Applications for New Awards; Advanced Placement (AP) Test Fee Program, 19691-19695 [2013-07635]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 2, 2013 / Notices
Web site at
meetings.shtml. Copies will also be
available at the meeting.
Office of the Secretary
Defense Business Board; Notice of
Federal Advisory Committee Meeting
Meeting notice.
Under the provisions of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act of
1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as amended),
the Government in the Sunshine Act of
1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and
41 CFR 102–3.150, the Department of
Defense announces the following
Federal advisory committee meeting of
the Defense Business Board.
DATES: The public meeting of the
Defense Business Board (hereafter
referred to as ‘‘the Board’’) will be held
on Thursday, April 25, 2013. The
meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. and
end at 3:00 p.m. (escort required; see
INFORMATION, ‘‘Public’s Accessibility to
the Meeting.’’)
ADDRESSES: Room 3E863 in the
Pentagon, Washington, DC (escort
required; see guidance in
Accessibility to the Meeting.’’)
Board’s Designated Federal Officer is
Phyllis Ferguson, Defense Business
Board, 1155 Defense Pentagon, Room
5B1088A, Washington, DC 20301–1155,, 703–695–
7563. For meeting information please
contact Ms. Debora Duffy, Defense
Business Board, 1155 Defense Pentagon,
Room 5B1088A, Washington, DC
(703) 697–2168.
Purpose of the Meeting: At this
meeting, the Board will deliberate the
findings and draft recommendations
from the ‘‘Applying Best Business
Practices for Corporate Performance
Management to DoD’’ Task Group
Study; ‘‘Major Business Issues for the
2014 Quadrennial Defense Review’’
Task Group Study and ‘‘Using Best
Practices to Achieve More Effective
Participation by Industry’’ Task Group
Study. The mission of the Board is to
examine and advise the Secretary of
Defense on overall DoD management
and governance. The Board provides
independent advice which reflects an
outside private sector perspective on
proven and effective best business
practices that can be applied to DoD.
Availability of Materials for the
Meeting: A copy of the agenda and the
terms of reference for the Task Group
study may be obtained from the Board’s
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Meeting Agenda
12:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Task Group
Outbrief and Board Deliberations
‘‘Applying Best Business Practices for
Corporate Performance
Management to DoD,’’
‘‘Major Business Issues for the 2014
Quadrennial Defense Review,’’
‘‘Using Best Practices to Achieve More
Effective Participation by Industry’’
Public’s Accessibility to the Meeting:
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b and 41 CFR
102–3.140 through 102–3.165, and the
availability of space, this meeting is
open to the public. Seating is limited
and is on a first-come basis. All
members of the public who wish to
attend the public meeting must contact
Ms. Debora Duffy at the number listed
later than noon on Wednesday, April 17
to register and make arrangements for a
Pentagon escort, if necessary. Public
attendees requiring escort should arrive
at the Pentagon Metro Entrance with
sufficient time to complete security
screening no later than 12:10 p.m. on
April 25. To complete security
screening, please come prepared to
present two forms of identification and
one must be a picture identification
Special Accommodations: Individuals
requiring special accommodations to
access the public meeting should
contact Ms. Duffy at least five (5)
business days prior to the meeting so
that appropriate arrangements can be
Procedures for Providing Public
Pursuant to 41 CFR 102–3.105(j) and
102–3.140, and section 10(a)(3) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act of
1972, the public or interested
organizations may submit written
comments to the Board about its
mission and topics pertaining to this
public meeting.
Written comments should be received
by the DFO at least five (5) business
days prior to the meeting date so that
the comments may be made available to
the Board for their consideration prior
to the meeting. Written comments
should be submitted via email to the
address for the DFO given in this notice
in either Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft
Word format. Please note that since the
Board operates under the provisions of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended, all submitted comments and
public presentations will be treated as
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public documents and will be made
available for public inspection,
including, but not limited to, being
posted on the Board’s Web site.
Dated: March 27, 2013.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2013–07537 Filed 4–1–13; 8:45 am]
Applications for New Awards;
Advanced Placement (AP) Test Fee
Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education, Department of
ACTION: Notice.
Overview Information
Advanced Placement Test Fee
Program. Notice inviting applications
for new awards for fiscal year (FY) 2013.
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.330B.
Applications Available: April 2, 2013.
Deadline for Transmittal of
Applications: June 3, 2013.
Deadline for Intergovernmental
Review: July 31, 2013.
Full Text of Announcement
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: The AP Test Fee
program awards grants to eligible State
educational agencies (SEAs) to enable
them to pay all or a portion of advanced
placement test fees on behalf of eligible
low-income students who (1) are
enrolled in an advanced placement
course and (2) plan to take an advanced
placement exam. The program is
designed to increase the number of lowincome students who take advanced
placement tests and receive scores for
which college academic credit is
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 6534.
Applicable Regulations: (a) The
Education Department General
Administration Regulations (EDGAR) in
34 CFR parts 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84,
97, 98, and 99. (b) The Education
Department suspension and debarment
regulations in 2 CFR part 3485.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Discretionary grants.
Estimated Available Funds:
Estimated Range of Awards: $10,000–
Estimated Average Size of Awards:
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 2, 2013 / Notices
Estimated Number of Awards: 44.
Note: The Department is not bound by any
estimates in this notice.
Project Period: Up to 12 months.
III. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants: SEAs in any
State, including the District of
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, the United States Virgin Islands,
Guam, American Samoa, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, and the freely associated states
of the Republic of the Marshall Islands,
the Federated States of Micronesia, and
the Republic of Palau (subject to
continued eligibility).
Note: For the purposes of this program, the
Bureau of Indian Education in the U.S.
Department of the Interior is treated as an
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2. a. Cost Sharing or Matching: This
program does not require cost sharing or
b. Supplement-Not-Supplant: This
program involves supplement-notsupplant funding requirements. Section
1706 of the ESEA requires that grant
funds provided under the AP Test Fee
program supplement, and not supplant,
other non-Federal funds that are
available to assist low-income
individuals in paying for the cost of
advanced placement test fees.
3. Other: Current grantees under this
program that expect to have sufficient
carryover funds to cover school year
2012–2013 advanced placement exam
fees for eligible low-income students
should not apply for a new award under
this program.
IV. Application and Submission
1. Address to Request Application
Package: To obtain an application
package via the Internet use the
following address:
To obtain an application package from
the Department use the following
address: Francisco Ramirez, U.S.
Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Avenue SW., room 3E224, Washington,
DC 20202–6200. Telephone: (202) 260–
1541 or by email:
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) or a text
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay
Service (FRS), toll free, at 1–800–877–
Individuals with disabilities can
obtain a copy of the application package
in an accessible format (e.g., braille,
large print, audiotape, or compact disc)
by contacting the program contact
person listed in this section.
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2. Content and Form of Application
Submission: Requirements concerning
the content of an application, together
with the forms you must submit, are in
the application package for this
3. Submission Dates and Times:
Applications Available: April 2, 2013.
Deadline for Transmittal of
Applications: June 3, 2013.
Applications for grants under this
program must be submitted
electronically using the
Apply site ( For information
(including dates and times) about how
to submit your application
electronically, or in paper format by
mail or hand delivery if you qualify for
an exception to the electronic
submission requirement, please refer to
section IV. 7. Other Submission
Requirements of this notice.
We do not consider an application
that does not comply with the deadline
Individuals with disabilities who
need an accommodation or auxiliary aid
in connection with the application
process should contact the person listed
CONTACT in section VII of this notice. If
the Department provides an
accommodation or auxiliary aid to an
individual with a disability in
connection with the application
process, the individual’s application
remains subject to all other
requirements and limitations in this
notice. Deadline for Intergovernmental
Review: July 31, 2013.
4. Intergovernmental Review: This
program is subject to Executive Order
12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR
part 79. Information about
Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs under Executive Order 12372
is in the application package for this
5. Funding Restrictions: We reference
regulations outlining funding
restrictions in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
6. Data Universal Numbering System
Number, Taxpayer Identification
Number, Central Contractor Registry,
and System for Award Management: To
do business with the Department, you
a. Have a Data Universal Numbering
System (DUNS) number and a Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN);
b. Register both your DUNS number
and TIN with the Central Contractor
Registry (CCR)—and, after July 24, 2012,
with the System for Award Management
(SAM), the Government’s primary
registrant database;
c. Provide your DUNS number and
TIN on your application; and
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d. Maintain an active CCR or SAM
registration with current information
while your application is under review
by the Department and, if you are
awarded a grant, during the project
You can obtain a DUNS number from
Dun and Bradstreet. A DUNS number
can be created within one business day.
If you are a corporate entity, agency,
institution, or organization, you can
obtain a TIN from the Internal Revenue
Service. If you are an individual, you
can obtain a TIN from the Internal
Revenue Service or the Social Security
Administration. If you need a new TIN,
please allow 2–5 weeks for your TIN to
become active.
The CCR or SAM registration process
may take five or more business days to
complete. If you are currently registered
with the CCR, you may not need to
make any changes. However, please
make certain that the TIN associated
with your DUNS number is correct. Also
note that you will need to update your
registration annually. This may take
three or more business days to
complete. Information about SAM is
available at
In addition, if you are submitting your
application via, you must (1)
be designated by your organization as an
Authorized Organization Representative
(AOR); and (2) register yourself with as an AOR. Details on these
steps are outlined at the following Web page:
7. Other Submission Requirements:
Applications for grants under this
program must be submitted
electronically unless you qualify for an
exception to this requirement in
accordance with the instructions in this
a. Electronic Submission of
Applications for grants under the AP
Test Fee program, CFDA number
84.330B, must be submitted
electronically using the
Governmentwide Apply site
at Through this site,
you will be able to download a copy of
the application package, complete it
offline, and then upload and submit
your application. You may not email an
electronic copy of a grant application to
We will reject your application if you
submit it in paper format unless, as
described elsewhere in this section, you
qualify for one of the exceptions to the
electronic submission requirement and
submit, no later than two weeks before
the application deadline date, a written
statement to the Department that you
qualify for one of these exceptions.
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 2, 2013 / Notices
Further information regarding
calculation of the date that is two weeks
before the application deadline date is
provided later in this section under
Exception to Electronic Submission
You may access the electronic grant
application for the AP Test Fee program
at You must search for
the downloadable application package
for this program by the CFDA number.
Do not include the CFDA number’s
alpha suffix in your search (e.g., search
for 84.330, not 84.330B).
Please note the following:
• When you enter the site,
you will find information about
submitting an application electronically
through the site, as well as the hours of
• Applications received by
are date and time stamped. Your
application must be fully uploaded and
submitted and must be date and time
stamped by the system no
later than 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC
time, on the application deadline date.
