Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Core Medical Services Waiver; Application Requirements, 31563-31566 [2013-12354]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 101 / Friday, May 24, 2013 / Notices
Dated: May 17, 2013.
Bahar Niakan,
Director, Division of Policy and Information
[FR Doc. 2013–12340 Filed 5–23–13; 8:45 am]
Health Resources and Services
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed Collection; Public
Comment Request
Health Resources and Services
Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
In compliance with the
requirement for opportunity for public
comment on proposed data collection
projects (Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995), the
Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA) publishes
periodic summaries of proposed
projects being developed for submission
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995.
HRSA especially requests comments
on: (1) The necessity and utility of the
proposed information collection for the
proper performance of the agency’s
functions, (2) the accuracy of the
estimated burden, (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected, and (4) the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology to minimize the information
collection burden.
Information Collection Request Title:
The Teaching Health Center Graduate
Medical Education (THCGME) Program
Eligible Resident/FTE Chart (OMB
0915–xxxx) NEW
Abstract: The THCGME Program
Eligible Resident/FTE Chart published
in the THCGME Funding Opportunity
Announcements (FOAs) is a means for
determining the number of eligible
residents/FTEs in an applicant’s
primary care residency program. The
chart requires applicants to provide data
related to the size and/or growth of the
residency program over previous
academic years, the number of residents
enrolled in the program during the
baseline academic year, and a projection
of the program’s proposed expansion
over the next four academic years. It is
imperative that applicants complete this
Number of
Form name
Number of
responses per
chart and provide evidence of a planned
expansion, as per the statute, THCGME
funding may only be used to support an
expanded number of residents in a
residency program. Utilization of a chart
to gather this important information has
decreased the number of errors in the
eligibility review process resulting in
more accurate review and funding
Burden Statement: Burden in this
context means the time expended by
persons to generate, maintain, retain,
disclose or provide the information
requested. This includes the time
needed to review instructions; to
develop, acquire, install and utilize
technology and systems for the purpose
of collecting, validating and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; to train
personnel and to be able to respond to
a collection of information; to search
data sources; to complete and review
the collection of information; and to
transmit or otherwise disclose the
information. The total annual burden
hours estimated for this Information
Collection Request are summarized in
the table below.
Total Estimated Annualized burden
burden per
(in hours)
Total burden
Teaching Health Center GME program Eligible Resident/
FTE Chart .........................................................................
Total ..............................................................................
Submit your comments to
paperwork@hrsa.gov or mail the HRSA
Information Collection Clearance
Officer, Room 10–29, Parklawn
Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville,
MD 20857.
submitting comments or requesting
information, please include the
information request collection title for
Deadline: Comments on this
Information Collection Request must be
received within 60 days of this notice.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
21:14 May 23, 2013
[FR Doc. 2013–12351 Filed 5–23–13; 8:45 am]
request more information on the
proposed project or to obtain a copy of
the data collection plans and draft
instruments, email paperwork@hrsa.gov
or call the HRSA Information Collection
Clearance Officer at (301) 443–1984.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Dated: May 17, 2013.
Bahar Niakan,
Director, Division of Policy and Information
Jkt 229001
Health Resources and Services
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Core
Medical Services Waiver; Application
Health Resources and Services
Administration, HHS.
Final Notice with Opportunity
for Comment
PO 00000
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Title XXVI of the Public
Health Service Act, as amended by the
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment
Extension Act of 2009 (Ryan White
Program or RWP), requires that grantees
expend 75 percent of Parts A, B, and C
funds on core medical services,
including antiretroviral drugs, for
individuals with HIV/AIDS identified
and eligible under the statute. The
statute also grants the Secretary
authority to waive this requirement if
there are no waiting lists for the AIDS
Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) and
core medical services are available to all
individuals identified and eligible
under Title XXVI in an applicant’s
service area.
Prior to this policy announcement,
grantees seeking a waiver of the 75
percent requirement have been required
to submit core medical services waiver
requests at the same time as the annual
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 101 / Friday, May 24, 2013 / Notices
grant application. Recognizing RWP
grantees’ request for additional
flexibility in the timing of waiver
applications, the Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) is
providing grantees additional options
for making waiver requests.
