Notice of Availability of Proposed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Production Operations off Southern California, 75429-75432 [2012-30696]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 245 / Thursday, December 20, 2012 / Notices
refrigerator-freezers that incorporate
multiple defrost cycles. DOE
subsequently granted a waiver for the
products specified in these petitions. 77
FR 1474 (Jan. 10, 2012).
Samsung’s petition included an
alternate test procedure to account for
the energy consumption of its
refrigerator-freezer models with
multiple defrost cycles. The alternate
test procedure specified by Samsung is
the same as the test procedure
published in the interim final rule
referenced above. DOE recently issued a
final test procedure for refrigerators,
refrigerator-freezers, and freezers (77 FR
3559, Jan. 25, 2012). The final test
procedure addresses comments received
on the Samsung petitions that were the
subject of the previous waiver, as well
as on the interim final rule. The
alternate test procedure specified in this
interim waiver (as well as the previous
waiver granted to Samsung) is identical
to the test procedure provisions for
products with long time or variable
defrost adopted in the final test
procedure rule.
Because the current applicable test
procedure cannot be used to test the
basic models at issue or would
otherwise lead to materially inaccurate
results, DOE previously granted a
waiver to Samsung for other basic
models incorporating multiple defrost
technology (77 FR 1474, Jan. 10, 2012).
DOE has determined that it is desirable
to have similar basic models, such as
those addressed by this most recent
Samsung petition, tested in a consistent
manner and is adopting the same
approach laid out in its prior decision
by permitting Samsung to use the
alternate test procedure specified in this
Decision and Order.
III. Consultations With Other Agencies
DOE consulted with the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) staff concerning the
Samsung petition for waiver. The FTC
staff did not have any objections to
granting a waiver to Samsung.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with
IV. Conclusion
After careful consideration of all the
material that was submitted by Samsung
and consultation with the FTC staff, it
is ordered that:
(1) The petitions for waiver submitted
by the Samsung Electronics America,
Inc. (Case No. RF–021) are hereby
granted as set forth in the paragraphs
(2) Samsung shall be required to test
and rate the following Samsung models
according to the alternate test procedure
set forth in paragraph (3) of this section.
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Notice of Availability of Proposed
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) General
Permit for Offshore Oil and Gas
Exploration, Development and
Production Operations off Southern
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of availability of
proposed NPDES general permit
Issued in Washington, DC, on November 19,
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy
Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and Renewable
[FR Doc. 2012–30675 Filed 12–19–12; 8:45 am]
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EPA Region 9 is proposing to
reissue its general NPDES permit
(permit No. CAG280000) for discharges
from offshore oil and gas exploration,
development and production facilities
located in Federal waters off the coast
of Southern California. This permit was
issued on September 22, 2004, and
modified on November 30, 2009.
This notice announces the availability
of the proposed general permit and fact
sheet for public comment. For the most
part, the proposed permit is very similar
to the 2004 permit. The major changes
from the 2004 permit include the
following: (1) Reduced geographic area
of coverage reflecting a reduction in the
number of lease blocks considered
active by the Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM); (2) revised
effluent limits and monitoring
requirements for produced water based
on an updated reasonable potential
analysis; (3) revised whole effluent
toxicity (WET) requirements for
produced water; (4) study requirement
for cooling water intake structures; and
(5) new requirements for an on-line oil
and grease monitor for produced water.
These changes are discussed in more
detail below, and in the fact sheet
accompanying the proposed general
DATES: Comments on the proposed
permit must be received or postmarked
no later than February 4, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Public comments on the
proposed permit may be submitted by
U.S. Mail to: Environmental Protection
Agency, Region 9, Attn: Eugene
Bromley, NPDES Permits Office (WTR–
5), 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco,
California 94105–3901, or by email to:
Eugene Bromley, EPA Region 9, NPDES
Permits Office (WTR–5), 75 Hawthorne
Street, San Francisco, California 94105–
3901, or telephone (415) 972–3510. A
copy of the proposed permit and fact
(3) Samsung shall be required to test
the products listed in paragraph (2) of
this section according to the alternate
test procedure as adopted in DOE’s final
rule dated January 25, 2012 (77 FR
(4) Representations. Samsung may
make representations about the energy
use of its refrigerator-freezer products
for compliance, marketing, or other
purposes only to the extent that such
products have been tested in accordance
with the provisions outlined above and
such representations fairly disclose the
results of such testing.
(5) This waiver shall remain in effect
consistent with the provisions of 10 CFR
(6) This waiver is issued on the
condition that the statements,
representations, and documentary
materials provided by the petitioner are
valid. DOE may revoke or modify this
waiver at any time if it determines the
factual basis underlying the petition for
waiver is incorrect, or the results from
the alternate test procedure are
unrepresentative of the basic models’
true energy consumption characteristics.
