Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO), 36171-36174 [2013-14300]

Download as PDF mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 116 / Monday, June 17, 2013 / Notices atomic scales and quantum simulation of ‘‘metasuperconductors’’ by using the extreme nanoscale precision with which the LaAIO3/SrTiO3 interface can be gated, and to develop new mechanisms for the transfer of quantum information between long-lived localized states (nitrogen-vacancy centers) and delocalized states (superconducting resonators). The experiments will combine the unique local control capable with the LaAIO3/SrTiO3 interface with the natural tendency of SrTiO3 to become superconducting to develop superconducting structures with vortices that will be manipulated to achieve topologically protected quantum computation, as well as electrostatic programming of the LaAIO3/SrTiO3 interface with V(x,y) to create new electronic states of matter which themselves can become superconducting. The unique properties of this instrument are the capability of cooling the sample below the superconducting transition temperature (Tc∼200mK), to apply large magnetic fields >18T) to investigate the large spin-orbit present in these samples (Bso∼15T), and the ability to orient the sample in any orientation relative to the magnetic fields. Docket Number: 12–066. Applicant: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Instrument: mK Scanning Probe Microscope. Manufacturer: Nanomagnetics, Turkey. Intended Use: See notice at 78 FR 7399–7400, February 1, 2013. Comments: None received. Decision: Approved. We know of no instruments of equivalent scientific value to the foreign instruments described below, for such purposes as this is intended to be used, that was being manufactured in the United States at the time of order. Reasons: The instrument will be used for three purposes: to develop ways for preserving quantum information in a way that is immune to a wide variety of decoherence mechanisms, by using predicted topological properties of superconductors in two dimensions, to program fundamental couplings at nearatomic scales and quantum simulation of ‘‘metasuperconductors’’ by using the extreme nanoscale precision with which the LaAIO3/SrTiO3 interface can be gated, and to develop new mechanisms for the transfer of quantum information between long-lived localized states (nitrogen-vacancy centers) and delocalized states (superconducting resonators). The experiments will combine the unique local control capable with the LaAIO3/SrTiO3 interface with the natural tendency of SrTiO3 to become superconducting to VerDate Mar<15>2010 20:38 Jun 14, 2013 Jkt 229001 develop superconducting structures with vortices that will be manipulated to achieve topologically protected quantum computation, as well as electrostatic programming of the LaAIO3/SrTiO3 interface with V(x,y) to create new electronic states of matter which themselves can become superconducting. The unique properties of this instrument are the capability of scanning probe microscopy at base temperature (T<50mK), and to locally (on nanometer scales) gate, modify, and probe nanowire devices and quantum dot arrays. Docket Number: 13–006. Applicant: Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR 97239. Instrument: Electron Microscope. Manufacturer: FEI Company, the Netherlands. Intended Use: See notice at 78 FR 13860–13861, March 1, 2013. Comments: None received. Decision: Approved. We know of no instruments of equivalent scientific value to the foreign instruments described below, for such purposes as this is intended to be used, that was being manufactured in the United States at the time of order. Reasons: The instrument will be used to obtain a powerfully detailed picture of the architecture of the molecular signals that function in normal and diseased tissues at the molecular, cell, tissue and organism levels. The data will be used to improve management of human diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, immunodeficiency and dementia. Dated: June 11, 2013. Gregory W. Campbell, Director, Subsidies Enforcement Office, Import Administration. [FR Doc. 2013–14368 Filed 6–14–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), Department of Defense (DoD). ACTION: Federal Funding Opportunity Announcement. AGENCY: This notice announces a federal funding opportunity (FFO) to obtain funding from the DoD OEA for community planning assistance and economic diversification in response to reductions or cancellations in Department of Defense (DoD) spending. Assistance may be granted if the reduction has a direct and significant SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 36171 adverse impact on a community or its residents. This notice includes proposal submission requirements and instructions, and eligibility and selection criteria that will be used to evaluate proposals from state or local governments. OEA assistance awards to a state or local government may result from proposals submitted under this notice, subject to available appropriations. DATES: Proposals will be considered for funding on a continuing basis, subject to available appropriations, commencing on the date of publication of this notice. OEA will evaluate all proposals and provide a response to a respondent within 30 business days of OEA’s receipt of a final, complete application. ADDRESSES: Email: Include ‘‘Proposal for Defense Industry Community Adjustment Assistance’’ on the subject line of the message and request delivery/read confirmation to ensure receipt. OEA will review all applications confirmed to be received. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Michael Gilroy, DIA Program Co-Lead, OEA, at (703) 697–2081 or SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Federal Funding Opportunity Title: Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Reductions in Defense Industry Employment. Announcement Type: Federal Funding Opportunity. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 12.611. I. Funding Opportunity Description OEA is a DoD Field Activity authorized under 10 U.S.C. 2391 to provide assistance to entities of state or local governments, including regional governmental organizations, to plan and carry out community adjustment and economic diversification activities in response to the cancellation or termination of a Department of Defense contract, the failure to proceed with an approved major weapon system program, a publicly announced planned major reduction in DoD spending, or the closure or significantly reduced operations of a defense facility as the result of the merger, acquisition, or consolidation of the defense contractor operating a defense facility. II. Award Information OEA is accepting proposals for grant awards to support communities or regions in organizing and planning local economic adjustment programs. Proposals will be evaluated by OEA staff in coordination with Department of E:\FR\FM\17JNN1.SGM 17JNN1 36172 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 116 / Monday, June 17, 2013 / Notices mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Commerce, as well as other Federal agencies as invited by OEA, against the eligibility criteria provided in Section III of this notice and the selection criteria provided in Section V of this notice. OEA expects to invite successful respondents to complete full e-grant applications for funding following its determination of an eligible applicant and proposal review. To receive an award, an eligible applicant must submit both a successful proposal and an acceptable grant application. The final amount of each award will be determined by OEA based upon a review of the proposal, as well as comments from other Federal agencies, and will be subject to availability of funds. Grant awards may pay for up to 90% of a project’s total cost, with the applicant required to pay not less than 10% of the project’s total cost through non-Federal funding as local match. OEA reserves the right to cancel an award for non-performance. States may request assistance to enhance their capacity to assist adversely affected communities, businesses and workers; support local adjustment and diversification initiatives; and stimulate cooperation between statewide and local adjustment and diversification efforts. III. Eligibility Information States, counties, municipalities, other political subdivisions of a State; special purpose units of a State or local government; and tribal nations are eligible for funding under this notice. If multiple sub-State jurisdictions respond to the same event, only one proposal will be considered. A proposal must respond to: A publicly announced planned major reduction in DoD spending; the closure or significantly reduced operations of a defense facility as the result of the merger, acquisition, or consolidation of the defense contractor operating the defense facility; the cancellation or termination of a DoD contract; or the failure to proceed with an approved major weapon system program. This DoD activity must result in the loss of: 2,500 or more employee positions, in the case of a Metropolitan Statistical Area; 1,000 or more employee positions, in the case of a labor market area outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area; or one percent of the total number of civilian jobs in the local labor market for the impacted area. For the purposes of demonstrating eligibility, only direct (i.e., prime and supply chain) job loss may be counted, and respondents may document a cumulative job loss over the span of not more than three consecutive years (e.g., one year prior to proposal VerDate Mar<15>2010 20:38 Jun 14, 2013 Jkt 229001 and two years forward). Induced job loss will not be considered as a factor in demonstrating eligibility. The applicant must also explain how this job loss will cause direct and significant adverse impacts to the community or residents in the area. Funding will be awarded to only one governmental entity on behalf of a region, so regional applicants should demonstrate a significant level of cooperation in their proposal. A proposal from a State applicant must demonstrate how the proposed grant would support adversely affected communities, businesses and workers; support local adjustment and diversification initiatives or planning for such initiatives; and stimulate cooperation between statewide and local adjustment and diversification efforts. The proposal should also explain efforts to provide business planning and market exploration services to defense contractors and subcontractors seeking modernization or diversification assistance as well as any training, counseling, and placement services to dislocated armed forces and defense workers. Eligible projects from non-State applicants must be designed to allow an impacted region to: (1) Organize itself to represent and respond on behalf of affected communities, workers, and businesses; (2) plan local community and economic adjustment activities to assist affected communities, workers, and businesses; and (3) carry-out plans to effectively respond to the defense impacts and stabilize the local economy. Eligible activities may include (but are not limited to): Staffing, operating and administrative costs for an organization; outreach to businesses, workers, and other community interests; regional supply-chain mapping of defensespecific industry clusters; asset mapping to support a response; economic data collection and analysis to identify regional comparative advantages; preparation of diversification plans to lessen economic dependency on defense expenditures; facilitation of workforce adjustment and retraining efforts; provision of business planning and market exploration services for defense contractors and sub-contractors that seek modernization or diversification assistance; and, preliminary strategies and plans for the potential reuse or redevelopment of existing defense facilities. Funds available under this program should not duplicate nor replicate activities otherwise eligible for/funded through other Federal programs. Respondents are encouraged to submit proposals which demonstrate PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 appropriate leverage of all public and private resources and programs, such as: • U.S. Department of Commerce’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program for provision of relevant assistance to the region’s manufacturers that operate as part of affected Defense supply chains; • State, regional, and local economic development organizations which often work with the U.S. Department of Commerce’s (DOC) Economic Development Administration (EDA); • Small Business Development Centers as well as local Small Business Administration District offices; and • U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) grantees, including local Workforce Investment Boards and/or American Job Centers. Funds provided under this program may not be used to directly identify or assist a business, including a business expansion, in the relocation of a plant, facility, or operation from one Labor Market Area (LMA) to another if the relocation is likely to result in the loss of jobs in the LMA from which the relocation occurs. IV. Application and Submission Information Proposals will be accepted as received on a continuing basis commencing on the date of this publication and processed when deemed to be a final, complete application. Each proposal shall consist of no more than ten (10) single-sided pages exclusive of cover sheet and/or transmittal letter, and must include the following information: A. Point of Contact: Name, phone number, email address, and organization address of the respondent’s primary point of contact; B. Defense Action/Impact: A description of the publicly announced planned major reduction in Department of Defense (DoD) spending; the closure or significantly reduced operations of a defense facility as the result of the merger, acquisition, or consolidation of the defense contractor operating the defense facility; the cancellation or termination of a DoD contract; or the failure to proceed with an approved major weapon system program. Also