Spent Nuclear Fuel Management at the Savannah River Site, 20625-20628 [2013-07994]
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mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 66 / Friday, April 5, 2013 / Notices
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
prior to any permit action. The Corps
may ultimately make a determination to
permit or deny the proposed project or
a modified version of the proposed
project. The primary Federal concerns
are dredging, dredged material disposal,
addition of permanent structures in and
over navigable waters of the U.S., and
transport of dredged material for the
purpose of ocean disposal.
Pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the
LAHD will serve as Lead Agency in
preparing an Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) for its consideration of
development approvals within its
jurisdiction. The Corps and LAHD have
agreed to jointly prepare a Draft EIS/EIR
to optimize efficiency and avoid
duplication. The Draft EIS/EIR is
intended to be sufficient in scope to
address the Federal, state and local
requirements and environmental issues
concerning the proposed activities and
permit approvals.
1. Project Site and Background
Information. The project site is located
on Terminal Island within in an
industrial area of the East Basin region
of the Port of Los Angeles. The site is
within the Port of Los Angeles
Community Plan area in the City of Los
Angeles, adjacent to the communities of
San Pedro and Wilmington, and
approximately 20 miles south of
downtown Los Angeles. The purpose of
the project is to improve marine
shipping and maritime commerce by
optimizing the container-handling
efficiency and capacity at Berths 212–
224, accommodate berthing and
loading/unloading the largest container
ships, and increase on-dock rail
facilities to accommodate projected
peak increases in container movement
into and out of the terminal at Berths
212–224 resulting from the handling of
larger ships.
2. Proposed Action: The LAHD has
proposed to redevelop the existing
container terminal at Berths 212–224.
Yusen Terminals Inc. [YTI] operates the
existing 185-acre container terminal
under a lease agreement (LAHD Permit
No. 692). The proposed project would
result in dredging of approximately
25,000 cubic yards of sediment from
Berths 212–224 to increase depth at
existing berths; disposal of dredged
material at either an offshore site
(LA–2), confined disposal facility (CDF),
or other approved location; wharf
improvements including installation of
new subsurface sheet pile and king piles
to stabilize the existing wharf prior to
dredging, installation of four new 100gauge and modification (i.e.,
heightening, additional boom length) of
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six existing gantry cranes for a total of
14 operational cranes at full build-out;
and backland improvements such as
additional on-dock rail, paving, coldplaning, etc., on approximately 160
acres of the site.
3. Issues: Potentially significant issues
associated with the project include:
Aesthetics/visual impacts, air quality
emissions, biological resource impacts,
environmental justice, geologic impacts
related to seismicity, hazards and
hazardous materials, hydrology and
water quality, noise, traffic and
transportation, and cumulative impacts
from past, present and reasonably
foreseeable future projects.
4. Alternatives. The Draft EIS/EIR will
include a co-equal analysis of several
alternatives. Project alternatives will be
further developed during this scoping
process. Additional alternatives that
may be developed during scoping will
also be considered in the Draft EIS/EIR.
5. Scoping Process. The Corps and
LAHD will jointly conduct a public
scoping meeting for the proposed
project to receive public comment
regarding the appropriate scope and
preparation of the Draft EIS/EIR.
Participation by Federal, state, and local
agencies and other interested
organization and persons is encouraged.
This meeting will be conducted in
English and Spanish.
6. Electronic Access and Filing
Addresses: Comments may be submitted
by electronic mail (email) to:
Electronic mail comments should
include the commenter’s physical or
electronic mailing address, the project
title and the Corps file number.
7. The Draft EIS/EIR is expected to be
available for public review and
comment in the fall 2013, and a public
meeting will be held after its
Dated: March 19, 2013.
David J. Castanon,
Chief, Regulatory Division.
[FR Doc. 2013–07968 Filed 4–4–13; 8:45 am]
Extension of Hearing Record Closure
Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board.
ACTION: Extension of hearing record
closure date.
The Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board (Board)
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published a document in the Federal
Register on January 22, 2013, (78 FR
4393), as amended, February 19, 2013,
(78 FR 11632). The publication
concerned notice of a hearing and
meeting on March 14, 2013, regarding
safety culture, emergency preparedness,
and safety issues at the Pantex Plant.
The Board stated in the January 22,
2013, hearing notice that the hearing
record would remain open until April
15, 2013, for the receipt of additional
Extension of Time: The Board now
extends the period of time for which the
hearing record will remain open to June
15, 2013, to further accommodate,
among other things, submission of
answers to questions taken for the
record during the course of the public
Contact Person for Further
Information: Marcelyn Atwood, General
Manager, Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board, 625 Indiana Avenue NW.,
Suite 700, Washington, DC 20004–2901,
(800) 788–4016. This is a toll-free
Dated: April 2, 2013.
Peter S. Winokur,
[FR Doc. 2013–07969 Filed 4–4–13; 8:45 am]
Spent Nuclear Fuel Management at the
Savannah River Site
U.S. Department of Energy.
Amended Record of Decision.
The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) is amending its August 7,
2000, Record of Decision (ROD)
pursuant to the Savannah River Site
Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Final
Environmental Impact Statement,
Aiken, SC (DOE/EIS–0279, 2000; SRS
SNF EIS). In the 2000 ROD, DOE
decided to develop and demonstrate the
‘‘melt and dilute’’ technology to manage
approximately 28.6 metric tons of heavy
metal (MTHM) of aluminum-clad SNF,
consistent with its preferred alternative
identified in the SRS SNF EIS.
