Solicitation for a Cooperative Agreement-Core Competencies for Corrections Learning and Performance Professionals, 43921-43923 [2013-17495]
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tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 140 / Monday, July 22, 2013 / Notices
regarding juvenile justice and
delinquency prevention; advising the
OJJDP Administrator with respect to
particular functions and aspects of
OJJDP; and advising the President and
Congress with regard to State
perspectives on the operation of OJJDP
and Federal legislation pertaining to
juvenile justice and delinquency
prevention. More information on the
FACJJ may be found at
Meeting Agenda: The agenda will
include: (a) Welcome and introductions;
(b) remarks from the Administrator; (c)
presentation on subcommittee reports;
(d) consideration by full Committee of
draft FACJJ recommendations; (e) other
business; and (f) adjournment.
To participate in or view the webinar
meeting, members of the FACJJ and of
the public must pre-register online.
Members and interested persons must
link to the webinar registration portal
through no later than
Wednesday, August 7, 2013. Upon
registration, information will be sent to
you at the email address you provide to
enable you to connect to the webinar.
Should problems arise with webinar
registration, call Michelle Duhart-Tonge
at 703–789–4712. [This is not a toll-free
telephone number.] Note: Members of
the public will be able to listen to and
view the webinar as observers, but will
not be able to actively participate. An
on-site room is available for members of
the public interested in viewing the
webinar in person. If members of the
public wish to view the webinar in
person, they must notify Kathi Grasso
by email message to, no later than
Monday, August 5, 2013. Please note
that most FACJJ members will not be
physically present in Washington, DC
for the webinar. They will participate in
the webinar from their respective home
Written Comments: Interested parties
may submit written comments in
advance to Kathi Grasso, Designated
Federal Official, by email to, no later than
Monday, August 5, 2013. Alternatively,
fax your comments to 202–307–2819
and call Joyce Mosso Stokes at 202–
305–4445 to ensure that they are
received. [These are not toll-free
Robert L. Listenbee,
Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2013–17429 Filed 7–19–13; 8:45 am]
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National Institute of Corrections
Solicitation for a Cooperative
Agreement—Core Competencies for
Corrections Learning and Performance
National Institute of
Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice.
ACTION: Solicitation for a Cooperative
The National Institute of
Corrections (NIC) is soliciting proposals
from organizations, groups, or
individuals to enter into a cooperative
agreement for a 12-month period to
begin no later than September 15, 2013.
Work under this cooperative agreement
will involve the development of a core
competency model and a corresponding
complement of competency assessment
instruments. The model will identify
the core competencies both of learners
in a corrections agency and corrections
learning and performance staff. NIC will
use the model to assess its current
learning catalog and to conduct ongoing
needs analysis regarding learning and
performance in corrections via the data
it collects from the assessment
instruments. Corrections professionals
will use the model and assessment
instruments as a skills gap analysis,
professional development tool, and
human resource management tool that
will assist them with staff selection and
retention, performance management,
and succession management. This
project will be a collaborative venture
with the NIC Academy Division.
NIC Opportunity Number: 13AC09.
This number should appear in the
reference line in your cover letter, on
Standard Form 424 in section 11 with
the title of your proposal, and in the
right justified header of your proposal.
Number of Awards and Funds
Available: Under this solicitation, 1
Award will be made. The total amount
of funds available under this solicitation
is $100,000.00. Funds awarded under
this solicitation may only be used for
activities directly related to the project
as described herein unless otherwise
amended in writing by NIC.
Applications: All applicants must be
submitted electronically via https:// Hand delivered,
mailed, faxed, or emailed applications
will not be accepted.
DATES: Application must be submitted
before midnight on Thursday, August 8,
Authority: Public Law 93–415.
Eligibility of Applicants: An eligible
applicant is any public or private
PO 00000
Frm 00074
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
agency, educational institution,
organization, individual or team with
expertise in the described areas.
