Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request, 10168-10169 [2013-03265]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 30 / Wednesday, February 13, 2013 / Notices
Comments must be received on
or before March 15, 2013.
B. What should I consider as I prepare
my comments for EPA?
Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number and the EPA File Symbol of
interest as shown in the body of this
document, by one of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute.
• Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental
Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/
DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001.
• Hand Delivery: To make special
arrangements for hand delivery or
delivery of boxed information, please
follow the instructions at https://
1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this
information to EPA through or email. Clearly mark
the part or all of the information that
you claim to be CBI. For CBI
information in a disk or CD–ROM that
you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD–ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that
includes information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not
contain the information claimed as CBI
must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for preparing your comments.
When submitting comments, remember
i. Identify the document by docket ID
number and other identifying
information (subject heading, Federal
Register date and page number).
ii. Follow directions. The Agency may
ask you to respond to specific questions
or organize comments by referencing a
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part
or section number.
iii. Explain why you agree or disagree;
suggest alternatives and substitute
language for your requested changes.
iv. Describe any assumptions and
provide any technical information and/
or data that you used.
v. If you estimate potential costs or
burdens, explain how you arrived at
your estimate in sufficient detail to
allow for it to be reproduced.
vi. Provide specific examples to
illustrate your concerns and suggest
vii. Explain your views as clearly as
possible, avoiding the use of profanity
or personal threats.
viii. Make sure to submit your
comments by the comment period
deadline identified.
Additional instructions on commenting
or visiting the docket, along with more
information about dockets generally, is
available at
contact person is listed at the end of
each registration application summary
and may be contacted by telephone,
email, or mail. Mail correspondence to
the Registration Division (RD) (7505P),
Office of Pesticide Programs,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington,
DC 20460–0001. As part of the mailing
address, include the contact person’s
name, division, and mail code.
I. General Information
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
A. Does this action apply to me?
You may be potentially affected by
this action if you are an agricultural
producer, food manufacturer, or
pesticide manufacturer. The following
list of North American Industrial
Classification System (NAICS) codes is
not intended to be exhaustive, but rather
provides a guide to help readers
determine whether this document
applies to them. Potentially affected
entities may include:
• Crop production (NAICS code 111).
• Animal production (NAICS code
• Food manufacturing (NAICS code
• Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS
code 32532).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:21 Feb 12, 2013
Jkt 229001
II. Registration Applications
EPA has received applications to
register pesticide products containing
an active ingredient not included in any
currently registered pesticide products.
Pursuant to the provisions of FIFRA
section 3(c)(4), EPA is hereby providing
notice of receipt and opportunity to
comment on these applications. Notice
of receipt of these applications does not
imply a decision by the Agency on these
applications. For actions being
evaluated under the Agency’s public
participation process for registration
PO 00000
Frm 00042
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
actions, there will be an additional
opportunity for a 30-day public
comment period on the proposed
decision. Please see the Agency’s public
participation Web site for additional
information on this process (https://
EPA received the following applications
to register pesticide products containing
an active ingredient not included in any
currently registered products:
EPA File Symbol: 62719–AAU,
62719–AAN, 62719–AAR, 62719–AAE,
and 62719–AAG. Docket ID Number:
EPA–HQ–OPP–2012–0919. Applicant:
Dow AgroSciences, LLC, 9330
Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.
Active ingredient: Halauxifen-methyl.
Product Type: Herbicide. Proposed
Uses: Cereal grain crops, including
winter wheat, spring wheat, barley and
triticale. Contact: Maggie Rudick, (703)
347–0257, email address:
List of Subjects
Environmental protection, Pesticides
and pest.
Dated: February 7, 2013.
Lois Rossi,
Director, Registration Division, Office of
Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 2013–03333 Filed 2–12–13; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice 2013–0112]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Comment Request
Export-Import Bank of the
United States.
ACTION: Submission for OMB Review
and Comments Request.
Form Title: EIB 12–02–Credit
Guarantee Facility Disbursement
Approval Request.
