Federal Property Suitable as Facilities to Assist the Homeless, 75642-75644 [2012-30489]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 246 / Friday, December 21, 2012 / Notices
Total estimated burden hours: 2,489.
Status: Revision of a currently
approved collection.
Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 35, as
Dated: December 18, 2012.
Colette Pollard,
Department Reports Management Officer,
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2012–30803 Filed 12–20–12; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FR–5601–N–50]
Federal Property Suitable as Facilities
to Assist the Homeless
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Community Planning and
Development, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
This Notice identifies
unutilized, underutilized, excess, and
surplus Federal property reviewed by
HUD for suitability for use to assist the
Juanita Perry, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street SW., Room 7266, Washington, DC
20410; telephone (202) 402–3970; TTY
number for the hearing- and speechimpaired (202) 708–2565 (these
telephone numbers are not toll-free), or
call the toll-free Title V information line
at 800–927–7588.
accordance with 24 CFR part 581 and
section 501 of the Stewart B. McKinney
Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C.
11411), as amended, HUD is publishing
this Notice to identify Federal buildings
and other real property that HUD has
reviewed for suitability for use to assist
the homeless. The properties were
reviewed using information provided to
HUD by Federal landholding agencies
regarding unutilized and underutilized
buildings and real property controlled
by such agencies or by GSA regarding
its inventory of excess or surplus
Federal property. This Notice is also
published in order to comply with the
December 12, 1988 Court Order in
National Coalition for the Homeless v.
Veterans Administration, No. 88–2503–
OG (D.D.C.).
Properties reviewed are listed in this
Notice according to the following
categories: Suitable/available, suitable/
unavailable, suitable/to be excess, and
unsuitable. The properties listed in the
three suitable categories have been
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with
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reviewed by the landholding agencies,
and each agency has transmitted to
HUD: (1) Its intention to make the
property available for use to assist the
homeless, (2) its intention to declare the
property excess to the agency’s needs, or
(3) a statement of the reasons that the
property cannot be declared excess or
made available for use as facilities to
assist the homeless.
Properties listed as suitable/available
will be available exclusively for
homeless use for a period of 60 days
from the date of this Notice. Where
property is described as for ‘‘off-site use
only’’ recipients of the property will be
required to relocate the building to their
own site at their own expense.
Homeless assistance providers
interested in any such property should
send a written expression of interest to
HHS, addressed to Theresa Ritta,
Division of Property Management,
Program Support Center, HHS, room
5B–17, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville,
MD 20857; (301) 443–2265. (This is not
a toll-free number.) HHS will mail to the
interested provider an application
packet, which will include instructions
for completing the application. In order
to maximize the opportunity to utilize a
suitable property, providers should
submit their written expressions of
interest as soon as possible. For
complete details concerning the
processing of applications, the reader is
encouraged to refer to the interim rule
governing this program, 24 CFR part
For properties listed as suitable/to be
excess, that property may, if
subsequently accepted as excess by
GSA, be made available for use by the
homeless in accordance with applicable
law, subject to screening for other
Federal use. At the appropriate time,
HUD will publish the property in a
Notice showing it as either suitable/
available or suitable/unavailable.
For properties listed as suitable/
unavailable, the landholding agency has
decided that the property cannot be
declared excess or made available for
use to assist the homeless, and the
property will not be available.
Properties listed as unsuitable will
not be made available for any other
purpose for 20 days from the date of this
Notice. Homeless assistance providers
interested in a review by HUD of the
determination of unsuitability should
call the toll free information line at 1–
800–927–7588 for detailed instructions
or write a letter to Ann Marie Oliva at
the address listed at the beginning of
this Notice. Included in the request for
review should be the property address
(including zip code), the date of
publication in the Federal Register, the
PO 00000
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landholding agency, and the property
For more information regarding
particular properties identified in this
Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing
sanitary facilities, exact street address),
providers should contact the
appropriate landholding agencies at the
following addresses: Air Force: Mr.
