Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in Federally Assisted Programs or Activities, 28569-28575 [2013-10844]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 15, 2013 / Proposed Rules
(i) Taking the sum of the value of
paragraphs (e)(7), (e)(9), and (e)(11) of
this section for each State.
(ii) For States qualifying under
paragraph (e)(12) of this section, adding
the value of paragraph (e)(12)(v) of this
(iii) Reducing the amount of
paragraph (e)(14)(i) of this section for
each State that does not qualify under
paragraph (e)(12)(v) based on the
proportion of each State’s preliminary
unreduced DSH allotment compared to
the national total of preliminary
unreduced DSH allotments so that the
sum of paragraph (e)(14)(iii) of this
section equals the sum of paragraph
(e)(12)(v) of this section.
(f) Annual DSH allotment reduction
application. For each fiscal year
identified in paragraph (c) of this
section, CMS will subtract the Statespecific DSH allotment amount
determined in paragraph (e)(14) of this
section from that State’s final unreduced
DSH allotment. This amount is the
State’s final DSH allotment for the fiscal
■ 3. Section 447.299 is amended by
adding paragraphs (c)(19), (c)(20) and
(c)(21) to read as follows:
§ 447.299
Reporting requirements.
(c) * * *
(19) Medicaid provider number.
(20) Medicare provider number.
(21) Total hospital cost. The total
annual costs incurred by each hospital
for furnishing inpatient hospital and
outpatient hospital services.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.778, Medical Assistance
Dated: April 26, 2013.
Marilyn Tavenner,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
Approved: May 9, 2013.
Kathleen Sebelius,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human
[FR Doc. 2013–11550 Filed 5–13–13; 11:15 am]
National Endowment for the
45 CFR Part 1172
RIN 3136–AA33
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age
in Federally Assisted Programs or
National Endowment for the
Humanities, National Foundation on the
Arts and Humanities.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The National Endowment for
the Humanities (NEH) is issuing Age
Discrimination Act of 1975 regulations
at 45 CFR part 1172. These regulations
implement provisions of the Age
Discrimination Act of 1975 and the
general, government-wide age
discrimination regulations promulgated
by the United States Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
These regulations are designed to
guide the actions of recipients of
Federal financial assistance from NEH
and incorporate the basic standards set
forth in the general, government-wide
regulations for determining what
constitutes age discrimination. The
regulations also discuss the
responsibilities of NEH recipients and
the investigations, conciliation, and
enforcement procedures NEH has been
using and will continue to use to ensure
compliance with the Act.
DATES: Written comments must be
postmarked and electronic comments
must be submitted on or before July 15,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods: email
to; fax to 202–606–
8600, please send your comments to the
attention of Gina Raimond; or postal
mail to Gina Raimond, Attorney
Advisor, Office of the General Counsel,
National Endowment for the
Humanities, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW., Room 529, Washington, DC 20506.
To ensure proper handling, please
reference ‘‘Age Discrimination Act
Regulations’’ on your correspondence.
Raimond, Office of the General Counsel,
National Endowment for the
Humanities, 202–606–8322 (voice) or
202–606–8282 (TDD).
Background Information
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975,
as amended, 29 U.S.C. 6101, et seq., (the
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‘‘Act’’), prohibits discrimination on the
basis of age in programs or activities
receiving Federal financial assistance.
The Act, which applies to persons of all
ages, also contains certain exceptions
that permit, under limited
circumstances, use of age distinctions or
factors other than age that may have a
disproportionate effect on the basis of
The Act required the former
Department of Health, Education and
Welfare (HEW) to issue general,
government-wide regulations setting
standards to be followed by all Federal
agencies implementing the Act. These
government-wide regulations, issued on
June 12, 1979 and codified at 45 CFR
part 90, require each agency to publish
agency-specific regulations
implementing the Act and to submit
such final agency regulations to HEW
(now HHS) before publication in the
Federal Register (see 45 CFR part
90.31). The Act became effective on July
1, 1979—the effective date of HEW’s
final government-wide regulations—and
NEH has enforced the provisions of the
Act since that time. NEH first proposed
agency-specific regulations
implementing the Act on October 4,
1979 (44 FR 57130), which were closely
based on the general, government-wide
regulations. NEH’s original proposed
rule adopted many substantively
identical sections and cross-referenced
sections from the government-wide
regulations, rather than repeating them
in full. HHS reviewed and approved
NEH’s initial agency-specific regulations
in 1985; however, NEH did not publish
the final regulations.
Since such a significant amount of
time has passed since NEH initially
drafted the proposed rule, and because
regulatory development guidelines have
changed over the years, NEH
determined that it would be best to
begin the regulatory process anew by
drafting new agency-specific age
discrimination regulations. As a
practical matter, however, the absence
of agency-specific regulations has not
affected NEH’s enforcement of
prohibitions against discrimination on
the basis of age in programs or activities
receiving financial assistance from NEH.
Further, NEH has consistently fulfilled
its obligation to report annually to
Congress through HHS on its
compliance and enforcement activities.
Overview of Proposed Rule
NEH has designed this proposed rule
to fulfill the agency’s statutory and
regulatory obligations to issue a
regulation implementing the Act that
conforms to the government-wide
regulations at 45 CFR part 90.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 15, 2013 / Proposed Rules
NEH’s proposed regulations are
divided into four parts: Subpart A—
General; Subpart B Standards for
Determining Age Discrimination;
Subpart C—Responsibilities of NEH
Recipients; and Subpart D—
Investigation, Conciliation, and
Enforcement Procedures.
Subpart A—General
Subpart A explains the purpose of
NEH’s age discrimination regulations,
which is to set out NEH’s policies and
procedures in accordance with the Act
and the government-wide regulations.
The regulations apply to any program or
activity receiving Federal financial
assistance from NEH. Subpart A also
defines terms used in the regulations,
many of which are identical to the
definitions in the government-wide
regulations. The definition of the term
‘‘recipient’’ points out the
inapplicability of these regulations to
assistance programs administered
directly by the Federal government to
beneficiaries. With respect to direct
assistance programs, the regulations
may apply whenever direct aid is
provided to an individual on conditions
that the aid is spent in providing
services or benefits to others. Further,
because the Act contains several
exceptions which limit the general
prohibition against age discrimination,
the regulations provide definitions for
two terms that are essential to
understanding two of those exceptions:
‘‘normal operation’’ and ‘‘statutory
Subpart B—Standards for Determining
Age Discrimination
Subpart B sets out the standards NEH
uses for determining illegal age
discrimination, which are based on the
government-wide regulations. The
regulations also establish a four-part test
for a specific age distinction to satisfy
the ‘‘normal operation’’ or ‘‘statutory
objective’’ requirement for a recipient to
use an age-based distinction in a
program or activity receiving Federal
financial assistance. NEH will use this
four-part test to scrutinize age
distinctions, if any, which are imposed
in NEH-assisted programs, but which
are not explicitly authorized by a
Federal, State or local statute. NEH
recipients are also permitted to take an
action otherwise prohibited by the Act
if the action is based on ‘‘reasonable
factors other than age,’’ but only if the
factor bears a direct and substantial
relationship to the program’s normal
operation or to the achievement of a
statutory objective.
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Subpart C—Responsibilities of NEH
Subpart C sets forth the duties of NEH
recipients. NEH recipients are
responsible for ensuring that their
programs and activities are in
compliance with the Act and NEH
regulations. Where an NEH recipient
passes on financial assistance to
subrecipients, the recipient must notify
subrecipients of their obligations under
the regulations. Under these regulations,
NEH could require a recipient or
subrecipient to complete a written selfevaluation of its compliance with the
Act and these regulations. The selfevaluation must be kept on file for three
years from its effective date and made
available to the public upon request.
Subpart D—Investigation, Conciliation,
and Enforcement Procedures
Subpart D establishes the procedures
for investigation, conciliation, and
enforcement of the Act, and closely
follows the procedural requirements
included in the government-wide age
discrimination regulations. Mediation is
the first step in the complaint process.
