DOT Order, the FHWA
Order, and the FTA Circular. The
Agencies have determined that the
proposed new CEs, if finalized, would
not cause disproportionately high and
adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority or
low income populations. This action
proposes to add a provision to the
Agencies’ NEPA procedures under
which they may decide in the future
that a project or program does not
require the preparation of an EA or EIS.
The proposed rule itself has no potential
for effects until it is applied to a
proposed action requiring approval by
the FHWA or FTA.
At the time the Agencies apply a CE
proposed by this rulemaking, the
Agencies would have an independent
obligation to conduct an evaluation of
the proposed action under the
applicable EJ orders and guidance to
determine whether the proposed action
has the potential for EJ effects. The rule
would not affect the scope or outcome
of that EJ evaluation. In any instance
where there are potential EJ effects and
the Agencies were to consider applying
one of the CEs proposed by this
rulemaking, public outreach under the
applicable EJ orders and guidance
would provide affected populations
with the opportunity to raise any
concerns about those potential EJ
effects. See DOT Order 5610.2(a),
FHWA Order 6640.23A, and FTA Policy
Guidance for Transit Recipients
(available at links above). Indeed,
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
outreach to ensure the effective
involvement of minority and low
income populations where there is
potential for EJ effects is a core aspect
of the EJ orders and guidance. For these
reasons, the Agencies also have
determined that no further EJ analysis is
needed and no mitigation is required in
connection with the designation of the
proposed CEs.
Executive Order 13045 (Protection of
The Agencies have analyzed this
action under Executive Order 13045,
Protection of Children from
Environmental Health Risks and Safety
Risks. The Agencies certify that this
action would not concern an
environmental risk to health or safety
that may disproportionately affect
(S.D. Ill. 1999), aff’d, 230 F.3d 947, 954–
55 (7th Cir. 2000).
Regulation Identification Number
A RIN is assigned to each regulatory
action listed in the Unified Agenda of
Federal Regulations. The Regulatory
Information Service Center publishes
the Unified Agenda in April and
October of each year. The RIN contained
in the heading of this document can be
used to cross reference this action with
the Unified Agenda.
List of Subjects
23 CFR Part 771
Environmental protection, Grant
programs—transportation, Highways
and roads, Historic preservation, Public
lands, Recreation areas, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
The Agencies do not anticipate that
this action would affect a taking of
private property or otherwise have
taking implications under Executive
Order 12630, Governmental Actions and
Interference with Constitutionally
Protected Property Rights.
49 CFR Part 622
Environmental impact statements,
Grant programs—transportation, Public
transit, Recreation areas, Reporting and
record keeping requirements.
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Agencies propose to amend title 23,
Code of Federal Regulations part 771,
and title 49, Code of Federal Regulations
part 622, as follows:
National Environmental Policy Act
Title 23—Highways
Agencies are required to adopt
implementing procedures for NEPA that
establish specific criteria for, and
identification of, three classes of
actions: Those that normally require
preparation of an EIS; those that
normally require preparation of an EA;
and those that are categorically
excluded from further NEPA review (40
CFR 1507.3(b)). The CEQ regulations do
not direct agencies to prepare a NEPA
analysis or document before
establishing Agency procedures (such as
this regulation) that supplement the
CEQ regulations for implementing
NEPA. The CEs are one part of those
agency procedures, and therefore
establishing CEs does not require
preparation of a NEPA analysis or
document. Agency NEPA procedures
are generally procedural guidance to
assist agencies in the fulfillment of
agency responsibilities under NEPA, but
are not the agency’s final determination
of what level of NEPA analysis is
required for a particular proposed
action. The requirements for
establishing agency NEPA procedures
are set forth at 40 CFR 1505.1 and
1507.3. The determination that
establishing CEs does not require NEPA
analysis and documentation was upheld
in Heartwood, Inc. v. U.S. Forest
Service, 73 F. Supp. 2d 962, 972–73
Executive Order 12630 (Taking of
Private Property)
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1. The authority citation for part 771
is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; 23 U.S.C.
106, 109, 128, 138, 139, 315, 325, 326, and
327; 49 U.S.C. 303; 40 CFR Parts 1500–1508;
49 CFR 1.81, 1.85; Pub. L. 109–59, 119 Stat.
1144, sections 6002 and 6010; Pub. L. 112–
141, 126 Stat. 405, sections 1315, 1316, 1317,
and 1318.
§ 771.117
2. Amend § 771.117 by:
a. Adding new paragraphs (c)(24) thru
■ b. Revising the first sentence in
paragraph (d); removing and reserving
paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3); and
adding a new paragraph (d)(13).
■ c. Redesignating paragraph (e) as
paragraph (f) and adding new paragraph
■ d. Adding a new paragraph (g).
The additions and revisions read as
§ 771.117
FHWA categorical exclusions.
(c) * * *
(24) Localized geotechnical and other
investigation to provide information for
preliminary design and for
environmental analyses and permitting
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purposes, such as drilling test bores for
soil sampling; archeological
investigations for archeology resources
assessment or similar survey; and
wetland surveys.
(25) Environmental restoration and
pollution abatement actions to minimize
or mitigate the impacts of any existing
transportation facility (including
retrofitting and construction of
stormwater treatment systems to meet
Federal and State requirements under
sections 401 and 402 of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.
1341; 1342)) carried out to address
water pollution or environmental
(26) Modernization of a highway by
resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation,
reconstruction, adding shoulders, or
adding auxiliary lanes (including
parking, weaving, turning, and
climbing) if it the action meets the
conditions in paragraph (e) of this
(27) Highway safety or traffic
operations improvement projects,
including the installation of ramp
metering control devices and lighting, if
the project meets the conditions in
paragraph (e) of this section.
(28) Bridge rehabilitation,
reconstruction, or replacement or the
construction of grade separation to
replace existing at-grade railroad
crossings, if the actions meet the
conditions in paragraph (e) of this
(29) Purchase, construction,
replacement, or rehabilitation of ferry
vessels (including improvements to
ferry vessel safety, navigation, and
security systems) that would not require
a change in the function of the ferry
terminals and can be accommodated by
existing facilities or by new facilities
which themselves are within a CE.
(30) Rehabilitation or reconstruction
of existing ferry facilities that occupy
substantially the same geographic
footprint, do not result in a change in
their functional use, and do not result
in a substantial increase in users.
Example actions include work on
pedestrian and vehicle transfer
structures and associated utilities,
buildings, and terminals.
(d) Additional actions which meet the
criteria for a CE in the CEQ regulations
(40 CFR 1508.4) and paragraph (a) of
this section may be designated as CEs
only after Administration approval
unless otherwise authorized under an
executed agreement pursuant to
paragraph (g) of this section. * * *
(1) [Reserved]
(2) [Reserved]
(3) [Reserved]
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 182 / Thursday, September 19, 2013 / Proposed Rules
(13) Actions described in paragraphs
(c)(26), (c)(27), and (c)(28) that do not
meet the constraints in paragraph (e) of
this section.
(e) Actions described in (c)(26),
(c)(27), and (c)(28) may not be processed
as CEs under paragraph (c) of this
section if they involve:
(1) An acquisition of more than a
minor amount of right-of-way or that
would result in any commercial or
residential displacements;
(2) An action that needs a bridge
permit from the U.S. Coast Guard, or an
action that does not meet the terms and
conditions of a USACE nationwide or
general permit under section 404 of the
Clean Water Act and/or section 10 of the
Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899;
(3) A finding of ‘‘adverse effect’’ to
historic properties under the NHPA, use
of a resource protected under 23 U.S.C.
138 or 49 U.S.C. 303 (section 4(f))
except for actions resulting in de
minimis impacts, or likely to adversely
affect threatened or endangered species
or critical habitat under the Endangered
Species Act;
(4) Construction of temporary access,
or the closure of an existing road,
bridge, or ramps, that would result in
major traffic disruptions or substantial
environmental impacts;
(5) Changes in access control; or
(6) A floodplain encroachment other
than functionally dependent uses (e.g.,
bridges, wetlands) or actions that
facilitate open space use (e.g.,
recreational trails, bicycle and
pedestrian paths); or construction
activities in, across or adjacent to a river
component designated or proposed for
inclusion in the National System of
Wild and Scenic Rivers.
(g) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) of
this section, FHWA may enter into
programmatic agreements with a State
to allow a State DOT to make a NEPA
CE certification or determination and
approval on FHWA’s behalf. Such
agreements must be subject to the
following conditions:
(1) The agreement must set forth the
State DOT’s responsibilities for making
CE determinations, documenting the
determinations, and achieving
acceptable quality control and quality
(2) The agreement may not have a
term of more than five years, but may
be renewed;
(3) The agreement must provide for
FHWA’s monitoring of the State DOT’s
compliance with the terms of the
agreement and for the State DOT’s
execution of any needed corrective
action. The FHWA must take into
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account the State DOT’s performance
when considering renewal of the
programmatic CE agreement;
(4) The agreement must include
stipulations for amendment,
termination, and public availability of
the agreement once it has been
executed; and
(5) Legal sufficiency and FHWA
Headquarters review is required prior to
FHWA’s approval of the agreement.
■ 3. Amend § 771.118 by adding new
paragraphs (c)(14) thru (c)(16), (d)(7),
and (d)(8) to read as follows:
Issued on: September 12, 2013.
Victor M. Mendez,
Administrator, Federal Highway
Peter Rogoff,
Administrator, Federal Transit
§ 771.118
49 CFR Part 821
FTA categorical exclusions.
(c) * * *
(14) Bridge removal and bridge
removal related activities, such as inchannel work, disposal of materials and
debris in accordance with applicable
regulations, and transportation facility
(15) Preventative maintenance,
including safety treatments, to culverts
and channels within and adjacent to
transportation right-of-way to prevent
damage to the transportation facility and
adjoining property, plus any necessary
channel work, such as restoring,
replacing, reconstructing, and
rehabilitating culverts and drainage
pipes; and, expanding existing culverts.
(16) Localized geotechnical and other
investigations to provide information for
preliminary design and for
environmental analyses and permitting
purposes, such as drilling test bores for
soil sampling; archeological
investigations for archeology resources
assessment or similar survey; and
wetland surveys.
(d) * * *
(7) Minor transportation facility
realignment for rail safety reasons, such
as improving vertical and horizontal
alignment of railroad crossings, and
improving sight distance at railroad
(8) Modernization or minor
expansions of transit structures and
facilities outside existing right-of-way,
such as bridges, stations or rail yards.
Title 49—Transportation
Subpart A—Environmental Procedures
4. The authority citation for subpart A
of part 622 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; 49
U.S.C. 303 and 5323; 23 U.S.C. 139 and 326;
Pub. L. 109–59, 119 Stat. 1144, sections 6002
and 6010; 40 CFR parts 1500–1508; 49 CFR
1.81; and Pub. L. 112–141, 126 Stat. 405,
sections 1315, 1316, 1317, and 1318.
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[FR Doc. 2013–22675 Filed 9–18–13; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. NTSB–GC–2011–0001]
Rules of Practice in Air Safety
National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB or Board).
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
The NTSB proposes
amending one of its rules of practice
that is applicable to cases proceeding on
an emergency timeline. This proposed
amendment will require the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) to
provide releasable portions of its
enforcement investigative report (EIR) to
each respondent in emergency cases.
DATES: Comments must be submitted by
October 21, 2013.
ADDRESSES: A copy of this NPRM,
published in the Federal Register (FR),
is available for inspection and copying
in the NTSB’s public reading room,
located at 490 L’Enfant Plaza SW.,
Washington, DC 20594–2003.
Alternatively, a copy is available on the
government-wide Web site on
regulations at https://
www.regulations.gov (Docket ID Number
David Tochen, General Counsel, (202)
in today’s Federal Register, the NTSB
published a Final Rule, finalizing
changes to various sections of 49 CFR
part 821, as a result of the Pilot’s Bill of
Rights. In the final rule, the NTSB,
among other things, updated language
in § 821.19(d), which requires
disclosure of the FAA’s EIR in nonemergency cases. Because the Pilot’s
Bill of Rights was immediately effective
upon enactment on August 3, 2012, the
NTSB published an interim final rule to
implement the new legislation’s
requirements, 77 FR 63242 (Oct. 16,
In this NPRM, the NTSB proposes
incorporating a similar requirement at
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 182 (Thursday, September 19, 2013)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 57587-57602]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-22675]
Federal Highway Administration
23 CFR Part 771
Federal Transit Administration
49 CFR Part 622
[Docket No. FHWA-2013-0049]
FHWA RIN 2125-AF59; FTA RIN 2132-AB14
Environmental Impact and Related Procedures--Programmatic
Agreements and Additional Categorical Exclusions
AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration,
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: This notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) provides interested
parties with the opportunity to comment on proposed changes to the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) joint procedures that implement the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The revisions are prompted by
enactment of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act
(MAP-21). This NPRM proposes to: add new categorical exclusions (CE)
for FHWA and FTA, allow a State department of transportation (State
DOT) to process certain CEs without FHWA's detailed project-by-project
review and approval (as long as the action meets specified
constraints), and allow Programmatic Agreements between FHWA and States
that would permit States to apply FHWA CEs on FHWA's behalf. The FHWA
and FTA seek comments on the proposals contained in this notice.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before November 18, 2013.
