Arlington Storage Company, LLC; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Seneca Lake Storage Facility Gallery 2 Expansion Project, and Request for Comments on Environmental Issues, 21931-21933 [2013-08598]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 71 / Friday, April 12, 2013 / Notices
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project Nos. P–10254–023; P–10253–027]
mstockstill on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Pelzer Hydro Company, Inc.
Consolidated Hydro Southeast, Inc.;
Notice of Intent To File License
Application, Filing of Pre-Application
Document, and Approving Use of the
Traditional Licensing Process
a. Type of Filing: Notice of Intent to
File License Application and Request to
Use the Traditional Licensing Process.
b. Project Nos.: P–10254–023, and P–
c. Date Filed: November 11, 2012.
d. Submitted by: Pelzer Hydro
Company, Inc. and Consolidated Hydro
Southeast, Inc., both fully owned
subsidiaries of Enel Green Power North
America, Inc.
e. Name of Projects: Upper Pelzer
Hydroelectric Project (P–10254) and
Lower Pelzer Hydroelectric Project (P–
f. Location: On the Saluda River in
Anderson and Greenville counties near
the town of Pelzer (P–10254), and the
town of Williamston (P–10253), South
Carolina. No federal lands are occupied
by the project works or located within
the project boundary of either project.
g. Filed Pursuant to: 18 CFR 5.3 of the
Commission’s regulations.
h. Potential Applicant Contact: Beth
E. Harris, P.E., Southeast Regional
Manager, Aquenergy Systems, Inc., 11
Anderson St., Piedmont, SC 29674;
i. FERC Contact: Sean Murphy at
(202) 502–6145 or via email at
j. Pelzer Hydro Company, Inc. and
Consolidated Hydro Southeast, Inc.,
filed their request to use the Traditional
Licensing Process/Alternative Licensing
Procedures on November 11, 2012.
Pelzer Hydro Company, Inc. and
Consolidated Hydro Southeast, Inc.
provided public notice of its request on
February 13, 2013. In a letter dated
April 5, 2013, the Director of the
Division of Hydropower Licensing
approved Pelzer Hydro Company, Inc.
and Consolidated Hydro Southeast,
Inc.’s request to use the Traditional
Licensing Process.
k. With this notice, we are initiating
informal consultation with: (a) the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service and/or NOAA
Fisheries under section 7 of the
Endangered Species Act and the joint
agency regulations thereunder at 50
CFR, Part 402; and (b) the South
Carolina State Historic Preservation
Officer, as required by section 106,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:47 Apr 11, 2013
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National Historical Preservation Act,
and the implementing regulations of the
Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation at 36 CFR 800.2.
l. With this notice, we are designating
Pelzer Hydro Company, Inc. and
Consolidated Hydro Southeast, Inc., as
the Commission’s non-federal
representative for carrying out informal
consultation, pursuant to section 7 of
the Endangered Species Act and section
106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act.
m. Pelzer Hydro Company, Inc. and
Consolidated Hydro Southeast, Inc.,
filed a Pre-Application Document (PAD;
including a proposed process plan and
schedule) with the Commission,
pursuant to 18 CFR 5.6 of the
Commission’s regulations.
n. Copies of the PADs are available for
review at the Commission in the Public
Reference Room or may be viewed on
the Commission’s Web site (https://, using the ‘‘eLibrary’’
link. Enter the docket number,
excluding the last three digits in the
docket number field to access the
document. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support at or toll
free at 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY,
(202) 502–8659. Copies are also
available for inspection and
reproduction at the address in
paragraph h.
o. The licensee states its unequivocal
intent to submit an application for a
new license for Project No. 10254. The
licensee states its unequivocal intent to
submit an application for a voluntary
new license for Project No. 10253.
Pursuant to 18 CFR 16.8, 16.9, and 16.10
each application for a new license and
any competing license applications
must be filed with the Commission at
least 24 months prior to the expiration
of the existing license. All applications
for license for these projects must be
filed by November 30, 2015.
p. Register online at https://
esubscription.asp to be notified via
email of new filing and issuances
related to this or other pending projects.
