Designation of Product Categories for Federal Procurement, 19393-19400 [2013-07336]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 78, No. 62
Monday, April 1, 2013
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Office of Procurement and Property
7 CFR Part 3201
RIN 0599–AA16
Designation of Product Categories for
Federal Procurement
Office of Procurement and
Property Management, USDA.
ACTION: Final rule.
The U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) is amending the
Guidelines for Designating Biobased
Products for Federal Procurement, to
add eight sections to designate product
categories within which biobased
products will be afforded Federal
procurement preference, as provided for
under section 9002 of the Farm Security
and Rural Investment Act of 2002, as
amended by the Food, Conservation,
and Energy Act of 2008 (referred to in
this document as ‘‘section 9002’’).
USDA is also adding a new subcategory
to one previously designated product
category. USDA is also establishing
minimum biobased contents for each of
these product categories and
subcategories. In addition, USDA is
officially changing the term ‘‘item’’ to
product category.
DATES: This rule is effective May 1,
Buckhalt, USDA, Office of Procurement
and Property Management, Room 361,
Reporters Building, 300 7th St. SW.,
Washington, DC 20024; email:; phone (202)
205–4008. Information regarding the
Federal preferred procurement program
(one part of the BioPreferred Program) is
available on the Internet at https://
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information presented in this preamble
is organized as follows:
I. Authority
II. Background
III. Discussion of Public Comments
IV. Regulatory Information
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
C. Executive Order 12630: Governmental
Actions and Interference With
Constitutionally Protected Property
D. Executive Order 12988: Civil Justice
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
G. Executive Order 12372:
Intergovernmental Review of Federal
H. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
I. Paperwork Reduction Act
J. E-Government Act
K. Congressional Review Act
I. Authority
These product categories are
designated under the authority of
section 9002 of the Farm Security and
Rural Investment Act of 2002 (FSRIA),
as amended by the Food, Conservation,
and Energy Act of 2008 (FCEA), 7 U.S.C.
8102 (referred to in this document as
‘‘section 9002’’).
II. Background
As part of the BioPreferred Program,
USDA published, on December 5, 2012,
a proposed rule in the Federal Register
(FR) for the purpose of designating a
total of eight product categories, and
two new subcategories within
previously designated product
categories, for the preferred
procurement of biobased products by
Federal agencies (referred to hereafter in
this FR notice as the ‘‘preferred
procurement program’’). This proposed
rule can be found at 77 FR 72654. This
rulemaking is referred to in this
preamble as Round 10 (RIN 0599–
In the proposed rule, USDA proposed
designating the following eight product
categories for the preferred procurement
program: Aircraft and boat cleaners;
automotive care products; engine
crankcase oil; gasoline fuel additives;
metal cleaners and corrosion removers;
microbial cleaning products; paint
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removers; and water turbine bearing
oils. USDA also proposed to add the
following subcategories to previously
designated product categories:
countertops to the composite panels
category; and wheel bearing and chassis
grease to the greases category.
Today’s final rule designates the
proposed product categories within
which biobased products will be
afforded Federal procurement
preference and adds the proposed
countertops subcategory to the existing
composite panels product category.
USDA has determined that each of the
product categories being designated
under today’s rulemaking meets the
necessary statutory requirements; that
they are being produced with biobased
products; and that their procurement
will carry out the following objectives of
section 9002: to improve demand for
biobased products; to spur development
of the industrial base through valueadded agricultural processing and
manufacturing in rural communities;
and to enhance the Nation’s energy
security by substituting biobased
products for products derived from
imported oil and natural gas.
When USDA designates by
rulemaking a product category (a
generic grouping of products) for
preferred procurement under the
BioPreferred Program, manufacturers of
all products under the umbrella of that
product category, that meet the
requirements to qualify for preferred
procurement, can claim that status for
their products. To qualify for preferred
procurement, a product must be within
a designated product category and must
contain at least the minimum biobased
content established for the designated
product category. With the designation
of these specific product categories,
USDA invites the manufacturers and
vendors of qualifying products to
provide information on the product,
contacts, and performance testing for
posting on its BioPreferred Web site, Procuring
agencies will be able to utilize this Web
site as one tool to determine the
availability of qualifying biobased
products under a designated product
category. Once USDA designates a
product category, procuring agencies are
required generally to purchase biobased
products within the designated product
category where the purchase price of the
procurement product exceeds $10,000
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 62 / Monday, April 1, 2013 / Rules and Regulations
or where the quantity of such products
or of functionally equivalent products
purchased over the preceding fiscal year
equaled $10,000 or more.
The BioPreferred program started
using the term product category in the
fall of 2011 while drafting a proposed
rule to amend the BioPreferred Program
Guidelines (FR DOC # 2012–10420,
published May 1, 2012). The preamble
to that proposed rule explains the
change from ‘‘items’’ to ‘‘product
categories.’’ Below is the text that
appears in the proposed rule:
‘‘3. Replacement of ‘‘Designated Item’’
with ‘‘Designated Category’’
The current guidelines use the term
‘‘designated item’’ to refer to a generic
grouping of biobased products
identified in subpart B as eligible for the
procurement preference. The use of this
term has created some confusion,
however, because the word ‘‘item’’ is
also used in the guidelines to refer to
individual products rather than a
generic grouping of products. USDA is
proposing to replace the term
‘‘designated item’’ with the term
‘‘designated product category.’’ In
addition, USDA is proposing to add a
definition for the term ‘‘qualifying
biobased product’’ to refer to an
individual product that meets the
definition and minimum biobased
content criteria for a designated product
category and is, therefore, eligible for
the procurement preference. Although
these changes are not required by
section 9001 of FCEA, USDA believes
the proposed terms and definitions will
add clarity to the rule.’’
Because USDA did not receive any
comments opposing this change during
the 60-day comment period on the
proposed rule and because it will be
some time until the rule is promulgated,
USDA is incorporating the new product
category language in this designation
Subcategorization. USDA is
subcategorizing three of the product
categories. Those product categories are:
aircraft and boat cleaners; metal
cleaners and corrosion removers; and
microbial cleaning products. The
subcategories for the aircraft and boat
cleaners product category are: aircraft
cleaners and boat cleaners. For the
metal cleaners and corrosion removers
product category, the subcategories are:
stainless steel cleaners; other metal
cleaners; and corrosion removers. For
the microbial cleaning products
category, the subcategories are: drain
maintenance products; general cleaners;
and wastewater maintenance products.
USDA is also adding a new subcategory
for countertops to the composite panels
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product category designated in Round 2
(73 FR 27954, May 14, 2008).
USDA will continue to gather
additional data related to the categories
designated today and additional
subcategories may be created in a future
Minimum Biobased Contents. The
minimum biobased contents being
established with today’s rulemaking are
based on products for which USDA has
biobased content test data. Because the
submission of product samples for
biobased content testing is on a strictly
voluntary basis, USDA was able to
obtain samples only from those
manufacturers who volunteered to
invest the resources required to submit
the samples. USDA has, however, begun
to receive additional biobased content
data associated with manufacturer’s
applications for certification to use the
USDA Certified Biobased Product label.
These test results are also considered
when determining the minimum
biobased content levels for designated
product categories.
In today’s final rule, the minimum
biobased content for the water turbine
bearing oils category is based on a single
tested product. USDA will continue to
gather information on the lubricant
product categories designated today and
if additional data on the biobased
content for products within these
designated categories are obtained,
USDA will evaluate whether the
minimum biobased content should be
revised in a future rule. We are also
clarifying definitions of water turbine
bearing oils versus turbine drip oils.
Overlap with EPA’s Comprehensive
Procurement Guideline program for
recovered content products under the
Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA) Section 6002. This final rule
designates one product category for
Federal preferred procurement for
which there may be overlap with an
EPA-designated recovered content
product. The product category is engine
crankcase oils, which may overlap with
the EPA-designated recovered content
product ‘‘Re-refined lubricating oils.’’
EPA provides recovered materials
content recommendations for these
recovered content products in
Recovered Materials Advisory Notice
recommendations for these CPG
products can be found by accessing
EPA’s Web site
products.htm and then clicking on the
appropriate product name.
Federal Government Purchase of
Sustainable Products. The Federal
government’s sustainable purchasing
program includes the following three
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statutory preference programs for
designated products: the BioPreferred
Program, the Environmental Protection
Agency’s Comprehensive Procurement
Guideline for products containing
recovered materials, and the
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
program. The Office of the Federal
Environmental Executive (OFEE) and
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) encourage agencies to implement
these components comprehensively
when purchasing products and services.
Other Preferred Procurement
Programs. Federal procurement officials
should also note that biobased products
may be available for purchase by
Federal agencies through the AbilityOne
Program (formerly known as the JavitsWagner-O’Day (JWOD) program). Under
this program, members of organizations
including the National Industries for the
Blind (NIB) and the National Institute
for the Severely Handicapped (NISH)
offer products and services for preferred
procurement by Federal agencies. A
search of the AbilityOne Program’s
online catalog (
indicated that products within three of
the product categories, or subcategories,
being designated today are available
through the AbilityOne Program. These
are: Composite Panels—Countertops,
Metal Cleaners and Corrosion
Removers—Stainless Steel Cleaners, and
Metal Cleaners and Corrosion
Removers—Other Metal Cleaners. While
there is no specific product within these
product categories identified in the
AbilityOne online catalog as being a
biobased product, it is possible that
such biobased products are available or
will be available in the future. Also,
because additional categories of
products are frequently added to the
AbilityOne Program, it is possible that
biobased products within other product
categories being designated today may
be available through the AbilityOne
Program in the future. Procurement of
biobased products through the
AbilityOne Program would further the
objectives of both the AbilityOne
Program and the preferred procurement
Outreach. To augment its own
research, USDA consults with industry
and Federal stakeholders to the
preferred procurement program during
the development of the rulemaking
packages for the designation of product
categories. USDA requests stakeholder
input in gathering information used in
determining the order of product
category designation and in identifying:
Manufacturers producing and marketing
products that fall within a product
category proposed for designation;
performance standards used by Federal
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 62 / Monday, April 1, 2013 / Rules and Regulations
agencies evaluating products to be
procured; and warranty information
used by manufacturers of end user
equipment and other products with
regard to biobased products.
