Negotiated Rulemaking Committee; Public Hearings; Correction, 25235-25236 [2013-10104]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 83 / Tuesday, April 30, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Persons interested in being placed on
a mailing list for future NPRMs should
contact the FAA’s Office of Rulemaking
(202) 267–9677, to request a copy of
Advisory Circular No. 11–2A, Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking Distribution
System, which describes the application
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS-1
The Proposal
This action proposes to amend Title
14, Code of Federal Regulations (14
CFR), Part 71 by establishing Class E
airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within a 8-mile
radius to accommodate new standard
instrument approach procedures at
Walker Municipal Airport, Walker, MN.
Controlled airspace is needed for the
safety and management of IFR
operations at the airport.
Class E airspace areas are published
in Paragraph 6005 of FAA Order
7400.9W, dated August 8, 2012 and
effective September 15, 2012, which is
incorporated by reference in 14 CFR
71.1. The Class E airspace designation
listed in this document would be
published subsequently in the Order.
The FAA has determined that this
proposed regulation only involves an
established body of technical
regulations for which frequent and
routine amendments are necessary to
keep them operationally current. It,
therefore, (1) Is not a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ under Executive
Order 12866; (2) is not a ‘‘significant
rule’’ under DOT Regulatory Policies
and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February
26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant
preparation of a Regulatory Evaluation
as the anticipated impact is so minimal.
Since this is a routine matter that will
only affect air traffic procedures and air
navigation, it is certified that this rule,
when promulgated, will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
The FAA’s authority to issue rules
regarding aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the U.S. Code. Subtitle 1,
Section 106 describes the authority of
the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII,
Aviation Programs, describes in more
detail the scope of the agency’s
authority. This rulemaking is
promulgated under the authority
described in Subtitle VII, Part A,
Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that
section, the FAA is charged with
prescribing regulations to assign the use
of airspace necessary to ensure the
safety of aircraft and the efficient use of
airspace. This regulation is within the
scope of that authority as it would
VerDate Mar<15>2010
14:35 Apr 29, 2013
Jkt 229001
establish controlled airspace at Walker
Municipal Airport, Walker, MN.
Environmental Review
This proposal will be subject to an
environmental analysis in accordance
with FAA Order 1050.1E,
‘‘Environmental Impacts: Policies and
Procedures’’ prior to any FAA final
regulatory action.
SUMMARY: In May 2012, we announced
our intention to establish a negotiated
rulemaking committee to prepare
proposed regulations for the Federal
Student Aid programs authorized under
title IV of the Higher Education Act of
1965, as amended. On April 16, 2013,
we published in the Federal Register a
notice announcing additional topics for
consideration by that committee. We
announced three public hearings at
which interested parties may comment.
We also announced that for anyone
unable to attend a public hearing, we
would accept written comments. This
document corrects the inconsistent
docket numbers we provided for
commenters in the April 16 document.
The correct docket number is ED–2012–
DATES: Effective April 30, 2013.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (Air).
The Proposed Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
proposes to amend 14 CFR Part 71 as
1. The authority citation for part 71
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g); 40103, 40113,
40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–
1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.9W,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, dated August 8, 2012, and
effective September 15, 2012, is
amended as follows:
Paragraph 6005 Class E airspace areas
extending upward from 700 feet or more
above the surface of the earth.
AGL MN E5 Walker, MN [New]
Walker Municipal Airport, MN
(Lat. 47°09′34″ N., long. 94°38′43″ W.)
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within an 8-mile radius
of Walker Municipal Airport.
Issued in Fort Worth, TX, on April 16,
David P. Medina,
Manager, Operations Support Group, ATO
Central Service Center.
[FR Doc. 2013–10178 Filed 4–29–13; 8:45 am]
34 CFR Chapter VI
[Docket ID ED–2012–OPE–0008]
Negotiated Rulemaking Committee;
Public Hearings; Correction
Office of Postsecondary
Education, Department of Education.
PO 00000
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Intent to establish negotiated
rulemaking committee; correction.