HRSA is amending the uniform
waiver standards for RWP grantees
requesting a core medical services
waiver for fiscal year (FY) 2014 and
beyond. The amended standards will
allow grantees to apply for a waiver (a)
at the same time as their annual Part A,
B, or C application submission, (b) at
any time up to their annual Part A, B,
or C application submission, or (c) up to
four months after their grant award for
that funding year. This Federal Register
notice seeks to make public the revised
policy and provide an opportunity for
public comment before its
DATES: Comments on this final policy
must be received by June 24, 2013. The
policy will become effective on
September 23, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent via email to the Division of
Policy and Data, HIV/AIDS Bureau,
Health Resources and Services
Administration at
RyanWhiteComments@hrsa.gov by June
24, 2013.
Theresa Jumento using the email above
or by telephone at (301) 443–5807.
response to the requests from the
grantee community, and in order for
grantees to plan appropriately, HRSA is
revising the requirement that core
medical services waiver requests be
submitted with an applicant’s grant
application for the upcoming fiscal year.
Under this revision, grantees may
submit core medical services waiver
requests prior to the annual grant
application, with the application, or up
to four months after the grant award
date. HRSA believes that this change
will allow grantees to more robustly
assess and develop their funding and
service delivery proposal. In addition, if
the waiver request has already been
received and approved, the application
can be based on the approved waiver,
and therefore include allocation tables
based on that approval. Further, HRSA
is clarifying that grantees approved for
a core medical services waiver are not
compelled to implement that waiver
should the grantee determine that the
actual needs of the jurisdiction are best
met by maintaining funding for core
medical services.
This revision replaces policy notice
#08–02 and more clearly outlines the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
21:14 May 23, 2013
Jkt 229001
requirements to request a waiver of the
core medical services provision. In
response to concerns expressed by
grantees, it provides additional clarity
with regard to specific documentation
expectations for each element of the
waiver. It specifies clearly those
documentation expectations whether
the waiver request is submitted
separately or jointly with the annual
funding application.
For waiver applicants that do not
submit their request with their annual
grant application, HRSA is now
requiring that these applicants submit a
tentative allocation table outlining the
percentage of funds that the grantee
plans to spend on core medical and
support services under the waiver, if
approved. This will provide additional
information to HRSA on how the
grantee anticipates allocating its
resources and will help to demonstrate
that the request for a waiver is
consistent with either the applicant’s
forthcoming grant application or their
proposed budget revision. In addition to
the applicant’s annual grant application,
waiver applicants now must also
demonstrate that the proposed waiver is
also consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan and Statewide Coordinated
Statement of Need.
The revised policy removes the
section entitled ‘‘Types of
Documentation and Evidence.’’ Instead,
the requirements for the waiver are
listed and then the policy specifies the
documentation necessary to establish
compliance. These changes clarify the
documentation that grantees must use to
meet each core medical services waiver
request requirement. By standardizing
the documentation for all grantees,
HRSA will gain a clearer understanding
of the availability of core medical
services in the applicant’s jurisdiction.
Furthermore, HRSA will be able to make
a more informed decision about the
appropriateness of waiving the core
medical services requirement in a
In addition, the standardization of the
documentation will ensure that HRSA
has sufficient information to make an
informed decision on each waiver
request. Finally, the revised policy
imposes a page number limitation on
the narrative section of the core medical
services waiver request. In addition,
applicants will now submit core
medical services waiver requests
through the Electronic Handbook (EHB)
Prior Approval portal when the core
medical services waiver application is
not being submitted with an annual
grant application.
These revisions are intended to clarify
the waiver process, and respond to the
PO 00000
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changing needs of the grantee
community, while at the same time
ensuring that the waiver process is fair
and sufficiently robust so that HRSA
undertakes appropriate reviews.
Uniform Standard for Waiver of Core
Medical Services Requirement for
Grantees Under Parts, A, B, and C
POLICY NUMBER 13–xx (Replaces
Policy Notice 08–02).
Scope of Policy
Ryan White Parts A, B, C.
