Sunshine Act Meeting; Open Commission Meeting; Friday, July 19, 2013, 43882-43883 [2013-17626]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 140 / Monday, July 22, 2013 / Notices
Under 122(h) of the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability
Act (CERCLA), the United States
Environmental Protection Agency has
entered into a settlement with Jap. Tech,
Inc. concerning the Florida Petroleum
Reprocessors Site located in Davie,
Broward County, Florida. The
settlement addresses the PRP’s Sitewide liability on an Ability-to-Pay basis.
The Agency will consider public
comments on the settlement until
August 21, 2013. The Agency will
consider all comments received and
may modify or withdraw its consent to
the settlement if comments received
disclose facts or considerations which
indicate that the settlement is
inappropriate, improper, or inadequate.
Copies of the settlement are
available from Ms. Paula V. Painter.
Submit your comments by Site name
Florida Petroleum Reprocesssors Site by
one of the following methods:
• Email:
• U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 61 Forsyth Street SW., Atlanta,
Georgia 30303.
Paula V. Painter at 404/562–8887.
Dated: May 16, 2013.
Anita L. Davis,
Chief, Superfund Enforcement & Information
Management Branch, Superfund Division.
Sunshine Act Meeting; Open
Commission Meeting; Friday,
July 19, 2013
July 12, 2013.
The Federal Communications
Commission will hold an Open Meeting
on the subjects listed below on Friday,
July 19, 2013. The meeting is scheduled
to commence at 10:30 a.m. in Room
TW–C305, at 445 12th Street SW.,
Washington, DC
[FR Doc. 2013–17568 Filed 7–19–13; 8:45 am]
Item No.
1 ..............
MEDIA .........................................................
TITLE: Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery
of Video Programming (MB Docket No. 12–203). SUMMARY: The Commission will
consider a Fifteenth Report on the status of competition in the market for the delivery of video programming.
TITLE: Presentation on LEAD Recommendations and Digital Learning. SUMMARY:
Margaret Spellings, former Secretary of Education, and Jim Steyer, Founder and
CEO of Common Sense Media, will present on the bipartisan Leading Education by
Advancing Digital (LEAD) Commission’s Five Point Blueprint recommending a national initiative to expand digital learning in K–12 education. Dr. John Word, principal of Kenmore Middle School in Arlington, VA, will present on how students and
teachers at Kenmore are using digital technologies and broadband connectivity to
expand learning opportunities.
TITLE: Modernizing the E-rate Program for Schools and Libraries. SUMMARY: The
Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to modernize the
Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support mechanism (the E-rate program)
to support high-speed broadband for digital learning technologies and ensure all
students, teachers, and library patrons have the tools they need to succeed in the
21st century.
TITLE: Speech-to-Speech and Internet Protocol (IP) Speech-to-Speech Telecommunications Relay Services (CG Docket No. 08–15); Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities (CG Docket No. 03–123). SUMMARY: The Commission will consider a Report and Order addressing mandatory minimum standards applicable to the Speechto-Speech Relay program and a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking
input on ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this program.
TITLE: Update on the Implementation of the Twenty-First Century Communications
and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA).
SUMMARY: In recognition of the 23rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities
Act, the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau, together with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and the Media Bureau, will provide a report on the Commission’s implementation of the CVAA since its passage in 2010.
2 ..............
WIRELINE COMPETITION .........................
4 ..............
5 ..............
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
3 ..............
The meeting site is fully accessible to
people using wheelchairs or other
mobility aids. Sign language
interpreters, open captioning, and
assistive listening devices will be
provided on site. Other reasonable
accommodations for people with
disabilities are available upon request.
In your request, include a description of
the accommodation you will need and
a way we can contact you if we need
more information. Last minute requests
will be accepted, but may be impossible
to fill. Send an email to:
or call the Consumer & Governmental
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:15 Jul 19, 2013
Jkt 229001
Affairs Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice),
202–418–0432 (tty).
Additional information concerning
this meeting may be obtained from
Audrey Spivack or David Fiske, Office
of Media Relations, (202) 418–0500;
TTY 1–888–835–5322. Audio/Video
coverage of the meeting will be
broadcast live with open captioning
over the Internet from the FCC Live Web
page at
For a fee this meeting can be viewed
live over George Mason University’s
Capitol Connection. The Capitol
Connection also will carry the meeting
PO 00000
Frm 00035
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
live via the Internet. To purchase these
services call (703) 993–3100 or go to
Copies of materials adopted at this
meeting can be purchased from the
FCC’s duplicating contractor, Best Copy
and Printing, Inc. (202) 488–5300; Fax
(202) 488–5563; TTY (202) 488–5562.
