Sunshine Act Meetings: January 2013, 4170 [2013-01203]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 13 / Friday, January 18, 2013 / Notices
claim for royalties. Allocation of the
royalties collected occurs in one of two
ways. In the first instance, these funds
will be distributed through a negotiated
settlement among the parties. 17 U.S.C.
111(d)(4)(A). If the claimants do not
reach an agreement with respect to the
royalties, the Copyright Royalty Judges
(‘‘Judges’’) must conduct a proceeding to
determine the distribution of any
royalties that remain in controversy. 17
U.S.C. 111(d)(4)(B).
On December 12, 2012,
representatives of the Phase I claimant
categories (the ‘‘Phase I Parties’’) 1 filed
with the Judges a motion requesting a
partial distribution of 50% of the 2011
cable royalty funds pursuant to Section
801(b)(3)(C) of the Copyright Act. 17
U.S.C. 801(b)(3)(C). Under that section
of the Copyright Act, before ruling on a
partial distribution motion the Judges
must publish a notice in the Federal
Register seeking responses to the
motion to ascertain whether any
claimant entitled to receive such royalty
fees has a reasonable objection to the
proposed distribution. Consequently,
this Notice seeks comments from
interested claimants on whether any
reasonable objection exists that would
preclude the distribution of 50% of the
2011 cable royalty funds to the Phase I
Parties. The Judges must be advised of
the existence and extent of all such
objections by the end of the comment
period. The Judges will not consider any
objections with respect to the partial
distribution motion that come to their
attention after the close of that period.
The Judges also seek comment on the
existence and extent of any
controversies to the 2011 cable royalty
funds at Phase I or Phase II with respect
to those funds that would remain if the
partial distribution is granted.
The Motion of Phase I Claimants for
Partial Distribution is posted on the
Copyright Royalty Board Web site at
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with
1 The
‘‘Phase I Parties’’ are the Program Suppliers,
Joint Sports Claimants, Public Television
Claimants, Commercial Television Claimants
(represented by National Association of
Broadcasters), Music Claimants (represented by
American Society of Composers, Authors and
Publishers, Broadcast Music, Inc., and SESAC, Inc.),
Canadian Claimants Group, National Public Radio,
and Devotional Claimants. In Phase I of a cable
royalty distribution proceeding, royalties are
allocated among certain categories of broadcast
programming that have been retransmitted by cable
systems. The categories have traditionally been
movies and syndicated television series, sports
programming, commercial and noncommercial
broadcaster-owned programming, religious
programming, music, public radio programming,
and Canadian programming. In Phase II of a cable
royalty distribution proceeding, royalties are
allocated among claimants within each of the Phase
I categories.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:52 Jan 17, 2013
Jkt 229001
Dated: January 15, 2013.
Suzanne Barnett,
Chief U.S. Copyright Royalty Judge.
[FR Doc. 2013–01024 Filed 1–17–13; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Meetings: January 2013
All meetings are held at
2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 16;
Thursday, January 17;
Wednesday, January 23;
Thursday, January 24;
Wednesday, January 30;
Thursday, January 31.
PLACE: Board Agenda Room, No. 11820,
1099 14th St., NW., Washington DC
STATUS: Closed.
§ 102.139(a) of the Board’s Rules and
Regulations, the Board or a panel
thereof will consider ‘‘the issuance of a
subpoena, the Board’s participation in a
civil action or proceeding or an
arbitration, or the initiation, conduct, or
disposition * * * of particular
representation or unfair labor practice
proceedings under section 8, 9, or 10 of
the [National Labor Relations] Act, or
any court proceedings collateral or
ancillary thereto.’’ See also 5 U.S.C.
Gary Shinners, Deputy Executive
Secretary. (202) 273–3737.
Dated: January 16, 2013.
Gary Shinners,
Deputy Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2013–01203 Filed 1–16–13; 4:15 pm]
[Docket No. 030–05154; NRC–2013–0009]
License Amendment Request for
Analytical Bio-Chemistry Laboratories,
Inc., Columbia, MO
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Environmental assessment and
finding of no significant impact.
Peter J. Lee, Ph.D., CHP, Health
Physicist, Materials Control, ISFSI, and
Decommissioning Branch, Division of
Nuclear Materials Safety, Region III
PO 00000
Frm 00051
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Office, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Lisle, Illinois 60532;
telephone: 630–829–9870; fax number:
630–515–1078; email at
I. Introduction
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is considering the
issuance of a license amendment to
Materials License No. 24–13365–01
issued to Analytical Bio-Chemistry
Laboratories, Inc. (the licensee), to
authorize the release of the licensee’s
sanitary lagoon and the surrounding
effluent discharge area for unrestricted
use. Once released, these areas will no
longer be subject to the license, and
licensed activities will not be permitted
therein. The licensee’s facility is located
at 7200 E. ABC Lane, Columbia,
Missouri, approximately six miles east
of Columbia and immediately north of
I–70. The site is approximately 56 acres
in size and is zoned as planned office,
general industrial, and controlled
industrial districts in central Boone
County. The NRC has prepared the
following environmental assessment
(EA) of this proposed license
amendment in accordance with the
requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as
amended (NEPA), and Part 51 of Title
10 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(10 CFR), ‘‘Environmental Protection
Regulations for Domestic Licensing and
Related Regulatory Functions.’’ Based
on this EA, the NRC has concluded that
a Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI) is appropriate. Therefore, the
license amendment will be issued
following the publication of the EA and
FONSI in this notice.
II. Environmental Assessment
The licensee is a contract research
organization that conducts research,
development, and manufacturing of
pharmaceuticals and agricultural
chemicals. Operation at the licensee’s
site began in 1968. The licensee’s
facility is bounded by residential,
agricultural and commercially zoned
areas which appear to be in a stable
phase of growth. The Missouri
Department of Natural Resources
(MDNR) issued Construction Permit
number 26–1030 on May 15, 1986,
authorizing the construction of a single
13,500 square foot surface lagoon with
540 linear feet of 2-inch diameter piping
to accommodate an average flow of
10,000 gallons per day. The lagoon,
application area and drain field were
constructed on the west side of the site
and comprised approximately 28 acres.
The licensee’s sanitary lagoon was
operated from 1986 until 2004, at which
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 13 (Friday, January 18, 2013)]
[Page 4170]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-01203]
Sunshine Act Meetings: January 2013
TIME AND DATES: All meetings are held at 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 16;
Thursday, January 17;
Wednesday, January 23;
Thursday, January 24;
Wednesday, January 30;
Thursday, January 31.
PLACE: Board Agenda Room, No. 11820, 1099 14th St., NW., Washington DC
STATUS: Closed.
MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: Pursuant to Sec. 102.139(a) of the Board's
Rules and Regulations, the Board or a panel thereof will consider ``the
issuance of a subpoena, the Board's participation in a civil action or
proceeding or an arbitration, or the initiation, conduct, or
disposition * * * of particular representation or unfair labor practice
proceedings under section 8, 9, or 10 of the [National Labor Relations]
Act, or any court proceedings collateral or ancillary thereto.'' See
also 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(10).
Secretary. (202) 273-3737.
Dated: January 16, 2013.
Gary Shinners,
Deputy Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2013-01203 Filed 1-16-13; 4:15 pm]