include documentation of the known or anticipated job loss; the average unemployment rate over the past year; the current unemployment rate; and other factors indicating community impact and need; C. Project Description: A description of the proposed project, including how the project addresses the impacts of Defense actions on communities, workers, and businesses; E:\FR\FM\17JNN1.SGM 17JNN1 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 116 / Monday, June 17, 2013 / Notices mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES D. Project Parties: A description of the local partner organizations/ jurisdictions, and their roles and responsibilities, that will carry out the proposed project, including letters of support as attachments that will not count against the ten-page limit; E. Grant Funds and Other Sources of Funds: A summary of local needs, including need for Federal funding; an overview of all State and local funding sources, including the funds requested under this notice; financial commitments for other Federal and nonFederal funds needed to undertake the project to include acknowledgment to provide not less than 10% of the funding from non-Federal sources; a description of any other Federal funding for which the respondent has applied, or intends to apply to support this effort; and, a statement detailing how the proposal is not duplicative of other available Federal funding; F. Project Schedule: A sufficiently detailed project schedule, including milestones; G. Performance Metrics: A description of metrics to be tracked and evaluated over the course of the project to gauge performance of the project; H. Grants Management: Evidence of the intended recipient’s ability and authority to manage grant funds; I. Submitting Official: Documentation that the Submitting Official is authorized by the applicant to submit a proposal and subsequently apply for assistance. OEA reserves the right to ask any applicant to supplement the information in its proposal, but expects proposals to be complete upon submission. To the extent practicable, OEA encourages applicants to provide data and evidence of all project merits in a form that is publicly available and verifiable. Proposals must be submitted electronically to: Director, OEA, using the electronic address described in ADDRESSES. V. Application Review Information Selection Criteria—Upon validating applicant eligibility, to include job loss numbers and whether there is a direct and significant adverse impact as a result of the job loss on the area, OEA will consider each of the following equally-balanced factors as a basis to invite formal grant applications: • An appropriate and clear project design to address the need, problem, or issue identified; • Evidence of an holistic approach to the problem which leverages education, the workforce system, businesses, higher education, economic development, and other relevant assets at local, state, regional, and Federal levels; • The innovative quality of the proposed approach to economic adjustment, or economic diversification; and, • A reasonable proposed budget with local match commitment and schedule for completion of the work program specified. Review and Selection Process—All proposals will be reviewed on their individual merit by a panel of OEA staff, all of whom are Federal employees. OEA will also seek the input of other Federal agencies with relevant expertise (e.g., Labor, Commerce, and the Small Business Administration) in the evaluation of proposals. OEA will notify the applicant within thirty (30) days of receipt of a proposal whether their proposal was successful in selection for grant award and will then invite the applicant to submit a more detailed electronic grant (eGrant) application. The Director, OEA, will then assign a Project Manager to advise and assist successful applicants in the preparation of the application. Grant applications will be reviewed for their completeness and accuracy and a grant award notification will be issued, to the extent possible, within seven (7) business days. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by mail or email that their proposal was not selected for further action and funding, and may request a debriefing on their submitted proposal. Requests for debriefing must be submitted within 3 calendar days of notification of an unsuccessful proposal. OEA is committed to conducting a transparent financial assistance award process and publicizing information about decisions. Applicants are advised that their respective applications and information related to their review and evaluation may be shared publicly. In the event of a grant award, information about project progress and related results may also be made publicly available. VI. Award Administration Information In the event a grant is awarded, the successful applicant (Grantee) will receive a notice of award in the form of a Grant Agreement, signed by the Director, OEA (Grantor), on behalf of the Department of Defense. The Grant Agreement will be transmitted electronically or, if necessary, by U.S. Mail. Administrative and National Policy Requirements—The Grantee and any consultant/contractor operating under the terms of a grant shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws applicable to its activities including the VerDate Mar<15>2010 20:38 Jun 14, 2013 Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 36173 following: Part 33 of title 32, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), ‘‘Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments,’’ Part 225 of title 2, CFR, ‘‘Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments,’’ OMB Circular A–133, ‘‘Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations,’’ and the Single Audit Act, 31 U.S.C. § 7502(h),’’ Parts 180, ‘‘OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement),’’ and 1125, ‘‘Department of Defense Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension,’’ of title 2, CFR, Subpart B, ‘‘Requirements for Recipients Other Than Individuals,’’ of Part 26 of title 32, CFR, ‘‘Government wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Financial Assistance),’’ Part 28 of title 32, CFR, ‘‘New Restrictions on Lobbying,’’ Part 25 of title 2, CFR, ‘‘Universal Identifier and Central Contractor Registration’’ (now found in the System for Award Management (SAM) at Grant Award Determination— Selection of an organization under this FFO does not constitute approval of the proposed project as submitted. Before any funds are awarded, OEA may enter into negotiations about such items as program components, staffing and funding levels, and administrative systems in place to support implementation of the award. The amount of available funding may require the final award amount to be less than that originally requested by the applicant. If the negotiations do not result in a mutually acceptable submission, OEA reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and decline to fund the application. OEA further reserves the right not to fund any proposal or application received under this FFO. In the event