Background: As NIC envisions its
work with corrections learning
professionals in the 21st century, we
foresee multiple challenges, including
major shifts in staff roles and
responsibilities, learning delivery
methods, the role of technology, and the
incorporation of research-based
practices into program design and
delivery. These shifts call for the
reassessment of the knowledge, skills,
attitudes, characteristics, and traits
necessary for learning and performance
staff to achieve superior performance on
the job and for the development of a
competency model that will place
learning professionals in a position to
enhance the performance of their
NIC has identified the core roles in
corrections learning and performance as
(1) Learning Administrator: Full-time
learning program staff member with a
leadership role, approving authority for
curriculum, budget, staffing, etc. (i.e.,
agency training director); (2) Full-Time
Learning Professional: Full-time
learning program staff responsible for
program coordination, including
delivery, administrative review, and
record keeping (i.e., facility or agency
training coordinator); (3) Adjunct
Learning Professional: Part-time
learning program staff responsible for
delivery of content but whose primary
job duties are outside the training
department (i.e., firearms instructor or
field training officer); (4) Learning
Designer: Full- or part-time learning
program staff responsible for designing
learning content; and (5) Learner:
Correctional staff member who
participates in learning events
voluntarily or as a requirement of his or
her position.
NIC defines competency as a
collection of knowledge, skills, traits,
characteristics, and attitudes that are
demonstrated through superior
performance that optimizes
organizational outcomes. Competencies
are related not just to a job but to
superior performance on a job.
A proposal responsive to this
solicitation should, at a minimum,
identify a plan to address the scope and
timeframe of the project, determine the
methodology necessary to develop staff
profiles and ascertain the core
competencies essential for superior
performance by corrections learning and
performance professionals, and identify
a team that includes members with
learning and performance subject matter
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 140 / Monday, July 22, 2013 / Notices
expertise, project management
experience, and experience in the
development and implementation of
assessment instruments.
Scope of Work: The qualified
applicant team will be able to: Develop
a profile for each of the five identified
core roles in corrections learning and
performance programs and include a
narrative description with the role title,
scope of authority, responsibilities,
associated tasks, and commonly held
positions associated with the title;
Identify emerging roles in corrections
learning and performance and future
implications for the competency model;
Identify core competencies for each of
the five staff profiles;
Develop a narrative description of
each core competency, including its
definition, knowledge base, relevant
research and theory, primary skills,
characteristics and traits of high
performers, available tools and
resources for developing proficiency in
the competency;
Develop a narrative description of the
attitudes and behaviors of staff who
reflect proficiency at the basic,
intermediate, and advanced level for
each core competency;
Compile the profile and competency
data into final publication document(s);
Design and implement a selfassessment instrument that will identify
an end-user’s current level of
proficiency in the competencies
associated with a staff profile. The
instrument must be in a file format that
is compatible with electronic delivery
and that can be housed in NIC’s
Learning Management System.
Deliverables: At a minimum, the
awardee will deliver the following
products in complete and compliant
form: (1) A narrative review of the entire
project; (2) profiles for each of the five
identified roles in corrections learning
and performance; (3) a roster of core
competencies for each of the identified
profiles, with descriptive narrative for
each competency; (4) written documents
for publication that include the project
narrative, staff profiles, and core
competencies; and (6) a self-assessment
instrument for each of the staff profiles.
technical or programmatic questions
concerning this announcement should
be directed to Amanda Hall,
Correctional Program Specialist,
National Institute of Corrections who
may be reached by email at In addition to the
direct reply, all questions and responses
will be posted on NIC’s Web site at for public review (the
names or affiliations of those submitting
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:15 Jul 19, 2013
Jkt 229001
questions will not be posted). The Web
site will be updated regularly and
postings will remain on the Web site
until the closing date of this cooperative
agreement solicitation.
