Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Soldotna, AK; Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Shadura Natural Gas Development Project, 75646-75648 [2012-30756]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 246 / Friday, December 21, 2012 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with
potential users, the Refuge would also
support adding ADA-compatible
facilities for waterfowl hunters with
mobility impairments in the Buena
Vista Unit.
We would pursue a land exchange
with BLM, transferring lands within the
Boundary Unit west of State Highway
205 and other small parcels to BLM, in
exchange for appropriate BLM lands.
The land exchange would not affect
hunting opportunities.
Fishing opportunities would continue
at Krumbo Reservoir, along the upper
Blitzen River, at the southern portion of
East Canal, and at Mud and Bridge
Creeks, and vehicle access to fishing
sites would expand. In addition, the
Refuge would develop a new pedestrian
crossing at Bridge Creek, and provide a
new late-summer bank-fishing
opportunity on the Blitzen River, from
Sodhouse Lane to the bridge on Boat
Landing Road. Orientation and
information would be added to fishing
areas. Triploid rainbow trout stocking
would continue at Krumbo Reservoir,
and a genetic study of redband trout
would be conducted.
Step-down management plans for
historic, archaeological, and
paleontological resources would be
developed in cooperation with partners.
Interpretation of historic sites would be
expanded. Opportunities for American
Indians to collect plant materials for
traditional uses would be expanded.
Monitoring and inventory of
archaeological resources would
increase. Step-down habitat and wildlife
species inventory and monitoring plans
would be developed, emphasizing focal
species and national monitoring efforts.
Plant community responses to meadow
management strategies would be
monitored through a third party
scientific process. A database would be
created to track data collected for all
monitoring plans. We would continue to
emphasize partnerships to maximize
adaptive management.
Our volunteer program would
continue, with an emphasis on
increasing recruitment, retention, and
return rates. Refuge staff would pursue
sustainable practices to achieve energy
independence and carbon negative
Refuge management.
Alternative 3
Under Alternative 3, most of the
habitat management practices under
Alternative 2 would occur. The primary
difference is that we would place equal
emphasis on aquatic health (carp
control) and developing a
comprehensive riverine strategy. A
detailed assessment of the
geomorphology, ecology, hydrology, and
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management function of the Blitzen
River would occur for the first 7 years.
This site-specific scientific information
will then form the basis for any needed
pilot projects and implementation of a
comprehensive management strategy.
Management under Alternative 3 for
wildlife viewing, photography, and
welcome and orientation would be
similar to Alternative 2, but there would
be less emphasis on developed facilities,
and more emphasis on self-guided and
off-trail experiences. To promote this, a
variety of access changes would occur.
The 42-mile Blitzen Valley auto tour
route (Center Patrol Road) would be
closed to vehicle access August 15 to
the fourth Friday of October in the
Buena Vista Unit, and August 15 to
March 1 in the P Ranch Unit, and would
be redesigned into two or three shorter,
year-round, auto tour routes. Walk-in
free-roam access along the closed
portions of the Center Patrol Road, and
on the dike tops in the Buena Vista and
P Ranch Units, would be allowed during
the periods listed above to provide
opportunities for self-guided and offtrail experiences. This would provide 11
weeks of free-roam opportunities in the
Buena Vista Unit, and 27 weeks in the
P Ranch Unit. Vehicle access to Krumbo
Reservoir would be permitted from the
fourth Friday of November to April;
walk-in access would be allowed at
other times of the year. The southern
portion of East Canal Road to the
confluence of Bridge Creek at the East
Canal would remain open to year-round
walk-in access. Year-round vehicle
access would be allowed on Boat
Landing Road near Refuge
Headquarters, to the Malheur Lake
elevated viewing platform. Both spur
and loop trails a mile or less in length
would be developed, as would a number
of viewing overlooks and platforms.
Existing trails would be upgraded to
ADA standards.
The historic Audubon photography
blind at Refuge Headquarters Display
Pond would be restored under
Alternative 3. In free-roam areas,
temporary photography blinds would be
permitted. The Refuge would maintain
and replant trees and shrubs at four
historic sites to provide habitat for and
viewing of rare and incidental
The upland game and waterfowl
hunts would be managed similar to
Alternative 2, except that a Buena Vista
waterfowl hunt would not be permitted,
and ADA facilities would not be
developed. A youth hunt would be
explored for the Double-O Unit on the
State-designated weekend.
