Airworthiness Directives; Sikorsky Aircraft-Manufactured Model S-64F Helicopters, 15599-15602 [2013-05503]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 12, 2013 / Rules and Regulations which, although recognizable, appears cumbersome. Honeywell suggested that, ‘‘Rated limited use 21⁄2-minute OEI’’ could be a better definition that would still distinguish it from the existing unlimited use of the 30-second, 2minute, and 21⁄2-minute OEI ratings. We do not agree. The applicant requested the new rating be named in closer relation with the 30-second and 2-minute OEI ratings for consistency across existing engine models and to align the new rating with the 30-second and 2-minute-OEI ratings at the rotorcraft level. We agree with the applicant’s proposed name. We also do not agree with the commenter that the 30-second and 2-minute OEI ratings are ‘‘unlimited use.’’ These ratings are limited to a maximum use of 3 times per flight and require post-flight inspection, per 14 CFR 1.1, Definitions. documents, the following definition applies: ‘‘Rated Flat 30-second and 2minute One Engine Inoperative (OEI) Power,’’ with respect to rotorcraft turbine engines, means: (1) A rating for which the shaft horsepower and associated operating limitations of the 30-second OEI and 2-minute OEI ratings are equal, and (2) the shaft horsepower is that developed under static conditions at the altitude and temperature for the hot day, and within the operating limitations established under part 33. The rating is for continuation of one flight operation after the failure or shutdown of one engine in multiengine rotorcraft. The rating is for up to three periods of use no longer than 2.5 minutes each in any one flight, and followed by mandatory inspection and prescribed maintenance action. Applicability These special conditions are applicable to the GE CT7–2E1 turboshaft engine model. If GE applies later for a change to the type certificate, to include another closely related model incorporating the same novel or unusual design feature, these special conditions would apply to that model, as well. This is true, provided the certification basis is the same or contains later amendments that satisfy the certification basis discussed in the section titled, ‘‘Type Certification Basis.’’ 2. Part 33 Requirements (a) In addition to the airworthiness standards in the type certification basis applicable to the engine and the 30second and 2-minute OEI ratings, the special conditions in this section apply. (b) Section 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations. Flat 30-second and 2-minute OEI rating and operating limitations are established by power, torque, rotational speed, gas temperature, and time duration. (c) Section 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbosupercharger rotor overspeed. In addition to the requirements of § 33.27(b): (1) The turbine and compressor rotors must have sufficient strength to withstand the test conditions specified in paragraph (2) below. (2) The applicant must determine, by analysis or other acceptable means, the most critically stressed rotor component of each turbine and compressor, including integral drum rotors and centrifugal compressors. These components must be tested for the conditions in paragraphs (i) or (ii) below. The test selection from the following paragraphs (i) or (ii) below is determined by the speed defined in paragraph (i)(B) or (ii)(B), whichever is higher. (i) Test for a period of 5 minutes: (A) At its maximum operating temperature, except as provided in § 33.27(c)(2)(iv); and (B) At the highest speed determined, in accordance with § 33.27(c)(2)(i) through (iv). (C) This test may be performed using a separate test vehicle as desired. (ii) Test for a period of 5 minutes: (A) At its maximum operating temperature, except as provided in paragraph (ii)(C) below; and Conclusion We reviewed the available data and determined that air safety and the public interest require adopting these special conditions. This action affects certain novel or unusual design features on the CT7–2E1 turboshaft engine model. It is not a rule of general applicability and applies only to GE, whom requested FAA approval for this engine feature. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 33 Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety. The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows: pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704. The Special Conditions Accordingly, the FAA issues the following special conditions as part of the type certification basis for the GE CT7–2E1 turboshaft engine model. 1. Part 1 Definitions Unless otherwise approved by the Administrator and documented in the appropriate manuals and certification VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:38 Mar 11, 2013 Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 15599 (B) At 100 percent of the highest speed that would result from failure of the most critical component of each turbine and compressor, or system, in a representative installation of the engine when operating at the flat 30-second and 2-minute OEI rating conditions; and (C) The test speed must take into account minimum material properties, maximum operating temperature, if not tested at that temperature, and the most adverse dimensional tolerances. (D) This test may be performed using a separate test vehicle as desired. Following the test, rotor growth and