Future Designations. In making future
designations, USDA will continue to
conduct market searches to identify
manufacturers of biobased products
within product categories. USDA will
then contact the identified
manufacturers to solicit samples of their
products for voluntary submission for
biobased content testing. Based on these
results, USDA will then propose new
product categories for designation for
preferred procurement.
USDA has developed a preliminary
list of product categories for future
designation and has posted this
preliminary list on the BioPreferred
Web site. While this list presents an
initial prioritization of product
categories for designation, USDA cannot
identify with certainty which product
categories will be presented in each of
the future rulemakings. In response to
comments from other Federal agencies,
USDA intends to give increased priority
to those product categories that contain
the highest biobased content. In
addition, as the program matures,
manufacturers of biobased products
within some industry segments have
become more responsive to USDA’s
requests for technical information than
those in other segments. Thus, product
categories with high biobased content
and for which sufficient technical
information can be obtained quickly
may be added or moved up on the
prioritization list.
III. Discussion of Public Comments
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Summary of Changes
USDA received comments on wheel
bearing and chassis greases, crankcase
oils, gasoline fuel additives, and
microbial cleaning products.
USDA solicited comments on the
proposed rule for 60 days ending on
February 4, 2013. USDA received four
comments by that date. Two of the
comments were from manufacturers of
biobased products, one was from
another Federal agency, and the fourth
was from a trade association. The
comments are presented below, along
with USDA’s responses, and are shown
under the product categories to which
they apply.
After consideration of the comments,
USDA has decided to: (1) Delay the
designation of the wheel bearing and
chassis greases subcategory; (2) revise
the minimum biobased content of the
engine crankcase oil product category
upward to 27 percent from the proposed
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level of 18 percent; and (3) add
clarification to the definition of the
water turbine bearing oils product
category. Additional information on
these changes is presented below in the
discussion of public comments.
Public Comments
General Process Comments
A trade association had a number of
comments on how USDA administers
the BioPreferred program. This same
trade association had also made earlier
similar comments July 2, 2012 in
response to the proposed amendments
to the revised Program Guidelines. The
final guidelines have not yet been
published. Although we will discuss
these process comments herein, USDA
will address the comments at a later
date in revisions to the Program
Guidelines, to which they are directly
Comment: The trade association
focused some ‘‘comments on the
environmental elements of the
BioPreferred program’’ and stated
products ‘‘should be designated and
preferred based upon their improved
health profile, which could include
manufacturing improvements,
environmental and/or health benefits,
and disposal mechanisms.’’ The
association further commented, that
biobased content, ‘‘while a key factor, is
only one of many potential
environmental considerations.’’
Response: Although the BioPreferred
program is often associated with
environmental programs and biobased
products generally offer environmental
benefits, USDA is charged with
considering products that contain
biobased carbon. The program’s
rationale is to use the purchasing power
of the Federal government to pull the
market for biobased products that are
made from agricultural commodities.
USDA does not have the legislative
mandate to consider all environmental
factors in designating a product
Comment: The association is critical
of sample sizes and calls for ‘‘more
robust’’ sample sizes.
Response: This is a voluntary program
and USDA cannot collect any more
information than companies are willing
to provide. Moreover, by law USDA
cannot ask biobased companies to
supply any more information than nonbiobased competitors. It is up to Federal
procurement officials to solicit
additional information from biobased
companies to help in the procurement
decision-making process.
Comment: The association calls for
USDA to provide more information on
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‘‘exclusions’’ (i.e., price, performance
and availability).
Response: As indicated above, USDA
cannot mandate that private companies
provide such data. USDA believes
consideration of exclusionary factors is
a matter to be discussed on a case-bycase basis between buyer and seller.
Comment: Confidential business
information (CBI) should not be posted
on the BioPreferred Web site.
Response: USDA agrees. USDA does
not post CBI.
Comment: One commenter felt USDA
was ‘‘accommodating to the lessrenewable end of the range’’ with an
‘‘orphan data point’’ at 21 percent.
Response: USDA appreciates the
comment. The commenter notes
correctly that 21 percent was on the
lower end of the range and USDA agrees
that this data point does appear to be an
outlier. Thus, we are revising the
minimum content to 27 percent, which
is the lower end of the mid-range of 30
percent minus the test variability. This
revision is only slightly higher than the
previously proposed minimum and
increasing the minimum biobased
content for this category is consistent
with the requirement in section 9002
that agencies buy products with the
highest practicable percentage of
biobased content.
Gasoline Fuel Additives
Comment: One commenter asked that
USDA lower the biobased content from
92 percent to 70 percent.
Response: USDA is charged with
administrating a program where Federal
buyers procure products with the
highest biobased content possible that
will still deliver performance. In the
absence of any technical data to the
contrary, we have decided to keep the
content level at the proposed level of 92
percent. However, if data can be
identified to confirm the content level of
92 percent is not technically effective or
necessary, USDA will revisit that
content specification in later
Microbial Cleaning Products
Comment: One commenter stated the
NAVSEA 6840 (which refers to the U.S.
Navy surface ship (non-submarine)
authorized chemical cleaning products
and dispensing systems) should not be
cited as a test method, but simply as a
listing of approved products. The
commenter further stated it should not
necessarily be listed as a general
reference because the products listed
here are covered by the general
exemption of combat related missions.
Response: USDA agrees with the
suggestion of the Federal commenter.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 62 / Monday, April 1, 2013 / Rules and Regulations
Water Turbine Bearing Oils
Comment: One commenter noted that
the definition for water turbine bearing
oils should be revised to better
distinguish this category from the
previously designated category, ‘‘turbine
drip oils’’.
Response: USDA appreciates the
clarification and has revised the
definition in the final rule to indicate
these water turbine bearing oils are used
to lubricate bearings of electric power
generating water turbines.
Wheel Bearing and Chassis Grease
Comment: One commenter stated that
‘‘the wheel bearing and chassis grease
with National Lubricating Grease
Institute (NLGI) cannot be reached with
a biobased content of 50 percent’’ and
pointed out that there is a problem
meeting the GC ASTM–D–4950 part of
the specification because of the high
temperature process used to make
lithium complex grease. Another
commenter asked that USDA not list
chassis grease, as there is
‘‘incompatability’’ between existing
petroleum-based greases and biobased
Response: USDA believes the ASTM
issue is a complex one and requires
additional technical data. Thus, USDA
will not list the subcategory of wheel
bearing and chassis grease at this time
but will investigate and defer
designation to a later round. As regards
the incompatibility issue, USDA does
not believe potential incompatibility is
an appropriate reason to not designate a
biobased category or subcategory. If a
particular product will not function
properly in a certain application, that
product will not meet performance
requirements and thus need not be
shown the procurement preference.
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IV. Regulatory Information
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review
Executive Order 12866, as
supplemented by Executive Order
13563, requires agencies to determine
whether a regulatory action is
‘‘significant.’’ The Order defines a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ as one
that is likely to result in a rule that may:
‘‘(1) Have an annual effect on the
economy of $100 million or more or
adversely affect, in a material way, the
economy, a sector of the economy,
productivity, competition, jobs, the
environment, public health or safety, or
State, local, or tribal governments or
communities; (2) Create a serious
inconsistency or otherwise interfere
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with an action taken or planned by
another agency; (3) Materially alter the
budgetary impact of entitlements,
grants, user fees, or loan programs or the
rights and obligations of recipients
thereof; or (4) Raise novel legal or policy
issues arising out of legal mandates, the
President’s priorities, or the principles
set forth in this Executive Order.’’
Today’s final rule has been
determined by the Office of
Management and Budget to be not
significant for purposes of Executive
Order 12866. We are not able to quantify
the annual economic effect associated
with today’s final rule. As discussed in
the preamble to the proposed
rulemaking, USDA made extensive
efforts to obtain information on the
Federal agencies’ usage within the eight
designated product categories, including
their subcategories. These efforts were
largely unsuccessful. Therefore,
attempts to determine the economic
impacts of today’s final rule would
require estimation of the anticipated
market penetration of biobased products
based upon many assumptions. In
addition, because agencies have the
option of not purchasing biobased
products within designated product
categories if price is ‘‘unreasonable,’’ the
product is not readily available, or the
product does not demonstrate necessary
performance characteristics, certain
assumptions may not be valid. While
facing these quantitative challenges,
USDA relied upon a qualitative
assessment to determine the impacts of
today’s final rule. Consideration was
also given to the fact that agencies may
choose not to procure designated items
due to unreasonable price.
1. Summary of Impacts
Today’s final rule is expected to have
both positive and negative impacts to
individual businesses, including small
businesses. USDA anticipates that the
biobased preferred procurement
program will provide additional
opportunities for businesses and
manufacturers to begin supplying
products under the designated biobased
product categories to Federal agencies
and their contractors. However, other
businesses and manufacturers that
supply only non-qualifying products
and do not offer biobased alternatives
may experience a decrease in demand
from Federal agencies and their
contractors. USDA is unable to
determine the number of businesses,
including small businesses, that may be
adversely affected by today’s final rule.
The final rule, however, will not affect
existing purchase orders, nor will it
preclude businesses from modifying
their product lines to meet new
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requirements for designated biobased
products. Because the extent to which
procuring agencies will find the
performance, availability and/or price of
biobased products acceptable is
unknown, it is impossible to quantify
the actual economic effect of the rule.
