Notice of Intent To Amend the Snake River Resource Management Plan for the Pinedale Field Office and Prepare an Associated Environmental Assessment; and Notice of Realty Action: Classification and Direct Sale of Public Land in Teton County, WY, 17227-17229 [2013-06331]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 54 / Wednesday, March 20, 2013 / Notices
• TMC Chair report,
• Executive Director’s report,
• 2013 design update,
• Scientific Advisory Board phase 1
• Gravel update, and
• Flow and scheduling update.
The final agenda will be posted on the
Internet at
You must contact
Elizabeth Hadley
CONTACT) no later
If you wish to
Listen to the teleconference/web-based meeting via telephone or Internet ...........................................................................
Submit written information or questions for the TAMWG to consider during the teleconference ..........................................
Submitting Written Information or
Bureau of Land Management
Interested members of the public may
submit relevant information or
questions for the TAMWG to consider
during the meeting. Written statements
must be received by the date listed in
‘‘Public Input,’’ so that the information
may be available to the TAMWG for
their consideration prior to this
teleconference. Written statements must
be supplied to Elizabeth Hadley in one
of the following formats: One hard copy
with original signature, and one
electronic copy with original signature,
and one electronic copy via email
(acceptable file formats are Adobe
Acrobat PDF, MS Word, PowerPoint, or
rich text file).
Registered speakers who wish to
expand on their oral statements, or
those who wished to speak but could
not be accommodated on the agenda,
may submit written statements to
Elizabeth Hadley up to 7 days after the
Meeting Minutes
Summary minutes of the
teleconference will be maintained by
Elizabeth Hadley (see FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT). The minutes will
be available for public inspection within
90 days after the meeting, and will be
posted on the TAMWG Web site at
Dated: March 3, 2013.
Joseph C. Polos,
Supervisory, Fish Biologist Arcata Fish and
Wildlife Office, Arcata, California.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
[FR Doc. 2013–06378 Filed 3–19–13; 8:45 am]
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18:04 Mar 19, 2013
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[LLWYD10000.L14300000.EU0000; WYW–
161972; WYW–176935]
Notice of Intent To Amend the Snake
River Resource Management Plan for
the Pinedale Field Office and Prepare
an Associated Environmental
Assessment; and Notice of Realty
Action: Classification and Direct Sale
of Public Land in Teton County, WY
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTIONS: Notice of Intent and Notice of
Realty Action.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) of 1969, as amended, and the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act (FLPMA) of 1976, as amended, the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Pinedale Field Office, Pinedale,
Wyoming, intends to prepare a Resource
Management Plan (RMP) amendment
with an associated environmental
assessment (EA) for the Snake River
RMP and by this notice is announcing
the beginning of the scoping process to
solicit public comments and identify
issues. Three parcels of public land in
Teton County, Wyoming, are being
classified as suitable for disposal under
the provisions of Section 203 of FLPMA
and are being proposed for direct sale at
no less than the appraised fair market
DATES: This notice initiates the public
scoping process for the RMP
amendment with the associated EA and
segregates the three parcels from
operation of the public land laws as
described below. Comments regarding
the proposed amendment, classification,
or sale must be received by the BLM at
the address below no later than May 6,
2013. The date(s) and location(s) of any
scoping meetings will be announced at
least 15 days in advance through local
news media and newspapers. In order to
PO 00000
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March 25, 2013.
March 25, 2013.
be included in the analysis, all
comments must be received prior to the
close of the 45-day scoping period or 30
days after the last public meeting,
whichever is later. We will provide
additional opportunities for public
participation as appropriate.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on issues and planning criteria related
to the plan amendment and realty action
by any of the following methods:
• Mail: Field Manager, Pinedale Field
Office, P.O. Box 768, 1625 West Pine
Street, Pinedale, WY 82941.
• Email: with
‘‘Snake River Amendment’’ in the
subject line. Documents pertinent to this
proposal may be examined at the
Pinedale Field Office at the above
Tracy Hoover, Realty Specialist, BLM
Pinedale Field Office, 1625 West Pine
Street, Pinedale, WY 82941; telephone
307–367–5342; email
Persons who use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339 to contact the
above individual during normal
business hours. The FIRS is available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a
message or question with the above
individual. You will receive a reply
during normal business hours.
document provides notice that the BLM
Wyoming Pinedale Field Office intends
to prepare an RMP amendment with an
associated EA for the Snake River RMP,
announces the beginning of the scoping
process, and seeks public input on
issues and planning criteria. The three
parcels are located in Teton County,
Wyoming, and encompass
approximately 2.01 acres of public land.