ADDRESSES: To ensure that you do not duplicate your docket submissions,
please submit them by only one of the following means:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to https://www.regulations.gov and follow the online instructions for submitting
Mail: Docket Management Facility, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE., West Building Ground Floor
Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590-0001;
Hand Delivery: West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140,
1200 New Jersey Ave. SE., between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., e.t., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays. The telephone number is (202)
[[Page 57588]]
Instructions: You must include the agency name and docket
number or the Regulatory Identification Number (RIN) for the rulemaking
at the beginning of your comments. All comments received will be posted
without change to https://www.regulations.gov, including any personal
information provided.
Administration: Owen Lindauer, Ph.D., Office of Project Delivery and
Environmental Review (HEPE), (202) 366-2655, or Jomar Maldonado, Office
of the Chief Counsel (HCC), (202) 366-1373, Federal Highway
Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001.
For the Federal Transit Administration: Megan Blum, Office of Planning
and Environment (TPE), (202) 366-0463, or Dana Nifosi, Office of Chief
Counsel (TCC), (202) 366-4011. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. e.t., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
General Background
On July 6, 2012, President Obama signed into law MAP-21 (Pub. L.
112-141, 126 Stat. 405). The MAP-21 contains new requirements that the
Secretary of Transportation must meet in complying with NEPA (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.), as well as several requirements for rulemaking to change
23 CFR part 771, which contains the regulations that implement NEPA for
FHWA and FTA. Part 771 includes authority to categorically exclude
certain categories of actions from the NEPA requirements to prepare an
environmental assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS).
Sections 771.117(c) and 771.118(c) establish specific lists of
categories of actions that FHWA and FTA have determined are normally
categorically excluded from further NEPA review. Sections 771.117(d)
and 771.118(d) provide FHWA and FTA with the authority to categorically
exclude any action that meets the criteria of a CE in the Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 CFR 1508.4) and provides
examples of categories of actions that can be approved under that
authority. The FHWA or FTA approval of a CE under section 771.117(d) or
771.118(d) is based on a review of the project's documentation
demonstrating that the specific conditions or criteria for the CE are
satisfied and that there will not be significant environmental effects.
Section 1318 of MAP-21 requires the Secretary to: (1) Survey and
publish the results of the use of CEs for transportation projects since
2005 and solicit requests for new CEs; (2) publish an NPRM to propose
new CEs received by the Secretary to the extent that the CEs meet the
criteria for a CE under 40 CFR 1508.4 and 23 CFR part 771; and (3)
issue an NPRM to move three actions found in 23 CFR 771.117(d)(1)-(3)
to paragraph (c) to the extent that such movement complies with the
criteria for a CE under 40 CFR 1508.4. In addition, section 1318(d)
directs the Secretary to seek opportunities to enter into programmatic
agreements, including agreements that would allow a State to determine,
on behalf of FHWA, whether a project is categorically excluded.
Since MAP-21's enactment, FTA has established 23 CFR 771.118, a new
section that contains FTA's CEs. Due to the timing of the publication
of the final rule and MAP-21's enactment, FTA is applying section 1318
to 23 CFR 771.118. The FHWA and FTA, hereafter referred to as ``the
Agencies,'' are carrying out this rulemaking on behalf of the
I. The Agencies' NEPA Procedures
The CEQ regulations, 40 CFR parts 1500-1508, establish procedural
requirements for complying with NEPA and instruct Federal agencies to
establish CEs in their NEPA implementing procedures for those
categories of actions that do not individually or cumulatively have a
significant effect on the human environment and therefore do not
require the preparation of an EA or an EIS. The Federal agency
procedures must provide for extraordinary circumstances in which a
normally excluded action may have a significant environmental effect
(40 CFR 1508.4).
Joint procedures at 23 CFR part 771 (Agencies' NEPA Procedures)
describe how the Agencies comply with NEPA and the CEQ regulations.
Specifically, sections 771.117 and 771.118 contain the CEs that the
Agencies have established, including the requirement for considering
unusual circumstances, which is how the Agencies consider extraordinary
circumstances in accordance with the CEQ NEPA regulations. Examples of
the Agencies' unusual circumstances include: substantial controversy on
environmental grounds, significant impacts on properties protected by
section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Act (23
U.S.C. 138/49 U.S.C. 303) or section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (NHPA), or inconsistencies with any Federal, State, or
local law, requirement or administrative determination relating to the
environmental aspects of the action (23 CFR 771.117(b); 23 CFR
The Agencies first issued their NEPA Procedures in 1980 (45 FR
71968, Oct. 30, 1980). Although the rules have been the subject of
subsequent revisions, the Agencies issued the 1987 revisions (52 FR
3264, Aug. 28, 1987) as part of a departmentwide effort to streamline
rules within the Department. The 1987 revisions are important to this
NPRM because they resulted in the split of the Agencies' CEs into two
The first group, referred to as ``(c)-list CEs,'' lists those
actions that almost never involve significant impacts and, therefore,
do not require detailed review by the Agencies. The project description
typically contains all of the information necessary to determine if the
action fits the description of the CE and that no unusual circumstances
exist that would require further environmental studies.
The second group, referred to as ``(d)-list CEs,'' includes any
action that meets the criteria for CEs in 40 CFR 1508.4 and sections
771.117(a) for FHWA actions or 771.118(a) for FTA actions. The
Agencies' criteria are actions that do not normally: induce significant
impacts to planned growth or land use for the area; require the
relocation of significant numbers of people; have a significant impact
on any natural, cultural, recreational, historic, or other resource;
involve significant air, noise, or water quality impacts; have
significant impacts on travel patterns; or otherwise, either
individually or cumulatively, have any significant environmental
impacts. Applicants for FHWA or FTA assistance must submit
documentation for approval that demonstrates that the specific
conditions or criteria for the CE are satisfied and that the action
will not result in significant environmental effects (23 CFR
771.117(d); 23 CFR 771.118(d)). The Agencies use a list of examples to
illustrate the types of actions covered by the (d)-list criteria. The
Agencies take into account context and site location to determine if an
action meets the CE criteria or would warrant further NEPA analyses.
The Agencies took this approach instead of developing a comprehensive
list ``so that specific actions not previously listed by an agency
could be considered for CE status on a case-by-case basis'' (52 FR
32651, Aug. 28, 1987). In the Agencies' experience, the availability of
the (d)-list CE authority expedites administrative and NEPA processing
by encouraging grant applicants to design proposed projects so that
significant impacts will not normally occur.
Regardless of classification as a (c)-list or (d)-list CE, actions
qualifying for CEs
[[Page 57589]]
must also comply with NEPA requirements relating to connected actions
and segmentation (see, e.g., 40 CFR 1508.25, and 23 CFR 771.111(f)).
The action must have independent utility and connect logical termini
when applicable (i.e., linear facilities). In addition, even though an
action may qualify for a CE, thereby satisfying NEPA requirements, all
other requirements applicable to the activity under other Federal and
State laws and regulations still apply, such as the CWA, CAA, NHPA,
General Bridge Act of 1946, and ESA. Some of these requirements may
require the collection and analysis of information, or coordination and
consultation efforts that are independent of the Agencies' NEPA CE
determination. Also, some of these requirements may involve actions by
other Federal agencies (e.g., approvals or issuance of permits) that
could trigger a different level of NEPA analysis for those Federal
agencies. These requirements must be met before the action begins,
regardless of the availability of a CE for the transportation project
under 23 CFR part 771.
The CEQ regulations direct Federal agencies to update their NEPA
implementing procedures as necessary, including amending lists of CEs
from time to time to reflect changes in their missions and programs,
and to reflect experience that has been gained since the adoption of
their lists (40 CFR 1507.3(a)). The CEQ's guidance, Establishing,
Applying, and Revising Categorical Exclusions under the National
Environmental Policy Act (75 FR 75628, Dec. 6, 2010) (CEQ CE Guidance),
makes recommendations on reviewing existing lists and establishing new
CEs. Prior to the enactment of MAP-21, the Agencies initiated a
rulemaking to revise the CE list in 23 CFR part 771 in accordance with
the CEQ guidance. The new rule became final on February 7, 2013 (78 FR
8964) and, among other improvements, established 10 new CEs in section
771.118(c) that specifically apply to actions by FTA. The CE provisions
in section 771.117 now specifically apply to actions by FHWA.
II. The Agencies' Joint Rulemaking Approach
The Agencies are issuing this NPRM jointly to facilitate public and
agency comment and to remain consistent with the joint rulemaking
approach taken for previous proposed changes to the list of actions
categorically excluded under 23 CFR part 771 (see, e.g., 78 FR 11593,
Feb. 19, 2013, implementing section 1315 of MAP-21; and 78 FR 13609,
Feb. 28, 2013, proposing a rule to implement sections 1316 and 1317 of
MAP-21). The Agencies collaborated in the preparation of a survey on CE
use in transportation projects pursuant to section 1318(a) of MAP-21.
The survey included a questionnaire that asked State DOTs, transit
authorities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other
government agencies to provide information on their use of CEs for
transportation projects and to solicit requests for new CEs.
The Secretary issued the survey on September 5, 2012, and received
117 responses that proposed 269 actions as new CEs. The Agencies
collaboratively reviewed the survey results and made those results
public in the U.S. Department of Transportation National Environmental
Policy Act Categorical Exclusion Survey Review (https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/map21/reports/sec1318report.cfm). The Agencies
coordinated to take advantage of their collective experience, to
promote consistency, and to clarify differences between the Agencies
with the development of the proposed CEs contained in this NPRM.
Although this is a joint NPRM, the Agencies note that the
development of the proposed CEs for each Agency and the approach taken
to implement section 1318 of MAP-21 is based on each Agency's
particular mission and programs, unique experiences, and lists of CEs.
The FTA recently completed a retrospective review of its CEs, and the
result is already reflected in section 771.118. In contrast, the CE
list in section 771.117 has not undergone a complete retrospective
analysis since its last major revision in 1987. (The Agencies published
an NPRM proposing major revisions to this regulation on May 25, 2000,
but never issued a final rule.) Therefore, FHWA is taking the
opportunity presented by MAP-21 to engage in a retrospective review of
its list of CEs as required by 40 CFR 1507.3(a) (``Agencies shall
continue to review their policies and procedures and in consultation
with [CEQ] to revise them as necessary to ensure full compliance with
the purposes and provisions of [NEPA]''), and re-emphasized by the
recent CEQ CE Guidance.
The FHWA's development and implementation of programmatic
agreements for the use of CEs (also known as PCE agreements) is also
distinct from FTA's program, which lacks the statutory authority to
allow for PCE agreements. The PCE agreements enable FHWA Division
Offices and State DOTs to develop protocols that allow State DOTs to
certify to FHWA whether a project qualifies for a CE. (FHWA
Memorandum--Categorical Exclusion (CE) Documentation and Approval, Mar.
30, 1989, https://environment.fhwa.dot.gov/projdev/docuceda.asp)
(hereinafter ``FHWA's 1989 PCE Memorandum''). Section 1318(d) of MAP-21
encourages the use of PCE agreements. The FHWA has drawn from its
experience with these agreements to comply with section 1318 of MAP-21.
III. FHWA's Approach to MAP-21's Section 1318 Requirements
The FHWA is issuing this proposal to meet the rulemaking
requirements in section 1318(b) and 1318(c). The FHWA is also utilizing
this NPRM as an opportunity to propose general criteria for all PCE
agreements in furtherance of section 1318(d). As a result, this NPRM
contains the following proposed changes with respect to 23 CFR 771.117:
(1) The addition of four new CEs derived from the survey and requests
for new CEs as mandated by section 1318(a); (2) moving three FHWA (d)-
list CE examples to FHWA's (c)-list (to the extent that such movement
complies with the criteria for a CE under 40 CFR 1508.4) as required
under section 1318(b); and (3) the addition of general criteria that
would apply to all FHWA PCE agreements. Sections III.A., III.B., and
III.C. provide background for each of these changes, while the FHWA
Section-by-Section Discussion of the Proposal provides a more detailed
discussion of the proposals.