Except as otherwise noted in this
section, we will not accept your
application if it is received—that is, date
and time stamped by the
system—after 4:30:00 p.m., Washington,
DC time, on the application deadline
date. We do not consider an application
that does not comply with the deadline
requirements. When we retrieve your
application from, we will
notify you if we are rejecting your
application because it was date and time
stamped by the system after
4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, on
the application deadline date.
• The amount of time it can take to
upload an application will vary
depending on a variety of factors,
including the size of the application and
the speed of your Internet connection.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that
you do not wait until the application
deadline date to begin the submission
process through
• You should review and follow the
Education Submission Procedures for
submitting an application through that are included in the
application package for this program to
ensure that you submit your application
in a timely manner to the
system. You can also find the Education
Submission Procedures pertaining to under News and Events on
the Department’s G5 system home page
• You will not receive additional
point value because you submit your
application in electronic format, nor
will we penalize you if you qualify for
an exception to the electronic
submission requirement, as described
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elsewhere in this section, and submit
your application in paper format.
• You must submit all documents
electronically, including all information
you typically provide on the following
forms: The Application for Federal
Assistance (SF 424), the Department of
Education Supplemental Information for
SF 424, Budget Information—NonConstruction Programs (ED 524), and all
necessary assurances and certifications.
• You must upload any narrative
sections and all other attachments to
your application as files in a PDF
(Portable Document) read-only, nonmodifiable format. Do not upload an
interactive or fillable PDF file. If you
upload a file type other than a readonly, non-modifiable PDF or submit a
password-protected file, we will not
review that material.
• Your electronic application must
comply with any page-limit
requirements described in this notice.
• After you electronically submit
your application, you will receive from an automatic notification of
receipt that contains a
tracking number. (This notification
indicates receipt by only, not
receipt by the Department.) The
Department then will retrieve your
application from and send a
second notification to you by email.
This second notification indicates that
the Department has received your
application and has assigned your
application a PR/Award number (a
Department-specified identifying
number unique to your application).
• We may request that you provide us
original signatures on forms at a later
Application Deadline Date Extension
in Case of Technical Issues With the System: If you are
experiencing problems submitting your
application through, please
contact the Support Desk,
toll free, at 1–800–518–4726. You must
obtain a Support Desk Case
Number and must keep a record of it.
If you are prevented from
electronically submitting your
application on the application deadline
date because of technical problems with
the system, we will grant you
an extension until 4:30:00 p.m.,
Washington, DC time, the following
business day to enable you to transmit
your application electronically or by
hand delivery. You also may mail your
application by following the mailing
instructions described elsewhere in this
If you submit an application after
4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, on
the application deadline date, please
contact the person listed under FOR
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section VII of this notice and provide an
explanation of the technical problem
you experienced with, along
with the Support Desk Case
Number. We will accept your
application if we can confirm that a
technical problem occurred with the system and that that problem
affected your ability to submit your
application by 4:30:00 p.m.,
Washington, DC time, on the
application deadline date. The
Department will contact you after a
determination is made on whether your
application will be accepted.
Note: The extensions to which we refer in
this section apply only to the unavailability
of, or technical problems with, the
system. We will not grant you an extension
if you failed to fully register to submit your
application to before the
application deadline date and time or if the
technical problem you experienced is
unrelated to the system.
Exception to Electronic Submission
Requirement: You qualify for an
exception to the electronic submission
requirement, and may submit your
application in paper format, if you are
unable to submit an application through
the system because—
• You do not have access to the
Internet; or
• You do not have the capacity to
upload large documents to the system; and
• No later than two weeks before the
application deadline date (14 calendar
days or, if the fourteenth calendar day
before the application deadline date
falls on a Federal holiday, the next
business day following the Federal
holiday), you mail or fax a written
statement to the Department, explaining
which of the two grounds for an
exception prevents you from using the
Internet to submit your application.
If you mail your written statement to
the Department, it must be postmarked
no later than two weeks before the
application deadline date. If you fax
your written statement to the
Department, we must receive the faxed
statement no later than two weeks
before the application deadline date.
Address and mail or fax your
statement to: Francisco Ramirez, U.S.
Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Avenue SW., room 3E224, Washington,
DC 20202–6200. FAX: (202) 260–8969.
Your paper application must be
submitted in accordance with the mail
or hand delivery instructions described
in this notice.
b. Submission of Paper Applications
by Mail.
If you qualify for an exception to the
electronic submission requirement, you
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 2, 2013 / Notices
may mail (through the U.S. Postal
Service or a commercial carrier) your
application to the Department. You
must mail the original and two copies
of your application, on or before the
application deadline date, to the
Department at the following address:
U.S. Department of Education,
Application Control Center, Attention:
(CFDA Number 84.330B), LBJ Basement
Level 1, 400 Maryland Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20202–4260.
You must show proof of mailing
consisting of one of the following:
(1) A legibly dated U.S. Postal Service
(2) A legible mail receipt with the
date of mailing stamped by the U.S.
Postal Service.
(3) A dated shipping label, invoice, or
receipt from a commercial carrier.
(4) Any other proof of mailing
acceptable to the Secretary of the U.S.
Department of Education.
If you mail your application through
the U.S. Postal Service, we do not
accept either of the following as proof
of mailing:
(1) A private metered postmark.
(2) A mail receipt that is not dated by
the U.S. Postal Service.
If your application is postmarked after
the application deadline date, we will
not consider your application.
Note: The U.S. Postal Service does not
uniformly provide a dated postmark. Before
relying on this method, you should check
with your local post office.