distress beyond dimensional limits for an overspeed condition are permitted provided the structural integrity of the rotor is maintained, as shown by a procedure acceptable to the FAA. (d) Section 33.67(d) Fuel system. Engines must incorporate a means, or a provision for a means, for automatic availability and automatic control of the flat 30-second and 2-minute OEI power for the duration of 2.5 minutes and within the declared operating limitations. (e) Section 33.87 Endurance test. The requirements applicable to 30-second and 2-minute OEI ratings, except for: (1) The test of § 33.87(a)(7) as applicable to the 21⁄2-minute OEI rating. (2) The tests in § 33.87(f)(2) and (3) must be run continuously for the duration of 2.5 minutes, and (3) The tests in § 33.87(f)(6) and (7) must be run continuously for the duration of 2.5 minutes. (f) Section 33.88 Engine overtemperature test. The requirements of § 33.88(c), except that the test time is 5 minutes instead of 4 minutes. Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts on March 4, 2013. Robert J. Ganley, Acting Manager, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. 2013–05676 Filed 3–11–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA–2012–0689; Directorate Identifier 2009–SW–065–AD; Amendment 39–17301; AD 2012–26–06] RIN 2120–AA64 Airworthiness Directives; Sikorsky Aircraft-Manufactured Model S–64F Helicopters Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. AGENCY: E:\FR\FM\12MRR1.SGM 12MRR1 15600 ACTION: Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 12, 2013 / Rules and Regulations Final rule. We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Sikorsky Aircraft Corporationmanufactured Model S–64F helicopters, now under the Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated (Erickson) Model S–64F type certificate. This AD supersedes an existing AD which requires inspections, rework, and replacement, if necessary, of the main gearbox (MGB) second stage lower planetary plate (plate). Since we issued that AD, the manufacturer has conducted a configuration review and analysis, and a review of the service history of certain components. The actions of this AD are intended to establish life limits for certain components, remove various parts from service, and require consistency in the part numbers of certain four bladed tail rotor (T/R) assemblies to prevent fatigue cracking, failure from static overload, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter. DATES: This AD is effective April 16, 2013. ADDRESSES: For service information identified in this AD, contact Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated, ATTN: Chris Erickson/Compliance Officer, 3100 Willow Springs Rd., P.O. Box 3247, Central Point, OR 97502, telephone (541) 664–5544, fax (541) 664–2312, email address You may review a copy of the referenced service information at the FAA, Office of the Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort Worth, Texas 76137. pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES SUMMARY: Examining the AD Docket You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at https:// or in person at the Docket Operations Office between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD docket contains this AD, any incorporated-by-reference service information, the economic evaluation, any comments received, and other information. The street address for the Docket Operations Office (phone: 800– 647–5527) is U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations Office, M–30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Kohner, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, Rotorcraft Directorate, Rotorcraft Certification Office, Fort Worth, Texas 76137, telephone (817) 222–5170, email SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:38 Mar 11, 2013 Jkt 229001 Discussion On June 29, 2012, at 77 FR 38744, the Federal Register published our notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM), which proposed to amend 14 CFR part 39 to include an AD that would apply to Sikorsky Aircraft Corporationmanufactured Model S–64F helicopters, now under the Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated Model S–64F type certificate. That NPRM proposed to supersede existing AD 97–10–15 (62 FR 28321, May 23, 1997), to require reducing or establishing the life limits for certain flight-critical components, removing other parts with service difficulties from service, and require that T/R blade assembly, P/N 65160– 00001–048, be installed only as a set of four and not be installed with another part-numbered blade. The proposed requirements were intended to prevent a fatigue crack in a flight critical component, which could result in component failure from static overload and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter. Comments We gave the public the opportunity to participate in developing this AD, but we did not receive any comments on the NPRM (77 FR 38744, June 29, 2012). hours, for a cost per helicopter of $170 and a fleet cost of $1,190. • Replacing the rotary rudder spindle assembly will require 10 work-hours and a parts cost of $2,787, for a cost per helicopter of $3,637 and a fleet cost of $25,459. • Replacing the plate will require 40 work-hours and a parts cost of $43,750, for a cost per helicopter of $47,150 and a fleet cost of $330,050. • Replacing the main servo bracket assembly will require 2 work-hours and