Public Use Limit on Commercial Dog Walking; Revised Disposal Conditions, 6273-6274 [2013-01796]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 20 / Wednesday, January 30, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Parts 1 and 301
RIN 1545–BJ16
IRS Truncated Taxpayer Identification
Numbers; Correction
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Correction to notice of proposed
rulemaking and notice of public
This document contains
corrections to a notice of proposed
rulemaking (REG–148873–09) and
notice of public hearing that was
published in the Federal Register on
Monday, January 7, 2013 (78 FR 913).
The proposed regulation provides
guidance regarding creating a new
taxpayer identifying number known as
an IRS truncated taxpayer identification
number, a TTIN.
Tammie A. Geier, (202) 622–3620 (not a
toll free number).
6 and 7 of the first full paragraph of the
column, the language ‘‘so that filers are
permitted to furnish payee statements
by electronic means.’’ is corrected to
read ‘‘so that filers are permitted to use
TTINs on payee statements furnished by
electronic means.’’.
4. On page 915, in the preamble,
column 3, under the caption
‘‘Comments and Public Hearing’’, line 2
of the first paragraph, the language ‘‘for
February 21, 2013 beginning at 10:00’’ is
corrected to read ‘‘for March 12, 2013
beginning at 10:00’’.
§ 1.6045–4
5. On Page 916, column 2, the
paragraph heading ‘‘§ 1.6045–4
Information reporting on real estate
transactions with dates of closing on or
after January 1,1991.’’. is corrected to
read ‘‘§ 1.6045–4 Information reporting
on real estate transactions with dates of
closing on or after January 1, 1991.’’.
LaNita Van Dyke,
Branch Chief, Publication and Regulation
Branch, Legal Processing Division, Associate
Chief Counsel, (Procedure and
[FR Doc. 2013–01764 Filed 1–29–13; 8:45 am]
The notice of proposed rulemaking
(REG–148873–09) that is the subject of
these corrections is under section 6045
of the Internal Revenue Code.
Need for Correction
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with
Correction of Publication
Accordingly, the notice of proposed
rulemaking (REG–148873–09), that was
the subject of FR Doc. 2012–31745, is
corrected as follows:
1. On page 914, in the preamble,
column 2, under the paragraph heading
II. Taxpayer Identifying Numbers, line 8
from the bottom of the first full
paragraph, the language ‘‘employee
identification number (EINs).’’ is
corrected to read ‘‘employer
identification numbers (EINs).’’.
2. On page 914, in the preamble,
column 2, under the caption ‘‘Summary
of Comments’’, line 8 from the bottom
of the page, the language ‘‘income tax
processing. Treasury and the’’ is
corrected to read ‘‘income tax
processing. The Treasury Department
and the’’.
3. On page 914, in the preamble,
column 3, under the same caption, lines
16:40 Jan 29, 2013
Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Parts 1 and 31
As published, the notice of proposed
rulemaking (REG–148873–09) contains
errors that may prove to be misleading
and are in need of clarification.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229001
RIN 1545–BK54
Rules Relating to Additional Medicare
In proposed rule document 2012–
29237, appearing on pages 72268–72277
in the issue of Wednesday, December 5,
2012, make the following correction:
§ 31.6205–1 Adjustments of
Underpayments. [Corrected]
On page 72276, in the second column,
in the middle of the column,
immediately below ‘‘6. Adding a new
paragraph (c).’’, ‘‘The revisions and
additions read as follows:’’ should
[FR Doc. C1–2012–29237 Filed 1–29–13; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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36 CFR Part 1002
Public Use Limit on Commercial Dog
Walking; Revised Disposal Conditions
The Presidio Trust.
Proposed rule; extension of
comment period.
The Presidio Trust (Trust) is
requesting public comment on a
proposed public use limit on persons
who are walking four or more dogs at
one time in Area B of the Presidio of
San Francisco for consideration
(Commercial Dog Walkers). The limit
will require any person walking four or
more dogs at one time for consideration
in Area B to possess a valid Commercial
Dog Walking permit obtained from the
City and County of San Francisco (City).
Commercial Dog Walkers with four or
more dogs at one time in Area B will be
required to comply with the terms and
conditions of the City permit as well as
those rules and regulations otherwise
applicable to Area B. The Trust is also
proposing that throughout Area B, all
pet walkers, whether or not for
consideration, shall remove pet
excrement and deposit it in refuse
DATES: The comment period for the
proposed rule published November 21,
2012 (77 FR 69785–69788) is extended.
Comments are due February 25, 2013.
Comments already submitted in
response to the November 21, 2012
proposed rule need not be resubmitted.
