Wave Energy Converter Prize Administration Webinar, 40132-40135 [2013-15967]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 3, 2013 / Notices
Australian Lightwater (OPAL) research
reactor fuel clad in aluminum, from the
Australian Nuclear Science and
Technology Organisation (ANSTO) in
Lucas Heights, Sydney, Australia, to the
Deposito de Materiales Nucleares
(DEMANU) and/or Deposito de Uranio
Enriquecido (DUE) warehouses of
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica
(CNEA) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The
material, which is currently located at
ANSTO’s OPAL reactor, will be
transferred to the CNEA DEMANU and/
or DUE warehouses for storage. ANSTO
originally obtained the material
pursuant to export license XSNM03282,
Amendment No. 01, and export license
XSNM03348, Amendment No. 01.
In accordance with section 131a. of
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended, it has been determined that
this subsequent arrangement concerning
the retransfer of nuclear material of
United States origin will not be inimical
to the common defense and security of
the United States.
Dated: June 19, 2013.
For the Department of Energy.
Anne M. Harrington,
Deputy Administrator, Defense Nuclear
Telephone: 202–586–3806 or email:
subsequent arrangement concerns the
retransfer of 591,716 kg of U.S.-origin
natural uranium hexafluoride (UF6)
(67.60% U), 400,000 kg of which is
uranium, from Cameco Corporation
(Cameco) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Canada, to URENCO in Capenhurst,
Chester, United Kingdom. The material,
which is currently located at Cameco,
Port Hope, Ontario, will be used for toll
enrichment by URENCO at its facility in
Capenhurst. The material was originally
obtained by Cameco from Power
Resources Inc., Cameco ResourcesCrowe Butte Operation, and White Mesa
Mill pursuant to export license
In accordance with section 131a. of
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended, it has been determined that
this subsequent arrangement concerning
the retransfer of nuclear material of
United States origin will not be inimical
to the common defense and security of
the United States.
Dated: June 19, 2013.
For the Department of Energy.
Anne M. Harrington,
Deputy Administrator, Defense Nuclear
Security, National Nuclear Security
Administration, Department of Energy.
Telephone: 202–586–3806 or email:
subsequent arrangement concerns the
retransfer of 591,716 kg of U.S.-origin
natural uranium hexafluoride (UF6)
(67.60% U), 400,000 kg of which is
uranium, from Cameco Corporation
(Cameco) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Canada, to URENCO in Almelo,
Netherlands. The material, which is
currently located at Cameco, Port Hope,
Ontario, will be used for toll enrichment
by URENCO at its facility in Almelo.
The material was originally obtained by
Cameco from Power Resources Inc.,
Cameco Resources-Crowe Butte
Operation, and White Mesa Mill
pursuant to export license XSOU8798.
In accordance with section 131a. of
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended, it has been determined that
this subsequent arrangement concerning
the retransfer of nuclear material of
United States origin will not be inimical
to the common defense and security of
the United States.
[FR Doc. 2013–15975 Filed 7–2–13; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. 2013–15978 Filed 7–2–13; 8:45 am]
Office of Nonproliferation and
International Security, Department of
ACTION: Proposed subsequent
This notice is being issued
under the authority of section 131a. of
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended. The Department is providing
notice of a proposed subsequent
arrangement under the Agreement for
Cooperation Concerning Civil Uses of
Nuclear Energy Between the
Government of the United States of
America and the Government of Canada
and the Agreement for Cooperation in
the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Between the United States of America
and the European Atomic Energy
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
This subsequent arrangement
will take effect no sooner than July 18,
Sean Oehlbert, Office of
Nonproliferation and International
Security, National Nuclear Security
Administration, Department of Energy.
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[FR Doc. 2013–15981 Filed 7–2–13; 8:45 am]
Proposed Subsequent Arrangement
Dated: June 19, 2013.
For the Department of Energy.
Anne M. Harrington,
Deputy Administrator, Defense Nuclear
Proposed Subsequent Arrangement
Office of Nonproliferation and
International Security, Department of
ACTION: Proposed subsequent
This notice is being issued
under the authority of section 131a. of
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended. The Department is providing
notice of a proposed subsequent
arrangement under the Agreement for
Cooperation Concerning Civil Uses of
Nuclear Energy Between the
Government of the United States of
America and the Government of Canada
and the Agreement for Cooperation in
the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Between the United States of America
and the European Atomic Energy
DATES: This subsequent arrangement
will take effect no sooner than July 18,
Sean Oehlbert, Office of
Nonproliferation and International
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Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
Wave Energy Converter Prize
Administration Webinar
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy (EERE), U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice of a webinar and request
for information.
