In the Matter of Entergy Arkansas and Entergy Operations, Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2; Order Approving Direct and Indirect Transfers of Licenses and Approving Conforming Amendments, 28003-28005 [2013-11264]

Download as PDF tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 92 / Monday, May 13, 2013 / Notices Electric Power Association will acquire ownership of the facility and EOI will remain responsible for the operation and maintenance of GGNS. The license transfers are necessary to support a proposed separation of the Entergy transmission system in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas. Currently, the utility operating company subsidiaries of Entergy (e.g. EMI) own the transmission assets. Following the proposed transactions, each of the Entergy subsidiaries will become a new limited liability company with the same assets except that the transmission assets will be owned by ITC Holdings Corp. and operated by Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. No physical changes to the facilities or operational changes are being proposed in the application. The interconnections that provide offsite power to GGNS do not change as a result of the proposed direct and indirect license transfers. Approval of the direct and indirect transfers of the facility operating license was requested by EOI, acting on behalf of SERI, as well as their parent companies and itself. A notice entitled, ‘‘Consideration of Approval of Application Regarding Proposed Creation of a Holding Company and Transfer of Facility Operating License and Conforming Amendment and Opportunity for a Hearing,’’ was published in the Federal Register on January 3, 2013 (78 FR 325). No comments or hearing requests were received. Under 10 CFR 50.80, no license, or any right thereunder, shall be transferred, directly or indirectly, through transfer of control of the license, unless the NRC shall give its consent in writing. Upon review of the information in the licensees’ application, and other information before the Commission, the NRC staff has determined that the proposed indirect license transfer of control of the subject license held by the licensees to the extent such will result from the proposed formation of the intermediary holding company in conjunction with the planned direct transfer of SERI to SERL, and EMI to EML, to the extent affected in order to support transfer of the Entergy transmission assets as described in the application, is otherwise consistent with the applicable provisions of law, regulations, and orders issued by the NRC, pursuant thereto, subject to the conditions set forth below. The NRC staff has further found that the application for the proposed license amendment complies with the standards and requirements of VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:13 May 10, 2013 Jkt 229001 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission’s rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; the facilities will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission; there is reasonable assurance that the activities authorized by the proposed license amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public and that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission’s regulations; the issuance of the proposed license amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and the issuance of the proposed amendment will be in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission’s regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied. The findings set forth above are supported by a safety evaluation dated the same day as this Order. III Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 161b, 161i, 161o, and 184 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2201(b), 2201(i), 2201(o), and 2234; and 10 CFR 50.80, it is hereby ordered that the application regarding the indirect and direct license transfers related to the proposed corporate restructuring in connection with the separation of the Entergy transmission systems is approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Before completion of the proposed transaction, EOI shall provide the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation satisfactory documentary evidence that SERL has obtained the appropriate amount of insurance required of the licensees under 10 CFR part 140 of the Commission’s regulations. It is further ordered that consistent with 10 CFR 2.1315(b), the license amendment that makes a change, as indicated in Enclosure 5 to the cover letter forwarding this Order (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML13077A237), to reflect the subject direct transfer, is approved. The amendment shall be issued and made effective at the time the proposed direct transfer action is completed. It is further ordered that after receipt of all required regulatory approvals of the proposed direct transfer action, EOI shall inform the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation in writing of such receipt, and of the date of closing, no later than 1 business day before the closing of the direct transfer. Should the PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 28003 proposed direct transfer not be completed within 1 year of this Order’s date of issuance, this Order shall become null and void, provided, however, upon written application and good cause shown, such date may be extended by Order. This Order is effective upon issuance. For further details with respect to this Order, see the initial application dated September 27, 2012 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12275A013), as supplemented by letters dated January 29 and April 16, 2013 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML13030A204 and ML13107A010, respectively), and the safety evaluation dated the same date as this Order (ADAMS Accession No. ML13077A237), which are available for public inspection at the Commission’s Public Document Room (PDR), located at One White Flint North, Public File Area 01 F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland 20852. Publicly available documents created or received at the NRC are accessible electronically through ADAMS in the NRC Library at adams.html. Persons who do not have access to ADAMS or who encounter problems in accessing the documents located in ADAMS, should contact the NRC PDR reference staff by telephone at 1–800–397–4209, or 301–415–4737, or by email to Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day of May 2013. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Eric J. Leeds, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. [FR Doc. 2013–11263 Filed 5–10–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [NRC–2012–0320; Docket Nos. 50–313 and 50–368; License Nos. DPR–51 and NPF–6] In the Matter of Entergy Arkansas and Entergy Operations, Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2; Order Approving Direct and Indirect Transfers of Licenses and Approving Conforming Amendments I Entergy Arkansas, Inc. (EAI), and Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI) (the licensees), are co-holders of Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR–51 and NPF–6. The EAI is the owner and EOI is authorized to possess, use, and operate Arkansas Nuclear One, Units. 