Notice of Funds Availability: Inviting Applications for the Market Access Program, 23893-23895 [2013-09447]

Download as PDF mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 78 / Tuesday, April 23, 2013 / Notices regulatory or other non-tariff barriers) to the effectiveness of emerging market’s food and rural business systems previously identified by an EMP project that are to be implemented by the applicant, etc.; (m) Project objectives; (n) Performance measures: Benchmarks for quantifying progress in meeting the objectives; (o) Rationale: Explanation of the underlying reasons for the project proposal and its approach, the anticipated benefits, and any additional pertinent analysis; (p) Explanation as to what specifically could not be accomplished without Federal funding assistance and why the participating organization(s) would be unlikely to carry out the project without such assistance; (q) Timeline(s) for implementation of activity, including start and end dates; (r) Information on whether similar activities are or have previously been funded with USDA resources in the target country or countries (e.g., under MAP and/or Cooperator programs); (s) Detailed line item activity budget: • Cost items should be allocated separately to each participating organization; and • Expense items constituting a proposed activity’s overall budget (e.g., salaries, travel expenses, consultant fees, administrative costs, etc.), with a line item cost for each, should be listed, clearly indicating: (1) Which items are to be covered by EMP funding; (2) Which by the participating U.S. organization(s); and (3) Which by foreign third parties (if applicable). Cost items for individual consultant fees should show calculation of daily rate and number of days. Cost items for travel expenses should show number of trips, destinations, cost, and objective for each trip; and (t) Qualifications of applicant(s) should be included as an attachment. 3. Funding Restrictions: Certain types of expenses are not eligible for reimbursement by the program, and there are limits on other categories of expenses, such as indirect overhead charges, travel expenses, and consulting fees. CCC will also not reimburse unreasonable expenditures or expenditures made prior to approval of a proposal. Full details of the funding restrictions are available in the EMP regulations. 4. Submission Dates and Times: EMP proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis during the fiscal year as long as EMP funding is available as set forth below: VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:51 Apr 22, 2013 Jkt 229001 • Proposals received by, but not later than, 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, May 28, 2013, will be considered for funding with other proposals received by that date; • Proposals not approved for funding during the review period will be reconsidered for funding after the review period only if the applicant specifically requests such reconsideration in writing, and only if funding remains available; • Proposals received after 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, May 28, 2013, will be considered in the order received for funding only if funding remains available. 5. Other Submission Requirements: All Internet-based applications must be properly submitted by 5 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, May 28, 2013, in order to be considered for funding; late submissions received after the deadline will be considered only if funding remains available. All applications submitted by email must be received by 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, May 28, 2013, at in order to receive the same consideration. V. Application Review Information 1. Criteria: Key criteria used in judging proposals include: • The objective of the activities is to develop, maintain, or expand markets for U.S. agricultural exports by improving the effectiveness of the food and rural business systems in emerging markets; • Appropriateness of the activities for the targeted market(s) and the extent to which the project identifies market barriers (e.g., a fundamental deficiency in the emerging market’s food and rural business systems, and/or a recent change in those systems); • Potential of the project to expand U.S. market share and increase U.S. exports or sales; • Quality of the project’s performance measures, and the degree to which they relate to the objectives, deliverables, and proposed approach and activities; • Justification for Federal funding; • Overall cost of the project and the amount of funding provided by the applicant and any partners; and • Evidence that the organization has the knowledge, expertise, ability, and resources to successfully implement the project, including timeliness and quality of reporting on past EMP activities. Please see 7 CFR part 1486 for additional evaluation criteria. 2. Review and Selection Process: All applications undergo a multi-phase review within FAS, by appropriate FAS field offices, and, as needed, by the private sector Advisory Committee on PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 23893 Emerging Markets to determine the qualifications, quality, appropriateness of projects, and reasonableness of project budgets. VI. Award Administration Information 1. Award Notices: FAS will notify each applicant in writing of the final disposition of the submitted application. FAS will send an approval letter and project agreement to each approved applicant. The approval letter and agreement will specify the terms and conditions applicable to the project, including the levels of EMP funding and cost-share contribution requirements. 2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: Interested parties should review the EMP regulations, which are available at the following URL address: 3. Reporting. Quarterly progress reports for all programs one year or longer in duration are required. Projects of less than one year generally require a mid-term progress report. Final performance reports are due 90 days after completion of each project. Content requirements for both types of reports are contained in the Project Agreement. Final financial reports are also due 90 days after completion of each project as attachments to the final reports. Please see 7 CFR part 1486 for additional reporting requirements. VII. Agency Contact(s) For additional information and assistance, contact the Program Operations Division, Office of Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Courier address: Room 6512, 1400 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20250, or by phone: (202) 720–4327, or by fax: (202) 720–9361, or by email: Signed at Washington, DC, on 28 day of March 2013. Suzanne E. Heinen, Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service and Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation. [FR Doc. 2013–09460 Filed 4–22–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3410–10–P DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Commodity Credit Corporation Notice of Funds Availability: Inviting Applications for the Market Access Program Announcement Type: New. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 10.601. E:\FR\FM\23APN1.SGM 23APN1 23894 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 78 / Tuesday, April 23, 2013 / Notices The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) announces that it is inviting proposals for the 2014 Market Access Program (MAP). The intended effect of this notice is to solicit applications from eligible applicants for fiscal year 2014 and to set out criteria for the award of funds under the program in October 2013. The MAP is administered by personnel of the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). The funding authority for MAP expires at the end of fiscal year 2013. This notice is being published at this time to allow awards to be made early in fiscal year 2014, provided that program funding is reauthorized prior to that time. In the event this program is not reauthorized, or is substantially modified, FAS will publish a notice in the Federal Register rescinding this Notice of Funds Availability. DATES: All applications must be received by 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, May 28, 2013. Applications received after this date will not be considered. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Entities wishing to apply for funding assistance should contact the Program Operations Division, Office of Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service by courier address: Room 6512, 1400 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20250, or by phone: (202) 720–4327, or by fax: (202) 720–9361, or by email: Information is also available on the FAS Web site at map.asp. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: I. Funding Opportunity Description Authority: The MAP is authorized under Section 203 of the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978, as amended. MAP regulations appear at 7 CFR part 1485. Purpose: The MAP is designed to create, expand, and maintain foreign markets for U.S. agricultural commodities and products through costshare assistance. Financial assistance under the MAP will be made available on a competitive basis, and applications will be reviewed against the evaluation criteria contained herein and in the MAP regulations. All U.S. agricultural commodities, except tobacco, are eligible for consideration. The FAS allocates funds in a manner that effectively supports the strategic decision-making initiatives of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993. In deciding whether a proposed project will contribute to the effective creation, expansion, or maintenance of foreign markets, the FAS considers whether the VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:51 Apr 22, 2013 Jkt 229001 applicant provides a clear, long-term agricultural trade strategy and a program effectiveness time line against which results can be measured at specific intervals using quantifiable product or country goals. The FAS also considers the extent to which a proposed project targets markets with the greatest growth potential. These factors are part of the FAS resource allocation strategy to fund applicants who can demonstrate performance and address the objectives of the GPRA. II. Award Information Under the MAP, the CCC enters into agreements with eligible Participants to share the cost of certain overseas marketing and promotion activities. MAP Participants may receive assistance for generic or brand promotion activities. For generic activities, funding priority is given to organizations that have the broadest possible producer representation of the commodity being promoted and that are nationwide in membership and scope. Only non-profit U.S. agricultural trade organizations, nonprofit state regional trade groups (SRTGs), U.S. agricultural cooperatives, and State government agencies can participate directly in the brand program. The MAP generally operates on a reimbursement basis. III. Eligibility Information 1. Eligible Applicants: To participate in the MAP, an applicant must be a nonprofit U.S. agricultural trade organization, a nonprofit SRTG, a U.S. agricultural cooperative, or a State government agency. A small-sized U.S. commercial entity may participate through a MAP Participant. 2. Cost Sharing: To participate in the MAP, an applicant must agree to contribute resources to its proposed promotional activities. The MAP is intended to supplement, not supplant, the efforts of the U.S. private sector. In the case of generic promotion, the contribution must be at least 10 percent of the value of resources provided by CCC for such generic promotion. In the case of brand promotion, the contribution must be at least 50 percent of the total cost of such brand promotion. The degree of commitment of an applicant to the promotional strategies contained in its application, as represented by the agreed cost-share contributions specified therein, is considered by the FAS when determining which applications will be approved for funding. Cost-share may be actual cash invested or in-kind contributions, such as professional staff time spent on design and execution of PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 activities. The MAP regulations, in section 1485.16, provide detailed discussion of eligible and ineligible cost-share contributions. 3. Other: Applications should include a justification for funding assistance from the program—an explanation as to what specifically could not be accomplished without federal funding assistance, and why participating organization(s) are unlikely to carry out the project without such assistance. IV. Application and Submission Information 1. Address to Request Application Package: Organizations are encouraged to submit their MAP applications to the FAS through the Unified Export Strategy (UES) application Internet Web site. The UES allows interested applicants to submit a single consolidated and strategically coordinated proposal that incorporates requests for funding and recommendations for virtually all of the FAS marketing programs, financial assistance programs, and market access programs. The suggested UES format encourages applicants to examine the constraints or barriers to trade that they face, identify activities that would help overcome such impediments, consider the entire pool of complementary marketing tools and program resources, and establish realistic export goals. Applicants planning to use the Internetbased system must contact the FAS/ Program Operations Division to obtain Web site access information. The Internet-based application may be found at the following URL address: https:// The FAS highly recommends applying via the Internet-based application, as this format virtually eliminates paperwork and expedites the FAS processing and review cycle. However, applicants also have the option of submitting an electronic version of their application to FAS at 2. Content and Form of Application Submission: To be considered for the MAP, an applicant must submit to the FAS information required by the MAP regulations in section 1485.13. In addition, in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget’s