Summary and Purpose of Policy
The purpose of this policy is to
outline the Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/
AIDS Bureau (HAB) requirements for
applying for a waiver of the requirement
that 75 percent of Ryan White HIV/AIDS
program funds be spent on core medical
Title XXVI of the Public Health
Service Act, Part A section 2604(c), Part
B section 2612(b), and Part C section
2651(c) requires that grantees expend
not less than 75 percent of their grant
funds on core medical services. These
sections also grant the Secretary
authority to waive this requirement if
there are no waiting lists for the AIDS
Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) and
core medical services are available to all
individuals identified and eligible
under Title XXVI in an applicant’s
service area.
Grantees may submit a waiver request
at any time prior to submission of the
annual grant application, along with the
annual grant application, or up to 4
months after the start of the grant year
for which a waiver is being requested.
Applications submitted before or after
an annual grant application have
different requirements than those
submitted with an annual grant
application. Applicants should choose
the method that best meets their needs.
The requirements for each process are
outlined below.
Requirements To Apply for a Waiver
Before or After an Annual Grant
This section outlines the requirements
to submit a waiver application: (1) in
advance of a grantee’s annual grant
application or (2) after the grant
application has been submitted up to 4
months into the grant year for which a
waiver is being requested. Waiver
requests must be submitted through the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 101 / Friday, May 24, 2013 / Notices
EHB Prior Approval portal and must
identify the grant year for which the
waiver is being requested. The waiver
request must be signed by the chief
elected official or the Project Director,
and include the following
documentation that will be utilized by
HRSA in determining whether to grant
the waiver:
1. Letter signed by the Director of the
Part B State/Territory Grantee indicating
that there is no current or anticipated
ADAP services waiting list in the State/
2. Evidence that all core medical
services listed in the statute (Part A
section 2604(c)(3), Part B section
2612(b)(3), and Part C section
2651(c)(3)), regardless of whether such
services are funded by the Ryan White
HIV/AIDS Program, are available and
accessible within 30 days for all
identified and eligible individuals with
HIV/AIDS in the service area, without
need to expend at least 75 percent of
Ryan White funds on these services.
Acceptable evidence must include all of
the following:
a. HIV/AIDS care and treatment
services inventories, including
identification of the specific core
medical services available, from whom,
and through what funding source;
b. HIV/AIDS client/patient service
utilization data in addition to what has
previously been submitted via the Ryan
White Services Report (RSR); and
c. Letters from Medicaid and other
State and local HIV/AIDS entitlement
and benefits programs, which may
include private insurers.
3. Evidence of a public process, which
documents that the applicant has sought
input from affected communities;
including consumers and the Ryan
White HIV/AIDS Program-funded core
medical services providers, related to
the availability of core medical services
and the decision to request a waiver.
This public process may be the same
one that is utilized for obtaining input
on community needs as part of the
annual priority setting and resource
allocation, comprehensive planning,
Statewide Coordinated Statement of
Need (SCSN), public planning, and/or
needs assessment process. Acceptable
evidence must, at a minimum, include:
a. Letters from both the Planning
Council Chair in the Metropolitan area
(if grantee serves such area) and the
State HIV/AIDS Director describing the
public process that occurred in each
4. A narrative of up to, but no more
than, 10 pages that explains each item
in a. through d. below:
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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a. Any underlying State or local issues
that influenced the grantee’s decision to
request a waiver.
b. How the documentation submitted
under item two supports the assertion
that such core services are available and
accessible to all individuals with HIV/
AIDS, identified and eligible under Title
XXVI in the service area.
c. How the approval of a waiver will
positively contribute to the grantee’s
ability to address service needs for HIV/
AIDS non-core services. Specifically
address the grantee’s ability to perform
outreach and linkage of HIV-positive
individuals not currently in care.
d. How the receipt of the core medical
services waiver will allow for
implementation consistent with the
applicant’s proposed percentage
allocation of resources, comprehensive
plan, and SCSN. Applicants must also
document consistency by providing a
proposed allocation table.
Waiver Review and Notification Process
HRSA/HAB will review the request
and notify grantees of waiver approval
or denial within eight weeks of receipt
of the request. Core medical services
waivers will be effective for the grant
award period for which it is approved.
