Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance Regarding the 2013 Lifeline Recertification Process, 35632-35634 [2013-14065]
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tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Notices
sufficiently reliable and timely
information for determining
compliance. Section 114A(a)(1) of the
CAA provides additional authority
concerning monitoring, reporting and
recordkeeping requirements. This
section provides the Administrator with
the authority to require any owner or
operator of a source to install and
operate monitoring systems and to
record the resulting monitoring data. We
promulgated the Compliance Assurance
Monitoring rule, 40 CFR part 64, on
October 22, 1997 (62 FR 54900)
pursuant to these provisions. In
accordance with CAA section 114(c)
and CAA section 503(e), the monitoring
information source owners must submit
must also be available to the public
except under circumstances set forth in
section 114(c) of the CAA. An agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a
person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. The OMB control numbers for
EPA’s regulations are listed in 40 CFR
part 9.
We are soliciting comments to:
(i) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(ii) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(iii) Enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(iv) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated electronic,
mechanical or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
election submission of responses.
Form Numbers: None.
Respondents/affected entities: Entities
potentially affected by this action are all
facilities required to have an operating
permit under Title V of the CAA. See
section 502(a) of the CAA, which
defines the sources required to obtain a
Title V permit. See also 40 CFR 70.2 and
Respondent’s obligation to respond:
Mandatory under Title V of the CAA.
See section 502(a) of the CAA, which
defines the sources required to obtain a
Title V permit. See also 40 CFR 70.2 and
Estimated number of respondents:
3,290 owner and operators and 112
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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permitting authorities. The total number
of respondents is 3,402.
Frequency of response: At least every
6 months per Title V, 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A)
and (B).
Total estimated burden: 343,187
hours (per year). Burden is defined at 5
CFR 1320.3(b).
Total estimated cost: $14,168,185 (per
year), includes $0 annualized capital or
operation and maintenance costs.
Changes in Estimates: There is
decrease of 7,110,394 hours in the total
estimated respondent burden compared
with the ICR currently approved by
OMB. This decrease is a result of the
fact that most facilities are now using
electronic monitoring to conduct their
recording, thus, resulting in a decrease
in the number of labor hours needed.
Additionally, all facilities with existing
permits that include approved 40 CFR
part 64 monitoring have now submitted
the existing monitoring approach in
their renewal applications, therefore,
significantly reducing the costs for new
monitoring development. Furthermore,
in order to reflect projected trends for
the next 3 years, we updated some of
the formulas used to calculate burden.
All of these factors have contributed to
the decrease in burden.
Dated: June 6, 2013.
Kevin Culligan,
Acting Director, Sector Policies and Programs
Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and
[FR Doc. 2013–14074 Filed 6–12–13; 8:45 am]
[WC Docket No. 11–42; DA 13–1188]
Wireline Competition Bureau Provides
Guidance Regarding the 2013 Lifeline
Recertification Process
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this document, the
Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau)
provides guidance regarding the 2013
Lifeline recertification process. The
Bureau clarifies that all active Lifeline
subscribers enrolled or recertified in a
calendar year must be recertified the
next calendar year, and in every
calendar year thereafter. The Bureau
also describes the process by which
ETCs can elect to have the Universal
Service Administrative Company
perform the recertification process.
DATES: Effective June 13, 2013.
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Jonathan Lechter, Wireline Competition
Bureau, (202) 418–7387 or TTY: (202)
synopsis of the Wireline Competition
Bureau’s Public Notice in WC Docket
No. 11–42; DA 13–1188, released May
22, 2013. The complete text of this
document is available for inspection
and copying during normal business
hours in the FCC Reference Information
Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street SW.,
Room CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554.
The document may also be purchased
from the Commission’s duplicating
contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc.
(BCPI), 445 12th Street SW., Room CY–
B402, Washington, DC 20554, telephone
(800) 378–3160 or (202) 863–2893,
facsimile (202) 863–2898, or via the
Internet at https://www.bcpiweb.com. It
is also available on the Commission’s
Web site at https://www.fcc.gov/
I. Clarifications Regarding
1. On October 1, 2012, GCI filed a
petition seeking clarification of the
recertification process after 2012 and
the requirement that subscribers be
recertified ‘‘annually.’’ GCI argues that
the Commission should clarify that the
subscribers subject to the annual
recertification are only those subscribers
that have not provided an initial
certification in the same calendar year.