NEH will refer all complaints of
discrimination under the Act to the
Federal agency designated by HHS to
manage the mediation process.
Complainants and NEH recipients must
participate in the effort to reach a
mutually satisfactory settlement.
Mediation may last no more than sixty
(60) days from the date NEH first
receives the complaint. NEH will
investigate any complaints that are
unresolved after mediation or are
reopened because the settlement
agreement is violated. Finally, the
regulations permit NEH to withhold
funds and disburse them to an
appropriate alternate recipient, if the
alternate has demonstrated the ability to
comply with the regulations and to
achieve the goals of the National
Foundation on the Arts and the
Humanities Act of 1965.
Regulatory Procedures
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
NEH has determined that the
proposed rule is not a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ under Executive
Order 12866 because it will not: (1)
Have an annual effect on the economy
of $100 million or more or adversely
affect in a material way the economy, a
sector of the economy, productivity,
competition, jobs, the environment,
public health or safety, or State, local,
or Tribal governments or communities;
(2) create a serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfere with an action taken
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or planned by another agency; (3)
materially alter the budgetary impact of
entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan
programs or the rights and obligations of
recipients thereof; or (4) raise novel
legal or policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President’s priorities, or
the principles set forth in Executive
Order 12866. Therefore, the proposed
rule is not subject to Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) review.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
In accordance with section 605(b) of
the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5
U.S.C. 601, et seq., as amended by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996), the Chairman of
NEH certifies that the proposed rule will
not have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small
entities. In making this determination,
NEH used the definition of small entity
set forth in the RFA: (1) A small
business, as defined by the Small
Business Administration (SBA) in 13
CFR part 121.201; (2) a small
governmental jurisdiction, which is a
government of a city, county, town,
school district or special district with a
population of less than 50,000; and (3)
a small organization, which is any nonprofit enterprise that is independently
owned and operated and is not
dominant in its field. Some NEH grant
programs support humanities projects
developed by small, independentlyowned non-profits, such as museums,
libraries, and other cultural
organizations. NEH funds
approximately 75–100 small non-profits
each year, which accounts for less than
ten percent of NEH’s annual funding.
However, the proposed rule, if
promulgated in final form, will not
impose any additional requirements on
these small entities because it will not
substantively change existing
requirements, but will merely clarify
such duties for entities receiving
financial assistance from NEH. The
requirements prohibiting age
discrimination by recipients of Federal
financial assistance contained in the Act
and the government-wide regulations
have been in effect since 1979. The
proposed rule only formalizes those
existing requirements for NEH
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996
NEH has determined that the
proposed rule is not a ‘‘major rule’’ as
defined by section 251 of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), as
amended, Public Law 104–121 (5 U.S.C.
804). This rule will not result in: (1) An
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 15, 2013 / Proposed Rules
annual effect on the economy of $100
million or more; (2) a major increase in
costs or prices for consumers,
individual industries, Federal, State, or
local government agencies, or
geographic regions; or (3) significant
adverse effects on competition,
employment, investment, productivity,
innovation or the ability of United
States-based companies to compete with
foreign-based companies in domestic
and export markets.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (UMRA), Public Law 104–4 (2
U.S.C. 1501, et seq.), does not apply to
the proposed rule because it does not
apply to regulatory actions that establish
or enforce statutory rights that prohibit
discrimination on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
handicap or disability. Further, the
proposed rule contains no ‘‘Federal
mandate’’ under Title II of UMRA
because UMRA excludes from the
definitions of ‘‘Federal
intergovernmental mandate’’ and
‘‘Federal private sector mandate’’ duties
that arise from conditions of Federal
assistance and duties that arise from
participation in a voluntary Federal
program. Congress mandated in the Act
the establishment of these agencyspecific regulations to enforce the
prohibition of discrimination on the
basis of age in programs or activities
receiving Federal financial assistance.
These regulations do not apply to any
program or activity unless it applies for
and receives financial assistance from
NEH. Application for, and receipt of,
NEH assistance is entirely voluntary. In
addition, NEH has determined that the
proposed rule will not significantly or
uniquely affect small governments.
These regulations apply uniformly to all
organizational recipients of NEH
financial assistance.
Paperwork Reduction Act
NEH has determined that the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), 44
U.S.C. 3501, et seq., does not apply
because the proposed rule does not
impose any new information collection
requirements that require OMB
approval. Section 3518(c)(1)(B) of the
PRA exempts from OMB approval,
collections of information ‘‘during the
conduct of . . . (ii) an administrative
action or investigation involving an
agency against specific individuals or
entities.’’ These regulations provide
NEH with discretionary authority to
require information from recipients as
part of an investigation, thereby
eliminating any PRA concerns, because
it is discretionary and tied to NEH’s
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authority to investigate. Further, the
proposed rule provides that individuals
‘‘may file’’ complaints and requires that
recipients provide notice to
subrecipients of their obligations under
the Act and the regulations, neither of
which involve a ‘‘collection of
information’’ under the PRA.
List of Subjects in 45 CFR Part 1172
Administrative practice and
procedure, Age discrimination, Civil
rights, Grant programs, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: May 1, 2013.
Michael P. McDonald,
General Counsel.
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, NEH proposes to amend 45
CFR Subchapter D by adding part 1172
as follows:
Subpart A—General
1172.1 Purpose.
1172.2 Application.
1172.3 Definitions.
Subpart B—Standards for Determining Age
1172.11 Rules against age discrimination.
1172.12 Exceptions to the rules against age
1172.13 Burden of proof.
Subpart C—Responsibilities of NEH
1172.21 General responsibilities.
1172.22 Notice to subrecipients.
1172.23 Self-evaluation.
1172.24 Information requirements.
Subpart D—Investigation, Conciliation, and
Enforcement Procedures
1172.31 Compliance reviews.
1172.32 Complaints.
1172.33 Mediation.
1172.34 Investigation.
1172.35 Prohibition against intimidation or
1172.36 Compliance procedure.
1172.37 Hearings, decisions, posttermination proceedings.
1172.38 Remedial action by recipients.
1172.39 Alternate funds disbursal
1172.40 Exhaustion of administrative
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6101–6107; 45 CFR
Subpart A—General
§ 1172.1
The purpose of this part is to
implement the Age Discrimination Act
of 1975, and as required by the general,
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government-wide age discrimination
regulations at 45 CFR part 90. The Act
is designed to prohibit discrimination
on the basis of age in programs or
activities receiving Federal financial
assistance. The Act also permits
federally assisted programs or activities,
and recipients of Federal funds, to
continue to use certain age distinctions
and factors other than age which meet
the requirements of the Act and these
§ 1172.2
(a) The Act and the regulations in this
part apply to any program or activity
receiving financial assistance from the
National Endowment for the Humanities
(b) The Act does not apply to:
(1) Any age distinction contained in
that part of a Federal, State or local
statute or ordinance adopted by an
elected, general purpose legislative body
(i) Provides any benefits or assistance
to persons based on age;
(ii) Established criteria for
participation in age-related terms; or
(iii) Described intended beneficiaries
or target groups in age-related terms.
(2) Any employment practice of any
employer, employment agency, labor
organization, or any labor-management
joint apprenticeship training program,
except for any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance
for public service employment under
the Workforce Investment Act of 1998
(29 U.S.C. 2801, et seq.).
§ 1172.3
As used in these regulations, the term:
Act means the Age Discrimination Act
of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6101, et
seq. (Title III of Pub. L. 94–135).
Action means any act, activity, policy,
rule, standard, or method of
administration; or the use of any policy,
rule, standard, or method of
Age means how old a person is, or the
number of elapsed years from the date
of a person’s birth.
Age distinction means any action
using age or an age-related term.
Age-related term means a word or
words which necessarily imply a
particular age or range of ages (for
example, children, adult, older persons,
but not student).
