Sunshine Act; Meeting Notice, 4462-4464 [2013-01211]

Download as PDF 4462 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 22, 2013 / Notices APPENDIX [12 TAA Petitions instituted between 1/1/13 and 1/4/13] Subject firm (petitioners) Location O. Mustad & Son, Inc. (Workers) ......................................... TE Connectivity—Formerly Tyco (State/One-Stop) ............. YP Holdings, LLC (Workers) ................................................ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt—Riverside Publishing Division (Workers). Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (From Home) (State/ One-Stop). TE Connectivity—Relay Products Business Unit (Company). Plumas Bank (State/One-Stop) ............................................ HCL America (Workers) ....................................................... SFI Holding, LLC (Workers) ................................................. Eaton Corporation (Union) ................................................... Arch Coal Inc. (Workers) ...................................................... Hostess Defiance Plt #21 (Workers) .................................... Auburn, NY ........................... Shakopee, MN ...................... New Haven, CT .................... Rolling Meadows, IL ............. 01/02/13 01/02/13 01/02/13 01/03/13 12/26/12 12/31/12 01/02/13 01/02/13 Savannah, GA ....................... 01/03/13 12/21/12 Middletown, PA ..................... 01/04/13 12/21/12 Quincy, CA ............................ Winsonville, OR .................... Forest City, NC ..................... Auburn, IN ............................. St. Louis, MO ........................ Defiance, OH ........................ 01/04/13 01/04/13 01/04/13 01/04/13 01/04/13 01/04/13 01/03/13 01/03/13 01/03/13 01/04/13 01/03/13 01/03/13 TA–W 82303 82304 82305 82306 ................ ................ ................ ................ 82307 ................ 82308 ................ 82309 82310 82311 82312 82313 82314 ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ [FR Doc. 2013–01146 Filed 1–18–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4510–FN–P LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Sunshine Act; Meeting Notice The Legal Services Corporation’s Board of Directors and its six committees will meet January 25–26, 2013. On Friday, January 25, the first meeting will commence at 3:45 p.m., Central Standard Time (CST), with each meeting thereafter commencing promptly upon adjournment of the immediately preceding meeting. On Saturday, January 26, the first meeting will commence at 8:30 a.m., CST, with each meeting thereafter commencing promptly upon adjournment of the immediately preceding meeting. The exception will be the Finance Committee meeting, which in part will run concurrently with the Audit Committee meeting. LOCATION: Hyatt French Quarter New Orleans, 800 Iberville Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70113. PUBLIC OBSERVATION: Unless otherwise noted herein, the Board and all committee meetings will be open to public observation. Members of the public who are unable to attend in person but wish to listen to the public proceedings may do so by following the telephone call-in directions provided below. CALL-IN DIRECTIONS FOR OPEN SESSIONS: • Call toll-free number: 1–866–451– 4981; • When prompted, enter the following numeric pass code: 5907707348 (or 2755431953 to access the Finance Committee meeting) • When connected to the call, please immediately ‘‘MUTE’’ your telephone. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with DATE AND TIME: VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:11 Jan 18, 2013 Jkt 229001 Members of the public are asked to keep their telephones muted to eliminate background noises. To avoid disrupting the meeting, please refrain from placing the call on hold if doing so will trigger recorded music or other sound. From time to time, the presiding Chair may solicit comments from the public. MEETING SCHEDULE Friday, January 25, 2013 1. Promotion & Provision for the Delivery of Legal Services Committee. 2. Operations & Regulations Committee. 3. Institutional Advancement Committee. Saturday, January 26, 2013 1. Governance & Performance Committee. 2. Audit Committee 2. 3. Finance Committee 2. 4. Board of Directors. STATUS OF MEETING: Time 1 3:45 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Open, except as 1 Please note that all times in this notice are in the Central Standard Time. 2 The meeting of the Finance Committee will commence prior to the adjournment of and run concurrently in part with the Audit Committee. 3 Any portion of the closed session consisting solely of briefings does not fall within the Sunshine Act’s definition of the term ‘‘meeting’’ and, therefore, the requirements of the Sunshine Act do not apply to such portion of the closed session. 5 U.S.C. 552b(a)(2) and (b). See also 45 CFR § 1622.2 & 1622.3. Frm 00086 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Date of petition Institutional Advancement Committee—Open, except that, upon a vote of the Board of Directors, the meeting may be closed to the public to discuss prospective funders for LSC’s development activities and prospective funders for implementing the recentlyissued Pro Bono Task Force report. A verbatim written transcript will be made of the closed session of the Board and Institutional Advancement Committee meetings. The transcript of any portions of the closed session falling within the relevant provisions of the Government in the Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552b(c)(9) and (10), and the corresponding provisions of the Legal Services Corporation’s implementing regulations, will not be available for public inspection. A copy of the General Counsel’s Certification that, in his opinion, the closing is authorized by law will be available upon request. Matters To Be Considered noted below. Board of Directors—Open, except that, upon a vote of the Board of Directors, a portion of the meeting may be closed to the public to hear briefings by management and LSC’s Inspector General, and to consider and act on the General Counsel’s report on potential and pending litigation involving LSC.3 PO 00000 Date of institution January 25, 2013 Promotion and Provision for the Delivery of Legal Services Committee 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s meeting of October 1, 2012 3. Discussion of preservation and distribution of Committee presentations 4. Discussion of Committee’s evaluations for 2012 and the Committee’s goals for 2013 5. Panel presentation and discussion on Succession Planning and Leadership Development for LSC funded programs D Jon Asher, Executive Director, Colorado Legal Services D David Pantos, Executive Director, Legal Aid of Nebraska E:\FR\FM\22JAN1.SGM 22JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 22, 2013 / Notices D Patricia Pap, Executive Director, Management Information Exchange D Rhodia Thomas, Executive Director, MidPenn Legal Services 6. Public comment 7. Consider and act on other business 8. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting Operations & Regulations Committee 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s meeting September 30, 2012 3. Consider and act on rulemaking on enforcement mechanisms D Mark Freedman, Senior Assistant General Counsel D Matthew Glover, Associate Counsel to the Inspector General D Public comment on this rulemaking 4. Consider and act on initiating rulemaking on representation of criminal defendants in tribal courts D Mark Freedman, Senior Assistant General Counsel D Public comment on this request to initiate rulemaking 5. Consider and act on initiating rulemaking on the findings and recommendations of the Pro Bono Task Force with respect to the Private Attorney Involvement requirement D Mark Freedman, Senior Assistant General Counsel D Public comment on this request to initiate rulemaking 6. Discussion of Committee’s evaluations for 2012 and the Committee’s goals for 2013 7. Public comment 8. Consider and act on other business 9. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting Institutional Advancement Committee Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s open session meeting of September 30, 2012 3. Report on the status of recruitment of a Chief Development Officer 4. Discussion of Committee’s evaluations for 2012 and the Committee’s goals for 2013 5. Discussion of plans for LSC’s 40th anniversary celebration 6. Public comment 7. Consider and act on other business tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with Closed Session 8. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s closed session meeting of September 30, 2012 9. Discussion of prospective funders for LSC’s development activities VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:11 Jan 18, 2013 Jkt 229001 10. Discussion of prospective funders for implementing the Pro Bono Task Force report 11. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting January 26, 2013 Governance and Performance Review Committee 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s meeting of September 30, 2012 3. Staff Reports on D 2012 Board and Board Member selfevaluations D 2012 Committee evaluations D Staff report on progress in implementing GAO recommendations 4. Report on Public Welfare Foundation grant D Presentation by Jim Sandman 5. Discussion of President’s evaluation for 2012 6. Discussion of the Inspector General’s evaluation for 2012 7. Consider and act on other business 8. Public comment 9. Consider and act on motion to adjourn meeting Audit Committee Open Session 1. Approval of agenda 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s meeting of September 30, 2012 3. Presentation of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Annual Financial Audit D Ronald ‘‘Dutch’’ Merryman, Assistant Inspector General for Audits D Nancy Davis, WithumSmith+Brown 4. Review of LSC’s Form 990 for FY 2012 5. Briefing by Office of Inspector General D Jeffrey Schanz, Inspector General 6. Discussion of Committee’s evaluations for 2012 and the Committee’s goals for 2013 7. Public comment 8. Consider and act on other business 9. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting Closed Briefing 10. Communication by Corporate Auditor with those charged with governance under Statement on Auditing Standard 114 D Jeffrey Schanz, Inspector General D Ronald ‘‘Dutch’’ Merryman, Assistant Inspector General for Audits D Nancy Davis, WithumSmith+Brown Finance Committee 1. Approval of agenda PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 4463 2. Approval of minutes of the Committee’s meeting of October 1, 2012 3. Presentation of LSC’s Financial Report for FY 2012 4. Consider and act on Revised Temporary Operating Budget for FY 2013, Resolution 2013–0XX D Presentation by David Richardson, Treasurer & Comptroller 5. Presentation of LSC’s Financial Report for the first two months of FY 2013 D Presentation by David Richardson, Treasurer & Comptroller 6. Report of the Selection of Accounts and Depositories for LSC Funds D Presentation by David Richardson, Treasurer & Comptroller 7. Consider and Act on submission of LSC’s FY 2014 budget request D Presentation Carol Bergman, Director, Office of Government Relations & Public Affairs 8. Discussion of Committee’s evaluation for 2012 and the Committee’s goals for 2013 9. Public comment 10. Consider and act on other business 11. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting Board of Directors Open Session 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of agenda 3. Approval of minutes of the Board’s Open Session telephonic meeting of November 29, 2012 4. Consider and act on nominations for the Chairman of the Board of Directors 5. Consider and act on nominations for the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors 6. Consider and act on delegation to the Chairman of authority to make committee appointments, including the appointment of committee Chairs and non-director members 7. Chairman’s Report 8. Members’ Reports 9. President’s Report 10. Inspector General’s Report 11. Consider and act on the report of the Promotion and Provision for the Delivery of Legal Services Committee 12. Consider and act on the report of the Finance Committee 13. Consider and act on the report of the Audit Committee 14. Consider and act on the report of the Operations and Regulations Committee 15. Consider and act on the report of the Governance and Performance Review Committee E:\FR\FM\22JAN1.SGM 22JAN1 4464 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 22, 2013 / Notices 16. Consider and act on the report of the Institutional Advancement Committee 17. Consider and act on Resolution 2013–XXX thanking the Members of the Pro Bono Task Force for their service on the Task Force 18. Consider and act on a request of a corporate officer for permission to accept compensation for outside employment 19. Public comment 20. Consider and act on other business 21. Consider and act on whether to authorize an executive session of the Board to address items listed below, under Closed Session Dated: January 16, 2013. Victor M. Fortuno, Vice President & General Counsel. Closed Session Name: Site visit review of the Cornell Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) technology development program at Cornell University by the Division of Materials Research, #1203. Dates & Times: February 11, 2013; 7:30 a.m.