the applicant is awarded a grant that is less than the amount requested, the applicant will be required to modify its grant application to conform to the reduced amount before execution of the grant agreement. OEA reserves the right to reduce or withdraw the award if acceptable modifications are not submitted by the awardee within 15 working days from the date the request for modification is made. Any modifications must be within the scope of the original application. Reporting—OEA requires quarterly performance reports, an interim financial report for each 12 months a grant is active, and one final performance report for any grant. The performance reports will contain information on the following: E:\FR\FM\17JNN1.SGM 17JNN1 36174 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 116 / Monday, June 17, 2013 / Notices • A comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives established for the period; • Reasons for slippage if established objectives were not met; • Additional pertinent information when appropriate; • A comparison of actual and projected quarterly expenditures in the grant; and, • Amount of Federal cash on hand at the beginning and end of the reporting period. The final performance report must contain a summary of activities for the entire grant period. All required deliverables should be submitted with the final performance report. The final SF 425, ‘‘Federal Financial Report,’’ must be submitted to OEA within 90 days after the end of the grant. Any grant funds actually advanced and not needed for grant purposes shall be returned immediately to OEA. Upon award, OEA will provide a schedule for reporting periods and report due dates in the Grant Agreement. mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES VII. Agency Contacts For further information, to answer questions, or for help with problems, contact: Mr. Michael Gilroy, OEA DIA Program Co-Lead, at (703) 697–2081,, or regular mail at 2231 Crystal Drive, Suite 520, Arlington, VA 22202–3711. The OEA homepage address is: https:// VIII. Other Information No Obligation for Future Funding— Amendment or renewal of an award to increase funding or to extend the period of performance is at the discretion of OEA. If an applicant is awarded funding under this FFO, neither the DOC, EDA, National Institute of Standards and Technology, DOL, ETA, nor Small Business Administration are under any obligation to provide any additional future funding in connection with that award or to make any future award(s). Intellectual Property Rights—In the event of a grant award, the Grantee may copyright any work that is subject to copyright and was developed, or for which ownership was purchased, under an award. The Federal awarding agencies reserve a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work for Federal purposes, and to authorize others to do so. Such uses include, but are not limited to, the right to modify and distribute such products worldwide by any means, electronically or otherwise. The grantee may not use Federal funds to pay any royalty or license fee for use of a copyrighted VerDate Mar<15>2010 20:38 Jun 14, 2013 Jkt 229001 work, or the cost of acquiring by purchase a copyright in a work, where the Department has a license or rights of free use in such work. If revenues are generated through selling products developed with grant funds, including intellectual property, these revenues are program income. Program income is added to the grant and must be expended for allowable grant activities. Dated: June 12, 2013. Aaron Siegel, Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense. [FR Doc. 2013–14300 Filed 6–14–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 5001–06–P DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Defense Acquisition Regulation System [Docket No. DARS–2013–0006] Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request ACTION: Notice. The Defense Acquisition Regulations System has submitted to OMB for clearance, the following proposal for collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). DATES: Consideration will be given to all comments received by July 17, 2013. Title, Associated Form, and OMB Number: Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Part 228, Bonds and Insurance, and related clauses at 252.228; OMB Control Number 0704–0216. Type of Request: Extension. Number of Respondents: 125. Responses per Respondent: 1. Annual Responses: 125. Average Burden per Response: Approximately 4 hours. Annual Burden Hours: 471. Needs and Uses: DoD uses the information obtained through this collection to determine the allowability of a contractor’s costs of providing warhazard benefits to its employees; to determine the need for an investigation regarding an accident that occurs in connection with a contract; and to determine whether a contractor performing a service or construction contract in Spain has adequate insurance coverage. Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profit and not-for- profit institutions. Frequency: On occasion. Respondent’s Obligation: Required to obtain or maintain benefits. OMB Desk Officer: Ms. Jasmeet Seehra. PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Written comments and recommendations on the proposed information collection should be sent to Ms. Seehra at the Office of Management and Budget, Desk Officer for DoD, Room 10236, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503. You may also submit comments, identified by docket number and title, by the following method: • Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name, docket number, and title for the Federal Register document. The general policy for comments and other public submissions from members of the public is to make these submissions available for public viewing on the internet at as they are received without change, including any personal identifiers or contact information provided. To confirm receipt of your comment(s), please check approximately two to three days after submission to verify posting (except allow 30 days for posting of comments submitted by mail). DoD Clearance Officer: Ms. Patricia Toppings. Written requests for copies of the information collection proposal should be sent to Ms. Toppings at WHS/ESD/ Information Management Division, 4800 Mark Center Drive, 2nd Floor, East Tower, Suite 02G09, Alexandria, VA 22350–3100. Kortnee Stewart, Editor, Defense Acquisition Regulations System. [FR Doc. 2013–14302 Filed 6–14–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 5001–06–P DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Army; Army Corps of Engineers Notice of Solicitation of Applications for Stakeholder Representative Members of the Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The Commander of the Northwestern Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is soliciting applications to fill vacant stakeholder representative member positions on the Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC). Members are sought to fill vacancies on SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\17JNN1.SGM 17JNN1