In the Federal Register of April 16,
2013 (78 FR 22467), on page 22467, in
the first column, in the headings for the
notice, we correct the docket number to
read: ‘‘[Docket ID ED–2012–OPE–0008]’’
The docket number for the notice is
correctly stated as ‘‘ED–2012–OPE–
0008’’ on page 22467 in the third
column of the notice. However, in the
heading in the first column on page
22467, the docket number is incorrectly
stated as ‘‘ED–2013–OPE–0008,’’ rather
than the correct ‘‘ED–2012–OPE–0008.’’
We are correcting that error.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1098a.
Wendy Macias, U.S. Department of
Education, 1990 K Street NW., Room
8017, Washington, DC 20006.
Telephone: (202) 502–7526. Email:
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) or a text
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay
Service (FRS), toll free, at 1–800–877–
Accessible Format: Individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document
and a copy of the application package in
an accessible format (e.g., braille, large
print, audiotape, or compact disc) on
request to the program contact persons
listed under For Further Information
Contact in this notice.
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register
and the Code of Federal Regulations is
available via the Federal Digital System
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 83 / Tuesday, April 30, 2013 / Proposed Rules
at: At this site you
can view this document, as well as all
other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF). To use PDF you must
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at:
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
Dated: April 25, 2013,
Martha Kanter,
Under Secretary for Education.
[FR Doc. 2013–10104 Filed 4–29–13; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R02–OAR–2013–0274, FRL–9807–6]
Approval and Promulgation of
Implementation Plans; New York;
Infrastructure SIP for the 1997 8-Hour
Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 Fine
Particulate Matter Standards
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS-1
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve
most elements of New York’s State
Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions
submitted to demonstrate that the State
meets the requirements of the Clean Air
Act (CAA) for the 1997 8-hour ozone
and the 1997 and 2006 fine particulate
matter (PM2.5) National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS). EPA is
also proposing to conditionally approve
certain elements of New York’s
submittals. The CAA requires that each
state adopt and submit a SIP for the
implementation, maintenance and
enforcement of each NAAQS
promulgated by the EPA and is
commonly referred to as an
infrastructure SIP.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before May 30, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID number EPA–
R02–OAR–2013–0274, by one of the
following methods:
• Follow the
on-line instructions for submitting
• Email:
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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• Fax: 212–637–3901.
• Mail: Richard Ruvo, Acting Chief,
Air Programs Branch, Environmental
Protection Agency, Region 2 Office, 290
Broadway, 25th Floor, New York, New
York 10007–1866.
• Hand Delivery: Richard Ruvo,
Acting Chief, Air Programs Branch,
Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 2 Office, 290 Broadway, 25th
Floor, New York, New York 10007–
1866. Such deliveries are only accepted
during the Regional Office’s normal
hours of operation. The Regional
Office’s official hours of business are
Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 4:30
excluding Federal holidays.
Instructions: Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–R02–OAR–2013–
0274. EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change and may be
made available online at, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through
or email. The Web
site is an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system,
which means EPA will not know your
identity or contact information unless
you provide it in the body of your
comment. If you send an email
comment directly to EPA without going
through your email
address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment
that is placed in the public docket and
made available on the Internet. If you
submit an electronic comment, EPA
recommends that you include your
name and other contact information in
the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA
cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact
you for clarification, EPA may not be
able to consider your comment.
Electronic files should avoid the use of
special characters, any form of
encryption, and be free of any defects or
viruses. For additional information
about EPA’s public docket visit the EPA
Docket Center homepage at https://
Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the https:// index. Although
listed in the index, some information is
not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
will be publicly available only in hard
PO 00000
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copy. Publicly available docket
materials are available either
electronically in https:// or in hard copy at
the Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 2 Office, Air Programs Branch,
290 Broadway, 25th Floor, New York,
New York 10007–1866. EPA requests, if
at all possible, that you contact the
individual listed in the FOR FURTHER
the hard copy of the docket. You may
view the hard copy of the docket
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., excluding Federal holidays.
