Waiver of 14 CFR 437.29 and 437.55(a) for Scaled Composites, LLC, 42994-42997 [2013-17169]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2013 / Notices
investors, or otherwise in furtherance of
the purposes of the Act.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (https://www.sec.gov/
rules/sro.shtml) or
• Send an email to rulecomments@sec.gov. Please include File
Number SR–CME–2013–08 on the
subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
100 F Street NE., Washington, DC
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–CME–2013–08. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (https://www.sec.gov/
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for Web site viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
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business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such
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inspection and copying at the principal
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All comments received will be posted
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should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–CME–2013–08 and should
be submitted on or before August 8,
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For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Elizabeth M. Murphy,
[FR Doc. 2013–17195 Filed 7–17–13; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Office of Commercial Space
Waiver of 14 CFR 437.29 and 437.55(a)
for Scaled Composites, LLC
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of waiver.
[Disaster Declaration #13579 and #13580]
Illinois Disaster Number IL–00041
U.S. Small Business
Amendment 4.
This is an amendment of the
Presidential declaration of a major
disaster for the State of Illinois (FEMA–
4116–DR), dated 05/10/2013.
Incident: Severe storms, straight-line
winds and flooding.
Incident Period: 04/16/2013 through
Effective Date: 07/02/2013.
Physical Loan Application Deadline
Date: 07/24/2013.
EIDL Loan Application Deadline Date:
Submit completed loan
applications to: U.S. Small Business
Administration, Processing and
Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport
Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,
U.S. Small Business Administration,
409 3rd Street SW., Suite 6050,
Washington, DC 20416.
The notice
of the President’s major disaster
declaration for the State of Illinois,
dated 05/10/2013 is hereby amended to
extend the deadline for filing
applications for physical damages as a
result of this disaster to 07/24/2013.
All other information in the original
declaration remains unchanged.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Numbers 59002 and 59008)
James E. Rivera,
Associate Administrator for Disaster
[FR Doc. 2013–17250 Filed 7–17–13; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
8 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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This notice concerns a waiver
to Scaled Composites, LLC (Scaled)
from the requirements of 14 CFR 437.29
and 437.55(a) to provide the FAA a
hazard analysis that identifies,
mitigates, and verifies and validates
mitigation measures for hazards created
by software and human error. The FAA
finds that a waiver is in the public
interest and will not jeopardize public
health and safety, safety of property,
and national security and foreign policy
interests of the United States.
technical questions concerning this
waiver, contact Michael Kelly, Chief
Engineer, Commercial Space
Transportation, AST–004, 800
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202)
267–7588; email:
Michael.S.Kelly@faa.gov. For legal
questions concerning this waiver,
contact Sabrina Jawed, Attorneyadvisor, Space Law Branch, AGC–250,
Office of the Chief Counsel, Regulations
Division, Federal Aviation
Administration, 800 Independence
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591;
telephone: (202) 267–8839; email:
On May 23, 2012, the FAA’s Office of
Commercial Space Transportation (AST)
issued Scaled Experimental Permit No.
12–007. On March 6, 2013, Scaled
submitted an application to renew its
experimental permit, which was to
expire on May 22, 2013. In its
application for renewal, Scaled
included modifications to its permit to
reflect changes made to SpaceShipTwo
(SS2). In March of 2013, Scaled
provided updates to the original hazard
analysis for FAA assessment. Upon
reviewing Scaled’s application to renew
its permit, the FAA determined that
Scaled did not fully meet the
requirements of 14 CFR 437.29 and
Scaled did not meet these
requirements because it did not identify
human or software error as causing
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2013 / Notices
hazards. It did not identify these errors
as causing hazards on the grounds that
the mitigations it had in place would
prevent the hazards from occurring.
Scaled emphasizes aircraft and
spacecraft design redundancy, flight and
maintenance procedures, and ground
and flight crew training to mitigate
against hazards caused by human and
software errors.
Scaled employs a number of different
approaches to safety derived from its
aviation heritage. These include a
training program, an incremental
approach to flight testing, use of chase
planes, use of a two-pilot model, the
remoteness of its operating area and use
of a winged vehicle.
i. Public Health and Safety or Safety of
The FAA’s Authority and Waiver
(1) Training Program
The FAA issues experimental permits
under authority granted to the Secretary
of Transportation under 51 U.S.C. 50906
and delegated to the FAA
Administrator. The FAA may waive an
experimental permit requirement if the
waiver (1) Will not jeopardize public
health and safety or safety of property,
(2) will not jeopardize national security
and foreign policy interests of the
United States, and (3) will be in the
public interest. 51 U.S.C. 50905(b)(3); 14
CFR 404.5(b).