Agency means a Federal department
or agency that is empowered to extend
financial assistance.
Chairman means the Chairman of the
National Endowment for the
Federal financial assistance means
any grant, entitlement, loan, cooperative
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 15, 2013 / Proposed Rules
agreement, contract (other than a
procurement contract or a contract of
insurance or guaranty), or any other
arrangement by which NEH provides or
otherwise makes available assistance in
the form of:
(1) Funds;
(2) Services of Federal personnel; or
(3) Real and personal property or any
interest in or use of property, including:
(i) Transfers or leases of property for
less than fair market value or for
reduced consideration; and
(ii) Proceeds from a subsequent
transfer or lease of property if the
Federal share of its fair market value is
not returned to the Federal Government.
Normal operation means the
operation of a program or activity
without significant changes that would
impair its ability to meet its objectives.
Program or activity means all of the
operations of:
(1)(i) A department, agency, special
purpose district, or other
instrumentality of a State or local
government, or
(ii) The entity of such State or local
government that distributes Federal
financial assistance and each such
department or agency (and each other
State or local government entity) to
which the assistance is extended, in the
case of assistance to a State or local
(2)(i) A college, university, or other
postsecondary institution, or a public
system of higher education, or
(ii) A local educational agency (as
defined in 20 U.S.C. 7801), system of
vocational education, or other school
(3)(i) An entire corporation,
partnership, or other private
organization, or an entire sole
(A) If assistance is extended to such
corporation, partnership, private
organization, or sole proprietorship as a
whole, or
(B) Which is principally engaged in
the business of providing education,
health care, housing, social services, or
parks and recreation; or
(ii) The entire plant or other
comparable, geographically separate
facility to which Federal financial
assistance is extended, in the case of
any other corporation, partnership,
private organization, or sole
proprietorship; or
(4) Any other entity which is
established by two or more of the
entities described in paragraph (a), (b),
or (c) of this definition, any part of
which is extended Federal financial
Recipient means any State or its
political subdivision, any
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instrumentality of a State or its political
sub-division, any public or private
agency, institution, organization, or
other entity, or any person to which
Federal financial assistance is extended,
directly or through another recipient.
Recipient includes any successor,
assignee, or transferee, but excludes the
ultimate beneficiary of the assistance.
Secretary means the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Human
Statutory objective means any
purpose of a program or activity
expressly stated in any Federal statute,
State statute, or local statute or
ordinance adopted by an elected,
general purpose legislative body.
Subrecipient means any of the entities
in the definition of recipient to which
a recipient extends or passed on Federal
financial assistance. A subrecipient is
generally regarded as a recipient of
Federal financial assistance and has all
the duties of a recipient in these
United States means the fifty states,
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
the Virgin Islands, American Samoa,
Guam, Wake Island, the Canal Zone, the
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the
Northern Marianas, and the territories
and possessions of the United States.
Subpart B—Standards for Determining
Age Discrimination
§ 1172.11 Rules against age
The rules stated in this section are
limited by the exceptions contained in
§ 1172.12.
(a) General rule: No person in the
United States shall, on the basis of age,
be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected
to discrimination under, any program or
activity receiving Federal financial
(b) Specific rules: A recipient may
not, in any program or activity receiving
Federal financial assistance, directly or
through contractual, licensing, or other
arrangements use age distinctions or
take any other actions which have the
effect, on the basis of age, of:
(1) Excluding individuals from,
denying them the benefits of, or
subjecting them to discrimination
under, a program or activity receiving
Federal financial assistance, or
(2) Denying or limiting individuals in
their opportunity to participate in any
program or activity receiving Federal
financial assistance.
(c) The specific forms of age
discrimination listed in paragraph (b) of
this section do not necessarily
constitute a complete list of
discriminatory actions.
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§ 1172.12 Exceptions to the rules against
age discrimination.
(a) Normal operation or statutory
objective of any program or activity. A
recipient may take an action otherwise
prohibited by § 1172.11 if the action
reasonably takes into account age as a
factor necessary to the normal operation
or the achievement of any statutory
objective of a program or activity, if:
(1) Age is used as a measure or
approximation of one or more other
(2) The other characteristic(s) must be
measured or approximated in order for
the normal operation of the program or
activity to continue, or to achieve any
statutory objective of the program or
(3) The other characteristic(s) can be
reasonably measured or approximated
by the use of age; and
(4) The other characteristic(s) are
impractical to measure directly on an
individual basis.
(b) Reasonable factors other than age.
A recipient may take an action
otherwise prohibited by § 1172.11
which is based on a factor other than
age, even though that action may have
a disproportionate effect on persons of
different ages. An action may be based
on a factor other than age only if the
factor bears a direct and substantial
relationship to the normal operation of
the program or activity or to the
achievement of a statutory objective.
(c) Affirmative action by recipient.
Even in the absence of a finding of
discrimination, a recipient may take
affirmative action to overcome the
effects or conditions that resulted in
limited participation in the recipient’s
program or activity on the basis of age.
(d) Special benefits for children and
the elderly. If a recipient operating a
program or activity provides special
benefits to the elderly or to children,
such use of age distinctions shall be
presumed to be necessary to the normal
operation of the program or activity,
notwithstanding the provisions of
§ 1172.11.
§ 1172.13
Burden of proof.
The recipient of Federal financial
assistance bears the burden of proving
that an age distinction or other action
falls within the exceptions outlined in
§ 1172.12.
Subpart C—Responsibilities of NEH
§ 1172.21
General responsibilities.
A recipient has responsibility to
ensure that its programs or activities are
in compliance with the Act and these
regulations and to take steps to
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 15, 2013 / Proposed Rules
eliminate violations of the Act and these
regulations. A recipient also has
responsibility to maintain records,
provide information, and to afford NEH
access to its records to the extent NEH
finds necessary to determine whether
the recipient is in compliance with the
Act and these regulations.
§ 1172.22
Notice to subrecipients.
Where a recipient passes on Federal
financial assistance from NEH to
subrecipients, the recipient must
provide the subrecipients with written
notice of their obligations under the Act
and these regulations. Each recipient
must also make necessary information
available to its beneficiaries in order to
inform them about the protections
against discrimination provided by the
Act and these regulations.
§ 1172.23
As part of a compliance review under
§ 1172.31 or a complaint investigation
under § 1172.34, NEH may require a
recipient employing the equivalent of
fifteen (15) or more full time employees
to complete a written self-evaluation, in
a manner specified by NEH, of any age
distinction imposed in its program or
activity receiving Federal financial
assistance. A recipient must take
corrective and remedial action
whenever a self-evaluation indicates a
violation of the Act, and the recipient
must make the self-evaluation available
upon request to NEH and to the public
for a period of three (3) years following
its completion.
§ 1172.24
Information requirements.
Each recipient must keep records
containing information necessary to
determine whether the recipient is in
compliance with the Act and these
regulations, and must make them
available to NEH upon request. Each
recipient must also permit reasonable
access by NEH to its books, records,
accounts, and other facilities and
sources of information, to the extent
necessary for NEH to determine whether
the recipient is in compliance with the
Act and this part.
Subpart D—Investigation, Conciliation,
and Enforcement Procedures
§ 1172.31
Compliance reviews.
(a) NEH may conduct compliance
reviews, pre-award reviews, and other
similar procedures in order to
investigate and correct violations of the
Act and these regulations. NEH may
conduct these reviews even in absence
of a complaint against the recipient.
Reviews may be as comprehensive as
necessary to determine whether a
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recipient is in compliance with the Act
and this part.
(b) If a compliance review or preaward review indicates a violation of
the Act and these regulations, NEH will
attempt to contact the recipient and
achieve the recipient’s voluntary
compliance with the Act. If the recipient
does not comply voluntarily, NEH may
pursue enforcement efforts as described
in § 1172.36.