The purpose of the public scoping
process is to determine relevant issues
that will influence the scope of the
environmental analysis, including
alternatives, and guide the planning
process. Preliminary issues for the plan
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 54 / Wednesday, March 20, 2013 / Notices
amendment area have been identified by
BLM personnel; Federal, state and local
agencies; and other stakeholders. The
issues include: revision of disposal
language to include private individuals
as well as governmental entities.
The BLM is proposing to amend the
April 5, 2004 Snake River RMP to
identify and allow for the direct sale of
three surveyed parcels of public land
totaling 2.01 acres located in Teton
County, Wyoming, near Jackson. The
three parcels that comprise the subject
of the plan amendment and are
described as:
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Sixth Principal Meridian
T. 40 N., R. 116 W., (Parcel 1, 0.13 acres)
sec. 34, lot 14.
T. 40 N., R. 117 W., (Parcel 2, 0.82 acres)
sec. 25, lot 14.
T. 41 N., R 117 W., (Parcel 3, 1.06 acres)
Tract 46B.
Under Section 203 of the FLPMA, as
amended (43 U.S.C. 1713), if the BLM
determines that the three parcels of
public land are suitable for disposal,
then the BLM may propose to offer them
for direct sale at the appraised fair
market value.
To resolve unintentional
unauthorized uses, including residences
and agricultural buildings, Parcel 1 is
proposed for direct sale to adjacent
landowner Sewell Partners and 2 is
proposed for direct sale to adjacent
landowner Evans Land & Cattle
Company. These parcels are the
minimum size possible to ensure that all
the improvements are included, but also
to ensure that the parcels cannot be
resold or used as building sites unto
themselves. The appraised fair market
value for Parcel 1 is $4,200 and Parcel
2 is $3,500. Parcel 3 is proposed for
direct sale to TSR Limited because its
inaccessible location makes it difficult
and uneconomical for the BLM to
manage and it is not suitable for
management by another agency. An
appraisal will be completed on Parcel 3
at a later date.
A direct sale to resolve unintentional
trespass is consistent with the
objectives, goals and decision of the
BLM Snake River RMP. A direct sale to
dispose of a tract of land that is difficult
and uneconomical for the BLM to
manage, and is not suitable for
management by another government
agency, is also consistent with the
objectives, goals and decision of the
BLM Snake River RMP.
In accordance with 43 CFR 2710.0–
6(c)(3)(iii) and 43 CFR 2711.3–3(a),
direct sale procedures are appropriate to
resolve an inadvertent, unauthorized
occupancy of the land or to protect
existing equities in the land. The sales,
VerDate Mar<14>2013
18:04 Mar 19, 2013
Jkt 229001
when completed, would protect the
improvements involved and resolve the
inadvertent encroachment on two
parcels and eliminate a difficult
management situation on another. The
three parcels of land are not required for
other Federal purposes and do not
contain other known public values.
Conveyance of the identified public
lands will be subject to valid existing
rights and encumbrances of record,
including, but not limited to, rights-ofway for roads and public utilities. The
patent will include an appropriate
indemnification claim protecting the
United States from claims arising out of
the patentee’s use occupancy or
occupations on the patented lands. No
warranty of any kind, express or
implied, is given by the United States as
to the title, physical condition, or
potential uses of the parcels of land
proposed for sale. The BLM will retain
all mineral rights.
Upon publication of this notice in the
Federal Register, the lands will be
segregated from all forms of
appropriation under the public land
laws, including the general mining laws,
except for conveyance under the
FLPMA and leasing under the mineral
leasing laws. Until completion of the
sale, the BLM will no longer accept land
use applications affecting the identified
public land, except applications for the
amendment of previously filed right-ofway applications or existing
authorizations to increase the term of
the grants, in accordance with 43 CFR
2807.15 and 2886.15. This segregative
effect will end upon issuance of the
patent, publication in the Federal
Register of a termination of the
segregation, or March 20, 2015, unless
extended by the BLM State Director in
accordance with 43 CFR 2711.1–2(d)
prior to the termination date.