DOE now amends that decision and
will manage approximately 3.3 MTHM
from the currently projected inventory
of 22 MTHM at SRS using conventional
processing 1 at the H-Canyon facility at
SRS, as described and evaluated under
the Conventional Processing Alternative
1 Conventional processing is a chemical
separations process that involves dissolving spent
fuel in nitric acid and separating fission products
from uranium using solvent extraction.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 66 / Friday, April 5, 2013 / Notices
in the SRS SNF EIS. The quantity of 3.3
MTHM is the minimum amount of SNF
necessary to avoid the need for costly
modifications to the L-Basin that would
allow DOE to accommodate expected
receipts of SNF for the foreseeable
future. This includes up to 200 High
Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) cores
generated at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory and approximately 1,000
bundles of aluminum-clad SNF
currently stored at SRS, as well as target
residue materials 2 containing enriched
uranium (including target materials
from Canada that contain liquid Highly
Enriched Uranium (HEU) of U.S. origin).
DOE anticipates that processing this
SNF and target residue material would
begin as early as 2014 and continue
approximately four years. As a result of
this amended decision, HEU in the SNF
and target materials will be downblended to low-enriched uranium
(LEU). This end product will not be
useable in nuclear weapons, but will be
available for use in commercial power
reactors such as those operated by the
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to
generate electricity. DOE will continue
to safely store the aluminum-clad SNF
not addressed in this Amended ROD in
L-Basin at SRS, pending future analysis
and DOE decisions.
In accordance with DOE regulations
for implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), DOE
has prepared a Supplement Analysis
(SA) to examine previous NEPA
analyses of the management of SNF at
SRS, particularly the SRS SNF EIS and
the Proposed Nuclear Weapons
Nonproliferation Policy Concerning
Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear
Fuel Environmental Impact Statement
(DOE/EIS–0218, 1996, FRR EIS) tiered
from the Programmatic Spent Nuclear
Fuel Management and Idaho National
Engineering Laboratory Environmental
Restoration and Waste Management
Programs Final Environmental Impact
Statement (DOE/EIS–0203, 1995), to
determine whether DOE’s amended
decision would make substantial
changes in its proposed actions or
whether there are significant new
circumstances or information relevant to
environmental concerns and bearing on
the proposed action or its potential
impacts. Based on the SA, DOE has
determined that a supplemental or new
EIS is not required.
2 Target
materials are residual materials left after
the desired isotopes have been removed from the
targets. For example, target materials could be
residual materials from the production in a research
reactor of molybdenum-99, which decays to
technetium-99, a medical isotope. Targets may be
shaped as plates, pins, or cylinders. Target
materials are not high-level radioactive waste.
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The actions to be taken pursuant to
this Amended ROD strongly support
U.S. non-proliferation policy and goals
by permanently dispositioning HEU. In
particular, this amended decision
implements the U.S. and Canadian
agreement reached at the Nuclear
Security Summit in March 2012 to
expand efforts to return U.S.-origin HEU
currently stored in Canada to the U.S.
The commitment supports international
efforts to consolidate and dispose of
HEU and to combat nuclear terrorism.
The actions addressed in this amended
decision will free existing storage space
in L-Basin, avoiding the need and cost
required to provide additional new
space in the Basin. This in turn will
allow for continued receipt of Foreign
Research Reactor SNF (FRR SNF),
adequate storage for HFIR cores,
continued operation of HFIR in support
of DOE’s research and development
mission, dispositioning of HEU out of
South Carolina, and cost-effective use of
DOE’s H-Canyon processing facility at
This Amended ROD, the SA
for SRS SNF Management, and related
NEPA documents are available on the
DOE NEPA Web site at
www.nepa.energy.gov and the SRS Web
site at www.srs.gov/general/pubs/
envbul/nepa/htm. To request copies of
these documents, please contact:
Mr. Andrew R. Grainger, NEPA
Compliance Officer, Savannah River
Operations Office, U.S. Department of
Energy, P.O. Box B, Aiken, South
Carolina 29802, Telephone: (803)
952–8001, Email:
further information on the management
of SNF at SRS, please contact Mr.
Grainger as listed above.
For information on DOE’s NEPA
process, please contact:
Ms. Carol M. Borgstrom, Director, Office
of NEPA Policy and Compliance, GC–
54, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585, Telephone:
(202) 586–4600, or leave a message at
(800) 472–2756, Email:
DOE’s purpose and need for action, as
described in the SRS SNF EIS, is to
develop and implement a safe and
efficient SNF management strategy that
includes preparing aluminum-clad SNF
and target material stored at SRS, or
expected to be shipped to SRS, for
ultimate disposition offsite.
