Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 41025-41026 [2013-16359]

Download as PDF 41025 Notices Federal Register Vol. 78, No. 131 Tuesday, July 9, 2013 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency statements of organization and functions are examples of documents appearing in this section. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Notice of Cancellation of July 9 President’s Global Development Council Meeting United States Agency for International Development. ACTION: Notice of cancellation of meeting. AGENCY: Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, notice is hereby given of cancellation of the meeting of the President’s Global Development Council (GDC) on Tuesday, July 9, 2013 in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, South Court Auditorium, Pennsylvania Avenue and 17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20050 which was published in the Federal Register on June 24, 2013, 78 FR 37775. A new meeting date and time will be forthcoming. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jayne Thomisee, 202–712–5506. SUMMARY: Dated: July 1, 2013. Jayne Thomisee, Executive Director & Policy Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development. [FR Doc. 2013–16396 Filed 7–8–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE P DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES July 2, 2013. The Department of Agriculture has submitted the following information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. Comments regarding (a) whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:44 Jul 08, 2013 Jkt 229001 (b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of burden including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information to be collected; (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Comments regarding this information collection received by August 8, 2013 will be considered. Written comments should be addressed to: Desk Officer for Agriculture, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), New Executive Office Building, 725–17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20502. Commenters are encouraged to submit their comments to OMB via email to: OIRA_Submission@OMB.EOP.GOV or fax (202) 395–5806 and to Departmental Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250– 7602. Copies of the submission(s) may be obtained by calling (202) 720–8958. An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless the collection of information displays a currently valid OMB control number and the agency informs potential persons who are to respond to the collection of information that such persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Title: Imported Seed and Screening. OMB Control Number: 0579–0124. Summary of Collection: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for preventing plant diseases or insect pests from entering the United States, preventing the spread of pests not widely distributed in the United States, and eradicating those imported pests when eradication is feasible. Under the authority of the Federal Seed Act of 1939, as amended, the USDA regulates the importation and interstate movement of certain agricultural and vegetable seeds. The Plant Protection & Quarantine Division of USDA’s Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has established a seed analysis PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 program with Canada that allows U.S. companies that import seed for cleaning or processing, to enter into compliance agreements with APHIS. This program eliminates the need for sampling shipments of Canadian-origin seed at the border, and allows certain seed importers to clean seed without the direct supervision of an APHIS inspector. APHIS will collect information using forms PPQ 925, Seed Analysis Certificate and PPQ 519, Compliance Agreement, and other information activities to enable the importation of seeds for cleaning and processing so that they can enter into compliance agreements with USDA. Need and Use of the Information: APHIS will collect information from PPQ 925 and PPQ 519 to ensure that imported seeds do not pose a health threat to U.S. agriculture. If the information were not collected there would be no way of preventing noxious weeds from entering the United States. Description of Respondents: Business or other for-profit; Federal Government. Number of Respondents: 1,168. Frequency of Responses: Recordkeeping: Reporting: On occasion. Total Burden Hours: 9,588. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Title: National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS); Equine Herpesvirus Study. OMB Control Number: 0579–0399. Summary of Collection: Collection and dissemination of animal health data and information is mandated by 7 U.S.C. 391, the Animal Industry Act of 1884, which established the precursor of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS), the Bureau of Animal Industry. Legal requirements for examining and reporting on animal disease control methods were further mandated by 7 U.S.C. 8308 of the Animal Health Protection Act, ‘‘Detection, Control, and Eradication of Diseases and Pests,’’ May 13, 2002. APHIS is conducting an Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM) study as part of an ongoing series of NAHMS studies on the U.S. livestock population. The purpose of the study is to collect information using questionnaires to identify risk factors for the neurologic form of equine herpesvirus (EHV–1) in horses called EHM. EHV–1 is an infection of horses that can cause E:\FR\FM\09JYN1.SGM 09JYN1 41026 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2013 / Notices respiratory disease, abortion in mares, neonatal foal death, and/or neurologic disease. The information collected through the Equine Herpesvirus study will be analyzed and organized into descriptive reports and/or peer reviewed publications. Need and Use of the Information: APHIS will use the data collected from the EHM study to: (1) Understand the risk factors for EHM; (2) make recommendations for disease control; and (3) provide