policy (68 FR 38402 (June 27, 2003)) regarding the need to identify entities that are receiving government awards, all applicants must submit a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. An applicant may request a DUNS number at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNS number request line at 1–866–705–5711. E:\FR\FM\23APN1.SGM 23APN1 mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 78 / Tuesday, April 23, 2013 / Notices In addition, in accordance with 2 CFR Part 25, each entity that applies to MAP and does not qualify for an exemption under 2 CFR 25.110 must: (i) Be registered in the CCR prior to submitting an application or plan; (ii) Maintain an active CCR registration with current information at all times during which it has an active Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by CCC; and (iii) Provide its DUNS number in each application or plan it submits to CCC. Similarly, in accordance with 2 CFR Part 170, each entity that applies to MAP and does not qualify for an exception under 2 CFR 170.110(b) must ensure it has the necessary processes and systems in place to comply with the applicable reporting requirements of 2 CFR Part 170 should it receive MAP funding. Incomplete applications and applications that do not otherwise conform to this announcement will not be accepted for review. The FAS administers various other agricultural export assistance programs including the Foreign Market Development Cooperator (Cooperator) program, the Emerging Markets Program, the Quality Samples Program, and the Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops program. Any organization that is not interested in applying for the MAP, but would like to request assistance through one of the other programs mentioned should contact the Program Operations Division. 3. Submission Dates and Times: All applications must be received by 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, May 28, 2013. All MAP applicants, regardless of the method of submitting an application, must also submit by the application deadline, an original signed certification statement as specified in 7 CFR 1485.13(a)(2)(i)(E) to the Program Operations Division, Office of Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Room 6512, 1400 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20250. Applications or certifications received after this date will not be considered. 4. Funding Restrictions: Certain types of expenses are not eligible for reimbursement by the program, and there are limits on other categories of expenses. CCC also will not reimburse unreasonable expenditures or expenditures made prior to approval. Full details are available in the MAP regulations in section 1485.17. V. Application Review Information 1. Criteria and Review Process: Following is a description of the FAS VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:51 Apr 22, 2013 Jkt 229001 process for reviewing applications and the criteria for allocating available MAP funds. (1) Phase 1—Sufficiency Review and FAS Divisional Review Applications received by the closing date will be reviewed by the FAS to determine the eligibility of the applicants and the completeness of the applications. These requirements appear in sections 1485.12 and 1485.13 of the MAP regulations. Applications that meet the requirements then will be further evaluated by the appropriate Commodity Branch office of the FAS/ Cooperator Programs Division. The Commodity Branch will review each application against the criteria listed in section 1485.14(b) and (c) of the MAP regulations as well as in this Notice. The purpose of this review is to identify meritorious proposals and to recommend an appropriate funding level for each application based upon these criteria. (2) Phase 2—Competitive Review Meritorious applications then will be passed on to the Office of the Deputy Administrator, Office of Trade Programs, for the purpose of allocating available funds among the applicants. Applicants will compete for funds on the basis of the following allocation criteria as applicable (the number in parentheses represents a percentage weight factor): (a) Applicant’s Contribution Level (40) • The applicant’s 4-year average share (2011–2014) of all contributions under the MAP (cash and goods and services provided by U.S. entities in support of overseas marketing and promotion activities) compared to; • The applicant’s 4-year average share (2011–2014) of the funding level for all MAP Participants. (b) Past Performance (30) • The 3-year average share (2010– 2012) of the value of exports promoted by the applicant compared to; • The applicant’s 2-year average share (2012–2013) of the funding level for all MAP Participants plus, for those groups participating in the Cooperator program, the 2-year average share (2012–2013) of all Cooperator program budgets. (c) Projected Export Goals (15) • The total dollar value of projected exports promoted by the applicant for 2014 compared to; • The applicant’s requested funding level. PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 9990 23895 (d) Accuracy of Past Projections (15) • Actual exports for 2012 as reported in the 2014 MAP application compared to; • Past projections of exports for 2012 as specified in the 2012 MAP application. The Commodity Branches’ recommended funding levels for each applicant are converted to percentages of the total MAP funds available and then multiplied by each weight factor as described above to determine the amount of funds allocated to each applicant. 2. Anticipated Announcement Date: Announcements of funding decisions for the MAP are anticipated during October 2013. VI. Award Administration Information 1. Award Notices: The FAS will notify each applicant in writing of the final disposition of its application. The FAS will send an approval letter and program agreement to each approved applicant. The approval letter and program agreement will specify the terms and conditions applicable to the project, including the levels of MAP funding and cost-share contribution requirements. 2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: Interested parties should review the MAP regulations, which are available at the following URL address: map.asp. Hard copies may be obtained by contacting the Program Operations Division. 3. Reporting: The FAS requires various reports and evaluations from MAP Participants. Reporting requirements are detailed in the MAP regulations in section 1485.22 and 1485.23. VII. Agency Contact(s) For additional information and assistance, contact the Program Operations Division, Office of Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Courier address: Room 6512, 1400 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20250, or by phone: (202) 720–4327, or by fax: (202) 720–9361, or by email: Signed at Washington, DC, on the 28 of March 2013. Suzanne E. Heinen, Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, and Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation. [FR Doc. 2013–09447 Filed 4–22–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3410–10–P E:\FR\FM\23APN1.SGM 23APN1