A. Scaled did not Meet the
Requirements of Sections 437.29 and
Section 437.29 requires an applicant
for a permit to perform a hazard analysis
that complies with section 437.55(a),
and to provide the FAA all results of
each step of the hazard analysis
required by section 437.55(a). Section
437.55(a) requires an applicant to
perform a hazard analysis that
identifies, mitigates, and validates and
verifies mitigation measures for each
hazard. Scaled did not identify and
describe all hazards resulting from
human and software error as part of its
hazard analysis, and therefore did not
fully satisfy sections 437.29 and
B. Operation of the SpaceShipTwo
The FAA waives the hazard analysis
requirements of sections 437.29 and
437.55(a) for Scaled for software and
human error because the SS2 operation
will not jeopardize public health and
safety or safety of property, national
security or foreign policy interests of the
United States, and is in the public
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A hazard analysis serves to reduce
risk to the public by limiting the
possibility of a vehicle mishap.
Although Scaled did not complete its
hazard analysis as required by the
regulations, the combination of its
training program, incremental approach
to flight testing, use of chase planes, and
two-pilot model, as well as the limited
duration of the permit and thus the
waiver, the remoteness of its operating
area and its use of a winged vehicle
combine to allow the FAA to find that
Scaled’s activities will not jeopardize
public health and safety or safety of
Although Scaled’s hazard analysis
under section 437.55(a) did not
associate the hazards it mitigated
specifically with whether they were
caused by human error, Scaled’s
training program provides part of the
basis for the FAA to find that Scaled’s
permitted activities will not jeopardize
public health and safety or safety of
property. Scaled’s approach to flight
safety and training derives from aviation
flight testing. Scaled generally requires
that its pilots have at least 1,500 hours
of flight time, as well as specific
experience in jet and glider aircraft.
Scaled uses three different devices to
train SS2 pilots and crew. The devices
are (1) An SS2 simulator, (2) a
WhiteKnightTwo aircraft, and (3) an
aerobatic aircraft, or other g tolerance
training device.
Scaled’s SS2 simulator mimics the
SS2 itself. The simulator duplicates the
SS2 cabin layout, including the
avionics, switches, controls, and
windows. The simulator also provides
wrap-around video simulation and
sound effects. This gives the pilot depth
perception and the ability to make
accurate landing approaches and other
maneuvers. The simulator also mimics
SS2 flight dynamics. The simulator has
the ability to dynamically simulate both
control forces and effectiveness in all
flight regimes. The control forces are
dynamically linked to aerodynamics of
all phases of flight. The simulator also
simulates wind profiles, thrust
asymmetries, and an array of failure
Using flight simulators allows for indepth training, including the practice of
critical emergency procedures, in a safer
environment. Scaled’s use of a flight
simulator that mimics the SS2 allows
Scaled’s pilots to become familiar with
how the SS2 operates and responds
during launch, flight, and reentry, and
PO 00000
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helps improve the SS2 pilot’s response
time. Simulators allow pilots to gain
experience flying the spacecraft.
Simulators also allow pilots and crew to
practice flying in emergency or other
flight conditions that would be
dangerous to recreate in the airspace.
Scaled also uses its flight simulator to
develop mission specific trajectories,
identify the envelopes of potential
failure trajectories, and validate flight
rules and abort procedures. The
simulator models nominal and offnominal flight environment and
incorporates reasonably foreseeable
failure scenarios. Scaled updates the
simulations based on data obtained from
actual flights to improve the simulator’s
fidelity and accuracy. Scaled runs its
simulator 1.4 times faster than actual
flight in order to ensure that pilots and
ground crew are trained to respond
quickly to various flight conditions and
anomalies. By practicing various
nominal and non-nominal scenarios in
the SS2 simulator, pilots are able to
rehearse how to operate the SS2. This
training also enhances the speed and
reaction time of the crew, and allows
the crew to practice working together to
run various procedures, such as going
through the checklist. Continuous
updates ensure that the simulator
provides the most accurate modeling of
the way the vehicle will perform at
various altitudes and attitudes, so that
the crew can best experience how the
SS2 will react during flight.
SS2’s flight crew also uses
WhiteKnightTwo for training because it
replicates SS2’s flight profile. When the
WhiteKnightTwo’s spoil-flaps are
deployed, it has a similar flight path and
descent profile to the SS2. SS2 pilots fly
at least three WhiteKnightTwo flights
simulating SS2 approaches prior to an
SS2 flight. Flight crew are able to fly in
the WhiteKnightTwo in order to
practice what it will be like when they
are flying the SS2.