Application Requirements:
Application Requirements: Applications
should be typed, double spaced, in 12point font, and reference the project by
the ‘‘NIC Opportunity Number 13AC09’’
and title in this announcement, ‘‘Core
Competencies for Corrections Learning
and Performance Professionals.’’ The
package must include: A cover letter
that identifies the audit agency
responsible for the applicant’s financial
accounts as well as the audit period or
fiscal year that the applicant operates
under (e.g., July 1 through June 30); a
concisely written program narrative, not
to exceed 30 numbered pages, in
response to the statement of work, and
a detailed budget with a budget
narrative explaining projected costs.
Applicants may submit a description of
the project teams’ qualifications and
expertise relevant to the project, but
should not attach lengthy resumes.
Attachments to the proposal describing
your organization or examples of other
past work beyond those specifically
requested above are discouraged. These
attachments should not exceed 5MB.
The following forms must also be
included: OMB Standard Form 424,
Application for Federal Assistance;
OMB Standard Form 424A, Budget
Programs; OMB Standard Form 424B,
Programs (these forms are available at and DOJ/NIC
Certification Regarding Lobbying;
Debarment, Suspension and Other
Responsibility Matters; and the DrugFree Workplace Requirements (available
Failure to supply all required forms
with the application package may result
in disqualification of the application
from consideration.
Note: NIC will not award a cooperative
agreement to an applicant who does not have
a Dun and Bradstreet Database Universal
Number (DUNS) and is not registered in the
System for Award Management (SAM).
A DUNS number can be received at
no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free
DUNS number request line at 1–800–
333–0505 (if you are a sole proprietor,
you would dial 1–866–705–5711 and
select option 1).
Registration in the SAM can be done
online at the SAM Web site: https://
Review Considerations: Applications
received under this announcement will
PO 00000
Frm 00075
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
be subject to the NIC Review Process.
Proposals which fail to provide
sufficient information to allow
evaluation under the criteria below may
be judged non-responsive and
disqualified. The criteria for the
evaluation of each application will be as
Programmatic (40%)
Are all of the project tasks adequately
discussed? Is there a clear statement of
how each task will be accomplished, to
include the overall project goal(s), major
tasks to achieve the goal(s), the
strategies to be employed in completing
the tasks, required staffing, and other
required resources? Are there any
approaches, techniques, or design
aspects proposed that are new to NIC
and will enhance the project?
Organizational (35%)
Do the proposed project staff members
possess the skills, knowledge, and
expertise necessary to complete the
tasks listed under the scope of work?
Does the applicant organization, group,
or individual have the organizational
capacity to complete all project tasks?
Does the proposal contain project
management and staffing plans that are
realistic and sufficient to complete the
project within the project time frame?
Project Management/Administration
Does the applicant identify reasonable
objectives and/or milestones that reflect
the key tasks, and measures to track
progress? If consultants and/or
partnerships are proposed, is there a
reasonable justification for their
inclusion in the project, and a clear
structure to ensure effective
coordination? Is the proposed budget
realistic, does it provide a sufficient cost
detail/narrative, and does it represent
good value relative to the anticipated
Specific Requirements: Documents or
other media that are produced under
this award must follow these guidelines:
Prior to the preparation of the final draft
of any document or other media, the
awardee must consult with NIC’s
Writer/Editor concerning the acceptable
formats for manuscript submissions and
the technical specifications for
electronic media. For all awards in
which a document will be a deliverable,
the awardee must follow the guidelines
listed herein, as well as follow the
Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting
Manuscripts for Publication as found in
the ‘‘General Guidelines for Cooperative
Agreements,’’ which can be found on
our Web site at
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 140 / Monday, July 22, 2013 / Notices
All final documents and other
materials submitted under this project
must meet the federal government’s
requirement for Section 508
accessibility, including those provisions
outlined in 1194 Subpart B, Technical
Provisions, Subpart C, Functional
Performance Criteria; and Subpart D,
Documentation and Support, NIC’s
government product accessibility
template (see
outlines the agency’s minimum criteria
for meeting this requirement; a
completed form attesting to the
accessibility of project deliverables
should accompany all submissions.