A. CE Survey and New CEs
The FHWA evaluated the results of the CE survey to determine which
requested actions would be appropriate as CEs according to the criteria
for a CE under 40 CFR 1508.4 and 23 CFR 771.117(a). The FHWA did not
pursue requests for new CEs for actions that would duplicate already
existing CEs, requests for new CEs that would not involve a FHWA action
(e.g., projects ineligible for FHWA funding assistance), requests that
would not meet the criteria for a CE under 40 CFR 1508.4 and 23 CFR
771.117(a), or requests for new CEs for actions that would not have
independent utility. The FHWA also eliminated proposed new CEs that
would be covered by a statutorily mandated CE rulemaking under other
MAP-21 provisions (e.g., emergency actions (section 1315), operational
right-of-way actions (section 1316), limited Federal assistance actions
(section 1317), and the revision mandated by section 1318(c) for moving
modernization of highways actions, highway safety actions, and bridge
[[Page 57590]]
rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement actions from the (d)-
list to the (c)-list)). The FHWA evaluated the remaining actions
proposed as CEs to eliminate those that did not meet the 40 CFR 1508.4
definition and those that were so broad that they could include actions
with significant environmental effects.
The FHWA categorized the actions proposed as CEs into 22 groups.
The groups identified were: (1) Safety and operations; (2) maintenance
and preservation actions; (3) bridges; (4) activities within existing
right-of-way or urban areas; (5) railroads; (6) transit; (7)
rehabilitation and reconstruction; (8) environmental mitigation; (9)
bicycle and pedestrian facilities; (10) utilities, lighting, and
signage; (11) actions consistent with existing plans or land use and
those approved by other agencies; (12) culverts and waterways; (13)
acquisitions; (14) excess right-of-way; (15) activities with limited
Federal involvement/funding; (16) activities under a certain size/cost
threshold; (17) alternative energy; (18) parking; (19) geotechnical
work; (20) aesthetic treatments; (21) ferries; and (22) other.
The FHWA determined that most of the requests for new CEs were for
actions either already covered by the existing list of CEs (81
requests) or for actions that would qualify for CEs associated with
other statutorily mandated MAP-21 CE rulemakings (102 requests). For
example, FHWA received requests to include roundabouts and traffic
circle projects as a new CE. The FHWA considers roundabouts and traffic
circle projects to be a highway safety or traffic operations
improvement projects and would process this type of action as a CE
under paragraph 771.117(d)(2) when the action does not add capacity and
requires only minor amounts of new right-of-way. As discussed below,
FHWA proposes to move this category to paragraph (c).
The FHWA did not pursue 86 requests for the following reasons: 38
requests were for overly broad actions that would include elements that
may result in significant impacts; 16 requests were for actions that
are not subject to NEPA because there is no Federal action; 13 requests
were for actions already covered by the (d)-list which FHWA determined
did not warrant a move to the (c)-list; and 6 requests were for actions
that were inappropriately segmented from a larger action. The FHWA
determined that the remaining 13 requests were appropriate for
consideration. These 13 requests were grouped into 5 CEs. Four of the
CEs are proposed in this NPRM as new CEs for the list in 23 CFR
The fifth CE, not pursued in this NPRM, would have covered early
acquisition actions (e.g., advanced acquisitions for minor amounts of
abandoned railroad right-of-way and minimal right-of-way). Section 1302
of MAP-21 amended 23 U.S.C. 108 to allow for FHWA-funded early
acquisitions of real property interests prior to completion of the NEPA
review process for the transportation project that could use the real
property interests. The FHWA elected not to propose the requested CE in
this NPRM because FHWA has not completed procedures to implement
section 108. The FHWA notes, however, that similar to acquisition
projects for hardship and protective purposes, early acquisition
projects using Federal funds that meet the statutory conditions in
section 108(d) may be processed as a (d)-listed CE, so long as unusual
circumstances do not exist that would lead FHWA to require the
preparation of an EA or EIS.
B. Moving FHWA (d)-List CEs to the (c)-List
The FHWA also considered MAP-21's requirement to move particular
(d)-list CEs to the (c)-list to the extent that such movement complies
with the criteria for CE under 40 CFR 1508.4. The (d)-list CEs are
those for (1) Modernization of a highway by resurfacing, restoration,
rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding shoulders, or adding auxiliary
lanes (including parking, weaving, turning, and climbing); (2) highway
safety or traffic operations improvement projects, including
installation of ramp metering control devices and lighting; and (3)
bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or construction
of grade separation to replace existing at-grade railroad crossings.
Section 1508.4 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, provides
that a ``categorical exclusion means a category of actions which do not
individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human
environment and which have been found to have such effect in procedures
adopted by a [F]ederal agency in implementation of these regulations
and for which, therefore, neither an environmental assessment nor an
environmental impact statement is required.'' This CEQ regulatory
definition of a CE does not acknowledge the distinction in part 771
between two types of CEs (i.e., the (c)-list and (d)-list). Therefore,
the particular agency's NEPA procedures are the appropriate place for
establishing any distinctions for the agency's CEs. See CEQ CE
Guidance, 75 FR 75635-75636 (establishing that each Federal agency
should decide--and update its NEPA implementing procedures and guidance
to indicate--whether any of its CEs warrant preparation of additional
The FHWA has determined that, for its programs, moving the CE
language from section 771.117(d)(1)-(3) to 771.117(c) is appropriate
and consistent with 40 CFR 1508.4, if: (1) The action normally would
not have significant impacts, and (2) FHWA's experience supports
eliminating FHWA's detailed review process for this select group of
categorical exclusions. In FHWA's experience, actions in section
771.117(c) represent actions that normally do not have significant
impacts. This interpretation is consistent with FHWA's experience with
PCE agreements. Some FHWA PCE agreements eliminate the need for FHWA's
detailed project-by-project review for actions that qualify for a (d)-
list CE, and meet certain conditions that reduce their potential to
cause significant impacts. The intent of this approach is to identify
those actions that currently qualify for (d)-list CEs, but would not
normally have significant impacts and therefore could be placed on the
(c)-list. The interpretation is also consistent with FHWA's practice
since the creation of the (c)-list, as evidenced in the preamble for
the 1987 final rule (52 FR 32651, Aug. 28, 1987). In applying this test
to the particular (d)-list actions identified in MAP-21 section 1318,
FHWA considered recommendations in the CEQ CE Guidance to consider
``limiting or removing activities included in the categorical
exclusion'' and ``placing additional constraints on the categorical
exclusion's applicability'' when appropriate (75 FR 75632, Dec. 6,
After reviewing its experience with these actions, FHWA has decided
not to propose an unconditional move of the identified (d)-list CEs to
the (c)-list. Many actions that qualify for these (d)-list CEs require
consideration of the surrounding environment in which the action will
occur (such as their setting, site location, and surrounding land use)
and their particular context (e.g., no effect, or minor to moderate
environmental effects). This is typically accomplished through FHWA's
review of project documentation, and the movement from the (d)-list to
the (c)-list is not supported without any limitations. However, FHWA's
experience with PCE agreements indicates that FHWA could move a subset
of these actions--those that meet a proposed a set of constraints
similar to those used in PCE agreements--because the constraints would
limit the
[[Page 57591]]
actions to those that normally would not have significant impacts.
C. The FHWA PCE Agreements
This rulemaking also is intended to address section 1318(d) of MAP-
21, which authorizes FHWA to enter into programmatic agreements. The
FHWA proposes changes to 23 CFR 771 to codify PCE agreements in
regulation and to establish general criteria for all PCE agreements.
Existing PCE agreements will need to be reviewed and amended to conform
to the new criteria proposed in this NPRM. Existing PCE agreements
would continue to operate until revised, but would need to be revised
no later than 5 years after publication of the rule if it becomes
The FHWA established PCE agreements in 1989 as a tool to expedite
the NEPA review processes (see FHWA's 1989 PCE Memorandum). Under these
PCE agreements, FHWA and the State DOT enter into an agreement that
identifies classes of (d)-list CEs that the State DOT may process
without FHWA's detailed project-by-project review and approval as long
as the action meets specified conditions that limit their potential
environmental impacts. These agreements also provide for the processing
of (c)-list CEs by the State DOT. Typically, PCE agreements allow a
State DOT to certify to FHWA that a particular action (or group of
actions) meet the conditions established in the agreement and provide
FHWA an opportunity to agree or reclassify the action before the State
DOT begins the project. The FHWA has promoted these instruments through
its Every Day Counts initiative. See https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/everydaycounts/ for more information about this initiative.
The PCE agreements increase efficiency in the processing of CE
actions under FHWA's existing regulatory framework. The PCE agreements
provide a process where State DOTs can certify to FHWA that a project
qualifies for a CE based on conditions that take into account each
State's unique resources, context, and considerations. The FHWA legally
remains responsible for the final CE determination and remains
responsible for compliance with other environmental review
requirements, such as compliance with section 106 of NHPA, section 7 of
ESA, CAA conformity, and section 4(f) of the DOT Act.
Section 1318(d)(2) of MAP-21 introduces a new authority that allows
State DOTs to make CE determinations on FHWA's behalf. The FHWA
interprets the provision in section 1318(d)(2) to allow a State DOT to
make determinations on FHWA's behalf without the need for certification
and FHWA's NEPA approval as required under 23 CFR 771.117. The FHWA
interprets section 1318(d)(3) as limiting this expanded authority to
actions listed in regulation (i.e., all (c)-list CEs and the examples
provided in the (d)-list) and any other CE that is added through a
process consistent with the requirements of 40 CFR 1508.4. This new
opportunity would avoid the need for State DOT certification and FHWA
review before the start of a project for those CEs identified in the
agreement. This NPRM proposes criteria to standardize all PCE
agreements, including those authorized under section 1318(d)(2).
The FHWA does not provide detailed project-by-project review for
the State DOT's use of a CE if the action is provided for in the PCE
agreement, the action meets stipulated conditions for avoiding adverse
environmental impacts, and the State DOT follows the stipulated
processing and documentation requirements. However, the PCE agreements
recognize that some actions qualifying for (d)-list CEs deserve
detailed project-by-project review by FHWA due to their context and
project scope, while others may not require such detailed project-by-
project review if specific environmentally adverse impact
considerations are avoided, and the State DOT agrees and provides
appropriate administrative controls (i.e., resources and oversight).
The FHWA's oversight would ensure that CE determinations are
appropriate and that State DOTs comply with all environmental
requirements. The result of oversight is the identification of best
practices and the implementation of corrective actions. The FHWA
Division Offices undertake periodic monitoring as well as informal
reviews of the State DOTs' procedures and documentation to ensure that
all potential environmental impacts are considered and compliance with
all other environmental requirements is properly documented.
The FHWA's 1989 PCE Memorandum originally recommended 14 base
conditions that, if met, would eliminate the need for FHWA's detailed
project-by-project review for those actions. Over time, experience in
applying these conditions has led to State-by-State PCE agreement
revisions to account for each State's unique environmental context.
The PCE agreements developed from the 1989 PCE Memorandum vary from
State to State in a number of respects due to the absence of standards
for national consistency. Agreements differ in how FHWA accomplishes
oversight and monitoring, how States process and document CEs, and how
States report CE certifications to FHWA. Some agreements have specific
stipulations regarding quality control and quality assurance, the term
of the agreement and provisions for termination, and public
availability of the PCE agreement itself. This rulemaking proposes to
rectify this consistency issue.