ADDRESSES: Electronic comments may
be sent to
Written comments may be mailed or
hand delivered to John Pelka, The
Presidio Trust, 103 Montgomery Street,
P.O. Box 29052, San Francisco, CA
94129. All written comments submitted
to the Trust will be considered, and
these proposals may be modified
accordingly. The final decision of the
Trust will be published in the Federal
Public Availability of Comments: If
individuals submitting comments
request that their address or other
contact information be withheld from
public disclosure, it will be honored to
the extent allowable by law. Such
requests must be stated prominently at
the beginning of the comments. The
Trust will make available for public
inspection all submissions from
organizations or businesses and from
persons identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of
organizations and businesses.
Anonymous comments may not be
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 20 / Wednesday, January 30, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Joshua Steinberger (415.561.5300), or
proposed rule originally was published
in the Federal Register on November 21,
2012, with a 65-day comment period set
to end on January 25, 2013. In response
to public comments, the comment
period has been extended to February
25, 2013.
Dated: January 23, 2013.
Karen A. Cook,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2013–01796 Filed 1–29–13; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 180
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2012–0001; FRL–9376–3]
Withdrawal of Pesticide Petitions for
Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or
on Various Commodities
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of withdrawal of
pesticide petitions.
This document announces the
withdrawal of pesticide petitions
requesting the establishment or
modification of regulations for residues
of pesticide chemicals in or on various
commodities. The petitions were either
withdrawn voluntarily by the
petitioners or administratively by the
contact person, with telephone number
and email address, is listed at the end
of each pesticide petition summary. You
may also reach each contact person by
mail at Registration Division (7505P),
Office of Pesticide Programs,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington,
DC 20460–0001.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
Although this action only applies to
the petitioners in question, it is directed
to the public in general. Since various
individuals or entities may be
interested, the Agency has not
attempted to describe all the specific
entities that may be interested in this
action. If you have any questions
regarding this action, please consult the
person listed at the end of the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:40 Jan 29, 2013
Jkt 229001
2. PP 0E7755 (Oxytetracycline). EPA
issued a notice in the Federal Register
of September 23, 2010 (75 FR 57942)
B. How can I get copies of this document
(FRL–8845–4) (EPA–HQ–OPP–2010–
and other related information?
0740), which announced the filing of
pesticide petition (PP 0E7755) by
The docket for this action, identified
Quimica Agronomica de Mexico, S. de
by docket identification (ID) number
R.L. MI., Calle 18 N 20501, Colonia
EPA–HQ–OPP–2012–0001, is available
Impulso, C.P. 31183, Chihuahua, Chih.,
at or at the
Mexico. The petition proposed to
OPP Docket in the Environmental
establish a tolerance in 40 CFR 180.337
Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/
for residues of the fungicide
DC), located in EPA West, Rm. 3334,
oxytetracycline, in or on cucurbits, crop
1301 Constitution Ave. NW.,
group 9; and fruiting vegetables, crop
Washington, DC 20460–0001. The
group 8 at 0.03 ppm. On June 18, 2012,
Public Reading Room is open from 8:30
Gowan Company (U.S. agent on behalf
a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
of Quimica Agronomica de Mexico)
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
notified EPA that it was withdrawing
telephone number for the Public
this petition. Contact: Heather Garvie,
Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and
(703) 308–0034, email address:
the telephone number for the OPP
Docket is (703) 305–5805. Please review
3. PP 1F7887 (Phosphine). EPA issued
the visitor instructions and additional
a notice in the Federal Register of
information about the docket available
October 5, 2011 (76 FR 61649) (FRL–
8890–5) (EPA–HQ–OPP–2011–0741),
II. What action is the agency taking?
which announced the filing of a
EPA is announcing the withdrawal of pesticide petition (PP 1F7887) by Cytec
Industries, Inc., 5 Garret Mountain
pesticide petitions received under
Plaza, Woodland Park, NJ 07424. The
section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug,
petition proposed to establish tolerances
and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C.