Subsequent grant periods will require a
new waiver request. Grantees that are
approved for a core medical services
waiver in advance of their annual grant
application are not compelled to utilize
the waiver should circumstances
Requirements To Apply for a Waiver
With the Annual Grant Application
This section provides guidance for
grantees who wish to submit a waiver
request with their annual grant
application. Waiver requests must be
submitted as an attachment to the
grantee’s annual grant application and
should not be submitted through the
EHB Prior Approval portal. The waiver
request must be signed by the chief
elected official or the Project Director,
and include the following
documentation that will be utilized by
HRSA in determining whether to grant
the waiver:
1. Letter signed by the Director of the
Part B State/Territory Grantee indicating
that there is no current or anticipated
ADAP services waiting list in the State/
2. Evidence that all core medical
services listed in the statute (Part A
section 2604(c)(3), Part B section
2612(b)(3), and Part C section
2651(c)(3)), regardless of whether such
services are funded by the Ryan White
HIV/AIDS Program, are available and
accessible within 30 days for all
PO 00000
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identified and eligible individuals with
HIV/AIDS in the service area, without
need to expend at least 75 percent of
Ryan White funds on these services.
Acceptable evidence must include all of
the following:
a. HIV/AIDS care and treatment
services inventories, including
identification of the specific core
medical services available, from whom,
and through what funding source;
b. HIV/AIDS client/patient service
utilization data in addition to what has
previously been submitted via the Ryan
White Services Report (RSR); and
c. Letters from Medicaid and other
State and local HIV/AIDS entitlement
and benefits programs, which may
include private insurers.
3. Evidence of a public process, which
documents that the applicant has sought
input from affected communities;
including consumers and the Ryan
White HIV/AIDS Program-funded core
medical services providers, related to
the availability of core medical services
and the decision to request a waiver.
This public process may be the same
one that is utilized for obtaining input
on community needs as part of the
annual priority setting and resource
allocation, comprehensive planning,
Statewide Coordinated Statement of
Need (SCSN), public planning, and/or
needs assessment process. Acceptable
evidence must, at a minimum, include:
a. Letters from both the Planning
Council Chair in the Metropolitan area
(if grantee serves such area) and the
State HIV/AIDS Director describing the
public process that occurred in each
4. A narrative of up to, but no more
than, 10 pages that explains each item
in a. through d. below:
a. Any underlying State or local issues
that influenced the grantee’s decision to
request a waiver.
b. How the documentation submitted
under item two supports the assertion
that such core services are available and
accessible to all individuals with HIV/
AIDS, identified and eligible under Title
XXVI in the service area.
c. How the approval of a waiver will
positively contribute to the grantee’s
ability to address service needs for HIV/
AIDS non-core services. Specifically
address the grantee’s ability to perform
outreach and linkage of HIV-positive
individuals not currently in care.
d. How the receipt of the core medical
services waiver is consistent with the
applicant’s grant application,
comprehensive plan, and SCSN.
Applicants must also document
consistency by providing the following:
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 101 / Friday, May 24, 2013 / Notices
i. Proposed allocation table, if not
included as part of the grant application
ii. (PART A) ‘‘Description of Priority
Setting and Resource Allocation
Processes’’ and ‘‘Unmet Need Estimate
and Assessment’’ sections of the current
grant application; or
iii. (PART B) ‘‘Needs Assessment and
Unmet Need’’ section of the current
grant application; or
iv. (PART C) ‘‘Description of the Local
HIV Service Delivery System’’ and
‘‘Current and Projected Sources of
Funding’’ sections of the current grant
Waiver Review and Notification Process
HRSA/HAB will review the request
and notify grantees of waiver approval
or denial no later than the date of
issuance of the Notice of Award (NoA).
Core medical services waivers will be
effective for the grant award period for
which it is approved. Subsequent grant
periods will require a new waiver
request. Grantees that are approved for
a core medical services waiver in their
annual grant application are not
compelled to utilize the waiver should
circumstances change.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
This activity has been reviewed and
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget, under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (Control number
Dated: May 17, 2013.
Mary K. Wakefield,
[FR Doc. 2013–12354 Filed 5–23–13; 8:45 am]
Health Resources and Services
Discretionary Grant Program
Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), HHS.