2. Benefits of the Final Rule
The designation of these eight product
categories provides the benefits outlined
in the objectives of section 9002; to
increase domestic demand for many
agricultural commodities that can serve
as feedstocks for production of biobased
products, and to spur development of
the industrial base through value-added
agricultural processing and
manufacturing in rural communities. On
a national and regional level, today’s
final rule can result in expanding and
strengthening markets for biobased
materials used in these product
3. Costs of the Final Rule
Like the benefits, the costs of today’s
final rule have not been quantified. Two
types of costs are involved: Costs to
producers of products that will compete
with the preferred products and costs to
Federal agencies to provide
procurement preference for the
preferred products. Producers of
competing products may face a decrease
in demand for their products to the
extent Federal agencies refrain from
purchasing their products. However, it
is not known to what extent this may
occur. Pre-award procurement costs for
Federal agencies may rise minimally as
the contracting officials conduct market
research to evaluate the performance,
availability and price reasonableness of
preferred products before making a
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
The RFA, 5 U.S.C. 601–602, generally
requires an agency to prepare a
regulatory flexibility analysis of any rule
subject to notice and comment
rulemaking requirements under the
Administrative Procedure Act or any
other statute unless the agency certifies
that the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Small entities
include small businesses, small
organizations, and small governmental
USDA evaluated the potential impacts
of its designation of these product
categories to determine whether its
actions would have a significant impact
on a substantial number of small
entities. Because the preferred
procurement program established under
section 9002 applies only to Federal
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 62 / Monday, April 1, 2013 / Rules and Regulations
agencies and their contractors, small
governmental (city, county, etc.)
agencies are not affected. Thus, the final
rule will not have a significant
economic impact on small governmental
USDA anticipates that this program
will affect entities, both large and small,
that manufacture or sell biobased
products. For example, the designation
of product categories for preferred
procurement will provide additional
opportunities for businesses to
manufacture and sell biobased products
to Federal agencies and their
contractors. Similar opportunities will
be provided for entities that supply
biobased materials to manufacturers.
The intent of section 9002 is largely
to stimulate the production of new
biobased products and to energize
emerging markets for those products.
Because the program is still in its
infancy, however, it is unknown how
many businesses will ultimately be
affected. While USDA has no data on
the number of small businesses that may
choose to develop and market biobased
products within the product categories
designated by this rulemaking, the
number is expected to be small. Because
biobased products represent a small
emerging market, only a small
percentage of all manufacturers, large or
small, are expected to develop and
market biobased products. Thus, the
number of small businesses
manufacturing biobased products
affected by this rulemaking is not
expected to be substantial.
The Federal preferred procurement
program may decrease opportunities for
businesses that manufacture or sell nonbiobased products or provide
components for the manufacturing of
such products. Most manufacturers of
non-biobased products within the
product categories being proposed for
designation for Federal preferred
procurement in this rule are expected to
be included under the following NAICS
codes: 321999 (all other wood product
manufacturing), 324191 (petroleum
lubricating oil and grease
manufacturing), 325510 (paint and
coating manufacturing), and 325612
(polish and other sanitation goods
manufacturing). USDA obtained
information on these four NAICS
categories from the U.S. Census
Bureau’s Economic Census database.
USDA found that the Economic Census
reports about 4,270 companies within
these 4 NAICS categories and that these
companies own a total of about 4,860
establishments. Thus, the average
number of establishments per company
is about 1.14. The Census data also
reported that of the 4,860 individual
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establishments, about 4,850 (99 percent)
have fewer than 500 employees. USDA
also found that the overall average
number of employees per company
among these industries is about 30 and
that the petroleum lubricating oil and
grease industry has the highest average
number of employees per company with
an average of almost 50. Thus, nearly all
of the businesses fall within the Small
Business Administration’s definition of
a small business (less than 500
employees, in most NAICS categories).
USDA does not have data on the
potential adverse impacts on
manufacturers of non-biobased products
within the product categories being
designated, but believes that the impact
will not be significant. Most of the
product categories being designated in
this rulemaking are typical consumer
products widely used by the general
public and by industrial/commercial
establishments that are not subject to
this rulemaking. Thus, USDA believes
that the number of small businesses
manufacturing non-biobased products
within the product categories being
designated and selling significant
quantities of those products to
government agencies affected by this
rulemaking will be relatively low. Also,
this final rule will not affect existing
purchase orders and it will not preclude
procuring agencies from continuing to
purchase non-biobased products when
biobased products do not meet the
availability, performance, or reasonable
price criteria. This final rule will also
not preclude businesses from modifying
their product lines to meet new
specifications or solicitation
requirements for these products
containing biobased materials.
After considering the economic
impacts of this final rule on small
entities, USDA certifies that this action
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
While not a factor relevant to
determining whether the final rule will
have a significant impact for RFA
purposes, USDA has concluded that the
effect of the rule will be to provide
positive opportunities to businesses
engaged in the manufacture of these
biobased products. Purchase and use of
these biobased products by procuring
agencies increase demand for these
products and result in private sector
development of new technologies,
creating business and employment
opportunities that enhance local,
regional, and national economies.
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C. Executive Order 12630:
Governmental Actions and Interference
With Constitutionally Protected Property
This final rule has been reviewed in
accordance with Executive Order 12630,
Governmental Actions and Interference
with Constitutionally Protected Property
Rights, and does not contain policies
that would have implications for these
D. Executive Order 12988: Civil Justice
This final rule has been reviewed in
accordance with Executive Order 12988,
Civil Justice Reform. This rule does not
preempt State or local laws, is not
intended to have retroactive effect, and
does not involve administrative appeals.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This final rule does not have
sufficient federalism implications to
warrant the preparation of a Federalism
Assessment. Provisions of this final rule
will not have a substantial direct effect
on States or their political subdivisions
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
government levels.
F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
This final rule contains no Federal
mandates under the regulatory
provisions of Title II of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA),
2 U.S.C. 1531–1538, for State, local, and
tribal governments, or the private sector.
Therefore, a statement under section
202 of UMRA is not required.
G. Executive Order 12372:
Intergovernmental Review of Federal
For the reasons set forth in the Final
Rule Related Notice for 7 CFR part 3015,
subpart V (48 FR 29115, June 24, 1983),
this program is excluded from the scope
of Executive Order 12372, which
requires intergovernmental consultation
with State and local officials. This
program does not directly affect State
and local governments.
H. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
Today’s final rule does not
significantly or uniquely affect ‘‘one or
more Indian tribes, * * * the
relationship between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes, or * * *
the distribution of power and
responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes.’’ Thus,
no further action is required under
Executive Order 13175.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 62 / Monday, April 1, 2013 / Rules and Regulations
I. Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
through 3520), the information
collection under this final rule is
currently approved under OMB control
number 0503–0011.
J. E-Government Act Compliance
USDA is committed to compliance
with the E-Government Act, which
requires Government agencies, in
general, to provide the public the option
of submitting information or transacting
business electronically to the maximum
extent possible. USDA is implementing
an electronic information system for
posting information voluntarily
submitted by manufacturers or vendors
on the products they intend to offer for
preferred procurement under each
designated product category. For
information pertinent to E-Government
Act compliance related to this rule,
please contact Ron Buckhalt at (202)
K. Congressional Review Act
The Congressional Review Act, 5
U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides
that before a rule may take effect, the
agency promulgating the rule must
submit a rule report, that includes a
copy of the rule, to each House of the
Congress and to the Comptroller General
of the United States. USDA has
submitted a report containing this rule
and other required information to the
U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of
Representatives, and the Comptroller
General of the United States prior to
publication of the rule in the Federal
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 3201
Biobased products, Procurement.
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the Department of Agriculture
is amending 7 CFR chapter XXXII as
1. The authority citation for part 3201
continues to read as follows:
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 8102.
2. Amend § 3201.19 by adding new
paragraphs (a)(6) and (b)(6) and revising
paragraph (c) to read as follows:
§ 3201.19
Composite panels.
(a) * * *
(6) Countertops. Engineered products
designed to serve as horizontal work
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surfaces in locations such as kitchens,
break rooms or other food preparation
areas, bathrooms or lavatories, and
(b) * * *
(6) Countertops—89 percent.
(c) Preference compliance dates. (1)
No later than May 14, 2009, procuring
agencies, in accordance with this part,
will give a procurement preference for
those qualifying biobased composite
panels specified in paragraphs (a)(1)
through (a)(5) of this section. By that
date, Federal agencies that have the
responsibility for drafting or reviewing
specifications for items to be procured
shall ensure that the relevant
specifications require the use of
biobased composite panels.
(2) No later than April 1, 2014,
procuring agencies, in accordance with
this part, will give a procurement
preference for those qualifying biobased
composite panels specified in paragraph
(a)(6) of this section. By that date,
Federal agencies that have the
responsibility for drafting or reviewing
specifications for items to be procured
shall ensure that the relevant
specifications require the use of
biobased composite panels.
■ 3. Add §§ 3201.100 through 3201.107
to subpart B to read as follows:
3201.100 Aircraft and boat cleaners.
3201.101 Automotive care products.
3201.102 Engine crankcase oil.
3201.103 Gasoline fuel additives.
3201.104 Metal cleaners and corrosion
3201.105 Microbial cleaning products.
3201.106 Paint removers.
3201.107 Water turbine bearing oils.
§ 3201.100
Aircraft and boat cleaners.
(a) Definition. (1) Aircraft and boat
cleaners are products designed to
remove built-on grease, oil, dirt,
pollution, insect reside, or impact soils
on both interior and exterior of aircraft
and/or boats.
(2) Aircraft and boat cleaners for
which Federal preferred procurement
applies are:
(i) Aircraft cleaners. Cleaning
products designed to remove built-on
grease, oil, dirt, pollution, insect reside,
or impact soils on both interior and
exterior of aircraft.