Use of the WhiteKnightTwo builds
upon the simulator training. While the
simulator mimics flight conditions in
most cases, it is not a multi-axis
simulator, which means it will not pitch
in a vertical motion and not always
mimic real flight conditions. The
WhiteKnightTwo is able to replicate the
full flight and the actual feel of flight in
the SS2. Additional training in the
WhiteKnightTwo, which has a cockpit
that mimics the SS2, allows pilots and
crew to experience more accurate flight
conditions than the simulator in some
Lastly, as part of ongoing g tolerance
training, the SS2 crew completes an
aerobatic training course that covers g
tolerance, motion sickness, and unusual
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2013 / Notices
attitudes. This training is performed in
a small aerobatic aircraft. SS2 crew may
also train in a g tolerance training
device, such as a centrifuge.
To the extent that physical human
vulnerability plays a role in safety,
Scaled’s coverage of g tolerance, motion
sickness and unusual attitudes helps
safety on two fronts. First, it trains a
pilot to recognize the onset of,
experience, and recover from the
anticipated stresses of launch. Also, it
allows an operator to determine that a
pilot remains functional while
withstanding the anticipated stresses of
the launch.
(2) Incremental Approach to Flight
Another important factor in the FAA’s
ability to grant this waiver is Scaled’s
incremental approach to flight testing.
Scaled’s test program is divided into
three phases: 1) Subsonic glide flights,
2) powered flight to maximum altitude,
and 3) repeatability demonstrations.
Scaled employs an incremental
approach to flight testing, and flight
tests in three different phases. Before
moving to a new phase, Scaled ensures
that it has mitigated or eliminated the
hazards it observed during the previous
phase. By changing only a limited
number of variables at a time, Scaled is
able to identify which variables result in
hazards, isolate those variables, and take
steps to mitigate or eliminate the
hazards. Scaled then runs additional
tests until it is satisfied that it has
eliminated or mitigated the hazard.
During phase one, WhiteKnightTwo
releases SS2 to allow Scaled to observe
its actions during glide flight. During
phase two, WhiteKnightTwo releases
SS2, and SS2 performs rocket-powered
flight. Phase two ends with a successful
demonstration of the maximum altitude
performance of the vehicle. Phase three
demonstrates that SS2 can repeatedly
perform proficiently during rocketpowered flight. For each new flight,
Scaled varies only one parameter at a
time, especially in the case of critical
components where a failure could
quickly take the aircraft from a safe
flight condition to a potentially
hazardous one. For example, Scaled
tests the feathering operation of the
vehicle during each phase. To do this,
Scaled feathers and defeathers the
vehicle in flight at varying Mach
numbers and altitudes. Test pilots will
evaluate the handling of the vehicle in
both the feathered and unfeathered
configuration at each Mach number and
Incremental testing ensures that
Scaled is able to study the reactions of
the vehicle during different stages of
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flight. By moving from a less complex
flight (glide) to a more complex flight
(rocket-powered), Scaled is able to
isolate and identify variables that cause
hazards, address those hazards, and retest to ensure that the mitigations were
(3) Use of Chase Planes and Two-Pilot
Scaled uses two chase planes and two
pilots for SS2’s flight. Scaled’s use of
two chase planes and two pilots allows
Scaled to identify problems when the
system itself fails to disclose them, and
provides redundancy. The chase planes
are able to monitor the WhiteKnightTwo
and the SS2, so that if there is a
computer failure and the pilot would
not otherwise know of an external
failure, such as the failure of the landing
gear to lower, the chase planes are able
to provide that information. Upon
reentry of SS2, Scaled uses
WhiteKnightTwo as an additional chase
The pilots of chase planes look for
any external abnormalities in SS2. If an
abnormality is identified, the chase
plane is able to communicate the issue
to both the ground crew and the pilots
onboard SS2. If the communications
and telemetry systems stop functioning
in the carrier aircraft, the chase planes
can communicate with the carrier
aircraft by radio. The radio operates on
a separate frequency than the telemetry
system on the SS2 and
WhiteKnightTwo. Also, if the SS2
multifunctional displays and the
independent attitude/air data computer
and display become inoperable during
gliding flight, the chase planes can lead
the vehicle to landing if necessary.
The chase planes provide additional
situational awareness for pilots and
crew on the carrier aircraft and SS2, and
ground crew. The use of two chase
planes is a safety measure that
eliminates or mitigates potential
hazards. The chase planes are able to
identify anomalies and communicate
them directly to the SS2 or carrier
airplane pilots. They serve as an extra
set of eyes to ensure that any unplanned
events that do occur are identified and
addressed as quickly as possible.