The Wind and Water Power
Technologies Office (WWPTO) is
considering releasing a Funding
Opportunity Announcement (FOA),
tentatively titled, ‘‘Wave Energy
Converter Prize Administration’’. The
Office is planning a webinar in advance
of any potential FOA to seek input from
the public regarding possible
approaches to structuring a prize
competition related to wave energy
converters. The WWPTO anticipates a
multi-stage challenge that would
culminate in the demonstration of Wave
Energy Converter (WEC) devices in a
wave tank test. The WWTPO anticipates
that the top prize would be awarded to
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 3, 2013 / Notices
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
the entity capable of exceeding
predetermined operational performance
thresholds. Moreover, WWPTO is
considering the competition to be
administered by a third-party that may
have involvement in defining,
developing, and advertising the
competitive challenge, as well as
involvement in the awarding of any
DATES: The WWPTO will hold a
webinar on Thursday, July 18, 2013
from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. Written
comments will be accepted through
Thursday, July 25, 2013.
ADDRESSES: The webinar can be
accessed at https://
You may submit written comments by
any of the following methods:
• E-Mail: WECworkshopweb@go.
• Postal Mail: Alison LaBonte, Marine
and Hydrokinetic Energy Technology
Development Manager, Wind and Water
Power Technologies Office EE–2B, U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585. Please submit
one signed paper original. Due to the
potential delays in DOE’s receipt and
processing of mail sent through the U.S.
Postal Service, DOE encourages
respondents to submit comments
electronically to ensure timely receipt.
Minutes and video recorded
proceedings of the webinar will be made
available for public review on the DOE
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy (EERE) Web site at:
Alison LaBonte, Marine and
Hydrokinetic Energy Technology
Development Manager, Wind and Water
Power Technologies Office EE–2B, U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585,
Webinar Purpose
Purpose: The purpose of this notice is
to gain public input regarding the
development and implementation of a
prize challenge for wave energy
converters. The information collected by
the webinar and this notice will be used
for internal DOE planning including the
potential development of a FOA. The
webinar is open to all interested parties.
All interested parties are encouraged to
submit written comments. Parties
interested in participating in the
webinar and interested in providing
comments might include, but are not
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limited to (1) Non-profit organizations,
companies, and universities involved in
the development of wave energy
converters, (2) entities with experience
in testing wave energy converters in
tank test facilities, and (3) entities with
experience in developing and
administering technical competitions.
Wave Energy Converter Prize
In principle, challenges set a high
technical bar for competitors to be
eligible for a prize, and offer an
attractive prize purse to the winner,
thus facilitating rapid advancements
through technical innovation at a
relatively low cost to the sponsoring
agency. A successful challenge strategy
is one that quickly yields a number of
viable solutions to increase the
performance of WEC technologies above
an aggressive but achievable
performance threshold.
It is intended that a WEC Prize could
spur game changing innovations for
next generation WEC technologies to
drastically increase WEC performance.
Intellectual property rights will be
retained by the competitors. The prize
competition will be conducted in
accordance with the prize authority
established in the America COMPETES
Reauthorization Act of 2010 (15 U.S.C.
Challenge Stage Gates and Criteria for
The WWTPO anticipates that there
could be many ways to formulate the
challenge structure (i.e. number of
stages and stage gates) for the WEC
Prize. However, to engage in a more
robust dialogue during the webinar, an
example strategy is provided below. The
WWPTO encourages commenters to
provide alternative strategies and
approaches for the prize administration.
A multi stage-gate challenge structure
requires competitors to pass through a
series of stage gates based on various
criteria. Generally, the criteria are
designed to ensure that the prize winner
holds the most commercially viable
technology and has the highest potential
for success in the actual open-ocean
wave energy harvesting environment.
The quantitative performance threshold
for the final tank test is anticipated to
be a function of absorbed energy;
characteristic mass; surface area; and/or
power take-off force criteria.