Fishing opportunities and
management would be the same as
PO 00000
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Alternative 2, except that vehicle access
to fishing areas would be less, which
could limit the number of people
fishing. Volunteer programs, EE and
interpretation, docent-led tours, the
land exchange with BLM, cultural and
paleontological management, energy
independence, and inventory and
monitoring would be managed the same
as under Alternative 2.
We solicited comments on the Draft
CCP/EIS from March 5 to May 4, 2012
(77 FR 13139, March 5, 2012). We
received comments from agencies,
organizations, and individuals. To
address the comments, minor changes
and clarifications were made to the final
CCP/EIS, and documented in Appendix
Public Availability of Documents
In addition to the information in
ADDRESSES, printed copies of the
document will be available for review at
the following libraries: Harney County
Library at 80 West ‘‘D’’ Street, Burns,
OR 97720; and Bend Public Library, 601
NW., Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701.
Dated: December 13, 2012.
Hugh Morrison,
Acting Regional Director, Pacific Region,
Portland, Oregon.
[FR Doc. 2012–30852 Filed 12–20–12; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R7–R–2012–N233; FF07R06000
FXRS12650700000] 123
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge,
Soldotna, AK; Draft Environmental
Impact Statement for the Shadura
Natural Gas Development Project
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce
that the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the Shadura Natural
Gas Development Project is available for
public review and comment. The EIS
was prepared pursuant to the Alaska
National Interest Lands Conservation
Act of 1980 (ANILCA); the National
Wildlife Refuge System Administration
Act of 1966 (Refuge Administration
Act), as amended by the National
Wildlife Refuge System Improvement
Act of 1997 (Refuge Improvement Act);
and the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969 (NEPA). It describes five
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 246 / Friday, December 21, 2012 / Notices
alternatives for accessing the subsurface
natural gas estate owned by Cook Inlet
Region, Inc. (CIRI), and provides
analysis of the effects of those
alternatives. The Service does not have
a preferred alternative.
DATES: Please provide any written
comments or information on the EIS by
February 19, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Additional information
concerning the Project can be found at
Additional information concerning
the Refuge may be found at https://
Send your comments or requests for
information by any one of the following
• Email:;
• Fax: Attn: Peter Wikoff, (907) 786–
Æ U.S. Mail: Peter Wikoff, Natural
Resource Planner, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 1011 East Tudor Rd.,
MS–231, Anchorage, AK 99503
Peter Wikoff, Natural Resource Planner,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, at (907)
786–3357, or at the address above.
received an application for, and have
prepared a draft Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for, a proposed right-ofway within the Refuge. The right-of-way
would be in compliance with the Alaska
National Interests Lands Conservation
Act (ANILCA) Section 1110(b) regarding
access to inholdings, for the
construction and operation of facilities
associated with the exploration and
production of natural gas from the
subsurface estate within the Refuge. The
United States owns the surface estate
which is managed by the Service as part
of the Kenai Refuge, and Cook Inlet
Region, Inc. (CIRI), owns the subsurface
estate of coal, oil, and gas in the project
area. The Project would be in the
northwestern portion of the Kenai
Peninsula, approximately 4 miles
southeast of the end of the road in
Captain Cook State Recreation Area. The
application is being made by NordAq
Energy, Inc., the holder of the lease from
CIRI for the area.
The EIS describes and evaluates a
range of reasonable alternatives and the
anticipated impacts of each. We are
publishing this notice in compliance
with the NEPA regulations (40 CFR
1501.7) to advise other agencies and the
public that the EIS is available for
public review and comment.
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Alternatives Considered
Alternative 1—No Action
The No Action alternative is required
by the NEPA to present the current
situation for comparison with the other
Action Alternatives (Alternatives 2–5)
Under any of the action alternatives
(alternatives 2–5), the Shadura Natural
Gas Development Project would be
constructed, operated, maintained,
decommissioned, and reclaimed. During
the first stage of the project, a gravel
road, gravel storage yards, and a
minimal drilling/processing pad would
be constructed. Then one natural gas
well would be drilled and tested. If the
results of this testing were unfavorable,
all equipment and gravel would be
removed and the affected areas would
be restored to approximate
preconstruction conditions. If the
results of testing were favorable, the
second stage would be constructed.