a parts cost of $5,223, for a cost per helicopter of $5,393 and a fleet cost of $37,751. • Replacing the primary servo link assembly of the M/R tandem servo will require 10 work-hours and a parts cost of $14,533, for a cost per helicopter of $15,383 and a fleet cost of $107,681. • Replacing the T/R shoulder bolt will require 10 work-hours and a parts cost of $571, for a cost per helicopter of $1,421 and a fleet cost of $9,947. • Replacing the T/R Blade Assembly will require 8 work-hours and a parts cost of $125,765 for a cost per helicopter of $126,445 and a fleet cost of $885,115. • The total cost to replace the parts that are required to be removed from service is estimated to be $199,599 per helicopter and a fleet cost of $1,397,193. Related Service Information Erickson Service Bulletin No. 64F General-1, Rev. 17, contains the Airworthiness Limitations Schedule for the Model S–64F helicopter and lists the parts and assemblies with their specified retirement lives. Authority for This Rulemaking Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA’s authority to issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, section 106, describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII: Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the Agency’s authority. We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701: ‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this rulemaking action. Costs of Compliance We estimate that this AD will affect 7 helicopters of U.S. Registry and estimate, at an average labor rate of $85 per hour, the following costs for removing from service the parts listed in Table 2 of this AD: • Reviewing helicopter records to determine if an affected part is installed will require approximately 2 work- Regulatory Findings This AD will not have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. FAA’s Determination We have reviewed the relevant information and determined that an unsafe condition exists and is likely to exist or develop on other helicopters of the same type design and that air safety and the public interest require adopting the AD requirements as proposed except for minor editorial changes to meet current publication requirements. These minor editorial changes are consistent with the intent of the proposals in the NPRM (77 FR 38744, June 29, 2012) and will not increase the economic burden on any operator nor increase the scope of the AD. PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\12MRR1.SGM 12MRR1 15601 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 12, 2013 / Rules and Regulations For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD: (1) Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; (2) Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); (3) Will not affect intrastate aviation in Alaska to the extent that it justifies making a regulatory distinction; and (4) Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. We prepared an economic evaluation of the estimated costs to comply with this AD and placed it in the AD docket. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by reference, Safety. Adoption of the Amendment Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the FAA amends 14 CFR part 39 as follows: PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES 1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701. § 39.13 [Amended] 2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by removing Amendment 39–10028 (62 FR 28321, May 23, 1997) and adding the following new airworthiness directive (AD): ■ 2012–26–06 ERICKSON AIR-CRANE INCORPORATED: Amendment 39– 17301; Docket No. FAA–2012–0689; Directorate Identifier 2009–SW–065–AD. (a) Applicability This AD applies to Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation-manufactured Model S–64F helicopters, now under the Erickson AirCrane Incorporated Model S–64F type certificate, certificated in any category. (b) Unsafe Condition This AD defines the unsafe condition as a fatigue crack in a flight critical component. This condition could result in component failure from static overload and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter. (c) Other Affected ADs This AD supersedes AD 97–10–15, Amendment 39–10028 (62 FR 28321, May 23, 1997). (d) Effective Date This AD becomes effective April 16, 2013. (e) Compliance You are responsible for performing each action required by this AD within the specified compliance time unless it has already been accomplished prior to that time. (f) Required Actions (1) Before further flight: (i) Remove from service any part with a number of hours time-in-service (TIS) equal to or greater than the part’s retirement life as stated in Table 1 to Paragraph (f) of this AD. TABLE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (f)—PARTS WITH NEW OR REVISED LIFE LIMITS Part name Part No. (P/N) Main Rotor (M/R) Blade Assembly ...................................................................................................... Main Transmission Support Beam Assembly, LH ............................................................................... Main Transmission Support Beam Assembly, RH ............................................................................... Left Splice Fitting (Transition Fitting), Rotary, Rudder Boom .............................................................. Right Splice Fitting (Transition Fitting), Rotary, Rudder Boom ........................................................... M/R Drive Shaft .................................................................................................................................... Pressure Plate Assembly, Rotary Wing Head ..................................................................................... Horn and Liner Assembly ..................................................................................................................... Lower Hub Plate Assembly .................................................................................................................. Horizontal Hinge Pin, Rotary Wing Head ............................................................................................ Damper Bracket Assembly, Rotary Wing Head ................................................................................... Hub Subassembly, Rotary Wing .......................................................................................................... Shaft Assembly, Pitch Control Tail Gearbox ....................................................................................... Rod End Assembly, Primary Servo Assembly ..................................................................................... Note 1 to Table 1 to Paragraph (f) of this AD: The list of parts in Table 1 to Paragraph (f) of this AD contains only a portion of the life-limited parts for this model helicopter and is not an all-inclusive list. (ii) Revise the retirement life of each part as shown in Table 1 to Paragraph (f) of this AD by making pen and ink changes or by inserting a copy of this AD into the Airworthiness Limitations section of the maintenance manual. (iii) Record on the component history card or equivalent record the retirement life for each part as shown in Table 1 to Paragraph (f) of this AD. 6415–20601–045 6420–62363–045 6420–62363–046 6420–66341–101 6420–66341–102 6435–20536–101 65101–11016–042 65102–11047–041 65103–11009–041 65103–11020–103 65103–11032–043 65103–11310–043 65358–07035–043 65652–11212–041 Retirement life 13,280 hours TIS. 9,300 hours TIS. 9,300 hours TIS. 8,300 hours TIS. 8,300 hours TIS. 2,200 hours TIS. 8,800 hours TIS. 1,140 hours TIS. 15,500 hours TIS. 5,100 hours TIS. 20,000 hours TIS. 21,600 hours TIS. 9,400 hours TIS. 20,800 hours TIS. (2) Before further flight, remove from service any part with a P/N listed in Table 2 to Paragraph (f) of this AD, regardless of the part’s TIS. The P/Ns listed in Table 2 to Paragraph (f) of this AD are not eligible for installation on any helicopter. TABLE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (f)—PARTS TO BE REMOVED FROM SERVICE Part name P/N Spindle Assembly, Rotary Rudder .................................................................................................................. Main Gearbox Second Stage Lower Planetary Plate ..................................................................................... pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES Bracket Assembly, Main Servo ....................................................................................................................... Primary Servo Link, Tandem Servo, M/R ....................................................................................................... Shoulder Bolt, Tail Rotor (T/R) ....................................................................................................................... T/R Blade Assembly ....................................................................................................................................... VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:38 Mar 11, 2013 Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\12MRR1.SGM 6410–30302–041. 6435–20516–101 or 102. 6435–20527–041 or 042. 6465–62161–042. 65111–07001–102. 65161–00001–041. 12MRR1 6435–20516– 6435–20527– 15602 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 12, 2013 / Rules and Regulations (3) Before further flight, if a T/R blade assembly, P/N 65160–00001–048, is installed, remove any of the other three T/R blade assemblies that have a different P/N and replace it with a T/R blade assembly, P/ N 65160–00001–048. The T/R blade assembly, P/N 65160–00001–048, must be installed in sets of four only. (g) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs) (1) The Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office, FAA, may approve AMOCs for this AD. Send your proposal to: Michael Kohner, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, Rotorcraft Directorate, Rotorcraft Certification Office, Fort Worth, Texas 76137, telephone (817) 222–5170, email (2) For operations conducted under a 14 CFR part 119 operating certificate or under 14 CFR part 91, subpart K, we suggest that you notify your principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the local flight standards district office or certificate holding district office before operating any aircraft complying with this AD through an AMOC. (h) Additional Information Erickson Service Bulletin No. 64F General1, Revision 17, dated August 17, 2010, which is not incorporated by reference, contains additional information about the subject of this AD. For service information identified in this AD, contact Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated, ATTN: Chris Erickson/ Compliance Officer, 3100 Willow Springs Rd, P.O. Box 3247, Central Point, OR 97502, telephone (541) 664–5544, fax (541) 664– 2312, email address You may review a copy of this information at the FAA, Office of the Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort Worth, Texas 76137. (i) Subject Joint Aircraft Service Component (JASC) Code: 6300: Main Rotor Drive System and 6400: Tail Rotor System. Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on March 1, 2013. Kim Smith, Directorate Manager, Rotorcraft Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. 2013–05503 Filed 3–11–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES 1. The authority citation for Part 11 continues to read as follows: ■ In accordance with the Commission’s regulations, the Commission, by its designee, the Executive Director, issues this annual update to the fee schedule which lists per-acre rental fees by county (or other geographic area) for use of government lands by hydropower licensees. DATES: This rule is effective March 12, 2013. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Norman Richardson, Financial Management Division, Office of the Executive Director, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502– 6219, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SUMMARY: Authority: 16 U.S.C. 792–828c; 42 U.S.C. 7101–7352. 2. Appendix A to Part 11 is added to read as follows: ■ APPENDIX A TO PART 11—FEE SCHEDULE FOR FY 2013 State County Alabama ............. Autauga .............. Baldwin ............... Barbour ............... Bibb .................... Blount ................. Bullock ................ Butler .................. Calhoun .............. Chambers ........... Cherokee ............ Chilton ................ Choctaw ............. Clarke ................. Clay .................... Cleburne ............. Coffee ................. Colbert ................ Conecuh ............. Coosa ................. Covington ........... Crenshaw ........... Cullman .............. Dale .................... Dallas ................. DeKalb ................ Elmore ................ Escambia ............ Etowah ............... Fayette ............... Franklin ............... Geneva ............... Greene ............... Hale .................... Henry .................. Houston .............. Jackson .............. Jefferson ............. Lamar ................. Lauderdale ......... Lawrence ............ Lee ..................... Limestone ........... Lowndes ............. Macon ................. Madison .............. Marengo ............. Marion ................ Marshall .............. Mobile ................. Monroe ............... Montgomery ....... Morgan ............... Perry ................... Pickens ............... Pike .................... Randolph ............ Russell ................ St. Clair .............. Shelby ................ Sumter ................ Talladega ............ Tallapoosa .......... Tuscaloosa ......... Walker ................ Washington ........ Wilcox ................. Winston .............. Aleutian Islands Chain. 142 FERC ¶ 62,166 Issued February 27, 2013. Section 11.2 of the Commission’s regulations provides a method for computing reasonable annual charges for recompensing the United States for the use, occupancy, and enjoyment of its lands by hydropower licensees.1 Annual charges for the use of government lands are payable in advance, and are based on an annual schedule of per-acre rental fees published in Appendix A to Part 11 of the Commission’s regulations.2 This document updates the fee schedule in Appendix A to Part 11 for fiscal year 2013 (October 1, 2012, through September 30, 2013). Effective Date This Final Rule is effective March 12, 2013. The provisions of 5 U.S.C. 804, regarding Congressional review of final rules, do not apply to this Final Rule because the rule concerns agency procedure and practice and will not substantially affect the rights or obligations of non-agency parties. This Final Rule merely updates the fee schedule published in the Code of Federal Regulations to reflect scheduled adjustments, as provided for in section 11.2 of the Commission’s regulations. By the Director. Anton C. Porter, Director, Office of the Executive Director. 18 CFR Part 11 [Docket No. RM11–6–000] Annual Update to Fee Schedule for the Use of Government Lands by Hydropower Licensees Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, DOE. AGENCY: 14:38 Mar 11, 2013 PART 11—[AMENDED] List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 11 Public lands. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission VerDate Mar<15>2010 Final rule; annual update to fee schedule. ACTION: Jkt 229001 In consideration of the foregoing, the Commission amends Chapter I, Title 18, Code of Federal Regulations, as follows. 1 Annual Charges for the Use of Government Lands, Order No. 774, 78 FR 5256 (January 25, 2013), FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,341 (2013). 2 18 CFR Part 11 (2012). PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Alaska ................. E:\FR\FM\12MRR1.SGM 12MRR1 Fee/acre/Yr $53.06 89.12 48.00 61.16 87.24 55.08 58.11 86.56 49.30 59.31 75.66 46.85 44.72 63.88 83.84 59.17 58.82 49.98 56.88 61.08 58.08 101.36 57.51 44.94 94.36 71.03 57.43 82.01 46.33 57.56 56.31 42.14 49.85 49.49 57.92 57.45 93.62 38.84 63.48 70.94 82.09 72.47 44.45 51.29 72.96 45.68 54.86 101.03 87.13 48.84 53.09 77.98 43.58 51.13 59.09 66.04 59.58 96.10 101.11 39.30 63.37 67.48 67.32 68.49 57.62 37.67 70.53 1.52