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 78 (Tuesday, April 23, 2013)]
[Pages 23893-23895]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-09447]



Commodity Credit Corporation

Notice of Funds Availability: Inviting Applications for the 
Market Access Program

    Announcement Type: New.
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 10.601.

[[Page 23894]]

SUMMARY: The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) announces that it is 
inviting proposals for the 2014 Market Access Program (MAP). The 
intended effect of this notice is to solicit applications from eligible 
applicants for fiscal year 2014 and to set out criteria for the award 
of funds under the program in October 2013. The MAP is administered by 
personnel of the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).
    The funding authority for MAP expires at the end of fiscal year 
2013. This notice is being published at this time to allow awards to be 
made early in fiscal year 2014, provided that program funding is 
reauthorized prior to that time. In the event this program is not 
reauthorized, or is substantially modified, FAS will publish a notice 
in the Federal Register rescinding this Notice of Funds Availability.

DATES: All applications must be received by 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight 
Time, May 28, 2013. Applications received after this date will not be 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Entities wishing to apply for funding 
assistance should contact the Program Operations Division, Office of 
Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service by courier address: Room 
6512, 1400 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20250, or by phone: 
(202) 720-4327, or by fax: (202) 720-9361, or by email: Information is also available on the FAS Web 
site at


I. Funding Opportunity Description

    Authority: The MAP is authorized under Section 203 of the 
Agricultural Trade Act of 1978, as amended. MAP regulations appear at 7 
CFR part 1485.
    Purpose: The MAP is designed to create, expand, and maintain 
foreign markets for U.S. agricultural commodities and products through 
cost-share assistance. Financial assistance under the MAP will be made 
available on a competitive basis, and applications will be reviewed 
against the evaluation criteria contained herein and in the MAP 
regulations. All U.S. agricultural commodities, except tobacco, are 
eligible for consideration.
    The FAS allocates funds in a manner that effectively supports the 
strategic decision-making initiatives of the Government Performance and 
Results Act (GPRA) of 1993. In deciding whether a proposed project will 
contribute to the effective creation, expansion, or maintenance of 
foreign markets, the FAS considers whether the applicant provides a 
clear, long-term agricultural trade strategy and a program 
effectiveness time line against which results can be measured at 
specific intervals using quantifiable product or country goals. The FAS 
also considers the extent to which a proposed project targets markets 
with the greatest growth potential. These factors are part of the FAS 
resource allocation strategy to fund applicants who can demonstrate 
performance and address the objectives of the GPRA.