(ii) Boat cleaners. Cleaning products
designed to remove built-on grease, oil,
dirt, pollution, insect reside, or impact
soils on both interior and exterior of
(b) Minimum biobased content. The
minimum biobased content for all
aircraft and boat cleaners shall be based
on the amount of qualifying biobased
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carbon in the product as a percent of the
weight (mass) of the total organic carbon
in the finished product. The applicable
minimum biobased contents for the
Federal preferred procurement products
(1) Aircraft cleaners—48 percent.
(2) Boat cleaners—38 percent.
(c) Preference compliance date. No
later than April 1, 2014, procuring
agencies, in accordance with this part,
will give a procurement preference for
qualifying biobased aircraft and boat
cleaners. By that date, Federal agencies
that have the responsibility for drafting
or reviewing specifications for products
to be procured shall ensure that the
relevant specifications require the use of
biobased aircraft and boat cleaners.
§ 3201.101
Automotive care products.
(a) Definition. Products such as
waxes, buffing compounds, polishes,
degreasers, soaps, wheel and tire
cleaners, leather care products, interior
cleaners, and fragrances that are
formulated for cleaning and protecting
automotive surfaces.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The
Federal preferred procurement product
must have a minimum biobased content
of at least 75 percent, which shall be
based on the amount of qualifying
biobased carbon in the product as a
percent of the weight (mass) of the total
organic carbon in the finished product.
(c) Preference compliance date. No
later than April 1, 2014, procuring
agencies, in accordance with this part,
will give a procurement preference for
qualifying biobased automotive care
products. By that date, Federal agencies
that have the responsibility for drafting
or reviewing specifications for products
to be procured shall ensure that the
relevant specifications require the use of
biobased automotive care products.
§ 3201.102
Engine crankcase oils.
(a) Definition. Lubricating products
formulated to provide lubrication and
wear protection for four-cycle gasoline
or diesel engines.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The
Federal preferred procurement product
must have a minimum biobased content
of at least 27 percent, which shall be
based on the amount of qualifying
biobased carbon in the product as a
percent of the weight (mass) of the total
organic carbon in the finished product.
(c) Preference compliance date. No
later than April 1, 2014, procuring
agencies, in accordance with this part,
will give a procurement preference for
qualifying biobased engine crankcase
oils. By that date, Federal agencies that
have the responsibility for drafting or
reviewing specifications for products to
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 62 / Monday, April 1, 2013 / Rules and Regulations
be procured shall ensure that the
relevant specifications require the use of
biobased engine crankcase oils.
(d) Determining overlap with an EPAdesignated recovered content product.
Qualifying products within this item
may overlap with the EPA-designated
recovered content product: Re-refined
lubricating oils. USDA is requesting that
manufacturers of these qualifying
biobased products provide information
on the USDA Web site of qualifying
biobased products about the intended
uses of the product, information on
whether or not the product contains any
recovered material, in addition to
biobased ingredients, and performance
standards against which the product has
been tested. This information will assist
Federal agencies in determining
whether or not a qualifying biobased
product overlaps with EPA-designated
re-refined lubricating oil products and
which product should be afforded the
preference in purchasing.
Note to paragraph (d): Engine crankcase
oils within this designated product category
can compete with similar re-refined
lubricating oil products with recycled
content. Under the Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act of 1976, section 6002, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
designated re-refined lubricating oil products
containing recovered materials as products
for which Federal agencies must give
preference in their purchasing programs. The
designation can be found in the
Comprehensive Procurement Guideline, 40
CFR 247.17.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
§ 3201.103
Gasoline fuel additives.
(a) Definition. Chemical agents added
to gasoline to increase octane levels,
improve lubricity, and provide engine
cleaning properties to gasoline-fired
(b) Minimum biobased content. The
Federal preferred procurement product
must have a minimum biobased content
of at least 92 percent, which shall be
based on the amount of qualifying
biobased carbon in the product as a
percent of the weight (mass) of the total
organic carbon in the finished product.
(c) Preference compliance date. No
later than April 1, 2014, procuring
agencies, in accordance with this part,
will give a procurement preference for
qualifying biobased gasoline fuel
additives. By that date, Federal agencies
that have the responsibility for drafting
or reviewing specifications for products
to be procured shall ensure that the
relevant specifications require the use of
biobased gasoline fuel additives.
§ 3201.104
Metal cleaners and corrosion
(a) Definition. (1) Products that are
designed to clean and remove grease,
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oil, dirt, stains, soils, and rust from
metal surfaces.
(2) Metal cleaners and corrosion
removers for which Federal preferred
procurement applies are:
(i) Corrosion removers. Products that
are designed to remove rust from metal
surfaces through chemical action.
(ii) Stainless steel cleaners. Products
that are designed to clean and remove
grease, oil, dirt, stains, and soils from
stainless steel surfaces.
(iii) Other metal cleaners. Products
that are designed to clean and remove
grease, oil, dirt, stains, and soils from
metal surfaces other than stainless steel.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The
minimum biobased content for all metal
cleaners and corrosion removers shall
be based on the amount of qualifying
biobased carbon in the product as a
percent of the weight (mass) of the total
organic carbon in the finished product.
The applicable minimum biobased
contents for the Federal preferred
procurement products are:
(1) Corrosion removers—71 percent.
(2) Stainless steel cleaners—75
(3) Other metal cleaners—56 percent.
(c) Preference compliance date. No
later than April 1, 2014, procuring
agencies, in accordance with this part,
will give a procurement preference for
qualifying biobased metal cleaners and
corrosion removers. By that date,
Federal agencies that have the
responsibility for drafting or reviewing
specifications for products to be
procured shall ensure that the relevant
specifications require the use of
biobased metal cleaners and corrosion
§ 3201.105
Microbial cleaning products.
(a) Definition. (1) Cleaning agents that
use microscopic organisms to treat or
eliminate waste materials within drains,
plumbing fixtures, sewage systems,
wastewater treatment systems, or on a
variety of other surfaces. These products
typically include organisms that digest
protein, starch, fat, and cellulose.
(2) Microbial cleaning products for
which Federal preferred procurement
applies are:
(i) Drain maintenance products.
Products containing microbial agents
that are intended for use in plumbing
systems such as sinks, showers, and
(ii) Wastewater maintenance
products. Products containing microbial
agents that are intended for use in
wastewater systems such as sewer lines
and septic tanks.
(iii) General cleaners. Products
containing microbial agents that are
intended for multi-purpose cleaning in
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locations such as residential and
commercial kitchens and bathrooms.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The
minimum biobased content for all
microbial cleaning products shall be
based on the amount of qualifying
biobased carbon in the product as a
percent of the weight (mass) of the total
organic carbon in the finished product.
The applicable minimum biobased
contents for the Federal preferred
procurement products are:
(1) Drain maintenance products—45
(2) Wastewater maintenance
products—44 percent.
(3) General cleaners—50 percent.
(c) Preference compliance date. No
later than April 1, 2014, procuring
agencies, in accordance with this part,
will give a procurement preference for
qualifying biobased microbial cleaning
products. By that date, Federal agencies
that have the responsibility for drafting
or reviewing specifications for products
to be procured shall ensure that the
relevant specifications require the use of
biobased microbial cleaning products.
§ 3201.106
Paint removers.
(a) Definition. Products formulated to
loosen and remove paint from painted
(b) Minimum biobased content. The
Federal preferred procurement product
must have a minimum biobased content
of at least 41 percent, which shall be
based on the amount of qualifying
biobased carbon in the product as a
percent of the weight (mass) of the total
organic carbon in the finished product.
(c) Preference compliance date. No
later than April 1, 2014, procuring
agencies, in accordance with this part,
will give a procurement preference for
qualifying biobased paint removers. By
that date, Federal agencies that have the
responsibility for drafting or reviewing
specifications for products to be
procured shall ensure that the relevant
specifications require the use of
biobased paint removers.
§ 3201.107
Water turbine bearing oils.
(a) Definition. Lubricants that are
specifically formulated for use in the
bearings found in water turbines for
electric power generation. Previously
designated turbine drip oils are used to
lubricate bearings of electric power
generating water turbines.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The
Federal preferred procurement product
must have a minimum biobased content
of at least 46 percent, which shall be
based on the amount of qualifying
biobased carbon in the product as a
percent of the weight (mass) of the total
organic carbon in the finished product.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 62 / Monday, April 1, 2013 / Rules and Regulations
(c) Preference compliance date. No
later than April 1, 2014, procuring
agencies, in accordance with this part,
will give a procurement preference for
qualifying biobased water turbine
bearing oils. By that date, Federal
agencies that have the responsibility for
drafting or reviewing specifications for
products to be procured shall ensure
that the relevant specifications require
the use of biobased water turbine
bearing oils.
Dated: March 25, 2013.
Gregory L. Parham,
Acting Assistant Secretary For
Administration, U.S. Department of
[FR Doc. 2013–07336 Filed 3–29–13; 8:45 am]
Executive Office for Immigration
8 CFR Part 1292
[Docket No. EOIR 138F; A.G. Order No.
RIN 1125–AA39
Registry for Attorneys and
Executive Office for
Immigration Review, Department of
ACTION: Final rule; request for
This final rule adopts, as
amended, the proposed rule to authorize
the Director of the Executive Office for
Immigration Review (EOIR), or his
designee, to register attorneys and
accredited representatives as a
condition of practicing before
immigration judges and the Board of
Immigration Appeals (Board or BIA).
The final rule provides that the Director
may establish registration procedures,
including a requirement for electronic
registration, and may administratively
suspend from practice before EOIR any
attorney or accredited representative
who fails to provide certain registration
information. This rule is part of an
initiative to create an electronic case
access and filing system within EOIR.
The Department of Justice (Department)
will publish a notice in the Federal
Register prior to implementing the
registration process. Although this rule
is published as a final rule, postpromulgation public comments will be
considered as EOIR moves forward with
other phases of its electronic access and
filing initiative.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
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Effective date: This rule is
effective May 31, 2013. Comment date:
Written comments must be submitted
on or before May 31, 2013.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by EOIR Docket No. 138F, by
one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Commenters should be aware that the
electronic Federal Docket Management
System will not accept comments after
midnight Eastern Time on the last day
of the comment period.