(7) This waiver applies only to those
basic models set out in Samsung’s
December 14, 2011 petition for waiver.
Grant of this waiver does not release a
petitioner from the certification
requirements set forth at 10 CFR part
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 245 / Thursday, December 20, 2012 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with
sheet will be provided upon request and
are also available on Region 9’s Web site
npdes/pubnotices.html. The 2004
general permit and fact sheet are
available on Region 9’s Web site at
Administrative Record: The proposed
permit and other related documents in
the administrative record are on file and
may be inspected any time between 8:30
a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays, at the
following address: U.S. EPA Region 9,
NPDES Permits Office (WTR–5), 75
Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA
A. Summary of Proposed Changes From
the 2004 General Permit
1. Facility Coverage. Like the 2004
general permit, the proposed general
permit would apply to existing
development and production platforms,
and new exploratory drilling operations
in the Offshore Subcategory of the Oil
and Gas Extraction Point Source
Category, located in and discharging to
specified lease blocks in Federal waters
on the Pacific Outer-Continental Shelf
(OCS), offshore Southern California.
There are currently 23 production
platforms which are authorized to
discharge by the 2004 permit, and the
proposed permit would continue to
authorize discharges from these 23
platforms; discharges from any new
platforms would require separate
individual permits. The geographic area
of coverage for the proposed permit
would be the 49 lease blocks currently
considered active by the Bureau of
Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) off
Southern California; this would be a
reduction from the 83 lease blocks
considered active in 2004 and included
in the 2004 general permit.
2. Updated Reasonable Potential
Analysis for Produced Water
Discharges. On November 30, 2009 (74
FR 64074) Region 9 modified the 2004
general permit to incorporate additional
effluent limits and monitoring
requirements based on a study
submitted in 2006 by permittees of the
reasonable potential of the discharges to
cause or contribute to exceedances of
marine water quality criteria. For the
new proposed permit, Region 9 reevaluated this matter using monitoring
data collected in 2009–2012. The new
analysis showed that many of the
previous effluent limits in the 2009
modification are no longer needed and
would not be included in the 2012
proposed permit. For such constituents,
however, Region 9 is proposing an
annual monitoring requirement to
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ensure no unreasonable degradation of
the marine environment pursuant to
section 403 of the Clean Water Act
3. Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET). The
2004 permit required monthly WET
testing for produced water discharges
(for the first year of the permit) using
the red abalone (Haliotis rufescens)
larval development test, and then
annual screening with a plant (giant
kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera), a vertebrate
(topsmelt, Atherinops affinis) and an
invertebrate (red abalone). In 2010, EPA
published a new guidance manual 1
which Region 9 believes improves
regulatory decision-making with regards
to WET test results. For the proposed
2012 general permit, Region 9 is
proposing WET effluent limits for
certain platforms based on the WET test
results collected during the term of the
2004 permit. Region 9 is also proposing
continuation of chronic toxicity testing
for all platforms to ensure no
unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment, using the three above
species, and the 2010 protocol for
analysis of the results.
4. Cooling Water Intake Structure
Requirements. Section 316(b) of the
CWA requires that the location, design,
construction and capacity of cooling
water intake structures (CWISs) reflect
the application of the best technology
available to minimize adverse
environmental impacts. On June 16,
2006 (71 FR 35006), EPA promulgated
final regulations for new offshore oil
and gas facilities. Region 9 believes that
all facilities potentially covered by the
proposed permit (including new
exploratory operations) would not be
considered ‘‘new facilities’’ as defined
in the 2006 regulations and therefore are
not categorically subject to the 2006
Although the 2006 regulations did not
include specific requirements for
existing offshore oil and gas facilities,
the preamble notes that requirements for
existing facilities may be developed on
a case-by-case basis using best
professional judgment (71 FR 35006).
Region 9 is proposing a study
requirement (due within one year) for
the 2012 general permit which would
require the following for all platforms
with cooling water discharges: (1)
Description of current CWIS and
existing measures to minimize
entrainment/impingement; (2)
assessment of the environmental
impacts from entrainment/impingement
1 U.S. EPA. 2010. National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System Test of Significant Toxicity
Implementation Document, EPA 833–R–10–003,
June 2010.