ACTION: Notice of Single Single-Case
Deviation: Administrative Supplement
From Competition Requirements for the
Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s
(MCHB) National Center for Community
Based Services.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
HRSA will be issuing a noncompetitive award to the National
Center for Community Based Services
program. The 1-year award for $449,125
will be made available in the form of a
cooperative agreement to the current
grantee, University of Massachusetts,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
21:14 May 23, 2013
Jkt 229001
during the budget period July 1, 2013,
through June 30, 2014. This will provide
feasible time for the Maternal and Child
Health Bureau (MCHB) to align fiscal
resources and programmatic goals with
the least disruption to the states,
communities, and constituencies that
currently receive leadership, assistance,
and services.
Intended Recipient of the Award:
National Center for Community Based
Services/University of Massachusetts
Amount of the Non-Competitive
Awards: $449,125.
CFDA Number: 93.110.
Period of Supplemental Funding: July
1, 2013, through June 30, 2014.
Authority: Section Title V, Section
501(a)(2) of the Social Security Act, as
Justification: As authorized by section
501(a)(2) of the Social Security Act,
MCHB’s Division of Children with
Special Health Needs is responsible for
facilitating the development of
community-based systems of services
for children and youth with special
health care needs (CYSCHN).
To meet this legislative mandate, the
Division funds the National Center for
Community Based Services and the
State Implementation Grant Program
(D70). The National Center for
Community Based Services
(U42MC18283), a cooperative agreement
funded at $449,125 per year for a 3-year
project period, is due to end June 30,
2013. This national center focuses on
improving access to services for
underserved CYSHCN and their
families, especially those from Latino
Families. The D70 grant program has
had several funding cycles since 2005,
with a minimum of six grants in each
cycle. In fiscal year (FY) 2014, the
project period for eight of the D70 grants
will end. At that time, the Division
plans to begin a new cycle of D70
competitive awards to states to improve
the system of services for CYSHCN.
The Division explored several grant
funding options that would align with
its strategic goals of funding entities to
improve the services for CYSHCN at the
state and community levels. The
amount available in FY 2013 could only
fund two D70 grants and would not
provide the grantees with a peer
learning community that has existed
with previous cycles. Moreover, the
resources and objective review costs for
a funding cycle for only two grants is
not cost effective. Therefore, in lieu of
a D70 competition in FY 2013, the
Division proposes to use these funds to
extend the project period for the
PO 00000
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National Center for Community Based
Services (U42MC18283) for 1 year until
June 30, 2014. At that time, with the
project period ending for the eight D70
grants, all funds will be available for a
new, competitive cycle of D70 grants in
The MCHB proposes the 1-year noncompetitive funding action for three
strategic programmatic reasons: (1) To
appropriately spend the necessary
preparation time to complete a full grant
competition aligned with the Division’s
strategic goals; (2) to provide for
sufficient fiscal resources to continue
programmatic activities; and (3) to
maintain MCHB programmatic support
with the least disruption to the state,
community, and maternal and child
health constituencies who are currently
receiving assistance and services from
these grantees, and the grantees
Sylvia Sosa, Integrated Services Branch,
Division of Services for Children with
Special Health Needs, Maternal and
Child Health Bureau, Health Resources
and Services Administration, 5600
Fishers Lane, Room 13–61, Rockville,
Maryland 20857; 301–443–2259;
Dated: May 17, 2013.
Mary K. Wakefield,
[FR Doc. 2013–12344 Filed 5–23–13; 8:45 am]
Health Resources and Services
National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program; List of Petitions Received
Health Resources and Services
Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
The Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) is
publishing this notice of petitions
received under the National Vaccine
Injury Compensation Program (‘‘the
Program’’), as required by Section
2112(b)(2) of the Public Health Service
(PHS) Act, as amended. While the
Secretary of Health and Human Services
is named as the respondent in all
proceedings brought by the filing of
petitions for compensation under the
Program, the United States Court of
Federal Claims is charged by statute
with responsibility for considering and
acting upon the petitions.