The following reservations, rights,
and conditions would be included in
the patent that may be issued for the
above parcels of public land:
1. A reservation of all minerals to the
United States;
2. A right-of-way thereon for ditches
or canals constructed by the authority of
the United States pursuant to the Act of
August 30, 1890 (43 U.S.C. 945); and
3. All valid existing rights of record,
including those documented on the
official public land records at the time
of patent issuance.
Detailed information concerning these
actions is available for review at the
address above during normal business
hours, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding Federal
You may submit comments on issues
and planning criteria regarding the RMP
PO 00000
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amendment process, as well as written
comments concerning the lands being
considered for sale, including
notification of any encumbrances or
other claims relating to the identified
lands in writing to the BLM at any
public scoping meeting, or you may
submit them to the BLM using one of
the methods listed in the ADDRESSES
section above. To be most helpful, you
should submit comments by the close of
the 45-day scoping period or within 30
days after the last public meeting,
whichever is later.
The BLM will use the NEPA public
participation requirements to assist the
agency in satisfying the public
involvement requirements under
Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (NHPA) (16 U.S.C.
470(f)) pursuant to 36 CFR 800.2(d)(3).
The information about historic and
cultural resources within the area
potentially affected by the proposed
action will assist the BLM in identifying
and evaluating impacts to such
resources in the context of both NEPA
and Section 106 of the NHPA.
The BLM will consult with Indian
tribes on a government-to-government
basis in accordance with Executive
Order 13175 and other policies. Tribal
concerns, including impacts on Indian
trust assets and potential impacts to
cultural resources, will be given due
consideration. Federal, state, and local
agencies, along with tribes and other
stakeholders that may be interested in or
affected by the proposed action that the
BLM is evaluating, are invited to
participate in the scoping process and,
if eligible, may request or be requested
by the BLM to participate in the
development of the environmental
analysis as a cooperating agency. The
minutes and list of attendees for each
scoping meeting will be available to the
public and open for 30 days after the
meeting to any participant who wishes
to clarify the views he or she expressed.
The BLM will evaluate identified issues
to be addressed in the plan and will
place them into one of three categories:
1. Issues to be resolved in the plan
2. Issues to be resolved through policy
or administrative action; or
3. Issues beyond the scope of this plan
The BLM will provide an explanation
in the Draft RMP Amendment/Draft EA
as to why an issue was placed in
category two or three. The public is also
encouraged to help identify any
management questions and concerns
that should be addressed in the plan.
The BLM will work collaboratively with
interested parties to identify the
management decisions that are best
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 54 / Wednesday, March 20, 2013 / Notices
suited to local, regional, and national
needs and concerns.
The BLM will use an interdisciplinary
approach to develop the plan
amendment in order to consider the
variety of resource issues and concerns
identified. Specialists with expertise in
the following disciplines will be
involved in the planning process:
Rangeland management, minerals and
geology, forestry, outdoor recreation,
archaeology, paleontology, wildlife and
fisheries, lands and realty, hydrology,
soils, sociology, and economics.
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so. Any adverse comments will be
reviewed by the State Director, who may
sustain, vacate, or modify this realty
action. In the absence of timely filed
objections, this realty action will
become the final determination of the
Department of the Interior.
Authority: 43 CFR 2711.1–2(a), 40 CFR
1501.7 and 43 CFR 1610.2
Thursday March 21, 2013, at the City
Council Chambers of the City of Moses
Lake, 401 S. Balsam, Moses Lake,
Washington 98837.
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comments, please be aware that your
entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
BLM Spokane District, 1103 N. Fancher
Rd., Spokane Valley, Washington,
99212, or call (509) 536–1200. Persons
who use a telecommunications device
for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1
(800) 877–8339 to contact the above
individual during normal business
hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, to leave a message
or question with the above individual.
You will receive a reply during normal
business hours.
Daniel C. Picard,
Spokane District Manager.
[FR Doc. 2013–06376 Filed 3–19–13; 8:45 am]
Dated: January 10, 2013.
Donald A. Simpson,
State Director, Wyoming.