1 and 2 (ANO–1 and ANO–2); located in Pope County, Arkansas. E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1 28004 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 92 / Monday, May 13, 2013 / Notices tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES II By application dated September 27, 2012, as supplemented by letters dated January 29 and April 16, 2013, EOI requested on behalf of itself, EAI, and their parent companies (together, the applicants), pursuant to § 50.80 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) consent to certain license transfers to permit the direct transfer of ANO–1 and ANO–2, and associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations, to a new limited liability company, Entergy Arkansas, LLC (EAL). The applicants also requested approval of conforming license amendments that would replace references to EAI in the license with references to EAL to reflect the transfer of ownership. In addition, the applicants requested the NRC’s consent to approve associated indirect license transfers to the extent such would be affected by the formation of a new intermediary holding company. Entergy Corporation (Entergy) will remain as the ultimate parent company, but a new intermediate company, Entergy Utilities Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, will be created, which will be the direct parent company of EAL and EOI. Ultimately, EAL will acquire ownership of the facility and EOI will remain responsible for the operation and maintenance of ANO–1 and ANO–2. The license transfers are necessary to support a proposed separation of the Entergy transmission system in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas. Currently, the utility operating company subsidiaries of Entergy (e.g., EAI) own the respective transmission assets. Following the proposed transactions, each of the Entergy subsidiaries will become a new limited liability company with the same assets except that the transmission assets will be owned by ITC Holdings Corp. and operated by Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. No physical changes to the facilities or operational changes are being proposed in the application. The interconnections that provide offsite power to ANO–1 and ANO–2 do not change as a result of the proposed direct and indirect license transfers. Approval of the direct and indirect transfers of the facility operating license was requested by EOI, acting on behalf of EAI, as well as their parent companies and itself. A notice entitled, ‘‘Consideration of Approval of Application Regarding Proposed Creation of a Holding Company and Transfer of Renewed Facility Operating VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:13 May 10, 2013 Jkt 229001 Licenses and Conforming Amendments and Opportunity for a Hearing,’’ was published in the Federal Register on January 3, 2013 (78 FR 328). No comments or hearing requests were received. Under 10 CFR 50.80, no license, or any right thereunder, shall be transferred, directly or indirectly, through transfer of control of the license, unless the NRC shall give its consent in writing. Upon review of the information in the licensees’ application, and other information before the Commission, the NRC staff has determined that the proposed indirect license transfer of control of the subject licenses held by the licensees to the extent such will result from the proposed formation of the intermediary holding company in conjunction with the planned direct transfer of EAI to EAL to the extent affected in order to support transfer of the Entergy transmission assets as described in the application, is otherwise consistent with the applicable provisions of law, regulations, and orders issued by the NRC, pursuant thereto, subject to the conditions set forth below. The NRC staff has further found that the application for the proposed license amendments complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission’s rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; the facilities will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission; there is reasonable assurance that the activities authorized by the proposed license amendments can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public and that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission’s regulations; the issuance of the proposed license amendments will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and the issuance of the proposed amendments will be in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission’s regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied. The findings set forth above are supported by a safety evaluation dated the same day as this Order. III Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 161b, 161i, 161o, and 184 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2201(b), 2201(i), 2201(o), and 2234; and 10 CFR 50.80, it is hereby ordered that the application regarding the indirect and direct license transfers related to the proposed corporate PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 restructuring in connection with the separation of the Entergy transmission system is approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Before completion of the proposed transaction, EOI shall provide the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation satisfactory documentary evidence that EAL has obtained the appropriate amount of insurance required of the licensees under 10 CFR Part 140 of the Commission’s regulations. It is further ordered that consistent with 10 CFR 2.1315(b), the license amendments that make a change, as indicated in Enclosures 2 and 3 to the cover letter forwarding this Order (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML13077A237), to reflect the subject direct transfer, is approved. The amendments shall be issued and made effective at the time the proposed direct transfer action is completed. It is further ordered that after receipt of all required regulatory approvals of the proposed direct transfer action, EOI shall inform the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation in writing of such receipt, and of the date of closing, no later than 1 business day before the closing of the direct transfer. Should the proposed direct transfer not be completed within 1 year of this Order’s date of issuance, this Order shall become null and void, provided, however, upon written application and good cause shown, such date may be extended by Order. This Order is effective upon issuance. For further details with respect to this Order, see the initial application dated September 27, 2012 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12275A013), as supplemented by letters dated January 29 and April 16, 2013 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML13030A204 and ML13107A010, respectively), and the safety evaluation dated the same date as this Order (ADAMS Accession No. ML13077A237), which are available for public inspection at the Commission’s Public Document Room (PDR), located at One White Flint North, Public File Area 01 F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland 20852. Publicly available documents created or received at the NRC are accessible electronically through ADAMS in the NRC Library at adams.html. Persons who do not have access to ADAMS or who encounter problems in accessing the documents located in ADAMS, should contact the NRC PDR reference staff by telephone at 1–800–397–4209, or 301–415–4737, or by email to E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 92 / Monday, May 13, 2013 / Notices Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day of May 2013. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Eric J. Leeds, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. [FR Doc. 2013–11264 Filed 5–10–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [NRC–2013–0003; Docket Nos. 52–009; Permit No. ESP–002] System Energy Resources, Inc.; Grand Gulf Nuclear Station; Order Approving Direct and Indirect Transfers of Early Site Permit and Approving Conforming Amendment I System Energy Resources, Inc. (SERI), is the permit holder of Grand Gulf Early Site Permit (ESP) No. ESP–002. The ESP–002 is for a site adjacent to Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS). The GGNS is located in Claiborne County, Mississippi. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES II By application dated September 27, 2012, as supplemented by letters dated January 29 and April 16, 2013, Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI), requested on behalf of itself, SERI, and their parent companies (together, the applicants), pursuant to § 50.80 and § 52.28 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) consent to certain license transfers to permit the direct transfer of Grand Gulf ESP Site, to a new limited liability company, System Energy Resource, LLC (SERL). The applicants also requested approval of conforming ESP amendment that would replace references to SERI in the ESP with references to SERL to reflect the transfer of ownership. In addition, the applicants requested the NRC consent to approve associated indirect license transfers to the extent such would be affected by the formation of a new intermediary holding company. Entergy Corporation (Entergy) will remain as the ultimate parent company, but a new intermediate company, Entergy Utilities Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, will be created, which will be the direct parent company of SERL. Ultimately, SERL will hold the ESP. The license transfers are necessary to support a proposed transaction whereby the transmission assets of Entergy in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas will become owned VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:13 May 10, 2013 Jkt 229001 by ITC Holdings Corp. and operated by Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. Approval of the direct and indirect transfers of the ESP was requested by EOI, acting on behalf of SERI, as well as their parent companies and itself. A notice entitled, ‘‘Consideration of Approval of Application Regarding Proposed Creation of a Holding Company and Transfer of Early Site Permit and Conforming Amendment and Opportunity for a Hearing,’’ was published in the Federal Register on January 11, 2013 (78 FR 2451). No hearing requests or petitions to intervene were received. The NRC received comments from a member of the public in Webster, Texas, on February 8, 2013 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML13044A011). The comments did not provide any information in addition to that in the application, nor did they provide any information contradictory to that provided in the application. Under 10 CFR 50.80 and 52.28, no license or permit, or any right thereunder, shall be transferred, directly or indirectly, through transfer of control of the ESP, unless the NRC shall give its consent in writing. Upon review of the information in the application, and other information before the Commission, the NRC staff has determined that the proposed indirect transfer of control of the subject ESP held by SERI to the extent such will result from the proposed formation of the intermediary holding company in conjunction with the planned direct transfer of SERI to SERL to the extent affected in order to support transfer of the Entergy transmission assets as described in the application, is otherwise consistent with the applicable provisions of law, regulations, and orders issued by the NRC, pursuant thereto, subject to the conditions set forth below. The NRC staff has further found that the application for the proposed ESP amendment complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission’s rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; the facilities will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission; there is reasonable assurance that the activities authorized by the proposed ESP amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public and that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission’s regulations; the issuance of the PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 28005 proposed ESP amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and the issuance of the proposed amendment will be in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission’s regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied. The findings set forth above are supported by a safety evaluation dated the same day as this Order. III Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 161b, 161i, 161o, and 184 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2201(b), 2201(i), 2201(o), and 2234; and 10 CFR 50.80 and 10 CFR 52.28, it is hereby ordered that the application regarding the indirect and direct ESP transfers related to the proposed corporate restructuring in connection with the separation of the Entergy transmission system is approved. It is further ordered that consistent with 10 CFR 2.1315(b), the ESP amendment that makes a change, as indicated in Enclosure 7 to the cover letter forwarding this Order (ADAMS Accession No. ML13077A237), to reflect the subject direct transfer, is approved. The amendment shall be issued and made effective at the time the proposed direct transfer action is completed. It is further ordered that after receipt of all required regulatory approvals of the proposed direct transfer action, EOI shall inform the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and the Director of the Office of New Reactors in writing of such receipt, and of the date of closing, no later than 1 business day before the closing of the direct transfer. Should the proposed direct transfer not be completed within 1 year of this Order’s date of issuance, this Order shall become null and void, provided, however, upon written application and good cause shown, such date may be extended by Order. This Order is effective upon issuance. For further details with respect to this Order, see the initial application dated September 27, 2012 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12275A013), as supplemented by letters dated January 29 and April 16, 2013 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML13030A204 and ML13107A010, respectively), and the safety evaluation dated the same date as this Order (ADAMS Accession No. ML13077A237), which are available for public inspection at the Commission’s Public Document Room (PDR), located at One White Flint North, Public File Area 01 F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland 20852. Publicly available documents created or received E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 92 (Monday, May 13, 2013)]
[Pages 28003-28005]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-11264]



