Proposed Collection; Comment Request, 6074-6077 [2013-01439]

Download as PDF 6074 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2013 / Notices COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION Agency Information Collection Activities Under OMB Review Commodity Futures Trading Commission. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected costs and burden; it includes the actual data collection instruments if any. DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before February 28, 2013. SUMMARY: srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR A COPY CONTACT: Sonda R. Owens at CFTC, (202) 418–5182; FAX: (202) 418–5414; email: and refer to OMB Control No. 3038–0031. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: Procurement Contracts, OMB Control No. 3038–0031. This is a request for extension of a currently approved information collection. Abstract: This information collection consists of procurement activities relating to solicitations, amendments to solicitations, requests for quotations, construction contracts, awards of contracts, performance bonds, and payment information for individuals (vendors) or contractors engaged in providing supplies or services. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for the CFTC’s regulations were published on December 30, 1981. See 46 FR 63035 (Dec. 30, 1981). The Federal Register notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on this collection of information was published on November 21, 2012 (77 FR 69806). Burden statement: The respondent burden for this collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response. This estimate includes the time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and maintaining information and disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:47 Jan 28, 2013 Jkt 229001 collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the information. The numbers contained in this justification differ from those in the 60day notice because of a revised estimate of the number of respondents. Respondents/Affected Entities: 214. Estimated number of responses: 214. Estimated total annual burden on respondents: 548 hours. Frequency of collection: annually. Send comments regarding the burden estimated or any other aspect of the information collection, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the addresses listed below. Please refer to OMB Control No. 3038–0031 in any correspondence. Sonda R. Owens, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1155 21st Street NW., Washington, DC 20581 and Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Attention: Desk Office for CFTC, 725 17th Street, Washington, DC 20503. Comments may also be submitted by any of the following methods: The agency’s Web site at https:// Follow the instructions for submitting comments through the Web site. Mail: Secretary of the Commission, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581. Hand Delivery/Courier: Same as mail above. Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Please submit your comments using only one method and identity that it is for the renewal of this Federal Register notice. All comments must be submitted in English, or if not, accompanied by an English translation. Comments will be posted as received to You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. If you wish the Commission to consider information that you believe is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, a petition for confidential treatment of the exempt information may be submitted according to the procedures established in Section 145.9 of the Commission’s regulations. Issued this 23rd day of January, 2013, by the Commission. Stacy D. Yochum, Counsel to the Executive Director. [FR Doc. 2013–01724 Filed 1–28–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6351–01–P PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 BUREAU OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION Proposed Collection; Comment Request Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. ACTION: Notice and request for public comment. AGENCY: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. Currently, the Bureau is soliciting comments concerning the information collection requirements related to evaluating the training programs and practices involved in training front-line case managers to provide information and education designed to improve the financial outcomes and capability of consumers, particularly low-income consumers, pursuant to the Bureau’s authorities under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Public Law No. 111–203 (DoddFrank Act). DATES: Written comments are encouraged and must be received on or before April 1, 2013 to be assured of consideration. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods: • Electronic: • Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier: Direct all written comments to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Attention: PRA Office), 1700 G Street NW., Washington, DC 20552. Instructions: Submissions should include agency name and Program Evaluation of Financial Empowerment Training Programs Comments will be available for public inspection and copying at 1700 G Street NW., Washington, DC 20552 on official business days between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Time. You can make an appointment to inspect comments by telephoning (202) 435– 9575. All comments, including attachments and other supporting materials, will become part of the public record and subject to public disclosure. For this reason, please do not include in your comments information of a confidential nature, such as sensitive personal information or proprietary information. You should only submit SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\29JAN1.SGM 29JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2013 / Notices information that you wish to make available publicly. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or copies of the documents contained under this approval number should be directed to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (Attention: PRA Office), 1700 G Street NW., Washington, DC 20552, (202) 435–9575, or through the internet at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: Clearance for Program Evaluation of Financial Empowerment Training Programs. OMB Number: 3170–XXXX. Summary of Collection: The Bureau’s Office of Financial Empowerment (Empowerment) is responsible for developing strategies to improve the financial capability of low income and economically vulnerable consumers. The proposed collections will focus on evaluating (1) for recruitment purposes, the cohort of organization-based trainers that will pilot and perform the training; (2) the training practices and programs that are designed to enhance the ability of caseworkers to inform and educate low income consumers about managing their finances and strategies for making choices among available financial products and services available to them; (3) the evaluation tool that the trainers will use to determine the effectiveness of the training; and (4) the scope of workshop participants’ use of the training. The Bureau expects to collect 6075 qualitative data through in-person, telephone, or Internet based surveys. The information collected through qualitative evaluation methods will increase the Bureau’s understanding of what elements of training programs and practices can improve caseworker interaction with and assistance to their clients in ways that can improve outcomes for consumers, particularly low income. Type of Review: New Collection. Affected Public: Individuals, government social services entities, and not-for-profit institutions. Annual Burden Estimates: Below is a preliminary estimate of the aggregate burden hours for the evaluation training programs and practices. Respondents Data collection activity Timing of data collection Proposed information collected (1) Recruitment Information Form. Once during recruitment process, before initial training is held. Immediately following case manager trainings held by pilot trainers. Information relevant to the selection of pilot trainers for the field test. Potential Pilot Trainers. 50 10 minutes ........ 8 hours, 20 minutes. Pilot trainers’ reactions to the training toolkit after they have used it to train case managers, including:. • Description of how the toolkit was used, including which modules were used and whether any modifications were made. • Description of the audience of the training (e.g., organization for whom the participants work, their target client audience). • Perceived engagement/ reaction of case managers. • Any problems/concerns that arose as they used the toolkit (e.g., gaps that need to be filled). • Suggestions for how the toolkit could be improved. Case managers’ reactions to the training they received, including:. • Clarity of information ...... • Usefulness of content ..... • Extent to which they expect to use the resources/materials provided. • Extent to which they feel more comfortable discussing financial topics with clients, and the impact of the training on their comfort level. • Feedback on training tools and suggestions for improvement. Pilot Trainers ... 25 20 minutes ........ 8 hours, 20 minutes. Case Managers Trained by Pilot Trainers. 1 1,250 15 minutes ........ 31 hours, 15 minutes. (2) Evaluation Surveys from Pilot Trainers. srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with (3) Training Evaluation Forms. VerDate Mar<15>2010 Immediately following case manager trainings held by pilot trainers. 16:47 Jan 28, 2013 Type Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Number E:\FR\FM\29JAN1.SGM Burden per 29JAN1 Total burden 6076 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2013 / Notices Data collection activity Timing of data collection (4) Telephone Focus Groups. End of sixmonth field test period. (5) Recruitment Information Form. Once during recruitment process, before initial training is held. Immediately following trainings led by trainers. (6) Evaluation Surveys from Phase 2 Trainers. srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with (7) Case Manager Log. (8) Survey of Case Managers. VerDate Mar<15>2010 Three months and six months from date of case manager training. End of sixmonth field test period. 16:47 Jan 28, 2013 Respondents Proposed information collected Type • Feedback on knowledge and skill of the pilot trainer. Get pilot trainers’ feedback on the effectiveness of the toolkit through one or more telephone focus groups.2 Topics would include:. • Their experiences conducting trainings using the toolkit. • Strengths and weaknesses of the toolkit. • Perceived reaction of case managers to toolkit content. Information relevant to the selection of organizations for Phase 2. Phase 2 Trainers’ reactions to the training toolkit after they have used it to train case managers, including:. • Description of how the toolkit was used, including which modules were used and whether any modifications were made. • Description of the audience of the training (e.g., organization for whom the participants work, their target client audience). • Description of mode of delivery (in person, webinar, etc.). • Perceived engagement/ reaction of case managers. • Any problems/concerns that arose as they used the toolkit (e.g., gaps that need to be filled). Information about case managers’ use of what they learned through the trainings, including:. • Number of clients with whom they have discussed financial information. • Number of referrals they have made to other financial resources (e.g., counselors). • Any problems or obstacles encountered (e.g., client requests that case manager did not know how to address). Final input from case managers on the utility of what they learned through the training, including:. Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4703 Number Burden per Total burden Pilot Trainers ... 25 1 hour ............... 25 hours. Potential organizationbased Trainers. 20 30 minutes ........ 10 hours. Trainers ........... 3 20 20 minutes ........ 6 hours, 40 minutes. Case Managers trained by pilot trainers and Phase 2 trainers. 7,000 10 minutes for each of two surveys. 4,666 hours and 40 minutes. Case Managers 7,000 10 minutes ........ 116 hours, 40 minutes. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\29JAN1.SGM 29JAN1 6077 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 29, 2013 / Notices Data collection activity Timing of data collection Respondents Proposed information collected Type Number Burden per Total burden • Extent to which they have found the training they received to be relevant to their work. • Their comfort level discussing financial topics with clients, and how their comfort level changed after attending the training. • Extent to which they believe the training they received has impacted their work, and how. 1 Based on assumption that each trainer will hold workshops that train 50 case managers. similar information would be collected through the pilot trainer evaluation forms that the pilot trainers complete after holding each of their case manager trainings, we believe that focus group discussions might elicit additional insights from the pilot trainers, and would also allow for collection of more detailed information and participant suggestions. 3 Based on assumption of two trainers per organization selected. 2 While Request for Comments DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will become a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Bureau, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) The accuracy of the Bureau’s estimate of the burden of the collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and the assumptions used; (c) Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number. Office of the Secretary Dated: January 17, 2013. Chris Willey, Chief Information Officer, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. [FR Doc. 2013–01439 Filed 1–28–13; 8:45 am] srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with BILLING CODE 4810–AM–P VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:47 Jan 28, 2013 Jkt 229001 [Docket ID: DoD–2013–OS–0009] Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records Defense Security Service, DoD. Notice to amend a System of Records. AGENCY: ACTION: The Defense Security Service is amending a system of records notice from its existing inventory of record systems subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended. DATES: This proposed action will be effective on March 1, 2013 unless comments are received which result in a contrary determination. Comments will be accepted on or before February 28, 2013. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number and title, by any of the following methods: • Federal Rulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the instructions for submitting comments. • Mail: Federal Docket Management System Office, 4800 Mark Center Drive, East Tower, 2nd Floor, Suite 02G09, Alexandria, VA 22350–3100. Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name and docket number for this Federal Register document. The general policy for comments and other submissions from members of the public is to make these submissions available for public viewing on the Internet at https:// as they are received without change, including any personal identifiers or contact information. SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Mr. Leslie Blake, Defense Security Service, Office of FOIA/PA, 27130 Telegraph Road, Quantico, VA 22314 or at (571) 305–6740. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Defense Security Service systems of records notices subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended, have been published in the Federal Register and are available from the address in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. The proposed amendment is not within the purview of subsection (r) of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended, which requires the submission of a new or altered system report. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dated: January 24, 2013. Aaron Siegel, Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense. V5–04 SYSTEM NAME: Counterintelligence Issues Database (CII–DB) (August 17, 1999, 64 FR 44704). CHANGES: * * * * * SYSTEM LOCATION: Delete entry and replace with ‘‘Defense Security Service, Counterintelligence Directorate, 27130 Telegraph Road, Quantico, VA 22134– 2253.’’ * * * * * PURPOSE(S): Delete entry and replace with ‘‘Provides a central database to document, refer, track, monitor and E:\FR\FM\29JAN1.SGM 29JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 19 (Tuesday, January 29, 2013)]
[Pages 6074-6077]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-01439]