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given current practices; and (3)
practicality of additional measures to
reduce environmental impacts from
5. On-Line Oil and Grease Monitors.
The 2004 general permit required each
permittee (jointly or separately) to
investigate and submit a report
evaluating the availability and
practicality of on-line monitoring
devices for oil and grease in produced
water discharges. The practicality of
such devices for produced water was
unclear at the time of the 2004 general
permit issuance, but it was Region 9’s
intent to re-evaluate this matter when
the permit was reissued. These devices
have the potential to provide more
timely information concerning upset
conditions and potential exceedances of
permit limits, and thereby provide
improved protection of the marine
The permittees submitted three
different reports evaluating this matter,
and Region 9 believes they show the
technology is now available and
practical for use at California offshore
platforms. Furthermore, in discussions
with operators and as noted in the
reports, some platforms have already
installed devices of this nature. As such,
the proposed 2012 general permit would
require within one year of the permit’s
effective date that operators do either of
the following: (1) Install on-line
monitoring equipment capable of
providing the operator with rapid
information concerning potential
noncompliance with the effluent limits
for oil and grease for produced water in
the permit, or (2) provide information to
Region 9 demonstrating that the
operator has already installed
monitoring equipment which meets the
above objective.
B. Ocean Discharge Criteria
Section 403 of the CWA requires that
an NPDES permit for a discharge into
marine waters located seaward of the
inner boundary of the territorial seas be
issued in accordance with guidelines for
determining the potential degradation of
the marine environment. These
guidelines, referred to as the Ocean
Discharge Criteria (40 CFR part 125,
subpart M) and section 403 of the CWA
are intended to ‘‘prevent unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment
and to authorize imposition of effluent
limitations, including a prohibition of
discharge, if necessary, to ensure this
goal’’ (45 FR 65942, October 3, 1980).
To support the issuance of the 2004
general permit, Region 9 prepared an
Ocean Discharge Criteria Evaluation
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 245 / Thursday, December 20, 2012 / Notices
(ODCE) 2 which evaluated the proposed
discharges in relation to the
requirements of the Ocean Discharge
Criteria regulations. After review of the
ODCE, and numerous other studies and
data in the administrative record for the
2004 permit, Region 9 concluded that
the discharges authorized by the permit
would not cause unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment.
For the proposed 2012 permit
reissuance, Region 9 re-evaluated this
conclusion through a review of new
study results that have become available
subsequent to the 2004 permit issuance,
such as new reports from the
environmental studies program
conducted by the Pacific OCS Office of
BOEM. After considering such new
information, Region 9 again concludes
that the proposed discharges from the
platforms would not cause unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment.
As stated above, the proposed permit
has water quality and toxicity
monitoring to ensure compliance with
CWA Section 403.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with
C. Endangered Species Act
The Endangered Species Act (ESA)
allocates authority to and administers
requirements upon Federal agencies
regarding threatened or endangered
species of fish, wildlife, or plants and
habitat of such species that have been
designated as critical. Its implementing
regulations (50 CFR part 402) require
EPA to ensure, in consultation with the
Secretary of the Interior or Commerce,
that any action authorized, funded or
carried out by EPA is not likely to
jeopardize the continued existence of
any threatened or endangered species or
adversely affect its critical habitat (40
CFR 122.49(c)). Implementing
regulations for the ESA establish a
process by which Federal agencies
consult with one another to ensure that
the concerns of both the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the
National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) (collectively ‘‘Services’’) are
addressed. EPA prepared separate
biological assessments (BAs) 3 4 to assess
2 Science Applications International Corporation.
2000. Ocean Discharge Criteria Evaluation South
and Central California for NPDES Permit No.
CAG28000, Submitted to U.S. EPA Region 9,
September 29, 2000.
3 Science Applications International Corporation.
2000. Biological Assessment for Endangered
Species in Outer Continental Shelf Waters of South
and Central California for Consultation with the
National Marine Fisheries Service, Submitted to
EPA, February 10, 2000.
4 Science Applications International Corporation.
2000. Biological Assessment for Endangered
Species in Outer Continental Shelf Waters of South
and Central California for Consultation with the
Unites States Fish and Wildlife Service, Submitted
to EPA, February 10, 2000.
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the potential impacts of the 2004 permit
issuance on listed species under the
jurisdiction of the USFWS and NMFS.
Both BAs concluded that there would be
no effect on listed species. The BAs
were provided to the Services for review
but no comments were received.
For the 2012 general permit
reissuance, Region 9 reconsidered the
potential effects of the discharges on
listed species and critical habitat. Both
NMFS and the USFWS maintain current
information and lists of threatened and
endangered species and critical habitat
for these species at: https:// and After
reconsidering this matter, Region 9
believes the proposed discharges would
not affect these species.5 However, we
will forward the draft permit and fact
sheet to the Services to solicit comments
on this tentative conclusion.