Example challenge structure stages
and stage-gates might include:
Full Proposal Submission Stage: WEC
prize competitors would initially submit
full applications with proposed design
concepts which would be evaluated
against WEC prize performance goals.
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The applications would provide
supporting evidence such as numerical
simulation performance calculations,
levelized cost of energy calculations
demonstrating techno-economic
viability of the concept at a commercial
stage, and engineering justification to
support concept design reliability and
survivability at commercial scale.
First Stage-gate: A judging panel
would evaluate and select proposals
based on pre-published criteria.
Selected proposals would advance to a
detailed design phase.
Design Stage: Proposals selected to
advance to the design stage would
develop a detailed design demonstrating
proof-of-concept via prototype bench
top testing; WEC numerical modeling,
validation, and refinement; and any
design stage wave tank testing results.
Second Stage-gate: A judging panel
would conduct a critical design review
and select up to 10 competitors to
advance to the ‘‘build stage.’’ Those
selected at this stage would receive a
monetary award (e.g., $350,000)
intended to be used to support scaled
prototype fabrication.
Build Stage: The selected competitors
would proceed to the build stage and
would be responsible for the
procurement and construction of a
scaled prototype WEC device ready for
tank testing.
Test and Evaluate Stage: The selected
competitors would test their scaled
prototype in a wave tank to
quantitatively measure performance of
the WEC device against performance
Final Stage-gate: The judging panel
would evaluate the tank test
performance results and the overall
device design against pre-determined
performance criteria to select one
winner to receive the prize purse. The
WWPTO is considering a purse prize
value of $1 million.
Administration Implementation
The WWPTO is considering having
the WEC Prize challenge administered
by a single awardee of the anticipated
‘‘Wave Energy Converter Prize
Administration’’ FOA. In addition to
being responsible for the overall
implementation of the challenge the
awardee would potentially administer
the prize purse (including seed funding)
to the selected competitors. The
WWTPO plans to separately arrange for
a tank testing facility to be used in the
challenge competition and technical
experts to assist the administration
entity with the development of
quantitative performance threshold and
other criteria the competitors will be
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 3, 2013 / Notices
evaluated against throughout the
various stages of challenge.
The anticipated scope for the
administrative entity may include, but
may not be limited to, the following:
1. Work with the WWPTO to refine
WEC Prize and to develop challenge
strategy, including rule development,
structure, planning, judging and
evaluations, to meet those objectives.
2. Collaborate with the technical
expert as identified by the WWPTO to
finalize testing and evaluation criteria
for rule development.
3. Coordinate with the tank test
facility identified by the WWPTO for
planning, scheduling, and executing the
test and evaluate stage of the challenge.
4. Promote the challenge to attract
competitors to apply.
5. Publish challenge rules and
implement the challenge strategy to
accomplish the objectives.
6. Increase the awareness of MHK
technology through the WEC Prize
challenge with marketing and public
7. Provide the necessary qualified
personnel, facilities, equipment,
supplies, services, subcontractors, and
related administrative and information
technology support to accomplish the
8. Coordinate and compensate judging
panels, as applicable.
9. Provide on-site coordination and
logistics for judging panels and tank
10. Ensure the tank testing is in
accordance to the rules of the prize.
11. Provide the WWPTO access to the
observation of all test and evaluation
12. Allow WWPTO access to records,
files, and other data derived from this
13. Provide winners with seed
funding and prize award.
Outside of the anticipated ‘‘Wave
Energy Converter Prize Administration’’
FOA, the WWPTO anticipates that
technical experts will assist the
administrator with the following:
• Assist the administration entity
with the development of quantitative
performance threshold and other criteria
the competitors will be evaluated
against throughout the various stages of
the challenge
• Collaborate with the tank test
facility operators to determine tank test
conditions for the testing and evaluation
phase to ensure the conditions are
consistent for WEC device competitors
• Provide technical direction to the
administrative entity developing the
challenge rules
• Provide technical direction to the
administrative entity in selecting
experts for judging panels
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• Development of the tank test
instrumentation and data acquisition
interface (in conjunction with the tank
test facility)
For the tank test facility in the final
Test and Evaluate Stage, the WWPTO is
considering arranging an agreement
with the Naval Surface Warfare Center,
Carderock Division, Maneuvering and
Seakeeping Basin in West Bethesda,
Maryland. The indoor freshwater basin
is anticipated to be online in 2013 with
216 independently controlled wave
paddles capable of producing model sea
state spectra of any distribution. The
basin overall length is 110 m (360 ft),
overall width is 73 m (240 ft), and depth
of 6.1 (20 ft) and it includes a 10.7 m
(35 ft) deep by 15.2 m (50 ft) wide
trench parallel to the long side of the
south side.