For assistance, contact FERC Online
Dated: April 5, 2013.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2013–08590 Filed 4–11–13; 8:45 am]
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Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. CP13–83–000]
Arlington Storage Company, LLC;
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Assessment for the
Proposed Seneca Lake Storage Facility
Gallery 2 Expansion Project, and
Request for Comments on
Environmental Issues
The staff of the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC or
Commission) will prepare an
environmental assessment (EA) that will
discuss the environmental impacts of
the Arlington Storage Company, LLC
(Arlington Storage) Seneca Lake Storage
Facility Gallery 2 Expansion Project
(Project). The expansion would be
accomplished through the conversion of
two existing interconnected bedded salt
caverns (collectively known as ‘‘Gallery
2’’), previously used for liquid propane
gas (LPG) storage, to natural gas storage.
The Project is located in Schuyler
County, New York on the west side of
Seneca Lake in the Town of Reading
(Figure 1). This EA will be used by the
Commission in its decision-making
process to determine whether the
project is in the public convenience and
This notice announces the opening of
the scoping process the Commission
will use to gather input from the public
and interested agencies on the Project.
Your input will help the Commission
staff determine what issues need to be
evaluated in the EA. Please note that the
project scoping period will close on
May 3, 2013. Further details on how to
submit written comments are provided
in the Public Participation section of
this notice.
This notice is being sent to the
Commission’s current environmental
mailing list for this project as described
under the Environmental Mailing List
Section of this notice. State and local
government representatives are asked to
notify their constituents of this
proposed project and encourage them to
comment on their areas of concern.
The Project would be constructed on
land owned by Arlington Storage or its
affiliate U.S. Salt Corporation, within an
area used for salt mining and/or natural
gas activities. Project work areas have
been previously disturbed through
historical solution mining operations for
salt production and LPG storage.
Development of the caverns at Gallery 2
began in 1958 by the International Salt
Company. The gallery caverns were
used for brine production until 1964
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 71 / Friday, April 12, 2013 / Notices
when they were converted to LPG
storage until 1984 when the caverns
were emptied of LPG and filled with salt
water for preservation. No residential
lands would be crossed and no
unaffiliated landowners would be
directly affected by the proposed work.
Summary of the Proposed Project
mstockstill on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The proposed Project would consist of
converting two existing interconnected
bedded salt caverns, previously used for
LPG storage, and related facilities
(collectively known as ‘‘Gallery 2’’) to
natural gas storage. The addition of
Gallery 2 would add an incremental
0.55 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of working
gas capacity to the Arlington Storage
existing Seneca Lake facility.
Arlington’s existing Seneca Lake storage
consists of two storage caverns (‘‘Gallery
1’’) with a working gas capacity of 1.45
Bcf. The Arlington Storage Seneca Lake
facility interconnects with the
Dominion Transmission, Inc. and
Millennium Pipeline Company, LLC
interstate natural gas pipeline systems.
In order to add the proposed
incremental 0.55 Bcf of facility working
gas capacity, Arlington Storage requests
• Construct approximately 500 feet of
pipeline (170 feet of 16-inch-diameter
and 330 feet of 8-inch-diameter
pipeline) to connect the Gallery 2 wells
to the existing Seneca Lake 16-inchdiameter natural gas pipeline;
• install a 500 horsepower (hp) skidmounted compressor unit;
• use of Well no. 45 in debrining 1
operation, and for future cavern
• construct temporary facilities to be
used during the cavern(s) debrining
process consisting of a temporary brine
pump and temporary brine pipelines;
• installation of electric and
instrument air lines connecting the
Gallery 2 facilities to the Seneca Lake
Storage compressor station; and
• plug and abandon two existing
wells formerly used in the Gallery 2
Caverns’ brine production and propane
storage operation
The general location of the Project
facilities is shown in Appendix 1.2
1 The project would ready the caverns for natural
gas storage by pumping the saltwater out of the
caverns. This process is referred to as ‘‘debrining’’.