The second stage of construction
would involve expanding the drilling/
processing pad to its final size and
configuration; drilling five additional
natural gas wells, an industrial water
well, and a Class II disposal well; and
constructing production facilities.
Once constructed, the Project would
operate for about 30 years. At the end
of the Project’s useful life, it would be
decommissioned and the impacted areas
Alternative 2—Applicant’s Proposed
The access road would extend from
the North Kenai Spur Highway along
the west and south sides of Salmo Lake
to a drilling/processing pad. That
portion of the access road outside the
Refuge has already been permitted by
the State of Alaska as part of another
The access road would be 4.3 miles
long, about 2.7 miles of which would be
on the Kenai NWR. The remaining1.6
miles are on State and other lands. Of
that portion on the Kenai NWR, about
1.7 miles of the road would be
constructed in upland areas and about
1 mile would be in wetlands. The
metering pad, gathering lines, and
communication cable would be located
parallel to the access road.
Alternative 3—Natural Gas
Development With Northern Access
Under this alternative, the access road
would be constructed around the north
and east sides of Salmo Lake. The access
road would be 4.6 miles long, of which
2.2 miles would be constructed on State
and other lands, and 2.4 miles would be
PO 00000
Frm 00042
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on the Kenai NWR. About 3.7 miles
would be in upland areas and about 0.9
mile would be in wetlands. The North
Kenai Spur Highway would provide
primary access to the project area. The
metering pad, gathering lines, and
communication cable would be located
parallel to the access road.
Alternative 4—Natural Gas
Development With Eastern Access
Under this alternative, the access road
would be constructed from the east. The
access road would be 3.3 miles long—
all on the Kenai NWR. About 2.7 miles
would be constructed in upland areas
and about 0.5 mile would be in
The metering pad, gathering lines,
and communication cable would not
follow the access road but be
constructed in the same locations as for
Alternative 2. They would be installed
cross-country between the drilling/
processing pad and the previously
permitted road on State lands. The
segment between the Kenai NWR
boundary and metering pad would
follow this previously permitted road.
The North Kenai Spur Highway would
provide primary access to the metering
Alternative 5—Natural Gas
Development With Southern Access
Under this alternative, an access road
would be constructed from the
southeast. The access road would be 5.5
miles long—all on the Kenai NWR.
About 5.3 miles would be constructed
in upland areas and about 0.2 mile
would be in wetlands.
The metering pad, gathering lines,
and communication cable would be
constructed in the same locations as for
Alternatives 2 and 4. They would be
installed cross-country between the
drilling/processing pad and the
previously permitted road on State
lands. The segment between the Kenai
NWR boundary and metering pad would
follow this previously permitted road.
The North Kenai Spur Highway would
provide primary access to the metering
Public Input
Special mailings, newspaper
advertisements, and other media
announcements will inform the public
of opportunities to provide written
input throughout the planning process.
The EIS and information pertaining to
the right-of-way application for the
project are available for viewing and
downloading at
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 246 / Friday, December 21, 2012 / Notices
Refuge Information
The Refuge covers approximately 2
million acres on the Kenai Peninsula in
south-central Alaska. It is readily
accessible by road from the city of
Anchorage, which is home to 41.5
percent of Alaska’s population. The
Refuge consists of the western slopes of
the Kenai Mountains and forested
lowlands bordering Cook Inlet. The
Kenai Mountains, with their glaciers,
rise to more than 6,500 feet. Treeless
alpine and subalpine habitats are home
to mountain goats, Dall sheep, caribou,
wolverine, marmots, and ptarmigan.
Boreal forests extend from sea level to
1,800 feet and are composed of spruce
and birch forests, which on the Refuge
are intermingled with hundreds of
lakes. Boreal forests are home to moose,
wolves, black and brown bears, lynx,
snowshoe hares, and numerous species
of Neotropical birds, such as olive-sided
flycatchers, myrtle warblers, and ruby
crowned kinglets. At sea level, the
Refuge encompasses the last remaining
pristine major saltwater estuary on the
Kenai Peninsula, the Chickaloon River
Flats. The Flats provide a major
migratory staging area and nesting
habitat for shorebirds and waterfowl
throughout the spring, summer, and fall.
The Flats are also used as a haul-out
area by harbor seals. Thousands of
salmon migrate up the Chickaloon River
system each year to spawn.
While the United States owns the
land surface within the Refuge, portions
of the subsurface estate are owned by
CIRI. CIRI is an Alaska Native regional
corporation established under the
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of
1971 (ANCSA; 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.).