Note Concerning Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance Number: The
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
(CFDA) should be entered into box 10
of the SF 424. The CFDA number for
this solicitation is 16.603—Technical
Assistance/Clearinghouse. You are
subject to the provisions of Executive
Order 12372. The order allows states the
option of setting up a system for
reviewing applications from within
their states for assistance under certain
Federal programs. You must notify the
Single State Point of Contact in your
state, if it exists, of this application
before NIC can make an award.
Applicants (other than Indian tribal
governments recognized by the Federal
government) should contact their State
Single Point of Contact (SPOC), a list of
which can be found at https://
Check the appropriate box in section 16
of the SF–424.
Robert M. Brown, Jr.,
Acting Director, National Institute of
[FR Doc. 2013–17495 Filed 7–19–13; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Corrections
Solicitation for a Cooperative
Agreement—Executive Excellence a
Training and Development Program for
Correctional Executives
National Institute of
Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice.
ACTION: Solicitation for a Cooperative
under the direction of NIC’s Deputy
Director to develop modify and enhance
a competency based, blended modality
training curriculum that follows the
framework outlined in ‘‘Correctional
Leadership Competencies for the 21st
Century.’’ The framework has defined
competencies at the executive level and
is designed to meet a significant unfilled
leadership development need for
individuals the field of corrections who
have demonstrated the potential to be
the chief executive officer at the state,
local or federal level. The curriculum
that is currently in place is exceptional,
but could always be improved upon.
The content stresses leadership skill
building, exposure to ethical and value
based issues, self-awareness, strategic
thinking, team oriented performance,
effective decision making, executive
visioning, mission and agenda setting,
executive planning, politics of
corrections both internally and
externally as well the dynamics of
creating collaborative partnerships in
the external environment. Finally the
program strives to develop strategic and
critical thinking through a variety of
experiential activities and group
sessions. This project will be a
collaborative venture with the NIC’s
Academy and Administrative Divisions.
NIC Opportunity Number: 13AC04
This number should appear in the
reference line in your cover letter, on
Standard Form 424 in section 11 with
the title of your proposal, and in the
right justified header of your proposal.
Number of Awards and Funds
Available: Under this solicitation, 1
Award will be made. The total amount
of funds available under this solicitation
is $78,000. Funds awarded under this
solicitation may only be used for
activities directly related to the project
as described herein unless otherwise
amended in writing by NIC.
Applications: All applicants must be
submitted electronically via https:// Hand delivered,
mailed, faxed, or emailed applications
will not be accepted.
DATES: Application must be submitted
before midnight on Thursday, August 8,
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The National Institute of
Corrections (NIC) is soliciting proposals
from organizations, groups, or
individuals to enter into a cooperative
agreement for a 15-month period to
begin no later than September 15, 2013.
This project will be a cooperative
agreement and will involve working
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:15 Jul 19, 2013
Jkt 229001
Authority: Public Law 93–415
Eligibility of Applicants: An eligible
applicant is any public or private
agency, educational institution,
organization, individual or team with
expertise in the described areas.
Background: NIC has been committed
for many years to the development and
improvement of executive performance
by providing outstanding leadership
and management training to corrections’
PO 00000
Frm 00076
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
professionals. Executive Excellence has
completed an exceptional history of 16
years of service to the field, with more
than 500 graduates. A proposal
responsive to this solicitation should, at
a minimum include, information that
demonstrates the applicants experience
as a correctional or criminal justice
chief executive officer, completed the
current curriculum of Executive
Excellence or another equally
prestigious criminal justice executive
development program. In addition the
applicant should demonstrate an
understanding of the concepts included
in the text Correctional Leadership for
the 21st Century, a portion of which
specifically addresses the role of the
Correctional Executive.