The FHWA has two additional programs that allow for State
assumption of certain NEPA responsibilities. The PCE agreements are
different than the arrangements established by 23 U.S.C. 326 (State
Assumption of Responsibility for Categorical Exclusion actions) and 23
U.S.C. 327 (Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program). First, as
mentioned above, the PCE agreements relate to the processing of the CE
under NEPA and do not extend to compliance with other environmental
requirements. In contrast, sections 326 and 327 specifically authorize
the assignment of other environmental review, consultation, and
decisionmaking responsibilities to States (except responsibilities for
government-to-government consultation with federally recognized Indian
tribes under section 327, responsibility for planning pursuant to 23
U.S.C. 134 and 135 or 49 U.S.C. 5303 and 5304, and any conformity
determination required under section 176 of the CAA) that will assume
the NEPA responsibilities. Second, PCE agreements do not remove FHWA's
legal responsibility for individual CE determinations. As a result,
FHWA retains the authority to overturn any CE determination made by the
State DOT under the PCE agreement at any time. The FHWA may also decide
to terminate or invalidate the PCE agreement at-will without prior
notice and with immediate effect. In contrast, under sections 326 and
327, the State becomes solely responsible and liable for complying with
and carrying out NEPA, and FHWA has no such responsibility or
liability. The FHWA does not retain veto authority over NEPA decisions
for individual projects after the CE assignment through a Memoranda of
Understanding (MOU) has been made. In addition, sections 326 and 327
provide for notice and an opportunity to cure where the FHWA proposes
to terminate a State's participation in the programs. Finally, FHWA
retains legal responsibility, including primary responsibility for
defending litigation, for CE determinations under PCE agreements. Under
sections 326 and 327, the State has primary responsibility for
defending determinations made under the
[[Page 57592]]
assignments if they are challenged in court.
IV. FTA's Approach to MAP-21's Section 1318 Requirements
A. CE Survey and New CEs
After the public comment period closed for the section 1318 CE
Survey Review, FTA considered all CE proposals received (269), whether
they were proposed by State DOTs, transit authorities, MPOs, or other
government agencies. The FTA determined that the majority of the
actions proposed as CEs (120) were covered by the CEs created under
section 771.118 and published as a final rule on February 7, 2013.
Further analysis revealed that 86 of the actions proposed as CEs would
fall under CEs that either have been or may be created pursuant to
other MAP-21 provisions, or through a combination of existing CEs at
section 771.118 and through other MAP-21 provisions. As those actions
are categorically excluded through existing CEs or through CEs
otherwise created, they were not considered further for this
The FTA also removed 50 proposed actions from further consideration
as CEs for the following reasons: the action was not applicable to FTA
(e.g., control and removal of outdoor advertising), the action was too
broad or lacked sufficient detail to allow it to qualify as a CE under
the CEQ and FTA regulations (e.g., all projects in an urbanized area on
the theory that most of the areas are already disturbed), the action
would lack independent utility (e.g., project staging and storage
areas), or FTA lacks the basis for substantiation to show that the
activity qualifies as a CE under the CEQ and FTA regulations (e.g.,
stimulus or fast track projects).
Of the 13 remaining proposed CEs, FTA refined and combined the
language suggested by survey respondents, resulting in 5 CE proposals
(3 for section 771.118(c) and 2 proposed examples for section
771.118(d)). Per CEQ's CE Guidance and as alluded to above, FTA based
its proposal on a determination of ``whether a proposed activity is one
that, on the basis of past experience, normally does not require
further environmental review'' (75 FR 75631, Dec. 6, 2010). To do this,
FTA surveyed its records for documented CEs and Findings of No
Significant Impact (FONSIs), as well as the CEs for other Federal
agencies of similar nature, scope, and intensity. The FTA was able to
support the three section 771.118(c) CEs through substantiation. The
CEQ's CE guidance qualifies substantiation by stating that the ``amount
of information required to substantiate a CE depends on the type of
activities included in the proposed category of actions'' (75 FR at
75633). Given the direction that documentation should match the nature
of the CE and the proposed CEs for section 771.118(c), FTA anticipates
little environmental impact--and normally no significant impact--
associated with the proposed CEs; therefore, FTA is proposing the CEs
despite not having extensive documentation for some of the proposals.
Through this rulemaking, FTA specifically seeks public comment and
requests any supporting information to substantiate the potential
environmental impacts of its CE proposals.
The FTA also proposes two new examples under section 771.118(d).
The additions to section 771.118(d) would be examples of actions that
may be categorically excluded only with the required site specific
documentation. When a project sponsor submits documentation to support
an action under section 771.118(d), the grantee is substantiating the
appropriate use of the CE at that time. All five CE proposals are
presented in this NPRM for public review and comment.
B. Moving FTA (d)-List CEs to the (c)-List
Regarding the MAP-21 Section 1318(c) mandate to move the actions at
section 771.117(d)(1)-(3) to section 771.117(c) ``to the extent that
such movement complies with the criteria for a categorical exclusion''
in the CEQ regulation, FTA complied with section 1318(c) through the
final rule published on February 7, 2013 (78 FR 8964). When FTA created
the new list of CEs at section 771.118, it considered the actions found
in section 771.117(d) and moved those activities applicable to FTA's
program and for which FTA had supporting documentation to section
771.118(c), which corresponds with FHWA's section 771.117(c). Although
FTA complied with section 1318(c) through the final rule issued on
February 7, 2013, FTA will consider comments on this proposal and will
examine any supporting substantiation/data/documentation submitted by
members of the public. The FTA is particularly interested in hearing
from past sponsors of transit projects and members of the public
affected by those projects. Details regarding FTA's proposal regarding
section 1318(c) are found in the ``FTA Section-by-Section Analysis''
General Discussion of the Proposals
This NPRM proposes to add four new CEs to FHWA's list of CEs in
section 771.117(c); move FHWA CEs in section 771.117(d)(1)-(3) to
paragraph (c) subject to a list of constraints; establish the
constraints for the moved (d)-list CEs in section 771.117(e); renumber
existing paragraph (e) in section 771.117 to (f); add new section
771.117(g) on PCE agreements; make conforming amendments to section
771.117(d); add three new CEs to FTA's list of CEs in section
771.118(c); and provide two new CE examples in FTA's list of CE
examples in section 771.118(d).
The CE lists in part 771 are the subject of current rulemaking
proceedings (see, e.g., 78 FR 13609, Feb. 28, 2013, implementing
sections 1316 and 1317 of MAP-21). Any final rule resulting from this
NPRM will adopt revised references as appropriate to reflect the final
results of the other MAP-21 rulemaking proceedings.
FHWA Section-by-Section Discussion of the Proposals
Section 771.117(c)
The FHWA proposes to amend section 771.117(c) by adding four new
CEs based on the CE Survey Review and moving the first three FHWA CEs
in paragraph (d) to paragraph (c). In FHWA's experience, actions that
meet the criteria of these proposed CEs do not normally have
significant environmental impacts. The FHWA has developed a
substantiation record summary to support the inclusion of the CEs,
which is provided in the docket for this rulemaking.
The FHWA proposes to amend section 771.117(c) by adding a new
paragraph (c)(24) for ``[l]ocalized geotechnical and other
investigations to provide information for preliminary design and for
environmental analyses and permitting purposes, such as drilling test
bores for soil sampling; archeological investigations for archeology
resources assessment or similar survey; and wetland surveys.'' This
proposed addition is in direct response to requests for new CEs
received through the CE Survey Review. The CE would include a variety
of investigations that inform preliminary engineering for highway
projects. Geotechnical or other subsurface investigation, including
drilling of test bores/soil sampling, provides information for
preliminary design and for environmental analyses and permitting
purposes and is found normally not to have the potential to
significantly impact the environment. The CE also would cover other
site characterization actions such as archeological surveying and
testing to determine eligibility for the National Register of Historic
Places, and wetland
[[Page 57593]]
surveys for purposes of delineation and/or jurisdictional
determinations. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
has provided substantiation for including these types of preliminary
engineering actions in Appendix A of the MOU that assigns CE
responsibilities to the State of California (https://www.dot.ca.gov/ser/downloads/MOUs/23usc326_ce_assignment_mou.pdf).
The FHWA proposes adding paragraph (c)(25) to create a new (c)-list
CE for ``[e]nvironmental restoration and pollution abatement actions to
minimize or mitigate the impacts of any existing transportation
facility (including retrofitting and construction of stormwater
treatment systems to meet Federal and State requirements under sections
401 and 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1341;
1342)) carried out to address water pollution or environmental
degradation.'' This CE includes a range of environmental mitigations
that became eligible for FHWA funding as a project with independent
utility in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation
Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Pub. L. 109-59). Section 328 of title
23, United States Code, makes certain stand-alone environmental
mitigation projects eligible for title 23 assistance. ``Environmental
restoration,'' as defined by FHWA in guidance (Guidance on 23 U.S.C.
328 Environmental Restoration and Pollution Abatement, Aug. 17, 2006,
https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/hep/guidance/envrestore.cfm), is a process
involving returning the habitat, ecosystem, or landscape to a
productive condition that supports natural ecological functions. Since
these natural systems are diverse and dynamic, the process of
recreating or duplicating their natural, or pre-settlement state is
virtually impossible, but the goal of the restoration should be to re-
establish the basic structure and function associated with natural,
productive conditions. Wetlands are part of the hydrological cycle and
are associated with the environmental restoration process. The FHWA has
existing guidance for wetland and natural habitat restoration and
mitigation measures, such as wetland and habitat banks or statewide and
regional conservation measures.
In the Guidance on 23 U.S.C. 328 Environmental Restoration and
Pollution Abatement, ``pollution abatement project'' is defined as
``practices or control measures designed to retrofit existing
facilities or minimize stormwater quality impacts from highway
projects.'' Examples of projects for environmental restoration and
pollution abatement actions include:
Establishing buffers or areas to protect riparian habitat
along drainage ways and stream corridors;
Installing stormwater quality retrofit and mitigation
measures (creation of detention, infiltration, and pervious pavements,
and establishment of native plant species for abatement of storm water
runoff); and
Restoring wetlands and natural habitat (e.g., revegetation
of disturbed areas with native plant species, stream or river bank
vegetation, and restoration or creation of wetlands, including creation
of wetland mitigation banks).
The FHWA's experience with environmental restoration and pollution
abatement projects is most extensive in California, where these actions
were added in Appendix A to the MOU that assigned Federal
responsibilities for CEs to Caltrans pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 326.
Additional substantiation for these actions includes projects from
Washington State, Texas, Alabama, and Alaska. As noted in the FHWA CE
substantiation summary included in the docket for this NPRM, projects
involving environmental restoration and pollution abatement have not
resulted in significant impacts in FHWA's experience. It is important
to note, however, that the decision to apply the CE must still take
into account unusual circumstances. This means, for example, that a
pollution abatement project that involves clear cutting a forest to
build a detention pond may involve unusual circumstances that would
potentially require the preparation of an environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement.
The FHWA proposes a new paragraph (c)(29) to create a new (c)-list
CE for the ``[p]urchase, construction, replacement, or rehabilitation
of ferry vessels (including improvements to ferry vessel safety,
navigation, and security systems) that would not require a change in
the function of the ferry terminals and can be accommodated by existing
facilities or by new facilities which themselves are within a CE.''
This is one of two CEs FHWA proposes related to ferry transportation
projects. The Agencies did not identify ferry boats in the Agencies'
NEPA Procedures when they finalized the Procedures in 1980 and revised
them in 1987, but ferry boats became a recognized vehicle in both
transit and highway projects beginning with the Ferry Boat
Discretionary Program in the Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act of 1991 (Pub. L. 102-240). Under MAP-21, this program is
now titled the Construction of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal
Facilities and is no longer a discretionary program. The FHWA proposes
two new CEs to recognize ferry transportation actions. The purchase,
replacement, construction, or rehabilitation of ferry boats with
Federal-aid highway funds is similar to the acquisition, installation,
rehabilitation, replacement, and maintenance of ferry boats with funds
under chapter 53 of title 49, United States Code. The environmental
impacts of these actions are comparable. For these reasons, FHWA used
language from FTA's CE in 23 CFR 771.118(c)(7) to inform this proposed
The FHWA is proposing two constraints for this proposed CE that are
modeled after constraints in FTA's CE: (1) No change in function of the
ferry terminals; and (2) that the ferries be accommodated by existing
facilities. The FHWA has modified the second constraint to allow for
situations where a new facility is needed and its construction would
qualify for an existing CE. This proposed modification is modeled after
FHWA's CE for the purchase of vehicles in section 771.117(c)(17), which
allows for the purchase of vehicles where the use of the vehicles can
be accommodated by new facilities which themselves are within a CE.
The FHWA proposes paragraph (c)(30) to create a new (c)-listed CE
for ``[r]ehabilitation or reconstruction of existing ferry facilities
that occupy substantially the same geographic footprint, do not result
in a change in their functional use, and do not result in a substantial
increase in users. Example actions include work on pedestrian and
vehicle transfer structures and associated utilities, buildings, and
terminals.'' The environmental impacts of rehabilitation or
reconstruction actions of existing ferry facilities are similar to the
environmental impacts of rehabilitation or reconstruction actions of
rail and bus buildings and ancillary facilities. Rehabilitation and
reconstruction of bus and rail buildings qualify for an existing FHWA
CE under section 771.117(d)(9). Additionally, the environmental impacts
of rehabilitation or reconstruction actions of existing ferry
facilities using Federal-aid highway funds are similar to the
environmental impacts of actions to rehabilitate and reconstruct ferry
facilities using funds under chapter 53 of title 49, United States
Code, which qualify for a FTA CE under section 771.118(c)(8).
