Excepted Service, 16713-16715 [2013-06123]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 52 / Monday, March 18, 2013 / Notices 552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6) of Title 5 U.S.C., as amended. I have made this determination pursuant to the authority granted me by the Chairman’s Delegation of Authority to Close Advisory Committee Meetings dated July 19, 1993. Dated: March 13, 2013. Lisette Voyatzis, Committee Management Officer. [FR Doc. 2013–06190 Filed 3–15–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7536–01–P NUCLEAR WASTE TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Board Meeting; April 16, 2013; Richland, WA The U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board will meet to discuss DOE work on the vitrified HLW waste form for disposal in a repository. Pursuant to its authority under section 5051 of Public Law 100–203, Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1987, The U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board will hold an open public meeting in Richland, Washington, on Tuesday, April 16, 2013, to review information on U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) activities related to vitrifying high-level radioactive waste (HLW) stored at the Hanford facility in preparation for eventual disposal in a deep geologic repository. State, local, and regional public organizations have been invited to provide their perspectives on the most important technical issues associated with disposal of wastes from the Hanford site. Also discussed will be the Administration’s recent response to recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future and DOE’s work related to the potential direct disposal in a deep geologic repository of existing SNF storage containers used at commercial nuclear utility sites. The Board is a completely independent agency in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. The Board was created in the 1987 Amendments to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) to conduct an ongoing and objective evaluation of the technical and scientific validity of DOE activities related to implementing the NWPA, including transporting, packaging, and disposing of SNF and HLW. The 1987 Act directs the Board to report its findings, conclusions, and recommendations to Congress and the Secretary of Energy. The Board’s statutorily established technical purview does not include the safety or VerDate Mar<14>2013 15:16 Mar 15, 2013 Jkt 229001 operations of DOE-owned facilities or the management or disposal of low-level radioactive waste. The Board’s technical and scientific review of DOE activities at the Hanford facility is focused primarily on the vitrified waste form, which eventually will require disposal in a deep geologic repository. The Board meeting will be held at the Marriott Courtyard, 480 Columbia Point Drive, Richland, WA 99352; Tel 509– 942–9400, Fax 509–942–9401. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Marriott Courtyard for meeting attendees. Reservations can be made online at https://cwp.marriott.com/ psccy/technicalreviewboard. Reservations must be made by March 22, 2013 to ensure receiving the meeting rate. The reservation Group Name is ‘‘U.S. Nuclear Waste;’’ the Group Code is NWRG. The meeting will begin at 8:00 a.m. with a call to order by the Board Chairman, followed by a welcome from DOE’s Office of River Protection. A presentation that includes a broad overview of the responsibilities and objectives of DOE’s Office of Environmental Management will precede a discussion of vitrification of HLW as a complex-wide waste management practice. A series of presentations and a panel discussion of technical experience with vitrification will follow. The last discussion before the lunch break will wrap up the technical presentations on vitrification, focusing on DOE’s research and development programs related to waste forms. A panel composed of representatives of affected state, local, and regional organizations will kick off the discussions on Tuesday afternoon. The panel members will present their views on the most important technical issues associated with the eventual disposal of HLW and SNF stored at the Hanford site. The panel discussion will be followed by a non-Hanford-related update on analyses being performed by DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy on the potential for directly disposing of existing SNF storage canisters used by commercial nuclear utilities in a deep geologic repository. The last presentation of the day will be on DOE’s Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste. At the end of the day, an opportunity for public comment will be provided. Those wanting to speak during the public comments session are encouraged to sign the ‘‘Public Comment Register’’ at the check-in table. It may be necessary to set a time limit on individual remarks, but written PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 16713 comments of any length may be submitted for the record. A detailed meeting agenda will be available on the Board’s Web site: www.nwtrb.gov approximately one week before the meeting. The agenda also may be obtained by telephone request at that time. Transcripts of the meeting will be available no later than May 10, 2013, on the Board’s Web site, by email, on computer disk, and in paper format on library-loan from Davonya Barnes of the Board’s staff. For information on the meeting, contact Karyn Severson at severson@nwtrb.gov. For information on lodging or logistics, contact Linda Coultry: coultry@nwtrb.gov. Both can be reached by mail at 2300 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 1300; Arlington, VA 22201–3367; by telephone at 703–235– 4473; or by fax at 703–235–4495. Dated: March 12, 2013. Nigel Mote, Executive Director, U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board. [FR Doc. 2013–06024 Filed 3–15–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6820–AM–M OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Excepted Service U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to single agencies that were established or revoked from January 1, 2013, to January 31, 2013. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Senior Executive Resources Services, Senior Executive Service and Performance Management, Employee Services, 202–606–2246. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 213.103, Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities that are available for use by all agencies are codified in the (CFR). Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency are not codified in the CFR, but the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) publishes a notice of agency-specific authorities established or revoked each month in the Federal Register at www.gpo.gov/fdsys/. OPM also publishes annually a consolidated listing of all Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities current as of June 30 as a notice in the Federal Register. SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\18MRN1.SGM 18MRN1 16714 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 52 / Monday, March 18, 2013 / Notices Schedule A Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program, the Federal Maritime Administration’s Title XI Program, and the Office of the Secretary’s Office of Budget and Programs Credit Staff. This authority may be used to make temporary, timelimited, or permanent appointments, as the DOT deems appropriate, in the following occupational series: Director or Deputy Director SL–301/340, Origination Team Lead SL–301, Deputy Director/Senior Financial Analyst GS– 1160, Origination Financial Policy Advisor GS–301, Credit Budgeting Team Lead GS–1160, Credit Budgeting The following Schedule A authority was approved in January 2013: 94. Department of the Transportation (Sch. A, 213.3194) (f) Up to 40 positions at the GS–13 through 15 grade levels and within authorized senior-level (SL) allocations necessary to support the following credit agency programs of the Department: The Federal Highway Administration’s Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program, the Federal Railroad Administration’s Railroad Financial Analysts GS–1160, Portfolio Monitoring Lead SL–1160, Portfolio Monitoring Financial Analyst GS–1160, Financial Analyst GS–1160. No new appointments may be made under this authority after December 31, 2014. Schedule B No schedule B authorities to report during January 2013. Schedule C The following Schedule C appointing authorities were approved during January 2013: Authorization No. Agency name Organization name Position title DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE .. COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ....... Office of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations. Office of Executive Secretariat ...... Council on Environmental Quality Special Assistant ............................ DA130022 1/25/2013 Confidential Assistant .................... Special Assistant Land and Water Ecosystems. Speechwriter (2) ............................. DC130017 EQ130001 1/4/2013 1/29/2013 DD130025 1/11/2013 DD130026 DD130031 1/18/2013 1/25/2013 DB120098 1/11/2013 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ........... OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. DEPARTMENT OF STATE ............ Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs). Office of Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Policy. Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development. Special Assistant for Policy ........... Effective date Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Policy Development. Confidential Assistant .................... Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communication Development. Special Assistant ............................ Press Secretary ............................. DB120101 DB130008 1/11/2013 1/17/2013 DB130011 EP130011 1/25/2013 1/24/2013 Confidential Assistant .................... HA130001 1/16/2013 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Office of the Secretary ................... Secretary’s Immediate Office ......... Director of Coverage Policy (Office of Health Reform). Confidential Assistant .................... Press Secretary ............................. DH130018 1/17/2013 DH130020 DI130007 1/24/2013 1/15/2013 Employment and Training Administration. Communications ............................ Policy Advisor ................................ DL130007 1/25/2013 Press Secretary ............................. BO130007 1/11/2013 Confidential Assistant .................... SE130002 1/11/2013 Deputy Press Secretary for the Office of Communications and Public Liaison. Deputy Assistant Secretary ........... SB130002 1/16/2013 DS130027 1/11/2013 Office of the Under Secretary ........ Office of Communications and Outreach. Office of the Under Secretary ........ Office of the Associate Administrator for External Affairs and Environmental Education. Federal Housing Finance Agency Division of Investment Management. Office of Communications and Public Liaison. Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES The following Schedule C appointing authorities were revoked during January 2013: Authorization No. Agency Organization Position title DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE .. Bureau of the Census .................... Director, Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Executive Assistant ........................ DC090123 1/5/2013 DC110120 1/13/2013 Senior Advisor ................................ DC110128 1/13/2013 Assistant Secretary and Director General for United States and Foreign Commercial Service. Office of the General Counsel ....... VerDate Mar<14>2013 15:16 Mar 15, 2013 Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18MRN1.SGM 18MRN1 Vacate date 16715 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 52 / Monday, March 18, 2013 / Notices Authorization No. Agency Organization Position title DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .. Office of the Under Secretary ........ DB110085 1/4/2013 DB100070 1/12/2013 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ........ Office of Innovation and Improvement. Office of the Secretary ................... Office of Public Affairs ................... Office of the Secretary ................... Office of Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs. Office of the Secretary ................... Director of the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Chief of Staff .................................. Special Assistant ............................ Deputy Director .............................. Special Advisor .............................. Special Assistant ............................ DB100060 DE120021 DE120067 DE120071 1/28/2013 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 1/11/2013 Deputy White House Liaison for Political Personnel, Boards and Commissions. Special Advisor to the General Counsel. Special Assistant ............................ DH120052 1/12/2013 DM110095 1/18/2013 DU110012 1/3/2013 Senior Counsel .............................. DJ100109 1/4/2013 Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. Legislative Liaison Specialist ......... Deputy Assistant Secretary ........... DL110040 1/28/2013 DS110052 DS100056 1/5/2013 1/24/2013 Deputy Press Secretary ................. EP120016 1/26/2013 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ......... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ........... DEPARTMENT OF STATE ............ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. Office of the General Counsel ....... Office of Housing ........................... Office of the Associate Attorney General. Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs. Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs ..... Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. Office of the Administrator ............. Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR, 1954–1958 Comp., p. 218. John Berry, Director, U.S. Office of Personnel Management. [FR Doc. 2013–06123 Filed 3–15–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6325–39–P OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT National Council on Federal LaborManagement Relations Meeting Office of Personnel Management. ACTION: Notice of meeting. AGENCY: The National Council on Federal Labor-Management Relations plans to meet on the following date— Wednesday, May 15, 2013. The meeting will start at 10 a.m. and will be held in Room 1350, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Street NW., Washington, DC 20415. Interested parties should consult the Council Web site at www.lmrcouncil.gov for the latest information on Council activities, including changes in meeting dates. The Council is an advisory body composed of representatives of Federal employee organizations, Federal management organizations, and senior government officials. The Council was established by Executive Order 13522, entitled, ‘‘Creating Labor-Management Forums to Improve Delivery of Government Services,’’ which was pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Mar<14>2013 15:16 Mar 15, 2013 Jkt 229001 signed by the President on December 9, 2009. Along with its other responsibilities, the Council assists in the implementation of Labor Management Forums throughout the government and makes recommendations to the President on innovative ways to improve delivery of services and products to the public while cutting costs and advancing employee interests. The Council is cochaired by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget. At its meetings, the Council will continue its work in promoting cooperative and productive relationships between labor and management in the executive branch, by carrying out the responsibilities and functions listed in Section 1(b) of the Executive Order. The meetings are open to the public. Please contact the Office of Personnel Management at the address shown below if you wish to present material to the Council at the meeting. The manner and time prescribed for presentations may be limited, depending upon the number of parties that express interest in presenting information. Tim Curry, Deputy Associate Director for Partnership and Labor Relations, Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Street NW., Room 7H28, Washington, DC 20415. Phone (202) 606–2930 or email at PLR@opm.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Vacate date For the National Council. John Berry, Director. [FR Doc. 2013–06124 Filed 3–15–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6325–39–P SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [Investment Company Act Release No. 30422; File No. 812–13976] Renaissance Capital Greenwich Funds, et al.; Notice of Application March 11, 2013. Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’). ACTION: Notice of an application for an order under section 6(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the ‘‘Act’’) for an exemption from sections 2(a)(32), 5(a)(1), 22(d), and 22(e) of the Act and rule 22c–1 under the Act, under sections 6(c) and 17(b) of the Act for an exemption from sections 17(a)(1) and 17(a)(2) of the Act, and under section 12(d)(1)(J) for an exemption from sections 12(d)(1)(A) and 12(d)(1)(B) of the Act. AGENCY: Summary of Application: Applicants request an order that would permit (a) series of certain open-end management investment companies to issue shares (‘‘Shares’’) redeemable in large aggregations only (‘‘Creation Units’’); (b) secondary market transactions in Shares to occur at negotiated market prices; (c) certain SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\18MRN1.SGM 18MRN1