§ 1172.32
(a) Any person, individually or as a
member of a class or on behalf of others,
may file a complaint with NEH, alleging
discrimination prohibited by the Act
and the regulations in this part based on
an action occurring on or after July 1,
1979. A complainant must file a
complaint in writing within 180 days
from the date that the complainant first
had knowledge of the alleged act of
discrimination. However, for good
cause, NEH may extend this time limit.
NEH will consider the date a complaint
is filed as the date when the complaint
is sufficient to be processed.
(b) Complaints must include a written
and signed statement identifying the
parties involved, describing the alleged
violation, and stating the date on which
the complainant first had knowledge of
the alleged violation.
(c) NEH will attempt to facilitate the
filing of complaints wherever possible,
including taking the following
measures, as appropriate:
(1) Widely disseminating information
regarding the obligations of recipients
under the Act and this part,
(2) Permitting a complainant to add
information to the complaint to meet the
requirements of a sufficient complaint,
(3) Notifying the complainant and the
recipient (or their representatives) of
their rights and obligations under the
complaint procedure, including the
right to have a representative at all
stages of the complaint procedure, and/
(4) Notifying the complainant and the
recipient (or their representatives) of
their right to contact NEH for
information and assistance regarding the
complaint resolution process.
(d) NEH will return any complaint
that is unsigned or that is not within
NEH’s jurisdiction for any other reason,
and NEH will provide an explanation
for the return.
§ 1172.33
(a) Referral of complaints for
mediation. NEH will promptly refer all
complaints that fall within the
jurisdiction of these regulations, and
that contain all information necessary
for further processing, to the agency
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designated by the Secretary to manage
the mediation process.
(b) Both the complainant and the
recipient must participate in the
mediation process to the extent
necessary to reach an agreement, or for
the mediator to make an informal
judgment that an agreement is
impossible. The complainant and
recipient must meet with the mediator
at least once before NEH will accept a
judgment that an agreement is
impossible. However, the recipient and
the complainant need not meet with the
mediator at the same time.
(c) If the complainant and recipient
reach a mutually satisfactory resolution
of the complaint during the mediation
period, they must prepare an agreement
in writing. The mediator will send a
copy of the settlement agreement to
NEH. NEH will take no further action
based on that complaint unless it
appears that the complainant or the
recipient has failed to comply with the
(d) The mediator will protect the
confidentiality of all information
obtained in the course of the mediation
process, and no mediator shall testify in
any adjudicative proceeding, produce
any document, or otherwise disclose
any information obtained in the course
of the mediation process without prior
approval of the head of the mediation
(e) If the complainant and recipient
do not reach a mutually satisfactory
resolution during mediation within
sixty (60) days after NEH receives the
complaint, the mediator must return the
complaint to NEH for investigation. The
mediator may return a complaint at any
time before the end of the sixty-day
period if it appears that the complaint
cannot be resolved through mediation.
The mediator may extend this sixty-day
period, provided NEH concurs, for not
more than thirty (30) days, if the
mediator determines that resolution is
likely to occur within such period.
§ 1172.34
(a) Informal investigation. (1) NEH
will investigate complaints that are
unresolved after mediation or are
reopened because of a violation of a
settlement agreement.
(i) As part of this initial investigation,
NEH will use informal fact-finding
methods, including joint or separate
discussions with the complainant and
the recipient to establish the facts, and,
if possible, resolve the complaint to the
mutual satisfaction of the parties. NEH
may seek the assistance of any involved
State agency.
(ii) NEH will put any settlement
agreement in writing and have it signed
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 15, 2013 / Proposed Rules
by the parties and NEH. The settlement
is not a finding of discrimination against
a recipient.
(2) The settlement shall not affect the
operation of any other enforcement
effort of NEH, including compliance
reviews and investigation of other
complaints which may involve the
(b) Formal investigation. If NEH
cannot resolve the complaint through
informal investigation, it will develop
formal findings through further
investigation of the complaint. If the
formal investigation indicates a
violation of the Act or these regulations,
NEH will attempt to obtain voluntary
compliance. If NEH cannot obtain
voluntary compliance, it will arrange for
enforcement as described in § 1172.36.
§ 1172.35 Prohibition against intimidation
or retaliation.
A recipient may not engage in acts of
intimidation or retaliation against any
person who attempts to assert a right
protected by the Act or this part, or
cooperates in any mediation,
investigation, hearing, or other part of
NEH’s investigation, conciliation, and
enforcement process.
§ 1172.36
Compliance procedure.
(a) NEH may enforce the Act and the
regulations in this part through:
(1) Termination of a recipient’s
Federal financial assistance under the
program or activity involved where the
recipient has violated the Actor these
regulations. A recipient must have the
opportunity for a hearing on record
before an administrative law judge, who
must determine that a violation has
occurred. The determination of the
recipient’s violation may be made only
after a recipient has had an opportunity
for a hearing on the record before an
administrative law judge. Therefore,
NEH will not terminate a recipient’s
Federal financial assistance in a case
that has been settled in mediation, or
prior to a hearing, unless the case is
reopened because of a violation of the
settlement agreement.
(2) Any other means authorized by
law, including but not limited to:
(i) Referral to the Department of
Justice for proceedings to enforce any
rights of the United States or obligations
of the recipient created by the Act or
these regulations.
(ii) Use of any requirement of or
referral to any Federal, State, or local
government agency that will have the
effect of correcting a violation of the Act
or this part.
(b) NEH will limit any termination
under § 1172.36(a)(1) to the particular
recipient and particular program or
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activity, or portion thereof, that NEH
finds in violation of the Act or these
regulations. NEH will not base its
decision to terminate on any other
program or activity of the recipient that
does not receive Federal financial
assistance from NEH.
(c) NEH will not take action under
§ 1172.36(a) until:
(1) The Chairman has advised the
recipient of its failure to comply with
the Act or these regulations, and that
NEH has determined that voluntary
compliance cannot be obtained, and
(2) Thirty (30) days have elapsed after
the Chairman has sent a written report
of the circumstances and grounds of the
action to the Congressional
Committee(s) having legislative
jurisdiction over the program or activity
involved. The Chairman will file such
report whenever it takes action under
§ 1172.36(a).
(d) NEH also may defer granting new
Federal financial assistance to a
recipient when a hearing under
§ 1172.36(a)(1) is initiated.
(1) New Federal financial assistance
includes all assistance for which NEH
requires an application or approval,
including renewal or continuation of
existing activities, or authorization of
new activities, during the deferral
period. New Federal financial assistance
does not include assistance approved
prior to the beginning of a termination
hearing under § 1172.36(a)(1), or
increases in funding as a result of
changed computation of formula
(2) NEH will not begin a deferral until
the recipient has received a notice of an
opportunity for a hearing under
§ 1172.36(a)(1). NEH will not continue a
deferral for more than sixty (60) days
unless a hearing has begun within that
time, or the time for beginning the
hearing has been extended by mutual
written consent of the recipient and
NEH. NEH will not continue a deferral
for more than thirty (30) days after the
close of the hearing, unless the hearing
results in a finding against the recipient.
If the hearing results in a finding against
the recipient, NEH must terminate
§ 1172.37 Hearings, decisions, posttermination proceedings.
Certain NEH procedural provisions
applicable to Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 apply to NEH enforcement
of these regulations. They are found at
45 CFR 1110.9 through 1110.11.
§ 1172.38
Remedial action by recipients.
Where NEH finds a recipient has
discriminated on the basis of age, the
recipient shall take any remedial action
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that NEH may require to overcome the
effects of discrimination. If another
recipient exercises control over the
recipient that has discriminated, NEH
may require both recipients to take
remedial action.
§ 1172.39 Alternate funds disbursal
When NEH withholds funds from a
recipient under these regulations, the
Chairman may disburse the withheld
funds directly to an alternate recipient
otherwise eligible for NEH support.