CIRI received the subsurface oil, gas,
and coal estate to nearly 200,000 acres
within the Refuge as part of its ANCSA
entitlement. The State of Alaska also
owns lands adjacent to the Refuge
(Captain Cook State Recreation Area).
ANILCA Section 1110(b) requires that
the Service provide adequate and
feasible access to the CIRI-owned
subsurface estate. CIRI has previously
leased other portions of its subsurface
estate within the Refuge. Oil and gas are
currently being produced from other
production units within the Refuge.
The ANILCA (Section 303[4])
established the Refuge from the Kenai
Moose Range and other lands, and set
forth the following major purposes for
which the Refuge was to be managed:
(i) To conserve fish and wildlife
populations and habitats in their natural
diversity, including, but not limited to,
moose, bear, mountain goats, Dall
sheep, wolves, and other furbearers;
salmonoids and other fish; waterfowl
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and other migratory and non-migratory
(ii) To fulfill the international treaty
obligations of the United States with
respect to fish and wildlife and their
(iii) To ensure, to the maximum
extent practicable and in a manner
consistent with the purposes set forth in
paragraph (i), water quality and
necessary water quantity within the
(iv) To provide in a manner consistent
with subparagraphs (i) and (ii),
opportunities for scientific research,
interpretation, environmental
education, and land management
training; and
(v) To provide, in a manner
compatible with these purposes,
opportunities for fish and wildlifeoriented recreation.
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us to withhold it
from public view, we cannot guarantee
we will be able to do so.
Dated: December 17, 2012.
E. LaVerne Smith,
Acting Regional Director, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska.
[FR Doc. 2012–30756 Filed 12–20–12; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement To
Evaluate the Use of Three New
Herbicides on Public Lands in 17
Western States
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of intent.
In compliance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended (NEPA), and the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of
Land Management (BLM), Washington,
DC, intends to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
to evaluate the use of aminopyralid,
fluroxypyr, and rimsulfuron herbicides
as part of the its vegetation treatment
programs on public lands in 17 Western
PO 00000
Frm 00043
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Sfmt 4703
States. By this notice, the BLM is
announcing the beginning of the
scoping process to solicit public
comments and identify issues.
DATES: Comments on issues may be
submitted in writing until February 19,
2013. For inclusion in the Draft EIS, all
comments must be received prior to the
close of the scoping period, or 15 days
after the last public meeting, whichever
is later. The BLM will hold three public
scoping meetings: On January 7, 2013,
in Worland, Wyoming; January 9, 2013,
in Reno, Nevada; and January 10, 2013,
in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The times
and locations of the meetings can be
found in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below. The BLM
will provide additional opportunities
for public participation upon
publication of the Draft EIS.
ADDRESSES: You may submit scoping
comments related to the EIS for the use
of aminopyralid, fluroxypyr, and
rimsulfuron on BLM Public Lands in 17
Western States by any of the following
• Web site:
• Email:
• Fax: 206–623–3793.
• Mail: AECOM, Attn. Stuart Paulus,
710 Second Avenue, Suite 1000, Seattle,
WA 98104.
Documents pertinent to this proposal
may be examined at the BLM
Washington Office, 20 M Street SE.,
Room 2134, Washington, DC 20003.
further information and/or to have your
name added to our mailing list, contact
Gina Ramos, Senior Weeds Specialist,
telephone 202–912–7226 or Stuart
Paulus, Project Manager, telephone 206–
403–4287. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
to contact the referenced individual
during normal business hours. The FIRS
is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, to leave a message or question
with the above individual. You will
receive a reply during normal business
national programmatic EIS proposes to
add aminopyralid, fluroxypyr, and
rimsulfuron to the BLM’s approved list
of herbicides for (1) Controlling noxious
weeds and other invasive species; and
(2) Conserving and restoring native
vegetation, watersheds, and fish and
wildlife habitat. The EIS will evaluate
the use of the three new herbicides as
part of the BLM’s vegetation treatment
programs on public lands in 17 Western
States. The analysis area will include all
surface estate public lands administered
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 246 (Friday, December 21, 2012)]
[Pages 75646-75648]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-30756]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS-R7-R-2012-N233; FF07R06000 FXRS12650700000] 123
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Soldotna, AK; Draft Environmental
Impact Statement for the Shadura Natural Gas Development Project
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce
that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Shadura
Natural Gas Development Project is available for public review and
comment. The EIS was prepared pursuant to the Alaska National Interest
Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (ANILCA); the National Wildlife Refuge
System Administration Act of 1966 (Refuge Administration Act), as
amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997
(Refuge Improvement Act); and the National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (NEPA). It describes five
[[Page 75647]]
alternatives for accessing the subsurface natural gas estate owned by
Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI), and provides analysis of the effects of
those alternatives. The Service does not have a preferred alternative.