Notice of Lodging of Proposed
Consent Decree Amendment Under the
Clean Air Act; the Clean Water Act; the
Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act; the Missouri Air Conservation
Law; the Missouri Clean Water Law
and the Missouri Hazardous Waste
Management Law
Bureau of Land Management
[LLORW00000 L102000000.ML0000
Notice of Public Meeting, Eastern
Washington Resource Advisory
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of public meeting
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) published a
document in the Federal Register of
February 28, 2013, regarding a meeting
of the Eastern Washington Resource
Advisory Council. The meeting on
March 21, 2013, has been cancelled
because of budget constraints due to the
DATES: March 21, 2013
cancelled meeting was scheduled for
VerDate Mar<14>2013
18:04 Mar 19, 2013
Jkt 229001
On March 14, 2013, the Department of
Justice and the State of Missouri lodged
with the United States District Court for
the Eastern District of Missouri a
consent decree in the lawsuit entitled
United States v. Teva Pharmaceuticals
USA, Inc. 2:13–cv–00027–HEA.
The lawsuit is a civil action brought
pursuant to the Clean Air Act, the
Missouri Air Conservation Law, the
Clean Water Act, the Missouri Clean
Water Law, the Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act, and the Missouri
Hazardous Waste Management Law. The
complaint seeks civil penalties and
injunctive relief against Teva
Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., for
violations of the requirements
applicable to hazardous air pollutants
and hazardous waste, and of
requirements applicable to Teva’s
PO 00000
Frm 00049
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Sfmt 9990
discharge of pollutants to a city-owned
wastewater treatment plant. The
violations occurred at a chemical
manufacturing facility located in
Mexico, Missouri.
The consent decree requires Teva to
pay a civil penalty of $2,250,000 and to
implement a series of projects and
changes at its Mexico Facility to bring
the facility into compliance and mitigate
its past violations. Among other things,
Teva will be required to develop a
pretreatment plan; conduct vacuum
stripping of wastewater streams to
remove methylene chloride; install an
automated diffused aeration rate system
in its wastewater treatment plant;
implement an enhanced leak detection
program; and establish an
Environmental Management System that
calls for environmental audits of its
This publication opens a period for
public comment on the Consent Decree.
You may submit comments to the
Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources
Division. The comments should refer to
United States v. Teva Pharmaceuticals
USA, Inc., D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–2–1–
09638. Comments must be submitted no
later than thirty (30) days after the
publication date of this notice. Forward
comments either by email or U.S. mail:
To submit comments:
[FR Doc. 2013–06331 Filed 3–19–13; 8:45 am]
Send them to:
By e-mail ..........
Assistant Attorney General,
Box 7611, Washington,
DC 20044–7611.
By U.S. mail .....
During the public comment period,
Consent Decree may be examined and
downloaded at this Justice Department
Web site:
Consent_Decrees.html. We will provide
a paper copy of the Consent Decree
upon written request and payment of
reproduction costs. Please mail your
request and payment to: Consent Decree
Library, U.S. DOJ—ENRD, P.O. Box
7611, Washington, DC 20044–7611.
Please enclose a check or money order
for $20.25 (25 cents per page
reproduction cost) payable to the United
States Treasury.
Robert M. Maher, Jr.,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
Enforcement Section, Environment and
Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 2013–06360 Filed 3–19–13; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 54 (Wednesday, March 20, 2013)]
[Pages 17227-17229]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-06331]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLWYD10000.L14300000.EU0000; WYW-161972; WYW-176935]
Notice of Intent To Amend the Snake River Resource Management
Plan for the Pinedale Field Office and Prepare an Associated
Environmental Assessment; and Notice of Realty Action: Classification
and Direct Sale of Public Land in Teton County, WY
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTIONS: Notice of Intent and Notice of Realty Action.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) of 1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management
Act (FLPMA) of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Pinedale Field Office, Pinedale, Wyoming, intends to prepare a Resource
Management Plan (RMP) amendment with an associated environmental
assessment (EA) for the Snake River RMP and by this notice is
announcing the beginning of the scoping process to solicit public
comments and identify issues. Three parcels of public land in Teton
County, Wyoming, are being classified as suitable for disposal under
the provisions of Section 203 of FLPMA and are being proposed for
direct sale at no less than the appraised fair market value.