guidance on the best ways to mitigate future outbreaks based on a thorough analysis of the data. Without the information on outbreaks of EHM, the U.S.’ ability to understand the risk factors would be reduced or nonexistent. Description of Respondents: Business or other for-profit; State, Local or Tribal Government. Number of Respondents: 626. Frequency of Responses: Reporting: Other: One time. Total Burden Hours: 778. Ruth Brown, Departmental Information Collection Clearance Officer. [FR Doc. 2013–16359 Filed 7–8–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3410–34–P Additional Contact Information DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Forest Service Request for Proposals for 2013 Statewide Wood Energy Teams U.S. Forest Service, USDA. Request for proposals. AGENCY: ACTION: The Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, State and Private Forestry (S&PF), is providing leadership and funding on behalf of a USDA, multi-agency, Wood To Energy Initiative by offering a Request For Proposals (RFP) that supports collaborative, statewide wood energy teams that advance the installation of commercially viable wood energy systems. Public-private statewide teams are invited to seek funding to support the development of geographic or business sector-based clusters of wood energy projects. Activities may include, but are not limited to, workshops and assistance that provide technical, financial and environmental information; preliminary engineering assessments; and community outreach needed to support development of wood energy projects in both the public and private sectors. DATES: Application Deadline: Monday, August 5, 2013. mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:44 Jul 08, 2013 Jkt 229001 All applications shall be sent to the Wood Education and Resource Center (WERC): Wood Education and Resource Center, U.S. Forest Service, 301 Hardwood Lane, Princeton, WV 24740, Phone: (304) 487– 1510, Email: Detailed information regarding what to include in the application, eligibility, and necessary prerequisites for consideration are available at https:// and at Paper copies of the information are also available by contacting the U.S. Forest Service, Wood Education and Resource Center (WERC), 301 Hardwood Lane, Princeton, West Virginia 24740, (304) 487–1510. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions regarding the application or administrative regulations, contact your appropriate Forest Service Regional Biomass Coordinator as listed in the addresses below or contact Steve Milauskas ( or Ed Cesa ( at the Wood Education and Resource Center, Princeton, WV (304) 487–1510. For additional contact information, please see SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ADDRESSES: • Forest Service Region 1 (MT, ND, Northern ID & Northwestern SD), ATT: Angela Farr, USDA Forest Service, Northern Region (R1), Federal Building, 200 East Broadway, Missoula, MT 59807,, (406) 329–3521 • Forest Service Region 2 (CO, KS, NE, SD, & WY), ATT: Rick Cooksey, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region (R2), 740 Simms St., Golden, CO 80401–4702,, (303) 275–5750 • Forest Service Region 3 (AZ & NM), ATT: Dennis Dwyer, USDA Forest Service, Southwestern Region (R3), 333 Broadway Blvd. SE., Albuquerque, NM 87102,, (505) 842–3480 • Forest Service Region 4 (Southern ID, NV, UT, & Western WY), ATT: Scott Bell, USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Region (R4), Federal Building, 324 25th St., Ogden, UT 84401,, (801) 625–5259 • Forest Service Region 5 (CA, HI, Guam and Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands), ATT: Larry Swan, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region (R5), 1323 Club Drive, Vallejo, CA 95492–1110,, (707) 562–8917 • Forest Service Region 6 (OR & WA), ATT: Ron Saranich, USDA Forest PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Service, Pacific Northwest Region (R6), 333 SW 1st Ave., Portland, OR 97204,, (503) 808– 2346 • Forest Service Region 8 (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, Virgin Islands & Puerto Rico), ATT: Dan Len, USDA Forest Service, Southern Region (R8), 1720 Peachtree Rd. NW., Atlanta, GA 30309,, (404) 347–4034 • Forest Service Region 9 (CT, DL, IL, IN, IA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VT, WV, WI), ATT: Lew McCreery, Northeastern Area—S&PF, 180 Canfield St., Morgantown, WV 26505,, (304) 285–1538 • Forest Service Region 10 (Alaska), ATT: Daniel Parrent, USDA Forest Service, Alaska Region (R10), 161 East 1st Avenue, Door 8, Anchorage, AK 99501,, (907) 743– 9467 The agreements awarded pursuant to this RFP may support one or more goals of Public Law 110–234, Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, Rural Revitalization Technologies (7 U.S.C. 6601), Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013, Public Law 113–6 and the nationwide challenge of disposing of woody residues from wildland fire hazardous fuels, other forest management treatments, and manufacturing residuals while expanding renewable energy opportunities in rural areas and markets for ecosystem restoration projects. Goals of the program are to: • Create wood energy systems using commercially available technologies that use woody biomass. • Expand markets that convert woody biomass into energy to support wildfire mitigation, forest restoration, and other forest management goals. • Develop a systematic approach to installations that will support clusters of projects or larger projects that improve the viability of businesses that harvest, process, and deliver wood. • Support the development or expansion of statewide wood energy teams that can provide technical, financial and environmental information required for developing wood energy projects to reduce the use of fossil fuels, including but not limited to: Æ Pre-feasibility and preliminary engineering assessments. Æ Education and outreach to support the installation of commercially available wood energy systems in the public and private sectors. Æ Innovative approaches to managing and financing wood energy project development. E:\FR\FM\09JYN1.SGM 09JYN1