• Mail: Jeff Rosenblum, General
Counsel, Office of the General Counsel,
Executive Office for Immigration
Review, 5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 2600,
Falls Church, VA 22041. To ensure
proper handling, please reference EOIR
Docket No. 138F on your
correspondence. You may also use this
mailing address to submit disks or CD–
• Hand Delivery/Courier: Jeff
Rosenblum, General Counsel, Office of
the General Counsel, Executive Office
for Immigration Review, 5107 Leesburg
Pike, Suite 2600, Falls Church, VA
22041. Contact Telephone Number (703)
Rosenblum, General Counsel, Executive
Office for Immigration Review, 5107
Leesburg Pike, Suite 2600, Falls Church,
VA 22041, telephone (703) 305–0470
(not a toll-free call).
I. Public Participation
On December 30, 2003, the
Department published in the Federal
Register a proposed rule that would
establish a registry of attorneys and
representatives who practice before
EOIR. 68 FR 75160. The comment
period ended March 1, 2004. The
Department received seven letters from
organizations and individuals,
including the American Immigration
Lawyers Association, several law school
clinical programs, and two attorneys.
Because some comments overlap and all
of the commenters raised multiple
subjects, the comments are addressed
below by topic rather than by reference
to a specific commenter. The changes to
the proposed regulatory text made in
response to public comments are
addressed below. With the exception of
the additional changes explained below,
all other provisions of the proposed rule
on which the public did not comment
are adopted without change in this final
As described further below, EOIR
regards this rule as an initial step in a
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multi-year, multi-phased initiative to
make the transition to an electronic case
access and filing system. Therefore,
EOIR will accept post-promulgation
comments regarding this rule and will
consider them as it moves forward with
its initiative.
II. Regulatory Background
This rule amends 8 CFR part 1292 by
revising § 1292.1(a)(1) and (a)(4), and by
establishing a new paragraph at
§ 1292.1(f).1 These amendments provide
the Director of EOIR with the authority
to require attorneys and accredited
representatives to register with EOIR in
order to practice before its immigration
judges and the Board.2 The rule
specifies the information that attorneys
and accredited representatives will need
to provide to EOIR when registering.
The Director will require that attorneys
and accredited representatives register
through electronic means.3
EOIR is permitted to authorize
individuals to practice in proceedings
before immigration judges and the
Board. See 8 U.S.C. 1229a(b)(4)(A) and
8 CFR part 1292. Pursuant to this final
rule, attorneys and accredited
representatives will need to register in
order to be authorized to practice before
EOIR. If an attorney or accredited
representative who has cases pending
with EOIR when this final rule takes
effect fails to register by the deadline for
registering, EOIR may administratively
suspend that individual from practice.4
An attorney or accredited representative
1 As noted below, EOIR will publish a notice in
the Federal Register specifying the date on which
attorneys and accredited representatives will first
be able to register and the date by which attorneys
and accredited representatives must register. The
final rule revises slightly the proposed rule’s
amendments to 8 CFR 1292.1(a)(1) and (a)(4) to
clarify that EOIR will not require attorneys and
accredited representatives to register by the
effective date of this rule. Instead, EOIR will
publish further implementation guidance in the
Federal Register.
2 For purposes of this rule, the term ‘‘attorney’’
refers to any individual meeting the definition of
‘‘attorney’’ in 8 CFR 1001.1(f), except any attorney
who represents the Federal Government before
EOIR. The term ‘‘accredited representative’’ refers
only to an accredited representative who is
accredited to appear before EOIR. See 8 CFR
1292.2(d). The provisions of this rule do not apply
to accredited representatives who are only
accredited to appear before the Department of
Homeland Security. See id.
3 As part of the registration process, attorneys and
accredited representatives will be required to attest
to the accuracy of the data they are submitting
4 If an attorney or accredited representative
cannot appear at a hearing because he or she has
failed to register, the immigration judge has the
means available to avoid prejudice to the alien’s
case, which might include granting one-time
permission for the attorney or accredited
representative to appear in the case prior to
registering, as discussed below, or a continuance
under the applicable case law.
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 62 (Monday, April 1, 2013)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 19393-19400]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-07336]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
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Prices of new books are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER issue of each
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 62 / Monday, April 1, 2013 / Rules
and Regulations
[[Page 19393]]
Office of Procurement and Property Management
7 CFR Part 3201
RIN 0599-AA16
Designation of Product Categories for Federal Procurement
AGENCY: Office of Procurement and Property Management, USDA.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is amending the
Guidelines for Designating Biobased Products for Federal Procurement,
to add eight sections to designate product categories within which
biobased products will be afforded Federal procurement preference, as
provided for under section 9002 of the Farm Security and Rural
Investment Act of 2002, as amended by the Food, Conservation, and
Energy Act of 2008 (referred to in this document as ``section 9002'').
USDA is also adding a new subcategory to one previously designated
product category. USDA is also establishing minimum biobased contents
for each of these product categories and subcategories. In addition,
USDA is officially changing the term ``item'' to product category.
DATES: This rule is effective May 1, 2013.
Procurement and Property Management, Room 361, Reporters Building, 300
7th St. SW., Washington, DC 20024; email:; phone
(202) 205-4008. Information regarding the Federal preferred procurement
program (one part of the BioPreferred Program) is available on the
Internet at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The information presented in this preamble
is organized as follows:
I. Authority
II. Background
III. Discussion of Public Comments
IV. Regulatory Information
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and
Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
C. Executive Order 12630: Governmental Actions and Interference
With Constitutionally Protected Property Rights
D. Executive Order 12988: Civil Justice Reform
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
G. Executive Order 12372: Intergovernmental Review of Federal
H. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments
I. Paperwork Reduction Act
J. E-Government Act
K. Congressional Review Act
I. Authority
These product categories are designated under the authority of
section 9002 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
(FSRIA), as amended by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008
(FCEA), 7 U.S.C. 8102 (referred to in this document as ``section
II. Background
As part of the BioPreferred Program, USDA published, on December 5,
2012, a proposed rule in the Federal Register (FR) for the purpose of
designating a total of eight product categories, and two new
subcategories within previously designated product categories, for the
preferred procurement of biobased products by Federal agencies
(referred to hereafter in this FR notice as the ``preferred procurement
program''). This proposed rule can be found at 77 FR 72654. This
rulemaking is referred to in this preamble as Round 10 (RIN 0599-AA16).
In the proposed rule, USDA proposed designating the following eight
product categories for the preferred procurement program: Aircraft and
boat cleaners; automotive care products; engine crankcase oil; gasoline
fuel additives; metal cleaners and corrosion removers; microbial
cleaning products; paint removers; and water turbine bearing oils. USDA
also proposed to add the following subcategories to previously
designated product categories: countertops to the composite panels
category; and wheel bearing and chassis grease to the greases category.
Today's final rule designates the proposed product categories
within which biobased products will be afforded Federal procurement
preference and adds the proposed countertops subcategory to the
existing composite panels product category. USDA has determined that
each of the product categories being designated under today's
rulemaking meets the necessary statutory requirements; that they are
being produced with biobased products; and that their procurement will
carry out the following objectives of section 9002: to improve demand
for biobased products; to spur development of the industrial base
through value-added agricultural processing and manufacturing in rural
communities; and to enhance the Nation's energy security by
substituting biobased products for products derived from imported oil
and natural gas.
When USDA designates by rulemaking a product category (a generic
grouping of products) for preferred procurement under the BioPreferred
Program, manufacturers of all products under the umbrella of that
product category, that meet the requirements to qualify for preferred
procurement, can claim that status for their products. To qualify for
preferred procurement, a product must be within a designated product
category and must contain at least the minimum biobased content
established for the designated product category. With the designation
of these specific product categories, USDA invites the manufacturers
and vendors of qualifying products to provide information on the
product, contacts, and performance testing for posting on its
BioPreferred Web site, Procuring agencies
will be able to utilize this Web site as one tool to determine the
availability of qualifying biobased products under a designated product
category. Once USDA designates a product category, procuring agencies
are required generally to purchase biobased products within the
designated product category where the purchase price of the procurement
product exceeds $10,000
[[Page 19394]]
or where the quantity of such products or of functionally equivalent
products purchased over the preceding fiscal year equaled $10,000 or
The BioPreferred program started using the term product category in
the fall of 2011 while drafting a proposed rule to amend the
BioPreferred Program Guidelines (FR DOC 2012-10420, published
May 1, 2012). The preamble to that proposed rule explains the change
from ``items'' to ``product categories.'' Below is the text that
appears in the proposed rule:
``3. Replacement of ``Designated Item'' with ``Designated
The current guidelines use the term ``designated item'' to refer to
a generic grouping of biobased products identified in subpart B as
eligible for the procurement preference. The use of this term has
created some confusion, however, because the word ``item'' is also used
in the guidelines to refer to individual products rather than a generic
grouping of products. USDA is proposing to replace the term
``designated item'' with the term ``designated product category.'' In
addition, USDA is proposing to add a definition for the term
``qualifying biobased product'' to refer to an individual product that
meets the definition and minimum biobased content criteria for a
designated product category and is, therefore, eligible for the
procurement preference. Although these changes are not required by
section 9001 of FCEA, USDA believes the proposed terms and definitions
will add clarity to the rule.''
Because USDA did not receive any comments opposing this change
during the 60-day comment period on the proposed rule and because it
will be some time until the rule is promulgated, USDA is incorporating
the new product category language in this designation regulation.
Subcategorization. USDA is subcategorizing three of the product
categories. Those product categories are: aircraft and boat cleaners;
metal cleaners and corrosion removers; and microbial cleaning products.