Scope of Work: At the end of this
Cooperative Agreement, a revised or
new module(s) for an Executive
Excellence curriculum should be
developed using NIC’s Instructional
Theory Into Practice (ITIP) model. The
curriculum should include a facilitators
manual, modifications or changes to the
current participant’s manual, and all
relevant supplemental materials (such
as PowerPoint presentations, visual &/or
audio visual aids, handouts, exercises,
etc.). The use of blended learning tools
such as live web-based training sessions
(e.g.,WebEx) and supplemental on-line
tailored courses are encouraged.
Deliverables: At a minimum the
awardee should be able to deliver the
following products in complete and
compliant form:
a narrative review and curriculum module
that focuses on and creates an understanding
for the role of the correctional executive,
a narrative overview and a curriculum
module that focuses on and creates an
understanding for the development of
correctional policy at the executive level,
a narrative overview and a curriculum
module that addresses the typical ethical
dilemmas and decision making for
correctional executives,
a narrative overview and a curriculum
module for the correctional executive
working in a troubled organization,
a narrative overview and a curriculum
module for the correctional executive that
addresses effective tactics and strategies for
working with legislative bodies,
a narrative overview and a curriculum
module for building an executive team
within a correctional environment,
a narrative overview and a curriculum
module effective correctional planning, both
tactical and strategic,
develop and present a series of provocative
evening sessions on contemporary criminal
justice and correctional issues,
develop and present an overview as well
as a curriculum module that provides the
participants with an simulated experience for
competing for an executive position for
corrections at the federal, state and local
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 140 (Monday, July 22, 2013)]
[Pages 43921-43923]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-17495]
National Institute of Corrections
Solicitation for a Cooperative Agreement--Core Competencies for
Corrections Learning and Performance Professionals
AGENCY: National Institute of Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice.
ACTION: Solicitation for a Cooperative Agreement.
SUMMARY: The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is soliciting
proposals from organizations, groups, or individuals to enter into a
cooperative agreement for a 12-month period to begin no later than
September 15, 2013. Work under this cooperative agreement will involve
the development of a core competency model and a corresponding
complement of competency assessment instruments. The model will
identify the core competencies both of learners in a corrections agency
and corrections learning and performance staff. NIC will use the model
to assess its current learning catalog and to conduct ongoing needs
analysis regarding learning and performance in corrections via the data
it collects from the assessment instruments. Corrections professionals
will use the model and assessment instruments as a skills gap analysis,
professional development tool, and human resource management tool that
will assist them with staff selection and retention, performance
management, and succession management. This project will be a
collaborative venture with the NIC Academy Division.
NIC Opportunity Number: 13AC09. This number should appear in the
reference line in your cover letter, on Standard Form 424 in section 11
with the title of your proposal, and in the right justified header of
your proposal.
Number of Awards and Funds Available: Under this solicitation, 1
Award will be made. The total amount of funds available under this
solicitation is $100,000.00. Funds awarded under this solicitation may
only be used for activities directly related to the project as
described herein unless otherwise amended in writing by NIC.
Applications: All applicants must be submitted electronically via Hand delivered, mailed, faxed, or emailed
applications will not be accepted.
DATES: Application must be submitted before midnight on Thursday,
August 8, 2013.
Authority: Public Law 93-415.
Eligibility of Applicants: An eligible applicant is any public or
private agency, educational institution, organization, individual or
team with expertise in the described areas.
Background: As NIC envisions its work with corrections learning
professionals in the 21st century, we foresee multiple challenges,
including major shifts in staff roles and responsibilities, learning
delivery methods, the role of technology, and the incorporation of
research-based practices into program design and delivery. These shifts
call for the reassessment of the knowledge, skills, attitudes,
characteristics, and traits necessary for learning and performance
staff to achieve superior performance on the job and for the
development of a competency model that will place learning
professionals in a position to enhance the performance of their agency.