D. Coastal Zone Management Act
The Coastal Zone Management Act
(CZMA) provides that a Federal license
or permit for activities affecting the
coastal zone of a state may not be
granted until a state with an approved
Coastal Management Plan (CMP)
concurs that the activities authorized by
the permit are consistent with the CMP
(CZMA section 307(c)(3)(A)). In
California, the CZMA authority is the
California Coastal Commission (CCC).
Since Region 9 issued the general
permit in 2004, the CZMA regulations
specifying Federal agencies’ obligations
under CZMA sections (c)(1) and (c)(3)
have been revised. In accordance with
the revised regulations (71 FR 788,
January 5, 2006), the issuance of a
general NPDES permit by EPA is
considered a ‘‘Federal agency activity’’
subject to the consistency determination
requirements of CZMA section
307(c)(1). 15 CFR 930.31(d). Region 9
believes the permit would be consistent
with the CMP, and will be submitting
the required determination to the CCC
pursuant to CZMA section 307(c)(1)
prior to final permit issuance. If the
relevant state agency’s conditions are
not incorporated into the general permit
or the state agency objects to the general
permit, then the general permit is not
available for use in that state unless the
applicant or person who wants to use
the general permit provides the state
agency with a consistency
determination and the state agency
concurs. Essentially, if EPA does not
include a state agency’s conditions or if
5 In letters dated August 29, 2012, Region 9 also
requested species lists from the Services to ensure
that appropriate species are considered for
reissuance of the final general permit.
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the state agency objects, then the
applicable CZMA consistency
determination requirements shift from
those in CZMA section 307(c)(1) into
those in CZMA section 307(c)(3).
E. Marine Protection, Research, and
Sanctuaries Act
The Channel Islands National Marine
Sanctuary was designated in 1980 and
encompasses approximately 4,296 km2
in the Southern California Bight.
Sanctuary regulations (15 CFR 922.71)
provide a list of activities that are
prohibited and thus unlawful for any
person to conduct or to cause to be
conducted within the Sanctuary. No
operations authorized by this proposed
permit are within the Sanctuary
F. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
The 1996 amendments to the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act set
forth a number of new mandates for
NMFS, regional fishery management
councils, and Federal agencies to
identify and protect important marine
and anadromous fish habitat. Regional
fishery management councils, with
assistance from NMFS, are required to
delineate essential fish habitat (EFH).
The Magnuson-Stevens Act requires
that Federal agencies consult with
NMFS on all actions undertaken by the
agency which may adversely affect EFH.
In accordance with these requirements,
for the 2004 general permit, EPA
prepared an assessment 6 of the effects
of the proposed discharges on EFH in
the area covered by the permit. The
assessment concluded that while there
may be effects on EFH from certain
discharges near an outfall, these effects
should be minor overall. Region 9 also
initiated a consultation with NMFS in
2000 which led to a requirement for a
2005 study 7 to address certain concerns
which NMFS raised regarding produced
water discharges.
For the 2012 permit reissuance,
Region 9 reconsidered the effects of the
discharges on EFH. NMFS provides
updated information concerning EFH in
Southern California ocean waters on its
Web site at
index_EFH.htm. After review of the
6 Science Applications International Corporation.
2000. Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for NPDES
Permit No. CAG280000, Submitted to EPA Region
9. October 2, 2000.
7 Western States Petroleum Association. 2005.
The Effects of Produced Water Discharges on
Federally Managed Fish Species along the
California Outer Continental Shelf, Submitted to
EPA Region 9, June 2005.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 245 / Thursday, December 20, 2012 / Notices
information on the NMFS Web site,
Region 9 believes the previous
conclusion is still valid that the
discharges would not have a significant
adverse effect on EFH. However, Region
9 will forward the draft permit and fact
sheet to NMFS for any comments on
Region 9’s tentative conclusion
concerning the potential effects on EFH.
G. Permit Appeal Procedures
Within 120 days following notice of
EPA’s final decision for the general
permit under 40 CFR 124.15, any
interested person may appeal the permit
decision in the Federal Court of Appeals
in accordance with Section 509(b)(1) of
the CWA. Persons affected by a general
permit may not challenge the conditions
of a general permit as a right in further
Agency proceedings. They may instead
either challenge the general permit in
court, or apply for an individual permit
as specified at 40 CFR 122.21 (and
authorized at 40 CFR 122.28), and then
petition the Environmental Appeals
Board to review any condition of the
individual permit (40 CFR 124.19).
H. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5
U.S.C. 601 et seq., requires that EPA
prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis
for regulations that have a significant
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. The permit renewal proposed
today is not a ‘‘rule’’ subject to the
Regulatory Flexibility Act. EPA
prepared a regulatory flexibility
analysis, however, on the promulgation
of the Offshore Subcategory guidelines
on which many of the permit’s effluent
limitations are based. That analysis has
shown that issuance of this permit
would not have a significant impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
I. Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection required
by this proposed permit has been
approved by Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) under the provisions of
the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq., in submissions made for
the NPDES permit program and
assigned OMB control numbers 2040–
0086 (NPDES permit application) and
2040–0004 (discharge monitoring
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with
Authority: Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251
et seq.
Dated: December 6, 2012.
John Kemmerer,
Acting Director, Water Division, EPA Region
[FR Doc. 2012–30696 Filed 12–19–12; 8:45 am]
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Information Collection Being Reviewed
by the Federal Communications
Commission Under Delegated
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice and request for
The Federal Communications
Commission (FCC), as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
burdens, invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on the
following information collection, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995. Comments are
requested concerning whether the
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the Commission,
including whether the information shall
have practical utility; the accuracy of
the Commission’s burden estimate;
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information collected;
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on the
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology;
and ways to further reduce the
information collection burden on small
business concerns with fewer than 25
The FCC may not conduct or sponsor
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
PRA that does not display a valid Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should
be submitted on or before February 19,
2013. If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contact listed below as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to
the Federal Communications
Commission via email to
additional information about the
information collection, contact Cathy
Williams at (202) 418–2918.
OMB Control Number: 3060–0009.
Title: Application for Consent to
Assignment of Broadcast Station
PO 00000
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Construction Permit or License or
Transfer of Control of Corporation
Holding Broadcast Station Construction
Permit or License, FCC Form 316.
Form Number: FCC Form 316.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit entities; Not-for-profit
institutions; State, local or tribal
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 750 respondents, 750
Estimated Time per Response: 1.5–4.5
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain benefits. Statutory authority for
this collection of information is
contained in Sections 154(i) and 310(d)
of the Communications Act of 1934, as
Total Annual Burden: 1,231 hours.
Total Annual Costs: $711,150.
Privacy Impact Assessment: No
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
Confidentiality is not required with this
collection of information.
Needs and Uses: FCC Form 316 is
required when applying for authority for
assignment of a broadcast station
construction permit or license, or for
consent to transfer control of a
corporation holding a broadcast station
construction permit or license where
there is little change in the relative
interest or disposition of its interests;
where transfer of interest is not a
controlling one; there is no substantial
change in the beneficial ownership of
the corporation; where the assignment is
less than a controlling interest in a
partnership; where there is an
appointment of an entity qualified to
succeed to the interest of a deceased or
legally incapacitated individual
permittee, licensee or controlling
stockholder; and, in the case of LPFM
stations, where there is a voluntary
transfer of a controlling interest in the
licensee or permittee entity. In addition,
the applicant must notify the
Commission when an approved transfer
of control of a broadcast station
construction permit or license has been
OMB Control Number: 3060–1053.
Title: 47 CFR 64.604—
Telecommunications Relay Services and
Speech-to-Speech Services for
Individuals with Hearing and Speech
Disabilities; IP Captioned Telephone
Service, Declaratory Ruling, CG Docket
No. 03–123.
Form Number: N/A.
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 245 (Thursday, December 20, 2012)]
[Pages 75429-75432]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-30696]
Notice of Availability of Proposed National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Offshore Oil and Gas
Exploration, Development and Production Operations off Southern
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of availability of proposed NPDES general permit
SUMMARY: EPA Region 9 is proposing to reissue its general NPDES permit
(permit No. CAG280000) for discharges from offshore oil and gas
exploration, development and production facilities located in Federal
waters off the coast of Southern California. This permit was issued on
September 22, 2004, and modified on November 30, 2009.
This notice announces the availability of the proposed general
permit and fact sheet for public comment. For the most part, the
proposed permit is very similar to the 2004 permit. The major changes
from the 2004 permit include the following: (1) Reduced geographic area
of coverage reflecting a reduction in the number of lease blocks
considered active by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM); (2)
revised effluent limits and monitoring requirements for produced water
based on an updated reasonable potential analysis; (3) revised whole
effluent toxicity (WET) requirements for produced water; (4) study
requirement for cooling water intake structures; and (5) new
requirements for an on-line oil and grease monitor for produced water.
These changes are discussed in more detail below, and in the fact sheet
accompanying the proposed general permit.