Scaled uses two rather than one pilot
because if one pilot becomes
incapacitated, the other pilot can fly the
spacecraft. In both emergencies and
nominal flight operations, both pilots
are able to work together to enhance
situational awareness. For example,
each pilot is able to verify with the other
that the checklist is correct and the
spacecraft is functioning normally. Pilot
error on the part of one pilot can be
corrected by the other, and in situations
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where a decision must be made, two
fully-qualified pilots can consult
quickly. The use of two pilots may
eliminate or mitigate potential hazards.
(4) Duration
Because an experimental permit is by
design a brief authorization of one year,
minimal levels of residual error and
thus risk may accumulate, but not at
levels that would jeopardize public
health and safety. Without a full system
safety analysis of software and human
error, error may accumulate over time.
For example, latent software and
hardware incompatibilities may develop
with changes and updates. Although
such error could build over time, it
would not within the time period of a
permit. Additionally, the one-year
duration of the permit means that this
waiver will also be of brief duration,
and there is a reduced likelihood of
employee turnover and any attendant
loss of corporate memory at Scaled in
that time.
(5) Remoteness of Operating Area and
Controllability of Vehicle
Finally, Scaled’s operating area is
remote enough that, were it to
experience a catastrophic failure, it
would not jeopardize public health and
safety. Additionally, the SS2 is a winged
vehicle, and therefore maneuverable.
Scaled is conducting launches of SS2
in a very remote location. The southern
end of the operating area where Scaled
plans to conduct its test flights has a
population density of about 17 people
per square mile. The area Scaled plans
to use for the rocket-powered ascent
phase of flight includes approximately
450 people in a 140 square mile area, or
just over three people per square mile.
The operating area for SS2 is also very
large at approximately 5,000 square
miles, in order to ensure that SS2
operations are contained within a
sparsely populated area.
Additionally, SS2 is a winged vehicle.
Scaled’s pilots are able to control and
maneuver SS2 to ensure it stays away
from populated areas, including the
exclusion zones inside the operating
area. The pilots can ensure that the SS2
operates only in the areas with the
sparsest population.
Scaled did not fully comply with the
hazard analysis required by section
437.55(a), but the FAA finds that
Scaled’s operations will not jeopardize
public health and safety or safety of
property because of the combination of
its flight test program, training,
incremental flight testing, chase planes,
two pilots, and the remoteness of its
operating area.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2013 / Notices
ii. National Security and Foreign Policy
This waiver does not have an impact
on any national security or foreign
policy interests of the United States.
Scaled’s launch operations will take
place within the United States and
within a specifically defined area that is
used for military operations.
iii. Public Interest
The FAA finds that granting this
waiver is in the public interest. The
Commercial Space Launch Act provides
that the United States should encourage
private sector launches, reentries, and
associated services. Additionally,
Congress established Chapter 509 to
promote economic growth and
entrepreneurial activity through use of
the space environment for peaceful
This waiver is consistent with the
public interest goals of Chapter 509. The
SS2 test flights will stimulate economic
growth, spur technological
developments and create aerospace
business opportunities such as carrying
scientific payloads and space tourists on
trips to the edge of space and back. The
FAA finds that granting this waiver is in
the public interest because the SS2
flights further the purposes Congress
articulated for Chapter 509.
Issued in Washington, DC on July 9, 2013.
George C. Nield,
Associate Administrator for Commercial
Space Transportation.
[FR Doc. 2013–17169 Filed 7–17–13; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Membership Availability in the National
Parks Overflights Advisory Group
Aviation Rulemaking Committee
The National Park Service
(NPS) and the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), as required by
the National Parks Air Tour
Management Act of 2000, established
the National Parks Overflights Advisory
Group (NPOAG) in March 2001. The
NPOAG was formed to provide
continuing advice and counsel with
respect to commercial air tour
operations over and near national parks.
This notice informs the public of two
vacancies on the NPOAG [now the
NPOAG Aviation Rulemaking
Committee (ARC)] for members
representing commercial air tour
operators (one vacancy) and
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environmental concerns (one vacancy)
and invites interested persons to apply
to fill the vacancies.
DATES: Persons interested in serving on
the NPOAG ARC should contact Mr.
Keith Lusk in writing and postmarked
or emailed on or before August 16, 2013.
Keith Lusk, AWP–1SP, Special
Programs Staff, Federal Aviation
Administration, Western-Pacific Region
Headquarters, P.O. Box 92007, Los
Angeles, CA 90009–2007, telephone:
(310) 725–3808, email: Keith.Lusk@faa.