The FHWA proposes to include constraints on paragraph (c)(30)
modeled after FTA's section 771.118(c)(8) constraints (i.e., that the
[[Page 57594]]
projects occupy substantially the same geographic footprint and do not
result in a change in their functional use). The FHWA is proposing the
additional constraint--that the project does not result in a
substantial increase in users--to be consistent with the existing
constraint in FHWA's CE for the rehabilitation or reconstruction of
rail and bus buildings. Example actions that this CE would cover
include work on pedestrian and vehicle transfer structures and
associated utilities, buildings, and terminals.
The FHWA considered the addition of two new CEs for bridge removal
projects and preventive maintenance modeled after the proposed FTA CEs
for sections 771.118(c)(14) and (15) (see FTA Section-by-Section
Analysis for Section 771.118(c)). The FHWA decided not to propose these
CEs at this time. The FHWA does not have sufficient experience with
projects involving only bridge removal to warrant the creation of a new
CE. Typically, for FHWA, a bridge removal action is associated with a
bridge replacement project that is already listed as a CE. For
preventive maintenance actions, FHWA found that the majority of actions
that would be eligible as preventive maintenance under title 23 would
qualify for other CEs in section 771.117 and therefore, no new FHWA CE
was needed at this time.
The FHWA proposes to move the first three listed examples in
section 771.117(d)(1)-(3) to section 771.117(c)(26)-(28). The proposal
is to move paragraph (d)(1) ``[m]odernization of a highway by
resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding
shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes (including parking, weaving,
turning, and climbing)'' to paragraph (c)(26); paragraph (d)(2)
``[h]ighway safety or traffic operations improvement projects,
including the installation of ramp metering control devices and
lighting'' to paragraph (c)(27); and paragraph (d)(3) ``[b]ridge
rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the construction of
grade separation to replace existing at-grade railroad crossings'') to
paragraph (c)(28). Each of the moved paragraphs will contain a
reference to constraints developed to support the move. The proposed
constraints are discussed below in the Section-by-Section discussion of
new paragraph (e).
The FHWA proposes paragraph (c)(26) to create a new (c)-list CE for
actions involving the ``[m]odernization of a highway by resurfacing,
restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding shoulders, or
adding auxiliary lanes (including parking, weaving, turning, and
climbing) if the action meets the conditions in paragraph (e).'' A
version of this CE has existed since the initial publication of the
Agencies' NEPA Procedures in 1980. The 1980 version, which did not
divide the CEs into two groups, as is the case in the current
regulations, included ``widening less than a single lane width'' and
``correcting substandard curves and intersections'' as additional
examples of what actions the CE covered. The 1980 version contained
constraints that prohibited the application of the CE if the proposed
project required ``acquisition of more than minor amounts of right-of-
way or substantial changes in access control.'' The FHWA removed these
constraints as part of the 1987 amendments that placed this action in
the (d)-list CE. This restriction was not needed for the processing of
these actions as (d)-list CEs. In FHWA's experience, actions that did
not meet the prescriptive limitations (e.g., minor amounts of right-of-
way, substantial change in access control) could still meet FHWA's
criteria for CE classification after FHWA's project-by-project
evaluation of their context under paragraph (d)(1). The FHWA proposes
to restore these constraints as part of the list of constraints in
paragraph (e) to ensure that these actions, when processed as (c)-list
CEs, would normally not cause significant effects.
The FHWA proposes paragraph (c)(27) to create a new (c)-list CE for
actions associated with ``[h]ighway safety or traffic operations
improvement projects, including the installation of ramp metering
control devices and lighting if the project meets the conditions in
paragraph (e).'' A version of this CE has existed since the initial
publication of the Agencies' NEPA Procedures in 1980. The 1980 version
of this CE included examples such as ``correction or improvement of
high hazard locations; elimination of roadside obstacles; highway
signing; pavement markings; traffic control devices; railroad warning
devices; and lighting.'' The 1980 version also contained constraints
that prohibited the application of the CE if the proposed project
required ``acquisition of more than minor amounts of right-of-way or
substantial changes in access control.''
In 1983, FHWA proposed that CE language for safety and traffic
operation projects be added to the (d)-list examples requiring FHWA
detailed review. The FHWA received public comments objecting to the
inclusion of ``traffic control devices'' in the (d)-list. In response,
FHWA decided to split those activities into two CEs: ``traffic
signals'' was added to the (c)-list, whereas ``ramp metering controls''
was placed in the (d)-list. The FHWA also removed the constraints
against ``acquisition of more than minor amounts of right-of-way or
substantial changes in access control'' in the 1987 amendments because
the Agency moved the CE text to the (d)-list and the detailed review
would assist in determining the context of these impacts. The FHWA
proposes to restore these constraints as part of the list of
constraints in paragraph (e) to ensure that these actions, when
processed as (c)-list CEs, would have no effects or almost never cause
significant effects.
As discussed in the General Background section of this NPRM,
paragraph (c)(27) would cover roundabouts and traffic circle projects
because these are considered highway safety or traffic operations
improvement projects as long as they meet the constraints provided in
paragraph (e). Roundabouts and traffic circle projects that do not meet
the constraints provided in paragraph (e) may continue to be processed
as (d)-list CE if they meet the conditions for the CE use.
The FHWA proposes paragraph (c)(28) to create a new (c)-list CE for
actions involving ``[b]ridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or
replacement or the construction of grade separation to replace existing
at-grade railroad crossings if the actions meet the conditions of
paragraph (e).'' A version of this CE has existed since the initial
publication of the Agencies' NEPA Procedures in 1980 before the split
of the CEs into two groups. The original CE language provided for the
``[r]econstruction or modification of an existing bridge structure on
essentially the same alignment or location (e.g., widening less than a
single travel lane, adding shoulders or safety lanes, walkways,
bikeways, or pipelines) except for bridges on or eligible for inclusion
in the National Register or bridges providing access to barrier
islands. Reconstruction or modifications of an existing one lane bridge
structure, presently serviced by a two lane road and used for two lane
traffic, to a two lane bridge on essentially the same alignment or
location, except bridges on or eligible for inclusion in the National
Register or bridges providing access to barrier islands.'' In addition
to placing the CE in the (d)-list examples, the 1987 amendments removed
the restrictions prohibiting the use of the CE for modifications of
bridges that are on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register
of Historic Places or bridges that provide access to barrier islands.
The FHWA reasoned that the evaluation of unusual circumstances, coupled
with the detailed review and documentation
[[Page 57595]]
expectations for the (d)-list CE, assisted in identifying those
situations where modifications of historic or barrier island bridges
might need a higher level of NEPA analysis (i.e., an EA or EIS). As
discussed below, the FHWA is proposing to include a version of these
conditions in paragraph (e). This CE would cover all actions associated
with the bridge rehabilitation or replacement project, including the
creation of temporary roads and bridges. It is important to note that
temporary work that raises unusual circumstances (e.g., taking place in
endangered species habitat) may trigger the need for a higher level of
NEPA review for the entire project. Some temporary work such as the
construction of a detour road or bridge may require a higher level of
scrutiny to ensure adequate consideration of unusual circumstances.
Section 771.117(d)
The FHWA proposes to make several amendments to section 771.117(d)
to account for the proposed move of the (d)-list CEs in paragraphs (1),
(2), and (3). First, FHWA proposes to remove and reserve paragraphs
(d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3). Second, FHWA proposes to add a new
paragraph (d)(13) for ``[a]ctions described in paragraphs (c)(26),
(c)(27), and (c)(28) that do not meet the constraints in paragraph (e)
of this section.'' The purpose of this language is to preserve the use
of the (d)-list CE for those projects that could be covered by the
moved language but do not meet the constraints proposed. The FHWA would
make a CE determination based on documentation that demonstrates no
significant environmental impacts would result.
In addition, FHWA proposes minor changes to the introductory
sentence in paragraph (d) to account for the authority provided in
section 1318(d) of MAP-21 and the proposed new paragraph (g). The FHWA
proposes to change the first sentence to ``[a]dditional actions which
meet the criteria for a CE in the CEQ regulations (40 CFR 1508.4) and
paragraph (a) of this section may be designated as CEs only after
Administration approval unless otherwise authorized under an executed
agreement pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section'' (emphasis added).
This amendment makes it clear that FHWA NEPA approval is not expected
on a case-by-case basis in situations where a PCE agreement covers the
action and the State is processing the CE on behalf of FHWA.
Section 771.117(e)
The FHWA proposes to renumber current paragraph (e) as paragraph
(f). The FHWA proposes new language for paragraph (e) describing the
constraints applicable to the proposed CEs under paragraphs (c)(26),
(c)(27), and (c)(28). These constraints are needed to ensure the
actions falling under paragraphs (c)(26), (c)(27), or (c)(28) do not
significantly affect the environment and, therefore, can be processed
under the (c)-list without FHWA detailed project-by-project review. The
FHWA believes that listing these proposed constraints in new paragraph
(e) will encourage project proponents to design their projects in a way
that avoids the need for FHWA detailed project-by-project review.
Projects that cannot meet these constraints would still be eligible for
a (d)-listed CE, if the projects meet CE criteria established in
paragraph (d).
The FHWA relied on its experience in the implementation of PCE
agreements for the development of the constraints. The FHWA has
promoted PCE agreements since 1989 recognizing that some actions
qualifying for (d)-list CEs deserve careful consideration and approval
by FHWA due to their context, while others may not require such a
detailed individual project-by-project review as long as specific
environmental adverse impact constraints are followed, and the State
DOT agrees and provides appropriate administrative controls (i.e.,
resources and oversight). The FHWA's 1989 PCE Memorandum recommended 14
nationwide conditions that, if met, could allow the processing of (d)-
list CEs without the need for FHWA detailed project-by-project review.
The FHWA's use of conditions in PCE agreements has the same effect as
the proposal for moving the (d)-list CEs to the (c)-list while applying
conditions--to define a subset of actions that would otherwise fit
under paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3) CEs but do not merit FHWA
detailed project-by-project review based on a project's impacts. The
FHWA notes that establishing such constraints is supported by the CEQ
CE Guidance, which expands on 40 CFR 1508.4 (75 FR 75632, Dec. 6,
2010). After an evaluation of the original 14 conditions in the 1989
memorandum and consideration of its field staff experience, FHWA is
proposing 6 constraints be listed in paragraph (e).
First Proposed Constraint
The first proposed constraint would establish that a proposed
action fitting the language under paragraphs (c)(26), (c)(27), or
(c)(28) may not involve ``an acquisition of more than a minor amount of
right-of-way or that would result in any commercial or residential
displacements.'' This constraint is similar to the condition that
appeared in the 1980 version of the CEs for modernization of highways
and for highway safety or traffic operation improvement projects. The
proposed constraint is based on a condition described in FHWA's 1989
PCE Memorandum indicating that the action must not involve ``[t]he
acquisition of more than minor amounts of temporary or permanent strips
of right-of-way for construction of such items as clear vision corner
and grading. Such acquisitions will not require any commercial or
residential displacements.'' The FHWA proposes to simplify the
language. Typical examples of ``minor amounts of . . . right-of-way''
include low cost, strip acquisitions, and corner acquisitions. The
intent of the limitation is to distinguish between projects involving
minor use of additional land (e.g., rehabilitation, renovation) from
projects involving substantial land use changes and the associated
potential for adverse impacts. The FHWA reviewed existing PCE
agreements and found that FHWA Divisions and State DOTs limit the
amount of new land that triggers FHWA NEPA approval using acres (with
ranges between zero and up to 10 acres depending on the State) or
percentages (e.g., more than 10 percent of parcels under 10 acres in
size). The FHWA proposes to leave the definition of ``minor'' up to the
discretion of FHWA and each State DOT to account for each State's
unique characteristics and considerations.