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 101 (Friday, May 24, 2013)]
[Pages 31563-31566]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-12354]
Health Resources and Services Administration
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Core Medical Services Waiver;
Application Requirements
AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Final Notice with Opportunity for Comment
SUMMARY: Title XXVI of the Public Health Service Act, as amended by the
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 (Ryan White Program
or RWP), requires that grantees expend 75 percent of Parts A, B, and C
funds on core medical services, including antiretroviral drugs, for
individuals with HIV/AIDS identified and eligible under the statute.
The statute also grants the Secretary authority to waive this
requirement if there are no waiting lists for the AIDS Drug Assistance
Program (ADAP) and core medical services are available to all
individuals identified and eligible under Title XXVI in an applicant's
service area.
Prior to this policy announcement, grantees seeking a waiver of the
75 percent requirement have been required to submit core medical
services waiver requests at the same time as the annual
[[Page 31564]]
grant application. Recognizing RWP grantees' request for additional
flexibility in the timing of waiver applications, the Health Resources
and Services Administration (HRSA) is providing grantees additional
options for making waiver requests.
HRSA is amending the uniform waiver standards for RWP grantees
requesting a core medical services waiver for fiscal year (FY) 2014 and
beyond. The amended standards will allow grantees to apply for a waiver
(a) at the same time as their annual Part A, B, or C application
submission, (b) at any time up to their annual Part A, B, or C
application submission, or (c) up to four months after their grant
award for that funding year. This Federal Register notice seeks to make
public the revised policy and provide an opportunity for public comment
before its implementation.
DATES: Comments on this final policy must be received by June 24, 2013.
The policy will become effective on September 23, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should be sent via email to the Division of
Policy and Data, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services
Administration at RyanWhiteComments@hrsa.gov by June 24, 2013.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Theresa Jumento using the email above
or by telephone at (301) 443-5807.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In response to the requests from the grantee
community, and in order for grantees to plan appropriately, HRSA is
revising the requirement that core medical services waiver requests be
submitted with an applicant's grant application for the upcoming fiscal
year. Under this revision, grantees may submit core medical services
waiver requests prior to the annual grant application, with the
application, or up to four months after the grant award date. HRSA
believes that this change will allow grantees to more robustly assess
and develop their funding and service delivery proposal. In addition,
if the waiver request has already been received and approved, the
application can be based on the approved waiver, and therefore include
allocation tables based on that approval. Further, HRSA is clarifying
that grantees approved for a core medical services waiver are not
compelled to implement that waiver should the grantee determine that
the actual needs of the jurisdiction are best met by maintaining
funding for core medical services.
This revision replaces policy notice 08-02 and more
clearly outlines the requirements to request a waiver of the core
medical services provision. In response to concerns expressed by
grantees, it provides additional clarity with regard to specific
documentation expectations for each element of the waiver. It specifies
clearly those documentation expectations whether the waiver request is
submitted separately or jointly with the annual funding application.
For waiver applicants that do not submit their request with their
annual grant application, HRSA is now requiring that these applicants
submit a tentative allocation table outlining the percentage of funds
that the grantee plans to spend on core medical and support services
under the waiver, if approved. This will provide additional information
to HRSA on how the grantee anticipates allocating its resources and
will help to demonstrate that the request for a waiver is consistent
with either the applicant's forthcoming grant application or their
proposed budget revision. In addition to the applicant's annual grant
application, waiver applicants now must also demonstrate that the
proposed waiver is also consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and
Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need.
The revised policy removes the section entitled ``Types of
Documentation and Evidence.'' Instead, the requirements for the waiver
are listed and then the policy specifies the documentation necessary to
establish compliance. These changes clarify the documentation that
grantees must use to meet each core medical services waiver request
requirement. By standardizing the documentation for all grantees, HRSA
will gain a clearer understanding of the availability of core medical
services in the applicant's jurisdiction. Furthermore, HRSA will be
able to make a more informed decision about the appropriateness of
waiving the core medical services requirement in a jurisdiction.
In addition, the standardization of the documentation will ensure
that HRSA has sufficient information to make an informed decision on
each waiver request. Finally, the revised policy imposes a page number
limitation on the narrative section of the core medical services waiver
request. In addition, applicants will now submit core medical services
waiver requests through the Electronic Handbook (EHB) Prior Approval
portal when the core medical services waiver application is not being
submitted with an annual grant application.