NEH will require any alternate recipient
to demonstrate the ability to comply
with these regulations and to achieve
the goals of the National Foundation on
the Arts and the Humanities Act of
1965, Public Law 89–209 (20 U.S.C.
951)—the Federal statute authorizing
the Federal financial assistance.
§ 1172.40 Exhaustion of administrative
(a) A complainant may file a civil
action under the Act and these
regulations following the exhaustion of
administrative remedies. Administrative
remedies are exhausted if 180 days have
elapsed since the complainant filed the
complaint and NEH has made no
finding with regard to the complaint, or
NEH issues any finding in favor of the
(b) If either of the conditions set forth
in § 1172.40(a) is satisfied, NEH will:
(1) Promptly advise the complainant
of this fact,
(2) Advise the complainant of his or
her right, under section 305(e) of the
Act, to bring a civil action for injunctive
relief that will effect the purposes of the
Act, and
(3) Inform the complainant:
(i) That a civil action can only be
brought in a United States district court
for the district in which the recipient is
found or transacts business,
(ii) That a complainant prevailing in
a civil action has the right to be awarded
the costs of the action, including
reasonable attorney’s fees, but that these
costs must be demanded in the
(iii) That before commencing the
action, the complainant must give thirty
(30) days’ notice by registered mail to
the Secretary, the Attorney General of
the United States, the Chairman, and the
(iv) That the notice must state the
alleged violation of the Act, the relief
requested, the court in which the action
will be brought, and whether or not
attorney’s fees are demanded in the
event the complainant prevails, and
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 94 / Wednesday, May 15, 2013 / Proposed Rules
(v) That no action may be brought if
the same alleged violation of the Act by
the same recipient is the subject of a
pending action in any court of the
United States.
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[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 94 (Wednesday, May 15, 2013)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 28569-28575]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-10844]
National Endowment for the Humanities
45 CFR Part 1172
RIN 3136-AA33
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in Federally Assisted
Programs or Activities
AGENCY: National Endowment for the Humanities, National Foundation on
the Arts and Humanities.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is issuing Age
Discrimination Act of 1975 regulations at 45 CFR part 1172. These
regulations implement provisions of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975
and the general, government-wide age discrimination regulations
promulgated by the United States Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS).
These regulations are designed to guide the actions of recipients
of Federal financial assistance from NEH and incorporate the basic
standards set forth in the general, government-wide regulations for
determining what constitutes age discrimination. The regulations also
discuss the responsibilities of NEH recipients and the investigations,
conciliation, and enforcement procedures NEH has been using and will
continue to use to ensure compliance with the Act.
DATES: Written comments must be postmarked and electronic comments must
be submitted on or before July 15, 2013.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
email to; fax to 202-606-8600, please send your
comments to the attention of Gina Raimond; or postal mail to Gina
Raimond, Attorney Advisor, Office of the General Counsel, National
Endowment for the Humanities, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Room 529,
Washington, DC 20506. To ensure proper handling, please reference ``Age
Discrimination Act Regulations'' on your correspondence.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gina Raimond, Office of the General
Counsel, National Endowment for the Humanities, 202-606-8322 (voice) or
202-606-8282 (TDD).
Background Information
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 6101, et
seq., (the ``Act''), prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in
programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. The Act,
which applies to persons of all ages, also contains certain exceptions
that permit, under limited circumstances, use of age distinctions or
factors other than age that may have a disproportionate effect on the
basis of age.
The Act required the former Department of Health, Education and
Welfare (HEW) to issue general, government-wide regulations setting
standards to be followed by all Federal agencies implementing the Act.
These government-wide regulations, issued on June 12, 1979 and codified
at 45 CFR part 90, require each agency to publish agency-specific
regulations implementing the Act and to submit such final agency
regulations to HEW (now HHS) before publication in the Federal Register
(see 45 CFR part 90.31). The Act became effective on July 1, 1979--the
effective date of HEW's final government-wide regulations--and NEH has
enforced the provisions of the Act since that time. NEH first proposed
agency-specific regulations implementing the Act on October 4, 1979 (44
FR 57130), which were closely based on the general, government-wide
regulations. NEH's original proposed rule adopted many substantively
identical sections and cross-referenced sections from the government-
wide regulations, rather than repeating them in full. HHS reviewed and
approved NEH's initial agency-specific regulations in 1985; however,
NEH did not publish the final regulations.
Since such a significant amount of time has passed since NEH
initially drafted the proposed rule, and because regulatory development
guidelines have changed over the years, NEH determined that it would be
best to begin the regulatory process anew by drafting new agency-
specific age discrimination regulations. As a practical matter,
however, the absence of agency-specific regulations has not affected
NEH's enforcement of prohibitions against discrimination on the basis
of age in programs or activities receiving financial assistance from
NEH. Further, NEH has consistently fulfilled its obligation to report
annually to Congress through HHS on its compliance and enforcement
Overview of Proposed Rule
NEH has designed this proposed rule to fulfill the agency's
statutory and regulatory obligations to issue a regulation implementing
the Act that conforms to the government-wide regulations at 45 CFR part
[[Page 28570]]
NEH's proposed regulations are divided into four parts: Subpart A--
General; Subpart B Standards for Determining Age Discrimination;
Subpart C--Responsibilities of NEH Recipients; and Subpart D--
Investigation, Conciliation, and Enforcement Procedures.
Subpart A--General
Subpart A explains the purpose of NEH's age discrimination
regulations, which is to set out NEH's policies and procedures in
accordance with the Act and the government-wide regulations. The
regulations apply to any program or activity receiving Federal
financial assistance from NEH. Subpart A also defines terms used in the
regulations, many of which are identical to the definitions in the
government-wide regulations. The definition of the term ``recipient''
points out the inapplicability of these regulations to assistance
programs administered directly by the Federal government to
beneficiaries. With respect to direct assistance programs, the
regulations may apply whenever direct aid is provided to an individual
on conditions that the aid is spent in providing services or benefits
to others. Further, because the Act contains several exceptions which
limit the general prohibition against age discrimination, the
regulations provide definitions for two terms that are essential to
understanding two of those exceptions: ``normal operation'' and
``statutory objective.''
Subpart B--Standards for Determining Age Discrimination
Subpart B sets out the standards NEH uses for determining illegal
age discrimination, which are based on the government-wide regulations.
The regulations also establish a four-part test for a specific age
distinction to satisfy the ``normal operation'' or ``statutory
objective'' requirement for a recipient to use an age-based distinction
in a program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. NEH
will use this four-part test to scrutinize age distinctions, if any,
which are imposed in NEH-assisted programs, but which are not
explicitly authorized by a Federal, State or local statute. NEH
recipients are also permitted to take an action otherwise prohibited by
the Act if the action is based on ``reasonable factors other than
age,'' but only if the factor bears a direct and substantial
relationship to the program's normal operation or to the achievement of
a statutory objective.
Subpart C--Responsibilities of NEH Recipients
Subpart C sets forth the duties of NEH recipients. NEH recipients
are responsible for ensuring that their programs and activities are in
compliance with the Act and NEH regulations. Where an NEH recipient
passes on financial assistance to subrecipients, the recipient must
notify subrecipients of their obligations under the regulations. Under
these regulations, NEH could require a recipient or subrecipient to
complete a written self-evaluation of its compliance with the Act and
these regulations. The self-evaluation must be kept on file for three
years from its effective date and made available to the public upon
Subpart D--Investigation, Conciliation, and Enforcement Procedures
Subpart D establishes the procedures for investigation,
conciliation, and enforcement of the Act, and closely follows the
procedural requirements included in the government-wide age
discrimination regulations. Mediation is the first step in the
complaint process. NEH will refer all complaints of discrimination
under the Act to the Federal agency designated by HHS to manage the
mediation process. Complainants and NEH recipients must participate in
the effort to reach a mutually satisfactory settlement. Mediation may
last no more than sixty (60) days from the date NEH first receives the
complaint. NEH will investigate any complaints that are unresolved
after mediation or are reopened because the settlement agreement is
violated. Finally, the regulations permit NEH to withhold funds and
disburse them to an appropriate alternate recipient, if the alternate
has demonstrated the ability to comply with the regulations and to
achieve the goals of the National Foundation on the Arts and the
Humanities Act of 1965.