Proposed Collection; Comment Request

AGENCY: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.

ACTION: Notice and request for public comment.


SUMMARY: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau), as part 
of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, 
invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this 
opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information 
collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public 
Law 104-13. Currently, the Bureau is soliciting comments concerning the 
information collection requirements related to evaluating the training 
programs and practices involved in training front-line case managers to 
provide information and education designed to improve the financial 
outcomes and capability of consumers, particularly low-income 
consumers, pursuant to the Bureau's authorities under the Dodd-Frank 
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Public Law No. 111-203 
(Dodd-Frank Act).

DATES: Written comments are encouraged and must be received on or 
before April 1, 2013 to be assured of consideration.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
     Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier: Direct all written comments to 
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Attention: PRA Office), 1700 G 
Street NW., Washington, DC 20552.
    Instructions: Submissions should include agency name and Program 
Evaluation of Financial Empowerment Training Programs Comments will be 
available for public inspection and copying at 1700 G Street NW., 
Washington, DC 20552 on official business days between the hours of 10 
a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Time. You can make an appointment to inspect 
comments by telephoning (202) 435-9575. All comments, including 
attachments and other supporting materials, will become part of the 
public record and subject to public disclosure. For this reason, please 
do not include in your comments information of a confidential nature, 
such as sensitive personal information or proprietary information. You 
should only submit

[[Page 6075]]

information that you wish to make available publicly.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or 
copies of the documents contained under this approval number should be 
directed to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (Attention: PRA 
Office), 1700 G Street NW., Washington, DC 20552, (202) 435-9575, or 
through the internet at

    Title: Clearance for Program Evaluation of Financial Empowerment 
Training Programs.
    OMB Number: 3170-XXXX.
    Summary of Collection: The Bureau's Office of Financial Empowerment 
(Empowerment) is responsible for developing strategies to improve the 
financial capability of low income and economically vulnerable 
consumers. The proposed collections will focus on evaluating (1) for 
recruitment purposes, the cohort of organization-based trainers that 
will pilot and perform the training; (2) the training practices and 
programs that are designed to enhance the ability of caseworkers to 
inform and educate low income consumers about managing their finances 
and strategies for making choices among available financial products 
and services available to them; (3) the evaluation tool that the 
trainers will use to determine the effectiveness of the training; and 
(4) the scope of workshop participants' use of the training. The Bureau 
expects to collect qualitative data through in-person, telephone, or 
Internet based surveys. The information collected through qualitative 
evaluation methods will increase the Bureau's understanding of what 
elements of training programs and practices can improve caseworker 
interaction with and assistance to their clients in ways that can 
improve outcomes for consumers, particularly low income.
    Type of Review: New Collection.
    Affected Public: Individuals, government social services entities, 
and not-for-profit institutions.
    Annual Burden Estimates: Below is a preliminary estimate of the 
aggregate burden hours for the evaluation training programs and 

   Data collection activity      Timing of data    Proposed information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   collection           collected              Type          Number         Burden per               Total burden
(1) Recruitment Information     Once during       Information relevant   Potential Pilot          50  10 minutes...........  8 hours, 20 minutes.
 Form.                           recruitment       to the selection of    Trainers.
                                 process, before   pilot trainers for
                                 initial           the field test.
                                 training is
(2) Evaluation Surveys from     Immediately       Pilot trainers'        Pilot Trainers..         25  20 minutes...........  8 hours, 20 minutes.
 Pilot Trainers.                 following case    reactions to the
                                 manager           training toolkit
                                 trainings held    after they have used
                                 by pilot          it to train case
                                 trainers.         managers, including:.
                                                   of how the toolkit
                                                   was used, including
                                                   which modules were
                                                   used and whether any
                                                   modifications were
                                                      Description of
                                                      the audience of
                                                      the training
                                                      organization for
                                                      whom the
                                                      work, their
                                                      target client
                                                      reaction of case
                                                      that arose as
                                                      they used the
                                                      toolkit (e.g.,
                                                      gaps that need to
                                                      be filled).
                                                      Suggestions for
                                                      how the toolkit
                                                      could be improved.
(3) Training Evaluation Forms.  Immediately       Case managers'         Case Managers     \1\ 1,250  15 minutes...........  31 hours, 15 minutes.
                                 following case    reactions to the       Trained by
                                 manager           training they          Pilot Trainers.
                                 trainings held    received, including:.
                                 by pilot          Clarity of
                                 trainers.         information.
                                                   of content.
                                                   Extent to
                                                   which they expect to
                                                   use the resources/
                                                   materials provided.
                                                      Extent to
                                                      which they feel
                                                      more comfortable
                                                      financial topics
                                                      with clients, and
                                                      the impact of the
                                                      training on their
                                                      comfort level.
                                                      on training tools
                                                      and suggestions
                                                      for improvement.