DATES: Comments on the proposed permit must be received or postmarked
no later than February 4, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Public comments on the proposed permit may be submitted by
U.S. Mail to: Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9, Attn: Eugene
Bromley, NPDES Permits Office (WTR-5), 75 Hawthorne Street, San
Francisco, California 94105-3901, or by email to:
Permits Office (WTR-5), 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, California
94105-3901, or telephone (415) 972-3510. A copy of the proposed permit
and fact
[[Page 75430]]
sheet will be provided upon request and are also available on Region
9's Web site at: The 2004 general permit and fact sheet are available
on Region 9's Web site at
Administrative Record: The proposed permit and other related
documents in the administrative record are on file and may be inspected
any time between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding legal holidays, at the following address: U.S. EPA Region 9,
NPDES Permits Office (WTR-5), 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA
A. Summary of Proposed Changes From the 2004 General Permit
1. Facility Coverage. Like the 2004 general permit, the proposed
general permit would apply to existing development and production
platforms, and new exploratory drilling operations in the Offshore
Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category,
located in and discharging to specified lease blocks in Federal waters
on the Pacific Outer-Continental Shelf (OCS), offshore Southern
There are currently 23 production platforms which are authorized to
discharge by the 2004 permit, and the proposed permit would continue to
authorize discharges from these 23 platforms; discharges from any new
platforms would require separate individual permits. The geographic
area of coverage for the proposed permit would be the 49 lease blocks
currently considered active by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
(BOEM) off Southern California; this would be a reduction from the 83
lease blocks considered active in 2004 and included in the 2004 general
2. Updated Reasonable Potential Analysis for Produced Water
Discharges. On November 30, 2009 (74 FR 64074) Region 9 modified the
2004 general permit to incorporate additional effluent limits and
monitoring requirements based on a study submitted in 2006 by
permittees of the reasonable potential of the discharges to cause or
contribute to exceedances of marine water quality criteria. For the new
proposed permit, Region 9 re-evaluated this matter using monitoring
data collected in 2009-2012. The new analysis showed that many of the
previous effluent limits in the 2009 modification are no longer needed
and would not be included in the 2012 proposed permit. For such
constituents, however, Region 9 is proposing an annual monitoring
requirement to ensure no unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment pursuant to section 403 of the Clean Water Act (CWA).
3. Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET). The 2004 permit required monthly
WET testing for produced water discharges (for the first year of the
permit) using the red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) larval development
test, and then annual screening with a plant (giant kelp, Macrocystis
pyrifera), a vertebrate (topsmelt, Atherinops affinis) and an
invertebrate (red abalone). In 2010, EPA published a new guidance
manual \1\ which Region 9 believes improves regulatory decision-making
with regards to WET test results. For the proposed 2012 general permit,
Region 9 is proposing WET effluent limits for certain platforms based
on the WET test results collected during the term of the 2004 permit.
Region 9 is also proposing continuation of chronic toxicity testing for
all platforms to ensure no unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment, using the three above species, and the 2010 protocol for
analysis of the results.
\1\ U.S. EPA. 2010. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System Test of Significant Toxicity Implementation Document, EPA
833-R-10-003, June 2010.
4. Cooling Water Intake Structure Requirements. Section 316(b) of
the CWA requires that the location, design, construction and capacity
of cooling water intake structures (CWISs) reflect the application of
the best technology available to minimize adverse environmental
impacts. On June 16, 2006 (71 FR 35006), EPA promulgated final
regulations for new offshore oil and gas facilities. Region 9 believes
that all facilities potentially covered by the proposed permit
(including new exploratory operations) would not be considered ``new
facilities'' as defined in the 2006 regulations and therefore are not
categorically subject to the 2006 regulations.
Although the 2006 regulations did not include specific requirements
for existing offshore oil and gas facilities, the preamble notes that
requirements for existing facilities may be developed on a case-by-case
basis using best professional judgment (71 FR 35006). Region 9 is
proposing a study requirement (due within one year) for the 2012
general permit which would require the following for all platforms with
cooling water discharges: (1) Description of current CWIS and existing
measures to minimize entrainment/impingement; (2) assessment of the
environmental impacts from entrainment/impingement given current
practices; and (3) practicality of additional measures to reduce
environmental impacts from entrainment/impingement.
5. On-Line Oil and Grease Monitors. The 2004 general permit
required each permittee (jointly or separately) to investigate and
submit a report evaluating the availability and practicality of on-line
monitoring devices for oil and grease in produced water discharges. The
practicality of such devices for produced water was unclear at the time
of the 2004 general permit issuance, but it was Region 9's intent to
re-evaluate this matter when the permit was reissued. These devices
have the potential to provide more timely information concerning upset
conditions and potential exceedances of permit limits, and thereby
provide improved protection of the marine environment.