GCI argues that ‘‘annual’’ means that
ETCs recertify subscribers once every
calendar year, not every twelve months
from the subscriber’s initial certification
or last recertification. Most commenters
agreed that requiring recertification
once each calendar year is the most
administratively efficient option and is
consistent with the Lifeline Reform
Order, 77 FR 12784, March 2, 2012.
2. We agree with GCI and clarify that
ETCs must recertify each new subscriber
in the calendar year following the year
in which the subscriber initially
enrolled in the Lifeline program. We
also clarify that ETCs are required to
recertify subscribers each calendar year.
As discussed in more detail below, if a
subscriber is either initially enrolled
with or recertified by an ETC in a
particular calendar year (e.g., 2013), the
subscriber must be recertified by that
ETC the next calendar year (e.g., 2014).
3. Permitting recertification during
the next calendar year, after both initial
certification and recertification, is
consistent with the Commission’s
approach in the Lifeline Reform Order to
balance the need for a recertification
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Notices
requirement with minimizing the
burden of the recertification process on
ETCs and consumers. In the Lifeline
Reform Order, in order to eliminate
ineligible consumers from the program,
the Commission required ETCs to obtain
proof of eligibility and certifications for
all new subscribers enrolled after June
1, 2012. Subscribers that signed up prior
to June 1, 2012, and therefore did not
provide proof of eligibility because that
requirement was not yet effective, had
to be recertified by the end of 2012.
Operating together, these two
requirements ensured that by the end of
2012, ETCs would obtain from all
subscribers either proof of eligibility or
a certification from each subscriber that
he or she was eligible. As the
Commission explained, the
recertification rule balances the need to
identify and de-enroll ineligible
subscribers with imposing fewer
burdens on ETCs and consumers than
other, more onerous, recertification
requirements. Consistent with that
approach, this clarification that ETCs
must recertify Lifeline subscribers
during the next calendar year balances
the importance of the recertification rule
with minimizing the burdens and costs
on ETCs and consumers, while also
providing ETCs with greater flexibility
to tailor the recertification process to
their particular business processes.
4. Next, in order to provide additional
guidance to ETCs and to further reduce
the burden on ETCs, consumers, and
USAC, we direct ETCs to use the FCC
Form 497 filed in February of each year
to establish the baseline of subscribers
who must be recertified. To illustrate,
an ETC must recertify in 2013 all
subscribers enrolled prior to January 1,
2013 and for which the ETC sought
reimbursement on its February 2013
Form 497. We conclude that a snapshot
of consumers remains necessary to
facilitate the recertification process, and
in the absence of a snapshot with a
stated baseline of subscribers subject to
recertification, it would be difficult for
the Commission or auditors to
determine the number of subscribers
subject to recertification or how many
subscribers de-enrolled prior to the
recertification attempt. A snapshot also
provides a way to closely compare the
number of subscribers subject to
recertification and the number of
subscribers de-enrolled for non-usage by
month. When the Commission
instituted the recertification
requirement in the Lifeline Reform
Order, it implemented a similar
snapshot requirement for ETCs by
requiring ETCs to use the May 2012
Form 497. While this snapshot was
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appropriate for the initial recertification
round for the reasons described above,
using an ETC’s February Form 497 going
forward ensures that nearly all
subscribers subject to recertification in
2013 (i.e., those that enrolled or
recertified prior to January 1, 2013) are
included in the snapshot. A snapshot
taken early in the year also allows ETCs
the flexibility of starting their
recertification process sooner and
permits ETCs to further space-out the
process as resources permit. We also
conclude that a February snapshot,
unlike a snapshot from December 31 of
the prior year, ensures that subscribers
de-enrolled from the prior year’s
recertification process will not be
subject to recertification in 2013. This
same February snapshot will apply to
subsequent years.