The National Parks Air Tour
Management Act of 2000 (the Act) was
enacted on April 5, 2000, as Public Law
106–181. The Act required the
establishment of the advisory group
within 1 year after its enactment. The
advisory group was established in
March 2001, and is comprised of a
balanced group of representatives of
general aviation, commercial air tour
operations, environmental concerns,
and Native American tribes. The
Administrator of the FAA and the
Director of NPS (or their designees)
serve as ex officio members of the
group. Representatives of the
Administrator and Director serve
alternating 1-year terms as chairman of
the advisory group.
The advisory group provides ‘‘advice,
information, and recommendations to
the Administrator and the Director—
(1) On the implementation of this title
[the Act] and the amendments made by
this title;
(2) On commonly accepted quiet
aircraft technology for use in
commercial air tour operations over a
national park or tribal lands, which will
receive preferential treatment in a given
air tour management plan;
(3) On other measures that might be
taken to accommodate the interests of
visitors to national parks; and
(4) At the request of the Administrator
and the Director, safety, environmental,
and other issues related to commercial
air tour operations over a national park
or tribal lands.’’
Members of the advisory group may
be allowed certain travel expenses as
authorized by section 5703 of Title 5,
United States Code, for intermittent
Government service.
By FAA Order No. 1110–138, signed
by the FAA Administrator on October
10, 2003, the NPOAG became an
Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC).
FAA Order No. 1110–138, was amended
and became effective as FAA Order No.
1110–138A, on January 20, 2006.
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The current NPOAG ARC is made up
of one member representing general
aviation, three members representing
the commercial air tour industry, four
members representing environmental
concerns, and two members
representing Native American tribal
concerns. Current members of the
NPOAG ARC are: Heidi Williams
representing general aviation; Alan
Stephen, and Mark Francis representing
commercial air tour concerns; Michael
Sutton, Gregory Miller, and Dick
Hingson representing environmental
interests; Rory Majenty and Martin
Begaye, representing Native American
In order to retain balance within the
NPOAG ARC, the FAA and NPS invite
persons interested in serving on the
ARC to represent commercial air tour
operators and environmental concerns
to contact Mr. Keith Lusk (contact
information is written above in FOR
Requests to serve on the ARC must be
made to Mr. Lusk in writing and
postmarked or emailed on or before
August 16, 2013. The request should
indicate whether or not you are a
member of an association or group
representing commercial air tours or
environmental concerns, or have
another affiliation with issues relating to
aircraft flights over national parks. The
request should also state what expertise
you would bring to the NPOAG ARC as
related to the vacancy you are seeking
to fill (e.g., environmental concerns).
The term of service for NPOAG ARC
members is 3 years.
On June 18, 2010, President Obama
signed a Presidential Memorandum
directing agencies in the Executive
Branch not to appoint or re-appoint
federally registered lobbyists to advisory
committees and other boards and
commissions. Therefore, before
appointing an applicant to serve on the
NPOAG, the FAA and NPS will require
the prospective candidate to certify that
they are not a federally registered
Issued in Hawthorne, CA, on July 11, 2013.
Keith Lusk,
Program Manager, Special Programs Staff,
Western-Pacific Region.
[FR Doc. 2013–17254 Filed 7–17–13; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 138 (Thursday, July 18, 2013)]
[Pages 42994-42997]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-17169]
Federal Aviation Administration
Office of Commercial Space Transportation
Waiver of 14 CFR 437.29 and 437.55(a) for Scaled Composites, LLC
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of waiver.
SUMMARY: This notice concerns a waiver to Scaled Composites, LLC
(Scaled) from the requirements of 14 CFR 437.29 and 437.55(a) to
provide the FAA a hazard analysis that identifies, mitigates, and
verifies and validates mitigation measures for hazards created by
software and human error. The FAA finds that a waiver is in the public
interest and will not jeopardize public health and safety, safety of
property, and national security and foreign policy interests of the
United States.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical questions concerning
this waiver, contact Michael Kelly, Chief Engineer, Commercial Space
Transportation, AST-004, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC
20591; telephone: (202) 267-7588; email: Michael.S.Kelly@faa.gov. For
legal questions concerning this waiver, contact Sabrina Jawed,
Attorney-advisor, Space Law Branch, AGC-250, Office of the Chief
Counsel, Regulations Division, Federal Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267-
8839; email: Sabrina.Jawed@faa.gov.