The subcategories for the aircraft and boat cleaners product category
are: aircraft cleaners and boat cleaners. For the metal cleaners and
corrosion removers product category, the subcategories are: stainless
steel cleaners; other metal cleaners; and corrosion removers. For the
microbial cleaning products category, the subcategories are: drain
maintenance products; general cleaners; and wastewater maintenance
products. USDA is also adding a new subcategory for countertops to the
composite panels product category designated in Round 2 (73 FR 27954,
May 14, 2008).
USDA will continue to gather additional data related to the
categories designated today and additional subcategories may be created
in a future rulemaking.
Minimum Biobased Contents. The minimum biobased contents being
established with today's rulemaking are based on products for which
USDA has biobased content test data. Because the submission of product
samples for biobased content testing is on a strictly voluntary basis,
USDA was able to obtain samples only from those manufacturers who
volunteered to invest the resources required to submit the samples.
USDA has, however, begun to receive additional biobased content data
associated with manufacturer's applications for certification to use
the USDA Certified Biobased Product label. These test results are also
considered when determining the minimum biobased content levels for
designated product categories.
In today's final rule, the minimum biobased content for the water
turbine bearing oils category is based on a single tested product. USDA
will continue to gather information on the lubricant product categories
designated today and if additional data on the biobased content for
products within these designated categories are obtained, USDA will
evaluate whether the minimum biobased content should be revised in a
future rule. We are also clarifying definitions of water turbine
bearing oils versus turbine drip oils.
Overlap with EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guideline program for
recovered content products under the Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA) Section 6002. This final rule designates one product
category for Federal preferred procurement for which there may be
overlap with an EPA-designated recovered content product. The product
category is engine crankcase oils, which may overlap with the EPA-
designated recovered content product ``Re-refined lubricating oils.''
EPA provides recovered materials content recommendations for these
recovered content products in Recovered Materials Advisory Notice
(RMAN) I. The RMAN recommendations for these CPG products can be found
by accessing EPA's Web site and then clicking on the appropriate product name.
Federal Government Purchase of Sustainable Products. The Federal
government's sustainable purchasing program includes the following
three statutory preference programs for designated products: the
BioPreferred Program, the Environmental Protection Agency's
Comprehensive Procurement Guideline for products containing recovered
materials, and the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing program. The
Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE) and the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) encourage agencies to implement these
components comprehensively when purchasing products and services.
Other Preferred Procurement Programs. Federal procurement officials
should also note that biobased products may be available for purchase
by Federal agencies through the AbilityOne Program (formerly known as
the Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) program). Under this program, members of
organizations including the National Industries for the Blind (NIB) and
the National Institute for the Severely Handicapped (NISH) offer
products and services for preferred procurement by Federal agencies. A
search of the AbilityOne Program's online catalog (
indicated that products within three of the product categories, or
subcategories, being designated today are available through the
AbilityOne Program. These are: Composite Panels--Countertops, Metal
Cleaners and Corrosion Removers--Stainless Steel Cleaners, and Metal
Cleaners and Corrosion Removers--Other Metal Cleaners. While there is
no specific product within these product categories identified in the
AbilityOne online catalog as being a biobased product, it is possible
that such biobased products are available or will be available in the
future. Also, because additional categories of products are frequently
added to the AbilityOne Program, it is possible that biobased products
within other product categories being designated today may be available
through the AbilityOne Program in the future. Procurement of biobased
products through the AbilityOne Program would further the objectives of
both the AbilityOne Program and the preferred procurement program.
Outreach. To augment its own research, USDA consults with industry
and Federal stakeholders to the preferred procurement program during
the development of the rulemaking packages for the designation of
product categories. USDA requests stakeholder input in gathering
information used in determining the order of product category
designation and in identifying: Manufacturers producing and marketing
products that fall within a product category proposed for designation;
performance standards used by Federal
[[Page 19395]]
agencies evaluating products to be procured; and warranty information
used by manufacturers of end user equipment and other products with
regard to biobased products.
Future Designations. In making future designations, USDA will
continue to conduct market searches to identify manufacturers of
biobased products within product categories. USDA will then contact the
identified manufacturers to solicit samples of their products for
voluntary submission for biobased content testing. Based on these
results, USDA will then propose new product categories for designation
for preferred procurement.
USDA has developed a preliminary list of product categories for
future designation and has posted this preliminary list on the
BioPreferred Web site. While this list presents an initial
prioritization of product categories for designation, USDA cannot
identify with certainty which product categories will be presented in
each of the future rulemakings. In response to comments from other
Federal agencies, USDA intends to give increased priority to those
product categories that contain the highest biobased content. In
addition, as the program matures, manufacturers of biobased products
within some industry segments have become more responsive to USDA's
requests for technical information than those in other segments. Thus,
product categories with high biobased content and for which sufficient
technical information can be obtained quickly may be added or moved up
on the prioritization list.
III. Discussion of Public Comments
Summary of Changes
USDA received comments on wheel bearing and chassis greases,
crankcase oils, gasoline fuel additives, and microbial cleaning
USDA solicited comments on the proposed rule for 60 days ending on
February 4, 2013. USDA received four comments by that date. Two of the
comments were from manufacturers of biobased products, one was from
another Federal agency, and the fourth was from a trade association.
The comments are presented below, along with USDA's responses, and are
shown under the product categories to which they apply.
After consideration of the comments, USDA has decided to: (1) Delay
the designation of the wheel bearing and chassis greases subcategory;
(2) revise the minimum biobased content of the engine crankcase oil
product category upward to 27 percent from the proposed level of 18
percent; and (3) add clarification to the definition of the water
turbine bearing oils product category. Additional information on these
changes is presented below in the discussion of public comments.
Public Comments
General Process Comments
A trade association had a number of comments on how USDA
administers the BioPreferred program. This same trade association had
also made earlier similar comments July 2, 2012 in response to the
proposed amendments to the revised Program Guidelines. The final
guidelines have not yet been published. Although we will discuss these
process comments herein, USDA will address the comments at a later date
in revisions to the Program Guidelines, to which they are directly
Comment: The trade association focused some ``comments on the
environmental elements of the BioPreferred program'' and stated
products ``should be designated and preferred based upon their improved
health profile, which could include manufacturing improvements,
environmental and/or health benefits, and disposal mechanisms.'' The
association further commented, that biobased content, ``while a key
factor, is only one of many potential environmental considerations.''
Response: Although the BioPreferred program is often associated
with environmental programs and biobased products generally offer
environmental benefits, USDA is charged with considering products that
contain biobased carbon. The program's rationale is to use the
purchasing power of the Federal government to pull the market for
biobased products that are made from agricultural commodities. USDA
does not have the legislative mandate to consider all environmental
factors in designating a product category.
Comment: The association is critical of sample sizes and calls for
``more robust'' sample sizes.
Response: This is a voluntary program and USDA cannot collect any
more information than companies are willing to provide. Moreover, by
law USDA cannot ask biobased companies to supply any more information
than non-biobased competitors. It is up to Federal procurement
officials to solicit additional information from biobased companies to
help in the procurement decision-making process.
Comment: The association calls for USDA to provide more information
on ``exclusions'' (i.e., price, performance and availability).
Response: As indicated above, USDA cannot mandate that private
companies provide such data. USDA believes consideration of
exclusionary factors is a matter to be discussed on a case-by-case
basis between buyer and seller.
Comment: Confidential business information (CBI) should not be
posted on the BioPreferred Web site.
Response: USDA agrees. USDA does not post CBI.
Comment: One commenter felt USDA was ``accommodating to the less-
renewable end of the range'' with an ``orphan data point'' at 21
Response: USDA appreciates the comment. The commenter notes
correctly that 21 percent was on the lower end of the range and USDA
agrees that this data point does appear to be an outlier. Thus, we are
revising the minimum content to 27 percent, which is the lower end of
the mid-range of 30 percent minus the test variability. This revision
is only slightly higher than the previously proposed minimum and
increasing the minimum biobased content for this category is consistent
with the requirement in section 9002 that agencies buy products with
the highest practicable percentage of biobased content.
Gasoline Fuel Additives
Comment: One commenter asked that USDA lower the biobased content
from 92 percent to 70 percent.
Response: USDA is charged with administrating a program where
Federal buyers procure products with the highest biobased content
possible that will still deliver performance. In the absence of any
technical data to the contrary, we have decided to keep the content
level at the proposed level of 92 percent. However, if data can be
identified to confirm the content level of 92 percent is not
technically effective or necessary, USDA will revisit that content
specification in later rulemaking.
Microbial Cleaning Products
Comment: One commenter stated the NAVSEA 6840 (which refers to the
U.S. Navy surface ship (non-submarine) authorized chemical cleaning
products and dispensing systems) should not be cited as a test method,
but simply as a listing of approved products. The commenter further
stated it should not necessarily be listed as a general reference
because the products listed here are covered by the general exemption
of combat related missions.
Response: USDA agrees with the suggestion of the Federal commenter.
[[Page 19396]]
Water Turbine Bearing Oils
Comment: One commenter noted that the definition for water turbine
bearing oils should be revised to better distinguish this category from
the previously designated category, ``turbine drip oils''.
Response: USDA appreciates the clarification and has revised the
definition in the final rule to indicate these water turbine bearing
oils are used to lubricate bearings of electric power generating water
Wheel Bearing and Chassis Grease
Comment: One commenter stated that ``the wheel bearing and chassis
grease with National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) cannot be
reached with a biobased content of 50 percent'' and pointed out that
there is a problem meeting the GC ASTM-D-4950 part of the specification
because of the high temperature process used to make lithium complex
grease. Another commenter asked that USDA not list chassis grease, as
there is ``incompatability'' between existing petroleum-based greases
and biobased greases.
Response: USDA believes the ASTM issue is a complex one and
requires additional technical data. Thus, USDA will not list the
subcategory of wheel bearing and chassis grease at this time but will
investigate and defer designation to a later round. As regards the
incompatibility issue, USDA does not believe potential incompatibility
is an appropriate reason to not designate a biobased category or
subcategory. If a particular product will not function properly in a
certain application, that product will not meet performance
requirements and thus need not be shown the procurement preference.