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In the SRS SNF EIS, DOE grouped the
SNF to be managed based on
characteristics such as fuel size,
physical and chemical properties, and
radionuclide inventory. The fuel groups
and the seven technologies that could be
used to prepare the SNF for disposition
are described in the SRS SNF EIS. The
potential environmental impacts
associated with the use of these
technologies, including conventional
processing, were analyzed in the SRS
SNF EIS. In the ROD for the SRS SNF
EIS (65 FR 48224; August 7, 2000), DOE
identified the Minimum Impact
Alternative as the environmentally
preferable alternative, but selected the
Preferred Alternative.3
To implement the Preferred
Alternative described in the SRS SNF
EIS, DOE decided to use a combination
of technologies, including melt and
dilute, to manage the SNF. The melt and
dilute technology was to be used to treat
all Group B fuel (about 20 MTHM of
Material Test Reactor fuel from foreign
and domestic reactors), all Group C fuel
(about 8 MTHM of oxide and silicide
foreign and domestic reactor fuel)
except failed fuel (which DOE would
treat by conventional processing), and
most Group D materials (about 0.6
MTHM of foreign research reactor
targets). DOE estimated that these fuels
and target materials would total
approximately 28.6 MTHM, based on
quantities then stored at SRS and
estimated quantities located at domestic
and foreign reactor locations scheduled
or eligible to ship fuel to SRS.4 These
shipments began in 1996 and are
continuing. DOE now estimates that
there are approximately 22 MTHM of
SNF and target material at or eligible to
be sent to SRS. This is less than the 28.6
MTHM evaluated in the SRS SNF EIS
because DOE now expects to receive
less FRR SNF than originally estimated.
The FRR EIS evaluated alternatives
for return to the United States of SNF
and target materials containing HEU
enriched in the United States and
supplied to foreign countries. Return of
HEU for safe storage and disposition
3 DOE developed five alternatives that could be
used to manage SNF: No Action; Minimum Impact;
Direct Disposal; Maximum Impact; and the
Preferred Alternative; these alternatives and the fuel
groups are described in the SRS SNF EIS and
summarized in the 2000 ROD.
4 On June 1, 1995, DOE announced that, among
other actions, aluminum-clad SNF would be
consolidated at SRS for management and nonaluminum-clad SNF would be consolidated at the
Idaho National Laboratory (INL) (60 FR 28680; June
1, 1995). In keeping with this decision, when DOE
announced its decision to implement a new foreign
research reactor spent fuel acceptance policy, DOE
stated that aluminum-clad fuel would be shipped
to SRS and non-aluminum-clad fuel would be
shipped to the INL (61 FR 25092; May 17, 1996).
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 66 / Friday, April 5, 2013 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
advances the United States nuclear
material nonproliferation goals.
Appendix B1.5 of the FRR EIS discusses
the two methods for preparing the target
residue materials for transport: calcining
and oxidizing. In the FRR EIS, DOE
assumed that target residue material
would be transported in solid form, and
DOE evaluated the impacts of
transportation accordingly. In Appendix
B.2.1.2 of the FRR EIS, DOE explained
that foreign research reactor shipments
would be carried out in accordance with
regulations set by the Department of
Transportation (49 CFR parts 171
through 178) and the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) (10 CFR
part 71); those regulations remain in
place. In the FRR ROD, DOE decided,
consistent with the programmatic
decision to consolidate storage by fuel
type, to transport to and store
aluminum-clad SNF and target material
at the SRS.
Supplement Analysis
In accordance with DOE NEPA
regulations at 10 CFR 1021.314, DOE
prepared an SA for the SRS SNF EIS
and the FRR EIS (DOE/EIS–0279–SA–01
and DOE/EIS–0218–SA–06, March
2013) to consider a proposal to process
the minimum quantity of SNF necessary
to avoid the need for costly
modifications to the L-Basin that would
allow DOE to accommodate expected
receipts of SNF for the foreseeable
future. To do this, DOE estimated that
processing approximately 1000 bundles
of SNF and up to 200 HFIR cores
currently stored at SRS would provide
the minimum necessary amount of
storage space. This could be
accomplished over approximately a
four-year period and equates to
approximately 3.3 MTHM of the
currently projected 22 MTHM total
inventory. DOE would continue to
safely store the remaining SNF in LBasin at SRS, pending future analysis
and DOE decisions. DOE also evaluated
plans to receive FRR target residue
material from Canada in accordance
with U.S. acceptance policy and
consistent with U.S. nonproliferation
objectives. The target material,
containing U.S.-origin HEU in liquid
form, would be shipped in Type B casks
certified by NRC.
The SA compared the proposal to the
relevant NEPA reviews to determine
whether the proposal would make
substantial changes in the proposed
actions identified in the SRS SNF EIS or
FRR EIS, or whether there are
significant new circumstances or
information relevant to environmental
concerns and bearing on the proposed
action or its impacts, consistent with the
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Council on Environmental Quality
NEPA implementing regulations at 40
CFR Parts 1502.9. DOE analyzed the use
of conventional processing for SNF in
lieu of the melt and dilute technology,
which was never developed due to
technical issues involving the off-gas
system and funding limitations. The
conventional processing approach is
consistent with U.S. nuclear nonproliferation goals in that HEU would be
eliminated and plutonium present in
the SNF would not be separated from
the fission products. Processing of the
approximately 3.3 MTHM of SNF and
target residue materials in H-Canyon
will result in plutonium-bearing highlevel waste (HLW) that will be vitrified
in the Defense Waste Processing Facility
(DWPF) at SRS, creating up to
approximately 24 canisters of vitrified,
proliferation-resistant HLW. This
increase is not significant in the context
of the approximately 7,000 canisters
DOE estimates will be otherwise
produced by the DWPF, and is within
the DWPF production and SRS planned
storage capabilities.