Webinar Discussion Topics and
Requested Information
The questions below request
information on both the structure of a
potential prize competition as well as
the technical criteria that may be
considered in the evaluation of such a
competition. Interest parties are
encouraged to provide responses to the
following questions or other topics
relevant to a WEC Prize.
• What administrative resources are
required to design, promote, and
implement a prize challenge?
• How could a challenge be
structured to efficiently, timely, and
adequately allow comparison of the
various technologies and techniques
that may be applied to WEC?
• How can a judging panel be secured
for multiple phases?
• Is the sample challenge structure,
with multiple stages, too lengthy or
complex that some potential
competitors may not participate? Does
offering seed funding at an early stage
incentivize competitors where they
otherwise would not compete?
• What distribution of funding is
appropriate for administrative costs,
seed funding, and prize? Should seed
funding be given, or should there
instead be a larger winning prize, or
first, second and third place prizes?
• What criteria should be used to
evaluate proposed WEC designs and
WEC performance?
Public Participation
Webinar and Comments Instructions:
The webinar will be held on Thursday,
July 18, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00
p.m. EST. Webinar attendees are
encouraged to RSVP to
WECworkshopweb@go.doe.gov by
Monday, July 15, 2013. In addition,
entities are welcomed to provide an
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additional written response to
WECworkshopweb@go.doe.gov by 5:00
p.m. EST on Thursday, July 25, 2013.
Written responses may be submitted
electronically or by postal mail and
must be five pages or less in length.
Electronic responses must be provided
as attachments (in Microsoft Word or
Adobe PDF format). The subject line
should read ‘‘Wave Energy Converter
Prize Administration (insert nameorganization)’’. One inch margins and
12 point font should be used. Any entity
providing a written response is
requested to include the following
information: Company/institutional
name; individual contact information
(mailing address, phone number, email
address); facility location(s) (zip code);
and area of expertise/interest.
Disclaimer and Important Notes: The
notice is issued solely for information
and FOA planning purposes; the notice
and webinar do not constitute a formal
solicitation for proposals or abstracts.
Your response to this notice and
responses provided through the webinar
will be treated as information only. In
accordance with the Federal Acquisition
Regulations, 48 C.F.R. 15.201(e),
responses to this notice including those
provided through the webinar are not
offers and cannot be accepted by the
Government to form a binding contract.
DOE will not provide reimbursement for
costs incurred in responding to this
notice. Any of the information
contained in this notice is subject to
change. Any amounts proposed for
funding are subject to the availability of
Congressional appropriations.
DOE may or may not decide at a later
date to issue a FOA or other type of
solicitation based on consideration of
the input received from this notice or
the webinar, and there is no guarantee
that future funding opportunities or
other activities will be undertaken as a
result of this notice or the webinar.
Because information received in
response to this notice and during the
webinar may be used to structure future
funding opportunities and/or may
otherwise be made available to the
public, respondents are strongly advised
to not include any information in their
responses that might be considered
business-sensitive, proprietary, or
otherwise confidential. If, however, a
respondent chooses to submit businesssensitive, proprietary, or otherwise
confidential information, it must be
clearly and conspicuously marked as
such in the response pursuant to the
instructions below.
In order to avoid any possible conflict
with future funding opportunities, DOE
will not reply to any respondent
questions or comments received after
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 3, 2013 / Notices
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
the closure of the submission period
specified in the DATES section.
Respondents are advised that DOE is
under no obligation to acknowledge
receipt of the information received or
provide feedback to respondents with
respect to any information submitted
under this notice or through the
webinar. Responses to this notice do not
bind DOE to any further actions related
to this topic. The DOE thanks you for
your assistance and input.
Confidential Business Information:
Pursuant to 10 CFR 1004.11, any person
submitting information that he or she
believes to be confidential and exempt
by law from public disclosure should
submit via email, postal mail, or hand
delivery/courier two well-marked
copies: One copy of the document
marked ‘‘confidential’’ including all the
information believed to be confidential,
and one copy of the document marked
‘‘non-confidential’’ with the information
believed to be confidential deleted.
