Village of Morrisville, Vermont; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Establishing Procedural Schedule for Licensing and Deadline for Submission of Final Amendments, 28826-28827 [2013-11640]

Download as PDF 28826 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 95 / Thursday, May 16, 2013 / Notices Dated: May 9, 2013. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. document. For assistance, call toll-free 1–866–208–3372. Dated: May 10, 2013. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2013–11663 Filed 5–15–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P [FR Doc. 2013–11658 Filed 5–15–13; 8:45 am] DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY BILLING CODE 6717–01–P Federal Energy Regulatory Commission DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY [ Project No. 6440–008] tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Lakeport Hydroelectric Associates, Lakeport Hydroelectric Corporation, Lakeport Hydroelectric One, LLC; Notice of Application for Transfer of License, and Soliciting Comments and Motions To Intervene On April 4, 2013, Lakeport Hydroelectric Associates and Lakeport Hydroelectric Corporation (transferors) and Lakeport Hydroelectric One, LLC (transferee) filed an application for the transfer of license for the Lakeport Project, FERC No. 6440, located on the Winnipesaukee River in Belknap County, New Hampshire. Applicants seek Commission approval to transfer the license for the Lakeport Project from the transferors to the transferee. Applicants’ Contact: Shannon P. Coleman, Director, Legal Regulatory Strategy, Algonquin-Liberty Business Services, 2865 Bristol Circle, Oakville, ON, Canada L6H 6X5, telephone (905) 465–4462. FERC Contact: Patricia W. Gillis (202) 502–8735, Deadline for filing comments and motions to intervene: 30 days from the issuance date of this notice by the Commission. Comments and motions to intervene may be filed electronically via the Internet. See 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(1) and the instructions on the Commission’s Web site under https:// Commenters can submit brief comments up to 6,000 characters, without prior registration, using the eComment system at ecomment.asp. You must include your name and contact information at the end of your comments. If unable to be filed electronically, documents may be paperfiled. To paper-file, an original plus seven copies should be mailed to: Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426. More information about this project can be viewed or printed on the eLibrary link of Commission’s Web site at https:// Enter the docket number (P–6440) in the docket number field to access the VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:13 May 15, 2013 Jkt 229001 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project 2629–014] Village of Morrisville, Vermont; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Establishing Procedural Schedule for Licensing and Deadline for Submission of Final Amendments Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been filed with the Commission and is available for public inspection. a. Type of Application: New Major License. b. Project No.: 2629–014. c. Date Filed: April 25, 2013. d. Applicant: Village of Morrisville, Vermont (Morrisville). e. Name of Project: Morrisville Hydroelectric Project. f. Location: On the Green River, Elmore Pond Brook, and Lamoille River, in Lamoille County, Vermont. The project does not occupy any federal lands. g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)–825(r). h. Applicant Contact: Craig Myotte, Village of Morrisville, Water & Light Department, P.O. Box 460—857 Elmore Street, Morrisville, Vermont, 05661– 0460; (802) 888–6521 or i. FERC Contact: Steve Kartalia, (202) 502–6131 or j. This application is not ready for environmental analysis at this time. k. The Project Description: The existing Morrisville Hydroelectric Project consists of four developments with a total installed capacity of 4,990 kilowatts (kW). The project’s average annual generation is 9,032,221 kilowatthours. The power generated by the Morrisville Project is used by Morrisville to meet the power needs of its regional retail customers within the Village of Morrisville and surrounding communities. Green River Development The existing Green River Development is located on the Green River and consists of: (1) A 360-foot- PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 long, 105-foot-high concrete arch dam that includes, near its center, a 60-footlong ungated spillway with a crest elevation of 1,220 feet