SUMMARY: The Export-Import Bank of
the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as a part
of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent burden,
invites the general public and other
Federal Agencies to comment on the
proposed information collection, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995.
Ex-Im Bank has developed an
electronic disbursement approval
processing system for guaranteed
lenders with Credit Guarantee Facilities.
After a Credit Guarantee Facility (CGF)
has been authorized by Ex-Im Bank and
legal documentation has been
completed, the Lender will obtain and
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 30 / Wednesday, February 13, 2013 / Notices
review the required disbursement
documents (e.g. invoices, bills of lading,
Exporter’s Certificates, etc.) and will
disburse the proceeds of the loan for
eligible goods and services. The Lender
will access and complete an electronic
questionnaire through ExIm Online
inputting key data and requesting
approval of the disbursement. Ex-Im
Bank’s action (approved or declined)
will be posted on the Lender’s history
This form will enable Ex-Im Bank to
identify the specific details of the export
transaction. These details are necessary
for determining the eligibility of
disbursements for approval.
The application can be reviewed at: 12–02
CGF Disbursement Request.pdf.
Comments should be received on
or before April 15, 2013 to be assured
of consideration.
Comments maybe
submitted electronically on or by mail to Kit
Arendt, Export-Import Bank of the
United States, 811 Vermont Ave. NW.
Washington, DC 20571.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Titles and Form Number: EIB 12–01
Medium-Term Master Guarantee
Agreement. Disbursement Approval
OMB Number: 3048–XXXX.
Type of Review: New.
Need and Use: The information
requested enables the applicant to
provide Ex-Im Bank with the
information necessary to obtain
legislatively required assurance of
repayment and fulfills other statutory
The number of respondents: 50.
Time to Complete: 60 minutes.
The frequency of response: Annual.
Total number of responses received
Reviewing time per hour: 60 minutes.
Responses per year: 50.
Reviewing time per year: 25 hours.
Average Wages per hour: $30.25.
Average cost per year (time * wages):
Benefits and overhead: 20%.
Total Government Cost: $908.
Sharon A. Whitt,
Agency Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2013–03265 Filed 2–12–13; 8:45 am]
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:10 Feb 12, 2013
Jkt 229001
[Public Notice 2013–0101]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Comment Request
Export-Import Bank of the
United States.
ACTION: Submission for OMB review and
comments request.
Form Title: EIB 12–01 Medium-Term
Master Guarantee Agreement
Disbursement Approval Request.
SUMMARY: The Export-Import Bank of
the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as a part
of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent burden,
invites the general public and other
Federal Agencies to comment on the
proposed information collection, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995.
Ex-Im Bank has developed an
electronic disbursement approval
processing system for guaranteed
lenders with transactions documented
under Medium-term Master Guarantee
Agreements. After an export transaction
has been authorized by Ex-Im Bank and
legal documentation has been
completed, the lender will obtain and
review the required disbursement
documents (e.g. invoices, bills of lading,
Exporter’s Certificates, etc.) and will
disburse the proceeds of the loan for
eligible goods and services. In order to
obtain approval of the disbursement, the
lender will access and complete an
electronic questionnaire through Ex-Im
Bank’s automatic application system
(ExIm Online). Ex-Im Bank’s action
(approved or declined) will be posted
on the lender’s history page.
The information collected will assist
in determining that each disbursement
under a Medium-Term Guarantee meets
all of the terms and conditions for
The application can be reviewed at:
MT MGA Disbursement Approval
Comments should be received on
or before April 15, 2013 to be assured
of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Comments maybe submitted
electronically on
to Kit Arendt, Export-Import Bank of the
United States, 811 Vermont Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC 20571.
Titles and Form Number: EIB 12–01
Medium-Term Master Guarantee
Agreement Disbursement Approval
OMB Number: 3048–XXXX.
PO 00000
Frm 00043
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Type of Review: New.
Need and Use: The information
requested enables the applicant to
provide Ex-Im Bank with the
information necessary to obtain
legislatively required assurance of
repayment and fulfills other statutory
The number of respondents: 150.