Submit these documents via email or
postal mail. DOE will make its own
determination about the confidential
status of the information and treat it
according to its determination.
Factors of interest to DOE when
evaluating requests to treat submitted
information as confidential include: (1)
A description of the items; (2) whether
and why such items are customarily
treated as confidential within the
industry; (3) whether the information is
generally known by or available from
other sources; (4) whether the
information has previously been made
available to others without obligation
concerning its confidentiality; (5) an
explanation of the competitive injury to
the submitting person which would
result from public disclosure; (6) when
such information might lose its
confidential character due to the
passage of time; and (7) why disclosure
of the information would be contrary to
the public interest.
It is DOE’s policy that all comments
may be included in a public docket,
without change and as received,
including any personal information
provided in the comments (except
information deemed to be exempt from
public disclosure).
Issued in Washington, DC, on June 27,
Jose Zayas,
Director, Wind and Water Power Technologies
Office, Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy, Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2013–15967 Filed 7–2–13; 8:45 am]
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Federal Energy Regulatory
Combined Notice of Filings #1
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric rate
Docket Numbers: ER10–2179–019;
ER10–2181–019; ER10–2182–019.
Applicants: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear
Power Plant, LLC, Nine Mile Point
Nuclear Station, LLC, R.E. Ginna
Nuclear Power Plant, LLC.
Description: Notice of Non-Material
Change in Status of Calvert Cliffs
Nuclear Power Plant, LLC, et al.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5103.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER11–2560–000;
Applicants: Entergy Arkansas, Inc.
Description: Refund Report in Docket
Nos. ER11–2560 and ER11–3156 to be
effective N/A.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5066.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1206–001.
Applicants: PacifiCorp.
Description: OATT Revised Schedules
3 and 3A Deficiency Filing to be
effective 6/1/2013.
Filed Date: 6/20/13.
Accession Number: 20130620–5139.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/11/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1737–000.
Applicants: Southwest Power Pool,
Description: 1636R10 Kansas Electric
Power Cooperative, Inc. NITSA and
NOA to be effective 6/1/2013.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5039.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1738–000.
Applicants: Alcoa Power Generating
Description: Market-Based Rate Tariff
Revisions to be effective 6/21/2013.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5041.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1739–000.
Applicants: Alcoa Power Marketing
Description: Market-Based Rate Tariff
Revisions to be effective 6/21/2013.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5042.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1740–000.
Applicants: Wisconsin Public Service
Description: Revised BAOCA between
WPSC and WEPCO to be effective 6/21/
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Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5050.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1741–000.
Applicants: Upper Peninsula Power
Description: Revised BAAOCA
Between UPPCO and WEPCO to be
effective 6/21/2013.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5054.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1742–000.
Applicants: New England Power Pool
Participants Committee, ISO New
England Inc.
Description: MR1 Clarifications to
Full Inte. Rules for Price-Res. DemandNet Supply to be effective 8/21/2013.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5055.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1743–000.
Applicants: Entergy Arkansas, Inc.
Description: Compliance Filing in
Docket Nos. ER11–2560 and ER11–3156
to be effective 3/1/2012.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5063.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1744–000.
Applicants: DPL Energy, LLC.
Description: Rate Schedule No. 3 to be
effective 6/21/2013.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5067.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1745–000.
Applicants: GenOn Bowline, LLC.
Description: Notice of Succession to
be effective 6/24/2013.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5070.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Docket Numbers: ER13–1746–000.
Applicants: GenOn Marsh Landing,
Description: Notice of Succession to
be effective 6/24/2013.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5086.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
Take notice that the Commission
received the following open access
transmission tariff filings:
Docket Numbers: OA13–6–000.
Applicants: Alcoa Power Generating
Description: Request for Waiver of
Alcoa Power Generating Inc.
Filed Date: 6/21/13.
Accession Number: 20130621–5094.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 7/12/13.
The filings are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the links or querying the
docket number.
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 128 (Wednesday, July 3, 2013)]
[Pages 40132-40135]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-15967]
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Wave Energy Converter Prize Administration Webinar
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice of a webinar and request for information.