above mean sea level (msl); (2) a 45-foot-long, 15-foothigh concrete gravity weir that creates a 180-foot-long, 11-foot-deep stilling pool downstream of the concrete arch dam; (3) a 200-foot-long, 16-foot-high earthen embankment with 2-foot-high wooden wave barriers approximately 1.25 miles southeast of the concrete arch dam; (4) a 690-acre impoundment with a storage capacity of 17,400-acre-feet and a normal maximum elevation of 1,220 feet msl; (5) a 16-foot-long, 12-foot-high gated intake structure; (6) a 22-foot-long, 16-foot-wide intake-valve house and a 14-foot-long, 13-foot-wide outlet-valve house; (7) a 116-foot-long penstock, that includes a 6-foot-diameter, 94.5-footlong buried, steel section that bifurcates into two 3-foot-diameter, 21.5-foot-long steel sections; (8) a 32-foot-long, 37-footwide concrete powerhouse containing two 945-kW turbine-generator units for a total installed capacity of 1,890 kW; (9) a 14.5-foot-long, concrete tailrace; (10) a 5-mile-long, 34.5-kilovolt (kV) transmission line connecting the powerhouse to the regional grid; and (11) appurtenant facilities. The Green River Development bypasses approximately 180 feet of the Green River, including the stilling pool. Lake Elmore Development The existing Lake Elmore Development is located on Elmore Pond Brook and consists of: (1) A 26-footlong, 10-foot-high concrete gravity dam and spillway with a crest elevation of 1,139 feet msl; (2) a 300-acre impoundment (Lake Elmore) with a 1,000-acre-foot storage capacity and a normal maximum water surface elevation of 1,139 feet msl; (3) a 8.5foot-long, 7.5-foot-wide gatehouse; (4) a 8.3-foot-long, 3.5-foot-high gated intake structure; (5) a 2.5-foot-long concretelined tailrace; and (6) appurtenant facilities. Morrisville Development The existing Morrisville Development is located on the Lamoille River and consists of: (1) A 384-foot-long, 37-foothigh concrete gravity dam comprised of a 138-foot-long concrete retaining wall, a 30-foot-long intake and gatehouse section, and a 216-foot-long spillway with two 108-foot-long, 4-foot-high Obermeyer inflatable crest gates and a crest elevation of 627.79 feet msl; (2) a 141-foot-long, 8-foot-high concrete wall approximately 260 feet northwest of the dam that includes a 60-foot-long overflow section (back spillway) with 2foot-high wooden flashboards ; (3) a 15- E:\FR\FM\16MYN1.SGM 16MYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 95 / Thursday, May 16, 2013 / Notices tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES acre impoundment with a 72-acre-foot storage capacity and a normal maximum water surface elevation of 631.79 feet msl; (4) a 28-foot-long, 36-foot-wide gatehouse; (5) a 30-foot-long, 16-foothigh gated intake structure; (6) one 7foot-diameter, 150-foot-long buried steel penstock and one 10-foot-diameter, 150foot-long buried, steel penstock; (7) a 54.5-foot-long, 30.5-foot-wide concretebrick powerhouse containing a 600-kW turbine-generator unit and a 1,200-kW turbine-generator unit for a total installed capacity of 1,800 kW; (8) one 17.5-foot-long concrete-lined tailrace and one 14.0-foot-long concrete-lined tailrace; (9) a 435-foot-long, 34.5-kV transmission line connecting the powerhouse to the regional grid; and (10) appurtenant facilities. The Morrisville Development bypasses approximately 380 feet of the Lamoille River. Cadys Falls Development The existing Cadys Falls Development is located on the Lamoille River approximately 1 mile downstream of the Morrisville Development and consists of: (1) A 364-foot-long, 41-foot-high concrete gravity dam comprised of a 23foot-long embankment section, a 186foot-long spillway section with 3.5-foothigh wooden flashboards and a crest elevation of 576.89 feet msl, a 60-footlong intake and gatehouse section, and a 95-foot-long non-overflow section; (2) a 150-acre impoundment (Lake Lamoille) with a 72-acre-foot storage capacity and a normal maximum water surface elevation of 580.39 feet msl; (3) a 29-foot-long, 40-foot-wide gatehouse; (4) an 18.0-foot-long, 9.2-foot-high gated intake structure; (5) a buried, steel penstock that includes a 7-footdiameter, 1,110-foot-long section leading to a 35.6-foot-high, 29.7-footdiameter concrete surge tank and bifurcating into a 90-foot-long, 8-footdiameter section and a 30-foot-long, 9foot-diameter section; (6) a 96-foot-long, 46-foot-wide concrete-brick powerhouse containing a 600-kW turbine-generator unit and a 700-kW turbine-generator unit for a total installed capacity of 1,300 kW; (7) a 12-foot-long concretelined tailrace; (8) a 150-foot-long, 34.5kV transmission line