Record of Decision and Wetland/Floodplain Statement of Findings for the W.A. Parish Post-Combustion CO2, 30901-30910 [2013-12280]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 100 / Thursday, May 23, 2013 / Notices
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Title of Collection: Part D
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OMB Control Number: 1820–0028.
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Type of Review: Extension without
change of an existing collection of
Respondents/Affected Public: State,
Local, or Tribal Governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 800.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 20,000.
Abstract: Under the Individuals with
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grants are authorized to support
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parent training and information, and
technical assistance activities. This
grant application provides the forms
and information necessary for
applicants to submit an application for
funding, and information for use by
technical reviewers to determine the
quality of the application.
Dated: May 20, 2013.
Stephanie Valentine,
Acting Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Privacy, Information and
Records Management Services, Office of
[FR Doc. 2013–12334 Filed 5–22–13; 8:45 am]
Record of Decision and Wetland/
Floodplain Statement of Findings for
the W.A. Parish Post-Combustion CO2
Capture and Sequestration Project
Department of Energy.
Record of Decision.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) announces its decision to
provide cost-shared funding to NRG
Energy, Inc. (NRG) for the W.A. Parish
Post-Combustion CO2 Capture and
Sequestration Project (Parish PCCS
Project) under DOE’s Clean Coal Power
Initiative (CCPI) Program. DOE prepared
an environmental impact statement
(EIS) to evaluate the potential
environmental impacts associated with
DOE’s proposed action of providing
financial assistance for the Parish PCCS
Project. The EIS also evaluated the
impacts associated with construction
and operation of the proposed Parish
PCCS Project, as submitted by NRG.
DOE’s proposed action is to provide
limited financial assistance through a
cooperative agreement with NRG for a
new post-combustion carbon dioxide
(CO2) capture and compression system
that would be added to Unit 8 of the
existing W.A. Parish power plant, with
the captured CO2 piped to the West
Ranch oil field for use in enhanced oil
recovery (EOR).
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The EIS and this Record of
Decision (ROD) are available on DOE’s
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) Web site at
nepa/ and on the DOE National Energy
Technology Laboratory (NETL) Web site
others/nepa/. Copies of these
documents may also be obtained by
contacting Mr. Lusk, NEPA Document
Manager, U.S. Department of Energy,
National Energy Technology Laboratory,
3610 Collins Ferry Road, Morgantown,
WV 26507–0880; telephone, 304–285–
4145; or email:
obtain additional information about the
project or the EIS, contact Mr. Mark W.
Lusk at the address provided above. For
general information on DOE’s NEPA
process, contact Ms. Carol M.
Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA
Policy and Compliance (GC–54), U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585; telephone: 202–
586–4600; or leave a toll free message at
prepared this ROD pursuant to the
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) of 1969 (42 United States Code
[U.S.C.] 4321 et seq.), and in compliance
with the Council on Environmental
Quality (CEQ) implementing regulations
for NEPA (40 Code of Federal
Regulations [CFR] parts 1500 through
1508) and DOE’s NEPA implementing
procedures (10 CFR part 1021) and
DOE’s Compliance with Floodplain and
Wetland Environmental Review
regulations (10 CFR Part 1022). This
ROD is based on DOE’s EIS for the W.A.
Parish Post-Combustion CO2 Capture
and Sequestration Project (DOE/EIS–
0473, February 2013) and other program
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Background and Purpose and Need for
Agency Action
Public Law 107–63, enacted in
November 2001, first provided funding
for the CCPI program, a federal program
to accelerate the commercial readiness
of advanced technologies in existing
and new coal-based power plants. The
program encompasses a broad spectrum
of commercial-scale demonstrations that
target today’s most pressing
environmental challenges, including
reducing mercury and greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions. When integrated with
other DOE initiatives, the program will
help the nation successfully
commercialize advanced power systems
to produce electricity at greater
efficiencies, release almost no
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 100 / Thursday, May 23, 2013 / Notices
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emissions, create fuels, and employ CO2
management capabilities.
The purpose of DOE’s proposed
action under the CCPI program is to
meet program goals by providing costshared funding for this proposed project
to demonstrate the feasibility of
advanced coal-based technologies at a
commercial scale that capture and
geologically sequester CO2 emissions.
The principal need addressed by DOE’s
proposed action is to satisfy the
responsibility Congress imposed on
DOE to demonstrate advanced coalbased technologies that can generate
clean, reliable, and affordable electricity
in the United States Successful
commercial-scale demonstration of
amine-based carbon capture technology
at NRG’s W.A. Parish Plant with
beneficial use of the CO2 at an existing
oil field would also generate technical,
environmental, and financial data from
the design, construction, and integrated
operation of the CO2 capture facility,
pipeline, EOR, and CO2 monitoring
facilities at the oil field. These data
would be used to evaluate whether the
deployed technologies could be
effectively and economically
implemented at a commercial scale.
NEPA Process
DOE formally initiated the NEPA
process by publishing a Notice of Intent
(NOI) to prepare an EIS in the Federal
Register (FR) on November 14, 2011,
under Docket ID No. FR Doc. 2011–
29333; (76 FR 70429). DOE conducted a
scoping process that included two
public scoping meetings and
consultation with interested
governmental agencies and
stakeholders. DOE held public scoping
meetings on November 30, 2011, in
Needville, Texas, and December 1, 2011,
in Edna, Texas. The public scoping
period ended on December 15, 2011,
after a 30-day opportunity to submit
comments. The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and DOE both
published a notice of availability (NOA)
for the draft EIS on September 21, 2012.
DOE’s NOA (77 FR 58533) also
announced its plans for two public
hearings. Public hearings on the draft
EIS were held in Thompsons, Texas, on
October 10, 2012, and Edna, Texas, on
October 11, 2012.
DOE received one verbal comment on
the draft EIS at the two public hearings
and listened to questions and concerns
during informal sessions before the
hearings. During the 45-day public
comment period, which ended
November 5, 2012, DOE received
comment letters from the Department of
Interior, EPA, and the Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department. Comments
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included concerns about: (1) Use of coal
as fuel for electricity generation; (2) use
of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emission
credits to offset volatile organic carbon
(VOC) emissions; (3) use of horizontal
directional drilling to cross under
waterways; (4) mitigation of wetland
impacts; (5) impacts on state or global
rare plant communities; (6) adequacy of
the environmental justice analysis; (7)
mitigation measures for constructionrelated emissions; (8) impacts on
threatened and endangered species,
including whooping cranes; (9) impacts
to nesting bald eagles; (10) protection of
freshwater mussel species; and (11)
impacts on migratory birds. EPA rated
the draft EIS as LO—‘‘Lack of
DOE distributed the final EIS during
the last week of February 2013. The U.S.
EPA published a NOA in the FR on
March 8, 2013, (75 FR 28612). In the
final EIS, DOE updated project
information, refined analyses, and
responded to comments on the draft
EIS. DOE received no comments on the
final EIS.
DOE has decided to provide NRG
with $167 million in cost-shared
funding for its proposed project through
a cooperative agreement under DOE’s
CCPI program. The project and its
potential environmental impacts, as
analyzed in the EIS, and required
mitigation measures are described
Basis of Decision
DOE based its decision on the
importance of achieving the objectives
of the CCPI program and a careful
review of the potential environmental
impacts presented in the EIS. The
proposed project would help DOE meet
its congressionally mandated mission to
support advanced clean-coal technology
projects. Post-combustion CO2 capture
offers the greatest near-term potential
for reducing power sector CO2
emissions because it can be used to
retrofit existing coal-based power plants
and can also be tuned for various levels
of CO2 capture, which may accelerate
market acceptance. A successful
commercial-scale demonstration of
amine-based carbon capture technology
at NRG’s W.A. Parish Plant with
beneficial use of the CO2 at an existing
oil field would also generate technical,
environmental, and financial data from
the design, construction, and operation
of the CO2 capture facility, pipeline, and
CO2 monitoring facilities at the oil field.
The data would be used to help DOE
evaluate whether the deployed
technologies could be effectively and
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economically implemented at a
commercial scale.
This decision incorporates all
practicable means to avoid or minimize
environmental harm. DOE plans to
verify the environmental impacts
predicted in the EIS and the
implementation of appropriate
avoidance and mitigation measures.
DOE’s decision incorporates measures
to avoid or minimize adverse
environmental impacts during the
design, construction and operation of
the project. DOE requires that recipients
of financial assistance comply with all
applicable federal, state, and local
environmental laws, orders, and
regulations. During project planning,
NRG incorporated various mitigation
measures and anticipated permit
requirements into its project, and the
analyses completed for the EIS assumed
that such measures would be
implemented. These measures are
identified in Chapter 4 of the EIS,
described as needed in each resource
section of Chapter 3, and incorporated
into this ROD as conditions for DOE’s
financial assistance under the
cooperative agreement between DOE
and NRG. Additional mitigation
measures or measures specific to certain
impacts or comments received are
further discussed below in the section
entitled Potential Environmental
Impacts and Mitigation Measures.
Mitigation measures beyond those
typically specified in permit conditions
will be addressed in a Mitigation Action
Plan (MAP). DOE will prepare the MAP,
consistent with 10 CFR 1021.331, to
establish how the mitigation measures
will be planned, implemented, and
monitored. The MAP will be an
adaptive management tool; therefore
mitigation conditions in it would be
removed if equivalent conditions are
otherwise established by permit,
license, or law. Compliance with
permit, license or regulatory
requirements is not considered
mitigation subject to DOE control and
would therefore not be included in a
DOE will ensure that commitments in
the MAP are met through management
of its cooperative agreement with NRG,
which requires that NRG fulfill the
monitoring and mitigation requirements
specified in this ROD. DOE will make
copies of the MAP available for
inspection in the appropriate locations
for a reasonable time. Copies of the
MAP and any annual reports required
by the MAP will also be available upon
written request.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 100 / Thursday, May 23, 2013 / Notices
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Project Description and Location
The Parish PCCS Project would result
in the construction and operation of a
CO2 capture facility utilizing an
advanced amine-based absorption
technology to capture at least 90 percent
(approximately 1.6 million tons) of CO2
annually from a flue gas slipstream
taken from Unit 8 at the W.A. Parish
Plant. This existing power plant is
located on 4,880 acres in rural Fort
Bend County within the incorporated
area of the town of Thompsons, Texas.
Up to 5,475 tons per day of captured
CO2 would be dried, compressed, and
transported via a newly constructed
approximately 81-mile long pipeline to
the West Ranch oil field where it would
be used in EOR operations. The four
primary components of the project are:
(1) CO2 Capture Facility—A postcombustion CO2 capture facility would
be constructed and attached to Unit 8 at
the existing W.A. Parish Plant in Fort
Bend County, Texas. A new 80-MW
natural gas-fired turbine, currently
under construction at the plant site,
would produce the auxiliary electricity
and steam needed by the CO2 capture
(2) CO2 Pipeline—Captured CO2
would be transported via a new,
approximately 81-mile-long, 12-inchdiameter pipeline to the West Ranch oil
field, located near Vanderbilt, Texas, in
Jackson County. The pipeline route
crosses mostly rural and sparselydeveloped agricultural lands in Fort
Bend, Wharton, and Jackson Counties.
NRG plans to use existing mowed and
maintained utility ROWs to the extent
practicable to minimize environmental
impacts and avoid sensitive resources.
A joint venture between NRG and
Hillcorp Energy Company (HEC), known
as Texas Coastal Ventures LLC (TCV),
would operate the pipeline.
(3) EOR Operations—The proposed
project would deliver up to 1.6 million
tons of CO2 per year to the West Ranch
oil field for its use in EOR. The CO2
would be injected into the 98–A, 41–A,
Glasscock, and Greta sand units of the
Frio Formation, approximately 5,000 to
6,300 feet below ground surface (bgs).
The portions of the oil field in which
EOR operations would be conducted are
currently owned or leased by TCV. HEC
has been contracted to conduct the EOR
operations. TCV plans to make
additional investments outside of the
DOE funded program to modernize and
prepare the oil field to safely accept CO2
injection, but the activities are included
in this project description because they
are integrated into the project concept
and considered connected actions.
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(4) CO2 Monitoring Program—TCV
would implement a program to monitor
the injection and migration of CO2
within the geologic formations at the
EOR site based on a CO2 Monitoring
Plan developed in cooperation with the
Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
(BEG). The monitoring program would
be established and operated in
accordance with requirements of the
CCPI program and Railroad Commission
of Texas (RRC) regulations for
certification of CO2 storage related to
EOR operations (i.e., as specified in 16
TAC 5.305) and provisions of
underground injection control permits
for injection wells at the West Ranch oil
field (i.e., existing permits for existing
injection wells and new permits that
would be required for newly installed
injection wells).