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 48 (Tuesday, March 12, 2013)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 15599-15602]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-05503]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2012-0689; Directorate Identifier 2009-SW-065-AD; 
Amendment 39-17301; AD 2012-26-06]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Sikorsky Aircraft-Manufactured Model S-
64F Helicopters

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

[[Page 15600]]

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for 
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation-manufactured Model S-64F helicopters, now 
under the Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated (Erickson) Model S-64F type 
certificate. This AD supersedes an existing AD which requires 
inspections, rework, and replacement, if necessary, of the main gearbox 
(MGB) second stage lower planetary plate (plate). Since we issued that 
AD, the manufacturer has conducted a configuration review and analysis, 
and a review of the service history of certain components. The actions 
of this AD are intended to establish life limits for certain 
components, remove various parts from service, and require consistency 
in the part numbers of certain four bladed tail rotor (T/R) assemblies 
to prevent fatigue cracking, failure from static overload, and 
subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.

DATES: This AD is effective April 16, 2013.

ADDRESSES: For service information identified in this AD, contact 
Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated, ATTN: Chris Erickson/Compliance 
Officer, 3100 Willow Springs Rd., P.O. Box 3247, Central Point, OR 
97502, telephone (541) 664-5544, fax (541) 664-2312, email address You may review a copy of the referenced 
service information at the FAA, Office of the Regional Counsel, 
Southwest Region, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort Worth, Texas 

Examining the AD Docket

    You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at or in person at the Docket Operations Office 
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
holidays. The AD docket contains this AD, any incorporated-by-reference 
service information, the economic evaluation, any comments received, 
and other information. The street address for the Docket Operations 
Office (phone: 800-647-5527) is U.S. Department of Transportation, 
Docket Operations Office, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-
140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Kohner, Aviation Safety 
Engineer, FAA, Rotorcraft Directorate, Rotorcraft Certification Office, 
Fort Worth, Texas 76137, telephone (817) 222-5170, email



    On June 29, 2012, at 77 FR 38744, the Federal Register published 
our notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM), which proposed to amend 14 
CFR part 39 to include an AD that would apply to Sikorsky Aircraft 
Corporation-manufactured Model S-64F helicopters, now under the 
Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated Model S-64F type certificate. That NPRM 
proposed to supersede existing AD 97-10-15 (62 FR 28321, May 23, 1997), 
to require reducing or establishing the life limits for certain flight-
critical components, removing other parts with service difficulties 
from service, and require that T/R blade assembly, P/N 65160-00001-048, 
be installed only as a set of four and not be installed with another 
part-numbered blade. The proposed requirements were intended to prevent 
a fatigue crack in a flight critical component, which could result in 
component failure from static overload and subsequent loss of control 
of the helicopter.


    We gave the public the opportunity to participate in developing 
this AD, but we did not receive any comments on the NPRM (77 FR 38744, 
June 29, 2012).

FAA's Determination

    We have reviewed the relevant information and determined that an 
unsafe condition exists and is likely to exist or develop on other 
helicopters of the same type design and that air safety and the public 
interest require adopting the AD requirements as proposed except for 
minor editorial changes to meet current publication requirements. These 
minor editorial changes are consistent with the intent of the proposals 
in the NPRM (77 FR 38744, June 29, 2012) and will not increase the 
economic burden on any operator nor increase the scope of the AD.

Related Service Information

    Erickson Service Bulletin No. 64F General-1, Rev. 17, contains the 
Airworthiness Limitations Schedule for the Model S-64F helicopter and 
lists the parts and assemblies with their specified retirement lives.