2 The appendices referenced in this notice will
not appear in the Federal Register. Copies of
appendices were sent to all those receiving this
notice in the mail and are available at
using the link called ‘‘eLibrary’’ or from the
Commission’s Public Reference Room, 888 First
Street NE., Washington, DC 20426, or call (202)
502–8371. For instructions on connecting to
eLibrary, refer to the last page of this notice.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:47 Apr 11, 2013
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Land Requirements for Construction
Construction of the planned Project
pipeline facilities would disturb about
6.63 acres of land owned by Arlington
Storage which comprises the Gallery 2
site (4.84 acres), the temporary laydown
area (0.92 acres), and the temporary use
of an existing access road (0.87 acres)
(see Figure 1). Following construction,
Arlington would maintain about 0.85
acres for permanent operation of Project
facilities. The remaining 5.8 acres
disturbed by construction would be
restored and revert to former uses.
The EA Process
The National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) requires the Commission to
take into account the environmental
impacts that could result from an action
whenever it considers the issuance of a
Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity. NEPA also requires us 3 to
discover and address concerns the
public may have about proposals. This
process is referred to as ‘‘scoping.’’ The
main goal of the scoping process is to
focus the analysis in the EA on the
important environmental issues. By this
notice, the Commission requests public
comments on the scope of the issues to
address in the EA. All comments
received will be considered during the
preparation of the EA.
In the EA we will discuss impacts that
could occur as a result of the
construction and operation of the
proposed project under these general
• Geology and soils;
• land use;
• water resources, fisheries, and
• cultural resources;
• vegetation and wildlife;
• air quality and noise;
• endangered and threatened species;
• public safety; and
• cumulative impacts.
We will also evaluate reasonable
alternatives to the proposed project or
portions of the project, and make
recommendations on how to lessen or
avoid impacts on the various resource
Our independent analysis of the
issues will be presented in the EA. The
EA will be placed in the public record
and, will be published and distributed
to the public. A comment period will be
allotted after the EA is published for
review. We will consider all comments
on the EA before we make our
recommendations to the Commission.
To ensure your comments are
3 ‘‘We,’’ ‘‘us,’’ and ‘‘our’’ refer to the
environmental staff of the Commission’s Office of
Energy Projects.
PO 00000
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considered, please carefully follow the
instructions in the Public Participation
section of this notice.
With this notice, we are asking
agencies with jurisdiction and/or
special expertise with respect to
environmental issues to formally
cooperate with us in the preparation of
the EA. These agencies may choose to
participate once they have evaluated the
proposal relative to their
responsibilities. Agencies that would
like to request cooperating agency status
should follow the instructions for filing
comments provided under the Public
Participation section of this notice.
Consultations Under Section 106 of the
Natural Historic Preservation Act
In accordance with the Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation’s
implementing regulations for section
106 of the Natural Historic Preservation
Act, we are using this notice to initiate
consultation with applicable State
Historic Preservation Office(s) (SHPO),
and to solicit their views and those of
other government agencies, interested
Indian tribes, and the public on the
project’s potential effects on historic
properties.4 We will define the projectspecific Area of Potential Effects (APE)
in consultation with the SHPO(s) as the
Project is further developed. On natural
gas facility projects, the APE at a
minimum encompasses all areas subject
to ground disturbance (examples
include construction right-of-way,
contractor/pipe storage yards,
compressor stations, and access roads).
Our EA would document our findings
on the potential Project impacts on
historic properties and summarize the
status of consultations under section
Currently Identified Environmental
We have already identified several
issues that we think deserve attention
based on a preliminary review of the
proposed facilities, the environmental
information provided by Arlington
Storage, and comments received from
the public. This preliminary list of
issues may be changed based on your
comments and our analysis.
• Air quality and low-frequency noise
impacts from the proposed compression
• effects of construction and
operation on migratory wildlife species;
4 The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s
regulations are at Title 36, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 800. Historic properties are
defined in those regulations as any prehistoric or
historic district, site, building, structure, or object
included in or eligible for inclusion in the Natural
Register of Historic Places.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 71 / Friday, April 12, 2013 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
• potential spills from debrining the
caverns and potential impact to
groundwater and surface water quality;
• cumulative environmental impacts
from existing natural gas and LPG
storage in the region.
Public Participation
You can make a difference by
providing us with your specific
comments or concerns about the Project.