in 40 CFR 180.225 for residues of
346a, requesting the establishment or
phosphine, in or on asparagus;
modification of regulations in 40 CFR
cherimoya; dates, fresh; figs, fresh; globe
part 180 for residues of pesticide
artichokes; pawpaws; pineapple, water
chemicals in or on various food
chestnuts and watercress, and for all
fresh fruit and vegetable crop groups
Pursuant to 40 CFR 180.7(f), a
(including berry and small fruit; citrus
summary of each of the petitions
fruit; pome fruit; stone fruit; herbs and
covered by this document, prepared by
spices; Brassica leafy vegetables; leafy
the petitioner, was included in a docket vegetables; bulb vegetables; cucurbits;
EPA created for each rulemaking. The
fruiting vegetables except cucurbits;
docket for each of the petitions is
legume vegetables, except soybeans;
available online at https://
foliage of legume vegetables; root and
tuber group; and root and tuber leaves
group) at 0.01 ppm. On April 5, 2012,
Withdrawals by Petitioners
Cytec Industries notified EPA that it was
1. PP 0E7754 (Gentamicin). EPA
withdrawing the petition. Contact: Gene
issued a notice in the Federal Register
Benbow, 703–347–0235, email address:
of July 6, 2011 (76 FR 39358) (FRL–
8875–6) (EPA–HQ–OPP–2010–0820),
4. PP 4F4281 (Iprodione). EPA issued
which announced the filing of a
a notice in the Federal Register of
pesticide petition (PP 0E7754) by
August 2, 2006 (71 FR 43760) (FRL–
Quimica Agronomica de Mexico, S. de
8082–8) (EPA–HQ–OPP–2006–0637),
R.L. MI., Calle 18 N[deg] 20501, Colonia which announced the filing of pesticide
Impulso, C.P. 31183, Chihuahua, Chih.,
petition (PP 4F4281) by Bayer
Mexico c/o Gowan Company, P.O. Box
CropScience, Research Triangle Park,
5569, Yuma, AZ 85366. The petition
North Carolina 27709. The petition
proposed to establish a tolerance in 40
proposed to establish a tolerance for
CFR 180.642 for residues of the
iprodione, [3-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-N-(1fungicide gentamicin, in or on cucurbits methylethyl)-2,4- dioxo-1(crop group 9) at 0.05 parts per million
imidazolidinecarboxamide, its isomer 3(ppm) and fruiting vegetables (crop
(1-methylethyl)-N-(3,5- dichlorophenyl)group 8) at 0.05 ppm. On June 18, 2012, 2,4-dioxo-1-imidazolidinecarboxamide,
Gowan Company (U.S. agent on behalf
and its metabolite 3-(3,5of Quimica Agronomica de Mexico)
dichlorophenyl)-2,4-dioxo-1notified EPA that it was withdrawing
imidazolidinecarboxamide in or on the
food commodity rapeseed (canola) at 1.0
this petition. Contact: Shaunta Hill,
ppm. On March 7, 2012, Bayer Crop
(703) 347–8961, email address:
Science, notified EPA that it was
withdrawal summary for the pesticide
petition of interest.
PO 00000
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[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 20 (Wednesday, January 30, 2013)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 6273-6274]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-01796]
36 CFR Part 1002
Public Use Limit on Commercial Dog Walking; Revised Disposal
AGENCY: The Presidio Trust.
ACTION: Proposed rule; extension of comment period.
SUMMARY: The Presidio Trust (Trust) is requesting public comment on a
proposed public use limit on persons who are walking four or more dogs
at one time in Area B of the Presidio of San Francisco for
consideration (Commercial Dog Walkers). The limit will require any
person walking four or more dogs at one time for consideration in Area
B to possess a valid Commercial Dog Walking permit obtained from the
City and County of San Francisco (City). Commercial Dog Walkers with
four or more dogs at one time in Area B will be required to comply with
the terms and conditions of the City permit as well as those rules and
regulations otherwise applicable to Area B. The Trust is also proposing
that throughout Area B, all pet walkers, whether or not for
consideration, shall remove pet excrement and deposit it in refuse
DATES: The comment period for the proposed rule published November 21,
2012 (77 FR 69785-69788) is extended. Comments are due February 25,
2013. Comments already submitted in response to the November 21, 2012
proposed rule need not be resubmitted.
ADDRESSES: Electronic comments may be sent to
Written comments may be mailed or hand delivered to John Pelka, The
Presidio Trust, 103 Montgomery Street, P.O. Box 29052, San Francisco,
CA 94129. All written comments submitted to the Trust will be
considered, and these proposals may be modified accordingly. The final
decision of the Trust will be published in the Federal Register.
Public Availability of Comments: If individuals submitting comments
request that their address or other contact information be withheld
from public disclosure, it will be honored to the extent allowable by
law. Such requests must be stated prominently at the beginning of the
comments. The Trust will make available for public inspection all
submissions from organizations or businesses and from persons
identifying themselves as representatives or officials of organizations
and businesses.
Anonymous comments may not be considered.
[[Page 6274]]
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joshua Steinberger (415.561.5300), or
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The proposed rule originally was published
in the Federal Register on November 21, 2012, with a 65-day comment
period set to end on January 25, 2013. In response to public comments,
the comment period has been extended to February 25, 2013.
Dated: January 23, 2013.
Karen A. Cook,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2013-01796 Filed 1-29-13; 8:45 am]