The W.A. Parish Plant occupies an
industrial area located next to relatively
undeveloped lands. Scattered ranches
and residences are located to the east
and southwest, and Smithers Lake (a
2,430-acre man-made water body used
for plant cooling water) is located to the
north. The proposed CO2 capture
facility would have a footprint of
approximately 400 feet by 400 feet (3.3
acres) within the existing W.A. Parish
Plant. Including the CO2 capture
facility, the combustion turbine and
heat recovery steam generator (CT/
HRSG) area, two large laydown areas,
and other project areas, a total of
approximately 29 acres within the
existing plant boundaries would be used
during construction. Construction of the
proposed project is planned to begin in
mid-2013, at the earliest, and would
take approximately 24 months to
complete. Within the existing plant site,
up to 22 acres of land would be required
for two temporary construction staging
and laydown areas for storage of
materials and equipment. Construction
materials and equipment would be
delivered by truck and rail. The number
of workers would vary during the twoyear construction period, ranging from
250 to 600 during the various phases of
construction and averaging
approximately 300 personnel. The
largest demand for construction workers
would likely occur approximately six
months after the start of construction,
when approximately 600 construction
workers would be on site. Construction
water needs would be supplied by the
existing plant’s water system. Electricity
would be provided by on-site
maintenance power sources or by new
metered service from a local retail
provider. Potential construction-related
environmental impacts would be typical
of those associated with a large
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industrial construction project and
would primarily be related to air
emissions, construction traffic, fugitive
dust from disturbance, and storm water
runoff from construction areas. Best
management practices (BMPs) would be
implemented and all necessary permits
would be obtained to minimize
potential impacts and to comply with
regulatory requirements during
construction. For the purposes of this
EIS, DOE assumes the CO2 capture
system would continue to operate for 20
years. The capture facility and
associated equipment installed as part
of the project would require an increase
of approximately 15 full-time personnel
divided among shifts (i.e., an increase of
approximately 4 percent over current
conditions). Also, up to five additional
new positions may be required at the
During operation of the project,
process-related chemicals would be
transported to the W.A. Parish Plant
either by truck or rail. In addition to
regulatory requirements, NRG would
follow the chemical suppliers’
recommendations and procedures in
storing and handling all chemicals.
DOE’s Proposed Action
DOE’s proposed action is to provide
$167 million in cost-shared funding
through a cooperative agreement with
NRG for its proposed project. DOE has
already provided $7 million to NRG
under Phase I for preliminary design
and related preliminary activities of the
project, as described above. The
estimated total project cost is $845
Congress directed DOE to pursue the
goals of the CCPI program by means of
partial funding of projects owned and
controlled by non-federal sponsors. This
statutory requirement places DOE in a
much more limited role than if it were
the owner and operator of the project.
Here, the purpose of, and need for, DOE
action is defined by the CCPI program
(and its enabling legislation, Pub. L.
107–63). Given these programmatic
purposes and needs, reasonable
alternatives available to DOE prior to
the selection of this project under the
CCPI program were other projects that
met the eligibility requirements. Other
applications (and their potential
environmental, safety, and health
impacts) were considered during the
selection process. Pursuant to 10 CFR
1021.216, a publicly-available synopsis
of the environmental review and
critique completed for the selection
process has been included as Appendix
A of the EIS.
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The alternatives considered by DOE
were limited to the applications
submitted to DOE in response to
requirements specified in the CCPI
Round 3 solicitation. DOE considered
all the applications that met the
mandatory eligibility requirements as
expressed in the funding opportunity
announcement. DOE’s action
concerning these applications was to
decide which projects would receive
DOE financial assistance from among
the eligible applications submitted.
Unlike a project owned by DOE, when
projects are selected in a competitive
process in response to a funding
opportunity announcement, DOE does
not make decisions concerning the
location, layout, design, or other
features of the project. In other words,
DOE must select among the eligible
projects submitted to DOE by the
applicants. DOE’s initial decision is to
select projects to receive federal
financial assistance for a project
definition phase prior to DOE’s decision
on whether to fund the project’s
construction and operation.
After DOE selects a project for an
award, the range of reasonable
alternatives becomes the project as
proposed by the applicant, any
alternatives still under consideration by
the applicant, and the no-action
No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, DOE
would not provide cost-shared funding
for the proposed W.A. Parish PCCS
Project. In the absence of DOE costshared funding, NRG could still elect to
construct and operate the proposed
project. Therefore, under the DOE noaction alternative, DOE assumes the
proposed project would not be built or
it would be built by NRG without the
benefit of DOE funding.
DOE assumes that if NRG proceeded
with project development in the absence
of DOE funding, the project would
include the features, attributes, and
impacts as described for the proposed
project. However, without DOE’s
participation, it is possible that the
project would be canceled. Therefore,
for the purposes of analysis in this EIS,
DOE’s no-action alternative is defined as
the no-build alternative. This means
that the project would not be built and
environmental conditions would not
change from the current baseline (i.e.,
no new construction, resource use, or
CO2 capture and storage would occur).
Therefore, under the no-action
alternative, the project technologies (i.e.,
large-scale CO2 capture and geologic
storage) may not be implemented in the
near term. Consequently, timely
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commercialization of these technologies
for large-scale, coal-fired electric
generation facilities would be
postponed and may not be realized.
This scenario would not contribute to
the CCPI goals to invest in the
demonstration of advanced coal-based
power generation technologies that
capture and sequester, CO2 emissions.
While the no-action alternative would
not satisfy the purpose and need for
DOE’s proposed action, this alternative
was retained for comparison to the
effects of the proposed project, as
required under CEQ Regulations (40
CFR 15012.14). The no-action
alternative reflects the current baseline
condition and serves as a benchmark
against which the effects of the
proposed action can be evaluated.
NRG has begun construction and
plans to operate certain individual
project components such as the natural
gas-fired turbine without DOE funding
for other purposes not related to the
Parish PCCS project. The construction
of the natural gas-fired turbine would
not be part of the cooperative agreement
with DOE. This facility would begin
operation in 2013 and would provide
peaking power unrelated to the Parish
PCCS Project. At a later date, possibly
2015, the natural gas-fired turbine
would be used to power the
compressors of the carbon capture
facility. This would result in a variation
of the no-action alternative that would
have minor environmental impacts,
primarily in the area of air quality. If
NRG decided to pursue the project
without DOE funding, potential impacts
would be similar to those evaluated
under DOE’s proposed action.
Potential Environmental Impacts and
Mitigation Measures
In making its decision, DOE
considered the environmental impacts
of NRG’s proposed project, DOE’s
proposed action, and the no-action
alternative on potentially affected
environmental resource areas. These
included: Air quality and climate;
greenhouse gas emissions; geology;
physiography and soils; surface waters;
ground water; floodplains; wetlands;
biological resources; cultural resources;
land use; aesthetics; traffic;
transportation; noise; materials and
waste management; human health and
safety; utilities; community services;
socioeconomics; and environmental
justice. The EIS also considers the
impacts from project facilities combined
with those from other past, present and
reasonably foreseeable future actions
(i.e., cumulative impacts). The following
sections discuss the potential impacts in
these areas.
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Air Quality and Climate
Construction of the CO2 capture
facility, CO2 pipeline, and CO2
monitoring infrastructure would result
in short-term, localized increased
tailpipe and fugitive dust emissions.
Emission rates for criteria pollutants
would be less than 1 percent of the total
emissions in the region of influence
(ROI), except PM10 emissions during
2013, which would account for 3.1
percent of total ROI emissions. Emission
rates for ozone precursors (i.e., VOC and
nitrogen oxides [NOX ]) during the
construction phase of the project would
be lower than thresholds documented in
the EPA rules for General Conformity
(40 CFR 94.153).
Operational emissions from the
pipeline corridor would be negligible.
Operational emissions of criteria
pollutants from the CO2 capture facility
and related infrastructure (e.g., CT/
HRSG) and the CO2 recycle facility
would be less than 1 percent of the total
emissions in the ROI. Operational
emissions of NOX and VOC would
exceed the thresholds documented in
the Conformity Rules. NRG is required
to obtain and retire 1.3 tons of credits
or allowances, as applicable, for each
ton of NOX and VOC emissions increase
related to the proposed project. NRG
owns and has assigned the appropriate
amount of NOX emission credits
approved for use in the Houston
Galveston Brazoria Metropolitan
Statistical Area (HGB MSA) to the
Parish PCCS Project.
NRG would be required to purchase
and retire 1.3 tons of credits or
allowances, as applicable, for each ton
of emission increase related to the
proposed project. Due to the 1.3 to 1
retirement ratio of emission reduction
credits and allowances, the proposed
project would result in no net adverse
impact on air quality in the HGB MSA
with regard to ozone. Therefore, adverse
impacts to air quality in the ROI due to
operational emissions from the
proposed project would be considered
negligible to minor with some beneficial
impacts in the form of elimination of
sulfur dioxide and other emissions from
Unit 8’s flue gas slipstream.
As part of the state air permit
application process, NRG was required
to complete an air quality analysis to
determine the effect of anticipated
project air emissions on area air quality.
The analysis included dispersion
modeling, which compared the
predicted ambient air quality
concentrations to the National Ambient
Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The
analysis supported the conclusion that
predicted emissions resulting from the
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project would not cause or contribute to
a violation of the NAAQS. The Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality
(TCEQ) approved the analysis and
issued the air permit on December 2012.
Mitigation: To control fugitive dust,
NRG must stabilize open piles and
disturbed areas by covering and/or
applying water or other dust control
additive. NRG must also limit the speed
of non-earthmoving equipment to 15
mph and earthmoving equipment to 10
mph to prevent spilling hauled
materials. Disturbed areas shall be
revegetated as soon as possible.
To control mobile and stationary
source emissions, NRG must use
modern, well-maintained dieselpowered equipment during construction
and limit idling of heavy equipment.
EPA recommended limiting idling to
less than five minutes.
Greenhouse Gasses
Construction of the CO2 capture
facility, CO2 pipeline, and CO2
monitoring infrastructure would
generate up to approximately 4,900 tpy
(4,400 metric tons per annum) of CO2
emissions over the two-year
construction period. Operation of the
CO2 capture facility and CO2 recycle
facility would result in approximately
785,000 tpy (0.71 million metric tons
per annum [MMTA]) of new CO2
emissions. However, the proposed
project would result in the capture of
approximately 1.6 million tpy (1.5
MMTA) of existing CO2 emissions,
resulting in a net reduction of
approximately 815,000 tpy (0.74
MMTA) of CO2 emissions during
The capture and geological storage of
existing GHG emissions by the project
would produce a minor beneficial
cumulative effect on a national and
global scale. The reduction in CO2
emissions resulting from the Parish
PCCS Project would incrementally
reduce the rate of GHG accumulation in
the atmosphere and help to
incrementally mitigate climate change
related to atmospheric concentrations of
Mitigation: NRG must design and
construct the Parish PCCS Project to
capture at least 90 percent of the carbon
in the fossil fuels when operating under
normal conditions, and use best efforts
to achieve at least a 90 percent capture
rate during the demonstration period.
Construction of the CO2 capture
facility, pipeline, and recycle facility
would result in negligible impacts to
geologic resources. New well
construction in the EOR area would
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result in removal of geologic media
through the drilling process. This
process would not be unique to the area
and would not affect the availability of
local geologic resources. Existing wells
used by the project would be reworked,
resulting in a potential beneficial impact
to geologic resources by reducing the
risk of leakage.
Operation of the CO2 capture facility
and pipeline would not affect geologic
resources. In the EOR area, the potential
for CO2 migration upward through the
caprock seal is considered unlikely;
however, leakage from one or more
previously plugged and abandoned
wells, oil-producing wells, injection
wells, or observation wells might occur
if any casing and/or cement placed in or
around a well were to leak. To mitigate
the potential for impacts related to
casing or annular seal issues associated
with wells in the proposed injection
area, TCV would correct deficiencies
prior to the use of such wells. These
improvements to existing wells would
result in a potential beneficial impact to
geological resources by reducing the
chance of leakage due to improperly
sealed wells.
Preliminary reservoir modeling
indicates that injected CO2 and
associated zones of increased pressure
would not be expected to migrate
laterally outside the area at the West
Ranch oil field that is leased and
operated by TCV. No known major
faults exist within the West Ranch oil
field or within the area of maximum
predicted EOR-induced impacts to
geologic formations. Therefore, the
potential for the proposed project to
increase seismic activity or for seismic
activity to impact proposed project
activities or facilities is low.
The addition of CO2 to a geologic unit
(i.e., a target geologic unit or an
overlying unit, if leakage were to occur)
could make the fluids within the unit
more acidic. The creation of potentially
more corrosive conditions could result
in increased costs for later oil and gas
development. However, DOE expects
the injection of CO2 to beneficially
impact oil and gas resources at the West
Ranch oil field by increasing production
from the target geologic units.
Furthermore, the presence of
infrastructure for CO2 floods may make
oil production from other geologic units
at the oil field more feasible, which
could result in an indirect beneficial
Mitigation: NRG must develop a CO2
monitoring plan, in coordination with
the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
(BEG) and DOE, to account for the CO2
used for EOR and ultimately
sequestered. Subsequent reports
PO 00000
Frm 00064
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
submitted to the state of Texas must also
be submitted to DOE.
Physiography and Soils
Potential minor impacts to
physiography and soils during
construction would include disturbance
of soils and the potential for increased
soil erosion from grading, soil
excavation activities, earthwork
compaction, and installation of
impermeable surfaces over soils at some
locations. At the CO2 capture facility, up
to 29 acres of soil within the plant
boundary would be disturbed or lost.
Soils in this area are classified as Prime
Farmland, but they have been
previously impacted and would not be
used for agricultural purposes. For the
proposed pipeline development, up to
1,197 acres of soils would be disturbed;
however, the disturbed areas would be
restored following construction and
overall impacts would be minimized
through use of existing ROW for most of
its length. Approximately 819 acres in
the construction ROW is classified as
Prime Farmland and approximately 43
acres classified as more than slightly
erodible (i.e., moderately to severely
erodible). In agricultural areas, impacts
to soil would be minimized by
segregating topsoil from underlying soil
and placing the topsoil back as the top
layer when the trench is filled. For the
EOR area, construction and operational
activities would be conducted in
existing operational areas; therefore,
impacts to soils would be similar to
existing impacts. Potential soil impacts
in all construction areas would be
avoided or mitigated as described in a
project-specific storm water pollution
prevention plan (SWPPP).