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c. Submission of Paper Applications
by Hand Delivery.
If you qualify for an exception to the
electronic submission requirement, you
(or a courier service) may deliver your
paper application to the Department by
hand. You must deliver the original and
two copies of your application by hand,
on or before the application deadline
date, to the Department at the following
address: U.S. Department of Education,
Application Control Center, Attention:
(CFDA Number 84.330B), 550 12th
Street SW., Room 7041, Potomac Center
Plaza, Washington, DC 20202–4260. The
Application Control Center accepts
hand deliveries daily between 8:00 a.m.
and 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time,
except Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal
Note for Mail or Hand Delivery of Paper
Applications: If you mail or hand deliver
your application to the Department—
(1) You must indicate on the envelope
and—if not provided by the Department—in
Item 11 of the SF 424 the CFDA number,
including suffix letter, if any, of the
competition under which you are submitting
your application; and
(2) The Application Control Center will
mail to you a notification of receipt of your
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grant application. If you do not receive this
notification within 15 business days from the
application deadline date, you should call
the U.S. Department of Education
Application Control Center at (202) 245–
V. Application Review Information
1. Review and Selection Process: The
Department intends to fund, at some
level, all applications that meet the
requirements for Approval of
Application as described in the
application package for this program
and that demonstrate need for new or
additional funds to pay advanced
placement exam fees on behalf of lowincome students for school year 2012–
For FY 2013, the Department expects
to award approximately $28,727,000 in
new grants under this program. Based
on the anticipated number of
applications and other available
information, the Department expects
this amount to be sufficient to pay all
but $10 of the cost of each advanced
placement exam taken by low-income
students. Accordingly, SEAs may use
AP Test Fee program funds to cover a
portion of the cost of each approved
advanced placement exam taken by lowincome students as follows: (a) Up to
$45 for each Advanced Placement test
administered by the College Board; (b)
up to $94 for each Diploma Programme
test administered by the International
Baccalaureate Organization; and (c) up
to $43.50 for each Advanced Subsidiary
test and up to $71 for each Advanced
test administered by Cambridge
International Examinations.
Note: For FY 2013, AP Test Fee program
funds may not be used to pay advanced
placement test candidate registration fees on
behalf of low-income students. Therefore, the
candidate registration fees charged by the
International Baccalaureate Organization and
Cambridge International Examinations are
not allowable costs under this program for
FY 2013.
Also, in determining whether to
approve an application for a new award
(including the amount of the award)
from an applicant with a current grant
under this program, the Department will
consider the amount of any carryover
funds under the existing grant and the
applicant’s use of funds under previous
AP Test Fee grant awards.
We remind potential applicants that
in reviewing applications in any
discretionary grant competition, the
Secretary may consider, under 34 CFR
75.217(d)(3), the past performance of the
applicant in carrying out a previous
award, such as the applicant’s use of
funds, achievement of project
objectives, and compliance with grant
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conditions. The Secretary may also
consider whether the applicant failed to
submit a timely performance report or
submitted a report of unacceptable
In addition, in making a competitive
grant award, the Secretary also requires
various assurances including those
applicable to Federal civil rights laws
that prohibit discrimination in programs
or activities receiving Federal financial
assistance from the Department of
Education (34 CFR 100.4, 104.5, 106.4,
108.8, and 110.23).
2. Special Conditions: Under 34 CFR
74.14 and 80.12, the Secretary may
impose special conditions on a grant if
the applicant or grantee is not
financially stable; has a history of
unsatisfactory performance; has a
financial or other management system
that does not meet the standards in 34
CFR parts 74 or 80, as applicable; has
not fulfilled the conditions of a prior
grant; or is otherwise not responsible.
VI. Award Administration Information
1. Award Notices: If your application
is successful, we notify your U.S.
Representative and U.S. Senators and
send you a Grant Award Notification
(GAN); or we may send you an email
containing a link to access an electronic
version of your GAN. We may notify
you informally, also.
If your application is not evaluated or
not selected for funding, we notify you.
2. Administrative and National Policy
Requirements: We identify
administrative and national policy
requirements in the application package
and reference these and other
requirements in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
We reference the regulations outlining
the terms and conditions of an award in
the Applicable Regulations section of
this notice and include these and other
specific conditions in the GAN. The
GAN also incorporates your approved
application as part of your binding
commitments under the grant.
3. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a
grant under this competition, you must
ensure that you have in place the
necessary processes and systems to
comply with the reporting requirements
in 2 CFR part 170 and section 1704(f) of
the ESEA should you receive funding
under the competition. The reporting
requirements in 2 CFR part 170 do not
apply if you have an exception under 2
CFR 170.110(b).
(b) At the end of your project period,
you must submit a final performance
report, including financial information,
as directed by the Secretary. The
Secretary may also require more
frequent performance reports under 34
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 2, 2013 / Notices
CFR 75.720(c). For specific
requirements on reporting, please go to
4. Performance Measures: Under the
Government Performance and Results
Act of 1993 (GPRA), the Department has
developed five performance measures to
evaluate the overall effectiveness of the
AP Test Fee program: (1) The number of
advanced placement tests taken by lowincome public school students
nationally; (2) The number of advanced
placement tests taken by minority
(Hispanic, Black, Native American)
public school students nationally; (3)
The percentage of advanced placement
tests passed (for AP exams, scores of 3–
5) by low-income public school students
nationally; (4) The number of advanced
placement tests passed (for AP exams,
scores of 3–5) by low-income public
school students nationally; and (5) The
cost per passage of an advanced
placement test taken by a low-income
public school student. The information
provided by grantees in their final
performance reports will be one of the
sources of data for the measures. Other
sources of data include the College
Board, IB Americas, and University of
Cambridge International Examinations.