The permittees submitted three different reports evaluating this
matter, and Region 9 believes they show the technology is now available
and practical for use at California offshore platforms. Furthermore, in
discussions with operators and as noted in the reports, some platforms
have already installed devices of this nature. As such, the proposed
2012 general permit would require within one year of the permit's
effective date that operators do either of the following: (1) Install
on-line monitoring equipment capable of providing the operator with
rapid information concerning potential noncompliance with the effluent
limits for oil and grease for produced water in the permit, or (2)
provide information to Region 9 demonstrating that the operator has
already installed monitoring equipment which meets the above objective.
B. Ocean Discharge Criteria
Section 403 of the CWA requires that an NPDES permit for a
discharge into marine waters located seaward of the inner boundary of
the territorial seas be issued in accordance with guidelines for
determining the potential degradation of the marine environment. These
guidelines, referred to as the Ocean Discharge Criteria (40 CFR part
125, subpart M) and section 403 of the CWA are intended to ``prevent
unreasonable degradation of the marine environment and to authorize
imposition of effluent limitations, including a prohibition of
discharge, if necessary, to ensure this goal'' (45 FR 65942, October 3,
To support the issuance of the 2004 general permit, Region 9
prepared an Ocean Discharge Criteria Evaluation
[[Page 75431]]
(ODCE) \2\ which evaluated the proposed discharges in relation to the
requirements of the Ocean Discharge Criteria regulations. After review
of the ODCE, and numerous other studies and data in the administrative
record for the 2004 permit, Region 9 concluded that the discharges
authorized by the permit would not cause unreasonable degradation of
the marine environment. For the proposed 2012 permit reissuance, Region
9 re-evaluated this conclusion through a review of new study results
that have become available subsequent to the 2004 permit issuance, such
as new reports from the environmental studies program conducted by the
Pacific OCS Office of BOEM. After considering such new information,
Region 9 again concludes that the proposed discharges from the
platforms would not cause unreasonable degradation of the marine
environment. As stated above, the proposed permit has water quality and
toxicity monitoring to ensure compliance with CWA Section 403.
\2\ Science Applications International Corporation. 2000. Ocean
Discharge Criteria Evaluation South and Central California for NPDES
Permit No. CAG28000, Submitted to U.S. EPA Region 9, September 29,
C. Endangered Species Act
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) allocates authority to and
administers requirements upon Federal agencies regarding threatened or
endangered species of fish, wildlife, or plants and habitat of such
species that have been designated as critical. Its implementing
regulations (50 CFR part 402) require EPA to ensure, in consultation
with the Secretary of the Interior or Commerce, that any action
authorized, funded or carried out by EPA is not likely to jeopardize
the continued existence of any threatened or endangered species or
adversely affect its critical habitat (40 CFR 122.49(c)). Implementing
regulations for the ESA establish a process by which Federal agencies
consult with one another to ensure that the concerns of both the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) (collectively ``Services'') are addressed. EPA prepared
separate biological assessments (BAs) 3 4 to assess the
potential impacts of the 2004 permit issuance on listed species under
the jurisdiction of the USFWS and NMFS. Both BAs concluded that there
would be no effect on listed species. The BAs were provided to the
Services for review but no comments were received.
\3\ Science Applications International Corporation. 2000.
Biological Assessment for Endangered Species in Outer Continental
Shelf Waters of South and Central California for Consultation with
the National Marine Fisheries Service, Submitted to EPA, February
10, 2000.
\4\ Science Applications International Corporation. 2000.
Biological Assessment for Endangered Species in Outer Continental
Shelf Waters of South and Central California for Consultation with
the Unites States Fish and Wildlife Service, Submitted to EPA,
February 10, 2000.
For the 2012 general permit reissuance, Region 9 reconsidered the
potential effects of the discharges on listed species and critical
habitat. Both NMFS and the USFWS maintain current information and lists
of threatened and endangered species and critical habitat for these
species at: and After reconsidering this matter, Region 9
believes the proposed discharges would not affect these species.\5\
However, we will forward the draft permit and fact sheet to the
Services to solicit comments on this tentative conclusion.
\5\ In letters dated August 29, 2012, Region 9 also requested
species lists from the Services to ensure that appropriate species
are considered for reissuance of the final general permit.
D. Coastal Zone Management Act
The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) provides that a Federal
license or permit for activities affecting the coastal zone of a state
may not be granted until a state with an approved Coastal Management
Plan (CMP) concurs that the activities authorized by the permit are
consistent with the CMP (CZMA section 307(c)(3)(A)). In California, the
CZMA authority is the California Coastal Commission (CCC).