In the SA, DOE evaluated the addition
of a third dissolver in H-Canyon to
return the dissolving capacity for SNF to
the level supported by H-Canyon’s offgas system and processing capability,5
which are the capacities evaluated in
the SRS SNF EIS. Installation and
operation of a third dissolver in HCanyon will take place entirely within
H-Canyon and will not result in any
land disturbance. Construction waste
generated will be managed using
existing SRS facilities and procedures.
Operation of a third dissolver is within
H-Canyon’s dissolving capacity for SNF
and is supported by existing systems,
e.g., off-gas system. DOE would
continue to use one existing dissolver to
process plutonium material; plutonium
dissolution does not require use of the
off-gas treatment system or H-Canyon’s
solvent extraction capacity and raffinate
systems. The air and liquid releases and
other impacts of operating two
dissolvers and the associated systems to
process SNF would not significantly
differ from those reported in the SRS
SNF EIS, because the evaluation of the
potential environmental impacts
associated with conventional processing
assumed the use of two dissolvers.
In the SA, DOE also evaluated the
transportation, receipt, and processing
5 One H-Canyon dissolver currently supports
dissolution of plutonium metal, preparatory to
oxidizing it in the HB-Line to prepare plutonium
oxide feed material for the Mixed Oxide Fuel
Fabrication Facility (see Interim Action
Determination, Use of H-Canyon/HB-Line to
Prepare Feed for Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication
Facility at the Savannah River Site, June 2012).
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of target residue materials in liquid form
(from Canada) rather than solid form
and found that the potential
environmental impacts would not
significantly differ from results
presented in the FRR EIS and the SRS
SNF EIS. For this analysis, DOE
assumed that the NRC would certify use
of an existing Type-B cask for the target
residue materials. NRC consideration of
the certification request is ongoing.
Based on conclusions reached in the
SA, DOE determined that the
preparation of a supplemental or new
EIS is not required.
Amended Decision
DOE has decided to manage up to 200
HFIR cores, approximately 1,000
bundles of SNF, and target residue
materials containing HEU (including
target residue materials containing
liquid HEU from Canada) using
conventional processing in H-Canyon at
SRS. This SNF and these target residue
materials, totaling approximately 3.3
MTHM, include material from Groups
B, C, and D identified in the SRS SNF
EIS. HEU recovered during conventional
processing will be down-blended to
create LEU feedstock for fuel fabrication
for commercial nuclear reactors. The
shipments of target residue materials in
liquid form from Canada will comply
with all applicable transportation
regulations in both countries to ensure
environmental protection and the safety
of the involved workers and the general
public. No target material or waste from
processing target material will be
returned to Canada. DOE will
implement minor modifications to HCanyon to receive liquid HEU as
described in the SA.
DOE anticipates processing these
materials beginning as early as 2014 and
continuing approximately four years,
consistent with program and policy
priorities. DOE will install a third
dissolver in H-Canyon in addition to
two existing dissolvers, in order to costeffectively utilize H-Canyon, and
expeditiously complete the mission.
The aluminum-clad SNF not
addressed in this amended ROD will
remain safely in wet storage in L-Basin
at SRS, pending future analysis and
DOE decisions. The water chemistry
will continue to be rigorously controlled
to prevent any corrosion reactions
between the storage tubes, fuel, and the
basin water.
No environmental impacts resulting
from operations under this amended
decision would require specific
mitigation measures. DOE will continue
its current practices and policies to use
all practicable means to avoid or
minimize environmental harm and
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 66 / Friday, April 5, 2013 / Notices
impacts to workers when implementing
the actions described herein. For
example, DOE will continue to evaluate
and implement, as appropriate, physical
modifications to the H-Canyon facility
and process chemistry changes that
would reduce personnel exposure,
facility effluents, and waste generation.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Basis for Decision
This amended decision reduces the
overall cost of managing the currently
stored fuel by eliminating the need for
additional SNF storage racks in the LBasin SNF storage facility and allows for
future receipt of foreign and domestic
SNF, including continued receipt of
HFIR cores from the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory in support of DOE’s research
and development mission. In addition,
this amended decision will maximize
near-term utilization of H-Canyon and
expeditiously complete the mission
This amended decision supports
DOE’s ongoing approach for reducing
the proliferation risks inherent in stocks
of HEU by down-blending surplus HEU
to LEU. The LEU would be available for
use in commercial reactors such as
those operated by TVA. In addition,
operation of H-Canyon to process the
SNF is consistent with section 3137 of
the Floyd D. Spence Defense
Authorization Act for fiscal year (FY)
2001 (Pub. L. 106–398), as amended by
section 3115 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for FY 2004 (Pub. L.
108–136), regarding the continued
operation and maintenance of a high
state of readiness of the H-Canyon
facility at SRS.
Given the expense involved in
designing and constructing a new melt
and dilute capability, and because an
alternative processing technology
(conventional processing) is readily
available, DOE determined that melt
and dilute is an unnecessarily costly
duplication of treatment capability for
aluminum-clad SNF. Conventional
processing and down-blending the HEU
to LEU, with vitrification rather than the
recovery of plutonium, furthers the
Nation’s non-proliferation goals.
Although the Secretary of Energy has
determined that Yucca Mountain is not
a workable option for a geologic
repository, DOE remains committed to
meeting its obligations to safely dispose
of SNF and HLW.6 While this Amended
ROD will increase the number of
6 The
Secretary’s Strategy for the Management
and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-level
Radioactive Waste, January 2013, endorses the key
principles of the 2012 Blue Ribbon Commission on
America’s Nuclear Future report and represents an
initial basis for discussions among the
Administration, the Congress, and other
stakeholders toward a sustainable path forward for
disposition of nuclear waste.