5. Finally, we note that Sprint
supports an option that would allow
ETCs to recertify subscribers within
twelve months from a subscriber’s
enrollment or anniversary date. Sprint
argues that allowing this approach, in
addition to a once per calendar year
approach, will minimize subscriber
confusion and be less administratively
burdensome. The approach we adopt
herein does not preclude an ETC from
recertifying its subscribers every twelve
months, and we encourage Sprint and
other ETCs to recertify subscribers as
soon and as often as is practicable,
consistent with the clarifications we
provide herein. For the reasons set forth
above, however, we require only that a
subscriber be recertified during the
calendar year following the year in
which the subscriber initially enrolled
in the Lifeline program or was last
II. USAC Recertification Process
6. Starting in 2013, ETCs have the
option of having USAC conduct the
annual recertification process on their
behalf. The Commission delegated to
the Bureau the authority to establish, in
coordination with USAC, a process for
USAC to recertify subscribers. We
describe this process below.
7. USAC will recertify subscribers by
mailing each subscriber a letter that
provides the subscriber the notice
required by section 54.405(e)(4) of the
Commission’s rules, informing the
subscriber that the subscriber has 30
days to recertify the subscriber’s
continued eligibility to receive Lifeline
service or the subscriber will be deenrolled from the Lifeline program. The
letter will also explain the
recertification process and how the
subscriber may confirm his or her
eligibility. Subscribers will also receive
a call or text message during the 30-day
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period to prompt a response. Any
subscriber response submitted after the
30-day deadline will not be processed
and the subscriber will be considered
ineligible for the program and will be
8. USAC will provide subscribers
with three methods to respond to the
letter and recertify their eligibility. First,
USAC will accept consumer calls made
to a toll-free number, during which
consumers will be able to recertify
eligibility through an Inter-Active Voice
Response (IVR). Second, USAC will
allow consumers to verify their identity,
read the certification language, and
submit a response indicating they are
recertifying their eligibility through a
Web site maintained by USAC. Third,
subscribers may also recertify by signing
a recertification form provided by USAC
and mailing the signed form to a
receiving address designated by USAC.
9. ETCs must provide notice to USAC
that they will elect the USAC
recertification process by June 21, 2013.
ETCs not making an election by the
deadline will be presumed to have not
elected to use USAC. The election is
final for 2013 and will remain in place
for future years unless affirmatively
revoked by the ETC. This election must
be made on an operating company basis
and applies to all states and study area
codes covered by the operating
10. ETCs that elect to have USAC
recertify their Lifeline subscribers must
provide USAC with a subscriber list
based on their February 2013 Form 497
in a standardized format by July 15,
2013, that includes first name, last
name, address, Lifeline telephone
number, date of birth, and last four
digits of social security number for each
subscriber (in order to validate the
certifications received). To the extent
that a state agency conducts
recertification for all or a portion of an
ETC’s subscribers, the ETC may not
elect to utilize USAC for recertifying
those subscribers subject to
recertification by the state agency.
Therefore, prior to transmittal to USAC,
the ETC should remove from its
subscriber list those subscribers that are
subject to the state agency’s
recertification process. Each ETC that
selects USAC to perform the
recertification process will provide a
toll-free number that USAC can provide
to the ETC’s consumers who have
questions about their service.
11. USAC will complete the
recertification process over a series of
months, by grouping the ETCs that elect
to have USAC complete the process into
phases so that the influx of responses
can be staggered. This grouping will be
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
done randomly and staggered based
upon USAC capacity.
12. USAC will compile the responses
and provide each ETC with a record of
the subscriber recertification. USAC will
provide each ETC with a list of
subscribers that did not recertify, and
therefore must be de-enrolled, and
provide ETCs with sufficient
information to compile their FCC Form
555 at least 30 days before the annual
January 31 due date. ETCs must deenroll subscribers within five days of
receiving notice that the subscriber has
failed to recertify. As noted above, all
active subscribers enrolled in Lifeline
prior to 2013 and for which the ETC
sought reimbursement on its February
2013 Form 497 are subject to
recertification in 2013.
13. We conclude that good cause
exists to make the procedures
established in this Public Notice
effective immediately upon publication
in the Federal Register, pursuant to
section 553(d)(3) of the Administrative
Procedure Act. We find good cause
based on the need for the procedures to
be in place and available to ETCs in
time for ETCs to be able to submit their
elections to USAC, and provide USAC
with a subscriber list in time to comply
with the procedures we adopt here.