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 116 (Monday, June 17, 2013)]
[Pages 36171-36174]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-14300]



Office of the Secretary

Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO)

AGENCY: Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), Department of Defense 

ACTION: Federal Funding Opportunity Announcement.


SUMMARY: This notice announces a federal funding opportunity (FFO) to 
obtain funding from the DoD OEA for community planning assistance and 
economic diversification in response to reductions or cancellations in 
Department of Defense (DoD) spending. Assistance may be granted if the 
reduction has a direct and significant adverse impact on a community or 
its residents. This notice includes proposal submission requirements 
and instructions, and eligibility and selection criteria that will be 
used to evaluate proposals from state or local governments. OEA 
assistance awards to a state or local government may result from 
proposals submitted under this notice, subject to available 

DATES: Proposals will be considered for funding on a continuing basis, 
subject to available appropriations, commencing on the date of 
publication of this notice. OEA will evaluate all proposals and provide 
a response to a respondent within 30 business days of OEA's receipt of 
a final, complete application.

ADDRESSES: Email: Include ``Proposal for Defense 
Industry Community Adjustment Assistance'' on the subject line of the 
message and request delivery/read confirmation to ensure receipt.
    OEA will review all applications confirmed to be received.

Lead, OEA, at (703) 697-2081 or

    Federal Funding Opportunity Title: Community Economic Adjustment 
Assistance for Reductions in Defense Industry Employment.
    Announcement Type: Federal Funding Opportunity.
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 12.611.

I. Funding Opportunity Description

    OEA is a DoD Field Activity authorized under 10 U.S.C. 2391 to 
provide assistance to entities of state or local governments, including 
regional governmental organizations, to plan and carry out community 
adjustment and economic diversification activities in response to the 
cancellation or termination of a Department of Defense contract, the 
failure to proceed with an approved major weapon system program, a 
publicly announced planned major reduction in DoD spending, or the 
closure or significantly reduced operations of a defense facility as 
the result of the merger, acquisition, or consolidation of the defense 
contractor operating a defense facility.