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canisters of vitrified HLW, this is not
expected to significantly affect the
quantity of vitrified HLW requiring
Separately, the receipt of target
residue materials from Canada in liquid
form under the U.S. Foreign Research
Reactor Acceptance Policy does not
present significant new health or
environmental concerns or impacts as
described in the SA. The repatriation of
U.S.-origin HEU from Canada will help
ensure national and international safety
and security by downblending this
material to LEU that would be available
for beneficial use in power reactors.
This action is consistent with U.S.
agreements regarding receipt of FRR
materials in which involved countries
with the economic ability to do so
contribute to the costs of transportation
and U.S. receipt, processing and
disposition of the materials.
In summary, the proposed use of
conventional processing for a limited
quantity of SNF as described in this
amendment to DOE’s 2000 SNF ROD
takes advantage of existing processes in
existing facilities. It will allow nearterm progress in processing a portion of
the inventory analyzed in the SRS SNF
EIS currently stored on the site, thus
freeing storage space for expected
material receipts and avoiding the cost
of creating additional space. The
activities encompassed by this amended
decision will not incur potential health
or environmental impacts significantly
different from those analyzed in existing
NEPA reviews. These activities will
strongly contribute to DOE’s
commitment to the United States’
nuclear non-proliferation goals and are
consistent with the U.S. and Canadian
agreement reached at the Nuclear
Security Summit in March 2012 to
expand efforts to return U.S.-origin HEU
currently stored in Canada to the U.S.
Further, the actions resulting from this
Amended ROD will contribute to the
production of material that can be put
to beneficial energy production for
public use, thereby dispositioning some
HEU out of South Carolina; and will
contribute to an overall safe, secure, and
cost-effective strategy for ongoing
management of SNF and target residue
materials at SRS.
Issued in Washington, DC on March 29,
David Huizenga,
Senior Advisor for Environmental
[FR Doc. 2013–07994 Filed 4–4–13; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
Wireless Metering Challenge
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Notice of availability; request
for comments.
The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy
(EERE) requests comments on the draft
version of the Wireless Power Meter
Challenge Specification. This draft is a
set of performance specifications
applicable to energy efficiency metering
devices for use at the electrical panel
level within commercial buildings. The
specifications are intended to spur the
development of new technologies in the
wireless electric metering space.
DATES: Comments on the Wireless Meter
Challenge Specification must be
received by 5 p.m. Eastern Standard
Time April 26, 2013.
DOE will be holding a webinar on
April 30, 2013. Information regarding
the webinar is provided in the
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted by electronic mail to
For further information on how to
submit comments, please see the
questions regarding the submission of
comments, technical questions, and
questions regarding the Challenge,
contact Jason Koman, Building
Technologies Office, Mailstop EE–2J,
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of
Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue
SW., Washington, DC 20585. Phone
number: (202) 287–1578. Email:
For legal questions contact
Christopher Calamita, U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of the General Counsel,
Forrestal Building, GC–71, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585. Phone number:
(202) 586–1777. Email:
developing a challenge specification to
spur the development of new, low cost
wireless electric metering devices. In
order to take action to reduce energy
usage, owners and operators need to
know how energy is being used in their
buildings. Metering data provides
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 66 (Friday, April 5, 2013)]
[Pages 20625-20628]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-07994]
Spent Nuclear Fuel Management at the Savannah River Site
AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy.
ACTION: Amended Record of Decision.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is amending its August 7,
2000, Record of Decision (ROD) pursuant to the Savannah River Site
Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Final Environmental Impact Statement,
Aiken, SC (DOE/EIS-0279, 2000; SRS SNF EIS). In the 2000 ROD, DOE
decided to develop and demonstrate the ``melt and dilute'' technology
to manage approximately 28.6 metric tons of heavy metal (MTHM) of
aluminum-clad SNF, consistent with its preferred alternative identified
in the SRS SNF EIS.
DOE now amends that decision and will manage approximately 3.3 MTHM
from the currently projected inventory of 22 MTHM at SRS using
conventional processing \1\ at the H-Canyon facility at SRS, as
described and evaluated under the Conventional Processing Alternative
[[Page 20626]]
in the SRS SNF EIS. The quantity of 3.3 MTHM is the minimum amount of
SNF necessary to avoid the need for costly modifications to the L-Basin
that would allow DOE to accommodate expected receipts of SNF for the
foreseeable future. This includes up to 200 High Flux Isotope Reactor
(HFIR) cores generated at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and
approximately 1,000 bundles of aluminum-clad SNF currently stored at
SRS, as well as target residue materials \2\ containing enriched
uranium (including target materials from Canada that contain liquid
Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) of U.S. origin). DOE anticipates that
processing this SNF and target residue material would begin as early as
2014 and continue approximately four years. As a result of this amended
decision, HEU in the SNF and target materials will be down-blended to
low-enriched uranium (LEU). This end product will not be useable in
nuclear weapons, but will be available for use in commercial power
reactors such as those operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
to generate electricity. DOE will continue to safely store the
aluminum-clad SNF not addressed in this Amended ROD in L-Basin at SRS,
pending future analysis and DOE decisions.