VII. Agency Contact
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Francisco Ramirez, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW.,
Room 3E224, Washington, DC 20202–
6200. Telephone: (202) 260–1541 or by
If you use a TDD or a TTY, call the
FRS, toll free, at 1–800–877–8339.
VIII. Other Information
Accessible Format: Individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document
and a copy of the application package in
an accessible format (e.g., braille, large
print, audiotape, or compact disc) on
request to the program contact person
CONTACT in section VII of this notice.
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register
and the Code of Federal Regulations is
available via the Federal Digital System
at: At this site you
can view this document, as well as all
other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF). To use PDF you must
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
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Register by using the article search
feature at:
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
Dated: March 28, 2013.
Deborah Delisle,
Assistant Secretary for Elementary and
Secondary Education.
[FR Doc. 2013–07635 Filed 4–1–13; 8:45 am]
National Advisory Committee on
Institutional Quality and Integrity
U.S. Department of Education,
Office of Postsecondary Education,
National Advisory Committee on
Institutional Quality and Integrity.
ACTION: Announcement of the time and
location of the June 6–7, 2013 National
Advisory Committee on Institutional
Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) meeting.
U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Postsecondary
Education, 1990 K Street NW., Room
8072, Washington, DC 20006.
NACIQI’S Statutory Authority and
Function: The NACIQI is established
under Section 114 of the HEA of 1965,
as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1011c. The
NACIQI advises the Secretary of
Education about:
• The establishment and enforcement
of the criteria for recognition of
accrediting agencies or associations
under Subpart 2, Part H, Title IV, of the
HEA, as amended.
• The recognition of specific
accrediting agencies or associations or a
specific State approval agency.
• The preparation and publication of
the list of nationally recognized
accrediting agencies and associations.
• The eligibility and certification
process for institutions of higher
education under Title IV, of the HEA,
together with recommendations for
improvement in such process.
• The relationship between (1)
accreditation of institutions of higher
education and the certification and
eligibility of such institutions, and (2)
State licensing responsibilities with
respect to such institutions.
• Any other advisory function
relating to accreditation and
institutional eligibility that the
Secretary may prescribe.
SUMMARY: This meeting notice is an
update to the previous notice
(Wednesday, February 13, 2013) and
sets forth the time and location for the
PO 00000
Frm 00059
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June 6–7, 2013, meeting of the National
Advisory Committee on Institutional
Quality and Integrity (NACIQI).
Meeting Date and Place: The NACIQI
meeting will be held on June 6, 2013,
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and on June
7, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at
the Hyatt Arlington, 1325 Wilson
Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22209.
Reasonable Accommodations: The
meeting site is accessible to individuals
with disabilities. If you will need an
auxiliary aid or service to participate in
the meeting (e.g., interpreting service,
assistive listening device, or materials in
an alternate format), notify the contact
person listed in this notice at least two
weeks before the scheduled meeting
date. Although we will attempt to meet
a request received after that date, we
may not be able to make available the
requested auxiliary aid or service
because of insufficient time to arrange
Carol Griffiths, Executive Director,
NACIQI, U.S. Department of Education,
1990 K Street NW., Room 8073,
Washington, DC 20006–8129, telephone:
(202) 219–7035, fax: (202) 219–7005, or
Electronic Access To This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register
and the Code of Federal Regulations is
available via the Federal Digital System
at: At this site you
can view this document, as well as all
other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF). To use PDF, you must
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at:
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
David A. Bergeron,
Delegated the Authority to Perform the
Functions and Duties of the Assistant
Secretary, Office of Postsecondary Education.
[FR Doc. 2013–07627 Filed 4–1–13; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
U.S. Department of Energy.
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 63 (Tuesday, April 2, 2013)]
[Pages 19691-19695]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-07635]
Applications for New Awards; Advanced Placement (AP) Test Fee
AGENCY: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of
ACTION: Notice.
Overview Information
Advanced Placement Test Fee Program. Notice inviting applications
for new awards for fiscal year (FY) 2013.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.330B.
Applications Available: April 2, 2013.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: June 3, 2013.
Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: July 31, 2013.
Full Text of Announcement
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: The AP Test Fee program awards grants to
eligible State educational agencies (SEAs) to enable them to pay all or
a portion of advanced placement test fees on behalf of eligible low-
income students who (1) are enrolled in an advanced placement course
and (2) plan to take an advanced placement exam. The program is
designed to increase the number of low-income students who take
advanced placement tests and receive scores for which college academic
credit is awarded.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 6534.
Applicable Regulations: (a) The Education Department General
Administration Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 75, 77, 79, 80, 81,
82, 84, 97, 98, and 99. (b) The Education Department suspension and
debarment regulations in 2 CFR part 3485.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Discretionary grants.
Estimated Available Funds: $28,727,000.
Estimated Range of Awards: $10,000-$8,000,000.
Estimated Average Size of Awards: $652,886.
[[Page 19692]]
Estimated Number of Awards: 44.
Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this
Project Period: Up to 12 months.
III. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants: SEAs in any State, including the District
of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin
Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, and the freely associated states of the Republic of the
Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic
of Palau (subject to continued eligibility).