IV. Regulatory Information
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
Executive Order 12866, as supplemented by Executive Order 13563,
requires agencies to determine whether a regulatory action is
``significant.'' The Order defines a ``significant regulatory action''
as one that is likely to result in a rule that may: ``(1) Have an
annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or adversely
affect, in a material way, the economy, a sector of the economy,
productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public health or
safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or communities; (2)
Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an action
taken or planned by another agency; (3) Materially alter the budgetary
impact of entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan programs or the
rights and obligations of recipients thereof; or (4) Raise novel legal
or policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the President's
priorities, or the principles set forth in this Executive Order.''
Today's final rule has been determined by the Office of Management
and Budget to be not significant for purposes of Executive Order 12866.
We are not able to quantify the annual economic effect associated with
today's final rule. As discussed in the preamble to the proposed
rulemaking, USDA made extensive efforts to obtain information on the
Federal agencies' usage within the eight designated product categories,
including their subcategories. These efforts were largely unsuccessful.
Therefore, attempts to determine the economic impacts of today's final
rule would require estimation of the anticipated market penetration of
biobased products based upon many assumptions. In addition, because
agencies have the option of not purchasing biobased products within
designated product categories if price is ``unreasonable,'' the product
is not readily available, or the product does not demonstrate necessary
performance characteristics, certain assumptions may not be valid.
While facing these quantitative challenges, USDA relied upon a
qualitative assessment to determine the impacts of today's final rule.
Consideration was also given to the fact that agencies may choose not
to procure designated items due to unreasonable price.
1. Summary of Impacts
Today's final rule is expected to have both positive and negative
impacts to individual businesses, including small businesses. USDA
anticipates that the biobased preferred procurement program will
provide additional opportunities for businesses and manufacturers to
begin supplying products under the designated biobased product
categories to Federal agencies and their contractors. However, other
businesses and manufacturers that supply only non-qualifying products
and do not offer biobased alternatives may experience a decrease in
demand from Federal agencies and their contractors. USDA is unable to
determine the number of businesses, including small businesses, that
may be adversely affected by today's final rule. The final rule,
however, will not affect existing purchase orders, nor will it preclude
businesses from modifying their product lines to meet new requirements
for designated biobased products. Because the extent to which procuring
agencies will find the performance, availability and/or price of
biobased products acceptable is unknown, it is impossible to quantify
the actual economic effect of the rule.
2. Benefits of the Final Rule
The designation of these eight product categories provides the
benefits outlined in the objectives of section 9002; to increase
domestic demand for many agricultural commodities that can serve as
feedstocks for production of biobased products, and to spur development
of the industrial base through value-added agricultural processing and
manufacturing in rural communities. On a national and regional level,
today's final rule can result in expanding and strengthening markets
for biobased materials used in these product categories.
3. Costs of the Final Rule
Like the benefits, the costs of today's final rule have not been
quantified. Two types of costs are involved: Costs to producers of
products that will compete with the preferred products and costs to
Federal agencies to provide procurement preference for the preferred
products. Producers of competing products may face a decrease in demand
for their products to the extent Federal agencies refrain from
purchasing their products. However, it is not known to what extent this
may occur. Pre-award procurement costs for Federal agencies may rise
minimally as the contracting officials conduct market research to
evaluate the performance, availability and price reasonableness of
preferred products before making a purchase.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
The RFA, 5 U.S.C. 601-602, generally requires an agency to prepare
a regulatory flexibility analysis of any rule subject to notice and
comment rulemaking requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act
or any other statute unless the agency certifies that the rule will not
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities. Small entities include small businesses, small organizations,
and small governmental jurisdictions.
USDA evaluated the potential impacts of its designation of these
product categories to determine whether its actions would have a
significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Because
the preferred procurement program established under section 9002
applies only to Federal
[[Page 19397]]
agencies and their contractors, small governmental (city, county, etc.)
agencies are not affected. Thus, the final rule will not have a
significant economic impact on small governmental jurisdictions.
USDA anticipates that this program will affect entities, both large
and small, that manufacture or sell biobased products. For example, the
designation of product categories for preferred procurement will
provide additional opportunities for businesses to manufacture and sell
biobased products to Federal agencies and their contractors. Similar
opportunities will be provided for entities that supply biobased
materials to manufacturers.
The intent of section 9002 is largely to stimulate the production
of new biobased products and to energize emerging markets for those
products. Because the program is still in its infancy, however, it is
unknown how many businesses will ultimately be affected. While USDA has
no data on the number of small businesses that may choose to develop
and market biobased products within the product categories designated
by this rulemaking, the number is expected to be small. Because
biobased products represent a small emerging market, only a small
percentage of all manufacturers, large or small, are expected to
develop and market biobased products. Thus, the number of small
businesses manufacturing biobased products affected by this rulemaking
is not expected to be substantial.
The Federal preferred procurement program may decrease
opportunities for businesses that manufacture or sell non-biobased
products or provide components for the manufacturing of such products.
Most manufacturers of non-biobased products within the product
categories being proposed for designation for Federal preferred
procurement in this rule are expected to be included under the
following NAICS codes: 321999 (all other wood product manufacturing),
324191 (petroleum lubricating oil and grease manufacturing), 325510
(paint and coating manufacturing), and 325612 (polish and other
sanitation goods manufacturing). USDA obtained information on these
four NAICS categories from the U.S. Census Bureau's Economic Census
database. USDA found that the Economic Census reports about 4,270
companies within these 4 NAICS categories and that these companies own
a total of about 4,860 establishments. Thus, the average number of
establishments per company is about 1.14. The Census data also reported
that of the 4,860 individual establishments, about 4,850 (99 percent)
have fewer than 500 employees. USDA also found that the overall average
number of employees per company among these industries is about 30 and
that the petroleum lubricating oil and grease industry has the highest
average number of employees per company with an average of almost 50.
Thus, nearly all of the businesses fall within the Small Business
Administration's definition of a small business (less than 500
employees, in most NAICS categories).
USDA does not have data on the potential adverse impacts on
manufacturers of non-biobased products within the product categories
being designated, but believes that the impact will not be significant.
Most of the product categories being designated in this rulemaking are
typical consumer products widely used by the general public and by
industrial/commercial establishments that are not subject to this
rulemaking. Thus, USDA believes that the number of small businesses
manufacturing non-biobased products within the product categories being
designated and selling significant quantities of those products to
government agencies affected by this rulemaking will be relatively low.
Also, this final rule will not affect existing purchase orders and it
will not preclude procuring agencies from continuing to purchase non-
biobased products when biobased products do not meet the availability,
performance, or reasonable price criteria. This final rule will also
not preclude businesses from modifying their product lines to meet new
specifications or solicitation requirements for these products
containing biobased materials.
After considering the economic impacts of this final rule on small
entities, USDA certifies that this action will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
While not a factor relevant to determining whether the final rule
will have a significant impact for RFA purposes, USDA has concluded
that the effect of the rule will be to provide positive opportunities
to businesses engaged in the manufacture of these biobased products.
Purchase and use of these biobased products by procuring agencies
increase demand for these products and result in private sector
development of new technologies, creating business and employment
opportunities that enhance local, regional, and national economies.
C. Executive Order 12630: Governmental Actions and Interference With
Constitutionally Protected Property Rights
This final rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive
Order 12630, Governmental Actions and Interference with
Constitutionally Protected Property Rights, and does not contain
policies that would have implications for these rights.
D. Executive Order 12988: Civil Justice Reform
This final rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive
Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This rule does not preempt State or
local laws, is not intended to have retroactive effect, and does not
involve administrative appeals.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This final rule does not have sufficient federalism implications to
warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. Provisions of this
final rule will not have a substantial direct effect on States or their
political subdivisions or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various government levels.
F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
This final rule contains no Federal mandates under the regulatory
provisions of Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
(UMRA), 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538, for State, local, and tribal governments,
or the private sector. Therefore, a statement under section 202 of UMRA
is not required.
G. Executive Order 12372: Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs
For the reasons set forth in the Final Rule Related Notice for 7
CFR part 3015, subpart V (48 FR 29115, June 24, 1983), this program is
excluded from the scope of Executive Order 12372, which requires
intergovernmental consultation with State and local officials. This
program does not directly affect State and local governments.
H. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian
Tribal Governments
Today's final rule does not significantly or uniquely affect ``one
or more Indian tribes, * * * the relationship between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes, or * * * the distribution of power and
responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian tribes.''
Thus, no further action is required under Executive Order 13175.
[[Page 19398]]
I. Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3501 through 3520), the information collection under this final rule is
currently approved under OMB control number 0503-0011.
J. E-Government Act Compliance
USDA is committed to compliance with the E-Government Act, which
requires Government agencies, in general, to provide the public the
option of submitting information or transacting business electronically
to the maximum extent possible. USDA is implementing an electronic
information system for posting information voluntarily submitted by
manufacturers or vendors on the products they intend to offer for
preferred procurement under each designated product category. For
information pertinent to E-Government Act compliance related to this
rule, please contact Ron Buckhalt at (202) 205-4008.
K. Congressional Review Act
The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally
provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating
the rule must submit a rule report, that includes a copy of the rule,
to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the
United States. USDA has submitted a report containing this rule and
other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of
Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior
to publication of the rule in the Federal Register.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 3201
Biobased products, Procurement.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Department of
Agriculture is amending 7 CFR chapter XXXII as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 3201 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 8102.
2. Amend Sec. 3201.19 by adding new paragraphs (a)(6) and (b)(6) and
revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:
Sec. 3201.19 Composite panels.
(a) * * *
(6) Countertops. Engineered products designed to serve as
horizontal work surfaces in locations such as kitchens, break rooms or
other food preparation areas, bathrooms or lavatories, and workrooms.