\1\ Conventional processing is a chemical separations process
that involves dissolving spent fuel in nitric acid and separating
fission products from uranium using solvent extraction.
\2\ Target materials are residual materials left after the
desired isotopes have been removed from the targets. For example,
target materials could be residual materials from the production in
a research reactor of molybdenum-99, which decays to technetium-99,
a medical isotope. Targets may be shaped as plates, pins, or
cylinders. Target materials are not high-level radioactive waste.
In accordance with DOE regulations for implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), DOE has prepared a Supplement Analysis
(SA) to examine previous NEPA analyses of the management of SNF at SRS,
particularly the SRS SNF EIS and the Proposed Nuclear Weapons
Nonproliferation Policy Concerning Foreign Research Reactor Spent
Nuclear Fuel Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0218, 1996, FRR
EIS) tiered from the Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and
Waste Management Programs Final Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/
EIS-0203, 1995), to determine whether DOE's amended decision would make
substantial changes in its proposed actions or whether there are
significant new circumstances or information relevant to environmental
concerns and bearing on the proposed action or its potential impacts.
Based on the SA, DOE has determined that a supplemental or new EIS is
not required.
The actions to be taken pursuant to this Amended ROD strongly
support U.S. non-proliferation policy and goals by permanently
dispositioning HEU. In particular, this amended decision implements the
U.S. and Canadian agreement reached at the Nuclear Security Summit in
March 2012 to expand efforts to return U.S.-origin HEU currently stored
in Canada to the U.S. The commitment supports international efforts to
consolidate and dispose of HEU and to combat nuclear terrorism. The
actions addressed in this amended decision will free existing storage
space in L-Basin, avoiding the need and cost required to provide
additional new space in the Basin. This in turn will allow for
continued receipt of Foreign Research Reactor SNF (FRR SNF), adequate
storage for HFIR cores, continued operation of HFIR in support of DOE's
research and development mission, dispositioning of HEU out of South
Carolina, and cost-effective use of DOE's H-Canyon processing facility
at SRS.
ADDRESSES: This Amended ROD, the SA for SRS SNF Management, and related
NEPA documents are available on the DOE NEPA Web site at
www.nepa.energy.gov and the SRS Web site at www.srs.gov/general/pubs/envbul/nepa/htm. To request copies of these documents, please contact:
Mr. Andrew R. Grainger, NEPA Compliance Officer, Savannah River
Operations Office, U.S. Department of Energy, P.O. Box B, Aiken, South
Carolina 29802, Telephone: (803) 952-8001, Email:
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information on the
management of SNF at SRS, please contact Mr. Grainger as listed above.
For information on DOE's NEPA process, please contact:
Ms. Carol M. Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance,
GC-54, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585, Telephone: (202) 586-4600, or leave a message at
(800) 472-2756, Email: askNEPA@hq.doe.gov.
DOE's purpose and need for action, as described in the SRS SNF EIS,
is to develop and implement a safe and efficient SNF management
strategy that includes preparing aluminum-clad SNF and target material
stored at SRS, or expected to be shipped to SRS, for ultimate
disposition offsite.
In the SRS SNF EIS, DOE grouped the SNF to be managed based on
characteristics such as fuel size, physical and chemical properties,
and radionuclide inventory. The fuel groups and the seven technologies
that could be used to prepare the SNF for disposition are described in
the SRS SNF EIS. The potential environmental impacts associated with
the use of these technologies, including conventional processing, were
analyzed in the SRS SNF EIS. In the ROD for the SRS SNF EIS (65 FR
48224; August 7, 2000), DOE identified the Minimum Impact Alternative
as the environmentally preferable alternative, but selected the
Preferred Alternative.\3\
\3\ DOE developed five alternatives that could be used to manage
SNF: No Action; Minimum Impact; Direct Disposal; Maximum Impact; and
the Preferred Alternative; these alternatives and the fuel groups
are described in the SRS SNF EIS and summarized in the 2000 ROD.
To implement the Preferred Alternative described in the SRS SNF
EIS, DOE decided to use a combination of technologies, including melt
and dilute, to manage the SNF. The melt and dilute technology was to be
used to treat all Group B fuel (about 20 MTHM of Material Test Reactor
fuel from foreign and domestic reactors), all Group C fuel (about 8
MTHM of oxide and silicide foreign and domestic reactor fuel) except
failed fuel (which DOE would treat by conventional processing), and
most Group D materials (about 0.6 MTHM of foreign research reactor
targets). DOE estimated that these fuels and target materials would
total approximately 28.6 MTHM, based on quantities then stored at SRS
and estimated quantities located at domestic and foreign reactor
locations scheduled or eligible to ship fuel to SRS.\4\ These shipments
began in 1996 and are continuing. DOE now estimates that there are
approximately 22 MTHM of SNF and target material at or eligible to be
sent to SRS. This is less than the 28.6 MTHM evaluated in the SRS SNF
EIS because DOE now expects to receive less FRR SNF than originally
\4\ On June 1, 1995, DOE announced that, among other actions,
aluminum-clad SNF would be consolidated at SRS for management and
non-aluminum-clad SNF would be consolidated at the Idaho National
Laboratory (INL) (60 FR 28680; June 1, 1995). In keeping with this
decision, when DOE announced its decision to implement a new foreign
research reactor spent fuel acceptance policy, DOE stated that
aluminum-clad fuel would be shipped to SRS and non-aluminum-clad
fuel would be shipped to the INL (61 FR 25092; May 17, 1996).