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 131 (Tuesday, July 9, 2013)]
[Pages 41025-41026]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-16359]



Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

July 2, 2013.
    The Department of Agriculture has submitted the following 
information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and clearance 
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. Comments 
regarding (a) whether the collection of information is necessary for 
the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including 
whether the information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy 
of the agency's estimate of burden including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
utility and clarity of the information to be collected; (d) ways to 
minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are 
to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, 
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology.
    Comments regarding this information collection received by August 
8, 2013 will be considered. Written comments should be addressed to: 
Desk Officer for Agriculture, Office of Information and Regulatory 
Affairs, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), New Executive Office 
Building, 725-17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20502. Commenters are 
encouraged to submit their comments to OMB via email to: OIRA_Submission@OMB.EOP.GOV or fax (202) 395-5806 and to Departmental 
Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250-
7602. Copies of the submission(s) may be obtained by calling (202) 720-
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information 
unless the collection of information displays a currently valid OMB 
control number and the agency informs potential persons who are to 
respond to the collection of information that such persons are not 
required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays 
a currently valid OMB control number.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

    Title: Imported Seed and Screening.
    OMB Control Number: 0579-0124.
    Summary of Collection: The United States Department of Agriculture 
(USDA) is responsible for preventing plant diseases or insect pests 
from entering the United States, preventing the spread of pests not 
widely distributed in the United States, and eradicating those imported 
pests when eradication is feasible. Under the authority of the Federal 
Seed Act of 1939, as amended, the USDA regulates the importation and 
interstate movement of certain agricultural and vegetable seeds. The 
Plant Protection & Quarantine Division of USDA's Animal & Plant Health 
Inspection Service (APHIS) has established a seed analysis program with 
Canada that allows U.S. companies that import seed for cleaning or 
processing, to enter into compliance agreements with APHIS. This 
program eliminates the need for sampling shipments of Canadian-origin 
seed at the border, and allows certain seed importers to clean seed 
without the direct supervision of an APHIS inspector. APHIS will 
collect information using forms PPQ 925, Seed Analysis Certificate and 
PPQ 519, Compliance Agreement, and other information activities to 
enable the importation of seeds for cleaning and processing so that 
they can enter into compliance agreements with USDA.
    Need and Use of the Information: APHIS will collect information 
from PPQ 925 and PPQ 519 to ensure that imported seeds do not pose a 
health threat to U.S. agriculture. If the information were not 
collected there would be no way of preventing noxious weeds from 
entering the United States.
    Description of Respondents: Business or other for-profit; Federal 
    Number of Respondents: 1,168.
    Frequency of Responses: Recordkeeping: Reporting: On occasion.
    Total Burden Hours: 9,588.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

    Title: National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS); Equine 
Herpesvirus Study.
    OMB Control Number: 0579-0399.
    Summary of Collection: Collection and dissemination of animal 
health data and information is mandated by 7 U.S.C. 391, the Animal 
Industry Act of 1884, which established the precursor of the Animal and 
Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS), the 
Bureau of Animal Industry. Legal requirements for examining and 
reporting on animal disease control methods were further mandated by 7 
U.S.C. 8308 of the Animal Health Protection Act, ``Detection, Control, 
and Eradication of Diseases and Pests,'' May 13, 2002. APHIS is 
conducting an Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM) study as 
part of an ongoing series of NAHMS studies on the U.S. livestock 
population. The purpose of the study is to collect information using 
questionnaires to identify risk factors for the neurologic form of 
equine herpesvirus (EHV-1) in horses called EHM. EHV-1 is an infection 
of horses that can cause

[[Page 41026]]

respiratory disease, abortion in mares, neonatal foal death, and/or 
neurologic disease. The information collected through the Equine 
Herpesvirus study will be analyzed and organized into descriptive 
reports and/or peer reviewed publications.
    Need and Use of the Information: APHIS will use the data collected 
from the EHM study to: (1) Understand the risk factors for EHM; (2) 
make recommendations for disease control; and (3) provide guidance on 
the best ways to mitigate future outbreaks based on a thorough analysis 
of the data. Without the information on outbreaks of EHM, the U.S.' 
ability to understand the risk factors would be reduced or nonexistent.
    Description of Respondents: Business or other for-profit; State, 
Local or Tribal Government.
    Number of Respondents: 626.
    Frequency of Responses: Reporting: Other: One time.
    Total Burden Hours: 778.

Ruth Brown,
Departmental Information Collection Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2013-16359 Filed 7-8-13; 8:45 am]
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