On May 23, 2012, the FAA's Office of Commercial Space
Transportation (AST) issued Scaled Experimental Permit No. 12-007. On
March 6, 2013, Scaled submitted an application to renew its
experimental permit, which was to expire on May 22, 2013. In its
application for renewal, Scaled included modifications to its permit to
reflect changes made to SpaceShipTwo (SS2). In March of 2013, Scaled
provided updates to the original hazard analysis for FAA assessment.
Upon reviewing Scaled's application to renew its permit, the FAA
determined that Scaled did not fully meet the requirements of 14 CFR
437.29 and 437.55(a).
Scaled did not meet these requirements because it did not identify
human or software error as causing
[[Page 42995]]
hazards. It did not identify these errors as causing hazards on the
grounds that the mitigations it had in place would prevent the hazards
from occurring. Scaled emphasizes aircraft and spacecraft design
redundancy, flight and maintenance procedures, and ground and flight
crew training to mitigate against hazards caused by human and software
Scaled employs a number of different approaches to safety derived
from its aviation heritage. These include a training program, an
incremental approach to flight testing, use of chase planes, use of a
two-pilot model, the remoteness of its operating area and use of a
winged vehicle.
The FAA's Authority and Waiver Criteria
The FAA issues experimental permits under authority granted to the
Secretary of Transportation under 51 U.S.C. 50906 and delegated to the
FAA Administrator. The FAA may waive an experimental permit requirement
if the waiver (1) Will not jeopardize public health and safety or
safety of property, (2) will not jeopardize national security and
foreign policy interests of the United States, and (3) will be in the
public interest. 51 U.S.C. 50905(b)(3); 14 CFR 404.5(b).
A. Scaled did not Meet the Requirements of Sections 437.29 and
Section 437.29 requires an applicant for a permit to perform a
hazard analysis that complies with section 437.55(a), and to provide
the FAA all results of each step of the hazard analysis required by
section 437.55(a). Section 437.55(a) requires an applicant to perform a
hazard analysis that identifies, mitigates, and validates and verifies
mitigation measures for each hazard. Scaled did not identify and
describe all hazards resulting from human and software error as part of
its hazard analysis, and therefore did not fully satisfy sections
437.29 and 437.55(a).
B. Operation of the SpaceShipTwo Vehicle
The FAA waives the hazard analysis requirements of sections 437.29
and 437.55(a) for Scaled for software and human error because the SS2
operation will not jeopardize public health and safety or safety of
property, national security or foreign policy interests of the United
States, and is in the public interest.
i. Public Health and Safety or Safety of Property
A hazard analysis serves to reduce risk to the public by limiting
the possibility of a vehicle mishap. Although Scaled did not complete
its hazard analysis as required by the regulations, the combination of
its training program, incremental approach to flight testing, use of
chase planes, and two-pilot model, as well as the limited duration of
the permit and thus the waiver, the remoteness of its operating area
and its use of a winged vehicle combine to allow the FAA to find that
Scaled's activities will not jeopardize public health and safety or
safety of property.
(1) Training Program
Although Scaled's hazard analysis under section 437.55(a) did not
associate the hazards it mitigated specifically with whether they were
caused by human error, Scaled's training program provides part of the
basis for the FAA to find that Scaled's permitted activities will not
jeopardize public health and safety or safety of property. Scaled's
approach to flight safety and training derives from aviation flight
testing. Scaled generally requires that its pilots have at least 1,500
hours of flight time, as well as specific experience in jet and glider
aircraft. Scaled uses three different devices to train SS2 pilots and
crew. The devices are (1) An SS2 simulator, (2) a WhiteKnightTwo
aircraft, and (3) an aerobatic aircraft, or other g tolerance training
Scaled's SS2 simulator mimics the SS2 itself. The simulator
duplicates the SS2 cabin layout, including the avionics, switches,
controls, and windows. The simulator also provides wrap-around video
simulation and sound effects. This gives the pilot depth perception and
the ability to make accurate landing approaches and other maneuvers.
The simulator also mimics SS2 flight dynamics. The simulator has the
ability to dynamically simulate both control forces and effectiveness
in all flight regimes. The control forces are dynamically linked to
aerodynamics of all phases of flight. The simulator also simulates wind
profiles, thrust asymmetries, and an array of failure conditions.
Using flight simulators allows for in-depth training, including the
practice of critical emergency procedures, in a safer environment.
Scaled's use of a flight simulator that mimics the SS2 allows Scaled's
pilots to become familiar with how the SS2 operates and responds during
launch, flight, and reentry, and helps improve the SS2 pilot's response
time. Simulators allow pilots to gain experience flying the spacecraft.
