Solicitation for a Cooperative Agreement-Development and Pilot Training of a Curriculum for Pretrial Justice System Stakeholders, 40191-40193 [2013-16013]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 3, 2013 / Notices
30 numbered pages, in response to the
statement of work, and a detailed budget
with a budget narrative explaining
projected costs. Applicants may submit
a description of the project teams’
qualifications and expertise relevant to
the project, but should not attach
lengthy resumes. Attachments to the
proposal describing your organization or
examples of other past work beyond
those specifically requested above are
discouraged. These attachments should
not exceed 5MB.
The following forms must also be
included: OMB Standard Form 424,
Application for Federal Assistance;
OMB Standard Form 424A, Budget
Programs; OMB Standard Form 424B,
Programs (these forms are available at and DOJ/NIC
Certification Regarding Lobbying;
Debarment, Suspension and Other
Responsibility Matters; and the DrugFree Workplace Requirements (available
certif-frm.pdf. Failure to supply all
required forms with the application
package may result in disqualification of
the application from consideration.
Note: NIC will NOT award a cooperative
agreement to an applicant who does not have
a Dun and Bradstreet Database Universal
Number (DUNS) and is not registered in the
Central Contractor Registry (CCR). A DUNS
number can be received at no cost by calling
the dedicated toll-free DUNS number request
line at 1–800–333–0505 (if you are a sole
proprietor, you would dial 1–866–705–5711
and select option 1).
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Registration in the CRR can be done
online at the CCR Web site: https:// A CCR Handbook and
worksheet can also be reviewed at the
Web site.
Review Considerations: Applications
received under this announcement will
be subject to the NIC Review Process.
Proposals which fail to provide
sufficient information to allow
evaluation under the criteria below may
be judged non-responsive and
The criteria for the evaluation of each
application will be as follows:
Programmatic (40%)
Are all of the project tasks adequately
discussed? Is there a clear statement of
how each task will be accomplished to
include the overall project goal(s), major
tasks to achieve the goal(s), the
strategies to be employed in completing
the tasks, required staffing, and other
required resources? Are there any
approaches, techniques, or design
aspects proposed that are new to NIC
and will enhance the project?
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:48 Jul 02, 2013
Jkt 229001
Organizational (35%)
Do the proposed project staff members
possess the skills, knowledge, and
expertise necessary to complete the
tasks listed under the scope of work?
Does the applicant organization, group,
or individual have the organizational
capacity to achieve all project tasks?
Does the proposal contain project
management and staffing plans that are
realistic and sufficient to complete the
project within the project time frame?
Project Management/Administration
Does the applicant identify reasonable
objectives, milestones, and measures to
track progress? If consultants and/or
partnerships are proposed, is there a
reasonable justification for their
inclusion in the project, and a clear
structure to ensure effective
coordination? Is the proposed budget
realistic, does it provide a sufficient cost
detail/narrative, and does it represent
good value relative to the anticipated
Specific Requirements: Documents or
other media that are produced under
this award must follow these guidelines:
Prior to the preparation of the final draft
of any document or other media, the
awardee must consult with NIC’s
Writer/Editor concerning the acceptable
formats for manuscript submissions and
the technical specifications for
electronic media. For all awards in
which a document will be a deliverable,
the awardee must follow the guidelines
listed herein, as well as follow the
Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting
Manuscripts for Publication as found in
the ‘‘General Guidelines for Cooperative
Agreements,’’ which can be found on
our Web site at
All final documents and other
materials submitted under this project
must meet the federal government’s
requirement for Section 508
accessibility, including those provisions
outlined in 1194 Subpart B, Technical
Provisions; Subpart C, Functional
Performance Criteria; and Subpart D,
Documentation and Support. NIC’s
government product accessibility
template (see
outlines the agency’s minimum criteria
for meeting this requirement; a
completed form attesting to the
accessibility of project deliverables
should accompany all submissions.
Note Concerning Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance Number: The Catalog of
Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) should
be entered into box 10 of the SF 424. The
CFDA number for this solicitation is 16.601.
PO 00000
Frm 00103
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
You are not subject to Executive Order 12372
and should check box b under section 16.