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 52 (Monday, March 18, 2013)]
[Pages 16713-16715]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-06123]



Excepted Service

AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing 
authorities applicable to single agencies that were established or 
revoked from January 1, 2013, to January 31, 2013.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Senior Executive Resources Services, 
Senior Executive Service and Performance Management, Employee Services, 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with title 5 of the Code of 
Federal Regulations (CFR) 213.103, Schedule A, B, and C appointing 
authorities that are available for use by all agencies are codified in 
the (CFR). Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a 
single agency are not codified in the CFR, but the Office of Personnel 
Management (OPM) publishes a notice of agency-specific authorities 
established or revoked each month in the Federal Register at 
www.gpo.gov/fdsys/. OPM also publishes annually a consolidated listing 
of all Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities current as of June 
30 as a notice in the Federal Register.

[[Page 16714]]

Schedule A

    The following Schedule A authority was approved in January 2013:

94. Department of the Transportation (Sch. A, 213.3194)

    (f) Up to 40 positions at the GS-13 through 15 grade levels and 
within authorized senior-level (SL) allocations necessary to support 
the following credit agency programs of the Department: The Federal 
Highway Administration's Transportation Infrastructure Finance and 
Innovation Act Program, the Federal Railroad Administration's Railroad 
Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program, the Federal Maritime 
Administration's Title XI Program, and the Office of the Secretary's 
Office of Budget and Programs Credit Staff. This authority may be used 
to make temporary, time-limited, or permanent appointments, as the DOT 
deems appropriate, in the following occupational series: Director or 
Deputy Director SL-301/340, Origination Team Lead SL-301, Deputy 
Director/Senior Financial Analyst GS-1160, Origination Financial Policy 
Advisor GS-301, Credit Budgeting Team Lead GS-1160, Credit Budgeting 
Financial Analysts GS-1160, Portfolio Monitoring Lead SL-1160, 
Portfolio Monitoring Financial Analyst GS-1160, Financial Analyst GS-
1160. No new appointments may be made under this authority after 
December 31, 2014.

Schedule B

    No schedule B authorities to report during January 2013.

Schedule C

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were approved 
during January 2013:

            Agency name               Organization name        Position title           No.       Effective date
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.........  Office of the          Special Assistant....        DA130022       1/25/2013
                                     Assistant Secretary
                                     for Congressional
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE............  Office of Executive    Confidential                 DC130017        1/4/2013
                                     Secretariat.           Assistant.
COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY..  Council on             Special Assistant            EQ130001       1/29/2013
                                     Environmental          Land and Water
                                     Quality.               Ecosystems.
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.............  Office of Assistant    Speechwriter (2).....        DD130025       1/11/2013
                                     Secretary of Defense
                                     (Public Affairs).
                                                                                        DD130026       1/18/2013
                                    Office of Principal    Special Assistant for        DD130031       1/25/2013
                                     Deputy Under           Policy.
                                     Secretary for Policy.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION...........  Office of Planning,    Deputy Assistant             DB120098       1/11/2013
                                     Evaluation and         Secretary for
                                     Policy Development.    Planning and Policy
                                    Office of the Under    Confidential                 DB120101       1/11/2013
                                     Secretary.             Assistant.
                                    Office of              Deputy Assistant             DB130008       1/17/2013
                                     Communications and     Secretary for
                                     Outreach.              Communication
                                    Office of the Under    Special Assistant....        DB130011       1/25/2013
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY...  Office of the          Press Secretary......        EP130011       1/24/2013
                                     Administrator for
                                     External Affairs and
FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY....  Federal Housing        Confidential                 HA130001       1/16/2013
                                     Finance Agency.        Assistant.
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN      Office of the          Director of Coverage         DH130018       1/17/2013
 SERVICES.                           Assistant Secretary    Policy (Office of
                                     for Planning and       Health Reform).
                                    Office of the          Confidential                 DH130020       1/24/2013
                                     Secretary.             Assistant.
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR........  Secretary's Immediate  Press Secretary......        DI130007       1/15/2013
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...............  Employment and         Policy Advisor.......        DL130007       1/25/2013
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET...  Communications.......  Press Secretary......        BO130007       1/11/2013
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION  Division of            Confidential                 SE130002       1/11/2013
                                     Investment             Assistant.
SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION.....  Office of              Deputy Press                 SB130002       1/16/2013
                                     Communications and     Secretary for the
                                     Public Liaison.        Office of
                                                            Communications and
                                                            Public Liaison.
DEPARTMENT OF STATE...............  Bureau of East Asian   Deputy Assistant             DS130027       1/11/2013
                                     and Pacific Affairs.   Secretary.

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were revoked during 
January 2013:

              Agency                     Organization          Position title           No.         Vacate date
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE............  Bureau of the Census.  Director, Office of          DC090123        1/5/2013
                                                            Faith Based and
                                    Assistant Secretary    Executive Assistant..        DC110120       1/13/2013
                                     and Director General
                                     for United States
                                     and Foreign
                                     Commercial Service.
                                    Office of the General  Senior Advisor.......        DC110128       1/13/2013

[[Page 16715]]

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION...........  Office of the Under    Director of the White        DB110085        1/4/2013
                                     Secretary.             House Initiative on
                                                            Historically Black
                                                            Colleges and
                                    Office of Innovation   Chief of Staff.......        DB100070       1/12/2013
                                     and Improvement.
                                    Office of the          Special Assistant....        DB100060       1/28/2013
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY..............  Office of Public       Deputy Director......        DE120021       1/11/2013
                                    Office of the          Special Advisor......        DE120067       1/11/2013
                                    Office of Assistant    Special Assistant....        DE120071       1/11/2013
                                     Secretary for Policy
                                     and International
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN      Office of the          Deputy White House           DH120052       1/12/2013
 SERVICES.                           Secretary.             Liaison for
                                                            Political Personnel,
                                                            Boards and
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY...  Office of the General  Special Advisor to           DM110095       1/18/2013
                                     Counsel.               the General Counsel.
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN     Office of Housing....  Special Assistant....        DU110012        1/3/2013
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.............  Office of the          Senior Counsel.......        DJ100109        1/4/2013
                                     Associate Attorney
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...............  Office of              Deputy Director of           DL110040       1/28/2013
                                     Congressional and      Intergovernmental
                                     Intergovernmental      Affairs.
DEPARTMENT OF STATE...............  Bureau of Near         Legislative Liaison          DS110052        1/5/2013
                                     Eastern Affairs.       Specialist.
                                    Bureau of Western      Deputy Assistant             DS100056       1/24/2013
                                     Hemisphere Affairs.    Secretary.
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY...  Office of the          Deputy Press                 EP120016       1/26/2013
                                     Administrator.         Secretary.

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 
Comp., p. 218.

John Berry,
Director, U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
[FR Doc. 2013-06123 Filed 3-15-13; 8:45 am]
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