These revisions are intended to clarify the waiver process, and
respond to the changing needs of the grantee community, while at the
same time ensuring that the waiver process is fair and sufficiently
robust so that HRSA undertakes appropriate reviews.
Uniform Standard for Waiver of Core Medical Services Requirement for
Grantees Under Parts, A, B, and C
POLICY NUMBER 13-xx (Replaces Policy Notice 08-02).
Scope of Policy
Ryan White Parts A, B, C.
Summary and Purpose of Policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline the Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) requirements for
applying for a waiver of the requirement that 75 percent of Ryan White
HIV/AIDS program funds be spent on core medical services.
Title XXVI of the Public Health Service Act, Part A section
2604(c), Part B section 2612(b), and Part C section 2651(c) requires
that grantees expend not less than 75 percent of their grant funds on
core medical services. These sections also grant the Secretary
authority to waive this requirement if there are no waiting lists for
the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) and core medical services are
available to all individuals identified and eligible under Title XXVI
in an applicant's service area.
Grantees may submit a waiver request at any time prior to
submission of the annual grant application, along with the annual grant
application, or up to 4 months after the start of the grant year for
which a waiver is being requested. Applications submitted before or
after an annual grant application have different requirements than
those submitted with an annual grant application. Applicants should
choose the method that best meets their needs. The requirements for
each process are outlined below.
Requirements To Apply for a Waiver Before or After an Annual Grant
This section outlines the requirements to submit a waiver
application: (1) in advance of a grantee's annual grant application or
(2) after the grant application has been submitted up to 4 months into
the grant year for which a waiver is being requested. Waiver requests
must be submitted through the
[[Page 31565]]
EHB Prior Approval portal and must identify the grant year for which
the waiver is being requested. The waiver request must be signed by the
chief elected official or the Project Director, and include the
following documentation that will be utilized by HRSA in determining
whether to grant the waiver:
1. Letter signed by the Director of the Part B State/Territory
Grantee indicating that there is no current or anticipated ADAP
services waiting list in the State/Territory.
2. Evidence that all core medical services listed in the statute
(Part A section 2604(c)(3), Part B section 2612(b)(3), and Part C
section 2651(c)(3)), regardless of whether such services are funded by
the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, are available and accessible within 30
days for all identified and eligible individuals with HIV/AIDS in the
service area, without need to expend at least 75 percent of Ryan White
funds on these services. Acceptable evidence must include all of the
a. HIV/AIDS care and treatment services inventories, including
identification of the specific core medical services available, from
whom, and through what funding source;
b. HIV/AIDS client/patient service utilization data in addition to
what has previously been submitted via the Ryan White Services Report
(RSR); and
c. Letters from Medicaid and other State and local HIV/AIDS
entitlement and benefits programs, which may include private insurers.
3. Evidence of a public process, which documents that the applicant
has sought input from affected communities; including consumers and the
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded core medical services providers,
related to the availability of core medical services and the decision
to request a waiver. This public process may be the same one that is
utilized for obtaining input on community needs as part of the annual
priority setting and resource allocation, comprehensive planning,
Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need (SCSN), public planning, and/or
needs assessment process. Acceptable evidence must, at a minimum,
a. Letters from both the Planning Council Chair in the Metropolitan
area (if grantee serves such area) and the State HIV/AIDS Director
describing the public process that occurred in each jurisdiction.
4. A narrative of up to, but no more than, 10 pages that explains
each item in a. through d. below:
a. Any underlying State or local issues that influenced the
grantee's decision to request a waiver.
b. How the documentation submitted under item two supports the
assertion that such core services are available and accessible to all
individuals with HIV/AIDS, identified and eligible under Title XXVI in
the service area.
c. How the approval of a waiver will positively contribute to the
grantee's ability to address service needs for HIV/AIDS non-core
services. Specifically address the grantee's ability to perform
outreach and linkage of HIV-positive individuals not currently in care.
d. How the receipt of the core medical services waiver will allow
for implementation consistent with the applicant's proposed percentage
allocation of resources, comprehensive plan, and SCSN. Applicants must
also document consistency by providing a proposed allocation table.