Robert M. Brown, Jr.,
Acting Director, National Institute of
[FR Doc. 2013–16014 Filed 7–2–13; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Corrections
Solicitation for a Cooperative
Agreement—Development and Pilot
Training of a Curriculum for Pretrial
Justice System Stakeholders
National Institute of
Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice.
ACTION: Solicitation for a Cooperative
The National Institute of
Corrections (NIC) is soliciting proposals
from organizations, groups, or
individuals to enter into a cooperative
agreement for a 15-month period to
begin no later than August 31, 2013.
Work under this cooperative agreement
will involve the development and pilot
of a training curriculum targeted toward
teams of pretrial justice stakeholders
who have the primary responsibility of
developing and maintaining the pretrial
justice system within their jurisdiction.
This curriculum is intended to prepare
these teams to plan, develop, and
implement critical policy and
systemwide pretrial decisions in a
collaborative structure based on the
most current legal and evidence-based
pretrial knowledge. These teams must
have the participation of the judge,
prosecutor, defense attorney, sheriff or
jail administrator, and pretrial director,
who have primary oversight of pretrial
justice in their jurisdiction. The
curriculum will help teams explore
their independent and collaborative
roles in the development and daily
operational functions of maintaining
pretrial justice within their jurisdiction.
This project will be a collaborative
venture with the NIC Community
Services Division.
NIC Opportunity Number: 13CS04.
This number should appear in the
reference line in your cover letter, on
Standard Form 424 in section 11 with
the title of your proposal, and in the
right justified header of your proposal.
Number of Awards and Funds
Available: Under this solicitation, 1
(one) award will be made. The total
amount of funds available under this
solicitation is $70,000.00.
Applications: All applications must
be submitted electronically via https://
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 3, 2013 / Notices Hand delivered,
mailed, faxed, or emailed applications
will not be accepted.
DATES: Application must be submitted
before midnight on Tuesday, July 16,
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Authority: Public Law 93–415
Elegibility of Applicants: An eligible
applicant is any public or private
agency, educational institution,
organization, individual or team with
expertise in the described areas.
Background: The National Institute of
Corrections recognizes the necessity of
having a high functioning pretrial
release structure within a criminal
justice system. The pretrial detention or
release decision is unique and often
creates conflicts between criminal
justice stakeholders even when the best
policy and protocols are followed. This
conflict has contributed to increasing
numbers of defendants being held in jail
during their pretrial period. Nationally,
about 65% of jail populations are
pretrial defendants, charged but not
convicted of a crime. Many of these
pretrial detainees are being held on low
money bail amounts, are considered to
have a high probability to appear at all
of their scheduled court hearings, and
have a low probability of committing
any criminal acts while in the
community. NIC currently offers an
Orientation for New Pretrial Executives
two times per year. This 40-hour
training addresses and prepares these
executives for the unique challenges
they face with the development and
implementation of pretrial release and
supervision services. Approximately
150 pretrial executives have completed
this course and have taken their new
skills and knowledge back to their
jurisdictions with the intent of
implementing the best known practices
in pretrial release. When they return to
their jurisdictions, other key pretrial
release stakeholders do not have the
same knowledge and skill set as the
pretrial executive now holds. This
knowledge gap creates a significant
barrier to the implementation of a high
functioning pretrial detention and
release system. A proposal responsive to
this solicitation should, at minimum
include strategies to develop a
curriculum targeted to a team of pretrial
justice stakeholders, including the
judge, prosecutor, defense attorney,
sheriff or jail administrator, and pretrial
director. The curriculum will explore
the individual and collaborative roles
and functions they have when
maintaining a pretrial justice system
grounded in relevant legal and
evidence-based practices. It should be
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:48 Jul 02, 2013
Jkt 229001
delivered in a manner that promotes
adult learning and collaborative
planning and decision making.
Scope of Work: The goal of this
cooperative agreement is to develop and
pilot a blended learning curriculum
formatted on the instructional theory
into practice (ITIP) model. The
curriculum is intended for pretrial
justice stakeholder teams that have the
primary responsibility of developing
pretrial detention and release policy and
practices within their jurisdiction. The
curriculum will prepare teams with the
skills and knowledge necessary to plan,
develop, and implement a high
functioning pretrial justice system. It
should be developed and delivered in
methods that promote adult learning
and collaborative team decision making.