Note: For the purposes of this program, the Bureau of Indian
Education in the U.S. Department of the Interior is treated as an
2. a. Cost Sharing or Matching: This program does not require cost
sharing or matching.
b. Supplement-Not-Supplant: This program involves supplement-not-
supplant funding requirements. Section 1706 of the ESEA requires that
grant funds provided under the AP Test Fee program supplement, and not
supplant, other non-Federal funds that are available to assist low-
income individuals in paying for the cost of advanced placement test
3. Other: Current grantees under this program that expect to have
sufficient carryover funds to cover school year 2012-2013 advanced
placement exam fees for eligible low-income students should not apply
for a new award under this program.
IV. Application and Submission Information
1. Address to Request Application Package: To obtain an application
package via the Internet use the following address:
To obtain an application package from the Department use the
following address: Francisco Ramirez, U.S. Department of Education, 400
Maryland Avenue SW., room 3E224, Washington, DC 20202-6200. Telephone:
(202) 260-1541 or by email:
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a text
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at 1-
Individuals with disabilities can obtain a copy of the application
package in an accessible format (e.g., braille, large print, audiotape,
or compact disc) by contacting the program contact person listed in
this section.
2. Content and Form of Application Submission: Requirements
concerning the content of an application, together with the forms you
must submit, are in the application package for this program.
3. Submission Dates and Times:
Applications Available: April 2, 2013.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: June 3, 2013.
Applications for grants under this program must be submitted
electronically using the Apply site ( For
information (including dates and times) about how to submit your
application electronically, or in paper format by mail or hand delivery
if you qualify for an exception to the electronic submission
requirement, please refer to section IV. 7. Other Submission
Requirements of this notice.
We do not consider an application that does not comply with the
deadline requirements.
Individuals with disabilities who need an accommodation or
auxiliary aid in connection with the application process should contact
the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT in section VII
of this notice. If the Department provides an accommodation or
auxiliary aid to an individual with a disability in connection with the
application process, the individual's application remains subject to
all other requirements and limitations in this notice. Deadline for
Intergovernmental Review: July 31, 2013.
4. Intergovernmental Review: This program is subject to Executive
Order 12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79. Information about
Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs under Executive Order
12372 is in the application package for this program.
5. Funding Restrictions: We reference regulations outlining funding
restrictions in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice.
6. Data Universal Numbering System Number, Taxpayer Identification
Number, Central Contractor Registry, and System for Award Management:
To do business with the Department, you must--
a. Have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and a
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN);
b. Register both your DUNS number and TIN with the Central
Contractor Registry (CCR)--and, after July 24, 2012, with the System
for Award Management (SAM), the Government's primary registrant
c. Provide your DUNS number and TIN on your application; and
d. Maintain an active CCR or SAM registration with current
information while your application is under review by the Department
and, if you are awarded a grant, during the project period.
You can obtain a DUNS number from Dun and Bradstreet. A DUNS number
can be created within one business day.
If you are a corporate entity, agency, institution, or
organization, you can obtain a TIN from the Internal Revenue Service.
If you are an individual, you can obtain a TIN from the Internal
Revenue Service or the Social Security Administration. If you need a
new TIN, please allow 2-5 weeks for your TIN to become active.
The CCR or SAM registration process may take five or more business
days to complete. If you are currently registered with the CCR, you may
not need to make any changes. However, please make certain that the TIN
associated with your DUNS number is correct. Also note that you will
need to update your registration annually. This may take three or more
business days to complete. Information about SAM is available at
In addition, if you are submitting your application via,
you must (1) be designated by your organization as an Authorized
Organization Representative (AOR); and (2) register yourself with as an AOR. Details on these steps are outlined at the
following Web page:
7. Other Submission Requirements: Applications for grants under
this program must be submitted electronically unless you qualify for an
exception to this requirement in accordance with the instructions in
this section.
a. Electronic Submission of Applications.
Applications for grants under the AP Test Fee program, CFDA number
84.330B, must be submitted electronically using the Governmentwide Apply site at Through this site, you will be
able to download a copy of the application package, complete it
offline, and then upload and submit your application. You may not email
an electronic copy of a grant application to us.
We will reject your application if you submit it in paper format
unless, as described elsewhere in this section, you qualify for one of
the exceptions to the electronic submission requirement and submit, no
later than two weeks before the application deadline date, a written
statement to the Department that you qualify for one of these
[[Page 19693]]
Further information regarding calculation of the date that is two weeks
before the application deadline date is provided later in this section
under Exception to Electronic Submission Requirement.
You may access the electronic grant application for the AP Test Fee
program at You must search for the downloadable
application package for this program by the CFDA number. Do not include
the CFDA number's alpha suffix in your search (e.g., search for 84.330,
not 84.330B).
Please note the following:
When you enter the site, you will find
information about submitting an application electronically through the
site, as well as the hours of operation.
Applications received by are date and time
stamped. Your application must be fully uploaded and submitted and must
be date and time stamped by the system no later than 4:30:00
p.m., Washington, DC time, on the application deadline date. Except as
otherwise noted in this section, we will not accept your application if
it is received--that is, date and time stamped by the
system--after 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, on the application
deadline date. We do not consider an application that does not comply
with the deadline requirements. When we retrieve your application from, we will notify you if we are rejecting your application
because it was date and time stamped by the system after
4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, on the application deadline date.