(b) * * *
(6) Countertops--89 percent.
(c) Preference compliance dates. (1) No later than May 14, 2009,
procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a
procurement preference for those qualifying biobased composite panels
specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this section. By that
date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility for drafting or
reviewing specifications for items to be procured shall ensure that the
relevant specifications require the use of biobased composite panels.
(2) No later than April 1, 2014, procuring agencies, in accordance
with this part, will give a procurement preference for those qualifying
biobased composite panels specified in paragraph (a)(6) of this
section. By that date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility
for drafting or reviewing specifications for items to be procured shall
ensure that the relevant specifications require the use of biobased
composite panels.
* * * * *
3. Add Sec. Sec. 3201.100 through 3201.107 to subpart B to read as
3201.100 Aircraft and boat cleaners.
3201.101 Automotive care products.
3201.102 Engine crankcase oil.
3201.103 Gasoline fuel additives.
3201.104 Metal cleaners and corrosion removers.
3201.105 Microbial cleaning products.
3201.106 Paint removers.
3201.107 Water turbine bearing oils.
Sec. 3201.100 Aircraft and boat cleaners.
(a) Definition. (1) Aircraft and boat cleaners are products
designed to remove built-on grease, oil, dirt, pollution, insect
reside, or impact soils on both interior and exterior of aircraft and/
or boats.
(2) Aircraft and boat cleaners for which Federal preferred
procurement applies are:
(i) Aircraft cleaners. Cleaning products designed to remove built-
on grease, oil, dirt, pollution, insect reside, or impact soils on both
interior and exterior of aircraft.
(ii) Boat cleaners. Cleaning products designed to remove built-on
grease, oil, dirt, pollution, insect reside, or impact soils on both
interior and exterior of boats.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The minimum biobased content for all
aircraft and boat cleaners shall be based on the amount of qualifying
biobased carbon in the product as a percent of the weight (mass) of the
total organic carbon in the finished product. The applicable minimum
biobased contents for the Federal preferred procurement products are:
(1) Aircraft cleaners--48 percent.
(2) Boat cleaners--38 percent.
(c) Preference compliance date. No later than April 1, 2014,
procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a
procurement preference for qualifying biobased aircraft and boat
cleaners. By that date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility
for drafting or reviewing specifications for products to be procured
shall ensure that the relevant specifications require the use of
biobased aircraft and boat cleaners.
Sec. 3201.101 Automotive care products.
(a) Definition. Products such as waxes, buffing compounds,
polishes, degreasers, soaps, wheel and tire cleaners, leather care
products, interior cleaners, and fragrances that are formulated for
cleaning and protecting automotive surfaces.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The Federal preferred procurement
product must have a minimum biobased content of at least 75 percent,
which shall be based on the amount of qualifying biobased carbon in the
product as a percent of the weight (mass) of the total organic carbon
in the finished product.
(c) Preference compliance date. No later than April 1, 2014,
procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a
procurement preference for qualifying biobased automotive care
products. By that date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility
for drafting or reviewing specifications for products to be procured
shall ensure that the relevant specifications require the use of
biobased automotive care products.
Sec. 3201.102 Engine crankcase oils.
(a) Definition. Lubricating products formulated to provide
lubrication and wear protection for four-cycle gasoline or diesel
(b) Minimum biobased content. The Federal preferred procurement
product must have a minimum biobased content of at least 27 percent,
which shall be based on the amount of qualifying biobased carbon in the
product as a percent of the weight (mass) of the total organic carbon
in the finished product.
(c) Preference compliance date. No later than April 1, 2014,
procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a
procurement preference for qualifying biobased engine crankcase oils.
By that date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility for
drafting or reviewing specifications for products to
[[Page 19399]]
be procured shall ensure that the relevant specifications require the
use of biobased engine crankcase oils.
(d) Determining overlap with an EPA-designated recovered content
product. Qualifying products within this item may overlap with the EPA-
designated recovered content product: Re-refined lubricating oils. USDA
is requesting that manufacturers of these qualifying biobased products
provide information on the USDA Web site of qualifying biobased
products about the intended uses of the product, information on whether
or not the product contains any recovered material, in addition to
biobased ingredients, and performance standards against which the
product has been tested. This information will assist Federal agencies
in determining whether or not a qualifying biobased product overlaps
with EPA-designated re-refined lubricating oil products and which
product should be afforded the preference in purchasing.
Note to paragraph (d): Engine crankcase oils within this
designated product category can compete with similar re-refined
lubricating oil products with recycled content. Under the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, section 6002, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency designated re-refined lubricating
oil products containing recovered materials as products for which
Federal agencies must give preference in their purchasing programs.
The designation can be found in the Comprehensive Procurement
Guideline, 40 CFR 247.17.
Sec. 3201.103 Gasoline fuel additives.
(a) Definition. Chemical agents added to gasoline to increase
octane levels, improve lubricity, and provide engine cleaning
properties to gasoline-fired engines.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The Federal preferred procurement
product must have a minimum biobased content of at least 92 percent,
which shall be based on the amount of qualifying biobased carbon in the
product as a percent of the weight (mass) of the total organic carbon
in the finished product.
(c) Preference compliance date. No later than April 1, 2014,
procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a
procurement preference for qualifying biobased gasoline fuel additives.
By that date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility for
drafting or reviewing specifications for products to be procured shall
ensure that the relevant specifications require the use of biobased
gasoline fuel additives.
Sec. 3201.104 Metal cleaners and corrosion removers.
(a) Definition. (1) Products that are designed to clean and remove
grease, oil, dirt, stains, soils, and rust from metal surfaces.
(2) Metal cleaners and corrosion removers for which Federal
preferred procurement applies are:
(i) Corrosion removers. Products that are designed to remove rust
from metal surfaces through chemical action.
(ii) Stainless steel cleaners. Products that are designed to clean
and remove grease, oil, dirt, stains, and soils from stainless steel
(iii) Other metal cleaners. Products that are designed to clean and
remove grease, oil, dirt, stains, and soils from metal surfaces other
than stainless steel.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The minimum biobased content for all
metal cleaners and corrosion removers shall be based on the amount of
qualifying biobased carbon in the product as a percent of the weight
(mass) of the total organic carbon in the finished product. The
applicable minimum biobased contents for the Federal preferred
procurement products are:
(1) Corrosion removers--71 percent.
(2) Stainless steel cleaners--75 percent.
(3) Other metal cleaners--56 percent.
(c) Preference compliance date. No later than April 1, 2014,
procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a
procurement preference for qualifying biobased metal cleaners and
corrosion removers. By that date, Federal agencies that have the
responsibility for drafting or reviewing specifications for products to
be procured shall ensure that the relevant specifications require the
use of biobased metal cleaners and corrosion removers.
Sec. 3201.105 Microbial cleaning products.
(a) Definition. (1) Cleaning agents that use microscopic organisms
to treat or eliminate waste materials within drains, plumbing fixtures,
sewage systems, wastewater treatment systems, or on a variety of other
surfaces. These products typically include organisms that digest
protein, starch, fat, and cellulose.
(2) Microbial cleaning products for which Federal preferred
procurement applies are:
(i) Drain maintenance products. Products containing microbial
agents that are intended for use in plumbing systems such as sinks,
showers, and tubs.
(ii) Wastewater maintenance products. Products containing microbial
agents that are intended for use in wastewater systems such as sewer
lines and septic tanks.
(iii) General cleaners. Products containing microbial agents that
are intended for multi-purpose cleaning in locations such as
residential and commercial kitchens and bathrooms.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The minimum biobased content for all
microbial cleaning products shall be based on the amount of qualifying
biobased carbon in the product as a percent of the weight (mass) of the
total organic carbon in the finished product. The applicable minimum
biobased contents for the Federal preferred procurement products are:
(1) Drain maintenance products--45 percent.
(2) Wastewater maintenance products--44 percent.
(3) General cleaners--50 percent.
(c) Preference compliance date. No later than April 1, 2014,
procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a
procurement preference for qualifying biobased microbial cleaning
products. By that date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility
for drafting or reviewing specifications for products to be procured
shall ensure that the relevant specifications require the use of
biobased microbial cleaning products.
Sec. 3201.106 Paint removers.
(a) Definition. Products formulated to loosen and remove paint from
painted surfaces.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The Federal preferred procurement
product must have a minimum biobased content of at least 41 percent,
which shall be based on the amount of qualifying biobased carbon in the
product as a percent of the weight (mass) of the total organic carbon
in the finished product.
(c) Preference compliance date. No later than April 1, 2014,
procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a
procurement preference for qualifying biobased paint removers. By that
date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility for drafting or
reviewing specifications for products to be procured shall ensure that
the relevant specifications require the use of biobased paint removers.
Sec. 3201.107 Water turbine bearing oils.
(a) Definition. Lubricants that are specifically formulated for use
in the bearings found in water turbines for electric power generation.
Previously designated turbine drip oils are used to lubricate bearings
of electric power generating water turbines.
(b) Minimum biobased content. The Federal preferred procurement
product must have a minimum biobased content of at least 46 percent,
which shall be based on the amount of qualifying biobased carbon in the
product as a percent of the weight (mass) of the total organic carbon
in the finished product.
[[Page 19400]]
(c) Preference compliance date. No later than April 1, 2014,
procuring agencies, in accordance with this part, will give a
procurement preference for qualifying biobased water turbine bearing
oils. By that date, Federal agencies that have the responsibility for
drafting or reviewing specifications for products to be procured shall
ensure that the relevant specifications require the use of biobased
water turbine bearing oils.
Dated: March 25, 2013.
Gregory L. Parham,
Acting Assistant Secretary For Administration, U.S. Department of
[FR Doc. 2013-07336 Filed 3-29-13; 8:45 am]