Your comments should focus on the
potential environmental effects,
reasonable alternatives, and measures to
avoid or lessen environmental impacts.
The more specific your comments, the
more useful they will be. To ensure that
your comments are timely and properly
recorded, please send your comments so
that they will be received in
Washington, DC on or before May 3,
For your convenience, there are three
methods which you can use to submit
your comments to the Commission. In
all instances please reference the Project
docket number (CP13–83–000) with
your submission. The Commission
encourages electronic filing of
comments and has expert eFiling staff
available to assist you at (202) 502–8258
(1) You may file your comments
electronically by using the eComment
feature, which is located on the
Commission’s Web site at
under the link to Documents and
Filings. An eComment is an easy
method for interested persons to submit
brief, text-only comments on a project;
(2) You may file your comments
electronically by using the eFiling
feature, which is located on the
Commission’s Web site at
under the link to Documents and
Filings. With eFiling, you can provide
comments in a variety of formats by
attaching them as a file with your
submission. New eFiling users must
first create an account by clicking on
‘‘eRegister.’’ You will be asked to select
the type of filing you are making. A
comment on a particular project is
considered a ‘‘Comment on a Filing’’; or
(3) You may file a paper copy of your
comments at the following address:
Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Room 1A, Washington,
DC 20426.
Environmental Mailing List
The environmental mailing list
includes federal, state, and local
government representatives and
agencies; elected officials; Native
American Tribes; environmental and
public interest groups; other interested
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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parties; and local libraries and
newspapers. This list also includes all
affected landowners (as defined in the
Commission’s regulations) who own
homes within certain distances of
aboveground facilities, and anyone who
submitted comments on the project. We
have made every effort to include all
commentors on the mailing list;
however, we are unable to include
commentors that did not include a
physical address with their comments.
We will update the environmental
mailing list as the analysis proceeds to
ensure that we send the information
related to this environmental review to
all individuals, organizations, and
government entities interested in and/or
potentially affected by the proposed
Once the EA is published for
distribution, copies will be sent to the
environmental mailing list for public
review and comment. If you would
prefer to receive a paper copy of the
document instead of the CD version or
would like to remove your name from
the mailing list, please return the
attached Information Request
(Appendix 2).
Becoming an Intervenor
In addition to involvement in the EA
scoping process, you may want to
become an ‘‘intervenor’’ which is an
official party to the Commission’s
proceeding. Intervenors play a more
formal role in the process and are able
to file briefs, appear at hearings, and be
heard by the courts if they choose to
appeal the Commission’s final ruling.
An intervenor formally participates in
the proceeding by filing a request to
intervene. Instructions for becoming an
intervenor are included in the User’s
Guide under the ‘‘e-filing’’ link on the
Commission’s Web site.
Additional Information
Additional information about the
project is available from the
Commission’s Office of External Affairs,
at (866) 208–FERC, or on the FERC Web
site at using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Click on the eLibrary
link, click on ‘‘General Search’’ and
enter the docket number, excluding the
last three digits in the Docket number
field (i.e., CP13–83). Be sure you have
selected an appropriate date range. For
assistance, please contact FERC Online
Support at
or toll free at (866) 208–3676, or for
TTY, contact (202) 502–8659. The
eLibrary link also provides access to the
texts of formal documents issued by the
Commission, such as orders, notices,
and rulemakings.
PO 00000
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In addition, the Commission now
offers a free service called eSubscription
which allows you to keep track of all
formal issuances and submittals in
specific dockets. This can reduce the
amount of time you spend researching
proceedings by automatically providing
you with notification of these filings,
document summaries, and direct links
to the documents. Go to
Finally, public meetings or site visits
will be posted on the Commission’s
calendar located at
EventCalendar/EventsList.aspx along
with other related information.