Waiver Review and Notification Process
HRSA/HAB will review the request and notify grantees of waiver
approval or denial within eight weeks of receipt of the request. Core
medical services waivers will be effective for the grant award period
for which it is approved. Subsequent grant periods will require a new
waiver request. Grantees that are approved for a core medical services
waiver in advance of their annual grant application are not compelled
to utilize the waiver should circumstances change.
Requirements To Apply for a Waiver With the Annual Grant Application
This section provides guidance for grantees who wish to submit a
waiver request with their annual grant application. Waiver requests
must be submitted as an attachment to the grantee's annual grant
application and should not be submitted through the EHB Prior Approval
portal. The waiver request must be signed by the chief elected official
or the Project Director, and include the following documentation that
will be utilized by HRSA in determining whether to grant the waiver:
1. Letter signed by the Director of the Part B State/Territory
Grantee indicating that there is no current or anticipated ADAP
services waiting list in the State/Territory.
2. Evidence that all core medical services listed in the statute
(Part A section 2604(c)(3), Part B section 2612(b)(3), and Part C
section 2651(c)(3)), regardless of whether such services are funded by
the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, are available and accessible within 30
days for all identified and eligible individuals with HIV/AIDS in the
service area, without need to expend at least 75 percent of Ryan White
funds on these services. Acceptable evidence must include all of the
a. HIV/AIDS care and treatment services inventories, including
identification of the specific core medical services available, from
whom, and through what funding source;
b. HIV/AIDS client/patient service utilization data in addition to
what has previously been submitted via the Ryan White Services Report
(RSR); and
c. Letters from Medicaid and other State and local HIV/AIDS
entitlement and benefits programs, which may include private insurers.
3. Evidence of a public process, which documents that the applicant
has sought input from affected communities; including consumers and the
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded core medical services providers,
related to the availability of core medical services and the decision
to request a waiver. This public process may be the same one that is
utilized for obtaining input on community needs as part of the annual
priority setting and resource allocation, comprehensive planning,
Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need (SCSN), public planning, and/or
needs assessment process. Acceptable evidence must, at a minimum,
a. Letters from both the Planning Council Chair in the Metropolitan
area (if grantee serves such area) and the State HIV/AIDS Director
describing the public process that occurred in each jurisdiction.
4. A narrative of up to, but no more than, 10 pages that explains
each item in a. through d. below:
a. Any underlying State or local issues that influenced the
grantee's decision to request a waiver.
b. How the documentation submitted under item two supports the
assertion that such core services are available and accessible to all
individuals with HIV/AIDS, identified and eligible under Title XXVI in
the service area.
c. How the approval of a waiver will positively contribute to the
grantee's ability to address service needs for HIV/AIDS non-core
services. Specifically address the grantee's ability to perform
outreach and linkage of HIV-positive individuals not currently in care.
d. How the receipt of the core medical services waiver is
consistent with the applicant's grant application, comprehensive plan,
and SCSN. Applicants must also document consistency by providing the
[[Page 31566]]
i. Proposed allocation table, if not included as part of the grant
application and
ii. (PART A) ``Description of Priority Setting and Resource
Allocation Processes'' and ``Unmet Need Estimate and Assessment''
sections of the current grant application; or
iii. (PART B) ``Needs Assessment and Unmet Need'' section of the
current grant application; or
iv. (PART C) ``Description of the Local HIV Service Delivery
System'' and ``Current and Projected Sources of Funding'' sections of
the current grant application.
Waiver Review and Notification Process
HRSA/HAB will review the request and notify grantees of waiver
approval or denial no later than the date of issuance of the Notice of
Award (NoA). Core medical services waivers will be effective for the
grant award period for which it is approved. Subsequent grant periods
will require a new waiver request. Grantees that are approved for a
core medical services waiver in their annual grant application are not
compelled to utilize the waiver should circumstances change.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
This activity has been reviewed and approved by the Office of
Management and Budget, under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(Control number 0915-0307).
Dated: May 17, 2013.
Mary K. Wakefield,
[FR Doc. 2013-12354 Filed 5-23-13; 8:45 am]