This work will occur in four phases.
The first phase is curriculum
development and design. Mandatory
content areas that the curriculum must
address include legal foundations,
professional standards, performance and
outcome measures, and evidence-based
practices of pretrial justice. Stakeholder
focus groups will be held to determine
other required knowledge and
competency areas needed to complete
the curriculum. The second phase is
training for and review and revision by
identified course trainers. The training
will introduce trainers to the
curriculum, adult learning theory, and
effective facilitation strategies.
Information gathered from observation
of the training and/or feedback from the
trainers will be incorporated into the
draft curriculum. The third phase is
pilot testing. Trainers will deliver the
curriculum to 4 to 5 teams from local
jurisdictions. Knowledge and
competency assessments as well as a
testing schedule will be developed and
administered to the participants of the
pilot training. Information gathered
from participant feedback and exit
knowledge assessment will be
incorporated into the draft curriculum.
Finally, the last phase is review and
revision of the draft to develop the final
curriculum and other deliverables.
Deliverables: (1) Create a 32- to
40-hour blended training curriculum
based on the ITIP model. This will
include all training material required to
deliver the course. Training materials
will include, but are not limited to (a)
a complete instructor training manual in
hard and electronic copy, (b) slide show
presentations to support the training
curriculum, (c) copies of participant
training material, and (d) a final
participant manual hard and electronic
copy. (2) Design and facilitate
stakeholder focus groups to gather
information for additional curriculum
PO 00000
Frm 00104
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
content. The awardee will work with
NIC’s Correctional Program Specialist
(CPS) to identify subject matter experts
to serve on these focus groups. (3)
Design and facilitate a 3- to 4-day trainthe-trainer experience for the identified
trainers of the new curriculum. The
awardee will work with NIC’s CPS to
identify trainers. NIC will make the final
approval of trainers for the pilot and any
future program offerings. The design of
the train the trainer will include adult
learning theory, review the curriculum
and objectives, practice facilitating the
module, guided feedback sessions to
provide feedback to the awardee, and
guided feedback session for the awardee
and CPS to provide feedback to the
trainers. This training session will be
held at the National Training Academy
in Aurora, CO. (4) Pilot the final draft
of the curriculum. The curriculum will
be delivered to 4 to 5 teams from
various jurisdictions. The awardee will
be present during the pilot training
sessions to observe the training and
facilitate a debriefing session(s) with the
trainers and participants to assess and
address the training and curriculum
concerns. (The travel and per diem costs
of the 20–25 participants and trainers
will be funded outside of this
cooperative agreement and cost
estimates should not be included in this
budget.) The awardee will work with
NIC on training logistics, which must
follow mandatory training protocols set
out by the Bureau of Prisons and NIC.
The pilot will take place at the National
Training Academy in Aurora, CO. (5)
Develop a system and written protocol,
in consultation with NIC’s CPS and
Research and Information Services
Division, to assess the effectiveness of
the training curriculum in changing
identified knowledge and performance
over time. (6) Plan and participate in
planning meetings and updates with the
assigned NIC CPS to initiate the project
plan, review the information from the
stakeholder focus groups and draft
agenda, review draft curriculum, and
perform final curriculum review.
Maintain contact and advise NIC’s CPS
of any major changes, barriers, or
progress. Face-to-face meetings must be
held in an approved NIC training
facility or by phone or video conference.
(7) All documentation submitted must
follow NIC’s Service for Results
guidelines which will be given to the
awardee at the first meeting.
technical or programmatic questions
concerning this announcement should
be directed to Ms. Lori Eville,
Correctional Program Specialist,
National Institute of Corrections, who
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 3, 2013 / Notices
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
may be reached by email at In addition to the direct
reply, all questions and responses will
be posted on NIC’s Web site at for public review (the
names or affiliations of those submitting
questions will not be posted). The Web
site will be updated regularly and
postings will remain on the Web site
until the closing date of this cooperative
agreement solicitation.