II. Award Information

    OEA is accepting proposals for grant awards to support communities 
or regions in organizing and planning local economic adjustment 
programs. Proposals will be evaluated by OEA staff in coordination with 
Department of

[[Page 36172]]

Commerce, as well as other Federal agencies as invited by OEA, against 
the eligibility criteria provided in Section III of this notice and the 
selection criteria provided in Section V of this notice. OEA expects to 
invite successful respondents to complete full e-grant applications for 
funding following its determination of an eligible applicant and 
proposal review. To receive an award, an eligible applicant must submit 
both a successful proposal and an acceptable grant application. The 
final amount of each award will be determined by OEA based upon a 
review of the proposal, as well as comments from other Federal 
agencies, and will be subject to availability of funds. Grant awards 
may pay for up to 90% of a project's total cost, with the applicant 
required to pay not less than 10% of the project's total cost through 
non-Federal funding as local match. OEA reserves the right to cancel an 
award for non-performance.
    States may request assistance to enhance their capacity to assist 
adversely affected communities, businesses and workers; support local 
adjustment and diversification initiatives; and stimulate cooperation 
between statewide and local adjustment and diversification efforts.

III. Eligibility Information

    States, counties, municipalities, other political subdivisions of a 
State; special purpose units of a State or local government; and tribal 
nations are eligible for funding under this notice. If multiple sub-
State jurisdictions respond to the same event, only one proposal will 
be considered. A proposal must respond to: A publicly announced planned 
major reduction in DoD spending; the closure or significantly reduced 
operations of a defense facility as the result of the merger, 
acquisition, or consolidation of the defense contractor operating the 
defense facility; the cancellation or termination of a DoD contract; or 
the failure to proceed with an approved major weapon system program.
    This DoD activity must result in the loss of: 2,500 or more 
employee positions, in the case of a Metropolitan Statistical Area; 
1,000 or more employee positions, in the case of a labor market area 
outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area; or one percent of the total 
number of civilian jobs in the local labor market for the impacted 
area. For the purposes of demonstrating eligibility, only direct (i.e., 
prime and supply chain) job loss may be counted, and respondents may 
document a cumulative job loss over the span of not more than three 
consecutive years (e.g., one year prior to proposal and two years 
forward). Induced job loss will not be considered as a factor in 
demonstrating eligibility. The applicant must also explain how this job 
loss will cause direct and significant adverse impacts to the community 
or residents in the area.
    Funding will be awarded to only one governmental entity on behalf 
of a region, so regional applicants should demonstrate a significant 
level of cooperation in their proposal.
    A proposal from a State applicant must demonstrate how the proposed 
grant would support adversely affected communities, businesses and 
workers; support local adjustment and diversification initiatives or 
planning for such initiatives; and stimulate cooperation between 
statewide and local adjustment and diversification efforts. The 
proposal should also explain efforts to provide business planning and 
market exploration services to defense contractors and subcontractors 
seeking modernization or diversification assistance as well as any 
training, counseling, and placement services to dislocated armed forces 
and defense workers.
    Eligible projects from non-State applicants must be designed to 
allow an impacted region to: (1) Organize itself to represent and 
respond on behalf of affected communities, workers, and businesses; (2) 
plan local community and economic adjustment activities to assist 
affected communities, workers, and businesses; and (3) carry-out plans 
to effectively respond to the defense impacts and stabilize the local 
economy. Eligible activities may include (but are not limited to): 
Staffing, operating and administrative costs for an organization; 
outreach to businesses, workers, and other community interests; 
regional supply-chain mapping of defense-specific industry clusters; 
asset mapping to support a response; economic data collection and 
analysis to identify regional comparative advantages; preparation of 
diversification plans to lessen economic dependency on defense 
expenditures; facilitation of workforce adjustment and retraining 
efforts; provision of business planning and market exploration services 
for defense contractors and sub-contractors that seek modernization or 
diversification assistance; and, preliminary strategies and plans for 
the potential reuse or redevelopment of existing defense facilities.
    Funds available under this program should not duplicate nor 
replicate activities otherwise eligible for/funded through other 
Federal programs. Respondents are encouraged to submit proposals which 
demonstrate appropriate leverage of all public and private resources 
and programs, such as:
     U.S. Department of Commerce's Manufacturing Extension 
Partnership (MEP) Program for provision of relevant assistance to the 
region's manufacturers that operate as part of affected Defense supply 
     State, regional, and local economic development 
organizations which often work with the U.S. Department of Commerce's 
(DOC) Economic Development Administration (EDA);
     Small Business Development Centers as well as local Small 
Business Administration District offices; and
     U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) Employment and Training 
Administration (ETA) grantees, including local Workforce Investment 
Boards and/or American Job Centers.

Funds provided under this program may not be used to directly identify 
or assist a business, including a business expansion, in the relocation 
of a plant, facility, or operation from one Labor Market Area (LMA) to 
another if the relocation is likely to result in the loss of jobs in 
the LMA from which the relocation occurs.