[NRC-2012-0320; Docket Nos. 50-313 and 50-368; License Nos. DPR-51 and 

In the Matter of Entergy Arkansas and Entergy Operations, 
Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2; Order Approving Direct and 
Indirect Transfers of Licenses and Approving Conforming Amendments


    Entergy Arkansas, Inc. (EAI), and Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI) 
(the licensees), are co-holders of Renewed Facility Operating License 
Nos. DPR-51 and NPF-6. The EAI is the owner and EOI is authorized to 
possess, use, and operate Arkansas Nuclear One, Units. 1 and 2 (ANO-1 
and ANO-2); located in Pope County, Arkansas.

[[Page 28004]]


    By application dated September 27, 2012, as supplemented by letters 
dated January 29 and April 16, 2013, EOI requested on behalf of itself, 
EAI, and their parent companies (together, the applicants), pursuant to 
Sec.  50.80 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), 
that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) consent to certain 
license transfers to permit the direct transfer of ANO-1 and ANO-2, and 
associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations, to a new 
limited liability company, Entergy Arkansas, LLC (EAL). The applicants 
also requested approval of conforming license amendments that would 
replace references to EAI in the license with references to EAL to 
reflect the transfer of ownership. In addition, the applicants 
requested the NRC's consent to approve associated indirect license 
transfers to the extent such would be affected by the formation of a 
new intermediary holding company. Entergy Corporation (Entergy) will 
remain as the ultimate parent company, but a new intermediate company, 
Entergy Utilities Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, 
will be created, which will be the direct parent company of EAL and 
EOI. Ultimately, EAL will acquire ownership of the facility and EOI 
will remain responsible for the operation and maintenance of ANO-1 and 
ANO-2. The license transfers are necessary to support a proposed 
separation of the Entergy transmission system in Arkansas, Louisiana, 
Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas. Currently, the utility operating 
company subsidiaries of Entergy (e.g., EAI) own the respective 
transmission assets. Following the proposed transactions, each of the 
Entergy subsidiaries will become a new limited liability company with 
the same assets except that the transmission assets will be owned by 
ITC Holdings Corp. and operated by Midwest Independent Transmission 
System Operator, Inc.
    No physical changes to the facilities or operational changes are 
being proposed in the application. The interconnections that provide 
offsite power to ANO-1 and ANO-2 do not change as a result of the 
proposed direct and indirect license transfers.
    Approval of the direct and indirect transfers of the facility 
operating license was requested by EOI, acting on behalf of EAI, as 
well as their parent companies and itself. A notice entitled, 
``Consideration of Approval of Application Regarding Proposed Creation 
of a Holding Company and Transfer of Renewed Facility Operating 
Licenses and Conforming Amendments and Opportunity for a Hearing,'' was 
published in the Federal Register on January 3, 2013 (78 FR 328). No 
comments or hearing requests were received.
    Under 10 CFR 50.80, no license, or any right thereunder, shall be 
transferred, directly or indirectly, through transfer of control of the 
license, unless the NRC shall give its consent in writing. Upon review 
of the information in the licensees' application, and other information 
before the Commission, the NRC staff has determined that the proposed 
indirect license transfer of control of the subject licenses held by 
the licensees to the extent such will result from the proposed 
formation of the intermediary holding company in conjunction with the 
planned direct transfer of EAI to EAL to the extent affected in order 
to support transfer of the Entergy transmission assets as described in 
the application, is otherwise consistent with the applicable provisions 
of law, regulations, and orders issued by the NRC, pursuant thereto, 