These copies are available in paper
format and alternative media, including
large print/type; digital disk; and audio
and video tape. Best Copy and Printing,
Inc. may be reached by email at
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 140 / Monday, July 22, 2013 / Notices
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Office of
Managing Director.
[FR Doc. 2013–17626 Filed 7–18–13; 11:15 am]
Notice to All Interested Parties of the
Termination of the Receivership of:
10091, Waterford Village Bank,
Clarence, NY
Notice is hereby given that the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (‘‘FDIC’’)
as Receiver for Waterford Village Bank,
Clarence, NY (‘‘the Receiver’’) intends to
terminate its receivership for said
institution. The FDIC was appointed
receiver of Waterford Village Bank on
July 24, 2009. The liquidation of the
receivership assets has been completed.
To the extent permitted by available
funds and in accordance with law, the
Receiver will be making a final dividend
payment to proven creditors.
Based upon the foregoing, the
Receiver has determined that the
continued existence of the receivership
will serve no useful purpose.
Consequently, notice is given that the
receivership shall be terminated, to be
effective no sooner than thirty days after
the date of this Notice. If any person
wishes to comment concerning the
termination of the receivership, such
comment must be made in writing and
sent within thirty days of the date of
this Notice to: Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, Division of
Resolutions and Receiverships,
Attention: Receivership Oversight
Department 32.1, 1601 Bryan Street,
Dallas, TX 75201. No comments
concerning the termination of this
receivership will be considered which
are not sent within this time frame.
Dated: July 16, 2013.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2013–17420 Filed 7–19–13; 8:45 am]
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Change in Bank Control Notices;
Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or
Bank Holding Company
The notificants listed below have
applied under the Change in Bank
Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and
§ 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:15 Jul 19, 2013
Jkt 229001
CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank
or bank holding company. The factors
that are considered in acting on the
notices are set forth in paragraph 7 of
the Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)).
The notices are available for
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank indicated. The notices
also will be available for inspection at
the offices of the Board of Governors.
Interested persons may express their
views in writing to the Reserve Bank
indicated for that notice or to the offices
of the Board of Governors. Comments
must be received not later than August
6, 2013.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
(Nadine Wallman, Vice President) 1455
East Sixth Street, Cleveland, Ohio
1. ESB Financial Corporation
Employee Stock Ownership Plan,
Ellwood City, Pennsylvania; Mario John
Manna, Trustee; Mario John Manna’s
IRA Account; Claudia Brown Moore;
Claudia Brown Moore’s IRA Account;
and Dolores Silvestri, all of Coraopolis,
Pennsylvania; to retain and acquire
additional voting shares of ESB
Financial Corporation, and thereby
indirectly retain and acquire additional
voting shares of ESB Bank, both in
Ellwood City, Pennsylvania.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, July 17, 2013.
Michael J. Lewandowski,
Associate Secretary of the Board.
trading in a range from 0 to 1⁄4 percent.
The Committee directs the Desk to
undertake open market operations as
necessary to maintain such conditions.
The Desk is directed to continue
purchasing longer-term Treasury
securities at a pace of about $45 billion
per month and to continue purchasing
agency mortgage-backed securities at a
pace of about $40 billion per month.
The Committee also directs the Desk to
engage in dollar roll and coupon swap
transactions as necessary to facilitate
settlement of the Federal Reserve’s
agency mortgage-backed securities
transactions. The Committee directs the
Desk to maintain its policy of rolling
over maturing Treasury securities into
new issues and its policy of reinvesting
principal payments on all agency debt
and agency mortgage-backed securities
in agency mortgage-backed securities.
The System Open Market Account
Manager and the Secretary will keep the
Committee informed of ongoing
developments regarding the System’s
balance sheet that could affect the
attainment over time of the Committee’s
objectives of maximum employment
and price stability.
By order of the Federal Open Market
Committee, July 12, 2013.
William B. English,
Secretary, Federal Open Market Committee.
[FR Doc. 2013–17460 Filed 7–19–13; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. 2013–17510 Filed 7–19–13; 8:45 am]
Federal Open Market Committee;
Domestic Policy Directive of June 18–
19, 2013
In accordance with Section 271.25 of
its rules regarding availability of
information (12 CFR part 271), there is
set forth below the domestic policy
directive issued by the Federal Open
Market Committee at its meeting held
on June 18–19, 2013.1
Consistent with its statutory mandate,
the Federal Open Market Committee
seeks monetary and financial conditions
that will foster maximum employment
and price stability. In particular, the
Committee seeks conditions in reserve
markets consistent with federal funds
1 Copies of the Minutes of the Federal Open
Market Committee at its meeting held on June 18–
19, 2013, which includes the domestic policy
directive issued at the meeting, are available upon
request to the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551. The
minutes are published in the Federal Reserve
Bulletin and in the Board’s Annual Report.