Second Proposed Constraint
The second proposed constraint would establish that a proposed
action fitting the language under paragraphs (c)(26), (c)(27), or
(c)(28) may not involve ``[a]n action that needs a bridge permit from
the U.S. Coast Guard, or an action that does not meet the terms and
conditions of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers nationwide or general
permit under section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or section 10 of
the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899.'' This proposal is an updated
version of the condition in FHWA's 1989 PCE Memorandum that excluded
actions involving ``any U.S. Coast Guard construction permits or any
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers section 404 permits.'' Section 144(h) of
title 23, United States Code, and 23 CFR 650--subpart H establish
procedures for determining which bridge actions need a bridge permit
from the U.S. Coast Guard. These include bridges that cross waters that
are (1) tidal and used by recreational boating, fishing, and other
small vessels 21 feet or greater in length; or (2) used or susceptible
to use in their natural condition or by reasonable
[[Page 57596]]
improvement as a means to transport interstate or foreign commerce.
Construction of these types of bridges require coordination with the
U.S. Coast Guard and detailed information to determine their
environmental impacts, including impacts on navigation. For wetlands,
the proposal establishes as a threshold the terms and condtions for
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) nationwide or general permits.
Actions requiring USACE nationwide or general permits may be processed
as (c)-list CEs. The FHWA's experience with PCE agreements is that
actions having minor impacts on ``waters of the United States'' (such
as wetlands), which only require nationwide or other general permits
under section 404 of the CWA or section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors
Act, do not warrant a detailed FHWA project-by-project review because
they normally do not have the potential for significant impacts. An
initial finding that the action could meet the terms and conditions of
a nationwide or general permit may be made by FHWA or a State DOT using
the project information available at the time of the proposal. An
official determination from USACE is not required for the CE
determination. The FHWA notes, however, that this initial finding does
not bind the USACE in making its official determination, and a USACE
determination that the project does not qualify for a nationwide or
general permit and requires an individual permit under either section
404 of the CWA or section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act would
constitute new information that could trigger a re-evaluation of the CE
determination under 23 CFR 771.129.
Third Proposed Constraint
The third proposed constraint would establish that a proposed
action fitting the language under paragraphs (c)(26), (c)(27), or
(c)(28) may not involve ``[a] finding of adverse effect to historic
properties under the National Historic Preservation Act, use of a
resource protected under 23 U.S.C. 138 or 49 U.S.C. 303 (section 4(f))
except for actions resulting in de minimis impacts, or likely to
adversely affect threatened or endangered species or critical habitat
under the Endangered Species Act.''
This proposal consolidates three conditions discussed in FHWA's
1989 PCE Memorandum. The first excluded actions that involved ``[a]
determination of adverse effect by the State Historic Preservation
Officer.'' The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's (ACHP)
regulations implementing section 106 of NHPA establish that an
``adverse effect'' occurs when the Federal agency finds, in
consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer or Tribal
Historic Preservation (and when applicable the ACHP), that ``an
undertaking may alter, directly or indirectly, any of the
characteristics of a historic property that qualify the property for
inclusion in the National Register in a manner that would diminish the
integrity of the property's location, design, setting, materials,
workmanship, feeling, or association'' (36 CFR 800.5(a)(1)). Not all
actions, labeled ``undertakings'' under section 106 procedures,
affecting historic properties result in an adverse effect finding. The
FHWA's experience with PCE agreements is that the ``adverse effect''
threshold appropriately delineates when FHWA should engage in detailed
FHWA project-by-project review.
The second condition excluded actions that involved the ``use of
properties protected by Section 4(f) of the Department of
Transportation Act.'' Section 138 of title 23, United States Code, and
49 U.S.C. 303 (originally section ``4(f)'' of the DOT Act) prohibit the
approval of any program or project that requires the use of any
publicly owned land from a public park, recreation area, or wildlife
and waterfowl refuge of national, State, or local significance, or any
land from an historic site of national, State, or local significance,
unless there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of such
land and all possible planning to minimize the harm is included. These
sections were amended by SAFETEA-LU to provide for the use of such
resources without the need for this finding if the use would result in
de minimis impacts. The Agencies developed regulations to implement the
procedures of section 4(f) and its de minimis impact allowance in 23
CFR part 774. The FHWA has determined that actions that result in the
use of resources protected by section 4(f) but result in de minimis
impacts do not warrant detailed FHWA project-by-project review because
the impacts to these resources are considered to be minor and not
potentially significant.
Finally, the third condition excluded actions that ``occur in an
area where there are no federally listed endangered or threatened
species or critical habitat.'' This proposal revises the language from
this 1989 condition by focusing on the impact of the project on these
protected resources instead of the location of the project. This
constraint recognizes that projects may be located in an area with
listed species or within critical habitat areas, but would result in
minor impacts to these resources such that FHWA would issue a ``no
effect'' finding or a ``not likely to adversely affect'' finding with
concurrence from the applicable Federal resource agency (i.e., U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service). This
constraint would require some level of consideration or analysis to
identify potential effects to listed species or critical habitat and
might require coordination with the applicable Federal resource agency.
However, the coordination could be applied to a program of projects.
For example, the FHWA Division or the State DOT may agree with the
Federal resource agency on conditions, terms, or pre-approved
mitigation that would avoid or reduce impacts that a project could have
on the protected resources, in a manner that would result in
streamlined ``no effect'' or ``not likely to adversely affect''
determinations. Thus, projects meeting, or designed to meet, these
measures could meet this constraint and avoid the need for detailed
FHWA project-by-project review.
Fourth Proposed Constraint
The fourth proposed constraint would establish that a proposed
action fitting the language under paragraphs (c)(26), (c)(27), or
(c)(28) may not involve ``[c]onstruction of temporary access, or the
closure of an existing road, bridge, or ramps, that would result in
major traffic disruptions or substantial environmental impacts.'' The
FHWA 1989 PCE Memorandum provided a condition for ``[t]he use of a
temporary road, detour, or ramp closure unless the use of such
facilities satisfy the following conditions:
Provisions are made for access by local traffic and so
Through-traffic dependent business will not be adversely
The detour or ramp closure, to the extent possible, will
not interfere with any local special event or festival.
The temporary road, detour or ramp closure does not
substantially change the environmental consequences of the action.
There is no substantial controversy associated with the
temporary road, detour, or ramp closure.''
The FHWA recognized that some temporary road, bridge, detour, or
ramp closures deserved a higher level of scrutiny and detailed FHWA
project-by-project review. The proposed constraint simplifies the 1989
condition, focusing on the elements that are of particular concern for
these temporary detours--mainly traffic and other adverse environmental
impacts. Consideration of the impacts on local users' transportation
patterns, including businesses and community members, as
[[Page 57597]]
well as the impacts on special events would be taken into account in
evaluating whether the temporary measure would have major traffic
disruptions in a manner that would warrant a detailed FHWA project-by-
project review. Consideration of adverse environmental impacts would
include consideration of the temporary, but acute, environmental
impacts on natural and cultural resources, as well as other human
environment considerations (e.g., community cohesion, and emergency
response times).
Fifth Proposed Constraint
The fifth proposed constraint would establish that a proposed
action fitting the language under paragraphs (c)(26), (c)(27), or
(c)(28) may not involve ``[c]hanges in access control.'' This
constraint is similar to the constraint that appeared in the 1980
version of the CEs for modernization of highways and for highway safety
or traffic operation improvement projects, and is similar to a
condition on access control changes in the FHWA 1989 PCE Memorandum.
Such changes normally require consideration of local traffic patterns
and possible indirect impacts from development. However, not all
changes in access are alike. Some changes may raise minor concerns
regarding their environmental effects and safety and operational
performance, while others may raise concerns regarding their
environmental effects and safety and operational performance that
deserve further evaluation. After taking into account these
considerations and the original language, FHWA has determined that the
constraint should retain the original language of the 1989 condition
but acknowledges that State DOTs and FHWA Division Offices may
establish programmatic approaches to process access control changes
based on their impacts.
Sixth Proposed Constraint
The sixth and last proposed constraint would establish that a
proposed action fitting the language under paragraphs (c)(26), (c)(27),
or (c)(28) may not involve ``[a] floodplain encroachment other than for
functionally dependent uses (e.g., bridges, wetlands) or actions that
facilitate open space use (e.g., recreational trails, bicycle and
pedestrian paths); or construction activities in, across or adjacent to
a river component designated or proposed for inclusion in the National
System of Wild and Scenic Rivers.'' This proposed constraint
consolidates two conditions in the FHWA 1989 PCE Memorandum. The first
excluded actions that involved ``any work encroaching on a regulatory
floodway or any work affecting the base floodplain (100-year flood)
elevations of a water course or lake.'' It is FHWA's policy to prevent
uneconomic, hazardous, or incompatible use and development of the
Nation's floodplains (23 CFR 650.103). An action taking place within
the base floodplain would trigger the decisionmaking process required
by Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, and established in 23
CFR part 650 subpart A, which requires evaluation of practicable
alternatives and assessment of impacts.
The FHWA is proposing changes to the 1989 condition by simplifying
the language and adding some clarifications. Section 650.105(e) of 23,
Code of Federal Regulations, defines encroachment as ``an action within
the limits of the base floodplain.'' Regulatory floodways are located
within base floodplains. Retaining both the phrase ``encroaching on a
regulatory floodway'' and the phrase ``any work affecting the base
floodplain'' would be redundant under current regulatory definitions.
Retaining the scope of the condition for all work affecting floodplains
would have eliminated most if not all bridge rehabilitation,
reconstruction, and replacement projects. To avoid this unintended
result, FHWA is proposing to allow the use of the proposed CEs for work
in floodplains if the action is for a functionally dependent use or an
action that facilitates open space use. In developing this language,
FHWA considered the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA)
regulations since that agency regularly works with surface
transportation actions within the floodplain and provides advice to
other Federal agencies on floodplain management issues (see 44 CFR
9.11(d)(1) (establishing that the only FEMA-funded construction actions
permissible within regulatory floodways are functionally dependent uses
or actions that facilitate open space use); 44 CFR 60.6(a)(7) (allowing
communities to consider variances in their local floodplain management
ordinances for functionally dependent uses)). The term ``functionally
dependent use'' is intended to follow FEMA's definition in 44 CFR 59.1,
which is ``a use which cannot perform its intended purpose unless it is
located or carried out in close proximity to water.'' Examples provided
in the proposal for clarity include bridges and wetland mitigation
projects. These are just two examples of actions that have to be
located close to water to serve their purpose. The term ``facilitate
open space use'' is intended to capture projects that do not lead to
additional base floodplain development and are compatible with the
restoration and preservation of natural and beneficial floodplain
values. Examples include recreational trails, and bicycle and
pedestrian paths.
A second condition from the FHWA 1989 PCE Memorandum consolidated
into this proposal would exclude actions involving ``[c]onstruction in,
across or adjacent to a river designated as a component or proposed for
inclusion in the National System of Wild and Scenic Rivers published by
the U.S. Department of the Interior/U.S. Department of Agriculture.''
Such projects require consultation and documentation of any possible
impacts, although may still be processed as a CE. The original
condition language has been simplified in this proposal.
Finally, there were several conditions discussed in the FHWA 1989
PCE Memorandum that FHWA considered, but did not pursue in this
proposal. These included conditions related to work in wetlands,
actions involving any known hazardous materials sites, conformity with
the Air Quality Implementation Plan, and consistency with a State's
Coastal Zone Management Plan. The FHWA believes that the proposed
constraint related to individual permits under section 404 of the CWA,
together with FHWA's regulations at 23 CFR part 777 (implementing
Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands, and authorizing
expenditure of Federal-aid highway funds for wetland impact mitigation)
would address concerns regarding potential impacts to wetlands. The
FHWA believes that the existing statutory and regulatory framework for
appropriate environmental liability inquiries, including the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's ``all appropriate inquiries'' rule at
40 CFR part 312, reduce the potential for acquiring unwanted clean-up
liability. In addition, FHWA believes that conditions related to air
quality conformity under the section 176 of the CAA and consistency
determinations with State coastal uses under the Coastal Zone
Management Act are unnecessary since the actions must meet these
requirements regardless of whether the project qualifies for the (c)-
or (d)-list CE. Although these conditions have not been included as
constraints in this proposal, FHWA notes that these considerations
would continue to be taken into account in the evaluation of unusual
[[Page 57598]]
Section 771.117(g)
The FHWA proposes to add paragraph (g) to 23 CFR 771.117 to
establish requirements for developing PCE agreements, including
agreements that would allow State DOTs to make CE determinations on
FHWA's behalf. The proposed language in this NPRM would require that
the PCE agreements include the process for making CE determinations.