II. Award Information

    Under the MAP, the CCC enters into agreements with eligible 
Participants to share the cost of certain overseas marketing and 
promotion activities. MAP Participants may receive assistance for 
generic or brand promotion activities. For generic activities, funding 
priority is given to organizations that have the broadest possible 
producer representation of the commodity being promoted and that are 
nationwide in membership and scope. Only non-profit U.S. agricultural 
trade organizations, nonprofit state regional trade groups (SRTGs), 
U.S. agricultural cooperatives, and State government agencies can 
participate directly in the brand program. The MAP generally operates 
on a reimbursement basis.

III. Eligibility Information

    1. Eligible Applicants: To participate in the MAP, an applicant 
must be a nonprofit U.S. agricultural trade organization, a nonprofit 
SRTG, a U.S. agricultural cooperative, or a State government agency. A 
small-sized U.S. commercial entity may participate through a MAP 
    2. Cost Sharing: To participate in the MAP, an applicant must agree 
to contribute resources to its proposed promotional activities. The MAP 
is intended to supplement, not supplant, the efforts of the U.S. 
private sector. In the case of generic promotion, the contribution must 
be at least 10 percent of the value of resources provided by CCC for 
such generic promotion. In the case of brand promotion, the 
contribution must be at least 50 percent of the total cost of such 
brand promotion.
    The degree of commitment of an applicant to the promotional 
strategies contained in its application, as represented by the agreed 
cost-share contributions specified therein, is considered by the FAS 
when determining which applications will be approved for funding. Cost-
share may be actual cash invested or in-kind contributions, such as 
professional staff time spent on design and execution of activities. 
The MAP regulations, in section 1485.16, provide detailed discussion of 
eligible and ineligible cost-share contributions.
    3. Other: Applications should include a justification for funding 
assistance from the program--an explanation as to what specifically 
could not be accomplished without federal funding assistance, and why 
participating organization(s) are unlikely to carry out the project 
without such assistance.

IV. Application and Submission Information

    1. Address to Request Application Package: Organizations are 
encouraged to submit their MAP applications to the FAS through the 
Unified Export Strategy (UES) application Internet Web site. The UES 
allows interested applicants to submit a single consolidated and 
strategically coordinated proposal that incorporates requests for 
funding and recommendations for virtually all of the FAS marketing 
programs, financial assistance programs, and market access programs. 
The suggested UES format encourages applicants to examine the 
constraints or barriers to trade that they face, identify activities 
that would help overcome such impediments, consider the entire pool of 
complementary marketing tools and program resources, and establish 
realistic export goals. Applicants planning to use the Internet-based 
system must contact the FAS/Program Operations Division to obtain Web 
site access information. The Internet-based application may be found at 
the following URL address:
    The FAS highly recommends applying via the Internet-based 
application, as this format virtually eliminates paperwork and 
expedites the FAS processing and review cycle. However, applicants also 
have the option of submitting an electronic version of their 
application to FAS at
    2. Content and Form of Application Submission: To be considered for 
the MAP, an applicant must submit to the FAS information required by 
the MAP regulations in section 1485.13. In addition, in accordance with 
the Office of Management and Budget's policy (68 FR 38402 (June 27, 
2003)) regarding the need to identify entities that are receiving 
government awards, all applicants must submit a Dun and Bradstreet Data 
Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. An applicant may request a 
DUNS number at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNS number 
request line at 1-866-705-5711.

[[Page 23895]]

    In addition, in accordance with 2 CFR Part 25, each entity that 
applies to MAP and does not qualify for an exemption under 2 CFR 25.110 
    (i) Be registered in the CCR prior to submitting an application or 
    (ii) Maintain an active CCR registration with current information 
at all times during which it has an active Federal award or an 
application or plan under consideration by CCC; and
    (iii) Provide its DUNS number in each application or plan it 
submits to CCC.
    Similarly, in accordance with 2 CFR Part 170, each entity that 
applies to MAP and does not qualify for an exception under 2 CFR 
170.110(b) must ensure it has the necessary processes and systems in 
place to comply with the applicable reporting requirements of 2 CFR 
Part 170 should it receive MAP funding.
    Incomplete applications and applications that do not otherwise 
conform to this announcement will not be accepted for review.
    The FAS administers various other agricultural export assistance 
programs including the Foreign Market Development Cooperator 
(Cooperator) program, the Emerging Markets Program, the Quality Samples 
Program, and the Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops program. Any 
organization that is not interested in applying for the MAP, but would 
like to request assistance through one of the other programs mentioned 
should contact the Program Operations Division.
    3. Submission Dates and Times: All applications must be received by 
5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, May 28, 2013. All MAP applicants, 
regardless of the method of submitting an application, must also submit 
by the application deadline, an original signed certification statement 
as specified in 7 CFR 1485.13(a)(2)(i)(E) to the Program Operations 
Division, Office of Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. 
Department of Agriculture, Room 6512, 1400 Independence Ave. SW., 
Washington, DC 20250. Applications or certifications received after 
this date will not be considered.
    4. Funding Restrictions: Certain types of expenses are not eligible 
for reimbursement by the program, and there are limits on other 
categories of expenses. CCC also will not reimburse unreasonable 
expenditures or expenditures made prior to approval. Full details are 
available in the MAP regulations in section 1485.17.