Application Requirements:
Applications should be typed, double
spaced, in 12-point font, and reference
the project by the ‘‘NIC Opportunity
Number’’ 13CS04 and title in this
announcement, ‘‘Development and Pilot
Training of a Curriculum for Pretrial
Justice System Stakeholders’’. The
package must include: a cover letter that
identifies the audit agency responsible
for the applicant’s financial accounts as
well as the audit period or fiscal year
that the applicant operates under (e.g.,
July 1 through June 30); a concisely
written program narrative, not to exceed
30 numbered pages, in response to the
statement of work, and a detailed budget
with a budget narrative explaining
projected costs. Applicants may submit
a description of the project teams’
qualifications and expertise relevant to
the project, but should not attach
lengthy resumes. Attachments to the
proposal describing your organization or
examples of other past work beyond
those specifically requested above are
discouraged. These attachments should
not exceed 5MB.
The following forms must also be
included: OMB Standard Form 424,
Application for Federal Assistance;
OMB Standard Form 424A, Budget
Programs; OMB Standard Form 424B,
Programs (these forms are available at and DOJ/NIC
Certification Regarding Lobbying;
Debarment, Suspension and Other
Responsibility Matters; and the DrugFree Workplace Requirements (available
Failure to supply all required forms
with the application package may result
in disqualification of the application
from consideration.
Note: NIC will NOT award a cooperative
agreement to an applicant who does not have
a Dun and Bradstreet Database Universal
Number (DUNS) and is not registered in the
Central Contractor Registry (CCR).
A DUNS number can be received at no cost
by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNS
number request line at 1–800–333–0505 (if
you are a sole proprietor, you would dial 1–
866–705–5711 and select option 1).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:48 Jul 02, 2013
Jkt 229001
Registration in the CRR can be done
online at the CCR Web site: https:// A CCR Handbook and
worksheet can also be reviewed at the
Web site.
Review Considerations: Applications
received under this announcement will
be subject to the NIC Review Process.
Proposals which fail to provide
sufficient information to allow
evaluation under the criteria below may
be judged non-responsive and
The criteria for the evaluation of each
application will be as follows:
Programmatic (40%)
Are all of the project tasks adequately
discussed? Is there a clear statement of
how each task will be accomplished to
include the overall project goal(s), major
tasks to achieve the goals(s), the
strategies to be employed in completing
the tasks, required staffing, and other
required resources? Are there any
approaches, techniques, or design
aspects proposed that are new to NIC
and will enhance the project?
Organizational (35%)
Do the proposed project staff members
possess the skills, knowledge, and
expertise necessary to complete the
tasks listed under the scope of work?
Does the applicant organization, group,
or individual have the organizational
capacity to achieve all project tasks?
Does the proposal contain project
management and staffing plans that are
realistic and sufficient to complete the
project within the project time frame?
Project Management/Administration
Does the applicant identify reasonable
objectives, milestones, and measures to
track progress? If consultants and/or
partnerships are proposed, is there a
reasonable justification for their
inclusion in the project, and a clear
structure to ensure effective
coordination? Is the proposed budget
realistic, does it provide a sufficient cost
detail/narrative, and does it represent
good value relative to the anticipated
Specific Requirements: Documents or
other media that are produced under
this award must follow these guidelines:
Prior to the preparation of the final draft
of any document or other media, the
awardee must consult with NIC’s
Writer/Editor concerning the acceptable
formats for manuscript submissions and
the technical specifications for
electronic media. For all awards in
which a document will be a deliverable,
the awardee must follow the guidelines
listed herein, as well as follow the
PO 00000
Frm 00105
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting
Manuscripts for Publication as found in
the ‘‘General Guidelines for Cooperative
Agreements,’’ which can be found on
our Web site at
All final documents and other
materials submitted under this project
must meet the federal government’s
requirement for Section 508
accessibility, including those provisions
outlined in 1194 Subpart B, Technical
Provisions; Subpart C, Functional
Performance Criteria; and Subpart D,
Documentation and Support. NIC’s
government product accessibility
template (see
outlines the agency’s minimum criteria
for meeting this requirement; a
completed form attesting to the
accessibility of project deliverables
should accompany all submissions.
Note Concerning Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance Number: The Catalog of
Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) should
be entered into box 10 of the SF 424. The
CFDA number for this solicitation is 16.601.
You are not subject to the provisions of
Executive Order 12372 and should check box
b under section 16.