Regulatory Procedures
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Review
NEH has determined that the proposed rule is not a ``significant
regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866 because it will not:
(1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or
adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the
economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public
health or safety, or State, local, or Tribal governments or
communities; (2) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere
with an action taken or planned by another agency; (3) materially alter
the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan
programs or the rights and obligations of recipients thereof; or (4)
raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the
President's priorities, or the principles set forth in Executive Order
12866. Therefore, the proposed rule is not subject to Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) review.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
In accordance with section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA) (5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., as amended by the Small Business
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996), the Chairman of NEH
certifies that the proposed rule will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities. In making this
determination, NEH used the definition of small entity set forth in the
RFA: (1) A small business, as defined by the Small Business
Administration (SBA) in 13 CFR part 121.201; (2) a small governmental
jurisdiction, which is a government of a city, county, town, school
district or special district with a population of less than 50,000; and
(3) a small organization, which is any non-profit enterprise that is
independently owned and operated and is not dominant in its field. Some
NEH grant programs support humanities projects developed by small,
independently-owned non-profits, such as museums, libraries, and other
cultural organizations. NEH funds approximately 75-100 small non-
profits each year, which accounts for less than ten percent of NEH's
annual funding.
However, the proposed rule, if promulgated in final form, will not
impose any additional requirements on these small entities because it
will not substantively change existing requirements, but will merely
clarify such duties for entities receiving financial assistance from
NEH. The requirements prohibiting age discrimination by recipients of
Federal financial assistance contained in the Act and the government-
wide regulations have been in effect since 1979. The proposed rule only
formalizes those existing requirements for NEH recipients.
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
NEH has determined that the proposed rule is not a ``major rule''
as defined by section 251 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), as amended, Public Law 104-121 (5 U.S.C.
804). This rule will not result in: (1) An
[[Page 28571]]
annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more; (2) a major
increase in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries,
Federal, State, or local government agencies, or geographic regions; or
(3) significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment,
productivity, innovation or the ability of United States-based
companies to compete with foreign-based companies in domestic and
export markets.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Public Law 104-4
(2 U.S.C. 1501, et seq.), does not apply to the proposed rule because
it does not apply to regulatory actions that establish or enforce
statutory rights that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap or disability.
Further, the proposed rule contains no ``Federal mandate'' under Title
II of UMRA because UMRA excludes from the definitions of ``Federal
intergovernmental mandate'' and ``Federal private sector mandate''
duties that arise from conditions of Federal assistance and duties that
arise from participation in a voluntary Federal program. Congress
mandated in the Act the establishment of these agency-specific
regulations to enforce the prohibition of discrimination on the basis
of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial
assistance. These regulations do not apply to any program or activity
unless it applies for and receives financial assistance from NEH.
Application for, and receipt of, NEH assistance is entirely voluntary.
In addition, NEH has determined that the proposed rule will not
significantly or uniquely affect small governments. These regulations
apply uniformly to all organizational recipients of NEH financial
Paperwork Reduction Act
NEH has determined that the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), 44
U.S.C. 3501, et seq., does not apply because the proposed rule does not
impose any new information collection requirements that require OMB
approval. Section 3518(c)(1)(B) of the PRA exempts from OMB approval,
collections of information ``during the conduct of . . . (ii) an
administrative action or investigation involving an agency against
specific individuals or entities.'' These regulations provide NEH with
discretionary authority to require information from recipients as part
of an investigation, thereby eliminating any PRA concerns, because it
is discretionary and tied to NEH's authority to investigate. Further,
the proposed rule provides that individuals ``may file'' complaints and
requires that recipients provide notice to subrecipients of their
obligations under the Act and the regulations, neither of which involve
a ``collection of information'' under the PRA.
List of Subjects in 45 CFR Part 1172
Administrative practice and procedure, Age discrimination, Civil
rights, Grant programs, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: May 1, 2013.
Michael P. McDonald,
General Counsel.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, NEH proposes to amend 45
CFR Subchapter D by adding part 1172 as follows:
Subpart A--General
1172.1 Purpose.
1172.2 Application.
1172.3 Definitions.
Subpart B--Standards for Determining Age Discrimination
1172.11 Rules against age discrimination.
1172.12 Exceptions to the rules against age discrimination.
1172.13 Burden of proof.
Subpart C--Responsibilities of NEH Recipients
1172.21 General responsibilities.
1172.22 Notice to subrecipients.
1172.23 Self-evaluation.
1172.24 Information requirements.
Subpart D--Investigation, Conciliation, and Enforcement Procedures
1172.31 Compliance reviews.
1172.32 Complaints.
1172.33 Mediation.
1172.34 Investigation.
1172.35 Prohibition against intimidation or retaliation.
1172.36 Compliance procedure.
1172.37 Hearings, decisions, post-termination proceedings.
1172.38 Remedial action by recipients.
1172.39 Alternate funds disbursal procedure.
1172.40 Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6101-6107; 45 CFR 90.
Subpart A--General
Sec. 1172.1 Purpose.
The purpose of this part is to implement the Age Discrimination Act
of 1975, and as required by the general, government-wide age
discrimination regulations at 45 CFR part 90. The Act is designed to
prohibit discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities
receiving Federal financial assistance. The Act also permits federally
assisted programs or activities, and recipients of Federal funds, to
continue to use certain age distinctions and factors other than age
which meet the requirements of the Act and these regulations.
Sec. 1172.2 Application.
(a) The Act and the regulations in this part apply to any program
or activity receiving financial assistance from the National Endowment
for the Humanities (NEH).
(b) The Act does not apply to:
(1) Any age distinction contained in that part of a Federal, State
or local statute or ordinance adopted by an elected, general purpose
legislative body which:
(i) Provides any benefits or assistance to persons based on age;
(ii) Established criteria for participation in age-related terms;
(iii) Described intended beneficiaries or target groups in age-
related terms.
(2) Any employment practice of any employer, employment agency,
labor organization, or any labor-management joint apprenticeship
training program, except for any program or activity receiving Federal
financial assistance for public service employment under the Workforce
Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2801, et seq.).
Sec. 1172.3 Definitions.
As used in these regulations, the term:
Act means the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C.
6101, et seq. (Title III of Pub. L. 94-135).
Action means any act, activity, policy, rule, standard, or method
of administration; or the use of any policy, rule, standard, or method
of administration.
Age means how old a person is, or the number of elapsed years from
the date of a person's birth.
Age distinction means any action using age or an age-related term.
Age-related term means a word or words which necessarily imply a
particular age or range of ages (for example, children, adult, older
persons, but not student).
Agency means a Federal department or agency that is empowered to
extend financial assistance.
Chairman means the Chairman of the National Endowment for the
Federal financial assistance means any grant, entitlement, loan,
[[Page 28572]]
agreement, contract (other than a procurement contract or a contract of
insurance or guaranty), or any other arrangement by which NEH provides
or otherwise makes available assistance in the form of:
(1) Funds;
(2) Services of Federal personnel; or
(3) Real and personal property or any interest in or use of
property, including:
(i) Transfers or leases of property for less than fair market value
or for reduced consideration; and
(ii) Proceeds from a subsequent transfer or lease of property if
the Federal share of its fair market value is not returned to the
Federal Government.