DATES: Please provide any written comments or information on the EIS by
February 19, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Additional information concerning the Project can be found
Additional information concerning the Refuge may be found at
Send your comments or requests for information by any one of the
following methods:
Fax: Attn: Peter Wikoff, (907) 786-3976;
[cir] U.S. Mail: Peter Wikoff, Natural Resource Planner, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, 1011 East Tudor Rd., MS-231, Anchorage, AK 99503
Planner, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, at (907) 786-3357, or at the
address above.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We have received an application for, and
have prepared a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for, a
proposed right-of-way within the Refuge. The right-of-way would be in
compliance with the Alaska National Interests Lands Conservation Act
(ANILCA) Section 1110(b) regarding access to inholdings, for the
construction and operation of facilities associated with the
exploration and production of natural gas from the subsurface estate
within the Refuge. The United States owns the surface estate which is
managed by the Service as part of the Kenai Refuge, and Cook Inlet
Region, Inc. (CIRI), owns the subsurface estate of coal, oil, and gas
in the project area. The Project would be in the northwestern portion
of the Kenai Peninsula, approximately 4 miles southeast of the end of
the road in Captain Cook State Recreation Area. The application is
being made by NordAq Energy, Inc., the holder of the lease from CIRI
for the area.
The EIS describes and evaluates a range of reasonable alternatives
and the anticipated impacts of each. We are publishing this notice in
compliance with the NEPA regulations (40 CFR 1501.7) to advise other
agencies and the public that the EIS is available for public review and
Alternatives Considered
Alternative 1--No Action
The No Action alternative is required by the NEPA to present the
current situation for comparison with the other alternatives.
Action Alternatives (Alternatives 2-5)
Under any of the action alternatives (alternatives 2-5), the
Shadura Natural Gas Development Project would be constructed, operated,
maintained, decommissioned, and reclaimed. During the first stage of
the project, a gravel road, gravel storage yards, and a minimal
drilling/processing pad would be constructed. Then one natural gas well
would be drilled and tested. If the results of this testing were
unfavorable, all equipment and gravel would be removed and the affected
areas would be restored to approximate preconstruction conditions. If
the results of testing were favorable, the second stage would be
The second stage of construction would involve expanding the
drilling/processing pad to its final size and configuration; drilling
five additional natural gas wells, an industrial water well, and a
Class II disposal well; and constructing production facilities.
Once constructed, the Project would operate for about 30 years. At
the end of the Project's useful life, it would be decommissioned and
the impacted areas reclaimed.
Alternative 2--Applicant's Proposed Action
The access road would extend from the North Kenai Spur Highway
along the west and south sides of Salmo Lake to a drilling/processing
pad. That portion of the access road outside the Refuge has already
been permitted by the State of Alaska as part of another project.
The access road would be 4.3 miles long, about 2.7 miles of which
would be on the Kenai NWR. The remaining1.6 miles are on State and
other lands. Of that portion on the Kenai NWR, about 1.7 miles of the
road would be constructed in upland areas and about 1 mile would be in
wetlands. The metering pad, gathering lines, and communication cable
would be located parallel to the access road.
Alternative 3--Natural Gas Development With Northern Access
Under this alternative, the access road would be constructed around
the north and east sides of Salmo Lake. The access road would be 4.6
miles long, of which 2.2 miles would be constructed on State and other
lands, and 2.4 miles would be on the Kenai NWR. About 3.7 miles would
be in upland areas and about 0.9 mile would be in wetlands. The North
Kenai Spur Highway would provide primary access to the project area.
The metering pad, gathering lines, and communication cable would be
located parallel to the access road.
Alternative 4--Natural Gas Development With Eastern Access
Under this alternative, the access road would be constructed from
the east. The access road would be 3.3 miles long--all on the Kenai
NWR. About 2.7 miles would be constructed in upland areas and about 0.5
mile would be in wetlands.