DATES: This notice initiates the public scoping process for the RMP
amendment with the associated EA and segregates the three parcels from
operation of the public land laws as described below. Comments
regarding the proposed amendment, classification, or sale must be
received by the BLM at the address below no later than May 6, 2013. The
date(s) and location(s) of any scoping meetings will be announced at
least 15 days in advance through local news media and newspapers. In
order to be included in the analysis, all comments must be received
prior to the close of the 45-day scoping period or 30 days after the
last public meeting, whichever is later. We will provide additional
opportunities for public participation as appropriate.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on issues and planning criteria
related to the plan amendment and realty action by any of the following
Mail: Field Manager, Pinedale Field Office, P.O. Box 768,
1625 West Pine Street, Pinedale, WY 82941.
Email: with ``Snake River Amendment'' in
the subject line. Documents pertinent to this proposal may be examined
at the Pinedale Field Office at the above address.
Pinedale Field Office, 1625 West Pine Street, Pinedale, WY 82941;
telephone 307-367-5342; email Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to contact the above
individual during normal business hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message or question with the above
individual. You will receive a reply during normal business hours.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This document provides notice that the BLM
Wyoming Pinedale Field Office intends to prepare an RMP amendment with
an associated EA for the Snake River RMP, announces the beginning of
the scoping process, and seeks public input on issues and planning
criteria. The three parcels are located in Teton County, Wyoming, and
encompass approximately 2.01 acres of public land. The purpose of the
public scoping process is to determine relevant issues that will
influence the scope of the environmental analysis, including
alternatives, and guide the planning process. Preliminary issues for
the plan
[[Page 17228]]
amendment area have been identified by BLM personnel; Federal, state
and local agencies; and other stakeholders. The issues include:
revision of disposal language to include private individuals as well as
governmental entities.
The BLM is proposing to amend the April 5, 2004 Snake River RMP to
identify and allow for the direct sale of three surveyed parcels of
public land totaling 2.01 acres located in Teton County, Wyoming, near
Jackson. The three parcels that comprise the subject of the plan
amendment and are described as:
Sixth Principal Meridian
T. 40 N., R. 116 W., (Parcel 1, 0.13 acres)
sec. 34, lot 14.
T. 40 N., R. 117 W., (Parcel 2, 0.82 acres)
sec. 25, lot 14.
T. 41 N., R 117 W., (Parcel 3, 1.06 acres)
Tract 46B.
Under Section 203 of the FLPMA, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1713), if the
BLM determines that the three parcels of public land are suitable for
disposal, then the BLM may propose to offer them for direct sale at the
appraised fair market value.
To resolve unintentional unauthorized uses, including residences
and agricultural buildings, Parcel 1 is proposed for direct sale to
adjacent landowner Sewell Partners and 2 is proposed for direct sale to
adjacent landowner Evans Land & Cattle Company. These parcels are the
minimum size possible to ensure that all the improvements are included,
but also to ensure that the parcels cannot be resold or used as
building sites unto themselves. The appraised fair market value for
Parcel 1 is $4,200 and Parcel 2 is $3,500. Parcel 3 is proposed for
direct sale to TSR Limited because its inaccessible location makes it
difficult and uneconomical for the BLM to manage and it is not suitable
for management by another agency. An appraisal will be completed on
Parcel 3 at a later date.
A direct sale to resolve unintentional trespass is consistent with
the objectives, goals and decision of the BLM Snake River RMP. A direct
sale to dispose of a tract of land that is difficult and uneconomical
for the BLM to manage, and is not suitable for management by another
government agency, is also consistent with the objectives, goals and
decision of the BLM Snake River RMP.