The process includes defining roles and responsibilities, appropriate
quality control, and expected documentation for each determination. The
FHWA proposes that the PCE agreements provide for a monitoring and
oversight process by FHWA and for State DOTs to take any corrective
action that is identified and needed as a result of this oversight. The
proposal would direct the State DOT to establish in the PCE agreements
how the agreement can be renewed and improved based on performance by
the State DOT. The proposal would require PCE agreements to provide for
voluntary and involuntary termination of the agreement. The proposal
would require public availability of the PCE agreements, which could be
met through publication on the State DOT Web site and making the
document available in hard copy when requested. The proposal would
establish a five-year renewal process to ensure FHWA retains
appropriate oversight of processing outcomes by the State DOT. This
timeframe is consistent with recently issued PCE agreements. Finally,
the proposal would require FHWA legal sufficiency and Headquarters
review of the draft programmatic agreement prior to FHWA approval to
ensure consistency of the agreements nationwide. This is critical given
FHWA's retention of legal liability for individual CE determinations by
State DOTs.
If the proposal becomes final, then FHWA would review all existing
PCE agreements as part of the implementation of section 1318(d) and
ensure consistency with the new criteria specified in the proposed
paragraph (g). Existing PCE agreements would continue to operate until
revised, but would need to be revised no later than 5 years after
publication of the rule.
FTA Section-by-Section Analysis
Section 771.118
The FTA proposes to add three new CEs to section 771.118(c) and two
new CE examples to section 771.118(d). The proposed CEs are based on
responses to the CE Survey Review, as well as FTA's substantiation
efforts described above. The CEs proposed in this NPRM are listed and
explained below along with a substantiation summary for the CEs
proposed for section 771.118(c). A summary of the documentation used
for substantiation of these CEs (``FTA Section 1318 Substantiation'')
is available in the NPRM docket on Regulations.gov.
Section 771.118(c)
``(14) Bridge removal and related activities, such as in-channel
work, disposal of materials and debris in accordance with applicable
regulations, and transportation facility realignment.'' This proposed
CE expands the example at section 771.118(d)(2)(bridge replacement or
rail grade separation) to include bridge removal, specifically, and
would be located on the c-list at 23 CFR 771.118(c). Although a bridge
is removed or taken out of service during a bridge replacement project,
this CE expands the activity to include those actions that remove a
bridge permanently, which would affect the associated transportation
network, and allows the approval through the c-list at 23 CFR
771.118(c). In addition to the bridge removal action itself, it is
likely that the transportation facility to and from the bridge would
need to be realigned, materials and debris would need to be disposed of
in an approved manner per applicable regulations, and in-channel work
performed to remove piers or reduce pier height for safer in-water
navigation when conducting a complete bridge removal. The additional
activity (i.e., bridge removal and related activities) is not
inconsistent with other activities categorically excluded under
existing FTA regulations, and is a logical extension of those
activities currently categorically excluded (see ``FTA Section 1318
``(15) Preventative maintenance, including safety treatments, to
culverts and channels within and adjacent to transportation right-of-
way to prevent damage to the transportation facility and adjoining
property, plus any necessary channel work, such as restoring,
replacing, reconstructing, and rehabilitating culverts and drainage
pipes; and, expanding existing culverts.'' This CE expands the
exclusion found at section 771.118(c)(3) (environmental mitigation or
stewardship activity) and section 771.118(c)(8) (maintenance, rehab,
and reconstruction of facilities) to include preventative maintenance
activities for culverts and channels, specifically. The proposed CE is
limited to culvert and channel maintenance within or adjacent to the
transportation right-of-way in order to preserve the functionality of
the culverts and channels, and to prevent damage to the transportation
facility and adjoining property. Actions falling under this CE would be
performed on an on-going, but as-needed basis to maintain the continued
operation of the structure. The additional activity (i.e., preventative
maintenance activities for culverts and channels) is not inconsistent
with other activities categorically excluded under existing FTA
regulations, and is a logical extension of those activities currently
categorically excluded (see ``FTA Section 1318 Substantiation'').
``(16) Localized geotechnical and other investigations to provide
information for preliminary design and for environmental analyses and
permitting purposes, such as drilling test bores for soil sampling;
archeological investigations for archeology resources assessment or
similar survey; and wetland surveys.'' This CE focuses on geotechnical
and other subsurface investigations that inform preliminary
engineering, environmental analyses, and permitting. The CE expands the
CEs found at section 771.118(c)(3) (environmental mitigation or
stewardship activity) and section 771.118(c)(4) (planning and
administrative activity) to include geotechnical and other
investigation activities. The additional activity (i.e., geotechnical
and other investigation activities) is not inconsistent with other
activities categorically excluded under existing FTA regulations, and
is a logical extension of those activities currently categorically
excluded (see ``FTA Section 1318 Substantiation''). In fact, FTA
received several requests to include geotechnical activities in section
771.118(c)(4) in response to the March 2012 NPRM (77 FR 15310, Mar. 15,
2012), but FTA made a distinction between geotechnical activities in
that final rule based on its substantiation work completed at that
time. Limited geotechnical work (such as the use of ground penetrating
radar) could be approved under section 771.118(c)(4) as long as it did
not involve construction or lead directly to construction. The CE
proposed in this NPRM, however, would allow for more substantial
geotechnical work based on further substantiation work done since the
issuance of the final rule on February 7, 2013.
The MAP-21 Section 1318(c) requires the Secretary to move the
actions at section 771.117(d)(1)-(3) to section 771.117(c) ``to the
extent that such movement complies with the criteria for a categorical
exclusion'' in the CEQ regulation. The FTA met this requirement through
the NEPA
[[Page 57599]]
rulemaking published in February 2013 (see 78 FR 8964, Feb. 7, 2013).
When FTA issued the NEPA rulemaking noted above, it presented
section 771.118(d)(1) (which corresponds with FHWA section
771.117(d)(1)), and section 771.118(d)(2) (which is a modified version
of FHWA section 771.117(d)(3)), in the list of examples under section
771.118(d). The FTA retained the section 771.117(d)(1) language as is
when FTA created section 771.118(d)(1) due to its limited applicability
to transit actions and FTA's need to review documentation associated
with actions falling under this example in order to verify the action
would not have significant impact on the environment. Section
771.117(d)(2) was covered, as the example applies to FTA, in section
771.118(c)(4). The FTA moved part of the actions covered under section
771.117(d)(3) to section 771.118(c)(8), and kept the larger aspects of
section 771.117(d)(3) in FTA's d-list at section 771.118(d)(2). The
modifications to the language for the examples in sections
771.118(d)(1)-(3) were based on FTA's substantiation effort and
applicability to FTA's program.
Pursuant to MAP-21 section 1318(c), FTA revisited sections
771.118(d)(1) and (2), but did not locate additional supporting data or
documentation that would enable FTA to move those examples to section
771.118(c). Without supporting data or documentation, FTA cannot move
the examples located at section 771.118(d)(1) and (2) to section
771.118(c) and be consistent with CEQ's regulations, which require a
showing that categorical exclusions ``do not individually or
cumulatively have significant effect on the human environment'' (40 CFR
1508.4). Through this NPRM, however, FTA requests public comment on
FTA's proposal to retain paragraphs (1) and (2) in section 771.118(d).
Additionally, FTA requests the public, such as past sponsors for
transit projects, provide supporting data or documentation when
possible. The FTA will consider any substantiation or supporting data/
documentation submitted to the docket for this NPRM for the types of
projects found at section 771.118(d)(1) and (2) that resulted in
documented CEs or FONSIs. After the close of the public comment period,
FTA will review the proposals and supporting data/documentation in
determining whether it is possible to move further portions of
paragraphs (1) and (2) under section 771.118(d) to section 771.118(c)
in a final rule.
Section 771.118(d)
``(7) Minor transportation facility realignment for rail safety
reasons, such as improving vertical and horizontal alignment of
railroad crossings, and improving sight distance at railroad
crossings.'' This CE example would focus on those transportation
facility realignments needed in order to improve rail safety for the
grantee and the public. This action is proposed for inclusion in
Section 771.118(d) because FTA would require documentation regarding
the action in order to ensure no significant impacts would be incurred
as part of the proposed action.
``(8) Modernization or minor expansions of transit structures and
facilities outside existing right-of-way, such as bridges, stations or
rail yards.'' This CE example would focus on modernizing or providing
minor expansions of transit structures and facilities outside the
existing right-of-way since activities occurring within the existing
transportation right-of-way could fall under the CE created pursuant to
section 1316 of MAP-21. The FTA would require documentation for actions
falling under this example in order to ensure no significant impacts
would be incurred as part of the proposed action.
Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
All comments received before the close of business on the comment
closing date indicated above will be considered and will be available
for examination in the docket at the above address. Comments received
after the comment closing date will be filed in the docket and will be
considered to the extent practicable. In addition to late comments, the
Agencies will also continue to file relevant information in the docket
as it becomes available after the comment period closing date, and
interested persons should continue to examine the docket for new
material. The Agencies may publish a final rule at any time after close
of the comment period.
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 (Regulatory Planning and Review) and
DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). The
Agencies have determined preliminarily that this action would not be a
significant regulatory action under section 3(f) of Executive Order
12866 nor would it be significant within the meaning of DOT regulatory
policies and procedures (44 FR 11032).
This NPRM proposes to add new CEs as sections 771.117(c)(24),
(c)(25), (c)(26), (c)(27), (c)(28), (c)(29), and (c)(30) and sections
771.118(c)(14), (c)(15), (c)(16), (d)(7), and (d)(8), pursuant to
section 1318 of MAP-21. By definition these actions normally do not
result in individual or cumulative significant environmental impacts.
These actions are subject to the unusual circumstances provision in 23
CFR 771.117(b) and 771.118(b), which screens out those rare cases where
the action may result in significant impacts. This NPRM also proposes
to establish criteria for Programmatic CE Agreements between State DOTs
and FHWA. These agreements further expedite NEPA environmental review
for highway projects.
These proposed changes would not adversely affect, in any material
way, any sector of the economy. In addition, these changes would not
interfere with any action taken or planned by another agency and would
not materially alter the budgetary impact of any entitlements, grants,
user fees, or loan programs. Consequently, a full regulatory evaluation
is not required. The Agencies anticipate that the changes in this
proposal would enable projects to move more expeditiously through the
Federal review process and would reduce the preparation of extraneous
environmental documentation and analysis not needed for compliance with
NEPA and for ensuring that projects are built in an environmentally
responsible manner. The vast majority of FHWA actions presently are
determined to be CEs. In a recent survey conducted on CE usage, carried
out pursuant to MAP-21 section 1318, responding State DOTs reported
that 90 percent to 99 percent of their projects qualified for CE
determinations. Approximately 90 percent of FTA's actions are within
the scope of existing CEs. The Agencies anticipate the percentages may
increase with the promulgation of the proposed CEs. The Agencies are
not able to quantify the economic effects of these changes, because the
types of projects that will be proposed for FHWA and FTA funding and
their potential impacts are unknown at this time, particularly given
changes to the programs in MAP-21. The Agencies request comment,
including data and information on the experiences of project sponsors,
on the
[[Page 57600]]
likely effects of the changes being proposed.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
In compliance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-354,
5 U.S.C. 601-612), the Agencies have evaluated the effects of this
proposed rule on small entities and anticipate that this action would
not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities. The proposed revision could expedite environmental review and
thus would be less than any current impact on small business entities.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
This proposed rule would not impose unfunded mandates as defined by
the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4, 109 Stat. 48).
This proposed rule will not result in the expenditure by State, local,
and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of
$148.8 million or more in any one year (2 U.S.C. 1532). Further, in
compliance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, the Agencies
will evaluate any regulatory action that might be proposed in
subsequent stages of the proceeding to assess the effects on State,
local, and tribal governments and the private sector.
Executive Order 13132 (Federalism Assessment)
Executive Order 13132 requires agencies to assure meaningful and
timely input by State and local officials in the development of
regulatory policies that may have a substantial, direct effect on the
States, on the relationship between the national government and the
States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government. This proposed action has been analyzed in
accordance with the principles and criteria contained in Executive
Order 13132, and the Agencies have determined that this proposed action
would not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the
preparation of a federalism assessment. The Agencies have also
determined that this proposed action would not preempt any State law or
State regulation or affect the States' ability to discharge traditional
State governmental functions. The Agencies invite State and local
governments with an interest in this rulemaking to comment on the
effect that adoption of specific proposals may have on State or local
Executive Order 13175 (Tribal Consultation)
The Agencies have analyzed this action under Executive Order 13175,
and believe that it would not have substantial direct effects on one or
more Indian tribes; would not impose substantial direct compliance
costs on Indian tribal governments; and would not preempt tribal law.
Therefore, a tribal summary impact statement is not required.