NIC has identified the core roles in corrections learning and
performance as (1) Learning Administrator: Full-time learning program
staff member with a leadership role, approving authority for
curriculum, budget, staffing, etc. (i.e., agency training director);
(2) Full-Time Learning Professional: Full-time learning program staff
responsible for program coordination, including delivery,
administrative review, and record keeping (i.e., facility or agency
training coordinator); (3) Adjunct Learning Professional: Part-time
learning program staff responsible for delivery of content but whose
primary job duties are outside the training department (i.e., firearms
instructor or field training officer); (4) Learning Designer: Full- or
part-time learning program staff responsible for designing learning
content; and (5) Learner: Correctional staff member who participates in
learning events voluntarily or as a requirement of his or her position.
NIC defines competency as a collection of knowledge, skills,
traits, characteristics, and attitudes that are demonstrated through
superior performance that optimizes organizational outcomes.
Competencies are related not just to a job but to superior performance
on a job.
A proposal responsive to this solicitation should, at a minimum,
identify a plan to address the scope and timeframe of the project,
determine the methodology necessary to develop staff profiles and
ascertain the core competencies essential for superior performance by
corrections learning and performance professionals, and identify a team
that includes members with learning and performance subject matter
[[Page 43922]]
expertise, project management experience, and experience in the
development and implementation of assessment instruments.
Scope of Work: The qualified applicant team will be able to:
Develop a profile for each of the five identified core roles in
corrections learning and performance programs and include a narrative
description with the role title, scope of authority, responsibilities,
associated tasks, and commonly held positions associated with the
Identify emerging roles in corrections learning and performance and
future implications for the competency model;
Identify core competencies for each of the five staff profiles;
Develop a narrative description of each core competency, including
its definition, knowledge base, relevant research and theory, primary
skills, characteristics and traits of high performers, available tools
and resources for developing proficiency in the competency;
Develop a narrative description of the attitudes and behaviors of
staff who reflect proficiency at the basic, intermediate, and advanced
level for each core competency;
Compile the profile and competency data into final publication
Design and implement a self-assessment instrument that will
identify an end-user's current level of proficiency in the competencies
associated with a staff profile. The instrument must be in a file
format that is compatible with electronic delivery and that can be
housed in NIC's Learning Management System.
Deliverables: At a minimum, the awardee will deliver the following
products in complete and compliant form: (1) A narrative review of the
entire project; (2) profiles for each of the five identified roles in
corrections learning and performance; (3) a roster of core competencies
for each of the identified profiles, with descriptive narrative for
each competency; (4) written documents for publication that include the
project narrative, staff profiles, and core competencies; and (6) a
self-assessment instrument for each of the staff profiles.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: All technical or programmatic
questions concerning this announcement should be directed to Amanda
Hall, Correctional Program Specialist, National Institute of
Corrections who may be reached by email at In addition
to the direct reply, all questions and responses will be posted on
NIC's Web site at for public review (the names or
affiliations of those submitting questions will not be posted). The Web
site will be updated regularly and postings will remain on the Web site
until the closing date of this cooperative agreement solicitation.
Application Requirements: Application Requirements: Applications
should be typed, double spaced, in 12-point font, and reference the
project by the ``NIC Opportunity Number 13AC09'' and title in this
announcement, ``Core Competencies for Corrections Learning and
Performance Professionals.'' The package must include: A cover letter
that identifies the audit agency responsible for the applicant's
financial accounts as well as the audit period or fiscal year that the
applicant operates under (e.g., July 1 through June 30); a concisely
written program narrative, not to exceed 30 numbered pages, in response
to the statement of work, and a detailed budget with a budget narrative
explaining projected costs. Applicants may submit a description of the
project teams' qualifications and expertise relevant to the project,
but should not attach lengthy resumes. Attachments to the proposal
describing your organization or examples of other past work beyond
those specifically requested above are discouraged. These attachments
should not exceed 5MB.