connecting the powerhouse to the regional grid; and (9) appurtenant facilities. The Cadys Falls Development bypasses approximately 1,690 feet of the Lamoille River. The Green River and Lake Elmore developments are operated in seasonal store and release mode and the Morrisville and Cadys Falls developments are operated in run-ofriver mode. The existing license VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:13 May 15, 2013 Jkt 229001 requires instantaneous minimum flows of 5.5 cubic feet per second (cfs) in the tailrace of the Green River Development; 135 cfs and 12 cfs in the tailrace and bypassed reach of the Morrisville Development, respectively; and 150 cfs in the tailrace of the Cadys Falls Development. Morrisville proposes to maintain existing project operations and provide additional minimum flows of 4 cfs over the back spillway at the Morrisville Development and 12 cfs in the bypassed reach at the Cadys Falls Development. Morrisville also proposes to remove the Lake Elmore Development from the project and remove a 0.4-acre parcel of property at the Morrisville Development from the project boundary. l. Locations of the Application: A copy of the application is available for review at the Commission in the Public Reference Room or may be viewed on the Commission’s Web site at https:// using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to access the document. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support at or tollfree at 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY, (202) 502–8659. A copy is also available for inspection and reproduction at the address in item (h) above. m. You may also register online at esubscription.asp to be notified via email of new filings and issuances related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support. n. Procedural Schedule: The application will be processed according to the following preliminary Hydro Licensing Schedule. Revisions to the schedule may be made as appropriate. Milestone Target date Notice of Acceptance/Notice of Ready for Environmental Analysis. Filing of recommendations, preliminary terms and conditions, and fishway prescriptions. Commission issues NonDraft EA. Comments on EA ................ Modified terms and conditions. June 2013. August 2013. December 2013. January 2014. March 2014. o. Final amendments to the application must be filed with the Commission no later than 30 days from the issuance date of the notice of ready for environmental analysis. PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 28827 Dated: May 8, 2013. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2013–11640 Filed 5–15–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Notice of Application Accepted for Filing and Soliciting Motions To Intervene and Protests Project Nos. Clean River Power MR–1, LLC .................................... Clean River Power MR–2, LLC .................................... Clean River Power MR–3, LLC .................................... Clean River Power MR–5, LLC .................................... Clean River Power MR–6, LLC .................................... Clean River Power MR–7, LLC .................................... Clean River Power MR–8, LLC .................................... P–13404–002 P–13405–002 P–13406–002 P–13407–002 P–13408–002 P–13411–002 P–13412–002 Take notice that the following hydroelectric applications have been filed with the Commission and are available for public inspection. a. Type of Applications: Original Major Licenses. b. Project Nos.: 13404–002, 13405– 002, 13406–002, 13407–002, 13408–002, 13411–002, and 13412–002. c. Date filed: October 31, 2012. d. Applicants: Clean River Power MR–1, LLC; Clean River Power MR–2, LLC; Clean River Power MR–3, LLC; Clean River Power MR–5, LLC; Clean River Power MR–6, LLC; Clean River Power MR–7, LLC; and Clean River Power MR–8, LLC (Clean River Power), subsidiaries of Free Flow Power Corporation. e. Name of Projects: Beverly Lock and Dam Water Power Project, P–13404– 002; Devola Lock and Dam Water Power Project, P–13405–002; Malta/ McConnelsville Lock and Dam Water Power Project, P–13406–002; Lowell Lock and Dam Water Power Project, P– 13407–002; Philo Lock and Dam Water Power Project, P–13408–002; Rokeby Lock and Dam Water Power Project, P– 13411–002; and Zanesville Lock and Dam Water Power Project, P–13412– 002. f. Locations: At existing locks and dams on the Muskingum River in Washington, Morgan, and Muskingum counties, Ohio (see table below for specific project locations). The locks and dams were formally owned and E:\FR\FM\16MYN1.SGM 16MYN1