–9:00 p.m., February 12, 2013; 7:30 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Place: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Type of Meeting: Part open. Contact Person: Dr. Thomas Rieker, Program Director, Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers Program, Division of Materials Research, Room 1065, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230, Telephone (703) 292– 4914. Purpose of Meeting: To provide advice and recommendations concerning the progress of ERL technology development, plans for the remainder of the award, and continued support. 22. Approval of minutes of the Institutional Advancement Committee Closed Session of September 30, 2012 23. Approval of minutes of the Board’s Closed Session of October 2, 2012 24. Management Briefing 25. Inspector General Briefing 26. Consider and act on General Counsel’s report on potential and pending litigation involving LSC 27. Consider and act on motion to adjourn meeting CONTACT PERSON FOR INFORMATION: Atitaya Rok, Staff Attorney, at (202) 295–1628. Questions may be sent by electronic mail to LSC complies with the American’s with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Upon request, meeting notices and materials will be made available in alternative formats to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Individuals who need other accommodations due to disability in order to attend the meeting in person or telephonically should contact Atitaya Rok, at (202) 295–1500 or, at least 2 business days in advance of the meeting. If a request is made without advance notice, LSC will make every effort to accommodate the request but cannot guarantee that all requests can be fulfilled. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with 18:11 Jan 18, 2013 Jkt 229001 BILLING CODE 7050–01–P NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Proposal Review Panel for Materials Research; Notice of Meeting In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92– 463 as amended), the National Science Foundation announces the following meeting: Monday, February 11, 2013 Non-confidential meeting materials will be made available in electronic format at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting on the LSC Web site, at https:// board-meeting-notices/non-confidentialmaterials-be-considered-open-session. VerDate Mar<15>2010 [FR Doc. 2013–01211 Filed 1–17–13; 4:15 pm] Agenda NON-CONFIDENTIAL MEETING MATERIALS: ACCESSIBILITY: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION 7:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Closed—Executive session 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Open—Review of ERL 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Closed—Executive session 5:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Open—Poster session and dinner Proposal Review Panel for Chemistry; Notice of Meeting In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92– 463, as amended), the National Science Foundation announces the following meeting: Name: CCI Phase I Cyber Review Panel (1191). Date and Time: February 12, 2013 10:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m., February 13, 2013 9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Place: Videoconferencing. National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Virginia 22230. Type of Meeting: Part-open. Contact Person: Suk-Wah Tam-Chang, Program Director, Centers for Chemical Innovation Program, Division of Chemistry, Room 1055, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230, (703) 292–8684. Purpose of Meeting: To conduct an in depth evaluation of performance, to assess progress towards goals, and to provide recommendations. Agenda Tuesday, Feb 12, 2013 (all times Eastern) 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Charge to Panel, instructions and discussion (Closed) 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Lunch 12:30 p.m.–2:15 p.m. Presentation from ‘‘Center for Multiscale Theory and Simulation’’ (Open) 2:15 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Break 2:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Panel—Center Q&A (Open) 3:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Panel discusses and prepares report (Closed) Wednesday, Feb 13, 2013 (all times Eastern) 8:00 a.m.–9:10 a.m. Open—Review of the ERL 9:10 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Closed—Executive session, Draft and Review Site visit report Reason for Closing: The work being reviewed may include information of a proprietary or confidential nature, including technical information; financial data, such as salaries and personal information concerning individuals associated with the MRSEC. These matters are exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c), (4) and (6) of the Government in the Sunshine Act. 9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Panel discussions (Closed) 9:30 a.m.–11:15 a.m. Presentation from ‘‘Center for Sustainable Polymer’’ (Open) 11:15 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Break 11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Panel—Center Q&A (Open) 12:00 noon–1:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Panel discusses and prepares reports (Closed) Reason for Closing: The meeting is partially closed to the public because the Panel will be reviewing proposal actions that will include privileged intellectual property and personal information that could harm individuals if they were disclosed. If discussions were open to the public, these matters that are exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c) (4) and (6) of the Government Sunshine Act would be improperly disclosed. Dated: January 16, 2013. Susanne Bolton, Committee Management Officer. Dated: January 15, 2013. Susanne Bolton, Committee Management Officer. [FR Doc. 2013–01116 Filed 1–18–13; 8:45 am] [FR Doc. 2013–01088 Filed 1–18–13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7555–01–P BILLING CODE 7555–01–P Tuesday, February 12, 2013 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 9990 E:\FR\FM\22JAN1.SGM 22JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 14 (Tuesday, January 22, 2013)]
[Pages 4462-4464]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-01211]