Dated: April 3, 2013.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2013–08598 Filed 4–11–13; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 14481–000]
Archon Energy 1, Inc.; Notice of
Preliminary Permit Application
Accepted for Filing and Soliciting
Comments, Motions To Intervene, and
Competing Applications
On January 15, 2013, Archon Energy
1, Inc. filed an application for a
preliminary permit, pursuant to section
4(f) of the Federal Power Act (FPA),
proposing to study the feasibility of the
Palo Verde Diversion Dam Hydroelectric
Project (Palo Verde Diversion Dam
Project or project) to be located on the
Colorado River, near the city of
Mayflower, Riverside County,
California. The project would be located
on a small portion of Bureau of Land
Management lands. The sole purpose of
a preliminary permit, if issued, is to
grant the permit holder priority to file
a license application during the permit
term. A preliminary permit does not
authorize the permit holder to perform
any land-disturbing activities or
otherwise enter upon lands or waters
owned by others without the owners’
express permission.
The proposed project would consist of
the following: (1) A gated water intake
canal adjacent to the existing dam; (2)
fish screens; (3) a 200-foot by 50-foot by
70-foot turbine structure enclosing four
Kaplan turbine generators; and (4)
appurtenant facilities. The project
would require interconnection to a
Southern California Edison transmission
line located approximately one mile
west of the Palo Verde Dam. An
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 71 (Friday, April 12, 2013)]
[Pages 21931-21933]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-08598]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. CP13-83-000]
Arlington Storage Company, LLC; Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Seneca Lake Storage Facility
Gallery 2 Expansion Project, and Request for Comments on Environmental
The staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or
Commission) will prepare an environmental assessment (EA) that will
discuss the environmental impacts of the Arlington Storage Company, LLC
(Arlington Storage) Seneca Lake Storage Facility Gallery 2 Expansion
Project (Project). The expansion would be accomplished through the
conversion of two existing interconnected bedded salt caverns
(collectively known as ``Gallery 2''), previously used for liquid
propane gas (LPG) storage, to natural gas storage. The Project is
located in Schuyler County, New York on the west side of Seneca Lake in
the Town of Reading (Figure 1). This EA will be used by the Commission
in its decision-making process to determine whether the project is in
the public convenience and necessity.
This notice announces the opening of the scoping process the
Commission will use to gather input from the public and interested
agencies on the Project. Your input will help the Commission staff
determine what issues need to be evaluated in the EA. Please note that
the project scoping period will close on May 3, 2013. Further details
on how to submit written comments are provided in the Public
Participation section of this notice.
This notice is being sent to the Commission's current environmental
mailing list for this project as described under the Environmental
Mailing List Section of this notice. State and local government
representatives are asked to notify their constituents of this proposed
project and encourage them to comment on their areas of concern.
The Project would be constructed on land owned by Arlington Storage
or its affiliate U.S. Salt Corporation, within an area used for salt
mining and/or natural gas activities. Project work areas have been
previously disturbed through historical solution mining operations for
salt production and LPG storage. Development of the caverns at Gallery
2 began in 1958 by the International Salt Company. The gallery caverns
were used for brine production until 1964
[[Page 21932]]
when they were converted to LPG storage until 1984 when the caverns
were emptied of LPG and filled with salt water for preservation. No
residential lands would be crossed and no unaffiliated landowners would
be directly affected by the proposed work.
Summary of the Proposed Project
The proposed Project would consist of converting two existing
interconnected bedded salt caverns, previously used for LPG storage,
and related facilities (collectively known as ``Gallery 2'') to natural
gas storage. The addition of Gallery 2 would add an incremental 0.55
billion cubic feet (Bcf) of working gas capacity to the Arlington
Storage existing Seneca Lake facility. Arlington's existing Seneca Lake
storage consists of two storage caverns (``Gallery 1'') with a working
gas capacity of 1.45 Bcf. The Arlington Storage Seneca Lake facility
interconnects with the Dominion Transmission, Inc. and Millennium
Pipeline Company, LLC interstate natural gas pipeline systems. In order
to add the proposed incremental 0.55 Bcf of facility working gas
capacity, Arlington Storage requests to:
Construct approximately 500 feet of pipeline (170 feet of
16-inch-diameter and 330 feet of 8-inch-diameter pipeline) to connect
the Gallery 2 wells to the existing Seneca Lake 16-inch-diameter
natural gas pipeline;
install a 500 horsepower (hp) skid-mounted compressor
use of Well no. 45 in debrining \1\ operation, and for
future cavern monitoring;
\1\ The project would ready the caverns for natural gas storage
by pumping the saltwater out of the caverns. This process is
referred to as ``debrining''.