The following forms must also be included: OMB Standard Form 424,
Application for Federal Assistance; OMB Standard Form 424A, Budget
information--Non-Construction Programs; OMB Standard Form 424B,
Assurances--Non-Construction Programs (these forms are available at and DOJ/NIC Certification Regarding Lobbying;
Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and the Drug-
Free Workplace Requirements (available at
Failure to supply all required forms with the application package
may result in disqualification of the application from consideration.
Note: NIC will not award a cooperative agreement to an
applicant who does not have a Dun and Bradstreet Database Universal
Number (DUNS) and is not registered in the System for Award
Management (SAM).
A DUNS number can be received at no cost by calling the dedicated
toll-free DUNS number request line at 1-800-333-0505 (if you are a sole
proprietor, you would dial 1-866-705-5711 and select option 1).
Registration in the SAM can be done online at the SAM Web site:
Review Considerations: Applications received under this
announcement will be subject to the NIC Review Process. Proposals which
fail to provide sufficient information to allow evaluation under the
criteria below may be judged non-responsive and disqualified. The
criteria for the evaluation of each application will be as follows:
Programmatic (40%)
Are all of the project tasks adequately discussed? Is there a clear
statement of how each task will be accomplished, to include the overall
project goal(s), major tasks to achieve the goal(s), the strategies to
be employed in completing the tasks, required staffing, and other
required resources? Are there any approaches, techniques, or design
aspects proposed that are new to NIC and will enhance the project?
Organizational (35%)
Do the proposed project staff members possess the skills,
knowledge, and expertise necessary to complete the tasks listed under
the scope of work? Does the applicant organization, group, or
individual have the organizational capacity to complete all project
tasks? Does the proposal contain project management and staffing plans
that are realistic and sufficient to complete the project within the
project time frame?
Project Management/Administration (25%)
Does the applicant identify reasonable objectives and/or milestones
that reflect the key tasks, and measures to track progress? If
consultants and/or partnerships are proposed, is there a reasonable
justification for their inclusion in the project, and a clear structure
to ensure effective coordination? Is the proposed budget realistic,
does it provide a sufficient cost detail/narrative, and does it
represent good value relative to the anticipated results?
Specific Requirements: Documents or other media that are produced
under this award must follow these guidelines: Prior to the preparation
of the final draft of any document or other media, the awardee must
consult with NIC's Writer/Editor concerning the acceptable formats for
manuscript submissions and the technical specifications for electronic
media. For all awards in which a document will be a deliverable, the
awardee must follow the guidelines listed herein, as well as follow the
Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts for Publication as
found in the ``General Guidelines for Cooperative Agreements,'' which
can be found on our Web site at
[[Page 43923]]
All final documents and other materials submitted under this
project must meet the federal government's requirement for Section 508
accessibility, including those provisions outlined in 1194 Subpart B,
Technical Provisions, Subpart C, Functional Performance Criteria; and
Subpart D, Documentation and Support, NIC's government product
accessibility template (see outlines the
agency's minimum criteria for meeting this requirement; a completed
form attesting to the accessibility of project deliverables should
accompany all submissions.
Note Concerning Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: The
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) should be entered into
box 10 of the SF 424. The CFDA number for this solicitation is 16.603--
Technical Assistance/Clearinghouse. You are subject to the provisions
of Executive Order 12372. The order allows states the option of setting
up a system for reviewing applications from within their states for
assistance under certain Federal programs. You must notify the Single
State Point of Contact in your state, if it exists, of this application
before NIC can make an award. Applicants (other than Indian tribal
governments recognized by the Federal government) should contact their
State Single Point of Contact (SPOC), a list of which can be found at Check the appropriate box
in section 16 of the SF-424.
Robert M. Brown, Jr.,
Acting Director, National Institute of Corrections.
[FR Doc. 2013-17495 Filed 7-19-13; 8:45 am]