Operational activities associated with
the CO2 capture facility, CO2 pipeline,
and CO2 monitoring infrastructure
would be anticipated to result in
negligible impacts to soil resources,
primarily due to disturbance of soils
from vehicle traffic and an increased
potential for erosion.
Ground Water
The potential for groundwater
contamination during construction is
considered low as potential spills and
unintentional releases of wastes or
petroleum-based materials to
groundwater would be avoided or
mitigated as described in a projectspecific spill prevention, control and
countermeasures (SPCC) plan.
Operation of the CO2 capture facility
would require an additional 0.2 to 0.3
million gallons per day (mgd) of
groundwater from existing onsite wells
(an approximately 13 percent increase
as compared to current groundwater
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 100 / Thursday, May 23, 2013 / Notices
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usage rates). The existing wells at the
W.A. Parish Plant offer adequate
capacity to supply the CO2 capture
facility with potential minor impacts to
on-site groundwater supplies.
There are currently no plans to
withdraw groundwater or to discharge
directly to groundwater during
construction of the proposed pipeline.
Water supply wells near the West
Ranch oil field are not anticipated to be
affected by injected or displaced fluids
due to the relatively shallow depths of
existing groundwater supply wells as
compared to the depths of the proposed
CO2 injection wells in the Frio
Formation (approximately 5,000 to
6,200 feet bgs) and the existing
produced water injection wells in the
Catahoula Sandstone (approximately
4,250 to 4,500 feet bgs); the presence of
the approximately 400-foot-thick, lowpermeability confining caprock
formation (i.e., the Anahuac Formation)
and the approximately 2,000-foot-thick
low-permeability Burkeville confining
system; and the absence of known faults
in the EOR area.
DOE considers it unlikely that CO2
would leak from the injection zone.
However, the possibility exists for
impacts to occur to shallower geologic
units if leakage of CO2 from the
injection reservoir units occurred. As
part of the proposed CO2 monitoring
program, TCV and BEG would conduct
studies to detect migration of injected or
displaced fluids, should migration
occur, so that potential long term
impacts to groundwater resources may
be minimized or avoided.
In the EOR area, the potential for CO2
to migrate upward through fractures in
the caprock seal is considered unlikely.
However, leakage from one or more
wells might occur if any casing and/or
cement placed in or around a well
failed. TCV and BEG would conduct
well integrity testing prior to EOR
operations and TCV would correct
deficiencies prior to use of such wells
in order to mitigate the potential for
impacts. Additionally, existing wells
used by the project would be reworked.
Improvements to existing wells would
result in a potential beneficial impact to
groundwater resources by reducing the
chance of leakage due to improperly
sealed wells.
Surface Water
Construction of project-related
facilities has the potential to cause
increased sedimentation and turbidity
in adjacent water bodies and increase
the potential for surface water
contamination from material spills. A
SWPPP would be developed and
implemented to avoid or minimize
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potential impacts to surface waters
during construction activities.
Negligible impacts to the surface
water supply at the W.A. Parish Plant
would be expected due to the
approximately 12,000 gallons per day
(gpd) required during construction for
dust suppression, vehicle wash down,
and other construction-related uses.
Operation of the CO2 capture facility
(including supporting infrastructure and
facilities, such as the CT/HRSG and
cooling water tower), would require
approximately 3.5 to 4.9 mgd more
surface water from Smithers Lake than
is currently used by the W.A. Parish
Plant. Including this approximately 10
percent increase in surface water usage,
the plant would use a total of 38 to 55
mgd of surface water. Minor impacts on
surface water supplies would be
expected. NRG’s projected surface water
usage would also be well below its
current 99 mgd of surface water rights.
During construction of the proposed
pipeline, approximately 1.75 million
gallons of water would be trucked in
from outside sources or obtained from
nearby surface water. NRG must
discharge spent hydrostatic test water to
upland areas according to RRC and EPA
discharge permits and guidelines, as
applicable. Additional mitigation
measures, as identified in
communication from the Texas Parks
and Wildlife Department (TPWD) must
be employed when crossing or working
near Ecologically Significant Stream
Segments. Some of these streams will be
crossed using horizontal directional
drilling (HDD) construction techniques.
Crossings of the San Bernard River and
Caney Creek are not expected to
exacerbate existing water quality
impairments in these water bodies.
Construction-related impacts are
expected to be negligible to moderate
and temporary. Normal pipeline
operations are not expected to impact
surface waters.
Negligible to minor impacts to surface
water features at the West Ranch oil
field would be expected to occur as a
result of construction activities within
the proposed EOR area. During EOR
operations, the potential exists for a CO2
well blow-out, with some injected
material being ejected and deposited
into nearby surface waters. If that were
to occur, such effects would be highly
localized, minor, and readily
Mitigation: NRG must implement the
additional mitigation measures, e.g.,
double silt fencing, identified by the
TPWD in a March 20, 2012, letter when
crossing or working near Ecologically
Significant Stream Segments during
pipeline construction.
PO 00000
Frm 00065
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Floodplains and Wetlands
In accordance with 10 CFR Part 1022
(DOE regulations on Compliance with
Floodplain and Wetland Environmental
Review Requirements), DOE considered
the potential impacts of the proposed
project and its connected actions on
wetlands and floodplains in the affected
area. An assessment of impacts to
wetlands and floodplains is included in
the EIS. NRG selected sites and a
pipeline route that would minimize
impacts to wetlands and floodplains,
and has committed to implementing
methods designed to further reduce
impacts. Overall, the proposed project
would result in minor, direct short-term
impacts to wetlands and negligible
impacts to floodplains.
No wetlands or floodplains exist
within the area proposed for the CO2
capture facility at the W.A. Parish Plant
or within the area proposed for the CO2
recycle facility at the West Ranch oil
field. However, construction of projectrelated facilities has the potential to
cause increased sedimentation and
turbidity in adjacent wetlands and
increase the potential for contamination
from materials spills. A SWPPP utilizing
appropriate spill prevention, control
and countermeasures would be
developed and implemented to avoid or
minimize potential impacts to wetland
and floodplain areas during
construction activities, resulting in
negligible to minor impacts.
Approximately 81 acres of wetlands
would be temporarily impacted during
pipeline construction and
approximately 4 acres of wetlands may
be permanently impacted. Topsoil in
wetland areas would be segregated from
other excavated material during
trenching and returned to the surface to
promote revegetation of disturbed areas
and to restore preexisting soil
conditions. NRG plans to reduce the
width of the construction ROW in
wetland areas and/or use timber mats or
low ground pressure equipment to
minimize wetland impacts, as
appropriate. Impacts to large riverine
features and any adjacent wetlands
would be avoided through the use of
HDD methodology. Based on the current
project design and field survey data
collected to date, compensatory wetland
mitigation would likely not be required
for NRG’s proposed project by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) or
the state of Texas. At this time, DOE
anticipates that wetland impacts will
require Nationwide Permits for all
stream and water body crossings. If
conditions or plans become altered, any
changes in permitting strategy or the
need for compensatory wetland
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 100 / Thursday, May 23, 2013 / Notices
mitigation would come under the
jurisdiction of the USACE. Mitigation
requirements would be detailed as part
of the permitting process.
The pipeline route would cross
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) 100-year and 500-year
floodplains in 25 locations. DOE does
not expect that the minor, temporary
impacts from construction would reach
a level of endangering human health or
property or conflict with any state,
local, or federal floodplain ordinances
or plans. Following pipeline
installation, the construction ROW
would be returned to its original
topography to the extent practicable.
Five main line valves would be
constructed within the FEMA 100-year
floodplain in Wharton County. Changes
to the flood elevation or the flow of
water in the floodplain as a result of
these valves would be negligible. No
other aboveground facilities are planned
within floodplain areas. Additionally,
BMPs (as specified in a site-specific
SWPPP) would be implemented to
avoid or minimize potential impacts to
wetland and floodplain areas during
construction activities, resulting in
negligible to minor impacts.
During pipeline operations, a 30-foot
permanent ROW would be mowed and
maintained along the pipeline route for
pipeline inspection and maintenance
activities, which could result in minor
long-term impacts due to the potential
changes to wetland quality and function
in the approximately 31 acres of
wetlands located within the proposed
permanent ROW. Impacts to floodplains
would be minor during pipeline
DOE does not expect EOR operations
or related CO2 monitoring activities to
impact floodplains or wetlands within
the West Ranch oil field. Activities
would be conducted on existing well
pads and within existing ROWs as much
as possible.
Mitigation: NRG must implement the
mitigation techniques described above
and analyzed in the EIS, including but
not limited to reducing the construction
ROW width in wetland areas, use of
timber mats or low ground pressure
equipment, and the use of HDD to cross
sensitive areas. If compensatory wetland
mitigation becomes necessary as part of
any USACE permit, NRG must
implement additional mitigation as
required and described in the permit.
Biological Resources
Construction and operations activities
at the CO2 capture facility and EOR area
would be expected to have negligible
impacts to biological resources. Affected
habitats at these locations have been
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disturbed by past and ongoing industrial
and oil production activities. Impacts to
wildlife from construction of the
pipeline corridor would be negligible to
minor. Approximately 75 percent of the
proposed pipeline corridor would be
constructed within or immediately
adjacent to existing mowed and
maintained utility corridors. Also,
approximately 60 percent of the
pipeline corridor is currently in
agricultural use, which is of limited use
to wildlife. The pipeline route was
chosen to minimize the overall effect to
wildlife and fragmentation of wildlife
habitat. Construction activities,
including land clearing, would cause a
negligible loss of wildlife habitat. The
potential would exist for invasive
species to colonize newly disturbed
areas following construction, which
could result in long-term moderate
adverse impacts to biological resources.
Except in cultivated fields or unless
requested by the landowner, NRG
would revegetate areas of disturbed soil
along the pipeline construction ROW
following construction with an
appropriate mix of seeds for perennial
grasses and forbs native to the area or
with a seed mixture requested by the
landowner to reduce the potential for
establishment of invasive plant species.
Depending on the season in which
construction is completed, NRG may
also seed with a cold-weather annual
grass species, such as Gulf Coast
ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), to
establish a temporary vegetative cover
until conditions become favorable for
growth of perennial grasses and forbs.
One active bald eagle nest was
observed during field surveys in the
ROI. The proposed pipeline route has
been located approximately one mile
from this nest, thus avoiding any
One state-listed threatened mussel
species (smooth pimpleback, Quadrula
houstonensis) was observed during field
surveys in the ROI. This species has also
been proposed for federal listing.
Impacts to this mussel species, and
mussel habitat in general, would be
avoided by using HDD and by careful
placement of temporary water intakes
and discharges at this location.
Similarly, HDD methodology will be
employed at other river crossing
locations classified as Ecologically
Significant Stream Segments by the state
of Texas.
NRG would limit land-clearing
activities in previously undisturbed
areas to periods outside of migratory
birds’ nesting seasons, to the extent
practicable, to minimize the potential
for impacts to migratory birds. If
clearing vegetation during the nesting
PO 00000
Frm 00066
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
season or whooping crane migration
period is unavoidable, previously
undisturbed areas within the
construction area would be surveyed
prior to construction to verify that
whooping cranes or nests with eggs or
young would not be disturbed by
construction activities. The proposed
pipeline corridor would cross the
whooping crane migratory pathway.
Any areas being temporarily used by
whooping cranes during its migration at
the time of construction must be
avoided until the cranes have left the
Mitigation: NRG must continue
consultation with the TPWD to
minimize potential impacts on statelisted mussel species at pipeline
crossings at larger rivers. As described
in the EIS, HDD methods must be
employed at these and other crossings,
with appropriate actions taken to locate
soil borings and temporary water
intakes and discharges to minimize
impacts to nearby mussel beds. If
mussel relocations become necessary,
NRG must coordinate its efforts with the
NRG must avoid ground disturbing
activities during migratory birds’
nesting and breeding seasons to protect
species protected by the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act. If this is not practicable, a
qualified biologist must survey
potentially affected areas prior to
ground disturbing activities and
determine the appropriate actions
needed to avoid impacts.
During the whooping crane migration
period (late March to early April; and
late October to mid-December), if
whooping cranes are observed in areas
planned for pipeline construction, NRG
must temporarily suspend activities in
those immediate areas until the cranes
NRG, in coordination with DOE, must
continue consultation with the TPWD
and should request technical assistance
from the USFWS if project changes
require additional disturbance at new
locations. This may occur if the
currently proposed pipeline route needs
to be altered or for other unforeseen
areas of ground disturbance not
included in the EIS. NRG must complete
any additional surveys and identified
mitigation prior to construction in those
NRG must revegetate disturbed areas
using methods approved by the state of
Texas and with coordination with land
Cultural Resources
The THC identified the following
Native American Tribes that may have
an interest in activities in the proposed
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 100 / Thursday, May 23, 2013 / Notices
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project area: The Alabama-Coushatta
Tribe of Texas, the Apache Tribe of
Oklahoma, the Comanche Nation of
Oklahoma, the Coushatta Tribe of
Louisiana, the Kiowa Indian Tribe of
Oklahoma, the Mescalero Apache Tribe
of the Mescalero Reservation, the
Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma,
and the Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of
Louisiana. DOE sent letters to these
tribes, and only the Coushatta Tribe of
Louisiana responded. The Coushatta
Tribe of Louisiana concurred with
DOE’s findings of ‘‘no historical
properties affected.’’