construct temporary facilities to be used during the
cavern(s) debrining process consisting of a temporary brine pump and
temporary brine pipelines;
installation of electric and instrument air lines
connecting the Gallery 2 facilities to the Seneca Lake Storage
compressor station; and
plug and abandon two existing wells formerly used in the
Gallery 2 Caverns' brine production and propane storage operation
The general location of the Project facilities is shown in Appendix
\2\ The appendices referenced in this notice will not appear in
the Federal Register. Copies of appendices were sent to all those
receiving this notice in the mail and are available at
using the link called ``eLibrary'' or from the Commission's Public
Reference Room, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426, or call
(202) 502-8371. For instructions on connecting to eLibrary, refer to
the last page of this notice.
Land Requirements for Construction
Construction of the planned Project pipeline facilities would
disturb about 6.63 acres of land owned by Arlington Storage which
comprises the Gallery 2 site (4.84 acres), the temporary laydown area
(0.92 acres), and the temporary use of an existing access road (0.87
acres) (see Figure 1). Following construction, Arlington would maintain
about 0.85 acres for permanent operation of Project facilities. The
remaining 5.8 acres disturbed by construction would be restored and
revert to former uses.
The EA Process
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires the
Commission to take into account the environmental impacts that could
result from an action whenever it considers the issuance of a
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. NEPA also requires us
\3\ to discover and address concerns the public may have about
proposals. This process is referred to as ``scoping.'' The main goal of
the scoping process is to focus the analysis in the EA on the important
environmental issues. By this notice, the Commission requests public
comments on the scope of the issues to address in the EA. All comments
received will be considered during the preparation of the EA.
\3\ ``We,'' ``us,'' and ``our'' refer to the environmental staff
of the Commission's Office of Energy Projects.
In the EA we will discuss impacts that could occur as a result of
the construction and operation of the proposed project under these
general headings:
Geology and soils;
land use;
water resources, fisheries, and wetlands;
cultural resources;
vegetation and wildlife;
air quality and noise;
endangered and threatened species;
public safety; and
cumulative impacts.
We will also evaluate reasonable alternatives to the proposed
project or portions of the project, and make recommendations on how to
lessen or avoid impacts on the various resource areas.
Our independent analysis of the issues will be presented in the EA.
The EA will be placed in the public record and, will be published and
distributed to the public. A comment period will be allotted after the
EA is published for review. We will consider all comments on the EA
before we make our recommendations to the Commission. To ensure your
comments are considered, please carefully follow the instructions in
the Public Participation section of this notice.
With this notice, we are asking agencies with jurisdiction and/or
special expertise with respect to environmental issues to formally
cooperate with us in the preparation of the EA. These agencies may
choose to participate once they have evaluated the proposal relative to
their responsibilities. Agencies that would like to request cooperating
agency status should follow the instructions for filing comments
provided under the Public Participation section of this notice.
Consultations Under Section 106 of the Natural Historic Preservation
In accordance with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's
implementing regulations for section 106 of the Natural Historic
Preservation Act, we are using this notice to initiate consultation
with applicable State Historic Preservation Office(s) (SHPO), and to
solicit their views and those of other government agencies, interested
Indian tribes, and the public on the project's potential effects on
historic properties.\4\ We will define the project-specific Area of
Potential Effects (APE) in consultation with the SHPO(s) as the Project
is further developed. On natural gas facility projects, the APE at a
minimum encompasses all areas subject to ground disturbance (examples
include construction right-of-way, contractor/pipe storage yards,
compressor stations, and access roads). Our EA would document our
findings on the potential Project impacts on historic properties and
summarize the status of consultations under section 106.
\4\ The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's regulations
are at Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 800. Historic
properties are defined in those regulations as any prehistoric or
historic district, site, building, structure, or object included in
or eligible for inclusion in the Natural Register of Historic
Currently Identified Environmental Issues
We have already identified several issues that we think deserve
attention based on a preliminary review of the proposed facilities, the
environmental information provided by Arlington Storage, and comments
received from the public. This preliminary list of issues may be
changed based on your comments and our analysis.