The FRR EIS evaluated alternatives for return to the United States
of SNF and target materials containing HEU enriched in the United
States and supplied to foreign countries. Return of HEU for safe
storage and disposition
[[Page 20627]]
advances the United States nuclear material nonproliferation goals.
Appendix B1.5 of the FRR EIS discusses the two methods for preparing
the target residue materials for transport: calcining and oxidizing. In
the FRR EIS, DOE assumed that target residue material would be
transported in solid form, and DOE evaluated the impacts of
transportation accordingly. In Appendix B.2.1.2 of the FRR EIS, DOE
explained that foreign research reactor shipments would be carried out
in accordance with regulations set by the Department of Transportation
(49 CFR parts 171 through 178) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) (10 CFR part 71); those regulations remain in place. In the FRR
ROD, DOE decided, consistent with the programmatic decision to
consolidate storage by fuel type, to transport to and store aluminum-
clad SNF and target material at the SRS.
Supplement Analysis
In accordance with DOE NEPA regulations at 10 CFR 1021.314, DOE
prepared an SA for the SRS SNF EIS and the FRR EIS (DOE/EIS-0279-SA-01
and DOE/EIS-0218-SA-06, March 2013) to consider a proposal to process
the minimum quantity of SNF necessary to avoid the need for costly
modifications to the L-Basin that would allow DOE to accommodate
expected receipts of SNF for the foreseeable future. To do this, DOE
estimated that processing approximately 1000 bundles of SNF and up to
200 HFIR cores currently stored at SRS would provide the minimum
necessary amount of storage space. This could be accomplished over
approximately a four-year period and equates to approximately 3.3 MTHM
of the currently projected 22 MTHM total inventory. DOE would continue
to safely store the remaining SNF in L-Basin at SRS, pending future
analysis and DOE decisions. DOE also evaluated plans to receive FRR
target residue material from Canada in accordance with U.S. acceptance
policy and consistent with U.S. nonproliferation objectives. The target
material, containing U.S.-origin HEU in liquid form, would be shipped
in Type B casks certified by NRC.
The SA compared the proposal to the relevant NEPA reviews to
determine whether the proposal would make substantial changes in the
proposed actions identified in the SRS SNF EIS or FRR EIS, or whether
there are significant new circumstances or information relevant to
environmental concerns and bearing on the proposed action or its
impacts, consistent with the Council on Environmental Quality NEPA
implementing regulations at 40 CFR Parts 1502.9. DOE analyzed the use
of conventional processing for SNF in lieu of the melt and dilute
technology, which was never developed due to technical issues involving
the off-gas system and funding limitations. The conventional processing
approach is consistent with U.S. nuclear non-proliferation goals in
that HEU would be eliminated and plutonium present in the SNF would not
be separated from the fission products. Processing of the approximately
3.3 MTHM of SNF and target residue materials in H-Canyon will result in
plutonium-bearing high-level waste (HLW) that will be vitrified in the
Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) at SRS, creating up to
approximately 24 canisters of vitrified, proliferation-resistant HLW.
This increase is not significant in the context of the approximately
7,000 canisters DOE estimates will be otherwise produced by the DWPF,
and is within the DWPF production and SRS planned storage capabilities.
In the SA, DOE evaluated the addition of a third dissolver in H-
Canyon to return the dissolving capacity for SNF to the level supported
by H-Canyon's off-gas system and processing capability,\5\ which are
the capacities evaluated in the SRS SNF EIS. Installation and operation
of a third dissolver in H-Canyon will take place entirely within H-
Canyon and will not result in any land disturbance. Construction waste
generated will be managed using existing SRS facilities and procedures.
Operation of a third dissolver is within H-Canyon's dissolving capacity
for SNF and is supported by existing systems, e.g., off-gas system. DOE
would continue to use one existing dissolver to process plutonium
material; plutonium dissolution does not require use of the off-gas
treatment system or H-Canyon's solvent extraction capacity and
raffinate systems. The air and liquid releases and other impacts of
operating two dissolvers and the associated systems to process SNF
would not significantly differ from those reported in the SRS SNF EIS,
because the evaluation of the potential environmental impacts
associated with conventional processing assumed the use of two
\5\ One H-Canyon dissolver currently supports dissolution of
plutonium metal, preparatory to oxidizing it in the HB-Line to
prepare plutonium oxide feed material for the Mixed Oxide Fuel
Fabrication Facility (see Interim Action Determination, Use of H-
Canyon/HB-Line to Prepare Feed for Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication
Facility at the Savannah River Site, June 2012).
In the SA, DOE also evaluated the transportation, receipt, and
processing of target residue materials in liquid form (from Canada)
rather than solid form and found that the potential environmental
impacts would not significantly differ from results presented in the
FRR EIS and the SRS SNF EIS. For this analysis, DOE assumed that the
NRC would certify use of an existing Type-B cask for the target residue
materials. NRC consideration of the certification request is ongoing.
Based on conclusions reached in the SA, DOE determined that the
preparation of a supplemental or new EIS is not required.