The amount of time it can take to upload an application
will vary depending on a variety of factors, including the size of the
application and the speed of your Internet connection. Therefore, we
strongly recommend that you do not wait until the application deadline
date to begin the submission process through
You should review and follow the Education Submission
Procedures for submitting an application through that are
included in the application package for this program to ensure that you
submit your application in a timely manner to the system.
You can also find the Education Submission Procedures pertaining to under News and Events on the Department's G5 system home
page at
You will not receive additional point value because you
submit your application in electronic format, nor will we penalize you
if you qualify for an exception to the electronic submission
requirement, as described elsewhere in this section, and submit your
application in paper format.
You must submit all documents electronically, including
all information you typically provide on the following forms: The
Application for Federal Assistance (SF 424), the Department of
Education Supplemental Information for SF 424, Budget Information--Non-
Construction Programs (ED 524), and all necessary assurances and
You must upload any narrative sections and all other
attachments to your application as files in a PDF (Portable Document)
read-only, non-modifiable format. Do not upload an interactive or
fillable PDF file. If you upload a file type other than a read-only,
non-modifiable PDF or submit a password-protected file, we will not
review that material.
Your electronic application must comply with any page-
limit requirements described in this notice.
After you electronically submit your application, you will
receive from an automatic notification of receipt that
contains a tracking number. (This notification indicates
receipt by only, not receipt by the Department.) The
Department then will retrieve your application from and send
a second notification to you by email. This second notification
indicates that the Department has received your application and has
assigned your application a PR/Award number (a Department-specified
identifying number unique to your application).
We may request that you provide us original signatures on
forms at a later date.
Application Deadline Date Extension in Case of Technical Issues
With the System: If you are experiencing problems submitting
your application through, please contact the
Support Desk, toll free, at 1-800-518-4726. You must obtain a Support Desk Case Number and must keep a record of it.
If you are prevented from electronically submitting your
application on the application deadline date because of technical
problems with the system, we will grant you an extension
until 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, the following business day to
enable you to transmit your application electronically or by hand
delivery. You also may mail your application by following the mailing
instructions described elsewhere in this notice.
If you submit an application after 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC
time, on the application deadline date, please contact the person
listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT in section VII of this
notice and provide an explanation of the technical problem you
experienced with, along with the Support Desk
Case Number. We will accept your application if we can confirm that a
technical problem occurred with the system and that that
problem affected your ability to submit your application by 4:30:00
p.m., Washington, DC time, on the application deadline date. The
Department will contact you after a determination is made on whether
your application will be accepted.
Note: The extensions to which we refer in this section apply
only to the unavailability of, or technical problems with, the system. We will not grant you an extension if you failed
to fully register to submit your application to before
the application deadline date and time or if the technical problem
you experienced is unrelated to the system.
Exception to Electronic Submission Requirement: You qualify for an
exception to the electronic submission requirement, and may submit your
application in paper format, if you are unable to submit an application
through the system because--
You do not have access to the Internet; or
You do not have the capacity to upload large documents to
the system; and
No later than two weeks before the application deadline
date (14 calendar days or, if the fourteenth calendar day before the
application deadline date falls on a Federal holiday, the next business
day following the Federal holiday), you mail or fax a written statement
to the Department, explaining which of the two grounds for an exception
prevents you from using the Internet to submit your application.
If you mail your written statement to the Department, it must be
postmarked no later than two weeks before the application deadline
date. If you fax your written statement to the Department, we must
receive the faxed statement no later than two weeks before the
application deadline date.
Address and mail or fax your statement to: Francisco Ramirez, U.S.
Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW., room 3E224,
Washington, DC 20202-6200. FAX: (202) 260-8969.
Your paper application must be submitted in accordance with the
mail or hand delivery instructions described in this notice.
b. Submission of Paper Applications by Mail.
If you qualify for an exception to the electronic submission
requirement, you
[[Page 19694]]
may mail (through the U.S. Postal Service or a commercial carrier) your
application to the Department. You must mail the original and two
copies of your application, on or before the application deadline date,
to the Department at the following address:
U.S. Department of Education, Application Control Center,
Attention: (CFDA Number 84.330B), LBJ Basement Level 1, 400 Maryland
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20202-4260.
You must show proof of mailing consisting of one of the following:
(1) A legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark.
(2) A legible mail receipt with the date of mailing stamped by the
U.S. Postal Service.
(3) A dated shipping label, invoice, or receipt from a commercial
(4) Any other proof of mailing acceptable to the Secretary of the
U.S. Department of Education.
If you mail your application through the U.S. Postal Service, we do
not accept either of the following as proof of mailing:
(1) A private metered postmark.
(2) A mail receipt that is not dated by the U.S. Postal Service.
If your application is postmarked after the application deadline
date, we will not consider your application.
Note: The U.S. Postal Service does not uniformly provide a
dated postmark. Before relying on this method, you should check with
your local post office.
c. Submission of Paper Applications by Hand Delivery.
If you qualify for an exception to the electronic submission
requirement, you (or a courier service) may deliver your paper
application to the Department by hand. You must deliver the original
and two copies of your application by hand, on or before the
application deadline date, to the Department at the following address:
U.S. Department of Education, Application Control Center, Attention:
(CFDA Number 84.330B), 550 12th Street SW., Room 7041, Potomac Center
Plaza, Washington, DC 20202-4260. The Application Control Center
accepts hand deliveries daily between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30:00 p.m.,
Washington, DC time, except Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays.