Robert M. Brown, Jr.,
Acting Director, National Institute of
[FR Doc. 2013–16013 Filed 7–2–13; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request;
Emergency Mine Evacuation
The Department of Labor
(DOL) is submitting the Mine Safety and
Health Administration (MSHA)
sponsored information collection
request (ICR) titled, ‘‘Emergency Mine
Evacuation,’’ to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval for continued use,
without change, in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
DATES: Submit comments on or before
August 2, 2013.
ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with
applicable supporting documentation;
including a description of the likely
respondents, proposed frequency of
response, and estimated total burden
may be obtained free of charge from the Web site at https://
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 128 (Wednesday, July 3, 2013)]
[Pages 40191-40193]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-16013]
National Institute of Corrections
Solicitation for a Cooperative Agreement--Development and Pilot
Training of a Curriculum for Pretrial Justice System Stakeholders
AGENCY: National Institute of Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice.
ACTION: Solicitation for a Cooperative Agreement.
SUMMARY: The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is soliciting
proposals from organizations, groups, or individuals to enter into a
cooperative agreement for a 15-month period to begin no later than
August 31, 2013. Work under this cooperative agreement will involve the
development and pilot of a training curriculum targeted toward teams of
pretrial justice stakeholders who have the primary responsibility of
developing and maintaining the pretrial justice system within their
jurisdiction. This curriculum is intended to prepare these teams to
plan, develop, and implement critical policy and systemwide pretrial
decisions in a collaborative structure based on the most current legal
and evidence-based pretrial knowledge. These teams must have the
participation of the judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, sheriff or
jail administrator, and pretrial director, who have primary oversight
of pretrial justice in their jurisdiction. The curriculum will help
teams explore their independent and collaborative roles in the
development and daily operational functions of maintaining pretrial
justice within their jurisdiction. This project will be a collaborative
venture with the NIC Community Services Division.
NIC Opportunity Number: 13CS04. This number should appear in the
reference line in your cover letter, on Standard Form 424 in section 11
with the title of your proposal, and in the right justified header of
your proposal.
Number of Awards and Funds Available: Under this solicitation, 1
(one) award will be made. The total amount of funds available under
this solicitation is $70,000.00.
Applications: All applications must be submitted electronically via
[[Page 40192]] Hand delivered, mailed, faxed, or emailed applications
will not be accepted.
DATES: Application must be submitted before midnight on Tuesday, July
16, 2013.
Authority: Public Law 93-415
Elegibility of Applicants: An eligible applicant is any public or
private agency, educational institution, organization, individual or
team with expertise in the described areas.
Background: The National Institute of Corrections recognizes the
necessity of having a high functioning pretrial release structure
within a criminal justice system. The pretrial detention or release
decision is unique and often creates conflicts between criminal justice
stakeholders even when the best policy and protocols are followed. This
conflict has contributed to increasing numbers of defendants being held
in jail during their pretrial period. Nationally, about 65% of jail
populations are pretrial defendants, charged but not convicted of a
crime. Many of these pretrial detainees are being held on low money
bail amounts, are considered to have a high probability to appear at
all of their scheduled court hearings, and have a low probability of
committing any criminal acts while in the community. NIC currently
offers an Orientation for New Pretrial Executives two times per year.
This 40-hour training addresses and prepares these executives for the
unique challenges they face with the development and implementation of
pretrial release and supervision services. Approximately 150 pretrial
executives have completed this course and have taken their new skills
and knowledge back to their jurisdictions with the intent of
implementing the best known practices in pretrial release. When they
return to their jurisdictions, other key pretrial release stakeholders
do not have the same knowledge and skill set as the pretrial executive
now holds. This knowledge gap creates a significant barrier to the
implementation of a high functioning pretrial detention and release
system. A proposal responsive to this solicitation should, at minimum
include strategies to develop a curriculum targeted to a team of
pretrial justice stakeholders, including the judge, prosecutor, defense
attorney, sheriff or jail administrator, and pretrial director. The
curriculum will explore the individual and collaborative roles and
functions they have when maintaining a pretrial justice system grounded
in relevant legal and evidence-based practices. It should be delivered
in a manner that promotes adult learning and collaborative planning and
decision making.