Robert Moore, Air Force Real Property
Agency, 143 Billy Mitchell Blvd., San
Antonio, TX 78226, (210) 925–3047;
Army: Ms. Veronica Rines, Department
of Army, Office of the Chief of Staff for
Installation Management, 600 Army
Pentagon, Room 5A128, Washington,
DC, 20310, 571–256–8145; Coast Guard:
Commandant, United States Coast
Guard, Attn: Jennifer Stomber, 2100
Second St. SW., Stop 7901, Washington,
DC 20593–0001; (202) 475–5609;
Energy: Mr. Mark C. Price, Office of
Engineering & Construction
Management, OECM MA–50, 4B122,
1000 Independence Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC, 20585, (202) 586–5422;
GSA: Mr. Flavio Peres, General Services
Administration, Office of Real Property
Utilization and Disposal, 1800 F Street
NW., Room 7040 Washington, DC
20405, (202) 501–0084;
Dated: December 13, 2012.
Ann Marie Oliva,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs
FOR 12/21/2012
Suitable/Available Properties
Former Navy & Marine Corps Reserve Center
5301 Ave. South
Galveston TX 77551
Landholding Agency: GSA
Property Number: 54201240013
Status: Surplus
GSA Number: 7–D–TX–0549–9
Comments: 17,319 sf.; sits on 2.63 acres;
Admin. office; fair conditions; eligible for
Nat’l Register Historic Places; asbestos;
access by appt. w/USACE
Bldg. 00352
Fort Irwin
Ft. Irwin CA 92310
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240031
Status: Unutilized
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 3,947 sf.;
storage; very poor conditions; asbestos;
restricted area; currently unavailable due
to the fact that the building is currently
being utilized by the Army
Bldg. 77
Fort Benning
Ft. Benning GA 31905
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 246 / Friday, December 21, 2012 / Notices
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199810028
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 998 sf.;
heat plant; average conditions; currently
unavailable due to the fact that the
building is currently being utilized by the
Bldg. 249
Fort Benning
Ft. Benning GA 31905
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199810030
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 2,750 sf.;
vehicle. storage; average conditions;
currently unavailable due to the fact that
the building is currently being utilized by
the Army
Bldg. 319
Fort Benning
Fort Benning GA 31905
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830073
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 919 sf.;
storage; average conditions; currently
unavailable due to the fact that the
building is currently being utilized by the
Bldg. 09402
Fort Benning
Ft. Benning GA 31905
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200510003
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 2,333 sf.;
family housing; average conditions;
currently unavailable due to the fact that
the building is currently being utilized by
the Army
Bldg. 8559
Fort Benning
Ft. Benning GA 31905
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200920032
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 288 sf.;
Sep Toil/Shower; average conditions;
currently unavailable due to the fact that
the building is currently being utilized by
the Army
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with
Unsuitable Properties
10 Buildings
Fresno Yosemite Intern ‘l
Fresno CA 93727
Landholding Agency: Air Force
Property Number: 18201240036
Status: Excess
Directions: 2202, 2203, 2204, 2206, 2207,
2208, 2217, 2219, 2221, 2223
Comments: Restricted area; public access
denied & no alternative method to gain
access w/out compromising nat’l security
Reasons: Secured Area
New Mexico
Los Alamos Nat’l Lab
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Los Alamos NM 87545
Landholding Agency: Energy
Property Number: 41201240002
Status: Excess
Comments: Located in highly secured area;
public access denied & no alternative
method to gain access w/out compromising
nat’l security
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldgs. 00873, 00875
Fort Campbell
Ft. Campbell TN 42223
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200430052
Status: Unutilized
REASON: properties are located in a
secured area; pre-9/11; where public access
is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising
national security.
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 05613
Fort Campbell
Montgomery TN 42223
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200520061
Status: Unutilized
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 801
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199730161
Status: Unutilized
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 4
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830161
Status: Unutilized
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 1125
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830163
Status: Unutilized
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre-
PO 00000
Frm 00038
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 2323
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830168
Status: Unutilized
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 3659
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830173
Status: Unutilized
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 3664
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830174
Status: Unutilized
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 3698
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830179
Status: Unutilized
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 59
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200310044
Status: Unutilized
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
6 Bldgs.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 246 / Friday, December 21, 2012 / Notices
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200830031
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 1048, 1050, 1071, 1083, 1087,
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
11 Bldgs.
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200930023
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 6901, 6906, 6907, 6908, 6909,
6912, 6914, 6915, 6917, 6918, 6919
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
6 Bldgs.
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200930024
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 6921, 6922, 6925, 6949, 6950,