IV. Application and Submission Information

    Proposals will be accepted as received on a continuing basis 
commencing on the date of this publication and processed when deemed to 
be a final, complete application. Each proposal shall consist of no 
more than ten (10) single-sided pages exclusive of cover sheet and/or 
transmittal letter, and must include the following information:
    A. Point of Contact: Name, phone number, email address, and 
organization address of the respondent's primary point of contact;
    B. Defense Action/Impact: A description of the publicly announced 
planned major reduction in Department of Defense (DoD) spending; the 
closure or significantly reduced operations of a defense facility as 
the result of the merger, acquisition, or consolidation of the defense 
contractor operating the defense facility; the cancellation or 
termination of a DoD contract; or the failure to proceed with an 
approved major weapon system program. Also include documentation of the 
known or anticipated job loss; the average unemployment rate over the 
past year; the current unemployment rate; and other factors indicating 
community impact and need;
    C. Project Description: A description of the proposed project, 
including how the project addresses the impacts of Defense actions on 
communities, workers, and businesses;

[[Page 36173]]

    D. Project Parties: A description of the local partner 
organizations/jurisdictions, and their roles and responsibilities, that 
will carry out the proposed project, including letters of support as 
attachments that will not count against the ten-page limit;
    E. Grant Funds and Other Sources of Funds: A summary of local 
needs, including need for Federal funding; an overview of all State and 
local funding sources, including the funds requested under this notice; 
financial commitments for other Federal and non-Federal funds needed to 
undertake the project to include acknowledgment to provide not less 
than 10% of the funding from non-Federal sources; a description of any 
other Federal funding for which the respondent has applied, or intends 
to apply to support this effort; and, a statement detailing how the 
proposal is not duplicative of other available Federal funding;
    F. Project Schedule: A sufficiently detailed project schedule, 
including milestones;
    G. Performance Metrics: A description of metrics to be tracked and 
evaluated over the course of the project to gauge performance of the 
    H. Grants Management: Evidence of the intended recipient's ability 
and authority to manage grant funds;
    I. Submitting Official: Documentation that the Submitting Official 
is authorized by the applicant to submit a proposal and subsequently 
apply for assistance.
    OEA reserves the right to ask any applicant to supplement the 
information in its proposal, but expects proposals to be complete upon 
submission. To the extent practicable, OEA encourages applicants to 
provide data and evidence of all project merits in a form that is 
publicly available and verifiable.
    Proposals must be submitted electronically to: Director, OEA, using 
the electronic address described in ADDRESSES.

V. Application Review Information

    Selection Criteria--Upon validating applicant eligibility, to 
include job loss numbers and whether there is a direct and significant 
adverse impact as a result of the job loss on the area, OEA will 
consider each of the following equally-balanced factors as a basis to 
invite formal grant applications:
     An appropriate and clear project design to address the 
need, problem, or issue identified;
     Evidence of an holistic approach to the problem which 
leverages education, the workforce system, businesses, higher 
education, economic development, and other relevant assets at local, 
state, regional, and Federal levels;
     The innovative quality of the proposed approach to 
economic adjustment, or economic diversification; and,
     A reasonable proposed budget with local match commitment 
and schedule for completion of the work program specified.
    Review and Selection Process--All proposals will be reviewed on 
their individual merit by a panel of OEA staff, all of whom are Federal 
employees. OEA will also seek the input of other Federal agencies with 
relevant expertise (e.g., Labor, Commerce, and the Small Business 
Administration) in the evaluation of proposals. OEA will notify the 
applicant within thirty (30) days of receipt of a proposal whether 
their proposal was successful in selection for grant award and will 
then invite the applicant to submit a more detailed electronic grant 
(eGrant) application. The Director, OEA, will then assign a Project 
Manager to advise and assist successful applicants in the preparation 
of the application. Grant applications will be reviewed for their 
completeness and accuracy and a grant award notification will be 
issued, to the extent possible, within seven (7) business days.
    Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by mail or email that 
their proposal was not selected for further action and funding, and may 
request a debriefing on their submitted proposal. Requests for 
debriefing must be submitted within 3 calendar days of notification of 
an unsuccessful proposal.
    OEA is committed to conducting a transparent financial assistance 
award process and publicizing information about decisions. Applicants 
are advised that their respective applications and information related 
to their review and evaluation may be shared publicly. In the event of 
a grant award, information about project progress and related results 
may also be made publicly available.