Since Region 9 issued the general permit in 2004, the CZMA
regulations specifying Federal agencies' obligations under CZMA
sections (c)(1) and (c)(3) have been revised. In accordance with the
revised regulations (71 FR 788, January 5, 2006), the issuance of a
general NPDES permit by EPA is considered a ``Federal agency activity''
subject to the consistency determination requirements of CZMA section
307(c)(1). 15 CFR 930.31(d). Region 9 believes the permit would be
consistent with the CMP, and will be submitting the required
determination to the CCC pursuant to CZMA section 307(c)(1) prior to
final permit issuance. If the relevant state agency's conditions are
not incorporated into the general permit or the state agency objects to
the general permit, then the general permit is not available for use in
that state unless the applicant or person who wants to use the general
permit provides the state agency with a consistency determination and
the state agency concurs. Essentially, if EPA does not include a state
agency's conditions or if the state agency objects, then the applicable
CZMA consistency determination requirements shift from those in CZMA
section 307(c)(1) into those in CZMA section 307(c)(3).
E. Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act
The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary was designated in
1980 and encompasses approximately 4,296 km\2\ in the Southern
California Bight. Sanctuary regulations (15 CFR 922.71) provide a list
of activities that are prohibited and thus unlawful for any person to
conduct or to cause to be conducted within the Sanctuary. No operations
authorized by this proposed permit are within the Sanctuary boundaries.
F. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
The 1996 amendments to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation
and Management Act set forth a number of new mandates for NMFS,
regional fishery management councils, and Federal agencies to identify
and protect important marine and anadromous fish habitat. Regional
fishery management councils, with assistance from NMFS, are required to
delineate essential fish habitat (EFH).
The Magnuson-Stevens Act requires that Federal agencies consult
with NMFS on all actions undertaken by the agency which may adversely
affect EFH. In accordance with these requirements, for the 2004 general
permit, EPA prepared an assessment \6\ of the effects of the proposed
discharges on EFH in the area covered by the permit. The assessment
concluded that while there may be effects on EFH from certain
discharges near an outfall, these effects should be minor overall.
Region 9 also initiated a consultation with NMFS in 2000 which led to a
requirement for a 2005 study \7\ to address certain concerns which NMFS
raised regarding produced water discharges.
\6\ Science Applications International Corporation. 2000.
Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for NPDES Permit No. CAG280000,
Submitted to EPA Region 9. October 2, 2000.
\7\ Western States Petroleum Association. 2005. The Effects of
Produced Water Discharges on Federally Managed Fish Species along
the California Outer Continental Shelf, Submitted to EPA Region 9,
June 2005.
For the 2012 permit reissuance, Region 9 reconsidered the effects
of the discharges on EFH. NMFS provides updated information concerning
EFH in Southern California ocean waters on its Web site at After review
of the
[[Page 75432]]
information on the NMFS Web site, Region 9 believes the previous
conclusion is still valid that the discharges would not have a
significant adverse effect on EFH. However, Region 9 will forward the
draft permit and fact sheet to NMFS for any comments on Region 9's
tentative conclusion concerning the potential effects on EFH.
G. Permit Appeal Procedures
Within 120 days following notice of EPA's final decision for the
general permit under 40 CFR 124.15, any interested person may appeal
the permit decision in the Federal Court of Appeals in accordance with
Section 509(b)(1) of the CWA. Persons affected by a general permit may
not challenge the conditions of a general permit as a right in further
Agency proceedings. They may instead either challenge the general
permit in court, or apply for an individual permit as specified at 40
CFR 122.21 (and authorized at 40 CFR 122.28), and then petition the
Environmental Appeals Board to review any condition of the individual
permit (40 CFR 124.19).
H. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., requires that
EPA prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis for regulations that have
a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. The
permit renewal proposed today is not a ``rule'' subject to the
Regulatory Flexibility Act. EPA prepared a regulatory flexibility
analysis, however, on the promulgation of the Offshore Subcategory
guidelines on which many of the permit's effluent limitations are
based. That analysis has shown that issuance of this permit would not
have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities.
I. Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection required by this proposed permit has
been approved by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., in
submissions made for the NPDES permit program and assigned OMB control
numbers 2040-0086 (NPDES permit application) and 2040-0004 (discharge
monitoring reports).
Authority: Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
Dated: December 6, 2012.
John Kemmerer,
Acting Director, Water Division, EPA Region 9.
[FR Doc. 2012-30696 Filed 12-19-12; 8:45 am]