SUMMARY: The Wind and Water Power Technologies Office (WWPTO) is
considering releasing a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA),
tentatively titled, ``Wave Energy Converter Prize Administration''. The
Office is planning a webinar in advance of any potential FOA to seek
input from the public regarding possible approaches to structuring a
prize competition related to wave energy converters. The WWPTO
anticipates a multi-stage challenge that would culminate in the
demonstration of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) devices in a wave tank
test. The WWTPO anticipates that the top prize would be awarded to
[[Page 40133]]
the entity capable of exceeding predetermined operational performance
thresholds. Moreover, WWPTO is considering the competition to be
administered by a third-party that may have involvement in defining,
developing, and advertising the competitive challenge, as well as
involvement in the awarding of any prizes.
DATES: The WWPTO will hold a webinar on Thursday, July 18, 2013 from
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. Written comments will be accepted through
Thursday, July 25, 2013.
ADDRESSES: The webinar can be accessed at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/123267576.
You may submit written comments by any of the following methods:
E-Mail: WECworkshopweb@go.doe.gov.
Postal Mail: Alison LaBonte, Marine and Hydrokinetic
Energy Technology Development Manager, Wind and Water Power
Technologies Office EE-2B, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585. Please submit one signed paper
original. Due to the potential delays in DOE's receipt and processing
of mail sent through the U.S. Postal Service, DOE encourages
respondents to submit comments electronically to ensure timely receipt.
Minutes and video recorded proceedings of the webinar will be made
available for public review on the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy (EERE) Web site at: https://water.energy.gov.
Hydrokinetic Energy Technology Development Manager, Wind and Water
Power Technologies Office EE-2B, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585,
Webinar Purpose
Purpose: The purpose of this notice is to gain public input
regarding the development and implementation of a prize challenge for
wave energy converters. The information collected by the webinar and
this notice will be used for internal DOE planning including the
potential development of a FOA. The webinar is open to all interested
parties. All interested parties are encouraged to submit written
comments. Parties interested in participating in the webinar and
interested in providing comments might include, but are not limited to
(1) Non-profit organizations, companies, and universities involved in
the development of wave energy converters, (2) entities with experience
in testing wave energy converters in tank test facilities, and (3)
entities with experience in developing and administering technical
Wave Energy Converter Prize Background
In principle, challenges set a high technical bar for competitors
to be eligible for a prize, and offer an attractive prize purse to the
winner, thus facilitating rapid advancements through technical
innovation at a relatively low cost to the sponsoring agency. A
successful challenge strategy is one that quickly yields a number of
viable solutions to increase the performance of WEC technologies above
an aggressive but achievable performance threshold.
It is intended that a WEC Prize could spur game changing
innovations for next generation WEC technologies to drastically
increase WEC performance.
Intellectual property rights will be retained by the competitors.
The prize competition will be conducted in accordance with the prize
authority established in the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of
2010 (15 U.S.C. 3719).
Challenge Stage Gates and Criteria for Evaluation
The WWTPO anticipates that there could be many ways to formulate
the challenge structure (i.e. number of stages and stage gates) for the
WEC Prize. However, to engage in a more robust dialogue during the
webinar, an example strategy is provided below. The WWPTO encourages
commenters to provide alternative strategies and approaches for the
prize administration.
A multi stage-gate challenge structure requires competitors to pass
through a series of stage gates based on various criteria. Generally,
the criteria are designed to ensure that the prize winner holds the
most commercially viable technology and has the highest potential for
success in the actual open-ocean wave energy harvesting environment.
The quantitative performance threshold for the final tank test is
anticipated to be a function of absorbed energy; characteristic mass;
surface area; and/or power take-off force criteria.
Example challenge structure stages and stage-gates might include:
Full Proposal Submission Stage: WEC prize competitors would
initially submit full applications with proposed design concepts which
would be evaluated against WEC prize performance goals. The
applications would provide supporting evidence such as numerical
simulation performance calculations, levelized cost of energy
calculations demonstrating techno-economic viability of the concept at
a commercial stage, and engineering justification to support concept
design reliability and survivability at commercial scale.
First Stage-gate: A judging panel would evaluate and select
proposals based on pre-published criteria. Selected proposals would
advance to a detailed design phase.