6951, 6953
REASON: Located in a secured area; pre9/11; where public access is denied and
there is no alternative method to gain
access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
OO2 & OO3
4000 Coast Guard Blvd.
Portsmouth VA 23703
Landholding Agency: Coast Guard
Property Number: 88201240001
Status: Excess
Comments: Located on secured area; public
access denied & no alternative method to
gain access w/out compromising nat’l
Reasons: Secured Area
[FR Doc. 2012–30489 Filed 12–20–12; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with
[FWS–R1–R–2012–N169; 1265–0000–10137–
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
Harney County, OR; Final
Comprehensive Conservation Plan and
Final Environmental Impact Statement
Fish and Wildlife Service,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:28 Dec 20, 2012
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Notice of availability.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
availability of the final comprehensive
conservation plan and environmental
impact statement (CCP/EIS) for the
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
(Refuge). In the final CCP/EIS, we
describe alternatives, including our
preferred alternative, for managing the
Refuge for the next 15 years.
DATES: We will sign a record of decision
no sooner than 30 days after publication
of this notice.
ADDRESSES: You may download a copy
of the final CCP/EIS, or contact us to
request a printed or CD–ROM copy of
the document, as follows.
Agency Web Site: Download the final
CCP/EIS at www.fws.gov/pacific/
Include ‘‘Malheur NWR CCP/EIS’’ in the
subject line of your request for a printed
or CD–ROM copy of the final CCP/EIS.
Fax: Attn: Tim Bodeen, Project
Leader, (541) 493–2405.
Mail: Tim Bodeen, Project Leader,
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
36391 Sodhouse Lane, Princeton, OR
In-Person Viewing or Pickup:
Schedule an appointment with Refuge
staff to view or obtain a final CCP/EIS
during regular business hours by calling
(541) 493–2612.
Local Libraries: The final CCP/EIS is
available for review at the libraries
listed under SUPPLEMENTARY
Bodeen, (541) 493–2612.
With this notice, we announce the
availability of the final CCP/EIS for the
Refuge. We started this process through
a notice in the Federal Register (74 FR
31046; June 29, 2009). We released the
Draft CCP/EIS to the public, and
requested comments on it in a notice of
availability in the Federal Register (77
FR 13141, March 5, 2012).
The Refuge was established by
President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908 as
the Lake Malheur Bird Reservation, to
prevent plume hunters from decimating
colonial nesting bird populations. The
Refuge protected unclaimed lands
encompassed by Malheur, Mud, and
Harney Lakes as a preserve and breeding
ground for native birds. The Refuge was
expanded to include the Blitzen Valley
in 1935, and the Double-O Unit in 1941.
The Refuge’s establishing purposes
PO 00000
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include: ‘‘A refuge and breeding ground
for migratory birds and other wild life’’
and ‘‘for use as an inviolate sanctuary,
or for any other management purpose,
for migratory birds.’’
The Refuge consists of more than
187,000 acres of open water (marsh,
river, and stream), wetlands, springs,
riparian areas, irrigated meadows, grain
fields, and shrub-steppe uplands. The
Refuge’s abundance of water in an
otherwise arid landscape attracts a
significant portion of the Pacific
Flyway’s migrating bird population
during the spring. The large
concentration of migrating birds is
recognized in flyway and regional bird
conservation plans, and BirdLife
International designated the Refuge an
Important Bird Area. Populations of
breeding waterfowl and waterbirds on
Malheur Lake and other Refuge
wetlands have, however, dropped
substantially from historic levels. This
decline is widely attributed to high
populations of nonnative common carp
living in the lake and in adjacent water
bodies. The bottom-feeding carp
impacts bird populations by competing
for insect and plant food sources, and
uprooting vegetation and disturbing silt
in ponds and lakebeds. The resulting
silt plumes degrade aquatic habitat and
interfere with plant and insect
We announce the availability of the
Refuge’s final CCP/EIS in accordance
with National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) 40 CFR 1506.6(b) requirements.
We included a thorough analysis of
impacts on the human environment in
the final CCP/EIS.
The CCP will guide us in managing
and administering the Refuge for the
next 15 years. Alternative 2, as we
described in the final CCP/EIS, is our
preferred alternative, and the
foundation of the CCP.
The CCP Process
The National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966, 16 U.S.C.
668dd–668ee (Refuge Administration
Act), as amended by the National
Wildlife Refuge System Improvement
Act of 1997, requires us to develop a
CCP for each national wildlife refuge.