subject to the conditions set forth below. The NRC staff has further 
found that the application for the proposed license amendments complies 
with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 
as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations set 
forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; the facilities will operate in conformity 
with the application, the provisions of the Act and the rules and 
regulations of the Commission; there is reasonable assurance that the 
activities authorized by the proposed license amendments can be 
conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public and 
that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the 
Commission's regulations; the issuance of the proposed license 
amendments will not be inimical to the common defense and security or 
to the health and safety of the public; and the issuance of the 
proposed amendments will be in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the 
Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been 
satisfied. The findings set forth above are supported by a safety 
evaluation dated the same day as this Order.


    Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 161b, 161i, 161o, and 184 of the 
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2201(b), 2201(i), 
2201(o), and 2234; and 10 CFR 50.80, it is hereby ordered that the 
application regarding the indirect and direct license transfers related 
to the proposed corporate restructuring in connection with the 
separation of the Entergy transmission system is approved, subject to 
the following conditions:
    1. Before completion of the proposed transaction, EOI shall provide 
the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation satisfactory 
documentary evidence that EAL has obtained the appropriate amount of 
insurance required of the licensees under 10 CFR Part 140 of the 
Commission's regulations.
    It is further ordered that consistent with 10 CFR 2.1315(b), the 
license amendments that make a change, as indicated in Enclosures 2 and 
3 to the cover letter forwarding this Order (Agencywide Documents 
Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML13077A237), to 
reflect the subject direct transfer, is approved. The amendments shall 
be issued and made effective at the time the proposed direct transfer 
action is completed.
    It is further ordered that after receipt of all required regulatory 
approvals of the proposed direct transfer action, EOI shall inform the 
Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation in writing of such 
receipt, and of the date of closing, no later than 1 business day 
before the closing of the direct transfer. Should the proposed direct 
transfer not be completed within 1 year of this Order's date of 
issuance, this Order shall become null and void, provided, however, 
upon written application and good cause shown, such date may be 
extended by Order.
    This Order is effective upon issuance.
    For further details with respect to this Order, see the initial 
application dated September 27, 2012 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12275A013), 
as supplemented by letters dated January 29 and April 16, 2013 (ADAMS 
Accession Nos. ML13030A204 and ML13107A010, respectively), and the 
safety evaluation dated the same date as this Order (ADAMS Accession 
No. ML13077A237), which are available for public inspection at the 
Commission's Public Document Room (PDR), located at One White Flint 
North, Public File Area 01 F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), 
Rockville, Maryland 20852. Publicly available documents created or 
received at the NRC are accessible electronically through ADAMS in the 
NRC Library at Persons who do 
not have access to ADAMS or who encounter problems in accessing the 
documents located in ADAMS, should contact the NRC PDR reference staff 
by telephone at 1-800-397-4209, or 301-415-4737, or by email to

[[Page 28005]]

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day of May 2013.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Eric J. Leeds,
Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2013-11264 Filed 5-10-13; 8:45 am]
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