Costs of Compliance

    We estimate that this AD will affect 7 helicopters of U.S. Registry 
and estimate, at an average labor rate of $85 per hour, the following 
costs for removing from service the parts listed in Table 2 of this AD:
     Reviewing helicopter records to determine if an affected 
part is installed will require approximately 2 work-hours, for a cost 
per helicopter of $170 and a fleet cost of $1,190.
     Replacing the rotary rudder spindle assembly will require 
10 work-hours and a parts cost of $2,787, for a cost per helicopter of 
$3,637 and a fleet cost of $25,459.
     Replacing the plate will require 40 work-hours and a parts 
cost of $43,750, for a cost per helicopter of $47,150 and a fleet cost 
of $330,050.
     Replacing the main servo bracket assembly will require 2 
work-hours and a parts cost of $5,223, for a cost per helicopter of 
$5,393 and a fleet cost of $37,751.
     Replacing the primary servo link assembly of the M/R 
tandem servo will require 10 work-hours and a parts cost of $14,533, 
for a cost per helicopter of $15,383 and a fleet cost of $107,681.
     Replacing the T/R shoulder bolt will require 10 work-hours 
and a parts cost of $571, for a cost per helicopter of $1,421 and a 
fleet cost of $9,947.
     Replacing the T/R Blade Assembly will require 8 work-hours 
and a parts cost of $125,765 for a cost per helicopter of $126,445 and 
a fleet cost of $885,115.
     The total cost to replace the parts that are required to 
be removed from service is estimated to be $199,599 per helicopter and 
a fleet cost of $1,397,193.

Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to 
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, section 106, describes the 
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII: Aviation Programs, 
describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority.
    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in 
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701: ``General 
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with 
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing 
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator 
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within 
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition 
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this 
rulemaking action.

Regulatory Findings

    This AD will not have federalism implications under Executive Order 
13132. This AD will not have a substantial direct effect on the States, 
on the relationship between the national government and the States, or 
on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various 
levels of government.

[[Page 15601]]

    For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD:
    (1) Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive 
Order 12866;
    (2) Is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT Regulatory Policies and 
Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979);
    (3) Will not affect intrastate aviation in Alaska to the extent 
that it justifies making a regulatory distinction; and
    (4) Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or 
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria 
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    We prepared an economic evaluation of the estimated costs to comply 
with this AD and placed it in the AD docket.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by 
reference, Safety.

Adoption of the Amendment

    Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the 
Administrator, the FAA amends 14 CFR part 39 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

Sec.  39.13  [Amended]

2. The FAA amends Sec.  39.13 by removing Amendment 39-10028 (62 FR 
28321, May 23, 1997) and adding the following new airworthiness 
directive (AD):

2012-26-06 ERICKSON AIR-CRANE INCORPORATED: Amendment 39-17301; 
Docket No. FAA-2012-0689; Directorate Identifier 2009-SW-065-AD.

(a) Applicability

    This AD applies to Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation-manufactured 
Model S-64F helicopters, now under the Erickson Air-Crane 
Incorporated Model S-64F type certificate, certificated in any 

(b) Unsafe Condition

    This AD defines the unsafe condition as a fatigue crack in a 
flight critical component. This condition could result in component 
failure from static overload and subsequent loss of control of the 

(c) Other Affected ADs

    This AD supersedes AD 97-10-15, Amendment 39-10028 (62 FR 28321, 
May 23, 1997).

(d) Effective Date

    This AD becomes effective April 16, 2013.

(e) Compliance

    You are responsible for performing each action required by this 
AD within the specified compliance time unless it has already been 
accomplished prior to that time.

(f) Required Actions

    (1) Before further flight:
    (i) Remove from service any part with a number of hours time-in-
service (TIS) equal to or greater than the part's retirement life as 
stated in Table 1 to Paragraph (f) of this AD.