DOE determined, and the THC has
concurred, that no impacts to historic
properties listed, or eligible for listing,
in the Nation Register of Historic Places
(NRHP) would be expected from
construction or operational activities for
the CO2 capture facility or EOR areas.
Additionally, based on cultural
resources survey data collected to date,
DOE has determined that no historic
properties listed, or eligible for listing,
in the NRHP would be impacted by the
construction and operation of the
proposed pipeline. Additional
investigation activities (i.e., mechanized
trenching) found no deeply buried
archaeological deposits at HDD entry
and exit locations near several proposed
river crossings. DOE submitted its
findings regarding pipeline corridor
surveys to the THC for review, and
consultation with the THC is ongoing.
Mitigation: NRG, in coordination with
DOE, must continue consultation with
the Texas Historical Commission (State
Historical Preservation Office) for areas
not previously surveyed for cultural
resources. This may occur if the
currently proposed pipeline route needs
to be altered or for other unforeseen
areas of ground disturbance not
included in the EIS. NRG must complete
any additional surveys prior to
construction in those areas.
Land Use and Aesthetics
The proposed construction and
operation of the CO2 capture facility at
the W.A. Parish Plant and CO2
monitoring infrastructure at the West
Ranch oil field is consistent with
existing land use and would result in
negligible to minor impacts.
Construction of the proposed CO2
pipeline would temporarily impact
approximately 386 acres of agricultural
lands, but no permanent loss of
agricultural lands would occur. Less
than 0.3 acres would be converted for
aboveground pipeline facilities (one
meter station and 12 main line valves).
Impacts to aesthetic values would be
negligible at the CO2 capture facility and
EOR field as the existing aesthetic
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character would generally remain
unchanged. Along the proposed CO2
pipeline route, minor to moderate
aesthetic impacts to adjacent property
owners would occur in some locations
due to construction noise, truck traffic,
fugitive dust emissions, and vegetation
clearing. Operational aesthetic impacts
would be negligible to minor and would
be related to placement of pipeline
markers, periodic vegetation clearing,
and other maintenance activities.
The impact of lighting during
construction would be temporary and
minor. The impact of lighting for
operations at the proposed CO2 capture
facility, the CO2 monitoring facilities,
and the pipeline meter station would be
negligible to minor as lighting would be
consistent with existing operations.
Lighting along the pipeline would be
limited to the meter station. Meter
station lighting would be down shielded
to avoid interference with wildlife,
which would result in minor impacts.
Mitigation: NRG must install downshielded lighting for permanent light
needs wherever possible.
Traffic and Transportation
A temporary increase in traffic during
construction (up to 1,100 workers) is
expected and would be easily
accommodated by the existing road
systems with only minor temporary
disruptions. Continuing operation of the
W.A. Parish Plant, the pipeline, and the
West Ranch oil field would have
negligible effects as a relatively small
number of commuting employees (10 to
15) would be added as well as a
relatively small amount of additional
material deliveries.
Construction of the CO2 capture
facility would result an estimated 0.3 dB
increase over existing noise levels for
nearby receptors (i.e., nearby residential
areas), which is below the threshold of
human perception. Increased truck
traffic during daytime hours may result
in minor, short-term noise impacts
along transportation corridors.
Residences within 500 to 1,000 feet of
pipeline construction would experience
a short-term increase in ambient noise
and vibrations from construction
activity. Receptors near HDD locations
could experience elevated temporary
ambient noise levels as high as 78 dBA.
Overall, noise and vibrations would
result in minor to moderate impacts to
receptors, depending on the distance
from the receptor to the construction
area. Construction and operations at the
West Ranch oil field would result in an
estimated 0.8 dB increase over existing
noise levels for nearby individuals (i.e.,
PO 00000
Frm 00067
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
in Vanderbilt), which is below the
threshold of human perception,
resulting in negligible to minor impacts
to receptors.
Materials and Waste Management
Construction materials, equipment
and supplies are readily available
within the ROI and quantities required
to support the proposed project are
expected to be well within the capacity
of material suppliers. Some specialized
equipment may be required from
outside the ROI; however, it is expected
that this equipment would also be
within existing supplier capacities. As a
result, impacts to regional and national
construction material resources and
special equipment suppliers would be
The W.A. Parish Plant is currently a
conditionally exempt small quantity
generator and generates approximately
200 pounds of hazardous waste per
year. During operations, the generation
of approximately 2,712 pounds per day
of reclaimer effluent, a hazardous
material, would cause the plant to be
classified as a large quantity generator.
Approximately 24 shipments of
reclaimer effluent would be sent to a
permitted treatment, storage and
disposal facility (TSDF) per year. The
amounts sent for disposal would not
substantially affect the capacities of the
TSDF selected.
Adequate non-hazardous solid waste
disposal capacity exists within the ROI.
Based on the over 20 million tons of
capacity available in regional waste
disposal facilities and the relatively low
volumes of solid waste that would be
generated by the proposed project (e.g.,
up to approximately 60 tons per year
from the CO2 capture facility), adequate
regional capacity exists for solid waste
disposal with negligible impacts to
waste management service providers.
Human Health and Safety
The potential for worker injuries and
fatalities would be present during the
construction of the proposed CO2
capture facility, CO2 pipeline, and CO2
monitoring infrastructure. Based on
historical records for related industries,
no worker fatalities would be expected.
During facility operation, workers could
be subject to physical and chemical
hazards, which would be typical of
those associated with similar power
plant, pipeline, and oil field operations.
An estimated nine to 12 OSHA
recordable incidents would be
anticipated during project construction
based on national incidence rates for
comparable industries.
A human health risk assessment was
performed for the EIS to analyze the
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 100 / Thursday, May 23, 2013 / Notices
potential health and safety impacts
associated with CO2 and amine releases
from proposed project components. The
potential for CO2 pipeline ruptures or
punctures is considered to be unlikely.
The upper bound impact from a
pipeline release of CO2 would be
transient and reversible effects for up to
12 people. More severe impacts would
affect less than one person for all other
pipeline release scenarios. If a release
were to occur with workers present, the
workers would likely experience the
physical effects of an accident or a
higher concentration exposure to CO2
than the surrounding population.
Potential exposure would be limited
because the pipeline would be buried
underground. Additionally, NRG plans
to install 12 main line valves to stop the
release of CO2 should a puncture or
rupture occur. These valves, along with
pipeline pressure monitoring
equipment, would be linked to the CO2
capture system operations control room,
which would be staffed at all times
when the system is in operation. In the
event of a pressure drop indicating a
pipeline rupture, the control room
operator would shut down the system
and remotely activate the main line
valves to prevent further damage to the
pipeline and minimize impacts to
people in the surrounding area and the
The potential for release of CO2 from
the EOR area is considered to range
from unlikely to incredible (i.e.,
extremely unlikely), with less than one
person affected for all release scenarios.
In the extremely unlikely occurrence of
an injection well blowout, the main
adverse outcome would be the potential
for ejection of CO2, possibly as dry ice
particles, and formation fluids from the
wellhead. Effects would be expected to
be localized to the area around the
affected wellhead and events of this
type would be avoided or minimized by
incorporating high pressure piping,
overpressure protection valves, and
blowout preventers into the design of
the injection wells. A leak of aminebased solvent from a storage tank was
also evaluated. Such a release would be
unlikely and effects would be confined
to the plant property. No nearby
residents or the general public in the
vicinity of the plant would be affected.
Plant workers would need to take
appropriate response actions, since lifethreatening concentrations of the
solvent in air could occur within the
plant site to a distance of 0.3 miles from
the release. No nearby residents or other
individuals in the vicinity of the plant
would be affected beyond mild irritation
if an amine-based solvent tank release
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occurred, although an odor may be
detectable depending on wind
The construction and operations
phases of the proposed project would
increase demand for potable and
industrial water; and wastewater
treatment services. Construction-related
impacts to water supplies would be
short term and negligible to minor.
Construction-related impacts to
wastewater treatment would be
negligible. Operations impacts to water
supplies would be negligible.
Operations of the CO2 capture facility
would result in negligible impacts to the
natural gas supply as compared to
existing use (i.e., much less than 1
percent of the current maximum usage).
EOR operations may require
additional natural gas supply and
electricity, which may result in minor
impacts to the local utility
infrastructure. Beneficial impacts to oil
supplies would be provided in the long
term as a result of increased production
of oil in the ROI as a result of EOR
into additional revenues for the State of
Texas, even after taking into account the
tax exemptions related to use of CO2
from anthropogenic sources for EOR.
Community Services
A temporary workforce of up to 1,100
workers would be required for
construction of the proposed project.
Long-term operation of the project
would require up to 20 new employees.
Many of these workers are expected to
be employed from within the ROI.
Negligible impacts on community
services would be expected due to a
relatively small population increase
during the construction and operation
phases of the Parish PCCS Project.
Existing community services (i.e., law
enforcement, emergency response,
hospitals, and education) are expected
to be adequate to address the needs of
the population in the ROI, including
project personnel.
Environmental Justice
Three census tracts in the ROI qualify
as minority environmental justice areas
of concern using the threshold of 50
percent minority in the corresponding
county. However, the proposed project
is not expected to have
disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental impacts
on minority populations. The overall
impacts of the proposed project would
be negligible or minor, depending on
the resource area evaluated, and would
not be directed at any particular
minority group. Significant or adverse
impacts on potential environmental
justice areas of concern would not
occur. In addition, the proposed project
is expected to create economic benefits
for local communities, regardless of
race, by generating employment
opportunities, local expenditures by
workers, and compensation for
proposed project-related easements to
local landowners. Mitigation measures
for resource areas impacted have been
identified to further reduce
environmental impacts and adhere to
policies and regulations for the
protection of the environment and local
public health. Therefore, the proposed
project would not create
disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental impacts
on minority populations during
construction or operation.
Because there is no low-income
population in the ROI to be affected,
there would be no adverse
environmental justice impacts
associated with the proposed project.
However, DOE expects the proposed
project would create economic benefits
for local communities during
construction and operation.
The project would be expected to
contribute minor, long-term, beneficial
impacts on the local economy and
employment activities, as well as taxes
and revenue through increased
employment opportunities and
expenditures in the local economy.
Housing demand may increase slightly
during construction if a portion of the
1,100 construction workers temporarily
relocate to the area; however, this would
be a negligible, short-term effect. TCV
estimates that using CO2 floods (i.e.,
EOR), the West Ranch oil field could
produce an additional 55 to 75 million
barrels of oil. This projected increase in
oil production would translate directly
Potential Environmental Impacts of the
No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, DOE
assumed the only development at the
facility would be the construction and
operation of a natural gas-fired turbine
at the W.A. Parish Plant that would
begin operation in 2013. The impacts
under the no-action alternative (i.e. no
development) were evaluated in the EIS
and compared to the proposed action.
Under the no-action alternative, the
W.A. Parish Plant, pipeline corridor,
and the EOR area at the West Ranch oil
field would remain in their current
condition with respect to the following:
Geologic resources; physiography and
soils; groundwater resources; surface
PO 00000
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sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 100 / Thursday, May 23, 2013 / Notices
waters; wetlands and floodplains;
biological resources; cultural resources;
land use and aesthetic resources; noise;
material use and waste generation;
human health and safety; community
services; and environmental justice.
Construction and operation of a
natural gas-fired turbine at the W.A.
Parish Plant under the no-action
alternative would be a new source with
emissions of criteria pollutants and
GHG. The criteria pollutant emissions
associated with the facility are
estimated to be: 102.1 tpy of CO, 37.6
tpy of NOX, 75.1 tpy of PM10, 71.7 tpy
of PM2.5, 6.9 tpy of SO2, and 12.88 tpy
of VOC. These potential emission
increases were evaluated by TCEQ, and
are authorized in the permit that it
issued on December 21, 2012. The GHG
emissions associated with the turbine
are estimated to be: 582,328 tpy of CO2,
2.44 tpy of H2SO4, and 34.2 tpy of NH3.
Since there will be no emission
reductions to offset the emission
increases from the turbine; there would
be an overall increase in GHG
emissions. These GHG emission
increases would have to be authorized
under a PSD permit from the EPA.
There would also be no commercialscale demonstration of advanced coalbased power generation technologies to
capture CO2 for EOR and ultimate
Construction of the natural gas-fired
turbine at the W.A. Parish Plant would
temporarily increase traffic during
construction (up to 100 workers), but
would be easily accommodated by the
existing road systems with only minor
temporary disruptions. The personnel
employed during construction of the
turbine would result in minor shortterm beneficial impacts by consumption
of goods and services. Construction of
the natural gas-fired turbine would
likely result in a moderate, beneficial
impact to taxes and revenue within the
The construction and operations
phases of the natural gas-fired turbine
would increase demand for potable and
industrial water; and wastewater
treatment services. Construction-related
impacts to water supplies would be
short term and negligible to minor.
Construction-related impacts to
wastewater treatment would be
negligible. Operations impacts to water
supplies would be negligible.
Operations of the turbine would result
in negligible impacts to the natural gas
supply as compared to existing use (i.e.,
much less than 1 percent of the current
maximum usage). The turbine would
supply electricity that would be
available for commercial sale through
the power grid, and would be a
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:14 May 22, 2013
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beneficial impact until the electricity
and steam are needed for the capture
Environmentally Preferred Alternative
From a local perspective, the noaction alternative is the environmentally
preferable alternative because it would
result in no changes to the existing
environmental conditions, with the
exception of the natural gas-fired
turbine, which NRG has begun
constructing and plans to operate with
or without DOE funding. However, from
a national perspective, DOE’s proposed
action is the environmentally preferred
alternative. Successful demonstration of
the proposed project could facilitate the
deployment of carbon capture,
utilization and storage (sequestration)
practices at power plants and other
industrial facilities in an effort to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions that would
otherwise occur with the continued
combustion of fossil fuels, especially
coal, from large stationary sources.