The metering pad, gathering lines, and communication cable would
not follow the access road but be constructed in the same locations as
for Alternative 2. They would be installed cross-country between the
drilling/processing pad and the previously permitted road on State
lands. The segment between the Kenai NWR boundary and metering pad
would follow this previously permitted road. The North Kenai Spur
Highway would provide primary access to the metering pad.
Alternative 5--Natural Gas Development With Southern Access
Under this alternative, an access road would be constructed from
the southeast. The access road would be 5.5 miles long--all on the
Kenai NWR. About 5.3 miles would be constructed in upland areas and
about 0.2 mile would be in wetlands.
The metering pad, gathering lines, and communication cable would be
constructed in the same locations as for Alternatives 2 and 4. They
would be installed cross-country between the drilling/processing pad
and the previously permitted road on State lands. The segment between
the Kenai NWR boundary and metering pad would follow this previously
permitted road. The North Kenai Spur Highway would provide primary
access to the metering pad.
Public Input
Special mailings, newspaper advertisements, and other media
announcements will inform the public of opportunities to provide
written input throughout the planning process. The EIS and information
pertaining to the right-of-way application for the project are
available for viewing and downloading at
[[Page 75648]]
Refuge Information
The Refuge covers approximately 2 million acres on the Kenai
Peninsula in south-central Alaska. It is readily accessible by road
from the city of Anchorage, which is home to 41.5 percent of Alaska's
population. The Refuge consists of the western slopes of the Kenai
Mountains and forested lowlands bordering Cook Inlet. The Kenai
Mountains, with their glaciers, rise to more than 6,500 feet. Treeless
alpine and subalpine habitats are home to mountain goats, Dall sheep,
caribou, wolverine, marmots, and ptarmigan. Boreal forests extend from
sea level to 1,800 feet and are composed of spruce and birch forests,
which on the Refuge are intermingled with hundreds of lakes. Boreal
forests are home to moose, wolves, black and brown bears, lynx,
snowshoe hares, and numerous species of Neotropical birds, such as
olive-sided flycatchers, myrtle warblers, and ruby crowned kinglets. At
sea level, the Refuge encompasses the last remaining pristine major
saltwater estuary on the Kenai Peninsula, the Chickaloon River Flats.
The Flats provide a major migratory staging area and nesting habitat
for shorebirds and waterfowl throughout the spring, summer, and fall.
The Flats are also used as a haul-out area by harbor seals. Thousands
of salmon migrate up the Chickaloon River system each year to spawn.
While the United States owns the land surface within the Refuge,
portions of the subsurface estate are owned by CIRI. CIRI is an Alaska
Native regional corporation established under the Alaska Native Claims
Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA; 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.). CIRI received
the subsurface oil, gas, and coal estate to nearly 200,000 acres within
the Refuge as part of its ANCSA entitlement. The State of Alaska also
owns lands adjacent to the Refuge (Captain Cook State Recreation Area).
ANILCA Section 1110(b) requires that the Service provide adequate and
feasible access to the CIRI-owned subsurface estate. CIRI has
previously leased other portions of its subsurface estate within the
Refuge. Oil and gas are currently being produced from other production
units within the Refuge.
The ANILCA (Section 303[4]) established the Refuge from the Kenai
Moose Range and other lands, and set forth the following major purposes
for which the Refuge was to be managed:
(i) To conserve fish and wildlife populations and habitats in their
natural diversity, including, but not limited to, moose, bear, mountain
goats, Dall sheep, wolves, and other furbearers; salmonoids and other
fish; waterfowl and other migratory and non-migratory birds;
(ii) To fulfill the international treaty obligations of the United
States with respect to fish and wildlife and their habitats;
(iii) To ensure, to the maximum extent practicable and in a manner
consistent with the purposes set forth in paragraph (i), water quality
and necessary water quantity within the Refuge;
(iv) To provide in a manner consistent with subparagraphs (i) and
(ii), opportunities for scientific research, interpretation,
environmental education, and land management training; and
(v) To provide, in a manner compatible with these purposes,
opportunities for fish and wildlife-oriented recreation.
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us to withhold it from public view, we cannot guarantee we will be
able to do so.
Dated: December 17, 2012.
E. LaVerne Smith,
Acting Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage,
[FR Doc. 2012-30756 Filed 12-20-12; 8:45 am]