Air quality and low-frequency noise impacts from the
proposed compression facility;
effects of construction and operation on migratory
wildlife species;
[[Page 21933]]
potential spills from debrining the caverns and potential
impact to groundwater and surface water quality; and
cumulative environmental impacts from existing natural gas
and LPG storage in the region.
Public Participation
You can make a difference by providing us with your specific
comments or concerns about the Project. Your comments should focus on
the potential environmental effects, reasonable alternatives, and
measures to avoid or lessen environmental impacts. The more specific
your comments, the more useful they will be. To ensure that your
comments are timely and properly recorded, please send your comments so
that they will be received in Washington, DC on or before May 3, 2013.
For your convenience, there are three methods which you can use to
submit your comments to the Commission. In all instances please
reference the Project docket number (CP13-83-000) with your submission.
The Commission encourages electronic filing of comments and has expert
eFiling staff available to assist you at (202) 502-8258 or
(1) You may file your comments electronically by using the eComment
feature, which is located on the Commission's Web site at
under the link to Documents and Filings. An eComment is an easy method
for interested persons to submit brief, text-only comments on a
(2) You may file your comments electronically by using the eFiling
feature, which is located on the Commission's Web site at
under the link to Documents and Filings. With eFiling, you can provide
comments in a variety of formats by attaching them as a file with your
submission. New eFiling users must first create an account by clicking
on ``eRegister.'' You will be asked to select the type of filing you
are making. A comment on a particular project is considered a ``Comment
on a Filing''; or
(3) You may file a paper copy of your comments at the following
address: Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE., Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426.
Environmental Mailing List
The environmental mailing list includes federal, state, and local
government representatives and agencies; elected officials; Native
American Tribes; environmental and public interest groups; other
interested parties; and local libraries and newspapers. This list also
includes all affected landowners (as defined in the Commission's
regulations) who own homes within certain distances of aboveground
facilities, and anyone who submitted comments on the project. We have
made every effort to include all commentors on the mailing list;
however, we are unable to include commentors that did not include a
physical address with their comments. We will update the environmental
mailing list as the analysis proceeds to ensure that we send the
information related to this environmental review to all individuals,
organizations, and government entities interested in and/or potentially
affected by the proposed project.
Once the EA is published for distribution, copies will be sent to
the environmental mailing list for public review and comment. If you
would prefer to receive a paper copy of the document instead of the CD
version or would like to remove your name from the mailing list, please
return the attached Information Request (Appendix 2).
Becoming an Intervenor
In addition to involvement in the EA scoping process, you may want
to become an ``intervenor'' which is an official party to the
Commission's proceeding. Intervenors play a more formal role in the
process and are able to file briefs, appear at hearings, and be heard
by the courts if they choose to appeal the Commission's final ruling.
An intervenor formally participates in the proceeding by filing a
request to intervene. Instructions for becoming an intervenor are
included in the User's Guide under the ``e-filing'' link on the
Commission's Web site.
Additional Information
Additional information about the project is available from the
Commission's Office of External Affairs, at (866) 208-FERC, or on the
FERC Web site at using the ``eLibrary'' link. Click on the
eLibrary link, click on ``General Search'' and enter the docket number,
excluding the last three digits in the Docket number field (i.e., CP13-
83). Be sure you have selected an appropriate date range. For
assistance, please contact FERC Online Support at or toll free at (866) 208-3676, or for TTY,
contact (202) 502-8659. The eLibrary link also provides access to the
texts of formal documents issued by the Commission, such as orders,
notices, and rulemakings.
In addition, the Commission now offers a free service called
eSubscription which allows you to keep track of all formal issuances
and submittals in specific dockets. This can reduce the amount of time
you spend researching proceedings by automatically providing you with
notification of these filings, document summaries, and direct links to
the documents. Go to
Finally, public meetings or site visits will be posted on the
Commission's calendar located at along with other related information.
Dated: April 3, 2013.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2013-08598 Filed 4-11-13; 8:45 am]