III. Final Regulatory Flexibility
14. The Regulatory Flexibility Act
(‘‘RFA’’) requires that agencies prepare
a regulatory flexibility analysis for
notice-and-comment rulemaking
proceedings, unless the agency certifies
that ‘‘the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. The RFA
generally defines ‘‘small entity’’ as
having the same meaning as the terms
‘‘small business,’’ ‘‘small organization,’’
and ‘‘small governmental jurisdiction.’’
In addition, the term ‘‘small business’’
has the same meaning as the term
‘‘small business concern’’ under the
Small Business Act. A small business
concern is one which (1) is
independently owned and operated; (2)
is not dominant in its field of operation;
and (3) satisfies any additional criteria
established by the Small Business
Administration (SBA).
15. We hereby certify that the
clarification and procedures announced
in this Public Notice will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. In
this Public Notice, the Commission
eases the regulatory compliance burden
on ETCs by allowing for greater
flexibility to recertify their subscribers
and by outlining the procedures for
ETCs to have USAC perform
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recertifications on their behalf. This
Public Notice does not modify any of
our reporting requirements. The
Commission will send a copy of this
Public Notice, including this
certification, to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the SBA. In addition, the
Public Notice (or a summary thereof)
and certification will be published in
the Federal Register.
Federal Communications Commission.
Kimberly A. Scardino,
Division Chief, Telecommunications Access
Policy Division Wireline Competition Bureau.
[FR Doc. 2013–14065 Filed 6–12–13; 8:45 am]
Ocean Transportation Intermediary
License Applicants
The Commission gives notice that the
following applicants have filed an
application for an Ocean Transportation
Intermediary (OTI) license as a NonVessel-Operating Common Carrier
(NVO) and/or Ocean Freight Forwarder
(OFF) pursuant to section 19 of the
Shipping Act of 1984 (46 U.S.C. 40101).
Notice is also given of the filing of
applications to amend an existing OTI
license or the Qualifying Individual (QI)
for a licensee.
Interested persons may contact the
Office of Ocean Transportation
Intermediaries, Federal Maritime
Commission, Washington, DC 20573, by
telephone at (202) 523–5843 or by email
at OTI@fmc.gov.
China Interocean Transport Inc. (OFF),
Bldg. #75, North Hangar Road, Rm.
241A, Jamaica, NY 11430. Officers:
Hon Yin Ng, Vice President (QI), Chao
Dou, President. Application Type: QI
Daisy Mae Concepcion V. Taleon dba
DMT Global Logistics (NVO & OFF),
11291 S. Church Street, Orange, CA
92869. Officer: Daisy Mae Concepcion
V. Taleon, Sole Proprietor (QI).
Application Type: New NVO & OFF
Dulce Auto Import & Export, Inc. (OFF),
15316 SW 16 Terrace, Miami, FL
33185. Officer: Dulce Guzman,
President (QI). Application Type:
New OFF License.
Eagle Shipping Ltd. (NVO), 408
Elmwood Court One, Sharon Hill, PA
19079. Officers: Daniel Wackerman,
President (QI), John M. Poole, Vice
President. Application Type: QI
John S. Kim and Paul H. Choe dba
Shock Value International dba JP
Global Logistics (NVO & OFF), 377
PO 00000
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Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 18, South
San Francisco, CA 94080. Officers:
John S. Kim, Partner (QI), Paul H.
Choe, Partner. Application Type: New
NVO & OFF License.
Koch Maritime, Inc. (NVO & OFF), 2230
Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, MN
55108. Officers: Stan Sing Lau, Vice
President (QI), David Koch, CEO.
Application Type: QI Change.
Logistics Management Solutions, L.C.
dba LMS Logistics (NVO & OFF), One
City Place Drive, Suite 415, Saint
Louis, MO 63141. Officers: Gregory L.
Umstead, Vice President (QI), Dennis
Schoemchi, President. Application
Type: New NVO & OFF License.
Marine Bulk Freight Forwarding, S.A.
DE C.V. (NVO), Parque de Granada
No. 71, P.H. 504, Huixquilucan,
Estado de Mexico 52785 Mexico.