Amended Decision
DOE has decided to manage up to 200 HFIR cores, approximately 1,000
bundles of SNF, and target residue materials containing HEU (including
target residue materials containing liquid HEU from Canada) using
conventional processing in H-Canyon at SRS. This SNF and these target
residue materials, totaling approximately 3.3 MTHM, include material
from Groups B, C, and D identified in the SRS SNF EIS. HEU recovered
during conventional processing will be down-blended to create LEU
feedstock for fuel fabrication for commercial nuclear reactors. The
shipments of target residue materials in liquid form from Canada will
comply with all applicable transportation regulations in both countries
to ensure environmental protection and the safety of the involved
workers and the general public. No target material or waste from
processing target material will be returned to Canada. DOE will
implement minor modifications to H-Canyon to receive liquid HEU as
described in the SA.
DOE anticipates processing these materials beginning as early as
2014 and continuing approximately four years, consistent with program
and policy priorities. DOE will install a third dissolver in H-Canyon
in addition to two existing dissolvers, in order to cost-effectively
utilize H-Canyon, and expeditiously complete the mission.
The aluminum-clad SNF not addressed in this amended ROD will remain
safely in wet storage in L-Basin at SRS, pending future analysis and
DOE decisions. The water chemistry will continue to be rigorously
controlled to prevent any corrosion reactions between the storage
tubes, fuel, and the basin water.
No environmental impacts resulting from operations under this
amended decision would require specific mitigation measures. DOE will
continue its current practices and policies to use all practicable
means to avoid or minimize environmental harm and
[[Page 20628]]
impacts to workers when implementing the actions described herein. For
example, DOE will continue to evaluate and implement, as appropriate,
physical modifications to the H-Canyon facility and process chemistry
changes that would reduce personnel exposure, facility effluents, and
waste generation.
Basis for Decision
This amended decision reduces the overall cost of managing the
currently stored fuel by eliminating the need for additional SNF
storage racks in the L-Basin SNF storage facility and allows for future
receipt of foreign and domestic SNF, including continued receipt of
HFIR cores from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in support of DOE's
research and development mission. In addition, this amended decision
will maximize near-term utilization of H-Canyon and expeditiously
complete the mission
This amended decision supports DOE's ongoing approach for reducing
the proliferation risks inherent in stocks of HEU by down-blending
surplus HEU to LEU. The LEU would be available for use in commercial
reactors such as those operated by TVA. In addition, operation of H-
Canyon to process the SNF is consistent with section 3137 of the Floyd
D. Spence Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year (FY) 2001 (Pub. L.
106-398), as amended by section 3115 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for FY 2004 (Pub. L. 108-136), regarding the
continued operation and maintenance of a high state of readiness of the
H-Canyon facility at SRS.
Given the expense involved in designing and constructing a new melt
and dilute capability, and because an alternative processing technology
(conventional processing) is readily available, DOE determined that
melt and dilute is an unnecessarily costly duplication of treatment
capability for aluminum-clad SNF. Conventional processing and down-
blending the HEU to LEU, with vitrification rather than the recovery of
plutonium, furthers the Nation's non-proliferation goals.
Although the Secretary of Energy has determined that Yucca Mountain
is not a workable option for a geologic repository, DOE remains
committed to meeting its obligations to safely dispose of SNF and
HLW.\6\ While this Amended ROD will increase the number of canisters of
vitrified HLW, this is not expected to significantly affect the
quantity of vitrified HLW requiring management.
\6\ The Secretary's Strategy for the Management and Disposal of
Used Nuclear Fuel and High-level Radioactive Waste, January 2013,
endorses the key principles of the 2012 Blue Ribbon Commission on
America's Nuclear Future report and represents an initial basis for
discussions among the Administration, the Congress, and other
stakeholders toward a sustainable path forward for disposition of
nuclear waste.
Separately, the receipt of target residue materials from Canada in
liquid form under the U.S. Foreign Research Reactor Acceptance Policy
does not present significant new health or environmental concerns or
impacts as described in the SA. The repatriation of U.S.-origin HEU
from Canada will help ensure national and international safety and
security by downblending this material to LEU that would be available
for beneficial use in power reactors. This action is consistent with
U.S. agreements regarding receipt of FRR materials in which involved
countries with the economic ability to do so contribute to the costs of
transportation and U.S. receipt, processing and disposition of the
In summary, the proposed use of conventional processing for a
limited quantity of SNF as described in this amendment to DOE's 2000
SNF ROD takes advantage of existing processes in existing facilities.
It will allow near-term progress in processing a portion of the
inventory analyzed in the SRS SNF EIS currently stored on the site,
thus freeing storage space for expected material receipts and avoiding
the cost of creating additional space. The activities encompassed by
this amended decision will not incur potential health or environmental
impacts significantly different from those analyzed in existing NEPA
reviews. These activities will strongly contribute to DOE's commitment
to the United States' nuclear non-proliferation goals and are
consistent with the U.S. and Canadian agreement reached at the Nuclear
Security Summit in March 2012 to expand efforts to return U.S.-origin
HEU currently stored in Canada to the U.S. Further, the actions
resulting from this Amended ROD will contribute to the production of
material that can be put to beneficial energy production for public
use, thereby dispositioning some HEU out of South Carolina; and will
contribute to an overall safe, secure, and cost-effective strategy for
ongoing management of SNF and target residue materials at SRS.
Issued in Washington, DC on March 29, 2013.
David Huizenga,
Senior Advisor for Environmental Management.
[FR Doc. 2013-07994 Filed 4-4-13; 8:45 am]