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 95 (Thursday, May 16, 2013)]
[Pages 28826-28827]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-11640]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Project 2629-014]

Village of Morrisville, Vermont; Notice of Application Tendered 
for Filing With the Commission and Establishing Procedural Schedule for 
Licensing and Deadline for Submission of Final Amendments

    Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been 
filed with the Commission and is available for public inspection.
    a. Type of Application: New Major License.
    b. Project No.: 2629-014.
    c. Date Filed: April 25, 2013.
    d. Applicant: Village of Morrisville, Vermont (Morrisville).
    e. Name of Project: Morrisville Hydroelectric Project.
    f. Location: On the Green River, Elmore Pond Brook, and Lamoille 
River, in Lamoille County, Vermont. The project does not occupy any 
federal lands.
    g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
    h. Applicant Contact: Craig Myotte, Village of Morrisville, Water & 
Light Department, P.O. Box 460--857 Elmore Street, Morrisville, 
Vermont, 05661-0460; (802) 888-6521 or
    i. FERC Contact: Steve Kartalia, (202) 502-6131 or
    j. This application is not ready for environmental analysis at this 
    k. The Project Description: The existing Morrisville Hydroelectric 
Project consists of four developments with a total installed capacity 
of 4,990 kilowatts (kW). The project's average annual generation is 
9,032,221 kilowatt-hours. The power generated by the Morrisville 
Project is used by Morrisville to meet the power needs of its regional 
retail customers within the Village of Morrisville and surrounding 

Green River Development

    The existing Green River Development is located on the Green River 
and consists of: (1) A 360-foot-long, 105-foot-high concrete arch dam 
that includes, near its center, a 60-foot-long ungated spillway with a 
crest elevation of 1,220 feet above mean sea level (msl); (2) a 45-
foot-long, 15-foot-high concrete gravity weir that creates a 180-foot-
long, 11-foot-deep stilling pool downstream of the concrete arch dam; 
(3) a 200-foot-long, 16-foot-high earthen embankment with 2-foot-high 
wooden wave barriers approximately 1.25 miles southeast of the concrete 
arch dam; (4) a 690-acre impoundment with a storage capacity of 17,400-
acre-feet and a normal maximum elevation of 1,220 feet msl; (5) a 16-
foot-long, 12-foot-high gated intake structure; (6) a 22-foot-long, 16-
foot-wide intake-valve house and a 14-foot-long, 13-foot-wide outlet-
valve house; (7) a 116-foot-long penstock, that includes a 6-foot-
diameter, 94.5-foot-long buried, steel section that bifurcates into two 
3-foot-diameter, 21.5-foot-long steel sections; (8) a 32-foot-long, 37-
foot-wide concrete powerhouse containing two 945-kW turbine-generator 
units for a total installed capacity of 1,890 kW; (9) a 14.5-foot-long, 
concrete tailrace; (10) a 5-mile-long, 34.5-kilovolt (kV) transmission 
line connecting the powerhouse to the regional grid; and (11) 
appurtenant facilities.
    The Green River Development bypasses approximately 180 feet of the 
Green River, including the stilling pool.

Lake Elmore Development

    The existing Lake Elmore Development is located on Elmore Pond 
Brook and consists of: (1) A 26-foot-long, 10-foot-high concrete 
gravity dam and spillway with a crest elevation of 1,139 feet msl; (2) 
a 300-acre impoundment (Lake Elmore) with a 1,000-acre-foot storage 
capacity and a normal maximum water surface elevation of 1,139 feet 
msl; (3) a 8.5-foot-long, 7.5-foot-wide gatehouse; (4) a 8.3-foot-long, 
3.5-foot-high gated intake structure; (5) a 2.5-foot-long concrete-
lined tailrace; and (6) appurtenant facilities.

Morrisville Development

    The existing Morrisville Development is located on the Lamoille 
River and consists of: (1) A 384-foot-long, 37-foot-high concrete 
gravity dam comprised of a 138-foot-long concrete retaining wall, a 30-
foot-long intake and gatehouse section, and a 216-foot-long spillway 
with two 108-foot-long, 4-foot-high Obermeyer inflatable crest gates 
and a crest elevation of 627.79 feet msl; (2) a 141-foot-long, 8-foot-
high concrete wall approximately 260 feet northwest of the dam that 
includes a 60-foot-long overflow section (back spillway) with 2-foot-
high wooden flashboards ; (3) a 15-

[[Page 28827]]

acre impoundment with a 72-acre-foot storage capacity and a normal 
maximum water surface elevation of 631.79 feet msl; (4) a 28-foot-long, 
36-foot-wide gatehouse; (5) a 30-foot-long, 16-foot-high gated intake 
structure; (6) one 7-foot-diameter, 150-foot-long buried steel penstock 
and one 10-foot-diameter, 150-foot-long buried, steel penstock; (7) a 
54.5-foot-long, 30.5-foot-wide concrete-brick powerhouse containing a 
600-kW turbine-generator unit and a 1,200-kW turbine-generator unit for 
a total installed capacity of 1,800 kW; (8) one 17.5-foot-long 
concrete-lined tailrace and one 14.0-foot-long concrete-lined tailrace; 
(9) a 435-foot-long, 34.5-kV transmission line connecting the 
powerhouse to the regional grid; and (10) appurtenant facilities.
    The Morrisville Development bypasses approximately 380 feet of the 
Lamoille River.