Time to complete: 30 minutes.
The frequency of response: Annual.
Total number of responses received :
Annual hour burden; and 75 Hours.
Reviewing time per hour: 15 minutes.
Responses per year: 150.
Reviewing time per year: 37.5 hours.
Average wages per hour: $30.25.
Average cost per year: (time * wages)
Benefits and overhead: 20%.
Total government cost: $1,361.
Sharon A. Whitt,
Agency Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2013–03213 Filed 2–12–13; 8:45 am]
Federal Advisory Committee Act;
Communications Security, Reliability,
and Interoperability Council
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
In accordance with the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, this
notice advises interested persons that
the Federal Communications
Commission’s (FCC) Communications
Security, Reliability, and
Interoperability Council (CSRIC) will
hold its final meeting. Working groups
Next Generation Alerting, E9–1–1
Location Accuracy, Network Security
Best Practices, DNSSEC Implementation
Practices for ISPs, Secure BGP
Deployment, Botnet Remediation,
Alerting Issues Associated with CAP
Migration, 9–1–1 Prioritization, and
Consensus Cybersecurity Controls will
be presenting reports for a vote by the
DATES: March 6, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Federal Communications
Commission, Room TW–C305
(Commission Meeting Room), 445 12th
Street SW., Washington, DC 20554.
Jeffery Goldthorp, Designated Federal
Officer, (202) 418–1096 (voice) or (email); or
Lauren Kravetz, Deputy Designated
Federal Officer, (202) 418–7944 (voice)
or (email).
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 30 (Wednesday, February 13, 2013)]
[Pages 10168-10169]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-03265]
[Public Notice 2013-0112]
Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request
AGENCY: Export-Import Bank of the United States.
ACTION: Submission for OMB Review and Comments Request.
Form Title: EIB 12-02-Credit Guarantee Facility Disbursement
Approval Request.
SUMMARY: The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as a
part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent
burden, invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to
comment on the proposed information collection, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Ex-Im Bank has developed an electronic disbursement approval
processing system for guaranteed lenders with Credit Guarantee
Facilities. After a Credit Guarantee Facility (CGF) has been authorized
by Ex-Im Bank and legal documentation has been completed, the Lender
will obtain and
[[Page 10169]]
review the required disbursement documents (e.g. invoices, bills of
lading, Exporter's Certificates, etc.) and will disburse the proceeds
of the loan for eligible goods and services. The Lender will access and
complete an electronic questionnaire through ExIm Online inputting key
data and requesting approval of the disbursement. Ex-Im Bank's action
(approved or declined) will be posted on the Lender's history page.
This form will enable Ex-Im Bank to identify the specific details
of the export transaction. These details are necessary for determining
the eligibility of disbursements for approval.
The application can be reviewed at:
12-02 CGF Disbursement Request.pdf.
DATES: Comments should be received on or before April 15, 2013 to be
assured of consideration.
ADRESSESES: Comments maybe submitted electronically on or by mail to Kit Arendt, Export-Import Bank of the
United States, 811 Vermont Ave. NW. Washington, DC 20571.
Titles and Form Number: EIB 12-01 Medium-Term Master Guarantee
Agreement. Disbursement Approval Request.
OMB Number: 3048-XXXX.
Type of Review: New.
Need and Use: The information requested enables the applicant to
provide Ex-Im Bank with the information necessary to obtain
legislatively required assurance of repayment and fulfills other
statutory requirements.
The number of respondents: 50.
Time to Complete: 60 minutes.
The frequency of response: Annual.
Total number of responses received 50.
Reviewing time per hour: 60 minutes.
Responses per year: 50.
Reviewing time per year: 25 hours.
Average Wages per hour: $30.25.
Average cost per year (time * wages): $756.
Benefits and overhead: 20%.
Total Government Cost: $908.
Sharon A. Whitt,
Agency Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2013-03265 Filed 2-12-13; 8:45 am]