Normal operation means the operation of a program or activity
without significant changes that would impair its ability to meet its
Program or activity means all of the operations of:
(1)(i) A department, agency, special purpose district, or other
instrumentality of a State or local government, or
(ii) The entity of such State or local government that distributes
Federal financial assistance and each such department or agency (and
each other State or local government entity) to which the assistance is
extended, in the case of assistance to a State or local government;
(2)(i) A college, university, or other postsecondary institution,
or a public system of higher education, or
(ii) A local educational agency (as defined in 20 U.S.C. 7801),
system of vocational education, or other school system;
(3)(i) An entire corporation, partnership, or other private
organization, or an entire sole proprietorship--
(A) If assistance is extended to such corporation, partnership,
private organization, or sole proprietorship as a whole, or
(B) Which is principally engaged in the business of providing
education, health care, housing, social services, or parks and
recreation; or
(ii) The entire plant or other comparable, geographically separate
facility to which Federal financial assistance is extended, in the case
of any other corporation, partnership, private organization, or sole
proprietorship; or
(4) Any other entity which is established by two or more of the
entities described in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this definition,
any part of which is extended Federal financial assistance.
Recipient means any State or its political subdivision, any
instrumentality of a State or its political sub-division, any public or
private agency, institution, organization, or other entity, or any
person to which Federal financial assistance is extended, directly or
through another recipient. Recipient includes any successor, assignee,
or transferee, but excludes the ultimate beneficiary of the assistance.
Secretary means the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human
Statutory objective means any purpose of a program or activity
expressly stated in any Federal statute, State statute, or local
statute or ordinance adopted by an elected, general purpose legislative
Subrecipient means any of the entities in the definition of
recipient to which a recipient extends or passed on Federal financial
assistance. A subrecipient is generally regarded as a recipient of
Federal financial assistance and has all the duties of a recipient in
these regulations.
United States means the fifty states, the District of Columbia,
Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Wake Island, the
Canal Zone, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Northern
Marianas, and the territories and possessions of the United States.
Subpart B--Standards for Determining Age Discrimination
Sec. 1172.11 Rules against age discrimination.
The rules stated in this section are limited by the exceptions
contained in Sec. 1172.12.
(a) General rule: No person in the United States shall, on the
basis of age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits
of, or be subjected to discrimination under, any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance.
(b) Specific rules: A recipient may not, in any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance, directly or through
contractual, licensing, or other arrangements use age distinctions or
take any other actions which have the effect, on the basis of age, of:
(1) Excluding individuals from, denying them the benefits of, or
subjecting them to discrimination under, a program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance, or
(2) Denying or limiting individuals in their opportunity to
participate in any program or activity receiving Federal financial
(c) The specific forms of age discrimination listed in paragraph
(b) of this section do not necessarily constitute a complete list of
discriminatory actions.
Sec. 1172.12 Exceptions to the rules against age discrimination.
(a) Normal operation or statutory objective of any program or
activity. A recipient may take an action otherwise prohibited by Sec.
1172.11 if the action reasonably takes into account age as a factor
necessary to the normal operation or the achievement of any statutory
objective of a program or activity, if:
(1) Age is used as a measure or approximation of one or more other
(2) The other characteristic(s) must be measured or approximated in
order for the normal operation of the program or activity to continue,
or to achieve any statutory objective of the program or activity;
(3) The other characteristic(s) can be reasonably measured or
approximated by the use of age; and
(4) The other characteristic(s) are impractical to measure directly
on an individual basis.
(b) Reasonable factors other than age. A recipient may take an
action otherwise prohibited by Sec. 1172.11 which is based on a factor
other than age, even though that action may have a disproportionate
effect on persons of different ages. An action may be based on a factor
other than age only if the factor bears a direct and substantial
relationship to the normal operation of the program or activity or to
the achievement of a statutory objective.
(c) Affirmative action by recipient. Even in the absence of a
finding of discrimination, a recipient may take affirmative action to
overcome the effects or conditions that resulted in limited
participation in the recipient's program or activity on the basis of
(d) Special benefits for children and the elderly. If a recipient
operating a program or activity provides special benefits to the
elderly or to children, such use of age distinctions shall be presumed
to be necessary to the normal operation of the program or activity,
notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 1172.11.
Sec. 1172.13 Burden of proof.
The recipient of Federal financial assistance bears the burden of
proving that an age distinction or other action falls within the
exceptions outlined in Sec. 1172.12.
Subpart C--Responsibilities of NEH recipients
Sec. 1172.21 General responsibilities.
A recipient has responsibility to ensure that its programs or
activities are in compliance with the Act and these regulations and to
take steps to
[[Page 28573]]
eliminate violations of the Act and these regulations. A recipient also
has responsibility to maintain records, provide information, and to
afford NEH access to its records to the extent NEH finds necessary to
determine whether the recipient is in compliance with the Act and these
Sec. 1172.22 Notice to subrecipients.
Where a recipient passes on Federal financial assistance from NEH
to subrecipients, the recipient must provide the subrecipients with
written notice of their obligations under the Act and these
regulations. Each recipient must also make necessary information
available to its beneficiaries in order to inform them about the
protections against discrimination provided by the Act and these
Sec. 1172.23 Self-evaluation.
As part of a compliance review under Sec. 1172.31 or a complaint
investigation under Sec. 1172.34, NEH may require a recipient
employing the equivalent of fifteen (15) or more full time employees to
complete a written self-evaluation, in a manner specified by NEH, of
any age distinction imposed in its program or activity receiving
Federal financial assistance. A recipient must take corrective and
remedial action whenever a self-evaluation indicates a violation of the
Act, and the recipient must make the self-evaluation available upon
request to NEH and to the public for a period of three (3) years
following its completion.
Sec. 1172.24 Information requirements.
Each recipient must keep records containing information necessary
to determine whether the recipient is in compliance with the Act and
these regulations, and must make them available to NEH upon request.
Each recipient must also permit reasonable access by NEH to its books,
records, accounts, and other facilities and sources of information, to
the extent necessary for NEH to determine whether the recipient is in
compliance with the Act and this part.
Subpart D--Investigation, Conciliation, and Enforcement Procedures
Sec. 1172.31 Compliance reviews.
(a) NEH may conduct compliance reviews, pre-award reviews, and
other similar procedures in order to investigate and correct violations
of the Act and these regulations. NEH may conduct these reviews even in
absence of a complaint against the recipient. Reviews may be as
comprehensive as necessary to determine whether a recipient is in
compliance with the Act and this part.
(b) If a compliance review or pre-award review indicates a
violation of the Act and these regulations, NEH will attempt to contact
the recipient and achieve the recipient's voluntary compliance with the
Act. If the recipient does not comply voluntarily, NEH may pursue
enforcement efforts as described in Sec. 1172.36.
Sec. 1172.32 Complaints.
(a) Any person, individually or as a member of a class or on behalf
of others, may file a complaint with NEH, alleging discrimination
prohibited by the Act and the regulations in this part based on an
action occurring on or after July 1, 1979. A complainant must file a
complaint in writing within 180 days from the date that the complainant
first had knowledge of the alleged act of discrimination. However, for
good cause, NEH may extend this time limit. NEH will consider the date
a complaint is filed as the date when the complaint is sufficient to be
(b) Complaints must include a written and signed statement
identifying the parties involved, describing the alleged violation, and
stating the date on which the complainant first had knowledge of the
alleged violation.
(c) NEH will attempt to facilitate the filing of complaints
wherever possible, including taking the following measures, as
(1) Widely disseminating information regarding the obligations of
recipients under the Act and this part,
(2) Permitting a complainant to add information to the complaint to
meet the requirements of a sufficient complaint,
(3) Notifying the complainant and the recipient (or their
representatives) of their rights and obligations under the complaint
procedure, including the right to have a representative at all stages
of the complaint procedure, and/or
(4) Notifying the complainant and the recipient (or their
representatives) of their right to contact NEH for information and
assistance regarding the complaint resolution process.
(d) NEH will return any complaint that is unsigned or that is not
within NEH's jurisdiction for any other reason, and NEH will provide an
explanation for the return.
Sec. 1172.33 Mediation.