Sunshine Act; Meeting Notice

DATE AND TIME: The Legal Services Corporation's Board of Directors and 
its six committees will meet January 25-26, 2013. On Friday, January 
25, the first meeting will commence at 3:45 p.m., Central Standard Time 
(CST), with each meeting thereafter commencing promptly upon 
adjournment of the immediately preceding meeting. On Saturday, January 
26, the first meeting will commence at 8:30 a.m., CST, with each 
meeting thereafter commencing promptly upon adjournment of the 
immediately preceding meeting. The exception will be the Finance 
Committee meeting, which in part will run concurrently with the Audit 
Committee meeting.

LOCATION: Hyatt French Quarter New Orleans, 800 Iberville Street, New 
Orleans, Louisiana 70113.

PUBLIC OBSERVATION: Unless otherwise noted herein, the Board and all 
committee meetings will be open to public observation. Members of the 
public who are unable to attend in person but wish to listen to the 
public proceedings may do so by following the telephone call-in 
directions provided below.

     Call toll-free number: 1-866-451-4981;
     When prompted, enter the following numeric pass code: 
5907707348 (or 2755431953 to access the Finance Committee meeting)
     When connected to the call, please immediately ``MUTE'' 
your telephone. Members of the public are asked to keep their 
telephones muted to eliminate background noises. To avoid disrupting 
the meeting, please refrain from placing the call on hold if doing so 
will trigger recorded music or other sound. From time to time, the 
presiding Chair may solicit comments from the public.

                            Meeting Schedule
         Friday, January 25, 2013                     Time \1\
1. Promotion & Provision for the Delivery   3:45 p.m.
 of Legal Services Committee.
2. Operations & Regulations Committee.....
3. Institutional Advancement Committee....
        Saturday, January 26, 2013
1. Governance & Performance Committee.....  8:30 a.m.
2. Audit Committee \2\....................
3. Finance Committee \2\..................
4. Board of Directors.....................

STATUS OF MEETING: Open, except as noted below.