J. Wieber, Air Programs Branch,
Environmental Protection Agency, 290
Broadway, 25th Floor, New York, New
York 10007–1866, (212) 637–4249, or by
email at
I. What action is EPA proposing?
II. What is the background information?
III. What is a section 110(a)(1) and (2) SIP?
IV. What elements are required under section
110(a)(1) and (2)?
V. What did New York submit?
VI. How has the State addressed the elements
of the section 110(a)(1) and (2)
‘‘infrastructure’’ provisions?
VII. What action is EPA taking?
VIII. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
I. What action is EPA proposing?
EPA is proposing to approve and
conditionally approve elements of the
State of New York Infrastructure SIP as
meeting the section 110(a) infrastructure
requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA)
for the 1997 ozone, 1997 PM2.5 and 2006
PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS or standards). As
explained below, the State has the
necessary infrastructure, resources, and
general authority to implement the 1997
8-hour ozone and 1997 and 2006 PM2.5
standards, except where specifically
II. What is the background
On July 18, 1997, EPA promulgated
new and revised NAAQS for 8-hour
ozone (62 FR 38856) and PM2.5 (62 FR
38652). The ozone NAAQS is based on
8-hour average concentrations. The 8hour averaging period replaced the
previous 1-hour averaging period, and
the level of the NAAQS was changed
from 0.12 parts per million (ppm) to
0.08 ppm 1. The new PM2.5 NAAQS
established a health-based standard of
15.0 micrograms per cubic meter (mg/
1 EPA issued a revised 8-hour ozone standard on
March 27, 2008 (73 FR 16436). On September 22,
2011, EPA clarified that the current ozone standard
is set at 75 ppb. EPA is not addressing the 2008
ozone NAAQS in this rulemaking.
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 83 (Tuesday, April 30, 2013)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 25235-25236]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-10104]
34 CFR Chapter VI
[Docket ID ED-2012-OPE-0008]
Negotiated Rulemaking Committee; Public Hearings; Correction
AGENCY: Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education.
ACTION: Intent to establish negotiated rulemaking committee;
SUMMARY: In May 2012, we announced our intention to establish a
negotiated rulemaking committee to prepare proposed regulations for the
Federal Student Aid programs authorized under title IV of the Higher
Education Act of 1965, as amended. On April 16, 2013, we published in
the Federal Register a notice announcing additional topics for
consideration by that committee. We announced three public hearings at
which interested parties may comment. We also announced that for anyone
unable to attend a public hearing, we would accept written comments.
This document corrects the inconsistent docket numbers we provided for
commenters in the April 16 document. The correct docket number is ED-
DATES: Effective April 30, 2013.
In the Federal Register of April 16, 2013 (78 FR 22467), on page
22467, in the first column, in the headings for the notice, we correct
the docket number to read: ``[Docket ID ED-2012-OPE-0008]''
The docket number for the notice is correctly stated as ``ED-2012-
OPE-0008'' on page 22467 in the third column of the notice. However, in
the heading in the first column on page 22467, the docket number is
incorrectly stated as ``ED-2013-OPE-0008,'' rather than the correct
``ED-2012-OPE-0008.'' We are correcting that error.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1098a.
Education, 1990 K Street NW., Room 8017, Washington, DC 20006.
Telephone: (202) 502-7526. Email:
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a text
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at 1-
Accessible Format: Individuals with disabilities can obtain this
document and a copy of the application package in an accessible format
(e.g., braille, large print, audiotape, or compact disc) on request to
the program contact persons listed under For Further Information
Contact in this notice.
Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this
document is the document published in the Federal Register. Free
Internet access to the official edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations is available via the Federal Digital System
[[Page 25236]]
at: At this site you can view this document, as well
as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal
Register, in text or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF
you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at the
You may also access documents of the Department published in the
Federal Register by using the article search feature at: Specifically, through the advanced search
feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published
by the Department.
Dated: April 25, 2013,
Martha Kanter,
Under Secretary for Education.
[FR Doc. 2013-10104 Filed 4-29-13; 8:45 am]