Cadys Falls Development

    The existing Cadys Falls Development is located on the Lamoille 
River approximately 1 mile downstream of the Morrisville Development 
and consists of: (1) A 364-foot-long, 41-foot-high concrete gravity dam 
comprised of a 23-foot-long embankment section, a 186-foot-long 
spillway section with 3.5-foot-high wooden flashboards and a crest 
elevation of 576.89 feet msl, a 60-foot-long intake and gatehouse 
section, and a 95-foot-long non-overflow section; (2) a 150-acre 
impoundment (Lake Lamoille) with a 72-acre-foot storage capacity and a 
normal maximum water surface elevation of 580.39 feet msl; (3) a 29-
foot-long, 40-foot-wide gatehouse; (4) an 18.0-foot-long, 9.2-foot-high 
gated intake structure; (5) a buried, steel penstock that includes a 7-
foot-diameter, 1,110-foot-long section leading to a 35.6-foot-high, 
29.7-foot-diameter concrete surge tank and bifurcating into a 90-foot-
long, 8-foot-diameter section and a 30-foot-long, 9-foot-diameter 
section; (6) a 96-foot-long, 46-foot-wide concrete-brick powerhouse 
containing a 600-kW turbine-generator unit and a 700-kW turbine-
generator unit for a total installed capacity of 1,300 kW; (7) a 12-
foot-long concrete-lined tailrace; (8) a 150-foot-long, 34.5-kV 
transmission line connecting the powerhouse to the regional grid; and 
(9) appurtenant facilities.
    The Cadys Falls Development bypasses approximately 1,690 feet of 
the Lamoille River.
    The Green River and Lake Elmore developments are operated in 
seasonal store and release mode and the Morrisville and Cadys Falls 
developments are operated in run-of-river mode. The existing license 
requires instantaneous minimum flows of 5.5 cubic feet per second (cfs) 
in the tailrace of the Green River Development; 135 cfs and 12 cfs in 
the tailrace and bypassed reach of the Morrisville Development, 
respectively; and 150 cfs in the tailrace of the Cadys Falls 
Development. Morrisville proposes to maintain existing project 
operations and provide additional minimum flows of 4 cfs over the back 
spillway at the Morrisville Development and 12 cfs in the bypassed 
reach at the Cadys Falls Development. Morrisville also proposes to 
remove the Lake Elmore Development from the project and remove a 0.4-
acre parcel of property at the Morrisville Development from the project 
    l. Locations of the Application: A copy of the application is 
available for review at the Commission in the Public Reference Room or 
may be viewed on the Commission's Web site at using 
the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket number excluding the last three 
digits in the docket number field to access the document. For 
assistance, contact FERC Online Support at 
or toll-free at 1-866-208-3676, or for TTY, (202) 502-8659. A copy is 
also available for inspection and reproduction at the address in item 
(h) above.
    m. You may also register online at to be notified via email of new filings and issuances 
related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC 
Online Support.
    n. Procedural Schedule: The application will be processed according 
to the following preliminary Hydro Licensing Schedule. Revisions to the 
schedule may be made as appropriate.

                Milestone                           Target date
Notice of Acceptance/Notice of Ready for  June 2013.
 Environmental Analysis.
Filing of recommendations, preliminary    August 2013.
 terms and conditions, and fishway
Commission issues Non-Draft EA..........  December 2013.
Comments on EA..........................  January 2014.
Modified terms and conditions...........  March 2014.

    o. Final amendments to the application must be filed with the 
Commission no later than 30 days from the issuance date of the notice 
of ready for environmental analysis.

    Dated: May 8, 2013.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2013-11640 Filed 5-15-13; 8:45 am]
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