    \1\ Please note that all times in this notice are in the Central 
Standard Time.
    \2\ The meeting of the Finance Committee will commence prior to 
the adjournment of and run concurrently in part with the Audit 

    Board of Directors--Open, except that, upon a vote of the Board of 
Directors, a portion of the meeting may be closed to the public to hear 
briefings by management and LSC's Inspector General, and to consider 
and act on the General Counsel's report on potential and pending 
litigation involving LSC.\3\

    \3\ Any portion of the closed session consisting solely of 
briefings does not fall within the Sunshine Act's definition of the 
term ``meeting'' and, therefore, the requirements of the Sunshine 
Act do not apply to such portion of the closed session. 5 U.S.C. 
552b(a)(2) and (b). See also 45 CFR Sec.  1622.2 & 1622.3.

    Institutional Advancement Committee--Open, except that, upon a vote 
of the Board of Directors, the meeting may be closed to the public to 
discuss prospective funders for LSC's development activities and 
prospective funders for implementing the recently-issued Pro Bono Task 
Force report.
    A verbatim written transcript will be made of the closed session of 
the Board and Institutional Advancement Committee meetings. The 
transcript of any portions of the closed session falling within the 
relevant provisions of the Government in the Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. 
Sec.  552b(c)(9) and (10), and the corresponding provisions of the 
Legal Services Corporation's implementing regulations, will not be 
available for public inspection. A copy of the General Counsel's 
Certification that, in his opinion, the closing is authorized by law 
will be available upon request.

 Matters To Be Considered

January 25, 2013

Promotion and Provision for the Delivery of Legal Services Committee
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's meeting of October 1, 2012
3. Discussion of preservation and distribution of Committee 
4. Discussion of Committee's evaluations for 2012 and the Committee's 
goals for 2013
5. Panel presentation and discussion on Succession Planning and 
Leadership Development for LSC funded programs
    [ssquf] Jon Asher, Executive Director, Colorado Legal Services
    [ssquf] David Pantos, Executive Director, Legal Aid of Nebraska

[[Page 4463]]

    [ssquf] Patricia Pap, Executive Director, Management Information 
    [ssquf] Rhodia Thomas, Executive Director, MidPenn Legal Services
6. Public comment
7. Consider and act on other business
8. Consider and act on motion to adjourn the meeting
 Operations & Regulations Committee
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's meeting September 30, 2012
3. Consider and act on rulemaking on enforcement mechanisms
    [ssquf] Mark Freedman, Senior Assistant General Counsel
    [ssquf] Matthew Glover, Associate Counsel to the Inspector General
    [ssquf] Public comment on this rulemaking
4. Consider and act on initiating rulemaking on representation of 
criminal defendants in tribal courts
    [ssquf] Mark Freedman, Senior Assistant General Counsel
    [ssquf] Public comment on this request to initiate rulemaking
5. Consider and act on initiating rulemaking on the findings and 
recommendations of the Pro Bono Task Force with respect to the Private 
Attorney Involvement requirement
    [ssquf] Mark Freedman, Senior Assistant General Counsel
    [ssquf] Public comment on this request to initiate rulemaking
6. Discussion of Committee's evaluations for 2012 and the Committee's 
goals for 2013
7. Public comment
8. Consider and act on other business
9. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting
Institutional Advancement Committee
Open Session
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's open session meeting of 
September 30, 2012
3. Report on the status of recruitment of a Chief Development Officer
4. Discussion of Committee's evaluations for 2012 and the Committee's 
goals for 2013
5. Discussion of plans for LSC's 40th anniversary celebration
6. Public comment
7. Consider and act on other business
Closed Session
8. Approval of minutes of the Committee's closed session meeting of 
September 30, 2012
9. Discussion of prospective funders for LSC's development activities
10. Discussion of prospective funders for implementing the Pro Bono 
Task Force report
11. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting

January 26, 2013

Governance and Performance Review Committee
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's meeting of September 30, 2012
3. Staff Reports on
    [ssquf] 2012 Board and Board Member self-evaluations
    [ssquf] 2012 Committee evaluations
    [ssquf] Staff report on progress in implementing GAO 
4. Report on Public Welfare Foundation grant
    [ssquf] Presentation by Jim Sandman
5. Discussion of President's evaluation for 2012
6. Discussion of the Inspector General's evaluation for 2012
7. Consider and act on other business
8. Public comment
9. Consider and act on motion to adjourn meeting
Audit Committee
Open Session
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's meeting of September 30, 2012
3. Presentation of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Annual Financial Audit
    [ssquf] Ronald ``Dutch'' Merryman, Assistant Inspector General for 
    [ssquf] Nancy Davis, WithumSmith+Brown
4. Review of LSC's Form 990 for FY 2012
5. Briefing by Office of Inspector General
    [ssquf] Jeffrey Schanz, Inspector General
6. Discussion of Committee's evaluations for 2012 and the Committee's 
goals for 2013
7. Public comment
8. Consider and act on other business
9. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting
Closed Briefing
10. Communication by Corporate Auditor with those charged with 
governance under Statement on Auditing Standard 114
    [ssquf] Jeffrey Schanz, Inspector General
    [ssquf] Ronald ``Dutch'' Merryman, Assistant Inspector General for 
    [ssquf] Nancy Davis, WithumSmith+Brown
Finance Committee
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Committee's meeting of October 1, 2012
3. Presentation of LSC's Financial Report for FY 2012
4. Consider and act on Revised Temporary Operating Budget for FY 2013, 
Resolution 2013-0XX
    [ssquf] Presentation by David Richardson, Treasurer & Comptroller
5. Presentation of LSC's Financial Report for the first two months of 
FY 2013
    [ssquf] Presentation by David Richardson, Treasurer & Comptroller
6. Report of the Selection of Accounts and Depositories for LSC Funds
    [ssquf] Presentation by David Richardson, Treasurer & Comptroller
7. Consider and Act on submission of LSC's FY 2014 budget request
    [ssquf] Presentation Carol Bergman, Director, Office of Government 
Relations & Public Affairs
8. Discussion of Committee's evaluation for 2012 and the Committee's 
goals for 2013
9. Public comment
10. Consider and act on other business
11. Consider and act on adjournment of meeting
Board of Directors
Open Session
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of agenda
3. Approval of minutes of the Board's Open Session telephonic meeting 
of November 29, 2012
4. Consider and act on nominations for the Chairman of the Board of 
5. Consider and act on nominations for the Vice Chairman of the Board 
of Directors
6. Consider and act on delegation to the Chairman of authority to make 
committee appointments, including the appointment of committee Chairs 
and non-director members
7. Chairman's Report
8. Members' Reports
9. President's Report
10. Inspector General's Report
11. Consider and act on the report of the Promotion and Provision for 
the Delivery of Legal Services Committee
12. Consider and act on the report of the Finance Committee
13. Consider and act on the report of the Audit Committee
14. Consider and act on the report of the Operations and Regulations 
15. Consider and act on the report of the Governance and Performance 
Review Committee

[[Page 4464]]

16. Consider and act on the report of the Institutional Advancement 
17. Consider and act on Resolution 2013-XXX thanking the Members of the 
Pro Bono Task Force for their service on the Task Force
18. Consider and act on a request of a corporate officer for permission 
to accept compensation for outside employment
19. Public comment
20. Consider and act on other business
21. Consider and act on whether to authorize an executive session of 
the Board to address items listed below, under Closed Session
Closed Session
22. Approval of minutes of the Institutional Advancement Committee 
Closed Session of September 30, 2012
23. Approval of minutes of the Board's Closed Session of October 2, 
24. Management Briefing
25. Inspector General Briefing
26. Consider and act on General Counsel's report on potential and 
pending litigation involving LSC
27. Consider and act on motion to adjourn meeting

CONTACT PERSON FOR INFORMATION: Atitaya Rok, Staff Attorney, at (202) 
295-1628. Questions may be sent by electronic mail to

NON-CONFIDENTIAL MEETING MATERIALS: Non-confidential meeting materials 
will be made available in electronic format at least 24 hours in 
advance of the meeting on the LSC Web site, at

ACCESSIBILITY: LSC complies with the American's with Disabilities Act 
and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Upon request, meeting 
notices and materials will be made available in alternative formats to 
accommodate individuals with disabilities. Individuals who need other 
accommodations due to disability in order to attend the meeting in 
person or telephonically should contact Atitaya Rok, at (202) 295-1500 
or, at least 2 business days in advance 
of the meeting. If a request is made without advance notice, LSC will 
make every effort to accommodate the request but cannot guarantee that 
all requests can be fulfilled.

    Dated: January 16, 2013.
Victor M. Fortuno,
Vice President & General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2013-01211 Filed 1-17-13; 4:15 pm]
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