Officers: Moises S. Leon, President
(QI), Moises S. Aviles, Secretary.
Application Type: New NVO License.
Pinki Enterprises, Inc. (NVO), 167–25
Rockaway Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11434.
Officer: Lea Molnar Dujmovic,
President. Application Type: Add
Trade Name Sail Container Line.
Samskip, Incorporated (NVO), Norfolk
Business Center, 2551 Eltham
Avenue, Suite F, Norfolk, VA 23513.
Officers: Olafur Matthiasson,
President (QI), Thorarinn
Thorarinsson, Director.
Application Type: QI Change.
Steel Direct Shipping Line, LLC (NVO &
OFF), 482 Pier T Avenue, Long Beach,
CA 90802. Officers: Silvana Jones,
Vice President (QI), George Adams,
President. Application Type: Add
OFF Service.
Unigroup Worldwide, Inc. dba Brewster
Lines (NVO & OFF), One Premier
Drive, Fenton, MO 63026. Officers:
John M. Hiles, Assistant Secretary
(QI), Patrick G. Bachler, President.
Application Type: Add Trade Name
UniGroup Relocation.
Worldbridge Logistics, Inc. (NVO), 22
Century Blvd., Suite 510, Nashville,
TN 37214. Officers: Gary Brown,
Senior Vice President (QI). Michael E.
Swett, President. Application Type:
QI Change.
By the Commission.
Dated: June 7, 2013.
Rachel E. Dickon,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2013–14024 Filed 6–12–13; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 114 (Thursday, June 13, 2013)]
[Pages 35632-35634]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-14065]
[WC Docket No. 11-42; DA 13-1188]
Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance Regarding the 2013
Lifeline Recertification Process
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau)
provides guidance regarding the 2013 Lifeline recertification process.
The Bureau clarifies that all active Lifeline subscribers enrolled or
recertified in a calendar year must be recertified the next calendar
year, and in every calendar year thereafter. The Bureau also describes
the process by which ETCs can elect to have the Universal Service
Administrative Company perform the recertification process.
DATES: Effective June 13, 2013.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jonathan Lechter, Wireline Competition
Bureau, (202) 418-7387 or TTY: (202) 418-0484.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a synopsis of the Wireline
Competition Bureau's Public Notice in WC Docket No. 11-42; DA 13-1188,
released May 22, 2013. The complete text of this document is available
for inspection and copying during normal business hours in the FCC
Reference Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street SW., Room CY-
A257, Washington, DC 20554. The document may also be purchased from the
Commission's duplicating contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc.
(BCPI), 445 12th Street SW., Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554,
telephone (800) 378-3160 or (202) 863-2893, facsimile (202) 863-2898,
or via the Internet at https://www.bcpiweb.com. It is also available on
the Commission's Web site at https://www.fcc.gov/document/wcb-provides-guidance-regarding-2013-lifeline-recertification-process.
I. Clarifications Regarding Recertification
1. On October 1, 2012, GCI filed a petition seeking clarification
of the recertification process after 2012 and the requirement that
subscribers be recertified ``annually.'' GCI argues that the Commission
should clarify that the subscribers subject to the annual
recertification are only those subscribers that have not provided an
initial certification in the same calendar year. GCI argues that
``annual'' means that ETCs recertify subscribers once every calendar
year, not every twelve months from the subscriber's initial
certification or last recertification. Most commenters agreed that
requiring recertification once each calendar year is the most
administratively efficient option and is consistent with the Lifeline
Reform Order, 77 FR 12784, March 2, 2012.
2. We agree with GCI and clarify that ETCs must recertify each new
subscriber in the calendar year following the year in which the
subscriber initially enrolled in the Lifeline program. We also clarify
that ETCs are required to recertify subscribers each calendar year. As
discussed in more detail below, if a subscriber is either initially
enrolled with or recertified by an ETC in a particular calendar year
(e.g., 2013), the subscriber must be recertified by that ETC the next
calendar year (e.g., 2014).