Simulators also allow pilots and crew to practice flying in emergency
or other flight conditions that would be dangerous to recreate in the
Scaled also uses its flight simulator to develop mission specific
trajectories, identify the envelopes of potential failure trajectories,
and validate flight rules and abort procedures. The simulator models
nominal and off-nominal flight environment and incorporates reasonably
foreseeable failure scenarios. Scaled updates the simulations based on
data obtained from actual flights to improve the simulator's fidelity
and accuracy. Scaled runs its simulator 1.4 times faster than actual
flight in order to ensure that pilots and ground crew are trained to
respond quickly to various flight conditions and anomalies. By
practicing various nominal and non-nominal scenarios in the SS2
simulator, pilots are able to rehearse how to operate the SS2. This
training also enhances the speed and reaction time of the crew, and
allows the crew to practice working together to run various procedures,
such as going through the checklist. Continuous updates ensure that the
simulator provides the most accurate modeling of the way the vehicle
will perform at various altitudes and attitudes, so that the crew can
best experience how the SS2 will react during flight.
SS2's flight crew also uses WhiteKnightTwo for training because it
replicates SS2's flight profile. When the WhiteKnightTwo's spoil-flaps
are deployed, it has a similar flight path and descent profile to the
SS2. SS2 pilots fly at least three WhiteKnightTwo flights simulating
SS2 approaches prior to an SS2 flight. Flight crew are able to fly in
the WhiteKnightTwo in order to practice what it will be like when they
are flying the SS2.
Use of the WhiteKnightTwo builds upon the simulator training. While
the simulator mimics flight conditions in most cases, it is not a
multi-axis simulator, which means it will not pitch in a vertical
motion and not always mimic real flight conditions. The WhiteKnightTwo
is able to replicate the full flight and the actual feel of flight in
the SS2. Additional training in the WhiteKnightTwo, which has a cockpit
that mimics the SS2, allows pilots and crew to experience more accurate
flight conditions than the simulator in some instances.
Lastly, as part of ongoing g tolerance training, the SS2 crew
completes an aerobatic training course that covers g tolerance, motion
sickness, and unusual
[[Page 42996]]
attitudes. This training is performed in a small aerobatic aircraft.
SS2 crew may also train in a g tolerance training device, such as a
To the extent that physical human vulnerability plays a role in
safety, Scaled's coverage of g tolerance, motion sickness and unusual
attitudes helps safety on two fronts. First, it trains a pilot to
recognize the onset of, experience, and recover from the anticipated
stresses of launch. Also, it allows an operator to determine that a
pilot remains functional while withstanding the anticipated stresses of
the launch.
(2) Incremental Approach to Flight Testing
Another important factor in the FAA's ability to grant this waiver
is Scaled's incremental approach to flight testing. Scaled's test
program is divided into three phases: 1) Subsonic glide flights, 2)
powered flight to maximum altitude, and 3) repeatability
Scaled employs an incremental approach to flight testing, and
flight tests in three different phases. Before moving to a new phase,
Scaled ensures that it has mitigated or eliminated the hazards it
observed during the previous phase. By changing only a limited number
of variables at a time, Scaled is able to identify which variables
result in hazards, isolate those variables, and take steps to mitigate
or eliminate the hazards. Scaled then runs additional tests until it is
satisfied that it has eliminated or mitigated the hazard.
During phase one, WhiteKnightTwo releases SS2 to allow Scaled to
observe its actions during glide flight. During phase two,
WhiteKnightTwo releases SS2, and SS2 performs rocket-powered flight.
Phase two ends with a successful demonstration of the maximum altitude
performance of the vehicle. Phase three demonstrates that SS2 can
repeatedly perform proficiently during rocket-powered flight. For each
new flight, Scaled varies only one parameter at a time, especially in
the case of critical components where a failure could quickly take the
aircraft from a safe flight condition to a potentially hazardous one.
For example, Scaled tests the feathering operation of the vehicle
during each phase. To do this, Scaled feathers and defeathers the
vehicle in flight at varying Mach numbers and altitudes. Test pilots
will evaluate the handling of the vehicle in both the feathered and
unfeathered configuration at each Mach number and altitude.
Incremental testing ensures that Scaled is able to study the
reactions of the vehicle during different stages of flight. By moving
from a less complex flight (glide) to a more complex flight (rocket-
powered), Scaled is able to isolate and identify variables that cause
hazards, address those hazards, and re-test to ensure that the
mitigations were effective.
(3) Use of Chase Planes and Two-Pilot Model
Scaled uses two chase planes and two pilots for SS2's flight.