The purpose for developing a CCP is to
provide refuge managers with a 15-year
plan for achieving refuge purposes and
contributing toward the mission of the
National Wildlife Refuge System,
consistent with sound principles of fish
and wildlife management, conservation,
legal mandates, and our policies. In
addition to outlining broad management
direction for conserving wildlife and
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 246 (Friday, December 21, 2012)]
[Pages 75642-75644]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-30489]
[Docket No. FR-5601-N-50]
Federal Property Suitable as Facilities to Assist the Homeless
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and
Development, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and
surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for use to
assist the homeless.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Juanita Perry, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 7266, Washington,
DC 20410; telephone (202) 402-3970; TTY number for the hearing- and
speech-impaired (202) 708-2565 (these telephone numbers are not toll-
free), or call the toll-free Title V information line at 800-927-7588.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 24 CFR part 581 and
section 501 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42
U.S.C. 11411), as amended, HUD is publishing this Notice to identify
Federal buildings and other real property that HUD has reviewed for
suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were
reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding
agencies regarding unutilized and underutilized buildings and real
property controlled by such agencies or by GSA regarding its inventory
of excess or surplus Federal property. This Notice is also published in
order to comply with the December 12, 1988 Court Order in National
Coalition for the Homeless v. Veterans Administration, No. 88-2503-OG
Properties reviewed are listed in this Notice according to the
following categories: Suitable/available, suitable/unavailable,
suitable/to be excess, and unsuitable. The properties listed in the
three suitable categories have been reviewed by the landholding
agencies, and each agency has transmitted to HUD: (1) Its intention to
make the property available for use to assist the homeless, (2) its
intention to declare the property excess to the agency's needs, or (3)
a statement of the reasons that the property cannot be declared excess
or made available for use as facilities to assist the homeless.
Properties listed as suitable/available will be available
exclusively for homeless use for a period of 60 days from the date of
this Notice. Where property is described as for ``off-site use only''
recipients of the property will be required to relocate the building to
their own site at their own expense. Homeless assistance providers
interested in any such property should send a written expression of
interest to HHS, addressed to Theresa Ritta, Division of Property
Management, Program Support Center, HHS, room 5B-17, 5600 Fishers Lane,
Rockville, MD 20857; (301) 443-2265. (This is not a toll-free number.)
HHS will mail to the interested provider an application packet, which
will include instructions for completing the application. In order to
maximize the opportunity to utilize a suitable property, providers
should submit their written expressions of interest as soon as
possible. For complete details concerning the processing of
applications, the reader is encouraged to refer to the interim rule
governing this program, 24 CFR part 581.
For properties listed as suitable/to be excess, that property may,
if subsequently accepted as excess by GSA, be made available for use by
the homeless in accordance with applicable law, subject to screening
for other Federal use. At the appropriate time, HUD will publish the
property in a Notice showing it as either suitable/available or
For properties listed as suitable/unavailable, the landholding
agency has decided that the property cannot be declared excess or made
available for use to assist the homeless, and the property will not be
Properties listed as unsuitable will not be made available for any
other purpose for 20 days from the date of this Notice. Homeless
assistance providers interested in a review by HUD of the determination
of unsuitability should call the toll free information line at 1-800-
927-7588 for detailed instructions or write a letter to Ann Marie Oliva
at the address listed at the beginning of this Notice. Included in the
request for review should be the property address (including zip code),
the date of publication in the Federal Register, the landholding
agency, and the property number.
For more information regarding particular properties identified in
this Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing sanitary facilities,
exact street address), providers should contact the appropriate
landholding agencies at the following addresses: Air Force: Mr. Robert
Moore, Air Force Real Property Agency, 143 Billy Mitchell Blvd., San
Antonio, TX 78226, (210) 925-3047; Army: Ms. Veronica Rines, Department
of Army, Office of the Chief of Staff for Installation Management, 600
Army Pentagon, Room 5A128, Washington, DC, 20310, 571-256-8145; Coast
Guard: Commandant, United States Coast Guard, Attn: Jennifer Stomber,
2100 Second St. SW., Stop 7901, Washington, DC 20593-0001; (202) 475-
5609; Energy: Mr. Mark C. Price, Office of Engineering & Construction
Management, OECM MA-50, 4B122, 1000 Independence Ave. NW., Washington,
DC, 20585, (202) 586-5422; GSA: Mr. Flavio Peres, General Services
Administration, Office of Real Property Utilization and Disposal, 1800
F Street NW., Room 7040 Washington, DC 20405, (202) 501-0084;
Dated: December 13, 2012.