                         Table 1 to Paragraph (f)--Parts With New or Revised Life Limits
                    Part name                        Part No. (P/N)                  Retirement life
Main Rotor (M/R) Blade Assembly.................        6415-20601-045  13,280 hours TIS.
Main Transmission Support Beam Assembly, LH.....        6420-62363-045  9,300 hours TIS.
Main Transmission Support Beam Assembly, RH.....        6420-62363-046  9,300 hours TIS.
Left Splice Fitting (Transition Fitting),               6420-66341-101  8,300 hours TIS.
 Rotary, Rudder Boom.
Right Splice Fitting (Transition Fitting),              6420-66341-102  8,300 hours TIS.
 Rotary, Rudder Boom.
M/R Drive Shaft.................................        6435-20536-101  2,200 hours TIS.
Pressure Plate Assembly, Rotary Wing Head.......       65101-11016-042  8,800 hours TIS.
Horn and Liner Assembly.........................       65102-11047-041  1,140 hours TIS.
Lower Hub Plate Assembly........................       65103-11009-041  15,500 hours TIS.
Horizontal Hinge Pin, Rotary Wing Head..........       65103-11020-103  5,100 hours TIS.
Damper Bracket Assembly, Rotary Wing Head.......       65103-11032-043  20,000 hours TIS.
Hub Subassembly, Rotary Wing....................       65103-11310-043  21,600 hours TIS.
Shaft Assembly, Pitch Control Tail Gearbox......       65358-07035-043  9,400 hours TIS.
Rod End Assembly, Primary Servo Assembly........       65652-11212-041  20,800 hours TIS.

    Note 1 to Table 1 to Paragraph (f) of this AD:  The list of 
parts in Table 1 to Paragraph (f) of this AD contains only a portion 
of the life-limited parts for this model helicopter and is not an 
all-inclusive list.

    (ii) Revise the retirement life of each part as shown in Table 1 
to Paragraph (f) of this AD by making pen and ink changes or by 
inserting a copy of this AD into the Airworthiness Limitations 
section of the maintenance manual.
    (iii) Record on the component history card or equivalent record 
the retirement life for each part as shown in Table 1 to Paragraph 
(f) of this AD.
    (2) Before further flight, remove from service any part with a 
P/N listed in Table 2 to Paragraph (f) of this AD, regardless of the 
part's TIS. The P/Ns listed in Table 2 to Paragraph (f) of this AD 
are not eligible for installation on any helicopter.

                           Table 2 to Paragraph (f)--Parts To Be Removed From Service
                    Part name                                                   P/N
Spindle Assembly, Rotary Rudder.................  6410-30302-041.
Main Gearbox Second Stage Lower Planetary Plate.  6435-20516-101 or 6435-20516-102.
Bracket Assembly, Main Servo....................  6435-20527-041 or 6435-20527-042.
Primary Servo Link, Tandem Servo, M/R...........  6465-62161-042.
Shoulder Bolt, Tail Rotor (T/R).................  65111-07001-102.
T/R Blade Assembly..............................  65161-00001-041.

[[Page 15602]]

     (3) Before further flight, if a T/R blade assembly, P/N 65160-
00001-048, is installed, remove any of the other three T/R blade 
assemblies that have a different P/N and replace it with a T/R blade 
assembly, P/N 65160-00001-048. The T/R blade assembly, P/N 65160-
00001-048, must be installed in sets of four only.

(g) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)

    (1) The Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office, FAA, may 
approve AMOCs for this AD. Send your proposal to: Michael Kohner, 
Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, Rotorcraft Directorate, Rotorcraft 
Certification Office, Fort Worth, Texas 76137, telephone (817) 222-
5170, email
    (2) For operations conducted under a 14 CFR part 119 operating 
certificate or under 14 CFR part 91, subpart K, we suggest that you 
notify your principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, 
the manager of the local flight standards district office or 
certificate holding district office before operating any aircraft 
complying with this AD through an AMOC.

(h) Additional Information

    Erickson Service Bulletin No. 64F General-1, Revision 17, dated 
August 17, 2010, which is not incorporated by reference, contains 
additional information about the subject of this AD. For service 
information identified in this AD, contact Erickson Air-Crane 
Incorporated, ATTN: Chris Erickson/Compliance Officer, 3100 Willow 
Springs Rd, P.O. Box 3247, Central Point, OR 97502, telephone (541) 
664-5544, fax (541) 664-2312, email address You may review a copy of this 
information at the FAA, Office of the Regional Counsel, Southwest 
Region, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort Worth, Texas 76137.

(i) Subject

    Joint Aircraft Service Component (JASC) Code: 6300: Main Rotor 
Drive System and 6400: Tail Rotor System.

    Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on March 1, 2013.
Kim Smith,
Directorate Manager, Rotorcraft Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. 2013-05503 Filed 3-11-13; 8:45 am]
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