In accordance with 43 CFR 2710.0-6(c)(3)(iii) and 43 CFR 2711.3-
3(a), direct sale procedures are appropriate to resolve an inadvertent,
unauthorized occupancy of the land or to protect existing equities in
the land. The sales, when completed, would protect the improvements
involved and resolve the inadvertent encroachment on two parcels and
eliminate a difficult management situation on another. The three
parcels of land are not required for other Federal purposes and do not
contain other known public values. Conveyance of the identified public
lands will be subject to valid existing rights and encumbrances of
record, including, but not limited to, rights-of-way for roads and
public utilities. The patent will include an appropriate
indemnification claim protecting the United States from claims arising
out of the patentee's use occupancy or occupations on the patented
lands. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is given by the
United States as to the title, physical condition, or potential uses of
the parcels of land proposed for sale. The BLM will retain all mineral
Upon publication of this notice in the Federal Register, the lands
will be segregated from all forms of appropriation under the public
land laws, including the general mining laws, except for conveyance
under the FLPMA and leasing under the mineral leasing laws. Until
completion of the sale, the BLM will no longer accept land use
applications affecting the identified public land, except applications
for the amendment of previously filed right-of-way applications or
existing authorizations to increase the term of the grants, in
accordance with 43 CFR 2807.15 and 2886.15. This segregative effect
will end upon issuance of the patent, publication in the Federal
Register of a termination of the segregation, or March 20, 2015, unless
extended by the BLM State Director in accordance with 43 CFR 2711.1-
2(d) prior to the termination date.
The following reservations, rights, and conditions would be
included in the patent that may be issued for the above parcels of
public land:
1. A reservation of all minerals to the United States;
2. A right-of-way thereon for ditches or canals constructed by the
authority of the United States pursuant to the Act of August 30, 1890
(43 U.S.C. 945); and
3. All valid existing rights of record, including those documented
on the official public land records at the time of patent issuance.
Detailed information concerning these actions is available for
review at the address above during normal business hours, 7:45 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays.
You may submit comments on issues and planning criteria regarding
the RMP amendment process, as well as written comments concerning the
lands being considered for sale, including notification of any
encumbrances or other claims relating to the identified lands in
writing to the BLM at any public scoping meeting, or you may submit
them to the BLM using one of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES
section above. To be most helpful, you should submit comments by the
close of the 45-day scoping period or within 30 days after the last
public meeting, whichever is later.
The BLM will use the NEPA public participation requirements to
assist the agency in satisfying the public involvement requirements
under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) (16
U.S.C. 470(f)) pursuant to 36 CFR 800.2(d)(3). The information about
historic and cultural resources within the area potentially affected by
the proposed action will assist the BLM in identifying and evaluating
impacts to such resources in the context of both NEPA and Section 106
of the NHPA.
The BLM will consult with Indian tribes on a government-to-
government basis in accordance with Executive Order 13175 and other
policies. Tribal concerns, including impacts on Indian trust assets and
potential impacts to cultural resources, will be given due
consideration. Federal, state, and local agencies, along with tribes
and other stakeholders that may be interested in or affected by the
proposed action that the BLM is evaluating, are invited to participate
in the scoping process and, if eligible, may request or be requested by
the BLM to participate in the development of the environmental analysis
as a cooperating agency. The minutes and list of attendees for each
scoping meeting will be available to the public and open for 30 days
after the meeting to any participant who wishes to clarify the views he
or she expressed. The BLM will evaluate identified issues to be
addressed in the plan and will place them into one of three categories:
1. Issues to be resolved in the plan amendment;
2. Issues to be resolved through policy or administrative action;
3. Issues beyond the scope of this plan amendment.
The BLM will provide an explanation in the Draft RMP Amendment/
Draft EA as to why an issue was placed in category two or three. The
public is also encouraged to help identify any management questions and
concerns that should be addressed in the plan. The BLM will work
collaboratively with interested parties to identify the management
decisions that are best
[[Page 17229]]
suited to local, regional, and national needs and concerns.
The BLM will use an interdisciplinary approach to develop the plan
amendment in order to consider the variety of resource issues and
concerns identified. Specialists with expertise in the following
disciplines will be involved in the planning process: Rangeland
management, minerals and geology, forestry, outdoor recreation,
archaeology, paleontology, wildlife and fisheries, lands and realty,
hydrology, soils, sociology, and economics.
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so. Any adverse comments will be reviewed by the State
Director, who may sustain, vacate, or modify this realty action. In the
absence of timely filed objections, this realty action will become the
final determination of the Department of the Interior.
Authority: 43 CFR 2711.1-2(a), 40 CFR 1501.7 and 43 CFR 1610.2
Dated: January 10, 2013.
Donald A. Simpson,
State Director, Wyoming.
[FR Doc. 2013-06331 Filed 3-19-13; 8:45 am]