VI. Award Administration Information

    In the event a grant is awarded, the successful applicant (Grantee) 
will receive a notice of award in the form of a Grant Agreement, signed 
by the Director, OEA (Grantor), on behalf of the Department of Defense. 
The Grant Agreement will be transmitted electronically or, if 
necessary, by U.S. Mail.
    Administrative and National Policy Requirements--The Grantee and 
any consultant/contractor operating under the terms of a grant shall 
comply with all Federal, State, and local laws applicable to its 
activities including the following: Part 33 of title 32, Code of 
Federal Regulations (CFR), ``Uniform Administrative Requirements for 
Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments,'' 
Part 225 of title 2, CFR, ``Cost Principles for State, Local, and 
Indian Tribal Governments,'' OMB Circular A-133, ``Audits of States, 
Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations,'' and the Single Audit 
Act, 31 U.S.C. Sec.  7502(h),'' Parts 180, ``OMB Guidelines to Agencies 
on Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement),'' and 
1125, ``Department of Defense Nonprocurement Debarment and 
Suspension,'' of title 2, CFR, Subpart B, ``Requirements for Recipients 
Other Than Individuals,'' of Part 26 of title 32, CFR, ``Government 
wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Financial Assistance),'' 
Part 28 of title 32, CFR, ``New Restrictions on Lobbying,'' Part 25 of 
title 2, CFR, ``Universal Identifier and Central Contractor 
Registration'' (now found in the System for Award Management (SAM) at
    Grant Award Determination--Selection of an organization under this 
FFO does not constitute approval of the proposed project as submitted. 
Before any funds are awarded, OEA may enter into negotiations about 
such items as program components, staffing and funding levels, and 
administrative systems in place to support implementation of the award. 
The amount of available funding may require the final award amount to 
be less than that originally requested by the applicant. If the 
negotiations do not result in a mutually acceptable submission, OEA 
reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and decline to fund 
the application. OEA further reserves the right not to fund any 
proposal or application received under this FFO.
    In the event the applicant is awarded a grant that is less than the 
amount requested, the applicant will be required to modify its grant 
application to conform to the reduced amount before execution of the 
grant agreement. OEA reserves the right to reduce or withdraw the award 
if acceptable modifications are not submitted by the awardee within 15 
working days from the date the request for modification is made. Any 
modifications must be within the scope of the original application.
    Reporting--OEA requires quarterly performance reports, an interim 
financial report for each 12 months a grant is active, and one final 
performance report for any grant. The performance reports will contain 
information on the following:

[[Page 36174]]

     A comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives 
established for the period;
     Reasons for slippage if established objectives were not 
     Additional pertinent information when appropriate;
     A comparison of actual and projected quarterly 
expenditures in the grant; and,
     Amount of Federal cash on hand at the beginning and end of 
the reporting period.

The final performance report must contain a summary of activities for 
the entire grant period. All required deliverables should be submitted 
with the final performance report. The final SF 425, ``Federal 
Financial Report,'' must be submitted to OEA within 90 days after the 
end of the grant. Any grant funds actually advanced and not needed for 
grant purposes shall be returned immediately to OEA. Upon award, OEA 
will provide a schedule for reporting periods and report due dates in 
the Grant Agreement.

VII. Agency Contacts

    For further information, to answer questions, or for help with 
problems, contact: Mr. Michael Gilroy, OEA DIA Program Co-Lead, at 
(703) 697-2081,, or regular mail at 2231 Crystal 
Drive, Suite 520, Arlington, VA 22202-3711. The OEA homepage address 

VIII. Other Information

    No Obligation for Future Funding--Amendment or renewal of an award 
to increase funding or to extend the period of performance is at the 
discretion of OEA. If an applicant is awarded funding under this FFO, 
neither the DOC, EDA, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 
DOL, ETA, nor Small Business Administration are under any obligation to 
provide any additional future funding in connection with that award or 
to make any future award(s).
    Intellectual Property Rights--In the event of a grant award, the 
Grantee may copyright any work that is subject to copyright and was 
developed, or for which ownership was purchased, under an award. The 
Federal awarding agencies reserve a royalty-free, nonexclusive and 
irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work for 
Federal purposes, and to authorize others to do so. Such uses include, 
but are not limited to, the right to modify and distribute such 
products worldwide by any means, electronically or otherwise. The 
grantee may not use Federal funds to pay any royalty or license fee for 
use of a copyrighted work, or the cost of acquiring by purchase a 
copyright in a work, where the Department has a license or rights of 
free use in such work. If revenues are generated through selling 
products developed with grant funds, including intellectual property, 
these revenues are program income. Program income is added to the grant 
and must be expended for allowable grant activities.

    Dated: June 12, 2013.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2013-14300 Filed 6-14-13; 8:45 am]
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