Executive Order 13211 (Energy Effects)
The Agencies have analyzed this action under Executive Order 13211,
Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use. The Agencies have determined that this action is
not a significant energy action under that order because it is not
likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply,
distribution, or use of energy. Therefore, a Statement of Energy
Effects under Executive Order 13211 is not required.
Executive Order 12372 (Intergovernmental Review)
The DOT's regulations implementing Executive Order 12372 (49 CFR
part 17) apply to this program. Accordingly, the Agencies solicit
comments on this issue.
Paperwork Reduction Act
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501, et
seq.), Federal agencies must obtain approval from the Office of
Management and Budget for each collection of information they conduct,
sponsor, or require through regulations. The Agencies have determined
that this proposal does not contain collection of information
requirements for the purposes of the PRA.
Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice Reform)
This action meets applicable standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2)
of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize litigation,
eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden.
Executive Order 12898 (Environmental Justice)
Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, and DOT
Order 5610.2(a), 91 FR 27534 (May 10, 2012) (available online at
www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/environmental_justice/ej_at_dot/order_56102a/index.cfm), require DOT agencies to achieve environmental
justice (EJ) as part of their mission by identifying and addressing, as
appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or
environmental effects, including interrelated social and economic
effects, of their programs, policies, and activities on minority
populations and low-income populations in the United States. The DOT
Order requires DOT agencies to address compliance with the Executive
Order and the DOT Order in all rulemaking activities. In addition, both
Agencies have issued additional documents relating to administration of
the Executive Order and the DOT Order. On June 14, 2012, the FHWA
issued an update to its EJ order, FHWA Order 6640.23A, FHWA Actions to
Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low Income
Populations (available online at www.fhwa.dot.gov/legsregs/directives/orders/664023a.htm). The FTA also issued an update to its EJ policy,
FTA Policy Guidance for Federal Transit Recipients, 77 FR 42077 (July
17, 2012) (available online at www.fta.dot.gov/legislation_law/12349_14740.html).
The Agencies have evaluated this proposed rule under the Executive
Order, the DOT Order, the FHWA Order, and the FTA Circular. The
Agencies have determined that the proposed new CEs, if finalized, would
not cause disproportionately high and adverse human health and
environmental effects on minority or low income populations. This
action proposes to add a provision to the Agencies' NEPA procedures
under which they may decide in the future that a project or program
does not require the preparation of an EA or EIS. The proposed rule
itself has no potential for effects until it is applied to a proposed
action requiring approval by the FHWA or FTA.
At the time the Agencies apply a CE proposed by this rulemaking,
the Agencies would have an independent obligation to conduct an
evaluation of the proposed action under the applicable EJ orders and
guidance to determine whether the proposed action has the potential for
EJ effects. The rule would not affect the scope or outcome of that EJ
evaluation. In any instance where there are potential EJ effects and
the Agencies were to consider applying one of the CEs proposed by this
rulemaking, public outreach under the applicable EJ orders and guidance
would provide affected populations with the opportunity to raise any
concerns about those potential EJ effects. See DOT Order 5610.2(a),
FHWA Order 6640.23A, and FTA Policy Guidance for Transit Recipients
(available at links above). Indeed,
[[Page 57601]]
outreach to ensure the effective involvement of minority and low income
populations where there is potential for EJ effects is a core aspect of
the EJ orders and guidance. For these reasons, the Agencies also have
determined that no further EJ analysis is needed and no mitigation is
required in connection with the designation of the proposed CEs.
Executive Order 13045 (Protection of Children)
The Agencies have analyzed this action under Executive Order 13045,
Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety
Risks. The Agencies certify that this action would not concern an
environmental risk to health or safety that may disproportionately
affect children.
Executive Order 12630 (Taking of Private Property)
The Agencies do not anticipate that this action would affect a
taking of private property or otherwise have taking implications under
Executive Order 12630, Governmental Actions and Interference with
Constitutionally Protected Property Rights.
National Environmental Policy Act
Agencies are required to adopt implementing procedures for NEPA
that establish specific criteria for, and identification of, three
classes of actions: Those that normally require preparation of an EIS;
those that normally require preparation of an EA; and those that are
categorically excluded from further NEPA review (40 CFR 1507.3(b)). The
CEQ regulations do not direct agencies to prepare a NEPA analysis or
document before establishing Agency procedures (such as this
regulation) that supplement the CEQ regulations for implementing NEPA.
The CEs are one part of those agency procedures, and therefore
establishing CEs does not require preparation of a NEPA analysis or
document. Agency NEPA procedures are generally procedural guidance to
assist agencies in the fulfillment of agency responsibilities under
NEPA, but are not the agency's final determination of what level of
NEPA analysis is required for a particular proposed action. The
requirements for establishing agency NEPA procedures are set forth at
40 CFR 1505.1 and 1507.3. The determination that establishing CEs does
not require NEPA analysis and documentation was upheld in Heartwood,
Inc. v. U.S. Forest Service, 73 F. Supp. 2d 962, 972-73 (S.D. Ill.
1999), aff'd, 230 F.3d 947, 954-55 (7th Cir. 2000).
Regulation Identification Number
A RIN is assigned to each regulatory action listed in the Unified
Agenda of Federal Regulations. The Regulatory Information Service
Center publishes the Unified Agenda in April and October of each year.
The RIN contained in the heading of this document can be used to cross
reference this action with the Unified Agenda.
List of Subjects
23 CFR Part 771
Environmental protection, Grant programs--transportation, Highways
and roads, Historic preservation, Public lands, Recreation areas,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
49 CFR Part 622
Environmental impact statements, Grant programs--transportation,
Public transit, Recreation areas, Reporting and record keeping
In consideration of the foregoing, the Agencies propose to amend
title 23, Code of Federal Regulations part 771, and title 49, Code of
Federal Regulations part 622, as follows:
Title 23--Highways
1. The authority citation for part 771 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; 23 U.S.C. 106, 109, 128, 138,
139, 315, 325, 326, and 327; 49 U.S.C. 303; 40 CFR Parts 1500-1508;
49 CFR 1.81, 1.85; Pub. L. 109-59, 119 Stat. 1144, sections 6002 and
6010; Pub. L. 112-141, 126 Stat. 405, sections 1315, 1316, 1317, and
Sec. 771.117 [Amended]
2. Amend Sec. 771.117 by:
a. Adding new paragraphs (c)(24) thru (c)(30).
b. Revising the first sentence in paragraph (d); removing and reserving
paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3); and adding a new paragraph
c. Redesignating paragraph (e) as paragraph (f) and adding new
paragraph (e).
d. Adding a new paragraph (g).
The additions and revisions read as follows:
Sec. 771.117 FHWA categorical exclusions.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(24) Localized geotechnical and other investigation to provide
information for preliminary design and for environmental analyses and
permitting purposes, such as drilling test bores for soil sampling;
archeological investigations for archeology resources assessment or
similar survey; and wetland surveys.
(25) Environmental restoration and pollution abatement actions to
minimize or mitigate the impacts of any existing transportation
facility (including retrofitting and construction of stormwater
treatment systems to meet Federal and State requirements under sections
401 and 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1341;
1342)) carried out to address water pollution or environmental
(26) Modernization of a highway by resurfacing, restoration,
rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding shoulders, or adding auxiliary
lanes (including parking, weaving, turning, and climbing) if it the
action meets the conditions in paragraph (e) of this section.
(27) Highway safety or traffic operations improvement projects,
including the installation of ramp metering control devices and
lighting, if the project meets the conditions in paragraph (e) of this
(28) Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the
construction of grade separation to replace existing at-grade railroad
crossings, if the actions meet the conditions in paragraph (e) of this
(29) Purchase, construction, replacement, or rehabilitation of
ferry vessels (including improvements to ferry vessel safety,
navigation, and security systems) that would not require a change in
the function of the ferry terminals and can be accommodated by existing
facilities or by new facilities which themselves are within a CE.
(30) Rehabilitation or reconstruction of existing ferry facilities
that occupy substantially the same geographic footprint, do not result
in a change in their functional use, and do not result in a substantial
increase in users. Example actions include work on pedestrian and
vehicle transfer structures and associated utilities, buildings, and
(d) Additional actions which meet the criteria for a CE in the CEQ
regulations (40 CFR 1508.4) and paragraph (a) of this section may be
designated as CEs only after Administration approval unless otherwise
authorized under an executed agreement pursuant to paragraph (g) of
this section. * * *
(1) [Reserved]
(2) [Reserved]
(3) [Reserved]
* * * * *
[[Page 57602]]
(13) Actions described in paragraphs (c)(26), (c)(27), and (c)(28)
that do not meet the constraints in paragraph (e) of this section.
(e) Actions described in (c)(26), (c)(27), and (c)(28) may not be
processed as CEs under paragraph (c) of this section if they involve:
(1) An acquisition of more than a minor amount of right-of-way or
that would result in any commercial or residential displacements;
(2) An action that needs a bridge permit from the U.S. Coast Guard,
or an action that does not meet the terms and conditions of a USACE
nationwide or general permit under section 404 of the Clean Water Act
and/or section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899;
(3) A finding of ``adverse effect'' to historic properties under
the NHPA, use of a resource protected under 23 U.S.C. 138 or 49 U.S.C.
303 (section 4(f)) except for actions resulting in de minimis impacts,
or likely to adversely affect threatened or endangered species or
critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act;
(4) Construction of temporary access, or the closure of an existing
road, bridge, or ramps, that would result in major traffic disruptions
or substantial environmental impacts;
(5) Changes in access control; or
(6) A floodplain encroachment other than functionally dependent
uses (e.g., bridges, wetlands) or actions that facilitate open space
use (e.g., recreational trails, bicycle and pedestrian paths); or
construction activities in, across or adjacent to a river component
designated or proposed for inclusion in the National System of Wild and
Scenic Rivers.
* * * * *
(g) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) of this section, FHWA may enter
into programmatic agreements with a State to allow a State DOT to make
a NEPA CE certification or determination and approval on FHWA's behalf.
Such agreements must be subject to the following conditions:
(1) The agreement must set forth the State DOT's responsibilities
for making CE determinations, documenting the determinations, and
achieving acceptable quality control and quality assurance;
(2) The agreement may not have a term of more than five years, but
may be renewed;
(3) The agreement must provide for FHWA's monitoring of the State
DOT's compliance with the terms of the agreement and for the State
DOT's execution of any needed corrective action. The FHWA must take
into account the State DOT's performance when considering renewal of
the programmatic CE agreement;
(4) The agreement must include stipulations for amendment,
termination, and public availability of the agreement once it has been
executed; and
(5) Legal sufficiency and FHWA Headquarters review is required
prior to FHWA's approval of the agreement.
3. Amend Sec. 771.118 by adding new paragraphs (c)(14) thru (c)(16),
(d)(7), and (d)(8) to read as follows:
Sec. 771.118 FTA categorical exclusions.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(14) Bridge removal and bridge removal related activities, such as
in-channel work, disposal of materials and debris in accordance with
applicable regulations, and transportation facility realignment.
(15) Preventative maintenance, including safety treatments, to
culverts and channels within and adjacent to transportation right-of-
way to prevent damage to the transportation facility and adjoining
property, plus any necessary channel work, such as restoring,
replacing, reconstructing, and rehabilitating culverts and drainage
pipes; and, expanding existing culverts.
(16) Localized geotechnical and other investigations to provide
information for preliminary design and for environmental analyses and
permitting purposes, such as drilling test bores for soil sampling;
archeological investigations for archeology resources assessment or
similar survey; and wetland surveys.
(d) * * *
(7) Minor transportation facility realignment for rail safety
reasons, such as improving vertical and horizontal alignment of
railroad crossings, and improving sight distance at railroad crossings.
(8) Modernization or minor expansions of transit structures and
facilities outside existing right-of-way, such as bridges, stations or
rail yards.
* * * * *
Title 49--Transportation
Subpart A--Environmental Procedures
4. The authority citation for subpart A of part 622 is revised to read
as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; 49 U.S.C. 303 and 5323; 23
U.S.C. 139 and 326; Pub. L. 109-59, 119 Stat. 1144, sections 6002
and 6010; 40 CFR parts 1500-1508; 49 CFR 1.81; and Pub. L. 112-141,
126 Stat. 405, sections 1315, 1316, 1317, and 1318.
Issued on: September 12, 2013.
Victor M. Mendez,
Administrator, Federal Highway Administration.
Peter Rogoff,
Administrator, Federal Transit Administration.
[FR Doc. 2013-22675 Filed 9-18-13; 8:45 am]