(a) Referral of complaints for mediation. NEH will promptly refer
all complaints that fall within the jurisdiction of these regulations,
and that contain all information necessary for further processing, to
the agency designated by the Secretary to manage the mediation process.
(b) Both the complainant and the recipient must participate in the
mediation process to the extent necessary to reach an agreement, or for
the mediator to make an informal judgment that an agreement is
impossible. The complainant and recipient must meet with the mediator
at least once before NEH will accept a judgment that an agreement is
impossible. However, the recipient and the complainant need not meet
with the mediator at the same time.
(c) If the complainant and recipient reach a mutually satisfactory
resolution of the complaint during the mediation period, they must
prepare an agreement in writing. The mediator will send a copy of the
settlement agreement to NEH. NEH will take no further action based on
that complaint unless it appears that the complainant or the recipient
has failed to comply with the agreement.
(d) The mediator will protect the confidentiality of all
information obtained in the course of the mediation process, and no
mediator shall testify in any adjudicative proceeding, produce any
document, or otherwise disclose any information obtained in the course
of the mediation process without prior approval of the head of the
mediation agency.
(e) If the complainant and recipient do not reach a mutually
satisfactory resolution during mediation within sixty (60) days after
NEH receives the complaint, the mediator must return the complaint to
NEH for investigation. The mediator may return a complaint at any time
before the end of the sixty-day period if it appears that the complaint
cannot be resolved through mediation. The mediator may extend this
sixty-day period, provided NEH concurs, for not more than thirty (30)
days, if the mediator determines that resolution is likely to occur
within such period.
Sec. 1172.34 Investigation.
(a) Informal investigation. (1) NEH will investigate complaints
that are unresolved after mediation or are reopened because of a
violation of a settlement agreement.
(i) As part of this initial investigation, NEH will use informal
fact-finding methods, including joint or separate discussions with the
complainant and the recipient to establish the facts, and, if possible,
resolve the complaint to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. NEH
may seek the assistance of any involved State agency.
(ii) NEH will put any settlement agreement in writing and have it
[[Page 28574]]
by the parties and NEH. The settlement is not a finding of
discrimination against a recipient.
(2) The settlement shall not affect the operation of any other
enforcement effort of NEH, including compliance reviews and
investigation of other complaints which may involve the recipient.
(b) Formal investigation. If NEH cannot resolve the complaint
through informal investigation, it will develop formal findings through
further investigation of the complaint. If the formal investigation
indicates a violation of the Act or these regulations, NEH will attempt
to obtain voluntary compliance. If NEH cannot obtain voluntary
compliance, it will arrange for enforcement as described in Sec.
Sec. 1172.35 Prohibition against intimidation or retaliation.
A recipient may not engage in acts of intimidation or retaliation
against any person who attempts to assert a right protected by the Act
or this part, or cooperates in any mediation, investigation, hearing,
or other part of NEH's investigation, conciliation, and enforcement
Sec. 1172.36 Compliance procedure.
(a) NEH may enforce the Act and the regulations in this part
(1) Termination of a recipient's Federal financial assistance under
the program or activity involved where the recipient has violated the
Actor these regulations. A recipient must have the opportunity for a
hearing on record before an administrative law judge, who must
determine that a violation has occurred. The determination of the
recipient's violation may be made only after a recipient has had an
opportunity for a hearing on the record before an administrative law
judge. Therefore, NEH will not terminate a recipient's Federal
financial assistance in a case that has been settled in mediation, or
prior to a hearing, unless the case is reopened because of a violation
of the settlement agreement.
(2) Any other means authorized by law, including but not limited
(i) Referral to the Department of Justice for proceedings to
enforce any rights of the United States or obligations of the recipient
created by the Act or these regulations.
(ii) Use of any requirement of or referral to any Federal, State,
or local government agency that will have the effect of correcting a
violation of the Act or this part.
(b) NEH will limit any termination under Sec. 1172.36(a)(1) to the
particular recipient and particular program or activity, or portion
thereof, that NEH finds in violation of the Act or these regulations.
NEH will not base its decision to terminate on any other program or
activity of the recipient that does not receive Federal financial
assistance from NEH.
(c) NEH will not take action under Sec. 1172.36(a) until:
(1) The Chairman has advised the recipient of its failure to comply
with the Act or these regulations, and that NEH has determined that
voluntary compliance cannot be obtained, and
(2) Thirty (30) days have elapsed after the Chairman has sent a
written report of the circumstances and grounds of the action to the
Congressional Committee(s) having legislative jurisdiction over the
program or activity involved. The Chairman will file such report
whenever it takes action under Sec. 1172.36(a).
(d) NEH also may defer granting new Federal financial assistance to
a recipient when a hearing under Sec. 1172.36(a)(1) is initiated.
(1) New Federal financial assistance includes all assistance for
which NEH requires an application or approval, including renewal or
continuation of existing activities, or authorization of new
activities, during the deferral period. New Federal financial
assistance does not include assistance approved prior to the beginning
of a termination hearing under Sec. 1172.36(a)(1), or increases in
funding as a result of changed computation of formula awards.
(2) NEH will not begin a deferral until the recipient has received
a notice of an opportunity for a hearing under Sec. 1172.36(a)(1). NEH
will not continue a deferral for more than sixty (60) days unless a
hearing has begun within that time, or the time for beginning the
hearing has been extended by mutual written consent of the recipient
and NEH. NEH will not continue a deferral for more than thirty (30)
days after the close of the hearing, unless the hearing results in a
finding against the recipient. If the hearing results in a finding
against the recipient, NEH must terminate funds.
Sec. 1172.37 Hearings, decisions, post-termination proceedings.
Certain NEH procedural provisions applicable to Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 apply to NEH enforcement of these regulations.
They are found at 45 CFR 1110.9 through 1110.11.
Sec. 1172.38 Remedial action by recipients.
Where NEH finds a recipient has discriminated on the basis of age,
the recipient shall take any remedial action that NEH may require to
overcome the effects of discrimination. If another recipient exercises
control over the recipient that has discriminated, NEH may require both
recipients to take remedial action.
Sec. 1172.39 Alternate funds disbursal procedure.
When NEH withholds funds from a recipient under these regulations,
the Chairman may disburse the withheld funds directly to an alternate
recipient otherwise eligible for NEH support. NEH will require any
alternate recipient to demonstrate the ability to comply with these
regulations and to achieve the goals of the National Foundation on the
Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965, Public Law 89-209 (20 U.S.C.
951)--the Federal statute authorizing the Federal financial assistance.
Sec. 1172.40 Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
(a) A complainant may file a civil action under the Act and these
regulations following the exhaustion of administrative remedies.
Administrative remedies are exhausted if 180 days have elapsed since
the complainant filed the complaint and NEH has made no finding with
regard to the complaint, or NEH issues any finding in favor of the
(b) If either of the conditions set forth in Sec. 1172.40(a) is
satisfied, NEH will:
(1) Promptly advise the complainant of this fact,
(2) Advise the complainant of his or her right, under section
305(e) of the Act, to bring a civil action for injunctive relief that
will effect the purposes of the Act, and
(3) Inform the complainant:
(i) That a civil action can only be brought in a United States
district court for the district in which the recipient is found or
transacts business,
(ii) That a complainant prevailing in a civil action has the right
to be awarded the costs of the action, including reasonable attorney's
fees, but that these costs must be demanded in the complaint,
(iii) That before commencing the action, the complainant must give
thirty (30) days' notice by registered mail to the Secretary, the
Attorney General of the United States, the Chairman, and the recipient,
(iv) That the notice must state the alleged violation of the Act,
the relief requested, the court in which the action will be brought,
and whether or not attorney's fees are demanded in the event the
complainant prevails, and
[[Page 28575]]
(v) That no action may be brought if the same alleged violation of
the Act by the same recipient is the subject of a pending action in any
court of the United States.
[FR Doc. 2013-10844 Filed 5-14-13; 8:45 am]