Scope of Work: The goal of this cooperative agreement is to develop
and pilot a blended learning curriculum formatted on the instructional
theory into practice (ITIP) model. The curriculum is intended for
pretrial justice stakeholder teams that have the primary responsibility
of developing pretrial detention and release policy and practices
within their jurisdiction. The curriculum will prepare teams with the
skills and knowledge necessary to plan, develop, and implement a high
functioning pretrial justice system. It should be developed and
delivered in methods that promote adult learning and collaborative team
decision making. This work will occur in four phases. The first phase
is curriculum development and design. Mandatory content areas that the
curriculum must address include legal foundations, professional
standards, performance and outcome measures, and evidence-based
practices of pretrial justice. Stakeholder focus groups will be held to
determine other required knowledge and competency areas needed to
complete the curriculum. The second phase is training for and review
and revision by identified course trainers. The training will introduce
trainers to the curriculum, adult learning theory, and effective
facilitation strategies. Information gathered from observation of the
training and/or feedback from the trainers will be incorporated into
the draft curriculum. The third phase is pilot testing. Trainers will
deliver the curriculum to 4 to 5 teams from local jurisdictions.
Knowledge and competency assessments as well as a testing schedule will
be developed and administered to the participants of the pilot
training. Information gathered from participant feedback and exit
knowledge assessment will be incorporated into the draft curriculum.
Finally, the last phase is review and revision of the draft to develop
the final curriculum and other deliverables.
Deliverables: (1) Create a 32- to 40-hour blended training
curriculum based on the ITIP model. This will include all training
material required to deliver the course. Training materials will
include, but are not limited to (a) a complete instructor training
manual in hard and electronic copy, (b) slide show presentations to
support the training curriculum, (c) copies of participant training
material, and (d) a final participant manual hard and electronic copy.
(2) Design and facilitate stakeholder focus groups to gather
information for additional curriculum content. The awardee will work
with NIC's Correctional Program Specialist (CPS) to identify subject
matter experts to serve on these focus groups. (3) Design and
facilitate a 3- to 4-day train-the-trainer experience for the
identified trainers of the new curriculum. The awardee will work with
NIC's CPS to identify trainers. NIC will make the final approval of
trainers for the pilot and any future program offerings. The design of
the train the trainer will include adult learning theory, review the
curriculum and objectives, practice facilitating the module, guided
feedback sessions to provide feedback to the awardee, and guided
feedback session for the awardee and CPS to provide feedback to the
trainers. This training session will be held at the National Training
Academy in Aurora, CO. (4) Pilot the final draft of the curriculum. The
curriculum will be delivered to 4 to 5 teams from various
jurisdictions. The awardee will be present during the pilot training
sessions to observe the training and facilitate a debriefing session(s)
with the trainers and participants to assess and address the training
and curriculum concerns. (The travel and per diem costs of the 20-25
participants and trainers will be funded outside of this cooperative
agreement and cost estimates should not be included in this budget.)
The awardee will work with NIC on training logistics, which must follow
mandatory training protocols set out by the Bureau of Prisons and NIC.
The pilot will take place at the National Training Academy in Aurora,
CO. (5) Develop a system and written protocol, in consultation with
NIC's CPS and Research and Information Services Division, to assess the
effectiveness of the training curriculum in changing identified
knowledge and performance over time. (6) Plan and participate in
planning meetings and updates with the assigned NIC CPS to initiate the
project plan, review the information from the stakeholder focus groups
and draft agenda, review draft curriculum, and perform final curriculum
review. Maintain contact and advise NIC's CPS of any major changes,
barriers, or progress. Face-to-face meetings must be held in an
approved NIC training facility or by phone or video conference. (7) All
documentation submitted must follow NIC's Service for Results
guidelines which will be given to the awardee at the first meeting.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: All technical or programmatic
questions concerning this announcement should be directed to Ms. Lori
Eville, Correctional Program Specialist, National Institute of
Corrections, who
[[Page 40193]]
may be reached by email at In addition to the direct
reply, all questions and responses will be posted on NIC's Web site at for public review (the names or affiliations of those
submitting questions will not be posted). The Web site will be updated
regularly and postings will remain on the Web site until the closing
date of this cooperative agreement solicitation.