Note for Mail or Hand Delivery of Paper Applications: If you
mail or hand deliver your application to the Department--
(1) You must indicate on the envelope and--if not provided by
the Department--in Item 11 of the SF 424 the CFDA number, including
suffix letter, if any, of the competition under which you are
submitting your application; and
(2) The Application Control Center will mail to you a
notification of receipt of your grant application. If you do not
receive this notification within 15 business days from the
application deadline date, you should call the U.S. Department of
Education Application Control Center at (202) 245-6288.
V. Application Review Information
1. Review and Selection Process: The Department intends to fund, at
some level, all applications that meet the requirements for Approval of
Application as described in the application package for this program
and that demonstrate need for new or additional funds to pay advanced
placement exam fees on behalf of low-income students for school year
For FY 2013, the Department expects to award approximately
$28,727,000 in new grants under this program. Based on the anticipated
number of applications and other available information, the Department
expects this amount to be sufficient to pay all but $10 of the cost of
each advanced placement exam taken by low-income students. Accordingly,
SEAs may use AP Test Fee program funds to cover a portion of the cost
of each approved advanced placement exam taken by low-income students
as follows: (a) Up to $45 for each Advanced Placement test administered
by the College Board; (b) up to $94 for each Diploma Programme test
administered by the International Baccalaureate Organization; and (c)
up to $43.50 for each Advanced Subsidiary test and up to $71 for each
Advanced test administered by Cambridge International Examinations.
Note: For FY 2013, AP Test Fee program funds may not be used to
pay advanced placement test candidate registration fees on behalf of
low-income students. Therefore, the candidate registration fees
charged by the International Baccalaureate Organization and
Cambridge International Examinations are not allowable costs under
this program for FY 2013.
Also, in determining whether to approve an application for a new
award (including the amount of the award) from an applicant with a
current grant under this program, the Department will consider the
amount of any carryover funds under the existing grant and the
applicant's use of funds under previous AP Test Fee grant awards.
We remind potential applicants that in reviewing applications in
any discretionary grant competition, the Secretary may consider, under
34 CFR 75.217(d)(3), the past performance of the applicant in carrying
out a previous award, such as the applicant's use of funds, achievement
of project objectives, and compliance with grant conditions. The
Secretary may also consider whether the applicant failed to submit a
timely performance report or submitted a report of unacceptable
In addition, in making a competitive grant award, the Secretary
also requires various assurances including those applicable to Federal
civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or
activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department
of Education (34 CFR 100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
2. Special Conditions: Under 34 CFR 74.14 and 80.12, the Secretary
may impose special conditions on a grant if the applicant or grantee is
not financially stable; has a history of unsatisfactory performance;
has a financial or other management system that does not meet the
standards in 34 CFR parts 74 or 80, as applicable; has not fulfilled
the conditions of a prior grant; or is otherwise not responsible.
VI. Award Administration Information
1. Award Notices: If your application is successful, we notify your
U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators and send you a Grant Award
Notification (GAN); or we may send you an email containing a link to
access an electronic version of your GAN. We may notify you informally,
If your application is not evaluated or not selected for funding,
we notify you.
2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: We identify
administrative and national policy requirements in the application
package and reference these and other requirements in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
We reference the regulations outlining the terms and conditions of
an award in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice and
include these and other specific conditions in the GAN. The GAN also
incorporates your approved application as part of your binding
commitments under the grant.
3. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a grant under this competition,
you must ensure that you have in place the necessary processes and
systems to comply with the reporting requirements in 2 CFR part 170 and
section 1704(f) of the ESEA should you receive funding under the
competition. The reporting requirements in 2 CFR part 170 do not apply
if you have an exception under 2 CFR 170.110(b).
(b) At the end of your project period, you must submit a final
performance report, including financial information, as directed by the
Secretary. The Secretary may also require more frequent performance
reports under 34
[[Page 19695]]
CFR 75.720(c). For specific requirements on reporting, please go to
4. Performance Measures: Under the Government Performance and
Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), the Department has developed five
performance measures to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the AP
Test Fee program: (1) The number of advanced placement tests taken by
low-income public school students nationally; (2) The number of
advanced placement tests taken by minority (Hispanic, Black, Native
American) public school students nationally; (3) The percentage of
advanced placement tests passed (for AP exams, scores of 3-5) by low-
income public school students nationally; (4) The number of advanced
placement tests passed (for AP exams, scores of 3-5) by low-income
public school students nationally; and (5) The cost per passage of an
advanced placement test taken by a low-income public school student.
The information provided by grantees in their final performance reports
will be one of the sources of data for the measures. Other sources of
data include the College Board, IB Americas, and University of
Cambridge International Examinations.
VII. Agency Contact
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Francisco Ramirez, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW., Room 3E224, Washington, DC 20202-
6200. Telephone: (202) 260-1541 or by email:
If you use a TDD or a TTY, call the FRS, toll free, at 1-800-877-
VIII. Other Information
Accessible Format: Individuals with disabilities can obtain this
document and a copy of the application package in an accessible format
(e.g., braille, large print, audiotape, or compact disc) on request to
the program contact person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT
in section VII of this notice.
Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this
document is the document published in the Federal Register. Free
Internet access to the official edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations is available via the Federal Digital System
at: At this site you can view this document, as well
as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal
Register, in text or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF
you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at the
You may also access documents of the Department published in the
Federal Register by using the article search feature at: Specifically, through the advanced search
feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published
by the Department.
Dated: March 28, 2013.
Deborah Delisle,
Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education.
[FR Doc. 2013-07635 Filed 4-1-13; 8:45 am]