Design Stage: Proposals selected to advance to the design stage
would develop a detailed design demonstrating proof-of-concept via
prototype bench top testing; WEC numerical modeling, validation, and
refinement; and any design stage wave tank testing results.
Second Stage-gate: A judging panel would conduct a critical design
review and select up to 10 competitors to advance to the ``build
stage.'' Those selected at this stage would receive a monetary award
(e.g., $350,000) intended to be used to support scaled prototype
Build Stage: The selected competitors would proceed to the build
stage and would be responsible for the procurement and construction of
a scaled prototype WEC device ready for tank testing.
Test and Evaluate Stage: The selected competitors would test their
scaled prototype in a wave tank to quantitatively measure performance
of the WEC device against performance criteria.
Final Stage-gate: The judging panel would evaluate the tank test
performance results and the overall device design against pre-
determined performance criteria to select one winner to receive the
prize purse. The WWPTO is considering a purse prize value of $1
Administration Implementation
The WWPTO is considering having the WEC Prize challenge
administered by a single awardee of the anticipated ``Wave Energy
Converter Prize Administration'' FOA. In addition to being responsible
for the overall implementation of the challenge the awardee would
potentially administer the prize purse (including seed funding) to the
selected competitors. The WWTPO plans to separately arrange for a tank
testing facility to be used in the challenge competition and technical
experts to assist the administration entity with the development of
quantitative performance threshold and other criteria the competitors
will be
[[Page 40134]]
evaluated against throughout the various stages of challenge.
The anticipated scope for the administrative entity may include,
but may not be limited to, the following:
1. Work with the WWPTO to refine WEC Prize and to develop challenge
strategy, including rule development, structure, planning, judging and
evaluations, to meet those objectives.
2. Collaborate with the technical expert as identified by the WWPTO
to finalize testing and evaluation criteria for rule development.
3. Coordinate with the tank test facility identified by the WWPTO
for planning, scheduling, and executing the test and evaluate stage of
the challenge.
4. Promote the challenge to attract competitors to apply.
5. Publish challenge rules and implement the challenge strategy to
accomplish the objectives.
6. Increase the awareness of MHK technology through the WEC Prize
challenge with marketing and public relations.
7. Provide the necessary qualified personnel, facilities,
equipment, supplies, services, subcontractors, and related
administrative and information technology support to accomplish the
8. Coordinate and compensate judging panels, as applicable.
9. Provide on-site coordination and logistics for judging panels
and tank testing.
10. Ensure the tank testing is in accordance to the rules of the
11. Provide the WWPTO access to the observation of all test and
evaluation activities.
12. Allow WWPTO access to records, files, and other data derived
from this work.
13. Provide winners with seed funding and prize award.
Outside of the anticipated ``Wave Energy Converter Prize
Administration'' FOA, the WWPTO anticipates that technical experts will
assist the administrator with the following:
Assist the administration entity with the development of
quantitative performance threshold and other criteria the competitors
will be evaluated against throughout the various stages of the
Collaborate with the tank test facility operators to
determine tank test conditions for the testing and evaluation phase to
ensure the conditions are consistent for WEC device competitors
Provide technical direction to the administrative entity
developing the challenge rules
Provide technical direction to the administrative entity
in selecting experts for judging panels
Development of the tank test instrumentation and data
acquisition interface (in conjunction with the tank test facility)
For the tank test facility in the final Test and Evaluate Stage,
the WWPTO is considering arranging an agreement with the Naval Surface
Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Maneuvering and Seakeeping Basin in
West Bethesda, Maryland. The indoor freshwater basin is anticipated to
be online in 2013 with 216 independently controlled wave paddles
capable of producing model sea state spectra of any distribution. The
basin overall length is 110 m (360 ft), overall width is 73 m (240 ft),
and depth of 6.1 (20 ft) and it includes a 10.7 m (35 ft) deep by 15.2
m (50 ft) wide trench parallel to the long side of the south side.
Webinar Discussion Topics and Requested Information
The questions below request information on both the structure of a
potential prize competition as well as the technical criteria that may
be considered in the evaluation of such a competition. Interest parties
are encouraged to provide responses to the following questions or other
topics relevant to a WEC Prize.
What administrative resources are required to design,
promote, and implement a prize challenge?
How could a challenge be structured to efficiently,
timely, and adequately allow comparison of the various technologies and
techniques that may be applied to WEC?