Application Requirements: Applications should be typed, double
spaced, in 12-point font, and reference the project by the ``NIC
Opportunity Number'' 13CS04 and title in this announcement,
``Development and Pilot Training of a Curriculum for Pretrial Justice
System Stakeholders''. The package must include: a cover letter that
identifies the audit agency responsible for the applicant's financial
accounts as well as the audit period or fiscal year that the applicant
operates under (e.g., July 1 through June 30); a concisely written
program narrative, not to exceed 30 numbered pages, in response to the
statement of work, and a detailed budget with a budget narrative
explaining projected costs. Applicants may submit a description of the
project teams' qualifications and expertise relevant to the project,
but should not attach lengthy resumes. Attachments to the proposal
describing your organization or examples of other past work beyond
those specifically requested above are discouraged. These attachments
should not exceed 5MB.
The following forms must also be included: OMB Standard Form 424,
Application for Federal Assistance; OMB Standard Form 424A, Budget
information--Non-Construction Programs; OMB Standard Form 424B,
Assurances--Non-Construction Programs (these forms are available at and DOJ/NIC Certification Regarding Lobbying;
Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and the Drug-
Free Workplace Requirements (available at
Failure to supply all required forms with the application package
may result in disqualification of the application from consideration.
Note: NIC will NOT award a cooperative agreement to an
applicant who does not have a Dun and Bradstreet Database Universal
Number (DUNS) and is not registered in the Central Contractor
Registry (CCR).
A DUNS number can be received at no cost by calling the
dedicated toll-free DUNS number request line at 1-800-333-0505 (if
you are a sole proprietor, you would dial 1-866-705-5711 and select
option 1).
Registration in the CRR can be done online at the CCR Web site: A CCR Handbook and worksheet can also be
reviewed at the Web site.
Review Considerations: Applications received under this
announcement will be subject to the NIC Review Process. Proposals which
fail to provide sufficient information to allow evaluation under the
criteria below may be judged non-responsive and disqualified.
The criteria for the evaluation of each application will be as
Programmatic (40%)
Are all of the project tasks adequately discussed? Is there a clear
statement of how each task will be accomplished to include the overall
project goal(s), major tasks to achieve the goals(s), the strategies to
be employed in completing the tasks, required staffing, and other
required resources? Are there any approaches, techniques, or design
aspects proposed that are new to NIC and will enhance the project?
Organizational (35%)
Do the proposed project staff members possess the skills,
knowledge, and expertise necessary to complete the tasks listed under
the scope of work? Does the applicant organization, group, or
individual have the organizational capacity to achieve all project
tasks? Does the proposal contain project management and staffing plans
that are realistic and sufficient to complete the project within the
project time frame?
Project Management/Administration (25%)
Does the applicant identify reasonable objectives, milestones, and
measures to track progress? If consultants and/or partnerships are
proposed, is there a reasonable justification for their inclusion in
the project, and a clear structure to ensure effective coordination? Is
the proposed budget realistic, does it provide a sufficient cost
detail/narrative, and does it represent good value relative to the
anticipated results?
Specific Requirements: Documents or other media that are produced
under this award must follow these guidelines: Prior to the preparation
of the final draft of any document or other media, the awardee must
consult with NIC's Writer/Editor concerning the acceptable formats for
manuscript submissions and the technical specifications for electronic
media. For all awards in which a document will be a deliverable, the
awardee must follow the guidelines listed herein, as well as follow the
Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts for Publication as
found in the ``General Guidelines for Cooperative Agreements,'' which
can be found on our Web site at
All final documents and other materials submitted under this
project must meet the federal government's requirement for Section 508
accessibility, including those provisions outlined in 1194 Subpart B,
Technical Provisions; Subpart C, Functional Performance Criteria; and
Subpart D, Documentation and Support. NIC's government product
accessibility template (see outlines the
agency's minimum criteria for meeting this requirement; a completed
form attesting to the accessibility of project deliverables should
accompany all submissions.
Note Concerning Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number:
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) should be entered
into box 10 of the SF 424. The CFDA number for this solicitation is
16.601. You are not subject to the provisions of Executive Order
12372 and should check box b under section 16.
Robert M. Brown, Jr.,
Acting Director, National Institute of Corrections.
[FR Doc. 2013-16013 Filed 7-2-13; 8:45 am]