3. Permitting recertification during the next calendar year, after
both initial certification and recertification, is consistent with the
Commission's approach in the Lifeline Reform Order to balance the need
for a recertification
[[Page 35633]]
requirement with minimizing the burden of the recertification process
on ETCs and consumers. In the Lifeline Reform Order, in order to
eliminate ineligible consumers from the program, the Commission
required ETCs to obtain proof of eligibility and certifications for all
new subscribers enrolled after June 1, 2012. Subscribers that signed up
prior to June 1, 2012, and therefore did not provide proof of
eligibility because that requirement was not yet effective, had to be
recertified by the end of 2012. Operating together, these two
requirements ensured that by the end of 2012, ETCs would obtain from
all subscribers either proof of eligibility or a certification from
each subscriber that he or she was eligible. As the Commission
explained, the recertification rule balances the need to identify and
de-enroll ineligible subscribers with imposing fewer burdens on ETCs
and consumers than other, more onerous, recertification requirements.
Consistent with that approach, this clarification that ETCs must
recertify Lifeline subscribers during the next calendar year balances
the importance of the recertification rule with minimizing the burdens
and costs on ETCs and consumers, while also providing ETCs with greater
flexibility to tailor the recertification process to their particular
business processes.
4. Next, in order to provide additional guidance to ETCs and to
further reduce the burden on ETCs, consumers, and USAC, we direct ETCs
to use the FCC Form 497 filed in February of each year to establish the
baseline of subscribers who must be recertified. To illustrate, an ETC
must recertify in 2013 all subscribers enrolled prior to January 1,
2013 and for which the ETC sought reimbursement on its February 2013
Form 497. We conclude that a snapshot of consumers remains necessary to
facilitate the recertification process, and in the absence of a
snapshot with a stated baseline of subscribers subject to
recertification, it would be difficult for the Commission or auditors
to determine the number of subscribers subject to recertification or
how many subscribers de-enrolled prior to the recertification attempt.
A snapshot also provides a way to closely compare the number of
subscribers subject to recertification and the number of subscribers
de-enrolled for non-usage by month. When the Commission instituted the
recertification requirement in the Lifeline Reform Order, it
implemented a similar snapshot requirement for ETCs by requiring ETCs
to use the May 2012 Form 497. While this snapshot was appropriate for
the initial recertification round for the reasons described above,
using an ETC's February Form 497 going forward ensures that nearly all
subscribers subject to recertification in 2013 (i.e., those that
enrolled or recertified prior to January 1, 2013) are included in the
snapshot. A snapshot taken early in the year also allows ETCs the
flexibility of starting their recertification process sooner and
permits ETCs to further space-out the process as resources permit. We
also conclude that a February snapshot, unlike a snapshot from December
31 of the prior year, ensures that subscribers de-enrolled from the
prior year's recertification process will not be subject to
recertification in 2013. This same February snapshot will apply to
subsequent years.
5. Finally, we note that Sprint supports an option that would allow
ETCs to recertify subscribers within twelve months from a subscriber's
enrollment or anniversary date. Sprint argues that allowing this
approach, in addition to a once per calendar year approach, will
minimize subscriber confusion and be less administratively burdensome.
The approach we adopt herein does not preclude an ETC from recertifying
its subscribers every twelve months, and we encourage Sprint and other
ETCs to recertify subscribers as soon and as often as is practicable,
consistent with the clarifications we provide herein. For the reasons
set forth above, however, we require only that a subscriber be
recertified during the calendar year following the year in which the
subscriber initially enrolled in the Lifeline program or was last
II. USAC Recertification Process
6. Starting in 2013, ETCs have the option of having USAC conduct
the annual recertification process on their behalf. The Commission
delegated to the Bureau the authority to establish, in coordination
with USAC, a process for USAC to recertify subscribers. We describe
this process below.
7. USAC will recertify subscribers by mailing each subscriber a
letter that provides the subscriber the notice required by section
54.405(e)(4) of the Commission's rules, informing the subscriber that
the subscriber has 30 days to recertify the subscriber's continued
eligibility to receive Lifeline service or the subscriber will be de-
enrolled from the Lifeline program. The letter will also explain the
recertification process and how the subscriber may confirm his or her
eligibility. Subscribers will also receive a call or text message
during the 30-day period to prompt a response. Any subscriber response
submitted after the 30-day deadline will not be processed and the
subscriber will be considered ineligible for the program and will be
8. USAC will provide subscribers with three methods to respond to
the letter and recertify their eligibility. First, USAC will accept
consumer calls made to a toll-free number, during which consumers will
be able to recertify eligibility through an Inter-Active Voice Response
(IVR). Second, USAC will allow consumers to verify their identity, read
the certification language, and submit a response indicating they are
recertifying their eligibility through a Web site maintained by USAC.