[[Page 6076]]

                                                      on knowledge and
                                                      skill of the
                                                      pilot trainer.
(4) Telephone Focus Groups....  End of six-month  Get pilot trainers'    Pilot Trainers..         25  1 hour...............  25 hours.
                                 field test        feedback on the
                                 period.           effectiveness of the
                                                   toolkit through one
                                                   or more telephone
                                                   focus groups.\2\
                                                   Topics would
                                                      trainings using
                                                      the toolkit.
                                                      and weaknesses of
                                                      the toolkit.
                                                      reaction of case
                                                      managers to
                                                      toolkit content.
(5) Recruitment Information     Once during       Information relevant   Potential                20  30 minutes...........  10 hours.
 Form.                           recruitment       to the selection of    organization-
                                 process, before   organizations for      based Trainers.
                                 initial           Phase 2.
                                 training is
(6) Evaluation Surveys from     Immediately       Phase 2 Trainers'      Trainers........     \3\ 20  20 minutes...........  6 hours, 40 minutes.
 Phase 2 Trainers.               following         reactions to the
                                 trainings led     training toolkit
                                 by trainers.      after they have used
                                                   it to train case
                                                   managers, including:.
                                                      Description of
                                                      how the toolkit
                                                      was used,
                                                      including which
                                                      modules were used
                                                      and whether any
                                                      were made.
                                                      Description of
                                                      the audience of
                                                      the training
                                                      organization for
                                                      whom the
                                                      work, their
                                                      target client
                                                      Description of
                                                      mode of delivery
                                                      (in person,
                                                      webinar, etc.).
                                                      reaction of case
                                                      that arose as
                                                      they used the
                                                      toolkit (e.g.,
                                                      gaps that need to
                                                      be filled).
(7) Case Manager Log..........  Three months and  Information about      Case Managers         7,000  10 minutes for each    4,666 hours and 40 minutes.
                                 six months from   case managers' use     trained by                   of two surveys.
                                 date of case      of what they learned   pilot trainers
                                 manager           through the            and Phase 2
                                 training.         trainings,             trainers.
                                                      Number of
                                                      clients with whom
                                                      they have
                                                      Number of
                                                      referrals they
                                                      have made to
                                                      other financial
                                                      resources (e.g.,
                                                      problems or
                                                      (e.g., client
                                                      requests that
                                                      case manager did
                                                      not know how to
(8) Survey of Case Managers...  End of six-month  Final input from case  Case Managers...      7,000  10 minutes...........  116 hours, 40 minutes.
                                 field test        managers on the
                                 period.           utility of what they
                                                   learned through the
                                                   training, including:.

[[Page 6077]]

                                                      Extent to
                                                      which they have
                                                      found the
                                                      training they
                                                      received to be
                                                      relevant to their
                                                      comfort level
                                                      financial topics
                                                      with clients, and
                                                      how their comfort
                                                      level changed
                                                      after attending
                                                      the training.
                                                      Extent to
                                                      which they
                                                      believe the
                                                      training they
                                                      received has
                                                      impacted their
                                                      work, and how.
\1\ Based on assumption that each trainer will hold workshops that train 50 case managers.
\2\ While similar information would be collected through the pilot trainer evaluation forms that the pilot trainers complete after holding each of their
  case manager trainings, we believe that focus group discussions might elicit additional insights from the pilot trainers, and would also allow for
  collection of more detailed information and participant suggestions.
\3\ Based on assumption of two trainers per organization selected.

Request for Comments

    Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized 
and/or included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will 
become a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether 
the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance 
of the functions of the Bureau, including whether the information shall 
have practical utility; (b) The accuracy of the Bureau's estimate of 
the burden of the collection of information, including the validity of 
the methodology and the assumptions used; (c) Ways to enhance the 
quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and 
(d) Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on 
respondents, including through the use of automated collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology.
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number.

    Dated: January 17, 2013.
Chris Willey,
Chief Information Officer, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.
[FR Doc. 2013-01439 Filed 1-28-13; 8:45 am]
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