Issued in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on this
8th of May 2013.
Anthony V. Cugini,
Director, National Energy Technology
[FR Doc. 2013–12280 Filed 5–22–13; 8:45 am]
Environmental Management SiteSpecific Advisory Board, Idaho
National Laboratory
Department of Energy.
Notice of open meeting.
SUMMARY: This notice announces a
meeting of the Environmental
Management Site-Specific Advisory
Board (EM SSAB), Idaho National
Laboratory. The Federal Advisory
Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, 86 Stat.
770) requires that public notice of this
meeting be announced in the Federal
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:00
a.m.–5:00 p.m.
The opportunities for public comment
will be at 9:45 a.m. and 2:45 p.m.
These times are subject to change;
please contact the Federal Coordinator
(below) for confirmation of times prior
to the meeting.
ADDRESSES: Hilton Garden Inn, 700
Lindsay Boulevard, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Robert L. Pence, Federal Coordinator,
Department of Energy, Idaho Operations
Office, 1955 Fremont Avenue, MS–
PO 00000
Frm 00069
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
1203, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415. Phone
(208) 526–6518; Fax (208) 526–8789 or
email: or visit the
Board’s Internet home page at: https://
Purpose of the Board: The purpose of
the Board is to make recommendations
to DOE–EM and site management in the
areas of environmental restoration,
waste management, and related
Tentative Topics (agenda topics may
change up to the day of the meeting;
please contact Robert L. Pence for the
most current agenda):
• Recent Public Involvement
• Idaho Cleanup Project Progress to
• Sodium Bearing Waste Treatment
Plant Update
• Results of Remote-Handled
Transuranic Waste Negotiations with
the State
• Discuss Hanford Cleanup Issues—
Hanford 101
• National Transportation Stakeholders’
• Waste Isolation Pilot Plant 101
Public Participation: The EM SSAB,
Idaho National Laboratory, welcomes
the attendance of the public at its
advisory committee meetings and will
make every effort to accommodate
persons with physical disabilities or
special needs. If you require special
accommodations due to a disability,
please contact Robert L. Pence at least
seven days in advance of the meeting at
the phone number listed above. Written
statements may be filed with the Board
either before or after the meeting.
Individuals who wish to make oral
presentations pertaining to agenda items
should contact Robert L. Pence at the
address or telephone number listed
above. The request must be received five
days prior to the meeting and reasonable
provision will be made to include the
presentation in the agenda. The Deputy
Designated Federal Officer is
empowered to conduct the meeting in a
fashion that will facilitate the orderly
conduct of business. Individuals
wishing to make public comments will
be provided a maximum of five minutes
to present their comments.
Minutes: Minutes will be available by
writing or calling Robert L. Pence,
Federal Coordinator, at the address and
phone number listed above. Minutes
will also be available at the following
Web site:
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 100 (Thursday, May 23, 2013)]
[Pages 30901-30910]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-12280]
Record of Decision and Wetland/Floodplain Statement of Findings
for the W.A. Parish Post-Combustion CO2 Capture and Sequestration
AGENCY: Department of Energy.
ACTION: Record of Decision.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announces its decision to
provide cost-shared funding to NRG Energy, Inc. (NRG) for the W.A.
Parish Post-Combustion CO2 Capture and Sequestration Project
(Parish PCCS Project) under DOE's Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI)
Program. DOE prepared an environmental impact statement (EIS) to
evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with DOE's
proposed action of providing financial assistance for the Parish PCCS
Project. The EIS also evaluated the impacts associated with
construction and operation of the proposed Parish PCCS Project, as
submitted by NRG. DOE's proposed action is to provide limited financial
assistance through a cooperative agreement with NRG for a new post-
combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and compression
system that would be added to Unit 8 of the existing W.A. Parish power
plant, with the captured CO2 piped to the West Ranch oil
field for use in enhanced oil recovery (EOR).
ADDRESSES: The EIS and this Record of Decision (ROD) are available on
DOE's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Web site at and on the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory
(NETL) Web site at Copies of these documents may also be obtained by
contacting Mr. Lusk, NEPA Document Manager, U.S. Department of Energy,
National Energy Technology Laboratory, 3610 Collins Ferry Road,
Morgantown, WV 26507-0880; telephone, 304-285-4145; or email:
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To obtain additional information about
the project or the EIS, contact Mr. Mark W. Lusk at the address
provided above. For general information on DOE's NEPA process, contact
Ms. Carol M. Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
(GC-54), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585; telephone: 202-586-4600; or leave a toll free
message at 1-800-472-2756.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: DOE prepared this ROD pursuant to the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 United States Code
[U.S.C.] 4321 et seq.), and in compliance with the Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ) implementing regulations for NEPA (40 Code
of Federal Regulations [CFR] parts 1500 through 1508) and DOE's NEPA
implementing procedures (10 CFR part 1021) and DOE's Compliance with
Floodplain and Wetland Environmental Review regulations (10 CFR Part
1022). This ROD is based on DOE's EIS for the W.A. Parish Post-
Combustion CO2 Capture and Sequestration Project (DOE/EIS-
0473, February 2013) and other program considerations.
Background and Purpose and Need for Agency Action
Public Law 107-63, enacted in November 2001, first provided funding
for the CCPI program, a federal program to accelerate the commercial
readiness of advanced technologies in existing and new coal-based power
plants. The program encompasses a broad spectrum of commercial-scale
demonstrations that target today's most pressing environmental
challenges, including reducing mercury and greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. When integrated with other DOE initiatives, the program will
help the nation successfully commercialize advanced power systems to
produce electricity at greater efficiencies, release almost no
[[Page 30902]]
emissions, create fuels, and employ CO2 management
The purpose of DOE's proposed action under the CCPI program is to
meet program goals by providing cost-shared funding for this proposed
project to demonstrate the feasibility of advanced coal-based
technologies at a commercial scale that capture and geologically
sequester CO2 emissions. The principal need addressed by
DOE's proposed action is to satisfy the responsibility Congress imposed
on DOE to demonstrate advanced coal-based technologies that can
generate clean, reliable, and affordable electricity in the United
States Successful commercial-scale demonstration of amine-based carbon
capture technology at NRG's W.A. Parish Plant with beneficial use of
the CO2 at an existing oil field would also generate
technical, environmental, and financial data from the design,
construction, and integrated operation of the CO2 capture
facility, pipeline, EOR, and CO2 monitoring facilities at
the oil field. These data would be used to evaluate whether the
deployed technologies could be effectively and economically implemented
at a commercial scale.
NEPA Process
DOE formally initiated the NEPA process by publishing a Notice of
Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS in the Federal Register (FR) on November
14, 2011, under Docket ID No. FR Doc. 2011-29333; (76 FR 70429). DOE
conducted a scoping process that included two public scoping meetings
and consultation with interested governmental agencies and
stakeholders. DOE held public scoping meetings on November 30, 2011, in
Needville, Texas, and December 1, 2011, in Edna, Texas. The public
scoping period ended on December 15, 2011, after a 30-day opportunity
to submit comments. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and DOE
both published a notice of availability (NOA) for the draft EIS on
September 21, 2012. DOE's NOA (77 FR 58533) also announced its plans
for two public hearings. Public hearings on the draft EIS were held in
Thompsons, Texas, on October 10, 2012, and Edna, Texas, on October 11,
DOE received one verbal comment on the draft EIS at the two public
hearings and listened to questions and concerns during informal
sessions before the hearings. During the 45-day public comment period,
which ended November 5, 2012, DOE received comment letters from the
Department of Interior, EPA, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department. Comments included concerns about: (1) Use of coal as fuel
for electricity generation; (2) use of nitrogen dioxide
(NO2) emission credits to offset volatile organic carbon
(VOC) emissions; (3) use of horizontal directional drilling to cross
under waterways; (4) mitigation of wetland impacts; (5) impacts on
state or global rare plant communities; (6) adequacy of the
environmental justice analysis; (7) mitigation measures for
construction-related emissions; (8) impacts on threatened and
endangered species, including whooping cranes; (9) impacts to nesting
bald eagles; (10) protection of freshwater mussel species; and (11)
impacts on migratory birds. EPA rated the draft EIS as LO--``Lack of
DOE distributed the final EIS during the last week of February
2013. The U.S. EPA published a NOA in the FR on March 8, 2013, (75 FR
28612). In the final EIS, DOE updated project information, refined
analyses, and responded to comments on the draft EIS. DOE received no
comments on the final EIS.
DOE has decided to provide NRG with $167 million in cost-shared
funding for its proposed project through a cooperative agreement under
DOE's CCPI program. The project and its potential environmental
impacts, as analyzed in the EIS, and required mitigation measures are
described below.
Basis of Decision
DOE based its decision on the importance of achieving the
objectives of the CCPI program and a careful review of the potential
environmental impacts presented in the EIS. The proposed project would
help DOE meet its congressionally mandated mission to support advanced
clean-coal technology projects. Post-combustion CO2 capture
offers the greatest near-term potential for reducing power sector
CO2 emissions because it can be used to retrofit existing
coal-based power plants and can also be tuned for various levels of
CO2 capture, which may accelerate market acceptance. A
successful commercial-scale demonstration of amine-based carbon capture
technology at NRG's W.A. Parish Plant with beneficial use of the
CO2 at an existing oil field would also generate technical,
environmental, and financial data from the design, construction, and
operation of the CO2 capture facility, pipeline, and
CO2 monitoring facilities at the oil field. The data would
be used to help DOE evaluate whether the deployed technologies could be
effectively and economically implemented at a commercial scale.
This decision incorporates all practicable means to avoid or
minimize environmental harm. DOE plans to verify the environmental
impacts predicted in the EIS and the implementation of appropriate
avoidance and mitigation measures.
DOE's decision incorporates measures to avoid or minimize adverse
environmental impacts during the design, construction and operation of
the project. DOE requires that recipients of financial assistance
comply with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental
laws, orders, and regulations. During project planning, NRG
incorporated various mitigation measures and anticipated permit
requirements into its project, and the analyses completed for the EIS
assumed that such measures would be implemented. These measures are
identified in Chapter 4 of the EIS, described as needed in each
resource section of Chapter 3, and incorporated into this ROD as
conditions for DOE's financial assistance under the cooperative
agreement between DOE and NRG. Additional mitigation measures or
measures specific to certain impacts or comments received are further
discussed below in the section entitled Potential Environmental Impacts
and Mitigation Measures.
Mitigation measures beyond those typically specified in permit
conditions will be addressed in a Mitigation Action Plan (MAP). DOE
will prepare the MAP, consistent with 10 CFR 1021.331, to establish how
the mitigation measures will be planned, implemented, and monitored.
The MAP will be an adaptive management tool; therefore mitigation
conditions in it would be removed if equivalent conditions are
otherwise established by permit, license, or law. Compliance with
permit, license or regulatory requirements is not considered mitigation
subject to DOE control and would therefore not be included in a MAP.
DOE will ensure that commitments in the MAP are met through
management of its cooperative agreement with NRG, which requires that
NRG fulfill the monitoring and mitigation requirements specified in
this ROD. DOE will make copies of the MAP available for inspection in
the appropriate locations for a reasonable time. Copies of the MAP and
any annual reports required by the MAP will also be available upon
written request.
[[Page 30903]]
Project Description and Location
The Parish PCCS Project would result in the construction and
operation of a CO2 capture facility utilizing an advanced
amine-based absorption technology to capture at least 90 percent
(approximately 1.6 million tons) of CO2 annually from a flue
gas slipstream taken from Unit 8 at the W.A. Parish Plant. This
existing power plant is located on 4,880 acres in rural Fort Bend
County within the incorporated area of the town of Thompsons, Texas. Up
to 5,475 tons per day of captured CO2 would be dried,
compressed, and transported via a newly constructed approximately 81-
mile long pipeline to the West Ranch oil field where it would be used
in EOR operations. The four primary components of the project are:
(1) CO2 Capture Facility--A post-combustion
CO2 capture facility would be constructed and attached to
Unit 8 at the existing W.A. Parish Plant in Fort Bend County, Texas. A
new 80-MW natural gas-fired turbine, currently under construction at
the plant site, would produce the auxiliary electricity and steam
needed by the CO2 capture system.
(2) CO2 Pipeline--Captured CO2 would be
transported via a new, approximately 81-mile-long, 12-inch-diameter
pipeline to the West Ranch oil field, located near Vanderbilt, Texas,
in Jackson County. The pipeline route crosses mostly rural and
sparsely-developed agricultural lands in Fort Bend, Wharton, and
Jackson Counties. NRG plans to use existing mowed and maintained
utility ROWs to the extent practicable to minimize environmental
impacts and avoid sensitive resources. A joint venture between NRG and
Hillcorp Energy Company (HEC), known as Texas Coastal Ventures LLC
(TCV), would operate the pipeline.
(3) EOR Operations--The proposed project would deliver up to 1.6
million tons of CO2 per year to the West Ranch oil field for
its use in EOR. The CO2 would be injected into the 98-A, 41-
A, Glasscock, and Greta sand units of the Frio Formation, approximately
5,000 to 6,300 feet below ground surface (bgs). The portions of the oil
field in which EOR operations would be conducted are currently owned or
leased by TCV. HEC has been contracted to conduct the EOR operations.