How can a judging panel be secured for multiple phases?
Is the sample challenge structure, with multiple stages,
too lengthy or complex that some potential competitors may not
participate? Does offering seed funding at an early stage incentivize
competitors where they otherwise would not compete?
What distribution of funding is appropriate for
administrative costs, seed funding, and prize? Should seed funding be
given, or should there instead be a larger winning prize, or first,
second and third place prizes?
What criteria should be used to evaluate proposed WEC
designs and WEC performance?
Public Participation
Webinar and Comments Instructions: The webinar will be held on
Thursday, July 18, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. Webinar
attendees are encouraged to RSVP to WECworkshopweb@go.doe.gov by
Monday, July 15, 2013. In addition, entities are welcomed to provide an
additional written response to WECworkshopweb@go.doe.gov by 5:00 p.m.
EST on Thursday, July 25, 2013. Written responses may be submitted
electronically or by postal mail and must be five pages or less in
length. Electronic responses must be provided as attachments (in
Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format). The subject line should read
``Wave Energy Converter Prize Administration (insert name-
organization)''. One inch margins and 12 point font should be used. Any
entity providing a written response is requested to include the
following information: Company/institutional name; individual contact
information (mailing address, phone number, email address); facility
location(s) (zip code); and area of expertise/interest.
Disclaimer and Important Notes: The notice is issued solely for
information and FOA planning purposes; the notice and webinar do not
constitute a formal solicitation for proposals or abstracts. Your
response to this notice and responses provided through the webinar will
be treated as information only. In accordance with the Federal
Acquisition Regulations, 48 C.F.R. 15.201(e), responses to this notice
including those provided through the webinar are not offers and cannot
be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. DOE will not
provide reimbursement for costs incurred in responding to this notice.
Any of the information contained in this notice is subject to change.
Any amounts proposed for funding are subject to the availability of
Congressional appropriations.
DOE may or may not decide at a later date to issue a FOA or other
type of solicitation based on consideration of the input received from
this notice or the webinar, and there is no guarantee that future
funding opportunities or other activities will be undertaken as a
result of this notice or the webinar. Because information received in
response to this notice and during the webinar may be used to structure
future funding opportunities and/or may otherwise be made available to
the public, respondents are strongly advised to not include any
information in their responses that might be considered business-
sensitive, proprietary, or otherwise confidential. If, however, a
respondent chooses to submit business-sensitive, proprietary, or
otherwise confidential information, it must be clearly and
conspicuously marked as such in the response pursuant to the
instructions below.
In order to avoid any possible conflict with future funding
opportunities, DOE will not reply to any respondent questions or
comments received after
[[Page 40135]]
the closure of the submission period specified in the DATES section.
Respondents are advised that DOE is under no obligation to acknowledge
receipt of the information received or provide feedback to respondents
with respect to any information submitted under this notice or through
the webinar. Responses to this notice do not bind DOE to any further
actions related to this topic. The DOE thanks you for your assistance
and input.
Confidential Business Information: Pursuant to 10 CFR 1004.11, any
person submitting information that he or she believes to be
confidential and exempt by law from public disclosure should submit via
email, postal mail, or hand delivery/courier two well-marked copies:
One copy of the document marked ``confidential'' including all the
information believed to be confidential, and one copy of the document
marked ``non-confidential'' with the information believed to be
confidential deleted. Submit these documents via email or postal mail.
DOE will make its own determination about the confidential status of
the information and treat it according to its determination.
Factors of interest to DOE when evaluating requests to treat
submitted information as confidential include: (1) A description of the
items; (2) whether and why such items are customarily treated as
confidential within the industry; (3) whether the information is
generally known by or available from other sources; (4) whether the
information has previously been made available to others without
obligation concerning its confidentiality; (5) an explanation of the
competitive injury to the submitting person which would result from
public disclosure; (6) when such information might lose its
confidential character due to the passage of time; and (7) why
disclosure of the information would be contrary to the public interest.
It is DOE's policy that all comments may be included in a public
docket, without change and as received, including any personal
information provided in the comments (except information deemed to be
exempt from public disclosure).
Issued in Washington, DC, on June 27, 2013.
Jose Zayas,
Director, Wind and Water Power Technologies Office, Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2013-15967 Filed 7-2-13; 8:45 am]