PO 00000
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Centers for Disease Control and
[60-Day 13–0950]
Proposed Data Collections Submitted
for Public Comment and
In compliance with the requirement
of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for
opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects, the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic
summaries of proposed projects. To
request more information on the
proposed projects or to obtain a copy of
the data collection plans and
instruments, call 404–639–7570 or send
comments to LeRoy Richardson, 1600
Clifton Road, MS–D74, Atlanta, GA
30333 or send an email to
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 140 (Monday, July 22, 2013)]
[Pages 43882-43883]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-17626]
Sunshine Act Meeting; Open Commission Meeting; Friday, July 19,
July 12, 2013.
The Federal Communications Commission will hold an Open Meeting on
the subjects listed below on Friday, July 19, 2013. The meeting is
scheduled to commence at 10:30 a.m. in Room TW-C305, at 445 12th Street
SW., Washington, DC
Item No. Bureau Subject
1.................. MEDIA................. TITLE: Annual Assessment of
the Status of Competition
in the Market for the
Delivery of Video
Programming (MB Docket No.
12-203). SUMMARY: The
Commission will consider a
Fifteenth Report on the
status of competition in
the market for the
delivery of video
2.................. TITLE: Presentation on LEAD
Recommendations and
Digital Learning. SUMMARY:
Margaret Spellings, former
Secretary of Education,
and Jim Steyer, Founder
and CEO of Common Sense
Media, will present on the
bipartisan Leading
Education by Advancing
Digital (LEAD)
Commission's Five Point
Blueprint recommending a
national initiative to
expand digital learning in
K-12 education. Dr. John
Word, principal of Kenmore
Middle School in
Arlington, VA, will
present on how students
and teachers at Kenmore
are using digital
technologies and broadband
connectivity to expand
learning opportunities.
3.................. WIRELINE COMPETITION.. TITLE: Modernizing the E-
rate Program for Schools
and Libraries. SUMMARY:
The Commission will
consider a Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking to
modernize the Schools and
Libraries Universal
Service Support mechanism
(the E-rate program) to
support high-speed
broadband for digital
learning technologies and
ensure all students,
teachers, and library
patrons have the tools
they need to succeed in
the 21st century.
4.................. CONSUMER & TITLE: Speech-to-Speech and
Telecommunications Relay
Services (CG Docket No. 08-
15); Telecommunications
Relay Services and Speech-
to-Speech Services for
Individuals with Hearing
and Speech Disabilities
(CG Docket No. 03-123).
SUMMARY: The Commission
will consider a Report and
Order addressing mandatory
minimum standards
applicable to the Speech-
to-Speech Relay program
and a Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking
seeking input on ways to
improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of this
5.................. CONSUMER & TITLE: Update on the
GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Implementation of the
& WIRELESS TELE- Twenty-First Century
COMMUNICATIONS & Communications and Video
MEDIA. Accessibility Act (CVAA).
SUMMARY: In recognition of
the 23rd anniversary of
the Americans with
Disabilities Act, the
Consumer & Governmental
Affairs Bureau, together
with the Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau
and the Media Bureau, will
provide a report on the
implementation of the CVAA
since its passage in 2010.
The meeting site is fully accessible to people using wheelchairs or
other mobility aids. Sign language interpreters, open captioning, and
assistive listening devices will be provided on site. Other reasonable
accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request.
In your request, include a description of the accommodation you will
need and a way we can contact you if we need more information. Last
minute requests will be accepted, but may be impossible to fill. Send
an email to: or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs
Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (tty).
Additional information concerning this meeting may be obtained from
Audrey Spivack or David Fiske, Office of Media Relations, (202) 418-
0500; TTY 1-888-835-5322. Audio/Video coverage of the meeting will be
broadcast live with open captioning over the Internet from the FCC Live
Web page at
For a fee this meeting can be viewed live over George Mason
University's Capitol Connection. The Capitol Connection also will carry
the meeting live via the Internet. To purchase these services call
(703) 993-3100 or go to
Copies of materials adopted at this meeting can be purchased from
the FCC's duplicating contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc. (202)
488-5300; Fax (202) 488-5563; TTY (202) 488-5562. These copies are
available in paper format and alternative media, including large print/
type; digital disk; and audio and video tape. Best Copy and Printing,
Inc. may be reached by email at
[[Page 43883]]
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Office of Managing Director.
[FR Doc. 2013-17626 Filed 7-18-13; 11:15 am]