TCV plans to make additional investments outside of the DOE funded
program to modernize and prepare the oil field to safely accept
CO2 injection, but the activities are included in this
project description because they are integrated into the project
concept and considered connected actions.
(4) CO2 Monitoring Program--TCV would implement a
program to monitor the injection and migration of CO2 within
the geologic formations at the EOR site based on a CO2
Monitoring Plan developed in cooperation with the Texas Bureau of
Economic Geology (BEG). The monitoring program would be established and
operated in accordance with requirements of the CCPI program and
Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) regulations for certification of
CO2 storage related to EOR operations (i.e., as specified in
16 TAC 5.305) and provisions of underground injection control permits
for injection wells at the West Ranch oil field (i.e., existing permits
for existing injection wells and new permits that would be required for
newly installed injection wells).
The W.A. Parish Plant occupies an industrial area located next to
relatively undeveloped lands. Scattered ranches and residences are
located to the east and southwest, and Smithers Lake (a 2,430-acre man-
made water body used for plant cooling water) is located to the north.
The proposed CO2 capture facility would have a footprint of
approximately 400 feet by 400 feet (3.3 acres) within the existing W.A.
Parish Plant. Including the CO2 capture facility, the
combustion turbine and heat recovery steam generator (CT/HRSG) area,
two large laydown areas, and other project areas, a total of
approximately 29 acres within the existing plant boundaries would be
used during construction. Construction of the proposed project is
planned to begin in mid-2013, at the earliest, and would take
approximately 24 months to complete. Within the existing plant site, up
to 22 acres of land would be required for two temporary construction
staging and laydown areas for storage of materials and equipment.
Construction materials and equipment would be delivered by truck and
rail. The number of workers would vary during the two-year construction
period, ranging from 250 to 600 during the various phases of
construction and averaging approximately 300 personnel. The largest
demand for construction workers would likely occur approximately six
months after the start of construction, when approximately 600
construction workers would be on site. Construction water needs would
be supplied by the existing plant's water system. Electricity would be
provided by on-site maintenance power sources or by new metered service
from a local retail provider. Potential construction-related
environmental impacts would be typical of those associated with a large
industrial construction project and would primarily be related to air
emissions, construction traffic, fugitive dust from disturbance, and
storm water runoff from construction areas. Best management practices
(BMPs) would be implemented and all necessary permits would be obtained
to minimize potential impacts and to comply with regulatory
requirements during construction. For the purposes of this EIS, DOE
assumes the CO2 capture system would continue to operate for
20 years. The capture facility and associated equipment installed as
part of the project would require an increase of approximately 15 full-
time personnel divided among shifts (i.e., an increase of approximately
4 percent over current conditions). Also, up to five additional new
positions may be required at the plant.
During operation of the project, process-related chemicals would be
transported to the W.A. Parish Plant either by truck or rail. In
addition to regulatory requirements, NRG would follow the chemical
suppliers' recommendations and procedures in storing and handling all
DOE's Proposed Action
DOE's proposed action is to provide $167 million in cost-shared
funding through a cooperative agreement with NRG for its proposed
project. DOE has already provided $7 million to NRG under Phase I for
preliminary design and related preliminary activities of the project,
as described above. The estimated total project cost is $845 million.
Congress directed DOE to pursue the goals of the CCPI program by
means of partial funding of projects owned and controlled by non-
federal sponsors. This statutory requirement places DOE in a much more
limited role than if it were the owner and operator of the project.
Here, the purpose of, and need for, DOE action is defined by the CCPI
program (and its enabling legislation, Pub. L. 107-63). Given these
programmatic purposes and needs, reasonable alternatives available to
DOE prior to the selection of this project under the CCPI program were
other projects that met the eligibility requirements. Other
applications (and their potential environmental, safety, and health
impacts) were considered during the selection process. Pursuant to 10
CFR 1021.216, a publicly-available synopsis of the environmental review
and critique completed for the selection process has been included as
Appendix A of the EIS.
[[Page 30904]]
The alternatives considered by DOE were limited to the applications
submitted to DOE in response to requirements specified in the CCPI
Round 3 solicitation. DOE considered all the applications that met the
mandatory eligibility requirements as expressed in the funding
opportunity announcement. DOE's action concerning these applications
was to decide which projects would receive DOE financial assistance
from among the eligible applications submitted. Unlike a project owned
by DOE, when projects are selected in a competitive process in response
to a funding opportunity announcement, DOE does not make decisions
concerning the location, layout, design, or other features of the
project. In other words, DOE must select among the eligible projects
submitted to DOE by the applicants. DOE's initial decision is to select
projects to receive federal financial assistance for a project
definition phase prior to DOE's decision on whether to fund the
project's construction and operation.
After DOE selects a project for an award, the range of reasonable
alternatives becomes the project as proposed by the applicant, any
alternatives still under consideration by the applicant, and the no-
action alternative.
No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, DOE would not provide cost-shared
funding for the proposed W.A. Parish PCCS Project. In the absence of
DOE cost-shared funding, NRG could still elect to construct and operate
the proposed project. Therefore, under the DOE no-action alternative,
DOE assumes the proposed project would not be built or it would be
built by NRG without the benefit of DOE funding.
DOE assumes that if NRG proceeded with project development in the
absence of DOE funding, the project would include the features,
attributes, and impacts as described for the proposed project. However,
without DOE's participation, it is possible that the project would be
canceled. Therefore, for the purposes of analysis in this EIS, DOE's
no-action alternative is defined as the no-build alternative. This
means that the project would not be built and environmental conditions
would not change from the current baseline (i.e., no new construction,
resource use, or CO2 capture and storage would occur).
Therefore, under the no-action alternative, the project
technologies (i.e., large-scale CO2 capture and geologic
storage) may not be implemented in the near term. Consequently, timely
commercialization of these technologies for large-scale, coal-fired
electric generation facilities would be postponed and may not be
realized. This scenario would not contribute to the CCPI goals to
invest in the demonstration of advanced coal-based power generation
technologies that capture and sequester, CO2 emissions.
While the no-action alternative would not satisfy the purpose and need
for DOE's proposed action, this alternative was retained for comparison
to the effects of the proposed project, as required under CEQ
Regulations (40 CFR 15012.14). The no-action alternative reflects the
current baseline condition and serves as a benchmark against which the
effects of the proposed action can be evaluated.
NRG has begun construction and plans to operate certain individual
project components such as the natural gas-fired turbine without DOE
funding for other purposes not related to the Parish PCCS project. The
construction of the natural gas-fired turbine would not be part of the
cooperative agreement with DOE. This facility would begin operation in
2013 and would provide peaking power unrelated to the Parish PCCS
Project. At a later date, possibly 2015, the natural gas-fired turbine
would be used to power the compressors of the carbon capture facility.
This would result in a variation of the no-action alternative that
would have minor environmental impacts, primarily in the area of air
quality. If NRG decided to pursue the project without DOE funding,
potential impacts would be similar to those evaluated under DOE's
proposed action.
Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
In making its decision, DOE considered the environmental impacts of
NRG's proposed project, DOE's proposed action, and the no-action
alternative on potentially affected environmental resource areas. These
included: Air quality and climate; greenhouse gas emissions; geology;
physiography and soils; surface waters; ground water; floodplains;
wetlands; biological resources; cultural resources; land use;
aesthetics; traffic; transportation; noise; materials and waste
management; human health and safety; utilities; community services;
socioeconomics; and environmental justice. The EIS also considers the
impacts from project facilities combined with those from other past,
present and reasonably foreseeable future actions (i.e., cumulative
impacts). The following sections discuss the potential impacts in these
Air Quality and Climate
Construction of the CO2 capture facility, CO2
pipeline, and CO2 monitoring infrastructure would result in
short-term, localized increased tailpipe and fugitive dust emissions.
Emission rates for criteria pollutants would be less than 1 percent of
the total emissions in the region of influence (ROI), except
PM10 emissions during 2013, which would account for 3.1
percent of total ROI emissions. Emission rates for ozone precursors
(i.e., VOC and nitrogen oxides [NOX ]) during the
construction phase of the project would be lower than thresholds
documented in the EPA rules for General Conformity (40 CFR 94.153).
Operational emissions from the pipeline corridor would be
negligible. Operational emissions of criteria pollutants from the
CO2 capture facility and related infrastructure (e.g., CT/
HRSG) and the CO2 recycle facility would be less than 1
percent of the total emissions in the ROI. Operational emissions of
NOX and VOC would exceed the thresholds documented in the
Conformity Rules. NRG is required to obtain and retire 1.3 tons of
credits or allowances, as applicable, for each ton of NOX
and VOC emissions increase related to the proposed project. NRG owns
and has assigned the appropriate amount of NOX emission
credits approved for use in the Houston Galveston Brazoria Metropolitan
Statistical Area (HGB MSA) to the Parish PCCS Project.
NRG would be required to purchase and retire 1.3 tons of credits or
allowances, as applicable, for each ton of emission increase related to
the proposed project. Due to the 1.3 to 1 retirement ratio of emission
reduction credits and allowances, the proposed project would result in
no net adverse impact on air quality in the HGB MSA with regard to
ozone. Therefore, adverse impacts to air quality in the ROI due to
operational emissions from the proposed project would be considered
negligible to minor with some beneficial impacts in the form of
elimination of sulfur dioxide and other emissions from Unit 8's flue
gas slipstream.
As part of the state air permit application process, NRG was
required to complete an air quality analysis to determine the effect of
anticipated project air emissions on area air quality. The analysis
included dispersion modeling, which compared the predicted ambient air
quality concentrations to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS). The analysis supported the conclusion that predicted emissions
resulting from the
[[Page 30905]]
project would not cause or contribute to a violation of the NAAQS. The
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) approved the analysis
and issued the air permit on December 2012.
Mitigation: To control fugitive dust, NRG must stabilize open piles
and disturbed areas by covering and/or applying water or other dust
control additive. NRG must also limit the speed of non-earthmoving
equipment to 15 mph and earthmoving equipment to 10 mph to prevent
spilling hauled materials. Disturbed areas shall be revegetated as soon
as possible.
To control mobile and stationary source emissions, NRG must use
modern, well-maintained diesel-powered equipment during construction
and limit idling of heavy equipment. EPA recommended limiting idling to
less than five minutes.
Greenhouse Gasses
Construction of the CO2 capture facility, CO2
pipeline, and CO2 monitoring infrastructure would generate
up to approximately 4,900 tpy (4,400 metric tons per annum) of
CO2 emissions over the two-year construction period.
Operation of the CO2 capture facility and CO2
recycle facility would result in approximately 785,000 tpy (0.71
million metric tons per annum [MMTA]) of new CO2 emissions.
However, the proposed project would result in the capture of
approximately 1.6 million tpy (1.5 MMTA) of existing CO2
emissions, resulting in a net reduction of approximately 815,000 tpy
(0.74 MMTA) of CO2 emissions during operations.
The capture and geological storage of existing GHG emissions by the
project would produce a minor beneficial cumulative effect on a
national and global scale. The reduction in CO2 emissions
resulting from the Parish PCCS Project would incrementally reduce the
rate of GHG accumulation in the atmosphere and help to incrementally
mitigate climate change related to atmospheric concentrations of GHGs.
Mitigation: NRG must design and construct the Parish PCCS Project
to capture at least 90 percent of the carbon in the fossil fuels when
operating under normal conditions, and use best efforts to achieve at
least a 90 percent capture rate during the demonstration period.
Construction of the CO2 capture facility, pipeline, and
recycle facility would result in negligible impacts to geologic
resources. New well construction in the EOR area would result in
removal of geologic media through the drilling process. This process
would not be unique to the area and would not affect the availability
of local geologic resources. Existing wells used by the project would
be reworked, resulting in a potential beneficial impact to geologic
resources by reducing the risk of leakage.
Operation of the CO2 capture facility and pipeline would
not affect geologic resources. In the EOR area, the potential for
CO2 migration upward through the caprock seal is considered
unlikely; however, leakage from one or more previously plugged and
abandoned wells, oil-producing wells, injection wells, or observation
wells might occur if any casing and/or cement placed in or around a
well were to leak. To mitigate the potential for impacts related to
casing or annular seal issues associated with wells in the proposed
injection area, TCV would correct deficiencies prior to the use of such
wells. These improvements to existing wells would result in a potential
beneficial impact to geological resources by reducing the chance of
leakage due to improperly sealed wells.
Preliminary reservoir modeling indicates that injected
CO2 and associated zones of increased pressure would not be
expected to migrate laterally outside the area at the West Ranch oil
field that is leased and operated by TCV. No known major faults exist
within the West Ranch oil field or within the area of maximum predicted
EOR-induced impacts to geologic formations. Therefore, the potential
for the proposed project to increase seismic activity or for seismic
activity to impact proposed project activities or facilities is low.
The addition of CO2 to a geologic unit (i.e., a target
geologic unit or an overlying unit, if leakage were to occur) could
make the fluids within the unit more acidic. The creation of
potentially more corrosive conditions could result in increased costs
for later oil and gas development. However, DOE expects the injection
of CO2 to beneficially impact oil and gas resources at the
West Ranch oil field by increasing production from the target geologic
units. Furthermore, the presence of infrastructure for CO2
floods may make oil production from other geologic units at the oil
field more feasible, which could result in an indirect beneficial
Mitigation: NRG must develop a CO2 monitoring plan, in
coordination with the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) and DOE,
to account for the CO2 used for EOR and ultimately
sequestered. Subsequent reports submitted to the state of Texas must
also be submitted to DOE.