Third, subscribers may also recertify by signing a recertification form
provided by USAC and mailing the signed form to a receiving address
designated by USAC.
9. ETCs must provide notice to USAC that they will elect the USAC
recertification process by June 21, 2013. ETCs not making an election
by the deadline will be presumed to have not elected to use USAC. The
election is final for 2013 and will remain in place for future years
unless affirmatively revoked by the ETC. This election must be made on
an operating company basis and applies to all states and study area
codes covered by the operating company.
10. ETCs that elect to have USAC recertify their Lifeline
subscribers must provide USAC with a subscriber list based on their
February 2013 Form 497 in a standardized format by July 15, 2013, that
includes first name, last name, address, Lifeline telephone number,
date of birth, and last four digits of social security number for each
subscriber (in order to validate the certifications received). To the
extent that a state agency conducts recertification for all or a
portion of an ETC's subscribers, the ETC may not elect to utilize USAC
for recertifying those subscribers subject to recertification by the
state agency. Therefore, prior to transmittal to USAC, the ETC should
remove from its subscriber list those subscribers that are subject to
the state agency's recertification process. Each ETC that selects USAC
to perform the recertification process will provide a toll-free number
that USAC can provide to the ETC's consumers who have questions about
their service.
11. USAC will complete the recertification process over a series of
months, by grouping the ETCs that elect to have USAC complete the
process into phases so that the influx of responses can be staggered.
This grouping will be
[[Page 35634]]
done randomly and staggered based upon USAC capacity.
12. USAC will compile the responses and provide each ETC with a
record of the subscriber recertification. USAC will provide each ETC
with a list of subscribers that did not recertify, and therefore must
be de-enrolled, and provide ETCs with sufficient information to compile
their FCC Form 555 at least 30 days before the annual January 31 due
date. ETCs must de-enroll subscribers within five days of receiving
notice that the subscriber has failed to recertify. As noted above, all
active subscribers enrolled in Lifeline prior to 2013 and for which the
ETC sought reimbursement on its February 2013 Form 497 are subject to
recertification in 2013.
13. We conclude that good cause exists to make the procedures
established in this Public Notice effective immediately upon
publication in the Federal Register, pursuant to section 553(d)(3) of
the Administrative Procedure Act. We find good cause based on the need
for the procedures to be in place and available to ETCs in time for
ETCs to be able to submit their elections to USAC, and provide USAC
with a subscriber list in time to comply with the procedures we adopt
III. Final Regulatory Flexibility Certification
14. The Regulatory Flexibility Act (``RFA'') requires that agencies
prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis for notice-and-comment
rulemaking proceedings, unless the agency certifies that ``the rule
will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of
small entities. The RFA generally defines ``small entity'' as having
the same meaning as the terms ``small business,'' ``small
organization,'' and ``small governmental jurisdiction.'' In addition,
the term ``small business'' has the same meaning as the term ``small
business concern'' under the Small Business Act. A small business
concern is one which (1) is independently owned and operated; (2) is
not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) satisfies any
additional criteria established by the Small Business Administration
15. We hereby certify that the clarification and procedures
announced in this Public Notice will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities. In this Public
Notice, the Commission eases the regulatory compliance burden on ETCs
by allowing for greater flexibility to recertify their subscribers and
by outlining the procedures for ETCs to have USAC perform
recertifications on their behalf. This Public Notice does not modify
any of our reporting requirements. The Commission will send a copy of
this Public Notice, including this certification, to the Chief Counsel
for Advocacy of the SBA. In addition, the Public Notice (or a summary
thereof) and certification will be published in the Federal Register.
Federal Communications Commission.
Kimberly A. Scardino,
Division Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division Wireline
Competition Bureau.
[FR Doc. 2013-14065 Filed 6-12-13; 8:45 am]