Scaled's use of two chase planes and two pilots allows Scaled to
identify problems when the system itself fails to disclose them, and
provides redundancy. The chase planes are able to monitor the
WhiteKnightTwo and the SS2, so that if there is a computer failure and
the pilot would not otherwise know of an external failure, such as the
failure of the landing gear to lower, the chase planes are able to
provide that information. Upon reentry of SS2, Scaled uses
WhiteKnightTwo as an additional chase plane.
The pilots of chase planes look for any external abnormalities in
SS2. If an abnormality is identified, the chase plane is able to
communicate the issue to both the ground crew and the pilots onboard
SS2. If the communications and telemetry systems stop functioning in
the carrier aircraft, the chase planes can communicate with the carrier
aircraft by radio. The radio operates on a separate frequency than the
telemetry system on the SS2 and WhiteKnightTwo. Also, if the SS2
multifunctional displays and the independent attitude/air data computer
and display become inoperable during gliding flight, the chase planes
can lead the vehicle to landing if necessary.
The chase planes provide additional situational awareness for
pilots and crew on the carrier aircraft and SS2, and ground crew. The
use of two chase planes is a safety measure that eliminates or
mitigates potential hazards. The chase planes are able to identify
anomalies and communicate them directly to the SS2 or carrier airplane
pilots. They serve as an extra set of eyes to ensure that any unplanned
events that do occur are identified and addressed as quickly as
Scaled uses two rather than one pilot because if one pilot becomes
incapacitated, the other pilot can fly the spacecraft. In both
emergencies and nominal flight operations, both pilots are able to work
together to enhance situational awareness. For example, each pilot is
able to verify with the other that the checklist is correct and the
spacecraft is functioning normally. Pilot error on the part of one
pilot can be corrected by the other, and in situations where a decision
must be made, two fully-qualified pilots can consult quickly. The use
of two pilots may eliminate or mitigate potential hazards.
(4) Duration
Because an experimental permit is by design a brief authorization
of one year, minimal levels of residual error and thus risk may
accumulate, but not at levels that would jeopardize public health and
safety. Without a full system safety analysis of software and human
error, error may accumulate over time. For example, latent software and
hardware incompatibilities may develop with changes and updates.
Although such error could build over time, it would not within the time
period of a permit. Additionally, the one-year duration of the permit
means that this waiver will also be of brief duration, and there is a
reduced likelihood of employee turnover and any attendant loss of
corporate memory at Scaled in that time.
(5) Remoteness of Operating Area and Controllability of Vehicle
Finally, Scaled's operating area is remote enough that, were it to
experience a catastrophic failure, it would not jeopardize public
health and safety. Additionally, the SS2 is a winged vehicle, and
therefore maneuverable.
Scaled is conducting launches of SS2 in a very remote location. The
southern end of the operating area where Scaled plans to conduct its
test flights has a population density of about 17 people per square
mile. The area Scaled plans to use for the rocket-powered ascent phase
of flight includes approximately 450 people in a 140 square mile area,
or just over three people per square mile. The operating area for SS2
is also very large at approximately 5,000 square miles, in order to
ensure that SS2 operations are contained within a sparsely populated
Additionally, SS2 is a winged vehicle. Scaled's pilots are able to
control and maneuver SS2 to ensure it stays away from populated areas,
including the exclusion zones inside the operating area. The pilots can
ensure that the SS2 operates only in the areas with the sparsest
Scaled did not fully comply with the hazard analysis required by
section 437.55(a), but the FAA finds that Scaled's operations will not
jeopardize public health and safety or safety of property because of
the combination of its flight test program, training, incremental
flight testing, chase planes, two pilots, and the remoteness of its
operating area.
[[Page 42997]]
ii. National Security and Foreign Policy Implications
This waiver does not have an impact on any national security or
foreign policy interests of the United States. Scaled's launch
operations will take place within the United States and within a
specifically defined area that is used for military operations.
iii. Public Interest
The FAA finds that granting this waiver is in the public interest.
The Commercial Space Launch Act provides that the United States should
encourage private sector launches, reentries, and associated services.
Additionally, Congress established Chapter 509 to promote economic
growth and entrepreneurial activity through use of the space
environment for peaceful purposes.
This waiver is consistent with the public interest goals of Chapter
509. The SS2 test flights will stimulate economic growth, spur
technological developments and create aerospace business opportunities
such as carrying scientific payloads and space tourists on trips to the
edge of space and back. The FAA finds that granting this waiver is in
the public interest because the SS2 flights further the purposes
Congress articulated for Chapter 509.
Issued in Washington, DC on July 9, 2013.
George C. Nield,
Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation.
[FR Doc. 2013-17169 Filed 7-17-13; 8:45 am]