Physiography and Soils
Potential minor impacts to physiography and soils during
construction would include disturbance of soils and the potential for
increased soil erosion from grading, soil excavation activities,
earthwork compaction, and installation of impermeable surfaces over
soils at some locations. At the CO2 capture facility, up to
29 acres of soil within the plant boundary would be disturbed or lost.
Soils in this area are classified as Prime Farmland, but they have been
previously impacted and would not be used for agricultural purposes.
For the proposed pipeline development, up to 1,197 acres of soils would
be disturbed; however, the disturbed areas would be restored following
construction and overall impacts would be minimized through use of
existing ROW for most of its length. Approximately 819 acres in the
construction ROW is classified as Prime Farmland and approximately 43
acres classified as more than slightly erodible (i.e., moderately to
severely erodible). In agricultural areas, impacts to soil would be
minimized by segregating topsoil from underlying soil and placing the
topsoil back as the top layer when the trench is filled. For the EOR
area, construction and operational activities would be conducted in
existing operational areas; therefore, impacts to soils would be
similar to existing impacts. Potential soil impacts in all construction
areas would be avoided or mitigated as described in a project-specific
storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP).
Operational activities associated with the CO2 capture
facility, CO2 pipeline, and CO2 monitoring
infrastructure would be anticipated to result in negligible impacts to
soil resources, primarily due to disturbance of soils from vehicle
traffic and an increased potential for erosion.
Ground Water
The potential for groundwater contamination during construction is
considered low as potential spills and unintentional releases of wastes
or petroleum-based materials to groundwater would be avoided or
mitigated as described in a project-specific spill prevention, control
and countermeasures (SPCC) plan.
Operation of the CO2 capture facility would require an
additional 0.2 to 0.3 million gallons per day (mgd) of groundwater from
existing onsite wells (an approximately 13 percent increase as compared
to current groundwater
[[Page 30906]]
usage rates). The existing wells at the W.A. Parish Plant offer
adequate capacity to supply the CO2 capture facility with
potential minor impacts to on-site groundwater supplies.
There are currently no plans to withdraw groundwater or to
discharge directly to groundwater during construction of the proposed
Water supply wells near the West Ranch oil field are not
anticipated to be affected by injected or displaced fluids due to the
relatively shallow depths of existing groundwater supply wells as
compared to the depths of the proposed CO2 injection wells
in the Frio Formation (approximately 5,000 to 6,200 feet bgs) and the
existing produced water injection wells in the Catahoula Sandstone
(approximately 4,250 to 4,500 feet bgs); the presence of the
approximately 400-foot-thick, low-permeability confining caprock
formation (i.e., the Anahuac Formation) and the approximately 2,000-
foot-thick low-permeability Burkeville confining system; and the
absence of known faults in the EOR area.
DOE considers it unlikely that CO2 would leak from the
injection zone. However, the possibility exists for impacts to occur to
shallower geologic units if leakage of CO2 from the
injection reservoir units occurred. As part of the proposed
CO2 monitoring program, TCV and BEG would conduct studies to
detect migration of injected or displaced fluids, should migration
occur, so that potential long term impacts to groundwater resources may
be minimized or avoided.
In the EOR area, the potential for CO2 to migrate upward
through fractures in the caprock seal is considered unlikely. However,
leakage from one or more wells might occur if any casing and/or cement
placed in or around a well failed. TCV and BEG would conduct well
integrity testing prior to EOR operations and TCV would correct
deficiencies prior to use of such wells in order to mitigate the
potential for impacts. Additionally, existing wells used by the project
would be reworked. Improvements to existing wells would result in a
potential beneficial impact to groundwater resources by reducing the
chance of leakage due to improperly sealed wells.
Surface Water
Construction of project-related facilities has the potential to
cause increased sedimentation and turbidity in adjacent water bodies
and increase the potential for surface water contamination from
material spills. A SWPPP would be developed and implemented to avoid or
minimize potential impacts to surface waters during construction
Negligible impacts to the surface water supply at the W.A. Parish
Plant would be expected due to the approximately 12,000 gallons per day
(gpd) required during construction for dust suppression, vehicle wash
down, and other construction-related uses. Operation of the
CO2 capture facility (including supporting infrastructure
and facilities, such as the CT/HRSG and cooling water tower), would
require approximately 3.5 to 4.9 mgd more surface water from Smithers
Lake than is currently used by the W.A. Parish Plant. Including this
approximately 10 percent increase in surface water usage, the plant
would use a total of 38 to 55 mgd of surface water. Minor impacts on
surface water supplies would be expected. NRG's projected surface water
usage would also be well below its current 99 mgd of surface water
During construction of the proposed pipeline, approximately 1.75
million gallons of water would be trucked in from outside sources or
obtained from nearby surface water. NRG must discharge spent
hydrostatic test water to upland areas according to RRC and EPA
discharge permits and guidelines, as applicable. Additional mitigation
measures, as identified in communication from the Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department (TPWD) must be employed when crossing or working
near Ecologically Significant Stream Segments. Some of these streams
will be crossed using horizontal directional drilling (HDD)
construction techniques. Crossings of the San Bernard River and Caney
Creek are not expected to exacerbate existing water quality impairments
in these water bodies. Construction-related impacts are expected to be
negligible to moderate and temporary. Normal pipeline operations are
not expected to impact surface waters.
Negligible to minor impacts to surface water features at the West
Ranch oil field would be expected to occur as a result of construction
activities within the proposed EOR area. During EOR operations, the
potential exists for a CO2 well blow-out, with some injected
material being ejected and deposited into nearby surface waters. If
that were to occur, such effects would be highly localized, minor, and
readily remediated.
Mitigation: NRG must implement the additional mitigation measures,
e.g., double silt fencing, identified by the TPWD in a March 20, 2012,
letter when crossing or working near Ecologically Significant Stream
Segments during pipeline construction.
Floodplains and Wetlands
In accordance with 10 CFR Part 1022 (DOE regulations on Compliance
with Floodplain and Wetland Environmental Review Requirements), DOE
considered the potential impacts of the proposed project and its
connected actions on wetlands and floodplains in the affected area. An
assessment of impacts to wetlands and floodplains is included in the
EIS. NRG selected sites and a pipeline route that would minimize
impacts to wetlands and floodplains, and has committed to implementing
methods designed to further reduce impacts. Overall, the proposed
project would result in minor, direct short-term impacts to wetlands
and negligible impacts to floodplains.
No wetlands or floodplains exist within the area proposed for the
CO2 capture facility at the W.A. Parish Plant or within the
area proposed for the CO2 recycle facility at the West Ranch
oil field. However, construction of project-related facilities has the
potential to cause increased sedimentation and turbidity in adjacent
wetlands and increase the potential for contamination from materials
spills. A SWPPP utilizing appropriate spill prevention, control and
countermeasures would be developed and implemented to avoid or minimize
potential impacts to wetland and floodplain areas during construction
activities, resulting in negligible to minor impacts.
Approximately 81 acres of wetlands would be temporarily impacted
during pipeline construction and approximately 4 acres of wetlands may
be permanently impacted. Topsoil in wetland areas would be segregated
from other excavated material during trenching and returned to the
surface to promote revegetation of disturbed areas and to restore
preexisting soil conditions. NRG plans to reduce the width of the
construction ROW in wetland areas and/or use timber mats or low ground
pressure equipment to minimize wetland impacts, as appropriate. Impacts
to large riverine features and any adjacent wetlands would be avoided
through the use of HDD methodology. Based on the current project design
and field survey data collected to date, compensatory wetland
mitigation would likely not be required for NRG's proposed project by
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) or the state of Texas. At this
time, DOE anticipates that wetland impacts will require Nationwide
Permits for all stream and water body crossings. If conditions or plans
become altered, any changes in permitting strategy or the need for
compensatory wetland
[[Page 30907]]
mitigation would come under the jurisdiction of the USACE. Mitigation
requirements would be detailed as part of the permitting process.
The pipeline route would cross Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) 100-year and 500-year floodplains in 25 locations. DOE does not
expect that the minor, temporary impacts from construction would reach
a level of endangering human health or property or conflict with any
state, local, or federal floodplain ordinances or plans. Following
pipeline installation, the construction ROW would be returned to its
original topography to the extent practicable. Five main line valves
would be constructed within the FEMA 100-year floodplain in Wharton
County. Changes to the flood elevation or the flow of water in the
floodplain as a result of these valves would be negligible. No other
aboveground facilities are planned within floodplain areas.
Additionally, BMPs (as specified in a site-specific SWPPP) would be
implemented to avoid or minimize potential impacts to wetland and
floodplain areas during construction activities, resulting in
negligible to minor impacts.
During pipeline operations, a 30-foot permanent ROW would be mowed
and maintained along the pipeline route for pipeline inspection and
maintenance activities, which could result in minor long-term impacts
due to the potential changes to wetland quality and function in the
approximately 31 acres of wetlands located within the proposed
permanent ROW. Impacts to floodplains would be minor during pipeline
DOE does not expect EOR operations or related CO2
monitoring activities to impact floodplains or wetlands within the West
Ranch oil field. Activities would be conducted on existing well pads
and within existing ROWs as much as possible.
Mitigation: NRG must implement the mitigation techniques described
above and analyzed in the EIS, including but not limited to reducing
the construction ROW width in wetland areas, use of timber mats or low
ground pressure equipment, and the use of HDD to cross sensitive areas.
If compensatory wetland mitigation becomes necessary as part of any
USACE permit, NRG must implement additional mitigation as required and
described in the permit.
Biological Resources
Construction and operations activities at the CO2
capture facility and EOR area would be expected to have negligible
impacts to biological resources. Affected habitats at these locations
have been disturbed by past and ongoing industrial and oil production
activities. Impacts to wildlife from construction of the pipeline
corridor would be negligible to minor. Approximately 75 percent of the
proposed pipeline corridor would be constructed within or immediately
adjacent to existing mowed and maintained utility corridors. Also,
approximately 60 percent of the pipeline corridor is currently in
agricultural use, which is of limited use to wildlife. The pipeline
route was chosen to minimize the overall effect to wildlife and
fragmentation of wildlife habitat. Construction activities, including
land clearing, would cause a negligible loss of wildlife habitat. The
potential would exist for invasive species to colonize newly disturbed
areas following construction, which could result in long-term moderate
adverse impacts to biological resources. Except in cultivated fields or
unless requested by the landowner, NRG would revegetate areas of
disturbed soil along the pipeline construction ROW following
construction with an appropriate mix of seeds for perennial grasses and
forbs native to the area or with a seed mixture requested by the
landowner to reduce the potential for establishment of invasive plant
species. Depending on the season in which construction is completed,
NRG may also seed with a cold-weather annual grass species, such as
Gulf Coast ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), to establish a temporary
vegetative cover until conditions become favorable for growth of
perennial grasses and forbs.
One active bald eagle nest was observed during field surveys in the
ROI. The proposed pipeline route has been located approximately one
mile from this nest, thus avoiding any impact.
One state-listed threatened mussel species (smooth pimpleback,
Quadrula houstonensis) was observed during field surveys in the ROI.
This species has also been proposed for federal listing. Impacts to
this mussel species, and mussel habitat in general, would be avoided by
using HDD and by careful placement of temporary water intakes and
discharges at this location. Similarly, HDD methodology will be
employed at other river crossing locations classified as Ecologically
Significant Stream Segments by the state of Texas.
NRG would limit land-clearing activities in previously undisturbed
areas to periods outside of migratory birds' nesting seasons, to the
extent practicable, to minimize the potential for impacts to migratory
birds. If clearing vegetation during the nesting season or whooping
crane migration period is unavoidable, previously undisturbed areas
within the construction area would be surveyed prior to construction to
verify that whooping cranes or nests with eggs or young would not be
disturbed by construction activities. The proposed pipeline corridor
would cross the whooping crane migratory pathway. Any areas being
temporarily used by whooping cranes during its migration at the time of
construction must be avoided until the cranes have left the area.
Mitigation: NRG must continue consultation with the TPWD to
minimize potential impacts on state-listed mussel species at pipeline
crossings at larger rivers. As described in the EIS, HDD methods must
be employed at these and other crossings, with appropriate actions
taken to locate soil borings and temporary water intakes and discharges
to minimize impacts to nearby mussel beds. If mussel relocations become
necessary, NRG must coordinate its efforts with the TPWD.
NRG must avoid ground disturbing activities during migratory birds'
nesting and breeding seasons to protect species protected by the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act. If this is not practicable, a qualified
biologist must survey potentially affected areas prior to ground
disturbing activities and determine the appropriate actions needed to
avoid impacts.
During the whooping crane migration period (late March to early
April; and late October to mid-December), if whooping cranes are
observed in areas planned for pipeline construction, NRG must
temporarily suspend activities in those immediate areas until the
cranes leave.
NRG, in coordination with DOE, must continue consultation with the
TPWD and should request technical assistance from the USFWS if project
changes require additional disturbance at new locations. This may occur
if the currently proposed pipeline route needs to be altered or for
other unforeseen areas of ground disturbance not included in the EIS.
NRG must complete any additional surveys and identified mitigation
prior to construction in those areas.
NRG must revegetate disturbed areas using methods approved by the
state of Texas and with coordination with land owners.
Cultural Resources
The THC identified the following Native American Tribes that may
have an interest in activities in the proposed
[[Page 30908]]
project area: The Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas, the Apache Tribe of
Oklahoma, the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma, the Coushatta Tribe of
Louisiana, the Kiowa Indian Tribe of Oklahoma, the Mescalero Apache
Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation, the Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of
Oklahoma, and the Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana. DOE sent
letters to these tribes, and only the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana
responded. The Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana concurred with DOE's
findings of ``no historical properties affected.''