Ann Marie Oliva,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs (Acting).?>
Suitable/Available Properties
Former Navy & Marine Corps Reserve Center
5301 Ave. South
Galveston TX 77551
Landholding Agency: GSA
Property Number: 54201240013
Status: Surplus
GSA Number: 7-D-TX-0549-9
Comments: 17,319 sf.; sits on 2.63 acres; Admin. office; fair
conditions; eligible for Nat'l Register Historic Places; asbestos;
access by appt. w/USACE
Bldg. 00352
Fort Irwin
Ft. Irwin CA 92310
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240031
Status: Unutilized
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 3,947 sf.; storage; very poor
conditions; asbestos; restricted area; currently unavailable due to
the fact that the building is currently being utilized by the Army
Bldg. 77
Fort Benning
Ft. Benning GA 31905
[[Page 75643]]
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199810028
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 998 sf.; heat plant; average conditions;
currently unavailable due to the fact that the building is currently
being utilized by the Army
Bldg. 249
Fort Benning
Ft. Benning GA 31905
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199810030
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 2,750 sf.; vehicle. storage; average
conditions; currently unavailable due to the fact that the building
is currently being utilized by the Army
Bldg. 319
Fort Benning
Fort Benning GA 31905
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830073
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 919 sf.; storage; average conditions;
currently unavailable due to the fact that the building is currently
being utilized by the Army
Bldg. 09402
Fort Benning
Ft. Benning GA 31905
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200510003
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 2,333 sf.; family housing; average
conditions; currently unavailable due to the fact that the building
is currently being utilized by the Army
Bldg. 8559
Fort Benning
Ft. Benning GA 31905
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200920032
Status: Excess
Comments: RE-DETERMINATION: 288 sf.; Sep Toil/Shower; average
conditions; currently unavailable due to the fact that the building
is currently being utilized by the Army
Unsuitable Properties
10 Buildings
Fresno Yosemite Intern `l
Fresno CA 93727
Landholding Agency: Air Force
Property Number: 18201240036
Status: Excess
Directions: 2202, 2203, 2204, 2206, 2207, 2208, 2217, 2219, 2221,
Comments: Restricted area; public access denied & no alternative
method to gain access w/out compromising nat'l security
Reasons: Secured Area
New Mexico
Los Alamos Nat'l Lab
Los Alamos NM 87545
Landholding Agency: Energy
Property Number: 41201240002
Status: Excess
Comments: Located in highly secured area; public access denied & no
alternative method to gain access w/out compromising nat'l security
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldgs. 00873, 00875
Fort Campbell
Ft. Campbell TN 42223
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200430052
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: properties are located in
a secured area; pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is
no alternative method to gain access without comprising national
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 05613
Fort Campbell
Montgomery TN 42223
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200520061
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 801
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199730161
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 4
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830161
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 1125
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830163
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 2323
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830168
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 3659
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830173
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 3664
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830174
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 3698
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21199830179
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
Bldg. 59
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200310044
Status: Unutilized
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
6 Bldgs.
[[Page 75644]]
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200830031
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 1048, 1050, 1071, 1083, 1087, 1091
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
11 Bldgs.
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200930023
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 6901, 6906, 6907, 6908, 6909, 6912, 6914, 6915, 6917,
6918, 6919
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
6 Bldgs.
Fort Bliss
El Paso TX 79916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200930024
Status: Unutilized
Directions: 6921, 6922, 6925, 6949, 6950, 6951, 6953
Comments: CHANGE IN UNSUITABILITY REASON: Located in a secured area;
pre-9/11; where public access is denied and there is no alternative
method to gain access without comprising national security
Reasons: Secured Area
OO2 & OO3
4000 Coast Guard Blvd.
Portsmouth VA 23703
Landholding Agency: Coast Guard
Property Number: 88201240001
Status: Excess
Comments: Located on secured area; public access denied & no
alternative method to gain access w/out compromising nat'l security
Reasons: Secured Area
[FR Doc. 2012-30489 Filed 12-20-12; 8:45 am]