V. Application Review Information

    1. Criteria and Review Process: Following is a description of the 
FAS process for reviewing applications and the criteria for allocating 
available MAP funds.

(1) Phase 1--Sufficiency Review and FAS Divisional Review

    Applications received by the closing date will be reviewed by the 
FAS to determine the eligibility of the applicants and the completeness 
of the applications. These requirements appear in sections 1485.12 and 
1485.13 of the MAP regulations. Applications that meet the requirements 
then will be further evaluated by the appropriate Commodity Branch 
office of the FAS/Cooperator Programs Division. The Commodity Branch 
will review each application against the criteria listed in section 
1485.14(b) and (c) of the MAP regulations as well as in this Notice. 
The purpose of this review is to identify meritorious proposals and to 
recommend an appropriate funding level for each application based upon 
these criteria.

(2) Phase 2--Competitive Review

    Meritorious applications then will be passed on to the Office of 
the Deputy Administrator, Office of Trade Programs, for the purpose of 
allocating available funds among the applicants. Applicants will 
compete for funds on the basis of the following allocation criteria as 
applicable (the number in parentheses represents a percentage weight 
(a) Applicant's Contribution Level (40)
     The applicant's 4-year average share (2011-2014) of all 
contributions under the MAP (cash and goods and services provided by 
U.S. entities in support of overseas marketing and promotion 
activities) compared to;
     The applicant's 4-year average share (2011-2014) of the 
funding level for all MAP Participants.
(b) Past Performance (30)
     The 3-year average share (2010-2012) of the value of 
exports promoted by the applicant compared to;
     The applicant's 2-year average share (2012-2013) of the 
funding level for all MAP Participants plus, for those groups 
participating in the Cooperator program, the 2-year average share 
(2012-2013) of all Cooperator program budgets.
(c) Projected Export Goals (15)
     The total dollar value of projected exports promoted by 
the applicant for 2014 compared to;
     The applicant's requested funding level.
(d) Accuracy of Past Projections (15)
     Actual exports for 2012 as reported in the 2014 MAP 
application compared to;
     Past projections of exports for 2012 as specified in the 
2012 MAP application.
    The Commodity Branches' recommended funding levels for each 
applicant are converted to percentages of the total MAP funds available 
and then multiplied by each weight factor as described above to 
determine the amount of funds allocated to each applicant.
    2. Anticipated Announcement Date: Announcements of funding 
decisions for the MAP are anticipated during October 2013.

VI. Award Administration Information

    1. Award Notices: The FAS will notify each applicant in writing of 
the final disposition of its application. The FAS will send an approval 
letter and program agreement to each approved applicant. The approval 
letter and program agreement will specify the terms and conditions 
applicable to the project, including the levels of MAP funding and 
cost-share contribution requirements.
    2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: Interested 
parties should review the MAP regulations, which are available at the 
following URL address: 
Hard copies may be obtained by contacting the Program Operations 
    3. Reporting: The FAS requires various reports and evaluations from 
MAP Participants. Reporting requirements are detailed in the MAP 
regulations in section 1485.22 and 1485.23.

VII. Agency Contact(s)

    For additional information and assistance, contact the Program 
Operations Division, Office of Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural 
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
    Courier address: Room 6512, 1400 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, 
DC 20250, or by phone: (202) 720-4327, or by fax: (202) 720-9361, or by 

    Signed at Washington, DC, on the 28 of March 2013.
Suzanne E. Heinen,
Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, and Vice President, 
Commodity Credit Corporation.
[FR Doc. 2013-09447 Filed 4-22-13; 8:45 am]
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