DOE determined, and the THC has concurred, that no impacts to
historic properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the Nation
Register of Historic Places (NRHP) would be expected from construction
or operational activities for the CO2 capture facility or
EOR areas. Additionally, based on cultural resources survey data
collected to date, DOE has determined that no historic properties
listed, or eligible for listing, in the NRHP would be impacted by the
construction and operation of the proposed pipeline. Additional
investigation activities (i.e., mechanized trenching) found no deeply
buried archaeological deposits at HDD entry and exit locations near
several proposed river crossings. DOE submitted its findings regarding
pipeline corridor surveys to the THC for review, and consultation with
the THC is ongoing.
Mitigation: NRG, in coordination with DOE, must continue
consultation with the Texas Historical Commission (State Historical
Preservation Office) for areas not previously surveyed for cultural
resources. This may occur if the currently proposed pipeline route
needs to be altered or for other unforeseen areas of ground disturbance
not included in the EIS. NRG must complete any additional surveys prior
to construction in those areas.
Land Use and Aesthetics
The proposed construction and operation of the CO2
capture facility at the W.A. Parish Plant and CO2 monitoring
infrastructure at the West Ranch oil field is consistent with existing
land use and would result in negligible to minor impacts. Construction
of the proposed CO2 pipeline would temporarily impact
approximately 386 acres of agricultural lands, but no permanent loss of
agricultural lands would occur. Less than 0.3 acres would be converted
for aboveground pipeline facilities (one meter station and 12 main line
Impacts to aesthetic values would be negligible at the
CO2 capture facility and EOR field as the existing aesthetic
character would generally remain unchanged. Along the proposed
CO2 pipeline route, minor to moderate aesthetic impacts to
adjacent property owners would occur in some locations due to
construction noise, truck traffic, fugitive dust emissions, and
vegetation clearing. Operational aesthetic impacts would be negligible
to minor and would be related to placement of pipeline markers,
periodic vegetation clearing, and other maintenance activities.
The impact of lighting during construction would be temporary and
minor. The impact of lighting for operations at the proposed
CO2 capture facility, the CO2 monitoring
facilities, and the pipeline meter station would be negligible to minor
as lighting would be consistent with existing operations. Lighting
along the pipeline would be limited to the meter station. Meter station
lighting would be down shielded to avoid interference with wildlife,
which would result in minor impacts.
Mitigation: NRG must install down-shielded lighting for permanent
light needs wherever possible.
Traffic and Transportation
A temporary increase in traffic during construction (up to 1,100
workers) is expected and would be easily accommodated by the existing
road systems with only minor temporary disruptions. Continuing
operation of the W.A. Parish Plant, the pipeline, and the West Ranch
oil field would have negligible effects as a relatively small number of
commuting employees (10 to 15) would be added as well as a relatively
small amount of additional material deliveries.
Construction of the CO2 capture facility would result an
estimated 0.3 dB increase over existing noise levels for nearby
receptors (i.e., nearby residential areas), which is below the
threshold of human perception. Increased truck traffic during daytime
hours may result in minor, short-term noise impacts along
transportation corridors. Residences within 500 to 1,000 feet of
pipeline construction would experience a short-term increase in ambient
noise and vibrations from construction activity. Receptors near HDD
locations could experience elevated temporary ambient noise levels as
high as 78 dBA. Overall, noise and vibrations would result in minor to
moderate impacts to receptors, depending on the distance from the
receptor to the construction area. Construction and operations at the
West Ranch oil field would result in an estimated 0.8 dB increase over
existing noise levels for nearby individuals (i.e., in Vanderbilt),
which is below the threshold of human perception, resulting in
negligible to minor impacts to receptors.
Materials and Waste Management
Construction materials, equipment and supplies are readily
available within the ROI and quantities required to support the
proposed project are expected to be well within the capacity of
material suppliers. Some specialized equipment may be required from
outside the ROI; however, it is expected that this equipment would also
be within existing supplier capacities. As a result, impacts to
regional and national construction material resources and special
equipment suppliers would be negligible.
The W.A. Parish Plant is currently a conditionally exempt small
quantity generator and generates approximately 200 pounds of hazardous
waste per year. During operations, the generation of approximately
2,712 pounds per day of reclaimer effluent, a hazardous material, would
cause the plant to be classified as a large quantity generator.
Approximately 24 shipments of reclaimer effluent would be sent to a
permitted treatment, storage and disposal facility (TSDF) per year. The
amounts sent for disposal would not substantially affect the capacities
of the TSDF selected.
Adequate non-hazardous solid waste disposal capacity exists within
the ROI. Based on the over 20 million tons of capacity available in
regional waste disposal facilities and the relatively low volumes of
solid waste that would be generated by the proposed project (e.g., up
to approximately 60 tons per year from the CO2 capture
facility), adequate regional capacity exists for solid waste disposal
with negligible impacts to waste management service providers.
Human Health and Safety
The potential for worker injuries and fatalities would be present
during the construction of the proposed CO2 capture
facility, CO2 pipeline, and CO2 monitoring
infrastructure. Based on historical records for related industries, no
worker fatalities would be expected. During facility operation, workers
could be subject to physical and chemical hazards, which would be
typical of those associated with similar power plant, pipeline, and oil
field operations. An estimated nine to 12 OSHA recordable incidents
would be anticipated during project construction based on national
incidence rates for comparable industries.
A human health risk assessment was performed for the EIS to analyze
[[Page 30909]]
potential health and safety impacts associated with CO2 and
amine releases from proposed project components. The potential for
CO2 pipeline ruptures or punctures is considered to be
unlikely. The upper bound impact from a pipeline release of
CO2 would be transient and reversible effects for up to 12
people. More severe impacts would affect less than one person for all
other pipeline release scenarios. If a release were to occur with
workers present, the workers would likely experience the physical
effects of an accident or a higher concentration exposure to
CO2 than the surrounding population. Potential exposure
would be limited because the pipeline would be buried underground.
Additionally, NRG plans to install 12 main line valves to stop the
release of CO2 should a puncture or rupture occur. These
valves, along with pipeline pressure monitoring equipment, would be
linked to the CO2 capture system operations control room,
which would be staffed at all times when the system is in operation. In
the event of a pressure drop indicating a pipeline rupture, the control
room operator would shut down the system and remotely activate the main
line valves to prevent further damage to the pipeline and minimize
impacts to people in the surrounding area and the environment.
The potential for release of CO2 from the EOR area is
considered to range from unlikely to incredible (i.e., extremely
unlikely), with less than one person affected for all release
scenarios. In the extremely unlikely occurrence of an injection well
blowout, the main adverse outcome would be the potential for ejection
of CO2, possibly as dry ice particles, and formation fluids
from the wellhead. Effects would be expected to be localized to the
area around the affected wellhead and events of this type would be
avoided or minimized by incorporating high pressure piping,
overpressure protection valves, and blowout preventers into the design
of the injection wells. A leak of amine-based solvent from a storage
tank was also evaluated. Such a release would be unlikely and effects
would be confined to the plant property. No nearby residents or the
general public in the vicinity of the plant would be affected. Plant
workers would need to take appropriate response actions, since life-
threatening concentrations of the solvent in air could occur within the
plant site to a distance of 0.3 miles from the release. No nearby
residents or other individuals in the vicinity of the plant would be
affected beyond mild irritation if an amine-based solvent tank release
occurred, although an odor may be detectable depending on wind
The construction and operations phases of the proposed project
would increase demand for potable and industrial water; and wastewater
treatment services. Construction-related impacts to water supplies
would be short term and negligible to minor. Construction-related
impacts to wastewater treatment would be negligible. Operations impacts
to water supplies would be negligible. Operations of the CO2
capture facility would result in negligible impacts to the natural gas
supply as compared to existing use (i.e., much less than 1 percent of
the current maximum usage).
EOR operations may require additional natural gas supply and
electricity, which may result in minor impacts to the local utility
infrastructure. Beneficial impacts to oil supplies would be provided in
the long term as a result of increased production of oil in the ROI as
a result of EOR operations.
Community Services
A temporary workforce of up to 1,100 workers would be required for
construction of the proposed project. Long-term operation of the
project would require up to 20 new employees. Many of these workers are
expected to be employed from within the ROI. Negligible impacts on
community services would be expected due to a relatively small
population increase during the construction and operation phases of the
Parish PCCS Project. Existing community services (i.e., law
enforcement, emergency response, hospitals, and education) are expected
to be adequate to address the needs of the population in the ROI,
including project personnel.
The project would be expected to contribute minor, long-term,
beneficial impacts on the local economy and employment activities, as
well as taxes and revenue through increased employment opportunities
and expenditures in the local economy. Housing demand may increase
slightly during construction if a portion of the 1,100 construction
workers temporarily relocate to the area; however, this would be a
negligible, short-term effect. TCV estimates that using CO2
floods (i.e., EOR), the West Ranch oil field could produce an
additional 55 to 75 million barrels of oil. This projected increase in
oil production would translate directly into additional revenues for
the State of Texas, even after taking into account the tax exemptions
related to use of CO2 from anthropogenic sources for EOR.
Environmental Justice
Three census tracts in the ROI qualify as minority environmental
justice areas of concern using the threshold of 50 percent minority in
the corresponding county. However, the proposed project is not expected
to have disproportionately high and adverse human health or
environmental impacts on minority populations. The overall impacts of
the proposed project would be negligible or minor, depending on the
resource area evaluated, and would not be directed at any particular
minority group. Significant or adverse impacts on potential
environmental justice areas of concern would not occur. In addition,
the proposed project is expected to create economic benefits for local
communities, regardless of race, by generating employment
opportunities, local expenditures by workers, and compensation for
proposed project-related easements to local landowners. Mitigation
measures for resource areas impacted have been identified to further
reduce environmental impacts and adhere to policies and regulations for
the protection of the environment and local public health. Therefore,
the proposed project would not create disproportionately high and
adverse human health or environmental impacts on minority populations
during construction or operation.
Because there is no low-income population in the ROI to be
affected, there would be no adverse environmental justice impacts
associated with the proposed project. However, DOE expects the proposed
project would create economic benefits for local communities during
construction and operation.
Potential Environmental Impacts of the No-Action Alternative
Under the no-action alternative, DOE assumed the only development
at the facility would be the construction and operation of a natural
gas-fired turbine at the W.A. Parish Plant that would begin operation
in 2013. The impacts under the no-action alternative (i.e. no
development) were evaluated in the EIS and compared to the proposed
Under the no-action alternative, the W.A. Parish Plant, pipeline
corridor, and the EOR area at the West Ranch oil field would remain in
their current condition with respect to the following: Geologic
resources; physiography and soils; groundwater resources; surface
[[Page 30910]]
waters; wetlands and floodplains; biological resources; cultural
resources; land use and aesthetic resources; noise; material use and
waste generation; human health and safety; community services; and
environmental justice.
Construction and operation of a natural gas-fired turbine at the
W.A. Parish Plant under the no-action alternative would be a new source
with emissions of criteria pollutants and GHG. The criteria pollutant
emissions associated with the facility are estimated to be: 102.1 tpy
of CO, 37.6 tpy of NOX, 75.1 tpy of PM10, 71.7
tpy of PM2.5, 6.9 tpy of SO2, and 12.88 tpy of
VOC. These potential emission increases were evaluated by TCEQ, and are
authorized in the permit that it issued on December 21, 2012. The GHG
emissions associated with the turbine are estimated to be: 582,328 tpy
of CO2, 2.44 tpy of H2SO4, and 34.2
tpy of NH3. Since there will be no emission reductions to
offset the emission increases from the turbine; there would be an
overall increase in GHG emissions. These GHG emission increases would
have to be authorized under a PSD permit from the EPA. There would also
be no commercial-scale demonstration of advanced coal-based power
generation technologies to capture CO2 for EOR and ultimate
Construction of the natural gas-fired turbine at the W.A. Parish
Plant would temporarily increase traffic during construction (up to 100
workers), but would be easily accommodated by the existing road systems
with only minor temporary disruptions. The personnel employed during
construction of the turbine would result in minor short-term beneficial
impacts by consumption of goods and services. Construction of the
natural gas-fired turbine would likely result in a moderate, beneficial
impact to taxes and revenue within the ROI.
The construction and operations phases of the natural gas-fired
turbine would increase demand for potable and industrial water; and
wastewater treatment services. Construction-related impacts to water
supplies would be short term and negligible to minor. Construction-
related impacts to wastewater treatment would be negligible. Operations
impacts to water supplies would be negligible. Operations of the
turbine would result in negligible impacts to the natural gas supply as
compared to existing use (i.e., much less than 1 percent of the current
maximum usage). The turbine would supply electricity that would be
available for commercial sale through the power grid, and would be a
beneficial impact until the electricity and steam are needed for the
capture facility.
Environmentally Preferred Alternative
From a local perspective, the no-action alternative is the
environmentally preferable alternative because it would result in no
changes to the existing environmental conditions, with the exception of
the natural gas-fired turbine, which NRG has begun constructing and
plans to operate with or without DOE funding. However, from a national
perspective, DOE's proposed action is the environmentally preferred
alternative. Successful demonstration of the proposed project could
facilitate the deployment of carbon capture, utilization and storage
(sequestration) practices at power plants and other industrial
facilities in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that would
otherwise occur with the continued combustion of fossil fuels,
especially coal, from large stationary sources.
Issued in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on this 8th of May 2013.
Anthony V. Cugini,
Director, National Energy Technology Laboratory.
[FR Doc. 2013-12280 Filed 5-22-13; 8:45 am]